HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-05, Page 3-a
etred than everleefere
r article in BUM cahs,
dI -other 1)%iry Uteneils,
t Itrtielee eAti be entrehaaess
Promptly Attended
aC Low Rates.
of Tinware Conatantly on,
der. Custom 'Wink receives
rt Store iu the New „Brick
De to laity.
Machiners- from
aunouncing to the
Unity Of on thet be it
t' es, Agriett‘tural
zd im-
. .
Iite machioe is the Singer, •
the market, having carried
ate Centennial and Sydney
s purchase ally of _the
a in oreets apotylrig
fte eau do betler. for there,
k trade.
id other reptire selwaya oa
Goslerich :theta.
L. NIURKEY„, Se-tforth.
eke thie opportunity of re.
the inliabitantsst &easels
s.atrontge, and Mos tu state
veral iraproverneatA in their
burning, they are in a het -
i. to supply the pitblic with
ret12c Cash at *he
14c. Illt;tivere44 .
'dbseason, of our business,
and having givea unqualifi-
- the toblic can rely on ree
et arid a tiret-class article
the spot: The. Brussels
NIP0,1.1 I UM.
Teby 'thanks his numerous
s and others) tor their liberal,
past seven yeare, end Impart
tidos° attention to husiness,.
rite and trade irk the futuees
Larged his orerniseri, dariog
Prepared to pay.the
,CASK PitteE
gOod fresh ekga, deleveiva
Main Street,Seatorthe .
eeriber 25 teas- of kteina dry
1-1I0 141
he attention of ati, those
othaeriberb deterutine,d
good iuch Ifenaloek,
at the following,rates
uo per theusand 1k.. foot
All oreera ever 4,000
Call end see if yen don't
'a mouths will, be cherged
ke hie numerous culstoreers
and solicit% aceutiou-
tm Saw Mills, McKellop.
Co., Iron Clad Siuole Mow-
:rvester„ and Bradister ro. 2,
jawarded two sitver Medals
lie Centenuial Exhibition,
oats given to Q=4 fel
: Unitize Medale at ' AuS-
Mney, /aq :wring, Silver
oty trial, t". S., 1877; Gold
great Huron trial, last
( fire:: nrieee throuthout
L1- Statee. They axe i gab -
fit draught,ean be itisltante
Ce., vont/Woos of grain., and
se arious Spring- 'eStows ke tile( kltfl le STEW. RT,
: at Seaterth. 53343
•-i- the County of Roams '
-sr eoe to 30e per both. be -
bee entirely ruined the
vileg l loit farmers; in Ibis.
ress fully convinced tbat
;Canadian, Spriog Gitlin
's. ne may be obersrved by
f.1.11'Wheat; that it is also
e harveet, prodneing tbottr
lititiTy • nee, I would •ee
the following cluttce
ois Storehouse, Lle4a11
:ones Pi -un e Mianesota
',-ise Blue Stein, and 'the
\hider:Jae Prieeso• Clover
* illeI.EN.NAN.
111.1YN bees. to ialorin
Ssaforth and the travel -
Pd the Livery
Messrs. Carmichael es
Os power to retain the
.)iite establishment hate
nly good driving and re-
searri Iges will be kept
- Calls, night or day,
led to. PIC -NIC AND
rderi D•ft at. the Corn -
wit receive prompt
Arlot Street, opposite
tUfl'oN, rroprietori
• a -LF Nt-
Chureli, Ses.forth
repared tol'irretract at
etriuneutal Magic.
1.1 .1i It A rr E
North ct ihe W. g=
f-rxtia. 54-
to Switellee, Curls,'
the Lateet tyles- and
he Natural' way
t the top.1
-ss CAR.ttOW,
ur door a west of tha -
[ 528-2e
JULY 5, 18; 8„
• • ,
„ave./no news of him two or three
nes; but it was not good news -there
was no good news to hear." Her lip
autaere& even no -&t the remembrance,
tat she went on. "1 suppose papa was
eight; he was not steady, my poor Guy,
siellie grew less so after we parted.
At first I hoped that my love might
help him, foi he knew 1 would be true
and wait until he bad. got on, and won
papa's consent. And papa was not un-
just, Doctor, he would have givenait if
-please .16 not mind my crying; ,but I
caret talk about th,o1 time. I don't
think my poor Guy could work or keep
to anything for long, and I daresay :he
had. many temptations; but oh!.even
when I heard it, I knew God had never
been SQ merciful as wheu he took him
away. Poor Guy is safe now. It is
better so: far."
There was a dead .• silence 'in the
room.: Only _the ashes fell with a soft
rustling sound into the hearth, and the
games leaped up and threw `a, warm
glare over the dim green walls, the slen-
der figure in its black robes, and ten-
der, wistful face. A little small rain
was- pattering against the window -pane ;
and in the corner of the room a great
basket of hyacinths gave out a sweet.
faint fra.gran.ce. Magdalen remem-
bered herself with a. start, and our eyes
met. ,
"I have pained you," she said sor-
rowfully. " Dr. Elliott, I am so sorry.
Forgive me. Indeed., I never meant to
do so. 1 who `owe you so much,.0,nd
-would give so much to be able to repay
you., evenlia the least, for all you have
done for me."
ng her
y lips,
I love
"My dear," I answered, lift
pretty, clinging fingers to
" love does not want repaying.
ten o'clock to twelve o'clock -hr lower-
ing the coffin to the lorry, and during
the -whole of the time the thoroughfare
was packed -by men, women and chil-
Joel. There are found. in both books
of the Bible 3,586,483 letters, 773,693
words, 31,373 verses, .1,189 chapter -and-
66 books. The XXVIth chapter of
dren. While the coffin was suspended, Acts of the Apostlesia the fiuesttoread.
a photograph of it was taken by Mr. The most beautiful chapter in the Bible
Laws, photographer ; and subsequently is the =Id Psalm. , The four most
the same oentlensoal took two other inspiring •promises are John XIVth
views, one beina of the procession. For chapter and 2nd verse, John VIth chap-
• ,-,
two more hours the great black box, ter and 37th verse, St. Matthew XIth
containing all that was left Of the cele- chapter and 28th verse, -and XXXVIIth
brateff giant, lay upon the lorry, which Psalm, 4th verse. The 1st verse of
-was standing in a corner of the square, the LXth chapter of Isaiah is the one
and during the whole time there was a for the new convert. All who flatter
constantly increasina crowd wedging themselves with vain boastings of their
their way ink, High° Bridge to aet a
glimpse c?f it. At two o'clock itbe
Cartsle- apparent that the funeral proces-
sion was about to move, and by that
thne the concourse of spectators had
swollen to an immense extent. Grey
street; from the High Bridge upwards,
was packed with people; every window
was occupied, and. the railings both at
the foot and ter, of Grey's Monument
were blackened with sight -seers. It was. Daring
the same along the whole route of the the .night the peer woman,
procession to the cemetery -windows, eoee history is a sad a,nd. eventful one,
tts, lamp posts, ?and had & number of epileptic fits in the
house -tops, shOp-to
ells; and,( fainting in the prieoner's
any attainable projection, being ocou- c
pied. It is calculated that, from first dock, had to be carried from the Court
t, there would be from 30,000 to in an insensible conditiota She was
t� las
educated at a seminary in Montreal,
you, Magdalen. Dia not y6u father
tell you ? There is only one thing you
Can do for nre but I would. not have
it, though it has been the one hope of
my life all these years I have known
you, except yOu can give it me freely -
e1 your own, will -my love."
And then I stopped for an answer.
What it was I Will not tell you, Only,
if you think it -wrong that she, so fair
and beautiful, should. ha-ve given herself
to a do., middle-aged man like me,.I
cannot say anything:\ She will tell you
if she has ever repented. it -she, my
wife, Ebna the mot:he-iv of my children,
sitting -with her hand. in mine while _I
say this. ,
' And the house across the street has
had other tenants for more than ten
Years now,-4ll the Year Round.
• ,_
perfectness should learn the VIth chap-.
ter of Matthew. All humanity should
1 the VIth clam ter of St. Luke
from the 20th verse to its ending.
A Sad Case.
A. pitiable object named Fanny Gris-
,well alias Fanny Brunell was up before
the Toronto Police Magistrate the other
morning on a charge of vagrancy.
earn P
two the funeral corteaae emerted from where she -carried off the highest hen:
40,000 people astir. At about half -past
the High Bridge, headedby the brass . and was the admired and envied. of
all 'other pupils, both for her beauty and
band of the Shakespeare Lodge of the talents. Leaving school she studied for
Following were upwards of one hun-
the staae and. made her debut as
le 3
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes.
members of that Order, of which
Campbell himself had been a brother,
oceupying in it the -rank of a "primo."
Deceased, it appears, took a great in-
terest It the Society, -which is mainly
composed of actors and gentlemen of
other profealons ; and. his brethren,
with whorn he had been on terms of
familiar social intercourse, followed
him to the grave, as a mark ot the high
esteem itt which they held his many
amiable qualities. Next came the cof-
fin containing the body, drawn on the
before -mentioned lorry by two strong
horses, and then sueceeded five mourn-
ina coaches and a number of cabs. The
&tat coaeln'dontainedo the mother of the
deceased. OIrs. -Campbell), a Taking'
lady of average mein; the widow; Mr.
David. Campbell, brother; Mr. H. Rus -
Funeral of the Seottish Giant.
The :_mortal remains of William
Campbell, the biggest man ;in her
-Majesty's realms, were interred a .short
time ago in jesmond. Cemetery, New-
eastle, England, in presence of a vast
concourse of speetators. Deceased,
from the levees which he held in the
- Duke of Wellington Inn, High Bridge,
of which he was landlord, was well
known in the district. It had. not been
generally known that be was ill, and.
the news of his decease came with con-
siderable endeleuness. Campbell, while
confined to his bed., occupied a room
on the third story, and overlooking an
open square at the end of his premises.
It was there he expired; and it at once
. became & problem how to convey his
huge body to the ground floor. Mr.
Joseph Howe, Undertaker. Westgate,
was called in to perform the difficult
task. To carry the corpse downstairs
was, he discovered., quite out cif the
question, and. he had no alternative but
to: coffin it in the room and take other
means to get it out of the apartment.
Notwithstanding the brief time at his
disposal, Mr. Howe had an immense
. coffin ready on the Monday. It had be-
come known that he was employed. in
making the gloomy receptacle, and from
time, to time . groups of per-
sons gathered around . his work: -
shop in Pitt street, until he was obliged.
to`call in, the aid of the Police to main-
tain' cider. In putting together the
coffin, Mr. Howe could pay no regard
to conventional modes of construetion ;
he was compelled, by reason of the
enormous bulk of deceased's limbs,
merely to make it in the form of an ob-
. long box. tAllm, two inches thick, was
the wood of which he made it. The
,insile he lined with thiek Sheet lead,
and the at:Aside he covered with. black
cloth, set off by brass mountings. the
• inscription on the lid was !of the
simPlest character, only _ giving, the
name, and age, and date ofi death.
When complete, the coffin. - measured 7
feet long, 31feet 6 inches wide, and 2
feet 10 inckes deep, and, but for the
..'black clothit might have been taken
for anything but what it was. Theor-
dinary entrt ces to the Duke of, Wel-
linden Ion were, not wide enough to
admit of its passage through- them, and.
: it was not until the window of the
room in which the body lay had. been
removed, and a portion of the brick-
work knocked. away, that it cedid be
got into the house. Hundreds of per-
sons on Monday night saw the coffin
hoisted to the apartment by means of
. a block and. tackle, and. many specu-
lated as to how, with the added weight
of the deceased -54 -stones, or 756
pounds -it would be lowered again to
the street. The body had decomposed
so rapidly that the workmen engaged
were greatly discomposed by the stench;
• and, when it was screwed' down., the
features were an uudistinF.r,uishable
mass. On the following morning. great
crowds squeezed their way into the
High Bridge to witness the descent of
the coffin. The operation had for them
an absorbing interest. From the Up-
permost part of the breach. in the brick-
work, five balks of timber, placed one
ou top of another, projected, and around
this was fixed a very strong chain with
tackling attached.. From the lell of
th.e floor of the room projected other
stout pieces of timber, along which the
coffin was slid, being partially suspend:
ed. the while by the chain. It was an
anxious monleut when the timber
. -slightly bent under the ponderous -
weight, and not a 'few turned away
their heads, fearful of a mishap..1 The
measures which had been devised, how-
ever, proved. quite equal to the strain
put upon them, and the coffin which
the undertaker states weighed, with the
body, not ltss than a tea, Wase safely (le-
- posited- on tb.e vehicle in waiting. Mr.
-lime Laa, without success, searclied
, the town round_for a suitable conVey-
Ince, there being no hearse capacious
enough for the purpose, and. had at
length. to content himself with an or-
dinary loiTy. This was drape& with
cloth, in order to make it look as
decent ati possible. It was tonna none
too large, and anything of weaker con-
struction woull have bean insufficient.
About two hours \Fere occupied -from in the
sell and Mr. Chapman. The other
Pauline, in "The Lady of Lyons," at
Syracuse, N. Y., creating a perfect
furore and securing the highest econi-
ums frOm the- prose. From Sy/scuse
Fanny proceeded to Europe and mar- "'es'
H. W. C. MEYER. •
tied a gambler, with whom she -started N°v* 27, 1876.
CEO:A 11,
(iAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
kzolicitors in Chancery, &e., Goderich, Out.
M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam-
eron. 506
aATILLIAAI SMALL, Conveyancer and Commia-
' sioner in B. It., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and
Aypraiser. Accounts and notes colleoted on
reasonable terms. 360
az L. DOIL Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in
-Li.* Chancery, to., Goderich and Seaforth. Of -
ace, over Jords Drug Store, Godericb, and
Kidit's Store, Seaforth. •854
mAi..comsoN & WATSON, Borristers, Attor.
neys, Solicitors in Chanel es, &c., Clinton,
Ont. Office- irst door east AP: rile new Royil
Canadian Bauk building. Mom:, to losn on farm
s. DIALCOUS ON. • 404 ross. waTears
i' A-- tornoys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
lusolvency, fiotaries Public and Conveyancers
Solteitorsf or the R: O. Bank) Seaforth. Agentsf or
the Canada -.5 if 0 A.samunce Company,
N.B.-00;000 to lend at 8 per cont. Farms
Rowley and Lots for sale. 53
---- ,
'A AliliOW MEYER & PaDENHURST, Barris -
tare, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors in Chancery,
&c. Private fonds to loan at a low rate of inter-
est, and rn terms to suit borrowers. Offices-
Goderich and Wingham. Office in Langdale's
building, opposite Scott's Bank.
H. W. 4. MY...YEn.
J. T. GiltnoW..
II- W. C. Meyer, Solidtor Consolidated Bank
of Canada, Winghatn. ,
pENSON tt MEYER, Barristers and Attorney
-EP at Law, Solicitors in Chancery andInsolvency,
Conveyancers, Notaries Pliblic, etc. Offices -Sea.
forth and Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to
invest at once, at Eight per cent. Daterest, payable
, 53
1 eiaTtle:HabBovEeNfisnn°11.11.as this:day B.W.ercidismsoxlvYeTb.y
mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to
' be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all habil-
d 13 d. Bein deserted
& hell at Ba en- a en -
by her htsband, with a sickly infant at
her breast, she took to drink and be-
came a member of the demi-monde.
Retming to Syracuse, she started a
gambling" den there, but the cheating
and swindling carried on called for the
interference of the police, Bala Fanny
took to flight and be,came -a wanderer,
finding rest at frequent intervals during
two years in jail, being constantly un-
der arrest for drunkenness. For
eighteen months she has been staying
in Toronto, living a life of misery and
t11 Efflol CA
I G. SCOTT, M.D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and
" • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi-
dence mouth side of Goderieh Street, first door
east of Presbyterian •Oherch. 34?
1_T L. YEROOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Buie
1-1-• gcon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron.
Office and Resideuee, on Jarvis street north,
directly opposite Seaforth Public School.
AM' A. ADAMS,ILD., late of Lakefield, Ont.,
Y • Physician Snrgeon and Accoucheult.
Graduate of We liniversity Of Trinity College,
Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phto
sicians and Surgeons, Out. Kinburn.Ont. 4e5
WM. HANOVER, M.])., C. M., Graduate of
McGill UniVersity, Physician, Surgeon and
Accoucheur. Sea; orth. Ont. 0.111cc-Roonis in
IT' it V I S
The hard times •are swiftly flyiug,
And soon we'll be safe again,
If in faith -we-keep on trying,
• We'll surely onr wealtn regmin.
In That Old Grocery Stand, Post Office Building.
coach contained friends and business Commercial Terms. . Meyer's Block lately occupied bY Dr. Phelen, mid
acquaintances of the departed. The T Bankrupt -A man who gives every- formerly by the late Dr. King. 'Will attend at
Carronbrook on 1. nesdays and Fridays. ' 496
weather, which had been very threat- thing 'to a lawyer, so that his creditors
ening, cleated as the procession moved willsget it, - , .
forward, which it did with consiclerkble Assignee -IS the chap , who has the
difficulty in the dense crowd gathered _deal wid aives himself four aces.
on all sides. A mounted police -officer
eudeavcured to make a road ahead ;
J) MoNAUGH.T, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu
ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth
Ont. Onkel:lad Residence in roar of Killoran k‘
Ryan's. Calls pioniptla atteuded to, night or
efts,. A stook o :veterinary rnedieines on hand
A. Bank-Is.a place where people put Charges reae one . Horses examined.as to acniud.
their money so it will be handy when . Doss and certilica'tes given if required.
, 11:11012men)
nooks, StriAolicry, and an endless
vrariety ,of Fancy Goods -at 11111'17
why son't you get neared,
'Tis then you'll enjoy this life,
' And say with regret I've tarried,
. But better va had &wife.
- • Ruby Carige
. Mitchelnasat cost- atl liarrY
Sewing Machin's - all.
And in no case tosallow deceptiou as
to the Quality of the Ai ticle sold, or in Syeiguts.
Buying Tcas and General Groceries in Quantities, I would say, Call and Compare Quality
and' Prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I can't be beat. i
but,though he managed» his horse ,.with others Want-. TAMES W. ELDER, V. 8.,- Grecluate of the
great skill, his efforts were not of much A Depositor -Is a man who don't : o Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting
avail. The cemetery gates were reached
know how to spend his money, and gets two years to practiee with Professor Smith, of
about three o'clock, aid there a scenethe cashier to show him . - Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his
. residence east of W. DI. Church • Calls Promptly
of most unseemly disorder ensued. The President -Is the big fat man who attended to by lay or night. 'A lag
r eco
tito k f
police arrangements were quite inade- ' roinises to boss the job and afterwards Veterinary Medi Ines consta,ntly oulaand. FIorses
quate to the occasion
.. The _ band„- examined [is toes . undness and certiricates giveu
while still playing the "Dead 11.1arch," •sublets it.
A Director -Is one of those that ac- EfOrHOs bought nd sold on emannisei6u. ., 424
-and progressing in good style, were sud- cents a trust that don't involve the use L'
chilly "rushed" from their position, nd
Cashier -Is often a man wh.o under -
re ; hours (rem 8 . M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in
takesto-su-pport a wife, six children ana
Mee, Whitney's new brick bleck, eleiu -Street,
a brown stone front on :$50. a month,'
. Seriforth.
and be honest.
Collaterels-Are certain pieces of 'pa- 7 1111PEICLeLlik A NE tius.
per as good as- cold, due aud payable on -
A J. MoCOLL, Solicitor; &et., Brussels. -011ica
the lst of April. . - • . - -4- -1- • in. LeOki01 g new bsiek building. 501-52
Assets -Usually consist of five chairs
C! "G. LANE, Auetioneer and Apprai,er for the
and. an old stove; to these may be .L. coulay ot Elaron, also Commission Me r -
chant, XI cDong,a1113 Block, Winghain. 515.4
added' a spittoon if the " bust " ain't a
Liabilities -Are usually a big "blind" -0.-1- tageous than ever -before offered. ,A. j. Mc -
a bad- one.. mi-oNEY Tt.li LEND -On terms more ettvau-
COLL, 8-olicitor, Brussele.
that the assets Won't " see" nor "raise."
A Note -A promise to pay any iiripos- WHO WANTS MONEY 2-A. few then-46nd
‘ IF dollars, paivate funds, for immediate invest-
sible time.
females. The herbage for a: distance : litercia Phil°Pcena
• burgeon Dentist, Graduate
all that dould be seen 8f them af ei: of his eyes or ears. . . .4 of the Royal College of Dental
, urgeons of Ontario. Office
wards was a trumpet here and th
frantically Waving above the heads f •
the people. • Elderly women and chil-
dren were trampled -upon, and. 'several,
in passing the few (Snipers who strove
to withstand the onset, narrowly escaped
being crushed' between the lorry and.
the,Stone pillars of the gateway. With-
in. the cemetery N,Valls 7the seene was
. equally disgraceful. Groat numberaliad.
gained. adreisSion, and so - eagerly did
they run to the place of interment, that
some of those who bad, taken & position
there before -hand were carried. from
their feet and knoeked. into the newly
dug grave, arnidst loud outcries from
round was trampleci, the trees were gets cauht.
g .
broken by roughs climbing up them, Not in the Prpgrararae. pommel( Office will be promptly attended to. .
without consideration, and.: an amounweek at which
t ' pic-nic was held ' in . Adelaide last THE SEAFORTH PUMP FA -
carefully tended graves were trodden A
of damage was inflicted. which could quite an exciting . time THE
of Pumps und Cisterns.. All work
Cluff, successor to J. R. Williams, warranted
° easily have been avoided. had there been was had., entirely out of the programme. • give satisfaction. Fa tory on North Main St.,
"a sufficient number oi constables in at. Some 3,-oung people, -who had . become seaforth. 500
tendance. It is needles to say that the tired of hstenina to speeches, erected. ,a NTOTICE TO DEBTORS. -A11 partiesnot hay -
mourners had. no chance of performing platfOrm a ' sh.ort ; distance from, the -A-N ing settled np their accounts with ine for 1877
the last solemn offices to the- deceaseu
P., grourtds, - and w,ore having a dance. Janine tO do Ho et once swill be charged 10 per
fail lnitereet from January
ill quietude. Nearly an hour was °eau.- This drew away the crow& from tbe r 10MAS COVINTRY, Seaforth. 531
ist, 1878, without
ied in lowerinci the coffin into the speakers, and. was looked upon- by the ,,,
JOHN LEORIE, General Loan and Real Estate
b ministerial speakers and others as a agent. Grain. Produce and Cominiesion Mer-
Flour,- Mill Feed, Corn and Oat Meal, Granulated Wheat, Graham Flour,
and Potatoes always kept in, stock, and sold at Bottom Prices.
in yccluange. • D. D.- ROSE, Family Grocer.
Varm Produce Taken}
ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to
ho signs a com- 11.BEN SON, Selicitor, Seaforth.
Indorser --;--A.
ith a friend and
P. BRINE, Liceneed Auttioneer for the
" • County ot Huron. i. Sales attended in all
arts el the COunty. Al) orders left at the Ex-
-AND- •
Large -stock of Swede Turnip Seed, Hungarian and
Millet Seed, Tares, 45c.
Full Stock of Family Groceries, Flbur, Peed and visions.Pro-
grave, the work being one of engineering
difficulty. :The lorry was -drawn. to the
end of the place of sepulttire, and from
it substantial beams were laidso AS- to
form. an incline. With considerable la-
bor the ponderous coffin was slid down.
the timbers until one end of it touched
the grave. Shear legs'were theo placed
astride it, and chains, worked from a
pully, were attached to. other chains
around the -coffin, and thus it was let
slowly and cautiously into the earth.
Immediately the lorry was denied, of
its burden a rush was made by SOMO of
the bystanders to occupy it, but the
inourners feeling ' ontraged, tumbled
them back again, to the no small satis-
faction. of the , more orderly -of the
throng. While the body was- being- in-
terred, the odor from it was distinctly it will, in a short time, bring on the monthly
felt even at the distance of ten or cr9wd allowed. to see and hear -what
evidently pleased. them better. The 1 nod with regularit: . These pills should none.
twelve yards. The Vicar of Newcastle i toafiteni 1:y Femalestallexing the hist three months
pi-nic committee -were highly dis-
oaxPrilleggeit, bnicittaateanye/thiteriearee telyn...iin.:.s.0.1fle.i%
(the Rev. Canon Martin) read. the
burial service .from the lorry in an im- pleaserasid threaten legal vengeance
upon the dancers and prize package „ all cases 01 Nervone and Spinal Affections,
pressive mannq. This brought to ,a. - pews in the back and limbs, fatiguc on slight °s-
old* the funeral obsequies, and soon man• , „ _ ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and
after the. crowd dispersed. The grave - . whites, these pills will effect a cure -when all other
means nave failed ; and, although' a powerful
of the "Scottialr Giant" is picturesquely A New Gruage for Love-.
r e m e dy , d i.o.ititi itIrctofuaninta ) loin 1 oittihvIenr , ccoanlitmi teul t: :aunt. i m opnuyl i
situated. -It abuts the walk runnina A gentleman -who is a very close ob-r'
alonaside the wall which bounds ta server of affairs says. that Sunday was
' 1 r eaent TOL' :cnrtetreJ of) l'Itas's1:1
ceme'tery on the jesmond Road side, a good -day lo .study human nature, which should be ePareflully pro°
New York, Sole Proprietor. 51 00 and 124 cent;
and is sheltered bv an overlianailia tree
o 0 especially the fen:Alain° portion thereof.
postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To -
of infibrageous groWth. He watched the lathes as they filed out for
to, Ont„ general agents for the Deinipion,
. ' of church i------------fand prepared r"
Blessdell, J. 5. Roberts. and R. Lumed611. 197
and. made up his mind that if lie were
kinds. The celebrated Emu) Organ
and the Dominion Organ -the Only
perfect Organs manufactured -for
stale cheap for cash at Burry Mir -
A good wife Will save you money,
.And nurse you -when you are ill,
Yon both can live on less money ,
Than now pays your courting bill.
Engagement and IeVedding Rings,
at the lowest prices, at Murry
An elegant Ladies' Gold Watch for $25, an&
other Goods in Jewelry very cheap. Silver
Watches, the cheapest ever offered in Seaforth.
Machine Needles, all itinds, and the best Oil
always on hand.
A lull libe of Speetacles and Eye Glasses,
Mottoes, Pranles,..andtelass, Pictures Framed,
all Blies, to order.
Lacrosse, Cricket, and Base Balls
'and Rats Cheap.
H. MITCHELL does the Wall PaPer and Win-
dow Blind trade in Seaforth. A good stock,all
sietqatterns, at bottom prices.
Call Respectfully Solicited. The .
11111.31z:ikon is to all. Itty Stock wilt
alirays bear inspection.
Dear husband, think I will not go to Harry
Mitchell's again. My eyes become so dazzled
that I can't see straight for a 'week- after being
in his stoi e, then again I alwaye buy until my -
purse is empty, and sometimes I don't stop then.
Pehaps yoa can call to see if I left anything un-
paid, and if so pity it, as yoa know
Ile Does a Cash, Business.
in A IN ST R 11.3 ET, - sE.41 FORTH.
mortal offence. But all attempts to . chant. Money loaned on real estate itt town or
deter the young folks from having their country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges
moderate. Isloatgages bought and sold. Matured
fun proved ineffective, and the dance .
• b ruOrtgsgoS paid off. Terms to suit borrowers.
went on. Pretty soon one of these Farms and village property for sale. Offiee-
itinerant -mountebanks with prize pack- .Leckio's now briek bloek, Brasses, Ont. • 515
ages to sell came along, .and coin- TRY PROP. GRAY'S GREAT EAST- INDIAN
menced to shout the virtues . of - his MOT ALTERA l'INE-Natnre's Great Res -
wares This was almost equally effec- torative cures Itheumittism, Dyspepsia, Billions-
Butter,' Eggs, and Potat
tive in -thinning the already attenuated
•erowd in front of the speakers, and
coaxing or threats were in vain resorted:
t to et him to quit At last the band
ness, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Nervous-
ness, Palpitation 'or the Heart, General Debility,
Diseitses of the Stomach ana all Female om
plaints. For Serofalous diseases it is invaluable,
't is the greatest known blood purifier. Price,
. 50 Cents. EDWARD VARCO, Brusstls, Agent
\Vas brought, and as soon as he com- for the Conety of Huron. , - 545-12
menced to talk, the band -would' drown
his voioe. When they desisted he
u rapicriodical Pills -This involuablemedieiue is
would start againc\and as it • became a iodisttee87: ,:ifictubbtehofesemilEn ful t.!iitki,
matter , of endurance, the 'soap man delinglerinouge
moves all obtructiops, spaelledeyleceitsr8ce°11nilsadt: l'ib.'elel
finally Won the day, and. the speaking tion is subject. It moderates
' considerably shortened., and the relied on. To masriadladies, it is peculitnly suited.
es Taken in Exchange.
e I
- .NOW emeiying, a Large Stock of NEW
-1- FURNITURE from the best Factoriesjn Can-
' one in the Comity, as I p,ay cash down and got a
• , edit, and I arn enabled to sell cheaper than any
AIDLAW & FAIRLEY Sr Splendid Chairs for $1-80.
Six Ohairs, Fancy Turned Legs ler $2.
Six Chahar, Extra, Gone, for S2. ZO.
Six Chairs, the Very Beet, for $3 25.
THE PATTERS014 MAXWELL REAPER Nurse RockerS, each„90 emits
Boston "lockers, eeeb, for $1 15.
*Board and Spindle Beristeade, 4%4, 6 feet long,
b2 00.
.1 Beautiful 7 -Drawer Bureous, projection fronts,
S1S-Other khakis very low.
- I
-N" 1\11.A.I-i„ 1-C= 1
will insure a bottle containing over 50 .pills by
6 to make their wayborne in, the rain, return mail. Sold in Seeforth by Hickson '
strange Bible Facts.
The learned. Prince of Ga
ranadheir in soarcli of a wife he could decide upen 1.4' LECT-RICITY 1 -THOMAS' E-XcELSion ECLECTE
to the siccollisb. throne, imprisoned- by - his affinity by the way she kicked her -LA OIL-VW:II TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT
order of the Crown; for fear that he , 'trail. Ho says -there -was the kick feeble GoLD.---Pain cannot stand -where it Is used. It
ettemcnihoenapseoartentagiZe ecrIvneer bnioatctife. lair cdoresg bcur
solitary confinement in the old prison , and the kick positive, the kick a,miable '
and the kick spitehil, the kick graceful , chitis. Fifty emits' worth has cured sauced st.L°i-
should aspire to the throne, \vas kept in
, _ tainndc, tateaktt I: kick hesita- ing cough. It positively cures catarrh, astbenn,
aud croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured criek in
thirty-three years in this living tomb :-, kaiwc1k(warairreaAt:116 1
at the Place of - skulls, Madrid. . After
.death Came to his release, anethe fol-' . E you sea a young woman send her years' stLiding. The following are extraets from
tile -back and the Herne quantity lame backof 8
f • the Bible and marked with au foot out in an -irritable manner -like a a few of the man/ letters that have beeu received
mule king at a straw -don't press your
should sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical : 3.
from different parts of. Canada, Which, we 'think,
lowing remarkable - researches taken
church steps ttaa ,Drqhorass' Eelectric Oil, have sold all I had from
. derful." "Wm. McGuire, of • Frarklin , writes, "I
• •
1 -
At the West Riding of York County Spring Fairs in 1877 and 1378. Has taken the First Prize
wherever exhibit d and r.ever has been beaten.
These Facts, together with the
places the Maxwell, beyo9
, old pail on the rough walls of . his cell, suit in that 'parte
through the weary years._ then fumbles her
tT - so jauntily d.own t
told how the brain sought employment
1,853 . times, tile word Jehovah 6,855 - But if you see- a' girl walk calmly to the it was slow at hrst, but takee splendid now.7 H.
she will no keep a house tidy.
In the Bible the word Lord .is found , p6ace ; haye Golden the agentleft, it acts like a a
- times, awl the word 'Reverend. but once, vestibule and in a determined, business- Cole, of Iona, :writes, Please forward 6 dozen
and. that is in the 9th ' verse of the Te ghuoamita isi Eictl eitiiicgt) lily, r e caoMm mn ee na rdleyti io)13,!. nosothiwiligo
CXIth Psalm: The ,Stli Verse of the like way, elevate h.er dress by a quiek,
pretty motion of ' her shapely foot you have used it:" J. Bedford, Thamesville, writes,
-VLIth P alm is the middle 'verse ofsure sheis one wholwill not shirk " Send me at once a further supply of Eelectrie
. 'If she trips never
Collard, of Sparta, Out., writes, Sen °zap
The Ithaca and Ontarid S
Our Sprague and Junio'r M
The Combined Empire Drill
And we heartily recomme
Plows, and .Nos. II and
callable Improvements ?made this Season,
d 'doubt:, at the Head of the List.
Six Calie 011airS for $5.
Lt Hair- Cloth, Chairs, Sofas, 'Loun-
• ges and Rockers, I Cannot be
Baby Carriages and Spinning 'Wheels very low.
11 you went to furnish your house for a little
WARF,ROOMS direetly opposite M. R. Coun-
ter' a Mammoth jewelry Itstablishmen , Main
Street, Seaforth.
-Cash for Iliees, Skins, Wool and Wool Pick-
)0I -L• s. IfORTER„.
P. S. -Shall Boon be in a position to tomtit
Funerals cheaper than tiny 000 the plate.
ft -Dumping Horse Rake cannot be THZ
wers can always be relied on.
and Seeder still stands unrivalled -
':d our Wrought Iron Frame Gang
2 Wrought Beam Plows, Sm.
While thankingournumerons curstomere for past support, we hope, by strict attention to busi-'
'nese, to merit a continuance of their libe 1 patronage. ,
I •
you, and want more new; its cures; are truly won -
in let her depart in
• 0'1 I h v nl one bottle left. I never tilitY any -
chapter of Esther is the longest terse.- day life, and if she -will. et yeu, don't
from.the little unpleasaiiti ess of every ,
tion." 3. Thompson Woodward, writes, "Send
the Bible. The Oth verse of the VIIIth thing sell so well and give such general eatiefac.
the shortest. In the CVLIth salm "
. pea. o e
fail to escort her h,oine, soi, be sure you 1110 sae more Eclec'tric Oil, I have sold entixely
rettton, rtil.),gwtr,it17,s`ii` TklaeeitEuelectrie Oil is getting
35th verse XIth. chapter of St. J n is *iller & Reed,U1-
four verses are • alike, the 8th 15th, l3earliestktotplipor°Lifirity.-lutitieddlcalt Jioturp:tialt.be a great reintation here, and is daily oalled for.
21st and 31st. \ Each verse o the ,
-chapter of Isaiah and XIXth cha t f 1 anxious to secure soy ral thousands NORTHROP & DLYmMinANion, TNorooTitzt.o_E0enite.e,triSeo_le
2nd Kings are alike. The won'
occurs but once in, the Bible, an
rd verse aud. IIIrd cha
Send us a further supply without delay "Le .
Gibb & uckin ham . • EaoYne,
CX- .Ith ends alike:'-- No na es or. -A Captaiin Walker is ow ghipping Co.,., g , P. Q., avntess"Send Us
one gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to take
words witimore than six- syllabi s are from California to Peru., plantation
found. in. the Bible. The XXXVIIth work, 10,000 Chinamen. uatemala is cent& 8., N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N I. And
well." Sold by all medicine dealers, Price 25
.- GileL of them. In both • cortntries, it is as- Agents or
Selected aud Electrized. Sold in Seafetth by
. .
that, ; serted, there are no iN1 - antipathies, Hickson & Bina sdell, J. S. Roberts and F..
ter of ' nor obstacles to free illater arttlage. Lumsden
I •
SEAF () It T I-1 .
AVING nurchased the Stock and Trode. 'of the --
k1- Seatorth, frOM MT,
George 'Whiteley, begs to state that he intinde
CArrying on the business ha the old stund, ant has
added several valuable horsee and vehicles to the
formerly large stock. None but
Fist -Glass Comfortable Vehicles um/ Good
Reliable .1-1:orses Will be Kept.
Covered and -Open Buggies and Carrlagee, and
Double and Single Wagons always ready for use.
• g
Special Arrangements Made With. Com-
... ______
li/IPORTANT TO Tlit,I LADIES. mercial Men.
, Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels
. ed
McINTYRE & Wpromptly -attendto.
. , .
Complete Assort2nent of Infants' a -id Children's Boots and
Shoes and Slippers, in Colors and Black.
. . .
These Goods are the Finest and Beat in America, S. D. 'Sellers A Col7obtaining the -Gold Medal
and Diploma over all competitors at tire Centennial.
We have also on hand a nice assortmeet of LADIES' SHOES, in Tie add Button, very cheat).
We are the only -firm ',Mit of Toronto who keep these Goods. They require 0 be seen to be
Ts now prepared to supply all caatronera with
ri.ny number of his
At. S30 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are so
well and favorably known to the trade that it is
uniaecekeiu ry to say ans•Iiing in their recomMens
MIL TROTT also mime f actirres a 'smell Hard-
wood Tub, suitable for welshing bnttetsin.
Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend-
ed to.
495 se. TROTT, Seatorth.
A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes and Groceriei, Just Arriving. Will
be sold on very small prqfits-alt new stock: The Subscriber invites his,
old friends and new ones to give hint a call. . Ile has engaged Mr. John
Scott to attend to the shoe shop, who will make and repair work to order.
O l Accounts must be paid at once, as the subscriber needs money. Farin
and Town Property for sale. Gi'Ve in,e a a an will t I
can for you. Remember the Place, Stark' s Block-.
IR.,..AJD A -ND IR,1\./11\/113172..
tO 'Wit:Jon LIU: Lacs Seafortia and
T fel/illy that she 114prepared to make up
In the Latest Fashion from Combings.
Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually at-
tended to. A call solicited. Residence-Maba
Street, Seaforth. . 527
ALL in 'reach of the Heiman Saw and Woolen
Milis shonld bear in mind that they are
still in the beet running order. Wool -Carding
anti Cloth Dressing wit, be done j» manner
equal te that of any mi] in Canada, All Work
Warraoted. ine, Hemlock and Hardwood. Luta-
her for side at the Lowest Rates.
s 550
1 PAW., D. BELL', Proprietor.
T RAVE just Opened Oat the Largest Steck, suitable for Spring and Sumner .Wear, ever Shown
--i• in Saa•forth. Not old 5gjikrupt Stook, nor Spolesale Culls bought in JoieLots, but Good New
$took, bought from the best factories in the Dominiont or cull, and 'will he sold at prices which, I
think, even Grangers:can hardIftake exception. I have been compelled to change my pia ,e of
business so often lately, that I know it is difficolt for mv e,ustomers tin ffnd me. Bnt I trust I have
got pernaanenbly located now for Some time at least, in iitark's New 13rick Block, next door south
froin Milani Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store 1
1 . . ,
, And all Inflammatory and ,kin
' Diseases Cured in a 118W flours.
1 TINIER'S akin be no Intlammetion -without an
1 4- Acid Ferment. It i' II n tO led Rheumatic
1 Abmorbient Neutralizes 4...ne Acid Poison, and
1 the cease of pain is removed. Sold by all Drage
gists. Price 50 ceota. Lavoie iu perticularesses
free. Address
525-34 W. Y. BRUNTON, London.
TSCAMPBELL, Provincial and Surveyor.
• end Civil Eng:neer. rosters by mail prompt -
1 ly attentleJ tre
1 vs S CAMIWELL, Mitchtli.