HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-12, Page 57 Taylor with the. severly but ea tat., one the Ricbard Bisftta f awhich armee igo, was buried ill -fexeter, laws TRione. land Allan Camp - e brought before ter. charged with :le Canada Cone. eTE? fined $2 and 50 COStN., b ase ball match number of mug ith concession of we led by ca,ptains II. McCutcheott. , score of 41 to 'le late Mr. R. D.: lentellv drowned n, ediior of the a fides fouud illy in the lake, - VirarS brought ; • Se' Davis, j„ one or a are; carape in the Maitland', They have all, and. come to replenish their congregation of. rkton, Usborne, r by Mr. Gracey, Rev. A. Stewart. eeeer, we believe, ton. This makes, as been extended yIor, who for the A'sided, over School S been offeredand ion of teacher in a of the Clinton :raylor is an ex - lig man, and We ss. ast, a young led! At..,fe‘ a son of kt Wawanosh,had etk his thigh. It tempting to jump a little comrade e him to fall, and re- nb. . the steamer Mani - 70,/ n nonites on .Atauitoba. They anent of Samara nd have been five They are a very Tle and will bean iiiugpepulation of ;or, T: Wilkinson rris and Hullett, amid a few days t. i been visiting the ; they were ae- tntry by an Eng - es going into the urday Mr. R. Car-, Led from the old eion Sons of Tem - officers were elect - later : Brothers 0. Tindall, R. -Scribe; ribe; H. Fogal,F. Sr., Treasurer; A. ;11. NVarner,Con- •, kssistant Conduct - 'Sentinel ; D. Me- ; R. Rupp, corner tone of koh, Bellmore, took inst. A number ,kers were present, 'roxeter officiating. rner stone of the, k place on the 4th 3Ponne111, M. P., of inner was given in . Several eminent torse beleaging •to East Wawertosh, Lon, it is supposed, the heat; While 1.1ase Linefor the t, a carriage con- tker •and Sister, of vas met, when his 1 wheeling- around, r in a ditch, break- . eccupants- escaped e 25tb, some good ine was performed isai(eu, Usborae, on. He,with Uchards, T. Lam.. A. Powell, and one e,LI. six acres in 1.2 !„-as Well done. If s. Mr. Balkwill is he ground with him; ilea think they can weuld confer a fa - Med gentleman by aaenes. ,ef last week, Mr. 3. sold to Mr. MC - 7 head of fat' cattle he beam at an aver - each.' He real - f4.65 per cwt. On a span at three - its to Mr. Swener- -.521te alley were i,re it is said there item: From there he fall, for which etaltt. of last week says: y peddlers, with a ted to be victimiz- vicinity of Moles - a: who is foolish hese sharpers de- All.the honest ere ceer were any) -witext a mare ellise's, and Wishes goods from Man - point, and spins pet your dog on Sig him !" ;ranee Na. 27, mai ,)titeeit's Hotel, 031 esder took the chair R tartar not having epen6d in due vaned bv the See - ,e • .• fre int fourteen sub- , nswered . to their teber of members gcountry was also - en e 60 or 70 males. Meeting were read (e Grange adjourn - dinner the Master imiderable ismount Lee on different sub - &tests of the Grange. hisresiguation as ethical. Grange, and IJY 12) Bret, eshe inx Bla0 mee at 1 eufficieut reason. for, 'iesigning. 'er Robert Currie, of East Wa,wan- as eleoted as delegate= to the Do- n Grange in room of Brother . The Grange then ad'ourned to in Brussels ten the lith of October m. in the Queen's hot 1, . raeetingwas held. iu t e Belmore all on Saturday, the 29th ta for the Se of taking into consid ration the ability of erecting a o eese and. r factory in that neigh. orhood, at • it WAS- unanimously a eed that • ,ations be made at one for a face sv.hich will berun on • the joint principle. The capital stock was at $2,500. The amou etof each §:Is)) and each shareb,oi er limited e in number. ,A. site as offered r. WI13. Auderson and ae epted,and -sexy arrangeraents e for, the , -ering ef the enterprise. • , ittle 'Oinarhy BleEwin &Owl 7, - sonf are, Hagla lafcEwing„ - stonj and 'well-known to m ny of our read rs,weat with his father n Dcanins son »ay to Southampton." immy wath; miss a by his affectionate pa'ent, when, the raia,sta,rted for home. be father km& 7ing him to be an old -fa hioned. .•uffea,' came- on without 'him, but wire' the authorities to hunt hina up, and hame... Next day he was, forme with a ccImpanion -of about his own. age seeing the sights,' pe feetly ser- ene. .NVhen. ae4ed if,.he was erst said he thought long way from here.a. He ,care of, and sent home next 7 Mr..janaes Carrick, of t cess 'on, Hay, who has one of &pia 'es in the cpunty, hs very prohfic stack of bees. Commen Italians, limb of has now, e in. their 'yes. This - a swarne Tung_ bees honey,ainoud., Ar - o An- n 17 dails, inereas.e at ming. year, bea great- rm. aelti but whirl prep tory, stem ftx altar ato fi byii iteee fur ing the teaching staff, s the Work to be done he e. is too var ed in character, 0.11000 large in amolant, to be 'under- takeu by three men. I The Truitasaare„ I believe, prepared to do what is! nec- essary. It is to he regretted, in view of the fact that so melt purely country t. the county re- ny to the °school, treat with Elgin, - omas school no ear. work is (lone here, th fuses to give pe This is in marked eo which giy the St. less than 1,300 this Birtr. Usborne, on Italy 4; the wife of Mr. Willita Dinnirt, jr., of on. CUMMING.-In Thekersanith, on.anly 6, tho wife of Mr. James Cumming BROWN -In Seaforth, • 11. Bre wn, of a (laugh .-In Tuckersmith, Mr. AUx. Yule, of a da f a daughter. 'July 4, the wife of Mr. r._ . July 6, the wife of ghter. Marri ges. BOLAND--licKAY.L-At Kippeu, on July 1, Mr. James Boland, of eldest laughter Vlt o MITCHE'LL-PARKER. bride 'a grandmother, -Rev. J. G. Fallis, (sf ehell utationer *c,, of Parker, of Si. Marys. JA,CICSON -CRAWFOR - the aide's' father, L by r-,4 v. H. 'Cameron ' Eton. all, to Jenniei do, • Esq. of Tuckers:111th, KEISNEDY - STUART) July 6 by Rev. J. 0 " nedy, of South E Stuazi.., of West m om Pal- ! • he wae a was taken day. e 4th cone - the larges eveloped. mg •th a eityarm of blac hih were taken from the tree some three 3, -ears ago, h t e result of skill and c martagementoia less than 32 season, a Strong hive sent o of b es, and in 15 days the file a hive wi h new combs said then starte out a, new oth r performed a like ,feat andi should the continue to the present rat during the c Cairick wi 1 find there t sburce of pre t than the f -The barn aising on the premises of Donald. MeInt e, at Lochi lsh, in the township of A_ hfield, last eek was a very exciting e air. There were pres- ent, about 100 ea en, and po itics being introduced, a 1`. efornaer eug ested that they should ch ose sides a. d that the Conservatives ring. forWar their cane didate against 1111i..Blake. ter refuS- lug the " Chieftain " and M . Shaw, the To ies pitted Dr. Tupper. 0aainst the cioce of theReformers. A er the vote the parties were found abou equally {li- vid (1 and they set to. work, the result bijig that the Blake party had their sidij of the building up and their supper partaken of before the Tories had their sid4 finished,. On Dominion day, 'Grace Dealing,' , a, relining mare owned by Mr.john Hun- terof Usborne, although not competing • in the races,made things pretty lively on Exeter coarSe for. a while. Mr. Hunter ha.41 just got i to the buggy, and was ,wa Wag for anther man to get in when •thq mare mad4 a sudden start, and. Mr.' II ter gave lier a jerk, which caused. . her to kick faioiisiy. • She became un- ina,na,aea,ble, WIlieu Mr, Hunter quickly Va ate% the ciji.rriage, and. the animal co tinued. kic-14ing until the shafts and bu gy were s prated. She -sent the sh ts, which ere still attached to her, fl• ngin.thea4xateverykiok. She ran ti ough the cijowd. of spectators, mak- i.t the shafts to swing past some of th ir heads with the swiftness of light- , causing he people to scatter in all ections. S me .orte got hold. of the - infuriated an' al once, but the angry steed wa not to be so easily stopped, and slier gain dher freedom and clear- ed the ra ng vhich encloses the track, rah out cf the gate at the south side, and made str ght for hom , where she arrived hortl§ after with s re heels. I e Presbyterian Manse, y Rev. 1.1.r. Cameron, Tavistock, tO Annie, McKay, Esq., of Tuck- t,the residence of the . Marys, on July 1, by alton, Mr. Harry Mit- 'eaforth, to Miss Bella, -It the residence of don Road, on July 1, Mr. S. 0. Jackson, of 'hter of John Crawford, At the Parsonage, on allis, Mr. W. Aaron Keii- thope; to Miss Elizabetils rut. aths. EAKET.-r-At Lakele , on June 28, Mr. "Win. Eak t, aged 35,ye9rs. 1 0 5 Perth Items. Rey. Mr. Christophers n, is now lo atedeu Mitchell, as pa, tor of the Cnada Methcdist Church. -Mr. Wm.Edwards', o • Mitchell, h a early pota,toes readaNfothe table. o the 1st of julya Not b (I. for On - trio..' • - , -Mr. john Rollinson, . fell forty feet 6 the botto& was assisting in digging. but not seriott ly. . !---A lad. na, ed. Williams p oy of nes rs. Flagg 'tchellahad ne of his fl ojf, and., tivo o hers' badly la I a shaper. -Messrs. i&idrew and P of St. Marys, 1iave gone.to a large Mirnbe of sheep an s ock. They i tend to go e to stock raising on the pr -Fullarton cAteese facto ?lout ,1,700 pc nds of elle quite an incr ase over la tb.oug]i chees sells at a garmers find that it pays blutter. , -The Lone Stars, of Ful O viatorious in two separa O gag/et:cents 1 st week, bett awks,!. of vonbank, on ay, and the ilver Leafs, ile, a day or two after. -Mr. W. McNeil, of one to_Britisl. Cohlmbia„ ecu engagecl by the. Main tompanv of British C-olu i tend ills erection and . heir inills, etc. -A disastrous fire took 27t11 ult.; at Wallaceville, TOwnship, resulting in th .0f a dwelling house and st a large quantity of hay; th William Speers. The hou ied by an old couple by t ollingshead„lwho lost all old furniture„provisions, verythine, • -A little gr named Ma ea of Stratfo d, had for • ast been in thq habit of st ora persons' li uses and 0 prktsons in anther part hief Wilson found her o ay, and punished her by et the plants back whi old and return them to canters. ' +-The report ofSt. Sebool, recently 'liven 1 Alarling is quite fia,bitering ers.of that institution. H der Very good,. This is a there is a large Universi good work is doing in all runts. 1 have called the the Trustees to the necessi A Loca, Notices'. PA.ars gREEN kir killing Potato Bugs am ewe Hsu. HICKSON & BLEASDELL° 552 ILL and see onr laage stock of Solid grJern Fruit Jar. P 'co low. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY Central Or( 'tore, Cardno's Block, Seaforth 550:2 Pliln :.0 NOTICE Remove(' hi Groee Whitney's Block, ne and will be happy to Isee t many new ones. 652 Bul" ER WANTED. is prepared to pay cash for ter, in pais or Whs.' None will be 'sought. Apt, to, at Hickson & Bleasde 'a Dr NEW FBUITS.--1-011 new pot toes, green peas, c vegetables Of every jkiud,- strawba.ries, red currants, apples, peaches, ehers ies, a ties at lowest prices. R. L Mamma es Turnip. 552 THl OTEATEST plac jars is at WILSON & YOUICO s. Prices for the best jem jars with solid rings, i. for half gallon $1.95 -, and for ivart l.25 per doz( n. Groekery and glass- ware ehe r house in Town, and the best in Wes best seS1 town, a a are determined I anybou e in the trade, hay ng bought a large stock of sugcc before the advanc they are in a position ' to give heir numerous etas omeli an advantage in price th" t other honses c lot. Their stock of new tea, tobaccos, fruits, soaps, flour and feed, hams, b con, &c., &c., is rat class and will he • sold at irices to suit tile t' • es. Call and examine before nrchasing elsewh n. The highest price paid fo good butter and gs. 552 LLIAM ALLEN -hasr Shop No. 3, in 'Mrs.. mnsden's Drug Store, his old friends and The undersigned ood Sweet Yellow Bu t- ut the best of Butter ickson .& Robertson, ig Store, Seaforth.' 546 and daily, prime ulifiowers and garden od- and fresh. Also lack currants, harvest d various other Tarie- GAN & CO., Sign of the • to buy your.frait .11r thtua any oth selection of . goods t • be found in any house rn Canada. 652 . ON 8.: YOUNG h ve the largest ttad eted stock of ire.. n lethally groceries in ot to be undersold by wiLuAm. wiLLIAm MAIN STR • MAIN STR •MAIN-STR FAR Wh pring pring heat,Red Chaff,per bush 0 80 to, 0 82 atape: 0 -80 to 0,81 eas per bushel .... 0 55 to 057 Barley p r bushel. 0 35 to 0 45 THE MARKETS. • . i --AT- ,EiipRTII, July 11, 1878. it Theat,Fife, per bushel..' . 0 90 to, 090 . 0 85 to 0 87 utter, No. 1, Loose. 0 10 to 0 12 0 10 to 0 10 r barrel. : • 5 00 to 6 50 8 00: to 900 oF b • • • • • , . .•; ... .... - : 0 051 to- 005 rubbY_ Rides er 100 lis Flour, pi Hay. Hides, -400 alien liler, per 100 lbs.. 3 0 F heep s ez4 .. . 0 50 to 1 25 ancy. <, 0 76 0 22 < alt (ro :sal) per barrel, 0 21 to JoARGAIIS S., in Prints, Dark and Light. HILL & HILL & HILL & TH 06.1 Co., CO., ET, SEAFORTbfl. T, SEA.FOR1CH. T, SE &FORTH- RECilVED 1:11I WEEK RECEIVED THIS WEEK RECEIVED THIS 'W E AT W. HILL & CO.'S , AT W. RILL & CO.'S ; AT W. HILL & CO.'S! ONE BALE OF SARGENT'S ONE BALE OF SARGENT'; ONE BALE OF SARGENT'S CELEBRATED CELEBRATED CELEBRATED COTTON YARN, ,00 TON YARN, COTTONY Gil ZED TICKET. GI.AZED TICKET. , GLAZED TICKET. I • HAVING- BOUGHT THIS N HAVING BOUGHT THIS Is, HAVING BOIGHT THIS N • RAND BRAND BRAND DER VALUE U MMCI UNDER VAL E I 1V1 GH UNDER ALU WE RE ENABLED 0 WE RE ENABLED 0 • WE ARE ENABLED 0 OFFER IT TO OUR OUST MERS OFFER IT TO OUR, OUST NIERS OFFER IT TO OUR OUST MERS AT -WHOLESALE PRI ES. AN WHOLESALE PRI ES. AT WHOLESALE- PR•I ES. 11 RN TED TED TED E HURON EXPOSITOLR. WILLIAM, HILL & 00. MAIN STI4EET, SEAFO TH. HOP' TITI-s GRIEAT. OFFE n THE GOL EN LION •,.,„„„} _ B MR. R. JAMIESON Having this week gtarted for Glasgow to buy his Fall and Winter Stock, begs to announce that during his Absence, his Large Stock so SUMMER' GOOD Consisting of Onstre and Linen. Coats and VeOts. Oxford and Regatta Shirts will be sold at Greatly Re need Prices. • A LOT OF REMNANTS • In Prints, Dreisti Goods. Win- ceys, Flannels, (tc., will be sold very cheap. ALL THEE GOODS Must be O1earI Out so as to • make room folri New Stock, so that IN C3-00138 M 1 HOFFAN BROTHER . 1 dHEAP CASH STORE, 1 SEA FORSH - ONTARIO. • , • BARGAIN in Dress Goods, Plain and Salt (w olosale)per barrel........ 0 66 Potatoe per bushel • 0 35 to 0 40 BARGAINS in Miislins, • White. and. Abmoa brl. Colored. 0 2 50 to 2 76 Wool, p r ..... 0 21 to 022 Tallow, peilb 0 064to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs.: e 4 60 to 5 25.i aranrox, July 11, 1878. Fall W oat, per ba hel. 090 (0 095 Spring heat, porblashel 0 80 @ 0 85 Oats, psr brishel 029 @ 030 er bushel C @ 045 Peas, pr bushel 0158 @ 0 61 BARGAINS in Colored Lustr GREAT BARGAINS. Can be had a the Golden Lion during the Su mer. R. .JA,. IESON, SEA 'ObRTH. Sign of the Golden Lion. THE GREAT 'dLEARING SALE OF SUMMER ,GOODS IS NO GOING ON .A.111 120M1\01-11178- -BANKRUPT STOCKS NOWHEREFI BARGAINS in Grenadines, and Fancy. ; BARGAINS in Black Lustres, Blue and.&) •Jet Clover eed, per -----------butel... 3 50 ig 4 00 New ghades. PhSee per us e 1 60 @ - 2 25 • [Cutter. . ... . ... ...... ........ 0 10 (4 011 Pork.. _ 4 50 Cl 5 00 Potatoo „0 50 (!_te 0 60 ay,pe to 9 op @10 00 0 19 @ 0 10 lggs- r-11 r nto IButter Market: . The tr d.e is dull. The shipping de- f Mitchell, mend of a,avell he of no e was hurt in the ena- Vrooman, gers 'taken Grated. with • Uri Sales, nomin tubs, far su 10 ter Nichol, at 71e ansas with LIT other good. ' thous extensively 8c • 6, fries, • bailie, 6 is reeking qc te se per day, dull. t year, al- 40"1 low figure. factor as entir ly fallen off ; we hear lines. • Quotations , are purely 1 t for ound. rolls 13c to 150; c o 10c or good, and 10)56 to 12c er or. Cheese Markets. a, N. Y., July 9. -Cheese dull. 11 287 boxes ;5;000 commissioned, Sc: average, Fiees, . Y., July 9. -Ten to LEso $ 7, etter than Three white, freely the Pa fectin arton, ca,me e base ball ing the Mo- • Dominion of Sebring- itchell, has here he has, at Milling bia to super - running of lace on the in Wallace destruction •lee, besides property ofl e 00C11- I e name of heir house - c., in. fact, .A.mi War - .some time piing pla,nts ening them f the town. t the other making her h shebad. he rightful arys High y Inspector o th.e teach - says: "Or - fine school; y class, and the depart - attention of y of increas- 1 all the BARGAINS in Hosiery, Cot on and , Merino. • BARGAINS in Corsets, all Lea • ing Makes. BARGAINS in G-'1oves, Kid Lace. e BARGAINS in Men's Hate, Straw. BARGAINS in Boys' Hats, . Straw. la isle aid No Threadbare,; Time Worn, Moth— Eaten, .Rotten, Rubbish at Denes. All New Goolds, and LOOK AT THE PRICES Wide English Prints'8 cents. Beat Ashton's ,and Hoyle's Prints, 10 cents toll cents. • Good Cottons, 51cents per yard. Straw Goods, welare almost giving away. Ladies' Linen Costumes, $1 75. AND THE WHOLE STOCK GOING AT JUST SUCH. PRICES. BARGAIN'S in Flannels, both White, BARGAINS in Shirtings, factory` offered; 1,500 Sold at Cotton. at 74; 1,000 at 7ic ; and the 00:omissi0n ; 700 d6.iry sold. bet b.- Butter, 14c to 15c; very eathe hot. •! •er, July 1Q. -Twenty-three o -day registered- 6,966 boxes. load sold at $8.12, mostly a eitrEime price: : Offers were o de of tic to Sic. The heat of t welve, days is materially ,aft t e cheese_in stock. i oc Dsi oca, !illy .10.--0-Ten factories re on the Board 2,255 boies last make, no sales reported, 8c ng freely offered and. refused. present: Messrs.' Heatley, or ; Grant, Simmister ; McDon- d inley, Ingersoll. rea st iia -1 to ne be Bitter Brant aid tl; • e Li e Stook Markets. claire, 4.5 ,, s cond.-class, P.75 to $4 ; TOE , 11: --Cattle First- third- las, to $3,25. Sheep--First- class,-4 t $5; seomad-claSa, $3 to $3.50; thir- las, $2.501. to $2.75. Lambs-- There was a demand for this class. First-. class, $3.50 to $4 ; seconds -class, 53 to 53.25 ; third-class, $2 to $2.50: head ing tilh to5-c Craig nto, o ala steers oxen 10 otl each, choic other from grass made $3,50 hogs load per 1 TREAT:, Jnly 9, 1878. -About 100 f cattle sold on this intact dur- week at priceseranging from 4.ic per lb. Mr: McIntyre, of Ailsa sold 21 superior cattle ai $56 each, ut 41e per Ib; H,'Kelly,ef To - sold. 11 choice steers for $64 each, .ut 50 per lb : he also sold 4 other for $190. V. Bitching sold 5 large or $430, or about' 41c per lbe and er cattle at an average (4 $47 or 4ic per /13. 'Wm. Head. eold 3 steers at 42o per lb, and about cattle at froth $30' to $45 each, or io to 4Q per lb., -A.good Many• fed cattle were offered and. sales pretty freely at from 02.15 to per -100 lbs. The price of Chicago s 50 per Ib; F. Shields sold a, car - f softhogs at from $4.25 to $4.50 0 tbs. . BARGAINS in . Tickings, Straw. BARGAIN'S in White Cotton and American. • :BARGAINS in Factory Cottlms,, Amer: ican aid Canadian. Felt .and ' elt and I Red Id ool and tber aid EngliSh, BARGAINS in Millinery!, ancl in fact- , _everything it the ' Dry Gods Line will be offered at Bargains in order to keep the Stock well ass rted. • , 0 New Goods are Opened Out ve)w' Week al HOFFMAN BROT1ER01 • Ch,eap Cash Store • ; 7 CARDNO'S BLOCK,SEArORTH. N. Be -A Full Stock of ButteriaVs Relia,ble Patterns, for all kinds of Ladies', Misses', Boys', and1:ittle Children's Garneents et Qatalogrus Price .; A- BARGE QUANTITY " 1 PURE PARIS PARIS OREEN AT • ROBERTS' DRUG ALSO AGENT FO Mrs. Weston's Liver dicine, A Sure Cure foi Billiousness, • Headache, 86c. PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. S1rORE. DA.RM FOR SALE. -For Sale a :splendid farm J: of 100 acres, composed of Lot o. 21, in Me 12th concession ' of the Townshi of H ett. Terms easy. „ Apply to C11ARLE MORR e W Box 51, Clinton P. 0. If -it is an Object to you to get heap Goods, Go TO DENT'S VOR THEM, As he is Bound to Make a Clearance. WILLIAM HILL & 00., BRUCEFIELD. CHEAPEST CREy 'COITTONS. CHEANST WHITE ciOTTONS, CHEAPiST pucKs.1 CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST THE CO •asee•••••••••••,•••••••,—••••-,•"•••••• MORE NEW GOODS THIS liStEEK . AT— DUNCAN 84 DUNCAN'S, SEAFORTH. DENIMS. PRINTS. DRESS GOODS., BOOTS AND SHOES: GROCERIES. GENERAL STOCK IN UNTY. - WILLIAM HILL & Co., BRUCEFIELD. DON'T FAIL TO SECURE SOME OF THE BARGAIN'S. OUR STOCK OF DRESS MATE 1ALS FOR SUMMER WEAR IS NOW COMPLETELY ASSORTE. BLACK GRENADINES IN IRON, PLAIN AND LACE CHECKS .1 COSTUME LINENS IN ALL THE DIFFERENT' MAKES, PLAIN AND IT SSO, AND, KNICKERBOCKER AND CHECKS. I JU ANOTHER 1 CENT. BEL TIFUL STRI IN CHANCERY -IN CHAMBERS - THURS- DAY, THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1878. Between James Henderson and Ames Henderson, P661714'8, ancl. Thomas Defe74ams. • TTPON he applibation of the above-named Plai tiffs, and upon hearing read the affida- vits of Elixies Henderson, William Bain Pcarth and Martin' Lynch, it is Ordered that the De- fendant do on -or before the Thirtieth day of September next, answer or demtirto, th,e bill of complaint in this cause. ' R. P. STEPHENS, Referee. The Defendant's answer is to be filed at the Office of the Clerk of Records, and Writs at Os- goode Hall, in the. eity of Toronto. If the De- fendant fails to answer or demur on or before the time above limited „ he is to be subjeet to have such decree or order made against him as the Opurt may think just upon. the Plaintiff's own showing. The Bill of Complaint in thisPeause is filed by Messieurs; McCarthy, Hoskin, Plumb & Creelman, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Solicitors for the Plaintiff. 553 SACRAIVIENTAL WINE 53 I PURE gRAPE WINE -FOR- • SACRAMENTAL AND MEDI- CINAL PURPOSES -AT- LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, T ARRIVED THIS WE ASE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL WHITE, PI4U W REGULAR PRICES. FOURTH LOT OF E SILKS, NOW SELLING AT 25 CENTS PER K, S, 25 PER SE BEAU - ARO: Plain ustres, Brilliantines, Melanges, Cash- meres and De Beiges, A FULL 'ASSORTMENT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS; SIElVd 3NIflN3p SILK FRIN ES, GALLOON AND GRENA INE BRAIDS. FORTY DOZEN COMETS I ALL THE NEWEST MAK S. • TO 1-xAND TO -DAY, A COMPLETE LINE OF SILVE FEW OF T SELLING A A BEAUT LINE OF 11 FLANN TEAC- HER WANTED. -:Wanted, a third-class -1- Male Teacher for School Section No. 6, Grey, County of Huron: , Duties to rsommence August' 19th. Apelications received by the undersigned until Monday, 29th inst., stating salary expected andr.eclerBernacsesse2. () .i0A.SHAW, Secretary, 5.5136730. 6,thy, wAR31 FOR SAM -For Sale, Lot 28, Con. 5, -A: "Osborne, County of Huron, containing 100 acres, more or less, 84 aerele cleared, remainder bosh; first-class farm; 5 Miles from Exeter and Hensel). stations, , on the London Huron and Bruce Railway., For further particulars address THOMAS McFARLANE, Lumley P. 0: ,553-4 8,000 Y SEE OUR THE CEL PER CENT. , GILT, STEEL, OXODIZED AND PEARL BUTTONS. A OSE VERY GHEAP CROCHETED TIDIES STILL LEFT - 35 CENTS EACH. PARASOLS VERY CHEAP. 7 FUL LINE OF WHITE SKI TS FROM 50 CENTS UP. FULL MBURG AND SWISS MI ROIDERIES. SOMETHING NEW L EMBROIDERIE RDS PRINTS WIDE WITAIIS) FROM 7c. BROWN HOLLANDS AT 10 CENTS- SOLE AGENTS OF BRATED RAVE BLACK. BRILLIANTINE LUSTRES, 25 'BETTER THAN NY OTHER MAKE IN THE MARKET. I • JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY OF THAT OF BLEAC LADIES', PRICES TO Shirtin '171.1.110AV3S AlvIOUS' 10 CENT. FACTORY COTTON, ALSO A FULL LINE ED AT OUR US -UAL LOW PRICES. A -FULL LINE OF ENTS' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY AND GLOVES AT SUIT THE TIMES. s, SheetinZgs, Table Linens, Towels and Towel- • ings in Great Variety and Cheap. T H - 0 • -a CaNV 1:10.13V0 fN o aNv s SMA.FORMI • MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM SCOTT BROTHERS Beg to direct the attention of tbe Public tu the following from the Detroit Daily Telegraph. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF - "Mr. Clough,, of 'the Clough, 46 Warren Organ Company, has been quite su,ccessla in,- introducing their celebrated Instruments in Eural)e. Several of their leading styles were shipped to London, „England, on the Twenty-Eighthl of and the Company are to -day in receipt of a cable message ordering Seven,ty Or- gans to Messrs. Chappell & Co, of _Fifty New Bond Street, London,". with whom, Mr. Clough, ikt,s conclud- - ed affrangenzents ftr the agency. The Company were also favored a _ few days since with, an order for six - Organs from their _Manchester, E4g- Z,e‘nd, ;Agents', notwith,standing the fact that the waireroom„3 ,o English; dealers are flooded with Eastern (United States) 9itanufactufre. The lough d; Warren Company have 4.eason to feel gratified at their ropean, success," SCOTT BROTHERS Are the Wholesale Agents for -Ontario for the above Instruments: -Also the EMERSON PIANO, And all other makes Instnanents furniebed when desired on THE SHORTEST NOTICE. For Circulars and othe Infor- mation address Sc;OTT BROTHERS, • SEAFORTH. TOWNSHIP OF TUORPRSM±I‘Ii. VOTERS/ LIST, 1878. illupality of the Township of Tt4er- smith, Cfunty of Huron. , NoTicE is hereby given, that Thaws transmit - teed or delivered to the person ts mentioned in the third and fourth sections of "The 'Voters' t . Lists Act," the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the'littcroade pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by tlie last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to ivote in the said Municipality at elections for !utember-s of the Legislative Assembly and at milincipal elections; : and that Bald list was first posted up at my of- fice, at Tuelzersmith, on the 9th de.y of July, .8'./8, and remains there for inSpection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, it Any • omissions or any other errors are f.oniad therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated, Inek- . smith, assay 11, 1878. WILLIAM AlcCONN LL, r- ...,14 Clerk of the said Munieipality. S . ,., VIRST-CLA.SS FARM FOR SALE UY AUC- MENT OF WORSTEDS, -a-: TION.--4The undersigned has been iffstrneted - EASE THE MOST FAS- bAyneMtiro.nI,003INtithSeplAtretaLiteOs0, MentrEsto septlAkbyyPti lz.ot . 30th, 1878, at the hour of Three etlock in: the afternoon, that 8p1endid Farm, being Lot 18, Con. 7,- Usborne, containing 100, seres--first- class -brick houso and good frame huildingd-80 acres cleared and .well fenced, good orchar4and . lp cuty of water. Convenient to churches and COLORED SUMMER, VEsTINGS. schools) 4 Miles from Exeter. No better imProv- I . ed farm, and no better farm in the towfli3hip of . rfabgrne. Positively no reserve. TERMS -Ten ; per cent. of the purchase money on the -day of ' sale, $2,000 in three months, and the balance to suit purchaser at 7" per cent. For ftfrtlier par- ticulars apply to the propsietor on the premises. JOHN SMALLACQ1ABEgroprietor; A.B1SHOP, Auctioneer.. -551 . ......._. VARM FOR SALE. -That well en(). fine- -1: ly situated farm, Lot 1, Con. 1) Hullett,:in the ., PER YARD„ ITNSUR1E'ASSED ' County of Huron, containing 100 acres, -90 -of RIBBONS AT 10 CENTS IN STYLE AND VAL1!UE. lywobianteaiseers:TbTeahrndee, farboannerdse;istshtssietbrualee,artieet:tztostrrities.niisehge:plellifleutbsege , aTnodvindriovii nwghooursthe:oalsa othoorcHlm:donandi t81./in da ny : et , ad particulars apply to McCA130.11EY & \ 3101.117..- , STED, Seaforth, or to SIMON YOUNG, propriem . , tor, on the premises. 553-4X TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS UNDER THE 'MANAGEMENT' OF MR,. G. 3. LIFFTON, A MAN OF LONG EXPli RIENCE, AND TO THOSE FAVORING US WITH THEIR ORDERS E WILL GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. 0 UR IS NOW BROADQL •TIDIOUS. WHIT STOCK OF SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS OMPLETE, WHILE OUR ASSOR HS AND DOESKINS SHOULD AND THE USUAL COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 4ENTS' FWITICISHINGS. FRINGE • 4 DUNCAN ic DUI)ICAN, ISEArORTI-1.! - •