HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-06-07, Page 22 - • THE HURON EXPOITOR. j THE DRINKWATER HOTTSE have the honor of offering my. humble• the settle in the dark entry, and wring - hospitality." The Drinkwater -House was the bete i ' " To no less a person than the Gov- ifs her hands groaned. nob'e a my childhOod, for in my fre- ernor of New Brunswick," returned one ' Se it is Sibyl he loves and would marry, and I thonght it was me. Oh, quent visits to &favorite aunt I was ob- of the lackeys, _pertly, "and see that Ca,ptv.in Will, you are handsome and hged to pass it, since it stood gloomy i!.Tota stir yourself, and ' prepale the brave, and Iworship you! but you have and deserted, near the high road: that best supper you possibly CM, bald make dared to trifle with me, and so I will see led, to my secondhorne-a :pretty cottage in the suburbs of Oldtown ; and never did 1 with averted head andlondly beat- ing heart, run by the broken gate that I did not faney I heard footstepspatter- ing swiftly after me, or saw mysterious lights dancing in the sashless windows, from which the troubled face of pretty Sibyl Drinkwater was so often seen look- ing oat between the shadows of the gaunt trees, fearful lest her supernatural lover might appear and disappear As strauge- ly as he had done in those terror-habut- ed days so long ago. Rut I aan at ticipating.e my stori.which ia so familiar to ine that I almost fancy 8 irprised to receive a summons to the covered head, a tall dark man,his black my readers to be acquaieted with it. for -esence of his distinguished guest. As hair haw" over his shoulders, in - 1 cannot remember when I did not hear I heti midly entered the best parlor he stead of being powdered and tied neatly strange tales of the Drinkwilter House. s w his lordship standing at the win- behiadi a thick moustache Pointed Crooned in the dreamy twilight by my d w, looking thoughtfully in the direc- beard of the 'same inky -hue as his hair I olcl nurse, recited again and again in the ti feeble,quaveri n g voice of my great -grand- I mother, or laughedover in half -serious. derisions by my young uncles ancl aunts, I these quaint stories gave a romantic ' coling to nay early childhood. Many light hearts then flooded with t e sunshine of youth have gone into 4iadows ancl forgetfulness, white the - strange superstitions of those distaut days are still remembered, and the Drinkwater House still on the bank of the river. The red setting sun, flaming through the open windows as though great fires burned within, flashes out' here and there, teuchirig the black trees with flecks of gold, and lingers lovingly over the ragged :tilie$ that still cling to the porch where,' the door stands always open with a mournful mockery of its ancient hosnitali t ready the best bed, for my master will you dead yellow clay, and my sweet tarry over night." - cousin dukt and ashes before you shall. Thai- I'll be proud to do, ani all wed her. I will part you or my name that my humble hotise contains, is not Chloe Drinkwater." Then she is . ab his disposal if it will rime, and slowly went up -stairs, a de - contribute to his comfort. Will' Mon of jealousy in her heart, and her his lordship be served in his private bold black eyes flashing ominously. parlor ?" , After she had gone, Sibyl sat. alone " Certainly, and we will wait upon i for some time under the vines,herhands him. So bestir yourself and provide clasped in her lap, her eyes fixed. on the whatever you have that will tempt his ground, and her thoughts following the appetite, for he is faint and weary with letter in longing to know the •meaning long day's journey.". , of the unread words, when a shadow Two hour's later, when the Governor crept sloWly to her feet, and looking up ad supped and-restod,the landlord was she Emil-, standina before her, with un - n of the Drinkwater House, whose dark restless ieyes, deep set under bushy bles were visible above the tree tops brows, ancl tght-flttirtg black clothes, if a mile away. • ithrelieved by one gleam of white. Aa the door closed the Governor turn- As Sibyl's eye fell on him, she started • e4 from the casement, and, pointing to and drew back hall in fear. Where had • - - ,. sal kindly, „Sit down, my he come fro so suddenly ?": She ha friend, for 1 would_have :some conversa- not beard the gate open, neitherhadsh ti n with you, and I would not weary an heard steps on. the gravel walk., and. eh ol mite with eta diag in -my presence. had seen nothing tru''-til his black shade 1 T II me, I pray y - u, why is the Drink- fell her.1 - - w ter House close ! _ to travellers?" ! , Seeing liar timid movemen t„the et/16 ' Ah, your lordship, it is- a strange - • ger .bowed and. smiled,. displaying! le gthy story, buei - perhaps you have coiirtly ease of manner, as well as a Se h ard something- -of it, seeing it hath of. strong white teeth, which shone dis spread over the country.?" • agreeably through his black muStache - 'Nay. my geed man, • 1 have heard saying in a deep, musical voice: " Tar nothing of it, having just returned from don, gentle mistress, for distuebingyea England, wherel have been since the sweet -reverie ; but where can I fulf th battle of Trenton some five . years ago. !I host ? I am a poor traveller, weary witl I eau passed through this town in the .- my burden, and I would ' fain -Tut i suite of General Lindsay, and we -had a . aside, and rest, a little tinder this hos .. e.. , , y, . c The house stands back a _ little #orriright merry night at the Drinkwater : pitable roof." the road, andover the gate between the House, wh•i,eh was a pleasant and corn- . Then Sibyl noticed for the firstitime sentinel -like poplars,. oreaks a dilapi- fortable,place, and if I remember right- .iliat he carried a black iron-'bound-bex - dated siert on which wor a faint trace of a ly, he thy host had two pretty dangh: . strapped to his shoulders. - Rising with 0 -horse and rider uta scarlet -coat can atill ter •. Where are they now and why does quiet dignity, , she turned toward the bediscerned. ivcouttity ago when. Old- , th old inn look so desolate •and del, door, caning, ,. Simen! Simon Slim' the Drinkwater House was. the princi- "Your lordship, as I -said, it is aloug care." — I 'town was a placeof some ;importance, serted ?" - . hare is a weary 'tanner who needs your pal iota and the Showy sign displayed a ate -y, and tceunderstand it I must re- "Gentle mistress,Will you look at the . - - y , rue portrait portrait 'of! General Drinkwater, la it from the bef.T,inting of the trouble -I contents of my box before. you enter ?" an ancestor of the hot ---kind-hearted, at he Drinkwater HOUSe. If you will asked the stranger, beginning to unstrap hale eld Silas, whomeverbody loved kinclly listen to me1 will tell it you, the load from his shoulders, while his and respected., -Ile was a Avidower with an: no doubt you will bud it interest- deep eyes were 'fixed !upon her ear cl. but one child, the pretty Sibyl, whose ing, for a stranger tale you neveleheard. nestly. - - Strange -story was the foundation for the Besdes I haverepeated. it ao - often to Sibyl did not wish to remain, but . . '. oialy romance the grave old town had travellers that 1 know it by. heart, and some fasein.ation that she could 'net re ever given birth to. - can'recite it as •one reads aStery fromsist held her recited to the ipot. " If She, was a, fair blue-eyed girl, with a a bok." _ . . you will give yourself the tronble, I may tall slioa figure,and wonderful yellow • " ery well, myworthy.friend begin," look at them "'she replied,. "though: I hair, worn low over her brow, and knot: replied. the Governor., seating himself in Can scarcely nonlise toi bi-a •" ' ted in a thick cluster of earls • at thej the 5hadow !of the chimney, and fixing At that moment; Simon Slim, whose nape of her white neek. I am not _de- his fine eyes earnestly on the old man's -cognomen was no misnother appeaied ,Seribing her from tradition, but from an face" and I will listen to - yen with at the door. He was atoll, narrow,drab Iola painting in the raisaession of one _of plealaire fotI havc not forgotten the youth with straw colored hair; weak the, Drinkwater family. As a, child. I marry hours I. once paSsed at thc. old blue eyes, thin•features and sharp voice studied, it with-enrieus awe; now I ad- inn." . and acted as _hostler,- bar -tender and mire it fervently, for rarely have I look- • The landlord drew a chair near - his general factotum• to good old Silas, who ed upon a sweeter lace. Something of -guest, ...a, siting down, he folded bis made little distinction between master her strange destiny appears to lark in hands restfully, as if preparing for a and servant. ' • the tender shadow, of her long lashes pleasant task,! while he told the strange Sibyl stood.. nervously watching the and in the dimpled corners of her mouth story of the Drinkwater }Ions°, in .the stranger unfastening the many and corn while .the gender 1 lingers bolding the following mauner : plicated clasps Of his box, while Simon -_ waif of Claim siik, mround her •slapely One warm, brieet day, some/ live drew near, openmouthed, expecting to: .. shoulders., seem to'. cling to the drapery A ago, SibylDrinkwater sat near see some of the Usual chea,p finery dis- • Wath MO appealing clog!). Her friend the open doer of the porchintent on .playel by the itinerant merchants who and constant companion washer cousin, -reading a letter, when her cousin Chloe often visited thein; but instead of the . ChloenrinkWater, thedaughter of Silas' clime from the garden, her Chintz skirt common contents of a, peddler's ' pack, Oder brother, who waslost at 'ea short tucked up under her white apron, akera Saw a neat. black velvet tray. filled with ' ly after the birth of - a •Child, whose e,hieflatotted over her hair a I b • • bright steel intraments of . strange and • • delicate workmauship. "is this all yen have to ,show me P' asked Sibyl, in , a vexed tone,.." surely ' there is nothing here to please a lady's taste." . e• e' 1 , t E 4 t OA.MEROIN, HOLT ka CAMERO.N, Barristecs, molicitors in Chanceo, &e.. Goderich, Ont. U. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis- ` owner in B. Wroxeter. Anetioncer and Appraiser. Acconute and notes collected on reasonable terms. , ;16f; R L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorneyotiolicito -L-'• Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seaforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, GOderich, and *Kidd's Store Seaforth: ' 854 ALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristere, Attoi • neys, 'Solicitors in Chancery, ca, Clinton, Ont.. Office—First door east of the new lioyin. Cahadian Bank building. ;Money tol an OD fere: property. _ 404 0. WA.TSON 81 MALCOMSON.. o0AUGHEY & LIOLMESTED,13 ristera,.At. terneye at Law, Solicitors in C turnery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and C nroYaneers S elicitor% for the R. q. Bank, Seidorth. Agentsfor the Canada 7.ife Assurance Company, N.B.-$.39,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farina Honseaand Lots for sale. 5;3 - ARROW, MEYER & 11,ADEN HURST Bartia- ters, Attorneys -a t -Law, Solieitors Oloinclry, &c. Private funds to loan at a low re of inapt, est, and t n terms to suit borrowers (Miceli - Gbderich and Winghtira. Office in aingdareas building, opposite Soottat Bank. ea T. GARROW. H. W. MEYER. W. J. UADENBILKST. - 474' IF W. 0. bleyer, Solicitor Consolidtted Blink *of Oneida, Wingbain. ENSON ea MEYER; Barristers am Attornee A' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and nsolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. 0 ces—Saat. forth and-Brasselia $23,000 of Privet Funds to invest at, once., atEight per nen t Intere -t. payable yearly, 58 JAS. H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. - the above firm has thi= day been di sobfed by mutual consent. All accounts tine the firm to be paid to Air. Benson who will pay all Habil; JAMES H. BENSON. - Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. ea MEYER. , DI CA . G. SCOTT, M. 1). &c.,Pbysieitin, Su •goon " • Aceoncheirre Seaforth, Ont. Office and. resi- denee south side of Goderich Street, rst eaet of Pres by terien Ohara. 34 - ; TT L. TERCOE, M. D., C, Physi -1-2- • geon etc., Coror et- for the County Office and Residence, on !Jarvis str • airectly opposite Seat -eel Public Seho mother did not live to smile on herket of berries, she hacl been. gaLI thering When the news came that the ship had ou -her arm.. ,Coming up the walk with gone down, in the En(lish Channel -with her eyes fixed on her finger-tips, stained all on hoard Silas touk thelittle orphan with the juice of tho fruit, she did not and. placed her in the cradle with his see Sibyl -until sheparue close 'Toil her; own babe, then a few weeks old, and his excellent wife cared for both al% equal then langliing Stiffly and puttine. down 1 "Pardon, sweet, mistress," returned her basket, she slyly drewithe absorbing the stranger with another disagreeable affection until, her death _which took letterfrom the clasp of her cousin,leay-1 sixule, " but they are very -useful elnd place when the girls were- about 15: ing red finger marks like spots of bfood very perfect inworkmanship, and Had it not bee -,n for the Striklui.: con- on the margin of the page. Sibyl start; they aro the instruments of a ‘vorthy trast in appearance they certainly week!. ' have been taken for twini - 1 anc ile led d. a - . s stela, so her letter in an eager, excited, voice, . closely were they milted io affection, while tears of vexation started to her and so equally was the hive and care of eyes; hut Chloe, in mischievous mood, olcl Silas divided between them. But held it, above her head, until the wan - while Sibyl was fair deliel'ite and gen- dering breeze caught it from Iher grasp, tle, Chloe w - darke strong and,' bold, and carried it far beyinid her reach. with passio .6 dark eyes and clashing Flutteri leg and taming, it rose higher ri manners, more like a, fearless boy: than and higher, and floated off beyond the a modest well, condlicted maiden. , distant tree toward ' the river where it Daring awse Ohl colonial times there was 1°$ . t tO sight. had often been gay doings at the Dr* 'k- Sibyl watched it with wide eyes, and water lIouse, fur OhltoWil7WaS alf3 t of parted lips as long as she , could. see it, e, halting place between the_ Nei.ther aud and when it was really gone - she sat Eastern Provinces of Great Biitaiu. down, and covering lier face, burst into Once Elie Lindsay, the Governor- of tears. , Chloe, alarnaed at the result of New Jersey with his litaAT of gay, youno her miSchief,tried to soothe her cousin's officers awl remained there ceeraafa grief caressing her while she entreated Over the gate there had been a.u. ever- her to tell what there was in the loss of e a letter to cause such sorrow. green arch, with the word 't Welcome, woveu in flowers on one side, and on "It contained no fortune, I'm sure," the reverse, " Long live King Georee," she said, PottishlY when her cousin re- -the English flag had fluttered aboverihe fused to be comforted. not em an cled ! craft porch, and flaunted its glawing colors from the topmost boughs of the sentinel poplars, in the evening there had been a grand ball in the north room, and Sibyl Ali ! thou art in )est; thou 1;-.. newest A sudden pallor passed over Chloe's e . ! unfailing in the wire of all those _painful- " Indeed it did," replied Sibyl,between "Tell me now,"she cried gayly, "Who her :sobs. "It was from Will Hinn- is. the dark sttanger that hath so. pleas- phrey." ed thee with his parley ?" ) • Sibyl turned away slightly quiver- ing, "Stay a moment, •1' pray you. Here are some knive$ and scissors dainty enough to 'please the Most fastidious lady." - " Th an its , I hake no need -of them,and I will not trouole you longer to display your wares." TOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real E tete The dark-browed stranger looked af ter " Agent, Grain, Produce and Cominiailien Mer - the girl as she passed out. of the sun- chant. Money loaned on real estate in tow- or light into the shadow of the porch, and i;.ioloonidelir.naygl,ceas.t. 8 per cent. simple interest. Ohargee Chloe, who was watching him from an paid of!. laTtgrri at,:doosr 0111:ot:erred upper window,'sa,W him make a myster_ Farnie end _village- property for sale. Oblee-s. ioith sign with his hand, which. she a- a. Lecidets new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 terwards declared was an evil spell , TRY PRoF. GRAY'S GREAT EAST INDIAN thrown over her ceusin. , BOOT ALTERATIVE—NatureN Great es. When Sibyl reaehed. her room, tibloe torative cures Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Billi 'us - When Sick Headaclie,, Liver Complaint, Nerv t1H- rustled to meet her, all traceS of her re; 13( -SS, Palpitation 01 the Heart,' Gellert)] Debi ity, cent write -Mon cleared away, auet her hip, Sur- f fluren t north, A. ADAMS,111. D., late of Lake ' T • Phy si elaniS urgeon.and Trinity Graduate of the Tanivereity of 1; T• oronto. Member of the Royal Collett 1 sicians and Surgeons. Ont. kiuburn.0 W. • a fm. rofAiiNnIVER, M. D., ; flan. rly, by the lid Dr. Phe I Ine.?1-1. eireFneterieSirlore'kSliniatvefetL17:14.11:OiPtnthf?il.!:?lySinG811.1ira; onbrook on Tile I d, Ont., 'when • . Colleg, , of Phy t. ante 01 on arid OW 8 in a n tend at 496 . n MCNAUGHT, Veterinio; Surgeon, Glade • -" • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Son (art h Ont. Office end Reeidenee. in rear of Ki loran & . Ryan's. Calls promptle attended to, right or fay. A stook of veterinary medicinee Charges reasonable. Itorsee examined est' sound- ! noel and certificates given if required. , 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Prolensor SI Rh, of e -Toronto, bus settled hi Seatortli. 011ie at his sasidotico east of W. M. Church. Cells pi omptly attended to by day or. night. A large s ock of Veterinary Medicines constaatty ou hand. Horses examined as to sounanese and certificates given Homes bought end sold on commiseion. 1 1424 if aaa . ot the boyal Collam ot ttiv..e,eaefkoteat:. 1s)uErItg eBoYnS DRoInittt. Li3.r , , ourgeous of ()attain. hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Ro Mrs. Whitnefs uew brick block, Mein Sealorth. • D. S., dilate eutel 0 nice - 'as in treet, • A J. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office a -a- • in Leekie's new brick 1 uilding. 5i4-5 F6. LANE, Auctioneer and Appraiser r the -L.* • • County of Huron, also Commission Mer- chant, McDougall's Block, Wingham. 5 5-4 ONET TO LEND—On terms more i jj'a- tageons than ever before offered. A. . Me- COLL, Solicitor,- Brusaele. 501.5a \Arm:, WA a TS MONEY 7-A few tho isund dollars, wive te lends, for iinmeaiate i vest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to J. MES ILBENSON, Beheitor, Scaforth: 3 ar 1.11t1TaE, Licenced Auctioneer tor the " Coliaty el dietron. Sales' attended ft all parts of the toniity. All orders left at the E. eottoroa, Office will be promptly attended, t . THA_SEAFOR'rII PUMP FACTORY. N. -2- lelluff, successor to J. *R. Williams, me ufice- hirer of Pumps and Cisterns. All work warn nted to give satisfaction. Factory on North Mai St., Seatorth. . 00 VOTICE 10 DEBTORS. --All parties not ing seetltd up their accenuts.with me for failing to do no at once will be .clutrged 10 cent. intereet, froin Jainiary .Ist, 1878, wit fail. aDOMAS COVe NTRY, Seafierth. - t bay - 1877 per 'tout 81 bold; black eyes 'as full of audacity- as ever. plaints. For Scrofulous diseases it is invalu ble, aa ie the greateet known blood purifier. P ice, 50 vents. EDWARD ,VARCO, Brussels A ent'• Diseases of the Stomach mut all Female for the County of Huron, 545- 2 - -pnE GREAT FEMALE llEalEDY -Job M sea 2- Periodical Pins -Tins invalueble meclici e is nit angerous diseases to winch the /creel° const In - tion is subject: It me erates all excess and re - retied 01). To ninerit d I dies, it is peculiaily ani ed, til moos all obtructious; ind a speedy euro may be It will, iri itahort tone bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularite . These pills should no be taken by Females dming the rust three mon ais of Pregraneyeas they are sure to bring eu Is is - l, , any 6 ei tine they are safe. In 11 cases of Nervous and Spinal leffectio s, pains in the Wok and limbs, fatigue on ' slight x- rtion, palpitation or the heart, hysterics, nd whites, these pill e will effect* euro when all ot ler means . he ve failed ; . and, although u rowel al cniedv, do -not contain iron, calinuel, autimo y„ r anything htnedul to the conetitution. F ill irections in tha perephlet around eafili packa e, which should bq wired Lilly preserved. Jeb afos , ow York, Sole Proprietor. .$1 O0 and 121 co its or postage enclked to., Northrop & Lyman, o. onto,- Out., g&eral agents for the Domini( a ill insure a bottle containing over50 pills •3, turn mail. Sold in •Seaforth by Hickson & leasdell, J. S. Roberis, and R. Lumsden. 19 E:•,---- - • - --.,,,- -- - • • -, LECTRICITY: _LHOMAS EXCELSIOR lt,CLECTI IC • OIL-WOIITH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT N Ca:D.-Pain cannot stand where it la used. It is he cheapest_medicine ever made. One dose en s (amnion sore throat. One bottle. has cured bro hitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured au old sten ng cough. It positively cures catarrh, asthrn and Chloe, dressed in aprigged India dark cheek. ." From. Will Humphrey ! .I was not oYer well pleased." returned , muslin, had danced with the arreat Earl. And what fortune has he offered thee Sibyl, indifferently. , • and his handsome red -coated officers. that thou grievest so to lose ?" She " Yet, my gentle cOusin, thou . didst Andlater, when times became mere se- spoke _calmly, hitt her lips wore white- linger, and I 'saw him devouring. thee ' rions, and. the trouble had fairly begun; tu'd tre'llbling* with his hold eyes, and throwing a spell ' refugees - flying to the loyal Prov- "The fortune of his love,"replied Sibyl after thee when thy back was turned ; inces, royalists, and escaped British . with -some spirit. upon ltim.-• prisoners often sought shelter at the " Indeed ! Well, it hath net flown " ;Who 11 that dark ill-favored man to : a -_, Drinkwater House, tuid never !idled to a'way lvith the letter ;". and Chloe stop- Whom I listened a mement for courtesy? ' e field; it; for Silaa tretttenT friend tied foe ped to lift her basket, so that her coufs- Surely-, Chloe, thy jests do me but little alike- as far ae the hospitalitv of his in couldnot see Iter face. - honor • house was conci..med. It 'was then a " ki e; Ins love hath ifot flown,',bitt the , . r .' Dark, it is true; but who can tell ' 0 matter Of chilly occurrence for a distin- swecl nee s of it, ;writ- with jiis own whether illafavored or not, with all that d• gaished strang(-r to dai411 Zit full gallop hand, hath.'1, his ship was in Gihralter. ,‘ . black hair about his head ? It seems to ' into. the town, followed by servants or and Sion wi I be in England e then he , ine that his form is comely and. his officera, halt at the .Drinkwater Rouse comes home, so be says, to claim me for. manners courteous, in spite his for the night, and ride away again- wife at his I; coney appearance." but When I know not. for that early dawn, -with many lingering- looks part ha,(.1 not read. seeing thou wert so - " . r behind, for even those transientglimpses ill-mamiered as to snatch it from under : Cud he hath Meet; voice,return- ned Sibyl, musingly a sweeter I never . of the tender grace of Sibyl and the my eyes; just as hadreached the words h a le brilliant charms of Chloe had left no : that told me the time of his return. Oh, , "Ah." laughed Chloe, " he bath be- 6 - light impression on the gallant hearts Of , witched thee. . HOW strange' and uneasv te Chloe, the mischief thy thoughtlessness many a Britisher whom the troublesome . hath done! I would give worlds, if I : thy air, and thine eyies have a far-off c- . i times would not allow to linaer in the had them. to see that letter again, and look." ' sunshine of love. now it is floating about in ! the winas of One summer niatt so the s.orv is.. heaven, ,(-1-0(.1 only - knoweth whereeaud !.sa " He came so- mysteriously. I neither e and croup.. Fifty centsi- worth has cured crick told -about the -year 1.'78) au eleaant his sweet fond words at the end,I shall over nice, . w nor heard him till his shadow feu the back, and the same quantity lame back of trayelhug carriage, attended bV outrid- never see." (To be Coptinue(1.1 ers, and drawn by four spirited herses "How dhist thou know they were • _ c mounted_ by postillions, dashed. lip to sweet and iond,at the end if thou didst -A tramp employed at the water- D tile dOer of theak,,,Three Stars," then the not see them? ' askod Chloe with a to reservoir, near Dondcm, applied Y only inn in lldtown, for the Drink hard, nialieious laugh. to a farmer in the neighborhood for d water House h 1 been closed for some " I think so, judging the end by the h work, and was told to call the following . it years_ Amid a gaping crowd. of ser- beginning,"replied Sib3.1 demurely l',- ( ---(''l'!- Monda3- morning, when if there was : c vants and townspeople, two liveried ' ping her eyes and sighing half in. con- : ally work it Would be tgiVell to him. ' T lackeys descended from the rumbleoind ° tent at the pleasant remenabrance of On, his calling, he was informed there ' held open the coach dote.' while an ele, , them. . was no work, whereupon. he flew iuto a gala -looking man of about 35 3.ears of age, attired in the British courti dress of ' tears and my regret for my folly ; but Well, Well, it is gone in spite of your violent passion and, threatened. to sue , Pe, for a inonth's Wages and\ remain idle all the time, stepped down and entered the . 1 ta bowing slightly to the obsequious Then mayest be comforted that it is only the time. Ho did procare a summons, i m landlord who was overcome with sur- ' the written expression of his love that hath flown away instead. of the love it and by dint of hard swearing made out prise at the unexpected arrival of so di self." a case which the farmer, sooner Ethan i l'e Unvisited a tisitor. And Chloe turned and. enterrl ! . se have any litigation, consented to settle. - the house, singing in a loud, clear voi e 0 ,-, i Such is the substance /of the letter, the : G Et8XdlY had the door of the best par- 1 as she went a snatch. from -one of Per- • t of the coraplaint beine. that under ! " lor dosed upon the stranger, when the ' ey's ballads : years' standin The following aro extracts fro a fow of the many letters that have been receiv from different parts of Canada, which, we thin should sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical: °nerd, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 doz n r. Thomas' Eelcctrie Oil, have sold all I hadlro on, and want more new; its ccues are truly wo erfal." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, I are sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm was slow at first, but takes splendid now." ole, of Iona, writes, "Please forward 6 dozefri homes' Eclectrie011,, I.aro nearly out, nothin (male it. It is highly recommended by those wh aye used it." J. Bedford, Thameeville, write. , Send me at once a further supply of Eclectrie 11, I have only one bottle left, I never saw any - ng sell so well and give soch general zatisfa J. Thompson, WoodWard, writes, "Sen e Erbme more Eclectric Oil, I bare sold entire] a Nothing takeslike it," Miller & Reed, U rton, P. Q., write, " The Eclectric Oil is getti great reputation here, a.nd is daily called fo nd us a farther supply without delay."Lem.oyn ibb & Co., Buckingham, P -Q, -writes, "Send n e gross of Eclectrit Oil. We find it to tak 8 1 giS host turned for information to the ser- vants, who wera,i.-itirkping their mas- • "Jn were deeievers ever, One foot on sea and one on lank', • the preseint system such proceedings are 1 ewe I possible. The farmer wished to give N ell." Sold by all medicine dealers. Price nt. S. N. THOM AS, PHELPS, 11/41 Y. An To ono thIng constant never. evidence on his own behalf on oath, but Ag u. ORTHROP & LYMAN, Tgronto Ont., Sole ents for the Dominion. NOTE.-Eclectrio lected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth b ckson (S: Bleasidell, X. S. Roberts, and r. nmsden 521 teris luggage- " 1 rue," he said, But when she was out of siab.t and. hear- rubbig hhandsffablyw I his oath was refused. Farmers, beware 1 HiSe nis-- a, to hom I I Inc, of her cdaisin she threw herself on of tramps. 1878 TT OTH ER LARGE CONS! of NEW SUMMES GOODS iJUST RECEIVE THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM, SE This Week .i h ve to ` .) nnouizce the Arrival of Severai SWIM 82' GOOL( , Comprising in Part the Folio CLOTHING. EADYMAD,E CLOTHING. . To baud, the Secolnd Shipmeat of Men's and Boys' Clothing, which for • St 1 terns, and -Sliperior la orkrnanship, Cannot be excelled by any Tailoring Esta Having purchased dir et from theafanutacturers iu IvIonteeal and Toronto, wh .exeellent workmen, I positively nseert, without fear of •cOntradictiOn, thit I a give you e eta of clot es that will tit as accurately as it yOu had your measure t City Tailors. Besides it effects A saving of from $5 te $8 lomat-tell snit. Call 41 004tEl 1 am sellin fel $7. worth $10. A Splendid Assortntant of Ghildren's which are being sold i-etuerkably low. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AN The Largest and,Beet Assoi tea Stock in Town-. Men's and Boy' Sammer cheap. .Ladiele and Missee' Fine Boots, in Pennell% and Lea ther-Elvery -varlet, ingly low prices. Children's Boots in all ,sizes and styles. MILLINRY. MILLINERY. MILLI s i Our Milliners end ia rather difficult to attend to all the Ordera3eftewith us wonld wish, and we sin erely trust our friends will bear with us' a little, as w effort to execute tie 8OOi as possible a heir _valued comtuandie Tbe 'Iillinerel 5 fore so complete es it is at present. Iu Trirnmeo and Untrimmed 11 ts oar Sloe Newest Shepee in ho Market—we have them. The Meat Bean siful Little Oraamei , . i -.--S117.111.1_, ..A:1-1-.E.A.373' I_ Jim 1, 878, 1878 "THAT HUSBAND OF MINE" all his Machinery irate MURPHY, SEAFORTH NMENTWil2.ntsg poleaorosluornenifion otafniineouronocintg :out ntillael]ing the very best . Sewing Machines, Airicultural hm. pleinents, and Musical Adm.. inents. Mr. Murphy's favorite raachine is the Singer FORTH. _ . E xFhai rbi intal rosn wishings. off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney which is the besi in the market, having carrieci to pnrchaeo attY of the eaeve 1, wiwora. 311%erponhayulfitrtohte, trasohwen.oianutemaaotsbehtyforapfpoIrytitz iVII; Ile Sewing otherAl.iichlinnet and dt :tie': axpeprai yi na, saelawacc:sh 0. li i hand at his warerooms, G-oderith atieet. 518 .. Hew o Jing : CLOTHING. lieh Cat, New Pat- lishmene Town. ' ) employ none but m in a poeition to t -ken by any of our 11" Soo the Wore te 1 Clothing in Stock, SH c 3 ES. ,hoes. extraordinary of, Style -exceed - ERY. s quickly as they late maPng every ck was, never be - is or e Th is -welling then i. g, °us. e "SECOND. FORMOSA CHIEF," _LipEbDyx2011nE. E'6.--eoCrzetell(116.0D9:13:4:e7r;ob)levrp3asrti,314137r5z.u-ti3forrital, Ont. Sold by him to .3 -ernes 8. Smith, Maple Lodge, County of Middlesex, and ba hitu to Ohrietopber lileg , Cemannce, County of Huron, Ont., Mareh fith 1S7i. Got lerlanportecl ; Royal Tudor, (18,272-35,411) ; dann Formosa, 2nd by Vdores son, (of Gleam Tina 2(5).; F011310S2 be- ,Neptune, (11,811); ialerenee by Sirius, (1.$7); Finella by Gratel Doke,. 10128i); Fay by Foigh itatalte Fame by Respherry, (4,575); Farewell by Young Metithenn (4,422); elate bn Iseac, (I.1.29e; by Young Pilot, (497); — by Pilot, (495a; ;Wins Coesur, (1,148),. As will be seen by the above he combines the alone of the most popular feroiliee, viz, Booth end Bates. I certify that , the above ie a teerect, pedigree of the Bull, "Sec. ond Formose Chief," aeing nu.nber 26547-itothe . Muerte:al Short.Horn Herd Book. A. AK. sli:ft' above ke keptefor the improve - men& of stock during tbo season en Lot Con. 7, THEVelltk—$2 per cow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary, to be paid on the lst ot October,.1878. 545x4 C. T. DALE, Proprictoe.: THE PRETTIEST NECKTIES, WE HAVE THEM BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOIN;.N & BURROWS. The Newest Shade ha Ribbotef-here they are. The m let elegant and coetly are on Exbibitinn It oin Show Room. our St- ek of Fancy Flowers ie 1.1).t) qmple on the ota vivn. tor lout aing New and F.11-hionahle, our StO4k is beingeonstant13 heocc our customer con always find what they want. LINEN CbSTUMES. LINEN COST A Magnificent Assoc economical Dress a saly as they are going fi st. strieh Fat i ers and being always replenishedi, and ment en hived, wl ich are selling very cheap. The most it erable, the lime!: an wear, admirably adapted lor eieursion pertiee. Call end secure- one • GROCERIES. GROCERIES. GRO I have always on Store in this part alt value in everything, n Special Bargains in dealt with at Wholes! Guaranteed. - ERIES. hand the Largest and Choicest Stock of G-rocdries to be foundj in key -General he Dominion. buy in large quantities,,get the best terms, I- buy the best nd a n Selling chew and guerentee Good* as reprssentea or „nioney refumied. eas, Sugars, tied Traiazeos. Partiee purth sinin, large qua titles liberelly le Prices. Farmers, consult your iuterdats aria give me a call. Satisfaction . ( Highest Mc. whet Price Paid .foz:: Good E:utter at the New Cajli Store. THE Siabset•iberstake this .Opportanity of te- a- turning thanks to the inhabitan'ts of Breasele end •vidinity 'for .past patronage, -and beg to state: that, having made several improvements in their kiln and the mode of Inir.ninge they ate in a bet- • ter position., than iever to supply the .pablie wieh Plek,-Elass Lime at 12-fe. Cash :at the • litiht„. or 1-1le. Betivertal• This being the fourth seaeou of •our beisineas, • dealings in tiruseels, awl beving -given linguini& ea eetistection 'lir, the public tan rely on re- ceiaing geed treatment and aIlkst•OlaSs article from um. Remember the spot: The Benue's Lime Works. • 542 TOWN & BURROWS,. EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks hit numerous- customers(merehants and others) for their liberal : patronage daring the pest seven years, and hopes, ,by strict integrity and close attention to business, to 11301i t their coltfitience aud trade in thefuture. fleyiug greatly enlarged bia promises, during - the winter., he is now prepared to p•ay the nd TT. ,69g...s!. .; HIGHEST CASH ,PRICE For any .quentity 01 good .freoth-eggs, -delivered *atilt EGG EMPORIUM;. _ Main ,Street, Seaforthe Wanted by the subsciatee 25 ions Of good dry demi WHEAT •STIee. , THOMAS KIDIj, SEA i'ORTH. REMOVAL. 1 REMOVAL. • Be rti to intimale ihr, t lie has. Removed his 011iee to I) II PC egor's. New 4 Brick Building o 1 East Side of ,Tiain -Street,1114f•alorg4), .aud IP mirth 1900r South of William Campbell's Clothitm Emporium' where 4e -will, UPI hitherto, carry oar. the „ I ' I , Cene•al Insv,rance, .1.11oney Loan Agency, and;Sewing 2fach.inl 1 Bttginess.. In thanking the public kir the confidence they have reposed in him fol the past 11 teen years be , has carried on theee bra-pc/Ms in Sento] th, he wadies to inform itbem be will still "en lea-vor to give them the same eatisfactioniwhi.cie they have in :ftriably expeessed with his transadll ne. Ha still keeps on hand tbe beat -Sewing Waritireet but are inaoufartined in the World, ns we 1 as Needles, I Oil, and Machine Attaehments. He Rens the Osborne A Machine, whichis the sirrit le -t, the most : capable of miikiug auy kind pf work in the ruoet perfect manner, anit ,tbe easiest and quickest ; threaded up machine ot any machine mile in the Dominion. He Rolle the Gemini° lowe Machine -a Machine that has never failed te give Fa tim a et ion to every enstomer or the last ten years. fie j sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machinee, the most rapid and least poisy Mao ine in the ' ,or,d. Farmers Wives, alechanias la Ives, Merchants' Wives and Mannatietur, rs, do not 1 il to e.g.arcine I and try our Sewing altichin s -Family and Manufacturing -when you want one. so Agent for the s€,.,,,. •-. repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. • e emcrud brated F,auz P pa Knitting Machineacapable of doing all kinds of work Inetructions . given to cust milers gratis 0i any 01 (1)0 nbnye maehitieii. -Sewin.g Macbiats to Rent. lso all kinds , 1 • . . WM. N. WATSON; General Agent, 'caforth. RE OVAL. 1\TCYTIC Tr SON' 'iO'GRA.N0 E.0,13T.S},IEPR',8.,11.11.EIZS AND- - A8 TELUY Keeney 1,,he attention ot all, these -ea- hard times, the subseriber le determined to meet tbooi by .offerito. good Well Hemlock., " not : s2 neually sold for inch," at the following maw 7 12 foot Hemlock. :at $7 00 per thousand; 14 - ot Feueing, a•t 61 50, for Cash. 'All orders over 4e000 ;5 per emit. discount. Call and see if you dian't- ' .ger, what i 3 represented. Book Aeetannts over 8 mon-tbsevill be ,eharged 81)ehrecrut Teeribortbaiake his iminertme 4erestoinerei for 'their liberal support, and t 8: 11. •.continn.. tame of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON,. 48 Steam Saw 'Mills, Meliallop. SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL WARER - . i - , I As R I e PER.S' and MO WE1?S are the 09'der of the day, 0. C.- } . . ' is again- on hand with a - 1 1 FULL TOCK O. F MACHINE.' . . Such as the Newcastle Hare ster and alnxwell Light Rm Reapers, Woods' id Johnsto lai Reapere, Wood's, -Akron and Duffariu 1 °seers, and Sheep's Self -Dumping Ilay and Stubble It ke. Any ot the above Machines sold ou t-ial, and eatisfaction guaranteed or no sale. For Mather intimation call and examine the machin . • - OT Loon...us. In the Plow Bnsinesa I am ',still ahead, h.ving inede some -good improvements on Thistle Cutter, having put oulSteel Land Sides met leased the 1.3eani two niche.; hi Coulter and Cleviee-thia is a 'positive preventative againtt choking in 'WA stutlible., In Sewing Mac:Mixes 1 ain 8411 advancing, having au extra large stock. of that.Celebra d Florence and Waltzer ha Machines and lel] other common Ma chi 4 es known to the Tattle. - All kinds of Reaper and Molter Re- peke for the 'machines I sell. All kinds of plow 0 Stillgi and Points always on hand. Sewing-1Iachine Repairs and Rapairitag Done. - I . 0. g. WILLSON Seaf rth. OMR , ILLSON MOWERS AND REAPERS,. The L. 1D. Sawyer .& Co Iron Clad Single Mow- - - ereCanatlian Single Harvester, and Bradley No. 2, Single Harvester, were awarded two silVor medals sand bronze mean]. at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelpina, only awards given to Canada for Reapers and Mowers. Bianize Medals ,at Aus- tralian Eabibition at Sydney,. last spring, Silver Medal at _Jefferson County trial, IL Se 1877, Gold and Silver Medal at the great Enron trill], last Augusteet%1 numerous ftrst prizes throughout Canada and the United States. They ate sub- stantially built, vely light draught, -can be instant- ly adapted to all ldndsenuteonditionseof grain, and will be ,exhibitea itt the various Spring Shows throughout the •Comity, by GEORGE STEWART, AClinton, Genei•al Agent for the County of Huron. WM. J. GRIEVE, Agent at Sea -forth.. 58948 the No. 12.3 D. MCLENNAN, HENSALL. ier at the _5 . • THE oODE.RICH -FOUNDR- Secolvi hand ,20 Hm oe E»gine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel Second hand 20 Horn Engine, Ilalaace 'Wheel tom Pelleye Complete:. Second hand 16 tonse Engine; Balanee Wheel Pulleys and Governor Second hand 32 Uorse Engine, Balance Wheel, Police s and Goavernors.... .. . . . A -Hoisting or Boat Engine, With Hoisting Gear 25 Second hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack Second hand 15 horse Portable 13oiler, with -Smoke Steck. - Second hand 20 lame Portable Boiler, with Sinolce Stack Second hand 80 horse Poi table Tubular Boiler. with -Smoke Stack % , Furnace, Frout, Grate Bars, Steam GunGunge and 4. stay Valves, all in Good Order: Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine. Heading Jointer ....... ... Heading Pieper . .. . .. ...... .... ............. Heading Turner • Stave Machine, with Knife SEED WHEAT. THE Subsciiber, believing that farmers in this 2- neighborhood are now fully 'convinced that the lied Chaff Wheat has entirely ruined the good reputation of Our •-•Canadinn Spri•na Grain in tbe European markets, as may be observed by the unusual difference o; 90e to We per hneh. be- . tweet' it and thepriee of Fall Wheat; thetit is also very liable to rust before haevest, producing flour too dark and p 001 for family nee. X would ee- commend attention to the following choice grades now tor sale at his 1 Storehouse Hensel .. tm ;aStation, viJam z.: es Leug's Praia° Iiinnesota .•, Fife, Select:ea take Shore Blue Stira, and the 275'White Eldoraao, all ea Moaerate Prices. Clover c Se 011 boughtand sale roc) MeLENNAN. In THE COMMERCIAL [EVERY, 450 90 40 50 70 80 New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill achinerf .for Flouring, Grist 'and Saw Milfs7 Middling Purifiers of ImproVed Implementia-Stoves ef Vatiorrs Rinds.-Repaira on Boilers, 31ills, & Attended to. CODER)CH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COM • eproraptly ANY. POST OFICE 'STORE, WALT011q. IONCE MORE reespeettully beg ;cave to return thanks to my numerous customers 'for their kind patronage during the laet 12 years that I have Leen doing in:miners amongst 'them, solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have jest received a Large and W 11 Seleeted Stock of DRy pops of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full ass. talent of GROCERIE —TEAS a. Specialty—which, for quality and prlce, are the beat in .e County, A Large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES-McPherson's make. Crockery, Glassw re, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils i Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams in act every- . . thing ema general stole. Ask for what you want ef you don't see it. Cash or far produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to ene for last and previ • 118 Yeara, to come and settle by cash or not before the end of this nionth, ca- the accounts will e put into other hands for collection. No _nether notice be given 2i MONET TO LOAN ON EAS TERMS. -I am also valuator for the Dominion Saying and Investment Society, one of the beat los societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good farm security for a terni of fro three to twenty years, on the moil ftivorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE, -If you want yohr e !neared give me a call, as I am agent for'the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the be t Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a-eall. I am always attentive to,bnsiness. rost Office and Telegraph 0 co in con- nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnlp and other seed's on hand. R. PATTISON, WALTON.. SE AF'ORT11.. viTILLIAIr McNAUGHTON bogs to inform. the business men of Saaforth and the travel- itif.*,• public that he bas purchased the Livery Business and Stock of Messrs. Carnoehan & Abell, and will do all in his power to retain the reputation which this favorite establishment has secured. He will keep only good driving and re- liable horses; atd his earriageS Will be kelt clean and in good order. Calls, night or day, will be promptly 'Wended to. PICNIC AND' WF,DDING I'ARTIES Liberally Dealt with. Terms Reaeonable. All orders left at the -Com- mercial Hotel or at the office will receive prompt attention. Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite T. Kidd's Store. 544 WM. MeNAUGIITON, Proprietor, BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, 118 now prepared to teopply aal customers with any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $80 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are BO well and 1avorably known to the trade that it is unneceenary to say anything in theirrecommen- dation. MR. TROTT also manufactures a small Hard- wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend- ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaforth. JuNE .Altaost eziongh b 8. -8, court -h drinks- It a female SM Ile enters th a PennYw keeper (W13-0 your 113.0tIle uouSiV(--" a -.,-Wilen bared to Spa peat of the] ly advanced eau_ ft-equen ----" No. p aloance Th never rnarr gatta 'when never marr hack!" - _When express pm want," it fill besides fill _ alia his poc -eine orders, i 44 1 earn' d, 4 ' why n so much q _head." - B grass, 11 you much hardt -Du Ch polyganlY i, women do 1 rrequir ext saw an .Afr :and the wh worth of di ed a seven - of an elder side on a pi - dear ?" ansx v-ery siaperi a place wh - De la De An' b An But N , An De bi -A_ lads. once to al, trait. He ed at him He spoke 1 permit me. trait in pro flees about which is 1 oinating iii -An. 0' speech, pa exclaimed you think the assem -ly closet', , Scotch. br I do inak. stmnp th tell more in the cou myself du -The ree11-lo0 photogral .-taken. ' tographei got hitch day. No style anti b never sa bait Efts Pni dam when peo . me a brit good looll picture. I in'. Thtl catch 'oil You look ' they'll tii. The pho e. :1117; fal if th hibit rough hisi, oTr:hueoli. c(tShlafarin i-rloifleraasma: t th -s&t Anderst aenimab.e oia, ▪ 'wtpctuosit he yo etr%ahueklitelsullital: cvp:11YrnCi8eti°sehlii tde-er ing, we refusal. ered to val if brothez meet li 1}: sil°A11::1 27 117eflii 801114It itiv plie(1 tl say, i-1 :4;4 it lit; 'gr man w maisci errandn marry this fal fro.4 i.n8.ihr indigu tyhoeub 'roc' wind Tbe oiatnhfoii gawtt:i flv:rulhc.tii; ais whole l tulie anl