HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-04-12, Page 9' ' - TTHE EURO EXPO *OP tt;posiOt. DISTRICT MATtERS. and fresh looking.—Farmers in this neighborhood are busy seeding. Some have finished with their coarse grains, but raore are :about hailf through. An unusually large breadth is being sown this season.—Next Friday being Good Friday and. a public honiday, all busi- ENTERTAINMENT, — We understand ness places in town will be closed. Go- tha,t the pupils of the senior depart- ing to churcheshooting, and attending. ment of the Seaforth Public school in- the horse show at Brucefield, *ill be tena giving an entertainment, consist- the orders of the day. f dial and recitations inter- spersed. with vocal and instrumental -gag o ogees musie, in the Town Hall, OH Wednes- day evening next, the 17th inst. We hope to see a large turn -out on the occa- sion, as they certainly deserve great praise for their efforts iu thus contri- buting to the public amusercieet of the town__ • GOING TO WALTON.—We understand. that Mr. R. Grimoldby, of this town, has purchased the building, etock and business of Mr. John Cowen, wagon maker, Walton. Mr. Grimoldby has already teken poesession, and intends going into business there an once. He has been with Mr. Grassie here for over 11 years, and being a good. mechanic and. a thoroughly reliable naa,n, we re- commend hira to_ the people of Walton and vicinity with pleasure and confi- dence, and. we feel sure he will soon build Up a, very la,rge buainess there. • . Tne LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION.— A meeting of the managing committee of the Huron Live Stock Afssociation was held at Brucefield some days ago: The Secretary's report of the financial po- sition of the Association was read. and adopted as satisfactory. There is, af- ter paying' all expenses, it balance of $115, which a,mount the Secretary was instructed ta deposit in the bank to the credit of the Associa,tion. It was de - decided. to call a meeting of the mem- bers of the Association some time in September to make arrangements for the next sale. Town Conecni. — At a meeting of Cotincil held. on Tuesday evening last, the street committee 'were instructed to have stones on Main street gathered and. broken. The nee and water com- mittee wer instruoted. to confer with at the hook id. ladder company, ascertain what the robable cog of a uniform such as they desire will be, and. report at next naeeting. The report of the street coranaittee presented at a previous meeting was adopted, and the commit- tee were instructed to proceed with the proposedtwork as seen as possible. The drain. cornraittee presented a report re- eommending the opening of certain new drains, but givine no estimate of the probable cost of'' the proposed work. Tim report with some additions was re- ceived, and. the committee were in- stnicted to report as to the proballe cost of the proposed work at the next meeting. The street committee were directed to report as to the necessity for and cost of a, new sid.ewalk on the_ east side of Jarvis street from John to Goderich street. After referring a few accounts to the Finance Committee the conneil adjourned for two weeks. ; De. CocuitAsen Lececni.—The kc- ture delivered by Dr. Cocheane, of Brantford, on " Robert -Burns and Scot- tish Song," unner the auspices of the Seaforth Mueical Society, on Monday eyeniag last, was listenento by an ap- preciative but not large a,udience. The - lecture -was able and interesting mud those who feilen to attend missed a 'treat the like of which they will_ not have an opportunity of heerino soon agann. Before and after the IeAure several very choice ana pleasing musical selec- tions were given by ine.mbers of the so- ciety. Besides which Miss Annie Pat - tenon and Mr. G. W. Cline each gave a solo., and. Miss Foger and Mn Cline e duet. MiSE Foster ann Mr. Roberts, of Stratford, also gave several well execet- en instrumental seleetious on the piano and violin. The entertainment through- out was one- of the most pleasing and enjoyable that has been. given in Sea- farth for a long time, and was well de- serving of a crowded hoese. At the conclusion a vote of thanks was tender- ed Mr. Cookrene, in his reply to which. lie expressed his regret that more had not been present, and urged the neces- sity- of giving more encoaragement to those who devote their attention to the improvement and elevation nf musical entertainments. The chair was ,00011, pied by Mr. M. P. Hayes in his usual e,v3eable manner. ,c, . LocAmBnEvITIES.--Adjour nod month- ly meeting ef Seaforth Fire Brigade, No. 1, next Monday evening.. Impor- tant bueiness.—Messrs. W. B. Shaw, F. A. Meyer and John H. McDougall were present at tb.e institution of a, ,Court of Independent Forestry in St. :Marys on Wednesday ellen i ng last week. The new Court starts with. 22 charter members. —The new Hook and Ladder - Company want uniform ; so does the band.—Miss Wilson, late of Chicago, t wleose notice appears elsewhere in this. issue, has °penal a dress end mantle- enteking establishment in the rooms over Hoffman In -others' Ettore, Canino's BIock.—Mr. S. Stark is going to sell his new brick block and ell his other real estate property aud personal effects by auctieu. Mr. Stark, like many others, has boon smitten with the Manitoba ftwere—The Queeins Birthday will inns year bo celebrated in, Seaforth with ' the -usual eclet. The Driving Park Asso- ciation have an excellent programme in preperatiou, and intend offering large purees for athletic sports and horse, races to. come off en the Park. The track will this year be in splenaid con- ditieue—The Guelph Mercury, one of the best min most prosperous local pa- ners in Canada, has donned a. ILOW arose and preseuts a DliAUGHTS.—On Friday evening last,a very exciting and interesting match at dranghts was played in the Mansion hotel, Seaforthnebetween the Seaforth and Brucefield clubs. ... The players -were well matched, and when all had. finish- ed, with the- exceptioo of Messrs. Sack - son and, Roche, the game stood 24 tot 24 —being a tie. These two gentlemen, who only played three games—two be- ing deawn--consented to call the re- maining gaenes they had to play draws. The match was witnessed by a large number of spectators. ' Dr. Vercoe anted as umpire, and Geo. Watson sooner. The following is the score : SEAFORTH. " BRUCEPIALD.1 - Habkirk 4eelcLean 1 Jaekson 11 Roche Coleman.— ...... 1.10ameron. 4 Dickson, " 2iK. Grant,— . . .... 14 Govenlock............. 3t13eird, jr., 0 Wilson.. ..... . 11Band, sr., 5 MeGuffy. 31W. Grant 3 .Brigham. . 61 McDonald. 0 Lomsdee.... . . ... 11Dallas - 3 Yoang... ...... 2° Stewart 4 . I . :....... 2-1 Total.... .. a . 24 Dnewie Geetts.—Habkirk and McLean,1; aek- son and Roche, 5; Coleman and Cameron, 1; ov- enlock and Baird, jr., 3 ; Lamsden and Dallas, 2. Total 1_2. e THE 11.IFLE ASSOGIATION.—A. meeting of the SeaforthRifie Association was held at the Commercial Hotel, on Tues- day evenieg la,st. There was a very fair attendance, and considerablennter- est was taken in the discussions. The report of the Treasurer showed a bal- ance on hand of n60. The sense of the meeting was in favor of one match in- stead of two°, as last year, and later in the season—probably September. It is expected that this year's match will be unusually interesting, as the Associa- tion will be in a position to offer prizes amounting to about $200. The ad.- ering at thi year's for judging distances, . This, if adopted at eeting preceding the last he suffered from a severeattaok of hemorrhage of the lungs, and from that time till his death Buffered terrible agony: He leaves a large and.. respect- ed •faroily, whO have the entire sym- pathy of the community. RISCALITY.—A certain baker of our village who has been for sonae time past the butt of sport for some ill disposed young scamps who besmear, his door and windows with prioters'. ink, has procured a cow -hide and having a sus- picion of the perpetrators, only awaits an opportunity of applying it. visabilityt of match a 'prize Was approved o the general . match, will be a- new tend interesting feature. Afted a: fell discession on varlets otherdaatters of interest in con- nection with rifle snooting, the meetieg ptoceeded to -the election of officers. Dr. Vercoe- WRS • unanimously re-elected. President, and as Major Wilson neclin- ed to mccept the position of Secretary- Teeasurer, Dr. Goundock was elected in Inaplace. An executive committee was appointed, consisting of the President, MajOr Wilson and Mr. Malcolm -Monroe, with power to add to their member. Friday, the 19tla inst., was named. as the first generel prectice day, and. after that Menden of each week. All who take en interest innthis nianty andnn- teresting arau.semeet, are invited. to at- tend on that or any su.bsequent prac- tice dey. • A NEW ADDITION.—Mr,.• j. H. Broacl- • foot has added to his already eery ex- tensive establishraent an ,,addition which will be of great advantage to him in the way of faellitating work. He has erect- ed. a building in winch to season or dry lumber by the use of exhaust steem frora -the eiagine which drinves the min chinery of his factoey. Underneath the floor of . tins building ia arranged iron tubing the whole length' and breadtb. of the _building.. The steam is. conyeyed by Pietas of a pipe from the eogine, and circulates through the tubes underneath the floor. At each end of the building is an oriel' space in the floor, to permit the h:eat from the pipes te enterthe room, aud the luniber be - lee. pilen- on a car in the room the heat- ed'air oirculates about each board, and by a gradual proceat thorou.ghly seasons it. On one end of the building is a high pipe or open tower, through which a current of air passes from the lioUom of the. building to the top of the tewer, -drawing out from the dryiogr• room ell wet, and. keepipg the eir. perfectly dry and free .frona . moisture. The several small tubes which. underlie the floor, erapty„ as it were, ioto lerge one - which runs at right angles with them, and at one end, thus carrting off all the weter frondevhieli the steam is geoerat- ed, and reconveyiug it to a cistern from which it was taken in the first place. Lumber, green from the. saw, ca,u be thoroughly dried end seasooed by. -this process iia about ten days', thus saving ;-mueli delay end, extra .expensee The lumber is piled on a car et one end . of the building, and. ree through and taken oat at the opposite end when dry. There is sefficient robra • for tWo large ears in the building at one time. The aerangements are very complete, and the egablishment must prove •of great advantege Melly ways i.n -the_ large business which Mr.. Bkoadfoot Icerries on. We noderstarainthat this is the only estanlishment oft the kind in this part of Canada. 13rucefteld. A;s:OTHER IMPORTED HORSE.—Messrs. McGregor &I Cook have purchased from Messrs. Cheeney & Graham ,of Pickering, a very fine imported heavy draught stallion. This horse is four years old this spring, and is one of the finest horses of his elass ever brought into the ceunty. He will travell this season through the townships of Tuckersmith and Stanley. Of course he will be shown at the various spring shows this spring, when the farmers will have an opportunity of seeing him for them- selves. ITOR. that the petition of J. Halls and others asking relief for Joseph Hewitt, an old man be granted, and that he receive $5 addressed the minister, instead of Rev. Mr. Sieveright,who had been appointed to do so. Rev. Mr. Pritchard, of Blue- hich (Alden by J. Shier that H. C. Brown be I, the newly inducted minisier was con- , paid $10 for boatding Wm. oo five 'weeks — Carried. Moved b Halls, seconded by D. Millar, that la,ws Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for 1878, at read a third time be passed --Ca Moved by D Millar, seconded y . 11828, that the local expenses of each —Carried. Moved by D. Millar, sec- vale, addressed the peop e Stephen. \ D oier GS GE COONCIL.—At the last meet- ing of Stephen Council there was very little business of importance transacted. All the members were pesent exceptthe Reeve. Messrs. Yearly. and Schneer were appointed to inspect the nook at the lake. The clerk was instructed to prepare a by-law prohibiting persons driving horses on eide walks and the in- jury of shade and ornamental trees. In the absence of legal ad.vice it was re- solved to take no action at this meeting in the naatter of deviaticn road at the Bend, and the clerk was instructed to comnaunicate with Mr. Follis on the sub- ject. A number of accounts were peen- ed, when the Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve. • for t d to' the door by Mr. McLean, J. where he received. the tight hand of fel- byei lowship and a very hearty welconie from now the large congregation assembled.. Af- 'ed. ter a few minutes intermission, the peo- ple again took their seats in the church, and sat down to a most magnificent tea which' had been provided by the ladies of the congregation, the quality of the tea was such an to satisfy the appetite • of the most fastidious old lady. - The supply of eatables appeared almost in- exhaustible and the excellency of their quality can. be judged by the manner in which the people put themselves outside of them. Tea being over,Rev. Mr. Mc- Lean was called to the chair,ivhich. he filled in his usual able and. pleasant planner, after delivering an interesting address, he called. upon Revds. Messrs. Pritchard, Lochead, McNaughton, and Davey, of the Canada Methodist Church, to address the meeting. They all de- livered very interesting and. instructive addresses, which were listened to with the greatest attention.. The ppeeches were interspersed. with. excellent music from the choir. After the accustomed votes of thanks, the large meeting broke up, all apparently highly pleasediwith the interesting exercises of the day. Rev.Mr. Lochead appears to be the right man in the right place, and he enters upon his labors in his new field with every prospect of success. , ward be kept separatem the reas ern books, also that boundary appro ra- tions and. charities be kept in sep ate accounts—Carried. Moved by . M. Kay, seconded by D. Millar, the roll for 1877 be taken off the Trea,serer's heeds and his bonds given up—Carried. Moved. by J. Shier, seconded by D. Mil- lar, that $1 dog tax be refunded to the collector, as the same cannot be collect- ed—On motion Council adjourne till the first Saturday in May. Tuekersraith. Enucarioglt,,The following is the standing of the pupils in School Section No. 4, for the month of March : Fourth class, full mark 422—Vinah Peacock, 351, Hattie Plewes 347,Lizzie Crich 329, James Walters 250, Onslotv Crich 248. Senior third class, fnll mark 375 -n -Mary Ann Stevens 222, Evilena Stevens 220. Junior third class, full mark 285—Al- vina M. Johns 169, Mary E. Winters 146, Mary Nett 137, Lizzie Wheatley 130, EliCrich 103, Albert Stewart 83. Senior second clasn, full mark 245— Emily Wild 214, Mary A. Cudmore 20n, S. Cory 193, R. F. Cory 190, Edwerd Plewes 164, Sarah F. Crich 147. Junior second class, full mark 190—Ira Web- ster Johns 162, j. -T. Crich 153, Sarah -Nott, jr., 152, Annie D. Crich 152, R. 3. White 144, Joe Wheatley 139, Josiah White 137, Sarah Nott, sr., 129, Annie Plentes 127. First class, full mark 150 —Aonie O'Brien 140, Carrie ohns 138, Hattie Coats 132, Evelina rich 130, Louis Peacock 121, Thos. Wheatley 110, Maggie Whitraore 108. Drysdale. i MtSTERIOUS AFFAIR.—A singulat Ca- tastrophe has occurred about two miles north of this place, to a man named Levi Etne. It appears Mr. Etue had been very ill nuring the winter with in- flammation of the lungs, and had recov- ered so as to be . able to go a,bout. Al- though apparently quite strong in body, it was noticed. that his mind. was nore oe less affected, so much so that the family kept a close watch on his actions. On Thursday morning of last week he proposed going to the lake to get some stones, and took a bag and an old. over- -coat with him. One delis sons, a lad about 12 years of age, followed him, but when about half way to the -lake henom- polled the boy to return to the house, also -the dog, which was -with them. When the boy got back to the b.ouse Mr. Ayot, a brother-in-law of Mr. Etue, waenthere, who immediately We t in 4 search of him, but up to this ft e no trane of the unfortunate man haabeen discovered. He had With him a small sum of money, also a cheque on the *litre - al Bank at Goderich for $350. The day after his disappearance, Mrs. Etuel tele- graphed to the Bank forbidding the pay- ment of said cheque. —Later intelligence has been received of the missing man Etue in reply to a telegram sent to Chief Consteble Dun- lop, of Seaforth. It was ascertained that Mr. Etue had been in Seaforth,and had remained over night at the Qeeen's Hotel, However, all trace from there is lost, and. he is yet running at large. Scacooe Reroltes.--The following is a report of the standing of the pupils of the Winthrop School fointhe month of March : Fifth form—lst Maggie Alex - .ander, 2d., Magee Govenkck. Foerth form—lst 3. Robertson, 2d J. Alexan- der, 3d Wm. Calder. Senior third form —1st E. Govenlock, 2d. T. Dodds, 3d E. Alexander. Junior third form--lst G. INIcTa,ggert, 2d. Jane Cannon, 3d WM. Campbell. Second form—lst Mary Mc- Lean, 2d Wm. Craig, 3d D. Kearne. —The following is the monthly re- port of the school in Section No. 5 : Fifth Class—lst Wm. Ferguson, 2d E. Evans,3d Katie O'Hara. Senior fourth class—lst Maggie Ferguson, 2d Ellie Givlio, 3d Katie Givlin. Junior fourth class—lst Timothy Malone; 2d Lizzie Evans-, 3d Annie Moylan. Third' class —1st J. Delaney, 2d Anna B. Reid, 3d Annie Hughes, Second book ---.1st E. DeCantillon, 2d P. R. O'Rourke, 3d Jane Reta. Exeter: Rem-Axe—The services in the Caneda Methodist and BibleChristian churclies ere very largely attended and promise to be productive of much good. GONE Un.—On Tuesday, a visitor to the lock-up was sent up on a 21. days' visit to Goderich on- a conviction of va- . gra,ncie Tremps better avoid Exeter. MUSICAL.—A certain Mr. Fletcher is Usborne. now .engsped in teaching aSlarge class of Couxcie Mein:ice—Connell met on juveuile scholars in the Exeter public Satueday 6th inst.. all the raembers school the rudiments of =Sic. - This present. Minutes of lest .meeting read we think ie a good move, ann. should end confirmed. Moved .by T. M. Kay, receive the encouragement of the pa- seconden by 'D. Millar, that Alex. Car - rents.. '' neat and clear appearauce. nuelph • Coxetner.—The Exeter Cornet band is a progreseive town, and ;much of its 1 ere preparng to give a graud concert on .roniess is due in no smell degree to ItS I the 24th April, M Drew's Hall, The . excellent newepepers.—The fall wheat ' programme of the entertainment is ne- je :tine keiction looks fresh and - green tient. composed of homo talent, and it the same, as they believe the accident] Several other lathes and gentlemen also ' • field, and sold his pork to Mr. T.Marks,, and augurs well fur an abundant her, is only fairto say, ef no low order. The referred to WaS owing entirely to the gave choice musical selections. A splen - and ef that village. vest.—Mr. Robert McCartney, formerly ladies and oeutlemen who art to take darkness of the night, and not from any did tea was served to the audience, . cheese manufacturer at the enest End part are allt'well knon-n and the arrange- defect in the bridge, it being considered the evening upon the whole, was a most ' COUNCIL MEETING.—At the last meet- leaetory, has been engaged for this sea- meets are most complete-, and we have quite safe—Carried• Moved by J.Shier pleasant and profitable one. The sum ..ing of the ntanley Council held on the een by Messre. nettle & Inglis, of Tees- no hesitation he predicting a bumper seconded by D.. Millar, that W. Smillie of .$38 Was raised., which will be applied 6th inst., it was moved. by Mr. Douglas, I water. Mr. McCartney is. one of the house. By tho posters now issued We. receive. $5- for relief—Carried. Moved towards pnrchasing books for the Sab- seconded by Mr. Castle, that i iiie atm - best cheese makere in the country, and notice Isas,c .. 'Carling, Esq., will be by J. Halls, seconded by J. Shier, that. bath School library. . Bluevale. • JOTTINGS.—Our old and respected friend, Mr. John Patterson, who has kept the Royal Hotel. ile. this plane for the past two years, has sold out to Mr. West, of Lucknow. Mr. West will like- ly do a good. business here as he is a jolly good. fellow.—The Messrs, Leech & Bailey, and Reading, proprieters of the two saw mills here, respectively, have each disposed. of' a large quantity of lumber, and are busily :engaged in shipping.—Builcling is promieing o be rife here this summer. Messrs. . hos. Farrow, John Etcher and Frank, Pat- terson are each building a brick house. —The fall wheat fields in this tonality have a splendid appearance, and prom- ise an abundant harvest.—Mr. William Gray, tailor, has purchased the grocery store owned by Mrs. Sheppard, and is to move into it next week. Grey. Finz.—On Wednesday morning be- tween 3 end 4 o'clock, the barn and stables of Mr. James Combs, lot 8, lat concession, were destroyed by fire. The contents, consisting of 4 horses, 1 yoke of cattle, 40 sheep•,3 hogs, also 800bufsh- .els of gain, a ,quantity of hay, all his implementsavagons, barrows, also a new carriage and cuttenand a set of light hex- ness which had been bought this winter, at a cost of $300, were totally deetroyed. Mr. Combs will feel his loss very heavy, which heplaces at $2,800 insured in the Agriculteral Mutual of London for $1,000, Enucenionee.—The following shows the standing obtained by the pupils of School Section No. 2, Geese in their re- spective classes for the month of March: Fourth clani—lst Andrew Hislop, 2d Hislop, 3d W. Hislop, 4th Mary Ann Hislop, 5th G. Harris. Senior third class -n -1st Eliza, Duncanson, 2d James Harris, 3d John Harris, 4th A. Sitters, 50. T. Collude. Jemior third class—lst Ellen J0.110 Turnbull,2d Eliza Campbell, and Margaret Sitters, 3d A. Duncanson; 4th T: Watson, 5th Jane Ann Shaw. Second class -n -1st Margaret Hislop, 2d MaryeAnn Richardson, 3d Marion Wat- son, 4th Annie Sillers, 5th Jane M. A. MeAllister and John Clark. First class ondlst C. B. Wilbee, 2d Sarah M. Shaw, GOING TO LEAVE.—Rey. Mr. Ptitchard, who has ministered to the Presbyteri- ans of this place for several years with, nauch acceptance, has finally accepted a call presented him by the congregations of Smith's Hill and Manchester. He will be inducted into his new charge on Wednesday, the 17th iust., 11 o'clock, on which occasion Rev. Mr. Wilkins will preach, Rev. Mr. Seiteright will preside, Rev. Dr. Ure will address the minister, and Rev. Mr. Lochead will address the people. Mr. Pritchard was rnuch and deservedly esteemed *by his congrega- tion here, and al.ln tvill regret his departure. As a minister he is an earnest and zealous and able worker in' the Ghurch, and. as citiZen few are more highly esteem- ed and beloved. The people Of Man- chester and Smith's Hill are, certainly to be congratulated on their choice. The Reverend gentleman's many warm. friends in Bluevale and vicinity will unite with us in -wishing him health, -prosperity and happiness in his new home. Blyth. , MumarrAn.-0-ur Council are show- ing signs of life, by calling for tenders for street improvements, &c.—highly necessary. Poon' HOUSE.—It is reported that Dr. Sloan intends • Offering the County Council his farmeas a site for the C012- templated poor house. The property would be very suitable, provided the locality were deemed.. sufficiently ..cen- -teal. CHARGE - or L.A.ECENY.—Mr. James Wenham, of Lond.esboro, was brought before Justice Wilson, charged with stealing a cow. An nivestigation of the case showed that it had arisen out of some misunderstanding regarding a deed of assignment. His Honor, how- ever, caused Mr. Weithatn to find bail to appear, &c. It would be better if rnagistrates had power to settle such cases, and not cause extra expeose by sending them to the Quarter Ses- sions. POLITICAL.—A Consertative meetine was held nere last Wednesday night, tt elect delegates to a convention to bring out a candidate to oppose Mr. Ross. It . is expected that Mr. Kelly will be selected. The convention will probably make some wry faces at tbendose, but as they can't elect Mr. Farrow without his assistance, they will be compelled to bolt him. —There is said to be a Reform Con.- vention also called, but supporters of that creen are so-mewhat scarce in this locality, and. as yet they make no sign. Carried. Moved by Mr. Castle, second- ed. by Mr. Douglass, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the orders of the Reeve or Deputy Reeve for boundary line fand till December next—Carried. The auditor'e report was received. and accepted and 100 oopies ordered to be printen. Moved by Mr. Douglas, sec- onded by Mr. Castle, thatethis Council grant 01.00 for the purpope of improving the South Boundary,provided the Coun- cil of Hay grant en equivalent, and that the Clerk send a copy of: this resolation to the Hay Coundil—Carried. Moved by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. plus- tle, that this Council grant $50 to be given to iinprove Shae's sideread be- tween the Bronson and. Sauble lines— Carried. Moved by Mr. McKinley, sec- onded by Mr. Castle, that $20 be grant- ed. to be expended on the sideroad be- tween the Goshen and Babylon lines— Carried. Moved by Mr. Aikenhead, seconded by Mr. Douglas, that 520 be granted to Wm. Murdock's sideroad,a,nd n40 for &lepton sideroad -- Carried. Moved by Mr, Douglas, seconned byMr. McKinley, that this Coimcil authorize Mr. Castle to attend the first meeting on the Bayfiela Council and demand a settlement of the:claims of this munici- pality—Carried. Moved. by Mi. Aiken - head, seconded by Mr. Castle, that $15 be granted to Neil nieGilPs sideroad—; Moved by Mr. McKinley, seconded ibei Mr. Aikenhead, that the Bayfield road be supplemented by a grant of $100--- $50 east and $50 west • of Varna ; the Sauble line, $20 ; the Brcnson, 030, and the Gothen, $30—Carriede The Coun- cil adjourned to meet on the last Satur- d.ay in May as a Court of Revisibn, and for the transaction of other business. • FARM SOLD .—Mr. Thos. Cowan, has sold his farm on the 14th conceseion of Hullett, containing 80 acres to Mr. John Searles, for $3,600. There are frame buildings. Mr. Cowen is going to Mani- toba,. PERSGNAL,—We are glad to learn that Mrs. Williaan .Cowan, of Hullett, is -recovering. She has been ccinfined to bed for twelve weeks with a very severe years—lst, Forest King," A. Forsyth; attack of erysipelas, and her ineny 2d, " Lord Clyde," John Sample ; 3d friends will be pleased to learn that " -Young Strathallan," G. He Moffatt. through the skilful and careful treat- Under 2 yeare—lst, R. Brown ; 2d, Jas. ment of her medical attendant, she has Fergunon ; 3d, R. Brown. • so nearly recovered.—COM. MAIL CONTRACT.—Mr. Thos. Neilans, postmaster at Efarlock, has been again awarded the contract for conveying Her Majesty's mails three times a week be- tween Seaforth and that office. The contract entends over a period of four years. Mr. Neilans was the former con- tractor, and the excellent satisfaction he gave the department and. the public Innussels. • PROPERTY CHANGE.—Mr. Lewis Mc- Donald has sold the house and lot re- cently bought from P. Moore, jr, to T. Goveialock, of McNillop, for n700 cash. Scrrooe MATTERS.—At a meeting of the School Board on Friday last it was decided to grant Easter Monday as a holiday, also to have shade trees plant- ed on school grounds. A WRIT.—A writ of attachment has been issued by Moorehead& Co.,of Lon- don, against. A. W. Matthews, who had the Queen's Hotel rented, and who ab- sconded. A meetine of creditors will be held about the last ot'f this rnonth. THE SPRING Snow.—The Grey Branch Agricultural Society spring show of en- tire stock was held on Tuesday last. The number of entries was not quite as large as usual, but the stock 'exhibited was of a superior class. Theweather through- out the day was very disagreeable, it having rained. nearly the whole time, neverthelese there was a good. attendance of spectators. Below we give the prize list : liorses—Imported Draft -3 en. tries—lst, " Dick Turpin," T. J. Bell ; 2d, " Scotland's Glory," Wm. Bell ; 3d, " Oxford Lad," R. Brown. Canadian Draft -2 entries; lst, "Scotch Miraclen' T. Seals ; 2d, " YOung Lord Ha,ddo," Wm. Habkirk. Gen.eral Purpose -4 en- tries—lst, " Young 'Enterprise," J. n. Parish ; 24, " Scotland's Glory,"L. Mc- Neal ; 3d, "French Tom," Chas. Devis. Road or Carriage -2 entries—lst, "Sorel Cloud," A. Innis ; 2d, " Warrior," Jas. Johriston. Heavy Draft foaled in 1875 —3 entries—lst " Young EnterprisenP. IVIcEwen ; 2d, " Farmer's Pride," Alex. Dalgetty ; 3d, " Young England's Won- der C.Inavis. Durham Bulls, over 2 oxeten. Tine BUBBLE Beesee—The excite- ment of the past week, over the butter factory, received its quietus on Satur- day evening last. The committee ap- pointed to canvass the country, to see how many cows they could. get, met and reported that, owiug tq the advanc- ed state of the weather, it 'would be im- possible to secure the proper number of cows to carry out the enteeprise suc- cessfully, and. decined. to drop -the ques- tion for one year. LECTURE.—On the 3rd. inst., Md. jno. Inglis, of Teeswater, delivered. one of his celebrated lectures on the subject of " The Israelitish Origin of the British Nation." The chaix was ably occupied by Rev. Mr. Brown, who, in introduc- ing the lecturer, stated that as Mr. Inglis appearedbefore them for the first time as a public speaker, he trusted the audience would exercise some forbear- ance towards him on that account. The lecture throughout was replete with scriptural proofs of the most con-vincing character, given .with an ability and an eloquence characteristic of that gentle- man, and was well calculated to awaken in the minds of the sceptical a keener interest in that subject than they neve hitherto had.. At the clopetef the meet- ing a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Inglis for the able and lucid marg ner wllich he has elucidated this much -vexed. question of .eur ancestry. APRIL 125 1878.. Mr. Elliott -was about to loosen the fourth, the horses started suddenly, causing the roller to strike him, throw him down, and, as is supposed, to have passed over him. On- examination it -was feund etha,t one of Mr. EllioWs thighs had. been broken., and he was othetwise injured. Being a man of as years of ago, his innuies are likely to go hard: with him. enifx. John AleDougall, 4th conces- sion Goderich township, had a valuable sheep killed. by a, railway train., a few days aao. The sheep stray ed, with the res''t of the flock, on to the trackethe ga,te having been. opened by the weind. —On Wednesday night of last week, a llorse driven by a young man wanted. . over the embankment at Picka,rd's mill, 'Exeter, in: the darknese. The . buggy was turned. upside down, and one of the shafts broken, but straoge to say no other dama.ge wes none. Local Notices. THE BEST Bargains in China, Crock- ery, ana•Glasswftre are to be had at WeLecee & YOrNG'S. 537 EARLY ROSE Potatoes for 30 cents per. bushel, at Wm: HILT. & Co.'s. .A. large quantity on hand. 53a No. 1 FALL CATCH Lake Huron Her- rings, the half barrel for $1 75, at D. D. Rossi, Fp.mily Grocery. 538 ANOTHER 1.0T of those Cheap Raisins and Cheap Currants, Received at D. D. ROBE'S. Family Grocery. 538 PLOUGHING —I3R OWN ELL Rims: are pre -- pared to plough gardens at the shortest notice.. Charges moderate. 639 Fon SALE, CHEAP, a 160 gallon Cheese - Vat atid Press. Apply to IlicresoN & Itontiresoe, or at the Seaforth Cheese Factory. 640,11 CANNED Go ODS. --Cans California. Peaches, cans California Apricots, cans California Pears, cans California Plums, at LAIDLAW' FeeR- Ltv's. 589-2 FLOWER AND GARDEN SteaS in great variety, fresh and true to name, at " The Medical Hall," Seitforth. See advertisement. 11.tessoN & BLEASDELL. 639 D. D. Rose, Family Grocer, sells cheap, No. 1 Dried Apples and Peaches, /ma six. 3-1b. tins °resealed Tomatoes, as fresh hs off the vine, for $1. 538 • THE 'SPRING SHOW.—At the East Riding of Huron Agricultural spring show, held in Wroxeter on April 10th, the following prizes were awarded,: HORSES.—Im'ported Heavy Dratight —3 entries—lst and diplomanEugland's Wonder, Thon Dustow, Belmore ; 2d Dick Turpin, T. 3. Bell, Londesboro ; 3rd. Heather Jock, William Bell, Mor- rie. Canadian Draught — 1st Lord Netherby. Wm. Hay, Turnberry ; 2d Scotch Mitacle, Thos. -Sean Morris. General Purpose -1 entries—lst Scot, land's Glory, L.McNeil,Grey ; 2d. Domin- ion Conqueror, D. McPherson, Bluevale ; 3d England's Glory, J. Hay, Neustadt. Road and Carriage -3 entries—lst War- ior, Tas. Johnston, Brussels ; 2d French Sovereign, John. Rolph, Gerrie ; 3rd Young Harkaway, F. Bell, Bluevale. Blood Horse—Gilderoy, A. Davidson,' Listowel. Judgese-D. Hamilton, V. S., Harriston ; A. Caldwell; Turnberry ; John Hooey, Morrsbank. •BULTA. —Durham, 2 years 41.d and over. -7 entries—lst Lord Strathallan, G. H. Moffatt, Morrisbank ; 2d; Foreat King," Alex. Forsyth, Brussele ; 3rd, Lord Maitland, Henry' SP:tithe Gorrie. Durham, under gyears old—lst Morn- ing Stern Robt. Brown, Grey ; 2dDuke of Edinburgh, '3. S. McTavish, Turn - berry ; 3d, Baron Booth, Samuel John- ston, Fordwich. Grades under two years.—lst Alexander Thomson, 'Turn - berry ; 2d. Archd. Malcolm, Howick. Judges—John Wilson, Ford.wich; Hum- phrey Snell, Clinton, and Robt. Currie, Aningham. Stanley. SADDLE LINE Jorn—Farmers in this section of the country have fairly com- menced seedine being to a certain ex- tent afraid of 1*.r. Vennor's predictions of heavy rains, but if this fair weather continues these predictions will be totally frustrated. Fall wheat looks very well at prosent, there being several _ 3d W. G. Clark, 4th Wm. Morrison, 5th fully entitles him to this renewed lease fields which ate looking very beautiful, Bella Hodgins. of confidence. and if everything proceeds as at present SABBATH SCHOOL SOCIAL.—A social there is every possibility of a good crop was held in connection with the Har- of fall wheat this season.—A few days lock Sabbath School in the school houte ago an honorable retident of this line, in Section No. 6. There was a large at.- having dressed a splendid hog weigh- tendance notwithstanding the badroads Mg 363 lbs, took it out to Clinton by and unpleasant weather. The chair was way of Brucefield. Failing to sell it in occupied. by Alex. Watt, Sreand a num- Brecefield, he drove on to Clinton, feel- . michael receive $5 for rehef—Carned. y assuie e wo rnee Mo-ved. by 3. Halls, seconded by 3. Shier, ber of short practical addresses were de- lug fu se_ . a ready sale, bet what was his astonish - that the application of F. Hamilton for . livered. Severe]. excellent i3'ausical meet when. he reached. Clinton,he found 5100 dainages be dismisseq., the Coun- lectioes were. given -by the Church choir no one who Would invest in such a pur- cil not coosidering themselves liable for . under the Inid.ership of Mr. Alex. Reid. • Hth dr bltBa-- GOOD TEA.—Tea bought from:Wiese-a &nonee generally turns out better than represent- ed. Give them a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. 537 YeAR'eIALADE in one and two patina pots, potted home potted Beef, potted Anchovies, potted Shrimps, and the celebrated Winstanley Sauce, at LAIDLAW & FAIRrEV'S. 539-2 IF You Use a Black Tea, you dan procure the finest flavored and best imported. tea; also Green and Japan Teas, Cheap by the pound or Ce,adie, at D. D. Rost's Family Grocery. 538 Loon OUT for a Large Stock of House Plants next -week, at LAIDLAW & FAIRLEVS. -5304 SCeaB, and all kinde of good, clean, first-class coarse grains for Sole. Also, Flour, Feed, &c., Come aria See Us. 538 MILLINERY OPENING.—DUNCAN & CAN beg leave to 9.1111011nCe the opening of their Show Room, on Thursday, April 18th, with an the latest styles in French, English, and American Millinery. Inspection invited. 540-1 SEEDS, Senps.—tFor the last six yeare. wiesoti & YouNie have done a leading business in Field and Garden Seeds, and on account of keeping the very best seede, bought from the most reliable seed growers and dealers, their trade is steadily in- creasing every year. This year, owing to the fail- ure of the crop in Britain, first -elms Swedish turnip seed will be very scarce and dear, andlarm- ers will have to be very careful that they do not get irtferior seed and lose a crop, as there -will be a lot of old and poor seed iii the nuniretovhicli -un- scrupulous and inexperiencea dealers will tie, tosell for the best. WeLsoN & Tort& bought early, and have secured a good large stock of prime new seed, which will be sola as low as any other in the Come ty, qtuility -considered. The best is the ebeapeet in the end. The Highest Cash price paidfor Clover and Timothy seed. 537 --.The day terned out very favor- able, being somewhat lowering in the morning, and the stock far in ad-vance of annthing heretofore exhibited in Wroxeter. The attendance, too, was quite large. cil grant Robt. Shea $20 for the privil- the Teeswater firm are forttniate to chairman. lots D and E, 7th concession, lot C, 6th INDUCTION.—Rev. John S. Lochead, ege Of cutting a creek off nis farm for the have secured hie services. -- If plum DEA,TII2A—On Alonda.y morning, Mr. concession, and part of lot 10, S. W. B., A. M., late of ValleYfield, was nducted. abenefit of the road alongside his farm— tree owiters would nig ill about a pint John Carley, formerly a farmer in the be struck off road division No.. 11. and. into the pastoral charge of Hul ett and. Carried. . Moved by Mr. McKinley, sec - of ettlt around the roots. of each tree, it 'neighborhood, but who , had lately dis- form road division 10t, and that Solo- Londesborough on the 27th ul . Rey. ended by Yr. Castle, that pathmagers would keep the fiy from destroying, the posed of his property, bneathed his last mon Jacques' be pathmaster of the new Mr. McLean, of Blyth, preside,a at the have full power to cause all fences and. fruit and insure them a (loon crop, 'The at the residence of Donald Taylor, Esq., division ; also that South part lot 3, 7th induction, and preached an nbIe ser- other obstructions to be removed off a man sidewalks and other highways—Carried. e wind, Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. as riv- Aikenhead, that A. Foote, W. Black- s-L.3.0w adder, and T. Kenard be pathmasters eiperimeut has been tried and has of this village. Deceased was foe. some concession be taken from Division No. mon from Isaiah xeren , 2, an proved successful in every instance. It years past addicted to overandul- 12, and put in Division•No.11—Carried. shall be an. hiding place from t I be (lane bon th s wiug and (fence in s nituous liquors, and since Moved by T. M. Kay, seconded. by D. and a covert from the tempest fall.—The warm rains of this week • the sole of bis property, much to the Millar, that A. Duncan be collector for ers of water in a dry placeias th baxe done good service in aiding vege- sorrow of the family, he POrSilea a reek- 1878 at a salary of $70—Carried, Moved of a great rook in a weary lawn" R.ee, for the village of Brueefield, and that nation. The grass is now quite green less course of debauchery. On Friday 1 by J. Halls, seconded_ by T. k. Kay, Mr. McNaughton, probationer, very ably W. Purdy be pathmaster for Varna— Hensall. REVIVAL MRETINGS.—ThiS week closed a series of revivali meetings held. under the auspices of the Bible Christian Cherch, and which have extended over a period, of two weeks. Much good has apparently been done. TIMBER.—Forty eight cars were load. - ed with square timber, aud passed oyer the railway here en route for rafting on Hamilton Bay for QUebec; About as • meth more is still in the bush ready for teaming whenever the roads become dry. • DRAUGHTS.—A match game at draughts was played by telegraph on Tuesday evening last between Blyth and Hen- sall. After two closely contested games the match was declared. a draw, both sides having scored' one garcte each. NOTICE.—The Public is hereby ca-ationed against purchasing or negotiating a promis- sory note for 4100, made by Henry Wieterson to Henry Kummer, or beater, on the 8rd day of Ote tober, 1677, as payment of aid note haa been Made by me. HENRY WIETERSON. MeEILLO April 8, 1878. 540x3 TIOTEL FOR SALL—For Sale, tbe hotel in -A-J- the 'Village of Egruondville, imown as Coeie Hotel.' The hotel is well situated and in good repair with good stabling and nearly an acre of land altached. A. splendid business can be done - by a good man, Terms eaey, Apply to JOHN COX, Egniondville. 540 TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—House and Lot on St. JohnSt., near the English Church, occupied by Wm. M. Geay. Also that hanasemo new residence, corner of Coleman and Gouinlook Streets, at present occupied by MT. Maleolmson. These very desirable properties are offered cheap, either for cash, or one-third cash dovrn bal- ance on tin -A to suit. Also, seven Town Lots on Main and Mill Streets, opposite -Coleman & Gouinlock's MI. Persons intending to bad may obtain these Lots without any present emit Payment if necessary. Apply to WM. M. GRAY, " Eclipse " Salt Works, Seaforth. 540 GREAT AUCTION SALEL THE GIMATEST AUCTION SALE EVER HELD m SEAFORTH —Mr. Samuel Stark -will sell . - by Public Auction on Saturday, April 27th, that Brick Block of three stores, situated on Main Street, Seaforth ; also, Lot 2, on Goderich street; Let 26, on Main Street, and Park Lot L, four acres, Houses on each lot, all rented. This property will be sold without Teserve, on credit to suit purchas- ers, at 8 per cent. Stock in Trade, Household Furniture, and all other effects will uteri be sold. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock; A. M. TERMS.— REAL Pnorznrt—One-fifth of the purchase money down, and the rest secured. by mortgage at 8 per cent, OTECEItt EPTBcTs—All purchases under 8101 cash ; over that amount 9 months' credit will_ be given on approved security. As the subscriber in- tends leaving Seaforth, he wants to make arrange?' ments for the payment of his debts before lea and he evould be thankful if parties to 'whom he indebted would purchase any property above men- tioned. All accounts due west be settled by note, et once, or sued. No further warning will be given- -And all notes due aro to be paid at once, or else la be put into court. Remember the sale cornreeneee at 10 o'clock, A. M. SAMUEL STATUE.. 540-3 —Miss G. L. Case, of Exeter, has just completed. a quilt which is composed of silk, aod contains 2,633 pieces. This, we believe, is the best that has as yet been recorded. —Mr. D. Doty, of Goderich, last week bought a bandsome span- of bay car- riage horses, in Ingersoll. Ira Lewis, Esq., has also bought a carriage horse from Mr. John Beacom, Goderich town- ship, for $175. —The Blyth Review says : William Hawksha,w, of the Commercial, -has matched. Ins horse, " Protection," against S. Grigg's " Bay Warrior " (London), for 5400, in a two mile dash,' to come off in Exeter about the middle of May. —On. Thursday last week Mr. James Elliott, 3rd concession. GOderiph town- ship, father of Mrs. Wm. McLean, of Goderich, met with a serious acenlent. He had been working with a land noller, and. was unhitching. the horses after corapleting his work. Three of the tugs had been unhitched, and. when •••••11. TO THE LADIES MISS WILSON, (Late of Chicago.) olpaeteds ottf SesitYrtil ..„-ptEvGicSinTity0, tlhaNFtOsItheSittakse DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING Establishment in the rooms over Hoffman Bros% store, in Cardno's Block, where she will be meet hinapinhyetoLaattteends.tpsrotmnpetisy. to all who may flai'r her with their patronage. Garments war A GOOD.FIT AND EVERY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Entrance through HOFFMAN 13ROT.HEBOr 540 sitNorGe. G. C. INGRAM 7 - BUSINESS, IIENSALL. RAM'S BLneCICSMITHINet Begs to announce to the P a:toile and his old -aft tomers, that the person to ,whom he disPoBed.' his blacke-mithing business, in Hensall, be failed to fulfill his eontract, the business it_ hereafter be carried on as heretofore, by hinnelfr All work entrained to him 'will be perfoxreed the best manner, and at the loweat p A continuance of the patronage so lieell'"" afforded him in the past, is re.spectfully solid in the future. 540x2 G. C. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1875, AMENDMENTS. In re ALLAN lYfInCInn-LL, an insavetzt, ALL PARTIES indebted to the above estate ralt required to pay at once to save coste, as thees must be wound up in a very short time. , 540 S. G. kJ cCAUGHEY, Assignee' on— EDBVBNT-FT NVTIOLIE NUMBE REAL ESTATE FOR , PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For verdent and desirable resideneo of and Market Streets, lately 1)r. Vereoe. Apply -to DR. VERC( 71031 F Osanle:s1 Ln30:nsEG:ce rar. —e:83 ,tF,eelicer :pan Itro--eseldIstt ac,:yssu4lefoll ut 18:1 IF5V8I049eBorne Sce: ssti.L: i0iBoonit leit:he) 131117:erliroceamABCde:Liltagliat'eeBaorffusBe8asely:::esittli,allark ihsenel on favorable terms. Apply to ti jolIN GOVENLOCE. VOR SALE.—The enbscriber Ime -11-: acre lot in the township of Mail Huron, 20 acres are clearea arid tIn timbered with ,beech . and maple. will be sold cheap. Apply to JAS SvoliocEitosrii, SEeEal„_orAtht,.tOvenstto. rey frame X buildings, situate) on the VII _ _ ee Seal°r" for sforthuitab, loerftoro i)aAxboairlsIdoiAnilgr;gnho_oluitois;:odrvoiciirsi,eeatii; For partieulers apply to W. N. TITH-1.realit:eirITst!welLith\li:ils good stebling and land attached. A splendid buenne by a good man. Terme -easy. ) *CFCs: AllXs'IgnlifiF0'31111taa:nlArjel::E, Co---unA tIy'ere3; Hs aa half of Lot 23, Con. 11, containing class soil Ana watered.; stable comfortable dwelling hous:. w_iies from Bavfiela; priee) the proprietor on the premises 2F:SARSII°:); eF13tt0a,311'efioeljint'in—gIl'ailr0 acSairees'y cleaeed and free from stunips. - frame barn anti stable. Plenty el dwelling honasie.a7itilsi swtointheintels1:11 aielyCmalinallt TtelinreElainEaxpabooustrr9onaiuloesitifereol VARM FOR SALE.—Being Lot nullett, containing 149 ate,ree fence; the balance well wooded 1 wood, There ie -a good fraixte the promises. Situated. -within a mile of the village of Blyth. proprietor, Blyth P. O. *PARE CHANCE.—For Sale Jev connuodious residente, tont with good well and A?utbUildini frontage, lying -en the south s Street, third door east of the Pres Seaforth. For further informal proprietor. A. G. AULT, Seafol VALUABLE FARM P011 S * the east half of Lot No- 4, Tuckersinith, County of Huron, ; .j sores, 31 miles from the Town -convenient to school. The la best quality, For further par JAMES PICKARD, opposite thl neleille P, O. , _ _ _ . RN F03.1 SALL—For Sale] being west half of Lot '9, CO Huron nom? Survey, with frame basement; log dwelling; all NN 40 acres dear of stumps; orC beaxing; 80 rods from a gooa is i giYOU at any time. Apply to ,.ie Agent, Seafortin , .... _____ _ ', PROPERTY FOR SA.V1,1,-1e1 -i- Con, 16, Grey, 3.430aeres, 16 excellent lot. West half of no! 29, Con. 6, Morris, adjoining th sels, 50 aeres, 33 ACT -es eleared, machinery -complete thereon. . lots, and a largenumber of view all the property of the undergo berof improved farms, tb.e Prot toe. JOHN LE'CIIIE, 13russel T_T OUSE AND LOT Fon 1 -R-A- that pleasantly situated i -donee, the preperty of Mr. Wih property ison Goderich Street, The house tonteins, sitting - kitchen, Ana 5 liedereems, wit wood -shed, and all ether tome.] mad soft water under toyer. ' and wellfinisboa. The lot cone acre. Apply to the propriet AVM. 11011ERTSON. . ..._ , „ _ _ _ A PAItE CHANCE FOR A 4 -IL MER.—The unaersignea very reasonable toms hia rts on Goderich Street adjoining Seaforth, The house is a 'eto well ,finished, and laTge plea good stable and all other cone nearly an aere of land attathe , a splenaid orchard of fruit Ire minites tealk of the butines '1.131IN WNW, Seafortb, „. SPLENDID FA.RM FOR S je-' north half of Lot 16, Lo smith, better known as the01 tontaining 40 acres, 40 acres and the balenee splendidly house and good frame outbuilt ard of the best- fruit and a This farm adjoins the+ Village one of the -choicest propertie the County. Apply to PETTY, Ifensall. _ _ ATATAIABLE FARM FOB v Lot 11, Con. -8, 11. II. taining 100 .aeree, '90 of whic state of good tultivation, bei the balance ie good breed:voted house, frame barn and stable. good bearing orchard. Is si from Seaforth end Brucefleid Sehool close by, and all ethe further partieulare apply to the premises, or to Egenonavi VALIDIIILE FAE31 taYininlveesetiihnaCilles°,1kiaLootwii27a,s farm is situatea within one Seaforth. The lana is -of There is a handsome midden( jinn: n ing scie du 4t.T jet cealn sni yjedhxaucteel tleman, dairy -man, or mar -easy. TIM; property roust b to_11. STRONG, Seaforth. TOWN PROPERTY FOR; occupied by Wm. M. Gray. Lot, on. St. John nea new residence, corner of CO Streets, at present octupled These very &hirable prope either far caeh, or one-third Gouinlocles Peraon inay obtain these Lots with .1!_ar_y ern ell presto f s elsvs‘aaryk-s. stospl AGO'N AND BLACK SALE.—The undersign lug from business, 'wishes the village of 'Unborn, town of Huron, consiting thre of chnice land, well underd number of well selected fru the premises a biseksinith shop 20x40, and paint shop storey awelling house 161. with cook -house attached house 18x.24 and stable 16x2 all frame and the dwelling h eellar. The above is situat faeming communities in th fore an excellent business s large 431101131t of oak, rock lumber, well seasoned, and eleighs, entters,und buggies cheap to elear out the etot ea a all overdue notes an LIAMS, -Constance P. 0. a