The Huron Expositor, 1878-03-29, Page 6' Genera/ News Iterate Bear Hesez.—Bret Herta is nom- inated for the Chinese mission. _ Wiriness 4ro Gee; GRANT. — igen. Grant is expected home in the autumn. Preparations are in progress to give biml it public reception. in Philadelphia. Exerasiate—Two lives were lost and $200,000 worth of property destroyed. by the explosion of the American pow- der mills, at South Acton, Mass. The same mills have had two previous ex- plosions within eineinonths. ,_ STARVATION PA SAN FRANCISCO. --There is great distress in San Francieco. are idle on the streets, willing to w but unable to get it. A call for labo at 11. a clay drew forth several th THE HURON E1CPOSITOR. Government could tolerate the circida- tion among its ignorant masses of such seditious and disloyal language as wait 'constantly uttered by the vernacular. press. NEW Diszese.--A new malady has lately broken out in Detroit, of such a peculiar character that both doctors and patients have until lately been puz- zled to account for it. Its symptoms are eausea, headache and other indica- tions of a disordered stomach. The cause has been discovered by a cheraist who drew from a hydrant, opposite the residence of a lady who was sick with Man the prevailing illness, a phial ef water, ork, awl made a careful investigation. The rers 1 water was fonnd to be absolutely -Pare only that it featly swarmed with ani- malcule) (4 the species known as cy- clops. The little animal is barely vis- ible to the naked eye, bnt is clearly de- veloped under the microscope. He a.,p- pears to be a minute lobster having but one eye, a fan-like tail, long tentacles or feelers, his legs and back mailed. in scaly armor like the full grown lobster of . the sea. The Chief Engineer of the Detroit waterworks who was treated to a micro- scopic• view of a drop of the water which he is pumping for the use of the city, sprang back appalled when he saw it. The cyclops is said to be a !aia- tive of St. Clair Flats, where it is prop- agated in countless myriads in the shoal, stagnant water whieh spreads over the vast alluvial marshes of that region. In all probability it will also be 'found in the waters of the bay, the shores of which are somewhat similar to the St. ClairiPlats. , GlIURcH ORGAN.—The new organ in Grace Church, New York, costing $12,000, ancl the largest in any church on the continent was used last Sabbath for the first time. and. applicants DIED AT SEA.—Rev. 3. H. Gordon arlington, England, thed suddenl e 10th inst., on the way to New Y from Liverpool. He was an emin Baptist, a lecturer and controversiali Pzinex Reseeurtiate.—A penny taurant at Detroit fed 4,000 pez.s daring the firatiweek, at an aveeage c of three and a hall cents per head. CHICAGO PORK PAGEING.—During year ending Ma,reh lst, there 41009,311 hogs packed in Chicago, large increase over the previous year MASSACRE BY TURES.---A Corfu spec reports that the Turks have devasta, eight Christian villages in the distric the Dalvina, and t tictassacred the in inhabitanta. They also killed 100 gitite women and children on the shore.. The English consul has gone investigate. : Deownee.—Thirty-six excursioni attending a fair at Brest, France, w drowned, on the 14th inst., by the ca sizing of thebarge Cecile. AN -IMPRItre.r. VISIT To AmERroA.— iit stated. that the Crown Prince of Au trite will shortly visit the United Stat and Brazil. Mm en Peror Ban/tn.—Despite t enormous importation of meat fro Canada aud the United States, Lend butohers are charging alinost famin prices. Several butchers, by supplyin their customers -with American be t have netted a profit of over 100 p cent. Reeder MovEmstrer.—.A.: movement o oot in England to raise funds for r • lief of the 70,000,000 who are starvin in China. Sir Thomas Wade, Britis Xinister at Pekin, returns at once t China, for the purpose of supervisin the distribution, of the funds subscribe in England, 001znielse Bnewe.—The junior class the College of New jersey -passed the field examination in logic on Wedne day, 13th inst., and celebrated the even bya college brawl that led to the ares of a number of students, and resillte en the serious injury of several studeet in Princeton Theological seminary. Dlff.tTnt or ANEeneraitz PAIN TIM .-- Alexandre Vallet LaDuc, landsoap painter, of Paris, France, is dead. INBURRYOTIote AN'D Bueeinia. — The steamship Sphinx, reported burned :with 2,500 (Aroessians on board, cause ing the loss of 700 lives, was fired by themselves during an elevate. They had previously plundered the vessel. Trenes Fiver—It is stated ' that in consegeenoe of the alarming spread of typhus at St. Petersburg many families areleaving. The nuraber of fresh oases is estimated at between 300 and 400 daily. Tux Suorrnin Hiertericat. --- The Pope will hold a Consistory on the 25th of March. Ile will deliver an allocu- tion and proclaim. the re establishment a the Cathedic hierarchy of Sootland, confirming the Bishops appointed, by Pina IX. - letentes GM )(Vltava'. — Weston, the pedestrian, is ill, end cannot enter the .internationat welking match. GZONG11- EnroTta NovELS. — George Eliot has cleared £40,000 .on "Daniel Deronda." George Eliot's last novel- ette, " The Lifted Von," is described by a good critic as altogether disagreeable, With not an (demerit of interest in it. DUTY- QURSTION,—The United States Treasury Department is oonaidering the motion, whether cod-liver oil from Can - ads OEM be achaeitted free of duty. The Canadian Government has decided that fish oil is not free from duty ander the Treaty of Washington, unless caught in United States Waters. If this ruling beadopted oe the _American side, im- orteie of oil must prove that the fish .as caught in Canadian water. Ont A , of y on ork ent at. res - ons oat the ere —a ial ted t of ale fu - sea to sts ere .8It - 00, he ro on ef er is e - o of ir s - d. Stacireaa-Thomaw Middleton :Rogers, destitute Englishman, shot himself, robably fatally, in his room at the Ai- r House, New York, last Frida.y. use, poverty. COLONtin lessee Arava Baker, V. C., 'who was Wien • pris- er by the Russians, and was supposed o have died, is still alive and at Sofia. came to the knowledge of Lady trangford, that he waa lying in aaerious ate in a cottage at Streali, and- she t her tais n doctor to insist upon his oval to her hoapital at Sofia. A let- er from him, aided January 28th, has nreeeived by his family, posted by ady- Strangford on her way through elgrade. A retaliaviiio leucuess,—The Duch of Edinburgh ia getting immensely pular with_ the young officers of the "tish Mediterraaean fleet. She is ry kind to them, has them up often the palace of Situ Antonio in the ning, and gets up all sorts of amuse - to anil entertainments for them, en - g herself into the fun like the htest-hearted sehool-girl. She knows haw to make really handsome A 'Kilmarnock Carrier's Dream. IP the golden days of stage coaches and carrier's, over half a century ago, a party of carriers from the south were rendezvoused in their usual " hostel" in Rilmarnoek. The landlady, garrul- ous, inquisitive and superstitious, was considered an adept in the then popu- lar practice of reading dreams, One of the party, a wag named Gordon, thought to puzzle ' the landlady and amuse himself and his companions by creating the dream which follows. On Mrs. Boniface inquiring one morning how her guest; had slept, Gordon an- swered "that he had been troubled by a terrible dreala, but that otherwise they had been quite comfortable." Her curiosity was at once aroused, as he had expected, and she exclaimed: " A dream! let me heaft, man ; mayhe I can make something oot o't." " Wed, then," quoth Gordon, "1 dreamed I was in Nilraiirnock, as is noo the case, an' I thooht ht !ere was a man i paradin' the streets wi' he biggest car fu' o' the biggest barrels I ever saw, an' Johnnie Tinglura, the ceier, gaun afore him wi' his bell, annoencin' that the man wad buy wives, sell wives, or swap wives wi' onybody. Weel, thinks I, I'll swap wives wi' ye; an' sae I thocht I did. 1 Sae, I got ane o' the barrels wi' my new wife int hoisted on my ain cart, an' took the road hame. At the first toll -bar dot cam' the queerest bleert-lookin' creature ever I saw, and in a stern yoice demanded what had I in the barrel. 'My -wife," quoth I. “ Na, na, nae wife," said lied "it's gunpowder; but I'll eune prove that Sae he geed in an' fetched'oot e, het poker, an' held it to my barrel, and snne there was a repeat terrific explosion, sendi4 horse and cart, wife, toll -keeper, an' your servant, mem, Lord only knows where. So I awoke, and behold it was a, dream." . It would be tedious to follow all the labyrinthine windings, ra,vellings, and unravellings with which she endeavor- ed to give cohesioii and meaning to his nonsense; but her ultimate deductions were: " Troth, gudeman, I leer there is nal ewer guid. an agreement between you an' your wife." The party roared with laughter, for it was a fact notorious to them that such domestic discord was indeed the case. Gordon was thoroughly worsted, and though, no doubt, he had many a dream after that one, it was the last he got read by the ale -wife of Kilmar- nock. • Love Only. Never marry a man who has only hie love for you to recommend him. It is very fascinating, but it does not make the man. If he is not otherwise what he should be, you will never be happy. The most perfect man who never did love you should never be your husband. But, though marriage without , love ' is terrible, love only will not do. If the man is dishon- orable to other men, or mean, or given to any vice, the time will come when you will either loath him or sink to his level. It is hard to remenaber amidst kisses and praises that there is anything else in the world to be done or thought of but love -making; but the days of life are many, and the husband must be a guide to be trusted—a companion, a friend as well as a lover. Many a giri has married a man whom she knew to be anything but good, “ beceuse he loeed her so." And the flame has died out on the hearthstone of home before long, and. beside it she has been sitting with one that she could never hope would lead her heavenward—or who, if she followed him as a wife should, would guide her steps to perdition. Marriage -.resents el jewellery, whereby -the wife Teed- daugliters of the Admiral of then is a solemn thing --a choice for lite, be ghbg. -t t are made richer— and happier or eareful in the coosie ey would net be women. T rnes vile }Ione, -.iie it J. L. A Disgusted Tramp. Acknowledged to vcins, of Jacksonville, Florida, has re- States for delicacy a thoroughness of s finish. "Oh, no," says the young man, "on the contrary, it is very profitable; they send the bodies to the dissecting ipoms and. get $25 apiece for them. , The tram.p borrowed a chew, inquired • the distance to Shurburn, and rapidly moved northward. A Horse Eaten Alive by Hogs. Horton, a tin peddler, last week put up for the night at James Ballard's, Peeksville, in the town of East Fish - kill. His horse, which was somewhat the -worse for old age and hard work, wiai taken to the stable, his Manger fill- ed with provender, a good bed made for him, and then he was left for the night. en nunabee of hogs which had been ac- customed to feed on the refuse of a slaughter house dose by, got access by some 'means during the night to the stable. Finding the poor nag quietly reposing inhis stall, they attacked him, and commenced gnawing away at his flesh. The horse was unable to get up, and was forced to submit to the terrible ordeal of beieg eaten alive. The next meriting the peddler went to look for his horse, to find only a portion of him there, -with but a spark of life left. The poor beast was soon afterward despatqh- ed to relieve him hare his misery.-- Pawling (N. Y.) Pioneer. , Tam. Irvine. Long before the iron-horae found its iji ward course through. the bogs of Strath - alien; there lived in that locality a. worthy named Tam Irvine, a weaver ,by trade;and hard drinker by custom. It was customary with Tam when he got on the sprole, as he ternaed his drunken orgies, to ma,ke great detours through the strath, that is to say if no person would accompany him home. On one occasion while being - catered home by a , cronie, he lay down beside the river Allan, and to all the entreaties and persuasions of his companion, he lent a deaf ear. All his coaxing being in vain he resorted. to another expedient. Filling Iris hat with water, he emptied the contents with no small velocity on Tom's face, exclaiming at the same time, "Rise, rise, Tam. There's the Allan doon on ye." This had the de- sired effect. Tam took to his heels, and ne'er halted till he reached his own door. On another occasion, when re- turning home half=seas over, each time he lost his equilibrium and fell, he was heard audibly Tto quote the text—"It is not in man to direct his own footsteps." A Singular Man. A gentleman gave a letter of intro- duction to a student of raesic about to visit Leipsic, who wished to put him- self under the instru6tions of Professor X., a famous teacher in that city. Upon the student's return home the gentle- man asked : "How did you like the professor ?" "Oh, wonderfully! He gave mo fine lassos; but he is a ver,y singular man. He kept praying all the time he was teaching/ me." "Praying? What do you mean?" Well, while Ievas playing, he clasp- ed his hands, lifted his eyes to the ceil- ing, a,nd kept sayietg, Great Heaven, what sin have I comenitted to deserve this punishment?'" MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. • SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. We would again call the attention of he public generally to our well -selected stock of PIANOS AND ORGANS. THE EMERSON PIANO Is still the favorite of all lovers of runsic.for its sympathetic, pure and rich tone. STEiNWAY CHICKENING, DECKER And otter first-class Pianos supplied at a few days' notice. CLOUCH 'WARREN ORGANS, be the best Organ in the United of touch, quality of tone, woremanship, and style and A tramp, passing through a village ived a, letter frem parties in the Turk- few days ago, met a young man that i Empire, -who weery of Turkish something of a wag. in the outskirts of nny and oppressien, desire to eriii- i the town, and interviewed him with the 0 to the United States. TheY are _ followMg result : in the ancieut city of Damascus. : y represent that they have a " What accommodation has thie town few for travellers ?" asked tbe tramp. sena &liars in gold, and. several ; " Five good hotels," Was the reply. ,nosand in Turkish bonds, wills+, ' " yes, but what accommodations for ever, they Cousirler worthless. They Ditig travellers tli atcaunot pay for t to opine to Florida, MS th0 CIIIIMGE3 1 sod,,in„ ee , s s similar to ti of their own " .- - na. Then inquire about the cest of i tiv° 1 ecttiecCy' poor, the cells in the jail are 'a, expense of the os ago, the probe,- nstoatuass:,comfortable as in ordinary homeity of securing a home. etc. mia.ow FrigR. h J. E. Leggagd.iiiemi , itia`eb' itIorain.atiotoput,lakd etticionlkd..t-,t, pfeerillsoiev-elwyoumidu,sebde for Louisiana, died at Hh Havana, oz . 15th hist, of yellew fever. T pitEas rtz Iliiii.L.Th,rhe couuce " ake cold," replied. the youuti man, he Governor-General nf India. Lave " o"nwelle-38.7etwiltttrr, napal to death there &Bill for the better regulation of native Indian press, enabling die neent promptly to suppress all ous wilting, extortion and intimi- THE DOMINION ORGAN. We have on hand a Large Stock of these Cele- brated Organs. The only Organ from Canada receiving an award in the International Competi- And tion, also the highest prize oyer all competitors at the Western Fair, London. We can also sup- ply Organs on the Shortest Notice. Special at- . IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Now that -the time for house cleaning is approaching, you would do well to look over onr list of Goods, some of which you may find useful at such an interesting season: F URN ITURE CREAM, A very excellent preparation for Cleaning and Polishing Furniture. Does not grim or make the Furniture' sticky, and may be used upon the finest Piano, giving a quiek and easy polish, thereby saving a great amount of labor. 133 T.T G F•soTso 1\T, Dead Shot, warranted to do justice at the expense of WHITEWASH. BRUSHES, - SCRUBBING BRUSHES, STOVE BRUSHES, WHITING BRUSHES, STOVE LEAD, STOVE PIPE VARNISH, the Bags. DISINFECTING POWDERS AND SOLUTIONS, SILVER SOAP, And Soothing Syrup to keep husbands quiet till the house cleaning is over. Besides a great many other articles that we cannot here enumerate. Drugs, Chemical Medicines Dye Stuffs, Perfumery,' Toilet Articles; a full and complete stock as usual. Prescriptions filled with the utmost care and accuracy by the proprietors. HICKSON ISZ, BLEASDXLL, ,Seaforth. SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. Call at M. R. COUNTER'S Jewelry' ,Store and Vet your Sight tested with L. Black & Co.'s .Patent Indicator—can ft you the first trial. A Full _bine of Spectacles iron?, Twenty -Five Cents to Twelve Da; lars per pair. A Case Given' with Avery Pair. M R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. JUST OPENED OUT ON THE PROMPT CASH SYSTEM, In that old eetablished Grocery Stand, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE DO NOT FAIL TO CALL AND SEE What a difference it will make in your Grocery Bill by buying your supplies at the PROMPT GASH STORE. GOODS ALL FRESH. NO SECONDiSAND GOODS GOODS ALL' WARRANTED. I have decided to adopt the "Prompt 'Cash, No Credit" System, believing that in so doing I am meeting A WANT LONG FELT FURNITURE. FIURN1TURE. M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER, HAS AGAIN OPENED A Retail Furniture Store Two Doors North of his Old Stand, eppoeite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. I UNDERTAKIN-G Attlended to as Usual. • A. Large Sto.ck of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. 531 M. ROBERTSON. GROCERIES. GRpCERIES PROVISIONS. By many right thinking people in our neighbor- sst hood, knowing that a well -pleased patren is a good advertiser. VISIONS. FOR YOUR GROCERIES AND PRO - PROVISIONS. CO TO CHARLES MORAN'S, SEAFORTH, I ask you to make me a visit, when I will undertake to satisfy you that it pays to buy at the Prompt Cash Grocery. NOTE THE SIGN: D. Dr ROSE, FAMILY GROCER. HOFFMAN BROTHERS HAVE MOVED INTO THEIR 'NEW- STORE “ I should thiek it would be foe the ention peen to the trade. Send for Cir,culars. hit -est of the town to furnish. more camfortalthi accommodation i it must . The Governor-General said no bcoelav Weathry x-ieeirn?s,Ive to burythe bodies this , SCOTT BROTHERS, 'r"-• IN CARDNO'S BLOCK, HE HAS ONE OF THE BEST SE- LECTED STOCKS OF FAMILY GROCERIES IN TOWN. GIVE HIM A CALL. LUMSDEN'S OLD STAND, MAIN STREET, SEAPORTS. •mo'v-JD HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Have Moved to their New Store; CARDNO S BLOCK, SEAFORTH, And are Opening This SAS. ek 1 NEW 'CORSETS, GLOVES, ,TIES,'- FRILLINGS, &c. Are Opening Out Goods I Every Day This Week. —HOFFMAN BROTHERS HAVE MOVED INTO THEIR NEW STORE IN CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPART- SEAFORTH ItiF,NTS. INSPECTION DWITED. - eseese.„„ DRESSMAKING. A S MISS ANDERSON luss got tied seeing -Lk her customers climbing up, tboe narrow stairs, she has removed to the hotise lately occu- pied by Mr. Cardno as a shop, two doors west of the Expositor Office, where all orders will be promptly attended to. Apprentices wanted im- mediately. 53414 - • YfA.RCII 29, 1878. 'MEDICAL . STOCKTAKING. TEN PER CENT.' OFF ALLOWED' ON T G. SCOTT, M.D. dce.,Physiciains t, • Acconcheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and - deuce mouth side Of Goderich -Street, linit east of Prasbyterian Church. TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., PhysicianiaZ , • geon, etc., Coronerfor the County of Office and Residence, on Jarvis street -"It directly opposite Seaforth Public School. AAT A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakellele, Y • Physician, Surgeon arid. Accoii Graduate of the University of Trinity bon,. Toronto- Member of the Royal College °awl sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn:Ont. WIcrillk-gs:VesEiatveleniuryrs'thoiklicy.e,u01)Pp;h:tyd.sCib.eiyoulivn.:jc.e_St.aullihtfiellooetiousznutt:i , mArocer:euerre'sihyilbuly°er' the late Dr. King. Will attend Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 49. -- as D . litBeeNotuoyarTio, vveeteterriinnaariy., csouffecog: 8, eG... C u32-TeASSMOsidSarieWeor:32ctrjaeritDenEgagEryi:eVeno.illiSteg::.uGilrA:dft-eau. 7-ttr depoti two oynetaor, a Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, 1110444 Charges reasonable. Horses examined esteems:1i Ont. Office and Residence in rear oeleinstaiat day.. A stock of veterinary medicines on jam iiviitlictapfororftehs.soor aiteiniatlist 3/41171 • attended tb by day o'r night. A large sese,ca, residence east of W. M. Church. Calls ptonibe. its Psrettincee ea- DERBYSHIRE. L. Betti ALL PUR ,HASES Horses bought and sold OR COM131i8Si0/1-. 424 of the Royal College of Dental Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. &net examined as to soundness and certificates give' -1--IL• Surgeon Dentist, Gradette. Surgeons of Ontario. Artificial Dentils neatly executed. All surgical opese. tiona performed with care and promptitude, mOltio.oewthhouitrnsefyr,osmnSewA.bMrietko bloPeke,MmsailEtesn sealtr3e6141 , S eaforth. ABOVE $1.00 DURING STOCKTAKING AT ALLAN MITCHELL'S. THE PLACE 'WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM; G -JT VT 11 ? Why, the Most Stylish and Substan- tially Built Rigs in the County. PI'LLIMAN & CO. Have now Facilities for Manufacturing CARRIAGES, • BUGGIES, CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS The Superior of whioh cannot be got from any (Shop in the Country. BEING PRACTICAL MEN, They thoroughly underatand their business and personally euperintend the work in each depart- ment of their business, and consequently there is no shaky material used in their vehicles and "slop work” is unknown in their establishinent. 1 A Few of those .Nobby Portia" nds and ConVortablel Swell Body- Cut- ters still on hand, which will be sold very cheap. Repairing of all kinds promptly and neatly exe- cuted. Remember the Seaforth Carriage Works, East - of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. PILLMAN & Co. ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & CO. Are now prepared to treat with parties for ' GROWING FLAX, Either by the Ton or A.ore. They are also Selling All Kinds of OTTIR,MID AT LOW PRICES, AT THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, FLAX MILL PROPERTY, SEAFORTH. Orders left either at the Factory or Rrovrnell's Groeery will have immediate attention. A large quantity of Clover and Timothy Selling at, Low Prices. 536 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & Co. JUST ARR.:NED, AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, . Opposite Cardnors New Bl?ck ' Phosphozone,; ' • Boschee's German Syrup, Churchill's Syrup of' Hypophos- phites, LEGAL. C0, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrister.Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Goderioh, O'nt. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cant, eron. 508 'WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer andComzele. TV sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected en Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Gocierich, sui rBe a .8 p Chancery, ha. bat' coe yet erk try: 08ZierWATSON,V.Barristers Atter- :Zt.o., Goderich and Seaforth, .16600e:„. 354 Canadian Bank building. eteney toloan on him ...iraKidd's cStoomre; -15-s-lant. lacefayse,e—First eCahsatnocefrytoh,.e new Boni 47Ac. a"VATAMe Pr°S1.)31.CILYCOMSONL. Law, AfaCAITGHEY & HOLMESTED,Barristers,At. Solicitors in Chancery and 404 insolvency, Notaries Natotaries Public and Conveyancers Solioitorsfor the R. C.Bank, Seaforth. Agentsfot the . Canada PprtennY Cont. Fermi Houses and Lots fyoErnsaitleR. 53 _adtasik,leoAtsosulreannaceaCto8 Com any, ADENIIURST, Banis- m ‘-A ters, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &o. Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter- est, and rn terms to suit borrowers. Offices— Goderich and Wingham. **Office in Langdalea 'building, opposite Scott's Dank. J. T. GARE. w. ‘5. lityER. ROW. 11* W. C. MeyWer:r.SItOIDliCEiNtolirlICRSOTn'474 Selidated Bank of Canada, Wingham. TIENSON & MEYER, Banisters and Attorne,y , -11-J at Lew, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sete forth and Brussels. $23,000 a Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 53 JAS. H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. The above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due tiro firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who -will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. AL INCE I., LA NE' 0 US. •"- J. MCCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Offiee • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52 V/IONEY TO LEND—On terms more advan- tageouslhan ever before offered. A. J. Me- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504,52 n RESSMARTNG.—Dressrnaking done in tho Latest StylesSand a good fit ensured, at MISS Q_UINL_AN"..S_Rooms, over Ault's Grocery. 533:4 DMoLEOD, Licensed Auctioneer. Any • ne requiring his services as Auctioneer will find him at hia residence, Main Street, near Mr. A. Gray's Planing Millesforth. 524 11010 WANTS MONEY S—A few thousand Y &Mars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES - H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 jP. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all partsofthe County. All orders loft at!Othe Ex- POSITOR !Office will be promptly attended to. CHARLES F. MILES, Provincial Land Sur- veyor, Wingham. Orders by mail will receiee prompt omlemiaLttEesn.tion. Branch office, Clinton. 485 THE SEAFORTH PUMP FACTO' 8.11YG.7-- R. Cluff, successoito T. R. Williams, manufac- turer of Pumps and Cisterns: All work warranted titfit;erethsa. titif action. Factory on North Main St., 500 NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—All parties not hav- j" ing settled up their accounts with me for 1877 failing to do so at ,once will be charged 10 per cent. interest from January 1st, 1878, without. fail, THOMAS COVENTRY, Seaforth. 531 D RESS MAKING.—MISS MOORE begs to in- - form the ladies of Seaforth and Barron/id- ing country that she is prepared to do all aorta also cutting and fitting. Rooms over Hoffman Bofroper.ess gt oar eti.d 7antle Making in the latest styles. 532 JOHN LgoluE, General Loan and Real Estate t" Agent, Grain, Vroduce and Commiasion Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges- Moderat e. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farms and village 'property for sale. Officer- Leckie's new brick blook, Brussels, Ont. 515 0.A.14en DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. 479. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitenell. RHEUMATISM And . all Inflammatory and Skin: DiSCCISC8 Cured in a Few Ilours. THERE can be no Inflammation without an Acid Fer August Flowers, British Oil, Absorbient Neutralizes the Acid Poison and -1- ment. R Brunton's heumatic. - , McKenzie's Dead Shot Worm Addr free. ess gists. Price 50 cents. Advice in parte:mien cases 1 the cause of pain is ve . Sold by alnDrug- Candy, 525-34 W. Y. BRUNTON, London, And any quantity any Pack- THOMAS' EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC age Dye, . EOILI—WORTITS WEIGHT xx Goren—pain cannot stand where it le need. It is LECTRICITY! H Tn:s TIMES the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose owes comnaon gore throat. One bottle has cured bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough. It positively cures catarrh, asthma, and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cnred drack in the back, and 'the same quantity lame back of 8 years' standing. The following aro extracts from a few of the many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, whieh, we think,. should sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical: J. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, have sold all I had from you and want more now; it e cares are truly won- dedul." Win. McGuire, of Franklinwrites, "I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm— it was slow at first, but takes splendid now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, " Please forward '6 dozen but firsteelaes workmen are employed. who may favour him with their patronage, as nen. / ttihimon.g" sejll. sowellagnond, Re eeekcortlident of givingsatiefaction to those!' , e„ i " en me at once a further supply of Eclectric Oil, I lutve only one bottle left. I never saw any - equals it. It 11814111y recommendedby those who Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, I am nearly out, nothing used it'? J. Bedford Tha giWveoosduiwPirdg,enwerira mile, writes,. tel isi,a,t,iesefancd- far Partienlsrattention paid to CustomPlaning• Inc some more Eclectric Oil, I have sold entirely I out- Nothing takes like it." Miller & Reed, III- _ . --------------.„ _ _____ ...„. ..._ I a great reputation here, and is daily called for. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. 1 verton, P. Q., write, "The Eclectrie Oil is getting MARRIAGE LICENCES , Send us a further supply without delay."Lemoynes 1 Gibb & Co., Buckingham?, P. Q. avritee, "Send na OR CERTIFICATES, i wonet ivoss of Ecleetrie Oil. 'Vie find it to take EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. eUnder the nerw Act) issued at the , I Ceuta. S°. N. THOMAS, Perann y a S Id by all medicine dealers. Price 25 f NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole ' Agents for the Dominion. Norn.—Eclectrie-- • a, N Y. An Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor 8 Osisf rio. elected and Electrized. Sold In Seaforth by I den. E. Hickson & Co., j. S. Roberts, and R.Lums-- 521 All of which aro guaranteed to ma e Beautiful, and Feat Colors. 516 SEAPORTS PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND1 FACTORY THE subscriber begs leave to thank his namerons L customers for the liberalpatronage extendedto him since commencing business In Sealorth, and trusts that he may be iavored with a contizmane of the same. Partiesintending to build wortld -do well to give him a omit, as he will contin.ue to keep on hand a arge stock of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, MA 811 JES M , I DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, 1 SHINGLES LAT - MARaEt. 29; 1878. Moody an d Sankey. I Evangelists Moody and Sankey fin- eshed their season of four weeks in. 1 Springfield, Miss., Friday night, hav-a tog conducted 20 noon prayer meetings, le Bible lessons and. 32 preaclnng ser- vices, besides visiting Northeimptoe and elle jail, and attended daily inquiry . meetings; tb.ere have -glee been three . Inoonday meetings, and three evening temperance meetings, at Which the evaegelists were not present, about s, dozen prayer -meetings for young men and as many for women. Daily union prayer meetings were held for three weeks before their advent. The total attendance at the public meetings elm- , ingithe last four weeks is estirciat,ed at 145,000, whicb probably does not ree present more than 50,000 or 60,000 in- dividuals. All estimates of the num- ber of converts are conjectural, and alley range from 200 to 1,000. One pas- tor has a list of 50 names of those who ishould by their social connections Unit \Vial his church, although not all of these IntAre been converted. since Mr,: lloody's arrival. Others have similar lists of varying length, and there -axe probablet300 or 400 on 'these lists. Te " these are to be added those on whom no church has any special claim, and the large number of converts who be, long out of the city. All the pastori - are of the opinion. that the greates1 fruits of the work will appear in th next four weeks through the meeting of the churches and ;the private wor of the members, many of whom hav been awakened to activity by this moe- ment. Mr. Moody encourages tin -view, and the young men's meeting, c tablished at his suggestion, will doub less prove an important factor in th work. The expenses of the work w foot up about $2,000, most of which h been raised by subscription. T evane.elists themselves receive no pa fromthe conamittee, their support col ing from private SoUrCOS. They alwa stipulate that they shall not recei any pay from the eommittee, end ways object to any public subscriptio, for their benefit. This puts them in I perfectly independent position, and, the public is not asked. to eontribu they do not feel obliged. to publisb t particulars of their incomes. Moody and. Sankey opened their t -week's campaign in Boston, at t Tabernacle, on Sunday, holding mioi hie and. afternoon services with crow ed audiences. The revival -work nn their leadership begins at New Hav on the 24th, and the preparatory m hags held. by the local clergy are alma overcrowded. The Tabernacle is do and the choir of between 1,300 a 1,400 voices are preparing for rehears in it, as no other „convenient place the city large enough for them eau found. After his NOW, Haven wo Mr. Moody proposes to take a little r .at his native Nortlifield.—Repuleithae March 15. • What an Egg is. To the reflective mind, the egg c stitutes one of the greatest marvels nature. At first view it would that it is in especial eharacterietiti birds; bet when we observe that fis so different from birds in their org zation and their mode of life, have eggs, we see that it must be the s in one sense with all kinds of anim A pullet's egg is a very small genial sessing at first only the most essen organs for the actual sustenance of -existence, and. the gradual developm of its other parts enelosed M s. I with its provisions for the time it actually remain in seclusion. The inal is the little whitish circle rem -ed. in the membrane which envelope MaSS of the yolk. The, house &Ai to protect the young animal until it acquired all of its own organs., and. the necessary streugth, and. -yet ti the air and heat to penetrate, is shell: Hence the size of the egg animals is not necessarily property to the size of the animal to which belong. All animals, whatever May be—from the elephant to the 1 ming -bird —are, et the intarteut they begiu to feel the principle of nearly of the same size. That varies is the provision of nourishi they require. The crocodile, des to attain colossal dimensions, can care of himself very well in the where he was born when he bus a ed. the size of a lizard.; so nature e in the box where he in nonfineet sufficient to enable him to reach size. The same with fiches; the some enormous OTICS which have very small eggs, because, howev rainutive they natty Inc on leaving envelop, they can already obtain own living in the bosom of the r ocean. Mother Goose. This, it seems, is the fancifal got up to please children. There real Mrs. Goose, or as she was fa ly called Mother Geese, who sig herself by aer literature for then] We learn this rather curious fact an American newspaper, the eve tional24t, which in deeeribieg mae festival at the Old South Church, Boston, enters pretty into a biography of the lady, maiden mune was Elizabeth ale wae born at Charlestown, she resided. Until her Marries. Isaac Goose, when bite becarn mother to ten childreu. As if tit not a sufficient family to look ai by and by added six children owu to the number, reeking 11' lings " in an. It was miller handful, and. we do not weeder poured her feelings in the c lines — She nest many dinars:4. else did net There mils an old woman, mho lived. in .. e to do, To entertain her flock Mrs. Goo in the habit of telling stories and verso and eingieg songs, w highly reliehed, . Though taek -spent on the whole an agreeabli ence. Her children having gi she was very much at her ea daughter Elizabeth became tit . Thome Fleet, a printer in .way iti Boeton. With this Mrs. Goose, teen a widow, wen tna had. the eatiefaction et eine da songs to an infant graudene Ingius the literary inetory ef Gtose. Fleet, the son-in-lat sliiiewd fellow, and, ie a pr , . d thcieght be might turu a,penny .iltae granny's nursery songs, mg them in e -cheap and - f°rteThey were issuem a der the title, "Songs for the or, XOther Goose's Melodies 'aren• Prillt-Ca by T. Fleet, at