HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-26, Page 526, 1878. ✓ temporary par. mi tha warmly ea, men who . but lea ered ranch. Re is and capable o%eer, lately, sustaiaed icials in this Prase el Edward mior :Major of the , almost the only :if that corps •Mao roll call. He -aa., n the ranks up ea s, and is one of the :78 in. this popular anly maaners,have rorite with. the men, A on the Twelfth presence repress- *, speeial eonsta- agot their exalted the tam whom atect, -will lone -he cajor Whitelladat 1 ins Beandry, Mayo ;ober ftlf the Legis... ebee in 1854 an real for the. Cana - was each time re.. [led to the Legis - 07, and has', twice ty as Mayon Re :months ago, on ac- nown economy in. t a time when it peal was rivalling It was not sup- hewever; that the r notions of what teeive the .severest many years, and ace of ecouorny a we which would rowth, injure its seara.e—end in set-. class, and religion is strange to notice ;ient instance, was k timid policy, but L the Mayor, to ae- weinet ,to set him- ," L,e of the Premier., [gad priaciples of - British Cons,titue ,ubborness and an for popularity are istics, and it is un - and the eity which resent that be has is popularity from rather than from .m.1 high standing. knowledge that the th, with sufficient minute betweeu. ig- d matters of prin.- aputa.tion that be ian Catholic reli- treal. It is to be ling he has been, thng will soon die L desire to elevate ,sffice a,' anan who ustice, and dollars Crime. tragedy ocCurred Irning, near the Id - Ant fiVe miles wea comity of Norio , 'lamer, and James son, .a young man :ece, went from the Ind three o'clock is4 -Jud to their farm. :feen abeeat but a young man return- ; called on the rest urs. He then went pied ha his two sis- , and. attacked one D handle, which he an Gutting frightful c and badly hurting ;0 put up to allield iee, struck the other ad he fen or threw , aear the door, ex - al killed her. Pro - e had done so, sition, to a young n the kitchen, and. kettle, threw it at brother got. poses - held the murderer m would shoot him L James then left some time it was I, but ho has since arse hanging by the rd man was found 'W, with his skull , iference is thatthe his sou before the .1.1 the rest of the , had. been dragged tbly emitempiating 'ds the straw stack, ' burning it in- the iii first attacked is er injuries having .bloud, There had • t Slanf8 Of meney alert from the old occasions, ' attcl oney to go to =xcursion to lit -slu- r had discovered. Idle had been sawn, pose tu'accomplish ons. - kccoena. •xplicit account of young Smith went some time in the .key of his father's - 'ring of keys ' which est girl's bbdy. He plat the key back is the girl turning :tly afterwards, she ' wakened her, and. been done, as they - mild; attempt the U) and told her :as wrong, as the , om her body. Her . and went to the ed him (4 taking tit then went down t, words, the old have his son ate -e. ini& the money. i /art GP the money. urea, a halter and get a horse to go would put a stop • The scat followed: .lack of the barn, him with a 'club hes long, which he I uing before from ' P* and -which the - „ not knowing for absegikent actions ' in the first re was forty-nine- -- respected. eld this afternoon e orge alul jalues' LIT 26, 18'i-8. smith, 'the victims of the Rockford tragedy, hyDr. Hayes, of Sin1000, the cooler, assisted. by Drs. Howell and Logrill of this village. Iii the ease of .rn Gee, Bain, a verdict was reit ea in wordance with the foregoing facts, aoa that James Smith comm tted nil- , eide by hanging. It is thought the ,naest girl will recover. rurtner details of the mutilation of riiisit the ea man are slake 'lig,. and. make this deplorable occurren the worst in aharaoter that ever was e °tett in that section. The mother only died about a 5 -ear ago. She was the second wife, but left only one child, a boy. The rest liere UNITA two girls and la,boy, are ,ohildren of the first wife. ja, es was to have been married 011 that day. Beaconsfield's Mission. Lord Beaconsfield's explanations in the House of Lords on Thursdsty of last" week in reference to the action, of the Peace Congress csamot be considered very explicit, but are on the satisfac- tory side as far as they go. It will as- tonish the world t learn from these ex- planations that th Congress was unani- mous in the conclusion that the best chance for the tranquility of the world_ - was to retain the Sultan as part of the Barop.ean ; and that Bosnia WAS given Into AustriOs Control at the ear- liest selicitations of the Briti h repre- sentatives, on the ground that Turkey's safety would be guaranteed thereby, as that country would be completely ruin - ea if it, at this tinie, were compelled to keep that unruly !Province in order. The former statement hardly aes with the one implied that, England would have been given almost any loose por- . i tion of the world if t had. w rshipped II artition . but -It is possible that the - unanircuty ca -me after matich djiseiission. f the ex- • The least satisfa planations was proposed reiorrx • which, it may made underEnt, the Premier a made public at present, alth.o land's "greatsstHinterest is c this especialgabject. Altho dent that Turkey has been .s res, it is n n it previous 3T who look tory .portion that referringto the s in AsiaticTurkey,, be ,p esume , will be ish supervision. These sserted, caul not be gh Eng- - ntred on hit is evi- ved -from t so sure 'nfluence. orward to its decliuing gradually, but urely into the position of a British d1 pendency. By this mean it certainly would be strengthened ir one point of view, and . made a much better country to live in, but the Crescerit will have disappeared forever. Greco will not feel very joy- ful at the scant courtesy it has received at the hands of a it obtains quite . Remembrances Alexander an never to 'depart they were loo partition by con that it will rata, There are ma .1:1HE HURON, EXPOSItb that direction, the child was not Seen, and before the h4rses Could be hel up, after hearing his shout, the mac ine had. passed on to him aud out the g eat- er part of one of his hands off, as yell as lacerating his arm in a, frightful an - nen The hand.. is all Cut away, exbept the thumb andif6refingef, but the arm will most likely in time . completely re- cover. son of Mr. G. s while driving a front of the self falling mind called - eh they did knife cut y painful but —0Mondainast McIntOsh, of r 11 ton, res.. et, got thro 'off i 4 rl knifi . When be found - he vith great prlesence to t e horses to E alm st immedi bot4 his legs, in not 1angerous the Congress, although as natic.h as it deserves. of the glorious days of his SticceSSor. appear virom this People, and ▪ forwardto seeing most _,of Turkey, mieludng Constantinople, . drop into their lap. They have only received, advantages which make the .sooa. government of their own country a matter of less difficulty. An interesting • item in the debate Was Lord Derby's de • claratioa that he had. left the Cabinet because' of the ecision to sei ea a naval station in the ,astern Medit zrranean by a secret expedition from In. la. That the Governmen had any sue intention was! declared tc be untrue la Lord Sal- . isbary—art exp essien for ae- ,ch he was called to order who affireciel further , that. his.predec ssor's memo was bad. r The contradiction can har ly be ,a0- - counted. foreexcept . on tte ground of some slight ex ggeration' Oil both sides. . . The secoad hat of Lord Be consfield'a -explanations ill be eagerl, watChed for. lot 100 bar the own Thi ye yea, adv pla ed on land t tested the produ ---LOn Thursday ' o Sioper, (.f the tb cane very near lee' He had cradled.s of f wheat, and into . the grass from where he fi round with the reaper th drove the team 'into the the era e was lying, and queston andingherself e cradle' began to backup w taught ' her bel -,Ween, fetlock Of one'of the fo both alitaies and inffig, gash. A. veterinary Sur for, who took up he arte ed the ouna in skilful a great eal of difilculty, is now ing as w 11 as co top, h t ly. thlcting nds. 1 o Mr. F. 0. Coles has 7, in the 6tt ccinces ores about 90 Clear and. log hot , for t f urchaser be ng kr. r of lot 26, 'n the 8 same farm sOld. his . farm, Fullarton, k with. frame sum of 000, errftt Morey, lh conceesion. ased smile 14 about nine l$3,000. The !the, estimate en svhe have f the oil. Week r. Jno. 'of F ayton, luabl mare. ound a 'field the cradle fe feet 1 On oming first me he ; grass Where the bast in • angle in. the en th scythe . e h of , and. eet, evering ing a fearful eon w s Beloit 'es and dress - manner, after ancl the beast d be expected. a.s pure ago for $9.600, an s ago for a t lite over nee in prie ihows era by tiveness last aship g a v , • thro just 'she • 9• • Mise The d ly esti $1,600 p . paid. --Th this yea •Septem October be give • Pe th Items. Wheat in Mornington i ably affected. by rust. —The village of Sebringville, is said to be improvinz,a in appear= e, in pock- et and. in. raorals. ---Mr. Stiles has, ontraote3. with the Mitchell Council to water 1ain street during the dusty season. . —Yr. Thonaas Male, of - ' istowell is preparing to st t a market and horti- cultural garde in -the viol ..ty of that town. • —Mi. Peter • atrick, of _a ache)", Gut his knee badly with an adze a -few days ago.' It will b some time before he is able to resume work. - . ' —List week a horse belonging to Mr. Pearce, of Mit hell, dropped. dead while being driven • long the street, being choked. by a breast collar. - —Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, of Stratford, have been presented. with a • handsome family Bible by the teaehers . of Knoa Chnrch Sabbath School. ' —The by-law granting a, bonus of • $15,000 to aid the Stratford and Hinam Railwa,y- was voted on at Palmerston • last Friday, and carried. by a majority of 62. ' • —Mr. Thomas •Matheson, ex -Mayor 01Nritchell, who was taken so seriously i ill at Quebec on his return voyage, has ' been brought °roe, and is slowly re- covering.. - —Mr. Louis ,i. filer, who was foreman in the Mitchell Advocate office for a couple of years., is in the Toronto Asy- 1 lune a lunatic which sad calamity fol- lowed a serious fit of sickness. while • —On Monday last, we a young ad sca of Mr. John Todd., of Fullarton, as' taking a, horse into. the stable, the ni- real kicked, his.a on the head, inflict ng severe injuries He' is not expected to • recover. —Some co temptible thief eUte .ed the barn. of ]L.James Ward, Sr.,of ul- larton, and. stele ten bags of wheat t at WAS cleaned and ready for market. Mr. Wald has a suspicion who the guilty 13arty is. So the fellow had better look mt. —Mr.' j.. Q. McLagan, of ; G-uelph, is about to erect a block of magnificent - stores in Listowel. The block will be Of -white brick, with •Guelph cut stone baings and stone string courses in each Story, 32x84, three stories and, basement ha —One evening recently, a, young, lad •son of Dr. D unsmore, 'Aachen, was Ila.°e, cked struck on the forehead by the po y's sho 6auslinowg n by a horse. He was a fracture of the sl4ill. Youth and health being in his favor, he boy is fast rec vering. - ' Michael Mu ay, of Ellice town ip, ---On Tuesd y afternoon last, as 'was CUtting a field of grass with he iii Mower, a littl ,boy of his, about our i Years of age, an into the grass and sat down, intendieg to give his father a3r- Nite when he drove along by sprin ng °tIt. and shouting at him. But the little fellow succeeded in giving the ur- Prise beyond his expectation, for his father, not ha, peeing to be lookin in. --A troit Er passed timid. w ids that she conp.d not be to look t them4 -TA_ an ne4ed Van ed byl rghtning last TI farm of Mr. 14ndall Cli 1elgin County.1 Decease er a s ock of wheatiwhe eine f orb: tli thunder • Ilaneo s Ne s bt of incisor is now rotigh- ated at $240,000, on which r annm.1 of interest has to be Western Fair, t 'London will last day of four days of d dollars will -be held. on t er awl 'the first Twel e thous in pre, ,ums. alamaz ning own th • ile' run o lady; one of the De - Ws par who recently St. La rence, was so in .the Lachine Rap - induced even 01 —Mr spect lerk f ounty trathr agon lout y) hile alike ground minute • posed ,tacks lexperie —As Mr. W the act green f upon hs potat ploded in, the flew Th o his f cons4..der-. that it is fear sight. Autho d citiz r the of Mid y On n an n hour. s Sar isiting , Ham and wa, after be o f whic cod... Mr. 11 y .Froit n, -and f townishi 3 II n. How of mix' r the I. John 1% best of H reaper faint a knife c Was s liVed b dent. —A. melan holy and .very sudden death �curre4 in Ingeraoll. Miss Kate, eldest da,ught r of Mr. George Ross, lumbe and. qoai merchant, was found. dead n T$day morning. She -had -been a ling fo Some tithe, but ,noting` seriou was arjticipated so soon. Miss Ross as a geiieral favorite with all who knew ler, and her sud.den death has cast a e. dyer the neighborhood. —M.• Gave', Collector of Inland Reven e, God rich, and officer Craig, r Walke ton, eized. a ; distilling and naalti g establ ishment in Culross ton - ship. The co cern was nob in ope *a - tion a the ti e,of seizure,hut evidences' were i ot wan ing of a, largeillicit 'traf- fic has ing bee very recencarried on. The fficers -1dy emolished the: utensils,' which. Mein ed a very serv,ibeable and in geni usly c nstructed malt kiln. . • ese ond y, oplectic ,w cour, P. Q., arrest the 12th, on arri depot. He was Ben d on the morninWof al at Bonave tura enced to one mo th's e of sed. imprisonment. ounsellgtive noti appeal, and. the prisoners Were role on bail. 1 'Births. BUCHANAN.—In Zurieh, on Jury 17, the wif Dr. Buchanan, of a on. DERBYStilliE.,—In Seaforth, on July 21, the • of M. H. Derbyehire, of a daughter. STAFFORD.—In Seaforth, on July 21i the wif Mr. John Stafford, of a daughter. MeEillop, on July 22, the wif . Joseph Bulger, of a son. ROSS —In Blnevale, on July 10, Alex. Ross, of a daughter. - Marriages. MENAREY —MeMILLAN.—At the reaidene of • - the bride's father, McKillop, on Suite 12, by Rev., A. McNaughton, Mr. John Menem , to Catherine Mary,daughter of Duncan MeMil n, sq., alt of MeKiliop. GREAKE—PINCOMBE.—At the residence of Mr. Brock, on July 15, by Rev. Mr. Newton, Mr. Digery Geake, of Toledo, Olio, to Mies Mary Pincombe of Usborne. PERDUE—thLLER.—At the anse, Brucefield; on July 24,, by Rev. T. G. ouison, Mr. Wmf Perdue, to Elizabeth, eldest dthighter of Jacob Miller, Esq , all of Goderich owuahip. , CARTER--DODDS.—Ab the Methodist parsonage, Flyth, on Ju1y17, by Rev. . Clark; Mr. John, elarter, to Miss Dodds, both jof Hallett. of of ickle was kill- ursd.ay on the e, near Lyons, was lying un - e he had. taken torm. n; an old and r many years of Adelaide, ile driving to fell from the fit, and. 'died in Deaths. • . McGREGOR.—In' Hay, on J. no so; Malcolm, McGregor, aged 70 years. BAWDEN.—In Exeter, on Jul -•,5, the infant son of Mr. George Bawden, aged 7 weeks. SANDERS. --in Exeter, on July 15, the infant son! of Mr. Richard Sanders, ag 46 weeks. ROEDDING-.--Li Zurich, on Ju y 16, Mrs. Justice Ildeading, aged 43 years. • . 1 h Maso4, Of Manilas, t the reSidence of , Mr. ton, suddenly fell to the s, corpse. within 'lb few ads. The case is sup- e of sunstroke, two at - deceased had. formerly 3- • b.omas Howson, son of on, of Ottonabee, was in g ammonia with Paris urpo§e of sprinkling it vines,,' the amnionia, ex- ottle, and the contents. ce„ causing such injuries d he will lose his eye- Wedntsday last week, as Mr. sidents of the township as ,fengaged driving a rni, he suddenly became off the seat, when the n contact with him, he ully mangled. •that he rt time after the acci- THE M RkETS. ' 1 SE FORTH, July Rs, 1.878. Fall Wheat .. 0 9D to 0 92 Spring Wheat, Fife, pe bushel... . 0 8b to 0 85 Spring Wheata-Red Oho. ,perbash. 0 811 to 0 80 Oatsper bushel. .. 0 80 to 0 31 Peas per bushel . 0 5 to 0- 57 Barley per bushel 0 0 to 045 Butter, No.1, Lowe). . .. 0 0 to 0 11 ' Egge 0 ( 9 to 009 Flour, per barrel E Q0 to 6 50 Hay - • 6 0 te 800 Hides, per ib....0 ,.. ...... 0 t 5 to 0 05 Grabby Hides per 1001bs... ... 4 00 Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs...., , , 3 00 Sheep skins . 0 50 to 1 25 Wool • 0 1 to 0-.22 Salt (retail)per barrel, 0 75 Salt (wholosale)per barrel0 65 Potatoes, per bushel 0 5 tio 0 40 Oatmeal/0' brl ' 2 0 o 2 75 Wool; per lb 0 22 t 0 23: Tallow, per lb. 0 06 o 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs4 60 15 5 251 . Haus on, one of the oldest and. own r wich, OR hisl cl fell ming drea t a sh 1 SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARI _ WILL COM JOHN • CLINTON, July 2 , 1878. Fall Wheat, per bashel....... ..... 0 90 c 0 95 ' Spring Wheat, perbushel 0 80 0 0 85 Oats, pee bushel 0 29 64 0 30 Barley, per bushel 0 85 0 45 Peas, per bushel.. 0 58 qi 0 61 Clover Seed, per bushel 3 50 a 14 00: Timothy Seed, por pushel 1 60 a) 12 25 Batter 0 10 al 0 11 fl?ork 450 500 Potatoes. 0 50 ra 0 60 Eggs 0 t 9 @ 0 10 , Ilay,per ton, 9 00 10 00 , • Toronto Butter Mark t. , Pound rolls are selling at 20e to 22c, large rolls not quotable, croc s and pails bring 150 toi 17c. Choi e tubs are ',worth 10c. to 15c. on th street market. party o weat • ut 'pic Mond y, and. grassy plot. green', used b stood near b • quantity of t bles. After la suad.e ilY •thoug t they accou ts, ho very nob ir rious esult is —0 the 9 -Phers rt, son of th towns White He- w indust DWin the 95 til he that s of col injuri bowel skill.c withat —T Blake the B liam with t was se ment. father deferic on hii troubl necte harbo corder a revo ease fourteen French people 'licking near Ottawa, on Pread the luncheon on A tub centaining Paris a farmer to kill bugs, and the wind blew a O greeni over the —eata- eh the whole party to9k and at one time it NittS Ould not recover. Later ever, state. they were all p oved, and. no very 8e - a icipated. h inst. Mr. Donald. Mo - f Mr. iFIgh McPherson, bf lrinloss, died near church,oger a few days illness. 5 years, aud was a mot a. promising young mans hot days previous to e had been working •1111 - quite heated. While in cautiously took a drink and immediately felt -the ts, inflammation of the t in, and all that medical for him -was done, but s a,geci ous a the 'ye inst., ecame ate he water, us die 50011 S aid, a t avail O first Apt w cotirder' n.(I, ole eirevo tence End i and a was t mali , it not being likely, 'being con - with both pasties, that he would spite against either._ The Re- suggesved jocularly thitt he had ver for each party. The other as JAi had Brennan', of Becah- I t 11 • SATURDA Cheese Markets. 1NGEKSOLL, July 24.—Yesterd y only 3,255boxes offered on the b ileti board: Market chill. Salesman refuse to reg- ister their offerings; fact rym n. offer :71c to Sc for.June cheese, nd e hear one factory offered ne for J ulyi make; 86 was paid yesterday for Juu4 make. Notwithstanding the re cnt thuncler storms, milk is materially falling off. WOODSTOCK, July 24.—E. even factories r oistered. 2,016 boxes, aim t 2,000 boxes b ing first half of July uoke, the bal- ance last half of June make. Very little activity in the mar et, owing to the downward tendency •f the cable. Only two sales reported, a Sc. • Live` Stook M MoNaaesa, July 24.—T cattle on this market was day, none of them being The range of prices was f per lb. Wm. Jack, of Li car load of cattle at $36 e 31c per lb.; Mr. Head res ge to city butchers at fro each. H. M. Mix, of eight cattle at about 31 nine hogs at 4,.2c per lb. 28 hogs at 41c per lb., an Barnston, sold 29 hogs a Fred Ritchins sold • 19 each, plus 19 on the lo lambs were in good supp Ca,rthy bought sixteen -8 at $3.121 each; they wer several lots. The . gene wo .convictions under the re made on Monday, at • Court,_Montreal. Wil- k, 'was found. on tb.e 125h vers on his person, and to fifteen days' iniprison- the son -of a Protestant atholic mother, and the at arms had been placed iously to get him into rkets. e supply of very small to - very choice. m 3.ic to 40 dsay, sold a, oh, or about Id thesecat- $30 to 650 rightou, sold per lb., and Jack sold B. Smith, of qc per ib.; cattle at $50 . Sheep and y. Denis Mc- perior lamb picked. out of al price o lambs is from $2.25 to 42.75 each, tele inferior ones being sold a less than $ each. - • BVETALO, tle.—Sales o good to choice steer :1 at $ .80 to $5.30 good butchers' aud ship • ers', $4.55 t $4.75 •' medium, $4.25 t $4.45; lighbutchers',43,60 to -$4.15 ; bulls, $2.5 to $3.75. Hogs—Sales o light grade .at $4,35 to $4.60 for com on to choice; heavy, $4.20 to $4.45 ; bout all sol Sheep—Sales 'of Weste at $3.75 t K15; lambs, $5 to • 5.35; Canad lambs, $5.50 to $5.75. E ght loads u sold. • TORONTO, July 241.-0a tle—The p ehases by live weight inlude the fo lowing'per hundred poun s Fra,nkli & Reeves, 500 head, aver ging 1,350 Ms at $5 for export; Rodger & McLella 150 head, averaging 1,3 Ms, at $4 8 ,for export ; Thompson & Co. 300 hea averaging 1,400 Ms. at 4 90, for e port; Aikens & Co. '300 ea,d, averagin 1,460 The., at $5, for exp rt ; Crawfor at $4 75, export; and J mes Walsh, 0 head, averaging 1,300 its , at $4. She —The range of prices wa $5- to 86 f r first-class, $4 to $4 50 f r second, an $3 to $3 75 for third. L nabs—Sold a tively $3,75 for first-c.ass, 43 for se ond, and $2 to $2 50.for hird. G' SALE MENCE AT OGERS' JULY -27; 1 And as the deter nination is to clear the Stozk, a CONFIDI May remai G PUBLIC • assured that G- 0.0 ID Will b offered at B A RG A N PR CES. 1 •.; • Dress Goods, SI awls, Stra ]Gdo s, Skirts, Para ols, Tweects, Hts, Caps, and Cl thing. • • • GQ0D FARM FOR SALE. . Con. 8, McNillop, contain " which are cleared and in a go tion, well fenced and drained good hardwood bush; there i frame bp,rn, faso good well ; ti For Sale, Lot 3 ng 75 acres, 50 d state of eultiv - the remainderlo a log house d e place is sitnat d three-quarters of a male west o the gravel roe 41 Apply to MRS. WM. CLUTT N., on the 2n4 co cession of Tackersmith, sont of Eippen, or o Kippen-P. 0. 655-4 CHOICE FARM FOR SA —Being Lot •Con. 7, Hullett,.County of : uron ; 100 aero; 80 cleared, well underdrained, and in a good de, e of eultivation ; buildings convenient and goo terms earty. For further, particulars apply o Messrs: McCAUG ttelY & HOLMESTED, Seal ort or on the premises' to Var. E COL WitILL. Co stance P. 0. 555 All will be imduded in the • GENERAL. .1 A.stottnaid Will be given TERMS VARM FOR SALE.—For 8 -1- Lot1.6, Con. 1, Stanley, e 42 cleared and.. in a state o there is a good frame barn •' i of Brncefield, e,nd is within a Brucefield railway station; t quality, and the whole is well 180 cords of hardwood on the McGREGOR, Brucafield. LAUGHTER, Discounts in Eery Department. - CASH. JOHN ROGERS. MORE NEW .Gooris THIS WEEK DU'NCAN & SPEClittiL LINES. le, the East half of ntaining 50 acres, good cultivation ; adjoins the village quarter of a mile of e land is of the best enced. Also about ravel road. PETER 555x2 SPECI L LINES HOFFMA BROTHERS', SEA ORTH. AT-- DUNCA NS, SE FORTH. DON'T FAIL TO SECURE SO E OF THE BAR AINS. OUR, STOOK OF DRESS MATERIALS FOR 'SUMMER , WEAR IS F NOW CO GRENADINES IN IRON, - PLAIN A LINENS IN ALL THE DIFFERENT M KNICKERBOCKER AND CHECKS. About Two D zen Linen Suits left, at about half pri e to clear them] out, at HOFFM N BROTHERS'. About Half a Dozen Black Silk Jack- ets, at Tremend us Low Prices, at 1 HOFFM N BROTHERS'. .kbout One Dozen Cashmere Jackets, at Prices to suit any person, at i HOFFMAN BR THERS'. PLETELY ASO D LACE CHEC ES, PLAIN AA. JUST ARRIVED THIS W ANOTHER (CASE- OF THOSE 'BEAU CENT. BELOW REGULAR PRICES. TIFUL STRIPE SILKS; NOW SELLIN Black Grenadines, Dress Linens, and White and Colored Muslins, Prints, Hollands, Cora ts, Gloves, Ties, &c., at Greatly Reduce Prices, at HOFFM N BROTHERS'. • E Butterick for August just one free of char CO.'S Fashion Report to hand. Call ancl get e, at tTEJI.BLACK S. COSTUME D T4.SS0, AND , IFUL WHITE PIQU OURTH LOT Olt PH AT 25 CENTS ER Plain Lustres, Brilliant nes, Mela meres and be Beiges. • S, 25 PER SE BEAU - ARD. Cash - A FULL ASSORTMENT 0 DRESS TRI MINGS, SILK FRINGES, GALLOON AND GREN . DINE BRAIDS. FO COMETS IN ALL THE NEWEST M ES. HOFFM N BROTHERS'. TO HAND TO -DAY, OF SILVER, GILT, STEEL, OXODI FEW OF THOSE VERY GHEAP CR SELLING AT 35 CENTS EACH. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CARDNO'S BLOCK, SBA 1- 0 TY DOZEN COMPLETE LINE ED AND PEA.RL BUTTONS-- A CHETED TIDIES STILL LEFT— , PARASOLS V A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF WHITE S LINE OF HAMBURG AND SWISS EM IN FLANNEL EMBROIDERIES. RY CHEAP. RTS FROM 50 CENTS UP. FULL ROIDERIES. S0METHING NEW 8,000 'YARDS.PRINdrS, WI SEE OUR BROWN HOLLAINDS AT THE CELEBRATED RAVE I3LAC PER CENT. BETTER THAN IANY OT E wipTlls, FROM 7v. 10 CENTS- SOLE AGENTS OF BRILLIANTINE LUSTRES, 25 ER MAKE IN THE MARKET. JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY OF THAT FAMOUS 10 CEN. FACTO Y COTTON, ALO A FULL - LINE= OF BLEACHED AT OUR SUAL L W PRICES. A FULL LINE OF LADIES', GENTS' AND C ILDRE 'S HOSIERY AND GLOVES AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.' Shirtings, Sheetings, ings in Gr able mens) Towels and Towel - at Va iety and Cheap. THE TAILOIN DEPARTMENT a -noe CINv ,MVEI `0v3i UIL..DERS' HARDWARE AT. HARD PAN PRICES, CD • 0 33 rn rn U3 rn CO 03 > -C) co: fri rn 0 1:0111 re, Da 131 4:11 P> 4a4.,W taxi 1'4 • r:31V .M#3t t"4 CANADIAN PACIFIC, RAILWAY.' TO CAPITALISTS 1: AND CON- TRACTORS- riNHE Government of Canada...will receive pica -3- poses for constructing a4 winking a line of Railway extending from the Province of Ontario; to the waters of the Pacific Obean, the distance -.being about 2,000 miles. MeMorandnin of infor- mation for parties proposing to Tender will be, forwarded on application as underneath. En- - gineere Reports, maps of the country to be tre,_, versed, profiles of the surveyed line, specifica- - time of preliminary works, copies of the Aet af- Uie Parliament of Canada under -which it is -pre; posed the Railway r 10 be constructed, descrip- tions -of the natural features of the eourtry its agricultural and mineral resourees, and other information, may be seen on application at this Department, or to the Engineer.in-Chief at the Canadian Government Offices, 81 Queen Vieteria street, E. C., London. Sealed Tenders, Marked Tender for Peelle Railway," 'will be received, addressed to the undersigned, until the first day of December next. IS UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MR. G. J. LIFFTON, A MAN OF LONG EXPERIENCE, AND TO THOE FAVORING US WITH THEIR ORDERS WE WILL GUARANTEE S TISFACTION. OUR STOCK OF SCO CANA.DIA , CH, ENGLISH AND TWEEDS IS NOW COMPLETE, WHILE OU ASSORTMENT BROADCLOTHS AND DOESKINS 8 OULTh PLEASE TWIOUS. 0 - WHITE AND COLORE .THE USUAL COMPLETE ASSORT SUMMER ENT OF GENTS' OF WORSTEDS, THE MOST FAS- VESTICNGS. FURNISHINGS. 1 F. BRAUN, Seeretaryr, Public Works, Department,Ottawit. Ottawa, May 2011k, 1878. 556-4 TOWN OP R T H . - VOTERS' LIST/ faza. Municipality 'of the riton qf Seaford, County of Viron. VRINAED RIBBONS AT 10 CE TS PER YARD UNSURPASSED IN STYLE 1 VALUE. :TILINCAN egr DUN AN, SE FORTH., NOTICE is hereby given, that rharetrann14- ted or delivered to the persons inentioned the third and fourth sections of, Tb.re Vetere Lists Act," the copies required by said. Section to - be eo transmitted or delivered of the list, me& pursuant to said Aet, of all persons 'appearing by the laet revised Assessment Roll of the haid Municipality to be entitled to vote in the amid Municipality at elections tor members a tile Legislative Assembly and 'at municipal electione ; and that said list was first posted up at my a - nee, at Seelorth, en the 22 d day of ;July, 178, and remains there for Mop ken. Electors are called upon to examine the aid list, and, if any omissions or any other err.rs are found therein, to take immediate proeee .gs to have the said errors correeted according to law. Dated, Sea. forth, Ally 251h, 1878.. 1 TITAM ELLIOTT, Clerk of the said Municipal y. 555.1. VILLAGE -OP ROXETER. VOTERS' L.IT•1878,„ Municipality of the V' :age of Wroxeter, County of 1iron. NTOTicE is hereby given hat X have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third . and fourth sect MB of "The Voters/ Lists Act,' ' the copies req ea by said section te be so transmitted or delivered of the list, nuade pursuant to said Act, of alper,sons appeanag by the last Revised Atomism nt Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for -members -of the Legislative Assemblyand at Municipal elections - and that said list was first , posted up at my of- fice, at Wroxeter, on the 22nd day of July, NM, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to eto.min.e eel said list, and, if any emissions or any other erers are foana therein to take immediate proceedings to have the pad. errors correctedeecording to law. Dated, Wrox- eter, July 25, 1378. 1i/14,LTANT SMALL, Clerk of the said 555-1 BRUCEPIEI,D. ---r- STORE HOUSES TO RENT. rpo RENT, in thee, Village of Brucefield, two 1-1 large Grain Stereo, each having a capacity of 15,000 bushels of grain. Possession Oven by the 1st- of September next. 'X'he buildings will he fitted up 'with elevators, and. as Brueefield is an excellent shipping port and conimandsoneof the best farming districts in Western Ontario, a splendid. opportunity is bfre afforded to any one in the grain business. For further particulars Trastees. 1 ; Ttustees. apply to either of the tinders -1 • J. E. BRIG S. KIT OHE W. DIXON 655-4 MANY UNITED STATES SOLDIER ANDautehtebiremhe.irawhaevixereBoenganntyg,ePday_exacniusid Pveanyslaft, the prosecution of such claims and sill send to any address the 131anks to enable claimants o state their caves. We do not handle the mon y collected—it is sent to claimants direct fr WaAlaigton. No charge unless etzecess 1. 1.111,11,1,R. 13TEVEN8 4 Co., War Ciem Att,ra neys, Detroit, Mich. • 0514