HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-17, Page 7SEEDS i AT SEED flREIJM, FORTH. rge stock of al! kinds a is, having purchased- faceet 31e houses that we have ea an rely DB getting :AN FRESH SEEDS, ,ottom priees. To gardert- • in qttaatities we sell al Drak, arks do not raceme I have on hand a large, TURNIP, istlittry, Carterla, East Lothian and Repel White- Globe, &e. Al-. rnip Seed is very high thi& r to bay will do wefl to ex. - see my price e before par I think I can eel' as elieaee "y other house in the trade. Itis SEED. a Top, Cfrthe, Long 0-r--. amt. Horn, Sc. aOLD Long Red, and seTeral EN SEEDS Cucumbers, Carlene of aJl , Pees, Parapkia, Radish,. ergo quantitiea. Toma.to, iprouta, Saleify Flower seed t variety too ,nurnerotts to riNTICDX--TS_ ete, Shallots.: a, Lawn Graea and Grebe n• French Clever, Trefoil Ilmagarlau Grass, Miliet ithy alwayain stock, Seed Nets. IGE STOCK : OP Y RIES, nrices cauuot be heat by trade. I Glassware Cali and see tha new pa - only $2.50- per sett and r low. a, constantly on hand at ,er thee -place, east side of 'Market Street. All goods derth, rfarpurhey or Eg- MORRISON. CHEER YOU CAN THEM. 1-1.A.712 ? :;tylish, and Substars, ige, in the County. N & C ties for ala ufac t ring 13U AND SLEIGHS h cannot Ale gat from any a the Country, ACTICAL MEN, eratend theirebusinesa and sd the work ia each depart. e, end. consequently theze : used in their f vehicles', and 'own in their eetablishment. se Salk!, Portlands krIble Swell Body Cute hand, which loll': be - ctp. &de pronaptly anti neatly elate taferth. Carrie ze Works, East tiotet, Seaforth. PILLMAN & Co. WAR WAR. FIE •KNIFE. IE WARERODMS y 'NTA1tIO 'etre a.t the &tetra' Cott Price rneet three ineutlis, ASH ONLY. !t. paying custemen can bare ate at. a ssuan ahauce of cost tne• to furnish your cap. Cult anti' be ottrince(1. (tia opposite ts. n, eons:toes r establishment, Main Street, pr: Fara: Isseperty, t s per eyed without tether, as usual. JOHN S. PORTER. MAY 17, 1878. A Daring Animal Tarrtjpr. , For some time the question ei giving agitated among the directors a the rZo- i exhibitions with the animals as been <>logical Garden, and Mr. T. Stevan, the Superintendent of the carnivoratavolun- teered to enter the dens and train the beasts. The only door to the cages is the one among the bars, which is pulled up slowly, and -which must be again pulled down by main force. Through this door Mr. 'Stevau entered. the den of the young lions, having iao weapon ex- cept an, ordinary raw -hide. The lioness Nancy seemed beside herself with rage . at the invasion and sprang at Stevan with a, hoarse roar, her small ears laid bare; Stevan fought her down with NI:we ,on blow Of the heavy rawhide. The her lions bounded back and forth avith loud roars of rage and alarm. Ste- van was perfectly cool, and once, after .he had cowed *ancy, for a moment turned his back upon the enraged beasts. Ile next entered the cage of the leop- ards. Thesei he played with as one would play with pet cats, and put them through many graceful evolutions. . Next Mr. Stevan entered. the den of the pair of old lions. They are probab- ly the largest lions in the country, and are untrained and untamed. The two great animals. seenaed about to -spring upon the adventurous masa who ad- vanced. npon them. They crouched „ upon their bellies. 'As he struck at them they uttered such horrible roars, and looked so wildly fierce and dreadful that the gentlemen ontside begged Ste- ' -van to come out. , They snapped their , great jaws at him, and; chewed up the whips he carried. It was a terrible scene. It seemed. that nothing could prevent the maddened beasts t'tearine Stevan to pieces. Nothingbut his cool- ness and presence of raind saved him. He never tookhis eye l from them he never showed a sign of fear, and he beat them back with a giant's strength. Lastly, Mr. Stevan entered the cage of hyenas, Which animals are popularly supposed. to be untameable. There was another wild scene with these hideous beasts, but Stevan was again shetVn to be lord over them. None of the ani- mals had their claws clipped, or were in any other way prepared for the rhi_ bitice. Mr. Stevan will continue -be enter the dens, and wilrsoon begin to give daily exhibitions of his power over ,the ani- mals, if he succeeds in taming them. At present the lions and the hyenas tare too wild to be fooled with much. -Cin- cinnati Commercial. A Case for Consideration. 3. L. Norwalk, Conn., writes to the New York Times for infornaation. What do our readers think of the project? He says: " I am a married man, with wife and two children. I am worth 11,000; have worked. on the farm and know that it is hard work. 1 under- stand -raising small fruits and berries, and eau do my own grafting and bud- ding; believe that I might keep a. cow, pig, chickens, if the ground. was suit- able, and raise onions or strawberries. It appears to inc that I cap_ do as well on 10 acres, nicely cared. for, as what 1 do in the shop earning 40.68 per week. I am tired of this uncertainty of factory life. I want a. home, and a steady, in- dependent living. I don't _want to go West. Please tell me if you think a hard-working, intelligent man with - 111,000 and two years' experienee can do less than make hip living, providing his land is worthetilling." Reply.—This is a very important question to consider. It would certain- ly be useless to expect to succeed if the 10 acres had to be purchased out of the small capital mentioned. It would be , better to rent the ground., which could be procured with a dwelling n'ar enough to a market, and use the money on hand to stock cud work it. = The land. should be leased. for not • less than 10 years, and should be rocured at a rental of (3 per cent. upoii its value or less. It might be planted iat small. fruits and in vegetables, and the waste of the crops would go far to feed a cow, pig, aucl some chickens. The income from an acre of land thus cultivated should be at least $100, and has been so high as twice or three times as much. This, of course, depends upon the skill of the oultivator, and if a man feels confidence ' in his capability of managing his laud, and. makes' a good selection, there can be little fears of a favorable result from his induatrious labors. A Chequered Career'. • Plymouth White, now under arrest at. &atm fur swiudling,, has had a • rather chequered career.. He . was on the New York Iterahl for a while, .and was a fayerite of the elder Bennett till the latter began to spepect him of ques- tionable money transactions. Then he tveut te manufacturing window .shades hU New Ytirk, made motley rapidly, turnal breker, botteht gold dust from Califo•rnia miners,gained an immense - credit and then ran off to Europe with $475A'9 of leas -owed lands,. When .he returned after a tour of the Old World, he nemagell te deil;se all suite agaiust him, purluled a hit of land in his na- tive town teal defrauded the owners. Alderman Libby, Of New York, ttna• • Locke W. Wile:baster, now treasurer of the Natismal Express (7,11n ei v,. were althea.; his later Vied/net, and thee- suf- fer'to thu tune of esen.,001 and. 5100,-• • r •1-. N. A new York mer- chant named Platt, WM; 1111.11t.d, ahd tWit t 4 the sharpest lawvere of the city were 'bitten 13.y his tansactione, and then ht, .eant a .short time in Lutlbsw street jail whe ••,‘ tiine hy swindling Sheriff Willic't\te'outttirf .offo. He afterwards led a di,,re ]. mtalde' carpet - Legg, eei career Liu Louisiana, en- gaged in agigantic hennery scheme in Texas, and left a Denver (Col.', firm so badly in the lurch that one of its partners Shot hinisqf. A rich widow and a poor Irish woman at Mouireal, and. Allen G. Lova a wealthy Bostoaian, are his last victims, and it is for -wheedling the lat- ter tett of $:20,000 .that hehas been -ar- rested. The Travels of a Needle, Phillips, Twenty-titree years ago, Mrs. hew reeiding Pactele- street, Watertown, lived in Utica. One even- ing while daucing her baby on her knees, she felt a sharp pain in her left foot,and on extuniniug her slipper found. a 'small hole iu it, as though made by a needle. She at once sent for a doctor, who ex-- az:hied bar foot and pronounced his op- inion that no needle was in it. Seven- teen years passed on, the circumstance was practically forgotten, but Six years . ago, Ulu paint part of a broken needle of less than heal the len through and dame This brought to her rence of BO many yea perforated slipper w conversation againfo out it was forgotten when the remainder eye with a little more was pulled froin her above the knee. Aft place in this woman' the needle was not somewhat discolored.. path, April 26. How to Secure velop The road is easy. h1 worked its way On. her leftaleg: mind .the occur- s before, and. the s the subject of a time. It burnt, til last Tuesday, f the needle; the than half shank, right leg; a little finding a resting body for 23 years, rusted, although Watertown .Des - imam EXPOSITOR. a FURNITURE. Carlo Hotel, Dentailler Hotel, Nile Hoo 1 t•()TOR FOIJND. - Black, 4. Margit. Port Albert --W. J. D Terrier Bitch. Any person taking in. fowrilorad: - Bellow. Bel/tuft-I Longhead. West - . of Centralia *Se Oett posting bills, and -One day .18E41 week- Mr, I. Evans, tanwdoaRnTyrip,erzet retainink or harbming .ft sr this dateEginilionbdevipureo.secteted. A. eme3 eu.tid,n the," will lead,to her recovery will be re . M . ROBERTSON Wawanosite-Danuybroo.k Hotel. af `E- ller stopped to put upl, al, bill., leaving the , dated A., C. Bischle in favor tat C. SoldahnseolobreasrEk E LOSTe4eost, on April 23, a note drawn s when a short distalUcte south of Exeter ' .1.1 a. on the roadside. Witile Mr. Evans was part:: st nrillplasymt, eln780; athts 12s mont teallede .nVO. rjDIN. e hereby cautioned alaiprchsng same has been stop - horse aid buggy vslaictt he had with him posting up the acivertisseraent, a man z uric h, May 1, 1878. 548x4 named Mahon, of Usborne, who, if not 1 ' AND UN DE RTA K E R 11. lefa-4.16 1 tel, Royal Oak Hotel. Dungaimon--Ae OG LOST.-LOst, in Seaforeh, a 6n, Ski' FURNITURE. CABINETMAKER intoxicated, acted very much like a, oter & CAMERON; Barristers, CIAMTIROM,t - Chanceiy, &a., Goderichnt. drunken man. droVe alon and did not ka • • i • g, soheitors; 14, 0., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- HAS AGAIN OPENED 4, iiscular Dr_ appear to notiee Mr- Evsyns' buggy_ MerleCameroneda. . m H ent. Mahon's buggy ' came in contact" with - , erom the other vehicle, injuring it consider- watem Satt•TConveyancer and Commie - s1 Vroxeter. Auetioneer end Retail Furniture Store e who wants abler. Mr. Evans came to Exeter and sioner ina31 Re: l -tnd notes collected on but little strength ne d do but little in company with Constable Gill pro- Appraiser. Accounts' . work, but he -who wa must do great work. severance he will no has, he can,especially panion, in an hour's especially at his w himself a thoroughly 1880. The rules are of any mechanical sive tools are requir are portable, as a m ts great strength If he has not per - get fax. If he "th an eager com- ork a day, aimed k spots, render man by simple as those . No expen- . ' The methods travelling, for in- stance, can work as vi 11 in. a, hotel room as at home, can find 'a floor and a pair "e scarcely needs s there is always era.te efforts at , instead. of the renerally useless sties, or the risk dug of any sort e required. But of chair, and indoors more, while out of do° the -road. Many mo plain and simple *or often -dangerous and. pranks of fancy gymn of overdoing in hard r -these are all thq a few minutes daily at aay muscles is all one will want or take. But he must b sell, and resolutely at muscles, letting the ot catch up. at first should frank with -him- ' ack the weaker ers rest till -they A Spanish The iron gates swin or umbrella is take stumble dowu the filthy staircase, and fi yard below ground so very scum efi, the ca gether, srookiing, singi lying stretched out oi worse than this, recou of their crimes. Som for there is a regular literatnre current, call of the Saladero. I ne life, have seen faces brutalized a type a swarmed. at every ir place was terribly dirt litter strewed stairs Thence to the sleepin chambers, half-moon ting a ray Of light, just the filthiness of the pia floor, wet and reeking rows of 'sloping boards, eaten lip with vermin, along the wall • for beds; while oaly over one or two hung the . dirty rug, which showed the, the sleeper had some covering at night; the heat great, the smell insuppor able. -Rose, in Among the Spanish Peo le. • Varieti It is well enoug chronao with " God' B on it but it will du no the matter by less A; many people ask the I they won't lift their lit themselves. -When calves are they will oat a little with a handful stirred At the end of the week en t wo handfuls, mad. oldthey will eat a qu less milk. Sweet milk give to calves. rison.- backe your stick from yon; you ark, time -eaten, d in the court - e 20 or 30 of the ital., herding to - obscene songs, the stones, or tiag and boasting few are reading, riminals' cheap d the literature er, in my whole of so bad. and. those which n grating. The ; wet, dirt, and and court -yard: -places, vaulted. pertures admit - enough to show e; stone -flagged. with dirt; long -Au ingenicima co putseventhe knitting blush, is now being ex many. Th.e Machine inge is also adapted fo linen, and its working ed to be four threes as bar in the same time; t'Io. -In. taking iron mould out of linen Oxalic acid ia uniVersal y used by man- ufacturers. The staine part is stretch- ed over It bowl of hot water, into which it is allowed to dip. A few crystals Of the acid are placed on the stain,and. rub- bed :with a small bone iinplement. The staid disappears, and he 'fabric must then be thoroughly wa bed in clean wee' ter to remove the acid.. s. to hang up a ess Our Home." arm to help on tting; A great ord to do what le fingers to do hree weeks Old eal. We begin into their milk. they may be giv- herr six weeks and do with ceeded. to Mahon's residence and brought • lde L. DO pay all expenses. I -De Chancery, ete., Goiters,. -ote, Goderich, and YLE, B arrietee, AltIt oarunde 3s,,e Sa foollitchi to r oi fn. him back. Mahon was compelled to fita, over Jordan's Drug. & 354 M , 'SOEBODY SAYS, "There is something m- ATSONE I 7, &c., ,Clinton, attractive in a horse. His inte 'gent eta neys, Soliaitors in. Glance. he naw Resat lic' t eye and ear,. his lofty carriage, hs free • cOnt. Ole-Firsdoor eaat off t loan on farm r-anadian Bank beilding. Money'de and graceful naotiou, his vast strength, property. . his obedient temper, and his indispensi- S. m 404 aLoomsoN. . Wi.TSON *stei s. At, 64,11. 366 Kidd's Store, Seaforth. lanisters Atter- TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN Two Doors North of his Old Stand, opposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared ble use all endear him to us. We have ae coanatiEr 110LMESTED,-Barat .ery and torneys at Law', Solicitore in, Chew -anew- insolvency, Notaries Public and Conve3 tefor Solicitors for the R. C.Dank, .tleeet. = , A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, the Canada :aife Assurance Comptstii, ars SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. N.B.-00,000 to lend. at 8 per cent. F. Houses and Lots for sale. ' • to look at his fine proportions, and take in the inspiration of his energy and power," but it is only1when the•horse is properly cared for,when he is freed from disease or unsoundness of any kind that he will exhibit these points of attraction and without which. he is of little value. A package of ." Darley's 'Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" should be in possession of every man. who owns a horse, to be used in case of emergency. Don't fail- to get it. Remember the n.ame and see that , the signature of Hurd: & Cp., is on each paelsage. Northrop & Lyman, Toron- to, Ont., Proprietor • for Canada. Sold by all Medicine De lers. - EPPS'S .00CaA.--G-rateful. and comfort- ing.--" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which. govern the opera- tions of digestion axia nutrition, and by a careful a,pplicatian of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately. flavored beverage, which may save us many.heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicionsuse of such articles Of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough o se- sist evere tendency to disease. liun dreds . of subtle mala,dies are floating around s ready to attack wherever there is weak point. We may esca,pe many a h tal shaft 'by. keeping ourselves Well fort fled with pure blood., and a properly nourished frame."-Gieil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led-" James Epps & Co., Homceopatla- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Loudon." 482-2 . AN ASTONISHING PACT. -A large pro- portion. of the Anaerican. people are to day d.ying from the effects dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result .of these diseases' upon the naasses of intelligent and. valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead. of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good_ reason for this,if you only throw asid.e prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of your Druggist and your friends and try one -bottle of Green's August. Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. - Millions of bottles of this mediCipehave been given -away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You eau buy a sample bettle for 10 cents to try.- Three doses will positively relieve the worst case. Positively sold. by all Druggists on the Western. Continent. is costly feedSto • Local Ilotices. Tun BEST Barg/LUIS in China, Crock-, ery, and Glassware are te be had at Watson Yonwo's. 537 FLOWER ANO Geapea Seeds • in great variety, fresh and true to name, at " The Me lane Hail," Seaforth. See advertixement. Ilicason & BLEASDELL. 539 GOOD TEA. -Tea bought from WDAON & Yam; generally turns obt better than represent- ed. (live them a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. 687 , WHERE did yonj buy this nice Tea, elms s ? At Rose s Fhanily .Grocery, and just think, only cost fee. per pound, its good as I used to pay 75c. for. Well, retdly it's the best -Fver tasted m for the oney. Yes, and they sell tosery- thing else in tho Grocery Eline elu•aper ,than- any other house in the town. 041 - SEEDS, SEEDS. -For the last six years' wiesoe YorNcl have done a li•ltding businuss in Field and Garden Seeds, and on account of keepin ty g the ve•bet seedois., bong] t. fnnn thmt i• the int seed growers and dealers, their trade is. steadily in- creasing every year. 'This year, owing to the fail- nrc -of the erop in 13ritain, fiss rst:claSwedish ttirnip seed will be very scarce and dear, and farm- ers will hose to be very 'earefel that they do not get inferior seed tine lose a croi,, as then, will be a .lot of old. and poor seed the marloot, which un- scrupulous and inexperienced dealer:will try to sell 1.for the best. WiLsox & rxi; holeatt ana have seamed good large stork of prime 11( W seed, which will be sold as low ne anv other in the Coun- ty. opiality considered. The best is the eheap..st in the end. The Highest Cash inlet, pan" for Clover and Ti•mothy seed. 587 , • Hen._ trivance, which achine to the iihited Ger- r 'darning stock - mending coarse opacity is stat- uch as hand la- ts cost is a.bOut 111 • -Mrs. Gee. Sweely, o Albaityalipped from a ladder last . we k, and a: heavy gold ring on her finger taught on a pro- jecting nail. By the fail her 'Whole weight was thrown on that one fin:gee, and tlie• flesh was stripped from the bone by the- ring up . to the: ust joint, when that joint, with the str pped flesh was cut off as clean as 0 ougl amputated by a sm•geon and fell to the erround. . • - -This is the way m c of the ladies -who belong to the 'Alla all. . x ( ontnbut- or's Club remembers ti Inge : e-' General Forrest was buried the lay my new hat came home. Haves -saes inaugurated the spring I made over my old silk. Pickens died. when ;Jennie was a baby.. Lincoln was killed •when -erary was creeping. The civil war broke out \ellen Sallie was cutting her teeth.. The lung of Spain was born the freer I Wati DI aor- riot" • . I ----, -eNothing is more misatisfactory than to sit- down --day after day to the same. bill' of fare. There: arg houses svhere. the mistress seems to h eye no inventive faculty, acquired1 or ini ate.B - reakfast eonsiets -from -.)fonday Ell f4attirday 'of the same fried. pork ii,Ild potatoes, or sausages and cakes. Renumnts of things .come on again and iterain erowing small bv degrees, till one grows very tired of seeing them; All this Can be remedied by.a little planning. Manage for yottr owe family as if von had guests, 'aud vary the arrangement ot your table and arteles of your diet. ..1.iealth. will be preserved thus„ and the dyspepsia averted. -The h>llowingis ltet of the licit -tor licenses granted in Wesit Huron ; Wing- ham—A, Bell, J. Diupey, P. Sim - name, G. McKay, 3. sMOtellelIodgins McIntosh, McIntosh's l;,`xchange-tav- erne. Shops -J. Youag, J. Connell. l. McCaa tney. Blyth - Wm Brewalee, R. Cook, Wm. Hawk-- sliaw, J. Emigh-taverns. Shop -J. A. McDonald. - Londeboro- - Clinton -James Moore, I. Rattenberry, P. MeLearn , C. Cole, T. Lane, W. Kitt -taverns. Shops -J.. Sheppard, - Robertson: Gedeeiche-Captain 'Cox, Captain West, 'W. Sne116 T. Whitley, E. Hosker, J.- C. Martin, James Bailey, E. Marlton -taverns. stiops-11. Cook, Mr. Shannon, Geo. Grar. Colborne - A. Allen, W. Las -ham, Isaac Martin, - THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. G-ARR-OW, MEYER &RADENEYURST,•Bitrriii- 1 ters, Attorneys -at -Law, Solioitonein Chancier/, 531 &c. Private funds to loan at a lowtrto ate of intone SEED •C 0 R. N . 1 . M. ROBERTSON. est, and rn terms to snit borrowem. Offices- Goderich and Winghame Office in. Langdalelit building, opposite Scott's Bank. J. T. GAM:1.0W. H. W. S.111EY.BIR. - . _ W. J. BADENTIIIRST. - 474 If• W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank of Canada, Winghtina. .11DaENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney -1-•-• at Law, Solicitors in Chancery andlasoivency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Ofilees-Sea. I forth and Brnssels. $23,cesof Private Funds to nvest a t once, at Eightper cent. Interest, pay5e.3ble o BEST yee.rly. JAS. H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. The above firm has thie day been dissolved lay SEED CORN. S 7' RECEIVED A CAR LOAD Oa' ard'. SEED CORN 1ICE LOW, mutual consent. All accounts due the finn•to be paid to Mr. Benson :who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. MEDICAL. T G. SCOTT, M. D. ebeaPhysician, Surgeon and al • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Pinabyterian Church. 34? TT L. VERCOE,,M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- -1-1- • goon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron ornee and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Pablic School. ' 13(1' A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., Physieian, Snrgeon and Acconchette. Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. 'Member of the Royal College of Phy- sieians and Surgeonsatant, Kinburn.Ont. 485 WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M. Graduate of V V McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block lately ocenpied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Friday.. 496 DMeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Grade • Ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residende in rear of Killoran & Ryan's: Calls prompt13 attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Chargearcaeonable. Horses examined asto sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of tae " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in. Seaforth. Office at hie residence east of W. M. Chnreh. Calls promptly attended t-� by day or aight. A. large stock of Yeterinary.aledicines constantly on hand. Horses examined ag to soundness and certificates given Htorses bought and sold on comnaission. 424 TT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist; Graduate of the 'Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs, Whitney's now brick block, Main Street, • Seaforth. MISCELLANEOUS. McCOLL, Solicitor, &e., Brussels. Office "I' • in Leckie'e new brick building. 504-52 IN/TONEY TO LEND -On terms more advan- tageous than ever before. offered. A. Mc- OOLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504.52 IXTHO WANTS MONEY? -A few thousand dollars, private fonds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent. iuterest. Apply to ,IeltIES II. BENteOlif, Selleitor, Seaforth. 58.3 • r P. 131tINE, Licence(' Anetioneer for the • County of Huron. Salee attended ie all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex - post -roe Offlee will be promptly attended to. rpHE SEAFORTH PUMP. FACTORY. - N. Cbaff, successor to J. It. Williams, manufac- turer of Pumps and Cietetne. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Factory on North Main Sb., Searforth. eti0 V.1 ENSALL.-LA DIES' Straw Hate Bleached 1 or Dyed, and turned iu the Latest Styles, or, in :alert, old hats made, new by MRS. J. II. D. PEAREN, First Door East of the Railway Sta- tion, Hensel'. 541xe TICE a 0 DE.8TORS.-Al1 parties not hay - '4 in g settled np their accounts with mc fbr 1877 ceiling to do no at °nee will be chareed 10 per cent. interest from Jannary ist, 1878, without fail, a 1 uMAS GOV/. NTRY., Sen forth. 581 tnteed to grow. A quantity I-, And the-0'0mi gnsa. • de an be seen growing by of it has Been sown t Grocery. calling at Brownell:at% ALL KINDS t "WSEEDS'i FULL 31 -'17tICES. AT LOWEST TEAS A SPECIALTY AL I USUAL. J. Bow ELL ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & CO., Are now prepared to treat with partici. for GROWING FLA. X, Either by the Ton or Acre. They are also Selling • 1110 0339 'S301-1 aNv 03 I 0 co 0 3 co c m om m 2 0 0 fri 0 p 0 co to 0 F Itom z 0 1 r 0 0 NVOitlEIAIV 0 - 0 0 0 X15 -71 KIDD'S' HARDWARE. -= 'a RECEIVED 4:5 DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: - r— ic) CS .4 AMERICAN CUT NAILS, - SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, i - HOES AND RAKES, > GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, St.e X FENCING WIRE > AND BUILDING HARDWArn RE Of Every Deseeiption Cheap. sEAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Ware -anted. M Special inducements to Cash and 0 Prompt _Paying Customers. F1T U) ILI LLi JOHN KIDD. R 'LOGAN & Co * 0cNVITal the attention ‘Of their numerous Friends and the Pubbe to their Large and FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS., reaeleg jeliased these - Seeds from some of the Most Ilelfable Holmes, bath in Canada and the United States, We art: in a P°I'1l1°11 to :con- fidently recommend thent. In connection with our Seed busintegg Vie Are Iconstantly receiving from the best Nurserinef * - Beautiful Collection of All Kinds of MARRIAGE LICENCES a_r_Ti3=3, 1 on CEIIT.I.FICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued at the AT LOW PRICES, AT THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, thee: et authority ofor iLieutenant-Governor F,TAX MILL PROPERTY, SEAFORTH. Orders left either at the Factory or Brownell's Grocery will have immediate attention. A large quantity of Clover and Timethy Selling at Low Prices. ' 536 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Co. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. .1 CAPITAL - - - $4.000.000. (/) 11. 0 CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1833; . and ROYAL CANADIAN BANX, I -- Incorporated 1861._. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Payable at any London payable Kingdom. Ornewort New Vork Bank in the United States. Bills of Exelaniage on at all Chief Cities of the United INTEREST PAID ON 411 • M. P. -OD DEPOSITS. -• t7-1 A YES, , MANAGER ea CA.TT'I'IOLT_ I EACH' PLUG OF THE i•-. A.Y UP --Mr. Graham Williamson having lee( .all parties imiebted Ln him either by note ur MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO given up the Plow Business, begs to request book account to settle the same at once if not • IS STAMPED & 13 they will be placed in other hands 'fon col- . Grand Trunlc Railway. leetion. • G. WILLIAMSON.. 533, afrains leave Seitlorth nevi Clioton Stations es 1-01IN LECKIE. General Loan and Iteal Estate follows : " Agent, Grain, Produce and Cotnmission Mer - 0 °tee Wear - Seen:erne Expreee... ..... 2:25 I'. M. Crearrox. - chant. Money loaned tin real estate in town or 6 2:15 P. M. , (toiletry, at 8 pes cent. eimple interest. Charges. Express. -1-:58 P. NI. 9:20 P. M. . alixed Train 900 A. I. 10:00 A. M. (4!)INO EAs'r— - . SEAFORTir. CLINTON% Mixed Ten . Expiese Train.. Mixed Teti n , Mixed Train... „. 7:52 A. M. 7:37 A. NI. 1:15 P. M. 12:e01'. M. feeil a. M. • 4:25 P. M.i 'BE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. -Job Mosee THE HFNSALL PORK FACTORY - ,...., ‘ 11:.3.'A.M. 10:00 A. af. dePeriodical Pills -This invaluable medicine is , ks moderat e. Mort-guges bought and sold. alaturtel inert:etas 'paid off. Terme to Fait borrowers. Fartut and village property for sale. Mike- Leckie's w brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 2 1-1 1•••••' 0 IN CILT LETTERS. tri Air NONE OTHER IN C:ENUINE. undailing in the etire of all thoee p:infel and - 539-13 aa V London, Huro a GOING Wingliarn, depart. 1 (.11„ \ . Lc:tide:kb ore nelt . Clinton Brneviltile ' Heusall • xetee • • Loudon, arrive GOING NORTH— • d B G. &J. PETTY 2 ruce. danger= s diseases to which the female constitu- tion iniin2jaet. It moderates all excess and •re. ' • 0' . Mail. Mixed. laxpress. moves all obtruetiona, and a speedy cure may be s A. Me u A. M. P. al. 1 relied on. Te 'ntried ladies, it is pecaliaily suited. Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PtCE for , n .. 7 30 10 40 4 10 . It will, in a S h o r t time, bring en the monthly pe- any quantity cif -0) 7 58 11 11 ' 4 3'2 riod with regularits . These pine should not be es . 8 e5 11 37 4 53 taken by Fenteletialaring the filet three name he .HOps, ALIVE OR DRESSED ,8 11 11 50 5 Ul ot Piegrailev, as they are sure to bring on Mite '. 5 31 12 40 o 20 • carriage, but at any othertime they are safe. • lu ALL KINDS OF .CURED MEA.7S • PM . . all. us of- Nervous and Spinal Affections, '-.., e-• .se , 8 50 I 15 • ..1 48 . paint; in the back and limbs, fatigtm on slight ex- Constantly on Hand. -- 1.....I 9 t0 1 40 b ("0 . ertion, palpitatien if the heart, bysterice, and : a 20 - 2. 45 6 i..5 . means neve failed e and, although a powerfed 1..... ' 9 05 • 1 50 tk a7 whites, theee pills will effect a eure. w -hen all other 1_3 l''.1NE LARD. SAUSAGES, PORK 7... Mail. ' Mixed. Ex 111 Nis. , or anything htirtful to the constitutinn. Full , -;...urrIN.GS, &c. es 10 45 4 45 8 ta.) • remedy, do not contain ircan calomel, antinamay. ,-. U.5 whiCh should be carefully preserved. Job limos, - • e G. St. J. PETTY. A. 'al. A. M. I'. M. direetieus hi the pirmelilet anyand each. package, 523 TJ-Ij liNIBER FOR S f‘T F 9 20 30 etl r, e5 . • New York, Sole Proprietor. .551 90 (L(1 124 cents ,. _J _..i• -- - 9 88 .11 10 - 9- t, 11 ad Louden, depart.. Exeter Heusall . Kippen Bruce -fiche Cliuton fonleShOrungli Blyth . • . BeIgrave Wingham, arrive. eo 00 31 45 0 In mete, Ont., gapers' agents for the Dominion, e_ 0 '68 forties:age enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, It- iiEMLOCK, Fitst Quality, $6 per M. PINE 7 e• 57 will insure- a. bottle containing over SO' pith bk . • 1020 12 40 P. M. Bleasdell, J. S. Itoberte, and It. Lumsaen. 15,7 .. 10 42 1 lel 31)- _ _ • 10 54 1 38 7 40 - To THE Pial3LIC.-Read what the people say 11 3 1 55 7 SS in reeard to the Grceit "Siaoshordas Rernedy .. 11 80 1.7 and Pills. Levi Jente, alarkham, says : "1 land ' a Yery.severe attack of bronchitis. I was no bad Great Western Railway. that 11001i1d hardly get ney breath. I sought for • from se8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengthante 10 to co Fcct., at the 0) PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. s. 7 11 return mail., Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & I tee •qiiiik remetlye tend St eine. the " Shoshopees Trains leave Brussels station, north and south, Remedy,' " so hiehly rect.-inns:mode& I procured a , bottle, and am happy to say that by the •Litrse it • mixed... .... 945 A. m. maileoree sorTe:8H , wa 7.A. aI. . so, although I was much exposed through the I • s taken I was entirely well, and have remained ; Accem ... .... 0:03 P. M. Accom 3'.0,e P, M. winter in traveltiug.", • Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dena- ' Mail ' ' a:40 P.M. Mixed '521'* 'M* oreStrille, wiftee: " I have ferinti your rt. - as under: GOING NORTH. Mil•MNIN7.1.• HAIR DRESSING.. "IBffIa= (-1.0MBINGS made over into Switches, Curls, • Braids and Puffs; all be theLatest Styles and with despatch. Hair arranged in the Xatural lcay with Roots at the top. MISS CARROW, At Mr. William Hunt's, four doors weet of the Market Seaforth. 528-26 • The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Limil,er can be obtained. medies particularly beneficial for liver °complaint, 479 THOMAS DONS NET. dyspepeia- and bronchial affectione and would - _ DIGESTIVE FLUID._ , advise ell similarly affected to give diem a trial." John Finlayeon, ithol, says: "When travelling one of iny feet rtot sore tied broke out. I could not cure it, and had to return Inoue. It became better and afterwards much worse. I finally pur- chased a bonle of the Rc:medy and a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I commenced to improve, and before they were enished my foot Was completely cured. It is now 17 months . since, but have had no further attack." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, V-. Pills, 25 cents a box. 552. alOIERSONS Suffering from Dyspeptia are treat- , ed by Pepsine in' various forms to cure that dangerous disease. It le not a want of Pepsine bat an excess of- acid that oceasions Ledigettion. . Brunton's .10141c,otire Flujd has never failed to relieve or cure the worst case of head- ache,'disea.ses of the heart, kidney diseasea, and many others which originate in Indigestion. I Sold by all Druggists. Price 50 cents. a35 -24Q tr.! -74 1-12 • '&1 12! . • tsa sea ra; I zas 0 - ta: '21 'a; 0 ess tes as • ,i -go rz, 0 ("1 sr. 0 •71:. c••-• ..... ..,-,.. •.. .-. ri .--, ,... FLOWERING PLANTS 01 ••eveey variety!" Also Rustie Week of aari-ons :designs, yery suitable for •Ornamenting Law= and Garden.: _Flour, Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Seed Corn, Oats, and Mill Peed always on hand at lowest prices. „ Sole Agents* for Thorley's Improved Horse and. 1 tattle Food -every horse owner should use It. Bridgford's Antiseptic Liquid, a registered and safe preparation for the effectual destruction of all kinds of inseats, also for sale. A Call Respectfully Solicited. R. LOGAN & -Co., 8eaforth, Sign of the Mammoth Turnip, opposite the THE CHEAP FAMILY CROCERY. L. ABEE Begs to inform his friend, nod the public that he has on hand one Glebe xIcEsT and PRESS - EST Stocks of Groceries ha town, and as he sells, far Cash, he SELLS- CHEAP, Giving his purchasers the benefit of what others' who do not do t•O loee in bad (tribal and pey in- terest to wholesale men FLOUR AND FEED Alaneye bu hand. Goods delivered in town free of tharge. Remember the etand, opposite the CorameeciaI Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK. L. •IVIABEE. JST AhRIVED, AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Opposite CardDO'S New Mock: Phosphozone, Boschee's G-erman Syrup, y, • Churchill's Syrup of Hypophos- . phites, August Flowers, British Oil, McKenzie's Dead Shot Worm C dy • And any quantity Handy Pack-, • afro Dyes, All of NOAH, are gm -Irani( t•d tit neike Beautiful tied Fast Colon. 516 • ee• • / , i/TZ NV I LI,' A M (;11.A .L'; ITC I Fie • - • • • • M EDI CI Tat: fireat Eiiglish Iteinetly i4 esi,eeially recerinneaded an an unfaiiing tore fte• Sem etel .1%a:irk/a:Fe Stwrittitt,firrittI1 Inipc.,- trqrcy, tin 1 all olf that fol:ow .1. se- ..--.. • ing BeforeTi Set . Kee re„.,.. of elem nv -after Wag ,- .rpteliee.(if '-'‘..":1 isb,1,4i, r V: ..:5 T7111Verf451 LaVtaUllf.,:P...ill ili the Beek, Diatiaces - -:;-- of Vieion, Pr -IlittI1H.r oil :122.7, and anany other tile.-aeta that lea& te Ineatie y or Censumptiort -... r7.)... • 13214 4t Itcajt'iTernd %Till ee.v(i}ert3ivneg. .t12 of tV71.1th:111•:113,2-OrtinilFtet'ttirrl ........,....a , _..., :::::114... . ::: :::. ititnti ri . ..,..1 .ti.eg it:: ::••eti• it,:1:1.1(.1 12 ::•1 i tff:::_tttli.ei in,:t2i s ..... r , • 1 . .-- 1 .7:I: ::). I.: :,,, ,-11: :11)-114;1 7: b;:i11.11.11,:i if, i::t :1:1; ; ;;;;!1:iin4:::;,Y1t.::::i;t:i rril84,,i ''..:1f as:J.11d- . 7.1 ' ..2._, fel aa, or will ite ?eel aa (0 411 o° receipt of the by main:seine V. I LI,I151 GRAY ea id0. _ . W:wir or, (nit . in4,1 in i••• efeith by illeksen iFe • ..... Paeaniell, J., !i- Loi•Prt, it. Leine:len ae.1 all .-, .--- .31'1:',.‘"7:1.Ami::1:;4.Iu.I - PLANING MILI„ . . r -A-. 4.... ,... SASity_OGOR AND BLIND MCTORY ..... - A y. . '.", • rill: isubs..tri Lei begs leave to thank his nainerotes J1-- customere for the liberalpatronage extendedto e.,,, tare lance ceinmencin.g business in lieafortil am/ ,--.- trusts 'hat he may be favored with a ,C•inItilart,S130 1.--f ... -..- t-.4 1-1 t..--... t e R. N. BRETT • SEAFORTH, Wholesele and Retail Deaaer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None. bat the Very Beet Stock kept. Terms moderate. A Trial Solicited. All -orders by mall or otherwise pronliptly 490 R. N. BRETT. of thee/true. Pareiee iuteeding to build would do well to .gleve hire a call, an he will continue to keep on hand a .aret.' stock :of all kinds el • '" DRY PINE LUMBER, SI AM B E 4, DOOltS, BLINDS, MOULDIN•GS. SHINGLES., LATH,- ETC. . 'He feelseonfident of gleingsatiefactientotheea woe 'may' favour him with theirpatronage,, as tonal ; but firsteclaeliworkmen are empleyed. als:Partkularat tention pale toCustota Platting , 201 JOHN H. BIWA DFOOT, A:3. •