HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-06-07, Page 64 4 1. • Every Word True. - In referring to Mr. Fraz r'e Protec- tion meeting in Paris, the Transcript truly says : "But most important of all, the cry Mr. Frazer has been chosen to herald is, in his hands and under all thecircumstances, too palpably trans- parent to be- mistaken for anything else than what it really is, a political dodge to re-establish Sir John and the Tory party on . the treasury benches. That there are some Reformers who believe in, and would desire to see, a. readjust-- ment of our present tariff is undeniable. No-one disputes that. They are fre- quently to be met with, gentlemen of the highest respectability, intelligence and integrity, but these very qualities constitute their safeguard against Tory encroachments. What is the reply of such to Conservatives who approach them with a view to their committal ? 'Nq, gentlemen;• we may hold views soniewhat similar to those yon profess on tariff 'natters, but we have no confi- dence in your party as t�champion of of those- views, knowing at you use the cry as you .;would .us if you could, .for purely political purposes.' This conviction is prevalent everywhere. Good Tory protectionists in the ram- pant city of Hamilton will tell you so in. thein more candid moments, and, with- out a blush; defend the system of war- fare they have adopted. The simple fact, in the simplest terms, amounts to this : Sir John has no more intention of readjusting the tariff, were he rein - staged to -morrow, than he has of run- ning for the next term Presidency of the United States, and the electors know it." ; • Council Reports. - HxT-T i e Council met as a Court of Revision,' in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, 'Ma*, 25, when the following appeals were considered : Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Kalb- • ffeisch, that lots west part 5, W: 10, Wi 11, concession 4, Ei 16; Lake Road East, belonging. to Canada Company, be assessed at $20 an acre ; Ei 22, L. R. E., Ni 31, 34 and 35, N. B., be as- sessed s sessed at $18, and than lots -11 and 12, S. B., be assessed at $15 an acre -Car- ried. Movede by Mr. Snider, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that Richard Luker's- assessment be reduced $500 ; Ralph Kil- patrick be charged with five acres, at. $200 ; A. Walper reduced 5200 ;'. Berg increased $200, and that the assessment of Justice Wagner, Conrad Miller and Jacob Happle be not altered -Carried. Moved . by Mr. Kalhifieisch, seconded by Mr. Ramie, that the following altera- tions be made in the assessment ' rolls, viz.: Lot Wi 27, S. B., be charged to David Brown as owner ; 117 Hensel' be assessed to J. McLennan as owner ; Ei 10, L. R. E., to John Ducharne as ten- ant ; 7 and Si 8, concession 13; to John Eckstein as tenant ; Ni 10, concession 13, to Jahn Walper as tenant ; W of 6, concession 8, to V. Resler as owner ; S 13, concession 4, be reduced to $24 an acre, and N pt. 21, 30, A,, concession 9, be charged to John Grainger as owner, at 5960. Moved by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Snider, that Jas. Car- rick be placed on roll as farmer's son, and Abram T. Bean to be assessed joint- ly with Isaac Bean --Carried. The Court now adjourned to meet on Satur- day, June 15. After the adjournment the Council met, when the following business was transacted : Moved and. carried that an additional grant of 550 be expended on south boundary. Mov- ed by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Snider, that S. Ellenbaum. and W. Sni- der be appointed pathmasters in place of Phillip Shroader, and that N. Deich- - ert be allowedto do his road work op- posite lot 20, in making a ditch -Car- ried. Council adjourned to meet at -the call of the Reeve. MGKILLOP.-The, Council met at Her- man's Hotel, on May 25, for holding a Court of Revision. Mr. Benson appear- ed on behalf of the Canada Company, who appealed -against tke non-resident assessment being too high. The mem- bers of the Court being duly sworn, as also the assessor, on• Mr. Benson's re- quest, the Court proceeded to examine and compare the resident and non-re- sident assessment of the lots Mr. Ben- son pointed out for comparison, and af- ter an impartial investigation, the Court decided as follows : That the Ei of lot 2, concession 3, be reduced froth. 51,100 to 5950. The Court also decided that the following applications be received, and the necessary corrections made in the assessment roll, viz.: That Daniel ie entered instead of r Wi lot 29, conces- . McElroy's name in - Campbell's name Harry Norman's f Ilion 9 -Thomas stead of George Payne's for the WI- of lot 27, concession 9. - The dog tax of the following parties was ordered to be can- celled, as it appears they have no dogs. now, viz., John Blake, Charles Dickson, Peter McGrath, Michael Moore, Alex. McKenekie and Wm. McIntosh. Moved by Alex. Kerr, seconded by James Hil- len, that the Court of Revision for this township be adjourned to the last Sat- urday in June, also that the assessor be paid 575 for his services, postage, &a, Carried. The next meeting of Council will be at Leyden's Hotel, on the last Saturday in June. G-n.EY.-Council met as Court of Re- vision at Dane's Hotel, Cranbrook, on the 27th May. Members all present.. Only one appeal was entered against the assessment roll, being that of the Great`Western Railway, which was re- duced to $4,000. Jas. Tusk and Jas. Bird were assessed for one dog. each. J. Camerae., A. Danes, and I. Bowes were assessed under the Farmers' Sons .Act., Jas. Longmirewas assessed as tenant for Henfryn village lots. Several minor -changes were made, when" the Court of Revision was adjourned until next meeting of Council, on the llth pros. Petition of Thos. Roe, e t a.t, for a ditch, concession 17, Mr. Hislop to re- port at next meeting. , Petition of Jas. Trow, et al, to have certain lots drained under the Municipal Drainage Act. Laid over till next meeting. ' Pe- • lot -32, concession 10, it was resolved that this Council dig 40 rods of said ditchacrossthe road, and that private parties interested complete the same. Communication from Township Clerk, Elora, respecting the Union School Section at Henfryn. No present action taken. Thos. •Newsome and Jas. Logan were granted $20, as. part - payment of cork at bridge, concessions 7 - and 8. ]peter McDonald was granted - $3a, on -The Queen of Greece is a daughter account 'of work done at mill road. of the Russian Grand Duke Constan- tine. She is inclined tobe:tall, has very bright bine eyes, light hair, rosy cheeks, white skin, and teeth that rival pearls in their•beauty. She usually dresses in blue satin, and affects in other depart- ments of her toilet the national color of Greece. A source of no little mortifica- tion to her is her large feet and hands. It may not be generally known that Mr. Blake's bill for the suppression of pool selling; passed last year, came into effect on May 1st. It provides that no • pools 0101 be sold on races, trials of Aeration. M. de I, kill, elections, &c., the offence being Pontever recommends mixingsta spoon- .de made a misdemeanor, and the penalty imprisonment for any term less than a year, and a fine not exceeding 51,000. Parties permitting pool selling on their Premises, holding the money, or record- ing the pools, are. equally guilty " with those actually selling. This bill will prove a death blow to many of the swin- dling races all over the country, run for no other purpose but to sella few pools, and if for no other reason will be a decid- ed benefit. -A murderous assault was commit- ted one night last week upon C. ?dam- ning, a boarding house keeper, near the water works reservoir, London. It seems that Pat Shane and Wm. O'Brien, on being released from prison, proceeded to Manning's shanty (where they boarded before put in jail) and de- manded money. This being..refused them, they set upon Manning and beat him most unmercifully, after which they again asked for money or whiskey, and being refused a second. time, O'Brien • seized Manning, threw him to the ground, and there held him while Shane ran for a razor. Then they threatened. to, cut his throat, if he would not comply with their request. Manning, however still refused to ac- cede, but instead of cutting his throat - thay got. a blanket an endeavored to I strangle bins by tying it around his head and neck. At this stage some -of Manning's friends came to his rescue, and the scoundrels who had been mal- treating him made good their - escape. Subsegtiently they were arrested in the - village of Byron and brought back to London. -Manitoba Lake,.which lies north- west of Fort Garry, and has given the title to the provinpe formed out -of - the Red River region, derives its name from a small island, from which in the still- ness of the night issues a " mysterious voice." On no account will the Ojib- ways approach or land on this island, supposing it to'be the home of the Man-' itoba-the '` Speaking God." The cause of this curious sc ing of the waves on ti large pebbles lining" th the northern coast of t is a long, low cliff of fi person, have been placed in the hands of parties who will find her out if pos- sible. In the meantime it is quiteplain that Whyte knows all about Miss Car - law if she is alive ; and, doubtless, has had her underneath his thumb ever since she left Arthur ; and is now marry- ing her to save himself, when he finds his crimes are being brought home to him. Clerk was authorised to notify Widow Pease that the allowance heretofore granted her will be discontinued two weeks from this date. Widow Roland was granted 510, charity. Moved by Samuel Slemmon, seconded by W. Oliver,.that the date of next meeting of Council be changed to llth June next, at Lusk's Hotel, Cranbrook, and this by-law be amended a cordingly: Car- ried. - r Miscellaneous ews Items. The taking of co -liver oil is sel- dom found a pleasant ful of the oil with the yolk of an egg and ten drops of the oil of peppermint, and adding hall a glass of water with some sugar. This is said to effect ally conceal the characterstic odor .and taste.. - -The missing bodies of the Galt dis- aster have all been recovered,and the funeral took place on} Saturday. The interment of five of thle bodies, those of . James Montgomery, Andrew Jackson Edward Uren, David. Scott' and Thos. Elliott, took place in; Galt cemetery';: the sixth, that of Fred. Cane, in Trin- ity church cemetery, and the seventh, John Fraser, was taken to Praxis Plains. All the places of business were closed during the time of the funeral,and the townspeople followed the hearse en masse, the procession being . about two miles in length. .The various ministers of the town officiated. -A moulder, who has been working at Harriston for some time, has vanish- ed, owing to being too much married.i His own statement is that, from sup- posed unfaithfulnes of his first wife, he left her about six years.ago in Nova Scotia, and camel to Montreal. He there married a very respectable young woman, with whom he has since lived, and; by whom he has two children. He. came to Harriston about 18 months ago: and by his steady habits and straight- forward 'manner gained the friendship and respect of most of our villagers. But it - seems wife Noe 1 discovered his whereabouts, and communicated with his employer, to whom he admit- ted all. - Strange to say, wife No. 2 knew nothing of the affair until a few days ago. -Within the the past, week Messrs. Gol- die & McCulloch, of Galt, have shipped the following machinery from their foundry to the Prairie Province : A steam grist mill, complete, to Hon. Jas. McKay, near Winnipeg ; a large auto- matic cut-off engine and quantity of machinery to Mr: D. I3. McMillan, Winnipeg ; and a quantity - of wood- working machinery to Messrs. Brown & Rutherford, Winnipeg. They also ship- ped tp Mr. Joseph Whithead, contrac- tor, of the same place, some time ago, two car oads ' of steam boilers. They have other . orders on hand from the Province awaiting to be filled. -Among the ship;<nents from Galt to • Manitoba, this week, will be a large lot of drawers, 30 dozen, for the Mounted Police Force. They have been manufactured at the knitting works of Mr. R. Turnbull, and are of a quality that will give satis- faction. - --A fellow, whom it would be cruelty Ito hold responsible for his actions, tried. to get the town hall in Waterloo vil- lage, last week, for a lecture to be de- livered elivered by himself on spiritualism and phrenology. Not beilg prepared to pay in advance the market clerk refused him admission, whereupon the lecturer took his stand on a platform and railed at Peter Moyer, of the .News, Methodists in generlal, and British institutions and Government in the most tremendous style. By way of encouragement he got a couple of cuffs in the lugs from young urian among the bystanders, who could net listen patiently to the torrent of abuse levelled at everything British, and whose angry passions rose when the lecturer} vociferously called him a liar. There was no harm done, however. This fellow claims `to be an ex -Catholic priest: He is too silly to be a humbug, and too sane to be any better than a niiis- ance. -A heifer belong to Mr. H. W.- Mal- lett, of Wilmot, met with a peculiar ac- cident. - One day last week the owner noticed that the animal, which was in the yard adjoining his horse stable, did not eat as well as usual. An examina- tion of the mouth proved that the poor brute had lost about two inches of herappeared, and ;Mr. Cunnington i just tongue. The cause of such an unusual that amount of money out, the c i eque occurrence could not be acsounted for being 'an asset only to the extent f its at the time, but in cleaning out the market value ,as old paper -about a horse's manger Mr. Mallett discovered cent a pound. This trick has been the missing portion . of the . heifer's tongue.' The hypothesis is that she had been reaching -through an aperture in- to the horse's apartment forthepurpose of stealing his hay when the sagacious �URQN EXPOSITO_ "ONTARIO HOUSE." 1878 SMITH & WEST, SEAFORTH. -THE NEW DIY GOODS STORE IS BECOMING. Bund is the beat- ie " shingle," or e shores. Along he island there ase grained, com- pact limestone, which, under the stroke of the hammer, clinks like steel:. The waves beating on the shore at the foot of the cliff cause the fallen fragments to rub against .each other, and to . give out a sound resembling chimes of dis-. tant church -bells. The phenomenon occurs when the gales blow from the north, and then,. as the winds subside, low, wailing sounds, like whispering voices, are heard in the -air. Travellers assert that the .effect is very impressive, -and they have been awakened at night under the impression that they were listening to church bells. -The old but seemingly ever success- ful swindle, the cheque game, was tried at the Great Western station, London, Friday afternoon. Mr. Joseph Cun- nington, a farmer from the county of Peel, was the. victim. He evidently is not a close reader of the newspapers, 'or he would have seen the game described scores of times. A gentlemanly stranger got into conversation with him, in the same. •old style, and after conversing awhile, another ,man came up and wanted a bill paid. Stranger No. 1 was very sorry, of course, as he wished` to settle his indebtedness, but he bad no money. He, however, held a cheque for 51,300, and would pay if the creditor could change it, as it was after banking hours. The creditor was also very sorry, because he - wanted the money. Then it was time to turn to Mr. Cun- ningtou, in the same old reliable style, and blandly ask if he would not ad- 'vance 514, taking the cheque as secur- ity. Of coarse he would. And - that ends the tale. The two swindlers dis- tried time and again, and still people are caught by it. 'It is of ,little conse- quence whether a person has ever heard of a swindle before or not, if he his money equine caught her by the tongue with has jr oockecke t enough to keep in hiss the result above mentioned. The heifer pt. - is now doing as well as could be expect- -Mr. Harry Jaffray, of the Galt Re- ed.. Mr. Mallett has been very unfort- porterovho was drowned on Wednesday unate with his stock this season, having eveuing of last week, by the distressing lost a valuable horse with inflammation accident on the Grand Rive and several sheep from various causes. of the oldest members of -The little village of Arthur, Well- Cricket Club, and was know ington County, has got a real live, serial- Times, among cricketers of H storysensation. According to the local a skilful batter, he having, was one the Galt i, says the imilton as )n almost paper of the village, it appears that for every occasion when the Galt' club play- sevearl months past M.Carlaw's friends ed out of their own town, participated in Scotland, have been instituting en- in the game. Mr. Jaffray has also been quiries, with a view to` unravelling the one of those who, in the spring of 1870, mysteries,; connected with the uncer- volunteered for the first Red River Ex- emonioueandsudden fight from Arthur, .pedition , under Col. (now Major -Gen. of Miss . Carlaw, some thirteen years Sir Garnet) Wolesley, and was a mem ago. These`friends appear to take hold ber of No. 2 Company, First Ontario of the matter with a will,. and . a com- 'Rifles. On his arrival at. Fort Garry mendable degree of energy. They kept Mr. Jaffray, in conjunction with a prin- Mr. Carlaw posted as to their progress, iter of Hamilton, also a member of the titiou of Luke Speiran, et al, for repairs and of late their efforts do not ap- expedition, was detached to do the to road oil lot 2,3, concession 14, Mr. l pear to be altogether in vain. The I last printing required for the crude forma - Oliver to report.at next meeting. Po- letter, dated April 22nd, says that in - tion of.a Government in a new country, tition of Joseph Coombs, that Council reply to interrogations concerning Miss in which such things as gubernatorial offer a reward for tlin conviction of the Carlaw, from the session of his Church; proclamations, election writs, sum - person or persons who set fire ..to his I -Whyte affirmed that she was still alive. menses, law forms, etc., had heretofore barn on the 10th of April last. It was The same letter states that Whyte was been unknown. Mr. Jaffray applied resalved, that the sum of one hundred to be married on, the 30th of April ; for and received his discharge in the dollars be offered, in addition to the re- I that his betrothed was a captain's January following. and, in company wards offered by Mr. Coombs and the widow, named Harb.nege, etc. There j with 3).1r. James McArthur, of Hamil- Insurance Company, for the conviction appears to be no doubt about the marry- ton, crossed the plains to St. Paul in an of the offender. Petition of Win.Duke, ing business, but the people of Queens- os. -sled. The trip was a trying one, and et al, praying that the worst portions of ferry do not appear to be so well satisfi- Mr; Jaffray afterwards published an ac - concession 12, east of Cranbrook, be I ed as to the lady a general suspicion count of it -in his own paper. ; Deceased gravelled, Mr. Slemmon to examine existing that she is the heroine of this was a genial, whole-souled !man, and and report at next meeting. %Tr. Lucas 1 great social scandal, However, this l Was never known, no matter what the applied to have road repaired at lot 28, ,concession 2, Reeve and Mr. Keifer to attend to it. In the matter of a ditch, suspicion will probably be satisfied by ' provocation, to lose temper. His un - this time, as Miss Carlaw'sphotographs timely death will he regretted by many and a description of her marks on her throughout the Province. VERY POPULAR WITH -THE PUBLIC OWING TO CLOSE PRICES FOR New and Fashion- able Goods. WE ARE NOW SHOWING EXTRA VALUE IN Black Cassim tires, Merinoes, Co bourgs, Black and Colored Das- tres, Melanges,Plain and Fancy Dress Goods -very handsome. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF LISLE, SIL ALL (30 K, AND KID CLOVES, ORS, ALL PRICES, lies, Colla s, Hosiery, Ru in \Great Variety. CHEAPEST PAASOLS IN TOWN. EXTRA VALUE INc 'RINTS, DRESS . LINENS, HOLLAXDS, &c. Grey and White Cottons, SHIRTINGS AND DENIMS, AT PRICE$ To SUIT EVERY ONE. In Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, hats -and Calls, we are well assorted. GOOD SUITS TO ORDER FROM $12.00 TO $16.00. SEE OUR LADIES' AND CHILD- REN'S PRUNELLA SHOES. We Cordially Invite Inspection. Mtrk Goods in Plain Figures. Have no. Second Price.; Courteous Attention Paid to All. No Trouble to Show' Goods. 'Remember the ONTARIO HOUSE, No. 3 Camp bell's Block, Seatorth. SMITH & WEST. • 1878 HATS AND CAPS AT ROPERS'. O FINE- FUR HATS AT ROGERS'. WOOL HATS AT ROGERS'. FELT HATS AT ROGERS'. 0 STRAW HATS AT ROGERS'. CC SILK CAPS AT ROGERS'. Z WORSTED CAPS AT , ROGElftS'. LARGE STOCK AT ROGERS'. 0 ATTRACTIVE STYLES AT ROGE S'. 0 lasses of Dr Goods �nall� Y Popular Prices� 0 I 2 0 rn AT JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. 1 878., SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. 1878 ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY -OF- TEAS, SUGARS, AND ;JUNE 7, 1878. HERE! HERxi THAT IS UP NORT ALMOST EVERY ONE Y1)17 MEET Iris A BASKET FULL OF C'-R,CD 0 WITH A. G. AULT'S NAME PRINTED OE EACH TARGET.. Why, he must be doir g s large business. Ins,, he does the business while the others are deist the talking.. That is the i ight place to buy your Goods. He has Just .Received, Another Lot of that Very Choice Green Tea, - At 50 cents per pound, also a Fresh Tot of tali,_ Choice Brand of Japan Tea, at 50e. perpound, - . A. G. AULT Is selling Groceries of all kinds, and of the sy best quality, et prices that people oan'thelp but buy them, Butter, 'Eggs and Potatoes Taken in Exchonge for Groceries. A. .G. AULT, . THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND ADEHCY, ALONZO STRONG IS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and isprepar. ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Soule- - ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Firm GENERAL GROCERIES and Village Property. 1 A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS L. PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $5O,O60 to Loan at S Per Cent. interest. Agent for the' White Star Line of Steamers, ' -AT- - - s . 3 -AM S MU PI- Y''8- ALL GOODS ARE OF THE V AND WILL ALWAYS BE RY BEST 1� S6LD ' CH QUALITY EAP. JAMES MURPHY BUYS AND SELLS FOR CASH, AND FINDS IT THE BETTER PLAN. - THE " MEDICAL - HALLK SEA FORTH. %I -UST ARR2VE'DlF1�ESH Vegetine, Digestive Fluid, German Syrup, Green's August Flower, Cingalese Hair Renewer, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Lamplougl3's 1 Pyretic Saline, Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, Eno'S Fruit Salts. Sanford's Catarrh Remedy, Constituional 1Catarrh Remedy, be- sides all of Ayer's, Pierce's, Kennedy's and (Campbell's Medicines. ,DRUGS AND DYE STUFFS, AFULL .TOCK. � k HICKSON & BLEASDELL. TI hE T_,ATEST_ r r HONEY COMB S IRALS FOR LADIES' FANCY WORK. You can make Beautif Picture Frames, i Samples. 1 Boque't Baskets, Card Baskets, Wall Pockets, fact almost any f hing } m them-. Call and see ?1� HARC ING'S 10 CENT USIC. Full size Sheet Music, by mos eminent Composers, the cheapee series yet published. Also half dime or any variety of Sheet Music procured on the Shortest Notic Subscriptions received for all English, American or Canadian agazines at Publishers prices. Remember the place: LUMS EY cG WILSON, Whit tey's Block, Seaforth. 40,000 LBS. OF GOOD BUTTER WA s.LAFOR-T NTED AT DENT'S, H Dent's is also the Place where you can get the Cheapest and Best- Dry ABOUT 150 -OF HOSE SUPERB L "NEN COSTUMES . Yet on hand, and gain off every day. The CROMPTOb CORSET for 75 Cuts. ALL GOODS T THE ERY LOWEST FIGURE ' THE QUALITY AND PRICES SELL THEM. f require for DENT' -S and be surd to find it. ALWAYS SOMETHI G NEW. NEW SHOE SHOP IN EAFORTH. C�-R=EVE 8z F1=�.IEL BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT HEY AVE COMMENC- - - ED BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN A COUNT IN - PILLMAN'S STORE, OPPOSITE 1THE FOUNDRY, 'Where they are prepared to take Orders for and .Manufacture Blots and Mimes of every des- cription. Being both Practical Workmen they are prepared tri Guarantee a Good Fit and a Good Article. . A TRIAL IS 6OL CITED. - ELLIOTr GRIEVE. CORNELIUS „FRIEL. OFFICE -Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St Seaforth. - THE -CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L. MABEE Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- EST Stocks of Groceries in town, -and as he sells for Cash, he o SELLS CHEAP, Giving his purchasers the banefi-t of what others who do not do to lose in bad debts andpay in in- terest to wholesale men, - FLOUR AND FEED delivered in t wn free Alwayson h e Goodso of charge. Remember the stand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK. L. a MABEE. AUCTION SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY. :PURSUANT to a Power of Sale contained in s Mortgage, which -ill be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold at the Commarciai Ho - 'WI, in Seatorth, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, on FRIDAY, the 14th day of JUNE, 1878, the following property, "mown as Coz's Hotel, in Egmondvilie, and now occupied by John Cox, and which property is fully described by metes and bounds in said mortgage. The property will be sold subject to two prior encumbrances. There will be required to be paid by the purchaser to the Vendor's Solicitor, at the time of purchase, ten per cent. of his pur- chase money, and the balance in one month from day of sale. For .further particulars apply to L.H..BENSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Seaforth, May 30, 1878. - 547-2 THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY: G. & J. PETTY. • Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS - Constantly on Hand, FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, ace. 523 G. - & J. PETTY, SEAFORTH PORK PACKING HOUSE, BEING desirous of giving the public the ben& fit of the Low prices in Provisions we will sell : Hama, Smoked.. ...,,. .-• ® 84 Hams, Smoked and Cane ased ... , . <4 0 Long and Short Clear :Middles..:.. (4 7 Cumberland.... .....,,...,,.. ®6t Lard.. �..... 8t Orders given at the Factory or at Brownell`B Grocery will be promptly tilled at the ;above prices. Those Meats are well cured. ARMITAGE, BEAT-TIlil&Ca, HAIR DRESSING C0MBI.NGS made over into Switches, Ctuur Braids and Puffs, all in the Latest Styles ens with despatch. Bair arranged in the .Natural wall with Roots at t1te fop. MISS CARROW, At Mr. William Hunt's, four doors west of tha' Market Seaforth. 528-28 PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MISS HALLEN, (1RGANIST of St. Thomas' Church, Sea,ortli, (Late of Toronto), is prepared to instruct" limited number of Pupils in Instrumental Masi& TERMS MODE°RATE. Besiden t -Third House North of .the gs Church, C._urch Street, Seaforth. 545 MARRIAGE LICENCES ort ei KTIFICATEsi irJnder the new Act,) issued at the (EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant-Oovenser Ontario. R. N. BR ETT: SEWholesale and Retail es ern LEATHER and SHOE FINDING8 of Every Description. None bait the Very Best Stock kept. Test moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by meg or otherwise promptly jilted. 490 Pa, N. B . E Ab nl� y reit in putting crack boiled togel shell, cone, be colored work and xis -Bnoisns, coloring starch or sr with cold w part injures mediately, 5 of the aid- _ for black ey To SII.' 11P4 sewing need; tureen the t] left. hand; your right h; ly And quie The chilies entirely woi ;erred in this il,si;nY speaks fro probably ni die of croup timely app. mashed, Ia and with go. on, and ap borne conn upper, part and hands. syrup of ipe until voxniti RENOVIXO remove a and with le If the hand agreeable, hold thein .and it will barrel half f` fire; it will little are w If any of t rabbit -hunt the the game t unpleasant ting a bune lug a while moved the and coal oil them With,o. W,snrxv pound soda unstacked iii lon of water it stand till in a jug or j over night, through, th of soap on one boiler o i water, add boil half an one water, clothes will way of w This is economize I made from - soda. ash, ar as good, and Bata -elms tablislied fay bleacbeed by it goes into well as that is very liabl also it is upon. I ha theunblcac and pillow e quicker heft allowance c indeed, any this lien good suds o: you have it cold ..uds, a take the c when cool s grass. Hat as todipti Zn three the a snow whi' worn got, mothers 1 webs of line good a pra.•c' out of use. in blooin, have darned suds, and to as snow. Rocs_ TEA Bisc two oua ces'- ane or two cup of yeasi - morning, boiling mill meal, four l inirut�, sf cool. a-dd si tered cups ;: LEMON yolks -of foo; sugar, three juice of nun tab?ospoonf in an under] pour over tl oven to'bro' pour over it a teacupful flour ennugl, edea, one tc in a little; 1 hours13 1n over a pot r boiling all ti The ' Edward 1 fiat sawtlie' onthe i2th young nisi f eppo:tito the sketch earl', rowing, w Parents, 1 1871, His 'Centerixia.l the fi rst dal 4tlie1jtl2i. Cou tx3r, of oz London, est ease, tri: day rte r7:1: PittsburLondau, day before:) York, Who NTevr York, 21.54 . On - heat -far t:;11 Brayay, of beatcri Gre and in' a. him very els that tinae, v,-� thaw diStallc. be the pre?>a of last year,'; 2.471, by -C