HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-04-26, Page 7APRIL 26, 1878,, 781 SEEDS! SEEDS* AT SOWS SEED EMPfi SEAPORT. I have now on haled a large stock of all kind, Field and Garden Sdeels, having pereaued flt OEM a the most reliable houses that we eavala. Canada, The public can rely on getting 311. PERFECTLY CLEAN FEN SEEDS, True to name and at bottorn prices. To melee_ ers and others buying rn quantitiea Wesell a'di kinds of Garden Seeds in Balk, arid do not roan*, neend Seed in papers. I halve on hand whew sto5lt SWEDE TURNIP-. comer/slug Hairs. Westbury, Carter's, reeDeeke aaieviug's Improved Eaet cLothiteri and IQ - Norfolk, Grey Stone, White Glebe, ae. Ya` though the price of Turnip Seed idt very high fr. year, parties intending to buy will do well eel- -tz andele my stock and see my priees before pee: chasing elsewhere, as I think I catl. seli as (leek it not cheaper than any other house in the trade. . a S Which or quality and price a cannot be beat by , any other hedge in the trade. CARROT SEED. White Belgian, Green Top, Orthe, Long or. artge, Interinediate, Short Horn, &o. MANGOLDS, Carter's, Mammoth, Long Red, and says* ther varieties. N GARDEN SEEDS We heady Sweet Conn Cucarabers, Onions of ell. kind, Leek, Parenip, Peas, Pumpkin, Radidet Cabbage Seed in large quantities, Tornio, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Salsify Flower Hee- and nearly every other variety too numerous to mention. 01\TICPINTS. Dutch Sets, Shallots. I Englieh Soiling, Rape, Lawn Grass and Nth. ad Giess, Lucerne or Freneh Clover, Trefoif f, Clover, Black Tares, Hungarian. Grass, Millet_ Seed, Clover and Timothy alwaya in stook, Seed , Oats, SeedWheat andPea. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF OH:OIGE FAMILY GROCERIESI--.. Crockery and Glassware As usual, very cheap. Call and see the nett pat: tem in Stone China, only $2.50 per set, en& everything elee equally low. FLOUR AND FEED constantly on hand at rail/ prices. Remember the plaee, east Bide of Main Street, opposite Market Street. All goods delivered free in Seaforth, Barpurhey or Ega mondville. M. IytORRISON. TRUTH WILL PREVAIL A; GOOD ARTICLE IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. Beware of Buying those Cheap lines of Goods so freely advetised or the Market at present. aSe Parties desirous of Purchasing Goods in any of the _following lines will de well to call at rrir-R. 0 HINTiri-i„-Al.a F, GROCERY AND SEED STORE, ds P5 25 I/EPA ILTM ENT. Inctentrif:g purehe sent in that liao will do wen tio call and inspect stock and prices, als eTce!re. eiUung ii :thie depttrtMent ig marked at bottual figures; China and Toilet Sets i abandana°` In Cardna's Block, immediately un - (ler the Town Clock. SEED DEPARTMENT. Field erid Garden Seeds have been bought from.* t the old eetatalishedfirm of 3. A. Bruce & Co., of liearditou, and, will be found reliable as usual - Catalogues free on application. A aupply of FLOWER SEEDS On hand, from Vick, of I-tool:tester. Clover Seed and Timothy Seed always in Stock. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. In tide line we inyite comparieon and bit corapetibiou. No cheap adulterated Sugars 1! - in Stock. TEAS ---A complete stock of the fin eit flaaarai Tea, both in Black and Green. COFFEES—Can be had pure, and ground tinder the eye of the caetomer. TOBACCO.S—Froni 40 cents per pound up. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE 0 7 FLOUR AND FEED. El° " Granulated Wheat, Oat end Cern MenI, rot4- taes, Parenipe and Carrot., always in stock. left with vs will receiVe our prompt attention, and be deliver-. efl promptly free of charge, rt Central Grocery, one door North of ehe Three' Sevens, learaediately under the Clock. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTL APRIL 26, 1.78.° THE HURON ,EXPOSITOR. A Tale of Woe. Susan Ann Bafber Starved to. Dead Neglected and Forsaken—Relieved last by Kind Ladies—Her Death a Burial. Ever since the frightful death of A McDonald and the arrest and convi tion.of the Youngs, the Barber family Caledonia, have been shunned, despis and almost persecutedby thoseNri weze, acquainted with their history their connection with the terrible affa The father of the family could not g work, the sons were discharged fro .any employment in which they were e gaged—the world literally cut loose fro them, and they were sent adrift up a blaek unfeeling sea of hunger, rernor and helplessness. No one spoke to the no one reached out a helping hand, kind tongue spoke an encouraging wor no sparkling eye more eloquently th words, spoke a word of delight and. h manizing hope. The world was dead them, and they to all inten :and purposes were dead tO t world. The days went by, and t family literally starved byinches. Th had not enough to cover their nitke ness and hid themselves from the pu lic, and the public soon forgot them. -was whispered about that Susan An Barber, the youngest of the sisters, w soon to become a mother, but the worl turned in derision from her, for th child would be born outside the ma riage state and its father was a mu deter. The child was born, but neve lived to open its eyes upon a world th would have looked upon. its innocen face with contempt, not unmingled, w may dare to say with pity. The moth never recovered, and. unknown to th neighbors, the broken-hearted, deserte childless mother began an unseen an unfitted journey to an early grave. Con sumption ate like a canker worm into he bosom, her hands and eyes became dry and hot, her cheeks sunken, and the woman who led such a strange life be gan to die. People seem.ed to feel b instinct the presence of the grim mon ster Death, and he .was found out an traced. to the house wherein the Bathe family lived.. A young and philanthrop ie lady in the -village visited the house and was horrified by what she saw. Th dying girl was lying on a bed, whin could boast of neither sheet nor tick and merely a bundle of rags laid roughl upon the sharp ropes, which. sustaine the light, shrunken and helpless form o the girl from the floor. The =poor crea tura had no night clothes or any com fort becoming a woman whatever. Whei Miss Delaney asked for sorne soap and a towel with which to wash the poo girl, she was to d that there was non in the &use: t Was not long that Su sax. Ann Barber lay upon a bundle o rags' in filth and Misery. The story was told. outside, arid. every sympathetic ' heart in the Village was touched. They did not enquire into her past history they did not pry into the secrets locked in. a, bosom the palpitations in which would soon cease forever*; they only knew that she was a woman and that she was on her death bed. ¶1e poor girl was made as comfortableAs n. possible. A easy bed was made for her, and. dainties sent her of every kind; beef tea, canned fruit, ancl'knick-kutheks of many kinds. Three times a day, Miss Delaney, Miss Garland and some other kind lady combed. hex long, abundant hair, which was the chief ornament of her person, and bathed her hot, thin, poor face with water. In the evening some good man would pray by her - bedside, or read a hopeful chapter from the Bible. We were told on good authority that the night before the young woman. died a resident of the village prayed by the death -bed. When he was gone, Barber, the father of the family, thrashed his wife in a jealous mood. During her sick- DDSS SUSEM Ann Barber never uttered a complaint, and it was only when her mind wandered, or when. she thought she was altogether alone, did- she whis- per the name of him who had done her so great a wrong. She once asked. for her baby, and sitting up in bed, reached out her hands for it; it had never lived; and had bean buried months before. A few hours afterwards Susan Ann Barber was dead. Her body was buried at the expense of the Corporation, which provided a de- cent coffin and a hearse. The ,funeral was attended by some of the leading citizens of the village, who turned out in respect to a dead woman, who was only mortal like themselves. The Barber family are_ still very des- titute. Our reporter interviewed -the °Id man Barber.. He is a .little, thin, wiry man, who talked quite philoso- phically of the affair. He said he had a narrow escape from starvation. a Chinaman, etaying at the same inn with himself, who had. bought two gis- t— at ter::nd a brother, ranging from nine to iveil years, for nine hundred cash nd (three shillings), and another, girl of eighteen for eight hundred cash (two bel shillings and eightpence). He saw also 0- people dying and. dead by the roadside ; Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for of in some cases the corpses were being de- any quantity of ed voured by the dogs. Strenuous efforts ho were being made in Shanghai to raise HOGS 9,nd money for the relief of the sufferers ALIVE OR DRESSED ir• when. the mail left. Some contributions et have since then been sent from England m and America. ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. LOAN, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. G. & .1 PETTY BRUSSELS rn on se I11, no d, an u - to ts he he ey d- 11 b - It as r- at r- er d, • The Famine i.n China--.Chil dren Boiled and Eaten a The North China HerAl contains the following from its correspondent at Pe- king, dated January 11 : The famine is the great question of the day hero. On all hands we heat at the naost distressing condition of the people of Shansi, Shensi, North Henan, and Houth Chihli. A memorial of the .Goveraor of SlialeSi, itt the Gazette a few days ago, portrays the picture in most harrowing lines. It is calculated that in: that province alone 1,000 are dying daily that it embraces some five or s.ix millions of people, :probably seven - tenths of the entire population and 7(7.Nkii.N of. Shansi. In the four provinces the nunebee's must amount to nine or ten millions—five times the -numbet threateued with famine in India, tlic crisis of .which is now passed. • Th.e greatest distress is.in the south of the province. Ile informs us that news of the most appalling description reaches lan; the dead lying on the roadside, supplying food for the hungry dogs and magpies, alai children being boiled and. eaten. The distress in Chihli is nearly as baa in some places, and is more easy of access. We hear that several of the missionaries at Peking and Tientsin. aro 1).reparing to go forth to the work of re- lief. It is eatimated. there are 50,000 yefegees in Tientsin:aThe weather is. intensely cold, the minimum at night fallmatis low as 3 .deg. above Zero, and. during the day to 21 deg. Many must e'lluaeng e from cold, accelerated by insufTh ma eieney of food, and any frOm diseases in the wake of famine. A letter from Rev. Timothy Richard., of the Baptist Missionary Society, ap- Pears ia the Celestici4 Empire of the 31st. of January, stating that in the Province of Shangi the distress is so terrible that children were, at the time he wrote, be- ing boiled and eaten. He himself saw men carrying little girls of eight or nine years old in baskets far .sale. He met —At the Annual meeting of the Lon don Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, Lord Granville made a practical speech. Referring to the universal depression of business, His Lordship said the first cause of it was that fictitious inflation of prosperity which took place some years ago; the second was the bankruptcy of a great many nations Who have been_ good enough to swell that inflation by buy- ing our products and paying for them with the moneytheyhad borrowod.Cora England. There were other elements, such as three bad harvests, the year's civil dissension in France, and ,the dreadful war which has been going' on in the East of Europe, and whieh still casts a shade on present prospects. Constantly on Hand. - FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK 'CUTTINGS, &c. 523 G. &. J. PETTY. -r.-1.-----Conslimption, so prevalent and fatal, is dreaded as the great scourge of our race; and yetin the formative stages allpulmonary complaints may be readi- ly controlled by using "Bryan's Pill mon.- ic Wafers." They will relieve the w-ofst cough in a few minutes, and have a most beneficial influence on the pul- monary organs; but they must be. -used in time. Public speakers and singers will also derive great benefit by using them. Sold by all druggists and country deal- ers. Pride 25 cents per box. AN ASTONISHING FACT.—A large pro- portion of the American people are to day dying from the effects dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, makiiag life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. Thera is no good reason for this,if you only throw aside prejudice and. skepticism, take the advice of your Druggist and your friends and try one lbottle of Green's August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicinehave been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You caa buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. 'Three doses will positively relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the Western Continent. EPPS'S Cocoa.—G-rateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knbwledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided. eur breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which ma,y save us many heavy doctot's bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun, dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal 'shaft by keeping ourselve • well fortified. with pure blood, and a properly nourished: frame."—Ciail Ser- vice Gazette. . Sold only in packets label- led—." James Epps & Co., Homeeopath lc Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, -Piccadilly, London," '482-52 SEEDS, SuireS.—For the last six years WILSON & YOUNG have done a leading usiness in Field and Garden Seeds, and on account of keeping the very best seeds, bought from the most reliable seed growers and dealers, their trade is steadily in- creasing every year: This year, owing to the fail- ure of the crop in Britain, first-class Swedish turnip sed will be -very scarce and dear, and farm- ers will have to be very careful Heil they do not get inferior seed and lose a crop, as there will be a lot of old and .poor seed in the meld, which un- scrupulous and .ineeperienced .dealers will try to sell for the best. Wtesoe & YOUNG bought early, and have secured a good large- stock of prime new seed, which wili be sold as low as any ether in the Coun- ty, quality considered. The hest is the cheapest in the end. The Highest Cash price paid for Clover and Timothy seed.. .587 - • momomos SIIIIMMIP•111111.14=1•••••11 .1 UST ARRIVED, ° AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Opposite Cardno's New Block: Phosphozone, Boschee's German Syrup, Churchill's Syrup of Hypophos- phites, August Flowers, British Oil Candy And any quantity Handy Paek- age Dyes, All of which are guaranteed to zeke Beautiful and Fast Colors. ea 516 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. McKenzie s Dead .Shot 'Worm CA, PEVA L - 54.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1883; - and ROYA.L CANADIAN BARR, Incorporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. , Drafts on New VOrk Payable at any Bank in the 17nited States. ot Exchange on London payable at all, Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. M. P.- HAYES, 411 M.4NAGEI1 DIGESTIVE FLUID. p ER SONS Suffering from Dyspepsia are treat- od by Pepsine in various -forms to care that .dangerous disease. It is not a want of Pepsine but ea excess of acid that occasions Indigestion. Brunton's Digestive Fluid has never failed to relieve or cure the worst case of head- ache, diseaseoathe heart, kidney diseases, and many others which originate in Indigestion. Sold by all Druggists. Price 50 cent. .535-24 -INSOLVENT ACT OF 1875, AND AMENDMENTS. - In re ALLAN MITCHELL, an Insolvent. ALL PARTIES indebted to the above estate are required to pay at once to save costs, as the estate runt be wound up in a very short time. 540 S. G. McCAUGHEY, Official Assignee THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES,- . TTA.VING purchased the Stock -and Trade of the dah Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the basiness in the old stand, and has added sevetal valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None bat First-blass Comfortable Vehicles and Good Reliable Horses Will be _Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Cnxriages, and Double and Single Wagons always ready for use. Special Arrangements Made With Com- mercial Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. THE OLD AND POPULAR PLOW FACTORY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. The plow making still continues in " William - sons " old stand, Seaforth, where the subscribers have on hand and Menafacture to order the oel- ebrated Thistle Cutter, general purpose and all other kinds of ploughs from Williamsons pat- terns. All castings for repairs still on hand. , A NEW BRANC.H. We have also etarted to taianufaeture wagons, bnggies, democrats &c., and will always be pre- pared to supply those who need such articles. Using only first class material, and having over 12 years experience, we think we can make a good article in this line. Repairing and • general job- ing of all kinds in our line done on short notice, and reasonable terms. Stria attention to horse shoeing. Find us at Williamson's old stand, Goderich Street Seaforth. 535 REID & MATTICE. TO THE LADIES! MISS WILSON, (Late ot (Jhicago.) Was TO INFORM the lathes of Seaforth and de' vicinity, that she has opened it DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING Establishment in the rooms over Hoffmau Bros'. store, in Cardno's Block, where she will be most happy to Attend promptly to all who may favor her with their patronage. Garments made in the Latest Styles. A GOOD FIT AND EVERY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Entrance through HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Store. 540 - MOWERS AND REAPERS. The L. D. Sawyer & Co., Iron Clad Single Mow- er, Canadian Single Harvester, and Bradley No. 2, Single Harvester, were Awarded two silver medals and bronze meal at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, only awards given to Canada fat Reapers and Mowers. Bronze Medals at Aus- tralian Exhibition at Sydney, last spring, Silver Medal at Jefferson County trial, U. S., 1877, Gold ' and Silver Medal at the great Huron trial, last August, and numerous first prizes throughout Canada and the United States. They are sub- stantially built, very light draught, can be instant- ly adapted to all kinds and c nditions of grain, and will be exhibited at the Noxious Spring Shows throughout tho County, by GLO1IGE STEWART, Clinton, General Agent for the County of Huron. Wal. 3. GRIEVE, Agent at Seaforth. 589-13 D. MCLENNAN, RENSALL. 'SEED WHEAT.1 sjetlE Subscriber, believing that farmers in this d- neighborhood aro now fully convinced that the Red Chaff Wheat has entirely ruined the good reputation of our Canadian Spring Grain in the European markets, as may be observed by the unusual difference of 20c to 30c per bash. be- tween it and the price of Fall Wheat; thatit is also very liable to rust before harvest, producing flour too dark and poor for family use. I would re- commend attention to the following choice grades now for sale at his Storehouse, Hensall Station, viz.: dames Lang's Prime Minnesota Fife, Selected Lake Shore Blue Stem, and the White Eldorado, all et Moderate Prices. Clover Seed bought and sold. 532 D. McLENNA.N. rsoTIcrn -. TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND S THEY occupy the attention of all, these • hai• hard times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hemlock-, "not I usually sold for inch," at the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50, for Caeh. All orders over 4,000 5 per cent. discount. Call and see if yon don't gee what is represented. Book Accountt over 3 months will be charged 8 per cent. . The subscriber thanks his numerous customers for theialiberal support, and solicits a continu- ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. - 438 Steam Saw Mills, MaKill.op. BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, TS now prepared to supply all customers any number of hie with SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are so well and favorably known to, the trade that it is unnecesuary to say any" hing in their recommen- dation. MR. TROTT also manufactru.es a small Hard- wood Ti*, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend- ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaforth. I am in a position to loan money on Real Estate Security, in sums of $200 and upwards, on th most liberal terms of renaym.ext and interest and costs ever offered. • Mortgages Bought. Farms and Town Property Bought and Sold on Commission. -• Insurance effected in seveml firsteclass Stock Companies. Also the Canada Life Asairance Companyof Hamilton. All communications strictly confidential. Auction Sales conducted in any part of the County of Buron. BRUSSELS, March 25, 1978. C. R. COOPER, Loan and Real Estate Agent, Brussels. POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. IONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kind patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing bnsinees tunongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the intiu.o. I have just received a Large and Well Selected ,Stook df DRY GOODSof n.11 descriptions. Also always on hand a hill assortment of AGROCERIES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the County. Large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES —MoPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and. Hams, in fact every - tiling required in a general store. Aek for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to nee for last and previous years, to come and eettle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be pntinto other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm security for a term of from three to twenty years, on the most favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE.—If you. want your life insured give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give ma a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con. nection. eloper, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. R. PATTISON, WALTON. SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. Call at M. R. COUNTER'S Jewelry 'Store and get your Sight tested with L. Black & Co.'s Patent Indicator --can fit you, the first trial. A Full Line of Spectacles from Twenty -Five Cents to Twelve Dol- larsper pair. A Case Given with Every Pair. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. SPRINC 0000S ALL OPENED UP AT DENT'S The. Choicest Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods West of Toronto. , All the Novelties of the Season. 341. LADIES' Linen Embroidered Costnmea, 700 Parasols and Sunshades, Dress Goods of every Fabius and at every price. The Nicest and Cheapeet Prints In the County. Millinery and Millinery floods in Profusion. DENT'S 16 YOUR PLACE FOR CHEAP COTTONS. LACE CURTAINS AND LACE GOODS A PECIALTY. If you want good Dticks, Shirtings, Tiekings, Table Linens, Hollands, Towelling,s, White or Col- ored Quilts, Hemp Carpets, Mats, Gents' Felt Hats, in fact whatever you want, Dent's is the place to.get it at the right pribo. Gents' wear of every description—whatever you want apply at Dent's, and you can get -it at a price that'will tickle you. One Car Load of Straw Hatd—Make a rote of that. Remember ell this is at DENT'S, Seaforth. SEAFORTH, Will be KEPT OPEN till Half -Past Eight o'clock P. M. each day for Thirty Days, to accommodate our Customers. I.J00-13_1\T ez 00_, Sign o/ the Mammoth 2Qcrnip, Opposite the Foundry, Seaforth. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT IS MADE UP INTO G 0 0 SUCH AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, HARNESS SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of Ilajrness Made up in the Latest Styles. REMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Sabstantial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to 'QUALITY andePRICE than any other maker in tho County. A Trial is all that is wanted to secure regulae, custom. J. WARD, Seaforth,. SEED CORN. KIDD'S HARDWARE. SEED CORN. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF BEST SEED CORN, PRICE LOW, And the Corn guaranteed to grow. A quantity of it hes been sown and can be seen growing by calling at Brownell's Grocery. FULL STOCKS OF ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AT LOWEST _PRICES. TEAS A.SPECIALTY AS USUAL: HAIR DRESSING. J. BROWNELL. C01111INGS made oyer into Switches, Carla, Braids and Puffs, all in the Latest Styles and with despatch. ' Bair arranged in the Natural way with Roots Lit the, top. MISS CARROW, - At Mr. William Hunt's, four doors wet of the Market Seaforth. 596-26 MARRIAGE LICENCES OI{ CERTIFICATES, Under the new Act,) issued at the a EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Undex authority of the Lieutenant-Govesnot Onterio. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FiNpING WIRE _ I AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT. I ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and _Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. THE 'SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. CARNOCHAN & ABELL,' PROPRIETORS. OOFFICE and Stables on Market Street, second door from Main. Neat, Stylish Carriages And Buggiee, and Good Reliable Horses always on hand. Orders left at the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, or at the office will be promptly attended to. 50 . iia a33s 0 tv tt) 2 2 2 111 s=1 F 0 0 -4 0 ELAX MILL PROPERTaYa,:rsoEAFr OBRroTwEn. 0 Ord0 * ers left either at the r Grocery -will have immediate attention. > 1 A large quantity of Clever and Timothy ISelling at Low Prices. 0 536 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Co. 7 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & 00.1 Are now prepared to treat with parties for GROWING FLAX Either by the Ton or Acre. They ate also Selling All Kinds of OTJREIID MP -A- See > AT LOW PRICES, AT THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, 0 NS'I`01 3WV NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS. GARDEN EGG- EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks his numerous enstomerstmerehants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven yeart, and hopes, 1 by strictintegrity and -close attention to business, > to merit their confidence and trade hi the futhee. - DO I thYZigrgitiVP,;oe,V;gt:j8topir)ZIres, duri'*- 0 HIGHEST CASH PRICE >:atthe * For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG' EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth Tin - Wanted by the subecriber 25 tons ef good dry I I clean WHEAT STRAW. RNITURE. MEDICINE. 1.). D. 'WILSON. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY TEE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numerous de. customers for thehberalpatronage extended him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with continuano of the eame. Parties intendingto build wonid do well to give hini a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a arge stock of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, SA M 11 E , DOORS; BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC, He feels confident of givingsatiefactiont o those wno ni ay favour hire with theirpatronage, as none bat first-claeswortarten are employed. r...d'Particultera tiention paid to Cuetom Planing 201 JOHN H. BR OA DFOOT„ - - - --- LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality,. $6 per M. PINE from $8. • BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 16 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP: The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Whore all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, _ DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC The Great English FURNITURE. Remedy is especially econamended as an unfailing cure for Semingl Weakness Spermatorrhea, Diva- teney, and all diseases that fellow as a ee- quence .,of- Self abase BefJ ore akin , Loss eraory, Alter awn& ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AD _UNDERTAKER, Two Wad prep .IIAS AGAIN OPENED A et -(:til Furniture Store Doors North of his Old Stand, opposite ell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, whore he is rod TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. A La NDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. go Stock' of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., 'always on hand. 531 M. ROBERTSON. SEA R. WAR. WAR. TO THE KNIFE. 0 S URNITURE WAREROOMS, ORTII, - - ONTARIO. ain E lling Furniture at the actual Cost Price for the next three months, FOR CASH ONLY. Well-kpown prompt paying customers can have twelve months' credit at a irmall advance of cost —no i tdest. 1. Nowis tkie, time to furnish your touSes _cheap. Call and be ' Convinced. War Ma.mna Seafor Mon cent, a rooms directly opposite M. R. Counter's th Jewelry establishment, Main Street, h. y to Lend on Farm Property, et 8 per d Notes shaved without lather, as usual. JOHN S. PORTER. MY 0A_TTTIOINT_ EACH PLUG OF THE TLE NAVY TGBACCO STAMPED - SZ B-," IN CILT LETTERS. NE OTHER IS GENUINE. e_e_ee 53043 1 Universal Lassitude,1dtin in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Agee and raany other diseases OM leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a, rale are filet caused.by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence. The Speeiffe. Medicine le Ithe result of a life study and many yeare of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pain- pblet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will b e sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO,, Windsor, Ont. Sold'in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., I. S. Roberts R. Lumeden and ell druggist Inj—e:Eh:Tarevuil tic.TH.0E MAS' EXCLSIOR ECLECTRIC E OIL—WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN Goen.--Pain cannot stand 'where It Is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common Bore throat. One bottle has cured bryn- ohitifi. Fifty cents' wortle has cured an old Stand - hag cough. It poeitively wires catarrh, asthma, and croup. Fiftycents' worth has tared criek in the back, and the same quantity lame battik of 8 years' standing. The following are extracts from a few of the many letters that have been receive* from different parts of Canada, which, we think, should sufficiently satisfy the rnoet skeptical: 3. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send xne 6 -dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, halve sold all I had from you, and want more now; its cures are trulywon- derful." Wm. McGuire, of Frauldin, writes, "I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a therm— it vas slow at first, but takes splendid now." II. Cole, of Iona, writes, Pieaee forward 6 dozen Thomas' Il,clectrie 011, I am nearly out, nothing equals it. It is highly recommended by theft who have used it de Bedford, Tharnesville, wxites " Send me at once a further supply of Eelectric; Oil, I have only one bottle left, I never saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satiefac- Hon." J. Thompson, Woodward, -writes, "Send me some more Eclectric Oil, I have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller & Reed, Ul- verton, P. Q., write," The Eclectrie Oil le getting a great reputation here, and Is daily called for. Send ns a further snpedy without delay."Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes, 'Tend as one gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to take well.'sSold by all medicine dealere. Price 25 Ceuta. S. N. THOaiAS, Prenres, N Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the DOMiniOn. NOTE.—Eclectrie— Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., X. S. Roberts, and r„. Lums- den 521 Tim GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. --job Mos& -d- Periodical Pills—This invaluable medicine is unfailing in tho cnre of all those pininl and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy extremity be relied on. To inaLriedladies, it is peenlially suited. It win, in a short time, bring on the naonthly pe- riod with regularite. Thee° pine should not be taken by Females daring the hist three months of Preg,rancy, as they are sure to bring on Mix - carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cam; of Neryons and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight -ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a enre when all other means have faikd; and, although a powerdril remedy, do not coutain iron, caloreel,antiniony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fail directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Meeea, , New York, Sole Proprietor, $1 00 and eents efor postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To.. ronto'Ont.., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containiug over 50 pills by zeturn mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 TO THE PUBLIC.—Read -what the people Bey ia regard to the Great Shoehonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones, Maraliam, eaye: "I had a very vevere attack of bronehitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshonees Remeov " so highly recommended. I procured a bottleauel ern happy to eay that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, and have remathed so, although I was ranch exposed through the winter in travelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dern- orestvine, writes: "1 have found your re- medies particularly beneficial for liver complaint, de-spepeia and bronchial affections, and would adviee all similarly affected to give thezn a trial." , John Finlayeon, Athol, says: "\Then travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could I not cure it, and had to return home. It became better and afterwards much wove. I finally pnr- chaited a bot'le of the Remedy and a box of Pins, and before they -were hell gone I commenced to ;improve, and before they were finished my foot wee completely eared. It is nos 17 months I since, but have had no further attack." Price / of the Remedy in pint bottles, V. Pills,23.5e22.enta a box.