HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-07-05, Page 22 Tti F41 HOUSE ACROSS TM H. STREET. A STORY IN Tesa3 CyAPTEIIS. Na once! And all tliose five years her house had been the- one home -spot in my toilsome life! Yet, after all; it was only natural. What was there on my side of the way! Ah ugly middle- aged man and a dingy house. It was she who made her side what it was to me. e Por -Merest, I was content enough at learning from her own lips that she was as happy as she looked, and would not change her lot for that which had Once beep. offered her, if elle had had the opportunity. " Poortiad ! But -I daresay te, too, has coasoled himself," I said to nayselt as I went away. CHAPTER II. It was early spring. There was a soft balmy feelipg in the air. The bare branehes of the almond trees were dot- , self. " One week more, and then, af7 thOughilie rallied from them, it was only to pain too keen for his exhausteq. frame to bear. BefOre midday on the morrow he was dead, and illa,gdalen Imelt weeping by the. bed, *here a few minutes back he had tried to clasp our two hands in his dying fing,ers,"and had whispered in hoarse, gasping tones.: "Take care of her, Elliott. I trust, her to you. Magdalen, reme.mber-I-- leave-you-to his care." Ah me ! audit was more than "care" that I longed to give her then, my poor darling, in the first hour of her desola- tion, but no one save an utterly self -en, grossed cowased would have spoken to her of love and marriage at sitch a, time; and it was enough that she did not. re- pel the affectionate authority which for her own good I felt bound to use to her; and submitted to be ruled and tended by me, with a meek, child -like passivity which made her more than ever dear and precious to me. "1 will wait a week," I said to toy - ted over with tiny rose-colored buds a ter the funeral, I will speak to her. - I few brave primroses were thrusting uP their pale, yellow blessoms out of the dark brawn mold. Women were cryina " Ilyeehithes,"in th.eettreets,andtenaptt: ing.passers-by with baskets heaped with. their tall odorous. dumps of white and pink and creamy bells. . There were bir• ds twittering in the square, and a stir of new life and freshness all through the world; but ;dr. Roberts was not so well. He had been canfined to the house for several clays ; and I went over to sit with him one afternoon, so that Mag- .' dalea might get out for a little fresh air. "You won't leave him till I come' back," she said, lingering even after her bonnet -was on. " Pronalse nae, Doctor. ,He is so disobedient to orders, that he is not to be trusted by himself; but if you-" do not think she will send me away," end I did., not. =There was something in the look of her eyes when she thanked me, in the clinging touch of her fingers evlien they rested in mine, which, through all sense of my un worthiness made me hope at last. Mr. Roberts had few relations, and nea t t I r or rtis et ones. He had left. a written reqbest that I would take charge of his papers, hum all that were not of importance, and arrange the funeral and -legal matters: It would spate Ma.gdalen somewhat ; end She was to write to an elderly consin Scotlaud, who had long ago agreed to came to her in the event of such a contingency; but her letter found the elderly cousin ill and • unfit t� travel fot several days, and . Magdalen would not go to her or leave 'Yes," I said, "1 will stay; don't be the house until after the funeral; neither afraid. I can promise you that or any- had I the heart to urge it. _ thing else that you ask." You are here, and you do all that The exceeding loveliness of her face want, of, that any bue could do for me. had struck me even more that day then I am much happier alone," she said. usual. I could not take my eyes off it with a pitiful quiver about h.er beautiful till she -was gone ; and then as I turned Mouth; and I took her hands in liable back to her father, I met his fixed on audateurviered : me. They were keen gray eyes; and in "My dem:, you dial' do just as you their hard scrutiny 1 read that which like. If beingalo e is a comfort to you told me without any words that some- no one shall dietur yon," and certain - thing in my face or tone had betrayed ly I did fot. hac to be there. every me, and that my secret was no longer clay on business; ut very often I did my own. Well. I had naught to be not see her at all. I was busy with the ashamed of, and after the moment's papere I have ment oned ; and she rare - shock, I was man enough to meet his 1 leff her . The little garclen gaze fully and c-alrely, He was silent I on the leaowu ds was gay with .spring flowers, for a little, and tiler said : " i and the ivy was putting forth alt its "1 have just tared out seneething. I fresh green shoats • but she never went De You know what it is,Dr. Elliott ?" ! into it uow. and it 'had lost_ all'its'beeu- "I think so. Isn't it that there are i ty for me. - more fools in the...world than you we're i I was over at the house one evening - - aware of a- few moments back.? -You I turning over the oh 'oak cabinet where have discovered that I cart for Yeer ; her fettle/. had °nee told Me he kept daughter. I have known it. myself for I mese of his private letters. It was e - some them back, but what does it mat- I wearisome task .enoi gh., for they had all - ter' I hoped uo one would ever guess it i to be looked throw, before being • de- . 0 and, after all, it is. not myefeult. e toe ec , but Twits glad to do it, for 'I Lo my utiuttereble emprise he pet out knew that many 1. ould have pa,ined his hand to me, smilin . . thetruth I have once '9r twice before 1 ) * -' ' " Magdalen sadly; ve d in obitrse of - time "What is not your fat It. ,TO tellyear I came to one, .set ask e in- itte old. pocket took bv itself, end w tbout au envelope. suspeeted yout feelings for Magdalen ; i I had glanced throu li it, and had Seen and 1 am -glad you -have owned it. You the• signature before call it a folly, though. In •what - wily'?" was not Written to "Only that it is a folly for any- man but to his daughter, rom one Guy La- te stake his whole hearten sopeething tharn-the letterwri ten by Magdalen's he has no hopes -of winning." .. lovereAybieh. had ney i: beet suffered to "-Hem l You are madeet, or -May 1. Total her. e I don't ' UOW much' about aek if Magdalen has already convinced...I love letter.4;'itaid Psu pose this was not you of the hopeleseness- of . your .affec- I different from the gem eralitee; Yet, I felt tion?" I that I would rather "ether" she should "1 have never so much as hinted at ! .see thiathepassionet appeal of a young its existence to her. I, should have ' man desperately iu lc ye, an. furiouS' at thought. you knew -me well .euough. for the cruelty which see arated him from th-_ .., , -r. -a iarte. Indeed, I fancied • its object" '" I know- you love me," he that you-" ‘, es,exeto.. "Be true to. . " Wouldn't havo heard of it. .Well,to time nor absence sha, be frank with -you, •when the idea. first, Your father has beh flashed across my mind, it did . startle and a tyrant to us; me, but 1 have thought !over it since me,. iii3• angel, till I ci then, aud I dou't mind telling you diet ,fer you, and we will b if I were to give..my child to any man, him:" and I reading it I would rather ;.i t were you tb'au. an- - if She bad seen itshe W - other." . the prayer, end gone I was '-struck dumb with astonish- • till then It was realized that it r. Robaate at alt, me, end neither shake ray.: fid.elity. Val like a brete. ut only -wait for n ineke a home happy in .spite of von dered whether uld have granted u witithig for him • . . q es. ion which was 'neut. He smiled again and went very terrible to me, and. I shut the cab - on ; efinet, end situ down to ponder over the What I should "It is simply tbie, I know yea. You _ letter. The doubt -we do about it even now. are an honorable, and kind-hearted man I believe you are in position to k ep her in. the style she }lee been aceusto - ed to-: and also, if ehe were your wife you would be gooi and. faithful' to her. Am I right or not?". ' I rose and. answe-red: " Well, well, whet do the •ords met - & forgotten her, aud h -wellshe had now ? But must have macle wept for him, and had dried her tears s, meaning plain to him at any rate for aud grown happy eget as she had been - he pressed my hand kindly. before he crossed her p th. What earth.- " There, you are a good fellow, doe- y euc coulci hownig tar, and I believe you. There is obe servo now, save to ups stipulaticaahoweverewhich I must make. mindiand add a cruel ti Will you agree to it?" to her grief for her fath,r, and, perhaps, " You have been so wonderfully gen- stir up some morbid se •uple as to her erous to me, Mr. Robarts, that it would right to accept the new love which was be hard. if I did not agree to anything waithig to be offered to her ? I t you. asked." of it all nightand all ti o next d y, and . " Don't take my child from me, theta the next day, and M ways and lights, I have a fancy in not here for way •• but this wee the result to which Inver - long ; but I could not live without her. iablv mine ; aud i th cud lv Her father had kept had never intended it It had. been written si. she was only a young gh had never been, seenar proba,bility was that II, it . from her, and o roach her eyes. years ago, when 1: The young men earclof since,the had late since her this letter her peace of ige of bitterness resoed You will promise me ?"to elide by it. did rot _destroy the I ktiew ahe woUld not have' left him ; letter-, however ; soinetl ing sit1un inc but I promieett notwithstanding. .- made nie avaaSO to (loin( O, and I lock- " Thank 3,-ou, and don't as ‘tayth'ng ed it ap agem'wttli (alter papers which to her yet awhile, I do not believe that wereto remain in my la epinge she cares fon you at present or guesites at your cariug tea her, or 1 woad uoti The funerel was on tli w ask ; but ovei•hastinetts inight only up- Magdalen ould go, thc tade set kat-- peace, and damage vour-n eweperether to the. eon a cold, raw day, and I causee-a-Leaye her tdone. for mwhile:: assented ; and meanwhile ;,[ her health; but though you what I did1 set to work to beau- sh° was vcrY cahlh an tny and refurnish my ugly old house grave -side made no m t ma garret to cellar ; and I put togethbut stood. there with loci - r picteres, end old chime, mai aimint ; bead a little bent, a tall esasses, and I cunningly persuaded all .black from head to Magdalen -old Roberts laUghiug in his ; agamst tho faiut red colt gem -kat us all the while.-ethat had noon sky -a figere so soli ary and. path - little taste and. less time of pay own for etic M its voiceless.bereavemant that it collies back to me even now with the such thing:4 ; and so won her to lend me hers iu the choice of nearly- all I longing I lead then to take her in my purchased, being wishful that they I arms' and so show hei. that love had should be ail acemetieerto her ONVII taste I all. not left her alone in the ivorld after following day. ugh I tried to rary, for it was• as afraid for pale as death, 1 even. at- the or. Crying; ed. hands and slender figure, .foot, cut out r of an after- so- that the home to which one day , hoped to bring xny darling, should nat - But to -morrow.," I said to mvselfets repel her by its unlikeness to that she 1 put her and coesin Jane, evho had u. left I remember her saying to me oue rived M time for the cerenway into the day thsh at e should quite leek ou it as i earrikle• " Only till t,o-morrow ! We her house when it was finished, and I i shall both know then.' hardly know whether the words gave 1 Wase it some mocking fiend which rue mo -t pain er pleasure. 'Would she whispered to me that if she cared for ! in her heart akin to that in mine far her ? I so steadily as from mine and an - have eaid it if there had been any feeling me she would never havekepther face Ana yet 'die took such a frank and eager , swered rue .as briefly and coldly as I interest in it all ; and was so warmly i fancied she had done all that day -the cordial sad trustful with me ! 1 keew at I dav -which was the completion of the ltaast that she liked me, and hew often ; lest services -I. could do for her ? But - IS not liking only liking lave's pre- 1 what did it metter? I would have serv- lude? I lied raucliseeret emit and fear 1 ed her ell my life long even if 1 had 'tand anxiety and. 1 know that 1 a -as very I kuown I could never have so much re - happy in it all the sarne • I ward as a smile from her. Young men, The end came sooner than any of us 1 when they make love, do it as they run expected. Mr- Roberts was taken sud- I and leap for the prize they hope to win. &illy' worse one evening in early May. I When we love a woman, it is not A succession of faintiegfitsfollowed,and 1 what we can get from her, bat what , , • a THE HIJii.ON EXPOSITOR. see we can do for her. that We think about. I went to see :her on the following day. She was in -the dining room, the servant said, Itiad alone; and there I found her. I had gopein unannounced., and I must have startled her, for a deep crimson spot came into her cheek as -he rose to greet me, and. I felt her hand tremble in mine. It had never done so before. " did notexpectyou," she said, a little formelly. It is kind of you to come, when I have been, taking up BO much of your time of late. Cousin Jane has only just gone up stairs. I will ring for her," and she was reaching out her hand to the bell, when I stopped her. "Do not ring just yet,"I said. yI have somethingI want to say to yeti first. Do Yeitt mind? It is not a goodt, time, perhaps, but I will not keep you). long, /and I have waited-" My. voice was mum FOR SALE -Fair Sale, Lot_ 29, Con. A, 4: Stu nley, containing 100 acres; 8e ecrel eiTttarl- ed, well underdrained, well fences, alt good stale of cultivation; the balance is well timbered with hardwood; there are on the ! premises two houses, one log and one frame; ! frame barn and stables; a young. bearing orch- ard ; a never !Hieing spring runs through the ' hum Oa° tioed well ; is situated within 8 miles of Chutou and 5 of /3rucelleld; school honse • within oue.quareer mile. Apply to ALEXANDER A.MPI3ELL, on the premises, or to Clinton • P.-0. 549 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. pROPERTY • FOR SALE --For Sale, that con- -a venient tend desirable residence on the corner of High and Market Street*. lately occupied by Dia Vercoe. Apply to DR. irERCOE. 488 VARM FOB, SALE.- A. cheap, first-class farm -I: of nearly 100 a res for sale, situate cloee by the Village of Els/burn, 7 riailea from. Sesforeh and 8 from Cliutop. Price, 5,500. For particu- lurs apply to thepaopriebor on the premises, or by mail toll N. ADAMS, Constants° P. 0. 5 h; FARM FOR SALE. -Being north half of Lot 81, in tze he d Concession, East Ws.wanosh, 100 acres, good *mil, well watered, good frame barn 56x36, good $4table and shed 18x26, 85 acres cleared; good hone tied orchard. good well end pump. Apply to TMES MURRAy, on the place, or to A' estfield P. 0. 5.ikx16 TIOR SALE CEIEA.P.-,As the owner is leaviug the Conntrea, a Iroase and Lot in the village ef Harpurhey. Fmme dwelling, with a zoom; a large garden filled with fruit trees of all des- criptions- good welleand caller. Apply to altos. IL WIN•aha, on the premises, or to A. STRONG, Lend Agent, Seaforth. --551 husky, ited. I broke off. I did not tell ber how long I hadavaited. Her sweet, soft eyes met mine with a questioning glance. Somehow she must have guess- ed that it was no trifle that I bad come about for her face had grown verywhite again; yet even the trouble and yearn- ing which I could not keep out of mine touched her. She answered very gen- tly : "You ma,y keep me as long as you like. • --- -.11. 4Rar IN TUCEERSIIITH FOR SALE-- Do yoa think I have forgotten what von14' For Sale-It,C 9 ei ' ' evereto papa; and that he left me your care? What is it you want to say to me ?" • • . She -was still looking at me. The late coldness ‘ which. had so distre-seed.. me had gone from her manner. It Was grave and full of trust. I had got my opportuuity at. last, and how did I use ? Why, I let go her hand and turned , s , on. , . . S.,- rucam- to 1 smith:containing 100 acres, aboat .75 cleated, well fenced andaanderdrahsed. • The balance timbered with hardwood. There are good frame buildings, a splendid orchard and abundance of epring miter.. It is within 7 miles of Se...forth and asbont the same dietetic° from Eippen Sta. t iou.-a it is one of tha be farms in Tackerarerith' the banner townehip of Huron, and will be sold on easy Learns. Apply to tbe.. proprietor on the prernieee or to Seaforth P. 0. DAVID FEU. GUSON. 551 , away from her sweet eyes, and crossing SPLENDID FARM IN HULLETT FOR SALE. the rooni, unlocked the old oek co.binet For Sale, Cheap, Lot 5; Con. 8, Hallett, 100 letter. I decided that it ought never in the eOrneraencl took out Guy Lathaan:os lacolle'oectshf8,e0rienrea,inicler well timbered with. hard wdod. cleared, under-drake:a aud well fenced, be showu-to her. My mind was ' quite siit)frtiv:ti:d !Li'hoe .11f).dadirals.:i's°w:latuntft!n°t:rmianrcitilleaisfautitot1:3:114:- chew an the subject. My reason aud my conscience were alike convinced, and 1 Itthatte:t fthe Village of Kin be rn. !able is one of - Well, 1 da,re say, I am a blunder- theenve ..yelineast3be .aoliiity. ana will be sold dng,inconsistent fellow ; but I conldn't WiSlIOS eo ret?ie immt6e=, 11.30..sstairsio-paropiiietir ge of cosu:rsttocsedi.;. Soe.aforra, or cii.al-Ns help it. I could not take advanta t`' AlmjN2° LA.WRIE, no, not eveni-if I were to win Magdalen an absent man when it came to the point, pre NIN0 McKILLOP FOR SALE --For 5:a4,Ie . by so cloinge'and so I just put the letter Killop, containing 112 acres; there are about 80 rth part ef Lots 8. and 9, Con. la, lide! in her hand, and said: e cleared, well feiiced, underdrained and ai lei h "1 have something to show you first, state of cultivation, the balance is i we itiZbei gd with hardwood; good dwelling, new blank fralinee I found this among your father's papers. boartibil 5014.56, with stabling underneath, and other It was written over six y•ears ago ; but 1 ui gis ; alsoagoodyoung orchard and plenty he thought it better not to give it t o you of water. s.1 nules from Brussels, 5 ir W 1 then. Yen will not blame him even ton, and from Seaforth, with good °111 a - to. each place; convenient to church and,schoolsif he was wrong; for he meant it for NI, be sold as a whole or in two parts Apply°8 ; yotu• good. Do you know the hand-- will P. Oa or to the pro nietor on. writing ?" ales. WILLIAM DYNES 1 thovramto_ . 647 .For, the moment -one glad moment - I hardly thought she 'did ; for she look- vritteorakEE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN property, situate thFeoralLe,ethaft jyry desirable ed. bp at me, and thee, at the paper with tile London, Huron mid 13rucegRa°ilwarecoennesliscitirg la puzzled woudering glance. Then 1 looking. on with a sore -wrung heart, no eoelfrr, ams e hmoeuse lti storeys high, 20x27, with stone good well on the r kiperhemelsaeusd letrod-ehed attached; man can -now, saw the blood suddenly o one-quarter of land, well fenced and planted with apple,plum rush up ix to her face, dyeing throat ancl. cehrteny.trees of the choicest kinds; theabove eeks an. brow with one vivid Grim- b soldeheap, and De a good lappet-- tit/Sty property obtainingeortable home in a shoi.a glow. Her lips parted with a quick 8 ivering gasp. heir great eyes dilated tai.liollingFovlilliaagretilergpooardtieoejaireanfrins gapfa at natrehant with a. loo , half fierce, half tender and lector on. the premises or to Beticefield P. 0. o pro-. yearning ;_ and then a' cloud came over YAMS MILLER. 548 them, "there came a mist and a driv- ing rain," ancl. clown came the tears in conteining Its0 acres, of whieh about a blinding torreut, bowing the fair head. 140 acres are cleared, well fenced ituderdrained and shaking the slender figure, and and in agood state of cultivation ; the balance IS well timbered with hardwood. There Dot blottiug the faded words with their • passion ate above the I had reit but which for many "Guy ! er see it!' -URA" FOR SALE, -Pot Sale, Lob 19, Con. 14, drops, tia she hid. her face an spring ereekwas e and OD the farm. A rrnanasaaderess one corner. Good ;flu:2e ,mt urmuring -the name which bo,u(inunignspasnmet a spies:dhrenee of good water none had heard cross herl' a the :bottom of the letteprs• i 7' id r within a mile and a hallitgravel road, mid - bearing orchard ; it way between Seaforth, fof weary year. ti ly Gil , I said nc aye, or do wife and h holds for a away. by a not words He may ku his h Hearts bre y . Oh t why did I uev- f• • ,russele anti 1114h Sta- ens, eleo convenient to „diuretics, :Theo's, post Lace, &c. The farm will be sold as a whole or two parte. For timber particuleas address . on ost Office), or apply to the proprietor on thing. What could I say- the premise& War. 3.1111LL. ' • . 544 lea n such a case? When )me, and all that this. warld man. has just been swept mountain avalanche, it is hat you. expect from him.. • w that in that one moment sue about 10 acreseof &oleo Apple, pear and other. fyielailitstreersil andore.about-800 spruce trees planted 10 s broken; but what of that. no stream running k every clay.; and mine-- through the centre Of the farm, on which is a good even then tee worst ache M. it was to mill site, a, good gravel road on two sides -of the see her grief ancl be so impotent to heal faam. It is situated one niile -Item Hensall sta- it. Yes that was the worst of it ; that toonada,naenfeiur miles from Exeter, on the London . . d s just eteress the Fond from thellodger- passion of sorrow told me that niy hope villo post office and church. For itirther partial - was vain; I shordd never now have the Lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon, Seaforth P. O. right to comfort and protect her as I 481 arALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot v 16 anasouth half Lot 17, Con. 1, Hay, contain - lug 150 acres, e20 .of which are cleared and in a good state of.cultivetton- There is a good break houte and a frsme e'dttage, the beim, stable, cow stable and other outbuildings are all frame; there prayed -I Might, and I turned my face A SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE BY AUC - away and. crushed my .bands together • TI 'N. -The Executors' of the estate of -the with a stiff d groan forthe vanishin hae Samuel Bolton have inehneted the under - my foolish c It was s more quickl she check& tears from Thug used to half timidly on the arm,- as though she feered I was displeased with her. " am s " Elliot are thinkiu„ den shock; Her voice la. ed. to the let hal pressed loved hi me again wi was above a parted. I d a,ud it is all f g e . y u• lic Auction, on the •prein- lees, on Friday, July 26, 1878, -at the hour of 1 r 'I o'clockP. M., that splendid farm, being Lab 21, r N. E. Boundary, Usburne, containing 100 acres, 80- cleared, wells fenced, good frame buildings, e good orchard and plenty of water; convenient to . e church and eichool ; 6 miles froin Fleeter, 5 from e Hensall and 13 from Seaforth: This is as good . . s e.e is in the lowuship of Usborne, and it will positively be sold without reserve. Terms -1'0n per cent of the n • / o ream.• e who recalled. me. Pc Shan I had thought fo • her grief, brushing th or eyes with the- of on repression, and touched m sorry," she said gently. , I do not know what- yeti of me; but it was the sad- nd it is so lopg since-" oke, and her eyes wander- er which her Other hand gently aerialist her bosom. 1," she said. looking up at h a sweet simplicity that 1 disguise, a and, we were ) not blame my dear father, ver now. I oweht not to have given way so, aud before you. What was it that you wanted to say to mi ?"- ! Ali, but the *ant was past 'low'. 1, too, could have said. : It is Lai over," but looking at the gentle cour- age in her pale fac)e,t)I could not but be brave myself. Nothing of any importauce," I an- swerech taking her hands in mine. It was to be for the last time, though she did. not know it. a I had meant to ask ; you something; but it -does not matter and you have answered it, not, knowing, already. Let me speak Of this letter instead: You will knew I did. utt mean. to grieve yOu when' I showed it. . • you. What I want is to see you happy, my child. Only he frank with me, ; and do not forget that. you are in my care. I - will not fail you. You love this -this young man.' r Do you know if he istrue to von;. or 'where we can ; find him?" The red. fire -light.. was . on her face, but I saw it whiten through all the ruddy glow; • and felt her h ands tremble. Yet her pathetic eyes nev- wevered in their straightharwa.•1 • glances. - Do you not know ?" she said. "Dr.Elliott,c yo -a are -very good. I never knew n.ft how geed till to -day ; but 3,-ou canuot • help me in the way you think. There ae is notbina 110W of Guy to find but his e° stave. fie died five years ago, just b ' tioneer: the undersigned. ARCHIBALD .BISHOP, Inc.elle tidy of sale. For further pA4iCtliitili apply to ...___.. • . rat= AND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE.- , A: Biz?g south half of Lot 22, Con. 14, area:Mop eree ; mining through the place • good young' - con aming about 88 acres, 75 of whieli are cleared . and in a good state of cultivatiou, part being 'well . underdraiired, and the balance uncleared good 14x 0; log house 16x2e, also .fmme house filled !L : hers wood "hush ; there is a never -failing spring orel ard; large frame here 40x62; st'able and shed wit). gravel; good stone cellar full eize of Luse ; good well &thous°, &c. This is a desirable farm for any,!one wishing to. buy, being only 0Iva-quar- ters of a mile from the Northern Gravel Road, 9 miles from Seaforth and 7 from Brussels, both good nearkets.-Also Lots 21 and 22, East Bounde are', Turnberry, situetea 2,1 niiles west from Wings hani, containing 2.00` acres, 65 acres cleered, and a job of 41 acres Yet to be cleared, which is to be cleared in titnefor fall wheat, next fall f there is on this lot about 25 acres of pine, cedar and betts•er meadow, the balance is goodhardwoodland ; there is a small orchard, a dwelling houses, 2 wells and pu.mps in oeo house, and 'large 'new stable. - Also it steam saw mill, shingle mill, WI complete and in good running order; there is at the mill it frame house and good franie stable ; the mill is hriughig in a good rent, lea.se out next October; is on the Southern Extension of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce, Railroad, with a siding running from the main line to within 60 feet of the -mill ; tirnb,er can e run from mill and loaded on railway cars as cut if needed, which makes it very conveni-. ent ; there is plenty of timber in the comae"... around which can be bought cheap; this makes it a good aliening for any person tteat understands the bueibess. The mill or farm will be sold sep- arate or together to suit buyer. Terms easy. For particulare in reference to the fh•st farm ap- ply ts, A. STBONG,--Settforth, or to GEORGE TM/MS.0.N, \\ ingliem. For thelase 'place aud mills apply to Ge, THOMSON, Waightine. 543 . _ _ . s _ _ . . . AUCTION SALES. "WIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE BY AUC - a• TioN.—The undersigned has been instructed ‘y arr. JOHN SMALLACOMBE to sell by Public nation, on the premises, on TUESDAY, JULY )th, 1878, that Splendid Farm, being Lot 18, on. 7, Usborne, emataining 100' acres -first -- lass brick house and gooll frame buildings -80 cres cleared and well fenced ; good orchard and laity elf water. Convenient to churches and choolelat miles from Exeter. No better improv - d farm, and no better faun in the township of shortie. Pesitively no reserve. TERMS -Ten er cent. of the purchase money on the day of ale, $2,000 in three months, and the balaiace to nit purchaserlat 7 per cent. For further par- icalars apply to the proprietor on ehepremises. MIN SMALLACO MBE aProprietor; A.BISHOP, Retie neer. e- , s fore We came to this house." "Died !"' 1 anust have said it; but it te did not sound like my voice; a.nd the 'a room seemed reelina with nae. "Yes," she said . softly, thetears ,1 brinamieg up into her eyes again, " it I was barely twelve monthsafter-after 1-) papa sent him away. He went to Aus- tralia. The friends where we first met si eesj WANTED. 551 RIVING HORSES WANTED. -Wanted, a _pair of good driving horses, in exchange for a is.4o or an Organ. SCOTT BROTHERS, Mu- ?' Instrument Emporium, Seaforth. 546 THE "MEDICAL HA , SEAFORTH. DY.E STUFFS'. ,1:1)YE S.TUFFS ''m 5, 1878. DAIRYMEN, ATTENTION, MRS. WHITNET SEAFORTH . I inshoeesirls be rto aue rs,g/pieo: a:I:prat )vaienzrfrib:eelpi rut et erte n d eoh e al lb: Pails, Pans, and all other Dairy Utensils, et ply a first-class article in Milk Cansalfit WE HAVE THIS -SEASON TAKEN SPE TA la CARE IN T E ELECTIGht .' • OF `OUR DYE STUFFS, AND HAVE NOW ON AND and at Low Rates . ---. Every descripthea of Tinware Constantly ee hand and made to order. Custom Work receives . prompt attention. Remember the Tin Store in the _New lltick - Bleekiathe best place to lniy. 589 MRS. WHITNEY, STOOK SEO9ND TO NONE IN THE aOUNTY AS REGARDS QUALITY OR QtANTITY. Try Our Pure Dutch Aiadder Turmeric, Logwood, Full Directions given with each P ed we will Guarantee Good Colors. Indigo, Fustic, Cudbear, ochinectl, Etc.. rcel; and if properly follow- HICKSON & BLEASDELL, Seaforth. =CTIZA_ 12/33INA.R.Y. " THAT HUSBAND OF MINE" Buys all his Machinery from L. MURPHY, ; HO has pleasure In Wfarming community still selling the very best Sewing Machines, Agricultural Im- plements, and ifusical Instru- ments. SEAFORTH announcieg to the ' of Ifuron that he is Mr. Murphy's favorite machine is the Singer, which is the bestin the market, having carriea off first hollers at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. Farmers wishing to purchase any of the above „ivould consult their own interests by apolying to -Mr. Murphy first, as he can do better fer there than any other in the trade. Sewing Machine and 'other repairs always om hana at his wareroonts, Goderieb sticet, 518 OVER 1,000 YDS. OF THOSE WHITE PIQUES L. MURPHY, Seatottb. .A_I---TEAOD BRUSSELS LIME VVORKS. At 10 cents per yend, sold at WM. L & Co.tin a fOrtnigiht. 600 YARDS MORE TO 13E CLEARED CIUT AT THE SAME PRICE. BROWN AND CHECK DUCKS AND WHI E AND F1ACTORY COTTONS CHEAPER THAN EVER. SHIPMENTS TO HAND THIS As/acute Celebrated English PRINTS, best goods in th market; 1 C se - of Parasols and Urn- - 'mate ; 144 Dozen Ladies' 2 -Button Itid Gloves, evening llhedes 50 cents per pair; also it Job Lot of medium ehadea, 2 -buttons, Cheapest Goods in Town. MILLINERY. AND MANTLES AlT LOWEST PRICES. Ate Sometime Rush after-tho4e.All Voo1$1` Suit*. WILLIAM HILL & CO., TOWN & B-URROWS THE 'Subscribete take thiseopportunity of re- ' turning thanks to the inhabitants.of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that, having made several improvements in their kiln and the mode of burning, they are in a bet- ter position than 'ever to supply the public with First -Class Lime at 124c. Cash at the Kiln, or 14e. Delivered. This being the fourth season of onr business dealings in Brussels, and having given unqualifi- ed satisfaetiou so far, the public can rely on re- ceiving goOa treatment anti a tirat-claes article from ua. Remember the spot: Tbe Brussels Lime Works. 542 TOWN & BURROWS. EGG .EMPO,IIIUM. The subscriber hereby thankhis numerous custorners(merehants and others) ler their liberal ' patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by striet integrity andclose attentionto business, .SEAFORTH. r td merit their conlidence and trade in the future, SEAFORTH As REA FER,..Y and. FULL Such as the Newcastle Hai Wood's, Akron aildiDufferin the above Machines sold on call and examine the .machi Ia the Plow Business I at Thistle Cutter, having put o Coulter. and Clevi ce-th is is In Sewing Machines 1 arn and Wanzer la. Machines, an AGR1OULTUR MO TITERS are the orde is again _on hand w TOOK OF 'ester and Maxwell Lighe Rea L WAREROOMS. I - -of the day,,O. 0. WILLSON i "th, a ACHINES ers,wi-,048, and Tolinstea's Reapers, lowers, and Sharp's Self -Darn beg Hey and 1Stubble Rake. Any of •rial, and satisfaction guarantee or no sale., For further information es or send for circulars. I . Still Ahead, hiving made som good ielprovemente on the No. 18 ! TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND Steel Land Sides and i•aised tbe Beam teve lathes higher at the • OTHERS. positive preventative againet c eking in wee Rtubbie. , till advancing, having an extra 1 trn, steak of that Celebrated Florence * AS THEY occupy the attention of all, these • Having :greatly -enlarged his premises, duting the winter, his is now prepared to pay -the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For anyequantitv at good fresh eggs, delivered at the iG 0 EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seafarthe Wanted by the sebsceiber25 Ions of good dry clean WHEAT Snell W. WILSON. 1\TOTIO all other common Machines k1vu to the Trede. hard times Points always on hand. Sewing the subscriber is determined to Ae . All kinds of Reaper and Mower Rlechine Repairepaire for the maud Repainiegachines I itell. Done. AU kindle of Plow Clistings and . meet them by ofiering good inch Hemlock, n pet , , , a usually sold for inah, ' at the fellowing rates: et 12 foot Hemlock, at $7 00 nor thousand ; 14 foot 0. C. WILLSOX,1 Seaforth. • , 5 per cent. aiscount. Call and see if you don't Fencing' , at $7 50, forCata All orders over 4,000 ; gec what is repreeenI ed, . ; Book Accou.nts oven. 8 months will be charged 40 000 LBS. OF GOOD. BUTTER WANTED AT DENT'S 1 Tbe enbscriber thanks hiis numerous -custom 1 8 per cent. 9 . for their liberal support, and solicits it continue i ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. - 488 - • Steam Saw Mills,relaillop. - Dent's is also the Place wh re you can get the Cheapest afid Best ry Goods. P.A.13,M RS, ' MOWERS AND REAPERS. , ABOUT. 150 OF THOSE SUPERB NEN COSTUMES = Single Httrvester, were awarded two silver medals . The L. D. Sawyer & Co., Iron Clad Single Mow- " ,- er, Canadian Single Rarveliter, and Bradley No. 2, e. , . and bronee medal' at the Centennial Exhibition, Yet on hand, and gcing off every day. Tbe CROMPTON CORSET for 75 Cents. i Philadelphia, only awards given to Canada fox , tralianixthibitionnt S.ydnev, last 'ALL GOODS AT THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES. LITE 6,UALITY A -Nm e ,‘ and Silver Medal at the great Horan trial, last Reapers and Mowers. Brouze Medals at Ault-- er ''''' ' , a at Jeffspring Slat erson County Wel, U. S., 1877, Gold August, and numerous first prizes throughout - Canada and the United States. They are ale: i stantiallv built, very light draught, can beinstant- ! ly adapted to all kinds and conditions of grain, and i will be exhibitea at the various Spring Shows Enquire PRICES SELL' THEM. or DENriS and be sure to find it. THE G ; throughout the County, by GEORGE- STEWART, Clinton, General Agent fer the County of Huron. ' Wale 4'. GRIEVE; Agent at Seaforth. 58943 DERICH FOUNDRY Seaond hand '20 Ironic Engin4, Belem° Wheel and Saw Mandrel Second hand 20 Hone Engin . .. ... ... ....... . ... ..... $225 a Balance Wheel mut Pulleye CotnPliste .. 225 1 Second hand 16 Horse Engia , Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors. ' Second hand 12 Horn Engin( , Balance \Vheel, Puttee a and Go Minot s....... _ ....... . . .... 200 ,,..v A Hoisting or Boat Engine w•th troisti g Gear Second hand 16 Horse Porte'lil Boiler, wit' Smoke Stack . * ' /50 Second. hiend 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Srnoke Stack._ Second hand 20 borse Portal° Boiler, with Smoke Stack Second hand 80 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnete Steam Guage, Gunge and Safety:Valves, all in Good Order Second hand Shingle and -Heading Machine Heading Jointer Heading Planer treading Turner Stave Machine, with Knife D. MCLENNAN, HENsALL. 275 250 SEED WHEAT. 200 e, Fro it,*6•Mie iii;;;, 225 450. 90 . . .... 40 . • . a • • 3. New Engines. and Boilers for Flouring, Grist ain t"Agrieultinal Inialt meets. Attended co- . , CODER! n hand, also Made to Order very cheap ..• . 50 -...........70 80 Mill Machinery. Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Imnj&bved Binds. Stovei3 of VationsEinds.-Repairs on BoilersNilis, &c., promptly H FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURIND COMPANY slagE Subscriber, believing that, farmers tbis neighborhood are now aptly eenvineed that tite Red Chaff . eat has , entirely ruined the good reputation of our Canadian Spring Grain in the European markete, as may be observed by , , tjto unusual difference of 20e to 80e per bnela. be- tween it elail the price of Fall Wheat; that it is also • very liable to rust before harvest, peaducing flour too (lark and poor for family 1186, I. wnnid'e- cororneral attention to the following 'choice grades now for' sale et his Storehouse, Ileneall Station, ease JamesLaag's Prime alinnesote Fife, S I t eke Shore Blue Stem, and the White Eldorado, all at Moderate Prices. Clover.. Seed bought find sold. 582 D. McLENNAN., • ALWAY S SOMETHING N NEW SHOE SHOP IN SEA THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY—, VV. SEAPORTH. 0 R T H • BEG' TO ANNOUNCE TO rHE PUBLIC THAT THEIf COMMEN 0- ese ED BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN A,CCOUN PILLMAN'S ST RE, :OPPOS-ITE THE iOUND‘RY, Where they are prepared to take Orders for and Manufactare .Boots and hoes' of evety des- , cription. Being both Peaetical Worknien they are prepared to Guarantee a ,IGtooel Fit and a Good Article. , Faaaorr GRIEVE. • - WILLIAM VeNAUGHTON beg; to inform V the bueiness meli of Saaforth and the travel- irg public that he has perehatae the Livery Business and Stock of Messrs. Cart:toe/Ian & Abell, lind will do all in his tower to tetain the reputation which this favoeite establashment has secured. He will keep only good driving, and re- ; liable horses, um d hie carriages will be kept clean and in good order. Calls, night or day, will he promptly attended tte PIC -NIC AND WEDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with. mTeerriatItHc :steer 9brlaet. thAelloffiorrws ilielifrtecaetivethperoCmompt- ' attention. , T.011iaede,aenseloSrte.bles on Market Street, opposite A RIAL IS, SOLICITED. 544 WM. MeN•AUGHTON", Proprietor, CoLNELar4 FRIEL. PQST, OFFICE STORE, WALTON. --- I ONCE MORE respectfully beg l'eave to return thanks to my nurnerons customers for their kind ., patronage during the last 12 years that I „have been doing businees amongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their fav rs for the future. thieve just received a Large and Well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS . sSo; -all descriptions. Also always on 'hand a full assortment of m Ph GROCERIES- EA's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps cialty-which, for quality and plate, are the best in the County. A Large Stock of BOOTS aid SHOES --- and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints an1 Oils, Drags, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Flame, it fact every- thing required in a general store.- f Ask for what you -want if you don't zee it. Cash or larta produce taken in exchange. I would also irlitimate to all parties hid bted o me o o come and eettle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the acceunts will be put into as and previous years, other hands for collection. No furli. er notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TER1.28. -I am also Yaluator for the Domii'on Saving and Investment Society, one of the beet loan societies in the Dominion. The above Soci ter loans money on gond farm security for it term of from th.tee to twenty years, on the mcst favorable conditions. LIFE INSURA-NCE.-If you avant your life insured give me a call, as I ara agent for the- Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Coinpanies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always Attentive to business, Post Office' and Telegraph Office in on- nection. Clover; Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. , R. PATTISON,—WALTON. PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN :MISS HALLEN, . 4 ORGA.NIST of St. Thomai' Church, Seaforth, (Late of Toronto), is prepared to instruct it limited nuraber of -Pupils in Instrumental Music, TERMS MODERATE Residence -Third Home North of the W. M Church, Church Street, Seaforth. 545 HAIR DRESSING, C°14Bn't "GS made over into Switches, Carha Braids and Palle, all in the Lateet Styles and with despateh. Bair arranged in, -the Natural way with Roots at the top. MISS Rani door west of the C.itRROW., At Mr. William Hunt's, Market Seaforth. • 528-24 urs •5 vim) Ine neW q:U. eitialiii: Stiel:°; ih)gell°°.‘vtiai..ts V ea V a A firs 11 ilb!lt::11[1.:11:11.. II 12 g"v Illt:IllinkoettsPiPlatit:3-::::131:t:ihent°;115'aellg°fP:re0r3anfl had really te . 111).,41. aWnifiroonesel I, 3tTsarltett oht lei.) aieirnegu.sItsgt., 1 rleolleosiae aoipueylus'a beawe:yr Poormerci basketiN5'gaelbairsrtePwoi Ivtsf royt ehtefT rthrel . 11 in der, her,: h.l.fae,vreseplf ywdEfdone ler me." ou,r,11.1s,gi°M,es17:adedinillae'eNiea'sn:'s prou,A ett3,-,Lacgl id: y 0 love does nt telloailyou for? i IT1 it, though it my life all th. you, except y 1 oyour 0571]Alla then _v , 1314 it was f tia . on Yd: i:li'la eots ,:liiiii tl lkr oi fei li ew i fs: :set th;:eati,i,.:shcia. aytshae_e__ hayearsdo tnhoeNrc ....:_t e i_ sitting with 1 And the ho Funeral 0 Tilie Mier . tCztde aiew1)1,int Mjo#y's re castle, Engl -toncourse from. the lev Duke of We of which I known in th generally len the news itif siderable EU y. COIrfalea to on the thir' open square It -was ther became a p huge body Joseph Ho WS ounua ' _ tats: ht,aTot wi (It onraleeeasontf fii:nnt o'ig :809:nvitrheasa:tha making th a• t:ei:11 time143:3311:9111°S;fio:Oceen WPrgra:w:Snailillia)yol 1:003iltoexin;ftPolanerott:li. . °tltk4OrliNv , n g simplest -name, au i nafeetnsItel.II 80.1 -cloth, set' Mseriptio When eon feet long, batolirancaryakdo S: I, it was no room in- v 1; 2 lt i:n work IMO sonson hoisted. 5 sk of the the stree laps ootuerndaapasis_at were gre anads,s.wh. featuree ni crowds s liighilli thecei an abool permost tN)vuortkopoloN• f tisvaskiii,tefioor stout pie einw ealtenl.: tilightly weight, their he. measure ever, prx put upox the laud itpbaiehinoloesdoegNiyvtett:e,htaiiii enough dinary 1 black el :lectrruelenYta iogt. About t