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The Huron Expositor, 1878-07-19, Page 6
4 Beecher's Mansione and ret>arned home : having learned as W c Noble Residence the Pastor o: ,Ply 1 le..'savc that we hope will guide those mouth Has Built II wt. cct Peekskill- -The" eekskill•The" Hill of Peace. Where the beauty 'of mountain, field I, '1 >d river is unsurpassed, just out of the, ileasant village of Peekskill, overlook- ng the Hudson, Rev. Henry Ward ' Beecher has built Himself a new house. It has long been his dread., he says to build a dwelling- that in every detail should fitly embody his .ideas of borne. "I shall leave piles of serm4s • behind me which no ouetll read, but they'll live in my house." A stroll through the, s roollis,wliich are handsomely decorated reveals exquisite taste on every hand..1 The impression given_ by the decara,tion Frith nativei woods of. the windows doors d the and - anpapering and mantle -pieces, the arrangement of brie -a brae is that -of i perfect harmony of tint. The house 1 looking from the backyard has the ap- wl Blow nothing of boating ' to gain some experience before hiking out b- malas in light crafts. The Florence resumed her trip to the ,Beach after ascertaining -that nothing ' serious 'had occurred .to either ,parties, those aboard expressing their thanks at their escape. • How Mr.'o hnstOn Tried to Make r s Wife Happy - Of the numerous eminent citizeus of shkosle, there is none who is more-de- rving of respect t of only is he an a an, but beds g ft an Mr. Johnston. fable' and upright d with remarkable volitive genius. At least, such is bis 1111 inion, and tBoc e *ho are not person- lly acquainted . with him rarely deny iat hrsepinio�• 's right. Mrs. J`ohnston, owever, does 'nu •regard. her husb&ud s an able raven 'ore, She admits that t she- also asserts with hat ' wired one of his in: rut the front door it. fly -f the nearest ally if .ler-_.life is 'really always maintained. k. of faith in him. was mate .°accid.ent which ection with an attempt anufacture rice grid= justly . says, cooking 0. with invention, and to discredit his inveu ply. because he once in booking.. .The cir- e affair were these : who had repeatedly th his breakfast, re- occasiou that his wife y incapable.of learning 'delle -cakes. Where - ant woman announced efuse to, have anything t next day's .breakfast, y e whole burden, of its o her husband's shoulders. '• e added you- know earauce of a cottage ; in front, of a• l o nlcans well, b emphasis ouch emp � ivoutionis opine stiine for her t vadagio indbe vorth savi Johnst hat his wife's tie to nun Iinfor °curred in coni ads by him to 11e,c kes. •AS' las nothing tp hat it is unjust ive genies si ado a mistake. cumstanees of t r. Johnston, ound fault marked on one seemed- absolute to make rice ' upon that indig that she would to do with and should 1 preparation :.Of course, . mansion. The architectural style is • ,l 'that of no one period. The roof reminds (i gone of the, domestic English Gothic i ' o . manner. The lower part of thew use • is of -granite, the upper of -brick. "There is a verandah on the east and south fronts ten feet deep. • On the - first, the main floor,. are the library, the parlor, the dining -room and'bed-room.. Cherry ;wood ig used throughout this story• . The . it all entrance by the ' v:- ti- •bule-is tiled ; the sides, are covered with paper embossed - and- in -imitation of leather. The hall is about 23 -feet 1 ng ancd 12 feet wide. The second story is made of black ash. There isn't 'a drop . of paint in the .rouse. ' Several attic rooms are finished in white blue. • The in storeys. are - papered, and aro ecimens of what can' be done .per. Mr. Beecher has said he aw any work of that character lzillfully e ecuted. Extravagant two in tile s. with p never more - stories have been told of the size and cost of the house. The two main storeys in MI ave 10 rooms instead of 35 ;• and the ho se proper Without furniture and auxili es cost.425,000 instead of $65,- - i00 as reported. The architect is J. L. a Silsbee,of Syracuse. °`-Whatever il1crease of price there Was above e ti e original al contra:A says Mr. Beecher; "eves made by -rue, and not by hiin. I tempted my architect, and not my architect me. features is the m an- striking. One of the • T man- tel -pieces ieces on the ground story. They P are carved yin cherry, have ornamental - plaques and tiles,aud are fine specimens of woodwork. , IYIr. Beecher thinks that whatdtrer -may be said of the beside, _ there's no question' of th.e.outside edevvs. The site is 600 feet above the river on the the side of a high range, a sort of spur shooting from the -Highlands. On the opposite side, at the head of the . Tappan Zee, is apparently an, inland lake -as seen from the house. The foot- hills of the highlands form a widerange of horizon. Inland from the river, •ex-, • his tending round, are beautiful rolhn�,g l is cultivated, or studded with: trees, mak- ing an inland landscape seldom equalled. Mr. Beecher is very proud. of his tre s. There were none when he took the pl ce except some maples. Now `there are o er - 5,000. There are more than 100 spedie. of ego evernreens, Magnolias and rl:o 1od Tans are in profuse abundance. The grounds ry g -form almost an arboretum of ewers �hrnb plan that will .grow in -this climate. This hi p 1 ' eee - a •.L h �iYLt the way,by propos�d,by y, y Bedell- er, to. be carried out at Sage College, Cornell Uliversit/, when he preached in the chapel in 1876, Arrangements • have been made by which the suggestion;veil soon be.-carriecd out. Cultivated, 'flower§ abound. Peonies, honeysuckles, fine shrubs. and foliage plants are grouped in the garden in a rustic way, not i1 parterres. Arany - flowers are in experimental beds, to see if they can stand the temperature. Al znost',all kinds of clematis are under cul- tivation, and dozens of species'of honey- suckles. " But I think more of 'my trees," says Beecher, " than I do of my house, and merle of my house than o 'myself." There ;were only a few groun sparrows on the land originally, bo what with covering the 1, ill with forests ornamental trees, shrubbery, abund once of- strawberries 'and. other sm..l! fruit, and making_ it ;death for any, m to shoots a bird on the place, the hi (I have iziereascd in number to great mil titudes. The other day -one of Nr Beecher's " little girls,", a grand -child found 30 birds' nests in al minute's wall from the house.—N. Y..Tr'ibtine. • 'Tlie Narrowest Escape on Rec ord this Season. • On Thursday afternoon 4th: 'inst., at Oaklands, near Hamiltou,-there- oc burred one of the most thrilling hear breadth escapes we have ever heard o and certainly the most exciting tl has happened this season ou the -B About three o'clock, as the steam e Florence -with- a large party of , excul- sionistswas nearing the Oaklands wha being on her run down from the city a small boat, propelled by Mr. •Georg, Smith, of Waterclowe, who was moon - parried by a youing lady, was rowed o t towards her, Persons on the 'steam and wharf cried lustily to Smith to ro out of the way, but, evidently losin his head, he pulled right into the ver danger he should have strained ever nuecle to avert. The steamer had sh off steam and was coming into the eas ern- or windward side of the wharf, an 1 it was impossible to swing her. Trio loose. satisf alone • wrap 1 THtu o�v EXPOSITOR' THE ME The machine was compelled. tot W I LL.IAI its rapacity upon her' skirts ; V1/IL1.IA1 While the unhappy lady . was ed. in a table cloth and removed V1i I LI:I A to her private room.. . T1 is is why Mrs. Johnston is et hilt S' justified in denouncing her husband's MAIN inventions. She was wrong abbot the MAIN S ride -cakes. There is no doubt ,she did ' MAIN S him injustice in that matter ; - but it is equally clear that her experience` with ; the sewing machine motor is a valid ex- _ cuso for her present views .as to her bus band. The event was certainly a de- plorable e I� `LEEK h- RECEIVED 1TH plorable-one, and public opinion in Os ko 'is decidedly unfavorable to 11 Ir.• ILL & CO, ILL. 8, Cbz, ILL & C,�•, 1 REET, SE.APORTU CILEET, SEAFORTH, 1.REET, SEAFORTI a e how to niakerice-cakes better than the Angel Gabriel, nd you can just show, for once,. what 3 on can do." With cth m. • a c dea cook - et the thrust upon 1 in stations wit ere eight p re as he t� •'tcmac d �v eat a mint o: four quarts b dle-cakes. 7 quarts of but water, besides r urse11'Ii. Johnston.a un- - Inwelcome task thus , and made his pre ntelligent care.- There na e . in his family,and, , that each one would ce, be decided to, use ce in mixing this grid - o he Trice `he added four milk and a quart of hot - few handfuls of flbur and. Indian i ear, in order that the cakes should. to k brown. He then . re - fleeted tjiat t would be necessary to • add to .the in iture something that would make I it ligbj, and. 'accordingly threw in a tcac pful of cream of tartar, . an equal quant ty of saleratus, and hall -a - paper of baking powder. Having thus mixed. his cakes, to his satisfaction, he .laced the an, containing the • mix - t= ` in 'a warcorner of the kitchen ane left it to "ise" during the: night. 'here is no • ; oubt that it did "` ` rise." Moreover, the •ice swelled. On' going into the kitche the next morning, Mr. akes had. • that his rice:c Johnston bun ' overflowed"aii covered tri:floor to the depth o f a lea t .a • foot, hire in the �v he a d of t 1. hbo shoo iminedi:at ne pan p_ ;,, reached pearl teread •amid o bt Y to Yi .. he brew morning hat n10 g read and water, and su oyed three- Irishwvom then and an Irishm to: carry aw ;y the miraculous bun- ter. Naterall., , his wife taunted him' with hes culinary failure, but, the un - 1 prejudiced mind . will admit that it ought nbt' o h his inventive This, liowe- fence of iMr. served: ciiticis e Joh sten as an inventor. ow to Avoid Sunstroke. T e following circular was issued; by Health I the bard o fFeal : " Sunstroke is caused by - excessive and. especially if the . weather is tggy:' It is more apt to occur on second., third or fourth day of a ed term than on the first. Loss of the ceiling. fasted oil Ory 1 sequently kem to clean thek n hea mi the 'hes_ sleep, wotry, excitement, close ''sleeping rooms, debility, abuse of stimulants pre- dispose to it. It is More apt to attack • these a- ()tieing in the sun, and especial- ly lletw the mo noo�7'i Ila -e Avid 1 fats ue. the •e is e Sen the hours of 11 o'clock in COTTO ning and'4 o'clock in, the after- COTTO hot days wear thin clothing. 0. RECEIVED THIS WEEK 'RECEIVED THIS WEEK AT -W. BILL & CO.'S AT W. R1.LL & 'CO.'S V. HILL Sc CO.'S • LE OE SARGENT'S LE 01? SARGENT'll; LE OF SARGENT', FLEBItATED LLEBItATED •+'LEBRATED AT ONE] ONEB ONE B —6 If or (no etc we .c11.4 per neE vel 'eht int in do woespe r e in . charge of her thought, too, th t 11 e r Smith had got out of the way, but sue is not the case, for the bewildered an foolish man had rowed up against ti side of the wharf where the stq am: would. lie: No sooner had the fra'l craft touched. the wotidworittliau S nit 1, pale as a ghost, with alai ening pe - spiratiou starting from every, pore aid with knees trembling so that i he co d scarcely stand., scrambled upon tle wharf. At the sante instant tete me,i, whose names our reporter could n t learn. stooped and snatched the you g lady, who was ready to faint,; from the jaws of death, for no sooner had ` li feet cleared the wharf than the T'loren came heavily against it and smashed splinters the boat where a second be -i fore trip girl 11ac1 been lielples ply sitting. The steamer bounded off .andtiie ww're •lc. opened out, filled and speedily sacik before the vessel could be brot'ight liga.n. to her moorings. During the few awful moments 1 e - fore the girl was savedscarcely a biea 11 was drawn. Women ou the stew er .clasped their hatuds and stood motic n- less, while everybody seemed to f they had been in the presence of dea Smith's condition was , indescribab though he was overjoyed ; the poor was as pale as a sheet and was soon t centre -of an excited group. He pro ed to make good the loss of the bo r e I ve,cast any discredit on overs. er, is merely told in de - Johnston :against unde- . As to one , of his re- cent inventions, which cast a cloud, of gloom over 0 ' ted that he m though he 'we motives- .1Mr. habit of chimp' e .ceocliugly sewing-machi husband idet -other power t a kosh, Sit must be admit - de a disastrous mistake, actuated by the best of Johnston was in the aiming that shed found it iresome to operate her • e,- and her affectionate rmined to ..supply some an the female foot to the machine. A -ter experimenting with batt two until be had burned a carpet with .acid, and ied i vain to construct e whiich would not fill of the room in which it fell back upon • clock rse of time he made a cool sleeping rooms as possible. ass ofsleep and all unnecessary If working indoors, and where artificial heat—laundries, etc. at the room is well ventilated. ing in the sun, wear a light hat bls.ck, as it absorbs heat, straw, , and put inside of it on the head a cloth: on a large green leaf ; fre- ntfy lift the hat from the head and that the cloth is wet. Do not check spiratfon, but drink what water you d to keep it up, es perspiration pre- �ts the body from being overheated. ve, wier..ever possible, an additional de, as a thin Umbrella, when. walk- , a ca vas or board cover when work- in th sun. When much fatigued not go t work, but be excused from rally after 11 o'clock' in the very hot days, if the work • If a feeling of fatigue, oc- � ion • - gust . duel e or exh a •ork immediately, lie down nd cool place ; apply cold. pour cold water over head anybyovercome one is d. immediately for the near- sician. While waiting for an give the person cool voter or cold .black tea, or ' 'f able to swallow. If the m is di r, rnrng Ol n the su iness z , cu •s, cease in a shady cloths to s- and neck. the heat, s est. good p the physic drinks of cold coffee, skin pour is If cl OI s hot and dry, sponge with, or cold water over the • body and bs, and apply to the head pounded apped in a towel or other cloth. re is no ice at hand keep a cold on the ead, and pour cold water as well as on the body. If the iI is p, le, very faint; .and pulse , let m inhale ammonia for , or ve • him `a teaspoon- is spirits of ,Ir.monia in INSTR nfu : of water with a lit - w: the th it it perso feebls a •,feud second; fuel of . aroma, t o tablespd tl , sugar. HAVIN HAVIN HAVIN M YARN, 'TTON YARN, COTTONY RN, LAZED TICKET.: _,AZED, TICKET. LAZED TICKET: BOUGHT THIS NOTED BOUGHT THIS NOTED BOUGHT THIS NO ED BRAND BRAND BRAND UCH UNDER VALUE MUC - UNDER ' VALU M GH UNDER V LUE AVE' ARE ENABLED TO WE ARE ENABLED TO . WE ARE ENABLED TTO LRS OFFER, -IT TO OUR CUS ., ` 1` ERS +CUS r0 E FF lilt T 1. 0 OUR ` FFER- T TO ';OUR. CUSTOn ERS AT 1 HOLCSALE PRICE:. AT HOLESALE ]'RICE •• AT "HOLES PILE PRICE. Wl LLI MA1 M X11 L & STREET,; SEAFOIR H. 0., s Ge - Not long tr m -car refi his fare P Y ri ed at the raa' ate - 1tl s �7 ;alvanic b two coats au after having t a steam-engji half the spec was placed, h work. In co really beauti ul engine worked. ex- clusively by dl ock-work, and fitted it to -chine: When wound up over: to the machine for five urs, and after' adding to reproved device for hold- d- leading it' under the. el that he was a benefactor le sex and a worthy succes- aud the inventor of the Mrs. ,':Johnston was de - he new invention when it d : to ( her, and readily ce neighbors should be ,in - in opeeation for the first ors responded heartily to ,. and at 7.35_on the third sent mpntli Mr.'Johnston's was filled with the lead- Oshk4sh and their wives.' lock 'Mrs. Johnston sat ewing-machine and under - double gusset in a . new designed for her husband. rk was wound up, the ma- rted, and the gusset was the sewi it would consecut the lattea ing cloth a, needle, he to the fem: sor of Mc steam env. lighted With was explain agreed that vited to see i time. The neigh the invitatio day of the pr drawing-roo .1 illig citizens o At eight o'• down t a her - t ol'i to, run a i l.essiug-gow 'he clock -w chine was st stitched. -witl twice the rapidity usual ' in such case.. •Unfortuuately, the ma- chine dict lio stop when it had finished its L allatted work,- but continued to ssiug-gown until it became ed." ' Probably. it would and converted the cloth ct 'bundle, sewed. and re- zen times, had not Mrs. ton co ale to the rescue ;ana cu- red to cut the thread. She did ed in -- scuing the , cloth, but at rue m.ment th.e demoniacal ma-. fasten. d upon her clothing and sew it with insatiable en - y .did. Mr. Jolln.ston try -to --work, and' vainly did he is wife away. The ma- 1Y- gathered her skirts 13 'stitch the dr fairly cjuil have „1al:e. o into : °peeps sewec' a , d John deem :awe= ' the s chin, brace edod t Vain lis cl:lc drag ng to Law. go a traveller by a Lo• ndon sed, " from principle," . to If two pence until he er- end of his journey,. and a empathizing with him, dis- 3 issed the i summons obtained by: the c mpany. The latter appealed to the Court of Qieen's Bench, and got the case remitted to the Police Court, the upshot being that the traveler was fined one shilling and had- to pay the costs incurred by the company, amounting to s mething 1 ke £50;. To pay for defeat i bad enou • h, but to win, and yet lose victory, s certainly worse. A gen- eman once spent £2,000inestablishing: is claiini th compensation for an in- actio. of his rights, and then was warded £ 10 by the :assessor of the amages. Nor, if his: time was any clue to hien, did a laborer, seeking to r cover 10 shillings from an innkeeper f r refusing to supply him with refresh- naents, find himself the richer for in- voking the aid of the law. Going into a public,house, he called for half a pint of "four -half„" for which he put down his penny; but him, so that farther, to a h of the street, ergs•. stop try tc chin ! raps into its u holy clutches,; and there Islas e'�+ery p a ospect that after the skirts -ere fnishe it Would pe:oceed ; to hem .Airs. Johnst, 'n herself, and possibly to aeriesf gussets i_c portions of her whe 'e they were not, needed.. y, th re was one leading citizen t, a y.dung physicitin, who; retained of mind. He seized his pi the fastenings, of Mrs. that is to say he cut her b t eel put a h: frame e, Lucks r1•presel Ie is- t, his pr sane knife and Johnston' ins host refused to serve he was comPelled to go >use on the op osite side ehere they sold beer that. did not suit so well." or this he claimed damages in the County Court, icnd got them, the Judge. giving him 1 hilliiig. But more unfortunate was a orkshire wight who won his cause and wo shillings damages- at York Assizes, gut had to go to prison for his own osis. C/LcLmbers' Journal. Newsboys at a Companion's Funeral. AF MUSIC IMENT T L MPO IUM SCC TT- BR Big to diiec. following aunt f a newsboy's funeral in that d at It'ley's little home on Old Avenue, ),t ten o'clock this morning. They were -ery quiet and orderly, and the senti- ent§ expressed. about the _demise. of heir poor little cOmpanion were given n whispers to each other. " He was a ully fellow ;" " It's rough on us to have uss," were the eulogies which ran in an -undertone around the crowd of fifty oys assembled. - As he was lowered nto the ugly holgin the ground many a obbroke frem the strange assembly, and More than onel -little fellow mur- mured that he didu't see why Riley ehould have teen• sing,led. out to be put into the -ground -when any one of t em deserved it more than he. "1 spec he's give Johnny e good show in the Streets 'there," venthred. another. AUd. the priest said, ",Earth to earth ; 'aChes to ashes, dust to dust." Poor Riley ! i3le,ck to be Worn.' olinny IT SP Warren celebrate Several shipped Twenty- ighth of *ay and the Compan cable m gan,s to Fifty with wit ed arr AT": dCaoy Organs land, fact tha dealers reason ropean the attention from the Detr-oi Daily Tileproph, ,. threadedtip machine of n ne• that has — Machine wine tM c • - . 1 sells the *Wheeler & �Yils THE P l t the u�a S a to DYE ST E HAVE THIS • << OF OUIV STOCK SE e S ICAL HALL," S F_FS. .DYE SI J,IILY19,i8 PO RFTH.1 HARRY MITCHELL'S B©Bk rn SEAFORTH 7 e hard tims�s x1 a swiftly flying, And soon we'll be safe aaain, U ,� •. If in faith we keep on tx in We'll surely our wealth re k. JBooks, i�tmtio..e;-y, tti..l nn eniy rariety . of r coney Goad,! ut ii a~ • SPECI: L CARE IN THE ELECTION + ASON TAKEN E STUFFS, AND HAVE NQ ON HAND A NE IN TH COUNTY TVD TO NONE � ' . . + G ARDS QUALITY OR Q [JAN TIT Fustic, C2c�Z�iri�� : nPure Dutch Madder, Indigo, �'� OurI�u� e Etc. tc. V Tur21 erre, Log2�ood, Cochineal, Fall Directions ed We will Guaraitee Good Colors. iven with each Parcel, and if properly �follOw 1878 H ATS ZI CKS O 1 & BLEASPEI L, Seaforth. N A 0 - FINE WOC FEL] STRA SIL WO LAR ATT O cc z 1 O SUIV�LM� D CAPS' AT l llhitchellyr. _ -• Young men „why don't yoti getra 'Tis then you'll enjoy this lite, And say with regret I've tarried, But better I'd had a wife, BEA)' i'arr ages as cost at I 1?lliich.'ll'rs. *:.:7T rig flaehhics hinds. The celebrated i+:xtay and the Doini.uon' 4)r -win he perfect orgaus Iur.nniaciured sale cheap for calh at filurry chell',.. A good wife will save you money, And nurse you when you area ' You both can live on less money . Than now pays year courting bill,. • Engagement a.id Wedding lu mi chefsthe. owest price, at harry NM, An elegant .Ladies' Gold watch for ;, other fls in Jewelry cheap. tilt Swatches, oodthe cheapest :everoffeveryired inSeafortlti 3iacbine Neeziies, all kinds, and 'the best 4Jfl _.— — away on hand 1878 A. fur? line of Spectacles and EyeQ [ Mottoes, Frames, andlGlass. Pictures Frstned, all sizes, to order. Lacrosse,` 41Bats unit Base Alms. . n;nd Bats cheap.. RO G .E R S°a FUR HATS AT ROGERpf. L HATS AT ROGERS'. HATS AT ROGERS'. W HATS AT ROGERS CAPS AT R ERS'. STED CAPS AT ROGER E STOCK AT ROGERS' ACTIVE.STYLES AT 1• I 0 RpGERS'. Popular Pr des in all Classes of AT H. MITCHELL docs the Wali Paper and JFK dow J3lind trade in Seaferth. A good steekoat new patterns., at bottom prices. A Call I{eespectftrily Soiicited. T'ie Iii•,itn•ion i:s to ail. lily $tock w always bear inspection. Dear husband, I think I will not go to Barry Mitchell•$ again. My eyes become so dazzled that I `can't see straight for a -week after Wee in his store, then again I always buy until ay parse is empty:, and sometimes I don'tstoptiles, Pehaps you can call to see i f I left an) thlagna- paid, and if so pay it, as yea know — Be Does .a Cash Busisiess, REMEMBER THE' PLACE No. 2 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, ;1sA IN STREET, - • ttE.h 11ETL HARRY MITCHELL. THE 'SEAFORTH DryGoods INSURANCE AND ND MEW - OHN ROGERS, S AFOrTH. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. 34 . N_ `�CTATS4 N to intimate tit t isle has. !Removed his Office td, D. McGregor/it New Begs oh and Furth Door Oriels I3niiidng �>:. East Side of lilacs Street, rJer.t it , South of ii'itlia1in Campbell's Clothing Emporium alicre Ore will, as hitherto, carry ea the i • General Insurance Money Loan Agency and Sewing Machine Business. well in him for the past fifteen years he form them he will still; endeavor to give which they have in iariahly eirpressed with his thinsaclions. He still wing Atachinesthat are n:avuOctared 1n the world, ns well as Needles, t a simplest, en:ts. Ho sells the Osborne A 'Machine, which is 'th most the d of work in the most perfe t manner, and the easiest and quickest Howe Machine Ho eM He sells the Genuine " Domin on. II iy machine made in the a.ttenvears S e •for ile 5 vee ens tomos ubs _ failed to giveer satisfaction y n i i least Machine in the world. n Machines, the most rapid andnoisy � sgamine iltae Manufacturers, do of f� • ,annf ct and 11I nice Wives, Merc]�ants, Wives , in s —Famil and u nu2 ctnrn g— hen you 'want on Also Agent ent for Pope Emitting Machine, Capable of doing all kind& of Work. Instructions ou any of the above machines. Sewing Machines to Rent. Alsp all kinds In thanking the public or the confidence they have re has carried on these bra ches in Seatorth, he wishes to them the same satisfactio keeps on hand the best 8+ t Oil, and Machine Attachi the capable of making any Id AKS FO IT. ELF : . Clough, of the 04o _ �i Organ Company, lads been cessful in, 29 tro(Z2GC2 (J' their I12str2i�ae�ts in 'lyurope. f their leading st�lr�s` were SEAFORTH, o London, �'nglszncl. on �Ize 'sex Meeh imeis VF1 Fa , and `ry our Sewing Mae the celebrated Franz an cola & given to customers gratis Sew ung Machines repai Black is to bell worn a great deal this - part as white in the seasaa's fashions. With -this, silvek jewelry gvery effect- ive ; Saver band, bracelets are no worn quite wide, with little polished obs or balls set closelyion ,the edges. Large medallion pendants and lockets; also ef sterling silver, are feund. at thei prinei- ear-ringe ; some of these in the shape4 round platters with bee hives on them in frosted work, others witht Japanese are to -day in receipt of a sage ordering Seventy Dr- Messr.i Chappell & Co of ew Bond Street, London, 77Z /1/9'. Clough, has 4nclud- ngenzents for the gency. sin'ee with an order for six gents, nottviths and'Ag the c} are floioded w"th astern, co feel gratified -at th,ir Eu- SC TT BROTH RS Are the oleeele Agents ior Ontal'o for the bove Distillments. Also th EM RSON PI NO, ed. TERMS LIBERAL. told. Lift Insuotnee Cerepauies,and lapin)* ed to tette risks on! THE MOST FAVORA13LE /Aso Agent for several of the best ..T.,tan Bode. ties. Also Agent for the sale -ana putehase of Perm and Village Property. ' • A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS 111 - PROVED FARMS FQB. SALE,, Agent for the White Star Line of Ste,araers.. aPFICE—Over M. Morrison's store, Mahe DAIRYMEN; ATTRITION._ • IS now better prepared than ever before -to sa ply a firt3t-class article in. Milk Cans, prices a's low as good articles can be purchased As REAPERS and• MOWERS are Jte Or der of the day, 0 C. "WILLSON t and at _Low Rates. is again on hand with, a • FULL STOCK OF MACHINES, e Such as the Newcastle Harvester and Maxwell Light Reapers, Woods' and Johnston's Reapers, Wood's, Akron and Dafferin Mowers, and Sharp's Self -Dumping Hay and. Stubble Rake. Any of the above blachinee sold on trial, and satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. ' For farther information call and examine the machines or. send for circulars„ In the Plaiv Business I am still ahead, hiving made some good improvements on the No. 18 Thistle Cutter, having pnt on Steel Land Sides and raised the Beam two inch s higher at the Coniter and Clevice—this is a positive preventative against choking in wet stubble. In Sewing Machines am still advancing, having an extra largo stock of that Celebrated Florence and Wanzer F. Machines, and all other common Machines known to the Trade. All kinds of Reaper and Mower R'epairs for the machines I sell. All kinds of Plow Castings and Points always on hand. Sewing Machine Repairs and Repairing Done. And all ot er makes of Instruments furnished when desired on T HE SHORTEST NOTICE. For Circulars and othe Infor- mation) address OOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH. _Is 920 all AULT, SEAF RTH, receiving a large stock of ds o/ Groceries and Provis- tons, t very low prices. i Large Lot o those Choice •Sugair Cured -Plain, . SmJ,ed .and,,Spiced BacOn. -Dr. Mary Stafford states that more than half of all women's ill -health is directly or indirectly traceable to im- proper dtsing. A Fr Flour, and all kinds o)'' Feed. A Fr e,sh, Stock of all kinds of leas, front Twenty -Floe cents per pound sh Loi' of Fine Corn Meal, to Eighty cents per pound, Also a large Stock oil Sugars at very low prices. IN owl Is • your tame, w ten you, can get1Goods at Rock Bot- A. G1 AULTS'a O. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. Second hand '20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel.. . ......... ..... .$225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Whei*ana Pulleys . — ... 225 27.5 200 250 150 200 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleye and Governors. Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance NVheel, Pulleys and Governors A Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hoisting Gear. • Second hand 16 ilorse Portable Boiler, with Smdke Stack Second hand 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack . Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Mei. Second hand 80 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars, Steam Guage, Gunge and Safety Valves, all in Good Order. • Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine . Heading Planer Heading Turner Stave Machine, with Knife iBlockis the best place to buy. 589 MRS. WHITNEY. Every description of Tinware Constarev hand and made to order. Custom Work prompt attention. Remember the Tin Store in the. New Bra 450 90 40 50 70 80 New Engines and Boilers on handralso Blade to Order very cheap. Mill Machinery for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. V..Agricultural Implements.—Stoves of Various Rinds.—Repairs On Boilers, Mills, IS:c., promptly Attended to- CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACT.URINC COMPANY. ALICAYS NEW SHOE SH6P IN S4AFORTH,. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THI,Y HAVE COMMENC- ED BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNT IN PILLMAN'S STORE, OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY, Where they are prepared to take Orders for and Aluntlioettirt Boot* and Shoes of °veil des- cription. Being both Practical Worknien they are prepared to, -Guarantee a Good Wit and a Good Article. ELLiorr GRIEVE. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. The subscriber hereby thanks pis punier cuittomets(taerchants and others) for their libels! pationageduring the past seven years, and hop* by strict integrity andeloseattention tabusineork to merit their confidenee and trade in Mellitus* POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. Having greatly enlarged his premises, dna* the winter, he is now prepared. to paythe HIGHEST -CASH PRIO For any quantity' of good fresh eggs, &lived at the !EGG EMPORIUM,: Main Street,Seafortb„ Wanted. by the isubscriber 25 tens cif pedal"' clean WHEAT STLAW k. W0:71iSOIC TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AlarD T ONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kind •-1- patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and.Well Selected Steck of DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of 1Es—TBAS a tipecialty--whieh, for quality and price, are the best in the County. GROCER th• ing required in a general store. Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farra plroaZese BOOTS and SHOES-11ePherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medioines, Bacon and MOM, hi fact every - taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties 'indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and settle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No farther notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one tif the best loan soeleties in the Donumon. The above Society loans money,on good farm security or a erns o fr twenty years, on the meat faVorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. -11 you want your life insured give me a call, as I aM agent for the Sim Mutual life Assurance company, one of the best Thie In surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on 'the most economical principles. Don't for - g g ll. I am always attentive to business. Post °Moe and Telegraph Office in con - Petition. Clover, T y, Turnip and other seeds on hand. S TREY occupy? -the attention •oliall,Vists •-4-1- hard times, the subscriber is det mined ic meet them by offering good inch Retialcir, "not usually sold for , inch," at the following rates: foot Hemlock. st$7 00 per thousand ; 14 fai Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All orders over 4,0 5 per cent discount. Call and see if you -die get what is represented. Book Accounts over 8 mouths will be clurra 8 per cent. for their libersd support, and solicits s continn* ande of their favors. 438 Stealn Saw Mills, McNiii0P, HENSALL GRIST AND MONO MOIL 4 Much, Needed Want Supplie4 Tifi,aSnasptltenedliderynehwesmtiolvimith fair run of steao achinery is in Vag best running order and giving extra setisfactiets It is under the management of McGregor Urquhart, they do not hire any careless milleot bhuadt tdhoe stahrene wda:C. theMBelVeP being practinl miners. They run all the griCts through aim chant's Bolt, end weigh in and out. Chop canto, HAIR DRESSING. Biaids and Puffs, all in the Latest Styles - 'Bair arranged in the Natural 24 with Boots at the top. MISS CARIttai At Mr. William Hunt's, faux doors w4st of IN SHOE FINDINGS a Every Deserigke, None but the Very Beet Stock kept. moderate. A Trial Sonata& All -01 or otherwise promptly felled. 490 it NC,R thei .zfraed tin nankin asellen:7-04111aT:sitil:lalirl'teibl.;aiks)clEP7tirrtal,eu:In11- "ay ts 331 itoo c, bl 3:9yharwir of Tuvaben-thnear,:i9rgeov 31:40 7sbbsal:Yna: 13 31 sob Kidd, Esq.. sented with the _ proficiency and .convent of St. count!! filttlE,. 31:11jac lhuSki: . turns OM ATiatig gaucloitfl 6fe 11;bfIltb3::),rl:awr:11:Cf with a :tout co :7 13.17ty: Th se hogs 'with taetc eke ft 1314 tome neva ' but it isu ihadderinl piteacher, int over the remain 'hind feet of a 4 'powOul straw, aredi °l - tree, Sbe has . agrance, but 3. of the mascolh has* rough ,bel a hard skin; ute—i-jh\e7rae.,live 7nrifiredlibleYi394: matried at 20! -24 years 014 ,years Atha. • 1.1,wastrnr, essrs.i,ugg)f woilhosp;livoei Stiiatford, he suan of $84.0 evwm:filLi ti:leTah-relta, eso:nt tali:4'1i a' ties. The o out ha th- N:citIlimtsltiflilir:1:::Prpriei(li frankly shov.; Nitval ;H.; e.:0. .fe;:vttaoal;n1:111.10t:i neighbor ree• wift:71 euea:61;t:Ilhaa,tteta.itt.,:tti,': b-1,7: 17') '3:44-01 4siltet 141 I ettieldini,:itsiotrnu,ce vttis—eit)rear-bne. an inner osb:, bLa ticeivt:a 1-iore than priest in a .street tc