HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-12, Page 27- T A ly 1_9� EXPOSI OR URO TIJE (H —Y" - _Tj -A,_ W 0 0 came on; 21 1 S 1`0 N S R LE 0 C 8 R E b A. N D 1,-e-40; Q A k- REAL ESTA FOR SA_ G R FOR 18780 THF, OF CHA 64 0 you ran -away GHOSTS T- tweleu ffie scraggy br�neheg which shel- tlien'?" I mia low _&114 �J ELOUSSE. tered a long, low. stqaggling building, Flint pltorERTY FOR oi- $.air,, that-��011 i -nor ght it oyi.�the �nj 38, lie smaquieily; I t1i 3u vetticrilt and desira urws� red-rooled, with (liammid shaped �t Ill, (ply _fq,0o1lpii,c1 by Rai:le by way -of 10a4 for n the 'Wl�dows, through which we blest i� ot to awaken you r of 14i:,Il itud Market St a wt� 081 Baiiding-i A By-Latc, to Tallking about 4hosts, (said Jack Scottj i -jr.- I'doe. Apply to vrnlcop, 488 01(l G ocf_,9-y- Standy P I -n D t7te, sum of St'r. 771#118,and Dollar -tov yqu left tne to be 1 eablt, So y uraerea, per -,g he topgohest Imp I Over he a with. gen oqula site th,� red light of thp household f I.cilt bis -was when I wa Bu ggr e s t e d hap lkl n VO heninafter gizen- s travel- flie 1he squawk of & fowl R SALE -Be jig 1101`11111_11111f� for the pvposes 11 flu. n I bat �s What 1 0 -h Co Hiou, Want alto &Void,"IIE� in tile 51 eel ligfor Frost & Co. lip in Canada. -We its spefely col ireyttace to it neighboring 0 treg. g0oel 140i) el. wilte"611il tioned.;_ were in the fi ir line, you know, and I ,;pit; tlib grunting of pip-mear -by NV ME and sitid. I tiltw that he %jas p le, and. 4a r1l 5fix! 6. good stbi fit A rh,,d'I x26, 5 well Itutl sl lull, bu sh or L, gpod the 4andq shqok a little. eloared, good hou-se Wid happened to ftJl in with a. gentler4im, mor to r- oil tile pberei yi�-)i+r in he tb Ch�tplottsse atilaybroak' c mv pillap. by t1i e n'sme c f Flint, wha agreeli-to go music of the -E t lilnet.,, or S E 'IN T It Apply to T:,M eS itt"ItIlAy, . w 55�xlii . OWW Oil ry EST HOU' Wt�s torm-f qssoA, blinded f;now. norE ax 1 .,1,, t ought you hall across the coiatry with ine. He THE CHEAP Mitionicipal COunch of t rpc L' rMlitj"'kreplied� -I ;vou-dn't. y n SA Lt S_�.TIN 9 in the CotintY Of for thi).g not at &.11 the ort of a, fellow one would WiJite ved, Fibit, iny buy rs 'Junlol t.,he v* loi the pu pf)$e of piri, choose for a Ifavellina, 00; panion, be- cried. Thank God Nire tire 4�loep iilt,th�t houlse again to bE ielict"11e'l0id b .4. Thoucrlalfl POIJUTS, 6 Chasing land in the f Sftiprthaud a fille,41 wi h I rilit Gr e tw ifig extrem ely tacitum a&,n grim ; but,,. Tk s 11-nust be ternaqd's "I"id Flint, A it, Go.: but that � i., I I _; f stild Town o r Sao,% �artuer with Fro. dwelliu9t �Sohool blu'l rtng &part from sh tring e4eiises there was 'looking about hi o reason for neglecting lbusines 5 oppor 1 4 jarpe garde EX IOU m. witli his 1eert, ,rely It o THoS. TOR oF THIS L,.1jJ7AB1,1Sk1N T S creating tbercoll a g tett-h, 1 crip, ioll.-j; gooIlwullitudlitillMr. - VY rliE OF T 1-1 E PEWPE furnisbing 030 the necessitv, for S'O' ,t of S3 d over yonder I think I can tunities. From afewNVordsI-e--challI1- A. SMON0, THE "Impflithy eyes; a-11 0 TO FULIN1811 AND i he mi -A cingly �&_OM me sp� R. \V1N t;, oil tbu lircitaiies, Or to 17-1 thik thev raill the�-eaid fill),) 01 10011(ty for th, affection in such it donfouildedly see the otiplii,es.off the h6uxited house." with that t -dl trappe AgWit, SenlorLit; ad to and P 'th& r Five minutes'aer we sat in a long �all him qanielian—" co try. Oil Ilia KE servautl blea-k a it yA101 IN TU(; it SAL�. AND WHleaiLl"AS, it will the �H Canadliau 1 orses took�us �i.low-ceiled apatioent that covered balf I S., red uud Twenty D i0ars to lie lit with'� R I C.Ev c 5 �,,%i a v I I dde n eager - E G 0 FOR T HE Seven 11nild sturo team o F or Sale; E ast I alt Itot 5, Co �g. B, T r n rafters al-'. ess-; wlAtt about him?" (to 60 acres, 45 of which illthe ground floor. The oahe Tackersinith nta rig annilzillv. iperial rate, for niv. eat of the f urt*r z6old further. from civilization; Good No her 'InKri Lr ched head of -a tall trapper ii t le, wa, well drained 11 nil well, f aneed mid debt and lntfi:T�'st, 1"; :1 hostelries of a-uy so -I think lie can put me i cleared, -oil if it to the of in Weiollts� w- ere few a (I Atir most toll o6her ,�ly Qf the Aiticle F-010, a itrii, stit,bl.9 and no cci,,e to itj)ow ging holis bf 'a, lirceittive stroke A )usines 3 i fraine dwelling holis -I honesf sheep dog who wIL9 �lod with Monsieur .13er- r Aild ib splendid oTella cl and f]ilitbinildings, 1111 now; a, 114, wbole between.f Dup &I It WIMEAS, 01,3 ifilloon! of I loa -blonde beard, and -bore." of and w4hin I fl�ve,beell t I Of water; c(mvellit ut to sobc ritteawe property 14 tbe Would I L jollie compa.nio nard. , 6 had a durly tuclodilii voice. 'There as Ttow'? In wllat�way?,., nthan Flint Ilis�hili lips ouldn't secill sincru two luiles and al; half lot tlie Town of spective of any 111ture the ti-inte jijecnialll pply on the premisoN or to -respretive of a", quite a nutr f ccurse, �GR tt, -: i7i - D iber Ftacmdvillo P. 0. A GERS to take the* shiipc of it uests. th-ere—all of In the, trapping ray" .552-4 FA.L 1ILIES, uerest, divie A-3, rzn-.,� o, fez, froox the ig in the way of sk n.,;.,' 9101, Without diNu I -i tic; 01 th so Monsieur DeriiarLj repli6d, TO KEEP- I)rope rr a aliv c lid alio i speocivo Of o;n5 al to The met Ile derived irorn. The It %t I; 1 0 ul'd of Irly said b -tit this tall fello-w they The li I I t died ou t of Fli a 03 face. H Con, 2, the I told Flhit� tr IVU -F Olt SAI!R_ leing, Lot 20, k 'Wit], the] *1 . - i -eicafter S r e fmid hei s"lloping TO Gamer,)W lied the -shoullIers -of it eri saink baek in his cl�air, an� �d hi3 Con 11111 0-acros, 85 cleared, �bill-I art into thi e4i and; A N D OTH E R S 4.0 poti t* it gsrxe4 ules 1 1 i th he face of n Apollo.. 1 'tbiitbettrd-coiiteii�.I)Imtively. ance good hardw r; soil first thereof) S., get ill ret� r.;t. Ile did c I of bu t te of o6l V Jon; 11CIV f me b p,n, 1 M11t, Roil un, 4dJUA 1,11l, the 4 %grje ra he also -,'I was somewhat. dazed with the .9 ain h re, then, till in fi, good sta pvc,"i ppose von rem Su 1 new frt�mc houso ung ordhi Lrd; ver One Tboa�aud--Elght I'd n4��.'evant Berl igo a 1 aid It61111ill -U would �aNl sof and rescue, for it apeared I 6.bacl , - hl�i said. 's han't be 'Joe- lies in Q111 Cnl Oconvanie4t W church s pnd school; ing Cali alld the Hat -if Five reIt go 13cl Icant be beat e da ts with! '2 miles eif Rrii eftld StILUO 1, 6 miles i)f land rtrit-4-pt are .11 DoV Bat Yes) 113aluwho sat ---by -4olie more than two or thre Th a Thousand Oe 1+ n4red Seventy but, Ile was 6 ��e hid a yotAg we I 1�i t�.- C 8 millim of Scaforth. Terms casy. 11rR. the AMS� ars, and after I tbg fin paring carrots the voi�y color of All right," I fiaid With alme linton, and �rjea tin ictov'on AS, tb'e fil Ole exi to Part�q­pl, For further particularq. al ply to the propr AND W fiting bits hittle pt:14-s- 01 CIILt Oil My Part the braids -Mfr, tO beautiful, truth I ba -ted to leavib Marle. eon. h6r. lot:, . of 5P2 Thieb aoi. Iugel. HVr,, rdverti ti n laligaighed. thell Discs. WM.UeFAMANE. debt of tbeodd Coritor"ion i13;u, t her un- ftlt all, I L eves were soft and At db"rea Flint drove aW4, withl: rc, eal, -7-ahanz, Flo Lys L J?ceed) Oat J-1 ted 1,171teat,. G.. cc lits, he: and white r Journey we Ali ST FOR 8&L.E.-- Isslo Im 21, Con, It z stock, a??,d 801d at Bott012 PriCeS. of D -Law No. 46, of thaid Tbwn of 3 Who vh lumi low lFo r third worninger of rl foreh��d a stable'b6y 6f Bernard's'fl: r a guide." F tib*pat �) 6f zlway�, kept i? uad intrest tilitercon at 7 per cen 6. ner auutim t 8'tanley coull agid Potatoes t of tend ihela;n- It He's the last il�an in the woAd I'd b 44 An all ilidese'ribablep er I fended, .11 le'r dritiued -yearly fom the Fil t dl� Of Afaob, yb- xvhie'� pro eKt%rt!d. wol, payable half 1*01111411 for t4e, We want. cliol hadow.6d'herface. The:chemi4 talzoto'be such said to 1 culti ti ` n tho Lulance 1678 -ind Thowsifttad- Dolhi.Ts borrowed oil ;rep y -1 `AW NO J, Of r wuot U1 �trapper, Cameron, some hours tilnbered with bwd%%1(:,0%1: Good fritnio atise the au*thorhy of BY L r a Ila; seen settie 6 ie woreo0as as whitel. as the snow the tz ly Grocer.' o oit to Chatelonsse where I bad 1IL"yodarce Tallill-11 Fc-tftli 7 per' ed t and pleat� of Uai D. R ROSE, thesool 43$4 altd tNvo frtu per upoliv hich itwas bleach d; her -bodice hltter oil. I invited him to breakfast [H %N,ithi4 t)1rce d. letters of intr)(ItIction, 0.111 -.Vhare Flint lilile.4 A tile vill'tRes �%y of 187"it from th First T11nots in ber with me, aud related to him -my ad- tbere i -s UrAtAlIg 1 0 for 6n Sauk A hoped t6find lit the -wher about' of it was of homespun; -th tl iiovfie)di�su njiles from Brue-elie)d t7 the stockinus must. have been uitidq f t1io previous night. S�ntf)rth and Clinton. Aill prjucipij or intereq. Ir knitte venture,, o Piles rkc�ti;�: Forfur ar or- MHAS, for puff hiteres qiae!3 ad been byber Own li�fle hands t1le big bui3k- don't Imow it'nything abo gliost�." 1 th-stj plitco-.4 IL).c gcifo�lintd 1. 1. tht. preinisi-S ND WHE Aid donlark ti C2,ellting an tq ing fur P ipply to the -link it' dkA terested,agFlilithadtold mebeh -JL- "C3- :pv lial yearly f %ing buz I but I certain bearl the Toe 55P8 plame 3 adealer in liiiis- c -v; e,:c toIL1 t1lere leg on hor shoes could ;n t 11he the ai (I 111c.1fiela P. 0. DAVIDSbNi� Thotis-iwl Jloll trs a d strinof Six 12 .10 er. She saug -of P. chaill, an a a 116ji0w, or 10 lie clan) us lipeinaftee. mentionedit will requilr� the 4*V&g She lia — li a rtettacros thecollutry but pett irch. of her iii.st6p. Wdshi�a y All', -4Y 0 one i, nder her breath It. littl 29, Cop. 8, i of to ttvi� C&RDINTOIS BLOK, SEAXORTHP twe � e tile couplet )f mocking latigh—a footstep, too, moui FOR 811111 r Stile, L equal auntial §P 5 lieres 61bar- ar, in addition to all rates Filain w1as " �almais, jam- ing the stairs; and as I 'fled down, olitailtirl 1 0. jullis in the doll be in favbr which the rel levied in ewohear. public road. Flint mthor I was, 160 e P 0 w0l- uncle) lie 01 felleed"' and fil ILI ad zaid, RiLy b( ais Hungry as uld scmrc haut inrlike.form disappearec before of the latter plan o' a 'ID, WHEREA-9., it j-4 M -1 -de 14 I good stilte Itivi tile balonco I A law i of ell ove -iperamell t but till- ly-t rilled f( (11 very eyes i there urc oil the h,�r ieve and prade-ilit ton 0 the -fin( 41 prepare n y n the hallw tirdbered wirll 1111 -rd to appoilit vbe time *nA. place for titking tha� are more things, in beaven prtiruisog two and oun f ril lie P M A� T SY votes of the dulyqualifie electlisrs, un for lie; i�tit my soul ilevour�d the dat1gli-1, There G R 0 1, i of ouKT c iii or., nortner for C E R S, -SEE E jH i thougli the w4c N jungr lietol orch- g RetDrUing OfflfteV; UO tdke, -the Vefegcf-' of in our into 11-1V IIC-11.d, tar 0- '13AKonsiell o- ard., Tile tall nd eli'uh tha. the. ea r ru dreanot _eEllic. 4; I - fitiling g runs through the 61041 electors 9t the In mine V 1.evvi !svrill, & All we I - I Ell D byt trap - e- -I ad. his c' 19 Nvere su hilosol by said Cameron. farm dlHo got,%i %%,eIl ;� it, sitinue(i within 3 miles! --AX, D— �h P P. p p B19 IT TUBREFOB-L NAOYE Cor. to push ine the other 'Bi tionf the Town. all: do is to 1�eep 9, clet�rcc nscien(le and of Clil,toli ot'B�-tieefleld; itiebool b use, -of Selforh in tile et &-Iiiah- Morn% we could -c I , 0 t1i �r lieighbpi. I pora talw a bN r E ZPJO to AiL X:10 R1 of Huron: w or to AREIII �hleal 'ta I were the pa'rt�ll Nll, ords of I ie ir glasses rap -upon -the table or lead stainle`,_� lives.- He Aret on wC*MtY AND GLAS NU!o nil thel N CIR01, I. That it isball be lawful to. the r br. Frost; but I colisidered tbem -oule f eliftu to look upon 11 - itgaiusit eaell otlier scraps of iug in'this Way till I b 549 betiwl 11eeve ofthe sidA. - onirporiltinju.to raise by vaof th kind of evanC16-li, His face his or&eulax song a, id disjointed- seutenoes reached hini as loan froal way person or per -,O Us: bodv -or budies ada- cc the may b willhi fA e nour ear ci to� had the guileless lee],-. of a i; infant, and- 1j,,1RjJ I.\- IUCKEII��JITR fro a. Fliuitpicked th I I cororate, whe !i., ' k. F t- Sale, Lot; 1, Con. 9, If. 1: poll tile credit of tile terein- 31 U LI 11 sai t-lic !to ib. in the iliewilvIlilelit !I -in*g ii ; yl�the'hft"d a keen e'e� aad brain for same Smith. contidiubig 100 am -ti, it boti r, 75 �e oss, afte bleittiolied, IL sum of r not a,,, di Re'explainedic me a meth-, Seed 1kc/cl 17-1 an and lwen'ty.,of low tc Ile to � uonsieur Wiilard, who business. all feuoed Ault uridulritit.Ld, T ic Laroe stock- vede, Till I in tbe.whole �he sum f SIX TbDUSSIld Doilars Al k�d from tb e od-,for ius which was very in- Theroa a Vood.fewue tivubered with an to cause the sy-me to into tke h,(naik, us' he added. ak d. in the t ti t4 purfug gk sod at he lig sic I t bttP etl -tin 'von Mar fi,;h School Board of the -Tow toles g nildingf., It. spleillIM or hard ,ud kibnijt1*Lt�e Of of the said. I il,of: With, frecilt I fndciackl leg of ille sl�eet Xron stove, .4 :1 C, lelicitea fe -r. It, i wit-hiti It (it SoJk1()l1tl1' o hi Her eyes wilt Seaforth for the purpose nd ith objet Ing %va L ute u tfi-* e "vol C a114 i od itboxit, the"zsurnt cl�titau xipp above rcd!cd, t the MI -S our haqgt 'here has Pei s out Vhe bUnked at lint likell all, ancient listened t cc froi lizaril- 'He was a btl 0( -lip man, -fixec I 'Upon I -rig face. vith an eager, joill. It-isoue of tha beiit, tarnis in Tackerr-itilLh, 0 - Way. P ed ein Pr 1. Thwt, ib Ehall be hiwful for the said Maor- i will tile 'Stock _1447nily Gi b 'Ta- e vaV-E-i ternis- Alipl�. to tije propiator onithe t yes" said the innkeeper with! a cloge cap. upon Ws head his ssion, so 'be mtiftil that I, ille, J)ttwicr lowuFhip (ie nnr(in, an or I' eve to a ily ill lu!3er 0 Debentures to' yearainerexpre be II yea see mde for su�-ch suins of mone ati may be e- CiAlcilida, ti leaWer breechiqs reachel little below ondered it did not attract his notice LI stiraight aie-ad, cri to bul,14lith P. U. bt.VID llzszolls. or I of a three- his kilbles ; a iv�rin ffil jacket;'Iiigh but be was absorbed in ME subject. quired, not le t1ma 011e Haultred a, bi. Press set up at the en�c 'USON. tho y ort Canadi And colmered,held. Turtito the-right,and woollen stockinas. and c3loden sabots That sh an clay the. �My . ! I z f, 1:its, and tht, the aid Debeatures shalt bt' PAJOU IN old PotatoM in 'Kv hai d. Doll An hour or sealed wirb th -pore -life. 13efol e itightfall. I of the !­.dd L oil Uon, and - sweetest o GO see a forest of fir trees; that h60stu. M. -i z Chell liett Ito Mayor or B y h ill i i signed by the nd rreultrer: 0 -Fol p"Lot 5,COU." !In , I t oil eeve a V 'lutteleusse and close I mt by.;. the tr in tfielei was f 'Ilv persuaded there as bu the be, of aia; 80 olearlt), it wel 110 thereof. Ther )C)ri room. bad finis 60, their" mea, womanin theworld for me; but all 3arnard., IIL That ilillio sirid. DE�bentnres simll be III&A at hand lives AdriLtlt J t ad the reti6litioder timbered wuh bardwood .11.0, -Nve lfood flaille I little tl at-II06111d. get Mirie to my hi retnri wityable iu twentv )-cars lit futrthe6t fronithe day -- is a, holase md- _�t 1paref) t1V e to liecl. Flint and th . 1 0 - e rE i %littei. - The farm N* wit6in 3 culler, of 8dA- Frent;�ifilftll ell their eon- was Oh, mousieur!" 'Chia sh OC�K, iiercinafter mentionea fo By -Law to takel RPN�S i t 1 that is,tlack Lad empty, aild has about he litble effect, at Wt Office of the T),e , i,cr of tile stri jurtli io-d 10 juiles Citiluit. troill Clillt, X shOUINJ it the holv of the rave, it is vesatio s for m. iad drft-wnclose pea�bed over nd ver acrai a, each the Village of jKinmm. Tbig is one of Corporatiot, and shaill have a=adhed tO heln�_ whing r '0 s af.-von over who pardoliffie 11�Lessiers=-it to t1l e balwi.41 I at with a� different hiflection, -till A forme, I tile best forces in the �utiuty, and will PC sold coupoi:,8 for the payment of illte --e.4t- �AFdr..Tff. ac - the proprietor MAIN v�EET, 8'El lih� was bef-0 Waslibig some qurtnt ��Ilc)w mugs t whole sweet lauguaelin itse�- (becip nd On �Ctctiy IV, fri- t tl said Debentuxe�- hall eainter, I I _ TOU to t1le devil-, They say- it islikunted 41. ven per den min per htfLLLI of the CO.Ic a "Yes yes"� in Flit, evc-alitig llis the end f the. IOU.g 4k table". Her t v Flinit est tit tind after the ralte of sp thereof, wich iclt.,�res Ararie. I - lit )rimitiV6 re ALoNZ0 ST.-RoNO RA anum from the date clame Vack 16oking ratb6r, tilie and Setifortil or CRARLI, LAID IRLEY -is it about 1, it tuT e was -544 LAW !ye neckieagertyloriN rd; wbkt 0. First duysf i,ffi 0% W -6 set aside— Nvorti. - I _ ear, the - -office .01 oi� oull'ventionaiti Ile said the air he- hull be pay:itblL � if- arly, on: 2e -of his hose -T- itivay and July in ewell. v -hoped it wodld be milder a the iTiorn- J)Pyou SUPP cime has teen conlint- ao earnest pasgion 1glidecl along like FARM IN cli LL P FOR ALEtFo, said Treasni V. That for- the pitirpose of pf� 4ng -Jio int aslearly -tile North part of ild on. 1131 ted tl�erh, Inessieurs—thtlot * lights are snow hloes. I get over &,,good deal of ill be that mr must get o UUCP, Containing M noras; tbereilitro or Lila _g 9 -grolis aud, gaound in very short time. I began possible. PER- aild'orm"g,"nk"9 flol" f g; about alsll allrteof hre nfencud. it iderdrained, tind 8' H P -TT said*oebenitures an equ JUCL in a lhiall T. E $=RSON, MAXWELLRE a to. -M row, Flint," I said,. vou. Cf( be so I have it for a fact to beli we this ourn�y -was TlZprI i tate of dialtivation,'th 3: balance is welI timbered UG 83�56.317 mills in -the dollr. IL ill -Additioli -or ME. to(I One veto go lone.- I must re- ith bil"rdwood; good.4-wellina, new bank- ffame to all other rates, he raised, levi0d audzellectM. No; bat that night the �rftgodv is re� f Iltold Marie so' Old youd Ila 0 - 0 0 - barn 5(K-.56, -wilill stab n- underneath Rua other -upon all the rateabl ploper.-Vinthe haa r-16 1 0 1 in each Test htm -ohard tin 'peated 6vEtr and Over ftl_ of her long braids to irq lips. :'I was lifan a while,." outbuildings; also ago)(1young oi d plenty 3 6 M US I- FIR ST SEASON.' said Corporation during tl ilituane'of 0e not go- LIOne,' said Flint; t Wal- Let vis -(,%t on, Flint, i U e ust hili-joir what- en sti that Bruss�ls, 5 f ta nof Nvator. Is 10 nii.les �rom rein sai(I'debentures orz)jy of them. I 0 ed h 'her remark- slial pi�nty of. co�-ipaay. 'But ig"Seafmth,,%vith good grg-vel:roads -L-ww shull take ffect and.- g to tead Ior VI, That this By peculi. 1 c�ir -.a,, oil, and 12 fro dl�ectio of t7i nto ope Si�ptenl- Six hou m later we hd leched a, big uty N -N .11 ur circles no. -.rein a n It -whol to Come tiatiDn on'.th� FirsC da a or in two Apply ber, One ThosivinA Ei ;Lad eu;j- to me sp ak. abo cm- II;$ NVIM %r of wood, had whan T111int qal�ed out, I (Udn't calre to L --ight 0. or to ti �e proprietor on the pl b., t Marie to wrill be sold tLi' -URABLE OILE U CONVENIENT Hu&-�d -,t offli: create i � o h able b t Walton P. THE MOST' 0 __S11 AN'% E ct WILLIMd DY$E9. 547 I sleep a Diall likC-liTut, bt-I told hini. f tithullis (jeep in t. _ie qnow.. 'As tliat,he had 'to O�over abc of th e V 03 ea Mrs. Ito ;h the hatintle onse. Openin" ill tra 'ered me 113y Cam - L :3 r t � -vere none, icither de for roads,-therc 'N :E FAR -M FoJt Skf_B,� Fit)! Sale, Lot 14, vou lti�t to gb along, oft," 'eron. the ri nor tho "I ht imbeelle h t, 1vtitaday; the Wliverl 11 O.aT of Jilally, 011C nil Ni. hor The tall fellow With tt blond(; beard of a in'ukeep,,.lr must have known t1l.-It id, �%'L-;l ienced, i out(, ce had :t, said Fliat, 'oil dred und I I ND D f� at tibis seaSO-11 of tile crcr o rditiay The laftor.patt lof his �ellteli 1" over and shut ing our and in at goiltlt;ititi: wl etiltli%,ittiou; dil'- hilin lee IT TOE)k'THE FIRST", IPLOMA (:u Nvithl'bardwood 1hor t '' tiou. I said chamber door. Then he cam( CIO -se t) is wel! ii nit lit r I �e isl I Ot marl7cs ware obli'orated. e n It �d I ol P Atthe hour of oclock iAik t Pe- aorning, 31.9d'. nlfrom thence till the honr ox Fiva o'dloekia the ril wife diza*ot Y6rl; OnntX SpTill-4 FldrS ilL 18777. and 1378. Has taken the -First Prie ered:11n my e ce beer -i gliding over i -nibroken'sar- I -ws not afraid, mt t1ldught it vary yrie aii -4hisp ar, -He is Ug if lull sonnecorue'r. (10141thLicite At the West Ri -hadow',ed absur� aiid in-fernally! uncomfortialble - the leader of . Hnsli! )equiet wberev ver hai been beaten,. At least face of sow Islit dil.1v S V11ildings till! ribunt). ;Ilbtinklanee of 'good %�ittcr r ehi Ili ted and jr 6 ji i TORTH WARD—Al H FOR THE N 1 sE ea the ',b leap a warm -usider fireside and. go doult�replv. unearthed a troo d pit itlis, imiltv slil4ridid. bearing rolifird h tiupou the her zon I hac forest thing Store. to aw them at -Ntvor - is witilina 11 ife flail lialf of guLvel road, mill- PLY TNE DE NIAND- OVER 200 ORDE RS F� of :hr%. and I pnslle(l the jacled. beasts philligi ng over thele in the sow and the. of ounterfe�i S NOT BEING ABLE TO SUP Oil THE SOUTH WARD -1t betwei nj Sellfortii, Briat-telfa. 13) tit Stit- 'Etezing ,tir for it freak of curiosity. tb onightintbehaintedhous .- They rxwrui3,.,\,ED EN T11E J,,ASON' OF 1877. WAUD—At 's onwirc.1- It- was weary' vicirk 'KS We 1 eiciezil to mon Store. lasped. ll�er %Lil' hatelo�sse. — -0 �&zd that Edward Ca t�h s were pereapluibly lip [till. I Mai i 0. ds andbesou ell) t are tbe gliosts of 131 si K i (;free, 111 uti faria-wili lfti,, dd 11f; whole Or I I icoue- , hall! be! the rnllog Te 0 0 to the Facts, togeillel pi-ovenients mad leta_gt illadiwi wsdr%WilLq or I- ' .1 ill 0% . with the V itab"p, 1 -in Officer for the North W&rd, William Elliot The. diort of us, the J)f the Redeeniier he rs we sball ha � help. e this Seaso M rc poitt! offloo, of if lipi rietor (in to a close- if yun Walit l:i idea, toy net to ge),-- that hil tht room up -stairs, we shall. start A togeiliet. �Cr'i:iar� be the Ileturnin- 0111-cer for the Sonth 'Lie 544 the 411a, beyond a coubt, at the ead of the List. - , and place, P, 41 t av � theo up 8 my business tsumilel Stark Sh'411 be h fliends, of complelto '14imll utter desola- upq- il�at vefy Pallet. of straw, the. T dt wa OM� x for the Fast Ward, naii had beptu. fouud; ind- out here VALUABIX, FAR -31i FO11 SALE.—ri or Salo, Lot tb - . I I ; -se Rake,carirlot be BE IT ALSO ENTACTE D, in purstrance �of the iginal plan tio, tke it, canipatine, at at suirt when murilered'i ILD El 801ath half Ot 17, Con, d tario Seft-Di: mr)in­ 110 at the cotain The Ithaca an flof a nIttfloss nobo& hill stept there since, ot stayed t- Tr 1, H113, Revised Statllt&B of the Provipce Not, lug 150 actregi 120 of *Inch lixe cleared and in a all 'IV ", good state of oulbivatiqu- There i a good brick 0 i nS and unrelenting Diht t1lic, -,rab Chapter 1`714, Se6tiou Chatelol, . -Ls-,-.e . " 1 11 ur pragpe and Junior Mo-wer�� can alwa-S-i� be aid -the roam hours evorything ill be ready. The !pal^ Cot tof 'Llubroll\-.en by felice or forest, the hoatis of 3eeder still s-tands unrivalled. hou,5e alia a trame cottage, the bt a, 9table, co -1-he Combined Enciotire potaion Of the Town 'hair into er out"b"f"gs are all. frivull there �Of Safolfh. lall, at The -epared," stable and ot!h i nimid our Wrou Fr Gan -9: hourofTwelve OVOclr,'noont, =qn TuesdaS, the becomes in t e shifting aud. fadiug light said. her fr6ther, 'in a dry, wheezy offi ers will dome Ei rimed be pi a pple, pe r w I othe on like cli pall di Zlver a, dea iv Ad. voice, the wily 16suit 8lipped oui of the a -re r.boat 10 meres of a I a a a tt r op. 11 and 12 Wtought Bea-ai Plows, &d.. TNinty-ThIrA da -v of July, One ',be h and we _h�mrtily recom 9 Ir ,am.e a. or PloWs, And I )ilsan4� �niht f ruit trees, and abodt qOO spruce trees planted 10 th a, . JLA From e,%rlv ui b ill not passed But Vf lint t his lautern ready. Of ope 1 door. stream running Hundred and Seventy-Eiglat,-ml. 'a. TOWU-11 ornlog yvc gyorars. Ther is a n6ver-failin in the said Town, of t�m up the anni-I 'The c through the 0ent-re of lie farm, On�,which is a good vous enstomer for pas support, we ho,,)e by strict attenion to basi. a roof or, seen a livind creat Il sat there for I knN, Ilow I i thaukin 0111]"niani'di I V ourse I bad to go., If One ma von Ong While wlttinsl thi� 13 -bar of votes given for wad bitte - ess of ccld wtts oinewhat anel­ -tures upon Eblool-h(Lrdy frealc. another w Hell a i Cod gr vel road on two sides -of the of thei (I,' and be; i 9 ness, to.meiit a bilt! , a , liabc i ir liberl patronage. -11. 'That the dti-vor or llf:ove (If the said mu-ni- lletely farm." it is 01ituateci a mile from Mnsall sta- m -low, or lei- the' iorated, but. this w a-, anot tier Force of 11maust o rest, nuc e gathered my gooses T amilesIrpm Exeter, on the London cipill Corporation E;hall ittitend a� the Town dal acz� BROTHER' PArrFd o�g, 0 _m i til t dice. Ifonsiour Bernard i'lload,andisjustacro-sth roa.4 from the Rod ill Tow. 1, oil Tuesdav, the Six &nxle v,. it Ili W Lr upon one thing—not to 90 V uted of. snow, nd, to tion c f co ville. post of6e and ell ireb. For f artber particill- of U137, 4 1330 Thunsand Ligh 1luadred. and think of:this to shind lv; a silo helpe(t us- on with. -our overcoats. out! Marie. Ive c0ld get married at I Seventy -Eight, at the hon�r f ain R1EV E, A0 lars apply to JAME 3 W. ELDER, Veterinary WILLIAM G 1?,NT, -i wbuld lye utt the sweet eyes, of Maie; t1lel t, leave theevening., for thur prsOf appolting per- starn or ailZ irretrievable looked intot i 481 neardst town. I would no stil. eon. �qeaorfll v. (). soils to atteud at the variou i t 9 at - polling ruin:. 'To ad.1 to no tbev ivere dilated with th,.-Lt expression her in this wilderness with her traitor I U ml n IIV of the voes tile fin by the Clerk respectively, Oil ialf of the or - tile Oft 'the eyes of a fa�v- PLE IT FOR BY AUG ngerfir- of terror oile. sees in n. of 'afther. perhaps to' fall, Prey to A F-44 took he_�'cold:.bauds in my own. TI N.—he Iixilegtorn of (he estate 45f the soine early vengeance :from Dill unse I M'�10 A N T T 0 T L.ADIES. ons iu-tereeted in n1ld promot n- oi- eppo late !�o nniel � Boll-oli - 6ve i a - t meted the u*riden ing "with tba, the passage of this D y4aw resptioti ely. hald. T sou and flound ber to sell by Pabllio lioaon, on t4e. prein This iil-� aqu , rn� sweet child, I t be snow b. Bost tr fl, gb t her: out, I by her -tender- ---------- said. CLLU you ,�,e tliose, fir-trocs, said, i or I wi�s tbucheL f eeaing the fowls in the court yrd—.11, on Fritimy, J tily (5, 18U. at, the boar of I 'kea, w till- t nness; Will return 0 1, grey (love pi�trching upon her houlder, oldock P.. Uz 8[ milid turin, beinA Lot 21, -N 0 T 1 0 �E Boand1.'Lrv,-Ui;b,.rIJe, cotitailling 100pores. AICI' I Lb 'LIDAY I have We made yur way'�brc alxhre is is true Copy Of a py opocd B$ - t) feated, goud frilline buildings, me I foitild, the housy black xuidpftlit�y of the 'Tow of Segforth, after the i for sorne They'll ing show, aluc his r( TRLF-'aw, lowbe. talkon in o.,zonsideiation by the lullyli �Iie blind- and a turkey -cock stretobin, d 0 U T not sen the nec�i and trutting by her side. I dre w ood p101ty Of WA161' i c;otivenicut to WOULD RE TFULLY A 0) E THA THEY HAVE JUST, R E - I LERS 'Lt- co., or, PIMA pin its, hert unc 'roill 5 from probably eon, i o in s ight, Lcn we lge.t; to and ern croaked e6urch aijd niih-s pty. Mie door ler the archw, (�EIVEVFROM S. D. S9_ expirra;tlon of olle meiith froin! the 5th davl ii IS f o r t- It. This iK its good Jul 1-878, the date of �th of the the top of thl;,-,- hill.'-' ty inrel the shutters a mel 11 aud: 13 fr6l �erb. i I adit farni ii,; (�herc is in tile itwvutip of OY 11�11aje! 'Marie! y u kno W ci I same summit, and anebclyhowl-ment tbrougrh the Bools mi.ol 0y_ Lchec ad thitae, ti:ro But having 1 A 1 and it will. posiLively bc "old without reserve. Go 7) 1)? le toAsso zewt q hoNv,' I lQye you! I - hour and places. for �takin- the votes beginning tix descen�d, I 'said again, dor. on per of the mouv on he electors th polls our, habor fok our 6be dlity of gale. or iffirthitr partiettlo rs appfy to I't N in S 6t 'T' she said, baning ; iid Bl(tck. 1 'It Oh, monsieui -07, of t Will be held- ethem 'V*e shall 'have pal n lie q` he�, N of �'er s, I,sad, as we entorbd the rboin weet head. the.millersigned. Ali' MB&LD BISITOL-1, Anc- NXILIJAM ELLIOTT, Fi Opt a Solleri3 It- Co. obtaining the Gold 'Medtal I tioutter. 519-6 These Goo"di A,.ti the tip it ad Best in Anterica, S. D. d i1v the horses, and -Ot- lipon upsta: rs; ".1here ia nothinci reni ae Marie I s6d; )e 550-4 . arkable -11iisten to ip and Diploma over i Tow Clark. conciretitoritat the CLutennial. u f 70u. You my f'Tt� 9; few brok0i,cliairs wi.d. an' n- no longer a clAIO., I entreat o ot, 'RM AND ILL PROPERTY FOR SMD.— Zo awa�.- wi th me to -in or., 0 mor a ea iinl ruken, oliterincfa desert of dle of straw."' NV Beiag south ]Af if Lot' -12, Con. 14f )IeKillop, We have a1m) ou hand a ce Tf LADIES' SHOES, ijI lie and Battoa, very a' 1). HOUSE AND LOTFOR SALE A uoutfdniins� about 86 a we, 75 of which are,clanxed must be 1.191. t the i'earest town. wd will )e sixow urrounded us. i -I the 'yellow A rhut, i afid lit It, good statel: OJ cultivation, part b well AV.`c are tile 013 �y firin N% ebt of Toroqto� vho teeP ibesL Goods. They reqnh�p to be Been to be P11i Id B Y A UQ T 1Inoney lindlitw. 1, autl lie - palatice Ul we In U hardwood btish; re is it, never-failiuy spiling of the �,kv it (,listened throv ing tb Et, bit alo robe up'oii the bell I N,41ill hot leave yc Ii.b IL good appr ceilit-rd. "It & WILLI S like the folds of fortlierou, t6nd b lowingotit", the. lantern us'- me. Thei - 7 , e 'ill be troubl. -NICI IN Ty I EAFOUR. ool-luterfeiters have �ecn dis- '­aree Wilt lorth-6 h6ur of midnight." A allia of k tanning thio -m-11 the Ilace; good yoling J_ P_ -Br.I.NB M -sell by Under the stormy tbat S611LI(IC171 7 for AMES 11,F11 orchard; large franloUitru 4Ox62; stable and ;hed 4ong it a wred ovoO at the haunted house 00 14x8O log house 16s 25, - also frame house, filled ME 13,01-11, 1 if)TEL, SE'AVOR2H, oil row livid I Stc Tbere was nothilla for ITIC to do but 41 to ilile thall on have Caiherou'is It'heir chief. IV and JooT-cd inore it beside him. I took the in- ith gravel; �gacrdstoi ite cepar fun size of house to ei-leep I good well [Lt liouse"&h. This is a desirable ifarm SATURDAY, JU LY 20, 1873J, th, 11st and blackest'of seas. lier lide alcl,;Wo�jj Out with AFQ RTH Countless tliought thes' men to be honest trao S Is 1�ut tliey,%!'r'e co, IT A R K At tbitt, moincilt a filifiv particle. S-)fLu enlo ions' iuu�.t have. fallen asleep be- '13eF, untelfeitc�s, for any one wishing to buy, being only three-ifilltr- At 1 czt�eloeki eooifort-�lblc new rf.late te�% of a illile fromi t4e 2�furtliorli Giavel 9 iny clic w1V one,paid they are the ghosts of Dwelling House and Lot. it situated a as dowil, tollelled In in in' my, 113iles from Seftfurtill land� 77 from ssels, both fore the hayseed touched - iny hair. I Bra Loubia S tred. There is a bri0k tellar and good Stali e Nvere onvelopc d by'the soft.. Chatelousse 1 Afew hours- more, 8611(l good markets.—Also �,ot:421 and 22, East Bound- GROO STORE, BOOT AND SHOE' SHOP AUOT101-4 His wit, I)v a, peculiar inockin. * I - ERY The house �vas bnilt last su.,lnmar, j.9,well .9 weshall hav,A- help. They Willi be & wbite, flakes. aught seeminly close by my car ; but Ihen ary, Ttirnbery, siitua�cd 2.1-niflas west froi finished nl. contains 8 rooms, f b eall. be aeati wll�l i I i - NT, 'CONVEYANCER- &C., Tma#e I't tTpped, taining 200 jeres, 65 acres cleared, ina a 'ROW'S, LIAND AGEL:_ I - for I folmd that 1111111,1:011 at aby time prior to Coe m1a. Terms inade upon regining the activity of my i job of 44 acres lot to, be cleared, which is to be "ro ij to the:1;gmprietur, or Da - she IiVa� n a de Illown On. appi it In the Nvo are lost 11, adly p e. Her 1 back led, SeIXSe3, I f01111d it. distant and 110110)'4 el cared in tirne f or faIl wheat next f all ; tilpre is s the day of sale. seei her siddl; at on this lot aboutMiaeres of pine, 'ceda# an(i Id, roc 'eq ust A Pi xi afre,� d so," hand dro;be,i a� A Large, 9d; Of Jj�oot8 (V)J(1, SheS (4,3 G T rnoing. Proprietor. bee seel adAgan. ancl (fin it seemed to come JAME, S RED - d bevormeadow, the b6lanceis goodhardwoodland of herl apron upon thE ro n n e-telaiined, ll'onr from v' bo,,vels of the ath. I -fell olit all m4ofits—' 11 izew stock. a SubserAeq- i2zvites his A�uetixmecr. there is a small orella]-rd, 2 dwellin- house, '2ivrelis be sold Olt Very sm. the v 'the fowlp came calling and cluckinor. bories will lie bleaching here f or inouths? beae.1 L to fee _a, chill 'run clown my v�_ -one',holise, and large new A to t has enyag.ed I& John laold ft ends and new one 7ive' hin a call. For x ter it., Slip grew vbiter -and N� biter, till , " "' I Ojai faillilics Nvoa% even I now -whathas' Llso a Steam Sllw laill, Shingle I ill"AU Complete ore is tit the gaill. a, L ALL. ad to the sh e shop w7to will m'ak' *,work- to order. I term. 1). TVIoLENNAN. E.N -S IFsh�o like th"now, outside -the stone 1, and in good runnin.it order; th lo atte 0 1 e and repair L becoine (if ii, lint"' I whispered, reaching over old A s mu P lwall. IMyGodl MyGodl."'she pt frame house and goo4 frame stable; the in cc st be 'aid at onca as the 8zibscriber needs mon Parm. ally fainily. kE .1 ll.avelli said Flint. fok-h' 4. do you hear* tltat'9 bringing in a ( good rent, lease out next OCt Dber unclaling her iison tteSoutheinE.Aension'of the Wellil:gton, SEED WHEAT.. that matter," 'I n Neither iavo, If for But 'Iny hand wandered' over'i an S, Y11119, and Town 9-operty fo�- sale. Cive �o a Call alul I will do dic 'best I I tried to t&kE It i my arnis. said L " B A that dbos&t make it any empty spacc at. my sid&. � Flint -\l Grey and Bruce RD1foad, -Nvith a iding ritin! 9 dt of the mill g that farmen from the main linelto'within 60 fe can f�r Yo,- 9 At first he resisted 'then she listened. the Place, ..�ta -Ps Block, THE Subseriber, belivin taillis to die here like or as alone in this accursed t- b be run from milI ahilloaded on r4ilway oed.tbat pleas one. I w 12aighborhood aye loNy fully coviiii, (loci - The ra look went out of her face, a ad ed,,'which makes it very conveni- WL Dge noises came to me. I the lied Chaff eat has ;entirely ruin.3d. the he said he Stra Oshe liste�ed egerl' clirs as cut if need SAMVEL' STARKy SEAFORTHL. goodrai)utatioof onr oanaufin l' ring Grain ant ; there. ig plenty of ti6ber in th& country Of courde not," id Flint. faci, �,A I heard a groau, the clailking a Tb dwIllch can a bought cheap ; this makes it in the European maTkiets, as mkv ])a lobervea by 11 -go with me..'my b better take soine brain s a chai Heaven knows -what vagaries You wi aro, a good opc-ningfor any person that � underdtands J) I Sh v Scott. It theunusual diff6ranee-of2acto oo-.terbi bb - Unfortunate: I'll like 6'iiave li'mitedl beset me, I entreatpd; thq horses are already tbebusine!ss. ThemW or farm will beold tweenit and tbapTlceof FilliNVileat.-Ihatitlisalso Sep- ]none or togather 6 s�lt buyer. 1D. TZ0 'very liable to rust before harvest, 1, bilt it out thati Bernam be help- I'lerhaps," t-houcgbt,3I, "Flint 'has harnessed." Terms'easy. r particalars in reference to the first farm tip- too cark and i;oor for far -lily little. I would. re- zs'?" she been -will conia Where—where are the horse ed.1 Rraged away; in turn. 44, ply tot A. STRONGf Seaforth, or to GEORGrt, COmmend' attent;,on to th; following ehoito THAT TP1.015"T"FAS COVENTRYS He took a Pull at the b andy flask and wxt. said. THOMSON4, Wittgha�n. For the last place and grades'now for sale at his Storehouse, nensaa OW) handed it over tip Me. 116 was as cool as M tinctiv I heard th ccIn tha shed, my sweet one.! Zell Inc Mills apply to G. THOMSON, W;ngham. 5-1.1, Station, viz.: James Lang% Prime Mm-oota At holl _rS THE PLACE TO GET GOOD FefLUE1 TO' R YO UJ? -1110 Jy'E y V ife, elected Lako Shore Blu a Stem, and the go." the climite,linyfriends. In the mean mocking la�ghl and step by step a foot that you wi "Idoi hNr BOOY�S AND ,'3HOES. White h -ado,allat Mod crate vric as. Clver tin Wile, the 11orses, feeling the reins fall- aseen ding the stair. A cold sweat Yes, yes, I will go," Ole said and. Seed bought anti sold. STOCK FOWSERVICE. iRg loosely from Iov f�intiug hands, .,burst from every pore- In my body. I now.I musf get.ready." D. XtLE1NN1AN- trotted ral*dly on. Aeaven help those sprancl, from the bed -and ran out the i I Her face looked so set'an HATE ust Opened Out the Largest Ste6k, snitable for Spring and 133umiher 'Wear, ever Shown in PIG BREEDERS. The un'dersignea hay. -upt Sto Tq in Seliforth. Not old Banki ek, n6r Wholesale Calls bought in Job Lots, but Good New R. N R FE T Tt I egatists that hold.,tlie humam intellect oor doitni the stairs. It seemed the cold- reflection of the ow—the Ing purebased a Thoroughbred Imported im- Stock, bought from the best open factories in the Dominion for cash, and will be sold at iesvhlch,I Pric Supreme ! The poilies chose the right to nie t 'shadowy f6im fled before me, bealitifill. fa 0, no longer liiatj of .9, proved Suffolk Boar,, will 4eep him on his prem- think,!even Grangers call hardly take exception. I ha'v6 been compelled to change my pla.,,e of Bt SEAFORTH, ises, Excelsior Mills, Egmondville, fof the direction. In less than *-ten minutes and -v anished. i1i the coridor. I lun. ell child's Nv an's face, full Df reso.' businiiiss so oftenutpiv, tha�tIknow itis diffieultformy customen to rind�.Ine. Butl trustIhave Wholesale and Retail Deer in LEATHER and -9 U-. improvement of stodk.. This pig took first * those blesse(l p prize got permanently locatid now for some time ar, least, in Stark's. New Brick Mock; next door south FINDINGS of Every Description. onies til us within acros� the -field and at last burst into a tio, and strength. at he Central Fair, libmilton, in 1877, an rAshei 4 gee- from William R�obertson & Co.'s Hardware Store. None but the Very Best StDek Inept. Terms fir -t oil d prize at the Provincial Exhibition, Ldndon, sight of the line of thos I lqw-ceiled ioom, Where Ifound the mis- Kiss in e before you go I E aid, ho' mderat. A Trial Be deited. in 1877. Terms, $1,10 bp paid at the time of _kH oracra by itna or, ThE BIG BOOT, AIN STREET FORTH., wastramsported bythe lelicitou-s ,View 16 -x C exable-little Frenchmail and. my mlss- ing her close'to'my heart.' service, with the privlegelof returping if necea- Or Otherwise promptl filled, Of soe honest smoke wieathing up be.- I ing 00m he put her cold lipg-to mine. G R. N. BRE TT.- pauron. M. CHA.RLES.W0VTH. 649 THOM� t tP:0i 4