HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-12, Page 8tI • TTERS. PUBLIe N OT ICE .—WIL Bereaved his Grocery to Sho Whitney's Block, next to Lums and will be happy to see' all hi many new ones. en C. W. Peen ha e all ti taken by L.P. Wheeler, Artist, for sale at his book and station COMMUNION WINE.—P for Sacramental Purposes at soac's. 553 . PURE 'LImE JUICE at th Seaforth. 553 • IAM ALLEN has • No. 8, in. Mrs.. ien'a Drug Store, old' -friends end e Town Views f Tecumseh,Alioh., ry store. 558 re -Grape Wine CMSDEN & 1WIL- Medical Hall, Semen Wneee.—Mr. of the Huron oad, Tu shown us •a sample of sip the Egyptian variety, wh stalk and size of teed, t1.ing we have heard o season. The stalks me illiam Fowler, kersmith, has g wheat •of 'Cli, for length surpasees any - or seen this sure 5 feet 9 inchee. QUARTERLY SERVICES. -- The first quarterly meeting of t is Conference year in connection with he Methodist Episcopal Church here Iv 11 be held on Sabbath evening next, 1 th inst., Rev. E. Lounsbery, Presiding, 141der of Lon- don District, will preach at 6.30 p. ra., after which the Sacramei t of the Lord's Sapper will be a,dministe ed. TIER 13ezaen.—We wo id reraind our town readers of the hoz ar now being held under the auspices f the Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth dist Church. A large variety of artic es useful and °meaner:691; are offered or inspection and sale. Any who have a few minutes to spare, and who wish ti benefit thank - selves and advance a goo cause at the same time,!should step i tto the store in Stark's new block. LICENSE FUND DISTRIgUTION.— The following are the amour): s received by the several mimicipalitie. in the South Riding of Huron from t e Liquor Li- cense Fund for the year 1878, the dis- tribution of which has already been made S. Seaforth, 51,12 .58; Exeter, $98.85; Bayfield, $233 57; Stephen, $330.69; Hay, $258.09; Us • orne,$129.04; Stanley,$129.04; Tucker. ith, $104.84; Goderich township, $32.26, ' - • MUSICAL LECTURE. — isrofessor Mc- Laren,, of Montreal, who s a candidate for the Precentorship o the Presby- terian Church in. this t wn, delivered an able and interesting et dress on mu- sic: and church psalmody in the church on Monday, evening last. The Profes- sor is a pleasant speaker, and seems to thoroughly Understand e subject on which he treats. We sh 1, in a future issue, give a few extracts from his ex- eellent lecture. ANOVIER IIORSE DEM 'day evening last, as the longing to the Messrs. B turning from Brucefield flour, one of the anima Egmondville, fell down and died. in a few mime haustion is the supposed The night was intens warm, and the teara wa loade:l. Thehorse was real, and its death b matched. teaan. It pays light and drive easy thes .—On • Thurs- ay team be- ownell was re- ith, a load of s, when near the harness es. Over ex-' ausecof death. ly close and very heavily - fort of lice of t the La,t P4Y hpn this Year loes $293 by the action he Council • reducing the hotel es —The fo1owing are the names e other office of Court Flower of Foreet, No. 3 1: 0. F.: Thomas inter, S. B , and, Dr. Campbell, P. T. Foster arrived e on Monde, e ening lest, after an o gh. Unele Sara's do- nded tourth DAUS. PLANING,Mme and sash and ao r the estate .of b public auctio o dams,. of Bayfi id he 'faetory bui ere piircha,sed or b r in the yard or t for 1?00. of $ p operty. The n eion with the b Mr. McNicha e believe Mr., ti e factory in op o D. -The planing. mill factory belOnging to dam Gray, waSsold Tuesday last. Mi. was the purchaser. nets and machinery 63,690 and the lune: - $2,100, maidng a to: ,90. ' It is a cheap n ate residence hi con - fa tory was purchased. a, if Hellett, for $1,29o. ds msiintends' setting tion at once. oi 53 di is INE FRUIT. and egteeme litickle, of elle le of delici been grown, Mr. Arbuc oncerned, er of this eberries are este and fie sted to be our friend such delici Oil 11 fgeT be t hop aro wit alth the ree day for and froi. are indebted to our riendc M. William to ship of iHay, for a us goosebenries which thi's season in his gar - ,in so far as quality itie clue 'pion fruit i, ty. Many of his s tge as 'urns, and vdr, well, they have to ller appreciated. We ay long be i spared to ' s : fruit. Me. J. P. Br ikohas also favored us f• gooseberries which, erent shape, are abcmt ht of Mr. Arbuckle' a' saniple ugh of a di ize and yeei RSONAL. — hant of this ast on a: tri e purpose winter stoc New York Ara ur Qua, of fraRebert e old counti Paris befoed essrs. Angi on end Th ned froin th They lia,d. he scenes of ii enjer ed the er ti .ougitee .m. Hui a in parti aava froxki them to t • visi Kin ret day. ing the r. _Robert Jamieson, town, left on Widnes - 'to the old country, f purchasing his fall of goods. He sails. ri company with Mr. eris, on Saturday next. imsden intends going next week. He will he returns. th Lamont, Hugh Mc - as Newton, of Grey, old country_on Tues - pleasant time review - heir youth. ° Although selves muah they nev- ch of Canada and old ular until they were i $E wih be p Bee grou a fri the the to b (Sat of ti pion Sto the Pia Botl test As selv wit 11 eete—glw .ibase -ball Matches eyed this week by the Star BaU Clu ds here. ndly match and the' lver Maple called at! 2 rday).aftelxiloon, the second -match e season for eh4 five counties' cham- hip cup will be played. The Red inas of Lis caielavill' tear to retake Stars in this match: d at 1 o'cipek sharp. o doubt, be hotly con- xaellent playing made. hie\ slebuld 'avail them- portunity 'afforded of od games, and given - ;hs home .club by at - Sion 15 cents ; an the Agricultural his (Friday) afternoon ill be played between old-time opponents, of Wroxeter. Game olciock. 1To-raorrove uplom will be call games will d and some any 'as poss sof the o essing two g comagement to tening. Admi valuabip ani- frOe • • aks a well best te load_ hot days. . • THE BAND CONCERT. proraena,de concert, and ity the last this season, by the town band. Under • Prof. Chas. Fetzer, in th on Frida,y, ,July 19th. ' now in rehearsal several presentation on this occa. Maluding • the grand classical select on "Martha," • which is, by the way, a • usical treat in itself. 4 Several lady a d • gentlemen musicians haVe also promised their as- sistance in enhancing the programthe o wish to en - ss a pleasant visit the rink rink will be The second n all probabil- will be given - he direction of skating rink, he band has ne pieces for of the evening, and tell w joy a good concert wed p evening should not ail t on the above date. The well 14,slited, conafortab y seated, and in a much, better con 'don generally than eathe occasion of he last enter- tainuteet! We hope th townspeciple will show their a.ppreciat on of the band by turning out in large n inhere. TEMPERANCE MEETING. At a &bile meeting held in. the To Hall; Sea - forth, oh Wednesday, the 10th. of July, for the promotion of he • cause of temperance, in r connect weak in that direction. re plished. by Mrs. Youm solved to .form an orgai known as the Seaforth C perence Union. A shqrt stitution containing eiela adopted. The provisions • tution embrace the appoi tain officers, which was • follows: President, Mr. 1St Vice -President, Mr. 2nd. Vice -President, Mr. Secretary, Mr. C. Pa, pending Secretary, on ' with the ently accom- s, it was re- ization to be ristian Tem- forra of con; articles was of the censti-- teaent of cer- then done. as .ohn Beattie; . R., N. Brett; Re Turnbull; .hiey ; • Cones - C. Moore; Treasurer, Mr. -Noble C1u. A stirring - address was delivered by the Rev. M. Grehana, and the constit tion read, and suitable remarks made by Rev. Mr Warner. Mr. John Bet ttie .acted as chairman. LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mr. Wrn. M. Gray has -sold the house anal lot where he now • lives to Mr. G. W. Papst for the sum. of 51,000. --Haying has now become pretty general in this V einity. The weather, thus far, has ben very favor- able, and the crap is MUG better than was expected a few wee s ago.—Who wouldn't be a school teac er these days, • with the thermometer at 90 in the shade, and the holiday se son jest coin- mencine.— The Rev. r. Gralnuu, • formed; of Egmondvilie, is having a neat brick cottage erect (le near the residence of Mr. Jacob cGeo, and. in., tends returning hero to Tend th.e re- mainder of his years, as e is about be- ing superamauated from • active -minis- terial labor.—The Rev. r. Ca,napbell preached the second of hi series of ser- 3110I1S on " Hell ° " on the e enina of the 7th inst., to a large and ntelligent au- dience. The reveren geutleman handled Canon Farrar w thout gloves. —Forty-five new book have been added to the library of tie Mech.anics' Institute this week. Mores ahraeveeerameead: shortly:—The hotel keepe great preparations for the onstration here toslay.— ade have decided not to vitation of the Woodetec attend the Firemen's Gat the Cotmoil having deelin grant to aid in defraying ex Orange dem- he Fire Brig- ccept the in - Company to enng there, d. to give a nses.—Sea- , • game will be playedein Winghami on 1 onday next • etween a picked itne fee the merc • ants and professio al me. f this to' i ala& an equal -number fro.. Ithe same 1 Eats in Wingham. The c Sea rth tea ••ill be cemposed of hies s. J. H. e - • son, F. Holmested, T. Kid kW. 0. :i t , AL Morrison, C. Wil- . son, . Gouinlick, J. A. Cline and J. S.-1 ol'e,erts. gam eof SE ball will be played on t e driving rk grounds during the earl part of next week between (two nine: represen ing the -Commercial and Sha T's Hotele. t , Si AEORTH PUB ib, -SCHOOL.—The fel- lowi g is a list of the pupils of the sev- eral department of the Seaforth 'pub- lic- chool to Whem prizes were award- ed,• nd the num er ofhonor cards hel by e 'ch. The h nor cards were given for fficieney in udy and punctual at - ten mace. ! Eap • pupil who *as not ab- sent from schto a day, and who did not ave an i lip rfect lesson during the wee , received honor card for, that wee-. The p •s were based on thel nu ber of ho. o • cards held by a pupil. The figures : le each name represent' the number if Amex Cards received. Ho or cards a e n not &Warded in th thre lower de tments• :1 , F rst Dep ent. --Ella Edwards, 16; K. Killer, 13; M. Davidson, 5; A. 1 "dd, 2:; have, 12; E. Hill, 8; L. ninlop, 5; . McFaul, 13; G. Ed - war i a, 9; J. •dd, 2; Q. McKaye13 ; D.ohnson._, , • At •Maybee, 13; 1M. ..... Pri gle, 8 ; Md. 'Neill, 2; G. DentAl ; J. L atherla,n . ; S. Dorrance, 3; L. She erer, 3; J wing, 3; A. Paterson; 3; l. Duncan, ; A. Prihgle, 6; Wm. McVay, 9; W Guthrie, 3; J.Watson, 2; m. Smith Teni Wilson, 4. S 'Gond Dep 2; hristina T er, ? • Mat. Bea tie, 3 ; Agn Mc eau., 3 ; E He derson, 3 ; Mocre, 3; Amy erse , 2 ; liatti 1 1 a . • n, 1'; N. Bethune, 1; inent.:Jarees. l'iingle, mson, 2; James 'Fish- cDougell, 4; Maggie MCIntyre, 3 ; , Sarabel *th Wright, 3; Kate essie Case, 1; Lizzie imt, 3; Emma Som- Buggin, 1; M. Dewar, ° 2; Theresa:la ran, 3; Bella Mabee, 1; , atoll Luebe 3; Maggie Wilson, 1; MEL gi Case, 4; Maggie Ballantyne, 8; Cha i 't-te Porter ' 2.; Minnie Crocker., 2.; Levu Mabee, ; V m.'Brine, 1 ;' Wm. I-Im t, !4; 0. Sp rling, 2; Wm. Mc - Doi gap, 1 ; A ieit, 3; R. Pringle, 2; A. 'eters, 2; I . Ewing,'; - G-eo. A. Del ale 5.; Magg eNaught, 3; Jaines Atk necni, 4; F. A : demon, 1; Arthur - Tro t, 2; Thomas Thomson, 1; Carrie Ani alt., 3; Loui a 1ill, 6; Mary -David- son 4 Maggio iN eville, 1; Ellen Somer- set, • T . 14; 7; . Kat •Liz Ida Mee Bet _ erta Rob e F war 1. iiztd Department.—Lizzie McKay, Carrie Freeman, 8 ; Martha Lusby, utile Shearer, 3 : Grace Elder,,7 ; o iPashiey, le; IKatie Manson, 1; • Willson, 1 ; INellie Smith, 1; Haat, 1; Agen Arraitage, 1; Jas. rale, 2; Russel Roberteon, 2; Willie nue, 6; John Rossi 3; David Rob- ],: ; John McNaught, 1; Charlie artson, 1 ; John Smith, 1. th' Departnient. --Lydia. Ed - s, 12; ,Birdie Mc7efulkin, 7; Addle • Mel enteall, 7; .Ettle Lee, 5; Sexah S meet, 4 ; Mary D eagon, 3; Maggie Mori n, 3; Lizzie Smith, 3; Lizzie Srni h, 4;.Maggie l Walsh, 2; Jessie Dear, 2; 'Barbara Hatt, 2;. Annie Car e, 1; Nellie- Kennedy, 1; Pauline, Ave „ -Mary Dent, 1 ; Mary 'Tyer- man • _James Ritchie, 5; James Priia lee 4; Harry Robertson, 3; Fred. THE HURON itage, 2; Fred. Hill, 1; Jexander tkensonel •' Jelin Wright, ; Willie cNab, 1; Willie Sloan, 1; Marshall F.fth Department.--Jemaie Atkinson, 3; Mary Passmore, 9 • Geri e Hume, ; Abbie Powell, 5; Wesley eattie, 4; usaM Smith, 4; Maggie cLeod, 3; afrces Ril1o$n, 3; Frank M Caughey, , Hannah Ritciie,2 ; Paul Freem n, ; Minnie Armitage, 2; W. 'le St w- eak 2 ; Wi e Buggin, 2; Wi lie H rt,. ; Maggie Brotdfoot, 2; A nie c- eod, 2 ; Cara Burnett, 1'; May y- ens, 1 ; Martha R4son, 1; Ale k c - Leo , 1; Annie Tracey, 1; elli ab- orts in, 1; eorgint4 Ewing, e ol and, 1; John• 1 d - TUMID.= ar Dawson, 1 ; J mes Whi ney 1 S xth Departmen •--Highe t Ci SS — da Dickson, Sarah Lusk, II rry Be;t- ie, Allan McLeai , Fran Bug in. Sec sled Clase.---Dors Wilso , Isab lla Cas:, Som:rset, Clete mie a- "cl on, Julia' Peter-, Matthe Foster, et Kyle!. • Thir ' Class. Isabella antyne, Nellie • cKa,y, L lan Dent, ella Watson, An *e Rose, Charlette . Fonrth Cl ss.—Arn lia Din. - Albert Hart, oderick McCuish, h India Thomas Lus , Gussie venth Division Highest Class— . Tait, Roderic McLeod, George Lottie Badge Jessie Beth e, de Vercee.. • S cond Class.—F .1- pealing, Lizzie McMillin,e, Agnes Pringl , JamesMorrisbn, M d Willson. Thi d Class.—Charlie er, Maggie Casl; Amy 'Armitage, ieSmith, Jessie t yle, Mabel Jaco s, er :Willis, Bell *Nab, Janlies SOIL ghth Departmen Fourth Class Ballentyne, illie eriand, Harry emp, Lottie L ti - Annie Nevills. Third, 'Class ie Stephens, Willie Pringle, M ry- s, Wilbert Wiffiams, Tom ay , -Milo an, Second 01 ss. aggie McIntyr, George Ewi ie McLean, Fiank Klinkharnlx er, ie Meyers, James Roe. Fi st s. --- Ede, David on, Kat e _Bre d - Willie Smit , ITommy , hitol 'e, es Moore, Kati erkins. ' # al lc Jan Sut Leer Wil Ad Cas Wil An Cie foot Ja : It I i • urn erry. 't , i ,_ E AMINATION AND ESENTA Olf.— ne re: ar quarterly :x mipati n of ho pupis of school ' tion No. 9, Tu . be , took lake en Wedn iday, he 3rd nst. . There s a fair, t tends ce of p rents and othe s interest d in he edation of the yo g. The order on this occasion -was a that cou 1 possi ly be esi -ed. The e -aminatio was c n- duc ed • by Mr. G o ae E. Kin , teed er in h rge, assist • by Messrs. King, Wa ke , Burgess s •d Drost, teachers fro ii n ighboring szctions. he pu ils acq it d. theme 1,es remarkably ell in 11 subjects, an. the hi her el ss pas d a rigorous e aminatio in ari 1 - met c, examined by Mr. Dro t, of a- we, osh, iu his usual interes ing style. The whele examination was ery or d- itab e to !the pupils, and speal s volun es for i r 'King's teaching abi ities. • t' the lose! of the examination, he pu iis ma e Mr. King t e recipient of a +y bea tiful silver watoli guard and gold( 4 leo et, accoinpawed by the follow ng, adi ess : Dear Teacher— ith very gre t regret we learn that you are ab ut leav n , us. . You have bee with us hd t e longer we ha e known 4). no as teac ee for over one y ar an a alf an youthe greater has been, nd isour adli iration and esteem for ou. You hale. ever loen to us a zealou teacher, a ki i d andi wise counsellor, and a faith= ful and w friend. We are ell awe, e how1 anxious you have been k0r our liar:, both as individuals and a,s a so ool. We will long remeinber le w you 1 abore to impart to us. that n- stru tiou 3 1 id learning which as no er ent iled from sire to son, an can oi y be on by a d work aided b a s • ul teac er, its ch as you have on all oc a- sion pro d youiself to be. Neit er can e eV:: forget the anxi y whi h you have constantly showi for •••tir moral wolf re. Fox all thes ream) I s, therefore, e part from you w th ja, d ep feeling of sorrow, and wish you pr s- perity whe ever you go. We also eg theiryou w accept as a sm 11 token of our sine re esteem this wa ch guard and locket and may you lo g live in happiness o wear them. • W: rema_n, dear teach' r, yours ever fait. ;ally. To this Mr: 'rig expressed ii self very a,ppropriat ly, thence all st tecl for their several places' of abed:, satisfied with the ,day's proceedings. , 1 Dollies ne Coneien,—At the ast meet- ing of the Turnberry cou cil, Mr. Black reported that he had le a, job of repairing the boundary betwe n Turn - berry and Grey, in conjunc ion with' Grey,1 to Samuel Pollock, f r $19.56. Mr. Ileiin g reported that he let a job of bui din a culvert and fillin one up between T iberry and How ck to J. Bnlla a, i conjunction with Howick ; amouiit o Turn.berress shar Move by J. Henning, secon ed by J. Little th t tilo following amounts be expens ed s im roving the reeds in the towns • ip r the present year Cutting hill o aid. line between lots 20 and 11, Con. , $ • c vering crossway on Zet- land r ad, 10; ,utting hill B Line,oppo- site 1 ts 1 and. 14, Om. B, $25 e on road leade' g fr gravel road to Cemetery, $106 if liagbam 1/4. vill pay half the amou t, tlio c erk to notify Wingh ro. Coun • il to tha: effect; on gravel road betwe n Cargil 's and B line, $50; CIF- rie's 'eaver ii ea,dow, $10 ; ooncesiiin line II and 11, I ots 15 and 16, $15; cOn- cessi 8 and 1, lot 13, $15; oilvort on side ne 5 and , concecsion 7, 20;5on B L. e, opposite lots 21, 22, ch.. 100;$ con sion 4 a d 5, 20;5gravel road bet e11 T nberry and How - ick, 5 ; sidel e between. lots 25 and 26, eessions 11 and 10, $—.—Car- ried oved y J. Mulvey, seconded by ittle, th t in regard to he selling of t o iainal oad allowance between lots lid 21, oncession 1, orth five acre., that J. V. Walker get one half the a 1 and 1 in. Anderson, he other half 1 e pure • ase money to e paid on or bef re °doh r 15th next, w `ti_Oe d will givem—Carried. In t e matter of ening r ad to Wingha sidiiig, Tors • a, Grey and Bruce R away, it war leo -ed. by i. Little, secon ed by C. ! Gri il hat n� action be taken until i the 1 ou cil aseertain what aMourit of equi alent work can be Crone by inter - este parties. -Carried. Mov d by J. He. :had, secoLded by C. Gr. 'n, that ta the ':eve and , Treasurer be and are , authorized to borrow the sum of I I / r the use of the munic el . Moved by J. Little, 1 enders* that the dra be published aceording to into consideration an re 00 Carr by J laws take • _ pality. econded nage by- law, and finally Eii3OSITOR. passed atnext meeting of COuncil.— Carried. After passing a few!accounts and the transaction of othernnimpor- taut business, tb.e council adjpurned to meet at Ciegill's hotel, on the 1.2th of August. , Wingham. WINGIIAM OPEN Tnoa,--The unfinished race will tele place en the Wingha,m course on Saturday, next at 1 o'clock .1.Setween Thos. Bell's "Factory Boy" and E. 'Roekey's "Miller Boy," for the purse df 5:80. This Will be a nlesely contested race and 'one well worth. see,- ing. • Hills Green. Bio Wonx.-1Wr. .Joseph Hudson, of Stanley, near HMS Green, on Saturday last cut 7 acres of hay* fourhours and fifty-flye minutes, on the farm' of Mr. Concert in Stanley. ' The Machine, used was a "Burdick," Mr. Hudson would like to know if "any otherman" can beat that. , • • Hay. ma,ny friends of Mr. Wil- liam Hollingshead, one of the _oldest and most highly esteerped residents ot the township of H&, will regret to learn that he has been for some time confined tb his bed Ly severe illness. Altho:ugle well up in ears he was a- men of robust and. igorous constitu- tion, and we live that his illness may only be temporary, and that his genial countenance may soon be seen again amongst us. .Blyth. ABSENT.—Our excellent Blyth corre- sporideat, Mr. M. A. McNaughton, whose racy productions have Nrecently appeared. in Tns Exrosison, is/at pres- ent absent fro ;the village on a trip, partly• qn ess ancl partly for: the benefit lof ais health. This accounts for the ion-japptearance of Blyth items. °ulna ifeturn he will resume his former pbsition as o r coerespondent., We wish hiin a pie sant trip, and hope ,he May return evi h renewed health and vigor. •Fordyce PRESENTATION.On the night of the 5th insti the pupils and a number of the young people! of the section met ab the residence of *. Wm. Farquharsen, and presented their I teacher, Mr. Samuel Gibson, iivith a souvenir in , the shape of Foxe's look of Martyrs, an album, and al neatly bound pocket Bible, in appreciation of his servic s. The presentatiOn was *accompanied . y a most flattering and compliteentory address. Mr. Gibson replied in a very touching manner, when, after spending a very pleasant evening, all dispereed. highly pleased., IL akelet. 1 DOMINION DAY.—The first of •July *as not without celebratibn in Lakelet. A pic-nic was held by the Methodist Sunday School. The attendance was good, the dinner excellent, aud 'the en- joyment plentifel. Nearly all, and es- pecially the children, ' enjoyed the swinging, and many of them were heard to say something like the followiug : "Well, ma, I never could get enough swinging before, but I inst got all, I wanted to -day. I swung till I was pretty near sick." There was plenty of 'iiausio, a few sheet speeches, and on the whole a very pleasant, time was spoilt. . e , Tuckerdmith. EARLY HARVVST.—Mr..3ames Dallas, • of the 2nd concession -. of Tuckersmith, , L. R. S., commenced cutting his fall wheat on Wednesday iiimp, July 9. This is the earliest wheat harvest we have heard of for many year. :The wheat is of the Seneca variety, and the whole field will be fully ripe for cutting this week. The crop is a magnificent one, the straw being thiqk - on. the ground, perfectly free from rnst, and the heads are well filled, and the grain plump, clear and;f splendid. sample. The whole field if safely harvested, will yield betwe n 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. • This heat was sewn about the 2nd of Septernber. Usb ornd. Doi4s IN? COUNCIL.—Council met on the 6th inst. at the Town Hall, Elim - villa. All the members' present. Moved byi T. M. Kay, seconded byi J. Halls, that Alexander Carmichael re- ceive ‘55 for relief.—Carried. Moved by, D. Millar, SecOnded by, -4T. M,Kay, and resolved, that this Connell deem it pru-, dent, in order lo avert perhaps an ex- pensive lawsuit, in the case of Francis Hamilton ire the municipality, to re- scind the motion passed at the April meeting of this Council, and to pay -to the said Francis Hamilton the sum of $50 to drop all proceedinge.—Carried. Moved. by J. Halls, seconded by S: Shier, that the Clerk notifYI A. Bay, County Engineer, to erect a new bridge at Winchelsea and. finish the bridge at Elimville, both on the St. Mary's gravel road.—Carried. On motion, Council adjourned till first Saturday in August at 11 o'clock. • ' 13 ucee ld CRICKET.—fit a game phiyed in Clin- ton a short time ago our cr cketers were defeated by two runs. Reeroeeke.=-Mr. R. W. Marks, Jr., who for a, number of years has been engaged in the mercantile business in this vil- lage, on Saturday last, accompanied by Mrs Marks and family, took his depar- ture -or Kansas, where if satisfied with the country, he purposes residing for the future. A number of ;his many friends. from this vicinity and Bayfield I desirous of showing the respect in which he was held by them, entertained him to a supper at Kaiser's hotel, on the evening of tile 3rd inst., where a very enjoyable evening was spent. He leaves here with the good wishes of all •who knew him, and Ive trust that his experience in the Far West may exceed his most sanguine anticipations. INSTALLATION Or OFFICERS.I-The fol- lowind, brethren have been installed of- ficers°of Brumfield Oddfellows Lodge for the ensuing quarter: R. J. Yule, N. G.; j. A. Young, V. G.; A. Thomp- son, Teem.; T. Fraser, P. S.; J. Mur- dock, Secretary. The installation services [were performed by Past Grand Brother ' Scott, of Clinton. A -b the conclusion of Tabor the brethren retired to Keyser's Hotel, where an excellent spread awaited them. After fully satisfying the inner man, a few hours were pleasantly spent in the enjoyment of song, sentiment and social converse. Those interested in this excellent order will be pleased to learn that the Bruce- field Lodge), although young, is in a most flourishing condition. Its mem- bership is rapidly increasing, and the material is of the very best character. • VirbatOn. , SCHOOL EXAMINATI0N.—T110 4xa-mina- ti011, of Uniou School No. 11, Grey, Mc- Killop and Iforris, was heid. QH Friday, Jeuee 28th. The examination was con- ducted by the teachers, Mr. Herideraon. and. Miss Mitchell, added by Rev. A. MoNaughtOni and Mr. J. C. Stonem,an, teacher. The answerS given by the pupils to t e many questions shawe careful trai ing by the, teachers, and good attenti n on the part of the pupils. At the close , of the examination Miss Mitchell was presented byher pupilswith an address and a work -'box and wit- ing desk, as 1small token of the esteern in which she is held. hy them. 'Short • Speeches. were delivered by Rev. A. Me- NaughtOn and. Misers. Stoneman, Smillie and . Knight, expressing them -- selves well satisfied with the condilion of the school. B. Ntt. FARM SOLD.—tair. Adarda has sold his farm in Hullett, aidjOining the village of Kinburn, to..his neighbor, Mr. George Clalk. The farm contains nearly 100 acres, . and was sold for 45,500. Mr: Clark now o*as a block of 500 acres in Hullett. Mil. Adams in- tends remo ng to Ste. St. Marie, in the State of-Micbigan. 1 EXAMINATI N.—The June •examina- tion of scho 1 sectfon No. 4, toorplace on Friday la t.' The school. was beauti- frilly decors, ed with evergreens and flowers. The classes werelexarnined in the different branches by th& teacher and others. Among those who were present and took part -in the examina- tion, were' IIessrs. James Allen and George Rud ell, trustees of the Behool, !who gave •gifeat credit to the -teach- er, Mr. Jo ie R. Steep, for the pro- Iciency whi h the tchool has attain - ;ad since hei has taken charge of it. 'The examination closed. -With siaging. dialoguee. Exeter. Rownnsmi—One night last week a -number '7' jo keys " visited the re- sidence of a c rtain wonian in this place, a a. o being refused' admittance into the hou erstoned and. broke open. the dam ur "chief police" should be on. th al rt, and put a stop to all such ac ions • DISGH STIN THING s.—Nothing ismore calculat a te create e feeling of disgust, mingled with pity and contempt, in the mind of th ' average individual, than the ludicrou ly clumsy attempts of the clown to ape the Manners . of • a gentle- man; than o see a conceited and. mis- guided. yout • ,, with more assurance than brains, ent r church every Sabbath m.orning an. evening, take a prominent pew in the -• 1 agogue, and make an os- tentatious,. :play of his inability to write a ser ..On in shorthand; than to see an ignor nt jackanapes; in imitation of gallants • f olden times and fools of the presenteneration, kissing the tips, -.: of the finge s of ladies -whom chance has unkindl . forced. into acquaintance with ,hioa. The people are sorry for him. i • McKillop. i IlossE Di ,D.—On Saturday last a horse belonging to Mr. Robert McMil- lan, of IVLcKillop, broke into thearn and ate a qu ntity of wheat, after wiich it partook fr ely of water, so gorging itself as to c4 use its death in a short tiro.e. 1 Same E INATION.—The quarterly examination of the pupils in school sec- tion No. 2, icKillop, was held on Fri- day, 5th Jul , when a large number of visitors was resent. The pupils were examined b the teachers, Mr. Duff and Miss Scott, assisted . y Messrs. Dewar, P. S. I., 14icks, Bro dfoot, Dor- ranee and Shaw.,The forenoon was occupied in I -examining the junior de - pertinent, where the pupils. acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of all present. Refreshments, "prepared by the ladies, were then servq., to the visi- tors, who did ample justice to the good things spread before them.; During the afternoon, tlho several classes in the senior deparilment were ex ed, when the different Subjects were well handled by the pupil . Our attenti n was par- tieularly dra n to the writing and sing- ing of the wilole school; thise were ex- cellent. Af 1 er the examination, prizes were distrib ted. among the pupils by the trustees. Addresses were given by those presen , when all joined in ex- pressing thei • entire satisfaction with the state of the school, which speaks , highly for th abilities of t e teachers and the dilig nce of the pupils.—Com. . • Grey. • EDUCATION L. -.-The f011otVillg- is the standing of t ae pupils of school section No. 1, Grey, for the month of June: Fifth Form- •lst Annie Hislop, 2d John Betz, 3d Liz ie Dickson, Fourth—lst Lizzie McN ighton, 2d Maggie 'Living- stone, 3d David. Martin said Robert Dickson. T *rd—lst Minnie Moore, 2c1 Robert A-nge. s, 3d Rebecca Blake. Sec- ond -1st John Ferguson, 2d., :Archie Hislop, 3d Ceily Calder. Senior First —1st Isabella Betz and:Arnie Me- Lauchlin, 2d Harry Dick.son, 3d Maggie Grant. Junior First—lst Isabellti, John - Son, 2d George Makins, 3d Allison John - 8011.1 SAD ACCIDENT.—A‘ sad and fatal ac- cident happened. to George, aged 14 years, ,eldest sou of Mr. John Harris, 16th concession of Grey. • It appears the hey was returning home with a gun and -whilst taking it through a fence it accidentally went off sending the charge through • him, entering the left thigh and coming out above the hip. Medical aid. was at once ;procured, but,it was of no avail, as he deed six hours after the accident occurred. He !wee a boy of great intellectual powers, and by his goo.d *meaner had won the respect of his teacher and fellow -pupils. ellis sud- den and untimely end has cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood. SCHOOL EXAMINA.TION.-The examina- tion of the school in Section No. 2, Grey, was conducted by the teacher, Mr. J. C. Stoneman, aided by Messrs. J. C. Smith, C. Dixon, R. Henderson, and Mr. Alexander. Somewhere in the .neighborhood. of sixty Visitors were in attendance. On the occasion, and pro- nounced it one of the best examinations they had. ever attended. The keen, unwavering answers of the pupils to the numerous questions put, showed how carefully their mind S were trained. Mr. Stoneman commands the highest respect in this section, not only as t teacher,but as a gentleman' and a Christian. According .to the school a, his certificate has run o t ; how - ver; the trustees have made w special application to the Board of E ucation o have hina return and take chargo of he Kilo& after vacation. We 'hope hey may succeed.- At the close of the itainination• addresses were UelivcrOcl y the Rev. J. G. Fa, •s, Messfs. , Smillie, Stoneman, Duncanson, Mor- . rison, and Knight. The list of prizes are as follows: Good. conduct, Mani J. RaIllSey ; spelling; Henry Richardson ; 4th reading, John B. Clark; 3rd. read- ' ing, Jane • A. Shaw; 2nd reading, • Themes Turnbull. Senior 3rd arith- metic, Elizabeth Duncanson; -Junior third, Maggie Sailers; 4th grammar, Jeney Richardson; 4th and senior 3rd geography, Mary A. Hislop; junior, 3rd.. geography, Ellen J. Turnbull: 4th class—lst, Mary A. Hislop; 2nd, jeney, Richardson; 3rd, -Sarah G. Smith; 4th, Mary S. Smith; 5th, J. B. Clark. Senior 3rd—lst, Elizabeth Duncanson; 2nd, James Harris; 3rd, John Harris; 441i, Mary J. Ramsey: 5th-, Arch. Sal- lers • 6th, Hugh Stewart. Junior 3rd ------1,31, Ellen J. Turnbull; 2nd, Maggie Sailers; 3rd; Elizabeth Williamson; 4th, Jane A. Shaw; 5th, -Elizabeth Campbell; 6th, Adam l Duncansom: Senior 2nd--lst, Maggie Hislop; 2nd, . May A. Richardson; 3rd, Annie Sal- . lers ; 4th, Margar t A. McAllister ; 5th, ni John Clark; 6th, E. A. Harris. Juor 2nd—let, S4 .M. haw; 2na., C. B. Wil - be;' 3rd, William Morrison; 4th, W. C. Clark; 5t1i, Bella, Askin ; 6th, John Duncanson. Senior lst—lst, David. THE LGES Ballentin ; 2nd: :H. 3. Ramsey, - 3rd, Duncan Sailers; 4th, Oliver Harris; GOOD* 'SAT 5th4John. Askin ; 6th, John -Watson. ENs• I' Juupr 'ist—lst, EliZat Williamson ; 2nd: Jairies Clark ;, 3rd, Mary McGavin. East -Wawan_osh. Jinx 121 1878. t.ll they came near MI*. Dialeyesi acr road.whe with tcouplehlong o fboardsgi. etent whpt liaeeasmni on: iphi pnr:oosgagt o:eti tti tnhh teceo in:tcat t a teaa I: 4gase:ot ;.., thus forming a te pora fenc ' ttehladeeinssitieeptwbitp.ieilihThointeei _ ohnanreat:eishfseetaitsuhrnieang thlattey fa .tlast ss°1fWdeteedheklogrnwbellilaha unaway team vadat °recatchinguPani ele po of st eea;geoadhign ga.01,;irolionhps tseeiytiatn r n i, n grheacil: it; , and htja tfi nitar ta post wheels rodesf rat l 1 if1 3 laPt tg thesitfnhtgel is t hv horses rotarTrsi treceheo eef si thevea into vs as get tooaann,itobbrbiat h antgviehnTe hys e w ere both thrown to the groun!d, breaking the neely9ke Ala the doublOtree. FbIR, J7.71.1W, UM ER po 138 • THE TH4EEISEVENS. • THE NEWEST IONAlkLE. ST 1• AT THE TIIR • Soloor, Ex„t3iii.trioy.—The quarterly exarnination of the pupils of school sec- tion; No. 9, East Wawa,nosh, took place on Friday, the 28th nit. 1 The examina- tion was conducted. by Mr. H. H. Bur- gess and. G. E. Ring, teaehers, the for- mer being the one in charge. The pu- pils acquittedbthemselves in •a manner worthy of the highest commendation. The school at present is principally made up of pupils of the lower forms. The manner in which those sinall pu- pils answered the several questions de- mendedwas certainly worthy of notice, and shoWs that their knclwledge is not mere book work, but isaneducation which evidently must have been im- • parted in a clear and energetic man- ner. One particular feature of their • knowledge was the Manner in which they a,c uitted. themselves in their reading classes, the answering some very difficult queri s deduced: from their reading iessoiis. The greater number of the pupil of the fifth forni passed. last summer' exanainatiOn, and, consequently, are a4ltiveiy engaged in the important duties of their profes- sion. The above mentioned facts speak highly of Mr. Burgess' abilities as. an educator of the young. 1Mr. Burgess has taught in No. 9 for t'w'o years and a half. His departure is deeply regretted. by the ratepayers of the section, they having appreciated his services very • highly since he became their teacher, and express their best •-wishes for his success, as he intends furthering his education at the Collegiate Institrite, St. Catharines. There was a f,air mina- ber of visitors present, considering tke .busy season of the -year. • VISITOR. Brussels. • NA.RROW ESCAPE.—The workshop of Mr: James Wilson, blacksmith, John street, had a narrow escape from_being destroyed by fire on Monday morning ladt. CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IN EAST Roam—The Convention for tfte pur- pose of selecting a candidate to contest the election for the Local House in the •East Riding of Huron, was held_ in the • town hall, Brussels, on Wednesday laet. All the municipalities were fully repre- sented, there *being 77 delegates pres- ent. The following officers were elect- ' ed for the current year: Uriah McFad- den, of Grey, President; James Per- ' kins, Gorrie, Vice President; James Drewe, Brussels, Secretary. The fol- lowing candidates were nominated: Dr. W. 3. R. Holmes, Brussels; WM. Clegg, Blyth; Thomas E. Hays, Mc- Rillop ; B. GerryV3russeIs; Uriah Mc- Fadden, Grey hos. Farrow M. P., Bluevale • J. keine, Howick ; Joseph • Leech, Inuevale. • After appropriate addresses from most of the above Can- didates, all retired in favor of Dr. Holmes of Brussels, who was elected by acclamation. The meeting dispersed. in great hopes of the successful issue of their chosen candidate at next election. Presbytery of Huron. There-gular meeting of Huron Pres- bytery was held at Goderich on Tires - day last. Arrangements were made for the holding of missionary meetings throughout the Presbytery. The con- gregation of Thames Road. and Kirkton, and Seaforth, were empowered , to moderate in a call. The induction of Rev. A. Stewart into the charge of Clinton congregation will take place on the 31st inst.( (Wednesday) commencing at 11 a. m. Rev, Dr. Ure will preside; Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Bayfield; will preach ; Rev. Mr. Sieveright, of God - °rich, will address the minister, and Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Kipper', will ad- dress the people. Discussion of several minor maters took place. The next meeting of he Presbytery -will . beheld at Winghara on the second Tuesday of October. —The Exeter Reflecttor says: " Our people shb'uld be on the look out for a pedler who is selling ladies' embroider- ed skirts. He says he smuggled them into the country -without paying duty, and is selling them at ruinonsly low pri es.' Our citizens -will do well to give sucjb. customers a V7i4 berth, and if the bu the pro require such goods as he is selling, therafcrom our regular dealers, for goods offered so cheap are in all ability a fraud.' BUTTER AND EGGS TAITFS IN One day last week, as a hired man EXCHANGE AT THE tlEf REE: of Ir. Win. Ferguson, farmer, near • SEVENS- 1 Go rie, waS driving a team of horses be- • • onging to his employer, along the road tbwords the village, one of, the boards Which he had on the wa,g8n i place of a box slipped. forward as he was driving down a smail hill striking -one of' the horses and causing it to nm. The other horse, also becoming frightened started off. The driver, seeing that he could not manage them, jumped off and thus escaped injury. The horses came down the hill at the south end I. the village at a furious rate running along Main street • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. STOCK OF DRY THE THREE BEV. &ND MOST FAS. CK OF GOODS IS E SEVENS. BEST V UE X DRESS GOODS AND ILKS I AT THE THERE SEVENS. BEAUTI UL F • MADE T.0.• THREE SEVE TTING MANTLES RDER AT THE 8. THE 0tJI01OES 1 PATTERNS" IN CARP TS IS AT THE , THREE SEVENS. CARPE CHEA HOUS IN 0 THRE SEVE ER THAN IN ANY- i NADA IS AT TELIti 1' .1 I THE Ft1EST LOT I OF NEW LACE' WIND W CURTAINS IS AT THE • TITRE SEVENSL, • I • 1 BLACK SILKS T 130TT01 PRI•OES• AT THE THR- E SEVENS. FANCY CENT THEM STRr1En SILKS - AT 511 - PER , IYARD, TO CLEAR AT THE' THREE SEVENS. PRINTS WORT 5 CENTS SOLD - AT 10 CENTS T THE TREE SEVE- S. FINE REGATT HIRTS, CHEAP AT TE THR E SEVENS. 1 THE O. B. SHIRT; AT $1.' 50, IS AT TH THREE SEVENS. ,THE BOSTON S• .111T, AT $I, IS ATI THE THREE ;ETENS. A JUST ARRIVE , iTEW STOCK. 011 GENT HATS Am THE THREg SEVE• S. - GENTS' SILK Its AND.: BOWS, IN GREAT ARMY, AT THE- - THREE SEVENS, , . , IT -HE GREATES . CLOTHS IS SEV,ENS. SELECTION OF AT THE THREE NO OTHER. HO SE IN SEAFORTH CAN ISHOW ISUOH PgITERNS AT THE THR E SEVENS - STYLISH SUIT MADE To ORDER AT THE THE E SEVENS. • THE PLACE T YOU WANT TRE TH BUY ANYTHING N DRY GOODS IS E SEVENS. 500 PAIRS RR1rNELLA BOOTS1AT 65 CENTS, ORTH 90 CENTS— SEE THEM AT THE THREE. SEVENS. THE THREE SEVEVS.- i A. G. McriouGALL & Co.,. (if 00. sOe* _1th Teren i-a.Y 33ox51, :hnt 7oa vom:Lot:sse 84jbij :arcb11:l oC4; u 71,co ;learlli" :onngeria Mc)iiU ee1voitsuz the lirin itisivt .distaCO from 11 M$F:13,11134°40::11:11r:Ith,::11 janou, 20 acres timbered with Rfcaofe. ;t:FohnienenA4;R:unnse:glet.oisiel 13-0a9c te ,1103V GOVRN3 FA1311 Fei4' I-7 Y,rag.b°9rIle'or l aere' e:sh_::4_st-sei:ali£: ru::iiwa tHOms : yti3:te eahs,i Tl"lita'*1 oul;entt0l., best, qua:ray, F jnli:a:N::rgu0illii • A: Sale in Stan :l'ta-21131seropNros,p11.9134-0i-! ,:s::43171:5°LtoiLit "%lartl'f -V.‘1331 FOR li . .1; ilikillett C01clearea awl:Li:el 2 dwelling house - fpria:enet bTarnH a.:: and stables, 1)1i I:35Y p.Lott vliTh, 4.141..all aiss.iimarithiriliaar: '‘71°1 CAL111:111B11: there is a iog(. tioulars apply Ii4IVI, in. by1 OPERTT. Con. 10, t exiellent lot. , 2se9is'e45110-a6e'reMs: all3.0nitt, te: 1 ih i nand Ie xx s: pi lee 51 betufimproi,'e tse-:s. ZO4:lIAM::lyit:ate cowi:f13 hiehti lidases, beim, naariN : :Tpv iioi: t itel 3 ire. u 1 a r sofsheeu 14:, TED, Seafol -tr4', ,on tiler VA A131 Ti west bail • tainhag 50 aer fatm is eitutet Seem -0i. Ti • Them is a ha 'hags. The fa namental trl • fenced. It is tier/mu, a. dal •easv, This r t_o A.4.3:1etTnilii_00:10 : 146aarraa etI'uunil dp;ings and god be sold. with • • Aglotalpecri:ertt to eoSawl i tedafd' hr -i' • preinises. .1 ',17:AT.TJAB. 7,,llotstatil: ta-ming 100 ti 11g.a , the balli 4 -1 stone es from11° all811i 1 1i,a7ppen. Si enees. For ir,5/.0.00,,R.E. ,, ,f211,,, Aillis r: 7:11e7S-211' ,e5132111:1.413:1 FI f'c."It80. et• :11 le :it': nn 1:Eute:, bi 10:etlei ;Nes! lc it 4;1! 1 1:11 raill 4;2 -::: il.; ti' '1).' tt: 3 el7 t 1;P IcEi: 1:1311ehteelv'e -:::3t-ei°:?:1 snee on thni ta3(14. ii:joobansteaina: ffouitdoeri. ttIN11;81:netrt-iee7:1:81174:81:501 ARM IN: Lotti.( f t. oloit; hi:rfo, oneurn 141. 1:141:milir ii st:tn lei t otyrier 1.1. ge;1, post ohlee- ' ALTILIS Iv:IL:us- Ilreaeialfhlba, nt:°;:iit Claya.11)1br:Ihere iitita )21t;:a.tt :1,2. t cilfaigatthieorionvea:Burel 1144; z