HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-10, Page 3I litachitterY front SEAFORM pleasure 1 atinottneing to the g cornmunit of Irfuron that luoit the very beet - 1 Vsedeined",.! dgricalturca zni. itts, anicL 3ht8icag instru, • Ls's favorite machine i& the 811204, best in the market, haying carrist ors at the ente#nial and aydnei • ishing to par hase any of the above :G their own ilizterests apnlyiug tct arst. he eau do better for thou,. er the tratte. chitio and otiher repairs- always cut garerooms, Gbderich street. LNIVBPIIY, Reafort14 :r 7.F.LS Ge - WQRKS. T ihers take tilds opportunity of re. :.ar.k3 tO the ihhabitants of Brussel& v. IAA patror,age, and bez to state io! te geverAl knprove:nonts in their slite a burairm they are in a bet. ever te slpply the public lent, Little eat 21e. (neth at the .!)I, or 14e. efirereed. e fourth -seklson cd- our businee& 4.sels, awl having given um -instill. solar, t14 tubiic COM rely on re- atment anci a. first-class article ember tite *Pa z The DrUssela , = TON & BURROWS. RIUNI Fer hereby tikanks - his numereee tharats and others) for their liberal ig the past seven years; and hopes, ,ty endclose aitteution to business, enficionee an4 trade in the future, enlarg4d, iris premises, daring know preetardd to pea. the •i '.17t GASH PRIGE Pr Of good ffresh egga, delivers& EGG 'EMPORIUM, — 3tein Street, Seaforthe subscriller*5 totes of good dry STRAW 1 ; J.A. b. N% -SON. 6T1.1p ERS; P4*MERS AND out Rittit, _ rpy the attention of all, these the subsctiber ie determined to ring (food. inch Henalock, "not 7 ina;;" at die followiag rates,: at$7 00 Der thoosand ; 14 feet a, forCesii. All orders over 4rpoo Call and see if you don't teeted. j over 3 morttha will be charged thankshis nunierous customers -- epport, and solicits a continu- es, JOPtNtTlfOMPSON, Steam Saweltilla, geKilicrpe Etm `Rs, AND REAPERS. 'er & Co., £ro4 Clad Single Mow - le Harvester, ad Bradley Noe.2, were awarded two silver medals. at the Centenuial. Erlabition, y awards ettiven, to Canada. fot vere. Itrotize Medals et Aug - at Sydney, 'lent spring, Silver t County trial IT. S., 1877, Gold at the greett, Harm trial, Tont terous finit rtriz,ee throughout United Stitt+ They aro mb- ar light drOugat, eau be institute rulsand ronditione of grain, dud at the variode Spring Shows wt.y, by GEOlitGE STEWART, .tent for the aunty of Huron. gent at Seawall. 539-13 7aa Aitte laNSALL. lesieving antt, farmers in tithe „re now fully/ conviriced that leat has entieely rained the our Or:madden Spring Graia aStete,a raaa'be observed by nee of dile to l .: per _leash. bo - Of Fall Wheat: that it is aleo etre harviett, teroducing flown _ ler • &wily: uste I would re.. to the follawiug choice at his Storehouse, Hensell ie LanWeithne Miunesota Shure Ellteititern, and the at 2-loderate rt.rice.e. Mayer L. leLENNAN. . _ R T B S. SEAFOl711, eeteeie c4tomers ith - i !BUTTER !TUBS, ! Caelt. Tbes Tube are so emit to the tleile that it is My•hing iu their recommen- Meru faeturee it, email Herd- t waehiug i,utter in. eherwiee prtipptly altered - S. Tit0T-T, Seaforth. '— OF HOUSg[ MD LOT i ArctRatii. . _ . „........_ An offer for ti tie by Public 'DAY, MXX141678, on tek le. M., at new Frame s-, on George Street, near liense etinnidis 4 rooms. SI u (IL trio t'e is a good pt ley will Se: sold enb- t he hal:rave ief pare -hand of sale. The reoperte It :ee l'et farther partitta 'peer er t e tbil proprietor ! . JO 4.1:VII i HARMS. E.E.ITER MST' ' MILLS p:etteure kanouncing . ieh anti Ova his teer rueeing tirdet than neely en ended de. Hie eter z'rb rw finishad - Ae ttileintilt, also, r..k will Oat receive the tee!), r y.eta at Zurich, set, trete. :13 to ri40-1 per h fezetlelt erom $10 to -7 e r M FAN' evICK. LiVEy SrAELES. ARELL Mat kid rye t, second Stelieh C triages and tide Horeee "alwaye ort ry-entnercial levotel, Sea - 1 rural tit attended 50 eiab Land Surveyer ertzta s matt esrompt • MAY:10, iFb8.,: - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Captain Hurricane ,Jones. There AV9,S O. good. deal of pleasant gefeep &beat old Captain " Hurricane " Janes, of the Pacific Ocean—peace to hie ashes ! Two or three of Us present had knewit him; I, rarticial.arly well, for I had made four sea voyages with wee. Ife t4s a very remarkable man. gerwas boxed in a ship; he picked up" what little education he had among his shipmates ; he began life in the fore- castle and climbed grade by grade to the captaincy, More than 50 years of hit 65 were vent at sea. He had sail- ed all oceans, seen all lands, and. bor- rowed a tint from all climates. When a rcian has been 50 years at seta he eeeessarrily knows nothing of nien, noth- ing of the werld but its surface, noth- ini tf the world's thOught, nothing of the world's learning but its A B 0, and that blurred and clistorted by the un- focused lenses of an untrained mind.' Such a trum is only a gray and bearded child. That is what old. Hurricane - Jones was—simply an innocent, lovable old infan-t. When his spirit was in re- pose, he was as sweet and gentle as a, girl; when Ins wrath was III) he was a hurricane that made his nickname seem tamely descriptive, He was fornaida,ble in a fight, for he was of powerful build and danntleSs courage. He was fres- coed from head to heel with pictures and, mottoes tattooed in red and blue ink. I -was with him one voyage when he got his last vacant space tat- tooed; this vacant space was around his left ankle. During three days he stumped about -the ship with his ankle bare and swollen, and this' legend gleam- ing red and angry out from a clouding of Indian ink—" Virtue is its OWas.li,'d..” (There was a lack of room). He was aeeply and. sincerely pious, and swore like a fishivonaan. He considered swear- ing blameless, because sailors would not understand an order unillurnined by it. He was a profound Biblical scholar—that is, he thought he was. He believed everything M the Bible, but he had his own methods of arriving at his beliefs. He was of the advanced school of thinkers, and appliedinatural laws to the interpretation of all miracles somewhat on the plan of the peeple who make the six days of creation -_six 'goo= logical epochs, and so forth. Without being aware of it, he was a rather se- vere satire on modern scientific religion- ists. Such a man as I have been de- scribing is rabidly fond of disquisition and argument ; one knows that without being told it. One day the captainhad_ a clergyman on board, but did not know he was a. clergyman, since the passenget list did not betray the fact. He took a great likina to this Rev. Mr.Peters, and. talk- ed with him a great deal—told him yarns, gave him toothsome scraps of personal history, and wove a glitterine streak of profanity through his garrul- ous fabric that was refreshing to a spirit weary of ,the dull neutralities of undecorated speech. One day the captain said "Peters, do you read the Bi- ble?" " Well—yes." "1 judge it ain't often, by . th el way yeti say it. •Now, you tackle it in dead earnest once, and you'll find it'll pay. discouraged, but hang , you won't understand by things *ill begin to Don't you got right on. Firs it ; but by and. clear up, and. tl en you wouldn't lay it down to eat." "Yes, I have heard that said." " And it is so, too. There ain't a book that begins with it. It lays over "tem all, Peters. There's some pretty tough things in it—there ain't any get- ting around that—but you stick to them and think them out, anal when once you get an the inside everything's plain as day." "The miracles, too, captain ?" " Yea, sir, the miracles, too. Every one of them. Now, there's that business with the prophets of Baal; like en.ough that stumped your "Well, 1 don't know, but--" e" Owu up, now; it stumped you. Well, I cleat wonder. You hadn't had any experience in ravelling such things out, and naturally it was too many for you. Would, you like to have me ex- plain that thing to you, and show you • how to get at the meat of these mat- ters?" • " Indeed I would, captain, if you don't mind.' Then the captain proceeded. as ,t lows: , " Ill do it with pleasure. First, you see, I read and read, and thought and thought, till I got to uuderstand what sort of people they were in. the old Bi- ble times, and then after that it was all clear and easy. Now, this was the weer , I put it up, oonceialing Isaac [this is the captain's own Mistake] and the prophets of Baal. There -were 'so -me mighty sharp men amongst the public char- acters of that old ancient I day, and Isaac was one of them. DELO, had his failings—plenty of them, too; it ain't for me toLipolouize for Isaac; he played. it on the prollet of Baal, and like enough he was j ustifiable, eOnsitiefing the odds that was against him. Now, all I say is, 'twa'n't any' miracle, Lula thrall SlIONST you sols't yoU can see it yourself. "'Veil, times had been getting rough- er and rougher for prophets—that4s, prophets of Isaac's denomination. There was four himarcd and. fifty prophets of -. Baal in the community, and only one -Presbyterian ; that is, if Isaac was a Presbyterian, which. I reckon he was, but it don't say. Naturally the proph- ets of Baal took- all the trade. Isaac‘ was pretty low-spirited, I reckon, but be was a good deal of a man, and no doubt he went a-propheqing around, / letting on to be doing a land, office busi- ness, butt wa'n1 any use; he couldn't run any opposition to amount to any- thing. Ily and by things -‘ !tot desperate with himLe .; lie sets his 1 aelto work and thinks it all out..adla then What does he (lo ? Why, he begins to throw out hints that the other parties are this and that and roam-- -ilothing•very definite, may be, but just kind. of undermining- their reputation in a quiet way. This made talk, of course, a la finally got to the T king, he king sked Isaac what he meant by his talk, Says itiaite, ' Oh, nothing particular ; only, cantheypray down tire from heaVell 011 au altar ? It ain't much, may be, your majesty, only can they do it? That's the idea.' So the king was a good deal disturbed, and he -went to tint prophets of Baal, and they said, pretty airy, that if the had an altar read‘, they were ready; and they intimated he better get it insured, too. " So 'text morning all the children of Israel and their parents and. the other people gathered themselves together. ever Well, here 'was that —great crowd of prophets of Baal packed together on one side, and Isaac walking up and down all alone on the other, putting up his job. When time was ealledeIsa,ac let on to be comfortable and indifferent; told the other team to take the first in- nings. So they went at it, the whole four hundred and 'fifty, praying around. the altar, very hopeful, and Aping their level best. They prayed an hour—two- hours—tbree hours—and So on plumb till noon.' It eva'n't ea,ny use; they had, n't tea a triek. Of , course' they felt kind of ashamed before all these people, and well they might. Now, what:would a, a menanimous man do ? Keep still, wouldn't ? Of course. What did Isaac do? He gravelled the prophets of Baal every way he could. think of. Says he, You don't speak up loud.• . -enough; your god's asleep, like enough, or maybe he's taking a walk; you want to holler, you know '—or words to that effect; I don't recollect the exact lan- guage. Mind, I. don't apologize for Isaac • he had his faults. "Well, the prophets of Baal prayed. along the best they knew how all the afternoon, and. never raised al spark. At last, about sundown, they were all tuckered out, and they owned up and quit. "What does Isaac do now? He steps tip and says to some friend of his there, Pour four barrels of water on the al- tar 1' Everybody was astonished ; for the other side had prayed at it dry, you know, and got whitewashed. They pour- ed it on. Says he, Heave on four bar- rels more.' Twelve barrels, you see, al- together. The water ran all over the altar, and all down the sides, and filled up a trench around. it that would. hold. a -couple of hogsheads—' measures,' it says; I reckon it means about a hogS- ead. Some of the people were going t put on their things and. go, for they allowed he was crazy. hey didn't know Isaac. Isaac knelt down and. be- gan to pray—he strung along, and. strung along, about the heathen in dis- tant lands, and about the sister -churches, and about the State and the count' at large, and about these that's in the Government, and all the usual programine, you know, till everybody had. got tired and gone to thinking about something else, and then, all of a sudden, when nobody was noticing, he outs -with a inateli aud rakes it on the under side of his leg, and puff! up the whole thing blazes' like a house on fire ! Twelve barrels of water ? Petroleum, sir, petroleum! that's what it was.!" •" Petroleum, captain ?" " Yes, -sir ; the country was fau of it. Isaac_knev,r all about that. You read. the Bible. Don't you worry about 4.he to-uglaplaces. They ain't tough when you come to think them out and throw light on thorn. There ain't a thing in 'the Bible but what's true ; all you want b is to go prayerfully to Work and cipher out how't was done.—„Il ark Twain, in the Atlantic illorithl y. - 'An Ingenuous Lord.. The father of the Lord Chancellore- aftereverd Lord Phueket—was a very. sinaple-mind,ed Mane • Kindly and inie suspicions, he was often imposed upon, and the ,Chancellor used to tell endless stories illustrative of his parent's guile- less natpre. . One morning, Mr. Pluuket, taking an early walk, was overtaken by two re- spectable -looking men, carpenters ap- parently by -trade, each carrying the implements -of his work. "Good -morning, my friends," said the old gentleman; ".you are early afoot, Gointiun a, .job, Ji ?" -' "Good morrow, kindly sir. Yes, we are and a (pare job, too—the (nearest and the most out-of-the-way you ever heard of, Pil be bound, though you've lived long in the world and heard and read of many a thing. Oh, you'll never guess it, you t• 1.16110r, So may as well tell at once. We're going to cut - the legs off a dead. man." !" " Whet. cried his hearer aghast. "You don't mean—" "Yes, indeed..; 'tis true for mo; and here's how it came about. Poor Mary. Neil's husband, a, carpenter _like our- selves, and an ou comrade—has been sick- all winter, and departed life last Tuesday. What with the grief and the being left. on the wide world with her five orphans, and no one to earn .bit or sup for -them the craytlxur if fairly out of her naind.—stupid for the-cry-ing__aud the fret; for what does she do; poor wo- man but send the wrong measure for the coffin, and when it came home it was ever so much too short. Barney Neil was a tall maia--aigh six feet We reck- oned him. Ho couldn't be got into it, do whet; they wo•uld, and the poor crate. ther hadn't what. would buy another.• Where would she get it after • the 11ong siCkness himself had, and with five chil-• dber to feed a,u,d plotlee ? So, your honor, all that's in it is to. cut off. the legs of him. Me an- mei comrade here is going to do it for the desolate woman: We'll just take 'em off at .the knee -joints and lay them alongside him in the coffin. I think, Sir, now I've told you our job, you'll say 'tis the quarest ever you beard - "011!" erica b the old eentleman, such a thing must not beedone, it's _inipos sible. How 4nuch Atill a - new Coffin cost?" . . The darpentertinamed. the sunt, -Which was inutediately bestowed.= him .with injunetions to invest forthwith. in the necessary purchase. • The busines, however, took quite an unexpected turn. Mr: Plunkett, on his return home, related his matiitinal ad- -venture to hislainily at breakfast,the fu- ture Chancellor:then a young barrister; being at the table. Before the meal. was ended the carpenters made their appearance, and With many apologies tenth:Tett back the coin they had. re- ceived. He wh . had been spokesman in the morning ex hauled that on seeing the gentleman i advance of them on the road, he littc for a . lark inad.e a bet with his compa ion that he would O- tani the money, which, haying won hils Wager he now • refunded: --Genuine Irish this. . • • • . . A Match. for: a:Baron. • Ina recent •ti itil at 'Wh incester, Eng- land., a wittopss failing to make his ver- sion of 0. cOul ersation intelligible I,' P reasons. of his foird.ness for "says and " says he," Was ta,ken han.d by Baron Martin, -v,tith.. the fellowing result: " man, tells -us now exactly what passed." "Yes., my lord, I said I would. not have the pig." .• " And what was his answer ?" "He oda he had been keep- ing it for me, and that "No, ; he could not have said that ; he spoke- in the first person." "No, .my lorddI was the "1 mean, don' son a repeat hi was no third p first- person. that spoke." bringdn the third. per - exact words." . There rson, my lord, only him and me." "Mr good fellow, he did not say he had be said I have b sure you, my 1 tion of your lor different stcrie. n keeping the pig; he en keeping it.'" "1 as- rcl, there was no men - ship at all. We are on . There was no third personthere, and if anything had been said about your lordship, I must have heard it.". Th baron gave in. aieties. An editor's her husband's strike a pa,cka aro not like th of the world other trousers. " —At one of wife never goes blirough tb_er trousers pockets to e of love letters. Editors wicked, unfaithful men editors rarely have the the scho4 in Cornwall, England, the inspector asked the chiI- drecl if they oould quote any text of Scripture which forbade a Man having two wives. • One of the children sagely quoted. the text, "No man can Serve two masters." —A. Sunday School teacher was tellt ing her scholars, the other Sunday', about a bad b y -who stole a hundred dollars, when one of her a "And how th a bully chan.c —The bates to. the effect; can railroad out -of a car bye, when th idly that he male at the —A little her parents Weeks. On mate, Ella showing he night little said :0 and: make pan take from her, back again. —A you g man entering one of the barber sho -ing his "Going to the -barbe with muchd ignity, replied: " See here: my friend, fumery on going to se Do men ga he was interrupted by &tors with the qu.ery, dickens did. he get suoh ?” . yarn about fast tine is hat on a certain Ameri- young man put his head nd.ow to kiss his girl good - train went ahead so rap- issed an old African fe- ext station. . firl had been absent with 6 a camp -meeting for two er return her little play - Day, entertained. her by her new playthings.' ifAt ary, in saying her prayers, 1, . Lord, bless. Ells .Day, her a good • girl, so as I all her playthings away nd she won't tvan't them i . s, was. particular about hay- oustache nicely perfumed. call on lady, I suppose ?" asked. .The young map, do you suppose I put per-, y moustache because I'me a enan, or baby in arms? her grapes of thorns or figs of thistles t" - ' few evenings since, a father' and at Wellesley, Mass., were mu- tually reca lingeincidents of the latter's childhood. "1 shall never forget," said the young a,dy, "how you took me out of. church one. Sabbath, when I w4s about thre years old, and punished me for pla,yin in meeting. I can remem- ber . the iingling of that peach -tree 4 switch to this day.." "Very strange, very stra,n re," said the father.; "1 don't recollect- t e circumstance atall.".." Al, well, papa you were at the other end of the switch !" • —Beecher tells an Avon (N. Y.) re- porter tha he is glad the scendal. has been revi ed, "for this will. end the matter,P d that it doesn't worry him at all. an interview with another reporter h said that the confession re- minded hi ef a story of a negro waiter who Alms sked by a guest if it Was the second be for breakfast that had. rune., " No,- sah it's not the second bell; it% de Second ingin'.ob de fust bell." When skecl evh t could have 'induced. Mks. Tilton to write the confession, he re- plied witt a sigh: "Poor woman! She is the st angest combination I ever knetee Yu see heione time, and you would thi k her a eaint on earth: at another ti e she is a weak, irresponsi- ble being, anything but a saint." 12 If FOR SALE OR TO LET. H-HOUSE TO RENT.—To . rent, a comfortable dwelling house on John Street. Possession on 1st May. Applyto A.. W. SPARLING. 541 p OMS.—To Let, two comfortable rooms in -1-`' the second fiat of Scott's Block, over Rogers' store. Apply to F. HOLMESTEDe 548 -seeTORE TO REN T.—To Rent, the Store re- cently .occupied by C. Armstrong, in 'Mrs. Whitney's biock. Ono of the best business stands in town. Apply ti MRS. WHITNEY, Settiorth. _ , 539 TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. --House and Lot on St l John St., near the Eaglirh Church, occupied by Wm. M. Gray. Also hat handsome now residence, corner -of Coleman and Gouinlock Streets, at present occupied by Mr. _dalcohnson. These very desirable properties are l -".red cheap, either for cash, or one-third cash (leen and bal- ance on time to suit.Also, seven Town Lots on Main and Mill Streets, opposite Coleman & Gouinlock's MilL Persons intending to build may obtain these Lots -without any present cash payrnent if necessary. Apply to WM. M. GRAN, "Eclipse" Salt Works; Seaforth. 540 VALTIABLE FARM FOR SAL14.—For Salo, Lot v 16 and south half Let 17, Con. 1, Hay, contain- ing 150 acres, 1.20 ef which aro cleared and in a good state of cultivation- There is a good brick house and a frame cottage the barn, stable, cow stable and other outbuildings are all frame; there are about 10 acres of choice apple, pear and other fruit trees, and about 300 sprnce trees planted 10 years. - There is a never -failing :,stream running through the centre of the farra, on Which is a good mill site, a good gravel road on two sides of the farm. It is situated one mile' from Ifensall sta- tion and four miles from Exeter, on the Landon Reed, and is just across the road from the Rodger- - ville post office and church. 'For further particu- lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER,' Veterinitry Surgeon, Seaforth P. 0. 481 ABM FOR SALE.—For Sale,. Lot 35, Con. 1, L London Road, Tuckersraith, containing 100 acres, 80 acres cleared, balance hardwopd timber; there is a handsome and spacious bricklesidenee, in pure Italian style two cottages for workmen, first-rate ample out!buildings, tine orchard, beau- tifully ornamented , grounds rich -with trees and vines, substantial fences; 3 wells, and well under - drained. Is situated], mile from the village of Brucelield, a station on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, 6 miles midway from the T3WIls of -Seaforth and Clinton. This is a ramopportimity for a gentleman of taste and means to purehase one of the most beautiful homesteads in Canada. For further information apply to Wt. STUART or Mr. THOMAS WALDREN, Brticefield, Execu- tors, or on the premises to InIdDREW DAVID- SON,XTAGON AND l3LACKSMITH 110.P542:tOR4 Erni:afield P. 0. TT SALE.—The undersigned, who is about retir- ing from business, wishes to sell his propertyin the village of Kinbuin, township of Mellott, county of Heron, consisting of three-iquarters of an acre of &nice hind, well underdrained, and having a number of well selected fruit trees. There is on the premises ai blacksmith shop 28x38, a wagon shop 20x40, and paint shop the same size, a two storey dwelling bowie 1635 and kitchen 16x22, with cook -house attached; also a new dwelling house 18x24 and stable 16x25. The baildings are all frame and the dwelling houses have each a good ' cellos. The above is situated in one' of the best farming communities in the wonky end is there- fore an excellent bushiest; stand. Alec, for sale a large amount of oak, rock elm, red elm and pine lumber; well seasoned, and fit for use. Wagons, sleighs, cu tters, and buggies on hand, and will be sold theap to deer out the stock. Payment is regnest- ed of all overdue notes and accounts. JOHN WIL- LIAMS, Constance P. 0. 517 • IMPORTANT NOTICES. :A Husband. Market. - A stren -minded. woman married. a m an. not i oted for activity of bodyor energy of oharacter, and before- the honeyneoo as over, upon awakening ,one mor ing, be found his spouse. in tears "My 1 ye," said he, "what is the matter?" "Oh, have had such a dreadful dream." "-Why, vhat was it?" "1 .thoi ght I was • going out Fourth Avenue, hen I saw a sign'Husbands for sake' So many women were -rush7 ing in th I followed, and just then they were Selling a splendid - specimen for 1$1,001." ; "But d'd they all bring as much as ?" "-Oh, ! They went at 4.1,000, 4500 andso on. down ." . • ".Well, did you see any that looked like me ?' "Yes, i But they tWere tied up in bunch s like asparagus, and sold for ten cents a bunch." • Bad. Beginning. Said a young husband, whose business speculations were unsuccessful: " My wife's. silver tea -set, the bridal gift of te. rich uncle, doomed me ..to financial inn. It involved 'a hundred une'xpect d expenses, which, trying to meet, male me the bankrupt that I His is txe experience Of many others less wise, Iwho do not kuow what is the goblin in • he house working destruction. A sagacio is father of great wealth- ex, ceedinglv mortified his. daughter by or-- -dering to be printed on wedding. C.ar4 t • "No presents except those adapted t ilICOMC of $1,000." Said he : , "You n ust not expect to begin life in the style am able by many years of lae. bor to ind lee ; and 1 know of nothing that will tempt you . more than the well -intended but pernicionS gifts from • friein1-2; wear in Gaelic. .. A lady ravelling from Edinbui-gh to •Ghisgowv:as much althOyed by a young officer's e tnversation in the carriage -be- ing inters iersed with. oaths. She sat iineg...4y till she could. nci longer keep si- lence. -" Sir." ,he said. to the • officer, "can you talk i I the Gaelic tongue ?" - To this he 'replied. in tile affirmative., seemingN with great pleasure, expect- ing to haVe some Conversatiou with the ' lady in il at dialect. She then pclitely requested that if he wished to swear any DIOne it might be in that language, as thapr dice of swearing was very of- fensive to herself andthe rest Of the company. The officer was confounded. at this re roof, and. no More oaths were heard fro him (bring the remainder of the jou ney. T) AIL -8 FOR SALE.—For Sale, a quantity of -1-11 Good Black Ash Sails. Apply to WM, MUlle DICK, Brucefleld. 513x3 1878 1878 HATS AND CAPS AT ROGERS'. • ‘1 110trieY tJP.—Mr. Graben:I Williaresol having e given up the Plow Bnsiness, begs t rogues l. all parties indebted to hint eitherby note or book aecount to settle the same at once, it not they will be placed in other bends, ter col- lection. Gr. WILLIAM -SON. _ 533 NTOTICE.—kesstR. MattliLLAN McBRIDE, -LI having leased the shop lately occupied by Mr. Ingram, in Hensall, are now prepared' to do any and all -work done in a first-clar blacksmith shop. Plow Making and Hors e Shoeina Speeialty. • • . .543;;N2 TOWNSHIP OF COURT og REVISION. —Notice. is ,hereby given that the Court of Revision for revising the Assessment Boll of the Township -of Hay, -will meet at, the Township Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, May 24 1878, at the hour of 10 eddied A. el. All interested will please take notice and govern themeelves accord- ingly. SAMUEL FOSTER, Clerk, I 543-2 A.UTION.—I, the undersigned, hereby bantion the public not to buy or take any of the fol- lowing notes, given by me in favor of Anna Wit- mer, wife of Absalom Witmer., dated respectively on the 15th of June, 1877, for $10d each, payable in one, two and three years front date, without interest, as I hays received no value for • Ealid, notes, and therefoA a m not willing to - pay the same. HENRY VOOS. Hay, April 19, 3878. 542e6 LOST OR FOUND.. TIUG LOST.—Lost, in Seaforth, a small Sky de' Terrier Bitch. Any person ising informa- tion that will lead to her reeovery will be reward- ed, and any person retaining or harboring her after this date will be prosecuted. A. CHAR- LESWORT a, Egmonaville. 543 N OTE LOST.—Lost, on April 23,11 note drawn -LI by C. Bischle in favor of C. Soldan or bearer, dated April 1st, leis, at 12 montes, for $50. Partiee are hereby e aut lotted against purchasing the note, as payment of the same has been step- ped. C. SOLDAN. Zurich, May 1, 1878. 543x4 _ _tt 1 $CE LLt N BO U. A utoof,L, Solicitor, dee, Brussels. Office- -Led- • in Leckie's new brick building, 501-52 ONEY TO LEND—On terms more advan. tageous than ever before offered. A. J. Me- COLL, Solieiter, Brussels. 504.5e WHO WANTS MONEY 2—A. few • thousand Y dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES II. BEN 80N, Solicitor,. Seaforth. 5913 T P. BRINE, Liconeed Auctioneer for the u • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- eoerroe Office will be promptly attended to. THE SEAFORTH. PUMP -FACTORY. — N. Cluff, successor to J. R. Williams, manufac- turer of Pampa and Cisterns. All -work warranted to give SatiSfaetion. Factory on North Main St., Seaforth. 600 1VOTICE TO DEBTORS. -111 parties not hay- ing settled np their accounts with me for 1877 failing to do se at once will be charged 10 por cent. interest from January ;et, 1878, without fail, TB OMAS COVENTRY, Seaforth. 531 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent. Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and Bota. aletared mortgages paid off. Terms to, suit borrowers. Farms and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Out:, 515 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or -niteht. A large stet of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examinedas to soundness and, certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 • rIlE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job M0805 PeriOdiell) Pids—Thie invalueble medicine lie unfailing in the cure of all those pdinfol and dangerous diseases to which the femate coustitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure, may be relied on. To Ina, ried ladies, it is peculiar Ty suited. It will, in a short time, tiring on the monthly pe- riod with regularitt Tbeee pills should not be taken by Females daring the fitst three menthe of Pregraney, as they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at, any other time they ere safe. In all cases of 'Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatig-ac on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills willeffect a care when all other means have failed ; and, although a powerfal remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the/pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 1.2k cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson a Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lnmsden. 197 - 0 -3 FINE"FUR HATS AT ROGERS'. 1. WOOL HT § AT ROGERS'. FELT HAT& AT ROGERS'. STRAW HTS AT ROGERS,'. SILK CAP AT ROGERS'. WORSTEth CAPS AT ROGERS': 'LARGE 'STOOK AT ROGERS'.' ATTRACTIVE STYLES AT ROGERS'. c. z 0 Popular Prices in all ClasSes of Dry Goods , AT JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. -. REMOVAL -NAT.A.rrsol\T Begs to intiinate that he has Itemored his &Mee to D. ITIcGrcgor's New Brick Blinding on East Side of Alain Street, Scalorth, and Fourth Door South of 'William Campbell's Clothing Emporium, where he will, as hitherto, carry on the • General Insurance, Money Loan Agency, and Sewing Machine Business. In thanking the public for the confid'ence they baye reposed in him for the past fifteen years he has carried on these branches in Seaterth, he wishes to inform them he -will still endeavor to give them the same satisfaction -which they have invariably expregsed with his transaceions. He still 'keeps ou hand the best Sewing Vachiees that ere manufactured in the world, as well as Needles, Oil, and Machine Attachments. Re sells -the Osborne A Machine, which is the simplest, the most capable of making any kind of work 11 the most perfect manner, and the easieet and qnickest threaded up machine of any machine made in the Dominion. He Rens the Genuine Howe Machine —a Machine that has never failed to give satisfaction to every customee for the last ton years. He sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines, the most rapid and least noisy Machine in the world. Farmers' Wive, Mechanics' Wives, Merchants' Wives and Manufacturers, do not hit to examine and try our Sewing Machines—Family and Ma.nufecturing—when you want one. Also Agent for the celebrated Franz and Pope Knitting Machine, capable of doing all kinds 01 work. Instructions given to customers gratis on any of tbe above machines. Sewing Machines to Rent. Also all kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. WM. N. WATSON, General Agent, Scaforth. TIEJ1_1&TFJJST HONEY COMB SPIRALS FOR LADIES' FANCY WORK. You can make Beautiful Boquet Baskets, Card 'Baskets, Wall Pockets, Picture Frames, in, fact ialmost anything from, them. Call and see Samples. HARDING S 10 CENT MUSIC Full size Sheet Music, by most eminent Composers, the cheapest series yet published. Also half dime or any variety of Sheet Mush procured on tbe Shortest Notice. SubscriptionS received for all Englieb,American or Clinadian Magezities at Publishers prices. Remember the place: LUMSDEN d PrILSON, W1zit9zey's Block, Seaforth. 1 THE G ERICH FOUNDRY_ 1 . Second hand 20 Horse Engine, shim Wheel aud Saw Mandrel $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Mance Wheel ana Pulleys Complete 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wbeel, Pulleys and Governors 275 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pullees and Governors 200 A Hoisting or Boat Engine with Hoisting Gear 250 Seeond hand 16 Horse Porta'ble Boiler, with Smoke Stack 150 Second hand 16 horse Ppetable Boiler, with Smoke Stack 200 Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack 225 Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Eurntce,Front;Grate Bars, Steam Gunge, Gnege and Safety Valves, all in Good Order- 450 Secondhand Shingle and Heading Afachine 90 ;leading Jointer 40 Heading Planer.. , . ./. 50 Heading Turner . 70 ... 80 Stave Machine, with Knife A. C. AULT'S GROCERY, SMA_FORTI-1 WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY. New Engines and Bellers on hand, slim Made to Order very cheap, Mill Machinery for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. Implements.—Stoves of 'Various Kinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mille, &In, promptly Attended to. CODERICW FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURIND COMPANY. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. NEW SHOE SHOP IrSEAFORTH. k3c One Dollar will buy four pounds of Tea. One Dollar will buy 20 ponnd bars of good Soap. One Dollar will buy 20 ponnde of good Rice. One Dollar will buy 13 poandS oi good. Sager. One Dollar will bny 113- pounile bright Sugar. One Dollar -will buy 11 ponatie of coffee Sugar. One „roller will bine 91 pounds of granulated Sugar. One Dollar will buy 91 pounds of brekeu loaf Sugar. One Dollar will bny 11 pounds of Dried Apples. One Dollar will buy' 16 pounds of new Raisins. One Dollar will buy 16 pounds of now Prunes. One Dollar will buy 5 pounds of good Coffee, One Dollar will buy 7 bottles of good Pickles. One Dollar will buy six good brume - One Dollar will buy 5 gallons ofgoodCoal One Dollar will buy 1 washtub, worth 1 50. One Duller will buy 6 good pails. A. G .A U LT Will sell Tea worth 75 cent; per pound for 55 cents per pound, and Tea worth 65 cents per pound for 50 oents per pound. Besides the above all other Groceries will be sold at Great Bargains at A G. Ault's Grocery. Flour, Bran, Shorts, Peas, Chopped Corn, oat - lee sl, Pot Barley, Cornmeal, Potatoes, Turnips, Onto/ s for seed, Hams, SpicedEacon, Pure Clean Bacon, Batter, Lard, all kinds of Fishe all kinds of Flower Pots, Crocks and Milk Pans,. :- Goods Delivered Free in any part of the, Town, BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY HAVE COMMEN C- . ED BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNT' IN PILLMAN'S STORE, OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY, Where they are prepared to take Orders for and Marantactrs e Debts and Shoeof everydes- cription. Being both Practical Workmen. they are prepare to • Guarantee a Good Fit and a Good Article. . A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. Emaorr Critiavet. Conmres FRIEL. POST OFICE STORE, WA_ LTON. — IONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kind patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for thl future. I have just received a Large and Well Selected of, all descriptions. Also always on band a full assortment of ,GstoReko'oDRY GOODS cr ER I ES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quali ty and price, acrieveticheery,iarem besetiriitahr,L BOOTS eeCoanztpys. A Large Stock of and SHOES—McPberson's make. and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints flea oos, leirugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- thing required in a general store. Ask fol what you want if' you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate:to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and eettle by cash or mite before the end fif tide month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving wed Investment Society, one of the:best lerati societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good farm security for a terra of from three to twenty years, on the tadst favorable conditions. LIFE INSITIANCE.—If you want your life insured ,give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assure aceCompany, -one of the best Life In- surance Cornpaniee in the Dominion, and conducted en the reost economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a Call. I ana always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. 14- R. PATTISON, WALTON. A. G. AULT. • HARRY MITCHELL'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. Have you seen Harry's Baby Carriages; just arrived, two dray loads. Grandest display of Baby Carriages Ever showa in Seaforth, allprices and styles. The new American Self -Threading Sewing Machine, best in the world, sold very cheap for cash at liarry Mitchell's. A g0011 god of Booke. and the best Assortment of t-ttationerrand Fang Goods wet of Toronta at Mery Mitt:hen. Oh, I do love you John, 'You're a dear little inten, Won't you buy me a -carriage, Yes, staely you can. Harry can supply you with Daily Papers and Monthly Magazines, (that you have been getting from your old friend, Mr. Armstrong) 11 you choose to favor him with youe orders. Berlin Wools and' Fingeting Teens all colors and shades, Cerdbeard—all kinds, iewelry and 'Watches, Toys, Wall Paper, ee. 'Variety inde- scribable. Step in and see for youme3f, ou.eaill receive courteous treatment and (if you buy) good value for yournfoney, REMEMBER ,THE PLACE ; No. 2 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, Near the Queen's Hotel, end directly opposite the Mansion, Seaforth._ HARRY MITCHELL. N. B.—Boarders Wanted at the Palace Board. ing House. Good board, comfortable rooms, and nee of organ, at V Per -week .--IIA.RBY MITCHELL, Proprietor, THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY, ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several, First -Class Stock, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Mao Agent for several of the -best Loan Soda - ties. Mao Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm end Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIUST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan at S Per Cent. Interest. Agent for the White Star Lina of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrison'e Store, Maineet Seeforth, DAIRYMEN, ATTENTION. MRS. WHITNEY, SEAFORTH, TS now better prepared than ever before to imp- ev- ply a first-clase article in Milk Cataseldrilk Pails, Pans, and all other Dairy 'Utensils, at prices as low as good articles can be purchased anywhere. - Eave-Troughing Promptly Attended to, and at Low Rates. Every description of Tinware Constantly On band and made to order. Custom Work receivei prompt attention. Remember the Tin Store in the New Brick - Block is the best place to buy. 539 MRS. WHITVEY., THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTR. ARTHUR FORI1ES, Jj&TING purchased the Stock and Trade of the -2-1* Commercial LiVery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that be intends carrying on the business in the old stand, and bag added sev el al valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good _Reliable Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carriages, and Double lind Single Wagons always ready for use. Special Arrangements Made With Com- mercial Men.. Orders loft at the 'stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. T\TOTTIOM- HOFFMAN BROTHERS SPRING CONS ALL OPENED UP AT DENT'S. II.ave received tbe Agency for E. BUTTERICK & Ca.'s RELI- • The Choicest -Stosk of - Staple and Fancy pry Gods West of ToABLE PATTERNS ronto. All the Novelties of the Season. „941.LADIES' Lien Enabroidered Costumes, '700 Parasole and Surlhatles, Dress every Fabric and at every price. The Nicest and Cheapest Prints in the County. and Millinery Goods in Profusion. • DENT'S Is YOUR PLACE FOR CHEAP COTTONS. • LACE CURFAINS AND LACE GOODS A PECIALTY. If you want good Ducks, Sbirtings, Tidings, Table Linens, Bollands Towelling, White or Col- ored Quilts, Hemp Carpets, Mats, Gents' Fe;t Haar, in fact whatever yoi, want,'Dent's is the phce ' to get it at the right price. Gents' wear of every description—whatever on want apply at Dent's, and you can get it at a price that will tickle you. One Car Ldad ' of Strew Hats—Make a note of that. Remember all this is at DENT'S, Seaforth. For all kinds of garments. Full stock of Patterns always on hand. Monthly Fashion Sheets can Goods of be bed on application free of charge, Or by post Millinery for one cent stamp. HOFFMAN BROS., Agents, Cardno's 131°4. JUST RECBIVED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' LINEN COSTUMES AND SPRING MANTLE, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. SEAFpRTH: HAIR DRESSING* MISS • STARK wisHEs to informthe Ladies of Sea -forth -and v I Vicinity that she is prepared to make up -- SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, 8te., In the Latest Fislaion from Combings. e Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually et tended to. A cell solicited. Etesidenee—Mehe Street, Sitaforth. 527