HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-19, Page 8iJ 8 1 I I I I I I I I I I St, HE HUR puron txpooitor. DISTRICT 1VIATTER S. St GAB s G -rangers' prices atALLEN'S -Teas, special value, all prices from 25 cents a ;pound, Alleti';.-Tobaccos, Smoking or Chewing, best value in town at Allen's -General Groceries at prices to suit the times ab Allen's -Hams, Bacon, Flour, &c., cheapest at Alien's Grocery, Shop No. 8, Airs. Whitney's Block, nest door to Lumsden's Drug Store, Seaforth. 654 HARVEST. -A splendid assortment of Morgan and Alulley Cradles, and Cradle Scythes, at Wbt Ronrartsco; & Co.'s.554 . ; STICKY PLY PAPER id LUMSDEN -Wtr,soN'S 554 - PURE PARIS GREEN at LUMSDEN WILsoles. 554 B,EAPIF0 IVIATML-The annual reaping match under the auspices of the Huron Farmers' and Mechanids' Association, will be held. on the farm, of Mr. Woodly, near Brucefield on Tuesday next. The grain in which the machines will be tested is very heavy and Will be likely -to give them a pretty severe test. This is what all the machine Men say they like: • SEAFORTII.-Mr. Clarke, of Ilamilton,• engaged in the preparation f the growth and resources together with a netice, of anufactnring and merean- ments. This we hope to eseut to our readers in our the week following at the be got up in a etyle ale -0 and interesting read - is at presen . of a history ot Seaforth, the several tile esta,blis -be able to p next issue, latest. It to form attr ing for all. o THE PI1.(n ENADE Conceee.-Owing to the High S hoot meeting falling on the date fixed f r the Band.- Concert, viz., Friday, Jul,, 19th, the concert hastbeen postponed, lad will be held. in the Skating Rin - on Monday evening next, July 22nd. The entertainment will be under the direction of Prof. Chas. Fetzer, the band inetructor, and Will be one of th best concerts yet presented to a Seaforth audience. As this willbe the ' lastentertth nient of the kind given by the band thi season, a good turn -out is expected. Hanon LI E STOCK ASSOCIATION. -The ragetieg hel at Clinton on Monday last -andel: the a ispices of this Association was so poo ly attended that it Was deemed advieablenot to do any business. The small attendance was due, no doubt, to the very busy season among farmers. It was -decided to hold another meeting t at Clinton Flide,y, August 2nd, to consider and decide as to -whether or , not another sale will be held in the fall. As the haying. and fall wheat ; harvest will then be over, it is expected that there will be a lerge attendance at the uext meeting. : THE HIGH Scirooxe-In 'complianbe with a requisition, the 'Reeve has issued his proclamation •calling a public meet- ing of the rate -payers to be held. in the the town -hall this (Friday)evening. The • object of the meeting is to discuss the advisability° passing the by-law provid- ingLfueds fo • the establishment of a High School • Seaforth, and. to afford. those who have taken the more active interest in th ity to lay bek forrciation as movement an opportun- re the ratepayers such hat hey possess respecting its working and probable expenses so the •-people maybe in a position to voteintel- ligently on the by-law. The matter is one of the utinoet importance to the town, and there should be a large .at-' tendance of the business men. and rate-' , payers gener ily.' ; RUNAWAY CUIDENT. - On TnesdaY, la,st as Mr. -V8 ea. IIill and Mr. AlfredNopper, of this tbwn, were proceeding to the Winthrop Cheese Factor, with a 'span of horse and a baggy. and when near Mr. Ge .eelock's mills, the horses took fright -a. a pile of lumber on the side of the oad, and with a sudden hewed shied. ..o the opposite side. The neelayoke s ap breaking, Mt. Hill, who was driving, vas unable to control the teatUr and be oming unmanageable they ten away. . ,Nopper in attemptiug. to jump from t vehicle, fell between the, box and the l•ind wheel, in which posi- tion* was ,.agged for a eonsicieta.ble di -stance. Fertnnately he retained his peesenee of mind and extricated. him- self spee • y as possible and escaped. ; with slight i jury. Mr. Hill stuck to the buggy i was run •into the ditch, . when he was thrown out, injuring- his breast, end, eceiting several • scratches about his file . The horses became de- tached from. the buggy, after which they ran b*y- a short distance when they stopped and were caught, not having 'seriously injured themseiveseThe bug was considerably wrecked. TI1E TWELETH 8EAFORTEL-On 1-1 •day last the eeveral Orange Lodges e-- - longing to this District, to the of about fifteen, assembled in ;Seal° h to celebrate the Twelftle of July. Tie • mornbageva.s Wet and unpromising, b it early the f renoon, the weather eider d up, and the reyeral lodges commene d arriving, nie il about noon„ the stre 'its were crowde with members of the or- der and thei friends. The Main str "et was nicely *cora-tea with ever -gree 9, arches, banners aaa bunting, and t e town presented: au ,imposina and a mated. appearance. After dinner t lodges aseeinbled' on Victoria Square, :ma fotraing. in procession; headed by their ram:Shit:1s and. the Goderich, and Clinton bawls marched. to Mr: F. G. Spaaling's grove, where a neat &Merin 'hail:been ereeted for the accommodation of the speakers. •The Chair was taken by District Mastet Commie of Ba•ytield., . who in his utual pleasing and felicitou delitered a:short °pelting ed dress. Short suitable' and elbetient dresses were also delivered by Rev.. Mr. Graham, of •eaforth ; Rev. Mr. Shantz, of Goderich Township,. and Rev. Me. Sieveright, Goderich. The addresses were inters ersed by music from the bands. At he conclusion of the ad- dresses, the ands played. the National Anthem, w en the procession We,s re- formed. and •eturneil to Victoria, Square where, after cheers for the Qiieeu and the .District Master, the several Lod.ges separated a -a started, for home. The -Lodges , the country, -which had come- dn.' private conveyances, left at once or home, while those front Clinton, Go township and Goder- ich took.the'r departure by train about 5 o'clock. he proceedings throughout - were charm erized by the utinost har- mony and god. order, and at 6 o'cloOk there was s arcely an Orange sash to 1.?e seen around the streets,and the townwas , as quiet as on °vim ary nights. -During tilE) Otternoon aid evening a; number of the young. gpi,ks enjoyed t etnselves in Card - no's hall," tripping it the light fantastic toe." the, demo s a ion throughout wee of a very hat 1 s and -inoffensive character, and all in erested eeemed to guard gainst clei r se,yieg! anything macula ed t° give ff nee -to or hurt the feeling, of even th most sensitive. T1.1i13 just ba it s o Id be and as we trust it ina,yliong o Untie to be in this Ontarii of ours. • ER otetie-Mr. R • beet Lumsden left Sea o h ou We e day ter the old couitir . He eitilt romi New York on Sat rday. wis hi bonvoyage. We clip the f lo pg from the Mo nt Forest Conte erate: "Last Wed - nes lay- afternoon, e Geo. Buggin, late of ea.forth, the npvapastor of the Gap- ed Methodist Cliu eh arrived in town alo g 'with his w e „and family. The new pester andcf ly were met at the station and eseort d o the parsonage by a namber of the e bers of the congre- , gaticn. Here ail ex client dinner had prepared b the ladies to the part3) at down. Upon ing the t er man" a. short was spent a social man- fter which . be friends withdrew, g Mr. Buggie • aster of the situa-% .Sunda, t e Rev. gentleman the pulpit o t e 'church very' ec- bly." • 11.111 g been wbic sati ti ner leav tion fine cept B. last the Sea des latt Was vigo resu teen ed, t run pia hos frie Tues but -% had. their Tb.ey with ous f _e( enatc Mapl Sego Ther both fore t Stars oppo show SE Rua,- h eek betwee a usiness and p rth and a ,ea sin Wingh place on intensely ho ously contes ed. in a bad • There wer e' Seafortli " and Win,gha rs were mos ta,bly enterta Is. They r ay morning, ith high hop "good ti visit even if t say they a e heir ppone t r the return 11 Match mentioned team selected from ofessional men. of •from. the same as played at the onday la,st. The day , but the game was d on both sides and ef t for the Statforth even innings play- rs" having made 18 36. The Seeforth iidiy received and n d by their Win gh am t ed to, town on petty Well used up, s or thefuture. They e," and don't regret ey did get beaten. bound to ibe , even yet, and are lanxi- ateli. • n Friday 1 st a very interesting was iplayed etween the Silver s of roxe er and the ptars ci th, on the re nds of the latter. ins some ex client playing on ides, but it v s very. evident be- e game was fa advanned that the were, by far t o heavy for their ents. The f llowiiag score -will the standin o the ga,me et ARS. C. . iLATER MAPL'S. 0. R. Baird, 2 3 Brock, c 4.t ... 2 0 Cameron, lh 4 1 Coutts,p &rf 4 0 Sills, 311. ' 3 2 Mos .ove, lb 4 0 W. Ca duo, 2b.. 1.. 3, 2 Me dy, 2b4 0 Baird, f. 4 0 A. A .. PauJin,3b & pi 1 2 Curry, rf 4 2 ro k, Bs. .. ... 2 2 Grcave ef......14 2 aulin, lf &c 22 A.. Car o, 4 :13 o k, ef 4 0 Lamb, 14 •au in, lf .. 4 0 - • To ...... .. 27-20 Ump Goo. Cardio, Forsytl Silver 14.lapleS; of gam ,2 hours. - he match for cup o the five ten have been played b.etw en the Stars, pions end the Red wet, • as been. postp day n xt, 24tleinet. large urn -out; as t the b it naatch play FA lane 1 2a. Co bort $6,50 • on th- first-c wort lande land Stant Pei Tho Stant hims ly itt advie viewi hien( ed to whicl the f dated stale ter le we st vorab shifte gale, throu was e • suffe the e( capta the S first t route On Mon ay 'aft nuraler of icebergs,. towe in majestioally wate , °eked very evem a of this day, * ed by dense fog, and Vesse had to be reduce went ell until 2 o'cloc ing, ,heu the vessel s enor Ions iceberg, towe abov the water. The ice o iher port bow, a the sailors call it, lid ich caused her to glance off the ice, e, id we soon_ came to sta,nd, but no terim s damage occurred, except above he ck, which wan stove in, one of the allele a 'Poll - NVOL bia 'k ey estim tiled of ic fell the oreGE loose ily ti imira -that anoti sol st out o one scree awe wh.e to pu cons The I got s at! th left t go b ref w te e and the roaring se-ap ers created a see serib . We had goo 'this, and got to Der •furth r mishaps. I in • T tal 275 e rth ; scorers -S. D. •tatson, Stars. Time the charnitionship ti s' Which was to last Saturday, aforth, (eh am,- ckiegs, of Listoz el until Wednes- TI ere should. be a s I expected to be d his season. St e Some --IVIr is scld his far cession of Stant r. Wm. Calland The purchaser first of Septem ss in every resp the purchase now owns 260 s there is in • illiaan Mar - Lot go, on the y, to his neigh - for the sum of gets possession r. The farm is ct, and is well oney. Mr. Cal- , ores of as good the township of 4. m ny friends of s Simpson, E q., ex -Reeve of y, will be please •to learn: that lf and, his good la y arrived safe - ie EmeraldIsle, and that at last they were _exit ing themselves Ig the sighte d Visitieg • old t. Mr. Simpson' letter, address - a friend in St nley, and from we have been, p mated te Make lowing interest ng quotation, is yrone, J -me 28. It says : "We from: Que ec on the Saturday La- ving horn T e weather when rted was oodi a, d. the wind fe- e, but to ards night the wind • ound ab edam blew almost, a conti med. o all the way Id • the l G lf. r he atmosphere emely c id, so much so that I even mire tha I ever did. on st whit day n Harmi. Our ook th nort route, through ts of B lle Isla Ours was the e4e1 of ti e see.s in to take, this ernoon we saw a g0M0 of them, high above the retty. Towards were smaound- he speed of the. d one-half. All Taesday morn - ruck against au ing 70tor 80 feet ship struck the g terwards • remarking that ld go into port this time with and a broken nose.' It was etween three and four tons and lay piled in heaps, over stle. The- boats were Cut_ ready for au emergency, but luck-'• -le we Were no all lost. 'hope ey were not needed, bet it was a I may never be a witness to such' er scene as occOred when the'ves- tick. Men seed "-wemen. tumbling , their berths and eerarabling over 'nether to get on deck, women • Mg' aud men sb.outing. I was -e my berth, shivering with cold, the shock oceatred, but took time on my boots, coat end. pants, and, queutly, I got 'behind the rush. leek wascovered with people when up. What Made the scare worse; lors were washi g the main deck • time of the ac ident, and they •eir hose pouring n the water to deck. The pass ngers, going up oted, spla,shed, a., e Id.eep in the iti through the e hard to dee passage after .without any end starting for I • IS Englan in.e. few days. Mrs. Simpson 0.11Ia he sister were sick for two days when •et board`the ehip, but I never felt better in my life, and, barring the incident above related., enjoyed ney_self splendidly." • - NE POSITO Wingham. Tire ICE. -The race for a purse of $80, be een T.. Bell's Factory Boy," and Ro key's "Miller Boy," mentioned last wok, came off on the Wingham Drivin 'Perk on Saturday la,st, and 're- sulted a victory for "Factory Boy," in Abut) straight heats. The race createdebonsiderable interest in -Own, and wait witnessed by a largenumber of people. xet er . Scirooi, VACA1 ToN,-The public school holidays! have cOmmenced, and the av- erage pupil weats a pleasant look. . Civic oeme4.-Our enterprising vil- 3 lage.peo le are 4gitating a civic holiday for the st of August. May their; ef- fort e be browned with success. - . e BOY INJURED.;-0II Wednesday of fest 1, week Alfred Dr w, son of Mr. W.DreWt of this place, w s severely injured by a horse r nning away. It appeare' that the ho Se was ttached to the 'buggy withou a bridl , and the lad not: being able to old hi ;was instantly renewer. He rec ved sev re bruises on thetface and leg but n w is in a fair eOrier of recover . Woo shippe It was States POST fact th the 1st prising ituothe ery pos commi HARI past w ripen s vicinit it. Sh success the lar roxeter. SIIIAIE 9,000 p 1 xported om this NED. T. -Mr. -Rbbert FotTatith unds of wool thi$ week. directly to the United place. Notwithstanding the the base ball tommament on f July itizens Q110 on ible me tee to e *as a failure, our enter- aave decided on holding he 16th prox, when ev- ns will be ,used by the sure 'succeSs. ST. -The extreme beat of the ek ha e °leased the NI wheat to' • ii., fast, th .t many farmers in this have al eady begun- to harvest uld the ' eather permit it to be lly harvested, this crop will be est forr-a number of years. • , • akelet. PHIL NTHROPI TS at. work. - Bull frogs i danger. ' Rest for he sleepy. - A than ful village. -Ever since Lake - let had a being it has ben pestered with b ll frogs in the stinamer time. Their rize range from a small -sized bumble bee to a large-sized teapot; and. nothing has lever1been foun since the time cif the flood to equal th m in voice. They ' sual y commence singing at ji niglatf , an -wcie be unto e ery nervous person n t e village, for here is no sleep for them till the "wee ma' heurs" come I ound, when the cho 'store grow weary ( f ill-doieg, and allo themselves to be ri eked to sleep on the gentle . rip- ple of he lake. I3ut grea praise be unto a ouple of our 'citizens for the hu- mane work they are about to ace - oomph h, na,mely, the catching and boxing ap of those very bull frogs and sendin them away tol-evell, the dear knows here, out of our reach at ' any rate; bus filling the* pockets with cash a d proeuring gentle rest at night fot the thankful Citizens of the village: May a lea,sant skin and many bright days s .me on th 'labors. -• COIL CIL MEETI ing of i rey Coun ness w s transac Douglee et el, to • at lots • and 6, c $80 gr: nted to o expend, d by Mr. plied t haye a and 8 xterlded t edto e tend saro, grant' g a like reques ed assista remov water fro 12, bo ndary • Oliver to attend Elma epresenta presen ed • a clai loss of an ox th the ro d -left o Messrs Stewart ed aba enient of conces ion 8-01 to abet said nui L. S., eported t posed o be done under the animpal Drain e Act is epsible, and can be ef- fected. On hear ng the repot it was moved by S. lemmon, se onded by Mr. 0 ver, that -. Caddy, B. L. S,; be instru ted to p epare the necessary plans ral estim tes for saiddrainage, and la the sam before the ouncil at next eeting-- arried. Mic ael Kef- fer wa appointe to oversee the driving of pile at - bri e, concessio s 7 and 8. A nu ber of ac omits were aid, after which ouncil a joarned. . • 1 Tuc ersmith. EDU 'ATIONAL.4The followi g is the standi g of, the pupils in chciol No. 4, for t e nionthi of Jane : he num- ber aft r each name denotes the per- ceatag obtained. Fourth class-Vinali Peacock, 87; Onslow Crich, 80; Lizzie Crich,165 ; Eveli •a A. Stevens, '49- • Mary 1 • Steen , 42. Senior third class -Mary E. W ters, 93; Alvina M. • Johas, 92; Annie -Wheatley, 8.7 ; Eli Crich, 66; Mary 4. Wise, 56. Junior third class -Emil Wild, 83. Second • class -Annie Plew s, 86 ; Edgar Whit- more, 85; Ira W. ohns, 85; Annie D. Crich, 81; John . Crich, 81; Joseph Wheatley, 75; Annie O'Brien, 71 ; Sarah Nett, 71; Josiah White, 66; Sarah E. Nott, 63. Fir t -class -Carrie ii Johns, 92 • Thos. Whea ley, 92; Louis Peacock, 9'0; Maggie W Amore, 83. Scnoca, BOARD.-Theof the School Board was held pursuant to adjournment at the house of Mr. Dob- son, last, Saturday. All the members present, except Mr. Cosen.s. The treas- urer predated his bonds, which: were accepted, and also the halityearly re- ports from the various schools, which show on the rolls 923 pupils, and only average attendance of 545, or 45 pupils to each teacher. The building com- mittee reported. favorably of the pro- "gress the new school was ma,king, and thought it would be finished creditably by the tiMe specified • and also, that the scb.00l at Egmondville had been satisfa toriltY let, and that the enlarge- ment o this school was highly neces- , stay a d fully justified the expenditure. Moved. by James MeEvving, seconded by R. N. Brett, that the Treasurer be empow red to draw on the township Treasu er for the interest accrued on the sch ol fund up t 'date, for the pur- pose of paying teac rey. 'G. -At the last meet - the following busi- ed: Petition of Wm. ave side road Opened neessions 16 and 17-• -Mes rs. T. Coates, of -Usborne, an Heal, of Mitchell, have purchased six hundred sheep, Which they intend ship- ping direct to England. We hope their venture May prove successful. -)Ve eegret to learn that Mr. James Spenpe, master from ill in the el -A man named Francis Harris •was sunstruct about noon on Saturdaywhile working in Mr. Pickard's hay field, near 1E eter, and died about two p. eaves a wife, but no children. hursday of last week, a three- , daughter of Mr, Thos. New- xeter, fell from a chair to the eking her collar bone in two place§ mid fracturing one of her arms. -On Saturday the mother of Mr. John Copeland., of Clinton, formerly .of Stanley," received a paralytic stroke, suffering acutely therefrom. She is, • Thursday even ng, July 4th, 1878 : howeeee recovering as well as can be sensible, and remained so until his Brothers J. F. Vilson, N.G.; T. Fletch- expected'. death, shortly afterward. It is sup- er, V.G-.; A. Duncan, B.S., P. Scott, On Saturday night a valuable cow, posed that he went to -unhitch the P.S.; J. Nott, T ; W. Lawson, RS.N.G.; belong -,in to Wm.Ransford,of Stapleton, team, when one of the horses kicked f met its eath in an unusual rammer. It him, the blow crushing iii. the forehead had bee tied in an ordinary stall, when until the brains protruded. by some mewls it lay down with its -The new Roman Catholic church head. beneath its bo y, causing suffeca- in Exeter will be formally, opened and tion. ' •I dediceted for service, Sunday, next. .. ried. 'Moved by James McE engaged for 'th tion said schoo to be known and desire held in Goderich before the Chief Jus- mence duties a _noted as No 1 --Carried. Moved by tice of the Common Pleas ton Tuesday, wagon, loaded with. lumber2 belonging to Messrs. Cooper & McKenzie, of Clin- Wood, that the committee arrange with -Mr. JohnMason,' of Hullett, is ton, ran away while in the vicinity of 'Samuel Walla e, seconded by John October 15th. ' the contractor t the ew school for the about selling that fine stallion, Ba,nk of the woollen mil an 'beought up in the number of seat rev ea, at the, price England, to its original owner, Mr. W. pond. connected' the ewith. A youth offered in his te der f r the same -Car- Hodgson, of Exeter. ,pluckily jiimped in al er it, and by un- ried. Moved y Samuel Wallace, sec- -The Blyth lock-up is now ready for hitching and e,utti g the harness, onded by Geor, Dobson, that the Sec- the accommodation of 'boarders. It is managed to free the horse from the retary be autho *zed to procure a copy said to be a contfottable and. convenient wagon, When it swam ashore, the wagon of the Scheel A t for each of . the mem- • little' place. Who will be the first almost disa.pPearing. A chain was af- bers of the Bo rd -Carried. The Sec- boarder? . • . terwards attached to the wagon and it retary was aut orized to advertise for a • -Zurich has now two weigh scales then drawn out. teacher for 'Bch 01 No. 11, to commence for the accommodation of the public. • -One day last week a plc-inc _ems duties at the e of the vacation -Car- ' One is °wiled. by Mr. N. Deichert and held in Sample's grove,Morris,underthe tied. The ,Bo d then adjourned to meet again- atlischool house No. 3, on Friday, the 9t of August, at 2 o'clock P. M. R. ing, t 110 the . Brett, seconded at a teacher be school, to corn- nd of the- vaca- skull and causing the loss of a great McRae deal of blood. Under medical aid he is recito.ti doing as wellas can be expected. The occ • -The tall assizes for Huron will be and was On nd Rodgers. Dialogues and s were rend red -very nicely. sion was a most pleasant one eartily enjoyed by allpresent. nesday, a, horse attached to a • russels. sample erop of flax brought to their Were 'delivered by Messrs. -D. McG-1111- the othet by Mr. John Prang, both ho- tel keepers. -Messrs. Patton & Doiward, of the Exeter flax mills, offer a prize of $5 over the price of the crop for the best - mill auspices of School Section No. 6, or- ris, taught by Mr. James Ilingston. The attendance was large, and. the re- freshments, thanks to tbe ladies of the section; abundant. After the "inner man." bad been satisfied,. addresses . . IN l./PERATIO .-Mr. Vanstone has got the ste m power in his flouring mill in operatic) Civie Helene e -Our town people are talking of .havi a a civic holiday about the first week i bAugusC Pic-Nic.----The children of St. John's Sabbath School, held. their annual pic- nic in Mr. strong's grove, on Wed- nesday last. TI ey had. a pleasant time, though the afte -noon. was very hot. • PERSON/U..- r. R. Ferguson, of the Listowel Banne -, was in town on the 12th inst. along with the boys in Orange. lo ked well, and was anxi- ous to get up a match game ofdraughts in Brussels. PROPERV Cu NGE.-Mr. jehn Parker has sold his property, where his hotel lately stook to nent & Son, who in- tend erecting a good two story brick building. Mr. Parker takes po8ses- sion of the Que n's Hotel, to -day (Fri- day.) this season. -Mr. Chas. McLeod now of Brant- caddy and. A. M. Taylor which were , I ford has sold his farm on the London duly appreciated by the audience. The Road, near Kippen, consisting of 100 day' proceedings were brought to a • acres, to Mr. W. Cudmore, of Stanley, close by sinna "God Save the Queen." for the stm of $6,006. wards of the county jail, excavations •-e-On the 13th inst., in two of the wards of the county jail, excavations were discovered in the outer wall. The work seems to have been done with a -file or some sharp inetriement. Large stones were removed, and an opening about two feet square and about half way through the wall was made. Mr. Henderson, the turnkey, caught Shank - lin -a prisoner on trial for larceny -in the act. Shanklin has been sent up for trial by the Mayor for jail breaking and attempted. escape. An investigation will be held before the Mayor as to the other prisoners. - -The following additional particu- lars are given of the Unfortunate acci- dent which resulted in the death of 311-r. Henry Hoffman, of Dashwood. De- ceased. bad been thawing saw lois on k d. h found. one of the he efficient and. obliging post - if Ethel is suffering severely es's. Asthma andinflammation e are his principal ailments. m. 'He -QI1 year-eld ton, qf floor,' br • INSTALLATION F OFFICERS. -The fol- true s, an w en • lowing afters ere installed into their whiffletrees was unhitched and he was respective' office for the current term lying in a semi-recumbent position, in Western St r Lodge, No. 1494 1nde- with his arms on the wheel of resting pendent Order dtlfellows, 13russels, en the truck. When lucked. up he was in-- • it 0 • W. Leadbeater W.; D. Watson H. ,Beamish, L J. Skean, tG.; G. Leadbeater, -C.; W. Grant see ntative to th L.S.N.G.;, W. Hartry, C.; A. Sbott, R.S.S.. S.S.; Kippen, 0.G.; J. E. Smith, R.S.V.G.: .S.V.G. T. MacAulay, F. . Scott, repre- Grand „. - -Aneccident o a peculiar nature Rev. Father Kelly, of Mount Carmel, odge. happened to a woman in Exeter a few will dedicate the church. Morning THE Oiuci CELE. RATION. - The days ego. She was chewing a small service at 9.30. On the same occasion morning of the 12th didn't open Very stick and accidentally swallowed it. the Right Rev. J. Walsh, D. D., Bishop promising for those who intended to It stuck:in hee throat, 'causing much. of London, will he officiating celebrant, those who had Made great.preparations °isms to extricate it. and. baffled the skill of the physi- assisted by the Rev. ' Dr. Kilroy, of Stratford, who will deliver, undoubted - take partinthe day's•proceedings, •!)r to Pahl( rained nearly all night and until 9 a. ni., John Dpw, of Usborne, was picking on the "Sayings and doings, of our On Monday of last week, while Mr. ly, in his usual eloquent style, a lecture . for entertaining a large gatheringl. It . Lord." To liquidate the debt incurred but in spite of aip the rainby noon there berries * short, -distance from Exeter, were not less th n 5,000people in tewee he suddenly felt very weak -and think- by the Purchase of said property, a Colt the several exc rsion trains frora. the ing that' he was goingto be sunstrucle 'lection will be taken up in the morn - North and Sout bringing the greatest immedi tely got into the shade. Itevas ors. On the arrival et some ti e before he recovered. rocession-of the differ -1 -The Wingham Times says. there rmed in the following are seveeal money lenders in that town marched from the statiou up who clear from two to three thousand. t to the old market dollars per a•nnum. "Pity 'tis, 'tis ing. A sacred concert, and the lecture part of the visi of Father Kilroy, will be at 4 p._ra. the last train a -A well-to-do farmer of the town- ship of Stephen, who apparentlyis tired. ent lodges was of living, tried to commit suicide on order, and mare Sunday morning last. He went out the Main streeinto the barn, secured a rope, and after grifunds, when t making one end fent to a beam, tied. the ner : Orange 59, Brutsels ; • other end around his neck and then lodge No. 1)9, dropped; but owing to the rope not 'be- ing strong enough to hold. the man No. 23 .Mornin who intended td murder hirneelf,very No. -766 -Blueva, No45 Pool, little damage was done, save •a black . Morningclale,,-T1 mark around his neck. After this ex- : periment proved to be uselees, the man went into the house and threw 'himself on a, bed, exclaiming that he would. kill himself yet. The family wonderine what was Wrong, at once proceeded t7) the barn whence he cam,e,, and discov- ered the rope. 1 ---On Tuesday of last week 4 young bay named McQueen, (laughter' of -Mr. Peter McQueen, of Usborne, was driving • nerthward through Ex.eter, and when opposite the post office a slight puff of true." - *of mon t's no trick to make money out but the difficulty is to make of which to make money, ey disbanded for- • 13riton lodge No. range Young Briton shell ; Orange lodges ton, No. 560 Zetland, e, No. 794 Wingham, erth County; No. 546 . 617 Listowel (brass Molesworth, No. 1,033 252 Walton, No. 652 77 Britton's Coraere, o. 631 Ethel, No. 63 negal, Perth coimt sect§ (brass band), he Main street ha ; • meney ut 4 -There were sixteen appeals by the Reforna rs of Brussels and about forty by the ,:touservatives against the voters' list of 1/377, before Judge Torus, on Sat- urday last, with the following result: Five Reformers put on; one Conserva- tive put on; and decision. reserved in two cases. • • -On Tuesday, the 2nd inst., the youngest son of Mr. jolin Ross, of RodgerVille, met with a severe accident. He was running through a small field of grain when he fell heavily upon a sharp stake, which entered the calf of his leg end inflicted a painful wound, 'several Inches in length. " -7-kgrand reception was given Satur- day night by the Orangemen of God- erich ite Mr. A. C. Simmons, of the Goderch Star, on his return from Mon- treal, where he attended to take part in the Orange celebration on the 12th. Thereere several hundred persons in the pro essiou, headed by the band and, torchli ts. , _ _ -On Thursday of last week, while two be s were trying to get up on a hay band), No. 369 .•Milverton, No: Trowbridge, No. Perth county; Elma, No. 78 • en said side line, to be and No. 774 Br Hislop; C. Laird ap- all 18 lodges. tch on concessions 7 been decorated an outlet -$5 grant- arches the full with three very "dth of the street, , conditional on Elms, the archway of he bridge was co um.; George Denman with evergreens,Iseveral private ar ce to cut a ditch to and al great arra of evergreens all concessions 11 and displayed, and a co rey find Elmat-Mr. df bunting from a to the) matter with At 1:30 all the 1 ive ; eRobert Pearson e, when speaking of $50 damage, for • r hours. ..A.t the ough being injured on ie lodges again fo er foe consideration;• marched throug nd Heinaston request- and to, • the st i a nuisance at lot 1, • tarted for home rk to notify the -party le proceedings p ance. Mr. Caddy, Et ideed, and by 10 at the drainage pro- imed its usual the s erabl large met i 'earn of th in pr pnnc -when, the trains p.m. The wh off v • quietly i the t n had as nese. I ' B Te- ,LETH.-T friends of this v benne& over two this Station for brating the day i was a large gat early in the eve highlypleased w the d y. eet was quantity uildings: the -squar d on for fo speaking t cession, an pal street • 1• ID SS ers' salaries -Car - 4 uevale. , e Orangemen and their lage and vicinity, num- undred and sixtyeleft the purpose Of cele- • Brussels, where thee ering. They retiirn d ng by rail, and. Weee th the performance M fin else ere he long • side the dges was lose ed. the tion, t six seed uiet- • II CH RCH AFFAI s. -The Presbyterian congnagetion of his village in. connec- tion With the ehirch afEadie's contem- platelerecting a I anse for their Minis- ter, 4nd have urehased an excellent site f r the same. They appointed a comi4ittee to so icit subscriptions, and so)ai have bee • very successful. We expe t ere long to see a building that will 1e a credit to society, and a great addit on to the v age. Bu ward lobe, Farr for p him mess CH ' who is a has Bola W, of this rting with very succe -Mr. E. P. has rented the 1 Stewert's funnt tentien of menu bespeak for him is a ractical wo NGES.-Mr. J hn Ed - out leaving for Mani - is block to Mr. John place. We are sorry ur old friend, find.wish sin his new ho -me. hite, late of I.listowel, wer apartment of D. e factory, wita the in- a.cturing pumps. We goodtbasiness, as he km au . • • Hun et. Notes. Mr. Bowie, of the 14th ccpacession of MeKillop, broke his leg on the 12th inst. -Efforts are eing made to have th3 head office of th Fifth Division' Court removed from C tit -ratio, to Exeter. --Kr. Joseph 'Hodgins, of the 16th concession of Grey, has oats growing on his farm which. easure 5 feet 5 inches in length. --Examinatio for third class teach- ers' certificates commenced at God- erich on ¥onc ay. There :are 138 applicants. -The many 'ends of Mee Robt. Britton, of Kinb , will regret to -learn that he is confinrd to his home by con- sumption. „• -On Thursda last Mr. Thos. Ap- . pleby, of Olintoil, met with a serious acbident. Whil4 at work in a barn loft, he fell therefrom, fracturing his • mow in in the't and fel feet. the barn on Mr. D. Baer's farm wnship of Colborne,they slipped. to , the floor, a distance of 15 he younger, George McDonald, wind blew her hat off. She turned the horse to one side, and having secured. her hat through the gentlemanliness of- & bystiinder, she was about continuing her jfurney, when the right front wheel of the buggy flew off and let the axle to the ground. The horse was frightened and darted. away at full speed, but the young lady was equal to the emer- gency. She did not shriek and fall fainting ,on the read, but she pulled herself together, grasped the lines firm- ly in her hands, and hauled the horse up in quick order. By some DleallelS a nut had loosened and fallen from the got a, ee -ere cut on. his forehead a,nd •axle. After securely fastening the had &hone broken, bit he will soon brwhed, Miss McQueen was enabred to around again. The other boy escaped _ proceed home, 110110 the worse for her injuey. 'withoutlittle adventure. -Mr employ fermerl *Linage shop a Ethel John C He man 1 t in th 1 • ' " of .J. N. Cober, Heepeler, and of Guelph, has ipurchased the property inclu ng blacksnaith d dwelling of D. Milne. of He comes higbljy recommend- ed, asi0 no doubt will gie good satisfac- tion. 1110 takes posse sion; Jan. 1st, 1879. 1ewi11 be in the employ of Mr. Milne Until that time. , -Th Exeter _Reflector of last week says : 4iite a curiosity was aroused on Monde 'evening last over the appear- ance ef 0, large goat attached to a mod- erately -;sized wagon, seated in which was a prominent citizen, -Mite wielded the wh.lp and handled the reins in such a mariner as to cause his goatship to step along at a lively gait. The rig, • belongs to Mr. R. Pickard. -The Wingham Advance says that a few ev lungs ego a baby wrapped in a shawl as left at the door of the resi- dence f Mr. E. Nicol, merchant, of Wingh m. Constable Ansley was sent for, whe placed the child in care of Mrs. John Jumnie, where it still remains. No cln4 has yet been obtained as to who it mother is, but it is supposed the chiz d was brought from Brucefield. - Mt. John T. Adams was enter- tained at a complimentary supper at Johnston's Hotel, Bayfield, on. Monday evening last. The dero:onstration was got IT by Mr. Adams' friends as a mark of their esteem for him on the eve of this leaving that village. A very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Ada,nes had. been a resident of Bayfield • for over,20 years, and Was held in very high esteem by the people. - The anniversary slervices in con- nectien. 'with the Whitlfield Methodist Churph,1 12th concessi n, Grey, were held pn. 'Sabbath and M nday last, and were largely attended. An anniversary sermon was preached on Sunday at 2.30 p. m. by Rev. W. Hayhurst, after which a collection was taken up in aid of the Sabbath School Library. On Mon4a,y1 a tea -meeting was held.. in Whitfield's grove, where addresses were delivered by Rev. Meesrs. Hayhurst, ; serious accident [occurred on the 2nd inst., at Mr. Win. Merkley's, in Turnberry, by which •t'ree of his sons, aged respectively 16, 10 and 8 years, narrowly escaped death. It seems that while at school on that den a boy name Geo. Anderson gave the ykungest • Merkley a dynamite cup, who took it home and gave•it to his oldest brother, who, not knowing its use, gave it a lit - tie scratch, when. it immediately ex-. ploded. The two eldest • boys were knocked insensible, -the oldest boy's thumb and fore -finger of the left hand. blown off, his third finger was badly lacerated., and the rest of the baud 'much l'bruised.; the thumb and fore- finger of the right hand. were also badly torn about. The two younger boys wero struck in several places, but not seriously injured. ,Although the eldest boy is still in a critical condition, it is probable he will recover. -About moon on Saturday, the 6th inst., a fatal accidenti occurred on lot 4, conceesion. 15, Grey The proprietor, Mr. J. Sellers, was erecting a hay der- rick, the frame work,of which had. been set up qn cedar posts the day, previous. On. Satulinday Sellerst eand a neighbor panted Tohn Stewar! went up on. the buildin , and procel dek to sheet the roof. hey ha.Lt ju t completed their task anli were on the poinitof descend.- iug, Bo hat the building, -which was in- seeure, might be more; thoroughly braced, when the frabiework gave way, precipitating them te the ground,. the rafters .nd sheetin 'felling on top of them. 'When tak n. from under the debris, it was found thet Sellers was in- jured on the spinal cclumn, the lower portion of his body from the small of the back being completely paralyzed. Stewart's arra was broken below the shoulder in two pia ee and the shoulder disloeated. Medici 1 assistance was -at once procured,•but iotwithstanding the closest attention, I r. Sellers gradually sank, and died s iortiy after nine o'clock on Sunday orning. Hopes are entertained of Ste art's recovery, al- though he lies in a recarious condition. JtTLY 1.9, 1878. $ellers leaves a, wife and eight c to mourn his loss. He was well kneel in the section and Universally rest ;stlynIlla pliaitshys°orrf t°hwienn%igrhelbaotrihvoesoahainvet afgicti11°en -Ellen Wilson alias Leech Came te before Judge Squiei on the 12th iner charged. withstealtg a valuable feather from C. M. Newans, a merchant- ei 8,Wpini5egahrinaing: thTeliperis,Ciarno:n rwas ttireeztal to the 13th, and due Berviee of the ett, pcenas having been petven by 'the, Shceoriffinp'selat °ffieteeridawnPerre aolthtsvve7we toitisiilleanessie pmosteladeof1,5atnbd. itnhset;elbfrhea being case w eraeast's able doubt as to hew the prisoner eat* into poi3session of the feather, she vet, discharged. The Judge inflicted a nee ing. $1310e0otnoniyaolniteowtohoflkoseiiiiitleestesheaesseassmottraffeevsi: nbietstseirs awilereminien aNittaedce. snianinineaiThateley, tier rested again for anther alleged theft„ --The following eases were tried bee ' fore Squire Wilson', •of Blyth, last-tveet Thos. Taylor charged John glut (both. of East Wawanosh) with having unlawfully, taken aws,y it plank belong- ing to the plaintiff. Black aaIllitka that he took thephink, but pleaded that he supposed that it beloeged to the %a poration and. that be had -a right to lee it itt hie capacity ae pathmaster. Tay- re711-atuoisrthhaielpironfa:kt.,8,33a,ainiatiektoge:phaaseyr laoor:a, neprreeoodvf et odon a sum of $10.60. ; John Black chargea Thos. Taylor with having assaultea him. This ease arose in connection with the above plank scrape. Taylot, told Black that the plank was his (Tay- lor's) and Black ealled Taylor a d ---a liar, upon which the Is,tter shook hi' fist itt the fornaerisifece, and told hi/el not to use the words aicraillr. In court Taylor admitted the feat and that hit hand touched Bleck in., the face, -which - the magistrate decided Was an assault, and fined Taylor one dollar . and costs, in all $3.85. NEW SUMMER GOODS iTHE 'THREE OEvgiNs.. • THE LARGEST ; STOCK* OF DRY GOODS IS AT THE THREE SEV- ENS. THE NEWEST AND MOST FASII- IONABLE STO • litOF -GOODS IS AT THE TIME SEVENS. BET VALUE IN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS IS AT THE THREE SEVENS. BE TH UTIFUL FITTING- MANTLES - ADE TO •O• DER AT • THE REE SEVE. S. CLIOICES* PATTERNS IN - RPETS:. IS , 'AT TH.E ThRE IWENS. .•• CA • PETS CHEAPER THAN IN ANY • HOUSE IN CANADA IS AT THE T --IREE SEVENS. • TH Ti BL A FINEST LOT OF NEW LACE INDOW CURTAINS IS AT THE REE SEVEN'S. •CK SILKS :AT -BOTTOM PRICES THE THREE SEVENS. FA CY STRIPED SILKS AT 56 CENTS PER YARD, TO CLEAR THEM, AT THE THREE SEVENS. PRINTS WORTH 15 CENTS SOLD AT -10 CENTS AT THE THREE SEVENS. FINE REGATTA SHIRTS. CHEA AT THE THREE SEVENS. • THE 0. B. HAPPY SHIRT, AT $1 50, IS AT THE THREE SEVENS, THE BOSTON SHIRT, AT. $1, IS AT • THE THREE SEVENS. JUST ARRIVED, NEW STOCK OF GENT'S HATS AT THE THREE •SEVENS. GENTS' SILK TIES AND "BOWS,' IN GREAT VARIETY, AT THE THREE SEVENS. THE . GREATEST'' SELECTION OF CLOTHS IS AT THE THREE SEVENS. NO OTHER HOUSE IN SEAFORTH CAN SHOW SUCH PATTERNS .AT THE THREE SEVENS. STYLISH SUITS MADE TO ORDER. AT THE THREE SEVENS. THE PLACE TO BUY ANYTHING YOU WANT IN DRY GOODS IS - AE THE THREE SEVENS. 54 PAIRS PRUNELLA BOOTSTAT 65 CENTS, WORTH 90 CENTS - SEE THEM AT THE THREE SEVENS, BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE AT THE TH,REE. SEVENS. THE- THRE-E SEVEN. A. G. McDouGALL & Co. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. e„. z , 1.3EV-3 WEIQLE I -IBA", B B nfAm FTt'1).±:alt.-cteS:vi , ta:-71g1 3:11:11:11 u:c13:112 L.Cliel LI- 03 ,:1, il je4:4 30) 1 3311_6511mil 0:1Se,:i3::. . Iclat:olext7CliloBlitxul:,:6eer:Is,n::h_. .6:1•111 . yivx:oottiso.n477seosr:lrithotaNirlittund:it.;:esn.:(7. -a; t e Huron Doi Meg.illop ; there i tlistante from Ir Ti-1_1013,-7-::7::_st: Itur rt, 20 acres -a 7 tabaing 85 acres, geed. state of ouit I one et:oata raleaj ' 'will r a $oiiiiter, Se fort' ' field COnees the village of Bay on faxemble tel JOliM GOVENV -1-:--1-4.1/TheFrn'aelt, CSOA.' bg.'17sehr fltte°1arSsi s xtu:1 BeuEa: stab: 7 Trom Bruce Reilway. ' ATA1.713A13LE ,1 e: acres, TFrunclvket,etan its] I:tee:mit ivItt I i ,Isi slt :it tsCbt :11.11ovi ar4 hest quality. Pi .3-101ES PICX1.1" Bgrnendviile P. ti hail of Lot 23, C• i esztli ita ssaebssi. oep,s;„trillneov 6.11:11 * miles from )3 VAR)Lt FOB, S eiltt11415114ee 1Cr 1 ir aau ielitj 11 I : 1 u It4:1 i 1 1-1:49 1110:11b:ra:lalbl: 1:11.1house .13 lae: 1r( i raE71:iand ") ilf,'IC7P.:3:1 -adi 11': o ' e.,11v1,0Cent:Ill.,074- :::_lir by 1Yelli f's:ritst'h esil I::: r: ib trs,ponifiniaps.: 4: t es. JOHN 1 V.A.11 Olt, .........m.,_..i.,„--i 4F3YtyPEftllofttHe ounl 4noltuartes17ieras'al,:biligearsr,n,11:41 Town of 'Se *ter,. The , 44 fo pi • lial it n 1:eMing:fil:Lei snarneur ti%eit:sS:: ttsa-Buahaleag '.e jj . tor, On the I r.,ed.. It 1 !eto A 8 nut: 1;1 1(. 11i:et i -p. ABM FO. 'AI litItind .1ctleee.rsoedui 4,1: 4ngs inia I; •ill :g ro.i. a t:t If afeTT;e0:111:7Seti!e: p'flitIT:Pe:miAlli.,:tListt:tsesiff.:301 , • ' I Lot lbli' a goodstat ' • stone hOUE and good miles from :0"0:1';', : ene,et: Po P. O. - FAI11181- lop, 50, . trom $es, Y5: hall eearea1T lrcime!1 2:1:au: ek fair hull;-' t_he, fitrin •.$1'110,-S16•1 TOW• 1; a 1: .14°Ca t 4 ) Sneweertae8,1 tia f oTiiiees:. ':: thr - anGloeuithiie:ollbetet: i Parclipelit ' se' 3.00'A1:)fMw') Let 6 Ihi 1.aTrthere8at-we lis:a venience. sheds ; ti of water 17_117 1603 er errrii ipittn:snittrattoirnit it: ....... • rata :V.33.82: aht°b: 13: a: s tm atItgejk L:fig I 111:bve . • nay; lo propri ill healt