HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-26, Page 7JULY 19, 18N. General Notes. Adolph Hensel, a German jou�rna: ist, died on Monday in Toledo from th effects of a pistol wound accidentaMll received on the Fourth. Mr. Heus was for several years connected with .Michigan Volksblatt, of Detroit, an went to Toledo to establish a wee German paper. --A strange woman invited a law named Allen to her room in the Rev House, Boston, the other day,tocons about real estate. He was induced remove his,garments. when the won locked them in, a trunk, and demands #10,000 on threat of exposure. Alle gave her a check for, a tliot, 1 I am dead whe _ knov� Iloved her e 1 with me. l 1 A REMAz;;ral1L th difference/1.0w m•ich medicine id an established f only remedy, wh e satisfaotion` In se er eases. It is true ul of per toand L orrha; „ on the Yvoman locked him in the robin and: went to thCbank, where the check was suspected. Her arrest followed and the above faetsdeveloped. • —A. Greek youth who was engaged to a Greek maiden of 18 has been drawn Into the army. The lover sends' to his love a tette • saying that he may be gone long, podia.s forever, and that the bearer of the lette • is .a good boy,: worthy of be- ing her husband. Being asked if she likes this one, she says : " Well, you see the other one is away, and ratty newer return. 1 one carne ; seau Isread I shall soon two years I —An. E Thompson .perienee in riedfor a week ; then, this e is now here and my 6rous- y.. If I wait much longer be too old, for in another shall be 20.1" lglishmau named George recently had a terrible ex - the Alps, where he attempt- -ed to ascend the Faullllorn without a _guide. He climbed up the mountain until he attained a position from which he dared nc' wined the. subsisting o couldgathe ate, he slid back, and; t advance or retreat, and re - e five days Iand six 'nights, a such roots and herbs as he r. At last, browing desper- down the mountain on his gore dead than alive, man- aged to crawl into a cottage, where he was fed and kindly cared for. —Startling disclosures of frauds by Indian agents come froDakota..I The Indian commissioner m�having dropped. rather unexpectedly upon the Crow Agency, unearthed a series of frauds ad jebberies, and wholesale robberies oI the 'Indi n, on a scale hitherto un eard of, `-even in Indian dian agencies." he robberies date bask to 1870, and e the work of a regul r ring, who have built a hote with their stealings from he Govern mit, and have • been in. he habit f keeping the establish- ment supplied with pro•isions from. the Government warehcbuse. —Shortly before noo _on Tuesday a man named Bastable, a resident of Montreal, took a dose o strychnine in his room at the Union ouse. A. friend `was with hila at the ti e, but was not aware of it until Basta le confessed it. • Medical aid was summoed, but it was ` too late, and the unforttnate man died shortly afterwards. B stable was en- gaged in phosphate m..'ning, and has been depressed in spirits for some time past, owing to business t-ouble. Before his death he said he had purchased the strychnine in Montreal ome time ago with the intention of e =flitting sui- cide, as he was tired of ife. —A young Chinese Princess, wife of . the ambassador of the Em- pire to London an Paris, at- tracted much attention at the Paris Exhibition lately as she proceeded from one section to another, drawn in a bath. chair, and in a magnificent costume of her country. She is wholly unacquaint- ed Witli either the French or English • language, rand was accompanied by Mrs. Hart, wife of the Commissioner -Gen- eral of China., who explained to her all the curiosities of the Exhibition. The Princess was interested in all she saw. her please .-e partaking of the childlike delight `attending the first sight of so Inany marc~els. —The Chicago Times is severe on the iailnre of the Chicago Post : Mrs. Mary. Willard and her sister, Miss Frances E. Willard, were wade business manager and. managing editor respectively. The result is a natural one. These lathes, while uldniably." possessed of much more than ordinary ability, came to the work without any knowledge of or prep- aration for it. The one did not under- stand business, nor the other the edi- torial management. It would have been the same with men undertaking it un; der like conditions. Instead of_being a newspaper, it was given up to the tem- perance craze, pretty essays upon pretty subjects, and the like. The Post, in its career sine 1865, sank the appalling sum :of . bb0,000. The nominal price for which it was sold to the isTews, an- other evening paper was $16,000. —WHO PAS TIIE DUTY ?—The fol- lowing extract from a letter from a. lady in Erie, Pa., to her sister in North Easthope will perhaps throw some light on the subject : "Dear sister,—We • ar- rived safe at home, but oh ! how hot. - * * I got badly sold with a num- ber of small articles I bought in Strat- ford. Having read in the Stratford Herald and otl er Tory papers that the Canadians paid the duty on goods to our country, I invested a few spare dol- lars to what I thought good advantage, but had to pay 13.49 duty on them at Erie. I enclose the invoice so that you can call on the Stratford inerchant and get the amotilat of duty from him. ,If ' you have any difficulty you bad bettor see the editor of the "Jerald, and he may be able to assist y n, as it was mainly by reading his pa .er that 1 was. induced to purchase." * The above extract speaks or itself, and we only wish she may et it. Poor simple soul, she ought to have known that the _Herald man was onlytalking' gammon for the purpo e of fleecing visitors. —The dead body of Baron Von Iasnlund has been found in Chicago, Ile having shot himself with a revolver, iIrs. Overton, the widow who had pro- naised to marry him, says he deceived ler -about money he was to receive 'roto Europe. The baron, was once a :esident of Port Huron. It is said that ie came from the barony of Tasmund, n Prussia, dui is a bonafc. e baron. He first settled on a farm about five miles .outhof Sarnia, where he lived in sump= uous style until his means were exhaust - He then Game to Port Huron, and vhile here was engaedrrin the Press ,f tee for a time. Subsequently he lived ,t St. Clair, Saginaw, and other places, .nd recently has been engaged on the Vie/titian t'cclksbatt, at Detroit. There t was that he fell in love, recently, vitt- a dashing young widow, . a book • ,gent, who promised to marry him. 3ut she finished up her canvassing in Detroit and went to Chicago, whither he baron followed her, and a letter from rim, dated June 20, says :" Paul, she las deserted, betrayed, forsaken ' me. • I a you read this. You WILLIAM May God have nieroy RESULT. -.—It makes uo any physicians, or flow 'ou have tried,it is now et German Syrup is the ch has given complete ere cases of Lung Dis here are yet thousands ons Who a °predisposed to Throat 1ng'Af'feotic ns,Consumption,'Hem- es, A3thm.. , Severe Colds settled Breast, I' neunionia, Whooping Cough, &c.,who lave no-)ersonal knowl- edge of Boschee' German Syrup. To such e. would ay that 50,000 dozen were, old last y ar without one com- plaint Cousum fives try just one bot- tle egulal.r size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists in 4m.erica. OW To 'AKE oNEY.—A horse -deal- er n he vi inity of Keyport, N. J., and wh buys u hor es for the New York m ket pur hale " Farley's Condition P_o ders an : Ara ian Heave Remedy," by he doze and feeds it to his horses ; he says it superior to anything that, he has'ever Used las a condition medi- cine that the hooses are so much im- proved by its use as to sell .more readi- ndj command higher prices. Two r horse dealers, one residing at ntingdon the other at Glen Cove, ., also purchase it by the dozen, and th same purpose these men as well oa y otb rs similarly engaged know we , th value and importance of edici e ever to be without it. atu o of Ile urd Co. nis on each p cd see that k Northrop &L an, Toronto, Ont., sri tors for Canada. Sold by all is ne dealers. 1 oth Hu h L. for as too thi. Re si age pro Ice Ii �PqS CouoA.—Grateful and comfort= ing. "By a thorough knowledge of the nat .iral lawn which govern the Opera: tios of digestion and nutrition, and by a c i refill application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provide our brjeakfast tables with a d hlicateiy flavor d beverage, which Ma save us many _eavy doctor's bills. It i by the j diefqu use of such articles ,of d et that consti ution may be grad- uall built u i until trong enough to re- sist every to dency to disease.- Hun- dres of su tle mf ladies are floating aro nd us eady.,o attack wherever the e is a w ak, point. We may escape ma y a fatal shaft 1 y keeping ourselves wel fortifiedwith pure blood, and a pro erly .n;ou ished . frame."— soil Ser - _vice azette. Sold only in pack ts label- led "Jame Epps & Co., Homoeopath- ic 1 hemists 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Pic adilly. ,London." 482-5, action Sale. - t SF.turday, my 27, at the Central $Io tel, Seaforth Valuable Property. R. A. -Hays, pro rietor.; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. - A -D T7 p S s _ To die Free tors of tZ G.EI'ITLEUEN and Protection ;topic of discuss for u• to fay a fe can do either wit can It rnish you' Phaeton, Demo and Independent. Elec- e County of Huron. —As the question of Free Trad is just now th on, it may not WILLIAM WILLIAM M RECEI IN STR,E IN STRJE IN STRE IL,,L & Cd., ILL & 00., ILL & CO., T, SEAFORT_[I. T, SEAFORTH. T, SEAFORTH.. ED THIS WEEK ECEIVED THI WEEK RECEIVE THIS WEEK LT W. HILL $c CO.'S T W. HILL CO.'S T W. HILL CO.'S ON BALE. OF SARGENT'S' ONCE BALE OF SARGENT'}; ON BALE OF SARGENT'S CELEBRATED CE L`EBRATED CELEBRATED COTTON YARN, COTTON YARN, COTTON YARN, « GLAZED TICKET. GLAZED TICKET. GLAZED TICKET. HAVING BOUGHT THIS NOTED. HAVING BOUGHT THIS NOTED HAVING BOUGHT THIS- NOTED. BRAND BRAND BRAND MUCH UNDE MUCH UN MUGH WE ARE E WEARE 'E WE ARE E OFFER IT TO 0 OFFER IT TO 0 OFFER IT TO 0 AT WHOLE VALUE ER VA LU E NDER VALUE ABLED TO ABLED TO ABLED TO R CUSTOMERS R CUSTOMERS R CUSTOMERS ALE PRICES. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. AT WHO LES ALE PRICES. WILLIAM HILL & 00: MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. S -+ AFORTII MUSICAL all absorbin� o out of place INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM w words to you as to what we • h or without Protection. We0 • I s good a Single Braggy, Tamil, SCOTT BROTHERS at "or- Double Carriage as any other shop in Ca]ada, and for as lean a price, for cash or on short time. Oar establishment needs no Protection. The quality, of oar work and the.facilitieslyve enjoy for doing that work. good and cheap s the best Pro ection we can #ray e, and wlAch has enabled ns to build up a good business in a few years. le e hay{ i now in oar Chow room a number of fiery ,h dsome ' [ ' bchides of all 1 (i.s, made from the best ma- terial and by the I best workman, and which we 4viII warrant es represented. Ali -ar•e- cordially invited to'call au& inspect them. ' We ]rave also a number of secopd-hand vehicles which iwe will Sell cboap. Re Hoping you. will call of inspection firing promptly attended to. he your way elca- to give us a before spendin; your money elsewhere, We are!, Yours Truly, P I L LIM A N& Cts. CA RIAGE BUILDS • S, SEAFOR'P! , ONP. A. C. AULT, SEA.ORTH1 Is now receiving a Lary all h inds o/ Groceries ct;ry at very ! low prices. stock o, d Provis- A Large Lot f those Choice Su -4r Cured , and anvassed Hams. Also a Large Lot of the ve?ty best Boules Bacon, Plain, Smoked and Spiced Bacon. A F, esh Lot Flour, -and 1 Fresh Stock of :Fine Corn; Neal, ll, kinds of Feed. A f all kinds of Zeas, from Twenty Five cents per pound to Eighty ce4ts per pound. Also a large stock of Sugars at'' very low prices. 140 is your :tune, when you can get Goods at' Rock Bot- tom, Prices ct t A. G. • A U LTS'. RHEUMATISM And all In ammatory and Skin Diseases C red in a Few Hou#s. THERE can be no Inflammation without an Acid Ferment. Brunton's Rheumatic Absorbtent Nentralizes bhe Acid Poison, and the cause of pain is removed. Sold by all Drug- gists.rine o0 ceits. Advice in particular cases free. Address 525-3 W. Y. BRUNTON, London Beg to direct the following from attention of the Public to thd' fhe Detroit Daily Telegraph. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Mr. Clough, of th' Clough `c Warren Organ Compay; has been quite successful in introducing their celebrated Instruments in Europe. Several of their leading styles were shipped to London, England, on the. Twenty -Eighth of 124, and the Company are to -clay in receipt of a cable message ordering Seventy Or- gans to Messrs. Chappell d Co, of Fifty New Bond Street, London, with whom Mr. Clough has conclud- ed arrangements for ':the agency. The Company were al+ favored a few days since with an order for six Organs from their 1lianchester, Eng land, Agents, notwithstanding the fact that the warerooms of Rnglish dealers are flooded with Eastern United States) lnanufc4cture. The -Clough d Warren Company .have reason to feel gratified at their Eu- ropean success." SCOTT BROTHERS Are the Wholesale Agents for Ontario for the above Instruments. Also the EMERSON PIANO, And all other makes of Instruments furnished when desired on THE SHORTEST NOTICE. For Circulars and other Infor- mation address. SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH. A LARGE QUANTITY OF PURE PARIS GREEN AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE. ALSO AGENT FOR Mrs. Weston's Liver .Medicine, A Sure Cure for Billiousnes, Headache, &c. PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 1 0 THE SEED STORE, SEAFORTH. �._ Z:OGG-A]T CO_ KEEP CONST -CANTLY obN HADD EVERY VARIETY OF THE BEST FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. FLOUR OF gx- T'RA. QUALITY, OATS, SEED CORN, OATMEAL, gRACKED WHEAT, BRAN AND MILL FEED OF ALL KINDS, AT THE Lp VEST PRICES ALWAYS IN STOCK AT O QTR NEW P EMISES, NEXT DOOR TO THE FOUNDRY, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. ALSO OTATOES AND ALL VARA TIES OF L o GA N Cc• Having t Glasgow Winter 5 1 that duril Large Sto SUM Consistin Coats an Regatta S at-Greatlu h .FORT JAMIESON is week - Starte` for ; buy his Fal; and ick, begsjto ann r, unce 1gg his bsenc his k ER GOO of Lustre and Linen Vests. Oxford and irts &a.. will be sold Reduced Prices. A LOT OF REMNANTS In Prints Dress Goods, Win - coy -s, •Flan els, &c„ will be sold very chem ALL 1LkESE. GOODS Must be 1 ares Out so as to, make room for New Stock, so` GRE 1'1' BARGAINS 61 an be ha at theiGolden Lion uring the Summer. 0 R. JIAMI S' gn of th ILL!A Golden BR ESON, EAFORTH. Lion. HILIL &c. CO., EFIELD. CHEAPE CHEAPE0T WHITE COTTONS, CHEAPEST ;PUCKS. CHEAPES1 DENIM . CREY fvOiTONS. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST t .CHEAPEST CHEAPEST PRINTS. !DRESS C00DS. BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES. CUIEAPEST CENERIL STOCK IN THE COUNTY. WILLIA1k HILL & Co., ,B R U EFIELD. SEE SEE _CORN. CORN. JUST RECEIS ED A. CAR LOAD OF BEST SED CORN, PRICE LOW, And the Corn guara of it has been sown calling at Brownell's nteed to grow. A',quantity nd can be seen growing by Grocery. FUL STOCKS OF ALLKIN ' S OF SEEDS AT LO ' EST PRICES. TEAS A SPE IALTY AS USUAL.- - . BROWN.ELL. GARDEN VEGETABLE PLANT . SOLE AGENTS FOR THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE AND CATTLE FEED. SIGN OF TIIE ' MAMMOTH TURNIP. } R. LOO -AN & Co. $TACKS- OF N W SPRING GOODS —Afi-- CIAMPRELL'S CL THING SEA.FORTH. EMPORIUM, Something Rare in Worsted Suitings, SPLENDID VALUE, TWEEDS OF ALL 'KII HATS, CAPS, SHIRT Also a few lines of LADIES' DRESS ' G co petition. Cash 1 Cash 1 More Cash 1 Order your Suits, gentlemen, when the eto No. 1, Cr inpbell',� Biociz,1 DS .IN GREAT VARIETY. COLLARS, TIE, &O. ►ODS. Everything will be sold at pric s that defy k is full. W. CAMPB LL. J' SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. Call at M. R. COUNTER'S Jewelry Store and get your Sight tested with L. Black & Co.'s Patent .Indicator—can fit you ri,e first rst trial. A Full Line of Spectacles from, Twenty -Five Cuts to Twelve Dol- lars per pair. A Case Given with Every Pair. M. R. COUNTEF ,4SEAFORTH, ONT. 7 1WALL PAPER, BORD ANI! WINDOW W BLFDS. I show in the shots lines this year s >E STOOK and BETTER VALUE than ever before offered in GLINT0' My ePatterns ts the are g Nw� f muunsan sell prices that cannot be beat. Also sloth Proof Carpet Lines at Low Prices. AL ' Al'S IN STOCK FULL LINES- SCHOOL BOOKS, MISOELL N. EOUS B00KS, OFFICE' STA- TIONERY; &c. j CLINTON BOOK STORE, Express and Telegraph O ce. JAMES A. Y UILL¢ THE SEAFORTH - WOOLEN NULLS. TO THE FARMERS. If you have wool you wish; to hav made up, or to trade Jro WOOLE:N GOOE)S, GIVE US A TRIAL. We will not be outdone either in Quality of Work or Price. t You are invited to call and see oar Machine! the work we are doing, and OUR PRICES FOR IBS'$.. Carding and all Kinds of Custom Work Done as Usual. : THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT IIS MADE UP INTO Cl- O O• D HARNESS Where you will find all Kinds of REiIEMBER, if yon want a Fancy or Substa- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than a is wanted to secure regular custom. SUCH. AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, SEAFORTH, Harness Made up in the Latest `Styles, tial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis--- y other maker in the County. A. Trial is all that; J. WARD, Seaforth, FURNITURE. FURNITURE M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER HAS AGAIN OPENED A .?etail Furniture - Store Two Doors North of his Old Stand, epposit Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared TO ELL AS CHEAP AS ANY I THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. M. ROBERTSON. •631 K DD'S HARDWARE. DIR RECEIVED CT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AM RICAN CUT NAILS, - S ADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, - GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put n on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. 1301aya N3Q100 m C_ Z. m ren 0 I xi m 0 0 coZ 1 Z 0 —12 fn 0 m m l� 0 11 Z m -n 0 .IOHN KIDD. DR. !WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC_ MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency nd all diseases that Tollow as a se- gnence of Self abase, _ Before aking as Loss of Memory, {ter ing. Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rale are first caused bj deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence. The Speciffe Medicine io the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing WILLIAM GRAY d: CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in `Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. -Roberts R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. GLASS DIRECT FROM BELGIUM. 1S39 3H1 PLACE TO BUY YOUR FAINTS AND OILS. EIVO V OS1V 0 O 0 /VMO G N I M JO '8100.1. DNI LSSA co 0 C1) 0 70 z' v r v 0 ;) } O CINV SEI3dd3H 0 t!) 3N(f1N3O CINY SANIHS ON1)1VWAVH JO )1O019 ilf13 GOODS MADE TO ORDER. And a•Large Stock Rept Constantly on Hand to Exchs ne for Wool. A. G. VANEG.MOND.. Seaforth, Jnne 12, 187S. 549.1:8 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA- -CAPITAL - - - /4.00O.o0o. CITY BANK OF=MONTBE L,'Incorporated183g; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. - SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK,MAIN-ST., SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payable at .any Bank in the United. States. _ • ,Bills of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID O1 DEPOSI TB . M. P. HAYES, 411 MANa le]t THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L. MABEE I3egs to inform his friends and the public that he has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- EST Stocks of Groceries in town, and as he sells for Cash, he SELLS CHEAP, Giving his purchasers the benefit of what Others who do not do so lose in bad debts and pay in in- terest to 'wholesale men. " FLOUR AND FEED Always on hand. Goods delivered in town free of charge. Remember the stand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK. L. MABEL. LUMBER FOR SATE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO' ORDER, . All Lengths, from ;10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN 'McXILLQp.. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where,ell kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, THE HENSAJL PORK G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of . HOGS,ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS; &c. 523 G..& J. PETTY; Zr SEAFORTH i PORK PACKING HOUSE 7, SACRAMENTAL WINE PURE GRAPE WINE —FOR— SACRAMENTAL .AND MEDI- CINAL PURPOSES —AT— LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, SEAFORTH. -pitEING desirous of giving the pnblie the bene. fit of the Low prices in Provisions we will sell Hams, Smoked , ®S Hams, Smoked and Canvased,.... et9 .' Long and Short Clear Middles.e I - Cumberland ........... . ......... fl Lard.... ....,,.. ,. Orders given at the Factory or at Brownell's Grocery will be promptly filled at the above prices. Those Meats are well cored. ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Co. C�s D S. • CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mailpromp. 14yattended to. 479 D. S. CAMP$EZ1,7,, 3iiicbeU: • zt