HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-17, Page 22 6 e.- 1 a 2 THE P.A.YING—TELLER'S STORY. [colkirnium. FROM LAST "atm. These were speedily settled, an following Monday he -took up his with us. Smeadon proved to b only unobjeetionable, but his. sta us was: a source of much pleasure was very quiet, and. spent enough time in -his room td allow the fa be together. . He was a great help to Laura, progress in French was rapid and instructions he seemed to take pie in giving her. Ire was strict in tit servation of the $abltath, and alwa, eon:Tinned my inother to church *hen feeling need of rest, I wont self stay at h.orne. As you may naturally sappose, w - same• very intirnate. He gave m. account of his life—how, by the of his fathe,r he was thrown out of crative business, and hardly knew s way to turn, when, through the ence of his cousin,' he secured his ent situation. Of her he spoke i Most exalted terms.. If ever ther an angel here below, it was she. - French he considered one of the fe of the earth. He represented the city of the two as complete. cannot well express, continued paying -teller, atm- a pause, how I enjoyed the six months which S don !Tent with us. During that tiro had done us a great many favors. Id raean precisely of a, pecuniary na Once him came Mrs d. the abode e not y with . He of his tnily to whose er the asure e ob- s ac- , even d. my- • .11.111.0111111111111.11111 • THE HrirtO • " I think you have give me a, thou- ; to sing. .Occasionally it makes a wlun- . pand dollars too much, ' B e said, as she f ing exactly like a very young puppy, laid the roll down before me with an , and then after .a chirrup or two, starts artless siraplicityl. It was fact. There off on its song again. were seven thous nd dolla s instead of Talking had no effect, and did. not six thousand. : . - seem to annoy it; and the cage was "1 am greatly bliged to I on, madam.,, ; even passed- around fm one. to an- -I thank you ve mueh," I said. , other without interruptirg the singing ".For what," he replid; "for e- 1 of the little prisoner. ' It had been sing - storing what doe not beb g to.me ?" 1 ing a straight hour when our reporter She bowed sw tly and eparted. I = left, and was still at it, and entertain - was in the seve th heav n.. I could. i• ing an admiring and wondering party think of nothing ut the in ident of the • of listenets.—Cincinnati Commercial, thousand dollars. Would .Mrs. French .A pril 4. tell her husband how .careless -It had. * been ? I did not believe that She Lov 's Vagaries. trf4uld; Two weddin couples presented them- selves at the ayoralty in a- suburb of s- • People coming to present checks no brought me to my senses. Time pas ed. Glancing at the clock, I perceive e be- it was ha]l-past twelve. It occurre e an that Smeadon had not yet come in, b death I thought little of -it. In fact he mig a in- have passed without my seeing him. which Before three, several checks influ- French, Pym & Co., came in to be, ce pre- tified, which I honored as usual. Atte it the three o'cliack my assistant called my a e was teMion to them. I looked at French Mr. Pm & Co.'s account. They wer -1 licity la gely overdrawn. feli- .` Pshaw ?" 1 said to myself, "that i no hing—those receivables have passe the to heir eredit " much The discount clerk had gone home rnea- In fact, even then, I had no suspicions ehe, and did not look at the entries. o not That evening Smeadon was not a ture, dinner. He .did not come back tha night. He never came back at all. There was a hubbub next day yo may well believe, especially when it wa discovered that Mrs. French had als Paris carry at the civil portion of i their marriage contract. They ranked d themselves on opposite sides of the ut Mayor's official throne, and faced one ht another: The Mayor was asking a of question of on of the bridegroome, whose attentioi was thus distracted r from his ibride. On turning round. to r look at her whe he had answered. the t- question, he cau ht her making " sheep's eyes " at the br degroom opposite. Be ing of a jealous temperament, he laid his hand roughly on her arm, and said, sharply: " Mademoiselle, which of the two brides are you ? Yon are mine, I -be- lieve; then oblige me by confining your glances to me." The bride was „a young Iwo man of t spirit and, resenting the tone in which t the reprimand was made, retorted: "Ah, monsieur, if you are jealous a- u ready, I am likely to lead a pleasant 8 life with you.!" ° The jealous bridegroom made au. angry reply, and then the other bride- groom must need put his oar in, " Pah 1 monsieur, why should you make such a fuss because mademoiselle chooses to favor me with a glance ?" Thereat his bride turned savagely WE ARE upon him, and exclaimed : " Ha; titonsieur, it would. seem, then, that you likalto have ladies make eyes at you! Now, I know what to expect from you; but you Might, at least, have had the decency to keep this proof of your faithlessness concealed from me here.'1 And with this fierce thrust she burst into tears. In vain the Mayor attempt- ed to pacify both parties. The bride- grooms stormed at each other, and. the brides, between their hysterical sobs, mutually accused each other of perfidy. , What was to be done? At last the Mayor, losing temper. cried out:: " Am I to proceed with this ()ere- mony, or am I not ?" • ' The two brides, _with one accord, screamed " No!" " Perhaps," said the Mayor, whose wrath had again cooled down, " you co-ukl .arrange matters between your- selves, if you were left alone. Tho clerk will show you. to my private room. I will give you half an hour." At' the expiration of that time, the parties were summoned to appear again before the Mayor. " Have you settled. your differences ?" he asked. - Yes, Monsieur le Madre," exclaimed both bridegroit'ins at once. • " Oh, then. I may proceed with the ceremony ?" Yes, Monsieur le Madre ; but—but" " Well, what is it ?" "We have effected. a change, Mon- sieur le Moire." A chancre ! What do you mean ?" "A' ,ehauge of brides, Monsieur le Maire." t And so it wa —the jealous bride - doom had taken the jealous bride, and the youug lady of the fickle glances had taken the gentle an who liked ladies to " make eyes " thirn. The aetonish- ed. Mayor looke at them in silent amazement for a moment -or two, but they met his look unabashed, so he shrugged his sho • lders and said: " Well, if yon. re satisfied, it is no business of mine, I will proceed with the ceremony." And married t ey were. but still inculeutally valuable. on a holiday, he took Laura with to call on his cousin. The girl c back perfectly delighted. with Freneh, who had. given her a pr gold bracelet and invitedher to c again. The result was Laura use go almost every Saturday, to spend hour with her kind friend, and ah had some little thing to bring. you understand, of any great value, quite appropriate for a child. Meantime, Mrs. French occasion came to the bank to draw nioney ways in pretty large sums, but no lar sertainly, than a rich indulgent band like Mr. French would. gr You may ask me if it did not strike as a little odd that she should co herself instead of sending. I can tell you why, but it never seemed the least out of place. Whatever did appeared so natural, and just a shoeld, be. She did not come oft but 1 confess I looked forward to her rival with impatience, Her veryp mice produced a strange joy in heart, and I took as long a time as Bible to count the bills before giv them to her. There was someth delicious in the idea that I had power to keep her standing before even for so brief a peried. :When: took the money she would look tirni in my face, as if to say; " I suppose is all right ?" and. When she turned. aw I was left always under the same spe I never spoke with_ her, of: course --s never recognized me—but I knew s was tittle Laura's brother and h consia's friend. During these six months, Frena Pym & Co.'s business was very lax and so. Smeadon was busily occupie He was in the habit of coming often the bank to draw lo.rge sums on t cheeks of the house, but I no long thought anything of this, as Smea.d hal explained to me that they woreno buying extensively, in consequence the depreciated prices, and as an obje for them to conceal 1 their operation their purchases were made throng brokers, and paid for6 bills. So affair progressed. until ono Wednesday mor ing, the seventh e October. On that morning Smeadon askelt have his breakfast a little earlier tha usual, as he had to be at the countin room in good season, and. had a bar day's work before _him. "We hope t secure," he said, " all of Ellerton's stoe —that is, if he does not discover who i after it." etty vanished.. But where ? Tierce steam eine ersliad left the dayprevious for various d to foreign ports. The telegraph wires were an employed, and it was confid.ently antic - rays ipated the parties would be arrested. Not, Of the cheeks presented,the thirby-seven but thousand proved to be a forgery, and the loss fell on the banking house, who ally received. it for the sale of gold.. The —8,1- twenty-seven thousand had been altered ger, from seven thousand., while the six bus- thousand had been an abstraeted signa- ant. ture and filled° in. A _pretty', fair divi- me losses. ' nue _I escapedwithout _sewn,: censure, • not considering it might have ben.much 111 worSe-but 1VIr. Freneh. neve held up she his head after that. ,His wife had rob- s bed him very extensively; so had en, Srneadore. Theer must have carried off ar- co iderably more than a hundred res- the: 11331 .°8- " lett nig fen. ing . sand dollars. ite a year after that receiyed with a foreign postnaark. It was Smeadon. Here it is. I will read the toyou. an me Mt De. Sencox.—I made up my he mind not to write to. you until my sly sister and I were cornferta,bly set - it tled. I am sure you - have Biome a3, riosity to know how we got off to nioe- 11 It was well planned, you must ad, he mit. Our passage in the Ounarder had be been taken for a month : Rev. er- Hubbard, and Miss Hubbaid.' That Wednesday we were busy enough. h, At lite re:Unites before twelve we step- pe, pad on board. I disguised as a digni- 'ee lied clergyman of fifty t my sister; a 88- to date spinster of .thirty-five, slightly he lame, and suffering much from asthma. er We were both decently dressed, With a on modest trunk apiece. I officiated both. w Sundays, reading the services with ae great Unction, and took pains. te make et the captain believe I was - an old ac- s quaintance. •When the steamer came in on, came the detectives.. We passed s - without the slightest suspicion. My 0_ sister was suffering dreadfully from the asthma. We, were not long quitting e England, and, :We are now living where extradition treaties cannot reach us. g Remember me to the good old lady, d your mother. I hope little Laura is • well. Give me credit for managing the k , affair without hurting you. The feet is s I always liked you and your folks. As - *o oldrench, he was an sits for mar- I wished hurt good luck, and lef the house' before:me. - wanted some twenty minutes to . Good.bVe, eleven when Smeadon came in the bank • ' Smuitna.x. t rying woman. forty years 3r6 -up er than himself, ' - in a hurry—his manner was neve hasty, in fact always calm—but he step ped quicker than ueual, as if lie wa about accomplishing scanething impor tant. He placed twachecks of French Pym & Co., before me ono to his 'orde for thirty-seven thousand dollars, th other to bearer foretwenty-seven thou sand dollars—in alsixty-four thousand o ars. " Certify the thirty-seven,and give me large bills for the twenty-seven," he said " I have to step to the President a mo- ment ; please have them ready, as I have no time to lose." I confess I did not indulge in the slightest suspicion. Who would under the circumstances? I scarcely looked at the checks. but certified the one and proceeded:to count out the money for the other. Smeadon was back almost before I had finished. I handed him the check and bills. "I had a fool's errand," to said, with a slight air of vexation. " I started to give the president some receivables,' and found I had forgetten to take them ont the sale. Yfus t g,i) back fur them. Now I am here, will go. to South street first. Will he back in less than an hour sharp. There will be no more checks in, unless one of fifteen hundred dollars to Edgerton A: Co., Ulnae in the after- noon. "All right," said) 1 ; but. sumehoW, I did not know Wily, 1 could not help feel- . ing a little udgety. A paying -teller al- ways cloc.,s feel nervous before twelve o'c oa., then he warms to his work. Be- sides, cheeks which are presented ear- lier never seem exactly right. "Ridiculous r I said to myself ; "Sim- oox, dont be a foal." At that 'moment the form of Mrs. French appeared at the door, and all doubts and fears vanished. She came directly to my window—there was no one before her—and held out the same - pretty ungloved hand with a check. This is Mr. Simeox, I believe," she said, in a low, modest voice. " Your little sister has become a great favorite with me. Yon must thank your moth- er for letting her come te see me." had not the power of speech, I was so overcome: I blushed and stammer- ed, and. tried to count the money for the cheek. It was for six thousand dollars. I swear to You that it never occurred to me that it .vas a very large sum for a lady to draw. Had it been for six mil - Eons, I think 1 Shenld have paid it if I could have scraped up the mouey in the bank. r At t e bottom was written in a neat,-- - Itallai hand,— • . I t s s..4 Beware of pretty, innocent ooking 1 1. - young women, who come in t) draw 1 t money " " o ONTA 101- HOUSE, SMITH &WEST, THE NE VERY PO e AFORTH. •••••=•••r•••••• DRY GOODS BECOMING ea • Sv CO., SM.A.P01.TX-1 :Y17, 187k. PUBLIC SCHO OL TEAC°RER81- AMINATIONS, )878, FOR FIRST CLASS—At the &sand 43 Toronto and Ottawa, on Thursclay LSO. . qi nu et: :oni idtdi oitodnaftteuornspfiroshersrenciefieemnatedsilsv cates are required to forward the necesteny V. tilicates of -success in teaching, and all Secretary, not later then the let of Jane,esniTs toItthies8inechesp8rxfs-able that Candidates no% k. the Candidates, an be obtained on FOR TRIRD U1.—At the Town Of 130 . * Follorrialrrodf ItYhetioYtileSet,htoi a bt 6-2PP;d14:10. ttely Rhea at 9 A.M. ooefesniotractodrie.04:10:alird: , Yllit us I Candidates for Third Class Certilleates ere s: quired to take forty per- cent. at the aserkil; cAernitth. mofetthice' aggregatelarammar taonoal4Pinellainctratnilitillati.". 1 .s- Certificates in othe:seeCrottetanrtyie Is30::11:foEtrbaenaiin* of certificat.re.B ed to compete in thie County en the seine e,41.1 l'ER- ADAMSON, Candidates wlao have obtained Third eh% bTORE IS I Goderieh, May 6, 1878. 5444 I We. would call Special Attention to Our iLar!!ge Stock of !DRESS GOODS, wluch. for Variety, Quality and Price Cannot en. I be Beat by art: one House in Town. We are Showing a Beauti" Newest Cohrs at 15 Cents pe'. yard, Regu- --the Best Value. Ever Offered. ,ARRIVED THIS WEEK, A VERY FINE LOT OF •• MENS AND :POY-SJ:FIATS .AND CAPS; IN ALL TUE LATZST STYLES • I A AAGNIRCENT LOT OF WORSTED:COATINGS AND TWEEDS, FOR SECOND CLASS—At the Town ee erieh, on lionday,-.1uly 8th,*t 2 P. LAR WITH THE PUBLIC a OWIN TO CLOSE PRICES FOR ful Line, in al lar Price, 20 C 1 .1 •A CLOSE INSPECTION INVITED. New and Fashion— I a le Goods. 'GROCERIES AND PRQVISIONS no ID larea 45z 00 An Axle° ote of Liszt. t • A young pianist was giving conicerts hreugh tb.e provi ces of Germany for iersupporteand. flo enhance her repue ati n she advertted herself as a pupil f Liszt. In a li tle town- in the in - crier of Gernian where she had an - minced a concert she was confounded he 1 day before the concert was to take lade by seeing iji the list of arrivals, na at the vry h tel where the =l- ett vettS to • be given: "M. L'Abbe Jiszt ." Here ty la a dilemina, and. -1 vhakt to do she ew not. Her fraud mild be discover d she would be ex - °sod ; she could give another ancert ; she. was-uinod. Tremblingly m sought the pr sence of the (treat anstro, determined to make a clean mast of it, -arid cast herself on his .tercy. Coming into his room with oWncast eys, she knelt at the old an's feet. and with many tears told er . story—how she bad been left an Omit and poor, with only her one gift music with which t� support herself; Sh e difficulties o had encountered, un - 1 'the fraudulent . use ef- his great tine had filled her rooms and her purse: 'Well, well," s id the great _ man, gently raising her p„ "bet us see, -my child,. what we can do. Perhaps it is not so bad as you t ought. There is a piano; let me ilea • oue of ti e pieces you expect to play to -morrow evening." . Trerablinglv she obeyed, the Maestro making3 comments and. suggestions as she played, and wh n she had finished he added; . r ' Ttilil tsN,D. I t e 1» A Singing IVIbuse. The family of a well-known gentle- .p man, who lives on Seventh( stre t, have a been gieatly exercised for some. weeks c „ 1- by the :hieing of what sounded , like a I clinary bird, behind the wainsocting of tisOlost Se and betWeen the wall. of tbe Iv 1 partitic !is.- All through the lair ht the I' singing has been done, and so - etimea c it has ecu so loud as to waken i e gen- 81 tleman and this wife and disturb them. , in r Yest rday. Me. F. Succeedd, w th the h help of inc or two lady friends, p cup_ is turing -he vocalist. A brick a as re -.1 a leaved . rum the hearth in the tehen, in a trap s as set and after a long Wait a 11 inOusokentured out and into th' trap. oi Iratt•atbaing a Coanneeekt/ report. r Was 01 at* r. (l.'s house, where several: other ' fil frie 4 were gathered to obser le the ' ti wonder lit ., She walked away with the cash, but after a moment came tripping back. he N.'iro ti'ap--ccintaining the in t u se was pi cd upon the table, al d the singing was., auxiously awaited.! The inons,, in ordinary looking one, vith rough c 'at and -bright blank beed-like eyes, di •t not 'seem: -to- be dipo. ed to sing, an' after a long wait and 3 good manv eXpressions of incredibilit3, con- ernina his vbcalistic abilities; i was artoaeted that • the mouse be f -a; A little bread was given it and some water. It went for the water, in d be- gan an extraordinary amount of face- A.vashinfo and • general primPing, b.; tray- in(/'r'its s x immediately, +d cony neing the aud mice that they might ex ect a soprano or contralto, and not a bu ss or baritoue. After the prim.a donn had fiuished her toilette, she gathered her- self up ii a little brown ball and egan to sing. She began with a twittee like a wood ird.' then she chirruped ike a sparrow, mid then settled dow iito a long sweet warble, like a young cajnary. As the thy:- thing swelled up its t roat and rolled its black eyesand - exeiuted the - enoet -wonderful little trills,and roulades' and cadenes, and the sw retest diminuendos, and crescendos, -the' lis- teners loCked at one another in w ,ader and delight. There • it was at 1 et,a real little mouse, sitting up in its eaee and singing away with all its415 gh. It is impossible to deseribe the Chl ac - ter of its singing, 1.tid Mrs. F. s s it • yeays rerea•rkably every time it ings. It is a soft, sweet- tone, not clear and sharp, like the -sieging of an old c nary —rather like a young bird, just leaelning "Now, iny child, I have given you a lesson; you are ap pil of Liszt." Before she couldnd words to express her gratitude, Liszt asked: "Are your prober names printed ?" "No sir," was th answer, a not yet." "Then say that 3 on will be assisted by your master, anc that the hist piece on the programme 11 be played by the Abbe Liszt." That concert, it lay be readily be- lieved, was a - gre success. --.V.'1 Y. Erening Post. A Use fo Nettles. At a village near he well-known Ger- man watering place Langenschwalbach (in the Prussian p ovince of Nassau), some interest* ex eriments have been made with the comtnotu nettle (Urtica dioisa). They consisted iwworking this weed in the same re. liner as hemp: the fibres obtained. were fine as -silk, while they yielded nothin to hemp libreeas regards durability. IA Considerable area has now been plan ed with nettles at the locality named. Nature. W 5 HO WING - EXTRA. VALUE Black Casgimeres, illerinoesi. bowrgs, lack and Colored Lus- tres, Melznges, Plain and .P ancy Dress Goods—very handome. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF LISLE, SILK, AND That' Old Grocery Stand, Posq Office Bunfing. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN NOW. THE DESIGN 9F THE PROPRIETOR. OF THI& ESTABLISHMENT"18 FURNISH THE BEST GOOpS FOR THE PRICE, And in no case to allow deception as to the Quality of the :Article sold, or in Weights. KID ql.OVES, TO HOTEL' HOTEL KEEPERS, FAMiLIES,j GRANGERS ALL COLORSe ALL PRICES, Collars, Hosiery, Ruilings, in Great Variety. CHEAPEST PARASOLS IN TOWN. EXTRA VALUE IN PRINTS, DRESS LINENS, HOLL,A.NDS,.&c. Grey and White Cottons, SHIIRTINGS AND DENIMS, 1 . - AT.PRICES TOSU IT In TweediGents' Fi and Caps, we are AND OTHERS Buying Teas and General Groceries in Quantities, I would say, Call and Contpare and Prices before purchaeing elsewhere, as I can't be beat. Quality .Flour, Mill Feed, Corn and Oat MealrGranulated Wittat, Graham Flour, and Potatoes always kept` in stok, and sold at Bottom Prices. • Farm Prodnce Taken1 Exchmige. a D. ROSE, Family Grocer. THE MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS TITST WARRANTED FRESH AND TRUE TO NAME. TO BE HAD in ney quantity, by. the mime, poundsor paper. Those Seeds were purchased from -t• first-class house, and may be reliei on. Our assortment is very complete, contaiing not only Field and Garden Seeds, but as well a mast conaplete list of _ • FLOWER .SEEDS, RANCINC FROM 5 CENTS To 50- CENTS A PAPER. Double Dairy (best Engli eh .Mixed), Coreapeis, Calandrina, Candyttift, Balsams (a largo variet), - . Antantuthas, Datum, Ice Plant, Jacobea, Asters (in great variety), Larkspur, Liman Grandiflorean, - Love-Lies•Bleeding Marigold, t arvel of Peru, Mignonette, Mimulas, Nasturtiutn, Petunia, Phlox , Drorntindii, Portulaca, and stocks of various kinds- of Verbena; Zinnia, Elegaus, &c., besides a good assortment of . t, . KVERY ONE. - . trnishings, I4tts well assorted. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. -w-m ii-. -vg-.Afroiv GOOD SUIS- TO ORDER Begs to intimate ihat la c Pans Ill emo wed his. °Mee to D. Mei,: reor'm New . Ifirielt _Minding on East talkie of Main treet, Seafor, and Fourth Door South of William Campbell's Clothing EmporinIns•where he is -ill, as • hitherto, carry on the FROM $12. 00 TO $16.00. General Tnsrance,.211oney _EOM A eny, and S'ewing ilfackine Business. : . . In thanking the public for the confidence they have reposed in him Air tbe past fifteen years he has pet ried ou these blanches in Seatoith, he wishes to inform them he sill still endeavor to give Shwa the same satisfaction whith they have in iariably 'expreseed with his transaciions. no still keeps on hand the best Sewing Machines t hat are manufactured in the world, Di Well as Needles, il, and Machine Attachments. He sells the OBborue A Machine, which is the eimplest, th ap able of natiking any kind of work in th st perfect manner, and the easiest end quickest LADIES' AND dUJLD. hrearlecl up machine of any machine made in the Dominion. He eel's the Genuine Howe Machine a Machine that 'ha s never failed to give eatisfaction to every customer for the last ten years. He PRUNELLA SHOES. Farmers' ells the Wheeler & Wilson Machins, the moat rapid and least noisy Machine in the world: Wives, Mechanics' Wives, Merchant' Wive e and Idrtufaxturers, do not f sil to examine nd try our Sewing Machines—Family and Manufacturing—when you want- one. Also Agent for he celebrated Plain and Popo knitting Machine, capable of doing all kinds of isork. Instructions rven to enst omers gratis on any of the above machineel Seseing Machines to Rent. Also all kinds Sew; ng Machines repaired. TERMS LIBERA.L. WM. N. VPATSON General Agent, Sca.forth. Everlasting glowers, Ornamental Climbing Plants, Olyzamental Grasses, and Choice Imported Seeds fov Green H01686 Culture, cc. HICKSON -& BLEASDELL SEAORTH. SEE OUR REN'S We Cordially Invite Inspection. . _ . - THE GODERICH FOUNDRY. Mark -Goods in. Plain Figures. Seeond hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrl. ........ .. ..... . .......... r25 -Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Pnlleys Complete 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance 'Wheel, Pulleys and Governors, 275 . .... • .. A Hoistins; or Boat Engine with Roieting Gear Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pukes s and Governors .. ... ' ... ...... . ... 200 est- Seeon an 16 Hone Porta, Boiler, with Smoke Stack. ... ...... ..... . Second hand 16 here° Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler with Smoke St k Have ,no- SeOnd Price. Courteous Attention Paid to All. .11To Trouble to Show Goods. Rera ember the ONTARIO HOUSE, No. 8 Cantp bell's Block, Seaforth. SMITH & WEST. • ..... 2o0 350 200 econd hand 30 horse Portable Tubular 13oiler, with Smoke Stack, Fttrnaee, Front, Grate Bars, 225 Steam Gunge, Gene and Safety Valves, all in Good Order Heading er Second hand Shingle and Heading Machine Heading Planer Heading Turner Stave Machine, with Knife • ....... • 450 90 - 40 • 50 70 • . 80 New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheap Mill ?dachinzy for Flowing, Grist and Saw kills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. Implements.—Stoves of Various Kinche—Repairs on Boilers Mills, &e., promptly Attended to. CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 1 THAT HUSBAND OF 13uye all his tfaehinereiron L... MURPHY, WHO has pleasure in farming corniarnaity still selling the very best SAFORTHI announcing sa the of Huron that te Sewing .111-achner Agricultural 1-74,, plenients, and -Musical boo* vients.• Mr. Muu)by's favorite Trreeleine is the Singer, which is the best in the rnarlet, having °ark off first honors at the Centennial and. Sydney Ehibition.. Farmers wiehing to pnrchaseatty of the above would consnle their own interefkr by applying to Mr. Murphy &Tt, as he can do better for thee, than any other -in the trade. Sewing Machine and other rerzits alwaye en hand at his warsrooras, Goderich akeet. 518 • L. MURPY; Seaforth. ST'IMAT_k .A1 -17E-&33 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN BURROWS. rrHE Subsciibers take this opperturiity of re. -I- turning thanks tosthe inhabitants of aliments and vicinity for past patronage, and beg err, state that, having made several harprovenaents their kiln and theSnode of burning, they aro in a bet- ter position than ever to supply the publie with Fir,-Chass _Lime let 12c.-Catalt atittbe :Kiln, or 1.44..libelleed. This being the fourth season of otrr bushnet dealings in Brussel; and% having given =THOM- ed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on re. ceiving good treatment Rad 1irst-olass article irom us. Remember tha, spot:. The Bnissels larite2 Wor.ks. TOWN & BuRROWS. EGG EMPORIUM. • The subscriber hereby thanks his numerous customers(merchants andothers) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hope, by strict integrity aiad close attention to business, to merit their confidence anti trade in thelutue. Roving greatly enlarged Me premises, durhir the 'winter, he is now preparedto pay the IHIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered atthe EGG- EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by Om subscriber 25 tons of gooddry oleac WHEAT STEW. ;. D. WILSON: • • r.l\TOTIO TO' GRANGERS, FARMERS - OTHERS. mAee:TthhaliermEd7tbiyrnooceffcsuiering good inch Hemlock, " not' the attention of- all, these occupy yo subscriber is determined to ustaally sold for inch," at the fellowing rateg: for their liberal support, and solicits a continu- ance of their favors. 41328foot Hemlock. at$7 00 per thousand ; 14 foot 8 percent.Th The Pus e ri b e r thanks his numerous zustomers get what is represented. 5 per cent. discount. Call and see if you dont Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All orders over 45000 Book Accounte over 8 inonths will b• e ohargad JOHN THOMPSON. Steam Saw Minn MeKiliop. . . _ ...,_. . , 17-1..A.IR,IVI El IR, S ' MOWERS AND REAPERS. The La D. Sawyer &Co., Ion0.84..Sbale Mow- er, Canadian Single Harvester, and Bradley No. 2, Single Harvester, were awarded two silver medale and. bronze medal at the 'Centerthial EXhibition, Philadelphia, only- awards given to :Canada for Reapera and Mowers. Bream) Meda as at Atm tralian Exhibition at Sydney, last spring, Silver Medal .atJeffereon ,Countytrial, U. S. 1877, ova and Silver Medal at the great Huron trial, last August, and numerous first prizes thronghout Canada and the United State. They are sub, stantially built„-verylight dranght,.cian be instaute ly adapted to all Wilds and conditions of grain, and will be exhibited the various Spring Shows throughout the County, by GEORGE .STEWART, Clintoe;.General Agent for the County of Helons WM. J. •G-RIEVE, Agent at Seaforth. op.as D. MCLENNAN, TONSALL. SEED WHEAT.. THE Sbecriber,believing that farmers in this &- neighborhood are now fully convinced that the Red Chaff Wheat has entirely mined the goott rointation of our Canadian Spring Grain in the European markets, as may be observed by the uniumal difforemaa of 20c to 80c per Nish, be- tweemit and theirice of Fall Wheat; thatitis also very liable to rust before harvest, producing flour too dark and poor fGr family ue. I would .0 •Se ed bout!ht" and sold. Fife, Selected I.ke Shore Blue Staa, and she Station viz.: :Tames Lang' Prime Minnesota - gra.des now for -sale at his Storehouse, Howell White Eldorado, all at 11Ioderate Priees, Clover coms ms2 end attention to the following choice - - - D. MCLENNAN. Ta now prepared to supplyi BUTTER TUBS. . T.ROTT, SEAI ORTII any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER, TUBS, - At $30 per hundred, Cash. These Tabs are so well and favorably known to the trade that it is usineceseary to say anyshing in their reommon- dation. MR. TROTT also manufactnres a smelt Hard- , wood Tub, tmitable for washing butter in. ed to. Orders by raail or otherwise promptly attend - 495 S. TRO, Seaforth• ZURICH AND EXETER FLOURING AND GRISTING 1141LLS THE undersigned haw pleasure in announcing -I- to the people of Zurich. ant Viet that his Flouring mill is in better running order than ever be/ore. Gristing premptly Attended to, His new Flouring mill in Exeter north le now finished and woricing splendidly. At 'this rail], also, Gristing and cuetom work will also receive the closest attention. Be has also in his Lumber 'Yard, at Zurich, about 500,000 feet, all sized, at from $8 to $6 Per thousand. Dry Rock Eh -a Lumber from $10 to $12 per thomsand. 518 WILLIAM FEN WICK. 1-1 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor -as' • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended t. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. et, AY 1 women are Int they 4Th1ni. ker°sne w _at Whe Isom& -weight faxra vis,f-,on 8' ight, that t we 21 .0 zoliteuteLY for the eat8'81 suppo, iqy thuthr chsxming re course tending t -o thi mad turning (1 Intefl Friaa " borse after a se) wail thrY; and sPiritea for the lopie &ides, s a him /gather. "AVIao's good old I dressing her living in the m never saw vidation tasted on. b tier. 1318y. next spring - __A_ good by two elde which he that witeu t his house, t prayilkg turb his des, ed. at the d in heard W'I8U they him on the prayer_ had Tient y ye hear far ed to a. sto having give ton, thong ister, "Do your in arri Deed doe ye require! yex heia, Minister: be your lii3W can married. SA —ASyr It stood .01 The little his wife s and then. \ ntes, leav she return •• on the cy to see wh Bence. T1 out it Ja little gum before t stairs!" She is loo wears a —The years of ed. upon a a fine bo3 had. hithe and Wife. church at timely an. over both gentlema coaninum eongregat Sunday. he allude turning t little su much se dents in ter servic money o A W Thew aura evei conrtesy is mostl. the ears can scar reading to " rt,1W' teebItteve to be, ever wor plain t :your car everyboe For th .need. s a little side of t that " w same fo Hueb fore the attire. chief at man is and ho woman' the Mai leands, fast 'wit, shaken collar lounge ing in and wi thane days, i of ro Suppe such ti 44 morn room b change inggo yourse of the to th fond r from h be a s Nev tenan No in anees you sh will own t has pe break Baa. ti If ti quiet tact a. turb eveni tiesof iio im shoul ing m as ex gars, little tht