HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-05, Page 6a • Norman McLeod. and, 3Selurdo011 NIettaren. BY A. WA SSC . When Norman McLeod was a bare -fitted bair' n He ran, 'inang the brae i wi' daft Murdoch Mc- Laren, There'd pie the Wild figwaos, the nuts frae the tree, im...fliarried the nestio' the wild bumble bee; T0 describe ilka playa, ilka prankss and ilk play, - Mad take the midst feek o' a hing summer's day. When Norman grew up he was sent to the col, lege And. he e.lirrth'd and he climb'd up the grand tree o' knowledge; And Murdoen McLaren liv'd awe in the. hills, And herded,the sheep by the clea'r winding rills., Then Norman.lIcLeod came back to the glen - A teacher o' Christ -eking -among men, He stood in the pulpit, the old and the young Sat entranCed with the sound o' hia silvery tongues And there in the crowdwith eyes wildly staiin' Sat thehalf-wittedrean--daftMardoch McLaren; The words e th6 prettonPr were grand and 4'0 - Erne, As he spoke of this life and the swiftness of time, .And the angel of death drawing nearer and nearer, •Thelon° widow's wail and the heart rending tear, And the flight of tlie soul from ivoe to weal, And the undying bliss inthe Land o' the Leal. Then Murdoch rose tip, and cried, "Norman, hallot - A Dyte mind 0' the time when we rode on the soo ?" His words carat see queer without malice or • levity, Gaed preacher and hearers to lose atheir gravity, Losh t what wi' the laughin'„the smile and smirk, The like was ne'er seat in auld Scottish kirk! VearietieEe. . • —Mr. Joseph Macdougall of,Petrolia,, brother of Hon._ Wm. Macdougall, died la,st week. - —John Bright, in his recent speech at Manchester, reproached•Lord Beacons‘ field with "not having a Biagio drop of Englirsh blood in his veins_ , —A snake of the venomous " blue - racer " variety was killed in Sandwieh West, a few days ago. These kind o :reptiles weae supposed to be extinct in the distria. •, ,----A Methodist preacher in Toronto, last Sunday, said "1 would rather hear a child singing one Of Moody and Sankey's hymns, than a clergyman de- claiming day -theology by the hour." --Rev. Canon Bea,den, of South- ampton, England, is over one hun- dred years old, He has never been in his bed after 7 A. M., nor out Of it - later than 1:0 P. M., and never wore an overcoat. • , —Essex County Counoillias 'adopted the report of a, coramittee in favor of establishing a Reuse of Industry in connection with an industrial farm, while a raotiort in favor of establishing a i Poor Houseli2 thte county of Kent, was rejeeted by the County Council. --4T1!ie Pope 'presided the other day over the Commission. of -Christian Archieology, being the first time in 120 years that the Pope has filled the chair at a meeting of savants, and he ordered the excavation of the Catacombs•of St. Petronilla at his own expeese. —Recently a woman arrived in Lin - coin dressed completely in red ; she was so extremely peculiar that she Was ar- rested as a lunatic. She had a large sum of Money on her, annS, and gun-. powder. She said her vieit to England was takeu for the purpose of killing the murderer of her husband. 0 THE HURON EXF'OSItOR. by a justice.. On the return to Sprin field ea -ch party went to its • own horn an at night Cochran left town for parts unknown. His friends claire-that it is a black -mailing operation to get $50,000 he is to fall heir to and legal proceedings are talked of. - —The chhichona bug is the last pest. It has been ravaging Javanese, planta- tions, and also'has a taste for tee: ;It saps the chinchona bark and the leaves wither and die. Quinine is frightfnlly dear already, and if this beg gets the upper hand it will he quite beyond the reach of the znilljon.' —A shop for the sale of horse meat has been opened in London. The event created great excitement in the neigh- berhood, and the'''' demonstrations of aversion. on the part of a large and not • particularly oleanly mob were pe pro- nounced that a large force of police- men had to be celled -ripen to keep order. —In. an English poor -house were found several persons who had lived there for thirty years, including one who had been. born in the house and had resided there all that time. Three genetations of one family were found, and an able-bodied man had been there for seven years. Pauperism, says an English critic, is hereditary. —Eleven thousand a year is a good sum to make of "savings'but it is stated to be done by the proprietors of the Times by the simple process of using a lighter paper.. This has been effected, we are told, by a gradual •operation, so judiciously carried on that only sharp- sighted—or, rather, sharp -fingered-- people have found it out. —The Rev: 0. B.Frotilingha,m thinks there are no classes and no caste dis- tinetion in this country. Just let him put on a last year's winter suit and a straw hat, and ask the hotel clerk to let him have a room on the parlor floor, that's all. He will learn something about the infinity of the distance that never occurred to him before. • —In seven years 94,000,000 notes of .the Bank of England have been ,paid, and they are contained. in 18,000 boxes, which, placed side by side, would ex- tend it distance of three miles. These notes are riot made of old rags, but- of pure white linen cuttings, and their manufacture for nearly 200 years has been in the hands of the Portals, of Laverstoke, Hampshire. —John Rosa,. of Casnevia,, Michigan, hadciai ailing wife. It was certain that she ould not recover, and he thought that ihe might as well look round for her Successor. He chose the daughter of a neighbor, and so informed his wife, who told him that she would not staY long in the way. That night she drowned herself. A mob tarred and feathered Mr. Ross. -a-A minister was riding through a section of the State of louth Carolina, where custom forbade innkeepers to take pay fromthe clergiewho stayed with them. Theeninisterem question to* suprefawithout praier, and ate break - g- three dollars per week during the past I .Appp,m9S. e, five years of herexistence, and a, large I —An American exchange says the fastwithout prayer or grace, and. was about to take his departure, when manufaeture of paper from wood has "mine host presented his bill. " Ah reached that attitude of perfection in Canada, that a superintendent -of &mill -bee • up there says a tree is cut down and shoved into one end of the mill, and five minuteglater there is a neighbor at the other end to borrow the paper. ' • —At the 13.ritish Embassy dinnerixz Consta,ntinople, ine celebration of the . Queen's birthday, it has been usual to drink Her Majesty's health. On the 24th ult.; however, it was remarked that after the Queen's toast Mr. Layard pro- posed the "Health of the Sultan, the ancient ally of England." • —President -Blanchard, of Wheaten College, Callege, Illinois, having been grossly in - sir," said he,- "I aim. a clergyman!' "That may be," responded Boniface, "but you came here, smoked like a sinner, ate and drank like a sinner, and. lept like a sinner; and now, sir, you hall pay like sinner." n nothing does the curious -twist of th Hibernian mind produce such eclat ly piquant effects as in the uncon- sciou bulls of popular Irish piety. A pries once chanced to hear, unperceiv- ed, a fierce verbal onslaught by one market woman on anothenin the couise• of which every effort of rehotoric was made to provoke relations, but without suited in a railread oar by a ma.n who effe°t' "Go on, go on," at last said the had been excluded from a church matron attacked you .know not through his action, struck the offender answer ye, because I've been to con- fession this morning, and I'm in a state on the side of his head. Being ar- rested, he pleaded guilty, and the of grace. But wait till I get out of 't —In the death of the Right Rev. John. Gregg, D. D„ Bishop of the United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and died a few mouths ago, -who could re- Ross, the, Church of Ireland has lost member when. Journeymen came to one. of its greatest -.ornaments, and e -van. - work in knee-breechee, buckle shoes, gehcal Protestaaatism one of its most ealtual (prod° s privilege of printers and eloquen. t. advocetes. His Lordship had been ailing for some months, and for the last few days had passed into a con- -damn that left no hope of' recovery, so that hie demise., which, occurred on Sat- urday, at the Palace, Cork, was-, not un- expected. The deceased prelate was a native of the County Clare, a son of the late Richard • Gregg', Esq., of Cappa, in that county, and was born in\ the event- • justices mposed the lowest fine allow- • ed, while the officials refused to accept their fees. • —A -storthy old-fashione(1 printer and. other ' enamel), I) eveztaang a sword. . - - was he- was ut eighty-five years old, it is quite pos Rile that a few , more such "old inhabitants" areatill in existence. 'eeQueeiel.Victoria 'recently -ordered that two G6rman Wesleyan musicians who were dismissed from her . band. for refusing to practice oia Sundey," should be restored, adding, " I shall not per- mit any of my people to suffer on ac- . , year 1798. count of their religion, and shall not —In a rural district of Forfarshire a . allow auy rehearsals on Sunday.,'.' This yo.ung ploughman. once went courting on is au example of true British liberty. , a Saturday night. Ina'vaie he Tacked —It is announced that Miss Henrietta his brain from some interesting topic; Dana, younaest daughter of R. H. Dana, he could -call up no subject at all suit - jun., has, acome a. Roman Catholic: a,ble for the oocasion—not one sentence She was .,educated at a.convent in Paris could he utter, and for tWoelong hours with the late Queea, of .Spain„ elle is ,- he eat on in .silent. despair. The girl the author of the article in a recent herself was equally silent; she no doubt number of Scribner on " A. Queen at remembered the teaching ol the. old School,,” Mr. Riehard IL Dane, jun.,- Scotch. song, "..Mcii inaun be the first ie. an .hlPiscopaliau, aeiet feeooree years to speak," and she eat patiently. regard - past has taken an active mud prominent ing iiini-with demure serprise. At last part in, the councihrof the church. John suddenly exclaiined, "Jenny A, great part of the crainininci. atid there's. a feather on yer apron!"- " I want a thoroughness in mai schools, of widna ha'e wondered if there had been which complaint is. so justly and. loudly twa," replied jenny, "for I've been mad e ist due to pressure from witbont, satin' aside a goose a,' nicht". . Ther : is a loud and insane popular de- —A curious story was related 'n the _ . number of them testified their respec for her memory by attending her fune al onturday, ,so that the obsequi ' la had al the appearance. she so much d sired her lifetime. —There arrived in Stratford. on Mon day, June 24, a party consisting of abo 500 persons, members of the Maseru body of Erie, and the Mayor and co poration, and the Board of Trade, a companied byert, large number oI ladie On arriving at Stratford, the party wer escorted along the principal streets t the Town Hall, which was handsomel decorated, the British and America •flags being everywhere entwined. A ter addresses of Welcome had_been pre sented, a banquet was given at th Mansion Home to the Mayor and Cor poration, and a ball to the Masons an their friende. The demonstration wa a great success. The party left on Tues- day at noon. —At Hagarsville, Haldimand county, Monday iaight,24th ult. during a drunken fight between two men named Joe Cal- vert and Alfred Herd, the latter drew a knife mad stabbed Calvert in the abdo- men, causing death in a few minutes. The murderer escaped Capture. The murdered man is a respectable farmer living near Jarvis, and has been travel- ling a stallion this season. He leaves a wife and five children. ',Herd is unmet.- ried, of respectable feta:lily, who reside at Dufferin, „ Oneida township, and. hitherto has borne a good. character-. Herd is about five feet ten inches high, florid complexion, and wore dark clothing.. He is about twentr-. six yz_mrs of age, and weighs about 170 pounds. —The brig Confederate, coal laden, on Monday morning was run into by the barque Antwerp, in the Bay of Fundy, and being strnck on the bow was cut in two. In tkaage-refinutes after the Collision, the brigrevent down. The disaster occurred so suddenly' that there was very little time for anything to be done.. The crew of the Antwerp ime media,tely were shipped, but the fog was so thick that no boat was put off, to search foreany of those belonging to the brig, as it would have been im,possible for a boat to have found its wa3 back. Five men were saved by catching hold of ropes that were thrown from the barque, or by getting upon pieces of wreck that wereloating about. Three lost their lives by the collision. —William A. Bu,shnell, book-keeper and confidential man for 13utler, Still -- num & Hubbard, well-known New Ytirk lawyers, has defaulted in $50,000. ,---John A. White, a respected citizen of New York and a lawyer for 30 years, who died February 27th, 1877, is now said to have misappropriated $45,- 000 to $63,000 from two estates of which. he was trustee.—Dispatchesfrom Greenwich, Washington county, N. Y., relative to the failure of the. national bank there allege that great rascality has been practiced by the officers, and that the entire capital of 8200,006 is wiped out. . The developments indicate that the bank has been run by a ring - 31. W. Beadle, cashier of the insolvent bank of Chemung at Elmira, N. Y., has been arrested on charge of getting money on false pretences. To the Free and Independent Rice - es tors of the County of Huron. GENTLEMEN-As the question of Free Trade _ I Ut and 1Protection is just now the all absorbing .0 „ett epic of discussion, it may not be out of place r- 0- for ns to say a few words to you as to what. we 81 can do either with or without Protection. We 0 can furnish Yon as good a Single Buggy, Family Y Phaeton., Democrat, or Double Carriage as any f_ other Elhop in Canada, and for as leen a price, for cash or on short time. Oar establishment - needs no Protection. The quality! of our work a 4 and the facilities we enjoy for doing that work The Condition of Labor , • Abroad. In reply to the recent labor circulars of the United States Department of State, Gen. Badeau, the Consul -General at London, Eng., sends a report in which he states tha-t during the past five years wages have increased gradually about 10 per cent., while the cost of living' has increased about 25 per cent. -• Clothing is about 30 per cent.ligher, while fuel has not risen in price. •Agricultural laborers get from $2 to $3 per week, in- cluding beer; building la,borers and gar- deners, from $4.40 to 45.10 per week; bricklayers, carpenters, masons and engineers, from $6.80 to $11 per week, and cabinet-ma,kers, printers and jew- elers, from $8 to $12.30.per week, al- though the best marble masons and jewelers receive 414.75. Boot -makers and tailors get from $4.86 to $7.65 per week, and bakers from $4,,p5 to $7.25, with partial board. ,Women servants are paid from $10 to $240 per annum. Railway porters and laborers on public works get front $4.45 to,$12 -per week. Rents have risen some 30 per cent., and are for artizans- in London from $1.20 to $2.40 per week, for one or two rooms. Labor and trade are greatly depressed,* no change for the better being yet ap- parent. The prevalent strileis are un- mistakable indications' of want of Com- mercial prosperity; and the markets for staple coweadities are very dull, and greatly ufi*--ttled by war rumors: London business is essentially Cosmo- . good and Icheap is tho best Protection we earl have, and which has enabled as to bufld up a good businesa in a few years. We have now in our show room a number of very handsome vehicles of all kinds, made from the best ma- terial and by the beet workman, and which we will warrant as represented. All are cordially invited to call and inspecethem. We have also a number of second-hand vehicles -which we will sell cheap. Repairing promptly attended to. Hoping you will see your way clear to give as a call of inspection before spending your money elsewhere, We are, Yours Truly.' ' PILLMAN & CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, SEAFORTE, ONT. A. C. AULT, SEAFORTH: Is -now receiving a large stock of all kinds of Groceries and Provis- ions, at very low prices. A Large Lot of thlose Choice Sugar Cured and Canvassed Hams. Also a Large _Lot °tate very best ]Joules Bacon, Plain, Smoked and Spiced Bacon. A Fresh Lot of Fine Corn Meal, Flour, and all kinds of Feed. A Fresh Stock of all ,kinds of leas, from Twenty -Five cents per l'ound to Eighty cents per pound. Also a large stock of Sugars at very low prices. Now is your time, when you can get Goods at Rock Bot- tom' Prices at • A. G. ,AULTSi. ESTRAY• STOCK. $2fi REWARD. -Strayed from /3ayfield on the 1-7 night of , May 25th, a Bay Mare, aged, about 15f hands high, a long scar on right hip, and white saddle mares on blielc, bat ma other white marks. Her mane is black, short and Inc. The above reward will he paid to any person giving such information as will lead to her re- covery; Any pencil found detaining her will be prosecuted: ddreaa ROBERT CARMICHAEL, Seaforth, or AMES BARKER, Falkland. 548 STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO BREEDERS. -The uAdersigned hav- ing purchased a oronghbred Imported Im- proved Suffolk Boar, w keep him on his prem- ises, Excelsior Mills', gmondville, for the improvenient of stook. This pig -took first prize at the Central Fair, Hamilton in, 7877, and see - on d prize at the Provinoial Elhibition, London, In 1877. Terms, $1, to be paid at the thne of service with the privilege of returning if_ necea- ry. 'M. CHARLES WoRT 549 FOR SALE OR TO LET. To LET. -Two houses' in the Village of Eg- -A. ondville to rent. Apply to THOMAS BILL, Egmondville. 550 9:1JRICH GRISTING AND FLOURING MILL " FOR SALE -On easy terms of payment, or to exchange for farm property. Gristing and Flouring promptly attended to the sarne is usual. Also a quantity of Dry Hemlock Lumber for sale cheap for oaah or short credit. WM. FENWIC.E, Proprietor, Zurich P. 0.,Ont 545 ]?OR SALE OR TO RENT, IN BERNE-A -II New Frame Store, with dwelling attached. This is a first-rate chance for any person com- mencing business on a sin all capital, RH a 'good business is already eetabliabed there; For par. ticulars apply to JOHN LESLIE, Disko P. 0., 544 politan in itaeharacter. . . The Consul at Dundee sends' to the Hotel known as -the Railway House, formerly HOTEL FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The , .State Department full -schedules of ' ' - theikydt o e , situated near Bluevale.station. wages and prices of food for the last five , Is a is -Cia08 business stand, tvith . ono acre of f• years. Wages have increased in that landanda good frame stable and shed attached, time from 5 to 15 per cent • 51 hours all of which are in good rePoie. Terms very make a week's work in tfie buildi For further dr.articulars apply to WM. liberal 551 now regoive 20 cents au hour ; plumb- swim IN EGMOND VILLE TO RENT OR trades. Bricklayers and plasterers ---- - - ors, masons and slaters, 16 to 17 cents • - • SELL. -To rent or sell, in the village of. Eg- • . painters. and - carpenters, 15 cents, and vete an conveniences -dwelling, etable, acne; mondville, on very reasonable. terms, a Store Common laborers on huilding work, 12 ea., all complete -o • THE ONTARIO HOUSE, SEIk'FORTH. SMITH Sz 777-Srlt. JuLY 51 1878. SEEDS I SEEDS,' MORRISON'S SEED EMPORIUM, SRAFORTH. • Drive now on hand a large stook ofallikest. Field and Garden Seeds, having purchased Ithm, one of the most reliable houses that we haeeii Canada. Tho public can rely on getting .• I• PERFECTLY CLEAN FRESH SEEDS' . .c • 1 AT T#E ONTARIO DRY GOODS )1-10USE- • , - si era and others bnynag in quantities vie sell .te True to narno arid at bottom prices. 'Pe garden. kinds of Garden Seeds in Bulk, and de notureeei. mend Seed in papers. I have on. hand a Inge stock of . THEY ARE SELLING DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESC 0,1-1:E.A.BEIR., ITTT 7TV FTION JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID LOT OF • DRESS GOODS, TO CLEAR OUT AT 121 CENTS. other varieties. • SWEDE TURNIP, Comprising Hall's. Westbury, Carter's, Imperial, Fkirving's Improved East Lothian and Reyel Norfolk, Grey Stone, White Globe, &e. though the prjoe of Turnip Seed's very bigh tide year, parties intending to bay will do well to. amine my stock and see ray prices before liar - chasing elsewhere, as I think I can sell as elieap. if not cheaper. than any other house in the tratle,, CARROT SEED. White Belgian, Green Top, Orthe, Long Or- ange, Intermediate, Short Horn, &e. MAN GOLDS. Carter's, Mammoth, Long lied, and CALL AND SEE US. CALL AND SEE US. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, Which are Marked in* Plain Figures,' and iold at One Price-• OnZy. Courteous Attention _Paid to All. REMEMBER No. 3, CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. SMITH & WEST, .SEAFORTH. 1878 STTMMEJR 1878\ 'HATS AND CA RS AT ROGERS'. 0 0 FINE FUR HATS AT ROGEhS'. WOOL HATS AT ROGERS'. FELT HATS AT ROGERS'. • STRAW HATS AT ROGERS'. SILK CAPS AT ROGERS', WORSTED CAPS AT ROGERS'. 0 — LARGE STOCK AT, ROGERS'. ATTRACTIVE STYLES AT ROGERS'., 04) c. 2 Popular Pric s in all Classes of D 1 \ _ AT JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. sound IN GARDEN SEEDS We have Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Onions of all kinds, Leek, Parsnip, Peas, Pumpkin, Radish, Caubage Seed in large quantities., Tomato, Oarditiower, Brussels Sprouts, Salsify Flower seed and nearly every other vaiiety too numerous to. mention. 'I' :P l'TTAD3 T S_ Dutch Sets, Shallots. English Boning., Rape, Lawn Grass and Orch- ard Grass, Lucerne or French Clover, Trefoil Clover, 'Black Tares, Ilmagweian Grass Millet Seed, Clover and Timothy, alAys in etoh, Seed Oats, Seed Wheat and Peas. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF ClthICE FAMILY eniCERIESI Whieh for quality and prizes cannot be beat by any other house in the trade. Crockery and Glassware As usual, very cheai. Ca.11 arid see the new pat- tern in Stone China, telly $2.50 per set, and, everything eiee equally low. FLOUR AND FEED constantly_ on hand at mill prices. Remember the place, east --side of Main Street, opposite Market Street. All goods &slivered free in Seaforth, Harpurhey or Eg- Mondville. • M. mo0RusoN. A. GbVENLOCK'S STEAM imILLs1. WINTHROP. ‘‘>,. .3.A.75AT 1\2.1.1_,Tas_ A GREAT QUA T of Lumber always on hand. Hemloc n into sizes suitable for building, fencing and ditching* pnapesea, Bass- wood, Maple, Oak, Ash„ Cherry, Pine, &c., sawn into sizes suitable for the different purposes for which they are commonly used. Rills Filled on Short:Notice. THE PATENT MOVABLE FENCE. A NEW DEVICE—Only requires a Trial to y GOOd. S • a qedar post fitted at each joining. The Fence prove its Superiority. It is made 01 took elm ; cross bars and stakes, and aolt elm spars; stands four and a halt feet high. This Fence will be sold during the remainder of the month of June „ 0 111H L T. HONEY COMB SPIRALS FOR' LADIES or 13 cents. Stone cutters are paid 24 rance hotel. Well situated for a general store. Y026 can make Beautiful graond a xnaudfor all sorts of knowledge, and to woman imarried in London in 1832, and omission can be given. Apply tb JACOB `.5.1c - Probate Court recently. A ena,n aud .em - meet ft teachers are compelled to con - $6.12 to $12.24. Engine and machine ifIEE, personally, near the premises, or if by iet- weekly, while the various manufac- • • --- • FANCY WORK cent. The weekly pay ranges from Lately occupied by Smillie & Clark. Immediate P • icture Frames, in fact°galent ostacts1: ye tt I, inC gardroP,avskleent:.- GraaililPaonc dkest es struct, and attempt to carry outcourses separated after living together two of study of which it 'it; impossible for months. She went back to her father their pupils ,to get more than a smat- in Southampton, with whom she lived. ming and want of thorheet-ie_ her a little property- She di a- --Mrs. Thonuts Carbie is desdribed March; 1877., having neither eeeu nor men get from to $3.25 for a week's N OTICE TO DEBTORS. -All parties uot Verk of 51 I b Mi working artizaus receives from $4' to $8 ter to Egniondville P.O. terine The necessary result is cra• m- miti bis dead]. 1b60, he $8.o0 accordine to rade -and skill We- _ , nxing tradesmen eat from $3.50 to - 1 • " w he f HAFiDING'S 10 CENT MUSIC IMPORTANT NOTICE'S. • Samples. 551 y ss EMILIA Stebbins as a ,. 0,e ver, heard of her husband. during the whole , and passenger and freight tiain hands they will be placed in Court ler cullection im- Ours, Railwav engiueers ing settled up their accounts with rne 1877 are notified to settle at once, or otherwise witty, calm, cool, unsParine woman of the forty-five years. Iler eiecutor advertised. for the tltusband, who .wa.s are paid from $8.60 to $10 per week of !. reediately. THOMAS D. O'CONNOR. 550 —so said Miss Charlotte °Cushman. • 60.houis ;_ stokers from $5.75 to $6 25 ler to (fat his share in his - Miss Stebbins adds that Mrs. Carlyle and porters from $1 to $4.50. The in- fl against giving any person credit7in found, and now sought to upset -her AUTION..-The public are hereby eautioned was " a remarkably brilliant:talker. and - will in ort , , - dustry of Dundee is the stores of quaint wit and xvisdom Wift1.8- Pr°1).ertY* ale ° for the will, and condemned the bus- l.5() i facture of jute. The men are paid from reafter beg responsible for any debts . mainly the mann,- . name without my written order or consent as I o b pronounced. lir . will not he _which she poured forth, the marvellous , ; $1.50 to $7.50; the women from $3 to ! contracted without eifeh authority. E. TESKEY. memory which ehe -displayed, were, in . band in the costs. , MeKillop, Janee18, 1878. • - 549-4 - ' $4.25 per week of iiti hours. Bread ' REMOVAL - • I 1 Full size SheetMasic, by most eminent Composerse9the cheapest series yet pribliebed. Also half dime or any variety 91 Sheet Allude procured on the Shortest Notice. Remember the place: Sn inscriptions received for all English, American or Canadian Magazines at Publishers prices. LUMS.DiN & WILSON, Whitney's Bloc . the minds of many, quite as remarkable --..A. burial promise was faithfully : costs. 15 cents for a. tow -pound loaf ADAM HOLIDAY, practical bricklayer and and even :intgre entertaining than the ' carried out in. Montreal on Saturday, flour and oat -meal 4 cents a Pound • I' ' mason, is prepared to take coutraets and do 11 k h V> Sit at his feet rto-nninett at hers." - - tawa street Methodist Church.. - Five . pound; ersgs, 30 cents a dozen, and : DAY,_ Seafoi th.. . • . . 518 atm Street, Seaforth and majestic utbeyanees of her gifted hus- in the ease of all aged woman„ named ,323.1.1k 8 cents a quart; potatoes 38 cents ot satisfaction. All orders left at the Mansion • a NMI on t e shortest notice, and to the best S'eaforth. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. w-ra, 1\T_ "SAT.A_TCDT\I" band. It was said, that those who came Mary yester, by a member of • the Ot- i for 38 pounds ; meat, 16 to 24 cents a; , House promptly attended to. ADAAi 1101,r,r. Begs lo intimate that. he has Removed his office to I). Die --Spriugtield, Ohio, is all agog ever a, years a(To she was compelled, mine to - other articres in proportion A suit of Br ck wildin on East Side of IR • scandal which resulted in the marriage ; liealth, to sell her household ef- . serviceablo Scotch tweed costs 5317. The I # FecoRd-ola es • 4 TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, a Teacher for hilbert°1 ear" ell the AarOn Cochran, at the pistorsminith, feels, for which she received ,;$20. The rent of 'a two -roomed house is 648 year General Insurance, Ifoney Loan Agency,,and Sewing Mach:718 .Bteffine88 School. Section No. 2, Turnberry, holding a e. Application's will be South of William Campbell's Clothing Emporium ;wiser to Miss Laura King and the disa eqs ' smn. -h Lrme , a ter frequent ly; of a three -roomed house $72; of a rteceived until the 10111 of August, 1878. Datiee . AT 60 CENTS ..PER ROD, After which he Regular Price, viz.: 70 cents • per rod, will be charged. Gristing and li'louring Mil1. aRISTING and Flouring attended to prompt - N -4 ly, and a superior artiele warranted from good wheat. Merchant work can be relied upon. Nothing but the best of Wheat used tn the Manufacture of Flour . tor the Dome Market. The ?Mill ha a in it all tLe Latest Improvements in Machinery, and the work is superintended by AN EXPERIENCED MILLER. Tho Winthrop Villa Fleur will always give sat- isfaction. GENERAL STORE, Fourth Door ' regok.,„, New A WELL Assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Gro- ceries, BOots and Shoes, Readymade Cloth - he win, am vinegry, Helitetese apnrideeT.ps, ste., on hand, and offered at mace of the bridegroom th,e same night. ' enquiries,. would co*er her funeral four : -roomed house $93 Aaron is the son of a reti 1 o comm ce m edi _tired minister penses, and as she dreaded the idea of trade of the district is in a most de - se t , and so on. The I LAWREN% Secretai Scheel Se h d bee b S tion Tarnberrv, Wroreter PT. 0. 551-4 e. themthe("1 tief tinebchi h f°h m ately after the holidays In thanking the p-ablic for the confidence, nthheimm fheor wthienperitillat efinfatezeryetaersgil:.: and. has been paying attentions topretty receiving a pauper's burial, she aare .1) • 0 1 Ife and tl t '11 k e sal:" b , less c coin n, the, ju e s eeps on hand the best Sewing Machines that sa ac on w c they ave invariably expressed with his trans lions. He still htehweyiahehesvetorePinefeoermd I Miss Lttura, who is,e.bo• nt t0 become a the $20 to a. prominent meniber of the -.have cease41. to be profitable. mother. Learning tlf this, 11Ln: fatlAer, a denomination to which she belonged, well-to-do c; -ti, -6, 1, -I a I tattier, with -the distinct nnderstanding that e Howe *Reline action to every customer far the la'st toneeeth-s. sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the most Tepid and least noisy Machine in the world. EXECUTOR'S NOTI . . visited the Cochran_ mansion, accused 4 With it :the 'Was to he buried beside her Aaron- Of the deed and sN r witdeceased husband, who had been in- drawn revolver that he should marry' terred many years ago in the Mount , the oirl- He protested his innocence ' Thu al Cemetery. Seeieg that the old in vain, was taken to Columbus with' lady was a worthy and industrious por- tal() father aut daughter and married • soil, her fellow-membere coutribated . ., o ice is hereby , actured in the world, as given that all partioa haring claims against the ' Oil, and Machine Attachments. He sells the Osborne A Machine, .which is the s estate or tho late Sarrtel Bolton, in his life- time, of the township capable of making any kind of work in the most perfect manner, and the ,easi . threaded up Machine of any machine made In theDorainion. He eells the Gen ' -a Maclaine that has never failed t ' ' Faillaiexs' Wives, Mechanics' WivesMerehants' Wives and Manufacturers, do n t fail to exaznine ! and try our Sewing Mathines-Farnfly an Auction Sales. . of Huron, rnust forward the same properly -at- s orne, in the County eterabteeide,rto either of the undersignee.'',..,t'recutors Monday, J:Ily 8, 011 Lot 26, Huron e tho First Day of October, 1878 on All Road, Tuckersreith., about 25 acre i of claims not then in will be barred. Also all p bay, Hay Rake, &c. Thomas Hod- ties indebted to tho aaid estate must settle tharei; gin's, proprietor, J. P. Brine, Auction- VabTtetinesa on ar before the abore date. JOHN ON and ARCHIBAT,D BIS11014--Exeen- eer. •tors. Hay P. 0., Usbori e, June 11, 1878. 519-4 well as Needle, pie*, the moue at ea. qiiicicest I d Manufacturing-wh5n. you want one. Also Alteent for the celebrated Fianz and Pope Knitting Machine, capable of doing all kinds of w Instructions given to customers gratis on any of the above mechines. Sewing Maphines to Rent. Also all kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. WM. N. WATSON, General Agent, ,Scaforth. 550 GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTIL 550 A. GOVENLOCk INVinthsop Steam Mills. BUTTER. BUTTER. - - EDWARD CASII IS AGAIN BUYING Sweet Even Colored Butier, in Firkins or Rolls. 4 tILY A catalOU ANOTIIBII. (fpNE trseedvIrher,ae.14Purait records notyet completed who keeps a gro ,Sauguinet and his nsilnisPhiiesi°e1 1ms pal I „estly, but though .could discover n partyj:117Peure:sac:aeYtwubnog33, a for tbree years. ness led him to e telicisetivs:sRwiec:et:t hand., and went gations were vel he finally ackno ab7riiiilpgilf:ripnegriod been in the habit small sums of m Tar at a time, ftfl(E. upwards of $3.50. at the City and 1) wanhaichDheetehcatizedel His boardinghon street, WAS, ali50 SUM of ifioney rec parcel x)f groee evael40rte°Sit)e°e\t'llabsIle f a9d. was very dili was sentenced. by to ove yea,t's imp mA Onn trill IC SIM FOr several n pre, advocate, res street, had_ suspi4, domestic servaL was not thorougt tive Arcand ha, -confirmed the site baa.always borne. declined to take When she learnt. been aroused she fer suspicion from servant, and eve; Longpre to dieelia Sinte Octavie Val and Mr. Longpre teetive Arcand th were liliSSing. 11 her brother's het tiste village, ant quantity of ehiM silk handkerchie valued at over -$ fled as belonging girl at once phe thefi, and Was inoutb.s' impris.tu Mr. Brawn. nousn ' keep a ealoon ; mare which tht hind th-eir hone given to the Ingle tuted starch. No. S station, n jean Baptiste p men were tryine which excited tle ha stolen it. ' proceededa.0 tiste Gagnon an 1 latter was (11-•' was committed Court of Qui-:.'' 1!),,VO;th 560. E‘ Evan Merrie 1871, at Aii(vfm. stands 5 feet i2 hag weighs ;thew said to wvigh present, e..)litn.. guess ity.Mr. many are i :1;•;; 2 weighed net he -stepped a big, powteltai I ty of nmeele bet4 beautifully. is siroeg mei e!, admired as 111•••• Morris's way -not at.till He scents On the musql,,, grandly .) - from Unit 4,1 i ticular. 1Z• sculls, seemed 1 . hest se 0:17, - must sullen ; of the lung-. vvh - back quite, ei;-;.,- Pand ineteasl the scull ,. • ,,; appea,ra.i; et- a when in a ea Second 1 I first money i31 kind, def!...s rrientioinel r In 1873 )14! Tom Bueler. race did 13,11,:i: • appearo,.• SCtts, L' With 1:.; alioeleisoe: I : setull rac,e IA 73 regatta. Jule • ; finish cau,Alt former In...01 passe.1 n tel. agaAt li120'Italia.:31;3i....).4- Seibert !hi -6- 1, MeDfnialti the Harne 11, ()Zi.lilanil B.- vantiniele-,1 ,, • four lengel the a- - - five miles,f.tr :7:7A I. Pli:ei:7:4t's'lliisilli,)a.r.'f'itt‘t:."e:111-S rug 37 ininute,. before the ten regatta, Ji