HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-08, Page 7Non ••••••ar—. rormlugz ier neer ed, eza. a.rrying- ever to stook or rkRE. letykt- luwaya, other Trawase F. to g2ee Lion:Lev of. INE !al ;Inetiru- he Singer, 43 carried Sydney the. above PPISiug to, for there. always 011 t. leaforth. CENCY. stoelz, Fire i i prepe,r- TERMS, '...oan Bootee SO of Farm -ASS lisle tALE. iteamers. ae.„ Mein. arttERYI, Trade of ther from Mr., t lie intend's' .1=.d,ancl has hides to the Sand. Good - -areages, and Safiy,f or use. With Colas rf the hotels i OR THE, HIEN) n, ;toot or Neel descriptiOr t. ea from New ateriey. Glassware„ intion of pur. arige as cash. KENTIEAD. EltS AND of all, these determined to emlock, 't not loWing rates: sand ; 14 foot ers over 411 100, if ;von don't ill be charged. •ons customer* its a continus OMPSON. RTH, istomers with. TUBS', se Tubs are so trade that it Da• heir recommeut- -s small Herds t er in. remptly attend TT, Seaforth. cz I N G. o. iforth and to make up LAI DS, &O., inbings. imuctually tesidence—Mairt 527 Swit Cues, Curls, Tett& st :Ryles and (4t117'441 way f? top. CA it ROW, west of the 523-26 T, i4EATHER end Deseription. -k kept. Ternis 11 or e by Mail N. BRETT. EBRUARY 8, 1878. -a- conduc Tth ttUROk EXTiOSITOR. yo, CaSe of Fine. the bullettapidly went crashing °through The following hrecbiOflS for conduct iii case pf fire are issued. by the British Royal Society for the Protection of " Every householder should mak., e while 1 was reloading my gun. In a Life from Fire: the abacondals head. Though the crea- ture was not lrilledJ its. head dropped, and. the doctor had. time to spring for- ward and escape its fangs, which a.1 - Most grazed his arm. I shouted. to lum. -each person in his house acquaint° -with the best nies,ns of escape, wheth- er the fire breaks out at the top or the :bottom. ‘‘ Inmates at the first alarm should moment he was himself again, and, imitating my example, got his weapon ready to -fire down the serpent's throat should it again lift its head. It getick- ly gave him an opportunity ; and the . . =endeavor calmly to reflect w a second shot had the effect of making it of escape there axe in the house. If in roll over and over in a raost extraordin- :bed. a,t the time, wrap themselves in a ary fashion. I was glad to keep out of blanket or bedside carpet ; open neither its windows nor doors more than necessary way, and se was the doctor, N,V:a0M, [This ja making a circuit, I rejoined. ehut every door after them. " I hope this marsh is not frequented raost important to observee " In the midst of smoke it is corn- paxativelv clear toward the groundi ; consequently prothrough smokegress can be made on the hands and knees. A silk handkerchief, worated stocking, or other fieund substance, wetted and. arawil over the face, permitsfreebreath- tng and excludes to a great extent the smoke from the lungs. A. wet sponge is alike efficacious. "In the event of being unable t -escape either by the street door or the roof, the persons in danger should im- raecliately xnake their way to the front room window, taking care to close the door after them, and. those who have charge ef the household. should ascer- tain that every individual is there as- sembled.. "PerSons thus circtirilstanced are en- treated not to precipitate theraselves from the window wbile there remains the least possibility of aasistance, and. -even in the last,extrentity a plain. rope is invaluable, or recouree may be had. to joining sheets or blankets together, fas- tening one end to the .bedpost or other furniture. This will enable one person to lower a,1I the others separately, and the last may be let down with compar- atively little risk. Select a window over the doorway rather than over the exea. "Do uot give vent to the fire by break- ing into- the house unnecessarily from without, or if an inmate by opening the door or window. Make a point of shutting every door after you as you go through the house For this purpose doors enclosing the staircase are very useful. "Upon discovering yourself on fire, reflect that your greatest danger arises from draft to flames, and to them rising upward.. Throw yourself on the ground. and roll over the flame—if possible on the nig or loose clrugget, which drag un- der you. The table cover, a man's coat, anything of the kind. at hand, will serve your puipoee. Scream for assist- ance, ring the bell, but do not run out of the room or remain in an upright po- sition. Persons especially exposed to the risk of their dresses taking fire should adopt the precaution of having all linen and cotton washed in a weak solution of chloride of zinc, alum or tungstate of soda." Marriage of Miss Longfellow. by other snakes of the same species, he observed. '1 "If it is, I propose that we beat a retreat while we can do so with wholebon.es. But 1 shouldlike to have that fellow's skin; it would be a prize worth possessing. However, I don t feel inclined to approach it nearer." "Nor do I; ,but probably in a few rainntes it will be dead," I said. "Not quite sure of that," replied the doctor ; serpents have wondrous vi- tality. But if we would get near enough to cut off its tail, we should son killit." inadertook - to make the attempt. Having a sharp axe in my belt, while the doctor stood. ready to fire she ild it raise its head, I rushed forward and severed tae tail about six! feet from the end. In an instant its -move- ments ceased, and its coils gradualy re- laxed.--Frore " The Young Llanero, by W. H. G. Kingston. • • The 'way the 'United States G-o-v-ernment Treats -the Sol- diers. Mrs. Rosa Griffith,wife of Captain D. A. Griffith, Third. United Staees In- fantry, sends to the Eagle an account of the terrible march of the regiment to their new post in Missoula. She says: "The regiment, which had been sta- tioned in the South for some yeas, was ordered to the Pennsylvania coal region during the strike riots last summer, and was then suddenly ordered. West to as- sist in subd.uing Chief Joseph f.-nd his Nez Perces Indians. They went to iierinne, U. T., and from there were ordered. tb Montana, several of the com- panies being ordered to Helena, and the balance of the regiment to the new post at Missoula. The hardships endured. by the troops during the tramp of -over six hundred miles were terrible. The men of the command were illprepared, by reason of their long residence in New Orleans, for the rigols of early winter in the Rocky Meuntains, and. their suf- ferings were acutely intense. During a part of the journey they were expos- ed. to a terrible snow storm, with the thernaometer at fifteen degrees below zero. Not an officer or soldier in the regiment was provided with overshoes or gloves. Not a few of the men were barefooted and added to the agony of freezing feet was the additional torture of being forced to grip the cold steel of their muskets with naked. hands day after day. When the regiment left New Orleans there were not K, in pos- session of officers and men. The o- men and children belonging to tbocthn mead, including the wives and offspring of the officers, numbered thtrty-two, and transportation for these ,c1 course had to be secured. at individual expense. It is said that but for the tient ly aid of friends, who, understanding the im- pecunious condition of . the rank and. file, advanced a little money oue of their own private means, .these dependent and destitute follo-wers of tLe camp must have suffered abandonment in their time of greatest need. On the march northward. to. Corinne eeveral of the women and children fell sick under the terrible exposure, an d fcr weeks their lives were almost d.espaired of. The transportation outfit allowed the command was limited to the ambu- lances, As their was not a dollar of motley in. the regiment, the simplest wants of the sick could not be gratified., as the isolated roachmen and hunters in. that country refused to part with anything when the cash was not forth- coming. Finally, as the regiment was nearing the end of their marce, ragged, footsore, penniless and shivering, some of the officers sold their poyrolls for = cash, but not without the sacrifice of a discount of twenty-five per centum on the dollar."—Reading (Pa.) Eagle, fact all threat and lung diseases. 'NO person can -use it Without iniraediate, relief. 'Three doses will relieve, ally case, and we 'consider it the dutyoftin druggists to recommend it to' the ptior dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case -where it fail- ed Was reported. Such. a tire'dieine. as the crERMIN SYRUP cannot be tote Wide- ly known. Ask your druggist about it. Sara le bottles to try sold at 10 cents; r size, 75 cents. - re London, Huron and Bruce. Exprese. P. M- 4 10 4 82 458 6 01 5 25 GOING SOUTH— Mail. Mixed. A. 31. 780 10 40 750 111 806 1187 814 11 50 881. 12 40 P.M. 9 00 1 40 9 05 1 50 90 245 446 Mixed. A. M. 7 30 P. Id. 1 10 1 80 1 65 2 00 Wingham, depart... Belgrave...... ...... Blyth Londesborough Clinton Brucefield Kippeu Ffensall Exeter London, arrive.... 10 45 GOING NORWH— Mail. A.. M. London, depart. 7 55 Exeter Hound' . Kippen Bracefield Clinton Londesborongh .... 10 42 10 54 pelgrave 11 18 1Wingham, arrive11 30 • - Great Western Knillvay. Trains leave Brussels etation, north and louth, to under : GOING, NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. .... 9:15 A. M. Mail 6:8'1 A. M. Accom.. .... 9:03 P. M. Accom 8.08 P. M. Mail 3:40 P. M. IMixed 5:25 P. M. 00 07 .1. 850 115 48 6 25 The alliance of the Dana and Long- fellow houses, by the marriage of Rich- ard H. Dana, 3d, to Edith. Longfellow, was consnmrnated at Cambridge recent- ly;ancl was an ev eat whieh naturally made quite a stir at the Hub in the old col - town. The Longfellow family has not been given to marriages, although all the daughters are lovely, and both of the sons very eligible sons-in-law for any ambitioue mother, and. Onslow, the eldest, has hitherto been the only one to wed. The poet's household is one of the happiest possible to imagine. Con- genial tastes, comfortable and even lux- urious surroundings, and. the atmosphere of honor and literature in -which the family moves, makes their home one which none of the children are PlXi0118 to leave, although offers of proud alli- ances have not been wanting. Miss Edith, who has just broken from the charmed circle, is 25 years old, of me- dium height, rather slight in form, and her dignified head is crowned with a -wealth of really golden hair—hair such as poets are wouttto rave aver and fash- ionable dames to look upon with envy. Her husband is a risiug young lawyer of 26, the third of the name now liedng. He is a young man, fine looking, and a Harvard man, of course. His grandfather's 1,f(lth birthday was celee brated a few weeki ago, and, judging from the appearance of the old. gentle- man, it will be many a year before the young man—or Richard. 111., as his friends call him—will be permitted to end his signature with a "Jr." The young people have been together from their youth up, and their love has been a. niatter of the most natural gro w For a long time he has been looked upon t as her eepeeitil attendant, and there was consequently but little surprise mani- fested when it was known that theyhad been formally engaged last winter. of flourish or display attended. the ceremony, which occurred in tho col- lege chapel, and was followed by an evening reception at the poet's, Miss Edith's tastes being very practical. The youagest child of the poct is Miss An. nie,reueneied already for repartee and wit of the brightest kind. None of the children have given evidence of having inherited their father's poetic talent, but Alice, the eldest of the girls, is a writer of no mean power. 8 00 Express. P.M. 505 920 1050 625 . 983 111.5 638 946 1180 646 , 10 00 11 45 657 1 .1020 12 40 711 V80 7 40 7 68 8 07 NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES. JAMES MURPHY GREAT AUCTION SALE 5-tTar imPoizit‘mr) JAMES SPARLING & Co., SEkE0i.r1-1, 7U fl j Have Just Opened in A.ult's Old. Stand ,• Goderieh Street, witlt V POUCHBRED STOCK, At the TOWN OF CLINTON, County of Huron, ON WEDNESD1 MARCAY H-6 til - ,1871311 Under the auspices of the Huron Live Stock Aseociation. THIRTY-THREE Stallions and 5 Breeding -1- Mares, embracing la Imported Heavy Draughts,12 General Purpose and Agrieultural, and 11 Blood, Carriage and. Roadster Stallions. Ten Thoroughbred Bulls, and a epIendid choice of Durham Cows and Heifers. A good ehoice in Leicester and Cotswold Sheep and varione breeds of Pigs. This promises to be one of the best sales ever held in Canada. Printed Catalogaes or hand bills can be had on application to the Secretary. The Gran.d Trunk and Great Western Railways will issue return tickets at one. fare and a third. M. Y. McLEAN, Secretary, Seaforth. WHARTON HODGSON, President, Exeter. T'Rs Pleasure in an.nouneing to his friends and the public- that he is now located in his New Premises erected on the site of his -former Store, and has lust reeeived his New Stock of • The Value of Fresh Recent statistics show that of mortalitt among grocers fes as 76 to 100 among the general popt equal ages, while the death -r drapers is as 108 to 100 by standard. On analyzing th this difference between the d TEAS, SUGARS, FRUIT, FISH, SYRUP, TOBACCOS, PAILS, TUBS, BROOMS, . BRUSHES, SALE OF TOWN LOTS NEW SURVEY Shelf Goods and all Article S kept in a First -Class Grocery. Air. the rate talon at te among the same cause of apers and - the grocers, it is found that it lies in tlae mode of living. The disease which de-, stroys the draper is pulraonart consump- tion. The explanation is sin ple. The grocer lives in a shop, the do is open the whole day, and h tive himself in business ; the the other hand lives in a with the doors of his shbp in a dusty, close atmospher whose pleasure or business c to enter the majority of our OF THE GOUINLOOK ESTATE. JA.MES MURPHY is Confident that, Qtiality and Priee taken into consideration, his Teas are THE BEST VALUE TO BE HAD At any Retail House in the Dominion. • 175 BUILDING SITES' FOR SALE, AND WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. NEW _STOCK OF CHOIG GRODERIE;89 Which have been Bought Very Low for Caah. THEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELL AT A SMALL PRO 1.5% Give us a Call Before Pm -chasing your Ch,ristmas Groceries. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, AND ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN FREE OF CHARGE. • • JAMES SPARLING & Co.. Seaforth. RANGING- IN SIZE FROM ONE- FIFTH OF AN ACRE TO FOUR ACRES. 'Some of these lots are the most desirable for residenees of any in Seaforth. Th,ey Consist of Young Hysons, and. , BlaCks and Japans, of different grades, all sweet, sound, and of excellent flavor. The recent depression in the prices of Sugars and Tobaccos has enabled the subscriber to place those articles at prices much below those rul- ing a few weeks ago, and of which he is deter- mined to give his customers the benefit Any Goods purchased, and not proving satis- fa.ctery, will be taken back and the money je- funded. Fight With a Boa -Constrictor. Having left our horses in charge of our blitert sertaut, Chumbo, we set tiff to get a shot a the wild fowl, some of which the doctor wanted to stuff, while we agreed they would also serve us for dinner. The reeds being very high„ we soon toet sight of each other. I had gone sante way, supposing that I was at a distance from my companions, and was on the point of firing at some wild. fowl which rose in the air, when, just close to the water, I heard the doctor shout out in a voice of terror, which I am sure he would not have done with- out tt good cause. I rushed forward. as fast as I could. through:the reeds, when what was my horror to see an enor- mous anaconda., capable of swallowing a foal or a young calf at a gulp, with. its head raised within a few feet of his shoulder, and apparently about to seize kin in its deadly embrace. Either his guai was unloaded, or terror prevented hira from using it. ; Hastily ramraing bullet down my fowling -piece, I raised. it to fire, hoping earnestly that I might take good aina. My worthy friend's life depended on ray doing so, for in 8r -fl- at -hen instant the monster raight en- velop him in itehuge folds. I shall not forget in a, hurry that look of horror de- picted in the worthy dootor's counte- nance. Taking steady aim, 1 fired,' and r of which is Very ac - draper on lose place losecl, and . No one is on him arge drap- ery emporiums but will feet • in a- posi- tion to testify to the troth cf this de- scription. , The heat and closeness. •acteristics moral pal- ce of the n them. id comfort - which are their usual _cha sufficiently accouut for tlee g lor . and unhealthy appearaa male and.- female attendants EP -PWS COCOA.—Gmteful ing.—" By a thorough know edge of the natantl laws which govern tdie opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful applic,ation of the fine proper - tie Of well selected cocoa Mr. Epps has protided our breakfast ales with a delicately flavored beverage, which maY save us many -heavy d It is by the judicious use of s of diet that a constitution natty -built up until steong, e M JAMES URPHY Hopes that none -will delay for ceremony and sleighing, but that all will consider them- selves cordially invited to come at °nee and get a supply of the Cheap Goods, especially those splendid Teas and Sugars, for the Holidays. ctor's bills. oh articles ay be grad - lough to re- sist every tendency to diseese. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies around us ready to atta there is a weak point. We many a fatal shalt by keepi well fortified, with pure properly nourished frame.' vice Gazette. Sold. only in p led,—" James Epps &Co., A Large Stock of Crockery AND FULL SUPPLY UF e floating wherever may escape g ourselves toed., and. a —.Chu/ So.- ckets label- omceopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, 1 ' SPECIAL TERMS TO THOSE WANTING TO BUILD. Apply at the Offices Of . I COLEMAN & GOULNLOCK, Or J. H. BENSON, Esq., - LAKE FISH TO ARRIVE SHORTLY: and 170, Pieced illy, Londe ASTONISHING SUCCESS.— of every person who has us G-ERILAN SIRUP, to let it qualities be known to the' curing, Consumption, sev Croup, Asthma, Pneumo ." 482-52 t is the duty d BOSCHEE'S wondeaful friends in re Coughs, a, and in JAMES -MURPHY, IVIA.111 STREET, SEAFORTH. 516 Solicitor, Seaforth. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT IS MADE SUCH AS YOU FIND -Tettseee.' UP INTO o o ID HARNESS Where you will find all Kinds of Elarness Made THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. The of the , are in Femal The fer ba ' of how ht.heri BEV Spur and 0' • the ns. by J.. AT J. INVARD'S, 1 SEAFORTH, up in, the Latest Styles. REMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness T. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that J. WARD, Seaforth. is wanted to secure regular custom. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. PROVISIONS. CO TO CHARLES MORAN'S, SEAFORTH, HARRY MITCHELL'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. I Good morning Mr. johnston, where are you go- ing, pray ? I'm going to Harry Mitchell's, who sells Goods cheap, they say. His Goods are all the newest. his shop looks really fine ; FOR YOUR GROCERIES AND PRO. VISIONS. 8. LOUNSBURY & CO., SEAFLORTH, PAY SPECIAL 'ATTENTION TO CUSTOM SAWING AND GIVE. THE HIGIIEST PRICE IN CASH FOR SAW LOGS. SAW LOGS. Drug ropolitan Medi- a New Yorkovith trade niark, thus: Xosepla Hay, doelc, , "likewise passesoff lais owi make under the name of Holloway & Co., bavin for a trade mark .a crescent and serpent ; MeRes :on & Robins, of New York, are agents or ills Puffy the BloOd, correet all disorders i' ver Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, Ind alnable in all complaints incidental to s. Ointment is the only reliable remedy Lege, Old Wounds, Sores and. Ulcers ver long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- , Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and Diseases it Ilea= equal. ARE OF NEW YORK COUN- TERFEITS. oris imitations of "Holloway's Pills tines t," are manufactured and. sold under e of "lad- loway's & Co.,' F. Henry, Curran, & 04: ts n d also by the Me - eine Company an as ensued —Again 0 n e of New York. counterfeits of HE HAS ONE OF THE BEST SE- LECTED STOCKS OF FAMILY GROCERIES IN TOWN. _ GIVE HIM A CALL LUMS DEN'S Op STAND, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THE HENSALL: PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY r— W C-2 Fri "CI C:If 111 I 0 C:21 C" HARDWARE Are prepared to pay' the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Hand. FINE 1ARD, SAUSAGES, PORK - uurriNGS, &c. He keeps a large assortment of all goods in his line. 1 He minds his business only, as any person ought. And always looks good-natured, whether you buy op not. He keeps in Campbell's Brick Block, up near, the Queen's Hotel; And Harry 13 a man, sir, that none can undersell. Of School Books, and Account Books, he keeps a good supply; o You can't buy cheaper elsewhere, just step in once and try. Ile has a nice selection of Fancy Goods and toys; :From one cent to ten dollars, for little girls and boys. His stock of stationery, is cheap, good, and corn- - pieta ; Ile keeps the newest music, both in large and small sheet. Fingering and Berlin wools, all colors and all ' shades; Chineal ancrochet cotton, and other goods for He has a stack of Albums, Photo. aud Auto- graph; 01 prices that you've paid, he'll charge'you just a half. Portfolios and pictures, mottoes, and splendid frames, - Dominoes, dice and eheckers, authors and other games. He keeps nice concertinos, and violins and bows, Harmonioans and Jewsharps, cheaper than you'd suppose; Satchels and large valises, splints black, white, and brown, And tip-top rocking horses, the best I've seen in town. He keeps the finest Hair Oily, and other oils as well, Of all his large assortment, t'wonld take too long to tell. His cases are all chuck full, and not one empty shelf, Just drop in once, and then you'll, know how 'tis yourself. To please the Seaforth people, and others he will try; He's doing lots of business, yon need not ask me why. Good morning, Mr. • Johnston, be sure your friends you tell, About this here New BOOK STORE, kept hy • 1.-IARRY MITCHELL. 523 G. & J. PETTY. LUMBER' FOR SALE. I HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE !from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 60 Feet, at the = ' • PONY I MILL, IN MeKILLOP: •he Subscriber has also a I.AJIABR YARD' IN SEAFORTH, Wlaere all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, - HARDWARE MISCELLANEOUS. AJ. McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Bruseels. Office • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52 MONEY TO LEND—On terms more advan- tageous than ever before offered. A. J. Mc- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 50‘52 TIRESSMAKING —Dressmaking one in the Latest Styles, and a good fit ensured, at MISS QUINLAN'S Rooms, over TiTataon's boot and shoe store in Mrs. Markey's block. 615 I • JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and mild. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to strit borrowers. Farms and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, .Brussels, grit. 615 A130. '11-1 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Lend Surveyor J-1 • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. 479 D. El. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. _ 0:1 0 H2Ivi WIYH auVA1Q?IVH zlaVAA.a UUVH tliTe shael cep. ersons, the better to 'deceive you, un- blushi gly caution the public in the small boots of dir ctions -which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be. eitals.ers obtain them at very low waurensc3fCprulinalotuerls de prices and sell them to the public in Canada as ruy genuine Pills and Ointment. 11 I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Cle.rgy, to inothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the public generally of British North Amer ea, that they may be pleastd to dem:nine° 111113':8P .1;icilhglaYstheersh se israuodosid look to the i.abel • on t te rotot and Boxes. If the address is iot 533, Oxford Street, London, the1 are (ounterfeits. Ea h Pot and Boi of the genuine Medieines. beer the British Government Stamp, with the word $, " Honnowal's PILLS AND OINT)LENT, Ler: ox," engraved. thereon. On the label is the a dress, 538, OXFORD STREET, LONDON,lithare alon they ire manufactured. f Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors sellii g spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment, as of my genuine make, shal ni communioating the articulars to me, be amply remunerated, and thei name e never divulged. Signed . -... THOMAS HOLLOWAY. Lc3ndon, Jan. 1, 1877. ,477 tMds an-,nOWO WM. ROBERTSON & CO. SEAFORTH, CAN SHOW YOU A LARGE STOCK OF SKATES : Acme, Barney & Berry's All Clamp, Ice King and Club, &c., &c. SLEIGH BELLS: aavmalIVH Neck, Back, Body, Open &c. COW CHAIN KTDD'S HARDWARE. R CEIVED DIRECT FR M MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS,. SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, G -L 'SS, PAINTS, OILS, &e Open Close, ton. • mg, and Wal - AXES: Burrers, Warnock's, and the Welland Vale. AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. H OLIVER SEAFORTH,- hi st Tr ot Co CROSSCUT SAWS: The Lance Tooth, Improved • Champion, Tuttle Tooth .1 and Lightning. FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDY/ARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE GS to acquaint his many friends and custo- mers that he has removed two doors north of old stand, McIntyre's Block, where he has a ck eqnal to any in the business, and at the st favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing re on the shortest notice. A. good. Sto-ok of inks , Valises, Whips, Combs, Brushes, and all er such articles required constantly on hand. mem Der your old Friend. Sign of the Scotch lar. 81 W. H. OLIVER, &worth. D . WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure ior Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as a se- quence of Self abuse, ore akin lies nese of memory, Alter alP• Universal Lassittide, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseasee that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and Over indulgente. The Specific Medicine Is the result of a life study and. many years of ex- pinience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Drn.ggists at $1 per package, oz 6 packages ter $5, orwillhe sent by mail' on reeeipt of the -Money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., indsor, Ont. Sold in Seafortb by E.Rickson 01o., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all druggiet merchants. - — SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 1 ITE sUbscriberbegs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberal patronage extendedto since commencing business in Seaforth, and rusts that he may be favored with a continuants 1 the same. Parties intending to build wonld do well to give im a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a rgestda of allkinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, s A S IR DOORS, BLINDS, MOIJILDINGS, SHINGLES, LA:111, Re feels confident of giving satiefaetitm to those no may favour him with theirpatronage, as none ut first-claesworkmen are employed, articu lar attention paid to Cue toroPlaning 201 JOHN H. BROA DFOOT. All of which they 4.till sell for less Pat up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. , mdney than ever ojered in `Seaforth before. REMEMBER 1 T- hat we have Moved to our NEW1 PREIVIISES East Side Main Street. DON'T FAIL TO,CALL W.111. _ROBERTSON c6 Co. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. . I CAPITAL - ,$4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1833; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, • Incorpoilated 1864. SAFORTI-1 BRANCH. Special _inducements' to Cash an& .Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD.. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. YOrtrfts on New ork Payable at any Bank in the United States. Hills of Exchan e on I,ondon payable at all Chief Cities' of_ the Jthted Kingdom. INTEREST PAIL ON DEPOSITS. I. P. HAYES, 411 .111.AN4GILB MARRIAGE! LICENCES CEILTlIFICATIES, • (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor On trio. I CI ELECTRICITY! THOMAS' EXCELSIOR ECLECTHICI OIL—WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT Ili aux.—Pain. cannot stand where it ls used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has curesi an. old stand- ing' coagh. It positively aures catarrh, asthma, and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick ixt the back, and the same quantity lame back of 8 years' standing. The following are extracts from a few of the many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, -which, we think, should. spiliciently satisfy the most skeptical: J. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, have sold ell I had from you and want more now; its cures are truly won- deriul," Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, "I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm— it was slow at first, but takes splendid now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, " Please forward 6 dozen Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, I am nearly- out, nothing equals it. It is highly recommendedby those who have osed It. J. Bedford, Thamesville, writes, "Send me at once a further supply of Eclectrio Oil, I have only one bottle left. I never saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfac- tion." J. Thompson, 'Woodward, writes, "Send me Home more Eelectric Oil, I have sold entirely out Nothing takes like it." Miller & Reed, Ul- verton, P. Q., write, " The Eclectrie Gills getting a great reputation here, and is daily called for. Send us a further supply without delay."Lenioyne, Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., 'writes, "Send us one gross of Felectric Oil. We find. it to take well." Sold by all medicine dealere. Price 25 Cent& S. N. THOMAS, PHELPSN. ''Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE,—Eeleetrie— Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. 8. Roberts, and. U.Lams- den 521 f1TR GREAT FEMALE REMFDY.—job Moses -L Periodical Pills—This in.valuableine,theine is unfailing in tho cure of all those p:inftai and dangerous diseases to which the fent.ale constitu- tion is subject. It moderates ail excess and re- moves all obtructions, and. a speedy caraway bs relied on. To meariedladies ibis peculiaily suited. It will, in a short time, brinig on the monthly pe- riod with regulaxits. These pills ,should not be taken by Females daring tb.e first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Ills- earriege, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight eie ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a care when all other means have failed; and, althea/3h a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimmay, or anything hurtful to the constitation. Full directions in the pamphlet around each packags, which should be carefully preserved.. Xob Moses New York, Sole Proprietor. $1. 60 and 12i cent; for postage enelosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. 13old itt Settfortb. by E. Hiekson & Co., j. S. Roberts, and R. Linnsden. 197