The Huron Expositor, 1878-04-19, Page 17 -a AP 12, Mr. Ellie t vas about to loosen -- fourth, the horses started suad causing tha roller to strike him, him down, and, as is supposed., to passed over him. Ort examination was foinia .that one of Mr, Ern° - thighs had been broken, and he otherwise injured. Being a man 0 years of age, his inittries are likely herd with hini. —Mr. Joint McDougall, 4th co `on Goderieh township, had a valea sheep killed by a railway train, few days' ago. The sheep stra with the rest of the flock, on to tra0k, the gate having been operted the wind. ' —On Wednesday night of last w a horse driven by a young man, walked. aver the embankment at Piekard'a mill, Exeter, in the darlmess. The bum" wag turned upside down, mate* of the shafts broken, but strange to sa no other damage was done. •-•7, -6 e •-• •••••.* Local Notices. TEE B1 -!.'Sr Bargains in China, Crocke vry, Ana Glassware are to ba had at WILsca & TOtNG.S. 537 Reeve ItOSE Potatoes for 30 cents pets bushel. at Wor. HILL & Co.'a. A large quantity on hand. 539 No. 1 e.,ATcil Lake Huron Here iga, the half barrel for '.,:e•1 75, at D. D. Baxe ily Grotery. 538 ANGTIffit LOT of those Cheap Raitent Cheap:Currants, Received at D. D. Bosx,ik annly Grocery. 538 Proconine—Broweeex. Bees. are pre.. pared to Tough gardens at the shortest BoUsaa. Charges mailerate. 53g FOR SA;LE, CREAP, a 160 gallon- Cheese Vat arid Press. Apply to 11ms:sox & ItouraTeest or et tee Seaforth Cheese Factory. 540x1 CalifOrDia. Peaches, ce.lus California Apricots, cans California, Peen, cans CalifeVa Plums, at LAID -LAN & Ant„ Lax's. 539-2 Fure-en AND GARDEN Seeds ill variety, freih arid true to name, at The life Hall," Seaforth. See advertisement. Hiceso BLEAsnELL. - 539 D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer,. sent cheap. No. 1 Dried Apples and Peaches, and sit 8-1b. tins a Canned Tomatoas, as fresh he off the vine, for e-1. 538 GoaD TE.a..—Tea bought from Wrsson. & Youxo caimeralty turns out better thaurepresent-• ed. Givet'thera a trial. Satiafaetion guartuiteek or motley refunded. 537 MARILli.LADE in one and two pound. pots; petted hare, potteti Beef, potted Anchadei,. potted Shrimps, and the celebrated Winstauley- Sauce, at LAD,LAW S.; rertaaea. 539-s ,Yoe lige a Black Teat yen can proen4e the finest flavored and best imported tea; also Green:and Tap= Teaa, Cheap by the pounder - Caddie, at D. D. Roses Family Grocery. 538 LOOK, OUT for a Large Stook of House nantt ntet weak. at LanoLa.w & FAIRLEVs. 5394, = Seeds, and all kinda of good, clean, fixst-elass come grains for Sale. Also, Flour, Feed, &c" &c. Coma anal See re. 538 MILLINERY OPEN:Va.—DUNCAN 41-. box- . cis beg leave to announce the opening of their Show Itoora, on Thmeday, April 18th, with all tet latest styles ha Freneh, English, and A.mericani Millinery. Inspection invited. 540-1 je• is tt tg a, ,s ; r- it- sa- ; It. eh kd at, ; SEEDS., SEEDS.—For the last six years. WILsoN YoUNG have done a leading bushiest; ex Pala arid Garden Seeds, and on account of keeping. the very best seeds, bought from the most reliable . seed f...,rrowers and dealers, their trade is steadily ins creasing every year. This iyear owing to the fail - ate of the crop in Britain, 'firet-class Swedish. turnip seed will be very scarce and dear, and farm- ers will have to be very careful that they do not inferior maal. and lose a erop, as there will be a of old tea poor seed in the market, whieh un-. serapedons and inexperienced dealers wil.1 try to sell for the test. evxesoe & Yotalo bought early, and. have seat ed. a good large stock of prime new seed, e 001Ma heap*. r Clover eat td, e. - k. 00 as '11 tS It which wil be sold as low as any other in to quality considered, The best is the in the end. The Highest Cash price paid f and Timothy seed. 537 NT(;)TICE.—The ia hereby cautioned -LI against purchasing or negotiating a prOmill- sory note for $100, made hy Henry Wieterson to• Henry Kammer, or bea.rar, on the 3rd day of Oa. tober, 1577, as payment of said note has beet made by me. HENRY WIETEBSON. McKILLOa'a April 8, 1878. 540x3 OTEL FOR SAT.fil.—For Sala, the hotel in -1" the Village of Egmondville, known as Cox's= Hotel. Tho hotel is well situated and in. good repair, With, good stabling and nearly an acre Or- land attached. A splendid business can be (IMP - by goild man. Thrms easy. Apply to JOHN COX, Egmonclvilie. sio - rrOWN l'HOPERTY FOR SALE.—House ana Lot on St. Sohn St., near the English Ohuralie occupied. hy Wm. M. Gray. Also- that handsoMe; new resistance, corner of Coleman and Gouiao' leek. Streets, at present vcripied by Mr. Malcolniseit, These very desirable properties sire offered obeap, either for cash, or one-third ea& down and ance time to suit. Also, seven Town Lots On Alain arid Mill Streets, apposite Coleratut GortioIock's Mill. Persons' intending to WIC may obtain. these Lots without any present oink payment, if necessary. Apply to WM. M. GRA. "Eclipse" Salt Works, Seaforth. 540 GREAT AUCTION SALE. THE GREA.TEST AUCTION SALE EVA,A. Z.E.D XX SRAFORTM—Mr. Sattrael Stark will by Publie Auction, on Saturday, April Watt Brick Block of three stores, situated on lifidif Street, Seaforth ; also, Lot 2, on Goderich Stree4; Lot 26, on, Main Street, and Park Lot L, four acrafe Houses on caeh lot, all rented. This property ea be sold without reserve, on credit to suit purehaa- ers, at 8 per cent. Stook in Trade, Ifousehea Furuiture, and all other effects, will, also be self/ - Sale to cemmence at 10 o'clock, A. M. PREM.-- Pd.:AL PIWazuTx—One-fifth of die purchase, meheY down, anti the rest Secured by mortgage at 8 Pr cent. &taxa Ea -rams -All purchases wader $10r cash ; over that amount 9 nionthe credit vrill 11. given on approved security. AS the: SttbSOriba tvinia leaving Seaforth, he wants to make arrange' menta for the payment'of his debts beim- les and he would be thankful if parties to whom he . indebted would purchase any property allure 31431f tioned. AU aetounts due naustbe settled by note, sa once, or sued. No further warning will be given And all notea due are to be paid at once, or elseilla- be put into court. Remember the sale oommenceF at 10 o'clock, A. tt. Seater. STAY.K.- 540-3 TO THE LADIES 1 MISS WILSON, (Late ot Chicago.) ISEGS To. INFORM the ladies of Seaforth seit vicinity, that she has opened a. DRES AN D MANTLE MAKING Establishment ha the rooms aver Reffatan store, in 4rdno's Bleck, where she Will be Di hapoy to altend promptly to all who may fflt her with their patronage. Garments In"' in the tiniest ?Styles. A GOOD FIT AND EVERY SATISFACTION GUARANEVe Entrance through. HOFFMAN DROPE:20 Store. 540 _ . _ _ INGRAM'S BIABLOKSMITall'ar BUSINZSS„ HENSAL,L. O. I IsMRAM Begs to announce to the Public and his old tattlers, that the person to ,whora he dispOgell his blackimithing business, in Hensa1041 failed to fulfill hie contraot, the business hereafter be carried On as heretofore by 11101 AII work 'entrusted to him will be per/001vP" the best manner, and at the Iciwest A continuance .of the patronage so iluot-.7.7 afforded him in the peat, ia reepeatfully in the future: 540s2 a. e. I/46 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1875, A AMENDMENTS. t 111. re ALLAN MITCHEL% an Mel er ALL PARTIES indebted to the above es required to pay- at once to save costs, as the =St be 'wound up in a very abort time. - ° 54(1 t 5. G. McCAUGHEY, Ofdcial A EDE V.h,NTH WHOLE NUIVIBER, 541. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, AORIL 19 1878. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. pRO•PERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, that con- venien4 and desirable residence on the corner of High anfi. Market Streeta lately oceupied by Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR.ITERCOE. 488 -VARM FOR SALE.---First-cIass farm -for sale in -1; the Township of Grey, County of Huron, 8 nailes from Brussels 63 acres cleared, new frame barn, and orchard. 'Immediate possession given. A. 3. McCOLL, Brussels. # 532 VARM FOR SAL-R.—For Sale, Lot No. 5, Day- -a: field Concession, Goderich Township, con- taining 85 acres, 50 of which are cleared and in a, good state of cultivation. The farm is adjoining the villa.ge of Hayfield, and. will be sold cheap and on favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor, GOVENLO GK. 524 13OR SATIK.—The subscriber has for sale a 50 -I: acre lot in the township of Meirillop, County of Huron, 20 acres are eleared and the balance well, timbered with beech and maple.. The property will be sold cheap4 Apply to TAS. H. BENSON, Solieitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517 F°R SAT'76—A two storey frarao house and out- buildings, situated ma the Market Square of Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The building is very suitable for a boarding house or a public business. For particulars apply to W. N. WATSON, Sea - forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Goderich. 493 TIME', FOR Sarzi.—For Sale the hotel in -Li- the Village of Egmondville,1'mown as Cox's Rotel. The hotel is well situated and in good repair, with good stabling and. nesfrly an acre of land. attached. A. splendid business can be done by a good man. Terms easy. Apply to JOIEN Egmondville. • 540 • -- -IRARAI FOR SA.LE.—A very superior farm for - it: sale in Stanley, County of Huron, being west half of Lot 23, Con. 11, containing 81 acres ; first- class soil and well watered; frame barn and stable, comfortable dwelling honse, large orchard ; 21 miles from Hayfield ; S4,500 ; apply to the proprietor on the premisee or to TORN ESSON, Hayfield. * 580 -palm FOR SATNa—For Sale, Lot 14, Con. 7, Hallett, centaining 100 acres, 80 of which aro cleared and free from skimps. There is a frame dwelling house with stone cellar underneath, also frame barnend stable. Plenty of good water and a small orchard. Is within six-aud-a-half miles *, of Clinton and about 9 miles from Seaforth. Ap- ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 528 VARM FOR SALE.—Being Lot No. 18, Con. 14, Hullett, containing 149 acres ; 80 acres under fence ; the balance well wooded with good hard- wood. There is a good frame house and barn on the premises. Situated within three quarters of a mile of the village of Blyth. W.-MeINTOSH, proprietor, 13lyth P. 0. 538x12 p ARE CHANCE.—For Sale, that largo and -LI' commodious residence, containing 10 rooms, with good well and outbuildings, also 100 feet fron.tage, lying on the south side of Goderich Street, third door east of the Presbyterian. Church, Seaforth. For further information apply to the proprietor. A. G. AULT, Seaforth. 533 Perth Items. The village of Wa,llaceville situated, on the 4th concession of the township, of Wallace, -Was founded. in 1852. —Over 3.000 persons have joined the Total Abstinence Club in St. Marys. This is bad for Mae liquor sellers. J. Rankin, North Easthope, is the possessor of a ewe, which. a few days _ ago dropped a lamb weiglaing nineteen pounds, —Messrs. Henry and James Boles -with their families and Wm. Boles left Fullerton last week with the intention of locating in Manitoba. —A plowmaaa's association is about to be established in Elma, also in Wal- lace and, Mbrnington, for the mutual beuefit of farmers in these townships. • —An able and interesting lecture on the " Liquor Traffic," was delivered. in Mitchell on Tuesday evening of last week by Rev. Manly Benson, of Stret- ford. —Mr. ,Thos. Gree-awood, Fullerton, has disposed of -his heavy draught stal- lion, " Lord Haddo," to an agricultural sodiety in the Province of Quebec for ,6 . —Mr. Robert nes, of Poole village, has_purchased. the farm of Mr. Moses Poole, of Ellica-e100 acres—for 43,100. Mr. Poole intends removing to Manito- b h VALUAI3LE FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, the east half of Let No. 4, Con. 4, H. It. S., Tuckeriraith, County of Huron, conaisting of 50 acres, 31- miles from the Town of Seaforth, and convenient to school. The land is of the very beat quality. For further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to EgmouclVille P. 0. 524 _ _ . _______________ _ _ _ FiRr FOR SAL-E.—For Sale, 50 acres of Land, being west half of Lot 9, Con. 8, Tuekersmith, Huron Roacl Survey, with frame ba.rn 36x57, stone basement; log dwelling ; all well tmderdramed; 40 slues clear of stumps ; orehard, young and bearing ; 80 -rods from a good school. Possession given at any time. e Apply to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 527 PROPERTY FOR SATX-:-Far Sale, Lot No. 14, Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 16 acres cloared—an eoellent lot. West half of north half of Lot No. 29, Con. (3, Morris, adjoining the Village of Brus- sels, 50 acres, 33 acres eletued, cheese factory and machiuery complete thereon. Four houses and lots and_ a large number of vacant lots in Brussels, all Le property of the undersigned. Also a num- ber of improved farms, the prbperty of other par- tiee. JOHN LECKIE. Brussels. 515 TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For Sale, that pleasantly situated and desirable resi- dence, theproperty of Mr. Wm. Robertson. The property is on Goderich Street, in Adams' survey. The house contains sitting -room, dining -room, kitchen, and 5 bed -rooms, with pantries closets, wood -shed, and all other conveniences. ilso hard and soft water under cover. The house is new and well finished. The lot contains one-fifth of an aere. .A.pply to the proprietor on tho promises. WM. ROBERTSON. 52/ . _a__ _ _ _ _ A RARE CHANCE FOR A RETIRED FAR- MER.—The undersigned offers for sale on very reasonable terms his residence and grounds on Goderich Street adjoining the corporation of Seaforth, The house is a story and a half, frame, well finished, and largo pleasant rooms. Also a good stable and n.11 other conveniences. There is nearly an acre of land attached, on -which there is a splendid orchard of fruit trees. It is within ten minutes walk of the business part of the town. JOHN SHAW, Seaforth. 538 QI'LENDID FARM FOR SAT.Fe—For Salo, the LI north half of Lot 16, London Road, Tucker - smith, better known as the Old Cooper Homestead, containing 50 acres, 40 acres of which are cleared and the balance splendidly timbered. A brick house and good frame outbuildings, A large orch- ard of the best frnit and abundance of water. This- faam adjoins the village of Kippen, and is one of the choieest properties in that section of tho County. Apply to GEORGE & TAMES PETTY, Hensall. 532 a s or y. schools, in the second. year, took the scholarship in Biblical History, rank- ing first ; he also took second in Church History. —The following hotel -licences have been granted for the totvii of Listowel during the current year : C. E. Newton, Dominion hotel ; P. Collison ; G. Zil- laix, Royal; W. C. Smith, Grand Cen- tral ; Theodore Rolls, Albion ; Wm. Gibson, Commercial ; Thos. Gibson, Station. —A few days ago as Andrew Burnet, of Poole, -was engaged in chopping oats, the large belt which drives the crusher flew off, and catching on the bull wheel which was going at a great speed, the litter burst, and one piece flew through the barn, striking the opposite door with great force ; another flew COM- pletely over the been. The men who - were at work in the barn had a narrow eacape. —A number of farmers in Downie purpose paying a visit to St. Joseph's Island,- in Lake Superior, this spring, with the view, if suitable to their tastes, of taking up land and disposing of their farms in Downie. From all accounts the island is very stony and. unfit for agricultural purposes, so that it would be good policy on. their part to remain at home, and cultivate the fertile fields of Downie. McLEAN BROS., Pub.lishers. , t $1.50 a Year, in. Advtanee. 1,600 head, all of which will weigh as above. and will be shipped to the Eng- lish mairket within a few weeks. —The letter sent by Lady Diffferin to. the Premier, inviting him to be pres- ent at the last private theatrical enter- tainment at Rideau Hall, was a charm- ing letter a perfect model of grateful; sprightly 'writing." —Dave Woods, of Galt is to run a mile race some time next month . with John Manning, of Boston, Massachu- setts, for $250 a side and the champion- ship pf ,America. The place of meeting hae notlyet been arranged. - • —In Toronto efforts are being made to assimilate the text books used in the Public en.d Separate Schools, the trus- tees of the latter having reaently inter- viewed the Public School Inspector in reference to the matter. —FiVe hundred French. Canadians, who have been emploved in various manufacturing cities in New England, left Natshua, New Hampshire, on Mon- day for Manitoba, where _they intend to take u lend. —T e Chicago Tribune says that wCaptein Bundy will sail his Gospel . ship Glad. Tidings to Lake Huron this eeasen, with a view to evangelizing the sinner on the shores and islands of that sea." —It is supposed. from papers found on I —A colored lecturer (Rev.. Splomon the body that the George Allen men - Peter Hale) delivered his celebrated toned' in the papers- as drowned at Mus - transcendental lecture on eternal pun- kegon Michigan, wag formerly a resi- ishment, Darwinism, and freedom from dent cif NeSv Ha,mburg, -and. son of Mal - slavery, in St. Marys one evening late- cella Allen, a retired. farmer living in , —Rev. Mr. Knott is about to retire —Mr. George Scates, Glencoe, has _ from the Methodist Episcopal Church purchased 30,000 cords of wood for the at St. Marys. He has occupied the pul- Great Western Railway duking the past pit of that Church for -two yeers with seasoe, for which he has paid. nearly e60,00)0. The greater part was sup- plied by the township of Ekfrid. --4 shooting affray occutred. at My- ersbt# last Friday, in which a girl d Bertha Wynn, about 15 years of Canada. Judge Jarvis, of Cornwall, died -very suddenly on Monday afternoon. —Thos. Cramp is expected to succeed Hon. John Young, as Chairman of the Harbor Commissioners. —There have been three deaths from diphtheria within a week in the family of Mr. J. G. McGrath, St. Cathaaines. —The disease called. mumps is so ly. Wilmot., great acceptance and his departure is much reeretted. prevalent amongst children an Toronto, —Mr. George Riddell, of Mornington, that the public school's are almost de- cimated. . met with a serious accident at g neigh- bor's barn raising recently. He was —Two steamers have returned. to St. nam strack on the_head. ,:by a falling timber Johns, New Foundland., from the Gulf age, as the victim, and a school teach - and rendered senseless for a, time, but seal fishery, well loa,d.ed. They have er na ed Shannon the assassin. Two about 1,200 seals each. is recovaing. bullets took effect. Cause supposed to —A. few days ago Mr. Hugh Hanail- —It is reported that Mr. W. G. Hay, be jealousy. Shannon was arrested and ton, of Burns, had several sheep wor- of Listowel, has received a contract to ta,ken to Cobourg jail. ried by does. Two have died, it is deliver 100,000 ties on the line of the —The Chesley Enterioise says : We thought thati other two cannot recover Credit Valley Railway. notice, in passing through Bentinck, and some others -were badly torn. The —Wm. Kitt, a respectable lab orer of number of very fine farms, whieh a dogs were discovered and killed. Luca,n, was found. dead last Saturday shoi time ago were rough and stony, —Rev. H. Cooperepastor of the Epis- 11101-11ing in the harness room .of the but ow present a splendid appearance. copal Church,,Listowel, was lately pre- Central Hotel stables. The eople of this township are nsaking sented with a purse containing $40 by —Reports from Manitoba say the low grea progress in clearing end fencing several members of his congregation. water in the Assineboine threatens the thei farms. Mrs. Cooper was at the same time pre- suspension. of steam navigation shortly — r. Thomas Schofield, son of Mr. sented -with a handsonie present. unless the lain continues. • Fra cis Schofield, Woodstock, died. in __me Keith Lee, of Downie, has dis- —Mr. R. Rennelson, of Nerth Dum- that town on Tuesday last week. The dece secl was formerly a resident of , and was a member of Grand Riv- urt 4. o. F., being the first mem- f that Court who has died since its ization. he neighborhood. of Reynolds- , near St. Catharines, has been mu exercised. over an elopement -which took place on Saturday night. The parties are Mrs. B. F. Sager, and a young man named Chauncey Bennet, a blacksmith. The parties are said to have gone to the. States. The wom leaves three children beaind her. —One day last week al young man named Charles Duff, who resides with his grandmother in the township of An - caster, attempted to commit suicide by public affairs of this country since the shooting himself with a gun. It is ex- , rebellion of '37-'33. His decease will pected he will recover. The ceuse of be much regretted in Montreal, where the attempted. snicide was t. a quarrel he was an eminent and useful citizen. - with a young lady tp whom he has been —A certificate, of which the fallow -- paying considerable attention. ;ing is a copy, was picked up on Main —Donald Sutherland, who died in street, Palmerston, one evening lately Woodstock, a few days ago, had. just' " This is to certify that if my money come into a nice little legacy through goes lost that I will have sore to the death of an uncle in Scotland. The show it that me put him in surn left him was g13,000 sterling, but, office on the 29th 1878 which way he vas not permitted to live and enjoy goes I does not know if he goes eight` He was choked. while eating apiece why he is goed an if he goes to St. Ja- eef at a neighbor's named Read. He cobs then he gets him there and if he es a wife and small family who, as goes lost he no grit him. bo seen by the above are plentiful- - " Segued by Post Mastei." rovided for. —Last Sabbah, as Mr. David Gin - In Halifax, a short time ago a. man grich, of Hespeler, and. his wife were re - flashed Garvie,book-keeper at Sullivan's turning from a, funeral, and when near - brewery, got into a trilling dispute a ing their home the horse took fright, up - short distance from the city -with a set the buggy, and they were both ruing doctor named. Delaney, who re- thrown violently out on the road. As- cently pa.ssed through the New, York sistance was soon at hand, Mni Gin - College. The doctor steuck Garvie a grich was carried home, but breathed. blow about the head., which knocked her last before reaching her door. Hopes hint senseless, and. he continued. very ill are entertained of the recovery of Mr. Gingrich, who had three ribs broken. —A young woman in St. John, N. B., named Martha O'Neil, retired one even- ,ing with another woman. Soon after- wards her companion heard a shudder, and turning, asked. what was the mat- ter. There being no reply, she arose and discovered that Miss O'Neil was. dead. The young woman waste have been married -next morning and it is supposed that death was produced by heart diseaae. Later accounte say she caused. her own death by taking a dose of strychnine. She had been heard to say she would rather die than get mar- ried. —A youngi man in Forest who had become diseatisfied with hie slow acquis which ran at him from the road. He sition. of :wealth by patient, honest in - endeavored to keep him off by pelting dustryr wished to become -rich in some Itina with stones, but the brute made a other way. He was to get $10,000 in d.etermined effort to get at him. He bogus greenbacks for 4400 of Canadian happened to pick up a piece of wood near money. He readily and hastily raised. by, and with it he kept the animal off the required $400. He got his father to till he broke it over his head, when he endorse his note for e300, tvhich, with ran for a rail, and it was not till Mr. the $100 he had, he' paid over to [the was soon out of danger. Botforcl struck him a couple of times sharper, taking a receipt for the same. —There is at presentliving about two wi h this that he killed him. That gen- The 410,000 of bogus money was to be miles from 1Vaterford, in the county of tle an then returned home rather tired on hand in a day or two from his -dude Norfolk, a lady named Mrs. McMahon, oe with his combat. , in New York. The parcel arrived, but who Was born in the connty of Tyrone, -1--An old friend of the Stratford Bea- in place of crisp, new bills, it was a, Ireland, on Christmas day, 1774, end is coi ., writing instil_ Kansas, sends the fol- box of sawdust. The moral of this in her 104th year. She is hale and lowing warning to Canadians who may story is quite apparent: hearty, assists 'in the., domestic duties be disposed. tosseek homes in the south- —The Ottawa correspondent of ,the every day, and possesses her physical west. " I have now been `act° years in Hamilton Times says: It is especially faculties in a most remarkable degree. this State,and have seen the most of it, creditable to Mrs. Mackenzie that she —1Wr Wiser shipped from Pres- land. my ad.vice to young men is to stay has won all hearts_ by her frarkness, . . 't d Un- bought lumber for outbuilIdings, and. suffered the numerous inconveniences of the country—including violent fever and ague, which is as common as colds —they will .wish themselves back in Canada :wain." - —Ex -gayer Charlton, of Hamilton, -who has just returned from Florida, brought with him two young alligators. They are about nine ihches long, and suppesed. to be three months old. They squall like a baby when touched, aladief course attract considerable attention. —A few days ago a child aged about two years belonging to a family named Zimmerman, residing in. Berlin, while its mother was boiling soap, took up a cup (Ake, and drank it down before it could be stopped. -The poor little thing has snffered the most terrible agony,but is likely to recover. —Miss Margaret Hislop, daughter of Mr. George Hislop, Waterloo, who is now in Chicago prosecuting the study of medicine, will shortly have the title of M. D., affixed to her name. Miss His- lop in especially gifted in the line she has chosen, and is, we believe, destined to make a highly sucoessful practi- tioner. —The Presbyterian congregation ie St. Thomas has so much increased un- der the ministry of Rev. Mr. Fraser, that an extension of the church is con- sidered. to be a necessity. It is proba- ble that a Sunday school room will. be erected this year. One liberal member of the congregation has offered $500 for this object. —Mr. A broils, of Paris, had. the mis- fortune of losing three of his horses by cerebro spinal meningitis, arising from miasma of the stable. All Was' done for them that couldbe thought of, but with- out avail. The other animals were e -e - moved, and. the stable thoroughly cleans- ed, ventilated. and. sprinkled. with car- bolic acid and ohloride of lime. —Mr. John Durant, Sr., of Winter- bourne, recently celebrated his 87th birthday by a family gathering at his house. The old gentleman gave its name to the village of Winterbourne, whiqh was also the narae of the village near which he lived in England. He is one of the oldest settlers in that neighborhood. —It may not be generelly known thail al Act has been passed in the House 'of Parliament, which forces every person to destroy any black knots which may happen to be found on the fruit trees— therefore we vtould advise alls parties having such knots on any 'trees on. their premises, to attend to the matter at once. —Mr. Wm. Scott, of Wellesley, died on Wednesday evening of last eek. The deceased was an old settler in the township and an active public man, taking a lively naterest in agricultural matters, and other local interests. He was for sometime Vice -President of the Reform Association, and had. been an earnest working Reformer of many years standing. —Hon. John Young died in Montreal at 5 o'clock Saturday evening, after a short illness. Mr. Young was born hi Ayr, Scotland, in 1811. He came to this country in 1826, and has been -more or less prominently connected with. the posed of his thorougbbred Durham bull fries, recently obtained a 1 Sepoun to Mr. Archibald Stewart, of Lobo, for fleece from a ram of his -that died. This $175. ' He was one of the finest animals is considered hard to equal. Gal er C m Dowme, and Mr. Stewart has pur- —The corporation of the town o a ber chased him for showing purposes. are about enlarging their market square orga —Mr. J. T. Barclay, of Listowel, who by the purchase of the Methodist Church -e Guielph, distinguished himself in the —Rev. Mr. Dickie, of Berlin, and vill has been attending the Model Farm, property which lies adjacent.. honor list at the recent examination by Mrs. Jacob Beck, of Baden, left on taking a feet prize in English, and first Tuesday last for Britain, They expect prize in agriculture, chemistry and to be -absent for some months. mathematics. —The oil naiR at Baden, Ont.,' is kept _Tee Biala spring show, held at busy. It shipped last week 80 carloads Newry, on Thursday last week was, on of oil cake for Scotland direct, besides the whole, fully equal to any previously a quantity for the Canadian market. held. THe day was particularly suit- —Rev. John Potts and Rev. Wm. Mil - able ftr the occasion, and there was a lard, of Toronto, have gone to Atlanta., large turn out of farmers from all parts Georgia, to attend the International of thel township. Sunday School Convention to be held ---tA force of men is now engaged there this week. making excavatiOns for the additions to I —Nova Scotians aro now building at the Gland Trunk roundhouse at Strat- their own western ports, the peculiar ford, and the building will be cora- fishing boats named. dories, instead of rctenced immediately. The roundhouse paying the Americans ton:lake them out when completed will hold. 28 engines, of Nova Scotia wood. and the additions will cost about 420,- —By the death ot a maiden cousin in 000. England., Mr. W. A. Green and brothers —Mr. David Wiseman, of the neigh- of Waterton, have fallen heirs to the borhood of Kirkton, died_ on Saturday - 6511 inst., at the age of 65 years. Mr. Wiseman was g resident of Perth coun- ty for the last 25 years, where he had gained many friends, and departed from amongst them much lamented. -ITALVABLE FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, ✓ Lot 11, Con. 8, H. R. S., Tuckersmith. con- taining 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared ana in a state of good cultivation, being well underdrained, the balance is goad hardwood bush. Good stone house, frame barn and stables ; well watered, and good bearing orchard. Is situated about 5 miles from Seaforth and Brueefteld, and. si from liippen. School close by, and all other conveniences. For further particulars' apply to DAVID MOORE, on the premises, or to Egmondville P. 0. 52.9,-8x • VALUABLE FARM FOR SAT.E.—For Sale the ✓ west half of Lot 27, Con. 3, McKillop, con- taining 50 acres, known as the Deiglo estate. This farm is situated within 0110 mile and a quarter of Seaforth. The land is of the choicest quality. There is a handsome residence and good oetbaild- jugs. The farm is well planted -with fruit and or- namental trees, is in excellent order, and well fenced. It is admirably suited for a retired gen- tleman, a dairy -man, or market gardener. Terms easy. This property must be sold at once. Apply to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 539' _ TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—House and Lot on St. John St., near the English Church, ocenpied by Wm. M. Gray. Also that handsome new residence, corner of Coleman and Gouinlock Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Malcolmson. These very desirable properties are offered cheap, either for eash, ar ono -third Cash down and hal-, ancc on Clue to suit. Also, seven Town Lots on Main and Mill Streets, opposite Coleman & Geninloeles 'Mill. Persons intending to build may obtain these Lots without any present cash payment if necessary. Apply to WM. M. GRAY, "Eclipse " Salt Works, Seaforth. 540 WAGON AND IILICKSMITH SHOP FOR • SALE.—The undersigned, who is'about retir- ing from business, wishes to sell his property in - the village of Rinburn, township of Hullett, county of Hume consisting of three-quarters of an acre of choice lauds .well underdrained, and having a number of well selected fruit trees. 'There is on the premises a blacksmith shop 28x38, a wa„eon shop 20x40, and paint shop the same size, a twe storey dwelling house 16x35 and kitchen 16x22, with cook -house attached ; also a new dwelling house 133:24 and stable 16'25. The buildings are all fraine and the dwelling houses have each. a good. cellar. The above is situated in ono of the best famine- communities in the eounty and is there- fore aeexcellent business stand. Also for sale a large amount of oak, rock elm, red elm and pine lumbers well seasoned, and fit for use. Wagons, sleighs,eutters,and buggies onhand, and will be sold cheap to elear out the stock. Payment is request- ed of all overduettotes and accounts. JOHN WIL- LIAMS, Coustance P. 0, 517 —Edward Brand, of lot 4, 7t conces- sion, Wallace, hae a family table which was split out of a pine tree which grew on lot 4, 6th concession, -when the town- ship of Wallace was a dense forest, over 30 years ago, when the nearest sawmill was twenty miles distant. —Edward Haslera, of lot 6, cPnces- sion 4, is the oldest farmer in the town- ship of Wallace, he ie in. his 94th year, aud was born in the parish of Clough- nana, Queen's County, Ireland. He is a Conservative, and believes lie will live to see John A. in power again. —Mr. J. F. Otwell, St. Marys, fruit, grower and gardener is makin.g arrange- ments for canning tomatoes, on a very extensive scale. He has kept three men employed, during the past winteremeau- facturing fruit cens at his factory on the premises, and 20,000 cans have been made, which will require 15,000 bush- els of tomatoes to fill them. The cans when filled -will weigh 25 tons. —On Thursday morning last -week, a man named. Robert Letty, a shoemaker, was found by the section men lying be- side the Grand Truuk Railway track, about three miles east of Stratford, with one of his legs broken. in two places, and his head. covered with blood. It is sup- posed that he was struck by the engine of No. 6 express from Buffalo about 5 o'clock. When found he had been lying on the &Tomei for over an hour, yet he was still under the influence of liquor, and assured the section Imen that he eould set his leg better than they could. He waS brought to Stratford, where his injuries were attended to. —At the closing examinations in Knox College, Toronto, which took place recently, several gentlemen from Perth acquitted themselves nobly. Me. A: B. Baird, B. A., of Fullerton, in the first year of the theological departm.ent, . I gracefully admit that the Premier's po- 1 very great, but it has been closed tie litical position as First Minister of the'l travel ever since, parties having to ford Crown is richly ornamented. by Mrs. 1 the river. It will fall on the County to Mackenzie, and that so far from it cast- I do the repairs. A iaumber of plank ing lustre on her, it borrows lustre from ' were afterwards brokenon the Freeport her. I am expressing but the universal bridge by the same engine. opinion here, when I say that Mrs. Mac- A murder was committed at Wien kenzie has !been. a tower .of strength to 1 nipee lest Friday night, Daniel Bell, a the First Minister. 1 waieer on the steamer " Manitoba," be- -0eiMonday noon -the daughter of i ing shet ill the street by G-eorge Gib - Thos. Richardson, sr., of West Gera,- I bon. The cause was a quarrel in a frame was found floating in the Grand I house of ill -fame. Gibbon was form - River at Tergus, a foot bridge crosses 1 erly convicted of rape at Thunder Bay, the river hall a mile above Fergus, and. I and sentenced to 14 years, and liberated itis supposed. she was crossing thisbridge 1 at the expiration of two years' imprison. - and the current runnine swift she be- I malt. The police are scouring the came dizzy, fell off, antd was carried 1 country in seatch of him There is no down by:the rapids. certainty as to which direction the mur- -About 200 passeneers known as the derer has taken. The evidence at the - Patterson's party for Ilanitobaleft Paris I coroner's inquest brings the crime home and Woodstock on Monday night for the I to Gibbon,. who was recently employed. Prairie Province. , They were nearly all as a -whiskey detective by Mr. White - I from the Counties of Brant, Oxford, head, 011 -contract 15, Canada Patine Waterloo, Wellington and. Wentworth, Railway, where he was previously en- - and a better or more respectable class of settlers never left 'for any country. They expect to reach their destination gaged. in the illicit liquor traffic. —A Luclmow correspondeet writes that .on. the occasion of the depaxture of On Saturday. a large number of persons for Dakota, peculiar accident happened Fri- while at the station, -in addition to the d.ay evening to a mare, the property of usual kissing aud shedding of tears, a mr. Lawson, of the Hamilton Road. She by some means fell down on a har- row, seven of the teeth of 'which punc- tured th.e -body to the extent of' four most -amusing scene took _place. Be- tween those going and the friends who cane) to see them. off, there must have been -between. 50 and 60 persons, . A inches. One wound in. the chest allow- young woman named Meredith, in love ing the breath to escape. Up to latest with a young inan named Innis, was ,a8- accoants the animal was 'still alive. termined. to remain behind with her . lover, while her inexorable parents were —Mr. Jearn McGr-egor -lot 4 0011008 - equally deternained that she- should go- : : with. them. - Amid tears and entreaties and. _considerable confusion and excite- ment, the train moved off, taking with it the :devoted Miss Metedith, but ,on ,arriviug at Wingham she could proceed -no further, and, -turning a deaf ear alike to tne conamands and -eiatreaties- of her parents, she left -the train, and returned to ner.diaconsolate lever. sion 15,IBentinck, nian 65 years of age, has, during the past winter, chop- ped 20 acres of heavily timbered land on bis farm. Mr. McGregor is one of the earliest settlers in Bentinck, has gone through all the hardships experi- enced by the first settlers of this new country, and ha,s alwaye taken active part in the general improvements of the neighborhood. —The Tribune says at Harriston, the first fish caught this season was a huge water lizzard by Mr. M. Patmore, who had. considerable difficulty in bringing him ashore. The animal measures 111 inches ; has 4 legs, five toes on each foot byte large ears through which it appar- ently hreathos, and is a genuine cueios- Ay. Hundreds have looked at it, but none apparently ha-ve seen each a thing before. We believe there is a fortune in the fish. sum of 28,000 sterling, to be divided he among a family of five. " it. —The clover seed raised last year on the farm of Mr. W. McCall, township of Euphemia, realized. 4900. This year he sold 300 bushels of beans, real- ising $60a by the same. —Mr. Duncan Bla,st, manager of the Hutchinson House, St. Thomas, died. Tuesday afternoon, after a two days' ill- ness of congestion of the lungs. He was about 40 years of age. —The Protestant clergy of Montreal of all denominations areuniting in. a pe- tition to the Orangemen of the city, asking them to forego their annual pro- until the afternoon of the llth cession on the Twelfth of July. whim he died. The doctor has disap- -Wm. Allen, a wealthy farmer re- peered. siding near St. Clair, purchased a bull -e-On. Thursday,of last week,whil& the and. was leading him honae on Saturday, section men Were at work- upon the when the creature rushed. upon ,him Great Western, about two miles south and inflicted injuries which may prove of Harriston, they came upon a den of fatal. of lea wi ly snaikes, 12 in number. Orte old. chap —Last Saturday Collector Caven and shciwed considerable fight, but picks and bfficer Craig seized two illicit stills shOvels were too much for him, and he about five miles apart in the County of , soon wagged his tail for the last time. Bruce. They also arrested. the owners He measured 4 feet 7 inches long, and of the same, one of whom is the notori- was very large about the body. T ous smuggler, Angus Smith. others varied in length from 18 niche —A. great many of the potatoes in the to 3 feet. They were all killed.. Parry Sound District have been frozen seAsHenryBonfordwasgoingthrough in the pits this -winter. The farmers his orchard, on the 7th concession of were a little too careless, and depended Meld.on, he was attacked by a large dog too much on the heavy fa,lls of snow they generally have to keep out the frost. a --Last week a little buy in London, named Putman, aged six, found a quart bottle of whiskey and. drank nearly the whole of it. He had. a narrow esca,pe, but was cliseovered in time and proper remedies immediately applied, when he t • —An old man nailed. John Seat, 77 years of age, left his home in Detroit on Wednesday of last week, and. wandered over to the Canadian side -with a view of Making his Way to St. Thomas or Lorerdon. He was last seen in Ander- dime making bis way towards the Can- ada Southern depot. His friends offer reteard of 45 for such infornaation. as will lead to his recovery, or $10 to any one taking him to the Central Police Station' Detroit. —The beautiful new school house at Lucknow is completed. and occupied, much to the delight of both teachers and scholars. The building cost in the neigh- borhood of 49,000, and is commodious and. handsome, and is certainly a very great credit and ornament to the thriv- ing village. The contractor was Mr. Lennan, of Listowel, and the trustees, Mader whose direction the work was car- ried out were Drs. McCrimmon and Ten- nant, end Messrs. McIntyre, Gra,ssick, Grenoche and Berry. • —An old gray-haired. sinner asked to be taken in for the night at the resid- -ence of Mr. Guest, in Aneasterthe other evening, and after asking a blessing at thetable, where he was snmptuously fed, and paying prayers in his room be- fore retiring,he got up early in the morn- ing and. made off with a pair of pants which' did not belong to him. He was attested in. framilton, when the pants 'were found in his possession, as well as another pair which he had stolen from the Hamilton jail. He got 18 months in the Central Prison. carried off the scholarship for general cott last Frida.y, 100 head of cattle en in Canada if they know what is good. her geu y, er proficiency, standing !first Exegetics e route for the European markets, the for them. We have more hands here assuming manners. She movee with S • t ti Th 1 • fir t a, era. e -wei ht of the cattle being then there is work for them to do, times all the grace of one both in the charm - Church History ; first in Biblical His- 1,600 poundseaoh. Anuraber of Amer- are dull, money is scarce, and as for so - tory ; first in Biblical Criticism, and 2d loan and Canadian buyers were present ciety—well the less said about that the • in Apoloeetics. Mr. R. W. Kennedy, when the cattle were weighed, and ex.: better. It is no doubt a great attrac- B. A., of t'131anshard., in the same year, pressed their opinion that theywere the tion to Canadians who have had to received a scholarship in Biblical Criti- Ifineet lot pf cattle ever shipped from elear their farms to be offered prairie cism, ranking second.. Mr. Andrew Canada. Mr. Wiser has fatted. at his lands with nothing to do but pla.nt Henderson, late of the Stratford public own stables during the past winter crops ; but by the time they have to these latter that they willingly and, ed circle of polished life. She meets with ease and, dignity, and with the quiet calmness of utmost refineraent, all, as well in the most distinguished of English and foreign circles of colo- nial life. Nor is it less creditable —Another estimable citizen. and early settler of London has passed away. Mr. Ellis W. Hyman, who had been a resi- dent of that city for 43 years died. on Friday last: Deceased. had been ill for several weeks, the primary cause of his sickness being an acute attack of erysip- elas. This subsequently gave way to lother complaints which terminated at his death at the age of 63 years. The deceased. was one of the original Direct- ors of the London, Huron and' Brtice Railroad, and et the Huron and Erie Savings and Loan Society. He also ably filled the President's chair of the Reform ASsociation of London. a a__ - ••••• —Word was received on TherSday, llth inst., by Mr. James Corxnack, Sr., Guelph, that his son Donald, a promis- ing young man of some 23 years of age, had died that morning in San Diego, California. Donald- Cormack was well known in Guelph, and was a, favorite with all his acquaintances. That dire disease, consumption, which. yearly gathers such a fearful toll from Cana- diau families, had. seized. bola -of his eystem. He left for Lower California, where he remained nearly two years. After that.time had elapsed, thinking that he had recovered, in the salubrious climate of that State, he returned hoine over a year ago. The succeeding win- ter brought him ill -health, and he again left for the Pacific coast. Three months age word came book that he was dying. His mother immediately undertook the long journey, and remained beside him until death intervened. He will be buried at San Diego. —A man in Dresden recently Bola a pile of wood and received payment for the same, not being satisfied, however, with Belling it once,probably on a,ccotint of its being so cheap he sold it again. Meeting a merchant tailor in Dresden, he tom him that it was impossible to get work in that place, and he wanteda suit of clothes so as to be able to get away and look for something to do, he said he had no money but would. WI. him some wood and take a stilt -of clothes for payment. The enerehant accordingly gave him an orate for the clothes. After gettingthose he tom. the book-keeper that there were $3 stillcome ing to him, and he would like to get • that alsoe The book-keeper having known the man for yeare, and believing him to be perfectly honest gave him the money, and that is the last that has been seen of him. It is generally be- lieved. that he has found a refuge inthe "land of the free." —On whtireday afternoon of last week two men named.Charles Fox and. john McCann were sent to repair a vat onthe Toronto Brewing and Malting Com- pany's peemises, when the gas tube, which they were taking down in the vat to give the light to see to work with, ex- ploded, setting fire to the vat. Mclann, who was terribly burned, scrambled up the ladder and jumped off the vat,a dis- tance of 13 feet, between two cauldrons of boiling water, where he bane till res- the New York Tribune is also published coed. Fox stopped in the vat an% fought from Rev. Henry Ward Beecher giving the flames with a sack which he had the confession of Mrs, Tilton an 'ago - with him, escaping with a fevs bad burn% lute denial and affirming that set is in - McCann is in a horrible state, his body, nocent of the " great transgression" legs, hands and face being so severely burned that he is not expected to recov- with which she charges herself, BISHoe SELWYN.—The feariniliBeost.h men are naerried and have - ' DEATH " ; Right Rev. George Augustus Selwyn, Bt.Siop of LA011-field, died a few days —Messrs. Goldie & McCulloch, :of . i alp in his 70th year. He is best known Galt, a few days ago, shipped ; in connection with his missionary jour - be team drawn by four horses, ai4 engine, weighing scene six ncys among the islands of the South Pacific dnrino his tenure of the Biala - tons. , The engine was destined for . optic of Newe'Zealand, to which. he was Bridgeport, and was taken across the appointed in 1841. and from 'which he Grand River on the new bridge lately was tranelgted in 1867 to Litelifield, It constructed in Galt without causing a shakei At Preston, however,it was not may be remembered that Dr. Selwyn visited Canada in the fall of 1874. so fortunate, two of the main stringers breaking beneath the strain. At the Buianett Yoteto's Ilexes.—Two heirs Moment of the breaking, MY. -Geb. Mil- of Brigham Yonne, have (sued out a fat iVa-f$ on the truck driving and heard the timbers cracking, but the noise alernaed the horses, and they made a Spring forward, thus probably prevent- ing the truck, engine, driver and all as the first movement in the bitter 1.M- . , from being dragged. into the river. As pending struggle over the ill-gotten it is, the damage to the bridge is not gains of Brigham. JAPAN 111DIONATION AT BRITISH IN:MS- TICE .—The indignation in British. -circles Yokohaana is great ha consequence of the judgment of the British -court re- fusing to punish an English merchant known to have smaggled opium into Yokohama. The treaties expressly pro- hibit the importation of opium, but the judge ruled that the Japanese authori- ties probably meant • opium prepared for smoking, not opium from win& the article might be prepared. The British Minieter supports the decision, and. is said. to have inspired it. The diplom- atic corps generally pronounce it a fla- grant violation of the treaty. The case will be appealed to the Privy Council, and also made the subject of an interns-, Weal remonstrance. MRS. TILTON RETRAOTS.—A letter has been published from Mrs. Tilton, reas- serting and confirming the charges of a oriminal -connection between herself • and Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. She acknowledges to having lived an. intole erable be' during the past four years, and. in expressing a desire .to return to her husband. anticipates the causes to which will be attributed her most ex- traordinary conduct. A telegram to temporary injunction enjommg execu- tors from transferring a large portion of Mae late prophet's estate back to the cburch. -This preeeeding is regarded v -3•••••...A•49,..-•••=•., • A••••-••,.---•••••ex•-•,rs•—••••••-....