The Huron Expositor, 1878-04-19, Page 9• .4, 7 , '11 .7) 4 ;Ss pun• expooitor. DISTRICT' IVIATTERS. Wrieen did yon buy this nice Tea, ore s.? At Roaa's Family Grocery, and juat think, only cost 50e. pe.t pound, as good as I used topay '76c. for. Well, really it's the pest I ever tasted for the money. Yes, and they sell every- thing else in the Grocery line cheaper than any other house in the town. 541 CRICKET AND BASE Rei.ae—A complete 'Assortment of ad _material required. Special in- dueenunits to Clubs. Price List on aPplication. larst &Dm( &WiLsori, 541-e Rterneen this week at M. MORRISON'S Grocery, another nice. Lot of Dried. Blackberries cheap, one ease Pumpkin Meal, and one Box of Smoked -Halibut. 541-1 Heys Yon Tried It -Yet? Dobbins' Electric Soap eaves time, eaves labor, saves money. ,The greatest improvement of the age, and I sell it. TuomAgKraD. 541-3 GARDEN 14ND FIELD SEEDS. --A Large Supply at Morrison's Cheap Grocery. 541-1 CROQUKT.—Complete• Sets for $1 25 Ati_Xxaryzic & WiLsoN's. 641-2 LAND PLASTER for sale at MORRISON'S 4Elrocery. 541-1 . SABBATR SegOOL ANNIVERSIRY.—The anniversary services in connection -with the Canada, Methodist Sabbath school of this town will be held. in the church this evening. Singing and Bible class lessons, and addresses by the Sabbath. nehoel workers -will occupy the time of the evening. Tea will be served at g o'cloek. These meetings have in the past been very interesting, and we are sure the present will not be an excep- tion. On Sunday sermons will be preached at the usual hours by Rev. John Philip, M. A., of St. Marys. , Amernen ENEltr.—On, Wednesday liffr. George Sproat showed us a couple epple tree buds taken from trees in his orchard whieb, were covered -with oneen. vermin. Theinsects were scarce- ly observelale to the naked eye, but with a magnifying glass they looked something like green grasshoppers. What they are or what they may tern into it is impossible to say, but al- though they may not -do much harm, they will not do any good. Mr. Sproa,t informs us that ttees generally are simi- larly affeetedo,nd he says that he never ruiticed anything of the kind before. • Po -&n ----Mr.. William Logan with his familyandMissMaggieLogamleft on Wednesday for their new home near Por- tage la Prerie,Manitobae They go by boat to Duluth, and. frorn thence byirail and boat to Winnipeg, From Winnipeg they will take their Own conveyance. Mr. 1.8ogan is a pushing energetic young man who has considerable means, and is of the right stamp to make his way new country. We unite with his many friends in wishing himself and his fam- ily health and. happiness in their new home, and in predicting that his venture will be profitable to himself and. advalt- titgeous to the Province of his a.dop- tion. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, nomicernent elsewhere, respecting the the chair. Miss Foster, of Seafortinwho awarding of the contract dor the enc.. I happened to be present, kindly consent - tion. of a brick block in Brussels.—A. eel to favor the audience with a song or span of horses belonging to Mr. James two which were well rendered. A nice MeEwing, created qutte a sensation in little suni was realized. by the enter- to-wn on Thursday, by rurming awayi tainment,aiad is to be spent in prizesfor They were tiedinfront of fLogan,& Co.'s the .pupile. The grand .finale of the seed store, and becoming frightened. { whole day was a presentation of a beau - broke loose, and turning round. ran .to- tiful• album and portable writing desk wards the station, OVerturning a wagon to Mr.! Moir by his -pupils. A short and. loaded with salt, which was standing on .appropriately worded address was read. the street. A train of -cars was stand- by Miss Nellis, on behalf of the pupils, hag aeross the street at the stationi and the articles were presented by Miss This stopped. them, and they were se- Sarah Sproat. Mr Moir suitably and. cured withouthaving dune serious dam- affectionately replied.—Coar. age. • PREsENTATION.--Last Tuesday even - AmATEUlt Dreineems.—On Wednesday evening fast the scholars of the senior" department of the public school gave a dramatic and musical entertainment in the town hall. , The several dialogues were well rendered, by the young ladies . and gentlemen who took pert, and Showed that they•had exercised greet care and diligence in getting them up. Several excellent Musical selections were well rendered. The audience was not nearly so -large as it should have been. The young follss are deserving of encouragement, and we are sure that were they to give another entertainment they would be greeted by a mu.ch larger audience. ing, at the close of the weekly prayer - 'Contest, Thos. Bell; 2d Yotmg Lord Haddow, X. Perdue. Road and. Car- riage -7 entries.—lst Meirry. Legs, J. Mason-; 2d Hoanbletonian. J. Beacom. Two -Year -Old Heavy Draught -3 en- • tries.—lst YOung Honest Fia,ndy,J. er- due ; 2d. Dania Deride, Robt. McMich- ael. John Pollock's Young St. Law- rence was highly recominended. Only oneeaaed thoroughbred, bull, belonging to Mr! E. Manning, and one thorough- bred two-year-old bull, belonging to Mr. J. Shipley, both Durham, were shown. Judges. --Messrs. 3. Petty, Hensel].; Wen. Ha.wkshaw, Blyth; R. Medd, Wa,wanosh. COMPLIMENTARY SURPER.—The rate- ersmith, a, few friends -delayed till after Exeter Spring Show. the congregation had been dismissed then The manual spring show, under the Zurich. meeting in theRed- School House, Tuck- • payers of Hay township intend enterttun- ing Mr. Robert Brown, their late Reeve, at a complirrienta.ry supper in Zurich, on the evening of Tuesday next, prior to his depnrture for Manitoba. The supper is intended as• -a, rnark of appre- ciation of Mr. 'Brown's long and. faith- ful services as Reeve of the township. The compliment is -well merited, and we are sure the good. people of Hay will turn out en ma.sse to give Mr. Broivn farewell supper. G001> BEADING.—Messrs. Luensden & Wilson, of this to-wii, have on hand.'a good supply of the pamphlets contain- ing full reports of speeches delivered by prominent members of the Reform party at the several politioaspicenics held last season. Those speeches are so classi- fied. under the sevesal headings that any question up= which they treat can be easily found by the reader. It is soarcely necessary to say that these speedsea fully r-te the many charges preferred by the .Oppositiou against the Reform leaders end. furnish a complete justification of the policy of both the Dominion and Local Governments. At thintime, the facts contained in [this lit - the volume are both -interesting and use- ful, and it should. be in,the possession of eveey person who takes any interest in public affairs. feineee Beree—The brethren of Fidel- ity Lodge, Independent .0rder of Odd - fellows, Se/dm-tin intend, celebrating the anniversary of the feundiug of their Or- der en Amerioa, by a grand ball in Card- ne'e, Hall, on the evening of Friday, the 26th. inst. The management of the af- fair is under the charge of a most efficient committee, end nothing will be lett undone ma.ke the affair one of the most pleasant of the kind ever held. ineSeafortle• A loree number of invita- tious. have been issued., ancl it Le eXpect- ed that brethren and friends from neigh- boring towns and villages, as well as those of Seaforth, will be largely repre- Wroxeter. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. —The society held another of their meetings 'on Sat- urda,y afternoon last, when. an in- teresting and instraetive programme was discussed. . Their next meeting will be held on. thmllth of May next, when arrangements will be made to have. Mr. Dewar, Public Sphool Inspec- tor, present to address the meeting sup- plemented by the following programme: " Triangle of Forces," E. W. Bruce; " Winds and. Ocean Currents," John. Powell; Analysis from Goldsmith's Traneller, commencing -with "E'en now the devastation, &c.," and 15 following verses; Parsing of same, J. W. King; " The Earth's motion's and conse- quences" D. M. Walker; "Stocks," H. II. Burgess. Braoefield. NEW HALL.—Mr. Ryser is -erecting a large and comfortable hall in connec- tion with his hotel, and it is intended to have it completed and opened on the evening of the 24th May. CRICKET.—At a meeting held in Tur- ner's hotel en the 12th inst., for the purpose of oegaiaing the cricket dub for the coming season, the following were the officers elected : John *Patten - bury, Esq., patron; Dr..Stewart, presi- dent: M. Rose, stationmaster, vice- president ; Mr. H. Cameron, secretary and treasurer. As the club is in a fair condition financially, we believe it is their intention to sod the ground., so that clubs 'contemplating a match dure in:g the summer may rely -upon having .a good bovaing crease. DOINGS IN COUNOlt. —'The Council met at Leyden's hotel, April 6the Mere- bera all present. Moved by W. Grieve, seconded by A. Kerr, that 'a sufficient number of pathmaSters be appointed, and the Clerk netify eaeh petty thereof —Carried. The following noceunts were ordered. to be paid: G. Hollend.,$2 - for covering culvert, on concession line -. 6 and. 7, lot 13; J. O'La,ughlin, 13, for repairs to bridge onside road 10 ad 11 concession 7; Dr. Gouinloc,k, $8.77; for lumber; A. Dalgetty, $11, for lumber and:drain on concession line 13 and 14, lots -14 and15 ; 3. McFadden, $2.50 for repairs to bridge on side line 15 and 16, concession 1; C. Armstrong, $23.25 for consolidated statutes of Ontario, and stationary. The Council adjourned to meet again at Davis 'hotel, on the firat Settriday in May. well auspices of the Stephen and Usborne Messrs. Smith and McKay from we filled purses, presented a handsome sum Branch Agricultural Society, was held to Rev. H. Cameron, as a mark Of their at Exeter, on Friday of last week. The last 12 years at Mr. John Camp e this neighborhood. This prayer meet- once of spectators was not so large as carriage works in London, is erecting, 160 feet into the lake, so that any ves- appreciation of his services ;on behalf of day was most favorable, but the attend- ing is, in some respects,- a model. The on former Occasions. The stock ex- extensive shops in Wingliam, on the, lot sel drawing nine feet of water can come attendance on no evening dazing . the hibited was of good. quality, but the adjoining 'Johnson's bakery, Josephine in and load or bring in a load. The street. , worst roads and weather felling belOw number Of entries in each elane was — Councils of both townships -expressed 21, is seldom less than 60 and frequently small. The follovsing is the prize list: . One day last week: while a, 'Jerson themselves well satisfied with e work, in. Clmton was tramma a stallion, it and said that it exceeded their expects- ' th _ 1 there as his worthy father has done in accident, which broke the force of the Canada, he will have no cause for corn- blow, although the shell comb which —A few days ago, while • T. B. Miller, Inspector Public Schools, was driving along near the Ni..e, on the way to one of the schools in the vicinity, one of the axles of his buggy -brokeepincipi- tathig him to the road with coriSider- able violence. The horse was frighten- ed., and Mr. Miller, holding on Ito. the reins was dragge a considerable . dis- she wore was brok4i to pieces. ' —Judge Squier, of Godelich, has • J purchased the jiandsorne residence of Mr. 3. C. Kirkpatrick, who is removing to Toronto for $5,000. —The dra.nd Trunk Company offers a reward of $100 for the apprehension of the personsewho burglarized. the Sea- • th statioia. —Hugh Alexander, of Blyth, former- ly of Tuckersmithi has purchased a tance before the animal stopped. s valuable lot from A. Lawrence, on Ring the roads were muddy, Mr. Miller es- . . street, upon which he intends building a first-class private residence. —Mr. Sa,muel Johnston, of the _9th concession of Ho•wick, is the •possessor of a bull calf, 13 months old, which weighs 1,130 pounds.. It is a thorough- bred Durham. from. imported stock. —Mr. Wm. Bailey, foreman for the. 58 °aped serious injury, although e w considerably shaken up. --On Monday, the 8th inst., the new dock in the township of Stephen, at the lake, was opened. for the inspection of the Councillore of Stephen and. HIV, and the day being fine large numbers of the inhabitants from both townships ere resent The dock extends about reaches the number of 80, and even lst Crown Prince, Oke & Hudson ; 2nd inflicting a painful though not serious sp HORSESmade a rush at him, knocked him tions. Several . neat speeches Were Heavy' Dranglit—Aged-2 entries— down, and bit him on the shoulder, made on the occasion, and. all of the eakers ex ressed a hope that at no raOre.—0011. Enterprise, MGEwing & HortOn. Three distant day there would be a years old -1 entry—Bank of Engla•nd, wound. --Messrs. Scott & Bell, of Wingha,m, large town if not a city on the site. 1 es has been named Port Brussels. SURvETOR.-11r. Caddy, Provincial Land Surveyor, from Cobourg, has taken up his residence and opened an office in Brussels. New .merebers of Brus- sels Masonic Lodge took possession of their new hall, in Fishleigh's block, on Monday evening last. ANNIvERSARy. — The members of Western Star Lodge 149, Independent Order Oddfellows, of Brussels, intend celebrating the anniversary of Oddfel- lowship, by attending in a body a special service in St. john'sechurch, on Friday evening, 26th inst. The sermon is to be preached by Rev. E. Robinson. A NEW Mum. --Messrs. Goldie & Mc- Culloch, of Galt, have offered. to build. a steam flouring mill of four ran of stones :with all the latest improvements, and. to keep the same well employed, on condition the corporation grant them a $3,000 bonus. The proposal has been favorably received, and is likely to be acceded to. Tile CATTLE FAIR.—The Easter cattle .fair, held. onThursday of last week, was not so largely patronized in respect of cattle, there being only 32 head, but the quality was very good. indeed. Prices ;paid ranged from 3c to aic per lb., live weight; 4ic was offered for a pair of steers, but the offer was refused, the owner asking 41. The following is the prize list of fat 'took: Fat ox or steer, lst and 2d John Hyslop, Grey; fat cow or heifer, lst T. Russell, Morris, 2d. G. Brewer, korris ; best pair of any kind, Alex. Forsyth, Morris. Judges—J. Roddick, James Forsyth and George Kirby. Hibbert. Goon &Beni.- Mr. Ale*. McLaren, of Hibbert„last week sold to Mr. Spoon- er, of Clinton, a pair of very fine fat steers. These animals were four years old. One of thein weighed 1,960 lbs., and the other 1,830. Mr. McLaren re- ceived for them the handsome sum of $220. They were purchased. for the English rearket. STOcx ImPROVEMENT.—Mr. D. Mc- Laren has made another' valuable ad- dition to his alreadyfine stock, by the purchase of a young Durha.m bull from Mr. James Brown, the well-known breeder of short- horns in Waterloo county. He was : got by Mr. Brown's famous bull, the Marquis of Lorne, whichwas imported by Mr. 3. Arm- strong, Eramosaecounty of Wellington. His dam was got by Prince Alfred. From appearance thie animal is the best ever brought into this part of the country. - Hensall. STORE SoLD.—Mr. Charters has sold his store to Mr. Fargo for $525. Mr. Fergaintends opening a grocery in the place. STORE LEAsi:D.—Mr. Moore has leas- ed his store to Mr. Pickard, of Exeter, who has opened a first-class dry -goods store in the place. Itimiw,ey.—A team belonging to Mr. Ha•milton, while being unhitched from the wagon became frightened and ran away. Mr. Hamilton being in front of the horses at the time was knocked down and run over and was badly cut about the head and fitee. PROPERTy SOLD.—Mr. Michael Hef- fernan sold two loth on- King ;street, to Walton. FOR Maenewse.—On Wednesday, the 10th inst., three of our most respected ama valuable friends took their depart- ure from this village by the Wellingtdn, Grey and. Bruce from Brussels, for the far distant *Northwest. It ,is not too much to say that no three persons could. have commanded more good wishes. Senioris prioris—,Mr. T. Davidson, who has latelir disposed of his farm on the 11th concession, McKillop, (having re- sided there about twelve years. Mr. Davidson is a man about middle age, .and practical in every way in his voca- tion as a farmer, and we are sure he is eminently queli-ded to make a most use- ful citizen in the community of whicla he is to become a member. Next comes Mr. Robert Pattison, the sonof our most worthy postmaster, a good penman, quick at accounts, telegraphy, &c., and of eo generous a nature that it will not require a long introanction .for one to ascertain it. Mr. D.. Ryan ia' so well known among all the parties in this lo- cality as a wagonmaker, and formerly a tiller of the soil, that it would. be need- Dunca,n McLaren. less to expatiate further. A supper and Devon, aged -1 eutry.—Sir Walter, dance was given in. their honor at Sage's Wm. Hamilton. Hotel, on Friday evening 5th inst., Judges.—john Laut, Stanley; Jas. when a very large nuniber of friends Hackney, TJsborne ; David Cumming, had a meet enjoyable evening. Thos. Th.ornpson. Agricultural—aged have given :up the undertakingbusiness, The p ac —2 entries—lst Champlane, McEwing and have sold their hearse. They in- Blake in honor - of its promoter, Mr. & Horton, 2d. Scotch Mirade, W. Hill. - tend devoting their attention . exclu- Rieke, of the firm of Blake & Hicks, TAPESTRY Three year olda-1 entry --Young Enter- sively to the manufacture of ehairs and. of Exeter. The first vessel is to ;arrive prise, Wm. Tram. Two years old -1 bedsteads. at the Port in about two weeks, when entry—it John Routcliffe. Gen- - —At Auburn, one day last week, the there is to be, a great jubilee. After the • 1 t with a s eeches had been cone...tided, a vote of APRIL 19, 1878. GREAT -OFFERING —OF N EW CAR P ETS. • - • A. G. McDOTIGALL & Co. Opened yesterday, 18th inst., 20 P'ICS 20 OF NEW eral purpose—aged-2 • entries— s horse of a commercial tra,veller, p Scotch Miracle John Blake. Three buggy attliched,ran. away, and was stop- thanks was tendered to Messrs, Blake lady, neened Miss Edmondson, before pletiug the work -under te many diffi- -1 entry—Netherby, S. Holmes. Car- an.V &brume was done unities they had - to encoimter. The riag°---aee ---- — —On Monday of last week, Mr. Robt. Councils of Stephen and Hey have g d 2 entries 1st Pride of ' - ' England, J. Carter; 2d. Peacock, J. J. Brown, of Grey, sold three fat cattle agreed. to give fifty &Ilex's each for the Fisher. Blood—aged-1 entry—Bea wn of the hill leading to the con, E. Miller. Roadsters -2 entries-- per pound, live wrgist. The animals dock, Blank Rock; C. J. Fitzgerald. ped for the English market on Wednes- IVIunicipal Statistics. • BULLS. We are indebtedeto Peter A.dainson, day, . Durham—Aged-2 entries—lst John E. Snell has taken possession Esq., County Clerk, for the following Glen, Duke of TJsborne, 2d Thos. Rus- of the aeneral store lately occupied by statistics of the County of Huron for 1877 sel, Ring et the West. Two years old Mr. koLo,uchlin, in the village of There are 800,343 acres of land in the —1 entry—James Pickard, Exeter Lad. Jamestown, north. of Brussels. Mr COIMV assessed to 15,439 persons, and years old -1 en'try—lst Pride of the ped in its mad career by a brave young & Hicks, for their perseverance in cora- Dominion; James Wilson. Two years l - to Mr. I. Rattenbe •of Clinton at 5c cutting do 1st Rothschild, C. J. Fitzgerald; 2d were in good form, made were ship - One year old ---2 entries—lst R. Hun- Snell is a young, energetic Canadian, valued.'bytherespective assessors at 26, - ter, 'ter, 2d. James Loadman, Crimson. Duke. and is, in every way, deserving of sue- 784,241., This valuation is, of ceurse, on the usual two-thirds' basis. Person - Aged grade—Wm. Hooper. Two year cess. 6 , old -2 entries—lst William Deering, 2d , --The many friends of Mr. John al property, $1,5Q3,442. income, $72,- entry—William Smale. Hutchinson, of Bluevale, will be pleas- 855.- Number of persons inthe families ed to learn that at the Convocation of of theseerated as residents, 68,412. In Richard Harvey. Yearling grade -1 JuDGE S.—A Bishop, M. P. P., Us- McGill 'University, Montreal, held. on this item the returns are not complete, Welsh, Usborrte. . the 30th. Alt., he received the degree of as in -some mint- cipalities the borne t Wm. Boyce, McGillivray, John M. D. and C. M. May success ever at- matter of population' was neglected. • Live stock is thus enumerated.; Cattle, • tend him. - The Hibbert Spring ShCw. —The farm formerly occupied by 52,323, sheep, 52,799, hogs, 22,535, • The annual spring show under the Mr. Alex. Bradburn, lot 3, concession horses, 20,189; dogs, 6 618, The gross amount of taxes raised by the minaici- auspices of the Hibbert Branch Agri- 5, Morris, has been purchased by cultural Society was held a,t Spring Mr. McVettie, for the sum of $3,200. polities within the Courty was $227,856. Hill on Tuesday last. There was every Mr. Bradburn a few years ago received Of this amount, $120,175was expended. fair attendance of spectators. The dis- $900 from the railway company for eight, for publid schosil purposes, $53,977 for play of stock both in stallions andbulls acres of the same farm. . improving roads and br:dges ; and $3°4, - was excellent, there being as fine ani- —The members -of the Exeter Qua- 777 for interest on the debenture indebt- mals as the Province can boast of drille Association have presented Miss edness of the respective municipalities, -shown. In several of the classes com- Maggie McPhillips, of that town, with WhiCh 8.13201112tS to $527, 910. -:-Of this petition was quite keen. The follow- p. handsome set �f jewelry. The gift amount $242,910 belon s to the rninor ing is the prize list: twee made in recegnition of that lady's municipalities and 285,000 to -the HORSES. services in havina played the piano at County. ' h bli ?the Association -during Heavy -Draught Imported —4 en- t e assem ee o Brooks; 2d Crown Prince, Oke Hodg- —A few days since, Mr. W. J. Pais- DIE BEse Bargaine son. , ley, of Clinton, purchased the farm of ery, and Glassware are to b tries.—lst Old Lord Haeldow, Chas. the past season. • Local No • • - YouNG's. .537 Agricultural Stallion aged -3 entries. Mr. .Alex. Campbell, lot 4, 5th concee-1 —1st Champlain, Mc'Ewen & Horton; sion of Morris, consisting of 100 acres, ' EARLY RoSE Potatoe 2d Prince of , the West, William Vi- for the su-m of $3,160, afterwards re- , bushel, at War. HILL & Co.'. on hand. .589 pond. ' ' selling the farm to Mr. John Watt, of Road. and Carriage -3 entries.—lst' Morris, for an advance of 4560, a good PLOUGHING=BROWNE Pride of England, J. H. Carter ; 2d profit. pared to plough gardens a Charges moderate. 539 Captain Ross, John Bentley. —Joe Willia,mson well known to many Canadian Draught -:-4 entries—lst of the old. residents of the county, was FLOWER. AND GARDE Robbie Burns, Alex. Dow; 2d Young released. from jail' on Saturday, after Lord Hadd.ow, Jas. Colqnhoun. being in retirement for 182 days, and Any Breed, under 3 years old. -5 en- celebrated the occasion by getting tries--lst Prince of Wales, Thos. Col- drunk and making considerable noise quhmm ; 2d Young Wellington, 3. H. sbout town during the afternoon. He BULLS. continued to howl about his faithful-' Carter. [ ness to Tory principles, until escorted Durham, aged -5 -entries -.---1st Duke beyond. the town limits. Poor old Joe. of Usborne, John. Glen; 2d Remus, —Yr. Leonard Hunter, of Usborne, 1 Geo. Rock. ' has given his favorite stallion, "Coach - Under 2 years -3 entries.--lst Isa man," to Mr. W. L. Ferguson, of Col - bells Duke, John Cole; 2c1 Washington, borne, for this season. Mr. Ferguson will travel him through several of the townships of North Huron mid South Bruce. " Coachman " is one of the best general purpose stallions in the country, and we doubt if any have left behind them. so much fine stock as he has. i —At the exaraination of University students, in connection with Knox Col- lege, Toronto, lest week, Mr. W. G. Hanna, of Morris, in the first year list took a scholarship of $60, and Mr. R, Y. Thomson, of Hullett, in the second year list, a scholarship of $60. Beth are to be congratulated. on their success, as each takes the first prize in his cla,es. They were formerly pupils- of the Clin- , ton High School. —Mary Brough, housekeeper. for Rev. Father Shea, Goderich, died suddenly on Tuesday morning, about 2 &deck. For some time past she has been troubled. with a severe cough, but was able to attend to her duties up to the; hour of retiring on Monday night. Dur- ing the night she was attacked with a fit of coughing, and buret a blood ves- sel, expiring very soon after. She was well advanced in years. e -The Clinton _New Bra of last week says: Mr. John Copeland has sent us a bunch of fin.e rhubarb, seine of the stalks being nearly a foot long, This is extraordinary early for such a growth. Where are our two Joe's, and What are they doing? If they don't look sharp, John will7carry the palm .for market gardening. We understand that Mr. Copeland is going into strawberry growing on a large scale,. as he will plant between five and ten thousand. plants this spring. • MitohelL • Myth. Blyth Spring Show. MASON10.—Tile corner -tone of Trin- ity Church here is to be laid with Ma- sonic ceremonies about St. John's day, and. the neighboring lodges have been invited to participate. ENLA_RGED.—The Blyth Review is to be enlarged, in view of the approaching electoral campaign. REPORM.—A meeting was. held here last Tuesday evening to send delegates to -the Wingham Convention. Messrs. Drummond, Watson and McQuarrie were selectee'. They were instructed to support -the choice of the Convention. Buieeixo.— Building operations are fairly active, Mr. Hawkshave is adding a wing to his establishment. The new Methodist parsonage is progressing and the soundofthe saw and ham- mer is heard. in the land. DRAUGHTS.—The second match game at draughts was played by telegraph on Wednesday evening between Blyth and Rensall. The oame lasted about The Morris Branch Agricultural So- ciety held its spring shovv at Blyth on Tuesday last. The weather was de- lightful, and there was a large crowd. of people present. The show was, on the whole the most successful ever held nnder the auspices of the society. The following is the prize list: HORSES. Heavy Draught -a4 entries. — lst Bank of England, J. Masen ; 2d Heath- er Jock, Alexander & Bell; 3d What's Wanted, Thos. Bell. Road and Car- riage -5 entries.—let Sorel Cloud, A. Innis; 2d Hambletonian, 3. Beacom; 3d. Merry Legs, 3. Mason. eGeneral Purpose -4 s entries.—lst Young Con- test, T. -G. Bell; 2d King of the Do- minion, 0, B. Wilson; 3d Canadian Plowboy, Jos, Walker. Two -Year-old Heavy Draught.--Danta Davey, Robt. McMichael. BuLLS. • • Thoroughbred.—E. Manning. Under Two Years -3 entries.---lst J. Ross; 2d J. Brigham; 3d G. Robertson. Grade -2 entries.—lest JOS. Lyons ; 2d sented. We have been requested by -one hour and forty minutes, when the committee to ago that members Blyth was declared victorious. of Fidelity Lodge are expected to at - tend without a formal invitation being extended ;to them. Usborne. E. Manning. Judges of Horses.—Geo. Loceee Belferriera—Mr. Jemes Mar- of 5975 Mr. William Saud°. The price paid. he received the SUM 1 . ThiS Medd and John Young, West Wawa - one of the pioneer reaid.ents of Hur- was $410. Mr. IIeffernan purchased horsel is a very promising young animal nosh. ' Of bulls.—John Shipley, Hul- on, died at the residence of his son, in these lots about a year ago for $300. —Iffr. John Hunter of this township lett • 3. B. Bic, ' s, Stanley, J. Cum - this town, ou Tuesday last, after a, :short inaAlullett. " This spea.ks well for mu- town. Arr. has purchased from Wm. Dixon, Stan- illness.—The contract for iniitting the Sando intends erecting .e. blacksmith ley, his fine imported. Clydesdale stal- t' track on the -Driving Park hes been let Huron -Notes. shop, dwelling and store en the place. lion, British Oke. This is said to be a to Mr. Arthur Forbes, and a gang (.)f men and tearns have been busily at HORsES.—Mr. John Moir has sold his Mace, Exeter ;Macdonald, 1,1aav Young Enterprise, for which chester ; Thos. Sharp, Seaforth ; Robt. very superior young *horse, and to be Dr. -Gracey intends removing from vsork on it during the present week. It Tuckersmith. from the very best stock. He will be Blyth. traveled this - season in the neighbor - is expected the track -will e ready for Scnoot. EK.A.,,itx.,,rie-x.—A public ex- h f th —The Gerrie Driving Park Associa- of sport for the TiVenty-Pottrth will be tion No. 2, T eekersmith, took place on ,.-- ±itillett. '-24th 25th of tion intend having meeting on the practice in a few days. The prograiiime anduation of the pupils of 1•Deliool:Sec- issued shortly-- large munber peo- Friday last, al which were a Number of —A few days Since a sow, belonging p -ie from Ses.forth will vicinity left on teachers from adjoining sections, who 1.31c, Wou K.—A. few days ago freemen, to Mr Monck, of the third concession Man Tuesday for nota, They go bv the gave Mr. Milk- yiduable assiebauce employM ees of r: James Jamieson, of Hullett, gave birth to a litter of 14 steamer Quebec, of the Beatty Line, to Duluth., The contract for the erection (If the brick sty:Yes et Messrs. Kidd Lula Mitchell, has lot.vn iW.t‘rded to Messrs.. Treayes and Waleb, the former taking the mason and the latter the carpenter work. --Gardening (kperations are being proceeded with vigoi'ou1 iu ttAVII, but examining the, -.pupils in tbe various frauicr, e roof of a barn 7e pigs . branches taught. Theeteativ and intel- x3(1 feet in 11 hours and 25 minutes, on, —Mr. John Wilson left • for Mimi- ligent answers .gtven by the pupils .to the farm, of Mr. James McGee, on the toba on Tuesday • last -Week, -with- zecon-: the many questions . put to • them by . 9th -coneessimi of Hullett. sig,nmeat .of goods, froin the Brussels • stratigtms shows tlizi they are being (fare- - fully instructed. Visitors,.in the respell- Clinton Sprifoundry. ng Show. . —Mr. John Manning, of Exeter, owns sible position of parauts or gearaeses, The animal spring show under the a calf which weighed 102 pounds at as is toe often the ease on such oece, auspices of- the Hallett Branch Agri- birth. When ten days old, it weiehed. ices. n China, Crock - had at WIesoN & for 30 cents per A large quantity CARPETS, JUST ARRIVED EX STEAM- ER ."STATE OF NEVADA" FROM GLASGOW DIRECT TO US. THEY ARE ALL -OF• THE VERY NEWEST PAT- TERNS, SUPERB COLORS AND FIRST QUALITY. AS THIS LOT IS OUR SECOND THIS SPRING, WE SHALL, IN CODER TO CLEAR THEM OUT, OFFER THEM FPR CASH AT THE FOLLOWING WONDERFUL LOW FIGUR- ES, CHEAPER THAN EVER, -VIZ.: 650, 750 AND 800, CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY IN HAMILTON, TOR ONTO OR MONTREAL, UN- LESS AT WHOLESALE . BY THE PIECE. WHEREAS WE Rees. are pre- _ the shortest notice. Seeds in great variety, fresh and true to m me, at "The Medical Hall," Seaforth. See adverti3ement. nicif.soN & there is not nmeh growth 3. et, the soil 1.sioiis, were few and far between. The i cultural Society -was held at Clinton on i 130.pounds. being dryaxid eold. warirt ehewer of day's proceedings were wound up by an , Friday last. There was a good attend- i —Henry Lundy, of Morris, with one rain would have a. beneficial effect on entertainment in the eN7ening; consisting since of spectators, and the quality of yoke, of oxen, and the assistance of four - vegetation. - :Several of our heal JehiSs of dialogues by tin) PuPils and others, . the ttock exhibited., of which there was men, logged seven acres on Thursday, lieve reCently become poseeesed of fast, and rausie,both voeal and instrumental, a good show, could not easily be excell- 4th inst. This is considered an extra- - stock preparatory for the Twenty- all of which was creditably performed., ' ed. ,The following is the prize list: . ordinary day's work. his or her part with spirit,- and Listened Heavy Draught -7 entries, all im- Reeve of Turnberry, contemplates be-. Fourth. -Ir. T. A. Sharp and 1)fr. l). ' each actor, little aud big, enterina into - . HORSES. i --Mr. John Black, eldest son of the McNaught have eu.ch parch:1.sec' sixNedy animals, which., it is expected, will st4 Ire a good record before loirg.- -Our me- chanics would, slo well to netiee the en tile organ, anti Mr. S. Hicks occupied i General Purpose -4 entries—lst Young' kis friends. If he prospers as 'well to by a large, ord.erly and. appreciative portede—lst Donald Dinnie, C. -Mason, I coming a settler in. the State of Kansas audience. Miss Jackson presided at owner, 2d, Bank of England, J. Masonbe having lately been there on a visit to BLEASDELL. 539 GOOD TEA.—Tea bon &YOUNG generally turns Out ed. Give them a trial. Sa Q1 money refunded. 537 LOOK OUT for a Lair Plants next week, at LAroLA Seeds, and all kinds of good, grains for Sale. Also, Flour and See Vs. 538 ht fromi-Wthsois better than reprebent- isfaction guaranteed, O Stock of House &F.AiiitEY's. 539-2 ean, first-class coarse Feed, &c., &c. Come SEEDS, SEEDS.—For the last six years WILSON & Youxo lucre don it leading business in Field. and Garden Seeds, and on account of keeping the very best seeds, bought seed growers and dealers, th creasing every year. This y: ure of the crop in Brits turnip seed will be very scar ers will have to be very caref inferior seed. and lose a crop of old and poor seed in scrupulous and inexperience for the best. WILSON a Y have secured a good large at which will be sold as low as ty, quality considered. Th in the end. The Highest C and Timothy seed. 537 - omethe most reliable ir trade is steadily in- s; owing to the fail- , tirst-class Swedish e and dear, and farm - that they do not get as there will be it lot he market; which un - dealers will try to sell UN -bought early, and ck of prime new seed, ny other in the Conn - beat is the cheapest ah price paid for Clover STOCK FOR ERVICE. pEDIGREE OF BiltliS Duke of Nissauri " the ford, Lot 21, Con. 14, Mc Nissouri was farrowed 0 John Snell, Edmonton, 0 Lord Liverpool, dam Impo brother to Sambo 2nd; gr Adair; great grand dam L great grand dam by Glo Liverpool. the sire of the O. bas made a good record won the following prizes n following shows in Engle Bath and West of Engle Counties and Gloucesterah dal Fair at Toronto in 18 4, and triple prize as the best imported boar o the ground under a year; also at the head o1 t prize herd, and the some record at the Weste Fair. London, 1n1875. First Duke of Nissonri els received the lst prize at Seaforth In 1877; IRE BOAR, "First roperty of John Staf, 'llop. First Duke of t. 15, 1875. Bred by t. Got by Imported ted Sbyereign by own nd dam No. 2, by St. st. Dennis; great ter Premium. Lord at Duke of Nissonri, t leading shows. He der it year old at the d in 1874, viz.: let at d; 2nd at the Royal re, lst at the Provin- -The following is the result of e written examination in arithmetic of the pupils in the fourth and fifth classes, of school section No. 3, Grey; Fifth class—Catherine Richardson, 89 per cent.; Euphemia Richardson, 88; Daniel McLauchlin, 15. Fourth glass ' —Lizzie McLauchlin 100 per cent., Penny McDougall 100, Robt. T. Strach- an 100, Mary Sample 07, Sam Yuill 92, Edgar Smith 90, Alexander Grant 00, Sarah A. Crooks 73, Mary C. Kerney, 66, Catherine McDougall 30, Ann 3. McLauchlin 18. E. Smith 15. —On I Saturday last, Mrs. :T. C. Cur- rie, of Goderich, had a narrow escape from a probably fatal injury. As she was passing the Montreal Bank, One of the servants was endeavoring to close the shetter on the second floor, when she pushed it off the hinges, allowing it to fall; striking Mrs. Currie ma the head. The lady was thrown to the ground insensible, and was carried into the Bank, when restoratives were ap- plied, and she was taken to her home. Fortunately no serious injury was in- flicted, owing to the fact that she had at Stratford jn 1877; firet and first at Brussels in 18i7. First Duke of Nis- souri's dam, Imported Sov reign, is the beau -ideal of it perfect Berkshire, and the best sow we ever saw. Terms, $1.59 per so , payable at the time of service, with privi5ege if returning if neces- sary. JOHN- STAFFORD Proprietor. 522 LOST OR FOUND. - 1IrONEY FOUND.—Fo Seaforth, a sum of have the same on applicat by provin g property and tisement. _ _OST.—On Friday even ville, a STI3 EgnITI(1Wickerand Si scissors, thimble and ape be rewarded. on leaving it Brecefield or Seaforth. - - OUT ANY LENGTH YOU 'REQUIRE AND MATCH THE CARPETS FOR THE PUR- CHASER. rad in Sharp's Hotel, oney. The bwieer can on to the proprietors eying for this adver- 539 ng, April 12th,between eline south of Egmond- et, captaining it pair of t saes. The finder will with Wm. Hill & Co., 541 ofirere,d at 'Wholesale Prices. HOUSEKEEPERS Woup DO WELL TO GALL AND SEE THIS ASSORTMENT, THEY ARE CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN MAKE A RAG CARPET, AND CERTAINLY MORE HANDSOME AND DURABLE. COME EARLY AND GET A CHOICE. A GOOD CAR. PET IS NEARLY ALL A ROOM REQUIRES TO FUR.' N1 -SH IT. ALSO ARRIVING 50 SETS OF NEW LACE CURTAINS These will be opened on, Moab, or Tuesday next. They Will be tat ATTSCELL NEOUS. T...TOUSE TO RENT.- -a -L dwelling house en on lst May. Apply to A.. TIRESSMARING.—MI inform the Ladies of ing country that she is pr press and Mantle 'Makin also cutting and fitting. Store. Apprentices wan o rent, a comfortable hu Street. Possession W.SPARLING. 541 5 BURGESS begs to eaforth and surround - pared to do all sorts of in the latest styles, ma over I. Rogers ed. ' 569 ' QEAFORTH DRA-YAG ki having bought out th fore carried on by Mr. 1 pared to attend to the w I Seaforth in the capacity 1 and respectftilly solicit patronage heretofore ex All orders entrusted to attention, at moderate I left at C. W. Papst's B nr at Jose h Browne — The subscribers, re Dray B;bell, are pre- siness hereto - bit Cants of the residents of drayage, Cartage, &c., a continuance of the ended to Mr. Campbell. em will receiveprompt harges. Orders can be kstore, Citrano's Block, 'a Grocery, Dominion on a thick felt hat at the time of the 1Block. S. BROWNLL, N. BROWNELL. 585-8 NOW IS THE _ TIME. REMEMBER THE CHEAP STORE, ; THE 3 SEVENS, CARDNUS BLOOKc Hogsiells011011"111111111"211.11511" ElY.F.INTENTIE VaiOLE NUMBE GODERICIE IIARB )fn. FARROW'S SPEE FarrOW Baia be did lousejaloda:848,aieirntriricewhthaajlesinarlleebveoekuireyaIvwcte. abre::;lo tot oTh thught it seemed. The selves in. connection with hid only shown themselves light, Honorable gentle/ other side seemed very anx 132 eitait ere :0 ebn St -ah iclitoehit:hovou leusagt s iste, jani before a Committee would them in anl°rheowatvereerai, ttahl not, necessary to have ,die Comi had all the evidenee they country had. all the eviden ed, and they did not wish: partisan report trona any or interested. Committee. in connection with the trail recorded in.the journals ed. IJ no :baajaati°nneavielea 'Visp0ekile el ter at a public meeting or individne,l, but the G-ov condemned for the way - reference to that eontrae quite conceive that the P rather hear them talk of I than. that, ana hence thi the Interior was set lip to of defence --a sham, la When this subject was bri year, wheu papers were n Premier was in a'grea.tbue to be stunned and scarcele'. to do- Mr. Page, hoevev to state the reasons wb! did. not receive the conte Page wrote an explanatoni 16iretetcredit r,ltholiontghtt,pdriedm minion. What did Mr. burden of his leiter was. not lulow Mr. Toltoni must not have the tontaa it not been proved over to the satisfaction .of, eve meneller of that „House,. t not the ease? .Did not he show a teleg,rasie from a fri mier explami4 Mr. Tolt a man of standing,as anal a contractor who was ac such work? On the occas alluded, %he Premier had in his pocket, or at leasi The forwarder of that te ing such n. meesege was sent a letter the- same. e letter, like the telegram,1 Mr. Tolton -wan a man e.xperience, not a man tlirtrhuaelPtIllaissagettiehsclaria.er-PheaIgveaN\s'':tiisoe°elitj Mr. Toltoni why did noi with that itiformation in sethim right? Why did him -witb what he knew ability to undertake si 'Before sending in. his 451 wrote to Mr. ':'John Bre' tracted for the Meafer Brown said he would dredging work in COnne0 erich Harbour, for a cei $12,000 less than Mr. Toi at e Al offThtiejahiener, irn:the person who ha *for the iron work sgafoitarbatty0,0Murh:.iITmo,e,lta:oni where I have influence and Mr-. Blake." Accoi to Toronto, but came ba Mr. Tolton -you cann there are others in ft took place after that bt which there had been was sent; and no doubt ]' deal to do with the -(Mr- Farrow) knew aboi this; that $30,000 of- tl wleast might have been, 1 they ye thrownaidinto Le . l section ; there was ei rytlitt (i would. the cPouronmt journals of the Haus all he required to satisf shameful -character. SIR JOHN A. MACD07,4ZA Sir John A. Mac 9 orable the Finance - said it did not he tarth Opposition to /neat an the late Government w takes when they were . was really depriving to l'oitrtTnithheGoy eircluti tita any blanae, beeause had been guilty of e Why, this was a new W55 not a doctrine tha Parliament or the Brit Every member in this spomibk to the people the members of the I committed offenees, th 'still members of Pari still their duties th the perform. It was absu eminent to endeavor t apeagnainSisbtiuli: in this wa you dibissoabyeinfogre; , and, tempt to get off the not lie in ':your Month. : hadriu:rJohn A. M Ael rea-nnCtbeenaart Cartwright—Th instanceh That a,cdo nrY and had to try a look kting agulaiirtcyenly ill hie himself once in hie lif by the clearest evid knew that he had_ co upon his duty, hi jtiryinn, self have perhaps .enee of fthbeescaaanmiee ,fkino lum oarpguponisiteenit aonfa thisth was