HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-03-15, Page 1MARCH 8, 1878.
tauffer offeredseveral lie -e
dition fo the above, but none,
i7 of Cotswold ewes, the prep.
Snell, were bid in at $80;
f Leicester ewes were sold ta
'sten, London, for $31
ster ewes to the same pdrsoia
and one pair of Cotswold
t were laid in at $30. Jolla
.area two-year-old ram wee ,
i12. joint Cummings bid le
f Cotswold ewes. at $20, aaa
air of the same breed at pee
A.. O'Malley sold a Berkshire
8, Smith, of Ailsa. Craig, for
;nen sold a Berkshire sow t�
altuaten, of London, fpr $15,
ier to George Thorapsonoi
r $11.50. -
the animals mentioned abevea
tunnber offered in each
hich not more than one bid
-ed; and consequently we Oita
of them. Several sales both
nd cattle -were .raade private -
e sale was -over, of animals, .
d been offered, by ¬ion.
ales anti the prices it is
give any account.
and Quality the Finest:
re Ever Had, and Prices.
.ower than than Iaat Spring.
r Goods were Purchased
McDougall -when in the
untry, and are Splendid
ues to be Managed Usr
antly Guarantee all who,
us with their orders
ie Best quality of Mate-
r the Price we charge.
ace up on our own Prera
id employ the best work-'
Ma steady and increasini-
d fgr our
" Best Acknowledgment
;we that our efforts tcr
bderate Ettes are being*.
linea of Gents' Americ
Fur and Felt Hats.
White Shirts in all tile
Dolor -eel Shirts in all the
;ilk Ties, New Silk 130'0*
5 -ilk Squarea
:Tnderirts and Drawe
will be receiving Ng/g
>S every week, and
6d, to see ail our old tim°.;
s as well as NS W 01100, _,Et
aw Premises in Card7WP*
3rick Block.
CI mom= & co.;
amino's Block, Seafor
VARM FOR S -First-class farm for sale in
-Elbe Township of Grey, County of HILTOtl, 3 miles
• froni Brussels, 63 acres cleared, new frame barn,
and. orchard. Immediate possession given. A.
MCOOLL, Brussels. 532
vAR-31 FOR sALE.-For Sale, Lot 19, Con. 4,
.3: 3.tOrrig, containing 100 mores, over 70 of which
are cleared and hi a good state of cultivation.
There are good buildings. Is within four miles of
Brussels. Applyto ROBT. HAYS, Seafortb. 528
FR SALE. -The subscriber has for sale a 50
acre lot in the township of MCKillop, County of
Huron, N acres are cleared and the balance well
timbered witla beech and maple. , The property
will be sold cheap. Apply to JAE. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth„ Out.'
V -For Sale, two comfortable frame dwelling
housee on Goderich Street, Seaforth. One house
contains 9 -rooms and the other 4. There is also a
well and stable on the lot. ' Terms easy. Apply
on the premises to T. ICLI1slICHAMMER. 53114
SALE. -A two storey frame house and Ma-
l; buildings, situated on the Market Square of
Seaforth, for sale or to rout. The building is very
suitable for a boarding house or a public business.
For particulars apply to W. N. WATSON, Sea -
forth, OT to DANIEL GORDON, Goderich. 493
VARM FOR SALE. -A, Vet). superior farm for
sale in Stanley, County of Huron, being west
half of Lot 23, Con. 11, emataining 81 acres; first-
class soil and well watered; frame barn and
etable comfortable dwelling house, large orchard;
miles from Bayfield; price, r,:51,506; apply to
the proprietor on the premises or to JOHN '
ESSON, Bayfield, 530•
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
t .
perth Itews. • I mother went into another room, but
insttacl of bringing back food presented
-Au unusually interesting revival is a pistol. The tramp dropped! the child
going on in the Methodist Episcopal
and made his exit backward. i. '
church, Listowel.• ' CONELAORATION.-About 150 bUildings
-A. valuable four-year-old colt was
were destroyed by the conflagration at
stolen from the stable of Mr. R. Angus,
Hot Springs, A rkausas. One th,ousand
St. Marys, a few nights ago. • people are homeless, and aid is needed.
-Mr. George Magwood, of Morning-
ton, has a thoroughbred Durham The loss is estimated at $300,000 ; in -
$. :
for which he paid $300. It is said thet surance at 25,000But fewhotels
this is the most valuable -cow in the were burned.
township. „„
den, 7th infantry, stationed at Camp
-Two grain -buyers in. St. Marys had. Baker, Montana Territory, smeided on
a pugilistic encounter the other day. rA the .2nd March by shooting himself with
spectator, wile saw that the combatants a neeaie gun. Cause Unknown. De -
might most likely hurt themselves an .
is said to be a son of the Conn -
their frantic efforts to hurt one another,
kindly interfered and tess Almaden Dementez, pf Hagne, Hol -
put a stop to the land
• •
dreadful encounter.
Ti. YOUTHFUL. ar niIIRDERPR.-At boy in
• -Several friends of Mr. Thos. Math -
Philadelphia aced. 12 years shot another
- eon, the ex -Mayor of Mitchell, have de- , ti
boy of the same age, dead, because the
• cided to get his portrait painted in foil,
1 latter refused to divide a stick of candy.
and. present it to thetown council to be The young wretch escaped.
hung up in the council room. GREAT Loss.a--By the burning of a
. -A peculiar accidentl occurred at a baggage car at Chieage, on Monday;
marriage cere-mony in Mitchell the other
one partylost $5,000 worth of diamonds,
day. The bride, as she stood 'blushing
another $1,200 worth Of' baggage, and
before the altar, dropped her head as the rainy others lesser amounts. Eight
couple were declared man and wife, when thousand pounds of mails were burn -
a handsome plurne in her hat caught
ed, but no letters.
fire frem a candle. The officiating der- • -,-,
JJEATII or il•A MISEHt.-Jerry Tullis
gyman put down his book and. sprang to ' died last Stiinight, at Cincinnati,
the lady's rescue. He succeeded in pre- from sickness, caused by lack of food,
venting any further damage than the self-neglect and exposure. Tullis was
destructien of the hat of the frightened worth two or three millions in real es -
bride. ' tate bonds, &c., aceumulated by extreme
-The friends of D. D. Campbell, ex- economy. 1
the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, H. R. S.,
Tuekersmith, County of Heron, consisting of 50
acres,•31 miles from the Town of Seaforth, and
convenient to school. The land is of the very
beet quality. For further particulars apply to
JAMES P-IOICARD, opposite the premises, or to
Egmondvillo P. 0. 524
-WARM FM SALE. -For Sale, 50 acres of Land,
2: being west half of Lot 9, Con. 8, Tuckersmith,
• Huron Road Survey, with frame beam 36r57, stone
basement; log dwelling; all well underdrained;
40 acres dear of stumps; orchard, young and
bearing; 80 rods from a good school., Possession
given at any time. Apply to A. STRONG, Land
Agent, Seaforth, 527
TTOTEL FOB SALE, -For Said; the Hotel pro-
perty in Seaforth at present occupied by
Robert Hays. It conveniently situated for
business, and has a large and pliolitable trade.
The house is new and very commodious, with good
new stables hi connection. 'Possession given at
any tinte. Apply to the proprietor an the pronlises
or to Seaforth. P. 0. ROBERT skys. 528
VARA! FOR, SALE. -For Sale, Lot 14, Con. 7,
-A: Hallett, containing 100 acres, 80 of which are
cleared and free from stumps. There is a frarae
dwelling house with stone cellar underneath, also
frame barn and stable. Plenty of good water and
a small orchard: Is within six -and -a -half miles
of Clinton and about 9 miles frorii Seafortb. Ap-
ply at VHF, EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 528
VARM FOB SALE. -For sale jot No. 27, and
-1:= half of 20, and half of 23, on the Fourth Con-
cession, London. 'toad Survey, Tuckersmith, con-
taing 200 acres. The fann will be sold as a whole
or in two parts to suit purchaser. First-elass out
building, good orchard, plenty of water, and
within four miles of Seaforth, and three Of 13ruce-
field stetione. Apply on the premises, or to A.
STRONG, Land Agent, Seaferth. • 508-4x
- - - _
DROPEllTY FOR SALR.-For Sale, Lot No. 14,
on. 16, Grey, too acres, 16 acres cleared -an
ergeall;Nit lot. West half of north half of Lot No.
29, Con. 6, mortis, adjoining the Village of Brus-
sels 50 acres, 33 acree cleared, cheese factory and
• maChinery complete thereon. Four housee and
lots, aud a large number of vacant lots in Brussels,
all the property Of the undersigned. Also a nuin-
ber of improved farnis, the property of Other par-
ties. JOHN ',noun. Brussels. 515
-LI- that pleasantly situated and desira,ble resi-
dence, the preperty of Mr..Wm. Robertson. The
property is on Goderich Street, in Adams' survey.
The house contains sitting -room, dining -room,
kitchen, and 5 bed -rooms, with pantries, closets,
wood -shed, and all other conveniences. Also hard sold his farm on the 13th- concession to
• Mayor of Listowel, a few' days ago pre- i
DIED. -Dr. Tyler, Superintendent of
sented him with a valuable cane and a. the Somerville Asylum: for the Insane,
locket, and else a flattering address.
' is dead. Re was one ef the Most dis-
-Seine tramps entered the public tinguished men in t the country in that
school yard in Mitchell a few days ago, branch of the profession.
and so terrified some of the young chil- •ARRESTED. - Making; surreptitious
dren that they ran headlong in every copies of plays and selling them to un -
direction, several falling and receiving authorized. ,mainagers lints long been a•
severe bruises. • One little girl got a business in Chicago. An effort is now
severe cut on her head, a-nd another a being made to stop the knavery. John
black eye. •t FaRyate a dramatic egent, and. Sam-
-Old country sparrotys are numerous uel HarristOn, a stenographer, have
and. lively about Listowel, making thei been arrested. •
headquarters in a .pine shrubbery in th 1
town. - :
--The site for a new High School in Canada.
Stratford has been purchased, for which Twenty-six yards' of ribbon were
•$3,081 was paid. The erection. of , 8,11 used in decorating one span , of hems
elegant building is to be proceeded with at a Greaten wedding last week.
at once. ' ' , ' ' 1• -Several cows have died in the
-Mr. Bryan Martin, of Ellice town- neighborhood of Ayr from milk fever,
ship, has had some prolific arrivals in _some of them valuable animals. i
his sheep flock. On the 26th of January -Last Friday la. boiler exploded in
one of his ewes had two lambs. Olathe Robinson's saw mill, at Newbury, kill -
1st inst., two of them had two each,a,nd ing the head sawyer and destroying the
on the 2nd another had. two, making in mita
all eight lambs frora feur ewes. They • -An old man named Doan died
are all alive and flourishing. '• quite suddenly near pt. Thomas, from
-Mr. Tames Wilson has been award- the effects, it is suppesedi of dust in -
_ea the contract for the erection of anew haled by threshing clover. .
grist mill in Carronbrook. • 1 ' • -Mr. S. Dell, of Strathroy, has been
-A large American eagle was shot one fined $40 for shooting deer o it of sea-
day'last week by a farmer about', four son. There were four charges• proven,
miles north of Mitchell. It is a bearuti- and the fine was $10 for each charge.
ful species, and judged to be upwards of -The Ontario Car Works at London
ten years old.
then have caught ;up with the cat.
It is worn down to about the size
of • an egg, however, and, the play
cannot last much longer -or the. cat
-Late advices from Bonne Bay, New-
foundland, state that great distress pre-
vails as the result of the scarcity of fish
last season. Half of the people in the
.place are living entirely on herring. -
In spite of the many objections to
the " big fuddle," "praising God by
machinery," &c., the Presbyterians of
Thamesville have decided. to purc,hase
an organ, and have given their order
for a fine Estey.
-The Council of St. John,N.B.,lately
passed a resolution reducing the fees
to be paid for billiard tables in -:-public
use, from $50 for the first table and. $10
for each additional one to the uniform
rate of $15 foraeach table.
_ valuable horse belonging to
C. Briggs, of Paisley, dropped dead on
the road near Lockerby a few days ago.
J. Richardson V. S., made an examina-
tion of the body. and found that death
had been caused by the bursting of '
blood vessel.
-Mr. Duncan graham, of the 15th
concession of East Wdlliams, Met •with
a severe accident while securing a pig
for the butcher.: He • fell back on
a piece of timb,er and injured - his
skull, so that fitS,.or convulsions, en-
' have received an order for seventy cars
-Two womenhard-looking ereatures, for the Canada Pacific Railway, from
attempted to steal a quantity of cloth- Mr. Whitehead, contractor.
• ing.from the public school in IVIitchell, -The sum of $10,000 for ; improving
one day last week, but were discoVered Collingwood harbor is placed in the Es -
in' timates. The channel is to 'he dredged
tine -to prevent the theft.
- -Mr. Hart, whose hotel at Fulleaton 60 feet wide, end deep enough for lake evening last week, on his way to the aid was promptly dispatched for, and
was burned. a short time ago, is prepar- , vessels of large size. . Methodist church, about 8 o'clock, was at first fears for his recovery were enter-
ing to erect a new one on the old site. -Mr. Adam NichOl, 5th concession accidentally knocked down at a crossing tained; but he seems to be on a fair way
-Mr. Wm. Lang, of Fullerton, has of Westminster, has a cow from the and run over by a carriage containing of recovery now.
milk of which he: makes nineteen three persons. He sustained several in- -A serious accident happened. to Mr.
pounds of butter per ,weelf,' 'besides us- juries in different parts of his person, ,John. A. Smith, of Burford, a few days
ing a quart a day for table purposes . but is reported as improving. ago. While driving between Spring-
-A tramp calling himself:Daniel An- -James S. McLeod, who has been ford and Tilsonburg, the axle of his
from Pictou -since Christmas wagon broke, and threw him forward
derson stole a buffalq robe lat St. . Ja- missing
cobs, carried it to Elmira Eitud. sold it Eve, was discovered Monday afternodn under the horses' heels, one of which
there for 25 cents. He has been ar- last in the woods about a mile from kicked. him upon the head, inflictins a
rested. . that town, hanging to a small tree by severe wound. He fell upon his head
Aaron Erb aud. family, of Ber_ a woollen scarf. When found his knees and shoulders, the concussion causing
lin, are about reinoving , to Marion were on the ground, frozen fast in the blood teflow from one of his ears for
County, Kansas. Mt. Erb is the owner
of valuable property in that county, and
intends establishing a land offic6.
-Mr. Wesley Rethnell,, of Arthur
township, chopped and split 700 rails'
in one day, but in so , doing , overheated
himself, and has since been confined to
-There is a movement towards es-
tablishing coffee taverns iu Toronto,
somewhat on the principle of the coffee
taverns in England, whieh have proved
such a success to -the proprietors and. a
cemfort to the tverking classes.
-A few days ago some person or per-
sons entered on the premises of , Jona-
than Peers, near Hatchly, in. i South
Brant, while that individual was at the
grist mill and robbed him of all his
winter supply of :cattle fodder, consist-
• ing mostly of cernstalks. They were
tracked for a mile or two On the snow
hut no clue to the thieves yet.
1 -Last Friday morning an accident
of a serious nature happened at Gook's
Station, on the Grand Trunk, near
Dunnville, caused by one freight train
striking the tail end of another on the
siding, which was not clear of the main
line. Ten cars were completely de-
molished. One of the drivers, Alfred
Robins, was badly hurt.
-Considerable feeling at Present ex-
ists in Mount Forest over the action of
the School Board in their determina-
tion to erect a new school building. A
petition, on which were 160 manes, ask,
ing the Board to, adopt a less expensive
scheme of building than the one propos-
ed by them, wonld not be received by
the majority of the Boerd. -
it around till, when its mother return-
ed., it was almost dead. The child -died
the same 'night.
-At the Elora cattle fair, held on
Tuesday, March 5th, there was a large
attendance of buyers, and the number
of cattle offered for Sale exceeded. what
is generally looked for at fairs held. this
month. Good cattle were bought at
from 43 to $3 75 per cwt.; extra fine
animals at $4 while some. anireali
were sold at as 'low a figure as $2 50
per cwt. '
-A young man named Sohn. McKay,
of Carrickbtownship, while out with
his team,. very imprudently fastened.
the lines around. his body. The double -
tree broke, causing the horses, to start
forward, and pulling. the young man off
the wagon under their feet. The horses
took fright and kicked him on the head,
from the effects .of -which he died next
-The Edwards family, many mem-
bers of which are scattered through the
township of Lobo, are said to lia,-ve fal-
len heirs to a very large property. .A.
vast amount of valuable property, situ-
ated in the city of New York, on Canal
street, and estimated, at the lowest
figure, to he worth $82,000,000, will
come into possession of the heirs of the
said Edwards, upon their proving their
-The commission to examine into
the case of Rev. W. Stephenson and his
connection with the Central Presby-
terian church of Detroit, have reported
that they were of opinion that Mr.
Stephensoa could. not continue his la-
bors among them -with profit, and, con-
sequently,. resolved to recommend the
pastoral tie to be dissolved. Imme-
diately afterwards the reverend. gentle-
man handed in his .resignation and it
Was accepted. _
-The Nith Valley Cheese Factory,
nt Hitysville, has been sold. by the pro-
prietors, Somerville & Forrest, to A. A.
Ayer & 0o., of Moptreal, who are about
Watford, and. have 800,000 contracted
for this winter ; and the quantity -ship-
ped annually for four years from Lamb -
ton is placed at nine to eleven mil-
lions. I
-On Sabbath evening, Marah 3rd,
Harry Seymour, 1with his wife and.
child, was on a visit to his father-in-
law, Mr. Gibbons, of Walkerville,
Essex County, and was left in the house
in charge of the child, while Mrs. Gib-
bons and her daughter went to visit a
neighbor. Seyro.oufa quietly put the
child to sleep, and. then turned his at-
tention to his fatherrin-law, in whose
pockets he found. 1 $200 and a silver
whiamtc.h, and Avith these he decamp -
turn. Nothing; has .sincedaeen heard. of
ed,, without waiting for his wife's re-
,----There was arrested in Harnjlton
last Saturday inornipg . one Stephen
Cross, who haslatelyabeen playing the
• inspector. It appears that Cross was
reoule-stooLfdayws.thisskajetu;.y informerdayfor the license
wanted on a, beneh warrant from Walk -
been arrested by Constable Belcher, and
erten,. for stealing some lumber on Lake
Hunan some four years -ago. He had.
was in his charge driving from Pahnea-
cenStable On the head, and, jurap-
sto-n. to Nyalkerton 'when he hit the
in tf from the buggy, escaped. There
are several other Charges against Cross,
and he will, doubtless, be detained in
afternoon, about
3 o'clock, -while sone workmen were
preparing dynamite cartridges for blast -
int at Blia John Riordon's pulp mills, in
idle village of Merritton, twelve cart-
ridges exploded, killing instantly John
Summon, for4ian of the mill, and se-
verely, and probably fatally, WOunaing
it man named. Thernas Madill. A. boy
named O'Neil was also seriously in-
jured, Saanmon was a steady, indus-
trious man, and had been in Mr. Rior-
don's employ -A long time. He leaves a
wife a-nd Seven children. The shock of
t6 convert it into a butter and cheese the explosion was distinctly felt at St.
factory. This factory manufactured, Catharines. It sotinderlike heavy
last season, about 116,400 lbs. a cheese, discharge of artillery.
for which they received $13,500. It -Two valttable barns on the Second
took 10 lbs. 111 oz. of milk to make a °concession of McGillivray, the property
Pound of cheese. The patrons received of Mr. Lee, of the same township, were
one pound of cheese for every 10 pounds entirely consumed. by fire on Tuesday
of milk. . • evening, the 26th ult. Lee had. the
-Mr. Robert Given, 5th concession farina on -which the buildings were
Blenheim, died on Monday, 25th ult. .situated,rented to one ',Rodgers, who kept
Mr. Given , had suffered - severely for his brother-in-law on the premises to
about eighteen months, Caused by the lodk after his interests. Itappears that
thickening of the second stomach, and Leis was not on the best terms with
at intervals suffered intensely. De- Rodgers' brother-in-law, and attempted
ceased. was widely known as one of the to get him off the gam the day
old pioneers of Blenheim, and. was a named, at about 4' o'clock P. M.,
hard working man, who, by persever- Rodgers took the last load out of the
ance, had made for himself a coin- bnilding, hie lease having expired., and
'fortable home. A large family is before , eight o'clock the buildings
-A farmer named Joseph Pinder, left to mourn his departure from their --were in ashes. Loss estimated at about
living near the .villitge of Troy, eloped midst. $1,000,
Then; while one party held him, his
pockets were rifled by another. It for-
tunately happened that he had. bought
and. paid for a great many horses, and.
so had only one dollar in cash left:
This was taken, along with his watch
and chain. It is supposed that the
thieves saw Mr. Carroll -with themoney
during the day, and, knowing the roap
he walla take homewaxds, laid specially
for him. •
-Rather an amusing incident, but
at the same time forcibly illustrative
of what constitutes an. oath, occurred.
the other day in the Superior Court of _
Montreal. The plaintiff ana the de-
fendant in a certain -case were both
Jews, and defendant brought up a Jew-
ish Bible on which to swear the plain-
tiff. This strategic move was resented.
by -plaintiff, Who •strongly •objected to
be sworn on anything but the Court
•copy of the Scriptures- The judge was
•appealed to and he held that an. oath
taken on. no matter what object was
good and valid. In illustration he said,
• supposing a witness threw down his
pipe and broke it, and swore' that he
-would be as true as that the swore,
broken -that woulabe a valid. oath, and
• the witness would be held, responsible
for the truth of his statements. The
same rule applied to affirmations.
-A terrific explosion -occurred on. the
premises of a plumber and gasfitter in
in .Montreal on 'Friday laat, One of
the workmen was in the back shop en-
gaged in melting lead. for adder, a
potash kettle. • There were about 250
lbs. of the seething metal in the pot,
when he added another piece of cold
lead, which. was slightly damp. This
caused. the mass to suddenly explode
with great violence, pot and contents
being distributed upwards in A thous-
and. bfragments. The larger part of the
lead went directly up through the ceiling
second story and roof of the shop, badly
shaking the same. The fragments of
the debris, bricks, mortar, pieces of
board, ezo., were scattered. throughout
the neighborhood. . Fortunately, though
four men were aVwerk in. the shop, not
one was hurt; they certainly had. ami-
raculouS escape. The losa is estimated,
• by Mr. Martin at about $200. He says
he has repeatedly warned the workmen:
to be careful while melting lead.
.One morning lately •a large New-
fOundland. dog belonging to Mr. -Wait,
of Harriston, developed his talent for
climbing very disastrously for himself.
His first exploit was to mount a wood-
pile adjoining the kitchen, from which,
witho, good 3mar, he gained the roof of -
the kitchen; from the roof of the
kitchen a ladder reached to the roof of
the main buildpag, and up this ladder
went the Newfoundland. disdaining to
look back. From the cave of the roof
to the ridge, was another ladder, -which
the dog ascended. with delight and soon.
he stood upon the very peak, surveying
the surrounding landscape, when suda
denly- he overbalanced and. down he
went on the other side, uttering the
Most fearful howls. The roof was steep
and by the time he reached the eave he
had gained such speed as to land him
ten feet from the building, upon the
- hard. ground. Here he was found by
his master, who gathered him up, and
with the assistance!of some neighbors, -
had him conveyed to safe quarters. A
• doctor was sent for, who found. both his
front legs broken; they were set and
splinted, and now the -dog looks quite
of a terrible death come
• from the Upper Ottawa, the unfortu-
nate victim being ni Meal named Pa-
quette, vale was engaged at one of the
Upper Ottawa shanties as it cook, but
who, neglecting his personal appear-
ance, the men insisted. on his being dis-
cerning east from Anaherstburg, and charged. He left theshantieswith the
fell between the cars, the greater por- intention of walking home. Having
tion of the train passing over him. He supplied. himself with. sufficient previa
was soon missed, and -while being look- sions to last him until he reached the
first farm house, he proceeded .quietly
on his journey for the -first, day, but on.
the second a blinding snow storm came,.
on, and he lost his way." At the end of
the third day -the provision bag gave out
and he had not the slightest idea of his
whereabouts. Be soon after became go ;
weak that he was unable to -Proceed-
further, and be laid himself down on a
anew bank and. made up his mind that
there be hal. to perish. He had been
there but a few minutes when a,• priest
came driving along, to'whomhe told. his
story. The reverend gentleman drove
him to the parsonage, and gave the
half-starved. man something to sat. He
left him alone at the table while he
went out to look after his horse and.
when he returned. found Paquette 'lying
on the floor writhing in agony. An ex-
amination being made, it was found
death Was caused by excessive eating.
--A shocking tragedy occurred in the
suburbs of Rochesterville, near Ottawa,
between Saturday night and Sunday
morning, in the burning of a dwelling
house and the roasting of a man alive.
The unfortunate victim of the affair
was named Wra.-MeEhiea,, a' laboring
man Of some 40 years. He was married,
and. his wife and. stepdaughter had. re-
tired to their beds about half -past ten,
the man returning downstairs to cut
some 'splinters for the morning fire.
Mrs. McElnea, did not undress, but lay
down on her bed and went to sleep with
her clothes on. About midnight the
women were aroused from their shim-
bers by the shouting of the - man, and
found. the fire all about them overlaead,
Mrs. ticElnea got out all right, but
Miss Baker, her daughter by a former
husband, had. an extremely narrow es-
cape, having her hair partly burnedeff
in passing through the flames. In get-
ting up she caught her stop -father by
the hand, but he broke away froth her -
as she reached the hall way, becoming
bewildered by the smoke, and was lost.
• How the fire originated, is a mystery.
It is supposed that the man was under
the influence of liquor, and. that the
cause of the fire was through earlessness.
The charred remains of the tinfortnnate
victim were recovered after the fire was
with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Hawley. --A peddler by name of Jacob Smit • h --aBetween 5 and 6 o'clock on the
He lea-ves a wife and two or three chil- met with a serious accident one even- eVening of March 5-th, London was visit-
dren. Before his departure he succeed- ing lately, while attempting to drive ed by one of the most terrific thunder
ed in gettiog about $600 from the bank
in Ridgetown, land $94 from Jackson &
Fuller, bankers, Blenheim.
- -Rev. J. II. Johnson, M. A., of Te-
ronto, while at Guelph on Tuesday
into Mr. Barber's barn, 4th hne Ade- storms which ever oeoui.Ted. there. , e
laide. It appears that only the under liehtning flashed vividlyNtid the rum -
half of the door was open and he was .bling of the thunder was deafening. In
caught between the Lop of the door und Kensington the electric fluid struck a
his Wagon and badly bruised. Medical barn, and in a few Minutes it was in a
blaze. The roof was lifted off by the
shock,. and the fire thus getting imme-
diately at the hay, it was not long till
the building was consumed, together
with a quantity of hay stored therein.
Several hundred panes of glass in the
neighborhood* were snaa,shed. A little
child -was prostkated by the lightning,
but fortunately the effects were of but
a fevt :moments' duration.
-I--Another heartrending accident 'oc-
curred on Thureday night last week, on
tjay Canada Southern Railway, by
Which a young man1 named. Jesse Mc-
Connell, of St. Thomas, lost his life.
He AVIS bra.kesman on a freight train
• and soft water under cover. The house is new Mr. A. Young for $5,000. Mr. Lang in -
and wellfinished. The lot contains one-fiftli of an
acre. Apply to the proprietor on the Premises.
L' north half of Lot 16, London Road, Tucker -
smith, better known as the Old CooperHomestead,
containing 50 acroa, 40 acres of which are cleared
and the balance splendidly timbered. a brick
house and good frame outbuildings. A large orch-
ard of the best fruit and abundance of water.
This farm adjoins the village of Rippen, and is
one of the choiceet properties in that section of
the County. Apply to GEORGE & JAMES
PETTY,. Hensel], 532
Lot 11, Con. 8, II. R. S., Tuckersmith, con-
taining 100 acres, 90 a whida are cleared and in a
state of good ctiltivation, being well unclerdrained,
the balance is good hardwoqd bush. Good stone
house, frame barn and stables; well watered, and
good bearing orchard. Is situated about 5 miles
from Scaforth and Brucefield, and n from. Rippen.
School close bv, and all , other conveniences. For
further particulars apply to DAVID MOORE, on
the premises, or to Egmondville P. 0. 529-8x
east hail of Lot 9, Concession 3, MeRillop,
containing 60 acres, known as the Deigle estate.
Thia farm is situated within one mile and a querterof Seaforth. The lend is of the .choicest quality.
Thera is n. handsome residence, and good out -
buildup. 'Pile farm is well planted. with fruit and
ornamental tree8,48 in excellent order, and, well
feuced. It is admirably suited for a retired gen-
tleman, ft dairy-rnan, or market gardener. Terms
easy. Apply' to the proprietor on the premises or to
4eaforth, P. 0. -E. TESKY, Proprietor. 524
k.kiat l'xyr4-.Sa.i.:E-.=-For gale, int No. 29, Con
9, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of which
are cleared, free of stumps, well fenced and in
tirst-clase cultivation. A bani 60x40, nearly new,
a shed and stable 80 by 30, a driving sb.ed 24x40, a
brick root house and a splendid brick, cl.wolling
house, and all other necessary outbuildings. A
good orchard and Well watered. There are 15
acres of fall wheat, and about 59 acres fall plow-
ed. This is one of the most desirable farms in
this section of counpry. Terms 'easy. Apply to
to the proprietor gn the premises, or to Egmond-
16 and, south half Lot 17, Con. 1, Ray, contain-
ing 150 acres, x20 of which are cleared and in a
good state of cultivation- IThere is a good briar
house and a 'frame cottage, the barn, stable, cow
stable and other outbuildings are all frame ; there
are about 10 acres of choice apple, pear and other
trait trees, and about 300 spruce trees pleated 10
years. There is a never -failing stream running
through the centre of the farm, on which is a good
mill site, a good gravel road on two sides of the
farm. It is situated. one mile from Hensall sta-
tion and. four miles from Exeter, on the London
Road, and is just across the road from the Rodger-
ville post °face and church. For further particu-
lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary
Surgeon, Seaforth P. 0, 481
tends removing to Maryland, U. S.
-Some days ago a little son of Mr.
Henry Perkins, in company with a lit-
tle son of Mr. Samuel Gilmore, was
skating on the mill pond in Gerrie, he
went on a place where some men had
taken out a quantity of ice, and which
was but thinly frozen over. Thinking
it would hold him, he ventured to cross
it, and did so several, times. He avent
over once too often, however, and. the
ice gave way letting him into the water.
He struggled very hard to keep himself
afloat, until the other young lad with
great 'presence of mind, went forward
and. caught him bv.the coat and drag-
ged him out, thus gaining for himself
the name of a little hero. •
-A young lady in Mitchell on the
eve of her afproaching marriage, met
with rather an unfortunate accident. -
A misplaced sewing needle ran into her
• foot and broke off, causing the limb to
swell and become very painful. The
piece of needle was extracted, but the
wound- became more painful still. The
gentleman who had won the fair lady's
heart and. hand arrived from Chatham,
• where he resides, to have the knot tied,
but after waiting a couple of days it waS
evident his espoused's recovery would
take time, when it was proposed that the
ceremony should go on, and afterwards
the groom return to his home and the
the biide to follow as soon as able. -With
this view the lady was dressed, placed
in a chair, a clergyman. called in, the
ceremony performed, and. after the' usual.
salute the gentleman departed for his
• home, and his affianced returned to her
sick bed. The young lady is recovering
and will soon be able to proceed, to her
new home. This :union, although en-
tered into under such peculiar circum-
stances, we have reason to believe, will
prove a most happy one.
-vow IS yorn TIME -To purchase south
'LI half of Lot 13-, Con.12, town line, Arthur and
Minto, containixtg 103 acres, about 60 acres clear-
ed, balance being good hardwood land, with about
8 acres of valuable cedar; soil excellent, log dwell -
lug he -age, and beak barn contracted for -most of
the timber ma the spot. Good roads; is 6 miles
from the Town, of Earriaton; 6 from Mt. Forest,
and 8 from the Town of Palmerston -railroads to
each place, and two to Harriston ; 9 acres of fall
plowing done ; good new pump and well; conveni-
ent to mills. A few good. fanning implements.
On account of poor health the subacriber has to
quit farming, and offers the above farra, &c., for
$3,000 only, with easy terms of payment. e -
diet° pgsseesion given if required. Terms y.
Apply to the subscriber on. the premises, or to
Thomaa Sloan, Constance P. O. THOMAS J..
SLOAN, Harriston P. O. 531-4
-Mr. James Black, of Aberfoyle, has
trapped this winter twenty2seven foxes,
some of them what are called crosses.
Mr; BlaCk has realized about a dollar
each on the lot.
-One day recently Edward McLean,
while oiling an engine in the distiller3
at Walkerville, was severely burnt
by hot oil, which was forced from the
oil cup. , -
-An anti -tobacco ;society is now in
full. bleat in . Montreal, and has en-
rolled several wealthy citizens. It
hopes to depresp the tobacco market
-A lady who has, resided in 'Kings-
ville for the last forty -Seven Years,
while on a visit to Windsor the other
day, saw -a train of railway cars for the
first tine.
--Lieutenant-Colcinel Dennison, of To-
ronto, died on Sundaylla,st after a week's
illness, aged 64 years. Hip whole life
was Spent in Toronte; and he had during
his life occupied several public offices of
trust. '
-A prisoner in G-uelph .jail named
Samuel Soden, made hiS escape by
climbing over the wall the' other day,'
but was recaptured hy Constabl
News of the Week. e
Kelly, after a very short breath of
AMERICAN EXHIBITORS AT PARIS -The -A watch repairer has been before
number of American exhibitors at the Mayor Kerby, af Petrolia, charged by
Paris Exposition is 578. •Itobt.Fraser withfranduleutly removing
&Ewa POLICEMAL-Dr. Mary Walk- the works of a watah entrusted to him
er requests her appointme f
t as special ,
or repairs, and inserting inferior
policeman for self -protect°
plosion occurred on the 8th inst., near
Glasgow. Twelve miners had been
rescued, and seventeen were still in the
pit and no hopes of rescuing any of them
m time to save life,
-The first child born in Guelph was
Wm. Stirton. He was born on the
22nd of Decemb,,1827, and the house
in which the birth took place is still
• standing inunediately oppesite Casey's
planing mill.
BRAZIL LINE OE STEAMERS. -A DeW -Two Parkhill women, ivhose habits -
line of steamers, oalled Roach's line tions are . separated only by a high
has been established between the
United States and Brazil. I
14ET HIS MATCH. -A tramp entered
a house in Athol, Massachusetts, the
other day when only a woman and her
ice, and had to be cut out. • The coroner three hours. Our best wishes are for
will hold -an inquest. his speedy recovery.
-Mrs. J. B. McKay, the wife of a -The other morning on entering his
Woodstock hotel -keeper, last week, elop- barn, a, resident of Scotch Block, Bar-
ed with a painter who had been board- ford, was surprised with the odour of
ing in the house. What is remarkable tobacco smoke. Looking into the naow
about the affair is that she never excit- he discovered a sinister _individual roll- ed for another train going west passed
ed the slightest °suspicion, and had al- ed up in the hay, smoking a huge un- over the bodyamaiagling it in •a most
• ways lived with her husband on the covered pipe. A few prods of the frightful, manner and beyond all recog-
most •affectionate terins. She is the pitchfork started him from his nest, nition. The accident happened between
daughter of a highly respectable farmer and by the assistance of the farmer's Charing Cross and Harwich during the
in East Zorra. _ bootohe got out of the, barn and dis- night. The mutilated remains were
-Last Sabbath night the residences appeared. Thls should. prove a warn- brought to St. Thomas onFridaar morn -
of Rev. Messrs. Lyle and Fletcher, ing to farmers to place looks on their ing in it box.
Hamilton, were visited. by burglars barn doors. -• -The fine and extensive flouring
while the gentlemen named were at mill known as the Maryborough
church. The would-be burglarizer of in
Mr. Lyle's residence was frightened Brod
away by the servant girl, and Mr. of M
Fletcher's visitants, on finding they
could gain access to only one room, also
left without taking anything.
-Paul Kerkow, a painter, who had
been for some time a resident of Water-
loo village, left that place suddenly and
silently a few days ago. He leftbehind
him a number of sorrowing creditors.
He has also left, without a cent, ayoung
wife and child, and as the conata,ble
has taken possession of any sei2eible
property, the poor woman is an object
of sympathy.
-The annual examinations of the
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, has just closed. There were
ten candidates, only three of whom
made a sufficient number of marks to
enable them to take honors, namely,
James Watson, Brussels, gold medalist;
G. H. °Michael, Waterford, silver.
board fence, are not on the very best of
terms. A cat was recently found dead
in the yard of one of those enraged
damsels.• The next morning it was
found in the other woman's yard. The
child were present, and catching up the next morning it was found in the other
latter threatened to kill it if he was, not woman's yard. And we raiglit repeat
given sonaething to eat at once. The this for seven thousand. we would not
-Mrs. Buttery, aged. 81, mother of
the Messrs. Buttery, Adelaide, met with
a pretty severe accident one evening
lately. She was living at the residence
of her son, Mr. Wm. Buttery, and had.
gone out on the verandah, 'from which
two doors open, one leading into the
house and the other down into the cel-
lar. Forgetting for the moment, she
opened the door leading into the cellar,
and, stepping forward, fell down the
steps, severely bruising her arm and
otherwise injuring herself.
-Mr. Pollocka of North Norwich,
having occasion to take a small piece of
thiatle out of the third finger of his left
hand, used for that purpose a brass pin
which he had about him at the time.
It was not long before the finger and
hand began to swell, accompanied by
severe shooting pains up the arm.
Part of the finger has ;ince been eaten
away with the poisoned verdigris, and,
although Mr. Pollock's life was in great -
dangerhe is likely to eventually re-
$4,0 •
$30,000, was burned to the ground last
Sunday morning. The fire was discov-
ered at six (Mock. The night watoh-
man left the building at 4 a. m., when
everything was supposed -safe. It is
presumed the fire originated in the
boiler room, there having always been
fire enough; to keep Up twenty patmd,s
of attar& Theloss is a heavy blow to
the surrch.mding country: Insured. for
1f12,000. The mill had. been runn,ing
but fouranonths. :
gentleman in Montreal (not Yen -
nor) 'who has .given much time to me-
teorological and astronomical observa-
tions, but whe has been diffident about
publishing the results of his stud.y, gives
it as hiapinioni that the great and con-
tinued -rise in the parth's temperature
during the past Irinter and present
medalist, and W. F: B. Colter. Nine- cover. . spring is owing to the intensified coin -
teen candidates were licensed Ito, prac- -It is said that Alex. McNeill, Esq., bustion , which is progressing more rap-
tice. of Balmacneill, Elders -lie township, ds idlyithan usual in the sun's atmosphere.
-One "day lately two neighbors, nam- making arrangements for the erection He Says that there is a perceptible M -
ed Anderson and Symington, of the 7th of a five thousand dollar residence at crease in the average volume of solar
concession of Dawn, quarreled about Wiarton; the proposed terminus of the hea6 received during the three months
putting a breachy cow" into pound, and Stratford and Huron Railway. There ending March 1st, over same period of
came to blows. During the scuffle is some biautiful scenery in the neigh- last;yeari; and he predicts an early spring
Symington was stabbedin the bowels borhood of that interesting village, hes.-7y rains, with humid, hot sum -
by a knife in the hand of Andersonhunting, fishing and boating, can be in- mer.
Each - blames the other in the mat- dulged in to an unlimited extent, and -On Saturday night last a daring
ter. The wound is said to be a severe when the railway is built the place will highway robbery was committed a short
one. • no dotibt become quite an attractive dist lice out of, London. It seems
-On Monday morning lastweek, the summer resort. tha Mr. Wm. Carroll, of the Gore of
wife of Mr. August Preach, residing b -The black ash wood. used for bar- Le don, was at the Anglo-American
yOnd the Grand Trunk station at Ber- rel hoops is apparently exhausted hi Hotel during the day for the purpose of
lin, had occasion to go to town. She the east of Ontario, and they are now purchasing horses: and had in his pots -
left two children at home, one six years mainly obtained from the County of sea ion. it large snra of money. •Shortly
and the ether 13 months old. There afr dar he was Proceeding home -
were also a few neighbors' children in. itds, a4 when near the race cdurse
While she was out the children took the le u en got into his wagon, being
• infant and put it into a bag, dragging aft4rwards follewed by a coUple more.
!orth Wellington, erected by John
e, and to which the municipality
ryborough contributed a bonus of
, and. costing a total of over
Lambton, $35,000 beingannually paid.
to the hoop -makers of that County.
One firm, Campbell Brothers, have
shipped over 1,000,000 in it year from