HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-05-03, Page 5N VERYTH1 GROCE ty RA BARGAINS IN PRUNE& GREAT BARGAINS IN CROCKERY, ANNED GOODS GOING VERY FRESH FIELD SEEDS At COST. iri:VERYTHI.14 EN'S GROCERY. ISPEOTACLES. `01r.STER'S Jewelry Store and with. 1. Black & Co.'s Patent V71, tile tria. 4 Full Line nty-Five Cents to Twelve Dol - se Given with _Every Pair. 'ER, SEAFORTH, ONT. FEW- SPRING GOODS —AT— .0THING EIVIPORIURit EAFORTII. in Worsted Suitings3, EJENDID V4LIJE, -INDS HI GREAT 17,AlUE2Y. TS, COLLARS, TIES, &O. GOODS. Everything will be field at prices that defy" steek ia full. 'W. CAMPBELL. INIOVAL. REIVIOVAL emoved hi o Office to D. 171cGregor's New of 'natal Street, Seatorth, :tad Fourth Door elefthitar, Emporiums where he will, at n Agency, and Sewing Machine BUSiT1,88& e they have reposed in hire for the past fifteen yea he Lhe wishea tea inform them he will still endeavor to ell - e invariably expreseed with his transaelions. He still bat are martufactured in the world, as well as Mediae", be Osborne A Machiue, which la the simp/est, the fao4 e most pettect manner, and the easiest and gnickest in the Dominion. Ile sells the Genuine Howe Machine- atisfaction to every customer for the Test tereyears. He most rapid and. least noiay Xaohine in the world. [tants' Wive§ and Manufacturers, do not'fail to examine! Wanufn.cturing---when you want one. .Also Agent for chine, capable of tieing all kinds of work. Instructions ve machinea'. Sowiag Machines ta Rent. Also all kind ERAL. N. VVATSON, General Agent, Seaforth. FOR LADjES1 FANCY WORK., Baskets,Oard Baskets, Wall _Pockets, mt anyaiiv fronk_titem. Crag and see; f IG OENT MUSIO. osers, the cheapest series yet published. Also half [in the Shortest Notice. rican or Canadian Magazines at Publishers prices. 7I18aly, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. rOUNDRY- landSavr..... ...... arta Pal:lays . .... .. • - • 225 Pulleys tid Govhrnors 275' andayavemors SO* I1. , Hike . , 350"- oke Stack. . . « tam Stack .i... I 225 a'Alt Smoke Slack, Famace„ Front, Grate Bars, im Good °atter-. ....... 90* V• -' .• • .. • .. •• .- 4 40 . . .... ...-,...i .... . . .. .. 50 t- — - - --- • -;. ' . • ................. • • 70-' 80 .. .. .. - . - .. . . . . ............... . . . ......_ , i , -Made to 'prder very cheap, Min machinery miciatue INniers of Improved funds. .Li( :la Eieda.FIt(apairs on Boilers, Mills, &de, promPt4 t: a V AND ttlA4UFACTIIRING compANY. PEKE :',UP AT DENT'S. :Fanc11D 0ooj,s' West of'Toronto, es of the Season. • aud tittsliades, Dress Goods of et aud Chaaptiat Printa in the County. Milliner/ FOR CHEAP COTTONS, WE GOODS A oPECIALTY Table Linta'ai, Ifollands, Towellings, White- or Col- in tact *ha ;ever you want, Dent's is the Plees deseription—Whatever you want aPPIY at Datileegi- One Car Load of Strw aHats—Make a ro MAY 3, 1878. _...Trearimomw e - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. orzt MERRY :BOY'S SONG-. The lord loves hisana the miser his gold, And the hunter his horse and his hound, And the bishop his port, and the warrior bold His sword and the clarion sound; And the sailor his lass And the beauty her glLs, reaPerBaat gibovnenaea nybrigheo, ttsky ; With love for my lot, Atni a 8P4ridlnlmthrshdlitntyrarl?sing, With the pride of a king: Thongh the cash in rny coffers be small, . The best of all wealth ' Is a good otock of health, wath, a heart that is thankful for all." While the duke has his castle, the monarch his Grown, And the courtier his title and name, And their ladies repose on their couches of down, laid the minstrel is honored with fame, I will journey through life Without envy or strife, Leoidng out for its beautiful flowers, And carry a light For adversity's night, And honey to sweeten its ours;s And I'll merrily sing, As I march with a swing, • eiltY"ITchareebethsnt °off aliallcealth since bon Is a good stock of health, With a heart that is thankful for all." 'Attila lord have his land, and the miser his gold, And the hunterhis horse and his hound, And the bishop his port, and the warrior bold •His sWord and the clarion Sound; And the sailor his lass, And the beauty her glass, And the reaper his bonny bright sky; • But with love for ray lot, In a sweet little cot, Andthe sparkle of mirth in my eye, I my ditty will sing, Spite of penury's sting; "Though the cash in my coffers be small, The best of all wealth Is a good. stock of health With a heart that is thankful for all." The Farmers' Vegetable Gar- den. The vegetable garden as found upon a majority of farms, has no definite lo- cation, but is a kind of supplement to the area appropriated to the regular farm crops. The green corn is procured from the same field and. is of the same variety as that raised for stock or for market; the green peas sowu for fatten- ing the hogs must also serve the family; and the supply of beets, carrots, and other roots is obtained—if at all—from a similar source. The inconvenience of such a system, to say nothing of the in- feriority of the vedetables, will raore than outweigh any extra labor or ex- pense attendin, the raising a full sup-. ply of the vetibest sorts in some con- venient spot set aside for the purpose. The gathering of the daily supplies of vegetables usually devolves upon the women of the farraer's household, and their work is often increased very ma- terially through his inconsiderate sys- teth of scattering these products over the farm, instead of placing them all near the house. For the wife, daughter, or servant to -be compelled to travel half mile in one direction. to obtain a mess of green peas, and. perhaps an equal distance in an opposite direction for a few ears of corn or a dish of string beans is a waste of -valuable time without a shadow of excuse for it; and. yet such rambles for a few vegetables occur daily upon thousands of farms during the sum- mer, and the master of the house often wonders why his women folks are al- ways so busy, and accomplish so little. If the farmer is so penurious that he will not furnish his fan3ily any better vegetables than those raised for his stock, he can certainly afford to plant a few rows of each near the house, and thereby facilitate the preparation of his meals on time. Anotherthing which most farmers eglect is a succession of any kind of egetables, which can be readily secured y making several plantings at differ- nt times. • If one has seed of an early nd late sort of -the same kind, the seeds f the two may be put into the ground t the same tim.e ; but if he has only no sort, then a small quantity should e put in at intervals of a week or two order to prolong the season. This Ian is especially recommended for corn nd peas, as they remain in condition r the table only for a very short period, best, ripening quite rapidly after aching an edible condition. Every farmer should have an abroad - nee of asparagus, as it is not only one the most healthful and generally ap- eciated early spring vegetables; but, addition is one of those early spring ants that, when once well established ill continue productive for a lifetime. ubarb or pie plant is another excel- nt vegetable, which really costs noth- g to produce, and often comes in quite portunely as a relish duringthe ring month s. String -beans should not overlooked in making up a list for the getable garden. Among cabbages, ulifiowers, carrots and celery there is ore in the name than in the difference quality of the varieties. Some are Hier than others, larger or smaller, t all are good and 'worthy of a place tbe garden. The The season being at hand for makin rdens, it is well to look over the list kinds of vegetables which are attain - le or adapted to the climate and then tirnato the area of land needed to pro- m a, full supply throughout the sca- n, as well as how Much of each -will obably be required. The laud occu- d with early peas, spinach, and sim- r short-lived.plea-its can be utilized er in -the season for cabbages, celery, oria fall crop of spinach. But o first rdquisite of a good vegetable den is very rich and deep soil,for thout this success.will be at best un- tain in any climate and with ever 7 8) 0 d a variety of seeds. • - 11. 11 fo at re a of Pr in v Rh le 111 op • sp be ve •ca of ea bu in ga of ith es thi so Pr pie 115 lat tit tit gar egr goo 117eWspaper Business in Japan. A• Tokio correspondent of the Chicago Tribune has ihebn visiting the offico of tilP Shinbun, the leading Paperthirof Japan. The paper pays a ty seven per cent. dividend annually on edit,f)r. aorciAtiitaLof .:'.:,;50,000. Besides its Vukuchi, a gentleman who visited America and Europe with the Iwakura embaSsV, the Paper employs six editorial writ- ers and eight reporters, and lo- eorrosp Indents throughout the coentry ; there aro 23 hands employed in the composing -room, imelhaillg th foreman and 2 proofreader, the busi- eess(llice and press and mailing rooms etePloy some forty men, and. there are 45 carriers. The average daily circula- tion is Si:700. Including the job presses, there are 11 presses employed, one a Roe cylinder press, which, bY thc way, er ats motive power than steam. A iistilOiperated by hand, labor being cheap.. _font Of type comprises 50,000, tharactors, 3,041S) of'wbich are in con - Use, and for two thousand more are frequent calls, so that it is no wonder the Proof-reader0 have to be persons of intelligence and high scholarship. The type is disposed. about the room on racks like those in a reading -room and the compositors wander up and down the aisles, setting type and taking exercise at one and the same time. OwwEns OF HORSES REJOICING.—And why not ? And who knows better but what their horses are rejoicing as well; who can prove -the contrary? But their owners rejoice because of the astonish- ing and almost miraculous effects cin thei4 horses of "Darley's Condition Powders and Arabia,n Ilea-ve Remedy." Some were lean and poor, having no appetite, others would devour their food ravenously, yet derive no benefit from it; some were hide -bound with rough, shaggy hair, others had severe colds and coughs; many had -the heaves and other complaints peculiar to horses; on all it operated like a charm, the disease or complaint was speedily removed, the appetite and digestive orga,ns corrected, skin softened, and. a sleek and shining appearance given to the coat all without any danger. to, or preventing • the horse being used. Remember the name and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Toron- to, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. .Sold by all Medicine Dealers. • AN ASTONISHING FACT.—A large pro- portion of the American people are to day dying from the effects dyspepsia, or disordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness .as it ought to be. • There is • no good reason for this,if you only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of yoiir Druggist and your friends and try one bottle of G-reen's August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicinehave been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a sa,rnple bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will positively relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the Western Continent. EPPS'S 0000A.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions 'of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of 'Well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has Providediour breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, _which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of stIbtle maladies are floating around us ' ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and, a properly nourished frarne."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led—" James Epps & Co., Homceopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 SEEDS, SE ED S. L --For the last six years Wtesoet & !YouNG- have done a, leading business in Fieldend Garden Seeds, and on account of keepitut the very best seeds, bought from the most reliable seed growers and dealers, theliatrade is steadily in - Greasing every year. This year, owing to the fail- ure. of • the erop in Britain, first-ela.ss Swedish turnip seed will be very searee and dear, and farm- ers will have to be very careful that they do not get inferior seed and lose a crop, as there will be a lot of old and poor seed in the market, which un- scrupulous and inexperienced dealers will try to sell for the beat. WILSON & 'YOUNG bought early, and have secured a good large stsick of prime new seed, which will be sold as low as! any other in the Coun- ty, quality considered: The best is the cheapest in the end.. The Highest Cash price paid for Clover aud Timothy seed. 537 1/././epia• WAR. WAR. WAR. TO THE KNIFE. 0 1R.. S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, SE A FORTH, - - ONTARIO. DM selling Furniture at the actual Cost Price for the next, three months, FOR CASH ONLY. , Well-known prompt paaing euatomers can have twelve months' credit at a small advance of cost —no interest. NOw is the time to furnish, your houses. cheap. Call and be • Convinced. . Wareroorns directly opposite M. II. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry establishment, Main Street, Seaforth. Money to Lend on Farm. Property, zt 8 per cent, and Notes shaved without lather, as usual. JOHN S. PORTER. FURNITURE. FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER :1.S AGAIN OPENED A R(dail Ffiriiiture Store Two Doors Waddell a Co.'s prepared REFORM CONVENTION, ACONVENTION of Delegates for the West A. Riding of Huron, will be held in MARTIN'S HOTEL, DUNGANNON, on TUESDAY, MAY 7m, PROX., At Noon, for the purpose of Nominating a Cau- 1 did be to contest said Riding, in the Reform In- ter st, at the next General Election for the Per- na ent of Ontario. , itch Sehool Seetion will be entitled to elect one Delegate. Sections having two qualified Te chola will send two Delegates. nion Sections wholly within the Riding will be onsidered one Section; if partly within, that par to elect one Delegate, 1 T wns and Incorporated Villages to elect one Del gate for every 75 names upon their Voters' Lis T e Meetinga for the Election of Delegates will be held at the School House of every Section on 1 onday Evening, the 6th of May, at 7 o'clock, and in the Towns and Villages -will be tailed by the Chatrrean. G d Save the Queen. ., By -CI -der of the Chairman, 542- DR. SLOAN, Secretary. TH HENSALL ORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are repared to pall the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of H GS, ALIVE OR DRESSED A L _KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Hand. Fl E LARD. SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &c. 52 G. & J.- PETTY. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH. ARTHUR- FORBES-, 11A.,VING purchased the Stock and Trade of the Commercial Livery, Seaforth, frcrm Mr. George Whiteley, begs tO state that he intends carry ng on the business in the old stand, and has addedBevels,' valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good ' Reliable Horses Will be Kept. CO -ver d and Open Buggies and Carrlagea, and Doub e and Single Wagons always ready for wee Spec s l Arrangements -Made With. Com- mercial Men. Or era left at the stables or any of the hotels prom tly attended to. THE LADIES! MISS WILSON, Late of Chicago.) BEGS 'TO INFORM the ladies of Seaforth and vicitity, that she has opened a DRESSAND MANTLE MAKING Estab store, happy her w in th AND ishment in the rooms over Hoffman Bros'. ! in Casdno's Block, -where she will be most to attend promptly to all who may favor th their patronage. Garments made e Latest Styles. A Goop FIT EVERY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. En ranee through HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Store 640 Pil WEBS AND REAPERS. Th L. D. Sawyer & Co., Iron Clad Single Mow- er, C naelian Single Harvester'and Bradley No. 2, Single Harvester, were awa.rded. two silver medals andahronze medal at the Centemiial Exhibition, Philadelphia, only awards given to Canada for Reapers ancl Mowers. Bronze 'Medals at Aus- tralian Exhibition at Sydney, last spring'Silver Medahat Jefferson County trial, U. S., 1877, Gold and Silver Medal at the great Huron trial, last Auge. st, and. numerous first prizes throughout. Cant cla end the United States. They are sub- stantially built, very.light draught, can be instant- ly adapted to all Ithads and conditions of grain, and will ll;te exhibited at the various Spring Shows throughout the County, by GEORGE STEWA.RT, filiation, General Agent for the County of Huron. '‘Thil J. GRIEVE, Agent at Seaforth. ! 539-13 D. MCLENNAN, HENSALL. SEEp WHEAT. THE Subscriber, believing that farmers in this neighborhood aro now fully convinced that the Red Chaff Wheat has entirely ruin3d the good reputation of our Canadian Spring Grain thc European markets, as may be obsereed by tlie 4nnsual difference of 20c to 30c per bush. be- tvcet it and the price of Fall Wheat; thatit is also very Iiab1e to rust before harvest, producing flour too dark and poor for family use. I would re- commend attention to the following choice grade's now for sale at his Stoeehouse, Hensall Station, viz.: James Lang's Primo Minnesota Fife, Selected Lake Sho-ro Blue Stem, and the White Eldorado, all at 14.todera,to Prices. Clover Se ed bought and sold. D. MeLENNAN. 1\T0TIC HI(,. GRANGE.RS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. AS THEY occupy the attention of all, these bard times, the subscriber is determined to meet thorn by offering stood inch Hemlock, "not :4 usually sold for inch'," et the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All orders over 4,000 5 per cent. discount. Call and see if you dLn't get w at is represented. Boot Accounts over 3 months will be charted . at 8 per ent. The snbseriber thanks his numerous customers for their liberal support, and solicits a continu- ance of their favors. 1 JOHN THOMPSON. 433, ! • Steam Saw 'Mills, McKillop. i3UTTER TUI3S.,. S. TROTT, SE.APORTII, Is now prep red to sueplyall customerwith y number of his UPE11101: BUTTER TtBS, At E30 per hundred, Cash."These T bs are so well and favorebly wn to t he treat that it is North of his Ohl Stand, apposite unnecesuary to say ant 'bine- in their eeonireen - Dry Goode Store, where he is . • dat.mioptii TROTT also manufaetures s all Hard- ! wood 'Tub, suitable for washing butter n. - '1 Orders by mail or otherwise Komi) ly attend - TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN ed to. • 405" , • - S. TROTT, neaforth. THE Till DE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Dsual. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. 531 M. ROBERTSON. HAIR DRESSIN COMBINGS made over: icto Switc es, Curls, Braids and Puffs, all in the Latest styles and with despatch. Rairkirranged in the Xatzt at way 1 with Roots at the top. . MISS CAD, ,OW, At Mr. 'William Runt', four doors w st of the Market1Seaforth. • 528-26 POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. T ONCE MORE respectfully beg.ierive to return thanks to my numerous cuitomers for their kind -1- patronage during the last 12 yerirs that I have been doing businees amongst them, and kindly solicie a continuance of their favors 1 or the future. I have just -received a Large and Well Selected Steck of DRY GOODS of al/ descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of —TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the County. A Large Stock of BOOTS end SHOES—McPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps GROCERIES and Coal 3Hardware, Paints rd Oils, rugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams. in fact every- thing required in a general store. Itek for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange.I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and eettle by cash or note before the end. of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving ard Investment Society, one of tho best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loaias money on good farm security fora term. of from three to twenty years'on the meat favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE.—If ycer want your life insured 8 Mr me a call, as I am agent for the Sun altetnal Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con - negation. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. _ PATTISON, WALTON, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT ;IS MADE UP INTO C+ 0 JD HARNESS SUCH AS YOU FIND PT. . AT WARD'S, SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of Harness Made up in, the Latest Styles. 11Q EMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than at:6" other maker in the County. A. Trial is all that is wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Seaforth,. J• UST 1?_ECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF. LADTES' LINEN COSTUMES AND SPI?ING MANTLES, AT HOFFMAlY BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. SRAPORTIL i KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, . SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, I HOES AND RAKES, G -LASS, PAINTS, OILS, Sze FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Deeeription Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cask and Prompt .Paying Customers. JOHNI KIDD. SEED CORN. SE ED CORN. JUST REO EIVED A_ CAR LOAD 07 BEST SEED CORN PRICE LOW, And the Corn guaranteed to grow. A :quantity of it has been sown and can be seen growing by calling at Brownell's Grocery. FULL STOCKS OF ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AT LOWEST PRICES., TEAS A SPECIALTY AS USUAL. J. BROWNELL. STIDI4 EAD I 1 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN & BURROWS. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of -'re- turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and viciniCy for past patronage, and beg to state tbat, having made several improvements in their kiln and the mode of burning, they are in a bet- ter position. than ever to supply the public with First -Class Lime at 12-4e. Cash at the Kiln, or 14c. Delivered. This being the fourth season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having given unqualifi- ed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a Arst-class article from nn. Remember the spot : The Brussels Li -Works. 542 TOWN & BURROWS. THE SEAFOIITH LIVERY STABLES. CAR NOCI-IAN & ABELL, PROPRIETORS.. ; QFFICE and Stables ou Market Street, seccnd • door from Main. Neat, Stylish Carriages and Buggies and Good Reliable Horses always on hand. orderF left at the Coin mereial-notel, Sea - forth, or at the office will be promptly attended to. — • --- - - - - - 50 1 MARRIAGE LICENCES OR CERTIFICATEM, ':Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieuteeant-Govrente Onterio. .W•••=•••••=••••••••••••=, SEEID 1 SEEDS AT MORRISON'S SEED EMPORIUM, iSEAFORTH. I have now on hand a large stock of all kinds of Field and Grarden Seeds, having purchased from one of the most reliable houses that wo have in Canada. The publics can rely on getting PERFECTLY CLEAN FESH SEEDS, True to nen* and at bottom prices. To garden- ers and °theirs buying in quantities we sell al kinds of Garden Seeds in Bulk, anti do not recom- mend Seed in papers. I have on hand a. large stock of SWEDE TURNIP, Comprising Hall's. Weetbury, Carter's, Imperial, Skirving's Improved East Lothian and Royal Norfolk, Grey Stone, White Globe, &e. ' Al- though the price of Turnip Seed is very high this 3 ear, parties intending to buy will do well to ex- amine my stock and see my prices before pur- chasing elsewhere, as I think I can sell as eheap if not cheaper than any other house in the trade. CARROT SEED. White Belgian, Green Top, Ortho, Long Or- s.nge, Intermediate, Short Horn, &c. MANGOLDS, Carter's, Mammoth, Long Red, and several other varieties. IN GARDEN SEEDS We have Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Onions of all kinds, Leek, Parsnip, Peas, Pumpkin, Radish, Caubage Seed in large • quantities, Tomato, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Saleify Flower seed and nearly every other variety too numerous to mention. . TOP 01\TI.01-TS_ Dutch Sets, Shallots. • English Souing, Rape, Lawn Grass and Orch- ard Gram, Lucerne or French Clover, Trefoil Clever, Black Tares, Hungarian Grass, Millet Seed, Clover and Timothy always in stock, 'Seed Oats, Seed Wheat and Peas. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY CROCERIES, Which for quality and prices cannot be beat by any other house in the trade. Crockery and Glassware As usual, very cheals. Call'and see the new pat- tern in Stone China, only $2.50 per set, and everything else equally low. FLOUR AND FEED constantly on hand at mill prices. Remember the plate, east side of Main Street, opposite -Market Street. All gooda delivered free in Seaforth, Hai -put -hey or Eg- mondville. M. MORRION. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE ANO LOT IN SEAFORTH. MR. J. P. BRINE will offer for Sale by P ablie -L• Auction, on MONDAY, MAY lah, 1878, on the premises, at 8 o'clock P. M., a new Frame Dwelling House and Lot, on George Street, neer the new foundry, , The house contains 4 rooms, with cellos and a good well. There is a good young orchard. The property will be sold sub- jecato two mortgages, the balance of purchase money cash on the day of sale. The property will be eold without reserve. For further partisa- loss apply to tbe Auctioneer or t o the proprietor on the premises. 542-3 JOSEPH HARRIS. 1\TOTIC:E •i1- 1- HOFFMAN BRo ttiEilss Ilava received the Agency for E. BUTTERICK & CO.'s RELI- I A BLE PATTERN 8- 7 2 0 0 ,to D 2 re 0 2 9 D Mai aro/ a3-Iioa 2 a 0 0 NVO1H]WV SOVO1 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Are now prepared to treat with parties for GROWING FLAXI Either by theTon or Acre. They are also Selling Alt Kinds of OTJEPDMAMA= Se, AT'LOW PRICES, AT THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, PLAX MILL PROPERTY, SEAFORTH. Orders left either at the Factory or 13 rownelre Grocery will have immediate attention. A large quantity of Clover and Timothy Selling at Low Prices. 536 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Co. EGG EMPORITTAI. The subecriber hereby thanks hie numeroue enetomers(nerchants and others) f or their liberal patronage during the past, seven years, and hopeo, by strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Heving greatly enlarged bis premises, &Leine the winter, he is now prepared to pay the 0 HIGHEST CASH PRICE *For any quantitv Of good fresh eggs, _delivered > at the EG6- EMPORIUM, • Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber25 tons of good dry P1 clean WHEAT STIINV. WILSON •DO 0 hoaiirnipgthae stock > m THE subseriberb egs leave to thenik his numerous -'s customers for the liberal patronage ex tendedte trusts that he may bo favored with a continuants him since commencing business in Seaforth, and SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, are Part 081cal ne at's he will continue to keep en hand a of ellkinds ef ending to build wonla do well to give . DRY PINE LUMBER, Xi SIIINGLES, LATE., ETC. sat S Ilf E sa , Fie f eels confident of givingsatisfat tion to those -Pi wno may f avonr him with their patronage, as non* .—... butfirstlelaesworkraen are employed. laaParticularattentionpaia t o Custom Planing 201 JOHN H. BR OA DFOOT. LUMBER FOR SALE ---------A– — IHEMLOdK, First Quality, $G per M. PINE , DO1 from $8. > BILLS OUT TO ORDER, 0 1 * PONY MILL, IN McMILLOP4 > x LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTIL MWhere all kinds of Tanmber ean be obtained. 479 • THOMAS BOVA/NET, DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC . MEDICINE. > DOORS, BLINDS, 'MOULDINGS, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Peet, at the The Subscriber has also a •MVS ad1n��a taa <Ad 0 td Lr -I 0 tqt.' 0 L CT') L7-1 c2.1 0-) ;le • For ail kinds of garments. Fell stock of Patterns always on hand. Monthly Faishion Sheets can be had on Opplication free of charge, or by post for one cent stamp. HOFFMAN BROS., Agents, Cardno.'s mock. -C_A_]5, 1 3_ DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Sarveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. 472 D. S. CAMPEELL, The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermattnaliea, Lnpo- teney, and all diseases that fellow tits a se- quence of Self abahe Benfiovnea Loss of Memory, After raal LaSsitude, Pth ain in e Back, Dimness Tigris UMID of Vision, Premature Old Ago, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of -which as a, rale are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Speciffc Medicine is tbe result of -a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 paeliagoe for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressingWILLIAM GRAY & CO., i Windsor, Ont. Sold n Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all drUggist merchants. — -- ELECTRICITY! TII03IAS' EXCELSIOTt ECLE Clare OIL—WQRTH TEN TIAIES ITS wEronT Gorn.—Pain cannot stand where it Is treed. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cares common sort throat. Ono bottle has cured bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough,. It positively cures catarrh, astinna, and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in the back, and the 13113110 quantity lame back of 8 years' etanding. The following are extracts front a few of the many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, which, we think, should sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical: J. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas'.Ecleetrie Oil, have Bold all 1 had front you, and want mortnow; its cures are tralywen- derful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, "I have sold all the agent left, it arts like a charm.— it was Slow at first, but takes splendid now." H. Cole, of Ione, writes, " Please forward 6 dozen Thome!? Eclectric 011, I am nearly out, nothing egnais it. It isthighly recommended by those who have need it.'t I. Bedford, Tharnesville, writes, "Send me oeee a further supply of Eclectrie Oil, I have only one bottle left. I uever saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfac- tion." J. Thompson, Woodward, writes,"Send me some more Eclectrie Oil, I have sold entirely out- Nothing takes like it." 31111er & Reed, Ul- verton, P. Q., write, "The Belectrie Oil ia getting a; great reputation here, and is daily called for. Send usaa: further supply without delays"Lemoyne, ee_ Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes, "Send us j,.? 1one gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to bake W well." Sold by all medicine &alms. Price 25 Cent. S. N. THO 11AS PHELPS, N Y. And 0 ,e0sITIIROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole t-4 Agents for the Dominion. NoTee—E-cleetrie— ..-4 Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson 4".. Co., J. 8. Roberts, t.Lunas- den 521 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Mimes Periodical Pill—This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the euro of all those te-sinful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all eXCOSS and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure my be relied on. To masrieilladies, it is peculially suited. t:j It will, in a short time, bring on the rmonthly pe- teej riod with regularit..These pills should not be - t, see taken by Fenntles daring the filet three menthe of Pregrancy, as they are sure to briek on Nis- h.e.4 w carriage, but at any other Limo they are safe. In all taaes el Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue. on !slight ex- ° ender), palpitation of the heart, hysteriee and willies, these pills will effect a cure when all e' tiler means have failed ; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful lo the conetitntims. directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefrdly prererved. Jeb ateees, New Tolls, Sole Proprietor. sal -00 and 12.1 cents );.--j for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents fbr the Dominion, will insure a bottle ,eontaining over 50 pills by t...4 return mail. Sold in Bertforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 127 4-4 1- -1 Co • r () PtaILIts.—asead woat the , say r• --t EA C H PLUG OF THE MYRTLE ' NAVY TO8ACCU 18 STAMP ED " rji- (ST IN GILT LETTER& IR- NONE. OT HER IS GENUINE. 53C-1.3 jo rg -set ed to the 0 rf (1. g Remedy , and Levi Joece, Mariallere, " h4d re at 1 ek tar bran ..14i. is.- so bad - Vs.:A 1 e Arid bardiy bt'-t to. hi wail. I ti,,onlit for- ; a en al: remedy, tied 'Acing tho "'Shoshoneea •' i40 LighlY ri::1.4-!11.11'.•1111(;11,1 procured a bott!e, and 'Mil han,:f to Fay that by the time it weet den 1 we s -nth eft" svell, and heave: remained , although I -was inuel: exposea through the w;uter itt travail:1;2' Revs F. B. Stratt,;c?n, Dem - i co.ewililf-, writes: . " 1 lam: found )':onr re- -reedier; particularly bent -this) for liver complaint, I dysnepsia iud broothial affections, and. would ! aavio: all similarly s.ffacted to give them a trial." John Fthlayson, Athol, says : " 1:11fn travelling Otte of my a at got sore and brok-e out. I afield not cure it, and had to return home. It became ! better at "1 8.1terwards mach worse. 1 fieellespnr- ' charted a but. le of the Reruealy and a box of !hills. and Lefore they were half gone I aornmeaced to improve, and before they were finisoed my foot was completely cured. r, It is now 1? months since, but have had no further attack." Price I of the Remedy in plot bottles, I. Pills., 2.5.cents a box. .522.