HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-19, Page 2r -
BY-LAW -14 7.
I have only two companion S the
one a good-natured lo king, 1-ia.ic dle-
,aged gentleman, with a mild, bee vo-
lent expressiotestrange y at vari uce
with the nerveue !restlessness of his
eyes; the other, a grim, taciturn mut
who has been all absorbe in his p per
since the:train left Bdhal ergh en 1. Tette
for the South. They ad got m to -
ether, t/ed were evider tly trave ling
compasticeis. Ratline a pearly its. ort -
ed couple; for from tl pie dress and
general appearance ther could ,b - no-
deubt but that th/Yir stat ons inlife verti
wide tcpart. What co -del they ba?
Master and servant? 1 lvidently ot ;
for tlie bumbler of the two seeme to
have esietrol of rill the trove -Mu air-
rarigetrients, A detectiv and his ris-
oner ? I think net, for the one Sc erns
too much at •ease to lu ve a troubled
conscience ; toed the oth r. though evi-
• dently in command, treu» s his coin an- '
ion with more deference than is cm -
partible with flee couseions power of the
. '
]Iiswas suicidal mania -about
ret kind. we have to de, .with, for
etient I always has -t his -Victim
if -he ica,ii-onlAgpt the means.
had. a tare job to get him over to
Engh na ; aed whon bee was first put givieg my card.
eint e the Overner's •ere, he was about, At home I am re6eived w'th , open
the norst cc we had. '.1'he goverpon axles, and
stedi 'd.him :carefully .and found that room by
lettieg ben havebis .own way was the over the s
address. Being under the sardine* of
the other-paseengers, who isvidently
think I lave got into trotible for card-
sheeniug and having made up my Mind
to pay:the penalty, 1 lost no time ills
only ting thet did him an
wae N cry fond 'ofeb thing, /
by, hen lie be, Mend
was t Rowed to go to the riv
place Of a urse 1. elway. iwent to, , have had.
ept a tret• ty: sharp e on hiMI. - Having informed her that individual -
ver. th's did not -suit 1 m ; so on ly and ccil ectively all our file. ds are! as
to the governor and says well as could be expected..; c T isiderpig
le, not coegenial to my feels- the wintry weather they havol had; and
etleinatt, alwa,vs to have\ that all were as kind and hos itable' as
ith me when I take my ewe, I briefly •tell her of m
ild lunch prefer privacy.' aide-euture.*
overno • tried to put leen off;-. bet ",And who was your co
intradiitiou itiad e :bad, effect on I asks- mv wife.
Now, one of • the governor's I " How should I know?" -
es is, -ti 'at at 'a . ceitaiii stage of 'a Why, Yon have his card."
t, if you_ can humor pa-. "To be sure.- I quitd for
ave every, ehance -of' re- says - I, prodncing my card
e :them .and it is gone. search it through carefully, b
,' eays lie, '1 know that ether than my own can I find.
good.. He fit -"Wel
rid by -end- white grot
e little, he quiribs•
er • near our burgh?" OA
•-and 1
' bath
The ‹.
the c
;the nriPleir
tient, „: they
t:covei ye; cro
• 'Capt /Liu
if yot piss y er w-ord to me : you 'will- • "1 • know I -put it 'in twee. .143r,
keep t t men -0i honor, soif vou Wee mo ! I• must have given it Ito
• give i le you word AS am Officer and a the guard instead of my own. How
geett mu tl at if -I let'vou go alone. you dd.!" • ,
will 1 ti t) me in en liceir and report I had almost dismissed the adyen-
yours 4t I vill let %911 go' • Captain •ture from rny mind, Whei tae few' days
gave les word., c,s enquired., and later •my wife,: in skimming over the
every day .11 iuseattotel the same, al- v° at at the breakfaet.table, bteake ii to
ways COMin I to give his word of. honer, e merry laugh. , Whet on ear heart she
and 1 tunnel:v. eech• day to report hine find s amusing•in any other than the
•Self, treed 'of being trusted. • It was ',Ago y" colutnn, which I can see is Pot
lathe - risky reatheent kr a suieiOal pa.- the p >Aida under petnealt is the
tient, but it Leccoe sea.. :He's well no* polies reports: and she hand -me the -
stir, -a you � I." • • mei, poiuting 'on t the place or my .et -
e' 'There WS tete her case we had, ten.ti n.
.quite differeet-" t the police court, J---1-
attitude; be my eimid has _ suddenly -Hill,
was sweetened. by t Gr at
eof Verandah Hous Crouch
e •
e I h ve set led in -self into a listening: •B " e
cease . Lot king up, I find my oppo- Nortl ern Railway Company:. or sm k -
site neighbor has jest awakened; and ing carriage, not a sin king car -
his at tendon haerinteperhaps no -ether liege., to the atinovance of o
I My itpeculatiens ea this 'setteve
filled no a. sap in the jou itev. Having
read ail the war telegrams in the m ru-
ing pe per, NeshiCh I ime-v i will find
coutTuciioted ii the eve ning editions
„when I reach- Londeuse• and having
Watched the telegraph wires gliding up
and dow CI 1 a'N1(1.0 tho car -lege wim ow,
anon eaddeely disappeari ig into s ace,
only- to reappear as sildc euly to on-
tinue tlieir up and down motion, I am
beginniug to tveery of this, am if
neither of ni5, coptpanio ; s volunte r . a
remark, I must dostornetl ing to for e e
We were past Duubar Ty this t
and tire fast approachire Berwic
haxetbeen vainly tryink to catch
restless eyes of my ap areetly
companionable compel) icti. He is low
dosing:, them, and evidently set ilifig
down for e quiet nap. itly more /Lei -
turn frien(1 has never tat en his etten-
'tion Off his paper; be mu t either le • a
very sloes reader; or hay ng exhau .ted
the .news, he" must have Men on the
advertieereents. 1 offer I int my. p3 ser.
' He takes it with a- bow, 'Wing •me his
• own in exchange -the 1 esiffshire• Oa-
1 zette: No news:. to . be go . out of 'bet
1 after hevieg exhausted the Swim ran.
1 fan soon reamed to th T births, n er-
riages and .- Oetiths. Mu, di intereet to
know that the wife of I • ugh Madan -
aid, stone masoit, hasresented hitn
with a,sote.; also tIT hear Kt . Mrs. Mc-
Quinneis dead; and the n unitary rhyme
I sometimes hese my wi e repeating to
our boys' occurs to me, aud• I' meutally
enquire,. "How did she d e?"7 . The an-
nouncement - does not, however,- en-
lighten me cm that poin , though it is
'efisy to, guess., seeing' thee it °outline
the further information that she' de-
perted this life at 101 yea -s of ageen clis
deeply regretted. The 1 Seer asser ion
I fear is only a conventional fib, f r 1
'find in a paragraph . al uouncing her
death ats e loeal centertad ien, - that., she
had great poeseseionk which have fals
len to her nearest survivi ig_relativ , ft
greattgrandeeeph.etv. .
My friend opposite its fairly e - to
sleep._ . Quite cleae that 1 e has not ling
en his conseienee. Th other is es
deep in the •::&,otentati as he was. eie-
while ist his, own peper. I can't s and
this aret loner. Talk I -Must.: Ith.e
Bauffshiee••., Gazette . is mblished in
. the county' .town beard eg the s M6
name; so -I see my way t aneope mg.
"You 0614 front Ban , I preen ne?
You must have been ravelling, all
night? Noevonder o-ur lined hete is
- e
worn out," .
"We have come from 3auff," ref lied
my friend; With no trace if the:obeli-in
his voice or manner, tin tt his ,ap ear-
l:Luce would lead me ' to . tOpect. 'We
but we '1 axe
night. ' Ger
never to ver
. IVO pa; t of
ue.iourne at
have come from Banff;
not been tree-61E11s all
governor makes it a poet
fatigue any of his patien
hie Syetem; so we broke t
Edie burgh." : f
His patients! I would as seen ave
suspected. my opposite n ighboi of be-
tng a es-Mein/a as an inva id. g
, - Indeed' " I tel. -v. "Mi'ht I en uire
• - - • t • -
I what is his ccmaphaut ?,,
My tacit-I:len frieud tout hes his 1 ead
in. .mysterious way, and I am jus in
time to stop e low whistl indieativ of
• surprise, end to turn it into ano her
"Indeed." ,
e What particulax font doe., 1 is-e-
eheme-donipleint take ?" • es
I em beginning to hope he is not
lent. .
" Generosity."
" Generosity?"
"Yes, sie. You see he get e aIll si its
of schemes into his head for thetr lief
of suffering of ell kinds; nd, his fri nds
feeling he might mal e ducks and
drakes of his money, liay put him
der the care of our go -Vet
1' Is he wealthy ?"
"Very." .
"Are his friends quite lisinteres d.?"
"Well. I don't know. But at any
• rate they aro quite right. Ho might
• fell into the hands of um rincipled tee-
ple, wire would. help out his SciierneIs to
further their own."
-- e What is his latest pl u ?"
" 'Well. sir, lilt; last idet was that am-
bitiatis peeple who have tiled in their
aims -stunt as authors whose books
were roukhly handled. by the critics,
artists wl oso works did. let meet with
the eppre dation they -ex ected, a tors
whose get ins was not uur ersally r cog-
nized, asic such liko-we e a great ore
to society and in their • um were in-
clined to . lain the work ; so he pro-
posed bluitcling a retreat here all . ueh
could ret re to seclusitri-a Mut of
• Agapernone, you 5oe, sir.'
. "If he had: found a s anty -po ela-
tion for his rural settle • ent, it w uld
nevertheless' not be for lack of uch
'.Jut so, sin." •
" Do you consider h s a hail lese
"1 fear so, sir. He is cue of the c uiet
• sort; you, see. More vio ent cases are
often easier to aeza with. Our gov nor
turned out a rare wild oue quite c ired
the other day."
e• What Was -IIIA treatn ent ?"
‘° Letting him have his own wayt
part of our governor's system; let
was rather risky in this ase."
I feel intereeted. an . intithat
"Well, sir, Captain. B— hatd 'een
down With the yellowefeeer in the Vest
Indies, and. it was sugh a severe at /Lek
that the doctors settanse him up as a bid
job, ana handed him over to the black
nurses to do what they could. for him.
They pulled him through, but eah
such strong doses of quinine, that be-
fore he was ponvalescent his reason was
vio- .
t it
ani hurried into ti
my boys to inspect
deboaed for my espe
eine' in • blue lett
tud. Itly wife is fu
et all our -friends
cl what *sort of a, j
6 dining
tr, device
Sal bene-
rs on a
1- of en -
ot thet,"
case. I
t no ctrd
•I .14:11: A
bAM- ER- ON, HOLT & OAMEII N, Bandetet
N-1 qolicitors in Chant:au, &c., Goderich, Out.
M. C. Cameron, Q. dal Philip Hol M. G. Cam -
-WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Oottint
sioner in Belt., Wroxet ex. Anctionem stI
Appraiser. eAlteonnti, and notee collected m
reasonable tortes. :Ifis
Rue, Colivitenr°t'ktritltt,ne17:(1°tIerich
▪ 1SOILE, Buie ister, ettoruoy, solicit
Kidd's Store -Setif-m.11 ,
3rtig Store, Goderieb,
and Senforth, t)I.
eys, Soli eitoi
Ont. Office.-Firet d
Canadian Bank built.
S. anencoets oN
Berrieters, All
in Charmers., sec., Cliutob.
tor east of the new ROSIt
ng. Money to lown int fai 11
404 el. wersoe
\.1 oCAUGHEn e: ei aLMIESTEinllerriett), , At
nuoyy7 la;totLnarisenit Siolihciiitors in Oleunteis anti
171s.Loltv°61n. ...ni.....e and Conssaytterett
.11 on ses a Ild Lots for .
N. 13.-ts:80 000 nd at 8 per eel! t. Iree:.::11.6
iiiill,uk, Seam:tit. • Age!: &for
3olicitore for the R. .
t lie Canada I' •ife ANSII 'twee Co tit pa uy ,
-A tore, Attorneys -at
&e. Private funds t
est, and rn terms t
Goderich and Wing
building, opposite $e
J_• 9'. GA IIROW.
11- W. 0,, Meyer,
of 0 t nude , Wi ineltatt
& It ADEN H ItST, Bei ris-
Law,. Solicitors in Chaneery,
loan at nlow rate of inter -
snit boinowere. tanieee__.
fun. Office in La rigdele'e
tt'il Bank.
H. W. tj. MEYER.
ADErminwr. 474
&leiter Ooneislithi tett Beet
.1..SENSON & MEIE t, Berristere and Attoi le s
1-) at Le w , Solicitor. in Oliencery and IuteAveeey
notiveyansereNotari s Public, etc; 'If/Meese-See
f ()Oh end Brit:etch:. es20,cioo of Private Funds tt
in eet at once. at Eight percent. In tercet . payald
ye rly.. int
AS. n. atessous • .
ei. W. O. et E v nit.
he ;shove firm lec thi . day been dissolved In
ni Anal consent. Al net:mutt s dins the firm te
' be paid to Mr. Ber oit elm will 1)6, 'all habil
topic Of 1(0U epsation than , his peofes- -senge-s. 1 The guard havin
eiona expert trees, which 'he no doubt ident ty„ und the accesed's c
itighth oensi :en; an inappropriate sube • up b himself, being put in as
feet t Olsen s before one: ethis charges, ative vidences. the magistrate
has•elaps to his peeesal :79f the defen ant if he -had anything to saykYcatsi tan, no:, do, 'hear word. from. reply. An attempt was made to pr ,ve ,
him b'ela lee -good-day at York. that the accused was really -the coin--
Gsauthe , Grantham!" -• • • plain nt, and :that he had yen the
I have bee following the example of. card produced to the real offender, •
the &enemas lunatic, ttna taking ii. nap whicl the magistrate characterized' as
whic- adruo.,t eiderees the mane of a en imprudently lame defence, and fined
sleep. Lett -eke. to the glorious con*. the defendant the fell penalty of
tion ts at I 14 -nearing .• v., tourney's forty .
her pits -
pro led
asked e
, •
end, i nil ha 'el Imo Tirsetnusiy got over , '1 y dear," says my wife. s
about 120 mileti of loneliness. I have . el, ell, My dear," 1 reipand.
yet e resethet es befb enie; however, and '• V •randah House is th t
seemcd.ltboit el to .rform that part of ,plece that has just been finish d •
erney i lo ie. , • Vhat shell I do to f a 1 e.• tip the nill. Den't you
the ti ne t ' ,HaPpy - thought ! e iat . ou behaved. in lather an
! : Ji t Iii, 's . itot • a smoking t -erly mauler ?"
ist lee , iiC y -le No, 7 says : " 1 id our neighbor behave
tie y rs n 1 'Ale t in eny car- ! ter ?"
the j
fill u
No. 7
self 1
pac e
his a
wellsmoke a
and. a 4 qine
loyal et Of
sudde:dy ope
-a, n•ere abo,
ofrth meth.
hoe, fc 'Tined
creati res. .
I Set to h,
Well, so 'mu
.soneellody to
:I -won ler if
panic, t
breat after
to -ad ress
• te ou 1
sir! object
'let S11
s cig
e), f;,
• little
• b t:
tl. Cr h n a, • enieking carriage ' " In all, events he 'hes sufered i
iable -.to .a penalty- not ex- justly This cermet be allow to pa
g 140 °Mlle gs;"' Bother by-law Don't you thiek vot haa b tter c
.• • . - • . . f • - . and. a,
ell. th tet.1 ted. ' Tie -first-class "'W
nee -co p utment 4 .full. Well, - Ou,
s e b •d n ? --A •' all business that tveinne 1 rates tie Visits
le 0
ction 1 etwe n the e ard and my- Vents. da,h House, and was in.
egemi ter with my hand inetev usher .d. into the pres uce of t
elegize ?"
ell, think a
ny -Ivey home
•out it."
from t
arid e ne with his in his, and tric roprietor., Our recogn
terest-S t tie I am alone and by mutu 1; and as my meg
ver key to be:So, I may as : prom- red rite, I prepared. to pi
1 re I ame light up in a defensive- attitude. I-1
preparations for a Start, • howe or, was nOt extended.. t
settling cleten to the en- an as. ault, and before 1 .could
yi cigar, when the • door out tl e elaborate apology I
stand.' have Et companion pared I wes forestalled.. by
it [eV own height and age, • shelt of th.e hand and an ape
t xery .tualike- me. (I 'ain the q ondeen fire -eaten.
ere Mould in which nature
s , many of my fellow- ease
put di
a sin repertment."
o om in he next carriage,
Woulc •tou m nd stepping • .
e etati
's bell
ue col
e ecc
n -
tion s as
or ape
• myself
he, d
corn it
-tad p e-
o Yfrcrn
er ,such circumstances, it my- -
be guessed that a satisfactory n -
parte ef the Comity
' nosinon Office will t
a companion after all. clerstt ndingswa,s. seen arrived at, and
an ex beep of invIlatione to spend the
h: the better: -It . will -be
ta, k to and•pass the time. rernit'uder of the evening in each oth.er's
eAS.as taciturn as my Com- societe euded in my returning hoine
with ty neighbor as my guest. I am
e outset of the jciereey, . very muted to an efter-dinner cigar.
:°t ho is re6vering his lia,v g :ittlreadv comniitted myselfl,
herry, e• nd 'iS prepaeleg
I boWe ef,' It determined to practise a
• • dittie self-denial; t but whatt was tet,,,
lb [you to put thee' cigar out, surPr se; when I had carried off my
tO smoke." • . i
/I •. neigh or to' nay study to . show him
. • a
' ' '•. leer r tre volumes of which I am almost
u rd !. .. Tell this persen to m ete
-mutt at once. This is not . ke.
my •
itits. •.
fov. 27, 1876.
H. V. 0. MEYER.
.te EP SCA .
1878 j7.7 -1._i
4 --
, 1878
TIM $ 1 JJ ER- A Yr
Sa-- Ladies' tint .Child
Colored Cotton Hose, i
of Style, at Lowest Pric
ea's White -a ad
every va ty
1 G. SCOTT, M. D; ,'h, physieian. Surgeon line
• . Accoucheur, Se fordi, Out. . Office and heti. !I
donee south Ktde of KRIS erich Street, first (loot !!
east of Presbyterine Olsit eh. •
. 3401
far L. VERCOE, MI. D., C. M., Physician. Sue
lel- • geon, etc., Corner for the County of Iinrois; I
Office - and Beside*, I /7 ;Tarvis street north) I. AO' Ladies) and Child ein's Gloves-
seestetoseosite &semi / Poen eeitool. :I Splendid tessortment in Lisle, Silk and
W.T. A. sik,r13:in
D., leaotue sici
fariLa 00tt00,. very cheap.
• Graduate of the Un vernity of Trinity
Toronto. Member of the Itoyel College of Phy- •
eicians anil Surgeons. Oot. Kinnurn.Ont. 48t
M. HANOVER, IM. D., C. M., Gratitude of
McGill Univere ty, Phveicien. Surgeon node,
Aceoucheur, sottesn . Ont. Offfee-eItooins - -
• forrnefly by the King. Will attend at KIDD'S EIVIP RIUM.
Slover'y Block lately tecupied by Dr. Phelan, and
Curorthrook ou Tneedays mid Fritleyst. 496 ;
Mt:NAUGHT, Veterinary Stireeon; Guide
• eto of Ontario Veteripary College, Seaforth ;
Ont. Office and Itits0ence he rear of Killoran & '
Ilyants.. Calls pronintle attended to, night ot
day. A stock of -vet riflery medicines on hand • le
Charges reasonable. Torses examined est° sound- • la- Five- Hundred' Pans of Men's and
10 cents per
DOSS and certificatee iven if required. ' 40711 Boys' Cotton Hose frot
j AMES NV. ELDE i., V. 8., Greduate of the pair and upwards.
•outatio Veterina y College. After devoting
two years to practie -with Professor Smith, of 1
Toronto, has settle1 in. Seaforth. Office at his
residence cast of W. V. Ohnrch. Calls promptly I
ti ttended to by day te night. A Mine stock of
yeterimiry Medicines ennstantly ou band. Horses
examined as to sound' ass end .certilicatee given
.Horses bought and s ld on commission. 424
BYSHIRE: . D. s.,
Iir"..<,,,,„4,, 'pie 1 ; Surgeon Deutist, Graditate
'trjir415 of th;e hoyal Renege of Dental I
Surgeons of Outerio. 001ce 1
hours: from 8 A. Mr to 5 P. M. Rooms iu I
Mrs. WhitneyIe new Ihrick bloelt, Main Street, :
Seaforth. .
- • -
At iltsql.F. !Is N CO US.
se J'. MdOOLL; Soli itor, &a., Brussels. Office.
2-3-* in Leeltie% new brick building. 504-52 :
G. LANE, Auctioneer arid Appraiser f r the ;
ant, MeDougall's II ock, Winghtere. 5 5-4
• -3-• • County of Huron. also Commission Me r -
ch . -
ten ONEY TO LEND -0o terms more advan- ,
-1-1-1` Cancans than eve • before offered. .- A. J. Mc- .
COLIe _Solicitor; Bru Rein a 504.5e .
NATttp WANTS M NEY ?-1 few thousand
11 • dollars, private f inds, for iminadliete inveen
mint at 8 per cent. i itereen A.pplar to JA57,1 So.
H. BENSON, Solicit ISISeaforth.-
,. ' .
'_:e P. BRINE.,' Lin need- Am.:gown:II: for the
" • County of firir n.• Sales attea ed in all
All orders left' t the Ex -
promptly &then ed to.
Ace A Large Stock of e Limner Under -
Clothing in Cotton, Me ino, afed Silk
'..Mixtures, at Greatly Iteduced Prices.
• t p
• t y
" Y -s, r'sn Mind. By-law N.7
says, etc., e ee'" .says my companion, be; el
stan ng in ihe doorwayand1 arguing life i
ng smart
vi, th he gut
I " V ry , sir; .1 ut you
out y ur ettSu.?!
n't 1 o into the 'next
s in, there, ii
"' T vo lie
dies!' -
'• Efe-Ni6 y
ere just
slam Mg the
ute :w anti spi,
tether. ougIL
Sh 11,I. put
been f llucled oat at person:' I
been ddres.e1 iri a dictatorial ma nen
whicl has th very -reverse of re s Otli-
bag iu neece 4u me. I feel ruffled and "Yes; 1- was eaptein in the
'obstinate. cl beer). asked .pol tely, regiment." , •
iny-H vana cl .Teen, out of the Wit (low . Captain 111y Mind °everts to
in a t vluklihj, Rhall I- put it ot t oit the story I had h.earel on the: 'morning
infrin e b 1i No. 7, and be ftnedt of our first: ineetiug. But was our
forty hillings,? I wilt finish. my cigar." , frieuti as th,moughly cured 4 his ex -
and a„)iOe 1)St h consequences.- keeper seem to imagine ?: I can't
• say, but knilw that he is an r ex.cellent
My compen: o 1 is evidently as una,ct
, neighbor. 11 treats his misadventure
custoi led to.0 i-osition as I ant Ur diG
'. es a. capitcd ke ; ncl it•is liketv to he
tation,andifof -a few minntes he sta;'res
at me dunefou Clod, then he lets fly hisstocik story fer t e rest of his life,
own. ersicln f King' James' . Counter- -.how he was ned forty shillings, by -the,'
blast tgainst Tobacco:1 On 'My part Iay wcomp;ly because another pas -
preserve an obstinate My h1:
senger ad i rfringed by-law No. 7._1,
' silence.
comp Man pu ls up the window on his Chambers' Jul 7.nal. •
side; :1 I put iip that on mine, Which
produ es a•viellent fit ,pf coteghing On his out ozi.e by a Boy,
pert, hen dowp. -go both windows in ,a A lad in B iston eather small! for his
hurry • years works i an office as errand boy
We have zrrived at -Peterborough,' for four gen leanen who do business
and. t e guar c is again called: I have there. One day the- gentlemen were
aflno fi%lshed my cigar, vind throw- the chaffing him a little about being so
end way. Aly, compenian cannot let, small, and sa'd to him:
the matter ret, however, and. when. we You will never amount tomuch,
are st rted. a ein he reads me anbther: von never cal do much business, You
lectme, colic ed in such unacceptable. are too sinall "
terms that for reply 1 light another • The little f-UOW ooked. at them.
usl'as. I am of y chil,dren, to See
end produce a r ca, and not
ffering me the e ne of indulging.
favorite wees, but himself
ing to johi
u. may well, look eurprised," said
but in truth -ant an inveterate
r.. I passed man • years of my
Havana, and these -cigars -which
Bust pie I von •ure to -say you will no remtiak-
ably 400d -are Of my „own importing.
areiege t"- " But you expressed such contraey
-old. la- opim us the other day.'1
" T e fact is, that When in the West
nt any mpty com art- Indie I auffered from a severe attaek
- .of ye ow fever, and the rem,edial. Op-
oflTj sir,11 'Says the geerd., plian es so affected.' my; mind that for'
dbOr,itteld the next min- some time I had to be placed tinder fe-
rn:rig ,ort cur Way to .Pe- stria! t. Thanks to the skill Of a, cleVer.
practitioner, I arra cured, b.ut my old
ant my cigar? I aye malady will Show. itself in 4Ccasitinial
eve fits,cif uncontrollable obstinacy,"
." I beg your pardon," says I; "-bet
axe you not a military men
-1- Muff, successor t
tinier of Ineaupstmd C
• to give satesfection.
J. It. Williams, manufac-
steins. All wark warranted
Factory on North Main St.,
NOTICE TO DEB ORS. -All parties not hav-
• e" ing settled up the r accounte with me for 1877
fai ing tO do so ut o ce will be chillged 10 per
ce t. interest from January 1st,' 1878, without
fail. THOMAS COV ;NTItty, Seaforth. 501
_TOHN LECKIE, Go eral toan and Real Estate
" Agent, Grain, Pr dace aud Commission Mer-
chant. Money lo,ane on real estate in' town or
'country, at 8 pe .eent simple interest. Charges
moderate. Mor garch bought and sold. Mattered
mortgages poi ofL Tunis to • suit borrowers.
Fanue and vill ge Itciloperter for sale. Office-
Leckie's new b ck bl ek, Brussels, Ont. 515
-1- ROOT ALTERA tIVE-Nature's Great Res-
torative cures libeu raisin, I epepsie,, 'Bilious-
ness, Sick Headache, iver CO plaint, Nervous,
neas, Palpitation of t e Heart, General Debility,
DAeitees of the .Stomuch ana all Female ....ora-
plignts. For Smote, us diseasea it is invaluable,
as it is tbe greatest k own blood puffier. Price,
50 nents. EDWARD VARCO, Brussels, Agent
for tike County of Huy n. - 545-12
-1- P riodieal Pills This invelii hie medicine is
unfa,ili g in tlio eur of a111 -ho .e reinful and
dangerous diseases t which the f male constitu-
tion is subject. It neederatee all exelitse and re-
moves all obtructions and a speedy cure may he
relied n. To ma. ii cid adios, it is peculiaily suited.
It will, irs a short time, bring on the monthly pe,
riod nit regularite . These: pills should not be
taken by Females daring the hist three months
of Pregraucy, as they ti are sure tci bring on Mis-
carriage, ut at any o her Hine theyare safe-. In
all co se of Nervo is and. pinel Affections,
pains -in he back and limbs. fa iglu, on slight ex-
ertion, alpitation o ' the het rt, hysterics!, and
whites, t ese pills wi I effect it ure When all other
means eve failed ; and, el though a powerful
remedy, (0 not contn 11 iron, calomel, antimony,
or: auyth ng hurtful o. the constitinion. Full
direction in,the paint Wet around cede package,
wbich Sh ruld he card tll v. preserved., Job Moses
New Yor , Sole Prop 'loon :1-;:d. 00 and 124 cents
for poste e enelosed to ,Northrop & Lyman, To-
ronto, 0 st., general agents for the Dominion,
will ins re a bottle containiug oven 50 pills by
.t, . ell, Sold i Seaforth by i Hiekmou &
• Bleasdelli, J. S. Bolter s, and. II. Ten minden. 197
Oli.--13 onTis SC te TIMES ITS : WEIGHT IN
GOLD—Pain cannot t, end where it la used. It is
the cheapest inedicin ever made. 'One dose ewes
common sore throet. One bottle htei cured bron-
chitis. Fifty cents' w rth has cured an old stand,
ing cough. It noSitie ly cures catiorh, asthma,
and croup. Fifty cet s' worth has cured crick in
the back, and the sa e quantity lanee back of 8 -
years' standing. The °Rowing are extraets from
a few- of the many let ers that have been received
froru different parts f Canada, which, we think,
should sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical: J.
Collard, of Sparta, On: .,writes, "Send. me_6 dozen
De. Thom a ' Eclectri Oil, have sold all 1 had from
'you, and w nt more w; its cures a n trnlywon-
derful." 1 m. MeGu re, of Frunkli , writesehI
have solda the agent left, it -acts lik -a charm -
it was slow at first, b t takes splendid now." IL
Cole, of Io a, writes, "Please forw trd 6 dozen
Thomas' Fellectric Oil I am nearly Out, nothing
equals it. It is highly recommendedby those who
have used it." J. Be ford, Thames\ '
"Send me at once a further supply
Oil, I have only one b ttle left. I ne
thing sell•so-well and
tion." J. Thonmson,
me some more Eclee
out Nothing tirkes'l
verton, P. Q., welte, "
a great reputation h
Send us a further supp;
•Gibb & Co., Buckingh
one gross of Ecleetri
well." Sold by all
Cents:. Ss N. THOM
Agents for the Domi.
BeleeNd and Eleetri
LHnicnakasdoent & Bleasdell
, . I - "Well," seed lie,. ' as small as I ant,
"S r. here: is nay ea.eds and! I in-, I can do som. thing which none of ybu
slat- u u knowing youi• name and ed -I- large men ca • do." ,
1 "Ah, what is that?" said they. '
dress. , : , • .
I t 6 his eerd, open. my ,card. case, I "1 don't la ow as I ought to tell you,"
, .
put hs card iii,and return. the case to he re lied. „,
my p AO without giving my card in: Bu they were anxious • to know,
ceche • ge. I ifthish my cigar amidst a, and. t rged hir i to tell, what he could i
volley of tli.rda.ts of getting my name do' ti at non of then). .were. able tat
clo. '•
and a dress by force. t ,
eet are et Finsbury Park 110W, and- " Ilcan kee from stvea lag !" said. the
nine:: erd being collected. This is the, little fellow.
t station to my home, and hc-re I' There wer some blu hes on four
pani jo•l to lessee the. train. MY cone- : manlY faces a 0 -dr tfhurett eienmfoerd.mtoatbieonveig
follows MO up the platform, and. 'little anxiety
calls t e guard to. take my name and. that point, : , ,
XX" Gentlemen's Lineu Dusters • and
Slimmer Coats in Alpec a, Linen. Pure
sell -Cord and Mohair,' t prices that
cannot be beet. Call anc see them.
Cir A few more Linen(Costumes on
hand, which will di pesed of at a
Big Reduction. Also a q entity of Fine
Silk Mantles to Clear Ou the Lt. •
of 4cIectric
ver taw any-
've such general satisfac-
Woodwaid, Writes, "Send
rid Oil, 1 heve kold entirely
ke it." Miller & Reed, 131 -
he Eeleetric Oil is getting
re, and is dairy called for.
y withoutedeley."Lenaoyne,
en, P; Q., writes, "Send as
Oil. We find it to take
edicine dealer. Price 25
8, PITELPs, N Y. And
AN, Toronto Ont., Sole
pion. Nor E.--3-EclectrieL-
Zed. Sold in Seaforth by
J. S. Roberts and R.
eg-' The Millinery is still in full opera-
tion and evenything wanted in this De-
partmeet atttnded to , on the Shortest
• '
)0- A Complete Assortnaent of &le-
ers, Feathers; Ribbons, Laces, and. Hat
Ornaments alWays on hand, and the most
Always given to the Comma,nds and. In-
structions of our Customers at THE
M -T (7) _
FOR 1878.
A to Raiee by.tomy of loan
Juty ID, •ins
the sun?, of Sive Thousand Dollars
forthe purposes hereinafter mien-
tiOried. • .
.ID IR;a7- GOOD'
Nlc7HEREAS. The Tfigh Seined :13:iterd .441. the- -
to the Munk ilea Councit of the sniff Town of
'Yoe et of StetfOrth hes made en iipetbee non t
S'enfieth, in theCounty of :II limn, for i he -sum of
Six Thoesatel Dollare, for the ;purpose of eta-
charerg land in the geld Town of Sarmitb llwi
ereea tier- I Inenon a I ligh Sehool Building und
futhiehing the some.
AND W IIEREAS, the said Conneil bee resolve
ed to raiee the snia teun 01 Snowy kr the pule
Im80;n f*A"VPITE'31.k
AD111A S., it will .re (nit e. the aum - Of
Seven If unored and Twenty Donate to be reused
sn id debt and ;int erest, as also here Ina ti er mare
entindly, by epeelnl rate, for the peyntent of the
tioned.' '
AND WHEREAS, tb•2 o mount of the whole 'e. es
rateable properey of the mid Corponttion (irro- .15Ard :A 1,N,S is flitnin increase of prneset •Genniett, PAstin
ii e
in, l.,r,t.t, di vidende, rents or fees from the -said Fancy.
*e.tive f onue- the same, afItl :
irresp etive of any incense in :the nattwe ef. toile,
property, and elect irreepeeeive of any income to
be derived Loin the te(upontry inveetinent of the
eiuking fund hereinafter menthined or any pert
thereof) was, it (c oriel) e to theisst revisted Aseese,
molt Roil of the said Coreoretton, being -for ibe
year One ThoustEnd Eight Rewired Mid Seventy -
Eight., the stun of Five Hundred. g.:ita sixty-
iTalh.sr.00 Thousand_One Hundred and Seventy Dol -
WHEREAS, the stemma of the existing RiRG,A.INs ill filack Lestres.jBlae an
sae interest thereon at 7 per cent. per annum,
ef By Law No, 46, of the staid Town of Seeforth, 13--- aeleNtete-tew.eze,, alsl!i,.s.iti
debt, or the said Coxponities ew
n ie follos : Th: ee Jet BJ
Thensand Dollars borrowed . ;tinder the :authority
leleletett jeteeee, alltii
r I t
I i .
the antbm ity ot1.3y lotw No,. 100. of sol't fow•n of BARGAINS in I:11' esterit Ceteet an?
I :
minim). from the First (ley of july, 1S7d, aud ; ; , • '
there is eothtne in arrear end imptid either for
Seaforth, and linen:et the:eon at 7 per cent. per Be43, 11);.1.:.A.riiiNos. ill 41,.(.1 ‘,.013:et,s:ai-i. --th-.e Ltaai.
. .,
PrANineill143NIV"fiflittftETSt: for pavin:g the interest and . itog Makes I ''
motsting en equal yearly Sinking fund for paying •' _ . 3 t
the said SUM Of Six Thous., nd Dollars a -n -d e
it will re i inINS
an ter- BA:RGAin Glettes„ :N.Eide, Lisle e
qual - annual speei4 rate of One 156.113-54 317
es•t, RS llOreinitflOr. -Mentioned, rqui, •a -
3, _
Mills in the dollen iti addition to all rates to be
levied in etteh y e.
13:: AilljGr; N 8 in ''IN' feu'sflirts Felt aud. I
BE IT Tiettniteotes ENACTED by the Cet'41r- Straw' .
votes ef the (bile qualified electors, end- for ap- re Li pSot_rA3IWN-' 3 in 13.)y8, • Hats:R7d.,,,aa,itnad
pointing Retnroing, Offices e ro take the votes :of At''''-'-'
the soil electore at the in etie .
poratiou of the TeWil Of StafOrtil, ill the County r
AND WHEREAS,' it iesmede neeessary by law I, •
to aPpeint the time and phice for talking the !.
:13 kit:GAINS M Fla n lie]; ho
af1. lrbd-41": it , shlu ho lewful for the Meyer dr II..
Joan from ens; psrsou or pereoose body -or bodies i -
Reeve of the said Cerporation to raise by way of es.. AuGAINI5
in I Stim•ting., Wool and
teepee te, who May be. wi Ili eg to ildvai ee the Canton. .
Inline itpon the credit.,( the debentures herein -
;(ter mentioned, a stim of money not exceeding ea IRGAINs, el Tiet.,e,gs, itcather .,
re the whole the sine of Six Thousend DoBerss ` ' -' '
. and.
or Peeve to ce it 1,.e any tincener of -Debentnees t a Srairi.,
and to en111,11 tba t...:tIOS 101)0 paid into- the hands
orthe Raid High. Settee] Boetel of the Town of
St:emelt 101' the purpose cold with the object
tibove i ecited. ,
II. That it shell tot lawful for the seicl Mnyor
BARG-Al:NS in Factory Cottons; Amen;
he merle for such limns of money art May he. in-
elneee, net lees thee One Hundred Dol ...rs ezten, e: Ineen and Canatlians
Donne, anti that, lila said De.liCatilrOS I Shall be ; . '•
and not exec:et:Rig iu the aggnegete Six • housand •• •
signed by the Mayor or Reeve and Treesneer
sealed nisei the eeal of t he said Corporation, and
thIelle?rThat the.said Debentearee snail be suede to keel? the Stook well Res otee,
mentle in twenty years at furthest from the (ley
hereinafter mentioned for- this By -Law us tak-e .
effect, at the Mike ot t -he TieasatIer 'of the :naid i
Curporation, and ehall have attaehed to than ' ,•
Conpous ad. the peymenz of intereet. IT'w Gods ire Open -ed oliv
ly. 1, et the said Debenture, shall beat inter- ": ' I ' ' . .'' •
-cHE:APIcts,f(s.roat, .
EBAAIRt:IIENN-S8 Prole -rime , Meeitee
,BARFGAanetNy•S 1.
Prints-. Dark and tight
Muslins, White se
pavehle half-yeetly from the First day of Matruh,
1878, end These Theneand Dolle in borrowed on
DARGACCS in White Cettons, English
and Atriericans
est nt and after the rate of eeven per cm:1mM per
annum from the date thereof, 'which interest
shall be payable hal!-yearly, on the First days of
:Taituary anti July in ;each 3 -eine at :the .offiee of
the Haiti Treasurer. ; 1
V. That for the purpose of :laying the interest
and forming antinkingl fund for the peyment of
the Hale debentures an eq -nal eeeeial rate of One
1F 6 83-56.317 mills in the doll Hi shall, in addition
to all other noes, be railed, leided and collected .
in euch yea) upon all the ratealtlepropertyein the
said Corporation during the to theuance of the
ea id debentores orally of them.,
• VI. Testie
ts Dy.fesw sba 1- lecke effect and
come into operation on the 14'1*,- (ley of Septems
lier, One Thonsand Eight Hunted and Seventy -
Eight. ,
,VII. That the votes en: the electors of the said
Munieipality shall be taken ou Mils Dy -Law on
• Erery Week at
Cheap• Cash, Store,
i .
Motiday, the Twettly-N4.coted Day of
• July, Otie Thouson•C Eight Ulm -
tired aud SnyetaltY- IS: kat( •
e t
• t the hour of Nine o'elock in the morning, and
roin thence till the hour of Five - o'elock in the
it fternoon, at the following tele:cu.:
'OR THE NORTH WAISD-Ae Edward Cashis
Olt THE SOUTH WA RIP---Ast the Town Halle
iOR THE EAST WARD -At Samuel Stern
Store. .
ed fleet Edward Cash shall be the Returning
Offieer for the Non n Ward, William Elliott shell
e the Retuning Office: for the South Ward-, and
Samuel Stalk shall he the Returning Office, for
be East Wend.
BE IT ALSO ENACTED, in purettance of th:e
•evised Statutes of the Province of Ontario,
Chapter 174, Seetion 259: - . .
I. That the Clerk of the Najd Ifunieipal Cote
)(maim) of: the Town of Sealorth shall, at the
our of Twelve o'cloek, noon, on Tuesday the
Tweet y-Thistd day of .Tnly, 0-ne Thousand Eight
undred and Seventy -Eight, at the Town Hall,
-urthe said Town of Seaforth, sum up the mime
er of votes given few and against this By -Law,
U. That the Maj -or or Reeve of the said Muni-
iptil Cerperation shall Sae d at the Town Ilan
is the said"Town, nu Tnes ay, the Sixteenth day
f July, nue Thousand elight Hundred, and
'eventy-Eight, at the hour of Eight o'clock in
he evening, feethe purpose of appointing per -
ems to atteed tit the various polling places
lot esaitt, and the final stemming up of the votes
y the Clerk respectively, on behalf of the per -
Ons interested in and promoting or opposing
he passege of this By -Law 'respectively.
pnE above is i trne copy of a propoeed By -
Law, to be take.n into consideration by the
Inticipality of the Town of Seaforth, after the
-e-piration of one month ftme the 51-h day of
uly, 1878, the flute of the iiret publicetion of the
aine in the tfunon Exeosrren. And that at the
our and placea therein fixed for taking the votes
1 the elecnors the polls will he held-
559-4 Town Clerk.
JUNE, A. D. 1878.
Between James Hen(letson, and Ebne,s
Jlenderson, Plaintiff's, and. Thomms
liclay, Defiwaiant.
TjPON the epplieation of the - above-named
Plaietiffs, and upon hearing read the affida-
vits of Finns Hendersoe, :William Bain Furth
and Martin Lynch, it is ordered that the De-
fend:int do ou or before the Thirtieth de -j of
September next, answer or demnr to the billof,
complaint in this cause:
•R. I'. STEPHENS, Referee:
The Defendant's answer is to bit filea ut the
Office of the Clerk of Records, and Writs at Os-
1-goode hall, in the city of Toronto. If the De-
fendant faile to answer or demur on or before the
'time above limited, he in to be subject to have
:such ileerce or ca•dee made against him as the
Court may think just upon the Plaintiff's own
showing. The Bill of Complaint in this cause is
filed by Messieure, McCarthy, Hoskin, Pliamb &
Creelman, of the City of Toronto, •in the County
of York, Solicitors for the Plaintiff. 553
TR. J. P. IlItINE will sell by Publit Auction
-hi- for Mr. JAMES REDMOND, at the COM-
SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1878,
At 1 o'clock P. M., a. comfortable new Frame
Dwelling, House -and Lot. It is situated on.
Louisa Street. There is it brick cellar and good
ell. The house was built last summer, is well
finished and contain8 tvoms. It can be seen
t any time prior to the sale. Terms nea,de
known on application to the proprietor, or on
the day of sale.
j. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. -5611
Rernevt-ii his Groc.m7 to -Shop No. 3, in - Mrs.
Iyhitnefe Block, next, to Lumselell's Drina Store,
and -will be happy to Fee all his old friends tend
many new ones. 552
' N. B. -A. Full Stock Batteriek's
Patterns. for all Mule of L ttfies', Missee's 13onsie
and Little Children's Genneete at Catalogue
Pyices. 1
ow 4.3-0ING ON
;117'.o. Threadbire„-, Time Worn, ffoth„---
Eaten, .1,4tten Pubbish, at Dent's
Velo ''oods, and
1 ,
Wide Engl shiPrint'
e S eents.
Best Ashtert'4 and Hoyle's Prints, 10
: cents -to 11 13ehts.. ••
Good Cotton -al 5 cents per yard.
'Stt aw Goods, tve are almost giving aways
Ladies' Linen iCostutues., ;3 1 75.
: If it is ally iObjeet to you to get
Cheap Goode,
0To D -,ENT S Foi
As he is BOund.to Melee a Clearence.
;BRoximiloorii &BOX,
lave on hand at their rareroonts,
Stock of Furniture oj every Des-
. crjption as can be found in, any
similar Establishment in. Huron,
all of which they are prepared to
sell' cheap.
It is all manufactured under their own super-
Y1S1011, and they can guarantee it as to qualitY.
having procured a hendsoins Tfearee, they are
now prepared to attend to undertakinn in units
branches, on the most reasenable terms.
In connection with their uniertaking business
they 'use the -
Which preserves the body and destroys all offen-
sive odors arid prevents contagion arising, from.
dead bedies.
• Orders 1?.espectfolli Solicited,
•„--,•72.11e 13-1
, g ye -e, trt :" t; tal
'Iallceeleee le .'I
' -tli fillger'
. 4:___,:::313.tiliy:Iiiin.:.:
6'in7toljcie-:_r151;4e:311::::::' 41,1
the ,other J.g
• Iw
- Etat tili:.
0 3 .A, 3 0 a In . 0 . u
• lis• t ot tinty:Sa: ti_aav ei r:hiliiiiiell. ::::a3;:a.,us: ae: v.s "1,04141• ,i
1 )rcs f'bs 'srblrYleiti Iptist e riw' ilw:d. 311e,,e1 e:d'14. ,
s.olil •x0:3_,;..,iiit.
,est ot;;
e:e !ilia t"11}.7del
- enteii
- flov0
for 4t
log (Y.
up a: