HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-08, Page 88
Tete Eneescee Panto. — Read what
330scovitz, one of the most eminent musicians of
the day, says about the Emerson Piano : '1 have
examined with great interest and pkturare the
Emerson Pianos. The oue I have is superb in
every respect. Elasticity of touch and fine singing
quality of tone are prominent in them' whilst in
- power they are like a Grand. I lara not the least
surprised at the unparalleled success vrith will&
-' Cul' have met, and most emphatically and heartay
endorse public opinion hi respect to them—F, 7,,50s.
the. PinnoH for Rale, also as usual, Clough &
Warren Organs, anany °tiler instrair.ent want-
ed. Safta BuOsaczns, Seaforth. 531
Walkerton Txtzscorg says: "O understand
that the London We Insurance Company, of Lon-
don, Ontario, have paid to the widow of the late R.
J., Geary the amount of $1,000 in full, being the
inIniranee. on his' life inthat Company. Thepronipt
_ payment of the claim, before the term specified in
the relay, viz., 90 da s without deducting their,-
tereer lst, which is geny done, will add w
to the ell
known character of ti is homecompany for honor-
able and prompt fulfilment of- its liabilitiea." Mn.
&r o'& is the Ant at Seaforth for this Com-
pany, 531-1
Grane ACCTIO15 SALE of Miscellaneous
Books, Toy, Dolls, Alframs, Violins, Concertinas,
Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Bohemian Vases,
Pipes, 500 Pocket Books and Portrnonniasi and
Fanty Goods. Sale Saturday and Tuesday e9en-,
fogs, February 9th and 12th, at half -past 7 o'clock,
at C. .4:i.R2ISTRONO'S Bookstore, Seaforth. eain
inf.• of the Shareholders and Directors will be held
atthe Cointriercial Hotel, Seaforth, on *Wedneaday,
February 13, at 2 o'clock P. M., for general busi-
ness. Itoptla laNnEsiionucc.R, President 531-1
AT 15. Ia. Rose's Family Grocery you
can bre eltcup extse.fine Team, Sugtirsall gfadeo, very
fine rilo-cho, and Java Coffee, Finnan Haddiee, Oys-
ters in bulk and can, and everything else in the
Groeery fine, also Flour and Feed. 531
FIRMER% ATTENTIox.--Why pay $10
and $12 a bushel for Seed Wheat to strangers when
you can pnrchtute precisely the same varietio of
wheat for Ft',41g. r brothel by leaving your orders with
WX. li,uforth. 591
REWARD .--Arly person calling at "The
Pharmacy " for Valeutim.s will be amply rewarded
by seeing the els apest and largest assortment ever
exhibited in lit aforth. 531-1
Do le% forget that LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY
how, r( moved from, their old prem1se-mnd are now
doing busintss antler the eloelcf iu Cardno'a new
brick block. 531-1
MILL FEE0 801d by 1.,,uncaitv & FAIR -
LEX in tlo ir new store at mill prices. Fipeeial
pieta to tlio,e buying in ton iota. 531-1
FRESII SrIPLY OF Teere, Coffees,
f4tuoirs, Tobaceos, &a., Just to hand at CHAS.
(iroetryi Seaton -h. 531.1
reply} when the company iigain rep
_ed to the ball room, and continued t
merry dance until Well on in the am
, and silent hours, when the happy
joyous con -many separated, each and
vowing they had never spent a in
. pleasant evening.—Com.
tactianto.—The ice is now in splen
condition for both skating and our
and every evening, and„ indeed, ne
every afternoon also, both amusem
are ektensiviy engaged. m at the ri
On Thnrsday of last week, two "rip
from the St. Marys Curling Club p
ed a nateh at Goderich, and. on t
bald, in place of W. Chesney, Jr.; A.
Story,in place of W. Allan; W. G,tiet e
11 in pla.ce of W. Mundell; J. Reinke,
d place of R. Leatherland ; J. Lawrence,
in place of J. Forsyth; R. Grieve, ire
e nlace of A. Livingstone. The by-law,
c.onfirmingthe appointment of salaried
officers, was read and passed, when the
Commit adjourned to meet again when
g, called by the Reeve,
e ts
• '
I/ M
—fiThefarhowingi L4i
a report of the standing nt. the pupils
la attending the Winthrop tichool luring
hu' the month of Jantia.ry: fifth form -1st
Maggie Alexander, Zed W. Blanshard.
Fourth form -1st J. Robertson, 2nd
D. French, 3rd'W. Norman, 4th R. Scar-
lett and J. Alexander. Third senior -t
lst E. Goveialock; 2ad E. Alexander,
3rd W. Wallace, 4th D. McFadzen.
Third -jimior—lst X.- Cannon, 2nd J.
Campbell, 3rd W. Campbell. Second
form—lst Emma Hart, 2nd. D. McDon-
ald, 3rd R. Hart, etn A. Ross.
returi one "rink" stayed over an t
forthl to instruct andeacourage our
Carlthg Club. The St. Marys'pia
were Messrs. Weir, Robinson, • Mo
and Illarstene, and. their fine play
the neopairil game" wasaniversa,lly
mired. The Seaforth Curling Club
greatly indebted to the..St.. Marys Q
for their kind assistance -Etna tided
and this friendly visit will. be long
raembered„ and we hope soon return
though it will be some time. before 5
forth can hope to compare with .
" chatimioa. club. of Ontario." A g
eta meeting of all interested in cur
will be held: at the Commercial Ho
on, Monclaty next, the ilth a
o'cloek in the afternoon, when, if th
is J e large: membership secured, it
hoped that some sets of. curling sto
eatabe purchased for the general use
the club, f$0 that those who can go
play at rare intervals may not have
incur the expense of parchasing
th.einseives.. The election of skips,
lectioa of rinks, fixing days for the pl
ince will also be considered.
ye s
0 A
1 b
t e
t 1,
t 2
e e
n 13
f r
a e
tTrr inectet, ASSEMBLIES.—The soci .
deed g assemblies which have bee
held i Cazdno's Music Hall eyeey tw
vreekahave, thus far, proved very sa
cessfiale Etteh. one held has been larg
ly attended net only by ladies: and ge
tiemea-of the town but by many fro
neighboring towns. The nail is a belied'
ful piece to dance in, ;and the eriasi
provided by the committee thus far ha
been et the highest order. As a con
sequence these assemblies have afford
ed 'ample means for Boded enjoyetien
to, th.otte who delight in this pleasan
and harmless pastime. We aro request
ed by the comraittee to state that i
the future renewed_ efforts will be pu,
etrth te, make them even more pleasan
and pOpular, than in the past. Here.
:Inter, in order. to make the evening a
•ong rta possible without encroachine
on the wee ma' helm," the bend ec.-
---onmeetice to play at 8 enclock sharp.,
and wiii cease at 12 o'clock, and it
Jartieutarty desired. that as many a
possible will be in attendance at th
n to convey ladies tothe ha
from to 8 °Week, and in "order to
avoid elay, it is desirable that all
should be in readiness as soon as pos-
sible. afer 7 o'clock. The next assent-
bbr ted9 be held onnext Friday eveniug.
LADIES and Gentlemen, Boys and 1 f
• Girlg,lin.ve you hi en those lovely- Frenoli Valentines
at I.,1:3tanml A.V.ir,sox‘ii. 531-1
juin. THE THING.---liorse Radish Flour I
at, D. 0, itost's Family Grocery. 581
FILEMEN*S MEETING. — The regular e
27torithiy meeting of the Seafoith Fire
Brigade will 'be held on Monday evening P
next, in the town hall.
- nee-- ----
irst naMed hour. A carriage will
nfrE CoNcene To-Nionee-We would °
again remind our rrens of Mr. Cli11018
benefit concert wh takea place in
Vardnon Hall this evening. The good
people of Seaforth will, we are sure,
e fever linu with a crowded house. WO
1.1114.70 no hesitation in predicting that -
they will be araply rewarded for so
Seentsru -Scrum, Coeverrion..—The
County Sabbath Schott/ Convention un-
der the atuiPices- of the Canada Presby -
toren (larch, wilt be held in the
Church in this town on Thursday, the
28th find. There will be three sessions,
oneiu the forenoon, one in the.after-
. notifl, and the coriehiding one in the
evening. An excellent and comprehen-
Hive programrae of proceedings hes, been
arranged, and interesting and instruc-
tive meetings mey be anticipated.
Tile AmATIC .—The Soaforth:
Dramatic. Club will give there next en-
tertainment in Cierdno's Music Hall on
Tuesday, evening, February 19s when
the beautiful Irish drama of Eileen Oge
'wilt be produced. In behalf of the club
we-woe:at say of the proceeds of the last
eetertainineat $40 were paid to Mr.•
eardno, 620 to Mr.Wheelee for new scen-
ery for -Eileen Oge.- The nextentertaine
neent is for the benefit of the Mechanics
institute, after that the band and the
poor will each receive a benefit.
Tun Lemieux Some:eye-At the re-
gular inoeting of the Literary Society
on nteeday evening there was a
;very fair attendance. The subject of
Itax exemptions was ably and fully
CitbsO(i by Messrs. teumsden, McCaughey
and McMillan ageitiet, and Messrs..
„lateen Beattie and Wm. M. Gray, IR
favor of. 'nee decinen was given by
the ttudiMr0 itt favor of the oppos-
ed to exe mptious. The subjeet for the
next delette is: Resoncre(1 that the
English Literature (tf the Vie -atria -a Era
excels that of .preetaling reigns" The
affirmative en this sallied win be dis-
enesed by Messrs. Dr, Vereon leader,
fuel M. Y. -Aft:Lean, aud Wm. Camp-
bell; and. the negative by Messrs. H. 0.
McCangLey, leader, and D. 1).
and Win. M. (tray. This i a, subject
which will require a good deal of etudy
to master it, but we have no doubt hut
tr110 rtirwilldeVott* LI it the atter],
tion and. w tuly neeessery to make its
ecuseim I. bet h. interesting and profi-
table.- q'in, readinge will take plain on
ItIonday ta ening as asital.
A GI; t‘o Pau1 v. A grand party was
gFvtu11:, Mr. 'I'. Powney, in his beauti-
ful mans ',mon "Wednesday evening, tho
30t1t ult., NVII,H11, in point of st3 le -and
magnitiot nee, eclipses anything of the
kind that len. taken place in this town
for a long thin.. as the hour of nine
arriv i, t spat. it ats and splendidly doe-
oratt-I parlta- 1.rest. tacit a Sec tie ;in
St' 1!lit,i1,1. that it would letele the
bercult an t Iforts of a gifted poet to (let*
W.1110'. Or an 0.1,1tartiet to delineete
Ver, ni rttett t i.. tthee side, Wa.4a.
r if tin' otitii Mitt uty
if both \ SeZtfc `Int. CarrtinbrOtA.
St. Mary: :And -Other places,
n le, et IC' &steed tit e.• faellionable and
ue at 1,:a1 attn. A.11 1.611g pr' -
out, 1)0attity ta•tsitled at the piano,
and tluttttl fi..n tt slitIt angelic strains
1;,1. ^:kw. t 1, of the dance
z.- i;:ttl glided through
the Nesnete. pelt-. v. et. tenh erase, and
step .1 -my !tt. th:.. U ttz1 ii13,,ckyva that
eac h aiel t,,:e tie .euehly Lancete(1
itt t act t!;:s t t • .iigc Ltd alliHst.:•
Thils ‘,,tarit•N " the light
fantio-tio " with mirth and
glee till meanie:ht. when tho eenereue
hoeteet elves:a Oa emeeie to the eon-
ViNtl ti% eel -tea -et. Vine entering, the
eye beltt MIA U. du-lit:ions and tastv
spread. Iltitt it WI.Mid. Silarpen t to ai;"
petite of the met morbid epieure. tins.
tico beiug nide done, and tho cravings
of the inner niati duly assuaged, the
health (.4 the genial host was _proposed.
Mr. Lenvaey mat.be a short and suitable
EABIA; Leatn.—Mr. James McFar-
lane, of the 4th concession of Stanley,
had a damn dropPad on the 28th of
January. We believe this is the first of
the year.
Paorerter CHANOE.—Mr. Wilson Cook,
of the itth concession of this township,
has solechis farm of .100 acres, to Mr.
Stang, j f Bru.cofield, for n6,000, and
buys th brick hotel of Mr. Stong, for
$2,000, ,
Goon ! Wortm-L-On Friday last, Mr.
Wm. Perdu, of Goderich township, saw-
ed for Mr. names Donaldson, of Stanley,
120 logs in seven hours. The logs were
of average size, and were cat from 20
te 24 inohes in length. .
ANN tr,k,r, Metenio.—At the annual
meeting' of the members of the Stanley
Branch Agricultura1 Society, the follow-
ing offic rs and directors were elected
for the urrent year :1 President, &am
Tough ; Itice-Prosident, Geo. Castle
Directo Messrs. John Walker, John
Joslin, Jolut Peck, Sr., James Wright
James Qowic, A. Haack°, IL Beacom,
R. Russ ll, and Thos. M. Elliott. Jas.
Armstrong, 1, arna, was re-ateeted Sec -
rotary and Treasurer. We are glad to
learn that the affairs of this society are
in a mast satisfactory condition, and
with so efficieet officers and directors
we aro safe in predicting that its sec
cess duttng the preeent year will be
much inj advance even of what it has
been in :he past: Energy and hazinoette
on. the ,part of the managers, is all
that is r quired to secure abundant suc-
A Pee mic (ow. ---A Milch cow, be-
longing tio Mr. Wm. Carnoclian, of the
4th con essiou. of Tuckmamitle a few
weeks a, 0, gave birth to tv/in calves.
This cen • has had six calves within • a
period of 31 month -s, having had, three -
pairs of twins in succession. The 'calves
are all- alive and doing well, but the
cow died shortly after giving birth to
her last air.
A Gat.aio EtvrisyrarNatENT.--A. mu -
*trait tun' dramatic entertainment will
no givei in Chesney's School House
Section Tuckersmith, ou the even-
ing , etay tue leth met„ the object
of which is the procuring on funds to
purchase te bell for Itite school house.
A largo timelier of talented_ lathes' and
gentlendet will give vocal and instru- -
meutal musical soteetions and readings, •
and the ,entertaimuent promiscal_ to be
one of much interest. The entertain-
ment will commence at 8 e'clecke Wo
have eNery cant -lc -tone that the people.
of the eeetion will turn out n-mas,st tuia
that there will in. a crowded house.
Cot-xt ir. MrEtt.No.- The Council met
tougit liutt4, 11-ruee4ield, on Tues-
day, the ! tIth inst. All the members
present. Minutes of last meeting read
mid et Treasurin heeded
in his bond, which was accepted. John
-Young Wtta appointed assessor et a
salairy ofi $,S0, tuid Samuel *tt_riiochan
colleeton; at a salary of Stai. The Clerk
wee anti-met:a to procure tho blank
forins for use of the assessor, and also
to have Ira) copies of the by-law te-re-
etraiteeertain animals from being
lowtal to "run at large, a.na to provide
for impounding the same'tprinted, and
to furnish a -copy to .etteb,.. feneeviewer
and poundkeeper. The ttatute labor
divietons 1.ver'e revised, and the follow-
ing alterations made in the list of path -
masters e, E. Fairbairn, in place of A.
Buehanan ; W. Trainer, in piece of E.
Vairbaire ; .place of E.
Walker; !A. Yule, in p1ace:0 II. Pybus;
S. CarnoOlum, in place cn R, Carnochan ;-
E. ettsstroll. in place of W.McConnell ;
Fowler, ie place of P. Fowler
g , itt place uf R. Fortuue ; A. Amin;
NEW ELECTION. — The election to.
fill the vacant Council seats takes
place on Thursday, 7th inst. The same
candidates contest for the municipal
honors. Canvassingisbriek and a sharp
struggle will ensue the iopening of the
firemen's concert some :$200 was real
ized. The musical programme was gent
and Drew's hall was crowned. A cane
was contested for by the captains of the
two fire brigades. Messrs, Treeble and
McGlochlin. Mr. Treeble was the wini,
ner by a small majority.
INDUCTION.—The induction of Rev,
Nathaniel Patterson, as minister of
Bayfield andBethany churches, tot&
place last Wednesday at the former
place, in the presence of a very large
congregation. Rev. Messrs. Sieveidght,
Cameron, Thompson, Denby a,nd Mus-
grave took part in the services, which
were of the simple yet impressive na-
ture usually `characteristic of the Pres-
bYteria,n church. Rev. Mr. Patterson
met with a very cordial reception as the,
congregation was retiring, and he en-
ters on his charge under the most favor-
able auspices. On the same evening a
tea meeting was held, the church being
crowded to excess. The speakers were
the ministers above mentioned, and
Rev. Mr. Treleaven, of .the Canada!
Methodist Church. The affair was a
great success.
It/CORM — A closely conteeted
naatch at the above game, was played
in Brticefield, on Friday evening, the
1st inst., between the players fr Kin -
burn and vicinity, and a simil num-
ber from this neighborhood. e Each
participator in the match was t, play
six games with his. opponent', which
wouldnnake a total of 60 games played.
Mr. JeFlarguson, of Wingham, who act-
ed as umpire on the occasion, after 8,8-
quainting the players with the rules
pertai*ng to the ga,me, announced play '
to begin. At the close the victories
stood. as follows: Brucefield, 31; Kin -
burn, 2i; draw; 4: The visitors were
entertained to an oyster sripper, got up'
in good style, at Turner's hotel, to
which all apparently did ample justice.
The return install, we believe, is to be
played vit Kinburn in two weeks from
the time of the first Match.
CONCEET.,--On Friday evening of last
week,,Miss Nevins gave one of her popu-
lar conperts in the Albion Hall, before
a large and respectable audience. W.
IR. Davis, Esq., dischated
' the duties of chairman in his utile'
happy style. The programme was 'very
lengthy, and consisted in part of solos,
duets and choruses, interspersed with
readings and comic songs in character.
The seyeral performers acquitted them -
sates admirably, and many were de-
servedly enoored. Tbe proceedings were
brought to it close by the audinace sing-
ing the National Anthem. Miss Nevins
certainly deserves credit for the excel-
lent manner in which she contributes
to the intellectual enjoyment of thee
good people of Carronbrookand the sur-
rounding country, and the intelligent
andienee which filledthe Hall on Fri-
day evening, was a sufficient answer
that her efforts are beingeduly appre-
meeting of the members of the Hay
Township Farmers' Mutual Fire In sur -
tame Company -was held at Zurich on
the 4th. inst. There Was & good atteud-
mice ofmembers present. The report
of the, officers 'and the .filaancial state-
ment . of accounts which was road was
very satisfactoty to all, and showed that
the corepa,ny had. been ably and econ-
omically managed, and very .success-
ful. It also showed that its members
lied received very cheap insurance. The
full report will be punlished next week.
The following Directorawere elected by
ballot for the current year, viz.: John
B. Geiger, Wria . Lewis, David. Hostettler,
Peter Douglas, Wm. D. Wilson, H. V.
Dirstein, Thos. Yearley, Daniel McColl,
and Daniel Surems. At a meetiee of
the Directors _subsequently held., 10. J.
B. Geiger was re-elected President, r.
Wm, Lewis, Vice -President, and
11. te•Dirstein, Secretary and Madam r.
A Gone Reetnien--Mr, Peter Moir, of
Usborne, a patron .of the Rodgervillo7
Cheese Factory, during the past seaa n.
delivered at the factory the milk of 2
COWS, for which he receited the Hum 4,
$612, which is an average of $51 per
cow. This shows how dairying pays !
'hen' properly conducted. I
Peesoxer.a-Many will regnet to learn i
of the serious illness 'cif Mrs. Bishop,
ife. of Mr. Bishop; M. P. Pt for South
Inron. For several days her condition •
as such to camete much alarm on -
he part of her friends, but we are
leased to learn thatahe is now °onside
red out of danger. Mr. Bishop, .who
vas ,bIt mmoned from Toronto, has
gain returned to attend to his Parini-
entary duties.
Tim I.rtiCRIN.CE MEETCS11,—The sec -
end anneal meeting of the sborne and
ibbert Mutual Fire Insurance r..
ny, wait held. at the office of the coin
any at rargnhar, on Monday, the 4th ;
nst. The meeting was well attended, !
lad the proceedings entered into in an ;
nizna.ted, and !lively manner, showing e r
he deep intetest manifested
Pant"- The me.mbers have- every rea-
son feel Pr and of the enterprise, as it
their mo F,4 sanguine expectations, and
wilkeiret lonie, embrace the whole in-
suraD te property of both municipalities.
The, following is a synopsis of the busi-
r..45138 'transacted: J The secretary read
the proceediage of'the several directors'
meetings during the year, which was
heartily endorsed,. Next came the
President's addrets, coupled with the
annnal report and, auditor's statement,
in which the knowing facts were
brought out: Total' amount of property
covered by insurance, 0526,725 ; pre-
mium -notes held: by - the Company,
$11,519 67; increase °nee last year, 140
per cent. The Company was fortunate
in naving to provide for'only one fire in
the two 'years of ,its existence. This
loss was promptly Met by being paid off
in two weeks after the fire happened.
The election of directors wen next -pro-
ceeded with, when'the following gentle-
men were duly elected, viz.: Messrs.
R. Gardiner, James Halls Alex. Dun-
can, David Mitchell and R. Cresry. It
was decided by the meeting that these
five directors meet the first Monday in
each alternate month, for examining ap-
plications and transacting the business
of the Conmanyea,nd to be remunerated.
at the rate of $1 for each,day of attend-
—At a meeting of the Directors, held
afternhe annuaerneetian Robt. Gardin-
er, q., Reeve of Hibbert, was elected.
Pre ident of the Company, and Alex.
Du pan, Esq., Vtce-President. The
fo owing officers were then appointed:
N. , Clark, Farquhar, Secretary -Treas-
urer; John Carmichael, Staffs, agent
for Hibbert; N. J. Clark, agent for Us -
- Berne.
SO'FREE.—the soiree held in the Pres-
bytenan church at Berne, on Tuesday
Januaryl5th, proved to be a grand sue -
cess.! Fortunately for all concerned a
heavy snow fell on the Sabbath previous,
making excellent sleighing, allow-
ing Many to attend from a distance with
pleasure. As evening approached crowds
could be seen comieg in sleighs and oth-
er ways from every direction, so that
at an early hour the chureh was filled
to its utmost capacity. At the appointed
hour tea was served' the table and trays
-fairly groaning under the load of dain-
ties which they weri corapelled to bear,
the quality of which, was truly a credit
to the ladies. The 'music, Which was
produced by the Seaforth• choir, was
worthy of inuchpraise. The Rey. Mr.
Denby pastor of thechurch occupiedthe
chair, giving general satisfaction. Excel-
lent addressee were delivered by Rev.
Messrs. Thompson, of Brucefield, Cam-
eron Id Kippen, Broley, Trelaven and
Yodtham of Bayfield, after which a
una,nipaous vote of thanks was tend.ered
to the choir, speakers, and chairinan.
The proceeds are to he devoted to °the
replenishing of the Library and other
purposes in connections with the sab-
bath school.
Varna. ,
lowing officers of the Union Temper-
ance Association, Varna, were instilled
test Tuesday night, viz.: TIMMS Mc -
Ash, W. P.- John Sparrow, V. P,; John
Torrance, 5'.; Thos. Armstrong, T.; Jas.
Armstrong, F. S.• James Wanless, Sr.,
C.; AJ Wanless, if.; Jas. Foster, G.; C.
Deihl, S.
Temperance Association held an open
lodge meeting in their hall-, Varna, on
,Monday evening last. The programme
for the evening consisted of speeches
recitations, vocal and instrumental
,musin The hall was filled to excess,
with a very intelligent and attentive
,audience. Rev. Mr. Yokam delivered
an address on the subject of prohibi-
tion, Which was Lstened to. with mark-
ed attention. Then followed recita-
tions by Brothers James Armstrong,
George Stewart and Charles Deihl.
The choir, led by Miss M. McDonald, of
Bayfield, gave several very appropriate
pieces Pf music, which were received by
the a,udience with loud applause. We
are glen to see so much interest taken
in the temperance cause in- this neigh-
p-oderich Township.
NEW ENGINES.—Messrs. Morley Bros.
are having two new -engines placed in
their saw and ,grist mills, when with
the increased facilities which these, will
give thexn they will. be able .to do a very
large trade. ;
HOME Aciars.—After an absence of
about three years Mr. Thomas Rath -
well has returned home frona Nevada.
During his stay in that country he was
engag,ed principally in mining and was
fairly successful. He does not think
nuch of the country. Society is at a
very low ebb, there being neither law
tor order. Ile returned honinto see his
brothee who is serionsly ill_ with that
fell disease, consumption.
Remevreme----Mr. John Allen, of Goder-
ich township is about to rentaie to a
farm near Watford, which he purchased
;last fall. The fame is in the township
f Warwick, county of Lambton, and is
aid to be very pleasantly situated; He
as leased the one he occupies here to a
r. Stark feel:a nhe township of Grey:
. Allen is an old. resident ef Goderich
ownslina having, lived here about 24
ears, and is 'mach and deservedly re-
pected by his neighbors.
-Jana ColtrANT.:-Capital, over $$,750,000,. The
nirninasyst.-In continues 'the most'popular plan
Company has inlopteil Intmang atisurers
au well to study its nivantag‘'..s, the rates
>sing in rrst 25 to 30 pe..r cent, lowerthan
ose o her Clmnpatiies. The folloWing are ex.
1 f
the town. A meeting is' to be held. on
Tuesday eveningsnext. 10T, ethink thisis
a step in the right direction ,and hope
to see the matter carried out. t
AUCTIOi SALM—TWO separate, auc-
tion sales of dry goods have been going
on every afternoon andt evening since
last Saturday.
ber of scholars on the roll at Brussels
scheol for Janua,ry last was 332, the av-
erage attendance for the same terra was
NEW PREMISES.—J. A. Garlick, drug-
giet, has got settled in his new store in
Graham's block, which he calls the
"Central Drug Store." Read his: Ad-
vertisement in this issue.
TEACHERS' AfeeeniennA meeting of
the teachers of Brussels and neighbor-
hood is to be held at the school house,
Brussels, on Saturday next for the put -
peat, of forming a, teachers' institute.
plimentary supper given to W. G. Hing-
stOn, Esq., Morris, and President of the
East Riding and Grey Branch Agrinul-
tural Societies came off at the Brussels
lipase on Tuesday evening last. The
chair was taken, at 8:30 by Mr. Thos.
Strachan Reeve of Grey • vice -chair by
Mr. E. Seeger. There were about 45
persons present, among whom were ,sev
erid from Grey, Monis,Turnberry, How
ick, Wroxeter, Hullett and -Brussels
After doing justice to the good things
on the table which ;were gotten up in
firet-class style, Which did , credit to
heat and hostess, the chairman after
reading several letters from gentleraen
regretting inability to be present to as-
sist in doing honor to the guest of the
evening. He said he was pleased to see
so many persons of different. classes
present (including newspaper reporters)
to do honor to our worthy guest; of
whom he would say more after a time.
The first toast was the Queen, (God
save the Queen.) Next toast, the Gov-
ernor-General and Legislative Assembly
of Canada. Then the Army and Navy.
Song by T. Town. In proposing the
toast of the evenixi,g,' the chairman said
Mr. Hingston. was a gentlentan
Ito had known for a-- number of years.
He was not a man who would make, a
greet show, but was sincere in what he
said and did. During his acquaintance
he has been identified with all the
leading interests of the Coanty, not only
in agricultural, but other matters; he
was a, man who took great interest in,
school matters, having held the position
of ohairman; of a board for 17 years.
He was always one of thefirstagri-
cnitural matters, and was the principal
one in bringing the societies in this piece
to the position they are in to -day. The
toast was drank - amid great apple, se.
Mr. Hingston in response to the to st,
said that he felt it beyond his abilit to
respond to the very hearty mamier t ey
-drank his health. His ability in agri-
eulture was very small, neverthelesehe
had tried to do what he Could for the
interest of the couety in that particular
branch, but at the same time he only
did what be consideredhiSduty. They
had honored him by electing him' first
and last President of the lEast Riding
society, a position which lie considered
a very great honor to occupy, as there
were many members of that society
whom he knew were much more able to
fill the position than he was. He said
the directors, he believed, were well sat-
isfied with the manner inwhich the So-
ciety was getting on. Again thanking
them for the great compliment they had
paid. him, he took his seat amid great
cheer. Speeches and songs were given
by several other gentlemen, the pleasant
company breaking up about 1 o'clock.
The honored guest is richly deserving of
this tribute of respect, and We , trust he
may long be spared to continue in his
course of well doing, and ,to merit the
esteem. of his fellows.
A Question About *riting.
Mit. EDITOR.—Sir: I chanced lately
to be in a company where' I.the conver-
pounded the followipg question. He
sation turned on educatio al matters.
One, of the gentlemen resent pro -
prefaced it something as follows: "You
Canadians," said he, "blow a good deal
about your educational system, and the
proficiencY of your schools; now, I have
:vpited a good many schools during the
time I have been in the coantry, and I
find a very creditable state of proficiency
in most of the branches taught, but,
what," continued. he, " is ,! the i reason
that Canadian children cannot write ?"
Now, no doubt he put it it little too
strong, but will some one endeavor to
set the community right as to the rea-
son that the writing in our schools is -
genera,lly so bad. We do not ;think it
is from want of a desire on the part of
the teachers ; neither do we think the
parents are indifferent to it, as we have
seen them when selecting copy books,
nc., make as much ado about ,having
them, of the right sort, as regards quality
of paper, width of lines, no., as would
lead one to suppose they • considered
writing to be of the first importance, but
any one to see the same copy book after
it ,was written on might say that if that
was the quality of writing it Was re-
citired for they need not have been so
particular. Will some of your readets
gine us their view. ? 1 R.
. I ' • I
iThe Educational System of
Ontario. I
, ,
TO MC Edii01' Oj 6/1 /I ztron, xpoqtor.
PEAR' SIR :—It is a king ti e since you
have been troubled with an pistle from
your old correspon
, Bet on reading ov r the deb tes in our
Proviecial Parli ent, I W s pirticul-
arty pleased with t e , [nand, which our
local representativin iit the North and (1.
South Ridings of lid on 1 ave taken 0t
ent " Tuckersmith."
-laid down in' our schools has neat thit
tendency, is not directed. to these re-,
sults. It is a cram, the minds of the
young are filled with scientific puzzles4
profound criticisms on learned atathors;
the text books a jumble of silly stories
written in bad English. While the
health morels and rudiments ofi atrue
education are neglected. It may be
asked to point out particularly these de-
fects and to show wherein they can be
remedied. This task, with your kind
permission, I shall leave for another
Huron Notes.
The Conservatives of W* gham
held a grand banquet at the al last
Friday evening. Prominent citizens
from different parts of the County Were
in attendance.
—Some miscreants unknown wreck-
ed. a public 'school house in Osborne a
few nights ago, clestroying,the furniture,
books and. palters, and attempting to set
fire to the 'building, but without suc-
—Thos. Jackson, the prisoner from
Brussels arrested for stealing a lpair of
boots, was, on Mondaysentenced to six
months' imprisenment byjudge Oquier.
He served a term in -peniten.tiary a few
• , ,
Griffin, of Brussels, an excit-
able little Irishman, struck Dr.' James
2speatderee ieifthaleaLPtihaeeultin.
before Squire Harris; who sent him to:
the ,.fwacaiesivtita 4thena
jail for 30 days. .
—A severe accident happened.' in Ir-
ishbown, two miles east of Seaforth, on
the morning of the 4th inst. A man
named Joseph Jardine, while, utting
toe and part of the foot.
timber in the woods, split open hi,s great
—John Junior, &bachelor living about'
four miles from the village of Amberly,
township of 'Ashfield, while laboring
under templerary insanity, comnaitted
suicide on Friday last by shooting him-
self. with a shot gun.
—On Tuesday aftemeon last, a run-
away occurned on the gravel road a short
distance north of Wingham, resulting in
a horse belongingto Mr. Iihn Mitchell
of Tanaberry, getting its .leg britlee, and
as a consequence it had. tr(The
—On Tuesday afternoon. of last week
the dryitg kiln in connection with Mr.
W. 0. yowler's lumber and stave mills,
itt Wingham, WSW d.estroyed by fiee,with
some 40,000 staves, which were in pro-'
cess of drying in the kiln. ,Loss about
—Mr. James- Graham, of Wingham,
has returned home from the great North-
west, after a stay of some 18 months,
looking well and hearty. He has been
engaged in extensive speculationtthere,
in which we are pleased to learn he has
been very successful.
—Mr. Charles Hamilton has purChas-
ed that valuable farm adjoining the vil-
lage of Blyth known as the Huntley es-
tate, fpr which he paid 47,000. Ile in-
tends surveying the front portion of sit
into park lots for which he will, no
doubt, receive a ready sale.
—The tender for the 'building Of the
Bayfield bridge, awarded at the tecent
meeting of the County Council, to Mr.
Wm. Wise, 4:14 Goderich township,nroves
bo been, forgery. When Mr. Wiee was
notified, he was somewhat sutprised,
having made no tender. He has neridea
who neade bold. to use his name in thit
—Another fire took place in Wingham
about 2 o'clock on Saturday morning.
The fire Started in Scott's brick block,
occupied by Mr.Scott as a, pinnate bank,
By the most strenuous efforts of 'those
present the flames were net allowed to
spread,to the adjoining building. Messrs.
Elliott et Talbot lose heavily by the en-
Moval of good.s. Both parties are fully
inis—ux0ende of the largest average rope
ever produced in this part of the otm-
try was that .reaped on the farm o the
late Jacob Seegrailler, near Godtriche
the yield- from 50 - acres haying been
1550 bushels Of spring wheat. This av-
erage has been obtained on smaller por-
tions of land, J say ten acrenibut WA do
not remember to have heard of this
quantity being raised on so large it farm
as this.
—The citizens of Goderich,a few even-
ings ago, presented Mr. X. H. Finlay,
late Mayor of that town, and manager
of the Goderich agency of the •Montreal
Bank, but who has recently been ap-
ppinted to the Guelph agency, wi-ph
gbld watch and chain. They also pre-
sented Mrs. Finlay with a gold neck
lace. The two gifts were valued at
$300. Mr. Finlay had been a , resident
Of Goderich for 14 years.
—One day 'last week Mr. Stephen
Halstead, of the Maitland caneession,
Goderich township, -had a very nalrrow
escape from a horrible death. He was
engaged. in loading logs, and while at-
tempting to work one up ahill, his Sin
broke, and. the log shot back, and had
not a stump arrested its progres , he
would. ha,ve been killed by it, as it was
his foot was. caught and badly crushed.
—On Friday last Mr. Albert Halshsad,
of the Maitland concession, Goderich
township, men with a painful accident.
He was crossing the Maitland in the
sleigh of nfrAit ler Wilson, when a sud-
den jerk threW him on'his head on the
ice, the fall stoning him. After corn-
ileg to, he proeeeded to work with his
own team, but dais actions indicated. that
the fell had injured his brain, ea he
Was not aware Of anithing he wa do-
ing. 1 1
—On Thursday, January 17th, a um
ber of the congregation of the Methodist
Church; Mancheeter, waited on Rev. j
Ceswell, and presented him with ea ad.-
ese acconipained with a beautifu set
silver -mounted harness, value at
5, and a puree of $8. Mr. Caswell re -
(11 up rs 0 tv-E-nrance, of $1,01)0, with Profits :1 with regard to a vitiallefirap rtant cittes- $8:
e a
politics is generally overloo
23 proper education oil the you
3 this Province is efsential to
:a int, and it is not safficient t
sum of money.should be
' 'left to the disposal of a feea I
For Lite.
14 70
17 50
20 40
24 70 412 50 - 29 10
For 10 For 20 tuni, which in th crush
sunrs Tully will share ia three years
ofits at next division in 1N40. A, G. RAMSAY
rtars Ttiars. Only
41) . 15 90
26 60 - 18 10_
31 20 21 30
:35 90 • 2-16u
e hurry of plied in suitable terms, and thanked
era for the good wishes expressed in
-ed.. The th'
e address, as :well as for the handsome
e recipient. :
esent of which they had made tiro.
:---Last week, as Pete Ferguson led.
exander Strachan, Jr. of b -
sels, were "breaking in " ;11 ilievv
cutter they turned a corner taking advantage of this cataitrophe,
site F. C. Rogere' too quickly for the
gait thehorse eves going, end, in. co se-
quence were precipitated to an uncom-
fortable position ip. the snow. The horse
ran up John street, and fipally.halte in
front of Dr. Holmes' residence. No
daina.ge was sustained by the rnisha .
--One day last week; in Exeter, three
men from the demi:try having inabi ed
toe much liquor; started for home. and
made their horses go a good deal faster
than the town byelaw says they ma be
driven. The result of their recklessn ss
was that at the corner of Main' and S a-
top streets the wagon capsized into hhe
g p4p1e of th:,
ts pre‘liper; Pr
at a, large
anted and th
wyers and Al
, ambitious teachers, as was si ggested, by
Hon. M. C. Cameron, but it the duty
of our representatives to knot , that that
money is spent ina1 judienou manner,
and that the details of our clucational
system will be practical and. beneficial
to the scholars in after lifa.
twin, irector.. n, PXtts..s, Secretar,v. For.
ull particulars apply:to C. COOPFal, A4t-Aat at
russels.. 531-3'
'DELEGITES. — John , Leckie and D
tkfcGillieuddy were the delegates to th
lteforra Convention, in Torento, this
1 LA. LAE lrE Frxeitexe—The re:Mabee-of
tlie late Mr's. Ferenson, wife of _Rev.
Jiihet Fe guson, who died.: of consntap-
t 'On on - k aturday last were f011low. ed. to
t 'le ceinetery on Monday by a Very e
Timber Of friende. j ' . I
; rine PROTECTION. —'At the Councll
*teeting on Monday last the Reeve was
°quested ;to call' a public, meeting of
' working and management of the Coni- system of fireprotection to procure for
ratepeeers to advise as to the best
I, make the assertion, howe er errone-
ota it may be in thd eyes of onte, that'
ourj present school system is a certain:
extnt a failure, mozteye. e tlirownj
supported by public .tax t to make
tilted to
alth, and
to eularge the comforn and happiness of
connmin people. Theicourse 1 studies
ew y. the object of c
nd t
es is n
finehtdies and gentlemen
the rough duties of life, but
the morals, to increase the w
ditch smas g the reach, and bringing
the hind w eels to a stand. still. The
-thhoereetwsocofrn nintuwedheweiltsh ruanttalagtedat
heels. Th horses were stopped at the
station. 1 ne of the men was hurt a
little abou the head, and a second had
his knee slihtlylinjured. They escaped
well. -
—A yo g serving woman a few days
ago left th employ of orte of the citi-
f Go erich with the purpose of
ed. After she had gone a
gold ring, s ine carpeting Arid other ar-
ticles Of co siderable value were roissing.
A search arrant was procured., and
ythoienng gir
missini., articles were found in the
possession at her father's
house. Pr ceedings were stayed for the
sake of the u lends, and the girl allowed
to go free, after giving up the stolen
property. .
• —The re idoence lolif4E4 at33is
J. Rorbuisnsseon:
English Ch hlni
wa1sirvade last Tuesday night by a large
pa&ty of. his friends,who took possession
a his house, and in a short time sat
down to' a sumptuous supper, and en-
joyed themselves in a very pleasant
manner untp a late hour; when they
left for their respective homes, leaving
behind theiabout 60 bushels of oats, a
large -quant' y of provisions and some
of the needffil hard Cash.
I --Speaking of the death of the late
Robert Callender, of Clinton, 4 local
contemporary say: Twenty-one years
of his life w re spent in Clinton, and,in
that time h filled the position of Mayor
—the first e ected there—andwa,s Reeve
for several ars. It is a remarkable
fact. that o . Call ander's father, mother
and thster w re killed by a railway acci-
gston, seven years ago,
ehiliereah. ng to their home near Ot-
taelva after ece: ying avisitto Clinton. Mr-
Calllander'e e was insured for I5,000.
ucceSsful open temperance
held:in the village of Cran-
township of Grey, on
g, January January 30th, under the
russels Division Sons of
assisted by the brethren
The hall was crowded to
a,panity, and the greatest
was manifested by those
other W. Hartry occupied
an ;able manner. After
er by Brother Gerry, inter -
es were given by Brothers
dy, Panabaker, McKenzie,
ddy and Gerry which were
tened to, and were well -re -
Brussels Division choir,
dersleip of Brother Gerry,
cOutcheon presiding al the
ersed pleasant temperance
good, style. A collection
to defray expenses of the
se of proceedings. Votes
e th.en tendered to the fol -
ng persons: To Mr. A.
se of organ; to Mr. Mc -
her Oran:brook' friends for
making the open meeting
inl ta the choir for their
. The meeting was the
demonstration ever held
, and the perfect order
d. throughout the proceed-
redit alike on the people
and surrounding country.
ber gave in their names
cleus of a Division of the
ectioti which will be start -
tune. We wish them
—A, very
meeting wa
brook, in th
nesday evem
auspices of
from Ethel.
its utmost
present. B
the chair
openhag pra
estina speec
T. lecGillipu
D. MeGillie
ceived. Th
under the le
-With' sister
organ, inters
Melodies in
was taken u
hall at the c
of thanks we
lowing deser
Hunter,jfor, t
tiIntesh and o
aesistance in
choice musi
largest publi
in Cranbroo
which obtain
nags reflects
of the village
A goodly nu
to fortn the n
Sons in that
ed in a 'slier
every success
erth /terns.
The sal of 1 the Perth County
Warden has • en raised- from 4150 to
ing-7c8opnedeuicatlevival services are be -
ed in the Baptist church,
'St--:36rOarveYrs1",01 I persons have signed the
temperance p dge in St. Marys, wider
the Rine mov Mena
—Mr. John Skier has started a
greenhouse i Kitchell, and when
spring opens syill engage in the nursery
business also.
• —Mr. Itich rd Graham and Mr J.
Brown, of th 8t1i concession. of Elma,
have sold thei flume to a Mr. Turn-
bull, from n ar Port Hope, the for-
mer realizing $4,200, and the latter
84_,00Th0, er
s and. teachers of the
Presbyteiian abbath schools at Mill-
bank, present d their late superintend-
ent, Mr. Andr w Mundell, with an ad-
dress, a hand oinaet buffalorobe
wiled by Mr. Hart, and occupied by
if,6 Goetler, 9- destroyed by fire on
hureday mo ning of last week, to-
gether with a dwelling adjoining and a
staltle. Loss o Mr. Hart, 84,000; in-
—Beforeth i Police Magistrate in
Stratford last eek, a married woman
from MOiningten charged her husband
-with neglectin to support her, and
the Police Mz gistra,teeafter a, patient
investigation, a und it necessary to or-
der the recalc trent husband to pay a
monthly. sun.
eel ion of a Sunday school
socialnlately • yen in the Town Hall,
Mitchell, a so feign was placed in the
hands of the a orkeeper in mistake for
'it, twdnty-five ent piece. The honest --
doorkeeper a nOunced the rnistake,
and the Moruy :was returned to the•
Thomas Billet -; Sr.:, of Logan, while in
—A serious coident happened to Mr.
in Mitchell, a ew days ago. Ile had -
just planed it b el of salt in his wagoia,
on which bell d.; taken his seat, when
the horse e yea,: the barrel rolled,
throwing the atifertunate man over
the back of di Wagon on to the hard
road; resulting itt the fracture of his
collar bone.
—Mr. Walk ,'of Mitchell, who is a
great pige n fa cier, and. is in posses-
sion of s ver valuable birds a short
time ago broug from Toren -tie a very
handsome " ca er." When he 'thought
it Sufficiently naturalized," he let it
out with his tiler pigeons, but it at
once flew high p into the air, made a
few circles, and then: merle a "bee line"
for Toronto. I arrived at its old home
in a little less t an three hours from the
0nWed.nday afternoon, January ,
ction of Rev. Patrick
late of Liverpool, into
Knox church, Strat-
r to Rev. Thos. Mac -
place. The • induction
sermon was pireaehel d by Rev. E. W.
Waits, of St. Andrews' chureh, Strat-
ford. The charge to the minister was.
by Rev. Mr. Gozdon, of Harriston. The
address to the people by Rev. Mr. Mc-
Alpine, of St. Marys. Rev. Mr. Mac-
pherson presiding.,
30th, the ind
Ma,cF. McLeod
the pastorate
ford, as sueces
pherson, took
The d
. taria
To the- Editor of the Ifuron, E.rposti
Deen notice in your 4:
February 8th, -1878, a letter frot
. pen of one_ who signs himself "-
• :smith," CritiOiZillg ill severe term
'educational system itt Ontario, ai
dorsing all that has been said 1
representatives of Huron eluring,ei
debate ill -01117 Provincial Parlit
on this ,subject, and thereby setti
forth as the opinion of "Tuckers
that the tendency of .our educal
'system iato make the. rising genei
idle, foppish gentlemen and ,ladit
stead of wise, industrious, pre
moral. Men :and women, evh,o can
and. systexnaticallyperferm the
devolving upon 'them in any of tilt
-oils spheres which they as
be :called upon to 411, in this nobli
yet to be great eountry of ours.
it is a great enisteke to saddle,
one ,ledeioationai system any such
firo.its. The production ,of such el
less members of society, as desceit
our Huron M. P. Pe is to be trace
diArent :cause, viz., the social tui
prevalent amongst us. Our file
farm laborers and mechanics are:
habit :of &seribing their •Oecapati
a _species -,of drudgery, and linden
'when compared with a professi,
business life; -and are perpetuallj
claiming in thehearing of their :ehi
that -village, town. or :pity life is, le
the :easiest, most profitable atale
.genteel. Now, just long:as-thief
. ease, may we expect to find. our j
men forsaking the -noble:and. intle
,ent occupation of producers. and
ing into towns an,leities to becomt
,as our M. P. P.s describe. But l
would have our sone andeclaughteri
the occupation in which:they are re'.
-we must, both by ,example •and pr
impress upon them that their oe
tion is honorable and. desirable, an
dear it to them by making them'
ficient in it; alto that honesty, indi
integrity and anoralitY will make
'-occupation noble and to be desired
If_reading, writing and ,arithrae
a :suitable :and sufficient educatioi
any ehild in the* tountry, mpg
by some of our M. P. Pts {and tl
-about all that is taught in our -con
-schools, and that in a very indiif.
manner to the majority of orsr pe
why „should our educational ,systei
charged with being the came of Mit
foppery, cigar smoking, :drinking,
whert it must be apparent to any t:
ing mind that reading, writing, d
only the key to unlock:the ,cloorof lei
edge, and it would be just ,as reasei
to suppose, that a people who had
simply taught how to open'a need
,chest had. all the knowledge reqniei
care their diseases, as to suppose
those _living in country or town
:enough of education when they
been taught reading, writing and
inetic„ or in other words have red:
the keys of the wisdom bee.. Buf,
anite -another matter whether they
open the box or not. itt must
parent that _if I am a knave er
teaching me reading„ writing and
enetic won't make me less of -eith4
one or the other, unless someleody:S
me how to put ney reading, writing
to wise and :good purposes.
Then- the enormous expense ti
educational system is referred ea,
compared with the :expense of our
cipal system—an nnfortunate coit
son eertainlyeebeeauee if there it,
•system in Canada nee.diug reform:
retrenchment ft is our municipal fi2e
aeid legislative assemblies. • '
If those ,Solons of ours in the tie
Parlianaent would. endeevor top
away three-fourths of the raembe
:our County 'Cannella, and reduct
representatives in the :Ontario • lea
tare by one-half at least,- it woul4
retrenchment in the right directioi
would give :our legislators an ,oppe
ity to use their key to the wisdom lee
:extract that keowledge therefrom
they seem so much to require,
would also deplete therp.00ketsof 48(
annum, which they earti by •tmeeri
our educ:ational system.
Someof these -Members of Pattia
have by manual labor, intinstryeecoli
energy and persev.erence raised
selves to the position :which thee':
,oc.cnpy, honor to them), but '
they not have been better farenena
-chants or mechanics and also marl
ter 'legislate:re if they had received
lileral .education in their youth, a'
panted by a good, -social,, patriot;
moral training, which tliberaledeacil
they so much begrudge the rising et
tion ,of Ontario.
I do not suppose by anyeneans:
our educational system is Perfect
what 1 complain :of is, in the effe
improve itt, to accuse it of b.eile
cause_ of :certain socialphenomeneN
are the natural product of igeoran
-stead of being -cheesed by tort'. 1
kee,veledge, MeKtee,or ItTetrie
To th,e Editor of the- Huron Expo,sit,
1Aly DRAB Sin,—Since yoirhave
kind enough to give a plate in eae
per to m.y last week's letter. I
again ventured to continuemy renJ
$3,500,000 are annually exneien
the Province for educational put
in the Common Schools, About
000 are also expended for the mei
ance of High Schools,. About
th,ousand scholars are attending ti
ter, the principal portion of -whose
is devoted to acquiring a smatter
foreign languages and the L
branches ofnaathenaMics. These-
dren are intended and will no doul
tempt to follow some 'profession 'tz
productive employment. Tn addit
these there will be a ninnerous
whose education is provided for le
private naeans of well to ao pa.reni
the different Acaderaies and Col
So that in the course of a few yea.
will have a stream of ten. thte
Young persons annually conieng'
life, forced into the popul,stion,