HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-03-29, Page 44
NEW AI) V.hRTISEMENTS. Russia, she will not likely take any -ac-
tive part should there be a war, as she
knows that the eye of France is upon
Seeds --Robert Logan & Co.
HOUSe Wanted to Rent—Smith &West
To Horsemen—D. MeNaught.
Farm for Sale—W. McIntosh.
Caution—Mrs. Eliza Sh.aaanahan.
Another Fine Horsee-Toh.n
Cheap Family Groceries—L. Mabee.
Blacksmithing, &c.—T. Meths.
Ferfurnery—Lumsden & Wilson.
Lacadamine—Lumsden &
Lecture—F. G. Windows. •
Tea—A. G_ Anit.
Scales for Sale—Hickson & Bleasdell.
Fruits, Teas, Herrings, &e.—D. D. Rose_
Manitoba—R. W. Prittie.
Seeds—M. Morrison.
Sold Out—C. Armstrong.
Spring Stock—C. W. Papst.
Harry Miteliell's Bookstore.
New Goods—W. Campbell:
Brussels Agency—C. R. Cooper.
lir oilx p °Otto r.
The Conservative Candidates.
The Conservatives of South Huron,
to the number of about two hundred,
met at Brucefield, on Thursday of hist
week, for the purpose of uominating
candidates for the Commons and Local
Legislature. The convention reeulted
in the nomination. of Mr. R. Porter, of
the -village of Kirktori, in the toevuship
• of 'Osborne, as the candidate for the
Commons, and Mr. George Jackson, of
Egmondville, for the Local Legislature,
The nominee for the Commons was at
one time a school teacher, but now fol-
lows the occupation of farnaer. He is
said to be a fluent speaker, to be well
posted on politica questions, and a
most uncompromising party man. Fur-
ther them this, he has nothing to recom-
mend him to the electors, arid is little
- known outside of the immediate neigh-
borhood where he has lived for „several
years. The nomination' for the Loma
ist a much more judicious one: Mr.
jacksou is au old resident of the coun-
ty, is well known to many of the elec-
tore of South Huron, and is, withal, an
• intelligent, clever man. He is probably
its strong a candidate as ceuld be
• brought forward in the Conservative
interest. lie has a hard road before
him to travel. however, as he is on the,
wrong aide of the fence toreceive much
sympathy, in a political .sense, from the
electors of South Huron. They are a
reading, thinking 'people. They know
full well what the Ontario Government
has done in the interests of the country,
and they will take good care that they
will not send Mr. jaelceon or any other
ream to Parliament to vote to tern them:
out ofoffice, that they may be replaced
by a sot of wormout-fotiails of the Mac-
dougall-Camerou startup. We are sorry
• for Mr. Jackson, as he is almost too geed
a man to be saerifieed.
At a convention heId in Nerth,Huron
a few days ago, Mr. Thomas Farrow,
tnie present representative, wag again
nominated: Mr. Farrow may be the
strangest carelidate, but we are sure
there are many Conservatives in North
Huron much more competent than he
to fill the, position creditably. So far
there have not been, any ncrainatione
'made for the Centre Riding. We hear,
however, that Mr, Christopher Crabb,
of Goderiela is anxious to measure
swords once more with Mr. Horton.
We hope he may no choeen, as the
honor of being a candidate would be
sufficient to gratify his niordinate van-
ity, Were he to he elected he would go
dean crazy, and we know cif no con-
stituency where he could secure the
hortor he covets with less danger aa to
the final reault.
The Eastern. Question.
The daily despatches are so very con-
tradietery that it is impossible to ar-
rive at o: correct or positive conClusion
respecting the condition of affairs be-
tween England and Russia. It is evi-
dent, however, that the breach is con-
tinually widening, and it now seems
as if all hope of a settlement without
resorting to arms ie att am end.
Negotiations aro Still going on, but it is
more than suspected that these aro be-
ing ceutieued by Russia merely to gain
time to ccireplete her arraugements.
She is making strenuous etforte to secure
friendly relaticms witli neu h trite with
view no doubt to secure her absolute
neutrality if she cau not get her salve
aid. Thus far she has been unsuccess-
ful, lent there is little doubt that con-
eesaions -will be made which wilt satisfy
Austria and secure her neutrality and
sympathy. So soon as this is accom-
plished, Russia will set England at de -
*Dame and the struggle will commence.
The Russiom people seem anxious for n
war, and are urging the authorities to t
order the removal of the British fleet t
from the Bosphorus. In England. the ; s
most active preperationsare being made. • 1
War aupplies 01 every description are
being prepared. with ell possible (
speed, end the people seem
to look for nothiug but war. In
fact, judging from the tele of the • -
many would be • diseppointed should.
there not be war, se they
ing for fight with Et ii Turkey, .
also, seems to be reviving from her
renseeethen, t tenu aeed Leg -
lama's warlike attitude, is - Preparing to
be, up end. at her old foe again, and
ajd Englana to do wiaat she hemat failed
to a,ccomplish. Although Germ .
• her, and the latter, having already ex-
pressed itself in favor of England, would
be only too glad of a pretext to mount
an old enemy, and pay off an old.
grudge., This is, as nearly as can be
givea, the position of affairs at the pres-
ent time. • We care therefore, maly con-
clude that war is almost inevitable, un-
less some unforeseen and unexpected
e -vent .onies up to prevent it.
Game, Fish ais d. Insectivorous
We noticed in last weeks issue th
organization of a local association fo
tbe, purpose of ,enforcing the hews, a
they now stand. °lithe statute books, fo
the protective of gime, &c. We ma
take it for granted that these laws ar
wisely framed, rain would conserve som
useful ends, if administered; but it
this in Seaforth. 'At its inception no
game existed in the vicinity of London.
The society went epergetically to work,
made Many convictions and..put a stop
to illegal practices. We are assured
that, as a result of this vigilance the
increase of birds has_ beeu remarkable.
As all have a. -direct interest in this
matter, it is not too much to expect
that the society will receive valuable
aidfrom -naa,ny enen outside of its ranks.
The society are prepared to take the
responsibility of seeuring punishment
of infractions of the law, end it is the
• duty of every one to give them informa-
tion when they kuot of the law being
e wilfnliy violated and disregarded. 'The
✓ 'following are the seasons in which the
8 game mentioned Minn not be taken or
✓ killed: --Deer between December 15
; and September 15; Partridge, between
e February 1 and October 1; Tia,i1, be-
tween January 1 and October • Wood -
is I cock, between January 1 and August 1;
Snipe, between May 1 and August 1;