HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-19, Page 719, 187s S BOOKSTORE FORTH. sies:viftly !lying, 7 f`C safe ,diaa aF, . ,•1. on t lea:, wealts regain. t•t 1, wad alt endless Yi. (Qo(laa at roan tv don't you get married, enj y this life, - grt't I've' tarried, jail a wife. t•+ nt co.t rat Iirt .r . ,. t cell ilia n : �, dna � tel, cbrated .E&Harv' Orgrait, ilun f'c xt,x—lige ani t,trllx,fiacturc�it — cavil at tarty li4it- 13 save `oumoney when you are ill. live ou les= money your courting bill, .taa>ati WedtIing labium_ oricc x tat Unity).il-iil.% Gold Watch ;fdi $25, ane Wetly vt+.ry elxeap, SIIyCi ▪ ever offered in Seaforth, - • hinds, and the best Oil; eetaa lesand E3 c Glasses, :I Glass. Pictures Framed,, liet, €incl Bi gat : :.`heap, lots s the wall Paper and W. :+eafvrtll. 4'. good stoek,sll: r 0111Ii r- '+].otic%tail.. The a to all. -lly Stock will, i.;E?ipf•ct€O1i. Flunk 1 •evil]. not go to Har Iv eye become so dazzl tzh; for a iveek after bei -Mu 1 always buy until :•-.i±t'L times 1 don't stop a Eth to see i t 1 left anything. t:; as cot know. it Cash .Business. R , Ti-t.E MACE 1PBEl..L'S BLOCK,' ._ I ARU MITCHELL. 'SEAFO4T.II .t` ails ip a1 - MD ZOSTR O N • .L=.•:tl Fix .ss Stock, Fire ,:mete C:un.x.yi::ea,and isprepar- b AV O.R. A 1>L•E TEitalS, f vrr:tl of the best r.c,tB 'SO@i$- i sale end purchase a Farm r: tl11.• FIRST-CLASS UM - FAR M M -FARM S FOR SALE. *Alan at S Per Cent. Interest. 13 hire Star Line of Steamers. dturi�=,ll's Store,,Main-St �L ATTETh1»I.,. if�T I- I N ETZ 'CAFORTH, pared than ever before tit sup- lass article in Milk Cans, Milk lk d all other Dairy U'tensi,ls,. at. good artiel¢s ca,n be parehasea ' I, loinf Promptly Attended c ;{d at Lour Rates. Llicit of liitivare Constantly on iii order. Custom. Work receives: Tin Store in this New Brick place to buy. MRS. WHITNEY. EMPORIUM. kr hereby thanks hi:a nuzneront ;chalets andothere) for their Liberal ng the past seven years, and hopes, ley andclose attention to bias-inessr onfldonce and trade in the futnre:: ray enlarged his premises, anriui. 114110W prep.red to pay the T C. SH PRICE ' bila- of good fresh eggs, delivered. EGG. EiIPORIUihI`, Main Street,Seaforth. the eobscriber25 tons of good dry r ST1ot.w. .:. i :..,SON. OTTO H I. GE.RS, FARMERS ANIS OTHERS: - e JLY 19, Vat -T•wenty thous 01 iu :unkind ea the Ream •lloxi irS. Pyran: jjuoiS, took preruiu Ise at agricultural ..-The actual we caught by Mrs. H darks, was twelve Rrtars Flu 13ri:.,bt\va.s one of the oldest ia, staunchest tee °talllers in the Unit- ed Kingdom, liavi :guested no spirits for forty years, el -Two cows \ver run over on the - Grand Trunk track at Mitchell a . few days ago by a passing train. Ours, was owned by Mr. Walter Thanison, and was so badly inlui d it had to be killed. The other, .. ow,-nec`i �y Mr.: Patrick S.ul- livan� ulav rei:over� tss Lttitar idd, daughter of Jo- selah Mad, Esq., 1 ublili, has been pre- sented with the god medal for general proficiency and god deportment, at the •• convent of Si. •Joseph, Toronto. This is the third or fotl;rth gold medal ob- tained by Miss Kidd.. _George Fesseler, treasurer of the Stark Company, who thseaneled from Canton, Ohio, with aa. large atnouitt of county funds, reached Loudon, !Ont., and deposited $33,000 in Standard Uflicers are ell route arcing him to return eties. lid field daisies were the marriage bell wedding. cattle farmer in Ti- ns amounting to $1, -- airs last fall. ght of the big trout yes in the Aliro a- pouncls and. three - upy the attention of alit these : the subscriber is determined to tering good inch Hemi kk, '`Bot - for inch," at the following rates: ek. at $7 00 per thousand ; 14 foot -7 60, far Cash. All orders over 4'000• sourtt. Call and see if you don't presented. nus over 3 month:) will be alierged ibex thanke his numerous onstoree1e' 1 support, ane]. solicits a cantina' favors JOHN iHOMPa3.O\. Steam Saw Mills, McKillop. H'ENSAL.L ND FLOURING MILLS. Aveede1l Want Supplied. .— .did iicw :mill with four rem of stones very best Of machinery is in the. order and giving extra. satisfaotien. • the management of;. McGregor ey do. ndt hire any careless millers, • work themselves, being practical y run all the griaets through a Mor- ena weigh in and out Glop can be day. eGltEGOlf & 1 EQUH ART• IR DRESSING. S Made over into Switches, CnrIeT- . • d Puffs, all in the Latest Styles and aid feel in the i'rettural Way - itlt Roots at the top. MISS CARPO W, am hunt's, four doers west of the forth. 5528-26 Bank. The law With the view of ii the stolen money: —It turns out t thought he was a on the Grand Trig and jumped off t( robbers, was craz particle of truth he remember a rogated by Maj.. dent, (..f Stratford clergyman • trudging home with a stout coca ±tat the Austrian wvho victim of au outrage ""k Railway last week, get away from -some . There was not a in his stogy, nor did ord of it when inter - Lannon, Superinten- forcemont''.Df 1. a; distastefu and remonstrated ' with lh Its would not yield. They be deterred i from paying rites as they' saw, -ht, • and:t' e body was taken from the hearse and • arriedl toi th Catholic cemetery, a'distal) (3 of alnlos a toile, with ithe precession lof carriage intact. —A ninuinent has b: en recentls. erected to tete memory of t ' e California millionaire the late James Lick, at .hi birth -place Frederioksbur,', Peiuisyl vatinia. The n)ominienit 11,;s bee i pro nounoed unequalled for be sign and. elegance of finish morial structure of its Size States. I is, ; com'pli•}n- Canadian artist, 'and to Gat, men, to learn that the s desigaied by- Kr. Robert 1 treel, who erected the voh unseat in our Queen's Par —While St. Mary's Te ciety were picnicing near 'donne an exceedingly arose, during which what a bull of fire burst with €a' shivering a large tree ,unde Bridget Maxwell, an elder • ()Iranianoe priest, but vere not tel he last sal, • was se3u by as neighbor1 3i Monday morning,, he had just bought, and was accosted with : "Mr. Milton " did you know th Sunday? The s`• a teri�t�dr, blunt m weel, the Pith is my roan:." —A' Georgian fish we as cau�,Er lit on mister, in his c,harae- Her: replied : - " W eel, of to blame for that, farmer smeared his hods with tar to rid them Of fleas, and • turned them loot in the.- woods. At night they slid n t return to the pen -as • usual, aiil lathe morninghe found them stuck together, the tar making then. adhere in- a ma dot home neve]. action, but it ist uty f de - y all r nle n the Tnite ntary to r adia ww ori uctu e wa eid, o Moi nteer.' moa peranco: ,S ew Lon); olent star I BA eered to he -I • • 1d4u1. repo:: , I' • :which stood y :lady. Sl wel fort.` ified with pure . blood, andy a .i ed frame."—Cx�)tt Ser- re only in,packets label - Epps &'Co., Homoeopath- 48,,'Threa ,dneedle Street, ad,; lly, London.".482-52 \Vert t;!•n Railway. ussele A,>atioal, north and south, GOING SOUTH. properly n oto sh vice Gazette. led—" Jai lea is Chemists, at,nd 170, Pico Great Trains leave B MI under: GOING NOR riixed......10:2) A. M. Mail,. 6:16 A.M. Aoisom....... 9: 8 P. M. Accom. - 12.15 A.M. Mail 2:6 P.M. Mixed.., • • • 7:96,P. M. Grade Trails leave S follows : W.E 8T— ozxa Express Express' roes f C}ttIVG FART Mixed Train. Expose Trei Mixed Train.. MixedTitain. Trunk Rail1vc►.aY• aforth antt Clinton Staa: to SEAro1TH. Q, CLINT .i• .f N 2:�t6 P. 11'L• 2.1fr P. I.. P. M. 9. ]Mi. 8:58P , Mixed Train.. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A M. SEAFOr ii._ ' CLINTO1i. .. 7:52 A. M. 7:027 A.M. .. 1:16 P. M. 12:50 P. M. .. 6:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. .. 10:35 A.M. 10:00 A.M. • 8 a8 0 was instantly' killed. - Tile lightning THE �l G t -hr 1 .: the :tart].]. a e made a large hole 11 .g feet. Peoele witlainitwen 1 yards were knocked down and ,prost•ated by the paralyzed in lad , had his The people e, advertise oath Wales) 1i made at ng machines n, Canadian oden rmanu- d ertised the Pork, chairs, wagons, bug- gy=harne,.s, clothes pi •s,; Umbrellas, boots an' shoes, thunk s' and valises, paper. col ers and some of t ',shoo. Two ladies, were the (owes limbs, and a shoe.' torn from his fee wwerelpani estrieken. • From' neat 'amongst Sydney (New e .Canadian ori, Cl Guelph, sew er, of Hainilti rs, .and ether, w There are also n " hams; haco wheels, staves, ss. They Might have t.el:ess, by concert of 't hog to harmonize., —a Bruciclerin " sant an elderly color - era preacher, in tie course of a funeral over the remains of one of his flock, whoseehead had been caved inby the hind feet of a mule—" Brwcldern, it ani powe fel strange dal, arter nio'n a hun • dred y'ar$ of s€ stru 'speriment, a cull - a eel pusson shud pussist in '.proachin' a mule from de r`en" - -,I.'rofe:asor 131ackie,iu €:.recent lecture, said:—L! A wornaa is naturally as'aff- erent from a mean as a flower from a tree. -She has more beauty and. more fragrance, but less strength. . She will be fitted for the rough and thorny walk of the masculine professions when she has a rough beard, a brazen front,. and a hard skin, but not sooner." There lives six, miles from Rich- mond, Ya., Mr Martha T. Hopkins, who is only 39 years old, and has just married_ her si: Atli husband, She was harried at 20' rears of age ; took her second liusbanicl when she was -21 vears old; her third. -when she was 27 tears ole. ; her fourth when 32 years cold, and her fifth when 37 years bid. On Monc.aiy .aafternocm, ars daaues Nairn, ar.,. of the township of -Fullerton, was crossing the Grand Trunk Rai:lvaay track,wlut li runs into the -rare_ and workshop over the' Downie road, at Stratford, he was str uck by the yard. engine and so badly mangled that he expired a fete hours after. despite the efforts of the medical attenuants called. —Last Monday night the safe belong- ing to the G. W. R. station, in Galt; was burst open with gunpowder,cella the sum of $85.44 taken, also some chequers which are made payable to the Treasurer of the company-, which -will he of no value to the burglars. No clue yet to the parties. - The powder was put into a hole cut ih the top of the door by a jim- my or some tool. N. . B R. E T T, SEAFORTH, ad Retail Dealer in LEATHER a>saa neagates of Every Deseriptioni -the Very Best Stock kept• Teas A Trial Solicited. All order* b 1136' e promptly filled, ` lif rl;. BIIrBTI•' 1 niente in : Herald, a T3rome a by Wan, slates°, do factures. " Arneric flooring, —Dr. 1 residing i perused fingers, aly zed, t was lost.. deprivati - of despai id. wli h lett by f •ewell. great s11 the lette from th cl1 ilc, h xv'liich is —Cap 4:embia —The - Paris newspaper Figaro, is most flattering in its mention of English women at the Exhibition. It says "-that their decided walk, the cranerie of their appearance,. their air of interest frankly shown ; the cut of their gak- ments,madc so as not to embarrass their movements, is altogether very pictur- esque and. fresh." - The further pxclama- tiox that out, of ten eight are generally young.atud five actually pretty,canpletes 'the elegaart connpliment.• —A ww haler darned Oe liindll or :Alain, wife of a. fisherman residing in Ayr, Scot- land, had ocasion to go out . to see a neighbor retie' t1v,takinaher child,au in- ' fant-seven weeks' old, ww i h her. When she reached her uestina ion, after walk- ing about throe bund al. yards, she found that the child had. died while she was on the road, Dr. Muir, • who was :called iu, atta.•il4utod the cause of .death to suffocation cap used by the child hay- ing been too c.atrefully wrapped up. l ars, dried, fl1tii lardtvare .novel les. Possibly n€ di€t . .actual- • es8 areCfa ell relates that a blind ;iri, France, had fcr Many years L 1 4lrribossed 3'ble :with I her ut becomin i - paaitially par--• le se ,se of to el in. her ft gees �lI r agony of .mind.la the n we s great, aa d a rno neat -'she took nl 1 er -Bible, jbent r he d 'and k' •sed , the )pee ray, : s si e sii p )star]., of a last In the ,ac,. of. ' oleina so, t her prise aua sudde; joy., she felt s distinctly wit i her lips, 'and t day," he . ac.ds, "this poor thus been rea ing the beak her one great comfort." . - , the - for uic iu n est • aaiii. J. J. Hope _ohnstone for Dumfries. hide, -1ia- some title beim no-thee(as a 11 Ila Dr.. Ne baste:We 1,rive, e - asy=lnl Tieeh a t, 'Sussex. Gr ye, doubt* .are In Prints, DrASs . enter ad :eel as to, the Decossity o his ceys, Flannels, &c prolol g detention all tais asylun , and Very cheap. his el ds are 'n possession of opinions 'from -eral'of he . highest auto cities in -hi 'y that his complete re overy ALL. THESE ',GOODS and 're um do i of his ;parliana ( P� (-LOOS N oUld .b reaidere 1 more s and cer ain by is imn ediate ice - the pr asylum. �. from t lis asy succe , til elaimant to t ' e dermal). quisate f Annandale, a i aldditiou)a.l in- terest a taches to this iltleman. —Pr. tty Melissa: - Sm th, the, b lie of Ilattera daugiite • of a ltgh ileo ion ars open fl. Sousa;, the 15eaz 1tree e. AS Rh lowv frdr i ].tel` bed it fell knaltol led i nto the st' teing drawn, and in ati it up he ,slipped auc strilthie the iron steps. She sank . into the Wa er, g ave three . ierciug s reams i aucl W, s ca Tied out bv`the surf j ist as cher fa her appeared - n the elo )rnrev.:. She w • -s to have been ar led on Wed- Sign of nesday, ana had parte with her lover half a hour before he sde .th. J WI L i _• LDEN LION S aA 'OR,TH,. MR. irn THE SEED STORE. `EAFR " EVERY_ 1 Vy VARIETY OF TUE BEST. CONSTANTLY* ON HAND FIELD. GARDEN AND ' ) 1 R SEEDS.- FLOUR OF EX- TRA. ' QUALITY, OATS, SEED CORN, OATMEAL,ijItXOKE» k.I' -131 \I AND MILL FED OF ALL KIN: AT THE LCHEST RRIM :1L AYS IN STOCK AT OUR NE PREMISES NEXT .DOOR TO THE 'FOUL RY, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTE . ALSO 'POTATO, + AND ALL `VARIETIES OF GARDEN VEGETABLE PLANTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THORLEY'S KEEP • m C z m 'JAMIESON, Having this week Started, for Glasgow to buy his Fall 'and Winter Stook, begs to announce that during his Absence, his Large Stpck of SUMMER GO O01 1g of Lustre and L`nen - id Vests. Oxfor and Shirts, &c;. will bs sold L Reduced Prices. Consistii Coats . al Regatta tat Great A LO S, 0) : m z c_ O; co z 03 O. 2 73 Sp, 0 m rn 0 —1 U) m 0 D'1 OF R MNA$TI S Foods, Win- will i be sold e a —The best remedy for bleeding at the Hose, as given by 1)r. Gleason in one of his lectures. is the viperous 1na- tion"of the jaws, as if in act of mastica- tion. la case of a child. a wad of paper. should be placed in its mouth, and the child instructed to clzew,it hard. . It is the motion of the jaws that stops the flow of the blood. This remedy is so very simple that many may feel inclin- ed to laugh at it, but it has never been known to fail in a single instance, or even in•very severe cases. and Mrs. Squibles and the visitor; were sitting in the parlor ' and thei olive branch was sleeping sweetly • in an iflullr room, from which. 'a door opened lute the parlor. ; Yes ina'aiu," said Squiblez," there is something abou babies that appe:al:A to the finer feeling of our mature : an indefinable presence • -which s;;fceue us and. makes our hearts' go out 'award them ; a suitably influence whleb. recalls-.--l,)rg:esl.iiess sake, Maria, go in there and etran le that brat, so that a lnau can hear himself talk in his 10wiz housed' -- At the funeral of a -Miss Burke, in Auburn, N. Y., lately, the attendance of friends in carriages and on foot was very large, the carriages numbering more than forty. The Roniau Catholic, priest in atteudauce said. that only 12 Carriages : Sh ould be allowed in the procession aiud a lialt was oalled_ou the -street to cut off the rest. The friends -woere indignant at the attempted en- • i ntary eedy loyal b.able Mar- s Island]., was the me- topper. Ou Sjiuday he wwas going t ; bed, she e door of her. ro ; m in the ar judder that s :night le li tale th frern her 'may, the mi =11.nh tj fell, hEir Must -b. make r that GR Cleared Out so _as- to Stock, ole for �Te�w so T BARGAINS even- I• threw Can be had at the Golden Lion light during- the Summer. enjoy e pil' hand. slide pick head. R.JAMI=SON, -Tl e following is g•'veti by tl e - All litany , f the murde w eek in Texas Philip Mudd, a h . d Har- ris .county, wanted $14 fora cow which. Joliu C. Super; a nei,'libor, wanted to to pay 8,s nitucli. morning of the Oth ult. ;Mudd riend rode to .` iper's house, fund found iirn loaning ower the gate Af- ter sale ting, each claii , ed that he was badly rented in the bargaining Out carne s'uper's pistol, bi t Mudc.'s :,aught in his racket, and'the latter was shot in• th mouth, and t len .through- the heart. : Super walked into the -house, leavi n his , y s victim's bo to lie' where it } ell fo,• three hours, el '4. he waas after - /yards admitted to $3,(,$3,(, 00 bail. rias as a fair,` .pecin-len s recurring a1m,st ev 1 -er r o buy; b On'th and 'a t Super refuse( ... oug 'theins Ives i' c qu eiltly a.ry,complaints; which tressii g ase fatal dise but t`atte!idecl to in. PUlm tie - Wafers " are as Certain remedy. ,They :trip the iiritatiirlalcough and seethe aiic1 •treugthen the bronchial tubes, allayi igIll arritation5 , lid inflarum WO. They are also panic laxly- adapted for the in e Of si nger: s ant' `public speakers. Sole 1 y all druggists a. ud couutry deal- ers 'eat 2:i cents pe) 1)a. . , . Allonr.uaic�rar.E RES -r.-i' --It makes no wIL difle2 -lige how:].]..ally Ithvajicialls,or how Inucl inedieine you b.'ave;Lried,it is now an es 'ablishcd. fact Ge rman Syrup is the • only 01.e4which h is given complete satisf, etion in severe ase of -Lung Dis- eases. _ It is truet-her•o: €arekwet thousands of pea sons who are pre lisp'osed to Throat s and. (.olds, When left to ;bring on pulmon- lead to that alis .4c, constlanption;. time, " .Bryan's 1 the Go1don IAM HILL &-'CO., :I ,EAFORTH. good and cheap is tl hale, and which has ].Ori • good business in a f our show room a O m -1 , n a 03 (0 r -a0 m .-1 0 co C 0 z 0- O (A - AT ID. To t1ie Free and tors of the Cc Ei3 'LE\IEN—As 0 O 0 o 'SHOO L ONl1SaA 2 z m z 0 0 z0 XL z m 2 0 .® 0) C r IMPROVED HORSE ;AND CATTLE E FFE D. el SIGN 0 - TIIE , TUBA Qi,tiRP.' 1 I R l~ !<i A ,1 , I UT � i ' & V (j a r Co. R. LUGA_T ; TACKS OF NEW EW SPRING GOODS 'i. —AT-- 'CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. Some hin Rare in Worsted Suitingss SPLrhDID VALUE. T )P.TEDS OF* ALL 1(IiVDS IN GREAT VARIETY. HATS, OAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS,. TIES, &C. Also a few lines of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Everything will be solei at prices that defy. • � More Cash! 1 Casa . tic coiapetition. 0 atiha Order your Suits, gentlemen, when the ateck is fall: T (v 1� � leo. 1, 1 i �� VA_MPB L U �tn,pbell'b Block, f SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. Call at .1! 7? CC U�\TTk'l 'S Jewelry .Store al V r 7 WALL PAPER/ BORDERS,. AND WINDOW BLI I . I show* intbe above lines this year a FINF. STOCK and BETTER VALUE than ever before offered in • C O_ ALL - }iaw'iII : � On tr NEW, and b. My Patterns are )ti , � � direct from the mannfacturers, I an self at beat. that cannot be a 1 pTlet?B ?i- lllso Al Proof Carpet L.�ry � 9 � Low Prices. ATS .1'S IN STOCK FULL LINES' SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAN- EOUS' BOOKS, OFFICE STA- TIONERY, Vie. OLI � NTOP� 8Q STORE, Express and Telegraphy (rice. JAMES A, YUILL, THE SEAFORTH WOOLEN - MILL . TO THE FARMERS. I f you have Wool you wish to have 9nttatle up, or to trade for 0 NQOWOOLEN1 I4 GOODS 0 Y i get your :tiiglGt tested ,with I..• Black, & Co.'s Pat t L4 T 0 Indicator—can first it you the ; trial. - A Full Lz , f J Cents We will not be :outdone either in " of Spectacles front Twenty -km Cents to Twelve Do l , • -coir. 4 Gasp . Given with F, vry Pair.; 1 iralit l of Wor1(,1or :Price. 1 j lairs per 1 a t GIVE ITS A TRIAL. Y Z I F # Carding and all Kin of Custom World I) on,! as 1Tsual. 1 R'TH ONT. M. R. COUNTER, S'EAF� Yon are invited to call and see Our Machinery, th .. e work we are d lug, and - . FOR 7s t �0 OI.�RPRC n. THERE IS; NOTHING LI.KE LEATHER: .:zGOODS MADE TO.ORDER EN IT M eae., SLUG H. AS YOU FIND , and rz Lange Stock Dept'Gonstantdy on Band t Excht:nge for Wool. INTO 1T. UL NIX G. , NEG1 sI' G O O SQ. Independentr lec- unty of Il2croni Free qne tion of gado end 'Protection is ju •t now the all absrping topic of discussion, it may not bo out of )!.lace for ns to t;ay a few wo de to you as to What we eah do either with or without Protection. We can furnieh you as good a Single Buggy, Family Phaeton, Democrat o • Double Carriage as any other shop in Canada, and for as lean a price, foabcashlor on 'short needs no Protection. and the facilities we B UCEFI-ELD. CHE CHE CHE CH PESiI GREY COTTONS. PES ,! WHITE COTTONS. PEST DUCKS. PEST fIENIMS. P.PEST PRINTS. CH APEST DRESS COON. CHIAPEST BOOTS AND SHOES. CHEAPEST CROCEBIES. CH male es, As lima. Se -ere Colds .settiod OD. th. Brea t, Pneu nenia., Whooping snowl- edge f Bose iee's such we wolid. -say hat 50,000 dozen were sold. hat veal. allot -It one com- tle. Regular size 7 cents. Sold by .all D Tiggist in America,. ing.- BY thorbug knowledge of the natu ail law which gOvern. the opera- tions of (lige Aim). ate nutritiOn, and by a gal eful lication,of th)) fine proper- ties of well ele'cte occate, Mr.. Epps may save re- nany 1 eavy doctor's bills. It is lssethe!judiciou Use of such. articles of di t t a consti tion may be grad- sist very tendency- t6 -disease. .litin'- tiler ils Weals poi t. ;-We,m.ay: escape. many a fatal shaft A THE COONTY. IAM LARGE QUANTITY OF PURE PARIS GREEN F?OBEIiT& DRUG TORE. • ALSO AGENT FOR ° Mrs Weston's 'Liver .Medicine, a8a Sure Cure for Billiousness, Headache, 85e. PricE, 60 CENTS' PER BOTTLE. SACRAMENTAL WINE PURE GRAPE WINE time. Our establishment The quality of our -work njoy fir doing that work e 'best Protection we can, enabled us to build upa AND UNDERTAKER, w years. We have now in HAS AGAINOPG\%i' A WARD'S,. . ►: -_ = SEAFORTH, HARNESS • ,l Kinds of Harness dude u • in the fatest Styles: Where you will :cul all Iiznda ?� J � r. Seaforth, June 12, 1878. - i 649-13 THE.00NSOLU DATED BANK OF CANADA. (;A P [TAN. - _ _ $4.000.00 0.. OF MONTREAL; Incorporated l; and BOYA1. CANADIAN BANK, L7EMEMBER, if you went a; Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give Sion better saha, t lb faction as to QUALI I Y and PRICE than any -other maker in the County. d Mixt1 is CITYBANK is wanted to secure regular custom. Inco. ointed 1861.J. Ty'A1�D`, S'eaforth r S F'QR ` TS-I�3. BRANCH. EA 0 DOMINION 'BLOCK, bi li1N- ' "..}. FURNITURE. FUF-NITURE.T M .01. O B E I TSO N CABIN ETMAKER �a. 0 umber of very handsome vehicles of all ,kintle made from the best ma- Re:Lail FUT' lit tre Store 'n'P 1--(' 1Vi terial and by. the be t workmain and which Wei will warrant aS rep esentcd. All are cordially invited te call and_ i spect them.- We have alsoi a number of second- and vehicles which we Nvill sell chea.p. Repair ng promptly attended to. , Hoping you vi'ill see our way dear to give lid a • call of inspection b fore spendAng your money elsewhere, We are, urs Truly; EA.FORTH. ONT. SE Eb CO SEED CORN.. JUST BEOBI ED A CAR LOAD 0-5' BEST S PR OE LOW, ED 'CORN, -And the Corn guar aced to _grow. A. unapt y of it has been sown and can. be,seeu growing by .calling at Brownell' Grocery. FUL STOOKS OF ALL KIN S OF $EEDS -AT LO ES PRICES, TEAS A SP CIALTY AS USUAL Two Doors North of his Old Stando Ppposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Gotal. Store, where lie is .. SCYTHES— TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. YOU AN RUY DERTAKING SNATHS— 'A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, de., always on hand. 531 M. ROBERTSON. RECEIVED AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, FIAY FORKS— , IIOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, 01M, 4:e - • Drafra on New Yorit Payable at any = Bank in the United Staten. . YIN ot Exchange en London payable _21 at au Chief Cities of the United JUWAOna. THE GHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. Begs 1.4 inform his friends and the public that he has on -hand one of the NICEST end FRESH- EST Stocks of Groeeriee in town, and se he sells for Cash, be Giving his purchasers th4 benefit of what others who do not do to lose in bad debts and pay in in- terest to wholesale men. FLOUR AND FEED l33nlaokneds,.0sho.wa and Rexhii-i. rd Goods delivered in town free Coceruercial Hotel, in the FRAME BL.C3OK. From 40 cents and HAY RAKES L. IVIABEN- 111'10' LUMBER FOR S4 LE. FIEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE BILLS CDT TO, ORDER, All Lengths, from 30 tKr 60 Feet, AD the Best Qn.ality, both. beat air stiaight handles. Of all Hi din FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE HORSE RAKES— tbf Every Description Cheep: EAVE 'ROUGHS AND CONDUGT. DIG- PIPE the Shortest Notice and AV:unto:et:. Put up on Special inducements to ,Cash _and napt Paying Customers. WM BEIOWNELL. Tho Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an - unfailing. cure for Speimatorrhea., Impo- tency, and; all dkeases that follow as a se - =nee of Self abuse, SEA.FORTJII PLANING MILL, THE snbiscriberb gs leave to thank his numerous Before akIngils LO5S of Memory. pear T Mgt trusts that he may be favored with a continuano ' Univereal Lavsitude, Pain in the Back, Dimues:. 110f the same. of Vision, Viemature Old A.ge, and many other .J Parties inten din to build would do well to gime diseases that leads to Insan ty - ontinue to keep on hand and Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are t re • —FOR— ; rage stock of milk' ids et CINAL PURPOSES D 0 OAS; B IANDISI:ENI.70tTLDINGS, pat:I:Jeers:eh of a life stmay and many years o ex4 'in treating these speciSl disea.ses. anal: SIIING ES, LATH, ETC. • f phlet frep by Mail. Tho Specifie Medicine ie sold —AT-- t by all Drugghlts at $1 per package, or 6 packages 11:: -Particulars tendon paid toCngtom planing Windso' r. Ont. Sold in Seaferth by Hickson & tleasdell, J. S. Roberts- R. Lumsden and all 1:Tercels confide t of giVi.ng satisfaction to those for $s, willbe sent by mail; on receipt Of the .1 wile may f !worm m -with theirpatronage, as none money by sAdressing 'WILLIAM GRAY & WILSON S The Best ill tree. om , ign of the irrular Saw, ellEABER AND A 'ATTER QUAL- ANY OTE-IER STORE IN THE Call.TNTY. And all 141aminatory and Skin • THERE can be no Inflammation 'without an Acid Ferment. lira Mose* [Mr,' mat ic the cause of pain is removed. Sold by, all Drug- gists. Price 50 cents. Advice iia pail/War eases free. 'Address 525-34 W. B BUXTON, London. PONY MILL, IN MeRILLOP.. The Subseriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of timber can be obtained. „, 479 THOMAS DOWNVg, THE HENSALL PORK FACTQM J. PET:TY Are prepared to pay the THOITES:2 PR ran for any quantitr of ALL KINDS OF, CURED FINE LA RD, SAUSAGES, - PORK ZeUTTINGS, &c. SEAFORTH PORK PACKING Housx PEEN G desirous of giving the public the bene- fit of the 1..r.W piites in Provisions we will Long and Short Clear 4!, 7 Orders given at the Faetory or. at Browne:1Pa Grocery will be. promptly filled at the above prices. Those geats are welt -cured. "). Ds. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Eagincer, Orders by mail prompt.- , ly attended XS. CAMPBELL, Miter;e11.