HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-03-22, Page 4a
MAIlm 22
EXPOSITOR.': -------- 7 laurou Notes.
4 :THE HURON; t. wiv
it 47
SV6 made itrig S Of land, alla IV -
ter it woul-a I congregation of Knoxs church, asia, over 600 acre
ov city, out of The -
to the ase W 4,
it O'Donov 6 c de -lea
hini. that th termined to eilla4 a worthv0000- He -Tes a wife
Who brOug se of
disabling ness told lqricb, have
.3 to e. an Go(
Act was 1alked over. Now The difficulty- is in the fact that he Do they -were the ba )eded-
'NEW AI)VERTISEMMNTS. rights as British subjects to close the Heasures as to give room for 1 -
eirt bas no- pow r to that nly his hailds Ri e Proc' tani their church so '000 trlalle& small, chadrei .
ess- that the. Act is becOming better uncler- minion Governm gsiltint in m, v rhom 0 planation, which Mr. Flagg t
courts against their demands for redr' atiou for life some-- ex r ittings. The congregation —on Thursday evelitilig, 9th inst, a:
by the iii- act in the premises. The'presery ncl not 0 -te g0N
at they defended the arch
organ que tion.
—Smith Wsst. that the rbtitude and support of the stood both by the p. crime was th to be careful about Ve
'ublic and . , ry b -envy thunder storm passed over'
Now Dry Goods Store bhe peacQ is solely'vested in the local ys with to vote on the
lisPI& took the aocum. 'The liglat
people of less dis- of I iooweu* SuchkotdUsc
this country are due and will speci rs. it seems t4 be causing tie, and only on their Fenian t himself Rino --- Xr. Joseph Lyon, of Hullett 131anshara and Fullarton..
Special Lines—Waddell, Co. have
'47' 9 ill a a steer be.
not be wantin- to the Licutenaait-Gov- i satisfaction. . TheT'-e are fewer com- municipal authori a, The as that of Monday nighi are of cOul him; witueso said that he 'Rine 6ently sold a Pair of steers tQ Mr. ih," laing In
Golden Lion—R. Jamieson. requisition can the milit* act. Lent, but it th the &Polo 7 longing to Mr.
or of Quebec,, the Hon. Mr. Letellier plaints, and Mr.: Lhuxi6r satisfied the. 'umbat,s,l not to be excused for a ]non llina-10 do wi Govenloc , of Seaforth, for 0128 25. N, I allartoii, 1
To Housekeepers—Hickson & 1',leaside,11. em ver no" J not Ivilds East Mitchell Roaa, F
de.St. Just, and to the mitiority of the spoke more easily thiin extentof the Dominion Go h wis er plan 16 would go to Mitchell, prepare
—Tp members who as would havd been a nine Sna also set fir to his straw stacl'.
AnditorsAbstract .'of Tuck-ersmith. be to facilitate as far ti saidl, u iuk, acimowlj gincl his 'The animals weighed- 2,850. poun6
a. action would ven tile- prov oqa 0 1- Wild$ was in the stable close by thei
on 1previous occasion
Leggislative Assembly for their Avfenza they have been to have gi an spology X
11naolvea Act iv
ibl the attendance o a< a
—Adam, Gray f ly portii irl,the sua ere purchased. for the hlie j
T. W. G. OlOgi7,1Dg to th') 9 very nar-
r ers sta ck.&t the thne, and h I
14 er of the collst- Itutic,n and (if, the rights of I S'evoral departmental oid i which ha -1 poss; e, u force or th fault, witness market.
Pride of England—Jonathan- &;1it . 11 of the per=nent Dominio -.,&reh 1% 1878. and SP ness; t .
eople, and for their oppositlon to been given in regard to the Act -were to]10 TOI r and to wit scape- The neighbors ggathered'
Champlain—McE wen Horton,, militia, if more troops are needed than girrs fatheii to bring the _Mr. -john Mason, of Rullett lax row o
spoliati I - -
the p on zild arlyitrary rule.'.' satisfactory, and to other matters he have and succeed in cutting the straw.
Good the district to be protected' would sup- r i1ble. told the girl he would itt... on Sat- old his young stall -ion) 11 Canaaiau quickly
1 promised attention Mr. Rine in
with the assist
f roviding matter before the COMED a
China,- Crockery, &;c—NN"ilson & Youn at had prince to Messrs. Morxow & S stack in two and,
See&%— 1.4an -z Yomig, Doings at Otta-wa. The Post Office Department is the ply.: The responsibility (y on Friday evening at, SO Mr. D. urd Rine -wanted . to know wh -vy rain. extinguished the fire,
opposition mom- protection rests with the inaVistrates of o"f Goa-erich township, for -the hes
The cele'ra;ted Godetich Harbor one which has given )rated Temperance tol(I hi3h noth- lier(l,
the celel Siid witliess
K. Rine, been done t sold his -thus saving Mr. Wilds` oubilildi
Stallion for Sale—JameB -G- rich. A ring Hi has not To Job got ar airin in the House a bers the most BatiSf n ler -Nfontrea. -to the hall in ey 4The hLilitaing aft-er striking the stack'I
Tender% Wanted—,Toha Kidd. anothp actio of any', uric i lecturer was proceeding Rine'said that "the '%Vh' lion ,Young aferry Legs." was 1110
few day's ago. The mogt prominent 'the present regime. Their general, o deliyer his - lecture,, he up; ancI by April he would have
'itchell t -the groun, making a mulial
John Johnston, of the Lotidou a
`B-ull Calf fo Sale—S. Scarlett. TH was 1 --- entere
feaures of the discussioir v. ere that Sir though not * universal, testimony, is' to TORONTO TOPICS. a constable *om Strat- inshape; didnt-ka0w King 11—Mr
overtaken bv. fach in diameter.
i hole Over an
'Notice—H ased 31 acres b6191139-
enry Town. B e was im- his affairs M1 the effect that Mr. 11 uiitingtou- has been rested. -Rin back; Road, has purch. —A rnost dastardly attempt. was'
onaacknowledued. ford and W&S fir before. Did 3 estate of the late Avillilm
Parm for Sale—Wm. Ross. &t invite
-Mr, wIlling to tre -a ciai Currevov that letter from 2%1r. Blake to at theill fairly i the imat- (li'rWA 00' SIX' '11ate anveyed to Stratrord and oil I-RiA6 no gentleman- aa to. th4 lot the li o of Constable
To Stock Ja'q. Dickseill. I Mec -ly e lie consider6c e had well clinton, b;Ang Part of 35 last. He:
carried- by lfbore was in ter of post offices. Of course the could I e was taken before the police R M1.1, M nday -night
Soecls—Wm, Allen. saturday'll of Luc On
THE (Y'DO-N-OVAN -OSS& 1110 IN[r. Jones ssicl that as Mr. Riu
-very rei;ipeat pr 119 More n ay ho -me about M -111
o&r and nothi ot expec the patronaefe. 11r.Dohi- of that t6wn. he charge lectedto go before a, jury,, no defence onthejstconcessionof Stanley,at,6 was s NV
ded memb White Sugar Svra.p—Wm. Alleli. ers of the! Usgistrate on Ili
aber should do: for -- friend I 1vilk thoudlit that he 11anot been con- Those hot -he la k as he
WON Paper t1laIll E that oft I ving cOm- could be Aore(i, They won SS- to an acre- reached, his front door,
W. Paput.. i _Mr. John Knox, carr and
Young Irish and Hibernian S00i(ties, agailist bilj was i&ge' maker
stitueut, but he profetised to si dered as a meiab r from a 1&r,aq' coun- I
bringiag O'Don- 1, mitted an' assault upon a young 9 have the evidence read Over Land Signed. stopped a 11ment to f onle b
tliat Ar, !Vlackenzio iu;f1ht have i'ty near St. John should have been, but
tiliuk t who were the means of ithe 5hipped two hand;;;8'
yetirs who was &SO1 v in heavy charge f buckshot was'!
The Magistrate committed the accus- Goderich,
oviin—the head centre of Fejlianism- - aded
a v,*roiiginf(--reiieefroin.t,' elettcr 11 agood manof 1-1r.1kinville'sthou,-Ilts here Mr. pted,bail for his piano -box buggies to Melbourne, when
I'a responsibilitV iToti. e 4 Hurg'k al and acce ek, to fill . an order driven. into the door of his 41welling.1
u Ehs Ina
and in qht have allowed it to ii1fluence jare not* very olles Holl. . i ' ibl 'Rine was staying. At Ril to's request the next Court Of comPo- A:ustral* was on the knob of the door,
to lecture here, assumec e(I for tri
which few sells appearance at last we
A 'mith la-uu ad ine'rre(I a riski il the fol there. This spevjw
It his sentimell I t, when ostponed ui himself in $100%. &a from & dealer -, itbin a foot Of 0118 Sbot ten large
in 1ILWIr (if 11r. 1ac- I he I eu
trial Was P te-at jurisdiction, stion of this estab.
I care to assume or incur. the I nd
kenzie showed-coliclusivelv th at Tolto a i Xr. Domville retort: d, The honorable people Nvoulc , being set
)nday, the accuse Or9- :size buckshot were pickea out next.
f I '12i 1878. e murder of -,46intreal lowing '--U( self in two sureties? Mr. J. H. Roger, of,T Well for the reput
perlenced coltrac-tor, that giving bail, him -as f from
The sh be
asnot tui e. ,entlemai laughs. I have -a tile Th Hackett, at
the failure to bring his murderers 'to at lib rty after to rout, of --the w irea
t and Mr. 7 'the morning.,
sfaetton, and time -when he di Cl executors of the estate of
his security was not ai suret, - M —The
d not laugil—the time y, r. J H. Flag, I -
us Minor dis- I 1000, audone $500 each. Ircre pile of wood in' the The -aiglilanders of U'lengarry. Timm, in.! 3gatiller, ha Inin. a
the' depmrtinent of the Pacific nThis was a i jastice, and the numero The aireO ve sold faim
$1000 more. thd
thal 'lio cou neer of "Toronto friends, -late Jacob 4 10rh'00
one GA his pie-nic speeches la.st M continnaily happening there, of Mitolfell, in Mr. Rinei with his a of'sallicy,$ mills, a4a that
(! %tiiyjated that his tewler was ato low little laore einbarassitig for Sir -Jobn turbances for such a monaay 4iht's lot concession 1, Goderieli township,
i - ion -was deliberate
n the lower claS4 in this of so prominent a ierson
left for t] attempted assassinat
at city by
immedistelv in have created i over a mile from. the to*.n
Cartwright, Fi- figum that be.could iiotfitiish th0job. Xacdonald—who w 8 excitement all ill cro oil with his three quarters of
train. He shown in the fact that a rest ha4
aaress a meet-
-ated e -tirictly that in lettii4 ally revised and diliberate Sim
in zdIudilly to tile trans fle-ittl lis in Mitche th Mr. Grier, Varna, for 49,00.
811137a or, t1 city a feeling of intense hatred' towards'l crime created gre a4s he w &
nanee all frontL-thau for IN[n §mith. Mr. TAlit- savours of Feniauism,, i the country, and especi been IMP
anything which s! 0 'day Rine Gospel work and was to amuch contracts he elied entirely, ex-eept oholl loudly proclaimed that the post farni cont 150 acres.
acd6n d From the diby the announcement wa and Stratford. n ing at -Barrie On Wednesday night and taken. The gun hung,fire for a fe
actions of in ven, exceptional cases.'upon his office the only idepartment which Miss Gib- gVy t de that O'Dono onovan i wro nabl apolo S11nc A. -ff. Green, Of lot 8, coll6ie -seconds and the
C01-18table, hearing thU7
f ma van, or O'D te an 1111 one in Toronto on IV. next
in couiection with tile the avl left the had done him justice. His idea 6 ju, ful1v ion 10, Colborne, has sold his farm for
.8 the cap, had thne to look aroima
ewraged ling's father, in which he orrow -
Is himself, was 'Snap of
s he cal Wm. Green, lot 7, C'onfts.
following matter in their hwids. In this instance tice was, to give him all he d The 11088a, a
the :gun as it went
ny M
Northern Railviav, gave has exhibit- admitted that he. hd male too free $4,500. Mir
The Eastern Question- the flash tile deputy of the depatinent alid the Opposi e4 were putti for- to lecture here, this fe( farm or ua see hfiriiig -the us
tiou inemb ?"I 1,andsigued him 3elf "Yours sion'10, has also sold 111s
qu Sir Waltor - Scott, -Ill with the gh The momentof t.
otation romed itself in the most unmistakable man
engineer decided who should get the ward their little requests rather On Monday The latest despatches relative to- the
)w, D. I. K. Rine." The purolluser in both the
who had attemp. tea the
ded startea
whi&ll F itz-Umes acc-useis e- his ut. Huntington 'told them tbatner. StrobgprotestseremiLdeby the! in sorr( ea- -0
nt. H b arr.1ve(l. at Stra tford from Anglo-rtusaian situatatiou are iaxc
contract and he gav wis Mr. Willett 0. Potter.
and there tonsoac to
was I mornina he tiolls
ious Oranue societies) run and tbe constable followed him;
g over fr6e with f urther allowed that there were otbere they Iflust not as for these things, and var ontradic good, the soil beina of a
ild 1 Toront " by the '11-30 trai4, bringing ingly e tory. & St. Petersbur
a aeneral feelina that O'Donovn'Wo, 0 g, Both farms are b he And -ed -a a the cornerf h l
-rs, between Tolton's and A-loore's, at the same time it of the 'in- wart, and letter deolares that Englaud's sup and the price paid vas
his compW orl could get hii
ena, flafterina re- I with him Messrs. Ki or natilrel f , --
be given anything but I'D 1I!IL ssion Wooa-pilebefoore Everett
in these crease in the post office ex(lenditure. ere wer-z
and that the, films which put temen that city. The has produced so,bad ail I the
But then, thy eta tion. The proprietors, Of the Royal I other gdn 0111 considering- - th quality of isna, olver to bear on him Th
Iviliptrig fat -all 11my 11F ealwel
eqs strife, wei;e offered the' contract, and By a return -broug t down, it appears cep n which he was first ad- court room 'was ocation there thatthe meetin,'of the 90;gr iss r ev
crowded to suff somewhat low.
Wirenchiii, from rith x, 11 Lowlandswain., rofused it lbefore lHoore's tender was tbat there are 44 ca4eta in the military Opera House, i tful. Both Gornawnyi three of the miscreants, In heii
ared in Vaill, vertised to speak, refused to carry out and oluring the progress of the case it is oonsidereastoub --Winhaln is- becoming, celebrated
'Who were 1 college at Kingston., During 1877 M ga The
accepted Other members are dng feet --and there -is & str
-rds au(I he sympa- be regard Eilgland's -stool on
on account of the ex- was plainly manifeqt that t and Austria said I for a good many wonderful thin eywillbe brought U
emarkeil that in -milking, &ry fori', their engagemen. probability that th
And jocularly r M pe?sonully acquLinted with Tolton .ud 772 was expended On the milit e w th the girl, position as untenable, and the chances n man ab 17 years f
last is a you ]us ice.. This is inerly to be boyed
these geu- his. sureties stated poiitivey to the at Levis. The ilu 'tement his coining woul(l'be likely to thies of the audienco wer
mber of kniles opers ce have been i
M y s-iiMPIV, &I d in a Way of an Anglo-Austri&u alliall hoi-. b
the Northera Railwav f the affair who told her stor, age, w e ump of Slimentiveness Everett has h-aafrequout. at
uce. Thd managers 0
House that, Tolt6n. instead of being it d 011' the Intercoloilial in 1873 was Prod minished. Another re- C
tlemen were i6 ntiv following 'the ami ation could not shake' considerably di ther man's In
aoce termilled that he that 6 larger possibly than SaTO
cross -ex
appeared for and ulldertaaldina thal hus- 33-1, a a cost of 60; in were, however. de tempts made on his life, and inas it
the Crown, Mr. says that in the last reso, aday night b
the -province. On Tue. e K
'-'Prf1dLtory instinct, of a. n d' s p e a -k-, a n e whn going home at -Right V
their Pire- vin buyer aild kiiew T should COTao- d after beilic"i, Mr. Haves or, tisfactoryi Practic
I Mfan
ittess ba(I been a gr -1liIej3,. at a cost of .. 1,662.- Tones, would probably vield. A sa when he is z- -
as Gibling, auc swallowed 44 eggs, and his revolverockea in his hand
fla hers. Tke re m-- uxlz d i d wAlihig iChout the work iie- -wislied t 1675 88' refused several ba11s, they secured one Woods for Mi
not, at the d to exist bebween
on. the corner led -understanding is ai adlt was by the merest 40"
r. 31acdougall, loth of St. a
known as St. Patricks, ai( by M grown heoxpeots to be able to
eiat teperall, ce act
undlertake, that one of his Rureties, did The new Goveralln he follow- the three Empires in consequence of
time, colm.114Lirt fnm the defence.. the dose.
the Sen. .te by of Jaxvig ad King streets, capa;ble of litry's. for not have it when thi
not claim himself to be we ness o adopt a concili- he -ffid
ter. Di-tring 11 v- Ali over has been presente, o ions holding about 200 persons At the'op- ing is the evidence:— Russia's wilhiIC-
—An accident of rather a painful n
pt w as maae to assassilatA
daring attem
that the other surety, Sheriff Hon. Mr. Scott. Th6 main provis t h policy. in intimationwill shortly
Gibling testified at she was atory him.
ever, erimeor in tton, had been pwised 6ver by the of the bill ar6 as follows-: The whole 'pointed hour oil the 18th inst., 0,11 uch- E4 liza ture happenecl to Thomas Cutt, son of
ast Oc0ber; lived be issued from St. Petersburg'to the ef-
.of age I Cutt, 1st concession Grey, On
mpatbizers collected in the 1 fifteen yei
ence of sy Mr. ames
will be carried out by - ma-
candwan tLtory of the fornier Ckwernmililit hea be htt l ten- procieedings 0. Hurst for tbd past eight zes the right of
hall, and O'Donovan, was able to (let with'Mr. J. feet that Russia recog m ur(
i hillion Gov- 0 Jay kst, A swing hadbeen erect-
nigliths; father's name Ower individually to dem
,he Dor
undered for an eighteen thousand dofla chinery prov do by t is ' Vm- I JOhA , each P and the at ne A -action Sale&
into the building withoi ra, and while sNvinging o
cojitract, as suffliciont mearns arnineut. Tile limits of a local, per- t boiag recog ea. in the ba
za. f 14 r. Cart- -owd out- Gibling; be is a bricklayer ii Stratford; discussion of any stipulation " f the
s i dor all thesec Rowing the satura
ref I to thi reA ark o ose nized. by the fa, t ng ci so en became unfastened, a y March 23, on Lot
w treaty, but reserves the n',.,, f til im, piementq.
to Crry it out. Un missive law, wl ell voted, will be th a ght to refu
Wri lt*s. 11e. -Lps identified the y breaking 9, Hullett, Farm Stock
side. A body -of perh.. 0 police prisoner, Mr. lRine laid to fail to the floor, thereb
91; and ilialiv sillitlr wbich 1 of counties or cibies. The electoral ut t's fcfr the ipulation to the sanc-
Iiiin last Wed W= cowaii, proprietor;, . P 'Biu
t t..t tJte as, he tornied it, wore. mentioned it wils made amply I lists and method of, taking Dominion forri'led a guard around the uilding, nosday at H to submit such at his ist. . Under- medical' attend86noe
)rhing; Rine tion of the Powers.
h a short auctioneer.
clear to the House, that not only was eleotious will be used, iucluding, the and'succeeded in keepig a 01 pac.e 'first time; it was in the in( e will be. all right again in
whicli.had been of 'red the Ifigtilana riany, Maxh 29, On lot 2, on. 9, 11
there ur) iobbory ill conne-etion -with the vote by ballot The petition.sigu, time.
ced by for it considerable distance back. The as visitiner there; be dined -there, hav-
race by a raember of the G-overnutent. ing gone out before dinner; Urs. Hurst Presbytery of Huron. on wea- R. 9 Tuckeramith, a -spini farm
contract, but tl3at in declining to accept one-fourth of tile electors will be pre- crowd, which about o'clock had swell- ' ---- A len
fatal accic t h
as at first as absent from. home;. ftiless was This Presbytery met at Snorth on farm stock and implments. J. V
ed to not less than 10,000, w young
This, of couxe, was too 110od a card tbe.toder of Tolton, Mr. ATa:ckenzie sented i the Governor in Council, anc W-;dnesday last. 'There nesday evening of last week, to a
rood nature ouuh. But, the loud keepilig house; Rine supped - there; Tuesday and n rr ete
ituid-his assistauts acted iii the be'st ill- his proeTamatiou. will be the instruni ell mail named Toli- Ha is, of Ex r, 13rie, auctioneer.
With which to otiou and dc" Sild long -continued applause from -the witness was not. at Rine's lebt1re on was a good attendance of members and visiting his brothers at EeelesVille,
teresit of the colIntry. . Diuring the do- used to -put the Lct in m ustructed to
em. ment. to be 10A. accordingly y- Rine retufnei. from. the elders. Mr. Cameron was i County Of E
Gov upon their that evening,
elodalLbylaw in force. A law inside of the hall worke(I sse. Theywere chopping
bitto -Nfr. Mai.okenzie again took the' -0-c- c1mre th Marria g es. -
the poitical vhipperii-in tlt 0 ta,-%va set force for three passions, nd it, soon became evident hall after ten that night; he slept at form a mission station at Hill's Gr
oil to throw the challenge ia the 011ce eiiacted will be in 4 West Tilbury and as they were fell- W
in-. -11urst'i e en-teneq. h1l
that serious mischief was br6w 3' all night in ali up stairs b- d- at his earlicat conv Mr. Loch- CON
teeth, of his oppolleilts, to for-inulato a ymr, nd only repealable then oil tree it other, which by Rev. Yather Laniant, W Jas, Conlogue, i6
on Tliursdaoy mornina'Mr. Hurst ead who acce ted the call to Hullett and Ing room the ection of the fa ION
-U nbrook to,
ail 1), politiciau in the vil- charge. aganst hini on the floor of -the petition sianiar in all respects to the Every cheer inside the hall was follow- XAlR- -A —In Wusfiels on March 11
ly a r)
House, either in connection with this or one oil which the original proceeding
Coaotv of Imes ME. FA Mir, fed by a volley of stones from the mob, bad breakfast, about eight o clodk, and Londesboro,- is to be inducted into his broke, Changing dir 4 Aluxuidria - ill the ent to the store, leaving Rillie, witness new charge, oil Thursday, -Plst inst., ing tree, which struck Harris on the by Bey. .9. la -11-1P I on dis- is founded. The vote will be pfotected juld a howl of applause greeted every w illing him instantly, breaking township of Sulliy&14, County of Cvb y,. to M%
6ii-y other matter -which had 'be head, I
Dr. INIc'Xillaii. Xhis oil the will- kud the nurse girl in the liouse; the Mr. McLean, to presiae, Mr. Patteifson,
hot which took effect ill) o his -limbs badly. His Katie Anderson, of Morris.
-ale poed of by his depaxtinent, ad be from fraud and the influence of corrupt a crushi 9;1 Rine. was of Bayfield, to preach, Mr. Sieveright Sud a on Mar& 13, 1
Where %' (lows of - the building. Several fights 11urse girl is 11 years of ag, M his aide at the time, LAWR—MLE-0D1n Brus. els,
ogotinto Id cheerfully grt brothers were by -ts Li-vin't t- -won iit them any kild practices by beav p6nalties.
e upon t e in his bedroom' about an !hour after to address the minister, Mr. Pritchard g IJ4, or son, Law, of Brussels, I
of a, conimittee they Might deire, to iii- by-law is carried the sale of liquor will occurred, and the pi b 'th ust escapin Ij g
ut eygave a spring, Miss be McLeod, of the past tell vestigate it. " This bold ad deba"Ut be -prohibited absolutely, except for lino.of police wits treuieiidoiis Ever Mr. Hurst left Rine camelto break- the people. Pj&J 'J)FR4&AST—RY-AN.In Detroit, On MAW
11c), s(jecon(l, editior.-i of Soll, J so -ph Mr. D. D - Wilson gav, e a report of the a's late.
w a challenge rather stagefered' the Opposi- iriodical, sac . ranient . al -or Tneclianical and anon the -oallaut defenders of the i fast, which witness suppliea to him Joh t Forest Exavviner is re- 12, at Grace Church Wetory, b -T ReYu D
oved and washed] the break- Pre6byterian" -Sabbath School, Conven- —The Noun
cking, T. D. Pendergas, Esq I of Om,
Hawkiziq', of llra..ntford. inutered a few tioa, but t is Meedles's to sybat they purposes, tin(!. in those cases under peace would be forced to- give way a witiles -rem
-to Miss An)110 Neylinot
little, only to r fast di hes
of tI; e old foT Ilighlailders. of Gl,6n- hfa string edeein a larger space by was Making r. Hurst's tion lately held at Seaforth, setting spousible for the folloliVing: We under- Rapids Michigai
did not and dare not take him at stand that a Mr. Giles, represe er, Xitcht ll, third daugbU
ont regulations only . uting a teac
M e- I bed down stairs,'when Rin 116 In forth that it w s a very successful onq. *11, C
1 di n this, ]I owover, it I lesale velidors in a pro- an unspaing use of their batons. - Th ca' 1 0 f fjoymoie Jtyan Esq., Born -111
word. Notwitbstari turers a -lid wl o ar Wroxeter, shipped nine
ho: tire-, of th grang-e lie
garry, :tv belc rowd, aud the and asked for a pin; wi told him The iiiession records of : Union church,
ig ever way likely' tliev will continue hibited district, win be' I re.$Ponsi- uprmriousness of the e woul -d, t fter being ex -
head of cattle on the 26th ult.., to 'To-
hini one;
Toriescif the,(Ild wll() are rLipeiallIg foul. tale and exploded ble for lly liquor sold by them being evicicllccs Of their dislike she ha I none but Bruc field, were atttkw L
Lilly ronto, -refusina an offr made him at
on- he told her -to bring'i up o his- be - amined,. a . g Deaths.
Tori" sirriply t1leir fathers, bo- I.,oth in th o, all(I-on the removed f oru the district for uscf. It 03 to his-preseuce,-bd the effect of c a borrectly and carefi
0 Ifou, hqme. He tried'the market in the, city
Dunkin ct where in force will not be siderably shortenhi",* Mr. 'ODonovau.'s- room, and she it air lie b. i call from the congrega
n said " all rig J i OLIPnMNTT.-Jh Gorrie, on 'March 1-1,
Nere Toric and bustIpid 1 after some exertion sueeeeded in. p lan n9ed 80 years and.
a fullydressed', brought i lie pins up of Araleliester and Smith's Hill. in -fa, an
`6oliillaitteu tLppointea by the.Seif te of course, ut' the wish speech. and of abating ess oder Marc]% I
athe plaudits of wa
-V iring ail offer of, $6 per head 1 a disturbed, except M W t
at Senator trom her own bedroo hi,,i bedr6OM, or of Mr.Pritchard, was:sustained, and to
themr, off to I in to
have been inveitigating the purabase of of the -people. It isimpossible that 6ily his audience. Suddonly the liglits,ii, mrs. Wni. Aged.,78 yeam
han he refused at Wroxeter. ; This, of k' -
'the door of -which was ajer; e na )2R.—Ater all address thankitig ti.,le Ktministiqua property. ''The -in-, bill of this nature ,iball be perfoct ill the building were extili-auished, and as witness th congregati-ms of Bluevale a
Xselh ersou wit -1t r, r, cour%e4 he rejected- with scorn, and on Marct 5, June ao!41 61 I'mr
i I' nooked at the door aud Ri e came -to j'sadie's are to be cited to appear for
that ;'tile t6adience ekoi:ie out of dours a furi- uo
noble of their vestigatio is uot very- satisfactorv, so -y s be oLe, again -1 OsWr to G evoi let&il, but it I
-i- the pill i, when lie their interests at. an adjourn shipped his cattle lion osing v,1 Deceal;ed, Vas
"'of il .3, with a diligefice beyond ail ona aind- determined rush -was na ade oil itness gave Ein ed meeting
of w
race, agaiii.st tile 11 foul aspersiorl q %r Lt least, to the job. litiliters tt ba, by the enses about W. 11 all sides bv the inob. It seemed as if $aid "there are too many li ere, witit 9, to be held at Belgrave, on the 3rd SMITH.—In Orbawa, Marcthat. They iudt 01 _grave tui(l reverend.body, They praiso, provide(I it inplete a i ort is being
the polico,would be )orne down. a - ae April ATife of Mr. 1obn Siulth, lagod 28 YeArS IWIld
abst!uce of actual Ito' -ininute and li give you solne b k at .11 A. 1%1.,- fThereaf ter a call w - The Thises says - An eff
6011AIt tII0V INLd struck, ti, bic, mare's us is ps'sible iatb
u, aido to estabhsl a literary society in
gother, but they manfully stood their in handing them back Rine ca ght r6
eSenator, Dr. IATcNlillan' read the ad 1.1e,.t
ad from the congregati u of Belgrave in
wholl, )1r. Wilson one of the Gov- of its operation., the arm, and pu ed her in- t- I Exeter. Good results very -often flw
IDb ui 1, and by tlieir'efforts to restrain Witues-OY in favor of Re-VI.M.r.Wikins,late of Stra miy cases
t lcall being' unanim.ouB % aks - Om such
hreplied. They orurneut valuators, and it bi Wr poliev of ob truation pursued by i gro 1(
servative testified that they, the vau-.1 certain irtei;lbers O'f the Opposition is tile crowd drew upon- themselves thd I to the room ; did not go in the room for(l. Said societies, but in Births
at a, chainptLgna I I
herin; t fy are produptiv of the -%ii
her own free will - lUne drew evil—of fraud 31dNZT0SH.-1n Stafttb,,011 1UTell 14,
ittorsi, httd based their valuation of th6,f-simply d isgraceful, land results ill posi- fur y which had hitherto been. ditected of sustained, and at a subseq-tient stage ac- erary society
Ilich. Sir nan t Of Mr. cepted'by '111r. Wilkins..L, His induction Rillop, onAtarch the wife j
celebrated i9eeb1bg Hotel building Oil tive, injury. To th't credit of Sir John a-ainst O'Donovan. Tha't- gentleman he said You area nice stou, ; girV an d deceit. In the ON
?: .1 1 GRIEVES.—In
taking h or over to the lookin 1-glitss ask- is which flourished in -the village a cou-
Made bi-q fittl(I sav ifi- of th scaped by P, back way in dis- appointed to take place on the 3rd ot Mr. Tolin Grieves,, of a daughter,
invoices furnished thein bv the corn I twid Dr. Tupper bel it aid-, they never gallantly e cheeky to 'use a on MArch 10, the 'wife of Id.
you a e nything April, 'Mr. 'McLean to preside at the in- years agol
paity which owned the lwte'l, and that I wilfully or: needlessly,, irnpo(to public gui e, wid not beiii.o recoanized. by tile ec Do you think you a
IaHig rae; Of A Soil -
papers oil Chas, DWn
fe witness phrase, me mbers rec
-traid their VATTICH.—In eafi3rth,on
to those ii suffered to,dep&rt in peace. like my i ephed-11 I duction-, M r. Lochead March 6, the Wit* on rL IvOlces collsider- bu. iue"*, but they'should re-, crojvvd, was to preach, Mr.
('i-twright, it, W) lliea tio a th6y had stolen
()]IO%VeLrs,l Illessrs. PI a in b,
awe Ititi0f, Of Material. had b unruly . f on't know, air e his hand er, and Mr. Mr. Robt. Muttice, of a daugter.
The -position of the police 'Was ti )w a 4 ; 'Rine pla Jones to address the minist subjects, whi 'a -
on her breast and pinched her; Rine Pritchard the poople. bodily from the works of eminent DAIV130'N%—I-u.9caf<)lth,,on3fu:rrb IS, the wife
ter IiRd nover'beeil. used, i Bowell iaid M itcb4ll, who make a babit perilous one. It' was Only b fighting There was, then
ans f 6 utteriag o " foul a lander,
(I for, y
ea emember oil one occasion, Mr. Dason, of a son.
I shOulder to shoi* n t witness, who ask taken up a call from t thors, and we r
and asked to ber this ill tile sad l dainper wits of spe i4 agansi time on ev ilder that they could ho'congregation f h 9 ihe wdb
0 lebate in OGLE Tn Tuckrsmith on Mure
igo I protect themselves. Several. of the r listening to A - t6inporance
I I him to let her go,'and he sald 11 waitA (St. And ws' church,Gan' r Mr. Chas. A. )gle, of
ahGaqt on their however, when Mr.' ceivAle su-bjec . A. few eveuipgs i alioque, in f av Avinagor oi a son.
every RUGGITT.—In E , on Match -1
were -unfortunate enou ininnte, I want to speak to oil aBt wawauoih
Wilson on beiiia further questioned me- AIr. Plumb, after ihaving spoken over force who ab t Y4111 .;" wit- of Rev.. H. Gracey. Parties being Iduly which a spee was, delivered,
Glongarry then depart-
knowledoed tbtA all. the inaterial charcy-f two ho eparated from their compauioll so ness trio& to get -from him a e go away cited, were called, wh of which was stolen, though the the vrife bf MT. -knthony Huggitt, of A soil -
urs and haVring become thorough- be en there appeared. word Ma7rch IS, the wife of V
BARR.—In Hallett Ol
ted for their hoiriui4, happy, it -ill tOL be out -one ste '-when he aught her to
ed for in the itivoices wasbu the ground ly exhausted, ake some of -his, friends were badly treated. As they 'charged P Mr. McCuaig on behaf of 'the Presby- - ambitious g ntleman who
Jas. Barr, lt,, of a 'th
a U in the, same position, and told it off as his own, doubtless left wi wifei
so far as for uKe on the biiilcliurf, aiid t,li&t to ,peak for birn a, few ininutesnutil lie up Jarvis street in &'body,- a portion of, M i tery ofKingston and te.cog.,,egation Pas' DEWAR-1-h Brussels, on Ulmych 11, the
it purelliISC"(1 it Wa htJJ1(1_ the mob stood just lona: enough to her again to the impression that the people reg,%rdea' Pewal 01 a hoIl.
uld pro:- stay as lie -wanted to speak- of Ganalioque, Messrs. I r and
thoy vere A moro lie wo er; he -was laughing aha -his f Ice WOODRO.--In Morris. On Feb. 1:8, the wife Of I
ed over'to the agtnits and, eced again until tie adjourniliallit of the liver it volley of bricks, aqlul stones, nd. I to 11 Bishop o n behalf of Thames Road eon- him as a. second Demosthenes. a soil.
properly disposed of. Tbo second less 1 11onso. Fortunately no person to theiv beels. was white; Rine drew her I owards the greation, Messils. SomerviRe and Kirk —'The quarterly examination of 7LETCHER.—In 33ru"sels, on Mareh 2, Ore W
learne to then tyok, One of the.
-he bead, ail out thr feet from
WO 91T exaniiiied. waN a 31r. Browji, oll ad llii relief., Bowell aud Wlitchell oth be- !I
ei timt notto will be more di )olice b dly cut in t bed, which was ab onbebalf of Kirkton,an ir. Gracey for. school section No. 5, Grey, was held on of Mr. ThoH. of a so",
t at the time, wid Bunstq
tb or b ad his ave knocked almost where he caught her the second time, himself. DETLOR.—In Goderleb, n
15, the wit -
with. the lvulet;que thall. the inelligent, been In, the Goveri i not be- ano Reasons for and a qttrans
inou to ing ou Friday, 8th inst. The attendance of
r, then the accused kissed her; b gain very large, notwithstandin, Mr. J. 0. Detlor, of a-daughte-Y.
11 lation were read. 9
tho aving one Partiesbeing hedird, TIER ors was
r S 0.,f the title his right. illi. (1, alid, the usincm entirely out But the majority of the
vald c Is 18,116 L d her waist 51
, -1. ib -le Ilig M. arolin and Iding her
pro- chased. His testillioliv showed that the Of tile, Hv.use was vVed to proceed, mob, disappointed at not having an op- ar and Mr. Gracey accep ille bad state of 'the roads. The exam-
Glew arry, of 10t(an thcrei;Lro not a few, ;%rni with iiis other. hand; he drew her it was on motion of Dr. Ure, duly see- -, 5 -
valuatioll of the property purchased by ".aud ,,everal oj tbp, 'temS ill the osti- portiiility of WrAking their rage oll illation commenced at 1 o'clock, antl
d -of. What the ob - O*Ponovan. now turned their &ttentiou close to him; Rind succeed ,d in draw- ended and.aigr tecl by the teacher, 31r.
The either of Glong'a-1717 the Governindlit- wa`s:1 a.6t n%de,1 mates were"Aispas eed that I t e`i Presbytery w SEAYOR-TH Va"11.21. 'Ur'8
o bl4t, leoislfttors; c pc(. tod Ponians in tile city. To Ina. her towards the. bedsbead about e
ie I ject of the, e having lipard plead ii, 91emmon lagMst
ortinvoth-er of vill be prices bil t, at l t an be to su, r, ase, and d by Ifflas Collander
Steps i g's in this 0
three 9S made her oto and Mes;r1 and Taylor. Flfe,perbubhel. 0 25 to 11
Notre -Daine," 8 cKinnon Spring Wheat,
figurdS Sornetilffl) in thu4s dchlvilj r sjuem, it is linpossi- Cosgrove's and The' Mr. Gracey, accepting the cill, agre
hard presqe(l- ia(lev(l t1ley have to escape an I stairg 0,
Vsl e y outside of their own were mingle(I with shont., of ReInam
went down' th.at was
NvIlich, were Tilue-11 le. s Phan bi for MI translate Mr. Graceyto th . congrega- The -pupils, acquitted themselves in a Spring Wheat, Red Chaff)per bush 0 IM to
11aekett, L its for t1lat OataperbusheL ........ 0 .80 to
on )or &On,oJ Ganalloque, and insti net him to. Pose per bnhhel ... 0 -57 to
look to ir Tohn or - sales. Ilo also ililille(E all that 'occurred, and: it v
No Fevianism I
manner that was highly creditable to
obtaitied zLt lator to conjecture. and ...... 40 to Q
dy of rougPu, aid tb a i e- t the instructions- of -the P-resby, Barley per bushel.
Pherson to C&US0 alld tilat 6liver, Patidsou, 0 'oijscrvative Scilatur largi-, bo vilo that witness 11 In awai themselves and their teacher. After
some recognl o con- .inductioll, Butter, Nlo. 1, Loose,trade... 0 1-5 to
'orL d 'ore gistratc saw Mr.
Pri md the Police Ma
111.1ch illtere8t" neo A in com satiou kvitlli some Lib( tery of Xingston 'anent his the ordinary work of the school WAS
Butter, No.], Loose, (I-cfLoud their unior. hould th ba'd I. acted as if 1111(1 Hurst about 9, f an hour after- The Presbytery in pa 4 1)0 to 4
flitir's thall at members of the Comillons, si(l lie had trol, fell i lto 1"Llb a] 11 quarter 6 rting
need ds, and complained to lim of what ith their dispensecl with a number of dialogues Cloyer Seed, per is bV no liealls ver
marched to
find tha if the teriniuns;had been lo- not the aliteit !objection to express grove's t I 'Corner, of Queen brother, Mr. Gracey, wbicli th do and some. very select deces of music Timothy sced, per busbel. 2 00 to 2
6y P
Probable, thov will to solne person e Rine had doii' 0 09 to r;
cated at tho it NV;ould-have cost his opini,011 (;r tb Maner in NvIlich aml 'Willi,111 str Ptq. Cosgrove is -it e. were well rendered by the scholars. At P,
Flour per barrel ....... ...... E 00 to 6*
with much regret, desire to place on ree- day,a proeeediagg, 3J
-t of bis nati aitholic, ald t ollgly silspe he came
than at the Kiwainisti- 1,business before P rliaulellt wits beim, C Hur5t testified tha.
ated of be ord. as they hereby do,, their*gratitude th6 close of the 00 to 14)
ei a
ne early oil Thursdav for a parcel
61 it iii 11 bLd repute wit] hoi
to tr, U1.0 illud 'ill order to quia. Ife also showed that the Prince -1 d it few (ibstructionistl ill the il ig F iiu, a i b to God for the valuable services he hds -Strab-hn, -reeve of Grey, gave a very Ut i d, e* m', 'p`e'r' I' h .... .... 0 05 to 0
lining r3orn t? t 4
tile eltJ which,was dominant 011.110a- tl> . -; saw been unilbled to render, both 'as pastor excellent address in his usual intellien
-, ,rtllur 1tailway litul paid ],,(;00 per Comillons and ill file Cownlitt, es. He Raw the girl in the (
Grubby Rides per 100 lbB...
it. ni, a -to Secretary Fallen Hides, er 100 lbo.
acre (or at the Landinc; while Mr. the 1 ,,aid it was a slianic thatir John.a.nd d it A Toront cr wd raral M . King, in the congregation over whiell. nd , impressing upon
If thert, i., W11V LV -t Moro in the pa;rlor; tile airl wal Sheep, sking .... .......
-and in connectioii. wit].-
aild permit- gc ced Salt (retail) per barrel.
00 per ac ro Dr. Tapportat Ili 'a ruclion,"-withoiit lavi" very pale
Invitl r, , been PIS tile th of the chi ITen the iiecessity 'Lt. I A 1\1r. 2fflitche 1 111) do sifige to But here theN and she looked excit 1 fill (ir that &0t for the includ ted -)11r. Plumb 'i ed - dem ndedwbat ieral work- -of the Presbyt4ry for 13 4 being diligent at school, and show-' Swit (.wholesale) per barrel.
ailed the i rl, and ins) sted ei 0 10 to 0
-ere -r U on a reply;
itI11 atR thev pleased, a ld th he Inul told NN net and I in their own coin,' I r) Potatoes, pe
durin which time Ile has iii. ia them how they inight -attain. to r buAhel.
A 5 00 -to 5
It in&v, lie well, lso licro to inentiou Well, A she made the same complaint as she Oatmal J+ n some est offices in 0 28 to 0
so. 1 -le. was utterlv P% anticipating tile row ill e di r e a ored
charge of his duti a 1 b with- of the high- the land,
Omit ell is:; IN"all1i Callic with-the.policy bf delay hack collected fliere, and- awaited the now gave in her evidence ;koust"Hr.
Much ability, zeal and Auce 89. ifg if they would Sim at such and"w-ork ac- Tallow, per lb- ... ..... ...... 0 fjoliw 0
worO ad no li-nowledge of tbegirls sl -bkother to
of till ill tho s ant ..IIe-' comers with of stones Mid rCTOI- Rine; h
Pre )Ytery'will follow their Speeches -were also given by' D.Ifesned Hogs,par 10(j 1br ........ 4 2 5 to 4
q The restIlt iv -vitli ber fatbar revious
as the n Beel, in quarters, per 100 Ms.. 4 61) to
Wil areorry t., say tluttt 11"th political oli Yr P1111111) takill,, it,in tli()ught the 0 pos tioii Nvould Show far -ver. 'lost serious Coll slilttion. N
p his new 61.(l Of labor -%vith their best Mr. Taylor ancl the trustees of the see.
Ito laying the information; I ad 9. con-
litilid. al d ill his uot very 1);)IitL, NVIO, ac- better sell,;e if thev ould urry its riot of the llitrlit., Revolvers blazed ill
par -ac e rnest: pray' tion, in h they e'xpressed thein -
in this countr proac, to wishes' a I their a ers Vhic, 185
th'o prorogation and all and stoiles'fl 'with 'Rine oil he'r-riday that
vers tio;
elsed tliv allinlmer of hasten ew like hail.., - lie May be long i3pa-red to' w solver, WQ11 satisfied -with the -working Fall Whent,per bashiep) ...... relqort to -this oxiledielit t) Iilitllt, attlie.house, aud at e store on oik for the- 41 the oM stale get 1) Lck to their constitien ie und The wood work and wjnL1t),Vs of 0s'. Masiter, and " of the school, that he may cOntinue to be Spring Whet, r r saturdav ; Rine ained with witil Lee'! cliargres. -)Ir. -Kaekeii7ie p6i.ilted out work so- as to lie for tll(,,i corillu 9 ove's ta-verii, and of the'llouses in the esq on Oats, per bagW....
riebly sustained an4l largely'
0 , .04010 0
Thursd v ; witness did not peak'about prospered
111ol Barlej, per bushel ..........
thil't election. neighborhood, -, cre cOmplatel dc aaieons News Items. i7 (?0
of cortaiii and it i., L pitY that that t in bi. or] Jr. Harley as ap Xiscell Peas,per bushel. '0
d eii, as he wished to 9
the terminus be at of the Sen tors. I iqbed, twd several rioters seriously hurt. ee him alone 0.
it 'rl10 its alld pointed moderiitor of the I e4sion of The hotel keepers in Butter ...... ......
lie went at noon instea,1 of tkre st. -Maryahave
l'an y shot in tbe-shoul- .. 4 135 41-11 4:
bUt thZiLt 01C 1-ICUti011 (If. tIlC1 IZL fd III&V One eceivL
Thames Road and TJ
ruwlied 0 80 0
f sbor d to de- formed themselves into an organization
liC011 111MIC 11V 2\lr. The valu- bodv of Youthful leerislators are -at their i der, 11,11d another in the leg. The few 1 o'clock, as previously arran ed; was in Clare the pulpi'vs vacal 0
t e third tor mutual protection in their business, ..........
a0XV11 11V ever,, rL I)OlitiCiR11 )pea recol bedwhenRine called'Saturday morn-
-1 wits' eild for soMething to d6, They police who were, in the vicinity, at tile 1 . L
end R go
Sabbathin Apiil. 11117. er and have decided to adopt uniform rg;tes 9 00
IJONV to PL ti, _WbrL 501 was
pre- i beg ess to .. iDg on
vtl liv -)fr. Prdee-. tuid scarcely kilo u A their viiiiiiina of th6 row, -wero po t one o'clock; he wanted to appointed 'of th
W convener e Pxesbytery-s for accommodation offered the public,
FlilTr -,vappwith BLYTHI Xareb 21. W!
ille.,11 of uninlpeachable intqgr ty.. Thev cious thile so as to-inake, evell 06 sign of stop refrained from action until settle the charge Mr." Home Uission Committee. e0uld ell one'. ImIf the lots, ior thrc'e a. diw of earning their- nionay - 13Lav lar-elv reinforced. But wi b( him; Rine fli-st - tteinpte Afessrs. as follows: Hay for Spa eadvell, per butb.... $1 10 -to -s
ion a to, deny the
Nvhat tile People Interes lie _)dy n of horses, d T .....
M - - C-Ameron, Hartley and Tho son, with inLg day, 20c. ditto for one horse, 10c.; Spring,wheat, lied haff ....... 0 90 tid
thile", the alliount t had after ity adjournments take place, of aboutfifty appeared on the steue, tile charge, and offered an apolbgy ; be ad -
He; .1 paid. their representative elders,. M3 P Fife and Club .................
Tlilnk 0 0.5 to er gallon,. 10c.; stable Or shed for
Illited having taken impraver liberties to
entered fulIv into tho Capcities of the without t'h t bra ' h of.. the Lepslature aspect of affairs wit, ca. The
pointed a committee to matre ail span of horses without hay loc...; ditto Peas, per bwh.. ............ 40 to
ss told hi -he
a rvofnt int -t -tin. of the Comity defending the having practicallicv earned evouh to owaxdly, mob fied in all irections, and with the girl; 1vitne Barley, per bash.,.,
in t bring up at ne-st replar mecting for single horse,
case- in court; lie -,aid 'no sin was
(Ittawa ill th, Government. Noi ver rallied longer t mil occasional', c.; Men1; 'not less tbil 0-08, per bnshel 0 tN to 40
colmoil -ris ,Lll(l Aii vv f ir the 'ait tiley use at inper.. So lr 0 t 4
best pe100 lbs.. 4t
regarding the, 25 C beds for each person 2 4 6 io
bid that the grave d reverend'signiors ly deliver R, v011ev of stoiies T'e eoii- coll"mitted ho, wLts sori-,- a n(l it spbu
Proviuvt. of a, fvw thm. of condu timg: I ; sion Beef ............ ........
be a lesso sion 'Butter, roll -s, per)b... ........... 0 Al t3
ore than'enqu -w a -to bim; lie d that tile ais. horses over night and hay, 50c.; ditto
the was title of the have dowie very little ill ire vent, of Notre Dania v. also a Point (of
meetings. The next regular ineetiy (i for single horse 25c,.; entire horse with B
of se),-ir al di- att titter, per 11). tub .1 .......... ack for a "llort time.. But gitl's good i.ame' was unto ichecl,. and
Iwo, ltl ' while it W. -'l here. a-8,
.......... eld at G( in inan and poliy over night, .31.50 - ditto
ILL harbor -,Lt' Prince y0ree and NOle Se _V;Tre ex- Iropped-v; Ile
1110st I at the crowd was I, 1. tha the ease ought to be c Pre.>bvtery is to be h Egg -9, Pei
& ,r itvif t, inakv a the 61 'ot&toes, per bumb.. to 0,
-o to t1h hatl for want (if better scandal, aild'said 11rch, on tb e second- uesdy wit4ot
Al!thur's -.cip i nd of callic to the store on Sa.turdav 0111 1 g; llidesi ............. 6 00 W
f,,,r the dis I Ile Pony, 1.25.
Jul 11 A. 11., the aft -se —On MOndmy 3vening, bout ten to 1;
hind that y era ooa
IlVal-iV a,11 ii vo had to a ii to -sit- police. A free alid , pof that 1?11klv ill 11"t e d1v turn -their ttentio heWould do au it ndiscrinailiaLto fhev bad a ....... ........... eYt 11 -
runt is to be devotedto c lference oil Hay, 00 to
ill _Ct1MmittCd on several petty of batons cleared the kreets in thi, o1cl0e, aa 6 miXed train -was leaving
1 approvt;kl of thli mind to name * to.get an adjustment; 31 0
U11der thestate of religion. Messrs. McLean, St. '.hfary'g
Tile qi i es. atRILinst the G )veriinient. As cinitv, and ibe ninb, completely routed. witness recommended Rine aot to come 90ing east, the locomotive
convener, Dr. Ure, 1:fcQu=ie1 and. Cain- ran over an elderly farmer, on Live Stock Markets.
to dr, p 'ttftur an Llli- thL'-,c have lut proved en profitable. an d by f1lis time thorou near. hiA house; Rine said, that he Of tile
That the Cron, Were appoillte(I to e
colisidr the
The Opposition had fhe Senators- are in etl, to di-penie, would appeal the case to the -April oldest residents oi Do he ' 51arch 21,—Cattle —Chcl
Tl e casualti wl"eL, cutting the TORONTO,
tbt% recent at tt-lul"t of t1w late Dellouell- draft bn Ecclesi
Court and have thing t i i shape; as
h11OW'better hunt up s me otlit:r'ina. Thq aeputhtion of the Grand brange -of the nigr it, though ot inclu i astica Procedure, ana top of his head off and killing him. first-class have sold at $ 50 to da" ally spu
y r : Ietcalf,.of deaths, id this -pe snapped his trial kaiL (if hich to nmilufacture, - Lo x Ma 0 ere serie.),us enough. to ropOrt at a; meeting Of Presbytery to stantly. Deceased, Mr. H_ IV-alton, it ondlas
headed b e . a at $I to $1 2.5, and thjrd cl
y Scarcel - he sa
du the iiL eetij3g appears, had been ibibing e yr ney on a. policeman escaped without huri pr tt to $3 5o, Amon 'tliereporte
If The Kaminis'tiquia like the Toronto, -waited Gut His. Excelle Cross-examined—Rine came into the be held in Stratfor 9
Goderi(-h liarbtir I- Job," is now thor- P riday last.,nnd presented him With a while five were badly injured. I,, i -parlour when witness got home; )1r. Of ynod., irpely, and, laying down on the side of were the following.
0 Ki I the track, place(l his heaid on the rail, ton bought. one car averaing 1,
rant, collsitution,thO ttnkl out of reil)t.Tt to petitio'n a king him to induce the Gov- th u011t that the two vl o were wound- 11g. was th- a
P - rtip(trtv (f this Mht -tlivr municipml- tll'- ere; discu sed the temper- ty I
Ashton F letcher-, bf Wood- The drive
L'nisvIves the Oppotition should abaii- ernment of the Dominion to afford pro- ed in the charge On Jarvis street, will ance questioii; Rine deniA &nv -- r, - never noticed the uu- at $4 M live weight Mr.
ities. fai whielt they t10 not ow", prime
stock, has bee
them. tection to the body on the 12th'of TnIv, 1 be unable to oin' at the first interview, but expressed his n appointed t6 condu6t fortunate man, who lay there a consia- cars averaging 1,350 lbs, at
fere with hcir ( oixtract, the f rce again from 51). -
mid to inter The other day during the (liscus';i the business for the C 1 ing 1,200 lbs
on Nvhen it will assert the right ti) MarJh the injuries they received. It cannot., sorro-iv, and said -it own at the dable time -where he was discoveredI Welsh, two cars Averagi
Was a terrible.blow
nin violation with their ellarurea othe L kjtim tva 1Veights and 1Pr0&cbing Spring Assizes in God- Deceased was one qf the wealthiest -$4, for local use Alessrs-. Thomps
in ileacefal Procession in Voutteal be a very comfoit n- thought to those to him, and if they'nad
aw itecl his let- erich.
ia dhOlders in theowaship, owilin-, it