HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-24, Page 7Y 2.‘ 1878. SEEDS:i kT IEED EMPO 'ORM. -large stook of all kinds of a having purehased trope e houses that we heve ire eely on getting kN FRESH SEEDS, atom prices- To garden- quantittee we sell al e Beak, and da- not recent: have on hand a. larger • thank, Carter, Intperial, st Lothian. and Regal White Globe, an. me ip Seed is very high this -a buy will. cite well to ex - e my prices'before par think I can len ase eheap -Other house ha the, trades r SEED. Top, Orthee Long Or - art Horn, • LDS, ; Lour, Red, ;arra severed .-.11s1 SEEDS Onenriebera, Onions of all Peas, Pumpkin, Radish, tare nuantitiea, Tomato, reatti, Saleify Flower seed variety too numerous to tie Shallot. Ln Graae and Drain Freneli CIoVer, Trefoil !fure•arien Gras Millet hy alwavein stoh, Seed test a iGE STOCle- OF [LY GROCERIES, rce earanot be heat by trade. Glassuyti;e' 'Cell and see the new pat- * only $11.5(1 per set, and , couatitaitly on hand at er the plece, eftet side of Matket Street- All good& -forth, Herptilimy or Ete I iVIORMSON. HRUi'6U CAN THEM. tylish, and Substan- igs in the County. N& CO. ies for Metuxing 35 BUGGIES', IND SLEIGHS ;cannot be g6t from. any the Country. 1,1 CTICAL MEN, land their business and; :the work in. hitch depart - mid conseggentIy there-, ed in their nehielee arid ra in their establiaalent. , [, ..Nobby PorttOrds' , le Swell Both/ Cut - kW!, itaidl, TeX ba ,promptle 84 neatly ere. tla Carriage iWOrke, East Seaforth. & Co. EIVED• ANUFACT' URERt: NAiLS V ELS FOR.KS NUNTS,OrLS, ike• 4 WIRE HARDWARE eription Cheap_ - ; AND CONDUCT - PIPE Notiee and :Warranted - lows. to Cash and t g Cstoars. JOHN KIDD. MAY 24, 1878. ( , A Genuine Protectionist. Bow He -Resolved to _Make hi 44 own Wheel- barrows and Keep the Money at • Bone. the wheelbarrow of the Irishman can- not carry the Thomseni asb.es without I:, depriving hiim of his in ependence and that it is att mac:lithe du y of everyman to build hial own wheelbarrow, as it is R is the opinion_ of every patriot who the `duty of every nation to build its is connected, however remotely with the own eteamships.—E. Y. Times. - n m - tere, st that it is a national dis- _ iro e that American.conanierce is chief- A Bull's Fight Wit a Lioness. fa:atria on by foreign ships. The The fight between a !lioness and a that transport Passengers and. bull, which had been aclVertised for last steamers handise between this country Saturday, in San Antonio, Texas, took mercand .Ltrepe are, with scarcely an excption, place at the time.fixed, and is thus de foreign vesselsi- o, state of things scribed in a despatch to the _Herald : ,aclaptecl to make the strangest patriot . Ths is " At 4 o'clock this afternoon a hand - lie aown and howl. We can never con- some, well-built Texan bull, with stout, sider ourselves independent as long as ! 1 short 'horns, was turned into - a large we permit British and German ships to 1 iron ca,„,ae prepared for the occasion. monopolize our trade. That the 'Eng- ; Soon after, 4 o'clook, a lioness was let lishman can build steamers and. carry 1 into the cage with theelbull. She Wa8 freight and passengers more cheaply ; full grown, but evidently old and thin we can is little better than an out- I emaciated. Several years ago she kill- ed her keeper, and by her appearance rage. We ought to ))e glad. to pay more 1 monev for the pri 'lege of importing one would. imagine she , has been con- 'PSdr than we now , ally punished ever fAince. .A. small gols in American h' thm pay for importing oods in foreign ships. allowance of food arid a good deal of It is the clear duty of our Government ', iron rod seems to have been her lot. ta tax everybody so that it can bribe I People accustomed to the pretty, sleek, American merchants to establish lines ' well-fed, animals in the , zoological &- of American steamers. What is, our t i partment in Central. Park would. have pretended, independence worth so long , looked with disdain upon this heroine, sa British Shipowners can carry our, if such a title can be given her. At raerchandise at a cheap rate? Obviously firSt she seemed. lame, but the limp it is worth nothing, and is simply a • appears to have been temporary only. Mockery and a delusion. ",-On entermg the cage she sprang Mr. Thomson, of Orange, N. j.; is a - tie bull, almost leaping over him. warm patrior Of course, he shares the This was evidently in play, as she did views 0,13ove-iet forth,andhe enthusiast- not attempt to bite or scratch him. ically expresses them whenever an op- This first round was watched 'with portunity and a helpless listener -are at breathless silence, but the crowd be band He is not an iron person. him- came disgusted when the animals sep- self, and has no connection whatever arated and cantered off in opposite &- with the Pennsylvania iron manufac- ; realer's. After a few minutes of quiet Wren, but he is just as earnest in de- . fun the bull began to watch the antics manding American steamships as if he of his opponent aS she rushed around were Mr. Roaoh himself. Moreover, he thecage, and he charged at her furious - is a consistent man, in spite of his viol- ly several times. She managed to es- ent patriotism. In fad, inconsistency 'cape him each time, however, for about is his bugbear, and he would rather the ; five Minutes. THE HURON EXI?OSITOR. many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified. with pure blood., and. properly nourished. frame."--Oivii Ser- vice Gazette. •Sold only in packets label- led—" James EPps & Co:, Homceopath Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 • Wonderful Feat. A family living at Dawley, county of Salop, England, recently removed to Nottinghani, taking with them a favor- ite cat. The animal, however, did. not like her new quarters, and. speedily dis- appeared. A few days after the neigh- bors at Dawley were astonished to - see the oat at the old house, footsore and lame, indeed, but in good spirits, and. apparently rejoiced to have returned. The feat of the cat seems very wonder - fat, when it is considered that the dis- tance from Nottingham to Da ley is over 70 miles. in a consistent way than live in a, con- i "At length the bull made an extra - scions state of inconsistency. ordinary charge, and catehing, the lion - Next door to Mr. Thorntson . lives a, ' es on his horns tossed her about six sneering, supercilious fellew,who openly feet in the air, then inclining his head A denies the great American doetrine that : little he caught her again on his horns every man iS on a precise equality in as she came down, twirled her about in point Of intelligence with every other - the air, a-nd. flung her some twenty feet man. Of course, be is a free-trader,and. , away from him. The -lioness fell to the everything else that is bad.; and he un- grcomd like a log, and lay motionless blushingly maintains that it is always ' for about half a rodnute: She was-Oun- cheaper to pay for $1 any given article ned. When she recovered she glanced • than to pay two. This miserable Man hastily at the bull, then dashed. against always -ridiculed Mr. Thonason's yearn- the cage as if she desired to escape. ing for American steamers, and. main- ' Thebull, evidently desirous of complet- . tained it was no canseqUence under hag his victory, again charged the un.- what flag American Iner°4andise was , fortunate ' queen,' tossed her higher earned, provided it was carried cheaply ' thaufbefore, and, as she fell, gored her . . and safely. - almost to !death. She was hors de. C0771- One morning this unpatriotic person , bat, and. the bull, not having received a was passing Mr. Thonason.'s house, when s6ratch, was let out of the arena. The he noticed. an Irishman in the, 8.ot -of lioness will aie. - wheeling a wheelbarrow full of ashes To -morrow (Sunday) ' O'd George,' from Mr. Thomson'S back door to the the lion, will attack the bull, and, as street. About the same the that era- -laelnearly broke out of his cage to get at , inent patriot appeared on his front Pi" ' the victorious native of Texas to -day, 1 azza and nodded in a friendly way. The ' it is probable the fight will be long and wicked free-trader at once entered. into . fierce." conversation with him concerning the transportatio-n of ashes. He proved by ' A Ne' cr Star. I _ Mr. Tho-mson's own admissionAhat his A great French preacher, whom the a.shes were always carried. in the same New York World's • correspondent char - wheelbarrow, and that the wheelbarrow acterizes as a" Moody in. a Do-minican was the property of the Irishman. Hav- • frock," has appeared. - in Paris as the ing elicited these fact' he GI arged Mr- . successor to Father Hyacinthe. Father Thomson with gross inconsistencY• . Monsabre leaves his cell once a year for " You object," be says, " to the carrying ! the purpose of preaching durinebLent, of A.merican wheat in British vessels, , when people -crowd by thousand.s to hear while at the same time you connive al ' him. As an illustration of his great the carrying of .: American ashes in : abilities, we may state that when, at a Irish wheelbarrows, and are wholly de" comparatively- early _age, he was ap- pendeul on Irishmen and Irish wheel- pointed to instruct a class of students barrows for the transportation of Your in theology, numbers of learned men ashes. I thought that you were con- sat with the students to hear him. Af- sistent, but Vgrieve to learn that your tor this his fame greatly increased; theory of cornmerce, and your Practio° wherever he went crowas flocked. to of ash -wheeling are glaringly contradic- bear him.. At the tiind Father ,Hya- tory, one af the other." 'Haying thus cinthe left the ROMMI Catholic Church destroyed the peace of mind of his neigh- this priest was forty-three years of age. bor, the malicious wretcb went his way, During the wax, a trying time for him chuckling , over the ruin he bad ana his order, he proved himself to be wrought. essentially a Frenchman, by preaching As bas been said,Mr. Thomson prided boldly in Metz, against the Prussians. himself on his consistency. and he was i Accordina to Roman Catholie ideas he e • SAVINGS BANKS IN &nom- .—The as es - n con- er its sits in 0. Oxford ncreas- ber of ablish- among a,n,d li- Lond.on.(Eng,) School Board tablished penny savings banks nection with the institutions un control,.and. last year the dep forty of them amounted to £3,0 OXFORD.—The 'University of COmmission reports in favor of ed salaries to professors in a nu the departments, and. the es 111mA of some new chairs, them one for English language terature., -For over twenty years " promonic, -Wafers " have ma their reputation for curing coug and pulmonary diseases. Tho ing &threatened with any of t 11 Bryan's ntained Lis, colds e suffer - e symp- toms of bronchitis, or any of he pul- monory complaints, should at once give s them a trial. They give almost im- mediate relief, and if taken in time gen- r that a attended that dis- imption. try deal - LEIGIA (NA.I&ERON, HOLT & CA.MERON, Barristers, " Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich, Ont. M, C. Cameron, Q. C. ;Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Coinmis- sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. AeCounts and notes collected on reasonable terms. 366 1..1 L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitin. iu Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seeforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderich, aid Kidd's StorefSeaforth. 354 .1v-i- ALCOMSON & WATSON, Banisters, Attor- neys, Solicitors. in Chancery, &c., Clinton, On. Office -First door east of the now Royal Canadian Bank building: Money to loan on farna property. S. MALCOMSON. 404 G. A. WATSON "LA' o0AUGHEY & 1.10LMESTED, Barristers, A.t. tomeys at Law,. Senators in Chancery and Insolvenca., Notaries Public and Conveyancers Solicitore for the_R.C.Bank, Seaforth. Agentsfor • the Canada :cafe Assurance Company, N.B.-3O,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms. Elousee and Lots for sale. ' 53 • entity effect a cure. Remem common cold cir cough, if not to in time loften ; leads to tressing and fatal disease -e-„ con Sold: by all druggists and cow ers. Price 25 cents: per box. A REielaix.Anen RESULT.—It akes no differenCe how many physicia, is, or how much medicine you: have trie ,it is now an established. fact German SYrup is the has given e cases of ARROW, MEYER & RADENHURST, Barris - tiers, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter- est, and rn terms to snit borrowers. Officea- Goderieh and, Winghana. Office in Langdale's building, opposite Scott's Bank. J. T. GARROW. II. W. d. BIEYBIR. W. J. RADENHURAT. • 474 H. W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank of Canada, Wingham. TAENSON & MEYER,-Barristers and Attorney is" at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insol vency , Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Officese-Sea- iorth and Bruesels. $23,00o of Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 63 JAS. H. BENSON. H. W. 0. METER.. The above firm has thia day been dissolved by mutual consent. All acCounts due therm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all? liabil- ities. only remedy, whic satisfaction in seve eases. It is true th re are yet of persons who are redisposed to Throat andLeg Affection .Consumption,Hera- orrhates, Asthma. evere Colds settled on the Breast, Pneemonia, Whooping Cough, &c.,who haVe no perscnaal knowl- edge of Boschee's rerraati Syrup. To such we would say that 50 000 dozen were sold last year without one com- plaint. Consump4ves try just one bot- tle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists in Arerica,. PIANOFORT AND ORGAN complete Lung Dis- thousands greatly hurt by the remaiks of liis sneer- , is another St. Thomas .Aquinas. He is . ing neighbor. The more he thought the : a close student of philosophy and. an matter over the more he became COn- able logicii3n. He does not prea,ch. sin- Coattistent. It was only too true that hishis -_ gle detached -sermons, but nearly all discourses belong to a great series • . vinced that he had. been frightfully in- ,, ashes were carried in alien wheelbar- It is said that he has been years preach - rows, and. he se -id, to -himself that if it Mg on the creed., and has only just corn - was the dtity of the American nation to menced on the second. clause. He is de - build ships in which to carry their own scribed as short, stout, with plump wheat, he ought to build wheelbarrows hands, large mouth and. massive fea- in which ta wheel hiS privatE ashes. tures, with no fine lines of asceticism in In support of a principle, Mr: Thom- them, but with abundanet of fiery zeal son was ready to, make any sacrifices. in his eye. His robe is of white flanlIa.ving convinced himself that it kiras nel with arblack oftpe, but. his gestures his duty- to bnild. a wheelbarrow, he axe not at all clerical. Several times promptly bought a quantity of timber during a sermon, when worked up to ano a chest of carpenter's teols, and the highest pitch, he will suddenly, af- went to work. He cut himself a good ter a passionate outburst, drop down on deal, and spoiled several tools and a his seat as though he had concluded., large amount of wood., but he finally and. after resting a moment, 'will- rise produced a clumsy, but unniistakeable- and resume his discourse. wheelbarrow. Includina the cost of ails . _. tand timber his wIlelbarrow cost To Discover Cotton in Woollen, him exactly V.3. He could have bought Fabrics. a much better one for SS), but in Ravel out the suspected, cotton fibre that case be would not have . from the wool and apply flame. The been an independent man, and he cotton will burn with:a flash, the wool held that the que.stion of cheapness will curl Up,carbonize, and emit a ter involving his pride and iudepend- , the naked. eve the cotton is noticeably disagreeable smell. Even to ought not to be considered in a mat- burned, different froin the filaments of wool, • finished he showed it to,his customary co and under the microscope this difference nies out strongly. The cotton is a As soon as the new -wheelbarrow was Irishman, and tom him that in future ,ilatteined, more or less twisted band, the Thom:Amin:a ashes must be trans- having a very strikiu,g resemblance to ported under the Thomsonian thag,or in hair, which, in reality, it is ; since, in barrow. The Irishman, after remark- the inner surfaee of the pod. The wool the condition of elongated cells, -it lines other words, in the Thonfsorian wheel - a etnadeinied ca'pression of hiS Views in z may be recognized at once by the zig- ag' transverse markings on its fibres. ing'begorra,", and likewise '• bedad,7 as -- regard. to the subject, consented to obey The surface of wool is covered with extra weight and clumsiness of the lines, of which there are two thousand his instructions on condition that the . these furrowed wagei• That night Mrs. Thomson re- I structure depends its felting property. to four thousand. in an inch. On this wheelbarrow shoul4 be considered. in his and- Master Thomson asked. for 75 cents chemical test may be applied. The striking quested .,51.0 wherewith to 'buy a bonnet ' Finally, a sinaple and. verY *kb, a view to kite -string. These re- mixed. goods are unravelled, a little of quests Mr. Thomson was compelled to the cotton fibre put into one dish and xefuse, having just -exhausted his pock- the wool into another, and a drop of et book in -wheelbarrow building. Two Y strong nitric acid added. The cotton days later the new wheelbarrow broke will ba little or not at all affected; the down With -a, load of ashes on the front wool, on the contrary, will be changed. walk, and 'Mrs. Thomson, -who was a to a 'bright yellow. The color is due to gh-spuited woman,_ordered the Irish- the development of a picrate. man to instantly Split it into kindling- . ----- wood, and subsequently informed. her EPPti'S COCOA.—Glitt0f1.11 an.d comfort- 1,y6band that the next time he wast- Mg.-- BV a thorough knowledge of the ed. E2a in hulloing a wheelbarrOW. While narund laws WhiCh govern the opera - a better one e*o.ild be bought for .,,r), she tions of digestion and. nutrition, and by would have her relations take Inc easures , f 1 ' li'cation of the line proper- =le u app , to put him in ta lunatic "assiuni. ties of Well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps 1- . Thomson now spend.' -his earniivs has provided our breakfa.st tables -with Ir in trying to defend himself against tfie a delicately flavored beverage, . which sneers of his wicked neighbor. The lat- may save us _many heavy doctor's bills. ter tells him that if it is not wise to tax It is by the judicious use of such articles his wife and small boy in order to build of diet that a constitution may be grad- , a costly wheelbarrow, it would not -bo nally built up until strong enough to re- . wise to tax the nation in order to build sist every tendency to disease. Hun- cos..tly.„ steamships:- - Mr. :T11°11;15°4 isi dreds of subtle maladies are floating 1.11 as -patriotic and. as obstinate as around us ready to attack wherever er, and untlinchi .-dy maintain!! that • Pt, , MISS HALLEN/ JAMES H. BENSON. • Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. 0. tiEYER. 1111..E II) I CAL •-• 7 THE GOLDEN LION. 03 1.4 CO R JAMIESON, SEAFORTH. • RECEIVED THIS WEEK,' ANOTHER LOT OF BLACK CASHMERE. —ALSO A 'NICE LT OF LADIES' TIES, FRILLINGS; AND J. ‘-PARASOLS. SPECIAL VALUE IN MEN'S WHITE AND COLORED REGATTA SHIRTS, AT THE GOLDEN LION. SIGN OF THE I GOLDEN LION. f R. JA' MIESON, Seaforth. I STACKS CAMPBEL T G. SCOTT, M.D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and e' • - Accoacheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 34? yRGINIST of St. Tbomas'. Chrtectl:, Seaforth, (Late of Toronto), is pr'epa.re,c1 to instruct a limited number of Pupils in List 'mental Music. TERMS MODE Residence -First lIpuse North Church, Chureh Street), Seaforth. ATE. of the W. M. 645 TT L. VERCOE, M. D.,- C. M., Physician:, Bur- -LI- • geon, etc., Coroner for the County bf Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis strait -north, directly.opPosite Seaforth Public School. - ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Out., - T • Physician, Surgeon and . Accouchein. . Graduate of the University of . Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy- iicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.One. 485 MORTG4kGE SALE OF ---- VALUABLE Ff‘RM PROPERTY TIIE TO 1VNSIi1 dF GREY. TTNDER the Power of Sale contained i r the " registered Morteage, made by one . Robert* Thorndyke'and dab December, 176, will ' by ILEXA.NDER will. HANOVER, M.D.,' C. M., Graduate of v v McGill University, Physician; Surgeon and A.cconcheur, Seaforth. Out. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at. Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 T-1McNAUG-HT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu • rite of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residenee in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or day. A stook of veterinary medicines on hand Charges reanonable. Horses examined as to sound- ness -Lend certificates given if required. 407 TAMES W. ELDER; V. S., Graduate of the " Ontarie Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, hits aettled iu Seaforth. Office at his tesidence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A. large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses.. examined as to soundness and certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 efeeernaseze TT DERBYSHIRE'. L. D. Pe Surgeon Dentist, Graduate _el!)of the Royal College of Dental Snrgeous of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seaforth. (1 the Eighteenth day of be gold. by Public A.0 (Awn, NTER; Auotioneer, at the - BRUSS LS. HOUSE, INTHE F BRUSSELS ON— 1 , MAY 29T11,* 1878, M., the following Freeheld perty, viz.: areal or tract of lend and g and being in 0.0 TOW11- 01111tV Oi Huron, and Prov- ince of Ontario, co taining by admeasurement FIFTY ACRES, be the same more or less, being comported of the Went Half of Lot number Eight in the Fourteenth Cencession of the said Town- ship of Grey. ' • The buildings cor4ist of a frame -hot -Ise, 9S96, and a first-class bank( been of frame, with stone foundation and stables urttlerneatle Aboat 40 acres are cleared. ,Th.e property is situated on good, leading road, only three and three-querter miles from Brussels," a station on the Southern - Extension of the Wellington, Grey and 'Bruce VILLAGE WEDNESD Al TWO ' o'clock P. Pr All that certain premise:a situitte, lyi ship of Grey, in the Railway. Terms and condit the time of sale, or Ven ALEXANDER HU Londou, May liGrey P. O. t ,-18`i8. Atleti01108T, ons will be made known at n applieation to ARRIS. MAGEE & Co or's Solicitors, London, 'Ont. TER 545.2 c4 F NEW 'SPRING 'GOODS -AT-- 's 'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. Something Rare in Worsted Suitings, SPLENDID VALUE, TWEEDS OF ALL KINDS IN GREAT VARIETY. id. 0 01- )•-•?, v.. • HATS,' OAPS, SHIRTS, C0LLA1RS, T1ES, &C. Also a few lines of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Everything will be Lola at Prices thab defy Competition. Catffi Cash! More Cash! -Order your Suits, gentlemen, when the stock is full. No. I., W. CAMPBELL. Camiabell'a Block,} M ISCE 11 itNIBO US. -- . aleCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. office* "1-L • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52 FG. LANE, Auctioneer and A.ppraiser for the • County of Huron, also Commission Men chaatels1 cDongalP3 Blain, Willigham. 545-4 m ONEY TO LEND -On- terms more ittivan- .. G 0 0 33 1 --- - ------ ---- - --- 'I'LL tegeous than ever before offered. A. S. Mc. . 504a5e, - Ter EMFAIEEK, if you want a Fancy or Subatantial Hanaess J. WARD can gi4 you better • setts- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. . HARNESS . WHO WANTS MONEY ?--A. few thouiand • went at 8 per cent. interest. App y o s Where 1 au will find all Kinds" of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. . H. 13EN ,90N, Solicitor; Seitforth. • 596 _ - • - . . T P. BRINE, Liecneed Anctioneer for the -1.-v faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that y. • County of Huron. Sales attended in all is wanted to secure regular custom. -3-,, WARD, Seaforth. ' parte af elle County. All orders left at the Ex- . s ( HER HERE! THAT IS UP NORTH. ALMOST EVERY A BA C4- *C._) there is a -weak point. We may escape • SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. • Call at M. B. COUNTER'S' Jewelry Store and get your Sight testO with L. Black & Co.'s Patent Indicator ---can fit you the first trial. A Full Line of Spectacles front Twenty -Five Cents to Twelve Dol- lars per pair. A Oase Given with Every Pair. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2:«▪ 3 t 0 •••• 'Et ••••1 "MVO UV-MO/110 O 0 . 0 - I ... ', tri - Wiee : 1 .-1Cial* ''; )Z ,0 tel )--1 . el In k 0 0 , e ' ,...9 !, Z Ci -C`--1 re tt ' : -1.1 - 1 0 14 I -'(g l'"d I t71 i t< 1_, H' I 0 g Oa' en l--4 i ta'at ee w JD tt .)- ›.- : 0 -.1.1 i 0 - )--4 . w • ..-+ ..-4 0 t:3' [ _ z ti i -11 , (i) > i 0 m ! . tt 1-3 - . tril ee 1 ee f--11 na I Ca 1 0 M CL1 i t74 ill ° THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. SUCH. AS YOU FIND L. MA -BEE _. . WHEN IT IIS MADE _ ..-- - sii Begs to inform his -friends and the public thst . AT he has on hand one of the NICEST and FRESH- - . _ Ili .,:'• - , -,...-:. EST Stocks of Groceries in town, and to he sells for Cash, he , 1 -:•',N, , "1," 4. •NM• 1. W AR D'S, SELLS CHEAP g S EAFORTHI who do not do tea lose in bad debtaatalpay in ine Giving his perchasers this benefit of wh.at other& dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- terest to wholesale men. FLOUR AND FEED UP INTO NE YOU MEET HAS GOT KET FULL OF 1--t S POSITOR Office will he promptly attended to. rrlIE SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY. N ChM, uccessor to J.. R. Williams, manatee- . tar& of Pumps and elate' ns. All workwarranted - • • -1- s ARMITAGE 'BEATTIE & CO . to give satisfaction. Factory on North,Main St., . . . Are now 'prepared to treat with parties for 500 r FURNITURE Seaforth. WITH A. 0. AULT'S LIAME PRINTED ON EAC PARCEL. NTOTICE TO DEBTORS. -All parties not hav- ing settled up their accounts with rae for 1877- failing to do RO at once will be charged 10 per GROWING FLAX cent. interest from January 1st, 1878, without .. I fail, THOMAS COVENTRY, Seaforth. 531 . • . . ' . Either by the Ton or -acre. "DIY UP. -Mr. Graham Williameon having M. ROBERTSON, • . - givenup the Plow Business, begs to refit:lest . They are also Selling A11 Kinds of - book account to settle the sense at once, it not CT_TIR,15 ]EI' all parties indebted to him either by note or they will he placed iu other hands for 'eol- CABINETIVIAKER . — AT LOW PRICES, AT THE ' lee tion . G. WILLIAMSON. 533 f•-'OHN Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- AND' UNDERTAKER, _TLECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate c.bant. Money loaned= real estate in town or country, at -8 pee cent. simple interest. Charges moderet e. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Fiume and village property for sale. • Office- , Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 Why, he mast bo Is rge businese. Yes; ho does the business while the others are doing the talking. That it' the light place to buy your Goods. Ile has 1- e Just Received,Another Lot of that Very ChOice Green Tea, • At 5.0 centa per pounl, also a Fresh Lot of that 'Choice Brand of Jap u Tea, at 500. per pound. A. . A.0 L T HAS AGAIN OPENED A. - 'EallE GREAT1FEMALE REMBDY.-JohMoses . etctil FurAiture Store Selling at Low Prices. A large quantity of Clover and Timothy -L• Periodical Pills -This invaluable medicine rs ARMITAGE., I3EITTIE &- Co. dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- vie, eoe unfailing in tho cure of all those p:inful and Two Doors North of his Old Stand, oppesite t'" tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re. ddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is moves all obtruclions and a speedy cure ma -y be prepared SEAFORTH PACKINO HOUSE, FLAX MILL PROPERTY, SEAFORTM Orders left, either at the Factory or BrownelPs Grocery will have immediate attention. Is sellins; Groceries o all kinds, and of the very best quality, at prices' that people oan't help but buy them. . •• Butter, Eggs'and Potatoes Tctken. in Exchange for\Groceries. A. G. AULT., HAIR D\RESSING. relied on. To mandadiadiee, it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- rp riod with regularit- 'These pills should not be *4 - taken by Females daring the first three months of Pregrauey, as they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but, at any other thne they are.safe. all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- s - .Con palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other mean.s eove failed.; and, although a powerful remedy, de not contain iron, calomel, antimony, Attended to as Usual. or anythinehurtfal to the constitution. Full ' direadons in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully iireserved. Job Moses, A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12/ cents • SHBOUDS, &c., always on hand. ' THE CONSOLIDATED BANK 0 .SELL AS CEIEAP AS ANY IN OF CANADA. ' THE TRADE. . pay the HIGHEST PRICE CA PITA I. - - - $4.000.000. any quantity of , Always on band. Goods delivered in town free of ehaage. Remember -the stand, oppoeite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK. • L. MABEE. U T A.RRIVED, . AT ROBERTS" DRUG STORE, Opposite Cardno's New Block: PhOstaiozone,,, Boschee's German Syrup, Churchilrs Syrup of Hypophos- phites-, August Flo-wers, British Oil, McKenzie's Dead Shot Worm Candy And any quantity Handy'Pack- age Dyes, All of which are guarenteed to Make Beautiful and Past Colors. 516 THE REHM PORK FACTORY. G. & J,PETTY Are prepared to fax CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorpora ted 1833; HOGS ALIVE OR DRESSED and ROYAL- CANADIAN BANK, UNDERTAKING COMBINGS Made oNiter .into Switchee, Curls, Braids and Puffs, all in the Latest Styles and with despatch. , 1 Bair arranged in the Neetura/ way with/ Rooti\at the top. for postage enclosed tu Northrop & Lyman, To - rout°, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, . will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by eelMi, • ROBERTSON. return mail. Sold in Sea:forth "by Hickson & -- - , Bleasdell, j. S. Roberts; and R. Luna sden. 197 ' OIL—WORTH TEN Timm ITS WEIGHT IN ' SEED 1 --Er.c.rracrry! THOMAS'. EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC Goren -Pain canna stand where it is treed. It is! Comnion sore thrs.t. One bottle has cured bron- SEED CORN. the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures : chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand-- ing cough. It panitively cures catarrh, asthma, ' and Group. Fifty cents' worth has cured criek in i the back, and the same quantity lame back of 8 - years' standby* . The following are extracts from - a few of the many letters that belie been received ; niB.EST SEED CORN, . , from different puts of Canada, which, we think, should sufficiently satisfy the most. skeptical : J. Cellard, of Sparta, Ont., writes"Send e 6 dozen Dr. Thome sl EcIrctric Oil, have sold sill had from - , PRICE LOW, deriul." Wm. McGuire, of Frenklio, writes, "I yon, and want more now; its curee are truly won- - . g B have sold all the egent left, it acts like a eharra- it was slow at -first, but takes splendid now." Ela ` And the Corn guaranteed to grow. A 'quantity Cole, of Iona, writes, "Please forwara 6 dozen : of it has been sown and can bkseen growing by Thomo.e' Eclectric Oil,I am nearly out, nothing cal at rownell's Grocery. equals it. It is highly recomanended by those who . ha,ve used it." J. -Bedterd, Tharnesville, writes, "Send rrie at ouce a furthei supply of Eclectrie Oil, I have only one bottle left. I never saw any- , thing sell so well and give such general ea,tiafee- tion." J. Thompson, Woodward, writes, "Send . outs Nothing takeslike it." 3ailler & Reed, Ul- -• ALL KINDS OF SEEDg me some more Eelectric Oil, I have told entipely verten, P. Q., write, "The -Eclectric Oil is getting , a great reputation here, and is daily called for. SendGibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes.,"Send us • AT LOWEST PRICES. ' ' tis a further supply without delay."Lemoyeae, one era of Eclectric Oil. la e find. it to take well. Sold by all inedicine &cetera. ' Price 25 . Centa. S. N. VIONIA.S, PHILLPS, N Y. Ind NORTHROP d: LIMAN, TEAS A SPECIALTY -IIS USUAL. •• Toronto Ont., Sole 3un & Bleasiall, J. S. Roberts, and .... I Agents for the Dominion. NOTE.—Ecleebric— CARIROW+ Al Mr. William Hunt's, four doors west of 'the 528-26 Market Seaforth. . . _ . . . . .- . _ RN. JUST RECEIVED A. CAR LOAD OF - FULL STOCKS OF Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth 11i by titi en 521 , Incorporated 1804. ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Rand - SEAFORTH BRANCH DOMINION LOCK, MAIN -ST. 8E13AFORTH. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK C;UTTINGS, G. & 4.1 PETTY. 523 Draffis on New Payable at any Bank .ihr. the United States. 4 LUMBER FOR SALE of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEPEST PAID. ON DEPOSITS. - M. P. 'HAYES, - MANI:Gen 411 J. BROWNELL. • 1' - CA.T.T4TIOI\T nEm-100x, First Quality,' $3 per M. PINE from $8-, BILLS CUT TO 11tDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP4 The Subscriber has also a _EACH' PLUG OF THE LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTII, MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained.. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, IS STAMPED " SZ - e" - SEAFOBTH PLANING MILL, SAW DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 1141 GILT LETTERS. THE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numerona eustomers fax the liberalpatronagt .extendedia gg' OTWER 18 GENUINE, him since conunencing businerte in'ataforth, azull 1 trasts that he may be favored with a.icontinuane 53,-.12 __ ____-..... .1._ "_____--------____ ).,. ef the saute, 1 Partiesintending to build -would -do well to give .1.- ItillE Li M AT I S NI I ,...... him a call, as he 'will continae to keep. on hand a Dizeases Cured in a Few :Hours. ergs stock of allkinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, And all InflaTanuttory artd Skin i Aksorbtent Neutrauzis the .&cid Poison, end wno Pi A FOR XL 24 . , the cease of pram is removed. sad hy all Drag- Re f eels confident of giving satisfaction's° Onas SHINGLES, LA.TH, ETC. yiavoarbim with theirpstreautge, attleake Acid Ferment. Brunton's Rheumatic elite. Peice-de eents. Advice in particula.r cases 1 bat first-clarsworVaenareemPlhffea- W. Ti BILUNI10111, 1.4012401l.' ,626-34 ro1Partistriaraftention paid toCusioraePheetilegg JOHN H. BROADFOOeL free. idAtess THERE sail be no Infteramation without an DOORS, BLINDS, MOITLDINGS,