HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-17, Page 5ALY 7187g az the latter and hiS f at work in 'the barn, to au and when he foundres one he(plainUff) went to the mtversing ;for a. short s ways Af,ter his departure inathatiiwatob;whoh iuti the house, id was raissing,eh . ere. information to the above swore *hat he had. rea,son Sellars stole- the watch, shit not have been. brought Var. intiff,$60d4unages. 3. T.Gar. attiff, ; 3 1/. Benson. arid a, for defettdants ened •on Saturday at 9:304. rst case called was Carapsau This was. an aotian ta gar, eys in thehands of the defends anent of certain logal. oasts the arbitration suit a Ate_ :.>"`Grady. Mr. Dayle waetike laintiff.. O'Grady was. the a person in, the arbitrationt as property over, or said it < Mr. Doyle wished to Ars evs in Mr. Herr'as posseseioa issiciered was a balance of a :tonsideration for the preps L judgment reserved. Jolla br defendant ; 3. T.. Garrow, hip thereuPon left the bench or Judge ; Squier presided After hearing two caseas -ng them, the Court was ad. 6:30 a. na., ort Tuesday., From art itob a. * rsonipeg FREE Pi'MSS of may 13.4 on the Pembina Branch ced. ichinery for Bauer's grist- ived at Einerson. race, A.rchbishop Tache, Se Eastern Provinces next siheat was &solving itself eund at SOth St. !Andrews r May. 1 dents of South St. Andrew& tig lately to arrange for a rid On the Queen's Birth• mill which. Mr. Joseph t erecting at St. Boniface, will shortly be in oper- ye accommodation now at of the immigrant agent at Ily 1,400pepplecan be teras , lied with shelter. i, the Icelaudic paper pub - ails Keewatin, has already of 600, althOuglt it has had of eight monthonly.. nrapeg was clear of ice on aril, except for about 20 iouth end. On the 23rd-, lake was . entirely dear of arable quantity of wheat led from Seratching River Alloway,' for Ogilvie; of arl.y every, outgoing boat • who was murdered in .few weeks ago,' was the of the late Daniel Bell, for principal of the Barrie, Lepel. & Young bagged, tied, ad - hipped, On board the Sel- shels of wheat consigned to try. The whole work was 4 &Cloak Tuesday -after- o'clocksWednesdary morny last, a large-sized terra - red. on the banks of -die y. Mr. Stuart McDonald. bout three feet in length, turtle. Although. smaR ' uot unfrequently seen in ase those of the size cap - ay are rare indeed. is being made to provide srt of, the Province" with oomuninatiOn by utilizing sated 'some years ago, ma- ompany was formed and s .ittbscribed.. The line of I probably fallow the - IT to the Portage, and ;rth -Items. McGiath has been ap- i Priest of Bothwell, by isliop Walsh. son's blood s-tallion. got eovere-ly hurt going over he tawnship af -Morning- • Blue Total Abstine• nce sr successful concert the LU local talent, au& kted. Matheson, ex•mayor, irphy, Esq., Logan, sail s steamer Circassian, an s Exhibition:7'. being masle by his con- tain Rev.: Mr, Hooper, minister in Mitchell, in rge for another year. Ray, M. 1?. P., has made tosve-1 an offer of a free z acres of land near the wia, to be nsecl as a, pub- ss- -el boys have been be - the Mayor for rafting the river on Sabbath, lames of the culprits ig are to be published- [ady named Mrs. Skel- s week in Listawel, in and German languages. Our Girls." The lee - ave been able and in - ,c1 Horticultural Society heir first Exhibition on Prizes will be given about $100-, and early bles will be included as - the Kindergartan sys- be established in Strat- turiala ai accemplished 'cxcellent testimonials ms and experience 111 of Hammond, bought -4 at Newry, ou the 1st Wing fat cattle: From :head at $19 per head; !lead 81,593 ; A. Ander- t.2 pounds, at 5,3276 Per Voulston, oue cow $40; ne cow- $30 ; A. Long, ; A. Anderson sold a head to Mr. Blain for 11 correspondent writ - says: There ought ean in the law to com- illors to travel over the especially the Morn - en the people think of it cost the town. of MA-ir 17, 1878. THE HURON EtPOSITOR. !Watford to build the road; it is simply & disgraceful thing that the County Council should neglect to keep it in a decent state of repair. It is now almoists impassable. —Miss Fanny Chambers, of Paisley, has been engaged as teacher of the 6th Department of the Mitchell Public Sehool, in room of Miss McLaren, re- signed.. The young lady holds a third class certificate. Salary; $200 per an - 1111M. --The Presbytery of Stratford met at 8t. Marys on the 7th inst. The con- gregations of Milverton and. North Mornington applied for moderating in a call, which was granted, They:promise .$900 and a manse. The petition for a second congregation at St. Marys was granted. —The other evening a, young man in Stratford received a sudden scare, for- tunately resulting in nothing worse. He happened to have a number of lit- tle revolver cartridges loose inhis pock- et, and. in filling his pipe one of these accidentally slipped in with the tobacco. The result may be imagined. —One day lately Mrs. James Brown- lee, of Mitchell, while descending the .dangerous stairs in rear of Messrs. Hord & Co.'s store, slipped and fell, re- sulting in the fracture of the left leg a little above the ankle. The lady's in- jury was soon attended. to, and she is. now doing as well as can be expected. Births. RETLLY.-In Tuckersmith, on May 2, the wile of Mr. Thos. Reilly, of twins, a son and datigh- ter. DICKSON.-In Goderich, on May 1 the wife of Mr. Archibald Dicksonosf a son. DICKSON.--.In Goderich, on May 10, the wife of of Mr. John Dickson, of a daughter. SCOTT. -In Metfillop, on May 3, the wife of Mr. Wm. Scott, of a son. OREA.VES.-In Harpurhey, on May 13, the wife of Mr. Jarnee Greaves, of a da.ughter. Marriages. BOGERSON-CAMPBELL.-At the residence of' the bride's father, on May 7, by Rev. G. Clark, I Mr. D. M. Rogerson, pf Blyth, to Alberta May, daughter of Hiram Campbell, of Wawanosh. FISliER--MeCANN.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on May 1, by Rev. Mr. Rice, Mr. Henry PSFisher, to Miss Jennie McCann, all of Colborne. WOOD-LEWIS.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on May 2, by Rev. W. Davis, Mr. Samuel Wood, of Crediton, to Miss Mary J. Lewis, of Stephen. IleJSEAN-FORSYTH.-At the residence of the bride's father, Tuckersmith, on May 10, by Roy. T.G. Thomson, Mr. Joan McLean, to Mies Isabella, youngest daughter of Mr. Ebenezer Forsyth, both of Tuckersmith. MCMILLAN - ROSS.- At the, residence of the bride's father, by REP. T. G. Thomson, on May 15, Mr. W. T. McMillan, Hensall; to Grace, daughter of Donald Ross, Esq., of Seaforth. Deaths. BLUE. -In Morris, on Apr1130, Arshibald Bine, aged 20 years and 20 days. ENUTSON.-In Wroxeter'on May 14, Margaret,be- loved wife of Mr. JohnKnutson, aged 68 years. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, May 16, 1878. Fall Wheat I 13 to 1 14 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel1 02 to 1 02 Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bus0 98 to 0 00 Oataper brishel............s0 30 to 0 81 Peas per bushel 1./ 60 to 0 60 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 45 Butter, No. I, Loose, trade.... - 0-12ito 0 13 Butter, No. 1, LOose, cash 0 12 to 0 12 Clover Seed, per bushel 3 75 to 4 00 Timothy seedSper bushel. - ... 1 75 to 2 00 Eggs 0 08 to 003 Flour, per barrel 6 00 to 6 50 Hay...... ..... .......... . . 8 00 to 900 Hides, per lb.... ..... .. 0 05 to 0 05 Grabby Irides per 10011ss... ... - 4 00 ' Fallen Hidee, per 100 lbs....,..... 3 00 Sheep skins............. .. . .. 0 60 to 1 25 Wool 0 25 to 027 Salt (retail) per barrel, ........ a0 75 Salt (wholesale)per barrel0 66 Potatoes, per bushel.- ... . .... • 0 25 to 0 25 Oatmealtbri........ ..... ... •- 2 GO to 2 75 Wool, per lb. 0 28 to 0 28 s Tallow, per lb 0 061to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100- lbs..... 4 60 to 5 25i • TORONTO, May s1.5.—C attle.—First- class have gone off as fast as offered at $5 for steers fitted for shipraent and av- eraging not ander 1,300 lbs, and some of lighter weight have gone at about $4.75. Second-class have been less abundant and seern to have been firm- er, the general run of them being from $4to $4.25. Third-class have been scarce, but as the demand for there has been slack there have been. enough' • prices, however, have been steady' at $3.25. to $3.50. The1e have, been sales of a let of twelve ste rs, averaging 1,200 lbs, at $48 ; a lot of . 4 steers and heif- ,ers, averaging 1,150110, at $44 • a car of steers, averaging 1,150 lbs, at 46 ; a lot of ten mixed, . averaging 1,250 lbs, at $53-50; a car of steers, averaging 1,250 lbs, at 4.50.50; half -a -car of naixed, av- eraging about 1,000 lbs, at 41;$ a lot of four steers, averaging 1,300 lbe, at $65 ; a car of mixed,averaging 1,125 lbs,at $4.6. , Sheep.—First-class, weighing from 125 to 160 lbs, have been bringing $6.50 to $8, or 5c per lb. Secdnd-class have been. less firm than first, but may be quoted at from' $5 to $6, the latter price being for choice yearlings only. Third- class are unsaleable. There was a lot of 29 head averaging 140 lbs, sold. at ' $5 per con fel, and. <, a lot of 19 head averaging 150 lbs at st,k7.75. Lambs—The range for lambs dressing from 24 to 32 pounds has continued to be firm at $3 50 to $4 50: but inferior qualities are very slow of sale at from .$2 to $2 50, with more offering than are wanted. Cheese Markets. - INotesoes„ May 14.—Nineteen fac- tories offered 4,33C boxes; all first half of May make. No sales reported. Many factories present ivho did not register their make, and o e factory sold first half of May at 1O. Nine buyers pres- ent. Liverpool, London and Glasgow lines represented via New York and Roston, at rates of cheese of 70c to 74c per 100 pounds. Wooesaoca, May 15.—The market to- day was well attended, both with buy- ers and. sellers. Eleven factories regis- tered 1,825 boxes of first half of May snake. No sales were made, o -wing to the cheese not being quite ready for shipment. The buyers do not appear to be very anxious to buy ahead. . Live Stock Markets.' Moxritesa, May 14.—Themarket was crowded with cattle to -day, yet prices , of -good animals have not declined to any extent; third. class class cattle are in larger supply and rather lower in price. The range of prices was from 31c to 5c per lbs a few were bought for the British market at rather higher rates. P. .O'Rourk, of Shakespeare, sold 20 steers for the British market at $68 each or about 50 per ib; Mr. . ourk also sold seven other steers at $55 or about 4.4c per ib; T. G. Conn, of Stratford, sold eight steers averaging 1,440 lbs, at 5c perib; They are for shipraent to Britain on the steamer Marithon which sails from Boston on the 18th inst., Mr. Hopper is shipping 80 head of superior cattle by that steamer. Mr. Conn has also sold five, steers at 5c per ib; Matt. Elliott sold 17 cattle at $49 each or 4c per lb.; J. Elliot sold 13 cattle at 4c per lb. , H. Kelly, of Toronto, sold a carload of cat- tle at 4ic per lb.- A. Buingard, of Port Perry, sold 66 head of c 'ttle at an v- erage of 1,43 or 50 per lh J. Lunness, of Toronto, sold. 14 oattl4 at 449 per lb. R. J. Hopper sold 50 cat le at from 4c to qe per ib; and 32 hos at4c per lb. Wm. Head sold 30 hea1 of cattle at ' from 4c to 5c per lb. E. Snell, of Belle- ville, sold 52 hogs at 4ic er lb. Milch sows were again. plentif 1, but none of them were of extra qua 'ty. Mr. Mo- ehan, of St. Isidore, sold two pretty good ones at $52 each • Mr. McNorton, of Huntingdon, sold on4 for 40;$Mr. Daly, of Hemmingford sold another , for $38; these were the highest prices paid - for cows. Ther9 were a good. many other sales of co on good cows Made, at from $30 to 36 each. Mr. Doyle, of Richmond quare, bought three calves at $6 -each; four lambs at $4 each, and three sheep for $25. The general price of calves was from $2.50 134.50 each, of lambs from 3,to $4 eabh, and2of sheep from $5.50 to, $9 each. There is.a much largeriumber of beef critters being brought ' i. from places not far distant from the city. A good many of these are fat c ws, belonging to milkmen; which are sold at from $25 to $35 each, or from 3c to 33-,c per lb. Ira Weegar; of Bouk's Hill, sold four bulls for $130. PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MISS HALLE N't y • . ORGANIST of St. Thomas' 4Jhnrch, Seaforth, (Late of Toronto), is prepared to instruct a limited number of Pupils in Instrumental Music. TERMS MODERATE. Residence -First House N rth of the W. M. Church, Church Street, Sealer h. 545 INSOLVENT ACT 0 1875 AND AgENDMENTS-THERETO. In the Matter of THOMAS TEPHENS, an Insolvent. TUE, the undersigned, Tho e as D. Ryan and • • Oliver C. Willson, both o the Town of Sea - forth, have been appointed oint Assignees in this metter. Creditors are requested tont° their claims before us within one m nth. S eaforth M ay 16th, 1878. THOM S D. RYAN. OLIVE c. wiLLsdN. A Meeting of the Creditors of the Estate will 'be held at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on Tues- day, 21st May, Instant, at &P. M., for eiamina- tion of the lesolvent, for the Ipurp�se of coneid- ering an offer of composition nlade by Insolvent, and for ordering tho affairs foi the estate gener- ally. • T HOS. D RYA.N, 0. 546-1 0. Assignees. HERE! H ERE! THAT IS UP NORTH. ALMOST EVERY ONE YOUMEET HAS GOT A BASKET FULL OF 1 • G 0 0 E R. 1 E S WITH A. G. ATJLT'S NAME PRINTED ON EACH PAR EL. Why, he must be doh g a 19,r he does thebusiness while th the talking. That is the righ Goods. He has Just Received, Anothe Very Choice Gr e business. Yes, others are doing plaoe to buy your Lot of that en Tea At 50 cents per pound, also a IFresh Lot of Choice Brand of Japan Tea, ati 60c. per poun A. G. AULT Is selling GroceriesOf all khad be quality, st prices that pe buy them. , and of the very plo oan't help but Butter, Eggs and P9tatoes Taken im _&ehange for Groceries. G AULT. MORTGAGE SALE —OF— . VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY —IN THE TOWNSHIP !OF GREY. UNDER the Power of 5E4 contained in the ?registered Mortgage, made by one Robert Thoradyke, aud dated the Eikhteenth day of December, 1876, will be sold by Public Auction, by ALEXANDER HUNTER, A otioneer, at the BRUSSELS H4DUSJ, IN THE VILLAGE OF B USSELS WEDNESDA.Y, MAY 29T11, 1878, At. TWO o'clock P. M.. the f Hewing Freehold Property, viz.: t All that certain pawl or tr ct of land and premises,. situate, lying and. bei»g in the Town- ship of Grey, in the County of nron rttid Prov- ince of Ontario, containing b admeasurement FIFTY ACRES, be the same m re or less, being composed of the West Half of LL number Eight in the Fourteenth Concession o the said Town- ship ef Grey. The buildings consist of a frame honse, 28x26, aed a trst-class bane barn of frame, with stone foundation and stables anderoelatli. About 40 acres aro cleared. The property s situated on a good leading road, only three aid three-quarter railee Mom Brussels, a station on the Southern Extension of the Wellington, Srey and Brace Terms and conditions will be nade known at the time of sale, or on applicatio to . HARRIS. MA EE & Co., Vendor's Solicit.° s, London, Ont. ALEXANDER HUNTER, . Auctioneer, Grey P. 41. London, Mullah, 1878. 546-2 "SECOND FORMOSA CHIEF," (26,547.) pEDIGREE—Calved December 1st, 1876. Bred by Hon. George Brown, Bow ark, Brantford, Ont. Sold by him to James a Smith, Maple Lodge, County of Middlesex, nd by him to Chriatopher Dale;' Esq., Genet nee, County of Huron, Ont., March 6th 1878. ot by Imported Royal Tudor, (18,272-85,411); dam Formosa 2nd by Udora's son, (of Grand T rk) (12,969-6,- 265) ; Formosa by Neptune, (11,847) ; Florence by Sirius, (13,787); Finella b Grand Duke, (10,284); Fay by Foigh-a-B llagh, (8,082) ; Fame by Raspberry, (4,875); Fa ewell by Young Matchem, (4,422) ; Irlora bu Isa c, (1,129) ; by Young Pilot, (497); — by P lot, (426), by Julius Cesar, (1,143). As w' be seen by the above he combines the blood of t e most popular femilies, viz., Booth and Bates. I certify that the above is a correct pedigree o the Bali," Seo- ond Formosa Chief," being numb r 26.547 in the American Short -Horn Herd Book. A. W. SMITH. The above azdrualwill ke kept fiat' the improve- ment of stock daring the season n Lot 10, Con. 7, Hallett. TERMS -$2 per cow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary, to be pai4 on the lst of October, 1878. 5454 0. T. DALE, Thaeristor. SUMMER STOCK OF DRY GOODS NOW COMPLETE AT HOFFMANf BROTHERS', .SEAFORTH. The Stock Consists of Dress Goods in all the Latest Designs, Prints, Huslins, Grass Linens, Hollands; Grey and White Cottons, CORSETS, CLOVES, TIES, BUTTONS, FITICES, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, cSLO_ LINEN COSTUMES AND LADIES' JACKETS A SPECIALTY. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is still in a Flourishing Condition, and will be found MORE COMPLETE this , Sea- son than ever before, as this DepartMent is Replenished with NEW GOODS and STYLES EVERY WEEK, Full Stock of E. BUtterick & Co,'s Reliable Patterns Always on Hand. CARDNO'S' BLOCK, 1 SEAFORTH. f HOFFMAN BROTHERS. SUMMER GOODS. STOCK NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT -AT- WILLIAM HILL & CO.'S, SEAFORTH, AT PRICES. THAT ASTONISH EVERYBODY. SpEICIAL ILINE O'FaWHITE PIQUES, At 10 cents poi yard, Begular Price 20 cents per yard. TWO -BUTTON RID GLOVES IN ALL THE NEW COLORS, 50e. Per -Pair. AIVERY CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF MILLINERY. MANTLES .MADE TO ORDER, TAILORING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. A. PERFECT FIT) • EVERY TIME.. WM. HILL & 'Co„ Seaforth. THE "MEDICAL HALL," SEAFORTH. TITST IR.I'VMD pp,ms 11 Vegetine, Digestive Fluid, German Syrup, Green's August Flower, Cingalese Hair Renewer, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Lamplough's Pyretic Saline, Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, Enos Fruit Salts., Sanford's Catarrh Remedy, Constituional Catarrh Remedy, be- sides all of Ayer's, Fierce's, Kennedy's and Campbell's Medicines, DRUGS AND DYE STUFFS, A FULL STOCK. FIICKSON1& BLEASDELL. TO THE FARMERS OLSTANLEY, HAY AND TUCKERSMITH, WE SAY •CALL AT WM.1 HILL & CO.'S., BRUCEFIELD, IF YOU *ANT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES, WHERE A G-ENERAL ASSORTMENT WILL BE FOUND. WE CLAIM THAT WE CANNOT BE BEATEN IN THE COUNTY —CALL AND SEE. WE BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES, AND THEREFORE BUY CHEAP. WE BUY IN FIRST MARKETS AND SAVE THE INTERMEDIATE CHARGES.. AS WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY, YOU WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE BAD DEBTS OF DEAD -BEATS. WE THEREFORE SELL CHEAP AND CONFIDENTLY ASK AN EXAM- INATION OF OUR STOuK. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, ONE oASE WHITE PIQUES, WORTH 20 CENTS PER YARD. SELLING FOR 10 CENTS. CALL AND SEE THEM. NOTHING LIKE THEM ANYWHERE ELSE AT THE PRICE. WM. HILL & CO. BRUCEFIELD. S. STARK, SEAFORTH. GROCERY STORE, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, AUCTION ROOMS, LAND AGENT, CONVEYANCER, &C. A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes and Groceries Just Arriving. Will be sold on -very sm,all profits—all new stock. The. Subscriber invites his old friends and new ones to give .11,m a call. He has engaged Mr. John Scott to attend to the shoe shop, who will make and repair work to order. Old Accounts nzust be paid at once, as the subscriber needs money. Farm, and Town, .Property for sale. Give a Call and I will do t4e best I can f0- you. Remember the Place, Stark's Block. SAMUEL STARK, SEAFORTH. THE SEEDSTORE, SEAFORTH. WE HAVE THE PLEASURE' OF INFORMING OUR MANY FRIENDS THAT WE HAVE BEEN UNDER THE NECESSITY 01 REMOVING TO LARGER AND MORE COMMODIr OUS PREMISES, The Store formerly Occupied by Hoffman Brothers, South of the Foundry, and Next Door to the Messrs. Soott's Music Emporium. We would Call the Attention of Our Friends to our Prime Grade of Flour, also Seed Corn, Oats, and everything in the sh,ape of Mill Feed. SIGN OF THE I R. LOGAN & Co. MAMMOTH TURNIP. j 1E378 SIT1V141y1MIZ. s 1878 DUNCAN 81. DUNCAN'S*, $EAFORTH. Duncan Duncan have a Stock so Large and so Attract- ive that no Person should have any DOcult# in Find- ing in it Everyday they Require. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SPRING AND SUMMER SEA_F0R'1"1-1, ARE NOW SHOWING ONE OF THE OUR STOCK TN THIS DEPART- LA.RGEST, M 0 ST ATTRACTIVE MEN T IS NOW COMPLETE, AND 1 AND BEST ASSORTED' STOCKS OF WILL BE KEPT FULLY ASSORT- - 1 ED EVERY WEEK DURING THE SEASON WITH ALL THE DRESS GOODS .IN THIS • COUNTY; CAREFULLY SELECTED FROM THE LATEST ENGLISH AND .AMERICAN STYLES. AN EARLY INSPECTION WILL SATISFY ALL THAT OUR STOCK THIS SEASON IS THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MAR- KET. COLORED CASHMERES, COLORED .BRILLIANTINES, - COLO -RED DEBAIZE, COLORED LUST.RES, COLORED SERGES, COLORED KNICKERBOCKERS, COLORED OR SNOWFLAKES, IN ALL THE NEWEST SHADES OF BROWNS, ESTERHAZYS, DRABS, MYRTLE GREEN, NAVY BLUE, &c. BLACK MANTLE CASHMERE. cw SPECIAL. SILKS. -USEFUL BLACK SILKS FOR 60 CENTS PER YARD. VERY GOOD BLACK SILKS Fon 85 AND 90 CTS PER YARD. EXTRA RICH BLACK SILK FOR $I AND $1.25 PER YARD. SECOND -LOT OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL BLACK AND STRIPED SILKS AT A RE- DUCTION OF 15c. PER YARD. COLORED SILKS, ALL NEW STOCK, IN MEDIUM BROWN, SEAL BROWN, FAWN BROWN, LIGHT, MEDIUM AND DARK DRABS, BLUE, PURPLE AND GREEN. PRINTS. 24,000 YARDS OF PRINT, ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS, FROM 5 CENTS, 7 CENTS, 8 CENTS, 10 CENTS, 11 CENTS, AND 1% CENTS PER YARD, IN HOYLE'S, ASH - TON'S, McNAUGHTON k, SON'S, AND CRUMB'S MAKE — THIS IS THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LOT OF PRINTS EVER SHOWN IN THIS TOWN. COSTUME LINEN FROM 10 CENTS TO 20 CENTS PER YARD, CHECKED LINEN, STRIP- ED LINEN, SNOWFLAKE LINEN. LATEST STYLES IN ENGLISH1AND FRENCH MIL- LINERY. LADIES' H AT S AND BONNETS, , MISSES' AND CHILD- REN'S BATS, IN 'STRAW AND LEG- ilORN, SUN' k-1ATS AND WASHING HATS,' FL0STERS, FEATHERS, -RIBBONS, &c. THIS DEPARTMENT IS UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT AND WILL BE FOUND TO CON- TAIN GOODS EQUAL IN STYLE AND TASTE TO ANY FIRST-CLASS MILLINER,y ESTABLISHMENT. PARASOLS IN ZENILLA AND SILK — SEE OUR 35 CENT. PARASOL. SILK PARASOLS IN BROWN AND BLA dK, LARGE SIZE, 50 CENTS, WORTEI 90 CENTS. LADIES' TIES, COLLARS AND CUFFS. TAILORING. WE HAVE THIS SEASON ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS OF TWEEDS AND COATINGS EVER 'SHOWN IN TIS COUNTY, AND ARE OFFERING GREAT INDUCEMENTS THIS SEA SON IN ORDERED CLOTHING. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS; WORSTED COATINGS, SERGES, BROAD CLOTHS, FANCY VESTING, SUMMER, OVERCOATS. ORDERED CLOTHING. THIS ' DEPARTMENT ALS 0 IS UNDER ENTIRELY NEW AND SU- PERIOR MANAGEMENT. TOWN AND COUNTRY CUSTOMERS CAN DEPEND ON GETTING A FIRST-CLASS FIT AND. SUPERIOR -WORKMANSHIP, EQUAL TO ANY CITY MERCHANT TAILORING, AND A L S 0 MUCH CHEAPER. GENTS'. FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS. FULL STOCK F BOOTS AND SITOES. A Large and Full Stock of Fresh Groceries on Hand, Cheap. i'roduce Taken in Ezic ange for Goods. DUNCAN & DUr9AN,SEAFORTH FOR SALE OR TO LET. ROOMS. -To Let, two comfortable rooms in the second tat of Scott's Block, over Rogers' store. Apply to F. HOLMESTED. • sa pROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, that con- venient and de.sirable residence on the corner of High and Market Streets, letely occupied by Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR. VERCOE. 488 r.„; TORE TO RENT. -To Rent, the Store re- cently occupied by C. Armstrong, in Mrs. Whitney's block. One of the best business stand in town. Apply to MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth. 539 pat S ALE --A two storey frame house and out- -1- buildings, situated on the Market Square of Seaforth, for stile or to rent. The building is very suitable for a boarding house or a public business. For particulars apply to W. N. WATSON, Sea - forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Goderieh. 493 SALE OR TO RENT, IN BERNE-A 4- New Frame Store'with dwelling attached. This is a first-rate chance for any person coma mencing business on a small capial, as a good business is already establimlied there. For par. ticulars apply to JOHN LESLIE, Male P. Ont. 544 - QPLENDID FARM IN HULLETT FOR SALE. For Sale, Cheap, Lot 5, Con. 8, linliett, 100 acres, 80 cleared, under -drained and veil fenced, and the remainder well timbered with hardwood. Good hame buildings, yoang orchard and plenty of water. The farm is within 5 smiles of Sea- ferth and the same distance from clissee, and adjoins the Village of Kinburn. Tbis is one of the best farms in the County, and will be sold cheap and on easy toms, as the proprietor wishes to retire. Immediate possession. Apply to ALONZO STRONG, Seaforth, or CHARLES LAWRIE, Constance P. 0. 544 'WARM FOR SALE. -Forty-five acres. adjoining -s: the Village of Belgraye, being part of Loh 1, Con. 5, Morris; there are on the premises a dwelling house, barn and stable, a good well of aater and a fine young orchard; 35 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Soil first- rate. The above place will be sold cheap. Two- thirds ot the purchase money down, and the re- mainder to suit purchaver. Immediate posses- sion given. Apply to CHARLES McCREA., Bel - grave, or to JOHN PIERCE, Auburn. Also a, number of Village Lotsin Belgrave for Bak cheap for cash. 555x3 pew/ FOR SALE,-Foi Sale, Lot 19, Con. 14, McKillop, containing 180 acres of Which about 140 acres are cleared, well fenced; nuderdrained, and in a good state of cultivation; the balance is well timbered with hardwood. There is not an inch of 'waste land on the farm. A small spring creek runs aisross one corner. Good frame buildings all round; abundance of good water - and pumps, and a splendid bearing orchard ; it is within a mile and a half of gravel road, raid - way between Seaforth,Brussele, and Blyth Sta- tions, also convenient to churches, rchools, post office, &a. The farm will be sold as a whole or in two parts. For further particulars address Walton Post Office, or apply to the proprietor on the premises. WM. BELL. 544 VALUAI3LE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot • 16 and south halfLot 17, Con. 1, Hay, contain- ing 150 acres, 120 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation- There is a good brick house and a frame cottage the barn stable, cow stable and other outhaildhigs are all ira.me; there are abotft 10 acres of choice apple, pear and other fruit trees, and about300 spruce trees planted 10 years. There is a never -failing stream running through the centre of the farm on which is a good mill site, a good gravel road! on two sides of the farm. It is situated one mile from Hensall sta- tion andfogr miles from Exeter, on the London Road, and Is just across the roan.= the Rodger- ville post office and church. For further particu- lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon, Seaforth P. O. 481 WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOP rott Iry sAT,E.—The undersigned, who is about retir- ing from business, wishes to sell his property in the village of Kinburn, township of Hallett, county of Huron, consisting of three-quarters of an acre of choice land, well underdrained, and Inning number of well selected fru& trees. There is on the premises a blacksmith shop 28x88, a *wagon shop 20x40, and paint shop the same size, a two storey dwelling house 16x85 and kitchen 16x22, • with cook -house attached; also a new dwelling house 18x24 and stable 16x25. The building* are all frame and the dwelling houses have each afgood cellar. The above is situated in one of the best farming communities in the county and is there- fore an excellent business stand. Also for sale a largo amount of oak, rock ehu, red ehn and pine lumber, well seasoned, and fit for use. Wagons, sleighs, cutters,and buggie s =hand, and will be sold cheap to clear out the stock. Payment 18 request- ed of all overdeenotes andaecounts. JOHN WIL- LIAMS, Constance P. 0. 517 VARM AND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. -- -1-. Being south half of Lot 22, Con. 14, McKillop, containing about 88 11,01TA, 75 of which are eleared and in a good. state of cultivation, part being well underdrained, and the balance uncleared good hardwood bush; there is a. never -failing spring creek running through the place; good young orchardl. large frame barn 40x62; stable and shed. 14x80; log house 16x25, also frame house, filled with gravel; good stone cellar full iW`ze of house, good well athouse, ite. This is a clearable farm for eery one 'wishing to buy, being only three-quar- ters of a mile from the Northern Gravel Bowl, miles feom Seaforth and 7 from Bruseels, both good markets. -Also Lots 21 and 22, East Bound- ary, Tunaberry, situated 24 miles westfrom Wing - liana, containing 200 acres, 65 acres cleared., amiss, job of 44 acres let to be cleared, whieh is to be cleared in time for fall wheat next fan; there is on this lot about 25 acres of pine, cedar and. beaver meadow, the balanceis goodhardwoodlanda there is a small orchard, 2 dwelling hone,2 wells and pumps in one house, and large nowets.ble.-- Also a steam saw mill, ehhagle mill, all complete and in good running order ; thereis at the mill a frame house and good frame stable ; the mill is bringing in a good rent, lease out net Oetober ; is on the Southern Exteusion of the Wellingtons Grey and Bruce Railroad, with a aiding running from the main line to within 60 feet of the naill ; timber can be run from mill and loaded on railway cars as cut if needed, which makes it very conveni- ent; there. is plenty of timber in the country around which can be bought cheap; this makes it a good openingfor any person that understands the business. The mill or farm -will be sold sep- arate or together to snit buyer. Terms easy. For particulars in reference to the first farm ap- ply to A. STRONG, Seaforth, or te GEORGE THOMSON, Wingharn. For the last place and mills apply to G. THOMSON, Wingliams 643 SPECIFIC ARTICLES-. 11Q) AILS FOR SALE. -For Sale, a quantity of 11 Good Bleck Ash Rails. Apply to WM, MUR- DICK, Brucefield. 543'3 PASTURE -In first-clase order, for horses or cattle. Apply at the STAPLETON SALT WORKS, near Clinton. 545-1 F0R SALE CHEA.P-25-horse power Erigi718, 14 -foot shaft andfly-wheel complete, in first- class order. Apply to M. CELARLESWORTH Co., Egmondville, Ont. 545-2 TRY PROF. GRAY'S GREAT EAST INDIAN -1- ROOT ALTERATIVE -Natures Great Res- torative cures Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Nervous- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debility, Diseases of the Stomach and #11 Female som- plainte. For Scrofulous diseaees it is invaluable, as it is the greatest known blood purifier. Price, 50 cents. EDWARD VARCO, Brussels, Agent for the County of Thuon. .545-12 IMPORTANT NOTICES. CV, LANE, Au.ctioneer and Appraiser for the • County of Huron, also Commission Mer - cheat, McDougall's Block, Wingham. 545-4 - - - 1VOTICE.- The Court of Revision for the Tosvnehip of Tuckersmith will be held at G-eorge Fa.ch's Hotel, Ilarporhey, on Monday, the 27th day of May, 1878, commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. WM. McCONNELL, Town- slaip Clerk. a 544-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT.- -1- 1- Tb.e undersigned has been instreeted to sell by Public Auction, on Sattuday June 15, that House and Lot now occupied byMalcolm Mc- Leod, in VanEgmond's Survey, Egmond5v:105, 11 not previously disposed of. For further particu- lars apply to L. WEBER, Proprietor-. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. TUNICIPADITY OF SEAFORTH - COURT 1/1 OF REVISION. -The Court of Revision for the Municipality of Seaforth will be held la the Council Room, on Mondey, Iday 27th, 1878, at 730 P. M., for the purpose or Jsevising the As- sessment Roll. All parties interested will please take notice aid govern themselves accordingly. WM. ELLIOTT, Town Clerk. 545-2 spOWNSHIP oF McKILLOP-COURT OF RE- -'- VISION..—The Court -of Pbevision for the Township Of MoKillop willbe held at Hermann's Hotel, on Saturday, May 25, 1878, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 31., for the purpose of revisluff the Asseesment Bolls. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves swordIngly. JOHN O'SULLIvAN, TV. Clerk. 544-2