HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-03-29, Page 7MI 29, 1.878. limommianommumliat LEDItae.L. Le ite.,Physician, SurgeOn --a... 3eafortht Ont. Office and eel& Mg f Goderech Street, fir(loot . 1 Church_ - M. D' --7,,- C. ---e---"e,, phi --,31 air, 41 noner for the, County of lemon ,uce, on jarvis street none,* eaforth Publie Sehool. et, De, late of Lakefield, Orikt e SnrgeOn and Accorreheeee 7nieers1ty of 'Tritaity- Colleges., of the Royal College of phli net. Ont. Rinburn:Ont. 4 t, Retie, C. M., Graduate ee mite, Physician. SurgeOn seers eth. Oat. °Mee -noon -le he' Y 0 ceapi et' ley Dr. Phelan, anee 6 Dr. Kiog. Will ateeeei 0 esdays and Fridays. 496 t -Veterinary Surgeon, Grads ), Veterinary College, Seaforthe siclenee in rear of Rilloran & inptiy attended to, night or :terinary mcdieloes en hana ; Horses exarairrea testa emend. given if nequired. 407 et, V. S., Graduate of the (try College, After devoting co with Professor Smith, of d in Seaforta. Office Ilia M. Church. Calla promptly - or night. A large stoek of - constantly on hand. Horsea, e d certificates given cad on tommission. 04 DERBYSHIRE. L. D. Surgeon Dentist, Graduate he Loyal College of Dental . brick block, Main Street, eons of Ontario. Artificial nted. .III enrgical opera-, ith care and promptitnde. .31. to 5 P. M. Rooms in ar ------ Erfeet I' rk, CAMERON, Barristers, lianeery, &e.. Goderieh, One. , Philip Holt, M. G. Caut.. 5011 le Conveyaiacer and Cozier/ifs- Wroeeter. Auctioneer and s and notea collected on - 863 rtrister,Attoroey, Sedieitor in Godericle and Seaforth. Of- fatrug Store, Goderielt, and h. 354 NATSON, Barristers, Atter- in Chancery, &a., Clinton, loor east of the new Royal liug. Moue:: ,to loan on. farm 404 G. A. -transom kILMESTED, Barrzetere, Alt Stitr iz Chancery and t Public mal Conveyaneers t Bank, Seaforth. Agentsfor ranee Compiory, end let tt per cent. Farms !ale. 53 RA DEN' filtS'T, Barris. ;Law, Solicitors in Chaneery, loan at a low rate of intere t suit_ borrowere. Offices-- tam. Office in Langdale's_ ttt'e Bank. J. W. c.f. ZIEYER. atteaneasn. 474 licitor Consolidated Bank DarTisters and Attorney. in Chancery and Insolvency, Pablie, etc. Oflices-Set. 23,0ooaf Pritiate Panda. to t percent. Int eree t,payabie 53 w. c. etzynne !this, day been dissolved by - accounts (hie the firm to Ito will. pay ail Habil- JAMES ri.BENSON. L W. C. MEYER. 4set., NE0 us. itor, Se.. Iteussels. 011ie& briek banding. 504-52 -On terms more arterial- ; before, offezed. A. J. Me - els. 504.52 reseraftking done in the a goot1 fit entetred, at MISS over Anit'a Grocery. 533;4, - named Auctioneer. Any services as Auctioneer will me, Street, 11.ear Mr- .Settforth.. 524 NEY 2"--A few thousand mis, tor irtrmediate invest- terest. Apply to JAMES Seaforth. 533 need- etuCtioneer for the Saleattended in all Ali orders left at the Ex - :promptly a.ttentled to. elrovinejaa Land Stir - Orders byreall will receive eneh office, Clinton, 54a s. GOR.R. ',PUMP- FACTORY. - N. 'S. R iiUarns maianfac- terns. All work warranted ractea.y on ltle db. Main St.e 500 RS. -All. parties not hav- eeconerta with moor 18.77 - will be charged 10 per Relearn 1st, 1878, veithout. STRY, Seaforth. 531 IISS, MOORE begs to in- Seaforth and surround - prepared to do alFsorts king in the lateet styles. Roorae, over Hoffman. ese ral Loan and Real Estate and Commission. Men. real estate in town or simple interest. Chargea Ought and sold. Matured ernes. to salt borrowers. rtv or sake °Moe- Brueeele, Ont. 515 vineiel Land Surveyor . Orders by mail prompt- , CAMPBELL, MItettell. Ouvrtsm watory and Skin in a _Few I/0mm aalantreation ivithoutan lenton'te labientinatic aes tee Acid Poison, and fdved. Sold by all Drag - in, particular cases Blet'NTON, London. EXCELsItdi P.CLECTRIG • TIREs IT* WEIGHT IN red where it Is used. It is ver merle. One dose cares /ne bottle bus eared brone- th has cared an old stand- s, antes catarrh, asthma'. :woxtit has cured crick in gnantity lame back of 8 =lowing are extracts trate that here been received Canada, whicle we think, te- the most skeptical: 3. weft es, "Send Me dozen ;1,11ave start had from its cures are truly won_ a of Fraullite writes, "I ft, it acts like a elettem- takes eplendid now." H. -Please forwent 6 dozen am nearly oet, nothing commended by those who Thanteavitle, writes, deer Silpply of Eclectrie lc left. I never saw any - such genend satisfac- teeelward, writes, "Send : Oi/, 1 have euld entirely it." Miller re Reed, Ule ,e Lelectrie Oil ie getting . and is daily ealled for. eithoutdelay."LeineyneP. , Q., writes, "Send us 51. We find it to take lento dealer,. Price 25 , Ptteeee, N Y. And E, Toronto Ord., Soto. a. None.- atelectrie- • SuittU Seaforth by Reberts, eud Lums- 521 .; MARCH 29:1878. THE HURON EXPOSITOR., - 7 Moody and ,Saaakey7 Evangelists Moody and Sankey fin:, Weed their season of four weeks in Springfield, :Mass., Frida.y night, hav- ing conducted 20 noon prayer meetings, 14 Bible lessons and 32 preaching ser- vices, besides visiting Northampton and the jail, and attended daily inquiry Meetings ; there have also been three noonday meetings, and, three evening temperance) meetiugs, at Which the - evangelists were not present, about a• dozen pra,yer-meetings for young men and as many for women. Deily union. prayer meetings were held.for three' weeks before their advent. The to -tat attendance at the public meetings ing the last four weeks is estimated at 145,000, which probebIy does not re-:" present more then 50,000 or 60,000 in- •dividuels. All estimates of, the num- ber of converts axe conjectural, and_ they range from 200 to 1,000. One pee - tor has a list of 50 names of those who should by their social conneotions unite with his church, although not all of these have been" converted since Mr. Moody's arlivai. „Others have similar lists of -varying length, and there are probably 300 or 400 on these lists. To these are to be added those on whom no ehureh has any special claim, and the lerge number of converts who be- long out of the city. All the pastors are of the opinion that the greatest fruits of the work will appear in the next four weeks through the meetings of the churches and the private work of the members, many of whom have been ewakened to activity by this move- ment. Mr. Moody encourages this view, and the young TaeiffEl meeting, es- tablished at his suggestion, will doubt- less prove an important factor in the work. The expenses of the work will foot up about $2,000, most of which has been raised by subscription. The evangelists themselves receive no pay from the committee, their support com- ing from private sources. They always stipulate that they shall not receive any pay from the committee, and al- -greys object to any public subscription for their benefit. This puts them in a perfectly independent position, and, as the public is Ttot asked to contribute, they do not feel obliged to publish the particulars of -their incomes. Moody and Sankey opened, their two -week's campaign in Boston, at the Tabernacle, an Sunday, holdine morn- iniPana efternoon services with'''. crowd- ing House, Pudding .Lane, 1719. Price two coppers." This title -page also bore aelarge cut of a veritable goose, with Wide open mouth, showing that the pro- verbial irreverence -of sons-in-law is not a thing of recent origin.: We are told_ that Old Mother Goose did not resent the piptorial illustration, but took to it just as sweetly as she had taken all the other trials of life. Possessing her soul in patience, and gladdening the hearts grandchildren, she lived until 1757, :dying at the advanced, age of 92. There, •theta as we are assured is the true his- • tory'of Mother Goose. How the little boas which she originated have spread ' over the World need not be specified. Varieties. - A certain little do.msel, being :ag- gravated beyond ,endurance by her 'big brother, fell down upon her knees and 'cried: "0 Lord! bless my brother Tem. He lies, he steals, he swears - All boys ; us -girls don't. Amen." ' -A. west country blacksmith being asked by a party how long it was since Mr. Fullerton't the carrier, died, looked thoughtfully ahis feet for a _moment, , and replied: " Weel, I had. on thae clogs new at the burial, sae ye can count tree that for yoursell." -The Kroomen of West Africa say of the Ameriean : "Bim catchee horse, make he work; catchee water, make he wok; catchee fire make he work; catchee wind, make he work." '-A sweet, blue eyed Nevada bride, clad in gossamer tulle, remarked as the clergyman joined her hand, with that of her lover "I'll be gol darned if I don't believe that plaster's striking through the back of my dress." ". -Brown refused to get his wife anew hat; and soon after his little girl came in and. said: :‘Meannaa, won't you buy me a monkey to ple,y with, when you go down town?" "No, darling. Wait till you are older, and then marry one as I did," replied the grief-stricken wife, her tears bursting forth afresh. which is at the rate of 5 per cent., on a capital of 255,000,000. It is 011/101:19 to note the income of the four richest meii • on earth, in pounds sterling: Duke of Jones Rothe- Mackay. Westminister of Nevada child. Capital 16,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000 65,000,000 PrYear 800,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,750,000 Month 60,000 -80,000 • 1'70,000 200,000 Pr day • 2,000 3,000 - 5,000 '7,000 Hour 60 120 200 800 Mr. 1/lackey's fortune increases 25 every minute. Egg Product of Leadi-ng Varie- ties. After repeated experiments I have concluded -that th* laying capabilities of the principal varieties of poultry avs erage about as follows: Light Brahmas and Patridge Cochins -eggs; 7 to the pound, lay 130 per an- num ; Dark Brahmas-eggs, 8 to the pound, lay 120 per annum; Black, White, and Buff Cochins-eggs, 8 to the pound, lay 115 per annum; Plymouth Rooks -eggs, 8 to the pound, lay 150 per annum: Houdans-eggs, 8 to the pound, lay 160 per annum; La Fleche -eggs, 7 to the pound, lay 130 per an- num; Greve Oceurs-eggs,8 to' the pound, lay 140 per annum; Black Spanish -eggs, 7 to the pound, lay 140 per annum; Legliorns-eggs, 8 to the pound, lay 160 per annum; Homburgs -eggs, 9 to the pound lay 150 per an- num ; Polish -eggs, 9 to the pound, lay 126 per annum; Dominiques-eggs, 9 to the pound, lay 135 per annum; Games -eggs, 9 to the pound, lay 130 per an- num; and Bantams -eggs, 16 to the pound, lay 90 per annum. British Courage and Endur- ance. It is by the judiciousnse of such articles of diet that a constitutioii may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease.. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves. well fortified with pure blood., and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led-‘‘ James Epps 84 Co., Homeopath- ic ChemiSts, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 .Indians as Wood -Choppers. Yesterday we crossed. the river to see the entire Indian camp at work chop- ping wood. Near the other - side of the island we found a party of twenty-five, mostly Indians and squa,ws, all busily at work. Mr. Fields is now filling a contract Co out five hunared cords, and the Indians are workbag for him. They • have all the enthusiasm of new converts ed audiences. The revival weak under to labor, maa their axes are ringing their leadership begins at New Haven through many acres of timber. The squaws work as vigorously as the men, and some of them beafdown on an smell): a Way that is astonishing. One of them is said to chop more -wood. theia any men in the timber. Near by, haaigin,g in a brush hoop between two little trees, was what seemed an unusually lerge cocoon, but on closer inspection it prov- ed to be a pappoose'e nest -e. little hammock of the Indien sort -and. in it, feat asleep, a little "redskin." The wood is, chiefly elth; but there is a little maple and ash.. The Indians out be- tween eighty and ninety cords a week, and receive seventy cants per cord. Every Saturday they draw their pay in silver from the bank, and find that birds; but when we observe that Belies, steady work pays better than hunting so different from birds in their organi- and. lounging about.- [Red Wing (Minn) zetion and their mode of life, have also Republican, March 6. on, the 2-ith„ and the prepaxetory meet- ings held. by -the local 'clergy are already overcrowded. The Tahernacleis done,. and the choir of between 1;300 and... 1,400, voices are preparing for rehearsals in it, as no other co-nvenient place in the city large eleough for them can bo found. After his New Haven- work, Mr. Moody proposes, to take et little -rest .at his native Northfield.-Republicaa 9! Marcie 15. What an Egg Is. To the refleetive mind, the egg cou sautes one of the greatest marvels of nature. At first view it would seem that it is an especial chaxactegistic of eggs, we see that it must be the same in one souse with ttll kinds of animals A Boston Girl. sessine at first only the most essential The following, from a Wisconsin cor- At Greenwich, Conn., is an Irish wo- ,A. pullet's egg is ft very small germ, pos- organs for- the actual eustenence of its - mail whose husband came home intoxi- existence, and the gradual. development of its other peas euclosed in a box, with its provisiens for the tune it must actually remain in seclusiou. The. ani- eit31‘ a young lacly of 10 sunamers was mal is the little whitish circle remark- engaged watering the plants on. the ed in the membrane -which envelops the Iawn. A lady stopped at the garden mass of the yolk. The house destined gate, and the following dialogue oc- to protect the young animal until it has curred : acquired all of its own organs, and all " Sissy, is Mrs. W----.-7 at home ?" the necessary- strougth, and yet allow “ Did you address me, madam ?" (se- verely.) "Yes ; I asked, is Mrs. W at home." a Mrs W- is my a letter from Miss Nightingale to a friend, from Balaklava, dated May 10th, 1856, found. among the Prince Consort's papers, she says: "Fancy working five nights out of seven in the trenches;'fancy being 36 hours in them at a stretch, as they were all December -lying down, or holf-lying down, often 48 hours with no food but raw salt pork sprinkled with su.gar, rum and biscuits; nothing hot, be- cause the exhausted soldier could. not Grand Trunk Raily:ray. • Trains leave Sealorth and Clinton Stations as follows : . Gonto WEST- SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Express 2:25 P. M. 2:45 P. MI Express 8:58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. GoiNG EAST- SEASORTH. CLINTort. Mixed Train7:52 A. M. 7:27 A.M. Express Train1:13 P. M. 12:50 P. M. Mixed Train.. . 5:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. Mixed Train...., 10:35 A.M. 10:00 A.M. London, Huron and Bruce. GoING SOnTII- Mail. Mixed. Express. A. M. A.M. P. M. •Wingham, depart... 7 30 10 40 4 10 Belgrave... . 7 50 11 13 4.32 Blyth 8 05 11 37 4 53 Londesborough 8 14 11 50- 5 04 Clinton 8 31 1.2 40 5 25 P. M. 8 50 1 15 5 48 KiPP0112. 9 CO 1 40 6 00 •Heiman 905 1 50 607 ExSter 9 20 2 45 6 25 London, arrive10 45 4 45 8 00 GOING NORM- Man. Mixed. Express. A. M. A.M. P.M. London, depart...7 7 55 7 30 5 05 Exeter 9 20 10 50 6 25 Hensel] 9 88 11 15 6 38 Rippen 9 46 11 80 6 46 • Brucefield 10 00 11 45 6 57 Clinton 10 20 12 40 7 11 P.M. Londesborough10 42 1 10 7 30 Blyth 10 54 1 00 7 40 Belgrave 11 33 1 55 7 55 Wingbam arrive11 30 2 00 8 07 G rent es Trains leave Brussels atation, north and south, as under : GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. .... 9:15 A. M. Mail 6:37 A.M. Accom.. .... 9:03 P. M. Accom3.08 P. M. Mail 3.40 P. M. Mixed 5:25 P. M. teris ailway. MONEY! WAN- 3:3 - MONEY! Lai SELLING OFF CHEAP. !'"2 I 1 HOW IS THE TIME TO GET lg A - GOODS CHEAP. g N SOLVENT ACT of 1875 and AMENDMENTS. -a- -In the matter of ANDREW WHITELAW and JAAIE S MORE, as partners in bueiness, and of ANDREW WHITELAW individually, Insol- vents. Notiee is hereby given that ender and by virtne of the powers nested. in me as aesignee of t t and effects of the above-named ins ol- collect his own fuel, as he was eipected vents, I will offer for sale bt, Auetion, on .to do, to come his own rations; and the premises, in the Town of Ssaforth, on Baur- , . fancy, through. all this, the army pre- A. the 27th of April, 1878. at the hour of 1 2;1 THE NENSALL PORK FACTORY. ; rn 330 Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for - any quantity of C2 ; 7C ; . • HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED G. & J. PETTY Is no w Selling Ont -his Stock of Grqeeries an d .1 patience as oddoek in the afternoon, all the right, title and serving their courage and ionterest of the Insolvents, or either of them, and tb.ey have a e, art ' nOW eager f myself as such assignee, in and to, all and sin - (the old ones more than the y g ones) prier those certain parcels and tracts of land and P' situate, lying and being in the Town of to be led again into the trenches. ' Seaforth County of Huron andProvince of Outa- .There was something . sublime in the a° ' - . , and which said parcels or tracts of lend are 'spectacle." numbered and designated as follows: Lots Nos. 34, 35, 36, and 63, 64, 65, as shown on a plan made for Dr. T. T. Coleman of part of said town Heavy Weights. aaenrdersengiastoenredtcontaining by a dmeasurement one' Another skit from those wicked e h era! oartgaacgree,iblaeltahveor of enmoro o r Jess, subject- tots Frenchmen. : , Madame B., a beautiful mien for the sum of $1,894, inberest incriuCLIed-. Pole, was the rage last season. No one -A 0 There are on the r gage in favor of the Consolidated could deny the beauty of her face and all aformthet astheot Ha ron fi g ti r e ; but she had one defect -her feet Pytoeun II jul re; and thesilldbmalicih1011ni;SIC.Icp0n,.ewli were enormous. Madame B. had been. HE WILL SELL CHEAPER 11 I 1 lel Provisions at Reduced Prices. Than any other: Store in Town. No Humbug. Come One, Come All, and CET SOME OF THE CHEAP GOODS. q.cmy Frame. Buildieg, 36x50 feet, consistingaone-stwo; Seriously ill recently, and. is only just Immo Buildine, 36,60 feet; ale° a Boiler Housle and a Cnpola Rouse; a 15 -horsepower Engine recovering. The other day one of her and Boiler; also Screw Cutting Lath , Bull dearest friends of her own sem paid her Lathe, Iron Planet,: Vertical Drill, Bolt eCutter, a -visit Ti the tenderly put, " And and sundry toola for woodworking; Blacksmith and fleeter, lumber, a lot of castings and imple- teresting invalid languidly answered., I tools, Moulder's tools a:large number of patterns howale you to -day, my dear ?" the in- " Ah l I am still very weak, but I begin eeoleainna'onl3ealieltd;" tegustss,.:(t nertrticilhiaateilinilnee:ryFirst-Thwbe.1 to be able to put one foot before the Second -All other Machinery, Tools, Patterns, Flasks, ete,, in connection with the working of other." ." Come ain glad to hear that," the foundry, in one bat; Third -The Stock and said the other Cheerfully ; “ that is say- Implements, in one or separate lots, to suit pun a good deafer yourestrength." chasers. The Town of Seaterth is the centre of a large and prosperous agricultural disteict, and has a Dozniuiou wide reputation. for business, Gratitude of an Trish, Worn an. and the above sale presents a rare chance for a pushing man to eugage in the manufacture of inernenee numbers of wh ich are sold here every seavou. Tat terms and conditions of sale of ehe real estate and machinery will be made knoWn on the day of gale. For implements and stock -All sums of $25 and under, cash ;Over that amount to be so:urad by. note bearing in- terest at.8 per eeut., with approved endorsers. For further partieulers apply to ADAM snAy, $10 for the expense of getting her son Assignee for Estate Seaferth, Ontario. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. THE GOODS ARE. ALL FRESH AND NEW. You will find him in his New Brick Store, on Main Street, Sertforth. 627 e A. G. AULT. NEW PRINTS, respondent, shows -at how eaxly an age people born at the " Hub " teke th,eir Gated recently and. began to abase her, self-consciousness: but was stopped by a son's interference, Not many days since, in a Western which so enraged the old. neon that he had the boy arrested. The mother went to the liquor seller and, demanded. the itir and heat to penetrate, is the ahell. Hence the size. of the eggs of animals is not necessarily proportioned to the size of the animal to which they belong. All animals, -whatever they Mitt- bee -from the elephant th the hurne - No, ma . omit, and Mrs. W is not at, home." . • Ming -bird are, at the moment when " Willeyou tell her Mrs. M- call- , - they begin to feel the principle of life, ed?" nearly of the same size'. That . Which "Certainly, madam" (graciousl,ye). varies is the provision of nourishment a You won't forget the name?" they require. The crocodile, deetined " Certainly not, madern. I am not to ottani. celoseal dimeneipes, can take much. acquainted here, but I shall re - mai of himself very well in the river member the name: 'I am a Boston where he was born when. he has attain- Girl." And she serenely continued. to ed. the size of a Hurd ; so nature places water the flowers.-Herper's Mag azine: in the boe where lte is confined. fowl • sufficient to eneble him to reach that The Matrim.oma Lottery. size. The same with fishes ; there are -A young stranger called on Dr. M'C some euormous ones which have only ---one evening, while he was a pastor in New -York city, to engage his ser- vices in the performance of a nuptial ceremony. "1 wish to make a bargain with you, doctor," said the young man. " think the girl I am to merry will make a first rate wife. If you will wait a year for vounkfee, and. she turns out as I think very small eggs, because, however de miuutive they may be on leaving their envelop, they.cau already obtain their own living in the bosom of the:river or ocean. Mother Goose. This, it seeme, is the feaciful name. got up to pleese children. .. There -was a, she will, I'll thiei give. you fifty dol - real Mre, Cloese, or as she was familier- lats." ly called Mother Goose, who siguttliied They agreed, the young couple. were herself. by her literature for the uursery., married, :Ina the ineident posed. from We leaxn this. rather curious -fact from the aoctor's mind. • At the end of a, ' even - clear, threatening to prosecute him for seeroeen, Mardi 19, 1878. 587 - ----- _ _ _____e_ letting her husband. have the rum, and THE IMPORTED . FRENCH STALLION. the man paid. . the money. The 0 mother then made so pathetic a plea i before the magistrate that her son was . discharged, whereupon, in her great happiness, she returned the money to the liquor seller. . • - •--- A Mixed Relationship. . A. lady, 57 year li old, living in Spring- field, is a representative of a very mix- ed up family. Her father, living at Bel- fast, Maine, is 85 years old., and four years ago he married for his secoud wife a lady 34 years old. The fruit of the trai031 WaS a daughter, and this lady of 57 therefore has a sister three years old, who is the aunt of the lady's soe a stal- wart man of 40, who is the old man B grandchild. Sheridan, to test the acoustic qual- itie ef_ a new th.eatre he haa builtede, sir id the carpenter to speak on 'the' sta While ho would go and listen to bile from the gallery. "Now, then," sail Sheridan, when he had ascended. The carpenter responded.: "1 and my las • see ,,r ac 1 C-4 COTTONS, LUSTRES AND DRESS GOODS, AT HOFFMAY BROTHER'S 1 /leis is to certify that the imported French Per- .4- chero&Stallion "Champlain,'1 has been im- ported from France in the year of our Lord, 1870, when three years old, by Jason Per - ....1f Esq., of Montreal, member of the Agricul- tural Society of Grignon, in France, and of Ciren- cester, in England, and other European Agricul- tural Institutes. Also, Secretary of the Canadian Commission at the Philadelphia Exhibition for the County of Cliamplain, in the Province of Que- bec, that on the 1st day of April, 1876, the said imported Freneli pereheron stallion -was sold by the Agrienttural Soeiety of the Connty of Chem- ' al, aforesaid to the Apiculture' Society of the County of Arthabaska, and that on this day the said Agricultural Society of the County of Arthebaska, sold the said imported Percheton to Mr. PETER McEWEN and JAS. HORTON, of the County of Huron „Province- of Ontario. In witness whereof we the nudersi,gned have deliver- ed the foregoing certificate. Arthabaskaville, County of Arthaleaske, Province of Quebec. Sign- ed: A. GAGNUN, President of the A gricultu-ral Society of the County of Arthabaska, Crown Land agent and 'Warden of the said County. B. Tiordorax, Vice -President of the et gricultnral So- eseiety of the County of Arthabaska Clerko e li have been -working h.ere. for the Crown for the District of Arthabaatt. CHAS. J. six weeks and. -we should like to NEW STORE, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. KIDD'S HARDWARE. 'dJO SOP Ol 110 IVOO 0' 3 `a,31M 51'1 Od a 0 a ALL KINDSOFCURED 'MEATS Constantly on Band: FINE LARD, SAU8AGES, PORK umiNGS, &C. 5'23 G. & J. PETTY. THE SEA.FORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. ret ! ALONZO STRONG ; TS A.GENT fo Several First -Claes Stock, Fire bp. -2- and Life Insurance Companies, end. is prepar- ed take risks on e ' 1 THE elOST FAVORABLE TERMS. ; Aho Agent for several of the best Loan Sode- r ties. Also Agent kr the sale and purchase of Fann i and Village Property. t A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS Ol- t PROVED FARMS FOR SALE, $50,000 to Loan at S Per Cent. Interest. Agent kr the White Star Lino of Steamers. :a I OFFICE -Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St pe Seaforthe t4s 1THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 17 - CAPITAL - - - 5,1.000.000. , CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated1838; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. .SEAFORTH BRANCH. 1 DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., De SEAFORTH. e 0 I t4 Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills ot Bxebange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. _ 1 INTEREST PAID -ON DEPOSITS. RECEIVED • I M. P. HAYES, I p mANAGra --,4 Ei4j' HOFFMAN BROTHEBS DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: g ?--- tJ AMERICAN CUT NAILS, A ,--- I SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, g -=- HAVE MOVED INTO HOES AND RAKES, e4 0 I GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c M , THEIR . NEW STORE, IN CARDNO'S BLOCK, AND ARE -= OPENING OUT , el Eoweae, A.B., Secretary, Tieasurer of the Ag - the color of your honor's money . el rieult eat Society of the County of Atehabaska, hitt will do,". said Sheridan, " the Deputy Sheriff of said District of .Athabaska, Province of Quebec, S. BA5111EAL., Director of testi cs axe perfect." the AgrieultUral Society of the County of Artha- e------e- baska, Province of Quebec. TVS° QUI:ante:a-Ns EA.s.fien A NEWEIgia).--- : The above mimed stallion will travel this sea- • " Enterprise," calling at Exeter, Kippen, Bruce• Why shOttlaM en wear beards? Because, son the same route as that travelled by imported an American newepaper, alus Cony/yea- year, at t ie same • . they are a great protection to the throat- field, Seaferth. Carroubrook, and Spring Ifil1. natie festival- at the Old. Lull' Street The doctor did not recognize him at lungs, and add much to their per - Hell be sonal appearance. -Why should we use - wiet the several Spring Shows in the district; when the public can see him and judge tie/et/Let, Which in tle:icribiu,r a Christ- Mg, the youug man called againand . Church, Roston, enters pretty largely . first. for themselv,ee. For particulart3 see Rente Bills. into a biteesaphy of the lath lier - Do you remember the bargain -we . - " Brvan's Pulmonic Wafers ?'' Because alcENVEN re HORTONt, Proprietors. maiden. name WaS Elizabeth Foster. Made when you. married me a, year- when used. for coughs, colds, tickling of i the throat: hoareeness, .3:c., they act ' DICESTIVE FLUID d b p ,iineiu various forms to cure that FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE 11.. IL 0 EAVE 'TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- CI INPIPE . She wee born at Charlestown, where ago ?" like a charm. Ministers and law-yers use '7 she reeided until,e • g , with " Oh, yes,- replied the doctor.. • them; physicians recommend them, and pnRsoss Suffering from Dyspepsia are trtat- Isaac Goose, \\then sh,e became step- " said the young man, " she is • , mother td ten children. As if that was twice as good as I thought she was. not a eutficient family to look after she There's oue hundred. dollars for you."- teed by attled six children of her Harper's -11agaba :.:. LJ (evil to the number, making 16 gos- - gers and public spea ens sa„ the very best medicine in ex- • : dangerous disease. It is not a want of Pepsine Of Every Description Cheap. Put tip on the Shortest Notice and Were -anted. , • So d by all druggists and. country deal- ! hit glee for tlie cere of such complaints. • Brunton's Digestive Fluid has never ache, diseases of the heait, kidney diseases, and but an. excess of _acid that occasions Indigestion. failed t� relit.ve or ..cure the worst ease of head - at 25 cents per box. . many others which originate in Indigestion. - nold by all Drutzeiets. Price 50 cents. 535-24 . ‘. hugs" ill all. It was rztther a h 1 er A Speculative Girl. heavy- . • . handful, aud we do not woudee that she ,_ A young girl entered the office of on ). _kerne i. sme,; Se ccess.-It" is the duty • .._ e________ .._. _.,__ . early inthe morning recently, and, ha.v- 0 remee Salter, to let its wonderful THE OLD AND POPULAR PLOW poured her feelings in the _celebrated iusurance agent in Springfielfle Masse i of every person who has ueLra Bo 11) - ue e enter what teacher a, number of calendars, was dis- 1 eurine Consumption, • severe Coughs, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Thig, an tad 111 , who lived in a shoo, ing requestea the ilanie Of tl tielt001 tilitkti kiemn to the.ir friends in - many elrildrar t -he FACTORY Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customvs. JOHN KIDD. NEW. SHIRTINGS, NEW TICKI,NGS, NEW TOWELLING, NEW HOLLANDS, ---.42--- HOFFMAN BROTHERS' N E Vir wrott-E, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. CENTRAL DRITO- BRUSSELS. TAKE NOTICE J. A. dARLIek, CHEM.IST AND DI?UGGIST, Has Br.mored his inimense stoek of Drugs, Books, ;Stationery, Clocks, \Vetches, jewelry, Berlin Wool, Slipper Patterns, Toys, Mottowe and a host of other goods too numerous to mention, to his NEW STORE, CRAHAWS BLOCK, OPPOSITE STRETTO..TI6 HOTEL, Where he hopes to see all his obi customers and as many new ones as will favor him with a call. ; missea with a lavish e.upply. On bis i CiouPe _asthma, Pneumonia, and in - • . tronnoprdosere ilthnea coati 3 - and yen,...) and singing songs, which were seen the presenta,tion -was rather aston- • re lel. - Viree doses will relieve env heba::ftetct:ntl'hiahnisatlaenCdniutia:rt,IffItteentearil highly reliehed. 1:hough teskede fill° ' jelled to- be aeco.ited by the -same eirl , ca ere and we (t. inaider it the duty of ail • other kinds of ploupbs from Wilham,ons ti ‘ wil, )1e an aerecetble exist- 1 anti asked. to 1ttv two - calendars 'for . diu .,-, sts tc) recommend it to the poor gei terui. A:1 castivg4 for repair,: still on Iraid. .•:, • • ...utfl..„-es, ...:100erati,&4., mid will a ways be pre ared -1 ill -so who n*ed mich artielcs. IN ABUNDANCE. dal:fabler Elizabeth bee ame the 'Wife of ered faun the various insuranCe offices laet yeae, and no one case where it fail- e A -). I- : ' '' *ol-a- eVe hetet ;gal . :eat trel to nennieeture.wagons, ' • 4 t I o• else Her 1 f tia in it a fine assoetment gath- bi.ittle, as -.1 e t e t ozt.n. )0 . .0,0 (...i.e ;'-i t-. syiti.p cannot be too with_ , -teeng only fir -t, el.teA materiel, and hairt; over w". - way to dinner in a distant part of the feet all throat and. lime disea- -,- 'No ' hL The plow making still ecntinues in " William- . To enterteiu her flock Mae.. -Gooso in the habit of telling stories in 1)1'08u city, member of th.e firm, who heel reon eau uee it - widiout iminediate I so' ' old Etand, Seafortil, Where the subscribers - co Her chileren havilig grown up three 'cents ! He examined her stoek, ! d ing consemptive, at kaet to try one A MN- BRANCH. - .-U spent tei . . she wae -YeiN. mut tt - t - ant ou CST BE LOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF flYPOPHOS- PHITES, SUOSIIONEES REMEDY, BRIS- TOL'S SARSAPARILLA., ELECTRIC OIL, ALLAN'S LUNG BALSA -)I, &c. CEIVED .3. FRESH SUPPLYeL)F FEL- PURE DRUGS AND DYESTUFFS Thome., nee. 0 printer a small , about town. Way Boeton. With tin:, daughter, - - • wtee .reported. tench Met-LK:We • ; 12 Tears experience, wetbink we can make aped'', iNtre.; Goose, uteN 11 WitlOW, \S 'It to live, re : _uhe lgilliona,ires of the W orld. , I,y kin,vai. ..i,A your drneeist about it. ' artizi i 1.1.•1 i'' " ed ee - 1 j b f. i e n t e, iri. .ns tin, a._ - ••...neta o - tla sougs tc..$ au infant graudeon. Now 1.f money be i)ower, says the A‘hite- rtguler size, 75 cents. Lees ).-1 ( tle()A.-Grateful and. comfort- efte Ily asthorourtli knowledge ennybe- notina he travelled through the -United end had the satisfaetion of eel:eine her ' ht:r .bottleS to trv sold at 10 cents ; ing ail thels in our line done ori ;holt notice, and. reaeueable tef ra:=. Stri..t. attention to bore° ; legius the literary history of. Mother hall Re rh w, what a force is S. W. Mac- shoeing. Find us at s &hind, %Ose. Fleet, the son-in-iaw, was . a kay, who 30 years ago was. a penni- Goderich Street'Seaf,,rt . States Bleowd fellow, and, as a printer, he less boy in Irelana. I wenty yearS ago ` REID et MATTIGE. thaght lie nut, 1 . . awn granny's nursery songs, and sell- . as It epeculative salesman, and. in 1e02 me them in ae cheap and attractive was a bankrupt. To -da, at the age of font. They were issued. ha a book un- 45, Mr. Mackay owns three-eighths of ei aerthe title, "Songs for the Nursery ; the great _Bonanza, the richest sillier a or;Ilether, Gooee's Melodies for Chil- mine ever discovered, and draws out of 1 a alen- Printedby T. Fleet, at his Print- 1 Nevada a yearly income of 22,650,000, n r 1 n reiral laws which govern the opera.- INSOLVENT. ACT OF .1875 , ti us of digestion and. nutrition, and by , AND AMEN DIN.G ACTS. 1 11 r s of well selected cocea, Mr. Epps - is provided our breakfast tables with delicately flavored beverage, which careful application of tic ne prope ay save us immy heavy doctor's bills. JAS. A. DUBBIE and ROBT. CARRIE, Plaintiff. LI'KE BETTY, Defendant. A Writ of Attachment has issued in this eante. Roma OtentoNS, Oftcial Assi ee. Gwent:x(1z, March 12, 1b78. 6-2 • NEW BLACK AND COLT WOWS THIS 11 E AUCTION SALE VALUABLE TOWN _PROPERTY And Household Furniture. ROBERTSON & CO et • -WIT LIAM LOGAN bee instructed Me. I P. •BRINE to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, on TuettAtty. April 2, 1S7S, commencing at 12 o'clock noon, that valuable property situated en North Main Street, in the Town of Seaforth, at pretreat occupied by him- self. There are nearly two aeres of laud, well planted with fruit and ornamental trees. There is also a commodious aid conifortablo dwelling house, with (seller, wood shed, hard and soft wa- ter and all other necessary conveniences; also a good stable.- There will be sold at the same time a quantity of valuable Household Furniture. The property will positively be sold, as the propriester is going to Manitoba. The real estete be put up at 2 o'clock, sharp. Terins.-CM the Furniture, cash. On the real estate, e half of the purchase money the da3 of sale, the balance in 12 months', properly secured, WILLIAM LOGAN, Prop5rimettion. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC • MEDICINE. Tho Great English Remedy is eapecially recormneaded as an unfailing care for Semiaal Weaknees Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as & se- quence of Self abuse, i3ofore a ng as Loss of Memory, After lag. SEAFORTH, CAN SHO* YOU A LARGE STOCK OF SKATES: Acme, Barney & Berry's All • Clamp, ice King and Club, &c„ &c. Open COW CHAINS A.,-ent for vv.. ncn co.'s Celebrstted lorganm rind Orgattetaes.Terms Liberal. J. A. GARLICK, Ceutral Dreg Store, eppoeif e Strettona Bruseele, Feb. 7, it. 531-13 • SLEIGH BELLS: R. N. BRETT, Neck, Back, Body, &c. _ Universal Laireitude, Pain in the Rack, Dimness Open, Close, 'Ring, and Wal of Vision, Premature Old. Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or COnStUtoptiOli and a Premature Grave, all of whith as a rule ate first caused by deviating from the Patk of nature and over indulgence- The Specific Medicine Is the result of a life study and many years of CI., PeriOIICe in treating these epecial filseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine Is sold d the by all Druggints at $1 per package, or 6 patkagea Burrers, Warnock's, an for 85, or. will b e sent by twin. on rezeipt of the ton. AXES: SEAFORTH, Wholesele and P.etail Dee_er in LEATHER an SHOE FINDINGS el Every Deecription. None but the V'efy Best Steck kept. Terms moderate. A Trial Solicited, MI ordere by mail or otherwiee promptly Oiled. 490 B. N. BRETT, Welland Vale. CROSS -CUT SAWS The Lance Tooth, Improved Champion, Tuttle. Tooth and Lightning. All of which they - Twill sell for less . money titan ever qtPred in, Seaforth before. REMEMBER That. we have Moved to our NEW PREMISES Bast Side Main Street. DON'T 'FAIL TO CALL. Tr -1/. .ROBERTSOS d Co. iitrAIBER IIEMLOCK, First Qqably, rxr. M. .frt„ux 113. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, ne b addressing WILLIAM GRAI 3; CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hiekson Co., Z. S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. (11tBAT LMALB REMEDY. -Job Moses "I" Periodical Pills --This invaluable medicine is unfailiug in tho ture of all those eCinful and dangerou 8 diseases to whieh the kmak ceMetttn•- tion issubject. It moderatornil exeess and re - reeves all obtrrictions, and EL speedy curernay be ret ied on. To rea.riedladiere it is peauliai1ysuited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularite. These pills should not be Laken by Females during the first threo mentlas of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring DR XIS- - carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous t and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and Barbie fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure -when all other meant' I:love failed ; and, although A powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the tonetitution, fl directions in the pamphlet around each package, , Which should be carefully preeerved. lob 'Moses, New Yolk, Hole Proprietor. 81 00 and 12i centri • for poetage enclorted to Northrop St Lyman, To. Ont., general agents for, the Derninton, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seafortia by B. Hickson. ; Co., J.8. Roberts, and R. Luniadcm 197 PINE All Lereethe, from 10. to Co Fitet, at the PONY MILL, IN McIKILLOP. The Subscriber has albo a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, ' Where all Villas of Lumber can be obtained. 4'72 THOMAS DOWNEY, 11 trtt THE PUIILIC.-Itead what the people say in reeard to •tbe -Great. Shoshonees Remedy and. Pins.. Levi Jones, tila.rkharn, frays': "1 had t:AblomynT,hreitaiI3h.. I'.17;ir4.8,.;33t1t1 a quirk remedy, ate) seeing tier " Shoshoerees Itenteny " reeenenended. I proeured a bettle, toed ism happy te Fay that by the time it was taken I was einerely well, eael have remained eo, reitherigh I 1141.5 .11.1:141 iNVOSCil thr4111.01 adeter 111 travel,iag." Rev. F. B. Strattent, Dem- oreetville., writ t " 1 heve foetid your . re- Int:dies particulaity lamdicial for liver complaint, .. dyepepeia and brotrenial affeetions, and would , advi. ih -iznflariy effeeeed to give them a trial.' John Finlayson, Athol, eaym : " Weezr travelling care Of rey feet get WW1: atid broke out. I could not cure it, and bad to return home. It became - better and afterwaids reueb worFe. I finally pur- ' chaeed a butele of the ilenierly and a box of Veils, aod before they were half gone 1 conireeeced te • imp ove, teal before they -wcre tinit.oeil_ my feot . was completely curl. It now 17 niontIle , incl.., but have had no -further attack." Priee f of the Remedy in pint bottles, eel. Pills, conte a box-