HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-26, Page 6° ti • Fein. Bsl_ iter. S�rE CF FA • Snci:urcrxs.-111c Clack ecurty Duna el at- d Kentucky lel :i, us that Mr. B. . Val _meter sold a lot of fat. cattle 1 st week at 6 CCDe per. pound. The were gocd cues, however, era ceesiste , of three ; four -ye -old- thoroughbre steers. Their resp .etive weights were 2,375, 2,305 and• 090. They were a 1 Young Marys, and ee of Mr. Y aemet is own breeding. POISONED BY OI.I:AND B LEA 'ES.— The Kentu ky Record. says th young bulls belonging to Mr. B. F ford, Sweet Valley Herd, men' last week a having been poisoi eating ()lea der leaves, were L Duke 27th, y 14th Duke of Thos (28459), Out f• Loudon Duchess 9th, and Loudon Duke 39th, by 14th Du . e of Thornedale, out Louden .Duchess 11th by 816 5th ,oke of Geneva. _ A JEBsn .;Cow's Bvrzun.— Clazk, ill., r: cently tested the roil his Jersey owe:, " Glencoe Belle from 17 qua ts of milk the yield pounds of oice butter. At 'u e time, from t e same cow, he obt pounds of b tter from 8 quarts of The milk in each case was ace measured. Ate the same time, the same tr atment, and on th pasture, th : best grade caw breed short o ore that Mr. Clark o vas also tea ed, and the ;yield of was of a pound from eight qu milk. Grim Fou GiiLs.—Aiwriters the Elmira Farmers' Club the ing cure for galls on the shoal draught. aniale, which iihe says test he ever used : Dissolve six of iodine in half a pint of alcoh apply it on he sate with a fea soon as the cellar is rem: at rest toric a day,'mor� ung. The a rticlei should of eveiy.f, mer, as it application .n horses w] broken by . `cks -or'", other is a sure cu e for Splint proper man e er.. IICBxNIN BoDs.—A each *E; icul- tural•p.aper announces t e discov ry of an extreme y simple and cheap eans to protect onuses from Being stru k- by lightning. This consists merely � bun- dles of str, w attached to ` stick:, like troc rr beadles, and pia ed on th : roofs of houses iii an *right position. The first trials cf the simpl apparatu were made at Tarbes (Ratites Pyrenees), by ' some intell gent agriculturists, aud re- sults were o satisfacterythat soo after .eighteen cc ; manes of the Tarbe dis- trict provied all their houses with th e bundles of straw, and ther have be no accidents from lightning since. ethod mak- utter er is .as L alum to into butter ada an fine Red a.ned d. by don dale le 90 . 1 11 G. rom and •as•4 ther ed ped 2 e. ilk. tely r male male hall - atter. s of ds to llow- rs of a. the a hies. and er as ved,.an hen -ing an -ven- be, in th table sanecllent fere alae s . in is 'acoiden , and s• if use in a OW TO- AIME'," 13-7E1 .—Ii in practice among the best butt9r ers in, E land• for rendering fain and solid during hot weatl follows : • Carbonate of oda all are usedthe purpose, ma or. twenty pounds of eifulof ea* onate of s nful of pow }}lered. aThni are ether at the time of churn - a. powder. cane teaspo one teaspo Mingled tc�, ing, and pelt into the S:ream.. he ef-. feet of this powder is to -,Hake the bet ter cc ane firm., and .solid, and to give it a' cicvii sweet flavor:. It ekes nct enter; into the gutter, tut it aotion is upon - the cream, and it pascies off • with the butteimilk . The in • i edients, of the powder she old not be i, ingled tcgether until requir ed to be us d, or at the time the cream, .is in the burn ready foil churning. Fame s' D ugh ers as they Wer nd, Are. z • There a 'e those whc can remember when the words farmer's daughter' suggested one who lived and grew to woman's state withfew advantages ; her Bane , 1011neglect d, all her more delicate t stes smothe ed -and forced to a Iife of til that cult vated. the mus- cles and numbed the rain.. Up in the morning a• anhour at hich all sane per - sees should be seekin " tired nature's meet restorer," it was: her duty to as- sist in caring for the s ock,'help to pre- pare the morning nye 1, and spend the timeircm then until cl'nner in spinning and., weaving. s ring haw many weary days she plodded the rough, plowed grand droppineecorn for father or brother to cover with the hoe ! And duliug the hot summer c1aY's hove often she grasped the hoe, and hoed out her long row of corn ! In harvest time she could not escape her share of the drudg- ery rudg-ery ; sheenust Delp to gaoler the ripen eel grain ; ' assist in separating the golden kernels frena the chaff anal straw on the threshing floor, scutch flax until she ached with fatigue and cold. The little time she lied for resting mttst be em- ployed inknitting or sewing, and not with the latest and best sewing machine, but with; that little, almost discarded needle, carrying thread that her own brown hands hadspun, and sewing cloth thatthose same hands had brought all the way from the sheep's back,or tlfe flax field to the substantial fabric Before r. he • 1 . Is it any wonder her hands were large )- and browei, her features coarse ? Seelrer step iuto e store in a distant town ; how Hoarse and plain her attire? How shy. her :every movement, reminding one of some hunted wild thing. - How those haughty city girls in heir ribbons and gewgaws scorn her asi they pass. See the cringing, shamed expression come over herf ce. She feels that they are " big folk" while she is only a farmer's . daughter. True, she belongs to the sa e.. boasted land of tlie free, but she kn . we she has n part with them ; she her y speaks th same language and yet het face bear, the, unmistakeable impress df truth ane honesty. Labor gave those ..troiig ma soles, and one day that mind. SO k ii ; n imbed awoke, and, seeing the injustice, sought a rem edy thinking with the pcet;o really r bas perf in pleas ers who day, or -mu si sweet c nerves, to noble the erg the bu,z loom ivory C: having and her er for h garden ownf to give and re Ottr with to ryes] sane: at c: hayr erha is ords nd s actio • Y ed by the. li The even iat with fathe. worked in t ps that charm of home life ailed forth to dull with its all the fatigue in father's timulate the s rong youths n • for you mu t know -that n an piano, have supplanted ng wheel and gra t clattering The . daughter's touch on the delicate for her's dinner, t the strong - work in the g like God's t sunshine to the nerves ht labor ;it ag is spent and broth= re field •all ys is none the less rat p epared her fat clea:-voice rings ou r oc a asional hour' for _here is nothi esh : 'r and brig ealt and strength sic t. the voice. arm rs' daughter d elegance, itnherco es roses to lje to a friends deli Herla.orgi brigktn ss t• her intellec it gives her sin independe and act'on teat eon only b a full s rifle o one's own whatso ver ' 8 'required Her po ition' Is an enviabl health, beau 'y, intelligenc tion co bine city an puri with her f y..., now dress nd her city panionship. cheeks, and Above all ce of feeling acquired by ability to do hrough life. one ; she has and educa- rxner simpli- The Que W .esC The have been Alliances of held In Edin shown that Saban 1 visi The b.atma however, ref part y ernplo purpos to alto ee n and xisu'ed for breaking. and the Prii ensured by Scotland. nigh in Jun Her Majest ed an island iI who plies TRW, MIRC from the -starting post, and too late for the. prayer -meeting. On her arrival home the congratulations seemed to be of a very vigorous nature. —The inebriate Asylum at the Ghn- eral Hospital, Torondo, has 18 patients, and there are many applications for admission. The' Directors of the Hos- pital are endeavoring to acquire the -whole square on 'which it is built, and a ' recent puralase leaves only one private proprietor, who so far re- fuses to come to terms. • —Tom Ballard, a' notorious count feiter, under thirty years' sentence the penitentiary, N. Y., made a deep; ate attempt to commit suicide wit] piece of steel, which he made into. `sort of knife. He cut himself in 1 throat, wrist and abdomen, and vi probably die." The cause was fear of ing disciplined for 'some prison offenc —The Secretary of the U. S. Sec, tary of the Interior,' Carl Schurz, v+i :answers all the letters in French, G man, Italian, etc., is Miss Anna Irish, a graceful and pretty young braskan of twenty-two, with - elegi manners, winning ways, a musical voice and a determination' to study hard. She is an experienced linguist and a good - short hand writer. —An awful scene occurred after, the recent race meeting at Beverley, near Prince of • Sheffield; England. Twenty men brake Sabbath open thebsr in the grand stand and set to work to drink -up the large store of wine ce of Wales contained therein. Eight of them were the Sabbath found by the police in the morning Iy ng t a meeting senseless on the scene of their orgies. last, It was One was dead. Six more were discov- had 'on the ered stupefied in the neighboring 'vi1- LoelrMaree. lager. - on : the' lake, —The other day in Shakespeare a little girl alarmed her venerablerelative sir ar- ia ,he be- e. re - ho er- B. e- nt Bed to convey the Royal n the Sabbath', the hotel -keeper by shouting, ran ma, • gramma, ed ,hi own sereainta for the there's a baby in the cistei n, and a T ` scurrying of anxious mother% was he vhis 88 ing letters t Queen • ast the Pr nce o Sahoat he famou - stab follcwg opi charge : Y tliev a e tre Mien eferri feel th , t the relicti hold t ings, SON er: thea. grieve so fre the res , otl: ha prf Su le "This world i:: nothing but amass of mans, We have but what we make ; that every got d Ia lre],c tl by maitre in,a granite hand, Slaver labor must ttnelevelt." • With a, will she went to work t:c 'urt- dene r the granite hai.d, aid with what success we will see in Our second pie- tore. • . Our farmers' r•s' daut htcr of to -day is -up betimes its the inornnt . assisting iia the pi•l•1`ttiatien of the moreine meal. dretB- ing the eeildr-e1i for * tl>,oc 1 ilial puttii=g fltcir dinner an the littletinteekct. Zile children *t a.e, the m (rnieg's lirak is to l,e these, including chtun=r:g. t.ec1, - per- haps wa; h_ieg, for cur fai-mei s' -wit es sti:ci dtroOtters do not like ditii:terci.n d Idled help melees in cases of uccetsity. tu4ii14 act and dinner ever, the museks are tired, but the brain has done very little work, and the afternoon • is spent iu -reading, At teatime the l.cuy rested, the mind improved axed rs b ely drffere ;s t he 3t pre firlil, kcEpe haiie whose age se so t_ee canno may e S 1 e innkeeper, ,also, declined Cases to be used in carry - Loch Marcs while the ere. The charge against Wales was that .onthe aid a visit t . Mr. Drew's es of Clyd sdales. The ion was exp essedon these ur`, commit ee know that ding on d irate ground g to this c e.e, but they Would beguilty :of de - hey to with - such proceed- much loved ty involve in t feel de ly amily'° should been a firm believer in Spiritualism, disregard -Las and in this faith, he died. acred day . of —Lett Monday mornin �a gold leek- )ly encourage .et mysteriously disappe ed fromthe- s deliverance window of Mr. Lee's jewe ery store on acterized by the English James street, Hamilton. A detective hSpocrtic r and insolent .was sent for, and when he and the ot1-•- ple have tie right_tohold ers were in the middle of profound in- s from the ween, and ex- vestigation of the case an its surround - Is ,their another laird ings, a mouse was soon deliberately en- 'vhere the st t conviction e cases of bo Her Majes n of duty were ° t sir pr test against venthough their gn be the chief pa They cannot bt that t' r Boy -al 1?i uentl, t manifest reside • lit -for- the hick .ust; in evita to do so." Thi en`. ch: sbeie- the p•• t vie I ens t world r hone t• ? A. ejoic: loyal with i .. As a a old philosopher says," we all b great or learned, but all e hon •.t.'-1EIc3?trectl Witness. • result. • A message to an officious or- oner was hastily written, whilst grap- pling irons.were improvised, and beat- ing hearts were stilled as the mortal re- mains of Mr. Clapperton's larks New- foundlair pup were raised to the sur- face. —Hon. D. B. Harringtoli, one of Port Huron's oldest and wealthiest citizens, died at his residence, there on Sunday last. He invested a large amountof cera House in er of a large Mr. Har- mber of s.ny rs past had money in the handsome 0 that city, and was the ow amount of property ther r.•ington was never a m church.,; but for many ye urdy faithful deavorilig'to make off with gold chain. would be so • The little pilferer's.retreat having been tinah and inn- traced, the lost locket was found, and icy cannot but restored to its former position. in the fact of subjects —A man named McKenzie who has to princrpl�e, whether it travelled the State of Kan from the er own''views or not, was Missouri River to Grand •fiend, camp- ing out all the time, finds that State not up to that standard of excellency gen- erally represented, He saw more ruin- ed grain on his return trip than he ever ld Acquaintance be saw before, thousands and thousands of Forgot. acres of wheat literallydrowned out by the rain. The• heads of the wheat es used to relate a story of ]aimed the honor of his shocks, were as green,as the grass from n rather singular grounds. the growth of new wheat, while the butts of the sheaves stood several inches in water. o ld 1 a Ir.a acqu Hi lo ju. to Du tov'ar ha w ot '•8 for re th st: be Sh: foi re st len,' WA re v w : nt of evic on in he b ph d is 10 hope o f m ie . • alai ho atone dship, when one of the justiciary , seta ng from the north circuit tlr, ha ened one night to sleep at ld. lie next morning, walking s the i erry, but appre ending he issed his way, he as cad a man he et to conduct im. The nswe ed with much cordiality, I will do with all in heart, my Does: of . your lorshi remember My n me's John , for t• be before your she p !" " Oh, Joh ui well and how is ail th honor to be bef 9 e . u on fe: t o rile ly ll sec t Su from Car da =Quakers are known to be an un- usually lopg-lived folk. . The average of the 308 members of the Society of Friendswho died. in Great Britain and Ireland last year was over 53 years,iand the average deaths to population was about 15 per 1,000. Tl�e number of deaths of ehildren under ne year was have had onlr.19, and the highest number in any I ep for ,decade of life was in that which inclujd- o have ed those whose ages were between 170 t, I remem- and 80 The next highest number, 15, your wife? died°between 80 and 90. ire me, too, them, knowing (them to be your lordship's service. ry lucky ; we got off for nee, and I am still going ; cher trade." " Then," re- jdship, " wt May have the ting again." ae eous News Items. er surprised his congrega- day morning by reading a manuscrpte er, the famous marksman, performed the wonderful brew ing5,500 glass ballswith a 8 h urs 9-1 minutes, at Brook- 1 alsh, of Brooklyn, poured � e u on the fire. An explosion . d, a d s re and her daughter ' me so everely that both died orniig. - .' Cllarie E. Stowe, the son of arriet B echer Stowe, has just ease to 'preach by the American gatio 'al Association. He is said leve is a graduate of. Harvard, s 'studied at 'Bonn. train ng school for nurses is tobe iei oronto on September lst, O' sally, the medicalsuperin- n a visiting, tour to training i fli connection with Amery -es s • . • • ke•os fo ow were 1.) ne t" ae 0 s. be -tr li C mgr: `.to be a ha A ne(1 d Dl idea titlr hpp I{4l rnu kin v• ho reel pc sseses a fug nis lith bt t fuel also day and nig lu einItes t r. wi, the Cl icago'I pi ivat ' lett de- ye in t0 c• op a to in ca B si fe -sh C ,is itan 3pital ira :N. Y., was too much for sash, rena, Thet beast wa!s taken the uee,i city; and languished a rs at d ekpired shortly after the . rive . The body was given to ! Uni ersity.- , effiell, Warren county, N. Y., eas well which will not only to every house in the town, IAA huge jet of gas burns ht'from a , tail pipe; and il- tie whole neighborhood. ]bur Fl Story, proprietor of ` Times; has according to a r from the continent, re- i e e ve • seNkere, parijalytic shock while tine ing in Switzerland. . He is now Pails, and though he finds it difficult us ower limbs, is likely to re - ver ealth. . —A and his wife in Wallace Ito Ins his air h •man lip started together for prayer meeti g tar -ear -cut " w .od: a He it bail g dal: g od itne f bt t s11•3 failed to put in ,an appearance a d t empddl the woods all night, try- .g ry- .g tol get borne or somewhere else, she d an' care ;which. He went home and w -ht to r st, seemingly oblivion of t �e a sent of the lost one.. At .day- li -ht she ouud' herself several miles 1. other eveniirg, and for r a took a bee line through the calked too fast for her, and , she lost him. Re was in r the close of, the meeting ; EED N EXPOSIT() 1 SEEDS! THE MEDICAL " SEAFORTH. • AT M RRISON'S SEED EMPORIUM, SE t FORTH. I have now on ha Fie 'd and Garden 8: on : of the most rel C ada. The publi d a large a ock of all kinds of eds, havin purchased from ble hous a that eve kave in can rely n getting P F RFECTLY C EAN F ESTI {SEEDS, Tr er: ki• me st 0• e• N th y. a• if e to name and and others bn e of Garden Se d Seed in papa k of WED rving'e ImproHall'sv, olk, Grey St nigh the price of r, parties inten ine my stook a sing elsewhere, ot cheaper tha CAR hits Belgian, a • e, Intermedial• MA t bottom p g in gnan sin Bulk, s. I:hays noes. To garden- :ities we sell ?al and do not reonm- on hand a large DYE STUFFS. WE HAVE THIS SEASON TAKEN OF OUR DYE STUFFS, Al TURNIP, 1\, Westbury,' arter's, Imperial, d East L Chian and Royal ne, Whit Globe, &o. Al- Tnrnip Se is very high this 'ng to buy will do well to -ex - d see my, prices before ger s 1 think' van sell as eheap any other! ousnin the trade. OT EED. Teen Top`1Crthe, • Long Or- , Short H n, &o. GO .I, DS. aster's, Mamm • th, Long Red, -and several ot er varieties. N - GARDEN SEEDS We have Sweet C' kinds, Leek, Pars Cabbage Seed i Cauliflower,. Brass and nearly every m :ntion. rn, Cumin , ars, Onions of all ip, Peas,: Pumpkin, Radish, large ntfties, Tomato, is Sprouts Salsify Flower seed ther varie c too humorous to °TSS_ Dut`h Sots, Sh: ]lots. English Soning, a d Grass, Luce C over, Black Ta S:ed, Clover. and' 0 : ts, Seed Wheat t e Rape, Law ne or Frei es, Hungat imothy al nd Peas. Grass and Oroh- h Clover, Trefoil -an Grass, Millet aye in stook, Seed ALSO A LARGE OCK OF NOME F MILY GROCERIES, 'oh for quality:and prices cannot be boat by. y other house in, the trade. . Crockery and Glassware usual, very oh n in Stone C erything else e FLOUR AND ill prices. Re ain Street, dpp livered free i ondville. u. Call and see the new pat- ina, only $2.50 per set, arid ally low. - • EED constantly on hand at ember th place, east side of site Markt Street. All goods Seafprth, Harpnrhey or Eg- M. MORRISON. A. GOVENLOCK'S ''k#,M1LLS, IMINTH OP. GREAT QU hand. Bem finding, fencing ood, Maple, Oa hich they are e NT TY of Lumber alway • on and' ditching purposes, Bass- , Ash, Ch • rry, Pine, &e., sawn e for tho [different purposes for mmonlY need. Balm Filled on gleort Notice. HE PATENT MOyABLE FENCE. A NEW DEV elm ; cross bars a cedar post fitt etands four and will be eold due of June . E—Onl requires a Trial to periority4 It is made of rock d stakee, and soft elm spars ; at eachi joining. The Fence half feet high. This Fence g the reniainder of the month AT 60 ENTS PER ROD, After :which th Regular, Price, viz.: 70 cents per od, will be charged. GRISTING a d Flouring attended to prompt- ly, and a superior 4-ticle warranted from goo d wheat. erehant irk can be relied upon. .11 Notlitug wised in The Mill has i in Machinery, AN EXP The Winthrop GEN A WELL As ceries, Bo ing, Hata and very close price 550 the hest of Wheat is TOCK §ECOND TO 'DYE S PECIAL CARE IN THE SELECTION ONE IN THE COUNTY AS REGARDS QUAFTY OR qUANTITY. Try Our Pure Dutch, Madder, Indigo, Fustic, Cudbear, Full Directions given with each Parcel, and if properly follow- ed we will Guarantee Good C REMOVAL. - • it all thejLatest Improvements nd the wo4k is superintended by R1EN ED MILLER. ills Flo -u will always give sat - RAL orted St leek of Dry Goods, Gro- aps, &c., I. hand, and offered at BUT • Winthrop Steam Mills. ER. 43 UTTER. I AGAIN BUYING Sweet'Ev n Col red Butter, in F kins Or Rolls. CH STREET, ElEAFORTH. ti REIVII6VAL. REMOVAL. Begs to intimate that he has Rem ved h _Brick Building on East gide of Main g ll South of William Campbell's C °thin hitherto, carry on the • S Office to ID. McGregor s New reet, Seaford', and Fourth Door Emporium, where ke w, as GAeral Insuran,ce, _Money Loan _Agency, and Sewing Machine Business. In thanking the public for the confider:lie) ther have riposed in him fbs theft -mat fifteen years he has carried on these branehes in Seaforth, he wishes to 'inform them he will still endeavor to give them the same satisfaction which they have in ariably expressed with' his transaceione. He still keepti on hand the best Sewing Machines that re manufactured in the! ',world, SS well. as Needles, Oil, and Machine Attachments. He sells the 0 borne AI Machine, *Mph is the simplest, the most capable of making any kind of work in the m st perfqt manner, an 1 the easiest an&-qnickest threaded np machine of any machine made in t eDomimon. He .3eLle he Gen.aine Howe Machine —a Machine that has never failed to give satis action tO every customer for the last ten years. He sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the mos rapid and least noisy Machine in the world. Farmers' Wives, Mechanics' Wives, Merchan s' Wives and Manufactniera, do not fail -to examine and try onr Sewing Machines—Family and Ma ufacearing—when you want one. A Also !Agent for the celebrated FYSTIZ andPope Knitting Medal e, capable of doing all kinds of work. Instructions given to customers gratheon any of the above achineta Sewing Machines to Rent. Also all kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS LIBE AL. . WM. WATSON, General Agent, Scfortla As REAPERS and MOWERS a? is again o FULL STOGK the order of the day, O. C. WILLSPa OF MACHINES, JULY 26,: 1.878. IRE CREAT CLEARING S • SUMMER GOOD, is NOW' GOING 'ON -AVE 1)-Mi\TIVIS BANKRUPT STOCKS No Threadbare, Time Worn, 20. _Eaten, Rottem-Rubbish; at D All ,New Goods, and LOOK:AT ,THE PRICE Wide English Prints; 8 cents, cents -to 11 cents. Geed Cottons, 5 cents per yard. Straw Goods; we are ahnost givingleval Ladies' Linen Costhmea, -$1 75. AND THE WHOLE STOCK OtHN AT JUST SUCH PRICES. it is any Object to you toget Cheap Goods, o To DENT'S FOR T As he is Round to Make a Clearence. ave on, hand at their Wofferoomg, ne-ar ale Market, as _Handsome ft Stock of Furniture of cription as can be found in •any similar Establishment in Huron, all of which they ari prepared to sell cheap. is all manufactured. tinder their own super. ion, and they can guneantee it as to quality. Having procured a handsome Hearst, they** , W prepared to attend to undertaking in all its b nches, on Ole most reasonable terms. connection with their uniertaking at:illness t ey use the NTI-SEPTIO FLUID, ch preserVes the body and destroys all offen- si odors and prevents contagion arising beta. d ad bodies. Such as the Newcastle, Harvester and Maxwe 1 Light Reapers, Woods' and eanston's Reapere, Wood's, Akron and Dufferin Mowers, and Sher 's Self -Dumping Hay and Stubble Rake. Any of the above Machines sold on trial, and Betide.° on guaranteed or no sale. For further information "call and examine the machines or send for dr tars. In the Plow Business I am still ahead, ha • g made sonie good improvements- . the- No. 13 Thistle Cutter, having pnt on Steel Land Side and raised the Beam two inches higher at the . Coulter and Clevice—this is a positive prevent tive against choking ire wet stubble. In Sewing Machines I am still advancing,. ha ing an extra large stook of that Celebrated Florence and Wanzer F. Machines, and all other commo Machines known to the Trade. 4.11 kinds of Reaper and Mower Repairs for t e machines I sell. All kin.da of Plow Castings and Points always on hand. Sewing Machine Rep re and Repairing DOne. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. THE GOD.ER CH `FOONDRY. SeConl hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Whe 1 and Saw Mandrel $225 Seeond hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wh 1 and Pulleys Complete.........,............ 25 Seeond hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wit el, Pulleys and GovernorEi. . 275 Seeond hand 12 Home Engine, Balance Whe 1, Pulleys and Governors . • 200 A Hoisting 4..)r Boat Engine with Hoisting G ar Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, wtth 13 oke Stack . Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Boile , with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars; Steam Guage, Gunge and Safety Valves, a 1 111 Good Order. epond hand Shingle and Heading Machine . • ,. . • , Heading Planer . Heading Turner Stave Machine, -with Knife . . , 150 200 225 450 90 40 50 70 80 New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheat. MillMachinery for flouring, Grist and Saw Mills Middling Pdifiers Inittroved Kinds. 11 -Agricultural Implements.—Stoves of lions Kinds.—liepairs on Boilers, Mille,Aceproraptly Attended to. AL,WA-kS SOMETHING NEW. NEW SHOE SH9P IN SEAFORTH. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY HAVE COMMENC- 1 ED BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNT IN PILLMAN'S STORE, OPPOSITE 'THE FOUNDRY, Where they are prepared to take Orders for and Manufacture Boots and 'Shoes of eveiy des- crhition. Being both Practical Workmen they are prepared to Guarantee .tt Good Fit and a. -Good Article. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. POST OFFICE STORE, ALTON. ONCE MORE respectfully beg ;eave •to reinin thanks to my numerous customers for their kind patxonage during the last 12 years that 1 hane been doing bueiness amongst them, and kindly salicit -a continuance of their favors for the fu, tare. I have just reeeiv d a Large andWell Selected Stook of DRY GOODS Of an doserit tions. Also always on hand a full aesortment of GROCERIES --TEAS Specialty --which, for quality and price are the best in. the County. A Large Stock of BOOTS And 5 HOES—Maherson's make.r Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, BaCon and Hams, in fact every- thing required in a general store. Ask for what you want if yon don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. would tilso intimate to all.parties indebted tO me for last and previdus years to come and settle by cash or note before the end. of this month, or the accounts will be pettntS: other hands for collection. No further notice will be given- MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good farm security for a term of from, three to tiventy years, on the mcst favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE.—If you want your life insuted give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life A.ssurance Company, one of the bestLife In- suxance Compel:des in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't tOr- get to giee me a call. I am always attentive to bnainess. Post Office and Telegraph Oillae ha con. nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other Reeds on hand. Orders Respectfully ,Solicited. Has all the Town Views taken by TECUMSEH, MICR , For Sale at hia Book and Stationery Store. 0. . W.- Papst hits all the Towia ieWs taken by L. F. Wheeler., Sale at his Book and Stationery tore. C. W. Papst has all the ToWn , iews taken by.L. F. Wheeler. rtist, of Tecumseh, Mich., for - ale at his Book and. Stationery ' C. W. Papst has all the Town = iews taken by L. F. Wheeler, rtist„ of Tecumseh, Mich., for-. aIe at his Book and StationerY - tote. 0, W. Papst has all the TOW11, t iews taken by L. F.i Wheeler, . rtist, of Tecumseh, Mich., for - ale at his Boolr and. Stationery ' _ DAY, THE TWENTY-SEVENTH 1.:'.AY OF Between James Henderson and. Illme-s-, PON the -application of the above-named. • Plaintiffs, and upon hearing read the atlas.' 'id Martin Lynch, it is ordered that the Dee endant do on or before the Tinrtieth day of eptember next, efesever or -demur to the bill ot. omplaint in this -cause. It. P. STERIIi.11eTS, -Reteree. The Defendant's answer is to be filed' at the Ince of the Clerk Of Records, and Writs MON- oode Hall, in the city of Toronto. It the De- , endant fails toansvrer or demur on or beiore the ima above limited, he is -to be subject to have nch decree or order made against him as the ourt may think just .upon the Plaintiff's own showing. The Bill of Coraplaint in this os.use is led by Messieurs, ltfcCarthy, Hoskin, Plumb & reelman, of the City of Toronto-, tn. the- Comity 1 York, Solicitors for the Plaintiff. 553 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY' THE stbscriberbegs leave to thank hia-nuraerout him since commencing business in Seaforth,sa - trusts thathe may be favored with a centilitre& of the same. Partiesintending to build wonid do well to Ore him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand argestock of all kinds el DRY, PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MObIDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. liefeels confident of givingsatisfactionto those who may favourhim -with theirpatronage, as MAW P. articular at tention paid to Custom Pia-nit:I 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. ht PERSONS Suffering -from. Dyspepsia are treat- -IL ed by Pepsine in vaeions form.s to cure °1st dangerous disease. It is not n want of PelPsitio but an excess of ada that oecasions Indigo -41°n' Brunton's Digestive Fluid hos 730.0re failed to 'relieve or cure the worst -CaBe hesg; ache, dismiee of the heart, kidney &settlings .!3/vi many others -which originate in Indigestion' - Sold by all Druggists. Price 50 tents. 585-2.4 (Under the new Aet4hisned at the 1 EXPOSITOR OFFICE, -SEAFORT1L 'Under authority of the Lientenarat-Govesiter • t, w's4=d► ll, CA)4ERON, M. C. eron. elicitors Cameron, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrist in Chancery, &c., Godurich, 0 Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. 'Ca 50 is, t. . WI •LIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Com aioner in B. R., Wrexet'er. Auctioneer Appraiser. Accounts and motes • collected reasonabio;terms. ` :36(1 ia- nd on L. DOYLE, Chancery, faze, over Kidd's Store, Barrister, &c., Goderich Jordan's Drug Seaforth. Attorney, Solicitor inB. and Seaforth. 0 - Store, Goderich, an 654 MALCOMISON ..;eys, Ont. Office—First Canadian property. s. MALC4 & WATSON, Solicitors in door Bank building, MSON. Barristers, Attor• Chancery, &o., Clinton, east of the new •;Royal Money to loan on farm 404 ` .O. A. WATSON , DCAUGFI ,Y & HOLMESTED, Ltorneys at Law, So Iusolvency, Notaries 'P Solicitorsfor th g R.0.33a the Canada 'ev.ifo Assuan N.L•'.—$30,00( to lend anuses and Lotti for sale 'AR1IOW, MEYE1R & ters, Attorneys -a -La &o. Private funds t6 loa est, and rn terms t6 Goderich and Winghana. building, opposite Scott' J. T. GARROW. ° W. J. RAD Th W. C. Meyer.; Soli of Canada, Winghsm. icitors blic k, Seaforth. a Company, at 8 ' ADENHUP.ST, , Solicitors at s it borrowers. Office Bank. } HURST. itor Barristers, At. in Chancery and and Convoyepncere Agoittefor per cent.. Farms : . 53 Barris- in Chancery, a low rate of inter- Offices— -in Langdale's H. W. G. MEYER. 474 Consolidated Beni 'pENSON & MEYER, at Law, Solicitors in Conveyancers, Notaries forth and Brussels. $23 invest at once, at41ightp gnarly.: JAS. H. BENSON. - The above firm hes t mutual. consent. All be paid to Mr. Benson ities. Nov. 27, 1876 : ariisters hancery Olio, 000 of scent. • is day a counts who JAMES H. and Attorney and Insolvency etc. Offices -z -Sea Private Funds tc interest., ayablc 53 H. W. 0. MEYER. been dissolved by due the firm tc will pay all liabil. - II. BENSON. W. C. M1'YER. WHO WANTS dollars, ment at 8 per H,. BENSON, rHE.OREAT Periodical.Pills—T unfailing in dangerous tion is subject. moves all obtructions, relied on. It will, in a riod with regularitl. taken by Females of Preggnrancy, earriagd, but d1l cases pain's in the ertion, palpitation whites, these means leave remedy, de ornything directions in which should New York, for postage ronto, Ont., will insure return mail. Bleasdell, j 0, privet -.fn ee t.' int: Sol c' tor, EY ?—A few thousand s, for immediate invest• rest. Apply to JAMES Seaforth. 533 FEMAL the cure diseases to It mod To maeriedlac short time, darin. as they at any other of Nervous back and of pills will failed ; not contain hurtful to the pamp be carefn Sole Propria enclosed to general a a bottle Sold i J. S. Robert • •REMEDY.—Job Moser r •s invaluable medicine i; 4f all those panful and hich the female constitn• • rates all excess and re a • d a speedy cure may bi es, it is peculiarly suited •ring on the monthly pe• hese pips should not br the firist three month; •e e sere tb bring on Mas time they are safe. Ir and Spinal Affections 1i bs, fatigue on slight ex he heart, hysterics, enc a ect a cure when all other a d, although a powerin iron, calomel, antimony the constitution. Fut et around each package y preserved. Job Moses or.. $1 00 and 12i cent. Northrop & Lyman,To ents for the. Domiion retaining over 60 pills bi eaforth by Hickson d , and R. Lumsden. 197 EED N EXPOSIT() 1 SEEDS! THE MEDICAL " SEAFORTH. • AT M RRISON'S SEED EMPORIUM, SE t FORTH. I have now on ha Fie 'd and Garden 8: on : of the most rel C ada. The publi d a large a ock of all kinds of eds, havin purchased from ble hous a that eve kave in can rely n getting P F RFECTLY C EAN F ESTI {SEEDS, Tr er: ki• me st 0• e• N th y. a• if e to name and and others bn e of Garden Se d Seed in papa k of WED rving'e ImproHall'sv, olk, Grey St nigh the price of r, parties inten ine my stook a sing elsewhere, ot cheaper tha CAR hits Belgian, a • e, Intermedial• MA t bottom p g in gnan sin Bulk, s. I:hays noes. To garden- :ities we sell ?al and do not reonm- on hand a large DYE STUFFS. WE HAVE THIS SEASON TAKEN OF OUR DYE STUFFS, Al TURNIP, 1\, Westbury,' arter's, Imperial, d East L Chian and Royal ne, Whit Globe, &o. Al- Tnrnip Se is very high this 'ng to buy will do well to -ex - d see my, prices before ger s 1 think' van sell as eheap any other! ousnin the trade. OT EED. Teen Top`1Crthe, • Long Or- , Short H n, &o. GO .I, DS. aster's, Mamm • th, Long Red, -and several ot er varieties. N - GARDEN SEEDS We have Sweet C' kinds, Leek, Pars Cabbage Seed i Cauliflower,. Brass and nearly every m :ntion. rn, Cumin , ars, Onions of all ip, Peas,: Pumpkin, Radish, large ntfties, Tomato, is Sprouts Salsify Flower seed ther varie c too humorous to °TSS_ Dut`h Sots, Sh: ]lots. English Soning, a d Grass, Luce C over, Black Ta S:ed, Clover. and' 0 : ts, Seed Wheat t e Rape, Law ne or Frei es, Hungat imothy al nd Peas. Grass and Oroh- h Clover, Trefoil -an Grass, Millet aye in stook, Seed ALSO A LARGE OCK OF NOME F MILY GROCERIES, 'oh for quality:and prices cannot be boat by. y other house in, the trade. . Crockery and Glassware usual, very oh n in Stone C erything else e FLOUR AND ill prices. Re ain Street, dpp livered free i ondville. u. Call and see the new pat- ina, only $2.50 per set, arid ally low. - • EED constantly on hand at ember th place, east side of site Markt Street. All goods Seafprth, Harpnrhey or Eg- M. MORRISON. A. GOVENLOCK'S ''k#,M1LLS, IMINTH OP. GREAT QU hand. Bem finding, fencing ood, Maple, Oa hich they are e NT TY of Lumber alway • on and' ditching purposes, Bass- , Ash, Ch • rry, Pine, &e., sawn e for tho [different purposes for mmonlY need. Balm Filled on gleort Notice. HE PATENT MOyABLE FENCE. A NEW DEV elm ; cross bars a cedar post fitt etands four and will be eold due of June . E—Onl requires a Trial to periority4 It is made of rock d stakee, and soft elm spars ; at eachi joining. The Fence half feet high. This Fence g the reniainder of the month AT 60 ENTS PER ROD, After :which th Regular, Price, viz.: 70 cents per od, will be charged. GRISTING a d Flouring attended to prompt- ly, and a superior 4-ticle warranted from goo d wheat. erehant irk can be relied upon. .11 Notlitug wised in The Mill has i in Machinery, AN EXP The Winthrop GEN A WELL As ceries, Bo ing, Hata and very close price 550 the hest of Wheat is TOCK §ECOND TO 'DYE S PECIAL CARE IN THE SELECTION ONE IN THE COUNTY AS REGARDS QUAFTY OR qUANTITY. Try Our Pure Dutch, Madder, Indigo, Fustic, Cudbear, Full Directions given with each Parcel, and if properly follow- ed we will Guarantee Good C REMOVAL. - • it all thejLatest Improvements nd the wo4k is superintended by R1EN ED MILLER. ills Flo -u will always give sat - RAL orted St leek of Dry Goods, Gro- aps, &c., I. hand, and offered at BUT • Winthrop Steam Mills. ER. 43 UTTER. I AGAIN BUYING Sweet'Ev n Col red Butter, in F kins Or Rolls. CH STREET, ElEAFORTH. ti REIVII6VAL. REMOVAL. Begs to intimate that he has Rem ved h _Brick Building on East gide of Main g ll South of William Campbell's C °thin hitherto, carry on the • S Office to ID. McGregor s New reet, Seaford', and Fourth Door Emporium, where ke w, as GAeral Insuran,ce, _Money Loan _Agency, and Sewing Machine Business. In thanking the public for the confider:lie) ther have riposed in him fbs theft -mat fifteen years he has carried on these branehes in Seaforth, he wishes to 'inform them he will still endeavor to give them the same satisfaction which they have in ariably expressed with' his transaceione. He still keepti on hand the best Sewing Machines that re manufactured in the! ',world, SS well. as Needles, Oil, and Machine Attachments. He sells the 0 borne AI Machine, *Mph is the simplest, the most capable of making any kind of work in the m st perfqt manner, an 1 the easiest an&-qnickest threaded np machine of any machine made in t eDomimon. He .3eLle he Gen.aine Howe Machine —a Machine that has never failed to give satis action tO every customer for the last ten years. He sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the mos rapid and least noisy Machine in the world. Farmers' Wives, Mechanics' Wives, Merchan s' Wives and Manufactniera, do not fail -to examine and try onr Sewing Machines—Family and Ma ufacearing—when you want one. A Also !Agent for the celebrated FYSTIZ andPope Knitting Medal e, capable of doing all kinds of work. Instructions given to customers gratheon any of the above achineta Sewing Machines to Rent. Also all kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS LIBE AL. . WM. WATSON, General Agent, Scfortla As REAPERS and MOWERS a? is again o FULL STOGK the order of the day, O. C. WILLSPa OF MACHINES, JULY 26,: 1.878. IRE CREAT CLEARING S • SUMMER GOOD, is NOW' GOING 'ON -AVE 1)-Mi\TIVIS BANKRUPT STOCKS No Threadbare, Time Worn, 20. _Eaten, Rottem-Rubbish; at D All ,New Goods, and LOOK:AT ,THE PRICE Wide English Prints; 8 cents, cents -to 11 cents. Geed Cottons, 5 cents per yard. Straw Goods; we are ahnost givingleval Ladies' Linen Costhmea, -$1 75. AND THE WHOLE STOCK OtHN AT JUST SUCH PRICES. it is any Object to you toget Cheap Goods, o To DENT'S FOR T As he is Round to Make a Clearence. ave on, hand at their Wofferoomg, ne-ar ale Market, as _Handsome ft Stock of Furniture of cription as can be found in •any similar Establishment in Huron, all of which they ari prepared to sell cheap. is all manufactured. tinder their own super. ion, and they can guneantee it as to quality. Having procured a handsome Hearst, they** , W prepared to attend to undertaking in all its b nches, on Ole most reasonable terms. connection with their uniertaking at:illness t ey use the NTI-SEPTIO FLUID, ch preserVes the body and destroys all offen- si odors and prevents contagion arising beta. d ad bodies. Such as the Newcastle, Harvester and Maxwe 1 Light Reapers, Woods' and eanston's Reapere, Wood's, Akron and Dufferin Mowers, and Sher 's Self -Dumping Hay and Stubble Rake. Any of the above Machines sold on trial, and Betide.° on guaranteed or no sale. For further information "call and examine the machines or send for dr tars. In the Plow Business I am still ahead, ha • g made sonie good improvements- . the- No. 13 Thistle Cutter, having pnt on Steel Land Side and raised the Beam two inches higher at the . Coulter and Clevice—this is a positive prevent tive against choking ire wet stubble. In Sewing Machines I am still advancing,. ha ing an extra large stook of that Celebrated Florence and Wanzer F. Machines, and all other commo Machines known to the Trade. 4.11 kinds of Reaper and Mower Repairs for t e machines I sell. All kin.da of Plow Castings and Points always on hand. Sewing Machine Rep re and Repairing DOne. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. THE GOD.ER CH `FOONDRY. SeConl hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Whe 1 and Saw Mandrel $225 Seeond hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wh 1 and Pulleys Complete.........,............ 25 Seeond hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wit el, Pulleys and GovernorEi. . 275 Seeond hand 12 Home Engine, Balance Whe 1, Pulleys and Governors . • 200 A Hoisting 4..)r Boat Engine with Hoisting G ar Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, wtth 13 oke Stack . Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Boile , with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars; Steam Guage, Gunge and Safety Valves, a 1 111 Good Order. epond hand Shingle and Heading Machine . • ,. . • , Heading Planer . Heading Turner Stave Machine, -with Knife . . , 150 200 225 450 90 40 50 70 80 New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheat. MillMachinery for flouring, Grist and Saw Mills Middling Pdifiers Inittroved Kinds. 11 -Agricultural Implements.—Stoves of lions Kinds.—liepairs on Boilers, Mille,Aceproraptly Attended to. AL,WA-kS SOMETHING NEW. NEW SHOE SH9P IN SEAFORTH. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY HAVE COMMENC- 1 ED BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNT IN PILLMAN'S STORE, OPPOSITE 'THE FOUNDRY, Where they are prepared to take Orders for and Manufacture Boots and 'Shoes of eveiy des- crhition. Being both Practical Workmen they are prepared to Guarantee .tt Good Fit and a. -Good Article. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. POST OFFICE STORE, ALTON. ONCE MORE respectfully beg ;eave •to reinin thanks to my numerous customers for their kind patxonage during the last 12 years that 1 hane been doing bueiness amongst them, and kindly salicit -a continuance of their favors for the fu, tare. I have just reeeiv d a Large andWell Selected Stook of DRY GOODS Of an doserit tions. Also always on hand a full aesortment of GROCERIES --TEAS Specialty --which, for quality and price are the best in. the County. A Large Stock of BOOTS And 5 HOES—Maherson's make.r Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, BaCon and Hams, in fact every- thing required in a general store. Ask for what you want if yon don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. would tilso intimate to all.parties indebted tO me for last and previdus years to come and settle by cash or note before the end. of this month, or the accounts will be pettntS: other hands for collection. No further notice will be given- MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good farm security for a term of from, three to tiventy years, on the mcst favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE.—If you want your life insuted give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life A.ssurance Company, one of the bestLife In- suxance Compel:des in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't tOr- get to giee me a call. I am always attentive to bnainess. Post Office and Telegraph Oillae ha con. nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other Reeds on hand. Orders Respectfully ,Solicited. Has all the Town Views taken by TECUMSEH, MICR , For Sale at hia Book and Stationery Store. 0. . W.- Papst hits all the Towia ieWs taken by L. F. Wheeler., Sale at his Book and Stationery tore. C. W. Papst has all the ToWn , iews taken by.L. F. Wheeler. rtist, of Tecumseh, Mich., for - ale at his Book and. Stationery ' C. W. Papst has all the Town = iews taken by L. F. Wheeler, rtist„ of Tecumseh, Mich., for-. aIe at his Book and StationerY - tote. 0, W. Papst has all the TOW11, t iews taken by L. F.i Wheeler, . rtist, of Tecumseh, Mich., for - ale at his Boolr and. Stationery ' _ DAY, THE TWENTY-SEVENTH 1.:'.AY OF Between James Henderson and. Illme-s-, PON the -application of the above-named. • Plaintiffs, and upon hearing read the atlas.' 'id Martin Lynch, it is ordered that the Dee endant do on or before the Tinrtieth day of eptember next, efesever or -demur to the bill ot. omplaint in this -cause. It. P. STERIIi.11eTS, -Reteree. The Defendant's answer is to be filed' at the Ince of the Clerk Of Records, and Writs MON- oode Hall, in the city of Toronto. It the De- , endant fails toansvrer or demur on or beiore the ima above limited, he is -to be subject to have nch decree or order made against him as the ourt may think just .upon the Plaintiff's own showing. The Bill of Coraplaint in this os.use is led by Messieurs, ltfcCarthy, Hoskin, Plumb & reelman, of the City of Toronto-, tn. the- Comity 1 York, Solicitors for the Plaintiff. 553 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY' THE stbscriberbegs leave to thank hia-nuraerout him since commencing business in Seaforth,sa - trusts thathe may be favored with a centilitre& of the same. Partiesintending to build wonid do well to Ore him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand argestock of all kinds el DRY, PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MObIDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. liefeels confident of givingsatisfactionto those who may favourhim -with theirpatronage, as MAW P. articular at tention paid to Custom Pia-nit:I 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. ht PERSONS Suffering -from. Dyspepsia are treat- -IL ed by Pepsine in vaeions form.s to cure °1st dangerous disease. It is not n want of PelPsitio but an excess of ada that oecasions Indigo -41°n' Brunton's Digestive Fluid hos 730.0re failed to 'relieve or cure the worst -CaBe hesg; ache, dismiee of the heart, kidney &settlings .!3/vi many others -which originate in Indigestion' - Sold by all Druggists. Price 50 tents. 585-2.4 (Under the new Aet4hisned at the 1 EXPOSITOR OFFICE, -SEAFORT1L 'Under authority of the Lientenarat-Govesiter •