HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-17, Page 1; LAY Itri 187& C. iCameron for eager for Defendant. Lydster.-1-Acti0n for: rdiet for 'tlaitatiff, otter L Order inade foe ime tom J. Gar -row for dant not represented, ary have thrown out the of Queen vs. Stotts, for r116 hill', was found in I ye. MeD061,1d, murder, as set auntie for of - of the report 'will be k. OFE7ERT NG AR 16 ETS. I ; - )OUGALL 8z; co., yesterday,.nst Cl'"S 20 eetr NEW 1 rRy CARPETS, IVED EX • STEAM.* • TE OF !NEVADA" LASGO*,- „DIRECT NEV AkE ALL OF rf NEWEST PAL 8UPEREll °MORS .ST Qu'may.. ,AS _ II 18 OUR SECOND RING. IkE SHALL , TO CLEAR THEM FFE:14 TI -EEM FOR r THE FOLLOWING , RFUL LbW FIGUR- - APER. THAN EVER, 750 AND aoo, - :ER THAk YoU CAN - HAMELTONt TOR IR MONTREAL UN J` WHOLESALE BY liEREAS WE NY LENGTH YQU E AND MATCH THETS -. t FOFf THE PUR- EKEEPiRS WOULD LL TO CALL AND IS ASISORTMENT. RE CHEAPER THAN AN MAKE A RAG ND CERTAINLY ND:pOIVIE APO LE. _ EARLY A,ND GET !OE Al GOOD'OAR- AMY ALL A REQUI ES TO FUR* :RiVING.50 SEWS, LACE oURTAINS , will he opened on Monday y t, ney wigbe cdr Wholesale Prices. 144E TIME. BE SE OA. R I'S BLOCK. H! tI1EAP STOW •••• 11 ELE V katITII WHOLE. NU AR. ER, 545. !ii SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1878. McLEAN BilOS., Publishers. ( $1.50 a Year, in Advance. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: VARM FOR SALE.-First-chiss farm for sale in x the Township of Grey, County of Huron, Smiles from Brtissels, 63 aeres cleared, new frame barn, and. orchard. Immediate possessiongiven. A J. 532 MdCOLL, Drussels. CHEAP FOR CASIL-Two Corner' X Lets on Market Street w -es, Sparling's Survey. Also that convenient and comfortable Cottage, corner Jarvis and St. John Streets, near Anglican Church. Apply to ED -WARD °AKE, Seaforth, Ont. 541 VARIT IN. McKILLOP FOR SALE. ---For Sale, Lot 7, Con. 12, containing 100 acmes, 60 acres cleared and well fenced; frame bank barn; good young orchard ; soil clay loam possession at any time; price $5,000. Apply to A. STRONG, Sea - forth. 545 VARM FOB, SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay- field Concession; Goderich Township, con- taining 85 acres, 50 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The farm is adjoining the -village of Hayfield, and will be sold cheap and on favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor, .JOHNGOVENLOCK. 524 -volt sAkt.-The subscriber has for sole a 50 acre lot in the township of McKillop, County of Huron, 20 acres are cleared and the balance -well timbered with beech a.nd. maple. The property will -he sold cheap. Apply to SAS. H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth,On 517 TTOTEL FOR SAT.E.-For Sate, the hotel in the "Village of Egmondville, known as -Cox's Hotel. The Wel is Well situated and in good repair, with good stabling, and nearly an acre of land attached. A splendid business can be done ba good man. Terms easy, Apply to JOHN COX, Egraondville. 540 . _ - -pa= FOR ALE. -Being Lot No. 18, Con. 14, -I: Hallett, containing 149 Ilexes; 80 acres under fence; the balanee well wooded with good hard- wood. There is a good frame house and barn on the premises. Situated within three quarters of a mile of the village of Blyth. W. McINTOSII, proprietor, Blyth P. O. 538x12 AtAlitfABLE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, the east half of Lot No. CCM. 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, County of Huron, eonsisting of 50 awes, 81 milek from. the Town of Seaforth, and convenient ta wiled. The land is of the vory beet quality. For further particirlars apply to JAME$ PICKARD, op.posite the premises, or to • entendville P. G. FARM FOR SALE. ---k VEI:y supono farm for sale -in Stanley, County of Huron, being west half of Lot 23, Con. 11, containhig 81 times ; first- clasa soil and well watered.; frame barn and stable, comfortable dwelling house, laage erehard ; 24 miles from Hayfield; price $4,500 i'apply.to the proprietor on the prenidsea or to JOHN • ESSON, Hayfield. 580 . VARM FOR SaLle.-For Sale, Lot 14, Con. 7, Hullett,.containing 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared and. free from stumps. There is a frame dwelling house with stone cellar underneath, also frame barn and stable. Plenty of good water and a small orchard. Is within six -and -a -hall miles et Clinton and. about 9 miles from Seaforth. Ap- ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 528 VALL-WHLE FA.E.M FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 29, Con. 8, Hibbert, containing, 100 ecres, 85 of which are cleared and free from stumps; there is a log dwelling house, a good frame barn and stables, plenty of water and a good orchard; is within. 74 miles of Seaforth. For further -par- ticulars apply on the premises to WM. ABER- HART, or by letter to Seaforth P. CL • 542 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No.14, -1- Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 16 acres cleared -an excellent lot. West half of north hall of Lot No. 29, Con. 6-, Morris, adjoining the Village of Brus- sels, 50 acres, 33 acres cleared, cheese factory and machinery complete thereon. Four houses and lots, and. a. large number of vacant lots in Brussels, all the property of the undersigned. Also a num- ber ef improved farms, the property of other par - ti. _ JOHN LECKIE. Brussels. T4OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For Sale, 4-1' that pleasantly situated and desirable resi- dence, the,property of Mr. Wm. Robertson. The property is on Goderieh Street, in Adams' survey.' The house contains sittingaroona, dining -room, kitchen, and 5 -bed -rooms, with pantries, closets, woodedied,.and all other conveniences. Also hard - and soft water wider cover. Tho house is new and wellfinished. The lot contains one-fifth of an acre. Apply to the proprietor en the erernises. WM. ROltftTSON, 527 R;PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, the north hall of \Lot 16, London Road, Tucker, smith, better known as the Old CooperHoniestead, eontaining 50 aereia 4e acres of which are cleared and the behtnee splendidly tinibered. A briek house ami good frame outbniblings. A large orch- ard of the best fruit and abundance of water. • Tide farm adjoins the village of Kippen, and is one el the choieest properties in that section of 1 the County. Apply to GEORGE & JAMES PETTY, lieu:oat. 582 17 -ALF -ABLE FARM VOA SALE. -For Sale the west half of Lot 27, Con. 3, McKillop, con- taining 50 acres, known as the Deigle eState. This farm is situated within one mila. end a quarter of Seaforth. The land is of the choiceat quality. There is a handsome residence and good outbuild- ings. The farm is well planted with fruit and or- namental trace, isin excellent order, and well fenced. It is admirably suited for a raired gen- tleman, a clairv-man, or market gardener. Terms easy. This property must be sold at onee. Apply to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 689 VARM FOlt SALE. -Being north hall of Lot • 27, Con. 8, AleKillop, eontainhig 50 acres square, 136 acres cleared ; 5 miles north of Seaforth; and adjoining the village of Winthrop. Large bear- ing orchard;.good new frame house, with stone foundation; frame barn and other outbuildings; front of lot is fenced with a good board foie° and planted. with ornamental trees. Convenient to e schools churches and naills. For further particu- lars apply on the premises, or if by letter to DANIEL CAMPBELL, Winthrop P. 0. . 5434 _ _ T.14T1 AS414114,LD MURDER CAS.E..1 • McDONALDISE.NTENCED TO BE ANGED ON. •• THE 20th OF jUNE. At the assizes at Goderic the case of Duncan. McDonald for the, murder of - Roderick Munro at Port Albert, in the township ofeAshfield, came oi for trial on Thursday. The particul rs of the case which Were given in thee columns -at the time of thetrial, may be .recapit- -elated. as follows: The affair took pia e at the residence of the deocased, ne Port Albert:, on the night of he 26th of July, and Munro died. from ihe injuries he received on the 26th of Deceraber last. McDonald,- the priso er, Who is quite a To -nog man,boarded at the house of the -deceasedaand also keOt a team - there with which he was engaged in ',hauling tan bark.. On the 4evening of the date first mentioned the prisoner, who had been drinking i a tavern in _ the village a short distance from ,the de- ceased's house, was taken hOme by an- other Youttg, man, and left there.- About 10 o'clock the young man Who had ac- companied McDonald , froin the tavern to Munro's heard. quarreling. at the house of the deceased, and gpipg there t with smile others fouhd .Munre lying in. -a pool of blood at the baek of his house, and McDonald with, a Piece of board in his hand With Which he was apparentlyjust abont to strike the prostrate man. be the presence. of thesearitnestes and of the prisoner,Munro made e remark to the effect hat,"Dunc had done for him. .now." Munre was . carried into thehouse,artd trod to have frightful gashes in the head and back, On one arm, andeone .knee 'our in ell. An axe with blood upon it WM fOtind just after -the- oceurrence. wo sons of deceased, both young lads who Were examinedeteposed to having been awata: ened out of thei.r sleep on the, night in question by loud vociferaticn in which they distinguished the yelli g Of their mother, and cursing and swearing by - the prisoner, both apparentfIy being out in front of the hoose. De eased then rushed: into the bedroom ev ere the boys were, closed the door, and[stood with his buck against it. - ,Th heard ahammering at ,th immediately. afterwards :a through it. . One of the . ,bo 'replied simply that he had not received justice. lads then door, ancl axe came s had just jumped eut of the 'window GI the bed-, room, and as soon as the do, r was brok- • en in his 'father, followed him by -the same means of egress. At the same time the other son of the deceased went out of the tedrooni door, p Being on his wa,y McDonald, who .had. i the axe afterwards found opon it. • The deceased pre son, wno :had got out of th fore him, ran round to the house upon making their e bedroom, and . were there -McDonald, wh,ora the la strike their father three bl axe, 'which he still carrie two plows, when the deoea on -the ground. SOleseque- oiler stradk deceased witl beard, and just then the referred to came up. An He was then sentenced to be ha,nged at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 10th of June. • Throaghout the trial the prisoner wore a somewhat anxious expression, though one which was not specially marked. When the formula which pronou-ned his doom was concluded; he sat down and remained crOuched from sight behind the high sides of the dock ; uotil the spectators in the court room had left, when he was ledaway to•the jail through the crowd outside, with the expression of his features apparently unaltered. Mr. VanNorman, Q. C., of Brantford, acted as Crownprosecutor,arid the pris- oner was defended by Dr. McMichael, Q. C., instructed by Mr. C. Seager, jr., of Goderich. • ' McDonald is not much, if anything, over five feet in height, and not very stoutly built, whereas Munro is said to have had a stature of about 6 feet 3, and to have been proportionately well built. The only person, perhaps, who could have thrown light on, the question as to Whether there was any justification for the commission of this crime, the wife of the deceased, was not in court at any time during the trial. • The counsel for the Crown said that every effort had. been made to find her, but in vain. It is said, however, that the is in Woodstock. If she could have given any testimony which would have tended to mitigate the gravity of the of fence proved aeainst, the prisoner, and if there is any truth in a rumor that is current as to the relations existing be- tween her and the latter before the as- sault ou her husband, her absence from the trial may be capable of explanation. The two boys who were exanained as witnesses have been living since the death of their father with persous at Port Albert. •iTALITABLE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 11, Con. .8, H. R. S,, Tuckersuaith, con- tainiug 100 ecru,: 90 of which are eleared and in a good state of eUltivation, being well underdrain- ed, the Wane& is good hardwood bush. Good. stone boase, frame barn, and stables ;well watered, end good bearing orchard. Is situated about 5 miles frora Seaforth and Brucefield, and st from. Eippen. School close by, and all other conveni- enCTS. For further particulars ewe to nestro WARM, ou the premises, or to Egmotalville 543 P. 0. VARMS For. SALE.: ---Lot 21, Con. 12 Mcla17. lop, SO, acres, on Northern Gravel Road,43 miles from Sealorth; frame buildings and orchard, Nest hell Lot 20, Con. a, McKillop, • 50 acres, 40 eleared; frame buildings„ good. orchard; 5 miles from Seeforth., on gravel road. South half of Lot 20, Con. 12, _McKillop, 50 aeres, 25 cleared, frame barn, splendid timber. Lot 1, Con. a, H. It. S., Tackersmith„ 100 acres, 75 acres cleared, orchard, fair baddinge, and apring creek ruining through the tem miles .from Sersforth. Apply to A. STRONG, Seafortle • e4t TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE..-Ilonse and • Lot on $t. Sohn St„ near the English Church, (emote by Wm. M. Gray. Also that handsome new resit-I:mice, eorner of Coleman and Gouinlock Streetsott present mule:0a by -Mr. Maleolmson. These sery desirable propertie8. are offered cheap, either for. mall, or one-third cash down and be -t- enet ou time to suit. Also, seven Town Lots on Man and Mill streets,. opposite Coleman & Genidocie Milk Persons intending to build mina' obtain these Lots without any present cash - payment• if necessary, Apply to WM. M. GRAY, "Eclipse" Salt Works, Seaforth. _540, WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 35, Con. London Roads- Tuckersmith, containing. 100 aeres, 80 acres cleared,: balance hardwood timber; there is a handsome and spacious brick residence, in pare Italian style, two cottages for 'work -Men,. first-rate ample out -buildings, fine orchard, bdau- Wally ornamented grounds rteh. with trees- and vines, subetential fences, S and well under - drained. Is situated rano from the -village of , Brueefield, a.' station on the London, ICuron and Brace Railway, 6 milea midway from the TDATIS of Seaforth and. Clinton. This is a rare opportunity for a. gentlenian of taste and -means to purchase one of the mostbeatitibal homesteads in Canada. For further information apply, to DR. STUART or Mr. THOMAS WALDREN, Brucefield, Execu- tors, or on. the premises to. ANDREW DAVID - SON, Brimfield P. 0, - • . 542x4 his hand with blood eded by the window be - back of the 1 from the followed by s then saw ws with the Mr. Peachy, of the Department of Gus - in his hand, toms, -Ottawa. He is not the first M. petition assumes the shape of a well- ton ,is accepted quietly, as it should be. ed -was term P. who has come singly tO the capital dressed W011111.11, who tries to throw her- The hote1.4 are open for the accommo- ly the pris and gone away double. self into -the water. Mr. Alex. Mein- dation of the public, and a charge is a piece of -A correspondent, -writing to hie lo- tosh, one of the leading farmers, tried correctly made for !shed room, etc. her parties cal paper, asks the following astounding to prevent her, when she suddenly dis-t Wholesale,licenses have not been taken xamination question. :-" Have not the merchants appeared. in smoke. Mr. Md. stoutly out by shoti-keepers, as required by the of the injured mail shortly after the oc- of Peterborough been sweetenine their avers to the above facts. Wasn't there Ontario statute, and the question will currence showed a very long Wound. tea well for theilast fifty years e'by the a barleycorn in his eye' be settled judicially. The public must across the forehead down hrough the sweat of the framer's brow ?" Query- -About 4 p. m. on Friday last, an now uudersta id that their co-opetation skull and the membrane covering the with $68,5 by former pupils, on the 2oth How many drops of the said. areitle elderly man, by namel of Wm. Irvine, in the -enforce ent of the law is neces- . as he earriee 011 conversation as if with brain, but not Mto the la ter ; a very anniversary of -starting her school. would be required to sweeten One cup whilst returning front Carlisle to the eery, otherwise the result will be any- his deceased son ugly erash about seven incl es long, 'be- -The Vienna High School proposes of tea? -home of his danghter in Beverley, foci- thing but satisfactory. Canada. • Mr. P. S. Stevenson, 'general freight agent, Grand 'Trunk Railwa,y, has re- signed.. -Mr. William Coupar, -a Montreal naturalist, has gone to prosecute scien- tific research.es on the southern coast of Labrador. -Mrs. Eugene Tache, -wife of the Deputy Minister of Crown Lauds, Qtie- bec, died suddenly of apoplexy late on Sunday night. -Violent . Storms and, damage by floods and lightning occurred at Barrie, Belleville and Kingston on Wednesday night, 8th inst. ; -There is a yeting musical prodigy in Berlin who astonishes the natives with her violin solos. Her name is Miss Norah Clench. -The Hessian fly has. made its ap- pearance in Burford, and some fields of wheat are literally, covered With the in- sect in its mature ttate. • • -A nugget of gold valued at $180 has been found. at the Gladstone- mine, Hastings county, and. is said. to be the product of ten days' work. -A twelve -year-old son of Mr. Hall, brickmaker, of Wyoming, was instantly killed. lately by his heaeconaing in con- tact with a revolving shaft. • -Mrs. Lay, a teacher of. a private school in Montreal, has been. presented. head, burying him cortpletely. De- ceased wag very highly respected, and leaves a widow aod eight -children to mourn his.. death., - -Of the Manitobau party taken out by Mr. Prittie ,this spring, 200 have formed. a colony on the Little Saskatche- wan; 100 have settled at Boggy, and the others have gone prospecting to -the Pembina Mountains.. -A 'gentleman in Hariailton had three children on board the steamship Sardinian, which was burnt in Moville harbor on the north of Ireland, last Saturday. It is hoped they are safe, as all the cabin passengers are reported. safe. -A_ considerable 'incieese is taking place in the traffic of the Port Dover Railway since the completion of, the Stratford and Huron road. to Listowel. Twenty-four loaded cars reached there from the north. in one day, twelve of them bringing local freight. -A prisoner in- the Central. Prison employed in the brickfield on Saturday, scaled. the 'wall and. escaped. The 'guard discovering his retreating, figure after he had dropped. on_ the outside gate chase and fired. a number of thots, brit without any taking effect. -The formal opening of the railway was going to, he said: " St. Catharines is my next point. Lots of black peo- • ple there, and I go with a trunkful of recommendation. , I'm fixed. wherever I, go." He was asking a farmer for a ride and explaining that he was the new High Priest, of the Uni- . verse at the same time. -On Thursday morning, Oth inst., the wife of Dr. A. Ile °Harvey, of Wyoming, died from the -effects of an overdose of morphine, administered for the purpose of relieving pain. The de- eeasedtiad been accusbtoined to the use of opium, and -no blame is attached to any person. .-Francis Murphy, snrveyor,of Mount Forest, a few _days ago,while on a snree, shamefully abused his ;wife. He was • brought before a magistrate and bound over to keep the peace, in the sum of $800 and. two sureties of $400. • The sureties could not be found, and he is to remain in jail until they are se- cured.' -We learn that the • Canadian 7 -Monthly and Belford's Magazine are to be united before the 1st of July. The name of the new ma.gazine is to be place by en American detective named Rose -Belford Canada Monthly. Mr Norris. He was not arrested as the George Stewart, Jr., late of St. John, charge against him is only one of em - N. B. and 'author of several popular bezzlement, which is not extraditable. surprised nae. In leather and tweeds especially,' had no idea that Canada, was so far advanced. :All Semi .exhibi- tion will do moon honor to the Do- minion, and will, I nave no doubt, con- tribute to its material prosperity.' You have chosen your agents well, and they have done , their work ailmiratbly.". Sunday school address t at 3:30 , an :ad- YoOrs sincerely, (signed) LYON PLAYFAitt. dress to the tolored Sunday school; at To the Hob. Mackenzie. • • ---,Sunday, May 5th, was the fiftieth anniversary of the- wedding of Mr. jamet McQoillan, Sr., of Guelph. They were the first couple married in the old Roman Catholic Church in Guelph. Mr. McMillen's age is 82 :years, his partner's about 73 pars. The family day was warm. and surainer, like, and we felt like hearing and. resting, but in this we were disappointed. We fled from Atlanta to eseape publiceluty, but Augusta was more persistent than At- lanta,. In the morning a sermon in the Presbyterian church at 1030, at 3 a 4:30 an address to the Young Men's Christian Association ; at 5:30 an ad- dress to a mission school; at 8 in Dr. Irvine's church again, and at 9 an ad- dress on Sabbath school work to a large congregation in the Methodist church - seven in all 1 If any of your -clerical readers can put more into such a space, circle is almost unbroken, as. out of the let them say so. twelve children. born, only one is de- -e-On the :arrive,' of the mixed train • teased.. Their grandchildren number -at- Port . Hope last Friday afternoon, ten. . In commemoration of the eVent seven tramps got en beard, The tone High' Mass was .celebrated. by Ren, .doctor 'findine the class of passengers Father Hamel. ' • , - he had, stoppe°d the train after passing - -The etesconding bank 'manager of the viaduct and put thena off. On &- Tiffin,- Ohio, who -has been living in re- Mg so, stones were freely used, and. . , tirenieht in the villages of Dorchester several . drew rev -elvers. On the train and Belmont foitsome weeks past, was reaching • Cobourg the conductor tele - overhauled. a few days ago at the latter graphed- the facts to the station agent at Portgope. 'Chief -Constable Marshall lost no time in hunting up the patties, and their capture was effected about a. mile . :down the track without resistance. One ,atterapted to ,escape, .and :not ..tenowiog the locality, was precipitated over the bank at the -lake s,h-ore, which is of con- siderable height, and was:badly bruised. from Prince Arthur's °Landing to the' works, is to be the editor of the new The two men greetedeach other pleas- Karninistiquia took place on Saturday, monthly: _ allay, Zeller not being at all disconcert - May 4th, amid ereat rejoicings, -The -According to the L'Original _News, ed. It is stated his defalcation amounts first train left the Landing at 9 a. m. the teachers of the county of Prescott to over $50,000. The detective has re - on that day, and ascended the Pacific are underpaid, and many of the school turned home to see if he cannot fish op Railway for a distance of fifty miles. buildings a disgrace to a civilized com- some extraditeble crime against Zeller. -The evidences of progress and. im- mtmity. A slight increase in salaries -An " Old Country" farmer came to has been made durin the year, but if Halifax a week or two ago with £1,500, which he intended to invest in a farm in Nova Scotia, but determining, to en- provement are visible in every direction in Algoma, particularly so on the great Manitoulin, and • St. Joseph's Island, the .statements of 'the News are correct, there is still vast room for improve - and Bruce Mines. -These_ places are Aleut in this!respect. joy city life for a. im:e before settling whom he hastlived ever since,. having the most favored localities, because e -The holy habit and. veil has been down to honest' toil, he strayed away by het two .children. 'Itte ,eame to ,Har - they are untrammelled. by speculation. conferred by Alchbishop Lynch; To- from bis boarding' house, and was not riston about eighteen mouths 'ago, -The Winnipeg Protestant Boar a ionto, at the noviciate of •the Sisters of seen again. for several days. Oo his re-.. .and by his steady habits and straight- - d t 11, io interru tions Loretto on Miss Annie Keough -in re- turn on Saturaay last he was minus the forward manner, -made- many friends; -A resident of Harristou, by trade a moulder, left that place rather suddenly a few days ago. Six years ago he left a wife and one child in Nova Scotia, came to Montreal, and there married a very respectable young Woman, with nas of teachers- by parents or guardians ligion Sister Mary Clare -and Miss whole of his money, plus two black during school hours. The regulations` Downey. The former is a daughter of eyes, and could not tell where he had are that oily one dissatisfied shall wait Mr. James Keough, Sr., of Gourock, lost the one or received the other. This on the teacher interested either before and the latter is a daughter of Mr. M. is a most unfortunate case, and a warn - his duties for the day begin or after Downey, of Puslinch. , Mg to others not to carry large sums o they are over. -Patrick Wallachan, the young man money aaround on their persons. . Much synapathy is felt for the poor -A large -deposit of asbestos has been cliarged with stealine a horse, top bug- -----john 'Cochrane left Bright station, woman, wife No 2, whose confidence in discovered. back- of Syderthani, and -will gy, set silvenmounted harness, water- on the _Grana Trunk, a. year aeo to push. . him has been so sorely shaken, she hay - but it seems that wife No, 1 found out his whereabouts, and opened up a cor- respondence with several in Harriston and also with her husband, which re- sulted in his leaving for other parts. be worked. Its present value is $100 proof coat, whip, buffalo robes, cote per ton., This discovery is a most and four umbrellas from Peter Bricker, important one, and adds another to of New Hamburg, was arraigned at the the list of artibles whicle compose County Judge's Criminal Court, Berlin. the ' mineral wealth of the county of He pleaded "Guilty," and was sen- Frontenac. fenced to three years' confreement in -About 8 o'clock on Saturday morn- the Reformatory. ing the the body of a. man was found • -The Rev. Principal Grant, of floating in the harbor at Prescott, in an advanced stage of decomposition, which proved to be that of Ferguson, a, saddler, who worked one day in Mr. Rankin's 'shop last -winter, and then very mysteri- ously disappeared. -Another M. P. has met his fate at the capital, Mr. Rouleau, M. P. for - Dorchester, having on the 8th-inst., been married ,to Miss Peachy, daughter of his fortune iu the United States. He ing lived with him about six years in. returned home last week in a used up utter ignorance of the feet. condition. He had taken some kind of -A sad case of drowning, in which fever at Hot Springs. in Arkansas, and. the only son of a shoemaker of Cumber - as soon as he feit able he left for home- land. village was the victim', is given. He had fallen off the tram. at McLean, It appears that the young mane Thomas Illinois, and was picked up by SOMC Yates, who was about 17 years of age, boys frone the side of the track m a de- and who attended the village school, went fisbing before the school hour on Wednesday morning, and as it was his duty to open :the school room in the morning, he had the key with him. The scholars not being able to get aa - mission into the school at the usual hour made inquiries, -and. 1 -earned that he had. gond fishing. A search was made, and it was 'discovered that after catching six or seven fish at Glenmore wharf, he had fallen into the river. His ro&walt found floating below the wharf, and the body was subsequently lowed at the bottom of the river near the wharf. An inquest was held the same da,y, and a verdict of accidental drown- ing was returned. The young ainan's father has been distracted. since the sad event, and the impression in the neigh- borhood is that he will lose his reason, Queen's University, Kineston, has had _plorable condition. Some of the resi- the honorary degree of Doctor of Divin- dents of McLeao kindly took care of ity conferred upon him by his alma ma- him and gave him in charge of a con - ter, the Glasgow -University. Dr. doctor; he reached his home last week Grant is known as the eloquent and en- iu this exhausted state. The doctors. thusiastic advocate of the union of all have little hopes Of his recovery. evangelical churches at the Dominion -Concerning the observance of the Evangelical Alliance Conference held Dunkin Act in 13owmanville, the in MOntreal some three years ago. Statesman says :-In this district thete -There is a real live ghost to be seen has been no remarkable incident con - on the Sauble, below Nairn. The ap- fleeted with the change, and. the sitim- . tween the shoidders and cuts on the to send up: to. the next examinations tentally fell into .some water beside the -At a late °Ineedne Chesley villaize -On Menday het week. Charley, a twelve year Ohl. soli of Mr. James Hall, brickmakee, Wyoming, was accidental- ly killed. He was looking into. the box . \vliere the clay - is nitaind, and. the shaft struck him on the back of the head, breaking 'ltie neck. and, of course; killing the poor little fellow in- stantly. -Miss Jeannie Tyler; daughter. of Mr. John Tyler, London, is the victim of a sad. accident, which it is feared will deprive her of the use of her eyesight. She was endeavoring to removethe cork from a bottle of ammonia, and • finding it somewhat difficult took the cork in her teeth. It • suddenly flew 'out, the ammonia striking her eyes, with thei re- sult stated. -A little boy six years old, son of John Bell, of Hamilton, was riding a velocipede, when it swerved_ into the road and upset him. At that moment a wagon was being driven rapidly down the street, and before the driver could pull up two wheels of it passed over the lad, injuring him • very severely., The . . anus and legs as previouel steted. Be- twenty-three candidates for third-class raped., ande beine unable to extricate attended by about 4611 persons from the fore McDonald left the tavern, on and seven for second-class certificates. himself, Was d°rowned. When found surrounding country, the followine res - the night in questio , he was -A. liberal elector in the county o f be was still warm. Deceased was °talon was passed: "That this meet - 0 heard. to make a threat ag bast the life Terniscouate, Quebec, has been so badly of Muuro, and declare his intention - of beaten by some political opponents of carrying it out when he -w nt to d.eceas- the rowdy class that his life is despaired ed's house. Subsequently to the affray, he was also heard b diffe ent witnesses -Terrible accounts have been re - to say that if he ha a n instead of ceived at Quebec of destitution in La - au axe he would have fin shed Munro, brador. The Lientenant-Governor has adding that he had been bliged to do ordered supplies to be immediately for - what he had. done in self- deuce, as the warded. deceased was corning at him with a • Mi. Thomas Parkinson, a tailor in knife at th.e time. On this evidence the de ored to show that the pri, ner had re- ceived provocation to use he deceased days ago. as he did. No evidence I support of -Last Saturday, at Rockcliffe, in this was adduced, however, except that Renfrew 'county, -there was a heavy snowstorm, the wind. was from the Northwest and very cold. Thermometer. 37 degrees. -A lacrosse match was played last week between the College Club, of Galt: and the Brants, of Btantford. The Brants were victorious, taking three games to one. ; - -R. C. Muir, an old resident of Bur- ford, has just returned from an experi- mental trip to British Columbia, fully convinced that Ontario is the best ig- ricultnral country. -The residence of Mr. P. Drought, Loudon, was entered by thieves in day- light last Mon -clay and robbed of jewel - In cOnsequence of this evidence the lery, silver ware, and other valuables to - on the me i- considera,ble amount. death miaht •-On the suggestion of the Mayr f other , otlee Montreal a joint meeting of Protestants . . than the walinde. Severe medical men and Catholics is to be called to consider were examined on both sides. The prose- in a friendly spirit the best means to al- eution endeavoring to s lay the existing patty spirit. that death was the result induced by suppuration at the knee joint, which witnesses concurred in ways a dangerous wound. -nce endea,v- London died a few days ago from ery- tipelat, resulting from a needle running into his leg near the knee about ten when the prisoner was fir deceased's house on the tion, Munro, in answer to McDonald as to where hi said they were cared for better than he (ticDonald)would care for ;them himself. On the other hand the tw sons of the fr deceased swore that they had not seen anything in the shape of. knife but ta- ble knives in the house for some weeks previous to this quarrel. 'T.Tp to the time there had been a b tcher's knife there, but they had not een it after- wards, though one f th ne found the henclle of it a while befor the wounds were inflicted en their fa er. taken to the lit in' question of horses were, defeiace chiefly depended 'cal testimony to show th. 'have reselted • from som ow by them of exhaustion f the wound 1 the medical aying was al- ton about eighteeu years ago, was knocked down at auction a few days ego for $23. The defence labcred. to exha.ustion might have b of defective nutrition or stitutional weakness. -The large oak bedstead, with heavy old-fashioned hangings, in which the Prince of Wales slept when in Hamil- en the result how that the -Mr. Anthony Dixon, Collector of Customs at Belleville, died very sad - of some con- denly Monday morning from heart . disease at the age of fifty-eight. He Mr. Justice 13urton, charaine the had been in. the public service for thirty - circumstance -Mr. joly will abolish Railway Com - d them that missioneft and two engineers, which g in the evi- entail an expense of about $80,000 plea that the yearly, and will subetitute for all this y provocation useless machinery a chief engineer itwas proved directly responsible to the Government. sed. -Last Saturday morning, whilst Matthew McKee, of Barrie, was wOrk- ing at his farm in Vespra, and engaged in the act of sinking a heavy boulder into a hole some three feet deep, he was jury, while enjoining on , hem 1'h:duty four years. of weighing earefully- enere in the prisoner's favor, t he could not see anythi deuce on which to base prisoner had received a for the brutal attack whic he had made on the debet After an hour's deliber limn the jury returned into couit wit a verdict of " Guilty of murder," acc mpanied by a strong recommendation t mercy. The prisoner, upon be ng asked if he in the pit digging and had stooped foi- had anything to say whysentence of ward, it is believed, to pick up a pebble, death sbould not be pase d upon him, when the stone fell on the back of his • . -Two ,geutlemen walking for a wager from Toronto to Hamilton, got into trouble in Oakville late Monday even- ing. They called. at Oliphant's Hotel and asked for refreshments, which were about seventy-six years of age. An in- ! ing, after hearing the explanation of the supplied.; whilst the pedestrians were quest was held, and a verdict was re- 1 directors of tbo Stratford and Huron refreshine themselves, the idea got into turned of " aceictental drowning." 'Railway, and the amount of bonuses Charleyte.head that they were "whiskey -Rev. Dr. Topp, pastor of H..n.ox : required o make a sound financial detectives," and they were hustled. out Church, Teafonto, has tendered his re- . seheme or the construction and of the hotel at short notice. Word he- signation to the Presbytery, stating that 1 eqpipment of the road, viz., ing passed round to the other hotels to , he found the ever-increasing duties of ia$6,500 per mile' from Listowel to be on their gourd, they were refused ad- ' his charge more •than he could fulfil. , Wiarton :-- we do hereby pledge mission to any of them. Meantime a His resignation was referred to a special i ourselves to use our best endeavors to crowd lathered round the tra.-vellers committee, to report upon. It as : raise the a ount necessary, as we con- and insisted that they should give an e(\) thought that an effort will be mad to : sider the toa7d. will be of great benefit to account of themselves, tbreatening ul- induce - him - to reconsider his det r- ' all the municipalities interested." . . terior punishment if they did not. One of them -eon of Mr. Campbell, the eminent pnblisher, Toronto -said Mr. Ganton could identify him. The crowd on this marched them to Mr. Gantonts, who was roused out of his first sleep, and at once identified Mr. Campbell. But the unreasoning crowd insisted that if Mr. Campbell was not, "the other fellow " was u whiskey detective, not- withstanding all that was said to the contrary. Mr..--,Ganton. invited them into his house, an& made them comfort- able for the night. Mr. Campleell's com- panion was Mr. Edward Wheeler, 1.1 J1. Club, Toronto. -A gentleinfen in Guelph has received a letter from his son, E. Winstanly, who went out to Manitoba in one of the intnation, on the promise of an , i -Last Saturday morning Mr. Price, pointment of an' assista,nt minister. 1 General Agent of the Oshawa Agricul- -Au. American gentleman, who has ; tural Works,arrived at the Grand Trenk been a few Weeks in Montreal, complains I station by the 10:30 train. He stepped that one day last week, when passing an intp the waiting room to pay his agent the Albion Hobe on McGill street, forfreight, taking but bis pocket book employee of the Road Department, sit- = and laying it on the seat, having occa- tine on the curb stone, leered • up into i 1 sion to turn away for a minute, when he hi:face and said: " Are you a d - He says in a cora_ * looked back the pocket, book was gone. Protestant •----"' considera,bly shocked; as munication to the Wttne,ss, that he did 1 Mr' Prie° was 1 there -was over $200 in moneyeand notes wheels passed across-1ns chest, and it is not stop to give his views on theology. . • i . likely he is injured internally. but in the letter he states his opinion in it, valuable papersSearch was -With regard to the note for seventy- freely on the condition of thines in the at once made, but it was not found e I 0 1 I Mr. Price informed the constables. Late five dollars giveu by a Scotch Line city.' in the afternoon) they succeeded in ar- farmer to a couple of Yankee sharpers --Another Yankee thief has sought I , for a bogus patent rightethe Brockville refuge in London. This time it is 0. resting a tramp to whom suspicion Recorder says :-" The taid note and C. Zeller, who held the- position of 1 strongly pointed, as he was seen to go • into the hotel adjoining the station some two others from Leeds dounty farmers Treasurer of the Boaa , o ,J!duat1on, , were offered to one of our merchents and cashier' of first emigrating parties of this seasona It is dated Portage La Prairie, April the First National Bank I time after, and take out a large roll of last we k in exchange for silk dresses, : bills and count them. When arrested but were refused for fear of slight ir- 21st, the party having arrived there the regularities in securing the signatures." • previous evening. Mr. - Winstanly -On Thursday afternoon, 9th inst., states that the roach were then in a as the 3.50 train was leaving Elora for frightful condition on account of heavy of Tiffin, Ohio. • He stole about . e,- ; vet; 1 he had on his person $20, and on being 000 from the School Board and name gave three different 000 from the Bank. •A detective is I asked bus names. At present he is lodged in Ber- here after him, but Zeller states that i he intends Sojourning here • for some + lin jail awaiting further enquiry. time,, and claims British protection, 1 -Rev. Dr. Cochrane, of Brantford, . . h * in a communication to the Stratford Guelph, Mr. Holton, a lawyer of the rains. The first day after leaving Win- nipeg the party only‘made four miles., missing hie footing, he fell under- embezzlement is not one of the offences I Beacon, ay : "After the close of the and the second day only seven miles.. Wm - latter place attempted to board it, but, evidently having been informed neath the cars. 'the wheels passed for which a person can be • extraditedi convention in Atlanta, we hastened to On the way they stopped at a "hotel," °vet his leg above the knee, crushing -The Premier has received the fol- i Augusta, some 150 rm:les further Southwhere thirty-seven slept in one rooin, lowing interestino and satisfactory letter i Dr. frvi4, formerly of Hamilton, is There were six beds bait, the rest have from ' the Right r)Hon. Dr. Lyon - Play- I now pennr of the Presbyterian enurch mg to sleep on the floor. Another mght fair :-Peeis, April 26, 1878. -My dear I there, and oc upies a leading position they stopped at the house of a Mr. 11 tett. Maekenzied-I have come over here I in the city. is church is commodious Spiers, who some years ago practised as to make a preliMinary inspectiOn of the I_ and well ,fill d, and contains a large veterinary surgeon in Guelph. After Exhibition, in my capacity, of Chair- ' amount of intellectual ,power, as well as they left his place, the wagons gotetuck . t tains his rudd in the 'mud, so they hitched. the two and mangling it in a frightful menner. He was at once picked up and a medi- cal man Was soon in attendance and all that was possible done for the unfortu- nate gentleman. It is almost certain -A strange character, evidently man of the Fintaiee Committee of the c es. that the leg will have to be amputated. crazy but harmless, was before the Po- Royal Commission, before the Prince of complexion, and ltas all the robust ' span of horses to on wagon, leaving lice Court in Hamilton last week. He Wales inspects the Industtial Depart- energy and ananlY eloquence which the other behind :with lot of th.eir gave his name as Harry Canton Cotton, anent• cannot refrain from comph- ' made him such a popular preacher in things in. charge Of two Men. The and is described as a. good. looking col- menting you on the admirable position Canada. He is now resisting the party intended going right on to the • - th Exhi- Jetuits ana. ealeeding for the Bible in Saskatchewan, take up their land and ored man. °He said he had. come over which Cana as a ... . here to help England in the war with bition. It is the only Colony _which nuhlic schools. He goes through an i Russia, and was , going to London to will be ready for the Prince's inspection arnazing, amount of work, preaching in help to make laws for England. From on Monday next. The trophy, which is outside stations, in addition to his Own ar pamphlet which he carried in his admirable, cannet be completed. for ten congregation, and visiting from house pocket_it was ascertained that be has days yet; but this is no fault of your to house. The evangelists, Whittle and lived in Eastern Indiana and has. evi- agents, but of the French, who have not Bliss, found. in bim a warm ally, and. ticiif.lv been erasince 1861. He 'WaS yet completed the building in -which it hebas carried on a similar work with gratifying , results. Our Sabbath in Augusta wet; a delightful one. The Easter morn was ushered. -in with a clear sky and bright sunRhine. The discharged, and. when last seen had his gripsack on his shoulder and a parcelof buns in his hand and looked as happy is. The general space given to the Do- minion is admirably advanced, and filled with specimens of raw materials as any king. On being asked where he and manufactures, which have fairly then come back for the other wagon. I* speaks highly of the country, of its soil, and says they passed some splen- did farms. He states that there is a large quantity of wheat stored. in Por- tage La Prairie, which taamot be got out the roads improve. House rentnare from $6 to 13.8 a month in Winnipeg. People from Canada are pouring into it by the hundred every week.'