The Huron Expositor, 1878-03-22, Page 3- •,••••••••k. 22t meemeeselleeleinesomme', r — E FOR irst-elasa farre or sale in, County o1Burn, &thee leered, new frame ant; possessiongiien. 'or Sale, Lot 19., Cone 4, O� acres, over 70 of whittle pod state ',if cialtivatione eI within four utiles of HAYS, SeafOrth. 628. or Sale, Lot NO. 5,, Soderich Townshipe emee. bich are cleared and in a The farm is attiOittirtg ad sill be SOUL:, ehattp and LiTly to the proprieteee 524 scxiber has ft* sae a. 50 tip of MeKiliope County a tred and the hi3Ottnee ea maple. The property rely to jAS. R. BENSON, 517 ,....•-•%••••••••••••••• -or Sale, titat large and Mee, coutainink1O roems, 4rbuilainge, also 100 feet with side ol eSodereen f the Preebyterean Church, anfereetatiou weeply to the Seaforth. tsa -. ..PROPERTY FOR SALE. emfertabie frame 'lave Wing keet, Seaforth. ' One house e other 4. There is also a. ; lot. Terms easy- Apply 5LINERAR-VIF.R. 5344 e__.... ey frame a.weee =a coke oit the Mit-rkea- Square 'of frente The buildiog is very .anise Dr a vitae business. te W. N. 'WATSON, Sea. torsaott, Gale -dell. 496 '-A, W' superior farm for omty of Huron, being west , containing 8/ acres ; first" watered; frame barn and, "ening honeelarge orehard; d; price, $4,500 ; apply to .'e promisee or to jOH.al ii FOR tiAT,e,s-eroe sae, Lot No. 4, Con. 4, H. R. S., of Iluxeu, cortaisting of 50 the 'Town of Seaforth, and k. The Irina ii of the Very 'xther pertienlers apply to epoeite the 524 pseud, es, or to Sale,50-a0reee of Land, Lot 9, Con. /3„Tuelteremith, withframe hare seen, stone leg; all well underdmined; umpe; ozehard, young and gOod school. Possession .ply to A. at'sue..s.G, Land 527 E.—For Sale, the tel pro- ;rtlx at, present; occupied by s converdently situated for '.. large and prOlitaltle trade. . very commodiens, with. good ti.ietiort. Possessioa given at he proprietor en the promises ROBERT HAYS, 528 L—For Sale, Let 14, Cone 7e Mg 100 aeres, 30 of which are a stumee. There is a frame stone cellar tuaderneatleealso Ie. Plenty. of good wetter and t within six -and -a -half enilea t l miles from Seafertit. Ape Troa. Office, %Seifert:h. 528 sale let 14. 27, and ;half of 28, on the Fourth Com a4 Suriey, Teekeettnah, con - Se faten will be sold as a whole mit purchaser. f Firet-elass out rchard, plenty :of water, tmd f Seaforth, awl three of Bruce - ply on the premises, or to A. 'eat, Seaforth. ; 508-4x SATY..—For Side, Lot No.14, .100neree, 15 acres eleered—en t half of north half of Lot No. edit:dual the \Mine° of Drs - res cleared, eiteeeec'fatory an(1. te thereon. Pur bonsea and tuber of vacant lots in. lernssels, ; the underaigneil. Also a. eos, She property of other pare iSTE. Dresses.. 515 'LOT FOR SALE.,—Eor Sale, eitaated and desirable real - S• of Mr. Wit. Robert:ant, The 1erieh Street, it, Adams' survey. -. :eiutt sitting-rocen, aitting-room, -41-rooms, with eautties, aosets, a other coueenieeeee. Also hard eider (lover. The house is new The lot contains one-fifth of an the proprietor on the premiaes. 527 lti POR SA.T.4.`e-For Sale, the Let /6, London, : Road, Tucker - ova as the Old CooperHomesteade "ea, 40 are of Ikilich ate'Cleared eplenditily timbered. A briek came outbuildinge. A large oreh- _ fruit. and abundance ef -water. 5 the village a Kippen, and is, it properties io that seetion of .kpetty to GEORGE & .JAMES 532 113X FOR. SALIS.—F- or Sale, - 4- 5; H. R: 8., Teckersreith, COD. - 90 of which. are (availed toad in a .feation, being wellundeedrained, herdwood boeh. Good- atone a and etables ; Well watered, and terie Is sitrtated about 5 miles. 1. Brucefield, anti 8 fromliippert. Intl at other conveniences. For e apply to DAVID MOORE, on 0 Egtetondeitle la O. 520-8x ARAI FOIS SALE, --For Sale the f Lot 0, Concession a, McKillon• es, kaown as -the Deiele estate. tel within, one ralle end a- par- -he lena is of the choicest quality. Aetna reeidence, and good oat - is well el enfetlwith fruit and in in excellent ordere vind ably suitki for a retired, gen- uUt, or meiket gardener. TerlD8 proprietor ou the premises or to • TESKY, Proprietor. 524 - .A.1124 POIS.SAIX—tior Salo, Lot itelf Lot 1,7, Con 1, ayecoutain- of which aro eleared. and in a ivatieu- There LI a good brick cottage, the barn, etable, cow - buildinge are all frame; there • 01 (twice epplei pear end other leettilett spruce trees planted 10 rever-failine stream running re of the farmeon wh&&oie a good 1 gravel road:on two sides of the - :tett tete mile front lieusall Ida- - A from Exetee, on. the London t aereee the lentil from the Bolger - ...a church. Per further particra- .VNIISS W. ELDER, Veterinaty h P. O. 481 . - ri:LUE--To purehase south " Cott.12, tuwn line, Arthur and • 3 nerve, about 00 acres clov- e goa41 hardwood land, with about colar ; oiI Sec client, log dwell- tk here conteatted fee—nrose of spet. tiotel roads ; is 6 miles 1 liar:Setae, 4 from ISIt. Foreet, en of I'almerston—railroatls to. two to liarriston ; J acres. of fall :Jt'tl new pinto, and web; conveni- teeel farming implements- -.17 la alth the eubscriber has to sl talent the above farm, &se f°r. .easy terms of yayment. e. given if reeturea. Terme easi- iber oe the preedees, or to netanee 1'. O. n10e4ts ee a. 0. es4-4 l:r.acasAttu sYsor • welersi ettel, vOio i5 0,1)00 rein' V;i4hit:rt EU sell his propestY In tare, tee-el:Spa. Hunt tt,countY tii tleee-quaxture ()S. an -acre 1 inel ramined, and having a • tOtl frail trees. There is on. teeleeeitit ellop Oses.38, awegoll iut elite) the saute size,0. '4140 16e35 and kitchen. 1604 -e tabu:ilea ; alee a new dwelling stable 16sS5. The lmildinga are dwelling lues have (Ault 0.5 e is situated in one of the hes' eriities in the county and is there - t business stand. ..elso for salest- uf oak, rock elm, red elm and Pine eaeorted, and fit for use. WagOierl .end buggies on hand, end will be sea" out the stock. Payment is reden,.e847. notes anaactenints. JOITN eveat- • P. O. 517 MARcll 22 1878. 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 3 Proroguing of' the Ontario Legislature. The following is the speech delivered: by the Lieutenant -Governor in prorogu- * g the Ontario Legislature: sn.1 relieving you from your labours at t e -close of the Session, it affords me uch gratification to acknowledge the diligence which you have manifested in the discharge of your important duties and the care and deliberation which you have bestowed. upon the various measures whioh have been Iaid before you. I learn with pleasure that nearly all themeaeurefe which I recomniended for your consideration have received. your approval, and it may be reasonably hoped that your labours will result in the increased prosperity and well-being of the Province. specting the Maritime Court of Ontario. An act respecting the City of Toronto, and. Toronto Wider Works. An act to ame-nd the law for the protection of 'game a,nd fur -bearing animals. An Etct to amend the MechanicEi'Liens Act. An act for the protection of insectivorous and other birds beneficial to agriculture. An act respecting the assessment rolls of the county Of Oxford. An act to amend the law respectiag High. Schools.. An act to preserve the forests from de- etruetion by fire. An act to extend. the Religious Institutions Act to the Church of England in Ontario. An act to a,mend the law respecting Building Societies. An act respecting the Magistracy. An a.ct to amend the Assessment act. An act respecting the registration oft -Rail, way Aid Scrip, An act to amend • the Revised Statutes respecting Ditching Water Courses. An act to give -finality The Act authorizingloansko be made, to Voters' Lista and for other purposes. to township reamicipalities at a low ' An a,ct to amend the Line Fences Act. rate of interest, to be applied for the An act to make certain amendments in purposes of tile drainage, cannot fail to be of great advantage to the agricultur- al interests of the Province. I notice with satisfaction that you have framed a measure'designed. to regulate the public service of the Prov- ince, and to place it on a permanent and eatisfaetory. basis. I am pleased to perceive that in view Of the great destruction, by fire of our -valuable forests of timber in the pastas, stringent measure has been enacted t& , prevent, as far as possible, the recur- rence of sueh fires in the time to come. ha,ve no doilbt that the raeasurea to give finality to voters' lists, to which you ha,ve given your attention, will re. sult iii the avoidance of much litigation in the Eleetion Courts, and in dimin- ishing the expense and labour attend- ant upon contested elections. It is gratifying to observe that while the finances of the Province have per- mitted you to grant sugh aid to the several railway enterpriseswhose claims you have had occasion to consider, as may ensure their completion, yet that aid has been extended to but a limited number of companies, and. your action in that respeet has been in tht spirit of that special caution which I suggeeted at the opening of the session. ;I cheerfully assent to the liberal ap- propriation which you have made for completing the extended asylum ac- ra commodation comenced during the past year, and. it is a soum rce of uch gratification to me to know that the finances of the Province continue to permit increased provision to be made for those of our population who are un- fortunately afflicted with insanity oridiocy. - - I congratulate you on. having adopted important measures respecting the Mag- istracy—for perfecting the working.of the License Law—and for previding simple naackinery for winding up Joint Stook Companies when eacha proeeed- ing becomes necessary. I thank you for the supplies which you have granted for thePublic Service. They shall be expended with a due re- gard. to efficiency and economy. The Lieutenant-Goveynor also gave quitted the palace shortly after dinner; 1JtrILL1AM McCON N ELL, he had not been seen since and the' Queen and the 'Princesses were some- what uneasy about him, for it was now 5 o'clock. His 11743614 even made in- quiry of Elliston, who was quietly pro- ceeding to the theatre to make arrange - the Revised Statutes. An act respect- ing Union School Sections. An act re- specting investments ia Tile Drainage Debentures. An act to: amend. the Li- cense Act and for other purposes. An act respecting Bridges in Villages. An - act respecting aid to certain railways. Mieeellneoufa Neitt's Items. , DEGENIN ERATG.-- The 'late editor of D the London Ties, Mr. elane, has been thoroughly prostrated with paral- ykiis. The fact that since is retire- ment the Times -has fallen off in circu- lation and influence, is attracting gen- eral attention in England. NEW FORT WINTED.—Gell. Sherman arges the importance of erecting 9, fort on Milk River, Montana, near the Brit- ish boundary, immediately, las a check to hostilities gathered there. STORM. — Last Sunday morning a storm burst upon the city. of Atlanta, Georgia. In the Episcopal Church the minister called to the congregation to throw thenagelves under the seats, and immediately the edifiee was blown down. The -shelter of the seats saved loss of life. Eighteenwere more or less injured. Other churches and the City Hall were injured. DREADFUL STORM IN THE WEST.—Des- patches from Cheyenne, on the -Pacific Railway say that a storm exceeding in violence and. duration any previous one of the season, set in on Saturday, :con- tinuing until noon on Sunday, the wind ranging in velocity from 50 to 64 miles per hour, and the snow. drifting 10 to 15 feet high in the city. Trains on the Union Pacifio, Denver Pacific, - and Colorado Central are either side- tracked or snowed in. Probably there -will be great loss of stock, if not of , Bernal. ntiSENTS.LThe danghter of ments for the performances, of the night IN ACCOUNT WITH T FEE MUNICIPALITY OF. TUCKERS M ITH T ItEAS U RER, FROM MARCH 2, 1877, TO tesitair 9,1678. but Elliston could give no information KICCEIPTS. —he had seen nothing of the King. Ar- I. To Balance from last audit . • $ 68 11 rived at the theatre, however, the actor Do., Licenses for1877 to 1878 . 128 77 Provincial was riot -long before he discovered the Treasurer's Clergy Re- serve Via. 97 51 figure of a man asleep in the King's - License Commissioner, bal. from chair. He had, indeed, entered. 1876 34 75 She box to assure himself that all was McKillop share of Culvert's, Been -. Line prepared for the occupation of his royal. Jdarohn Beattie, price of roadway _ patron. For a moment he did not re- A. M.Boss, on accortnt of Bounden' cognize the sleeper and was about to dis- Line. turb his slumbere abrnptly enqpgh. A. M.Ross, Non -Resident Tax...... Wm. McMurray, Pound -keeper.... Fortunately he discovered. hi time that Collector, County Rate he Stood in the presence of the King. Mint was he to do ? He dared not wake " , General School Township Rate.......... his Majesty bytouching him ; he feared. " Special School Rate • even to • speak to him.. It was clear, " Tru"stees, RpootgeTUlla: S{S. No. 1, Mc - however, that, something must be done; Killop it was nearly time for lighting the lamps Arrears of Taxes —and then the anxiety of the Queen and. Total the Princesses had to be considered. El- liston hit upon this expedient. Retook up a violin . from Ithe orehestra, and placing himself inaMediately under the roYal box, he struck up,." God Save the Ring !" The King stirred, and present- ly' springing Up, exclaimed., " What! what! Oh, yes, I see, Ellaton. Ha! ha 1. rain came 'on—took a eeat—took a nap. What's o'elock ?" i" Neatly six, your Majesty." , ":Six!. Six o'clock !" cried the King, end to her Majesty—say I am here. Say, stay, this wig won't do, eh ---eh? Don't keep -the, people waiting. Light up—light-up. Let 'em 'em in. Hal ha! fast asleep! Play well to- night, Elliston—great favorite With the Queen. Let 'em in—let 'eat in."' 'At the cloSe Of .the performance Ellis- ton attended his royal visitors to their carriage, when the Sing still occupied with his adventure of the afternoon nod- ded and sm_ iled as he whispered to the actor: " East asleep, eh, Elliston? &sleet!) !"—All the Year Round. • 18 28 50 00 181 43 63 95 11 00 3,809 77 3,809 77 3,672 90 794 51 400 00 Ithe German Crown Prince -being the first grandchild of the Queen to enter the marriage state, Her Majesty sent her a pair of pearl and diaMond. ear- rings, and a dress trill:mad With Hon - Awl lace, besides other presents includ- ing stuffs of Scotch arid Irish ina,nufac- tureetnd. pocket handkerchiefs embroid- ered in bele, d. his assent to the following measures Tuesits Puessierearox.—A deputation which had.been passed during the ses- of ladies, consisting of Lady Stanley, sioia Miss Power Cobbe, Miss Sheriff and An act respecting certain dams on Mrs. Fawcett, and, others waited. upon Black Creek. An act to amend the acts the Earl of Granville as Chancellor of relating to the Victoria Railway CORI- the University 'of London, 9,nd present- pany. An act to confirm a survey in. ed. him with an address of thanks from the township of Caledon. An act re- 2,000 women to the Senate and. Convo- specting Water Works at Bramptoncation, for their adoption of a new char An act respeeting Water -Works and to °. ter, enabling the university to open all validate By -Law No. 212 of the -Own its degrees to women. of Owen Sound. An act to amend the Tire. Mraisanuata Cuisis.—Several des Synod and Rectory Sales Acts of the patches from Rome to the Lendon jour - diocese of Toronto! An act respecting mats concur that Signor Crispi was . the debt of the county of Frontena,c,and to make valid, certain debentures of said county. An act to incorporate the town of Earriston. An act respecting the Prince Edward._ County Railway Company. An act respecting the To- ronto Club. An act relating to the town of Peterborough. An act to incorporate the Arthur Junction Railway Company. An act respeetingthe Burnside Lying -in - Hospital and the Toronto General Hos- pital. An oat to incorporate the St-. Thomas Street Railway Company. An act to incorporate the Ontario Ladies' College. An act respecting the Hamil- ton GirlsHome. An act to consoli- date the debenture debt of the oity of Ottawa. An act respecting the city of St. Catharines. An act to incorporate the Western University of London, On- tario. An act relating to the Hamilton and Northwestern Railway Company. Ati a,et to consolidate the debt of Brock- ville. TheLondonWater-Works Araend.- ment Act of 1878. An act to enable Isaac Brock Burwell to sell certain lands in. Westminster. An act to incorporate the Georgian Bay and Wellington Rail- way Company. An act, t� enable the corporation of Leeds and Grenville to sell certain lands. An act to confirm sales made by the Order of Good Tem- pters. An act to incorporate the Equit- able Insurance Co7pany of Hamilton. Au act respecting t e Port Dover and. Lake Huron Railway and the township of Noath Norwich. An act to aanend several acts relating to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company. An act to authorize the town of Dundas to exempt Messrs. Fisher from taxes. An act respectiug the Belleville ancl NOrth Hastings Railway Company. An act to enable the county of Bruce to assume the railway debt of certain munici- palities in the said county, and to enable said county to provide for the payment of the same. Ali act to incorporate the Sampan Valley Railway Company. An act to authorize Henry Scarrow to add the name of Woodward, to his present name. An act respectiag the Whitby and Port Perry and Lindsay Railway Company. An 9,ot respecting the To- ronto and Ottawa Railway. Compa,ny., An act respecting the Erie and Huron Fast The Tables Turned. a A middle-aged Quaker once quitted the busy haunts of the City of Broth- erly Love, and settled in the West, where a society of Friende had colon- ized a large tract of land. When sum- mer came, be called his hired. ,inan to him one evening, and. said, John, d.oes thee know where is,to be found a nest of yellow -jackets? I haste read of much sport being given by throwing a dog into one of these, and, if. thee likes thee can put my dog Basso to the test."' John loved,a joke, and could not 6- sist playing one even on his master. So the three, the Quaker, John and the dog went to the field where John knew of a nest. Placing his master in a good. position , to enjoy the fun, John proceeded to stir the nest with a long pole, until every maddened stinger was buzzing in the air. Then he carefully folded the timid A Basso in his arms, and adroitly landing him in the midst, cunningly retreated in the direction opposite -where' he had placed his master. - The dog at first ma,de fight, snapping at the insects, first on his tail, then on. his leas and body, until at last he found he wobuld have to retreat. Swarming with the yellow -jackets, rolling, tumbl- ing, yelping, he made straight for his master, who had been enjoying the scene, ever and. anon clapping his hands in ecstacy, and exclaiming, "Good 1" " Capital !" " Thee bast bit it; John!" _ Bat now he sa,w the danger he was in 57 62 58 $13,201 95 PAYMENTS. By Roads and Bridget'. $3,209 25 Trustees .U. No. 1, MeRillop , 57 62 Treasurer School Boerd, Gen, Rate3,672 59 Treasurer School Board Special " 794 45 A. M. Ross, County Rate. 3 073 78 Legislative Equivalent. 545 00 Interest 10 72 Sundry Accounts 154 14 Salaries. e00 00 Charities. 125 Si Belance on hand. 959 09 1 Total $13,201 95 RAILWAY FUND ACCOUNT. RECEIPTS— To balance ft 0.131 last audit $286 47 Special Rate for Railway led., 1877 1,060 31 tei est frore, Sinking Fund., . 40 .00 Total $1,1".86 78 .4.111ENTS— - 0 By Int. on Coupons for June and Dec $600 00 Investment for Sinkiii,g Fund Acct500 08 Balance on hand 286 7 Total $1,386 78 ' SCHOOL FUND ACCOUNT. To amo nt of Fund $17,682 92 Bal. 1 interest on hand,lastandit- 827 41 Interest accrued since last audit... 1,865 71 Total $9,876 04 _ PAYMENTS— By amount invested .... _ . . .... $17,650 00 Treasurer of Public School Beard.. 966 05 Trustees U. S- S. No. 1, MeKillop - .50 80 Balance of interestIon hand... . e . .. 1,176 27 Balance of Fuad not invested 32 92 Total $19,87404 A udited the Treasurerle BooksScompared Vouchere-and found evelything correct. ' WM. MoMILLAN, 1 AR CH. DEWAR. Auditors. PUBLIC SCHOOL ACCOUNTS JOHN HANNAH, Treasurer of the Public School Board, in account with the kinnicipality of Tuckersmith. Ja To To To To DEBTOR. unary 10th, 1877, To balance in hand from last audit. ... interest from school hind Legislative grants. township rate Miscellaneous $ 436 02 966 04 91589 4,46700 700 Total $6,791 45 e have examined the accouutsf,of the Treasurer CREDITOR , By Paid Teachers salaries By Paid New School House, school 'sites, repairs and fencing • By Paid Mel and other expenses Balance in hand of Treasurer.. ... Totter of the Public Sehool Board and find MALCOLM MeDERMIT, ROBERT LANDSBOROUGH, f NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES. JAMS MUilPHY rp AXES Pleasure in announcing to his friends -I and the public that he is now located in his New Premisel erected on the site of his former Store; and has just received his New!Stock of $4,813 25 1,476 90 ' 343 78 157'52 eA791 45 them correct. Auditors. forced to resign the Ministry of the In- hinaself, and vigorously endeavored to trio in consequence of a domestic scandal. It seems he was married with frighten the dog from him. It was no religious rites at Malta, in 1854, that his use though, for Basso ran between his. spread -out legs, seraping off a fair share _marriage was registered at the Sprain- of the troublesome creatures. Then ian consulate in 18551, that in 1874 he turning, he repeated the feat, falling was separated from his wife, anIon the this time, and rolling over the feet of, 26th of January last married again, and. his master, who now had enough to at - is now threatened with a prosecution tend to at home without noticing the fer bigemy. . ' ,a, dog. His broadbrim fidar off, and the greatest activity exists at present at enemy got in effective work on the top ACTIVITY IN TETE DOCKYARDS. — _vile I the Chatham dockyard, England, ow- ofl Ins bald head, aroundthe eyes, under the loose shirt, and up the trouser legs. in; to urgent orders from the Admiral - Ile retreated. The time made toward. ty to complete, the vessels in hand. The the house is not matter of record, but it workmen,4,000 in number, work four was good. John was the only one. who had a I hours extra daily. The work at Sheer -. The hands employed , on the pleasa,nt time, and next morning the noes dockyard has assumed ueual acl- suffering Friend called hirn to his bed- ! building slip have been removed, and side, and said' "John, thee must never 1 with others are preparing frigates, cor- tell wile or the brethren the first part I vettes'and gunboats for sea. Shipwrights of this story." and other tradesmen, especially the for; , mer, are being engaged as they apply, and more are required. The smiths, A Horrible Suspicion. about 150 are working until nine at An English matron enters a lawyer's night, and the joiners are about to do office: the same. Extra hands have been tak- " Is this the place where people get en on at Woolwich arsenal. The Ad,- divorces?" miralty have telegraphed. orders to De -is "Yes, occasionslly we engage in that onport dockyard that every effort is to kind of business. What CEtn. we do for be made by advertisement and other- you, madam?' wise to engage an unlimited number of "Well, eir,.I'd. like to . get a divorce artizans for eight months' work. Ships I from me husband, John. ' in preparation are being still further "What , is the matter with John, ma - pressed forward. , dam ?" MUTINY.—Tlae crew of the British "T1e gets drunk, sir." barque Gipsey Queen mutinied on Fri- "That'e bad. But I hardly think that day in Chesapeake bay, alleging that the alone will be suffident cause. Have you barque was miseaworthy. The captain no other complaint ?" signalled to the Annapolis Naval Acad.- " Indeed I have, sir a John beats emy for assistance. Marines were sent me." on board, and the crew, 10 in number, "Yes, yes, I see. That adds cruelty including second mate and boatswain, to drunkenness. But, madam, you don't were placed in irons. The captain stat- seem ta suffer much in your apearance ed that the Tesselis perfectly seaworthy from John's cruelty. I think you must but the men received an advance and find. a stronger reason before the court wanted to leave service. He will ship will grant you divorce." an a,dditional Crew and keep the mutin- ".Well, sir, besides all that, I fear, sir, eers in irons until their arrival in Ire- that John isn't true to me." land, where they Will be tried. " ! now madam, youbegin to talk • businese. What reason have ,you for How to Awaken a g thinking that John is unfaithful to WeYmoath was long King George ILL's you ?" favorite resort for repose and fresh air. "Well, sir, I may say that I have a He was accustomed to stroll-anattended strong stispicion -that John is not the Railway Com.pauy, An respecting the about the streets and terraces of the lit- father of nie last child." estate of the late Nicholas Sparks. An tle wratering-place, and he liberally pat - act respectiug the Midland Railway of ronized. its theatre—indeed the geod-na- — • Where He was Stabbed. Canada. An act respecting the town- tured -*monarch. patronized. plays - and • Gentlemen of the jury," said a. Tus- ships of Tilbury East, Raleigh and.Rom- players wherever he found them- In the carom lawyer, a what kind of swearing Rev. Au act respectina -the Toronto course of 'his afternoon walks he had has been done in this case? Here we TEAS, SUGA.RS, FRUIT, FISH, SYRUP, - TOBACCOS, PAILS, TUBS, . . BROOMS, BRUSHES, RM1/1077-131 THOMAS CO VENTRY Has Removed his Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES TO STARK'S NEW BLOCK. In the Store next to Wm_ Roberteort & Co.'s Herdware Store, whore he will be very happy to meet all bis old eustomers and ai many new ones as possible, and all persons wanting to pur- chase Boots or Shoot will find it to their 'elven- f tage to give him a call, as he has .the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Sealortb, and is DETERMINED TO SELL Them at prices -Chet must tempt people to buTe as the whole Stock must positively be disposed of before the First of April, to make room for Ph$ Imnense Spring Stock &tic Shelf Goods- atta Artules kept in he .has Just Ordered.. Firs4-Class G-rocery, SPECIAL THIS WEEK. J-TTST1 Olz=\TMDI, FINE STOCK OF NEW FELT HATS, rr _A. -CT _ He would ieepectfully return thanks lo all who halve patronized hire in the -past, and trusts 1 that they may not weav in well doing - JAMES MURPHY is Confident that, Quality and Price taken into consideration, iris Teas are THE BEST, VALUE .TO BE HAD SPLENDID ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS, MADE TO ORDER, $13.00. WM. HILL & CO., Seaforth. At any Retail Housti in the Dominion. They Consist oP Yong Hysons, and Blacks and japans, of different grades, all sweet, sound, and .of excellent flavor. The recce] tedepression in the prime of Sugars and Tobaccok has enabled the subscriber to place those articles at prices much below those rul- ing a few weeks ago, and of which, he Is deter- mined to give -his customers the beneilt Any Goods purchased, and not proviog eatis- inoterY, will be taken back and the money 10. funded. SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. Call at M. COUNTER'S Jewelry Store and get your Sight tested with, L. Black .& Co.'srPatent Indicator—can fit you the first trial. A Full Line of Spectacles from, Twenty -Five Ono to Twelve Diol - tars per pair. A -Case Given with Every Pair. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. JAMES. MURPHY YOU CANNOT MISS THE' PLACE, As his Sign of the Big Boot Gun be seen from any part of Main Street. ALL OLD ACCOUNTS MIISST BE PAID t.TP AT ONCE, WITHOUT FAIL. THOMAS COVENTRY, . • - MAIN STREET, SEA FORTH - ----- 1 SEEDS. SEEDS. . i • Hopes th t nonei'lwill delay for ceremony and. sleighing, but t at all will consider them- selves cordially invited to comeonce and get a tiz supply of the Cheap Goods, specially those splendid Teas and Sugars, for th .11olidaya. Al‘A.RCH 5TH, 1878. SEAFORTH. M4ROH 5TH, 1878. h • ''cian a man who from his • and. Nipissing Railway Company. An been overtaken y a shower, P , act to incorporate the Brant Memorial whea, the door of the theatre standing 'high and noble ceiling, should be re - Association. An actrespecting the Galt open,he entered, and finding no one in garde as one who would scorn to stain -Pere you, wilt find all and Guelph Railway Company. An attendance he quietly made his way to his soul with perjury or be guilty of giv- 1 ' act respecting the Stratford and Huron the royal box and seated himself in his png utterance to an untruthb? But what REMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. Itailwa,y Company. An act respecting aocustomed chair. The performance of laid he testify, gentlemen ? I put the faction, as to QUALITY and PRICE than anyiother maker in the the National Club. --------- oror- the evening it may be stated, was an- question to him plainly as you all heard. is wanted to secure regular custom. THE GREAT CLEARING SALE IS STILL GOING ON AT DENT'S. FIVE CASES OF NEW SPRING GOODS GOING WITH THE THEY ARE GOING, GOING, AND SOON WILL BE GONE'. COME ALONG, COME ALONG, MAKE NO DELAY. REST. JUST RECEIVING: OAR LOAD TIMOTHY, CAR LOAD CORN, AND A 0001) SUPPLY OF CLOVER, ALL OF Tull BEST QUALITY, WHICH I \Mai, SELL AT VERY LOW FIGUR S. FULL STOCK OF PEAS, OATSIAND FO BARLEY R Fiklilk PURPOSES. - I have purchased another large lot of that 30 Vera. Ten, that everyone is; so MUDIL -pleated ' with. I have a stock of Teas thit o annot fail to A Large Stock of Crockery' ,,,, , . , ,l) . give goo I satisfaction both in -mice and qualitX Also a full supply of Fresh Futility Groceries. 4 THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT iIS MADE Ur INTO Ot 0 0 ID HARNESS Kinds of ilihrness SUCH. AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, SEAFORTH, Made up in th.e Latest Styles. AND PULL SUPPLY OF LAKE FISH TO ARRIVE SHORTLY. WARD stabbed.?' And. ate the Toronto Stock Exchange. An nounced. to be for the benefit of Mx. El- 'N'Vhere was this man act respecting the Credit Valley Rail- liston, and his Majesty had promised to 'what was his reply ? Unblushingly, his way Company. An act to incorporate attend. and. support by his presence the features as cool and. placid. as though the Whitby and Bobcaygeon Extension effortshe actor he greatly admired .clit from marble, he replied that the He was a trifle fatigued, perhaps, and masa Was stabbed about an inch and. a the dim light of the empty theatre and I half to the left of the medial line, and the easy chair induced drowsiness. In about an inch above the umbilicus; a few moments the King was fast asleep. and yet we leave proved. by three unim- Meantime, Lord Townshend sought his peachable witnesses that he was stab - royal master in. various directions, but bed just below the Yotmg America Railway Company. An act respecting the Public Service of Ontario. An act respeothag the winding up of Joint Stock Companies. An act to confirm the Re- vise& Statutes of Ontario. An act to provide for employing persons without the walls of common jails. An act re- • in vain. He had dined a 3 o'clock, and hoisting -works. — eve aL-'081. , ; J. JAMES MURPHY, LuN STET, SEA -FORTH. can give you better satis- County. A Trial is all that WARD, Seaforth. 1-1OFFI.I.A.1\T 131R/OTIIMRS ARE OrNING NEW SPRING GOODS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK 1 IN THEIR NEW ST ORE, C4DNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. TRHUNDEING BARGAINS IN; ALL fINDS OF HEAVY DRY GOODS, SAMUEL . STARK as AS Removed to -his New Brick Block, where I ---be intends for the future to keep his Auction FOR TDE Booms, Auld has procured his license as Auetton- eer for that purpose. Piles of Ham, ,Spiced Roll, Bacon, Cumberland and Clear 32U -dies at Factory Pices. . Also Pork Cuttings and Satanges at Low D ' nee& ake Huron Herring White Fish in Half - Ba) rch3. J. BROWNELL, SEAFORTIT, Next Door to Conmolidatel Bank AUCTION ROOMS. • NEXT THIRTY DAYS NOTICE OF SALES WILL BE OlVEN AT THE AUCTION ROOMS. AT Deposits will be paid, if required, On Stook 1:.trOGI-MRS7 sent to be sold, Town Lots for Sale. All amounts due for former 'business of Shoe- making must be paid at once. Conveyancing, &e., will be nue-moil to when ret rd. • Thundering Bargains in all kinds of Heavy Dr?) Goods /or the Next Thirty Days at John Rogers'. Thundering Bargains in all kinds of Heavy Dry Goods for the Next Thirty Days _at John Rogers'. Thundering Bargainls in all kinds of Heavy Dry -Goods jor the Next Thirty Days at John Rogers', T1tunderi4g Bargains in all kinds of Heavy Dry Goods for the Next Thirty Days at John Rogers'. Thundering Bargains in all kinds of Heavy Dry Goods for the Next Thirty Days at John Rogers'. Thundering- Bargains in all kinds of Heavy Dry Goods for tie, 1 Arext Thirty Days at John Rogers'. Thundering Ba,rgains in all kinds of Heavy Dry Goods for the Next Thirty Days at John Rogers'. JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. SAMUEL STA.1111, Sesforth. THE SEAFORTH BOILER WORKS YOUNG & LAHEY A RE Prepared to take Orders for Boilers, •"`• Smoke Stacks, Stills, Tanks, and Sheet Iron Work of all desciiptions. -Repairs done on the Shortest Notice. and at the Lowest Possible Prices. 623x18. YOUNG & Seaforth, Ont. THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. CARNOCHAN & ABELL, PROPRIETORS. OFFICE and Stables on Market Street, second • door from Main. Neat, Stylish Carriages and Buggies, and Good Reliable Horses always en band- Orders left at the Commercial Hotel, See -- forth, or at the office will be promptly attended to. . 50 A LOT OF PACKING GASES FOR SALECHEAP HOFFMAN BROTHERS' I'JEW STORE, CARDNO'S BLoex, SEAFOUTIL EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks hie nomerout enstomerstenerchants and othere) for their liberal patronage during the peat seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andelose ettention to busineu, to merit their confidence and trade in thefuture. •••r•••••••••••.••••• illeving greatly enlarged his practises, during the winter, ha is now prepared to posy the HIGHEST GASH PRICE Vox any quantity of good fresh .eggs, &Weed atthe EGG EMPORIUM, Main Strest,Seafortle. 'Wanted hy the subscriber 05 tons of goodtlry dean WHEAT STRAW. IV MON.