HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-05, Page 5ng 'presentea with, nied beta& eernplinien Stewart has intinaa If the call extendea. shyteriartaof Clintaa be on the farm < 7 elle near Walton, one, e. acres tro houra aaa ordi ay has heart the Preslayt rian Church )riaer time, in the capacity as, we understaral, position in connect -Loa Aurch, anl will shortly ling of the 24th lila a Angus Kennedy of th' of Tuckersmith, nut re accident by fallingoa scythe, which cut the knee into the bone, • 1,, which bled .profaseay. Win Clintoa, known' aa 'tote', situate on Albert- xp lay auction, on Satur. Eed down to Mr. Thos. subject fo- at life an. arive This is oonsider-; time ago $5,000 was aenaises. a new time table- came 0 London, Haron and E The following is the imams leave.the [girth, mixed, 045 express i -8:25 p.m. 801 a.: in.; mixed, ms, 7:24 p. -very Ioige wedding ironah Clinton. After the corporation, as is ase,a couple of the par - racing, and they sue.. that when near Alma other's rig, turnirtg it itch and damaa-ing it fting accident occurred Lake Huron, on Mon - veinier man named Cas- . about 21 years of age, appears that he, along 'e in bathing, and being got beyond his depth body was recovered ' at half afterwards -- tis life., y last Messrs. J. Reed, Jas.. Flynn, of Huilett, afore Messrs. Wilson, I Clega, J. P.'s., of nultiug Mr. J. Mills, a on the 14thconcession affair as reported to iday Mr. Mills was pro - rd, when Reed stopped d by the others, would 0 proceed, and it was hired`man Went to his they desisted.- The 1 Reed $5 and costs - of July a young mart n a neighboring town - in home with the in- eeding to' a picnic at changing their mind, o drive to Clinton and r:oceeding to the hour 1 town, a marriage cer- iter were procured and [eolored Man and wife, a as the cerrnony Vfas [ad to herhusband, arid iv what will Miss tad' only known each previously, and were ' tir teens. It is to be . marriage so hastily prove all that is antia .c a June 20th Mr. Bap - of the oldest residents ship passed away, and the links which con - 't with the very_ eorli- at town and county. he county Fermanagh, and came to Canada named - two years in ✓ Toronto -and there re on the Gth conces- Township, which he e time of his death. 40 became a meMbea ody. Whea ke first townaliip he took up may of the eaaly set - ed his time in working- orking at his trade in e nucleus of what is '5oderich. At the ripe am lie passed away, oho had known him years he had Jived rid was very largely , that his upright y appreciated. ;a the preceediogs of -,aaufacturer, who was by the Brussels mag - for forging Rotes on ha negotiating them i,ak, the Po4 says: t the fact of his beina r a inanoially, the efforts V style were extreme. - t age his only dough - 0.1 the wedding,cel- i eclat -'was the talk 'ed. It waa the only itdal display, so far as ahat has ever been The preparations atat' were complete. ills pealed merrily. page dashed around to the elmach door rty, and drihe them duaion of ,,41.10 cere- leratood that a doaa- aas _given ta thejaide and the people ad come to look upon catmious individual, lavishness of the or-; el will aeconat for tee of Goderich, died 1 of June. The de - had taaaa sick for had beau a great t• his affliction with Christian fortitude. ivourity of Lennox, a.nd during lire lie was engaged in, 'and general' mer- a- I he removed viug been prosper - personal mad, the respect of eere11. he was elected :position of Mayor eu served ler several eat d townzcouacils, „Mali School Tres- :errilaart of the Pal- dfather and father, revolution, rather ainst the British Y 5 etS'i 8. lames, left the state of Vermont and wane to Canada, preferring the hard - sup in4dent to a settler's life at that time, than td be disloyal to the Crown. faxania youth he was connected with abe Methodist Church, and up to the a very warm interest in its ea_ THE ?U,R EXPOSITOR.. • 'welfare, as he had been an active weer in all the movements in its leieenexity for mealy years. ever - The Milk Fever. . Mn. Efkrron-Dear Sir. -About two arealm--ago, one of my best ranch cows :took taa milk fever, and despite all we eauldilb for her she died. A few days afterwards anoaher valuable animal be- came serionslyill with the same disease. Several of my neighbors recommended me to secure the services of a veterinary surgeon, but the animal had become so low that I scarcely thought it worth while. However, I was prevailed upon to go to Seaforth, and. secure the - ser- vices of Mr. Reba CartnichaeL When I arrived home, the cow was on the verge of death, but Mr. Carmichaal seemed to know just exactly what to do for her, and in a.short time, had her so much better that in a, few days she was fully aecovered. Had it not been for his services I am sure the animal would have died. He thoroughly understands the disease, and as it seemeto be pretty prevalent4,his year, I thought it well to let your readers know of Mr. Carmich- ael's skill and knowledge of its treat- raent. Yours, &O., ROBERT BELL, SR. flBSMflB, June 29, 1878, ' Let There Be Light. To the Editor of the Huron Expoeitor. DEAR Sm, -Could you kindly inform me why it ia that the lamps of this -town are not lighted, at nights. Iwas inclined to believe at first it was fromwant of funds, but have since heard that the municipality have several thousand dol- lars to their credit. If this is the -case it is simply a. disgrace to a rising town like Seaforth, that the citizens should be left in total darkness at nights, as they have been lately. I havebeen told. that the party whose duty it is to at- tend to the lighting of the lamps ob- jected on religious principles to put them out on Sunday mornings, and that an- other well-known official of the town,of- fered to do this for him, but forgot to get up in tirae. If the side paths were in good_ order I would not grumble so much, but in their present state, more especially on. a dark night,they are sim- ply impassable. And in speaking of the side paths on theMainstreet, I would' like to ask you how it is that the bye roads, especially those leading to the houses of last year's town CouncillorS, should be in such good Order, compared. with the foot path on each side of the principal streets in town. Perhaps the ratepayers are not aware that they would be mulcted in heavy damages if any one should break his leg by inad- vertently putting his foot into one of the numerous holes at present existing on the foot path of the Main street, ail° the lamps are not lighted. I dare say some in the municipality, our worthy Reeve included, will say that decent folks ought to be in their beds when it gets dark. That is an open question, however. In the Meantime I would ad - "vise them to have the lamps lighted at Bights for the good of the community, t otherwise at net election some of them may find thernselves in a, minority. Yours truly. OBSERVER. the Sault Ste. Marie; he was carried ashore, one of his comrades 'remaining with him till he wOuld recover, as it was expected he would. It ippeirs, however, that the case took a more serious turn than was anticipated, and at latest accounts 'Parnell was not ex- pected.to get over the accident. -In the Quebec Assembly, on the discussion of the Nada for the payment of Public School Inspectors, an amend- ment was moved declaring the demand for the appropriapon a violation of the political programme pablished by the Government. Mr. Cha,plean thereupon moved an amendment to the Amend- ment directly censuring the Govern- ment, which was lorby 25 to •24,a averaging _950 lbs, at $35.50 ; a lot _of eight cows, averaging 1,000 lbs, at $36; a car of mixed, averaging 1,050 lbs, at $40; car steersaisveragmg 1,250 lbs,at $48. Sheep. -Good heavy sheep have been wanted for export at $4 to $4.25 per cental, but very few have been of 3. First-class, for local use, weighing not under 125 lbs, have been easy at $4.75 to $6. Second-class have been' abund- ant; slow of ale, at $3.75 to $4.50. Lambs -First-class have continued in active demand, but none will be classed 'in this grade novennless dressing at least 37 Ms; for these,from $3.50 to $4 will still be paid, with all offering wanted. Sec- ond-class, dressing from 25 to 32 lbs, have been abundant, and. prices ranging from $2.50 to $3. Any under these weights are very slow of sale, and few of them bring over $2. oronto Butter Market. Butter has undergone no appreciable change.in price. But there are now ShiPpers in the market who would. pay ilc to for selections. Pound rolls continue worth 13c to 15c, and no large offering to any extent. Tubs areevorth 8c to 10c for good, and lOac to 12o for superior. Bihs. meeesTIALL.-Li Seaf�tl, on June 21, th TINtiELIej'e'sInast WavnMarshailialInsoonn. J ' wife of DURIE.-In Mr. Geo GORDON.- Thomas GRIEVE. - Mr. Johi DUNCAN.- Mr. Join SMITH. - Mark S LIFFITON. Mr. 0-. J . George Tindell, of McEillop, ou June 28, the Dark; of a son. u Seaforth, on July ,the wife of Mr, ordon, of a son. • MeEillop, on rine 22, the wife of B. Grieve, of a son. - Brussels, on Juno 20, the wife of Duncan, of a sou. Hullett, on June 21, the wife of ilre 'eh, of a son. • In Seaforth, on June 30, th4 wife of Liffiton, of a daughter. r. wife -of • Marriages. McDOWEL - PAYNE.- At the Presbyteriau • MansJ MKillop, on June 28, by Rev. Mr. • Mospove, Mr. James McDowell, to Miss Ellen, daughtei of Geo. Payne, Esq., all of McKillop. W. -In Wingham on June 8. by Rev. Mi, Mn, A.dam Cook, to Miss Emma H. th of Clinton. IMMERMAN.-At the residence- of father, on June 26, by Rev. E. Mr. John Linton, to Miss M., daugh- . John Zimmerman'all of Hewick. -ROSS.-At the Mansion House, , on June 14, by Rev. E. Wallace . Donald Mackenzie,of Seaforth, to 'Stine Ross, late of Stitherlandshire, COOK -e -S Jas. Smi Shaw, LINTON- the bri Feseant ter of MACKENZ Stratfo Waits, Miss Ch Scot am General Notes. Much suffering exists in iBolivia ow- ing to want of rain and the consequent failure of the crops. -The Governor-General is at OaT1S- ' apscal., in Rimouski, enjoying a fishing excursion on the Matapedia. -Several cases of sunstroke occurred during the late extreme heat in and around. Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. -Eleven thousand dollars have al- ready been subscribed in Montreal to the Queen's University„Endowment Fund. - -A Conservative demonstration was held at Parkhill on Wednesday. .Sie John Macdonald, Mr. Plumb -and. sev- eral local politicians delivered addresses. The weather was wet and unfavorable, but there were about 2,.000 people pres- ent. -The trial of Osborne, accused of be - lug the principal in the Moncton mur- der, will be held at the next term Of the Westmoreland Circuit Court, which -opens on the 18th inst. New develop- ments are promised. -An attempt Was rha,de at Sweets - burg to shoot Mr. E. II. Goff, President - of the Montreala?Poatland and Boston Railway, as lie was sitting in his library conversing with his brother. Two shots were fired, but neither took 2 effect. -A_ requisition signed by a number of influential citizens, demanding that proper steps be taken for the preserve, tion of peace on the 12th, has been pre- sented to the Mayor of Montreal. In all probability, arrangements will be made for calling out the troops, -Last Monday night a Mrs Young of Toronto was killed. by' falling between ,two cars while endeavoring to step - across frein one to the other when the selling at nc, and one at Sc. Cable, at 5 p,. cars were. in motion. She wag on an m. -,--47s 6d. excursion train returnhag from Oshawa. irVooasaoca, July 3. -The market to - Her has -band and, five children w ere a.t . day was Well attended by "buyers, home a_nd asleep .,alien the accident amoegst whom were Messrs. Ballau- BITliKE - Burke, years. GRUNDY. of Mr. COUSINS. Jesse C ceased Tucker De ,.ths t Stapleton, on June 26, Mr. George native of Cornwall, England, aged 33 In McGillivray, on Tune 25, Mary, wife hn Grturdy, aged 56 years. In London Asylum, on June 26, usins, of Wallace aged Si "years. Do- ves brother of N. Cousins; Esq., of - .Local Notices. CALL. and see oar large stdek of Solid Ring, jem Fruit Jars: Price low. LAIDLAW & Feritt.nr, C4ntral Grocery Store, pardno's Block, Seaforth. 550:2 - STRAWBERRIES.---Lda,eee your order for Strawberries at .Rosts' Family Grocery, for de- livery on Saturday, erre, daring the season. Price until Tuesday, 9. cents per box.- 550 PUBLIC Noaica.-1--Wiraaaar ALLEN has Removed his Grocery to Shop No. 3, in Mrs. Whitarey'e,Bloek, next and will be happy to 6 many new ones. 552 BUTTER WANTE to Lumsden't Drug Store, t all his old friends and .--The undersigned. is prepared to pay' cash for Good SweetYellow But ter, in pails or tubs. one but the best of Butter will be bought. Appl to Hickson & Robertson, at Hickson. & Bleasdell'i Drug Store, Seaforth. 546 STRAWBERRIES.-1-Haeeing received. the. ageney1 for the sale o berries 'we are now prep trusted to us. Fruit g market. Prices as low it yconsidered. Lam. eery, Cardno's Block, CARD OF THANKS. yen allow me space in our widely circulated paper to state that my dwell g house was totally dee- troyed by fire on the 19 h lust, and was insured in the Hay Township 11 rrners', Mutual Insurance Company to the amount ol $100. In three days after giving notice of my loss the President and Manager of the said Company were on the place, carefully investigated my loss, and. paid me in full for the same , This Company I would highly re- commend to all farmers. jonu WHITEMAN, hot. 4, S. B. Stanley. 551 f Mr. F. Segmiller's straw - axed to fill all orders en- aranteed the beet in the is can bohad in town, qual- w &FAtetenr, Centre Gro- an Street, Seaforth. 550. Mr. Editor: Would 1878 TITI_A-Y. 1878 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK AT T..ISIDD'S EMPORIUM, Markets of Great Britain. / Fro the, We ek'Ending Thuredo , June 20, 1878. London -Monday, 17th' Ane, 1878, 3,000 cattle at market; 12,000 sheep at market. Best beef, Sad to 9id. per lb.; inferior and secondary, 7id to aid per lb. Best mutton, na to Diaper lb.; in- ferior and. secondary, 8d to 90. per lb, The supply of cattle was less this week, and ' prices were steady, prime sorts:' selling' well: Americans selling, at good prices, most of them being of fine quality and condition. Sheep were quiet at last week's " quotations. Liverpool-Tlionda,y, 17th June, 1878, 681: Cattle at market; 7,000 sheep at market. Best beef, 8/41 to 91d. per lb.; inferior and secondary, 8d to aid per lb. Best mutton, 9 -td to me per ib; inferior and. secondary, 9d to nd per lb. The supply was short, all sorts in demand and prices as quoted were, readily obtained. Mutton still holds old, prices, demand being good. Ameri- can cattle selling well. Glasgow -Thursday, 20th June, 1878, 1,500 cattle at market; 3,650 sheep at market. Best beef, 91c per lb.; inferior and. secondary,.7c to ac per lb. Best mutton, be to lOic per ib.; inferior and secondary, 9p to nc per lb. The mar- ket was larger to -day, and prices came slightly down in cattle. Sheep 'met with ready sales at last week's quota- tions. General remarks -The markets have been very steedy, the supply being &orb. American cattle are coming. in, and all realizing splendid prices, the quality being well liked by buyers. - . Grand Trunk Railway. Fall Wheat Spring•Wheet, Fife, per bushel.. . 0 85 to Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush.. 0 80 to Oatsper bushel. . _ 0 SO to Peas per bushol................. .. 0 55 to Barley per. bushel 0 85 to Butter, No. 1, Loose 010 to Eggs 0 10 to Flour, per barrel. 5 00 to Hay 8 00 to Rides, per lb. 0 05, to Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... . ,4 00 Fallen Hider, per 100 Ibk. , 3 00 Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 Wool ' 0 21 to 0 22 Salt (retell) ner barrel ... . . 0 75 0 65 THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, joly_5, 1878. 090 to 092 O 07 0 82 O Si 0 57 0 40 0 11 0 10 6 50 900 O 05 Salt (wholesale)per barrel........ Potatoes, per bushel 0 85 to 0 40 Oatmealr brl - 2 50 to 2 76 Wool, per lb . 0 20 to 0 21 Tallow, per lb 0 064 -to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs.... 4 50 to , 5 251 • CLINTON, Ally 4, 1878. Fall Wheat; per bushel 0 90 gt 0 95 Spring Wheat-, porbushel Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel Clover Seed, per bushel. . . ... 8 -50 (.0 4 00 Timothy Se -61, per pueliel 1 60 2 25 Butter . 0 10 ee 0 11 Pork 45O a 500 '0 50 ee 060 0C9 010 9 00 (g) 10 00 0 SO 085 0B0@,081 e te, 045 0 58 ica 061 Potatoes Eggs Hay,per ton • Cheese Markets. UTICA., N. Y.,' July 2, noon: -Sales, 6,000 boxes, at 7gc to ; largest amount, Elc ; averaale, Eq.c. LITTLE FALLS, N. July 2 :-10,000 boxes of factory were sold -7,000 boxes at 8c, 2,000 *ea Bic, balance at 7c to 7ic ; 4,000 boxes dairy sold at 6c to Tic, most of it at 7o to Vac Butter, 17c. INGERSOLL, Jally 3. -Seventeen fac- tories registered 6,816 boxeS of cheese. Market dull. We hear of one factory Trains leave Sealorth and Clinton Stations as follews GOiNG WEST— SEAFORTH. CnrerroN. 2:45 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 10:00 A.M. gxpress.. ...... 2:25 P.M. Express 8:58 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. GOING Emir- SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Traine: . 7:52 A.M. Ex; ress Train1:15 P. M. M' ed Train5:00 P. M. Mixed Train.... 10:35 A.M. 7:27 A.M. 12:50 P. M. 4:25 P. M. 10:00 A.M. or Ladies' ad Children's White and Colored Cot Hose, in every variety of Style, at Lowest Prices. Great Wisteria Railway. Tiwins leave Br:lassie station, north and south, as under: GOING NORTH. GOING- SOUTH. . , ... .10:25 A. M. Man 6;15 A.. M. .... 9:08 P. M. AccOm 12.15 A.M. uail 2:58 P.M. Mixed 7:15 P.M. PUBLIC NOTICEe---WILLIAM ALLEN has Removed his, Grocery to Shop No. 3, in Mrs. Whitney's Block, next to Ltunsden's Drug Store, and will be happy. to see all his old friends and many neW ones. 5e2 FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. BROADFOOT & BOX, KIDD'S EMPORIUM. • eat Ladies' an Chi dren's Gloves - Splendid Assor ent i Lisle, Silk and Cotton, 7y- (raa,p. • SEAFORTH, Have on hand- at their Warerooms, near the Market, as _Handsome a Stock of Fiu „ *ture of every Des - 1 cription cd ca be found in any similar Estabrshment in Huron, all of which t zey are fireywed to sell cheap. - . It is all manufactured under their own super- vision, and they can gi 'arantee it as to quality. FURNITURE lk ADE TO OR DER, WHEN DESIRED, ri- KIDil'S EMPORIUM. ear Five Hundred Pairs of Men's and Boys' Cotton' Hose from 10 cents per pair and upwards. UNDERTAKING. Having procured a handsome Hearse, they are now prepared to -attend to undertaking in all its branches, on dm most reasonable terms. Ia connection with their unlertaking businesa hey use the ANTI -SEPTIC FLUID, -Which preserves the body and destroys all offen- sive odors and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. occurred.- Orders Respeetfialy -The movement among the laboring Temester, Gaoler, Grant, and McDon-- a —_ BROADFOOT & BOX. milal' machinery is cousin area a • looking otter freight. . Seven factories . . ' . OTHERS INTERESTED. THE Annual Mowing Match in connection with tion -will be hold at leracefield, on Wednesday, Solicited. tyne Stratford.; Iiately, Brantford'; classes in the United States against aa- ala-, Ingersoll, and several railway men NOTICE TO FARMERS AND ALL b 1 t half of June OX machines have been destroye , and ialake. Only oae factery is reported to alarm in Ohio and Indiana. Nu bera regasteoed 1,60 boxes as fresh depredations am beina comtpitted have sold. at'Sic, 8t.c being offered for these naachinee proveats their Oa aining remunerative workthey se, they saaar, to stop their use. This is rather doll - sales of choice steers at $4 85 to several others and refused. ' dull; daily. The laborers say Mat the -use of t( Live Stock Markets. they a:re determined. by force, if neces- BUFFALO, July 3.--clatalk-Morket 0:4s_AmOmtkoet$170 , ' a b_admabas tse.aronfiaaff, affairs, ra,intdr uonfderlasat "Pro -k , :53' 8156 gt000d8 tective system too. medium, $4 25 to $4 35 ; light butchers', ' 4s1110P.PerH gives an account of another acci ent, i quality mostly common and. not want - arising from the incautious use of fire- 1 ed.; sales at $4 10 to $4 26 for light \to - arms, of which there aro -se many con- heavy. stoutly recurring, -which took plac on TORONTet, July 3, -Of c ttle fit . for board the Manitoba on her last up ord export there have been one in, and trip„,while she was lying B ce nothing has been done in them though Mines Among the passengers w s a buyers would pay as high as $5 'to $5 25. Young man named Perna who had First class for the local market have lately arrived. from England, and. was been scarce and quiet, but easy at'$.1 50 on his wa- y to the West to s While coming through Toronto, he his party bought revolvers, and ha them out at Bruce Mines to exa .5ieul, and one of the party, not t mg the weapon was loaded, incautious- ly 'Pulled 'the trigger, the instru enit *jag off and. the ball lodging in'Par- aell's thigh. On the boat arriving- at ttle. 84 75. Second-class have been and abundant, with quite enough offering, got and prices easY at $3 75 to $4.; of these Me a large part have .ben cows, and. of them there have been deciedly too many in. Third-class have been very dull and slow of sale at about 63,50. There was a car of mixed. averaging 1,050 lbs; sold at $41; car of mixed, g • the Heron Farmers' and Mechanics Associa- the 10th of July, 1878. 552.1 JOHN. A. YOUNG, Secretary. 'PARK FOR SALE. -For Sale Lot 21, Con. 11, Stanley, containing 100 acres, aboue 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, tender drained and under good cultivation, the balance is well timbered with hardwood, Good frame house end two frame barns, .an orchard and plenty of good water. Is within three miles of the villages of Varna and Hayfield, six miles from Brimfield and 12 miles from Seaforth and Clinton. All these places are good markets. For further par- tieulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Hayfield P. 0. JAS. DAVIDSON. 552*8 FARM FOR SALE. -Being Lot 20, Con. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared, bal7 ance goodeetardwood timber; soil first-class, and in a good state of cultivation; new frame barn, 60x40 a small new frame house; young orchard; d. school - MORE NEW GOODS THIS —AT— EEK DUNCAN 8c DUNCAN'S, SEAFORTH. DON T FAIL TO SECURE SOME OF THE BARqAll!S. OUR STOCK OF DRESS MATE KIDD'S EMPORIUM. 0 ecir A Large Stock of Summer Under - Clothing in Cotton, Merino, and Silk 'Mixtures, at Greatly Reduced Prices. KIDD'S, EMPORIUM. RIALS FOR SIIMM R WEAR' IS NOW COPLETELY ASSORT D.- BLACK GRENADINE IN IRON, PLAIN A D LACE CHECKS. COSTUME LINENS IN ALL THE DIFFERENT MAKES, PLAIN AND ASSO, AND KNICKERBOCKER AND CHECKS. • eer, Gentlemen's Linen Dusters and Summer Coats in Alpacca, Linen, Rus- sell Cord and Mohair, at prices that cannot be best. Call and see them, a good well; convenient to c within 2 miles of Brneefield Station, 6 miles of Clinton, and 8 miles of Seaforth. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. WM. McFARLANE. 552 A, MOURNED SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. - 4 -3- The premises known as Cox'a Hotel, Eg- mondville, will be sold .on Saturday, July 6, at 2 &cheek P. M., at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, pursuant to adjournment. JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor for Mortgagee. 552 KIDD'S EMPORIUM. JUST ARRIVED THIS WEEK, 1 ANOTHER CASE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL WHITE PIQ CENT. BELOW REGULAR PRICES. FOURTH LOT OF TIFUL STRIPE SILKS, NOW SELLINGr AT 25 CENTS PER itaia A few more Linen Costumes' on hand, which will be disposed of at a Big Reduction. Also a quantity of Fine Silk Mantles to Clear Out the Line. KIDD'S EMPORIUM. a_7• The Millinery is still in full opera- tion, and everything wanted in, this De- partment attended to on the Shortest Notice. KIDD'S EMPORIUM. ES, 25 PER OSE BEAU: YARD. Plain Lustre% Brilliantine% Melang13 Cash- meres and De Beiges. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, "Y" - W ,1\1" FOR 1878. A .By -Law to Rade by way of kiezn the sum of Six Thousand Dolla' rs for the purposes hereinafter men, - 60724 • WHEREAS, The High School Board of the Town of Seaforth has made an application to the Municipal Council of the said Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, for the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, for the 'purpose of pur- chasing land in the- said Town of Seaforth and erecting thereon a High School Building and. furnishing the same. SILK FRINGES, GALLOON AND GRENADINE BRAIDS. FORTY )10ZEN COitSETS IN ALL THE NEWEST MAKES. A &replete 'Assortment. of' Flow- ers, Feathers, Ribbens„ Laces and Hat Ornaments always on hand, and the most • • TO HAND TO -DAY, A COMPLETE LINE AND WHEREAS, the said Council has resolv- ed to raise the said sum of money for the, pur- poses aforesaid,. AND WHEREAS, it will require the sum of Seven Hundred and Twenty Dollars to be raised annually, by special rate, for the payment of the said debt and interest, as also hereinafter men- tioned. k AND WHEREAS, the aun inot of the whole,/ -rateable property of the said Corpoureion (irre- spective of any future increase of the Immo, and irrespective of any income in the neteire AA tolls, interest, dividends, rents or feee frim the said property, and also irrespcptive of any incomp to be derived from the tempoxary investment of the sinking fund hereinafter mentioned or 'any part - thereof) was, according to the last revised. Assess- ment Roll of the said Corporation, being for the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy - Eight, the sum of The Hundred and Sixty - Three Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Dol - 1 . AND WHEREAS, the amount of tbe 'existing debt of the said Corporation is as folio -we: Three Thousand Dollars borrowed under the authority of By -Law No.46, of the said Town of Seafortle, and interest thereon at 7 per centper annum, payable half -yearly from the First day of March, 1878, and Three Thousand Dollars borrowe'd on the authority of By -Law No. 100, of said Town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at 7 per centper annum, from the First day of July, 1878, and. there is 'nothing in arrear and unpai& either for principal or interest. AND WHEREAS, for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for paying the said slim of Six Thousand Dollars and inter- est, as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an ; equal annual special rate of Ono 1:56.SS-56.817 mills in the dollar, in addition to all rates to he levied in each year. AND WHEREAS, it is made 'necessary by law to appoint the time and place for taking the votes of the duly qualified electors, and for ap- pointing Returning Officers to take the votes of the said electors at the meeting.. OF SILVER, GILT, STEEL, OXODIZED AND PEARL BUTTONS. A FEW OF THOSE VERY HEAP CROCHETED TIDIES STILL LEFT - SELLING AT 35 CENTS CH. PARASOLS VERY CHEAP. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF WHITE SKIRTS FROM 50 LINE OF HAMBURG' AND SWISS EMBROIDERIES. IN FLANNEL EMBROIDERIES. ENTS UP. FULL OMETEIHSTG NEW 8,000 YARDS PRINTS, WIDE WIDTHS, FROM 7c. SEE OUR BROWN HOLLA.NDS AT 10 CENTS- SOLE AGENTS OF THE CELEBRATED. RAVEN BLACK BRILLIANTINE 1 LUSTRES, 25 PER CENT. BETTER THAN ANY OTHER MAKE IN iHE MARKET. '41 - JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH S 1 OF THAT FAMOUS 10 CENT. FACTORY COTTON, AL tOF BLEACHED AT-' OUR USUAL LOW PRICES; A 'LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY 'PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. PLY. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Cor- poration of the Town of Seaforth,,in the County ofIll.liTTholl: tit shall be lawful for the Mayor or Reeve of the said Corporation to raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may he willing tci adeence the same upon the credit of the debeetures herein- . alter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding, in the wholethe sum of Six Thousand Dollars and to cause the same to be paid into the bands of the said High School Board of the Town of Seaforth for the purpose and with the object above recited. IL That it shall be lawful for tail said Mayor ' or Reeve to cause any number of Debentures to be made for each virus of money as may be no. qaired, not less than One Hundred Dollars each, and not exceeding in the aggregate Six Thousand Dollar* and that' the .said Debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Corporation, and signed. by the Mayor or Reeve and. Treasurer theredf. • ILL That the said Debentures shall be made nayable in twenty years at furthest frora the day hereinafter mentioned for this By Law to take effect, at the office of the Treasurer of the said Corporation, and shall have attached to them Coupons far the payment of Interest. IV: That the said Debentures shall bear inter- est at and after the rate of seven per centum per annum from the 'date thereof, winch interest shall be payable hale -yearly, ou the First days of January and July in each year, at the office Of the said Treasurer. V. That for the purpose of paying the interest and forming a sinking fund for the payment of the said debentures an equal special rate of One 156.8346,817 mills in the doll e r shall, in addition to all other mese, be raised, levied and colleetet in each year upon all the rateable property in the said Corporation during the continuance of the said debentures or any of them. VL That this By -Law shall- take effect and come into operation on the First day of Septem- ber, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy - Eight. VII. That the vetes of the electors of the said Municipality shall be taken on this By -Law on Itiontlny,:the Twenty -Second Day of July, One Thousand, Eight Musa- dred and Seventy -Eight, At the hour of Niue o'clock in the morning, and from thence till the hour a Five 0'010dt in the afternoon, at the following places: FOR THE NORTH WARD -At .Edward CAW* Store. 0 A FULL LINE FULL LINE OF GLOVES AT Shirtings, Sheetings, Table Linens, Towel. iand Towel- ings in Great Variety and Cheap. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS UNDER THE MANAGEMENT . OF -MR. G. J. LIFFTON, A MAN OF LONG EXPERIENCE, AND .TO THOSE FAVORING US WITH THEIR ORDERS WE WILL GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. OUR STOQK OF SCOTCH, ENGL CANADIAN TWEEDS SII AND IS NOW COMPLETE, WHILE OUR ASSORTMENT OF WORSTEDS, BROADCLOTHS AND' DOESKINS SHOULD PLEASE THE MOST FAS STRICT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION TIDIOUS. • Always given to the Commands and In- structions of our Customers at THE NEW CASH STORE. r111-101VLA_S' IKIT)390 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 1 i 1 t lt ARM IN TITICERSMITH FOR SAT.le„...... . ; FRINGED RIBBONS AT 10 CENTS PER YARil UNSURPASSED ) Tuckersndth, containing 60 acres, 45 of which F FOr Sale, East half Lot 5, Con, 8, H. R. 1 1 --e 1 IN STYLE, AND VALUE. are eleared, well drained. and. well fenced, -Good ".- WHITE AN IT COLORED SUMMER VESTINGS, C THE 'USUAL COMPLETE ASSORTMENT GENTS FURNISHINGS. FOR THE SOUTH WARD—Al theTewn - • FOR THE EAST WARD -At Samuel Stark's Store. Ausi that Edward Cash shall be the Returning Officer for the North Ward, William Elliott shill be the Returning Officer for the South Ward, and Samuel Stark shall be the Returning Officer for the East Ward. BE IT ALSO ENACTED, in pursuance of the Revised Statutes of the Province of Ontario, Chapter 174, Section 289 : I. That the Clerk of the said Municipal Cor- poration of the Town of Seaforth shall, at the - hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, the Twenty -Third day of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy -Eight, at the Town Hall, in the said Town of Seaforth, sum up the num- ber of votes given for said against this By -Law. II. That the Mayor or Reeve of the said Muni- cipal Corporation shall ate -end at the Town Hall in the said Town, on Tuesday, the Sixteenth day of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy -Eight, at the hour of Eight o'clock in the evening, fur the purpose of appointing per- sons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk respectively, on :behalf of the per- sons interested in and promoting or opposing the passage of this By -Law respectively. NOTICE. it,B.t above is a true copy of a proposed By to be taken into consideration by the Municipality of the Town of Seaforth, after -the expiration of one month from the 5th day of July, 1878, the date of the first publication of the serail in the Hanoi.; Exeoseron. And that at the hour and places therein fixed for taking tho votes of the electors the polls will be held. WILLIAM 'ELLIOTT, f362-4 Town Clerk. HOUSEAND LOT FOR SALE BY AUCTION. J'. P. BRINE sell by Public Auction 4-T-1- for Mr. JAMES REDMOND, at the COM- MERCIAL HOTEL, SEAVORTH, on , SATURDAY, .TUIff 20, 1878, At. 1 o'clock P. M., a comfortable new Frame Dwelling House and Lot. It is satiated on Loaner Street. There is a brick cellar and -good well. The house was built last summer, is well finished and contains 8 rooms. It car. be seen at any time prier to the sale. Terms made known on application to the proprietor, ox on the day/0 f sale. JAMES REDMOND, Proprietor. Z. P. LBINE, Auctioneer.. 662 ,A VALUABLE FARM 'PROPERTY - \i EOR SALE IN TUCKERSMITH. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. frame ' dwelling house, bean, stable and. other outbuildings, all new; a splendid orchard and. plenty of water; convenient to wheel and within two moles end. a half of the Town ot Stefor0. th. Apply OD the pr 'see or ;to legmonaville Pe WILLIAM SHO 5524 • b - ti•