HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-17, Page 8•
- If
of c_
uton xpooitor.
NiaLLunsors, who lately started a new bakery and
onfectionery establishment in this tovit,has added
a new branch to his bushiesS, one Oat will supply
a want long felt by the public generally. Ile is now
Atting, up compartment in a very tasty and com-
fortable manner, which wiil be opened on Satur-
day next, the 18th inst. All who are In want of
some light and. cooling refreshments during the
coming hot season should. give him a call and as-
sure themselves thrat G. Williamson's Soda water
and ice cream cannot be surpassed for quality and
itavor. Lunch and refreshments supplied on the
shortest notice in eo.nfortable compartments. Give
bim a tall. A ,complete stock of fresh groceries
constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part
of the town free of charge. 545-1.
want to see one of the most attractive Stock of
Millinery Goods ever shown Seaforth, visit my
show rooras du.ring,the coming week. The tables
are literally crammed with the newest and most
fashionable styles in trimmedhats and bonnets and
notwithstanding the vast arammt sent out daily,
the supply seems inexhaustible. All thelatestnov-
cities in ties and scarfs, flowers, feathers, &c., &c.
Tors KIDD. 54,5.
A.LLEN'S off.—As-
tonishing valne.-22 pounds rice for a dollai.°; 12
pounds dried apples for a dollar; 14 Iptinds new
prunes for a dollar ; 16 pOands new raisins for a
dolbkr; 18 pounds currants for a dollar; prime teas
at 40 cents in lots of 5 poundS, 'must be cleared mit.
BARGAINS.—Just Arrived at Lama.aw
& ParuLzi's, another large' lot of Crockery and
Glassware, which we purchased cheap, and will
dispose of at wholesale prices. Come and get
some bargains. & FAIRLEY, Cardno's
Iock,Seaforth. 544
GO TO M. MORRISON'S for your Turnip
Seed. 1,000 pounds good fresh seed on hand, and
will be sold cheap. Parties wishing to purchase
in from 10 to 50 pound lotswill do well to compare
prices before purchasing elsewhere. Mon-
sasnx. 545-4.
HVRON FOUNDRY.—The Huron Foun-
dry will hereafter be open for business: Parties
desiring castings or work of any kind. done can
leave their orders at the Foundry and. they will
be promptly attended to. 544
CRANGE OF NAlfc.—Thedurigin61 Fire
Company has changed its name to
" Phcenix Conapany No. 1." The hook
and ladder company is to be known as
"Rescue Company No. 1 ;" the whole
forming the Seaford). Fire .Brigade.
" TEIF. Paocessioaa—The morning pro-
cession on the Twenty -Fourth promises
to be one of the most naaonificent dis-
plays ever Witnessed in Seaforth. -- Ex-
tensive preparations are being Made by
both companies- of the Fire Brigade to
decorate the apparatus of the FireDe-
partment in an elaborate manner. Our
country friends should not fail to come
to town early.
more sprightly animals. It would be
well for those desiring the see -vices of
" Clear Grit" to send in their
tions at once, as only a limite
will be acco-minodated, and. w
stand the list is filling up ve
We need. not express the hope
Whiteley's venture will be a
one or that his enterprise Nal
warded, as we are sure that it
unless, unfortunately, some a
naishap should. overtake his h
animal of such merit and
a reputation so .fa.vorable is. s
Foans•rav.—The Court in this town
in *connection with the Ancient Order
of Foresters was, on the 27th tilt, in-
corporated under the Friendly Society's,
Act. The rapid increase of • this ex-
cellent order in this section may be
judged from the 'fact that aS new dis-
triet lodge has recently been. established
with Stratford as its head -quarters.
This district is coMpesed of the 'coun-
ties of Perth and, Huron.
• .
Esinosesatax Castaiesea—Mr. Editor
—Sir: I notice in last week's issue your
remarks about the desecration of the
Egmondville cemetery. I cannot pass
such aesiander 'on our quiet and. harm-
less village, -without a prompt denial
that stteli a thing as you describe ever
took place; 'I. have enquired into the
'alleged deseeration, and also visited. the
graveyard, and have teaund that mother
hen and her chicks have scratched up a,
few carelessly planted floWers:.. Hoping
you will he kind enough to publish these
few lines in v indication of the youth of
Egenondville„ I am, yours, &es' dacoe
FOR SCOTLAND. -1- • Messrs. William
Sproat, David Campbell Hugh
Chesney, and MSS Dle son and
Miss Sproataill of Tuckersuu ,and Mr.
Robert Scott, of Roxboro, eRillope
also Miss Beaumont, of Goderich, left
hare on Wednesday for Scotl nd. They
sail from New York o Satur-
day, by the Anchor Line, of hich Mr.
S. Dickson, of ,Seaforth, is a ent, and
expect to be gone about two onths or
ten weeks. A .large numb ,r of the
friends of the different parti s assem-
bled at the station to bid. them good. -
bye and to wish them a saejourney
and a pleasant visit.
—On Thursday Mrs. Janes Pa-
terson and Miss McM
Tuckersmith, Miss Noble,
ley, and Miss Turnbull,
lop, took their departure f
country. They go by the
from Quebec.
applies -
under -
that Mr.
be re -
will be,
eident or
rse, as an
e to be
Locar. Bamrs.•-aThe -trac
Driving Park is now ready f
on. - It is in excellent condi
• as hard. and level as a floe
tickets can be procured from
McNaught, Secretary. — F
being Queen's Birthday, all t
houses in the town. will be el
expect a very large crovid of
witness the sports and . races
Charlesworth & Sons, of Eg
ale having a new Corliss en
mense power placed in their
ring the progress of this wor
will be shut down, but it is
will be running in full blas
two weeks. --A lodge in conn
the Ancient Order of lUni
men has been formed in
Quite a number of our leadi
have become -members. It.
Mary institution and seem
willeconsiderable favor in ot ier places
where it has been introduced.—On the
, agent fpr
of Brant -
of imple-
ered uine
machines to farmers in this 'vicinity.—
Tin! • Fuosr.—The recent wet spell
seems to have wound. up with a severe
frost. On Sunday and Monday nights
the. frost was very severe. On Monday
.morning, water which had been stand-
ing out over night was thickly coated_
with ice. In solneplaces the advanced
clover was Scorched, and grape and
other views were considerably hurt,.
but we have ilot heard that much other
damage was done. Early vegetables
and garden plants which were ad-
vaasce'4 were considerably injured, but
awing to the reeent unftworable-weather
there were few of these sufficiently for-
ward. to be deatroyed. Appearances
now seem. to indicate a spell of fine
weather. • •
Pausesare—We learn that- the -Rey.
Father McGratlanf Irislitoste,.has been
• appointed to the charge of the huller -
taut parish of Botadi. His many
friends m this SOCtiOD will rejoice at his
promotion, and, while regretting his de-
parture from amongst us,. we. cannot
help congratulating the good. people .of
Bothwell being so fortunate as to
se -
euro the services of one who, by his
piety,. zeal and gentlemanly conduct,
has endeared -himself to a large circle- of
frienda. We understand that his frends
in Dublin (Carrouhrook) wo. Irislito_wn
presented him with an address and
pursza containing a very handsome sum
of money. The Rev. gentleman left
on Wednesday week for the scene of his
new labor. .
TUE 0 It 'MENAI. Ceame Gem—Mr.
George Whiteley, of this towia has pur-
chased, the celebrated blood stallion
&Clear (kit." This spleudid animal, so
well and faVorably known among horse
breeders, was purchased. by Mr. White-
ley in Galt last week for v.,25a. As a
stock getter he has a reputation unser-
assed by any othereliorao iu America,
1 he is the sire of more trotterg than
any her horse ou the Continent. Ia
1872, A . bout any training or tittles,
and in the iiddle of a seasou, he gained
a. record en t e Windsor track of 2:47.
Re is now 16- sec rs old; but is still as
sound and vigoro s as when a coll.- He .
will do much to im rove the quality of
the atock in this pa -t of the country.
In the rage for heavy draught horses,
thia class has beeu very Tuch. neglected
of late years. and9as a result it is now
difficult to prooure a. good riding, or
driving horse at any price. The de-
mand, however, .for large, heavy hor ses
will not, us the future, he what it -has
beeu in the past, The American market,
the principal market for this stock in
the past, is becoming filled up with
horses of their own raising, whik Cana-
da will "low have to depend to a very
large extent upon the English market
to get rid of its surplus stock, and for
this market, the rangey, sinewey blood
for carriage and Saddle purposes are the
animals required. While, therefore,
we do not by any means advise the ig-
noring of the heavy stock, it would be
Well for farmers to pay more attention
in the future thanthey have done in the
_past to the breeding of the lighter and
rdie, of
of Stan-
✓ the old-
llan Line
.1 I
completion. Dr. Buchanan is making
quite an alteration in his ouse and
drug store ,by enlarging th m, which
when completed -will add gre tly to the
looks of that side of the street. The
Masons have commenced work on the
Lutheran Church, which witt be ready
for the ceremony .of laying e founda-
tion stone on Wed.nesdeee next, 22d
_inst. We also notice quite number of
shade trees newly planted pp. sever of
the streets; this is a -move en the ri ht
direction. - Mr. Brown has Sold his res-
idence and 3i• acres of land to Mr. Jacob
Ha.ppel, the sum paid beingl$1,325. I •
on the
✓ driving
ion, being
. Season
r. David
iday next
e business
sed. We
'sitors tO
Lee of im-
'11. Du -
the mill
in about
ction with
ed Work -
is town.
e citizens
's bene -
to meet
9th inst., Mr. W. J. Moffat
Messrs.-- Harris, Son it Co.
ford, made his first deliver
meats in this place. He ,deli
There are a number of pigs running
at large in various parts of the -town
contrary to tho. town by -la vs. ----At . a
meeting- of .the creditors of r. Thomas
Stephens held at Godeeich o Tuesday
Messrs. Thomas D. Ryan Ind 0. C.
Willson were appointed joint assiguees.
—A large number . of oar citiaens
took . advantage of th • cheap
excursione to Toronto on Wednes-
day pat to -witness ,th Hardens
Plaisted boat race and do a ittle busi-
ness at the sate. time.—Th race ere -
awl a good deal of interest here, nd
considerable money was wag redamoeg
the more _sportively inclined portion of
our citizens. Some. of thos who did
not " hedge " enough. •to onse oat
straight are no doubt ..%aa sorry for
their- venturesonseness, winl others re-
joice over their "little pile.'—We are
glad to learn. that the Can assers for
Beldon's County atlas.are meting -with
good euccess. One hundred and ninety
subscribers have been obtai • .edin Tuck--
ersmith and Seaforth alou ,—Remem-
ber the entertainments of t e Seaforth
Dramatic club in 'CLIrdnO% 1 all. on the
evenings of Wednesday. a d Friday
next. That 031 Wednesday vening be-
ing for the benefit of the Me hanics'.In-
stitute, and that on Friday evening .for
the Club, there should. his big house
on. both eveninga:•—Ph:coni. Company
(the engine department) Se forth Fire
Brigade,' will be out for , p notice this,.
Friday evening in full unifo m. A full
turn -out is desirable.—Th watering
cart made its rounds on. ain street
311 Thursday fertile first tii .e this Sea-
son. - This street is being ept in' ex-
cellent order et present. T le water ta-
blesare being cleaned out and stones and
other rubbish gathered u and cart-
ed off. .This is as it should L.
F. 'Wheeler, eirtist, return d to town
this week, end intends remaining -here.
some tune. He is now eng. ged in. get-
tiug up scenery for th Dramatic
Club --We understau.d that Dr. Oremus
- .
eretions are very brisk i
_present. Upwards of th
are to be built this suram
them beingstarted now.
CONCERT . —A concert in
•with the Exeter Comet Ba
in Purdy's Hall last Tupeday night.
The concert was a d.ecidedl• success, the
hall being crowd.ed. Aprogramme con-
sisting of instrumental ifausic, songs,
solos, duetts and trios was rendered by
ladies and gentlemen from Exeter, each
and all of them filling their various
parts in a manner highly 'creditable to
themselves as well as td the town of
• Lakelet.
CyANGE.—The Lakelet Hotel has a
new landlord. T. Hubbeard is the
present proprietor. He aimounoes that
a temperance house will be kept.
BUILD'ING.—W. C. Hazelwood is en-
larging his boot 'and slide store. Mr.
• Teskey, blaeltsmith, is putting up an
addition to his dwelling; . and M.
Young, Esq., is building a house, which
when finished will eclipse anything in
the village. •
FEVER.—Not typhoid, but babyTcar-
nage fever. The sidewalks are full of
them. One of the lady citizens suggests
that switches and whistles be obtained,
in order that collisions may be pre-
vented. However, if great care be
taken, this is perhaps unnecessary.
TRE MARKET e vote on the
market site on Monday 1st resulted in
the selection of Mr. Carling's lot, at the
heitd of Station street, laY a majority of
ARRISTED.—Constable I Gill, assisted
by Mr. J. Balkwill, arreSted two young
roughs who had - been1 indulging in
smashing doors, windoWs, and things
generally in and around- the Mansion
House, Hensall, on Friday last. .They
were conveyed to Exeter and fined $4
each and costs,
ACOIDENTS.—Mr. John Mortimer, car-
uilding op-
Hensall at
y houses
er, most of
d was held.
has removed to Carronbro
will in fature reside. T
many friends in this vicini
joieing liis departure, wi
glad to learn that he is -in
doing quite a large practice
Ge z,tE UAL Nola:S.—The i
Hess k. Heberer is turning.
many wagons, which are gc
rapidly, owing to the re
Wagons, which formerly.
clash are Belling for f65.
band purpose going to God
part in the baud tourn
held on the 2Ith inst. -
Aceie E NT .-0 n Thursda,
last week a young man, t
Chri. tian l'file, an appre
k, where he
e Doctor's
y, while re -
1 be equally
the Way of
ew finis Of
ut a great
ing off very
uced. price.
irought $85
-The brass
rich to take
inpit • to be
I -
evening of
e name of
Ake -black-
ed, and procure water for the use of the
builder.—Carried. Moved by Samuel
Wallace, seconded by Robert Brett,
that the Board de now adjourn to meet
again at No. 9e_on Saturday, June 15; at
'clock P M.— Carried.— GEORGE
penter; bad his leg very badly crushed
by the falling of a pile of heavy joists
-upon it while engaged on the founda-
tion of Mr. Eacrett's new brick block.
Under medical care hopes of a speedy
recovery are entertained.As Mr.
Howey, sen., was engaged a few days
since on a new house which he is build- -
ins for his son, he stepped too near the
end of the scaffolding, the planks of
which tipped up, and he was thrown to
the ground. Both of his wrists were
dislocated and other slightinjuries sus-__
imitate our More extensive neighbor's
and parade our loyalty by c os ng
places of business on the 24th of May,
and if our townsmen will join in a gen-
eral pic-nio on that occasion, we may
have a general good time.—Com.
SPROAT, Secretary. . GRAVE ROBBING.—Considefable ex-
imder the aus- citement was created here this week,
pices of Royal Oak Lodge, Independent by finding that a body had been taken _
Order of Good Templars, will be held from the Friarton Brae cemetery. The
body was that of a man named. McDon-
ald, buried years ago, and the supposi-
tion is that the body was taken merely
to obtain the bones. The grave was
found. disturbed by some persons work-
ing in the neighborhood. The widow
of deceased, who has re -married., is
having_the matter investigated.—New
in Townsend's grove; on the 2n op -
cession on Friday next, the 24th inst.
There be addresses and music, •and
other sources of amusement. Refresh-
ments will be served, at 1 o'elock. A
good time is anticipated, and the public
are cordially invited.
• —The following are the officers elect-
ed in the above Lodge for the ensuing
quarter : W. A. Lawrence, W. C. Te
S.; C. 'Turner, W. F. S.; W. Crich,
Chap.; Geo. Crich, WT.; R. Gibbings,
W. M.; E. Crich, I. G.; R. Davis, 0.
G.; D. Elcoat, Lodge Deputy ;.Miss Su-
san Landsborough, R. H. S.; Miss Ann
'c , L. H. S.
CHANGED FARMS.—Mr. James John-
• ston and Mr. James Martin, of the 2nd
Concession, have traded farms. Mr.
Maxtin takes the Carnochan " farm,
of which he has already taken posses-
Ifiss C. Wild, W. V. T.; H. Turner, .
McWill op.
ACCIDENT.—On the 7th inst., a young
than named Charles Reinhart met with
a severe accident. On that day he was
-engaged at a barn -raising on the farm
of Mr. Fred Arnold, 2nd concession,
-when a heavy mallet known. as the
"cennneander" fell upon his head from
the building,and laid the skull open to
the bone. 1e was rendered insensible
for some time. Medical aidewas prompts.
ly summoned. and. he is now in a fair
way of recovery. ,
exhibition held in the school house in
Section No. 4 last Friday evening under
the auspices of the debating club, was a
grand success. Crowds came from all
directions; and by the time announced
for the entertainment to begin thebuild-
ing was literally packed: The chair was
occupied by the President of the So-
ciety, Mr. W. J, Shannon, .who; after
• briefly stating the object in view, name-
ly that of securi-nig au addition to the
section library, introduced in their or-
der, those who had previously been ap-
pointed to take part in the entertain-
ment. Music; recitations, . dialogues,
Aadings and scenes in. character follow-
ed each other in succesSion, all of which
were rendered in a manner apparently
well adapted to the interest and amuse-
ment of the audience. The 'acting of
Hollis is especially deserving of atten-
tion. His comic songs, Which elicited.
such frequent encores, his "Plantation
Scene," together with ° his stump ora-
tion, contained in themselvee abund-
ance of amusement, fully convincing all
present that, as -a demi° actor, he has
few equals. The \entertainment was
brought to a close by the scholars sing-
ing a "Parting Song," after which all.
joined in the National Anthem.
Mn; EDITOR — Sir.—Seeing that you
have no correspondent in this village, I
thought it might not be amiss to send
you a few lines concerning it. This pros-
perous little place is situated on the
Huron Road about half way ' between
Seaforth and Clinton, just' where you
switch off to Kinburn. . It is one of the day evenings at the special meetings
most beautifully situated villages in now going on in the Methodist Church.
Canada. The streets an3 shaded by CORREDT.—Please insert the fol-
handsonae breed leafed maples. The lowing: The Mitchell Advocate of the
raanufacturing part of the village con- 10th inst. says: "The notorious Dan
tains a stave and pail factory, a woolen Moran, temperance lecturer, etc., is in
factory, and a basket making establish- jail, having been sent there as a vagrant."
ment. Mr. Davis has lately erected a I wiali to say the above statement is
new blacksmith shop in the most busi-
ness part of the village, where I under-
stand he is doing a good business. The
travelling public mostly put up at the
Royal Canadian Hotel, as it -is the 'old-
est established house. The Bible Chris-
tian Church is placed in a conspieuous
place On Main street, and. every Thurs-
day night the villagers are entertained
by the melodious notes of Mr. Salter's
singing class, which is carried on therein.
It is reported that Mr. Jamieson is
thinking of erecting 6 general purpose
house to Contain a, store; a, post office,
and telegraple office in the lower story,
while the upPer part is to be specially
designed for family use. If this build-
ing be proceeded with it will be an orna-
ment to the place.—Oeseuveie
: •
BLOWN OVER .—On Friday evening of
lest week a new two-storey warehouse,
sided and ,partly roofed, belonging to
J. R. Williams, was blown down 17y a
sudden gust of 'wind. Mr. Williams
and his hands had a miraculous escape.
MINISTERIA.L.—The annual meeting of
the Wellington District of the Canada
Methodist Church, lay and clerical, will
be held in Gerrie on the 21st and fol-
lowing days. Strange ministers will
preach Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
ACUIDENT.—On Monday last as Mr.
John Fortune was returning home from
Seaforth, •after hciving delivered a
load of at the -eheese factory, he
fell froin his wagon, breaking his leg.
Although the injury is a very severe
one, under medical care, the old gen-
tleman.- is progressing as favorably as
could be expecIed:
, Tea-NM:IP STATIST I C . —Mr. William
McConnell has kindly furnished us with
the following interesting statistics cull-
ed from the assessment roll this year:
The assessed value of the real property
is $1,943,085, being in4rease of $69,-
275 over last year; Personal property,
gut °lie of the bones of. his leg $118,5-50, being a • decrease of F:17,946 ;
n while playing bas bali. The Incomee$500, same as last year. There
ut itti. caused by a kick from an- is a population of 3,048, of whom 554
yowls inan who was Iso playing, are between the ages of 2.1 and. Go. There
they having run foiel of eac i other while are 3,010 days of statute labor to be
running from oue base tc the other. woi•ked. There are 3,046 cattle ; 3,532
Drlluellananwas in attendance ; it sheep 116 hogs ; 1,401 horses and 356
willebe a couple of mouths
able to work again. It lea,
M • Ia.iis Thie1
., i
11 ra lOr
he has a large amount
at preasnt:
PeitSC!NAT. .—)t V. Alders(
for Manitoba about two we
took with hint ilVe horses,
before. be (10gti.
-es his boss Semen, Boaeo Mii:Erixo.—A meeting
el -S t
false. Mr. Moran is living in Gorne, a
consistent Christian, attending to his
own affairs, and is a pattern of sobriety
and consistency and 0, regular attendant
upon the house of God. E. Fesent,
Methodist Minister. We, the under-
signed, endorse the above,—T. P. Dor-
land, J.P.; R. Leech, J.P.; Dr. Bur-
gess • A. 'M. Michael, M.D.; T. G. -
Holmes, merchant; R. Turner, agent;
C. A. Passmore, druggist; H. Perkins,
saddler; H. Besanson, postmaster.
Gorrie, May 14, 1878.
• Brussels.
ABLT CLOSING.—The early closing
movement is working very well so far,
much better than it did. last year. As
yet all -parties are sticking to the agree-
CHEAP TRIP . —Cheap exciirsion tick-
ets were issued from Brussels to Toron-
to on Wednesday, good, for the boat
race. Several parties from Brussels
and vicinity availed themselves of the
NOT AWIRDED.—The contract for the
new post office has not yet been let.
There were a good many tenders in, and.
it is reported that they were too high,
and that the building williaot be put up
this ye
• THE NEW Eecuae.—The fire company
were Ot -with their steamer on Tuesday
last for l practice. The engine worked
well and, threw the best stream of wa-
ter since it has been on trial. Water
was thrown over a building in seven
and. a half minutes from the time the
torch was applied to the fire. -
COURT Or REVISION.—The: Court of
Revision is to be held on May 28. There
are a good many appeals in as to the
persongl property, _assessment. The
Great Western Railway Company halm
appealed against their assessment as be-
ing illegal. It is said that the illegal
grounds are that the assessor was: not
qualified as to real or peesonalestate.
THE TWENTI-FOURTH.--2-01,1P citizens,
it is believed, intend visiting neighbor-
ing towns on the 24th inst., as no ar-
rangements have been made for home
amusements. We hope the 1st of July
will be celebrated. in a proper way, and
for the purpose we would. advise the
calling of a meeting of the citizens soon
to take the matelrinto consideration.
honors by winning the Uifiversity
scholarship, worth 4.12p4 The several
young men _ above naMed belong to
—The express train. 011 the London.
Huron and Bruce whiCh formerly went
south at 5.30 p.m., has been changed to
6.35 p.m.
-a-Mr. Porter, the Conservative
nominee for the South Riding of Huron,
will address the electors in Clinton on
Monday evening next. He is making a
tour through the riding.
—Mr. J. McEwen has purchased the
hotel property of Mr. James Mills, in
Jamestown, where he' purposes erecting
a new building at an early date. Mr.
Hunter, of Brussels, has the contract.
—About a week ago, ill, heifer aged
two years and i eleven months, belong-
ing to Hugh 'Lamont, lot 8, concession
7, Grey, favored its owner with twin
calves, a bull and a heifer,
—A little boy of about eight years of
age, son oi Mr. Henry Godkin, Turn -
berry, near[ Zetland, received a Severe
kick ton the head from a horse, on Sun-
day last, knocking him senseless.
" --Messrs. Spooner, Mooney (Fe Co. last
week puipliased fifty head of fine cattle,
for shipment to the old country, in the
neighborhood of Mitchell. The price
paid was about 6 pents per pound. live
—A concert Under the &uspices of the
Ladies' Aid SoCiety of the Presbyterian
church, will be given in Wingham, on
the evening of tht) 23rd. inst. Professor'
Maitland, of Gnelph, will be one of the
principal vocalists.
—The Turnberry Agricultural So-
ciety have erected° a new buildilag on
their grounds M Wingliaixi, for a show
room. It is a 62 feet octagon, two
stories high, the. upper portioia. having- ,
glass all around;
—Rev. G. W. Andrews who has for
the past twelve months officiated ac-
ceptably -in the John street Methodist
Episcopal church, Brussels, left on Fri-
day last for his ne*1 appointment,
—At the last meeting of the session
at l'cuOx Church, Bruseels, it was de-
cided that the organ should be put out
of the Sunday , School. This ac -
MAY 17, 1878.
cise, and,'having occasion to turn, the
animal he led, bounding forward, drew
him out of his seat on to the horse's
neck, from whence he was thrown to the
ground -with violence, the animal jump,
ing over him. One foot struck his up.
turned face, breaking the bones of the
nose, and seriously mjuring the cheek
and eye. We are pleased to know that
he is improving.
—Mrs. Judge TOMS, of Goderich, ii
recently fallen heir to a handsofue
legacy, by the death of a relative.
tion will detract not a little from the
cheerfulness of the school.
• —An entertainment, under the aus-
pices of the True Blue Lodge of Orange
Young Britons, No. 92, will be held. in
the Temperance Hall,- Londesboro, on
Friday, 24th of May, 1878. There will
be addresses, readings, recitations and.
music. •
—Mr. Angus McRerral, from Barrie,
'hap recently pur-chased the grist mill
woDr1:1NtGhseirIN staCtduutNe alfreontlaosft —On. Suncla,y last a young man
meeting of Stephen Council, at which known as'Mellville's mill, together with
all the members were present, A. the house, lot, ctc., at Bandon, in Hul-
Pitcher 8. Kroft, L. McDonald, and lett. He will no doubt receive a liberal
D. Collins were granted permission to share of the business of the section.
named Henry, while o
labor in their respective places, un4er the super- out walking in the
vision of the pathmasters.. Mr. Eilber hog.
woods near Clinton, sighted a ground. -
was appointed to see to the expending ,Ile gave chaee,_ but tripping on a
of $20 of non-resident money in. A. stick, fell, and a snag ran inte his face,
Campbell' beat. J:s Emery, jun., to just below.the eye -ball, almost forcing
it out).
expend $5 in .ditching near lot 6 .in 7th ' '
concession. B. V. Eliott requested per- —The regular general annual meet -
mission to de his statute labour on in ef of the•Liberal Conservative Associa-
Waterloo.street ; also requeSts , that a tion for the South Riding of Huron, will
portion of boundary line appropriation be held in Brucefield, on Monday, May
be expended on Waterloo street.--Re-Bees2Oth, at 12 o'clock, for the •purpose of
quest granted. Moved by -C. Eilber, electing officers, and the transaction of
• seconded by W. Baker, that no grant be other business.
made for gravelling purposes on. any The young heavy draught stallion
concession. Yeas and nays beingcalled " British Oak," purchased by Mr. S.
for, there voted, yeas—T. Yearley, C. Hunter, of Usborne, from Mr. Wm.
Eilber, W. Baker, W. Schnarr ; nays— Dixon, of Stanley, was awarded the
D. Coughlan. Clerk to communicate special prize of $50, at the Chatham
with the Canada Company regaroing spring sho-w, for being the heaviest and.
right of way through lot 5, gable Con- best horse on the -ground.
cessiora Moved and resolved, that C. —The petition of Mr. J. Thorrington
Eilber and W. Schnarr be a deputation and 162 other freeholders, praying the
to Hay 011 May 25th to arrange regard- Council of Wingha,m to submit a 'hy-
ing tewnline appropriation; that Reeve law for the purchase of a site for a mar -
and Deputy Reeve see McGillivray ket, has been favorably received, by that
Council for la, like purpose; that C. body, and the by-leav will be voted on
Prouty and. W. Baker see Mr. Hunter by jtuhneer.atepayers on. Monday, the 3rd.
regarding the amount to be expended
on London road. Moved by W. Baker, —Mr. P. Kelly lias a large number of
seconded by W.Schnarr, that the Reeve hands busily engaged. preparing the
timber for his new mill in Blyth. He
Blyth. •
WELL SERVED., --Last Monday even-
ing Mr. James Quigley, of Blyth, hitch-
ed up his horse to drive a friend. into
the country. The party not being ready
to start just then. Mr. Quigley drove his
horse and buggy into the shed of. the
Imperial House, and, retired into the
bar room tintil his friend. was ready to
start. On going out to the -shed. Mr.
Quigley could find no trace. of thel -rig
whatever. A man named Robert Mc-
Cradey, a stone mason', was seen com-
ing -out of the Imperial House dressed
up, and shortly afterwards driving to-
wards Wingbam. He was at, once sus-
pected of driving off with the rig. Mr.
Quigley at once issued a warrantfor his
arrest. He was traced to Wingham
and arrested by • Constable McGuire,
and brought to Blyth at an early hour
Tuesday morning, and was tried in the
afternoon before Squires Wilson and
Clegg. and was sent up for two months
and 21 days. It seems Bob has been in
the habit of talung rigs out of the shed
and driving around town. Not long ago
he took a, rig out owned by Mr. Neth-
ery, and was having a boss time until:
he turned on to Mill street, when the
',horse took fright and ran away, pitch-
‘• Mg him out and breaking the rig to
atoms. .
and C. Eilber see J. Rollins with a view
of procurine a gravel pit. Moved by
W. Baker, seconded by T. Yearley, that
$100 be expended on 1st side road.
Clerk to draw up plans and specifica-
tions for bridge oh 4th concession, near
J. Bissett's. Resolved that the Court
of Revision be held on Monday, 27th
May. The next regular meeting of
Council to be held on the first Saturday
in June, whets. By-law No. 6 will be
brought up for discussion.
Bay -ft. eld.
GRAND 'CELEBRATION .—The people of
Bayfield intend having a gala day on
Friday next, the Queen's Birthday. Two
hundred dollars will be offered as prizes
for athletic sports of every description.
In the evening there *ill be a grand
dramaticenteaainment in Barker's Hall,
after which there will be a -magnificent
display of fireworks and a. fire balloon
has let the contract for furnishing the
machinery to Messrs. Goldie, McCul-
• loch & Co., of Galt, and he expects to
have the mill in thorough operation by
theJ5th of June.
2d. Concession of orris, but now of
—Mr. Thomas Hilnlyian, late of the
Wawanosh, was one evening completely
surprised when gni e a large number of
his Morrie _friends ' nipped in and pre-
sented him with a handsome bible, val-
ued at 412. Quite a flattering address
waS also read, to which -Mr: Hamlynn
made a suitable reply.
—Samuel Hagga,rty, of: Londesboro,
charged With pntting a spike on the
London, Huron and. Bruce Railway
track, appeared for trial before Judge
Squier, on Monday. The evidence on
behalf of the Crown was merely circum-
stantial, and not sufficient to make a
case. Prisoner . was therefore dis-
charged. _
, —The. water in Manhattan Shaft
• at G-oderich has got beyond control, and
the mining proceSe has been aban-
CELEBRATION.—The people of Lead- dolled. Mr. ..tettrille in a few days, goers
bury intend having a grand celebration to Belgium to make arrangements for
on the Twenty-Ifourtlh An efficient procuring the necessary appliances to
committee has heen formed, and 8; sink the shaft by the Chaudron drill
splendid' progranime • of sports and system. It is expected tbat ninety days
• amusements arranged. A considerablel will elapse before the work dan again be
sum will be given as prizes, and in the
. prolceeded with.
evening there will be a grand hop at -
1-0n. Sunday last Wm. Hurley,yards-
Opened yesterday, 18th inst.,
0 1:)=CS 20
Davis's Hotel.
1 man of the Grand Trunk Railway,
•Goderich, caught a large sturgeon in
. Huron Notes. 1 the river, a little above the station.
' ...Ir. James Strong, near Gorrie,. and_ From hie house ha -noticed the fish
: Mr. John Graham, near Wroxeter, have plungidg about in shallow water, tryieg
e to make its way np the river, and. taking
(Tone to visit friends in Ireland.
- —The Messrs. Petty, of Hensel', re_ his spear he attacked the finny monster.
, cently shipped. a, large quantity of cnred The spear broke, and he quickly got a
' t d' ct t the E gli h market pickaxe, with which he killed the fish
—Dr. Gracey, who left Blyth a and dragged it to shore. It measured
,Isvixeiflebeetatw85olibtisc.htes from tip to tip, and
,couple of weeks ago,•ha,s commenced
ti i Tilb • County f
VIZ.: 650, 750 AND 800;
abadx, as of the school Boarwasheld pm uan pra,c ce nWest,
Tilbury, o
ork on lia,nd to adjournment in School House No. 6, —Last week 'a -shrewd. rascal went
'on Saturday, 4th List, all the members DrucefieM. Kent.
--1)lessrs. Robert Martin and Robert about Goderich qolle,cting money, os -
ii left . here pre:wilt; Tenders were opened for she Paiiscsate—Mr..D. Yuill, who has for McColl, who reside near Brussels, are teusibly for the purpose of securing wit-
nesses and engaging counsel for Mc-
ago, and erection of schoolhouse in the llth con- a short time been pursuing his studies off on a visit to KanE as, vie -wing the
lye dogs w
and cession. H. R. 5.,- and Wei -e as follos, with Drs.. Stewart and Hurlhurt, is ' land thDonald, representing himself as aere.
a large quantity of household stuff in viz.: Paterson S.: Bell, Hensall, S15,$about departing for Fort Wayne, Inch- —Five staff hounds, belonging -to Mr. . brother of the prisoner and that the
E. Lusby, Seaforth, $919 ; James Hen- ails'', where he will continue his course R. Brown, Cr%derich, were shipped by
cluding.a. wagon manufaot ired by the . latter was a married man. He got
- firm of He'.' tk Itaberer. We miss him , ly, Exeter, $S25; Grant , & German, of studies. . boat from that port to Manitoba, on quite a largo munber of contiibution8.
here very ninth, for he is one of those . Seaforth, $895 • J. K. 'Wallace, Tucker- Our. Pnoeness.—For some time past Monday of last week. The fellow was an, imposter, and from
good-natured souls who is able to make . smith, S906 ; E. Ranise-Y0 'Jensen, Brucefield has been considered to be be- —Mr. B. J. Higgins, of Exeter, had the description given. of him •it is be-
. . . . A. •
ma-ny friends for himself go where he , gsoo ; .klea.areKay, Tuckersmith., $850; hind the times, but, thanks to your Sea- I new potatoes on the second day of May, lieved, that his name is Samuel Falloon,
will. AVe ii ill also miss the - beautiful . e'. P, Wright, Hensel], $875 ; . Sidney forth merchants, it is now moving which -were then as large as a hen's egg. of Exeter, who a few weeks ago was in
strains of his violin in the summer . r airbaini, Hensall, $815 ; McCartne-y, ahead, .and we. hope to chronicle some They were grojail as a vagrant and a fellow prisonerevn in a pit.
evenings, as he is a musician of a very ' Thoneson, Scott & Co., Clinton, $900 ; advance in the future. In additioe. to —Mr. S. J. Moore, of Gorrie, has disof McDonald'sEfforts are beingmade
high order. We wish him every,,suc- , William Dinniu, Lumley, $.8l9 ; Moved
cm, and horie that binitielf and us by James MeEwing, seconded les Rob -
amiable . partner and. family inav be , ert Brett, that the tender of William
spared many years to enjoy their ii Dinuin, Lumley, be accepted, as being
home. A telegram from lkIanitoba, has : the lowest owing to conditions offered
announced his safe arrival. ! j in it,—Carried. Moved by John Woods',
- PROGRESS OF 0 1:11 VILLAGE.-134.nhlina-. second.ed. by N. Cousins, that Samuel
is going on pretty lively here at pres- i Wallace' James McEwing, and George
ent. A new. wagon shop is being erect- ; Dobsonebe a committee to inspect the
ed by the Schnell Brothers, and sev- I building diiring the time of its erection
eral dwelling -houses are rapidly nearing and also to have the fatmd-cation- drains
posed of his grocery business and stock to bring the fellow to justice.
to Mr. A. W. Harris and has purchased —On Friday evening, May 3d., Mr.
a fifty -acre farm on the Oth concession Alexander Forrest, of the 1st Comes -
of Howick. sion of Morris, met with a painful sic-
• —Messrs. John F. Dickson, C. J. cident, which should. prove a warning
to all persons having to drive horses.
Mr. Forrest had taken out his team to
water, and as they had not been doing
anything for -some time they.were ex-
ceedingly restive: He drove them across
the field several times by wa of exer
the grain buyer of last 'winter, and the
store. opened. by W. Hill &Co. this
spring, rumor says that the store fitting
!up -by Mr. Turner, will be occupied
'about the 1st of June by .a son of Mrs.
Whitney, as a tin shop and a hardware
store ; and. also of the prospect of an:.
other grain buyer for the coming sea-
son, and we expect to have lively times
in the fall. , Already we begin to feel
Bk./. a town, and have determined to
• Hamilton and H. Mackid have success-
; fully passed their third. year examina-
tion, in medicine before Toronto 'Gni-
; versity. Arr. Jas. Duncan, who a few
-aeeks ago took the Toronto School of
medicine scholarship, has added to his
These ?pill be opened on Monday
Or Tuesday next. They will be a -
qfrered at Wiwiesale Prices.
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