The Huron Expositor, 1878-04-19, Page 6RIM ing on th blacksreithing b this place far lawne time, have e first-cIass .ce.rriNe and wagon, and are now dents a good b We have also a very enterprf farmers in this neighborhood, whom are freproving their her bringing izi throughbred stock. Philip Rickman, of the boundary imported a fine cart stallion. gl111.11111111111.11.11111.1111111W Natirs of the Week. marea-M. Dion, Chief Elwin e aer the Paris Exhibition, is dead. , DEATH Or AN OFFICER.--Dre j. Painter, of the United States navy, at Nagasaki, Japan, on March 231,1. - EAT35QtyA*.Es.---Eartliquakes are t- clsuediyr frequertt this season la Je, but not - severe. The emissions et the Volcano Asarea Yaka, sixty miles tare rokie, have suddenly ceased. - Tom TREARtrev or ILLa.-During the, [ast decade $106.,000,000, derived ..on-fiscated church preperty sold at motion., have been paid into the trona., ery of Italy. ; DEgraucTra: AunitiCA'NE AT CANTON, -, hurricane, accompanied by two water 'pouts, has euused immense damage at - ; aid !antort, Claiva. NO deaths arereportea Irtong the population. MESUERIC Powan.-A physician trio& is mesmerie power an a, girl in Bencl.s. elaer, lu, and put her to sletu ep .re y but he could not awaken her, the remained unconscious for two hao. NEW BIM -op -AD TICHET,--Mr, William Robinson, -deka agent of the Great Western Railway, in Detroit, has a Aied for a patent for a new .style ef 7ailroad ticket, of his own inveation: THE TELEGRAPH NOT AnAILAHLE.-As Jae Chinese have no alphabet, the tele. vaph, has proven worthless; but the ielephone has been adopted by the ati- horities, and 500 miles have beat ipoken over ,readily. - ABSCONDING CLERE..-The young De- - rait abscendine bank_ teller was found it the Windsortletel under an assumed male, and an learning that his father lad made geed the $10,000 deficit, ha ' ortsented, to return with the detective. . A Rexawaue MURDEBRR. -.Sara 3teenlyat3r, awaiting execiatioraat Mori - la, N. Y., for murder, has made a full ,enfession. He is guilty of eleven mur- lets, the first committed when he was L4 years oid„ besides innumerable bur- 'laries and incendiary fires. PAM, IMIsATIENCE.-SiDlOre Conger, wa aged and. eccentric man at Matawan, .S.ew Jersey bruised. bruised. his toe recently. Is the toe , was painful, and did not ieal rapidly, Conger, in a fit of impa- dance, cut it off with a haramer and tinsel., Mortification set in, and he lied on Fridarnight. A HeasensOmn WEDDING Paasaler.- imong the aeries floating about is one io the effect that the new Lady Rose- 5erry presented her husband on their Redding day with a box in which, on -Telling it, 1114 found a cheque for £300,- 100. A Conic SCANDAn.-A Detroit- cor- 7espendent pf the New York_ graphk :elegraphsthat an extraordinary scan - lel, involving .£1, very proininent church lignitary and a young Married woman s about to be made public, suppression eaving been promised until: the clergy - renal Gould sodi for Europe. THE BOSS: INVENTION. -An Australian s trying to iuvent a machine which ,-,Iiall reap, thrash, clean and bag wheat te it moves along. When he gets it, brie an Ainerica,rt will add. an attach - neat which selIa the wheat, grinds puts it into barrels, and 'stamps each barrel with XXX's., A TORII:11:1C TORNADo. - A special stays a tornado passed_ over Cottonwood en the Santa Fee road, Kansas, last Saturday night, blowing 45 cars off the track and . destroying a number- of houses. Some lives were lost. R. is reported. a stock train was wrecked hear Emporia. BURNED . TO DEITH.- John Lyon, President of the Boston., Concord and Montreal Railread,was burned. to death at Pernige*assa House, Plymouth' N. II. He arose during the night, being ill, and fell 'with the lamp rn his hand, !breaking it, and setting fire to his clothes. , i A. SERIOUS jbliE.-Recently a gen- tletnau in St. Louis dosed the dooraf a aafe upon the son of ex -Congress- man Newcombe, and stepped out not knowing that the' lock closed with a. spring which but one other in the of - Ace could open. This gentleman was out ana a whole half hour elapsed: be- fore the young mau eould be rescued. When found he was inseasible, but has 'ince recovered. -; Munnaa wiee OUT.-AnOther rap- • tory has been cleared up. Isaac Blake was returning from New Brunswick to :rat,iiie fifty years ago with $1,500 in his posseesion, obtained, by the sale af cat-, tie. Ire stopped at a tavern in Glen- [airn one night, and thenceforth all trace of him was lost. Same days ago a, man aged 70 died, in Atkinson, eon- ressing that he had killed Arr. Blake far his inenky:' [ THE Been ifsIO: Apvaacrxe Pimps. -- Paris sp&oial says prices of lodmgt. a ail the necessaries of life will he mL argely advanced during the Expef3it-1.0 fa . he pi oprieters of furnished apartments 4ready make extravagant demands. The Grand Hotel will advance rrices of W.1,!(-• d'hote dinner t() 7 fraiics. Cheaper Notels and restaurants will advance rices proportionately. tin Boss TWEED .-IiirreWee1. lir- Tweed. the chief oonspirator in. the late Tammany ring frauds in New_ York, : 'ilet-t last ` Friday at 12 o'clock at the. Ludlow street jail. About a week ago rweed first complained of cold and to°k Lis bed, Which he kept to his, death. UP ' the ni.;_Itt befere his death , - dies paa appear that he haa -serimis appreliensiou, fur he la-agh- 'reely saU, e Ill be , all right again hY .t... -..‘a Monday.- ..k. short time previoug [ ,, death he whispered in disconnected entences with great pain, " I hope now r!.e.tt everyone is satisfied." The news F„,1 his death hpretut rapidly- throughout Lite city and main- of his former friends l..:nitened t•) the. ittil. The body wa.? aTeLeed on ice. 1 r. Cam: )eltau certifiea that death -was eziusecl be pericardis cou- ftactioa of the membranes around the heart, pnem i teni a , bn nie hi tis atial chrou- L -' disettse (if thci` kidneys- Ile ad4e It:bough this was not included in e r.i.cly..)sition, that death was also Catena L v the moral t -hock produced by till° L., .nst ant excitement under whichTweeti Ltd been laboring. A paragraph has I ecli discovered in the rules eaver wning roeuood Cemetery, ncvheret." Tweed's family burying ganani le situated.. pre- lnting the interment -within it of9'•UY [•arecen. dying in prison.; 1878. • THE HURON EXPOSiTOR. -At a Convention. of Conservatives of South Perth,held. at Mitchell on Tues- day last, Dr. Hornibrook, of Mitehell, Wag nominated as the candidate for the Commons, and Nrr.A.Monteith, of Strat- fo , as the candidate for the Local. Anctiop. Sales. On Tuesday, April 23, at the manse, Thames Road, Tilbarne, Household. Fur- niture, Buggies,' Cutter, &c. Rev. H. &way, proprietor; A. Bishop, auc- tioneer. Tuesday April 23, on Lot 3, Con. 14, Thillett, Farm Stock and Implements. - Thomas Cowan, proprietor; John Bullard, auctioneer. Births. • DALE. -In. Tuckersnaith, on April 15, the wife of Mr. William Dale, of a, son. COWAN,--In Morris, on March 30, the wife of Mr. HenryCowan'of a son. STRAITON.-In Clinton, on April 5, the wife of - Mr. A. Straiten G. T. R., of a son. WHJSON.--I1 Blyth, on April 7, the wife of Mr. James Nelson, of a daughter. , GOSMIn Morris, on April 8, the wife of M. Henry Gosman, of a son. eneRINNON.-In Blyth, on April 8, the wife of Mr. Maleohn F. MeKinnon, of a son. INOX,-In Hallett, on April 9, the wife -of Mr. Viilliam Knox, of a son. BrrcarB.-In Weevanosh, on onpri110, the wife of Mr. joshua Ritchie of a seri. MINLOP.-In Seafortli, on April 16, the wife of Mr. C. Dunlop, of a son. Marriages. WILSON-TOWLER.-At the Pareonage, Wing - ham on April 2, by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, Mr. James Wilson, of Wingham, to Perninah I. Sowler, of East Wavranosh. MACADLAY-ERWIN.--At the:residence of the bride's father, on April 9, by Rev. M. Denby, Mr. james D. Macaulay, to Elizabeth J., only daughter of Mr. David Erwin, all. of Stanley. DOUGLASS-MoINNES.--At tlae residence of the brident father, on April 11, by Rev. A. Mc- Lean, Mr.liobert Dooglass, of Blyth to Janet, eldest daughtorbf A. Mc.Innes, Esq., of Morris. STEPP-PINSON - KINSMAN.- In Clinton' on April 10, by Rev. Mr. Courtiee, Mr. JosephSte- phensoo, to Miss Ellen Kinsman, both of Clin- ton. Deaths. Turnberry, at the residence of her husband, on Apri112, Mary 3. beloved wife of R. 3. Evans, aded 30 years. SIGGERS.-At the reaidenee of his sister, Mrs. S. Boyd, Seaforth, Sohn T. Siggere, only son of the late Thomas Biggers, of Stratford, aged 15 years, 3 month s and 10 days. SYMONDS.-In Morrie, on April 41h, Mary, wife of George Symonds, aged 72 years. WISEMAN.-At Kirkton, on April 6, Dayid Wise- man, aged 65 Teen. MIRTIN.-In Seaforth, at the residence:of his son, on April 17, Mr. James Martin, aged 74 years. MoGREGOR.-In Detroit, on April 4, Jane, wife of Capt. Gregor W. McGregor, of Goderich. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, April 18, 1878. Fall Wheat 1 10 to 1 17 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel1 00 to 1 02 Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush0 95 to 0 97 ()gaper bushel... . 0 80 to 0 30 062 e0 40 te 0 43 0 13 to 014 0 12 to 013 . 3 50 to 875 Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter, No. 1, Loose, trade Butter, No. 1, Loose, cash Clover Seed, per bushel Timothy geed, per bushel........ 1 75 to 1 75 Eggs.... .. ....... ...... 0 08 to 0 08 Flour, por barrel e 5 00 to 6 50 Hay... 8 00 to 10 00 Hides, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 _Grubby Rides per 100 lba... ... 4 00 Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs...., 8 00 Sheep skins..... ..... . ....... 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (retail) per barrel 0 75 Salt (wholesale) per barrel. 0 65 Potatoes, per bushel 0atmoaI brl Wool, per lb. 028 to 028 Tallow, per lb Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs CensToN, April 11, 1878. Fall Wheat, per bushel 1 10 (41 1 15 Spring Wheat, perbashel . . ... . 0 90 og 0 95 0 30 SO 0 30 0 40 @ 045 057 (0 060 50 @I 4 00 0 20 to 0 25 5 00 to 50 W.A.M.)7Ei....1-4 6;4 CQ, sAPOPTEI We Have Much Pleasure in Informing our Numerous Custom- , ers and Friends that 0 Hite 0 061 4 75 to 475 4 50 to 5 25 Oats, per bushel.-- Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel Clover Seed, per bushet Timothy Seed, per pushel ...... 1 75 @ 1 80 0 13 et 0 14 450 500 0O g 025 008c008 8 00 @ 10 00 Butter Pork Potatoes. Eggs Hay,per ton OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE In every Department, and will receive Weekly Shipments of New Goods as the Season We are Showing Live Stook Markets. MONTREAL, April 157 1878. -Prices for cattle ranged from 39 to 6cper lb, the latter price being paid only for a few extra cattle; S. L. Head, of Guelph,, sold seven choice cattle weighing 8,380 Ms, at 6c per tb ; Basel steers averaging nearly 1,200 Ms, at the same rate. He also sold. 3 steers at 51c per Th; 7 cattle at 4ic per lb,and 6 cattle at from $60 to $65 each. H. Gould and A. ICnox, of Whitby, sold 20 choice cattle at 5ic per /b. Mr. Gould also sold 6 cattle at 5fc per lb ; 6, at 5ie • 5, at 5c, and. 4 calves at 58- 50 each. 1V7m. Gould, of Wood- stock, sold 10 cattle, at 5-ic per M, plus $10 on the lot; 3'Choice, at 50, plus $1 on the lot; also 50 sheep, at 4ic, per It. P. O'Rourke sold a pair of oxen, weigh- ing 4,060 lbs, for $190. T. Rice, of Bow- reanville, sold. seven oxen, at $70 each; and 7 other cattle, at from $40 th $70 each. J. Stone, of Whitby, sold 20 head of cattle at 30 to 4ic per Ib; 8 calves, at from $5 to $15 each, and 8 hogs, at 41,c per M. T. Bonner sold 18 cattle at $55 each:.J. Eakins, Port Hope, had. 5 carloads of cattle on the market, and sold. 50 head at an, average of $40 eaah. T. Crawford, of Toronto, sold 20 cattle at 4gc per lb. J. Bryant, Toronto, sold thirty head of cattle at $65 each. A. Reeves, of Toronto, sold five cattle at 5ic per lb. A. White, of Guelph, sold twenty -ono cattle for $875. R. J. Hopper sold thirteen oxen for $1,000, or from 4c to 5,ic per lb. Mr. Hopper also sold forty-three other cattle at from. $40 to $60 each, or from 4c to 4.1c per lb. Grand Trunk Railway. , Trains leave Seanortheand Clinton Stations. as followa Goeleo WEsT- SEAFORTIT. Express........ 2:25 P, M. Express ...... 8:58 P. M. Mixed Train.... 9:00 A. M. Gorno EAST- SEA.FoRTII. Mixed Train.... 7:52 A. M. Exprees Train.. 1:15 P. M. Mixed. Train.... 5:00 P. M. Mixed Train.... 10:35 A.M. EXTRA VALUE IN DRESS GOODS. EXTRA VALUE IN CASHMERES. EXTRA VALUE IN GRENADINES. EXTRA VALUE IN SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. EXTRA VALUE IN LADIES' SILK TIES. EXTRA VALUE IN LADIES' LISLE GLOVES. EXTRA VALUE -IN CHILDREN'S LISLE GLOVES. EXTRA VALUE IN LADIES' HOSIERY. EXTRA VALUE IN CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. EXTRA VALUE .1N FRILLINGS AND RUFFLINGS. EXTRA VALUE IN LACES. EXTRA VALUE IN FRINGES. EXTRA VALUE IN BUTTONS. EXTRA. VALUE IN RIBBONS. PRINTS -A LARGE STOCK. GREY COTTONS. WHITE COTTONS. TABLE LINENS. BROWN HOLLANDS. TOWELS AND TO WELLIN GS . OXFORD AND 4EGATTA SHIRTINGS. PLAIN DUCKS. CHECKED DIICKS. BROWN AND BLUE DENIMS. TWEEDS AND COATINGS. GENTS' DRESS SHIRTS. GENTS' REGATTA SHIRTS. GENTS' HOSIERY. GENTS' FELT HATS. BOYS' FELT AND STRAW HATS. READYMADE CLOTHING. XTRA VALUEJN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN -EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA. VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA. VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN EXTRA VALUE IN Advences. PRODUCE TAKEN AS USUAL. HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN. 11•111••••nalmlmommim CLINTON. 2:45 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 10:00. A. M. CLINT0N. 7:97 A.M. 12:50 P. M. 4:25 P. M. 10:00 A.M. •-• A Fine Assortment of Very Choice Family Groceries -3 lbs. of Good Tea for $1. WADDELL & CO.) SEAFOR1411. 1\TCYTIC- HOFFMAN BROTHERS neve received the Ageney for E. iBUTTERICK. & Co.'s RELI- ABLE PATTERNS For all kinds of garments. Fun stock of Patterns always on hand. Monthly Fashion Sheets can be had on application free of charge, or by post for one cent stamp. norFNIAN BROS., Agents, Cardno's Block. f SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. Received this 'week, the Cheapest Line of Dress Goods we have ever shown at Twenty Cents per yard. Also' very special value in Black Lustres and Colored Silks. A capi- tal stock of Brown and Drab Ducks, Denims, Drie Us, Cot- tonades, Shirtings, Factory and Bleached Cottons, &c A very. large lot of Parasols, from Thirty -Five Cents to Three Dollars. Tweeds in, English. Scotch and Canadian, from' Fifty Cents to Two Dollars and Seventy -Five Cents per yard -Good Fitting Suits Guaranteed or no soyle. Hats in, Straw'Pelt and Fur -all *ices. Call and see Stock at the Golden Lion. R. JAMIESON,; SEAFORTH. gne...1110.11.1• 1878 SITM1Y112). 1878 HATS AND CAPS AT ROGERS'. (1) FINE FUR HATS AT ROGERS'. CC WOOL HATS AT ROGERS'. FELT HATS AT ROGERS'. 0 STRAW HATS AT ROGERS'. CC SILK CAPS AT ROGERS'. WORSTED CAPS AT ROGERS'. X LARGE STOCK AT ROGERS'. 0 ATTRACTIVE STYLES AT ROGERS'. CO 0 FULL STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Popular Prices in all Classes of Dry Goods AT JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. TIEJ .TJ.ST HONEY COMB SPIRALS FOR LADIES' FANCY WORK. HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash. tore, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. You can make Beautiful Boquet Baskets, Card. Baskets, Wall Pockets, Picture FraMeS, in fact almost anything from them. Call and see Saniples. HARDING'S 10 CENT MUSIC. Fall size Sheet Muein by most eminent Composers, the cheapest series yet published. Also half dime or any variety of Sheet Music procured on the Shortest Notice. ' Subscriptions received for all English, American or , Canadian Magazines at Pabltshers prices. Remember the place: LUMSD_EN & TVILSON) Whitney's Block, Seaforth. _ SPR1NC COODS ALL OPENED UP AT DENT'S. The Choicest Stock Of Staple and _Fancy Dry Goods West of Toronto. • All the Novelties of the Season. SEED CORN. SEED CORN. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF BEST SEED CORN, PRICE LOW, And the Corn guaranteed to grow. A. quantity of it hae been sown and can be seen growing by calling at Brownell's Grocery. 341 LADIES!. Linen Embroidered Costumes, -'700 Parasols and Sunshades, Dress Goods of every Fabric and at ee•ely price. The Nicest and. Cheapest Prints in the County. Millinery and. Millinery Goods in Profnsion. DENT'S IS YOUR PLACE FOR °HEAP COTTONS. LACE QIJRTAINS AND _LACE GOODS A bPECIALTY. FULL STOCKS OF ALL KINDS OF SEEDS If you want good Ducks, Shirtings, Tickihgs, Table Linens, Hollands, Towellings, Whit C 1 e or - ored Quilts, Hemp Carpets, Mats, Cionts' Felt Hats, in fact whatever you want, Dent's is the place to get it at the right_price. Geitts' wear of every description -whatever you want apply at Dent's, and you can get it at a price that will tickle you. One Car Load of Straw Hate -Make a rote of that. Remember all this is at DENT'S, Seaforth. AT LOWEST PRICES. TEAS ,A SPECIALTY AS USUAL. J. BROWNELL. 1\T -VST C31 -0033S ARRIVING EVERY WEEK JUST _RECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORTA4EATT OF LADIES' COSTOMES AND ,SP_RING HANT.LES, AT HO.F_FMA.N- BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. SEAFORTH. -AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH, - - ONTARIO. YOUNG ENTERPRISE. 1878 1878 DUNCAN 81. DUNCAN'S, SEAFORTH, WE COMMENCE THE SPRING OF 1878 WITH ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS IMPORTED INTO THIS COUNTY, Which Combines all the Latest and Most Attractive Styles with the BestValuewe have Ever Offered. We Invite our Customers and Friends to Call and Exam- ine Our Stock and they will find in Every _Department a Large and Choice Selection of First -Class Goods. DRESS' GOODS. DRESS GOODS. OUR STOCK OF BRITISH AND FRENCH DRESS GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE, AND MERITS THE ATTENTION OF ALL OUR CUSTOM- ERS AND FRIENDS, EMBRACING ALL THE NEWEST STYLES AND QUALITIES WHICH TIME AND MONEY CAlsi PLACE WITHIN OUR REA.011. COLORED CASHMERES, SERGES, /YIATALASSIES, LUSTRES, • SNOWFLAKES, SUITINGS, DeBIEGES, FANCY DRESSES, BROCADED LUSTRES, &c. VOUNG ENTERPRISE will travel this season -A- as follows : Monday, April 28 -Will leave his ownstable' Lot 23, Con. 13, MeKillop, and pro- ceed northalong the Gravel Road to Muir's Ho-. tel for noon ; thence tollanners Hotel, Brussels, for the night. Tuesday -Will proceed si miles east, then II miles aouth to Tuck's Hotel, Cran- brook, for noon ; thence 21 miles south to the 16th concession, Grey ; thence 11 miles west; thence' south 11 miles to John Ballantine's, Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey, for night. Wednesday -Will proceed soneh to the Boundary ; thence) west 11 miles to Hamilton's Corner; thence south to his own stable for noon, andremain until the follow- ing morning. Thursday -Will proceed south along the Gravel Road to Leyden'! Hotel for noon ; thence to the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, for the night. Friday -Will proceed east along the Huron Road; thence north 2.1. miles to Mi- chael Murdie'e, Lot 12, Con. 4, MaKillop, for noon; theme north in miles to Thomas Simp- son's, Lot 13, Con. 10, for night. Saturday - Will proceed east along Con. 10 II miles; thence - north 11 miles to Wm. Wallace's, Lot 7, Con. 12, for noon ; thence west to his own istable, where he will remain until the following Monday morn- ing. The above ronte will be travelledduring the season, heaath and weather permitting, For further particulars see route bills. Young Enter- prise is rising 3 years old, stands 17 hands high, and weighs 1,800 pounds,is of a beautiful bright bay color, with black mane and tail. Young Enterprise has taken first prizes wherever shown, excepting at the Provincial Exhibition, London, where he took the second prize in 1877. 541 PETER McEWEN, Proprietor. FRENCH TOM: HOLD . ON THERE Don't put yonr mares to any horse travelling until you see "French Tom." He is a perfect model of a French hor e. If you want to raise good working horses iut your mares to French Tom. 11 you. want to rase good sound, haxdy, eaSY-kept horses, put yonr mares to French Tom. If you want to raise good selling horses put your mares to French Tom. If you want to raise good horses for any- thir g or everything, by all means put your mares to French Tom. He is one of the best and heal iest French horses in Ontario. For Pedigree and terms see Route Bills. French Tom will travel this season as follows : Monday -Will leave his own stable, Leadbury, and proceed. to Leyden's .Hotel for noon; thence to the Com- mercial Hotel, Seaforth, for the night. Tuesday -Will proceed east on the Huron Road two - and -a -half miles, then north 3 miles to McGregor% for noon ; thence north to Con. 11, and. hom e to his own stable for the night. Wed- nesday -Will proceed north to the Boundary Line of Grey, then east 21 miles, and cross over to the 171h:concession of Grey, to Ballantine' for noon ; thence to the.Town Plot of Grey for themight. Thursday -Will proceed east 21 miles, then north to Ethel for noon ; thence north to Broadtoot's oia the let concession. of Grey, for BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMERES. FOR SALE -OR TO LET. FOR SAT.. -Engine and Boiler, 12 -horse pow - en All complete and in good order, very cheap. A. G. VANEGSIOND, Woolen Mills, Seafortio, 539x4 omis TO LET. -One large room divided -A-A' into 2 separate apartments, suitable for bed room and sitting SOom, adjoining the Meehanies° Institute. Apply to THOMAS !TDD... 541-8 _ 1-1TO11E TO RENT. -To Rent, the .Store re- dently occupied by C. Armstrong, in Mrs. Whitney'e Moak. One of the .best- hoeineae stands in. town. Apply to MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth. 539 -VOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. -Two -Corner et• Lots on Ikrarket Street west, Spaeling's Surveys, Aleo that convenient and comfortable Cottage, -corner Jarvis and St. John Streete, near Anglican Church. Apply to EDWARD 'CASH, Setcforth, Ont. 541 AMONG THE NUMEROUS FABRICS PRODUCED IN FRANCE THESE ARE THE MOST SERVICEABLE, COMFORTABLE AND STYL- ISH. NONE SO WELL ADAPTED FOR ALL SEASONS AS BLACK ' CASHMERES. OUR, STOCK IS VERY LARGE AND RANGES FROM 75 CENTS TO $1. 50 IN ALL WOOL MANTLE CASHMERE. BLACK LUSTRES. BLACK LUSTRES. BLACK LUSTRES CONTINUE TO BE LARGELY USED THIS SEASON. THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM 121 CENTS TO 75 CENTS; OR ABOUT 20 PER CENT. LOWER THAN EVER SHOWN. VALUABT,T1 FARM FOR SAT.E.--s-ForSele, Lot 16 Ali south half Lot 17, Con. 1, Hayacontain- ing 150 acres, x20 of -which are cleared mad in a good. state of cultivation- There is a good brick house and a frame cottage, the barn, stahle,now stable and other outbuildioge are all frame; there are about 10 acres of choice apple, pear and other fruit trees, and about 500 spruce trees planted IQ years. There is a never -falling strearavrattnina through the centre of the farm, on which is a good mill site, a good gravel road on two sides of the farm._ It is situated one mile from Bengali sta- tion and four miles from Exeter, on -the London Road, and is just across the e•onel from.the Rodger - villa post office and church. For further- put -le -ti- lers apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary Suegeon, Seaforth P. 0. 481 _ _ WANTED; PRINTS DEPARTMENT. TWENTY THOUSAND YARDS OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, RANGING FROM 7 CENTS TO lq CENTS. THERE IS A CONSPICUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN STYLES AND DESIGNS. COLORS ARE BEAUTIFULLY BLENDED, AND THE EFFECT IN THE BETTER QUALITIES IS TO PRODUCE A HARMONIOUS APPEARANCE, EQUAL TO COSTLIER FABRICS. PRICES VERY LOW. LADIES' COLLARS .ANI) CUFFS, SILK TIES, FRINGED; FRINGED RIBBONS, HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, AND ,FRILLING. HOUSE FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. LACE CURTAINS, DAMASKS, TOWELLINGS, TICKINGS, TABLE LINEN, IN P. HESSIANS, COUNTERPANES, NAPKINS, TAPESTRY CARPET, WOOL CARPET, HEMP CARPET, MATTS, WINDOW HOL- LAND, AND STAIR LINEN. :TWEEDS AND SUITINGS. TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will he receiv- ji- ed by Mr. A. Seaforth, for the drawing of the milk on the Second Concession Line to the WestEnd Cheese Vaeory, f or the present sea- son. M. MeQUADE. 539 rrENDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders vial -1- be received at the office of John Leckie, Nein, Bra -seals, up to Monday, lepri129th, for the erec- tion and completion of a Brick Bleak of Three Stores, for Mesars. Leekie and Grant, in the Vil- lage of Brussels. Plans and specifications eau be seen and all necessary information obtained. by applying as above, or at my office, Wiegbani. 3. G. PROCTOR, Architect. 541 rr0 CONTRACTORS. -Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned, on behalf ef the School Board, up to the firat of May next, for the erection of a Brick School House on the llth Concession of Tuokersmith. Plans . and Specifi- cations can be seen at the subscriber's residence, or a similar building ean be seen. at School No. 11. Said building to be finished by the First of August next. GEORGE SPROAT, Secretary Tuckeramith School Board. P. S. -Please mark " Tender " on the envelope. 539 - IMPORTANT NOTICES.. TO HORSEMEN. -Wanted to exchange a ne'w -1- Lumber Wagon, Buggy or Double Seated Democrat, for a good large Driving Horse. D. MoNAUGHT. ei_AUTION.-Tbe maladies are hereby notified_ •--/ that from and after this date I will not be re- sponsible for any debts incurred in my name, without my written order or noneent. Mrs. ELIZA SlIANNAHAN Tuckersmith, March 25, 1878. 588-4 UP. -Mr. Graham Williamson having -se given up the Plow Business, begs to reqaest all parties indebted to him either by note or book acconnt to settle the same at once, if not they will be plaoed in other hands for col- lection. G. WILLIATISONo 588 VOTICE.-The Bublic is hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiating a promis- i-sory note for $100, mado by Henry Wider:eon to Henry liuramer, or bearer, on the.Srd slay of Oise tobor, 1877, as payment of said nof-e has been made by me. 'HENRY WIETERSON. McKILLO 2, April 8,1878. 540x3 ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN MADE GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETIES. WE GIVE BUYERS A SELECTION OF AT LEAST TWO HUNDRED DIFFERENT PATTERNS IN FABRICS SUITED TO THE MILLION, AS WELL AS THOSE_WII1CH THE MOST EXACTING AND EDUCATED TASTE MAY DEMAND. WORSTED COATINGS AND PANTINGS. THESE FABRICS STILL RETAIN THEIR POPULARITY, AND THE INDICATIO.NS ARE THAT N'VORSTED GOODS WILL CONTINUE TO BE USED IN ALL KINDS OF G-ARMENTS. ORDERED CLOTHING. THIS DEPARTMENT IS UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, AND WE GUARANTEE TO GET UP FIRST- CLASS WORK, AND GOOD FITTING SUITS MADE TO ORDER FROM $12 50,, ALL WOOL GOODS, UP. • . - MILLINERY AND MANTLES. - OUR STOCK IS SIGNS OF. ENGLISH QEED POTATOES FROM APPLE. -The sub - ,scriber offers for sale at his residence, Town Plot of Grey, several varitelee of new potatoes, raised from the apple. I have ridged from one set 108 potatoes of the best quality. They will be ready for delivery as soon as the weather will permit. Price 25 eents per pound. G-EORGE BIDDLE. &18-18 NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE. LATEST DE - AND, FRENCH MILLINERY. AN INSPECTION Or OUR'STOCK IS INVITED. MANTLES FROM $2 I.;?. 0EADYMADE CLOTHING, HATS 'AND CAPS. ESTRAY CATTLE. -Strayed froms the prem- ises of the tmdersigned,11111.Road, Tuckers smith, on Friday night, 12th a April, (Tone -year old cattle, 2 red heifers, 1.• grey heifer, 1 a red and white heifer, and young looking, 1 steer strong horns star on foreheadel steer with rea and white specks, narrow built. Any perlion who will give such information as lead to their r_pe.coove. ry to the undersigned will be rewarded for their trouble. DAVID WALKER, Brocefield --- INSOLVENCY NOTICE -S-0-,4-1-14-. TliSOLVENT AOT OF 1875 JUNI). AltrizlNDING Shorey and Edward A, 13=11, Plaintiffs Ts. Luke Beatty, Defendant.-Avrrit of attachinenthas issued in this taus°. ROBERT GIBBONS, Official Assignee. Goderich, April 1.7th, 1878. 541-1 TNSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 AND AMENDING ACTS.--Horatie Secord, Robert H. Cozzeas, and Herman H. Cook, Plaintiffs, ns. Adam Gray, Defendant. -A writ of attachment has isaued iTt - Ibis cause. ROBERT GIBBONS,. Official Ase- signee. Goderieh, Aurille, 1878. 5414 TNSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 AND AMENDING -5- ACTS .-In the nes.tter of ADAM GRAY, an Insolvent, -A -writ of attachment has beenia- sued in this °Wise, and the Creditors are Ilaiii*N1 to meet at my office, in Goderich, an the 2nd day of May neat, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., to receive statement of his affairs, and to appoilat an As- signee if they see lit, and order tho affairs of the Estati generally. R013ERT GIBBONS, Official Assignee. Goderich, Apri117, 1878. _ 541-1 TNSOLVENT ACT of 1875 and .A.KRNDMENTS. -A- -In the matter of ANDREW WHITELLW and JAMES MORE, as partners in huvinesonand of ANDREW WilITELAW individually, Insol- vents. Notice is hereby given the.t under and by virtue of the powers vested in me as assignee of the estate and effects of the above-nained insol- vents, I will offer for sale by Pnblie Auction, on the premises, in the Town of Seaforth, Satur- day, the 27111 of April, 1878. at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternooe, all the right, title and interest of the Insolvents, or either of them, and of myself as such assigrtee, in and to, all oneisin- gular those certain parcels and tracts of landau& premises, situate, lying andbeing in the Town of Seaforth,County of Huron and Province of Onta- rio, and which said parcels or tracts Of lend are numbered and designated as follows Lots Nos. 34, 35, 36, and 68,114, 65, as shown on a plan made for Dr. T. T. Coleman of part of eaid town, and registered, contairdng byadmeasurentent one acre and one -filth of an acre,be thesame more or less, subject to a mortgage in favor of Dr. Cole- man for the sum of $1,894, interest included. Also a. mortgage in favor of the Consoliftted EWA fox the sum of $1,500. There are on the premises the buildings krtovrn the Huron Foundry and Machine Shop, consisting of a two- story Frame Buildieg, 136x50 feet, a one-story Frahm Building, 36x00 feet; aleo a Boiler Houile and a Cupola House; a 15 -horsepower Engine and. Boiler; also Screw Cutting Lathe, Bull Lathe, Iron Planer, 'Vertical Drill, Bolt Cutter, and sundry tools for woodworking; Blacksmith thole, Moulder's tools, a large number of patterns and flasks, lumber, a lot of castings and imple- ments, as per schedule-. First -The lend, Build Inge, and fixed Alaehinery will be sold in 0116 101; Second -All other Machinery, Tools, Patterns, Flasks, &c., in connection with the working of the foundry, in one lot ; Third -The Stock and Implements, in one or separate lots, to suit pur- chasers. The Town of Seaforth is the centre of a large and proeperous agricultural distsictiiind has a Dominion wide reputation for busine,sto and the above sale presents a rare chance for a pnebing man to engage in the manufacture of implemente, immense numbers of which aresold here every Feab•on. Tue terms and conditious of sale of the real estate and machinery willbe made kno,sn on the day of sale, For implements and stoek-All safes of e25 and under, caeh ; over , that amount to be seenred by note bearing in- terest at 8 per cent,, with. approved. endorsors. For further paeticulars apply to ADA3I GPAY, Assignee for Estate, Seaforth, Ontario, - SEArOBTII, March 19, 1878. 5 the night. 'Friday -Will proceed West th gaines- The Usual ILarge St?ek' of lf resit Groceries OM au, town for noon; thence to Brnssels for th.e night. thence home to his own stable, where he will re- Cheap. Produce Take* in Exchange for Goods. Satnrday-Avaproceed to Walton for noon; main until the following Monday. The above a route will be continued during the season, health and weather permitting. O. DAVIS and P. yawais Proprietors. 541 • - RHEUMATISM And all Inflammatory and Skin - Diseases Cured in, a Few Hours.. THERE can be no Inflammation without an Acid Ferment. Branton's Ulsnutnatio Absorbient Nentralizes ttie Acid Peisonealed- the cause of pain is removed. Sold by all Drag - gists. Price 50 cente. Advice in particular oases DUNCAN & DUNCAN SEAFORTH 1.5r2.34tee. Addrees W. Y. BRUNTON, London. ,