HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-08, Page 3-SAL-Ve Sale, tiara eau_ ehe corner, oceapied her enEe Foed,Vor keesmith, ooze - red and in underdrainede Good storm I *Mere(le mat -about 5 ronea from Ripper,. enienees. For re). MOOrltE, .—For Salo the et 3, MeKillop, FDeLjaestate: iln and a Tear- 17Oicest quality: .11(1 good out- witit feint and rder. and -well a retired gen dente.. Te 7 premises are tor, eat a No.29, Con of which renced and in Id. nearly new, shed 21.-olee, teick dwelling tbailtlings. There are 15 res fall plow:. able f arane 4PPLY to r to Egnionde 524 IS and the containing146 -g cleared,. bale frierae home eeihte- ale '" borne also pot.house, &ee e orchard- Thd 7 mile from rey end Bruce et Mee. There to • For further en the premises RAM WHITEe • aall CES. eland given by ohn MeIntsedi. 13 Jan. 10, 187.7 lablie are here or negotiating eerie haa been e by returning 31cINTOSH, 520x4 trartees healug f the late Sohn aze hereby " propere e either GE the ire the leth of ; ley that date iS awl TKOS. 5.2611, • kal, do hereby accuse Fin/ay :Jai Meeting of •fty saying that id entry in the Settoot sect tas uo error in of. BARNET !a of howl given. heel McQuade. e, owl bearing I- and the other !by - cautioned g notesess led. The finder el- to Pei etIER r 530-4 te the mask- ok account, are macs on or be - • be obliged -to .3erk of the Di- erieral S toeke or and Shoee end e. Alleskinda of exelis,age tor skins. jAmEB application 4111 f Cana dee at the 100 el E Y., a the ef Hareo, ite thee _ Bill of Devorce o ifte late of the the grouud of Clinton, the 30th GeIN MOONEY alTSON. SoIlei- 527:e* ,otice is hereby ill be eeeeived by :0- the 13t1 day ioo of a bridge a. Rued 6 end, 7e to of .thillett, in i :Quigleyte Teri ge. ta eptioifteati na The Conudit dod ee 1i3weat or any t the oresti eu of , be lee by Paletio shortregli, on the at 1 o'clock P. u.nd ,...!ii, t.. -0a., a. ; Coo. 11; a , 2G, (hen. lle a ;. Coro 12., seatX a. , opposite Loti.25. el emall bridges... eud at the phece WAITE. ToWn- Id, 1.878. 530x2 _ - K. the prozoneii of Con. 2r 11ayoNx , 1estur Ram. Any WilUvadi tO ;WiIL be suitably -exit P. 0. figand ites the preragaea hu. 2, Ithifett, _e on, T. a red awl white r ies requestett to tal take the ante „ Seaferth 28_ gitEt the profanes ate in Augoet a eing yetsre atioa aa will lead •-lorel will be mit- .e.tetPSON, to the pretnia s of Le, L S,, T ok- erher, a two-eear- hy person going e the resovery of eitehly row trded. Le.• 524iti 1 will keep 'dor- haprovemene Of nth 0:melee:don of ereuter rwatli a rola! Saffalk lose' ; autionie dits $1 for the ;woe 'Ong ifneeestarY; 51) RVICE. M BOAR, First rty ot John Sttf- p. Duke of 5', 1875. Bred by 0cit by Imported -Sovereign by Own Lein No. 2, by St. St. Dennis ; great. Preminin. Duke of Nisseinri, .ding shodoi. a Year al at the 16743 -viz.: ist at end at the Rays' let at the Provine ea triple prize aa e ground under a :tee lierd,and the ✓ , London, in1875. sized the lst peize ienforth in 17?; Firet Duke of . Nis- ; re teem boamideal best eow we ever .yable at the time ;tui rning f neses- iprictor. 52.S FEBRUARY 82 1878. , THE HURON EXPOS' 'TOR, issimstsammiNm, Gaieties. Young men, steel your hearts _against the insidious young woman who will soon make her appearance at the &welt fair and smile on you and try to induce you to pay two dollars for a ten' cent pen -wiper. —"Ma," said a thoughtful boy, "1 don't thiuk Soloinonwas so rich as they say he was." "Why, my dear, what could have put that into your head r "Why, the Bible says-- he slept with his fathers; and I think ff he had been so rich., he would have had. a bed of his own." —Toler, afterward Lord. Chief Jus- tice Norbury, was - asked-, to contribute a shilling toward theexpense of bury - in a a, poor London. attorney -who had died "Oilly a shilling to bury an at- torney!" he exelaimed; "here is • a gaineaa go and bury twenty-one of the." —His wife caught him with his arms around the hired girl's neck, but his courage even in this trying extremity never forsook him. "1 suapected some one of stealing the whiskey on the pre- serves, Jame,for some time, and you know her breath would have told if she was the guilty party." ;—“What is the matter with you?" inquired a gentleman who had called to see his neighbor, a German, of Chicago. " Vell, I don't know—it is de gout ; but- vy should I have him?" "'Perhaps," suggested his friend, "it is hereditary." I clink it is hereditary; I remember my vife's uncle have him." —The Rev.. John Brown of Hadding- ton Was in the habit of proposing on festive occasions a certain young lady as his toast. Having abandoned the practice he was asked for a reason. "Because," said he, "I have toasted her for sixteen years without ma,king her Brown, and so I've resolved to toast her no more." • —Not long ago an Irishman -was sum- moned before a bench of country magis- trates for heirig drunk and. disorderly. "Dc you know whatbrought you here?" asked the chairman. "Faix, your Honor, two policemen," replied the prisoner. "Had. not, drink something to do with it said. the j. P., frovrning. Sartinly," answered Paddy, unabash- ed, "they were both drunk.' —An Irish couple, at about 9 o'clock, rang the door -bell of a Protestant part son. The door "VMS opened by the elergyman, who, on inquiring what they wanted,. was informed. by Michael that he and Bridget came to be married. "But why," asked the parson,' " don't you go to the priest?" • "And sure we did, said Michael, " and .he told. us to go to the divil, and so we came to you." 'can't afford to advertise it vethouti in- creasing the price of the .tiekets. In such a matter as thifiawe ought to be Willing to help each other." "Well," said the editor, "if it goes into the locals, I suppose you would re- ciprocate by reading a little notice in your church next Sunday." - The visiting brother asked what no- tice, and the editor wrote and handed hint the following : " The Weekly Chronicle for the com- ing year will be the 'best and cheapest family paper in Maine. • Its 'proprietor has had mudi experience, and. has all the helps which a large outlay of Money can procure. His paper hat a larger • circulation than any otherpOlished in the country, and is to be fetiiished at only 52. 1 Itis certain that 19.6 one can spend that amount to 'a, ,better advan- • tage. Be sure to take the Ch,•onicle, and subscribe for your friends." The manager hemmed and hesitated, and then said, solemnly, that he doubt- ed whether it would be judicious to read such a notice, but suggested that if it was printed copies of it might be dis- tributed. a,t the door of the vestry on the 'evening of the entertainment. —A person recently met a lady who is distinguished. as having been four times a widow, and has now again en- tered the bonds of itatriitiony. Said the friend: “I think I once had the pleasure of diinng with you in New York?" "When" asked. the fair strang- er. "In 180—," he replied. " Tes," she said, refleetively, "that may. have been so, but I bad forgotten it. You see," she added, ‘_lit was two or three hus- bands ago," —The first thing is to make your ser- mon plain. Mr. Blomiteld preadied on the text, 41 the fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.' " Wishing to find mit haw it pleased his people he called'a Poor foolish man to the ptilpit and asked him. how he liked. the ser- mon. The reply, which made Blom- field. a sadder and a wiser man, was: "Well, sir, I meat say I can't agree with you. In spite of all you've said, I think there must be a G-od." As ray -wife and I at the window ono day Stood watehiog a ruan with a monkey. A extrt came by with " a broth of a boy," . Who wafi driving a stout little donkey. 'to my wife thou spoke, by way of it joke. " There'e a relation of mire in that carriav. To which ehe replied, aa the donkey she spied, eee, a relation—by marriage." Tea," said the editor, " but it Would attract more attention in the middle of a sermon. It will interest a large nuna.- ber of your congregation, and help a good cause; and besides, so much money is spent upon the Chronicle, that I don't see how the owner,ca,n afford. to print handbills to advertise it without increas- ing the subscription price. In such a 'matter as this, we ought to be willing to help eaeh other."'• Then the gentleman saw the Situa- tion. • An Innocent Norwegian Cus- tom. victorious and as we looked: cage we w the doge stall their pro trate foe, iapping and app ently little the .1V encounter, though subseque , tly three of them d ed from their ,woi4tds. This dosed th entertainment, ai41 the en- ornaous t ong - of spectators left -the Plaza de A.cho well pleased. !with what they had 'le:leased. ' "Reoei ing an invitationto spend the evening .th the family of my lady friends, I gladly accepted an was soon ensconce in their hospitab1 mansion. The con ersation naturally reverted to • the .sce , gs we had that da witnessed at the 'laza de Ach.o. -- he ladies stoutly d fend.ed their natio al amuse- ments, a leitigh I pointed otit the fact that suc barbarous spectacles did not tiend to e ovate the morals of a people, and . inst I uccd the bloody affray be- tween t 4 e military and the'eneb ; still they wer unconvinced, d.ec 'axing that 120 001111t -s, in the world. a orded such • exquisite entertainments a their own beautiful Peru." • 1 The Man in the 1 00112 . Among the superstitions I I t lingering in the minds of mankind, none; per- haps, is raore universal thanl`that of the ream in the moon. In England he is ehiefly imro.ortalized by the old nur- sery rhyme, but no further 'details are given of his proceedings 4erman le- gends are, however, more aemmunica- blase and. Build*, tradition relate his history, varying in differept parts of the country. A S nabian mother at Dereiidingen tells., her child.tthat a man was o ce working: in his vineyard. on Sand 'a and after • having pruned all his vine S he -made a bun laid Ace stolen frena a neighbor' ' vineyard. When toted: either wi Sabba,th- breaking or with the th.eft the culprit stoutly protested his iun pence, and finally exClainied, "11 1 h ve commit- • ted such a crime, may I go t After his death this fate du a,nd. there he remains to t denaned to eat molten lead ment. The Black Forest that the dark spots visible are caused by a man being there. He stole a bundl Sunday, because he day, he should be unmo est esters: But he had. net g it When he met a stran • none other than the Altai After reproving the thief f toward. the Ling over its blood ESO for the ; • 1 The presentation of Christmas gifts in Norway is the chief diversion of the season, and in this many stra,nge cus- toms ere Observed. Thus, in some dis- tricts; the gift is -hid in a trup of hay or •Straw, or sometimes it is -placed. in a bag of chaff. • The honator -then watch; es his opportimity find dly fixes the truss of hay above the door of his • friend's room. When the :Jotter enters • the hay falls on him,.to tle great en- joyment of the kindly conspirators, who are probably -watching -Olese athand. Then ensues an eager and. exciting search. The truss is ripped open, hands thrust in and. out through the straw or hay till the gift is found, at which Mo- ment the donators generilly disclose their presence by ehout's of , delight and the expression of good wishes for the season and the year to come. The bag of chaff is also a source of endless and innocent merriment. In its fall from — the top of the door it covers the receiv- er with a cloud of dust, and small par - .t tides that adhere to his beard enter the. fur of his coat, and make him feel as uncomfortable and look es ridiculous as can well be desired by the most ardent promoters of practical jokes. But as he epees his eye e he at once notices lying in the naidsttof the mess around him a -svelcome present which had been secreted in the chaff. • It may wUl be imagined with what delight, children join in this rough play, and how it materially assists to. pass the long winter season. . • • The Starling. UncleMoses's Lesson. Uncle Moses is the chief executive of of a antiurban colored Sunday-sehod. The other Sunday, raising his black face viith its snowy fringe, he peered over his ante-bellum "stock" and col- lar at the little nigs, who were buzzing like bees in a hive just under: his nose. Ordeal, ordali ! Don't yer hemb. me, ehillen ? Leetle Luinpkins, dere, hash dal talkin' like a eunsterbie OR 'lection day." , "When Jimmie ceasetl his conversa- tion the ehief executive resumed: "I emus ao aotonshun ob de school ter de way IOUS been a carry& on dis bressed clay. Wot yer bin a (loin'? Ter knows! An' de way yer tongues is bin a, carruscatin` scanlous." The black fingers pushed the tall collar back and pulled the black chin forward. '.Now, I puts it ter yer, an' do you ail listen, an' you, the, Liza Millius ; I arx you dis question—How mermy eyes . you claims got ?" Chorus---“ Two." ' " How menu's- mont-ce yer got ?" UllaTuilnousiy---'' One." " Wat does (let mean ? mean: yer I IOUS' see twice es mach yer Now how menuy yeres yer got ?" Chorus—''Two." "An' how mount- motives?" " One." Dat means yeaheah twice es much as N-ei talks. Now, 'member dis • lesson, en' you, Henry Gills, coutributo de masa 'roun"fore ar-o jines pm." aVe mph tl „1. rate eche. 1 i AUCTION Sit_I]ES. A UoTION SAL'S OF A. VALUABLE FARM • .J.`- IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY.—The undersigned has received instratotions to sell by Public Auction. at SHARP'S HOTEL, SEA - FORTH, on TUESDAY, Feb. 19, that valuable farm kneen as Mount Pleasant farm, eithated in the Township of Stanley, being Lot 18, Bay, field Ro-d (gravel) North,' containing 161 acres, 140 being cleared and in a high state eet epithet tion, the balence being well and heavily Vaoded with valnable thaberi There %About 8 acres of eery promising fall wheet, lend about 100 acres fall plowing done, ready* fax epring crop. There are two geed frame brims, good stable and large frame house . about 2e acres of orchard oe the choicest grafted fruit trees, and heieg on. the banks a Lake Hiaron, andwithie to frost limit, fruit is an almost sertain crop evt e year, peach- es growing to the greatest perfect Lau . The soil is the vela beet deseription of ie .y loam and an inirably adapted for raising when:. It is most advantageously situated for marete e, churches, • schools, &c., being 21 miles from Hayfield, whew 1 there is one of the , fineet harbors on the lake 6 miles Irina Brucefield, 13 from Seaforth, and 15 from Goderieh, all railway station's. The beenti- fill River ,Bayfie d runs along the Tear, end the magnificent Baytield !gravel road on the front, and the Goshen Line on the east side. There is a limeetone qoarry on the rear. Ie is well watered and well drained, and is altogether one Of the the most desirable and 'valuable farms in West- ern Canada. It was especially merited in the original •survey as being a very elide° farm. This is a rare chance for a gentleman of Means, or for steek breeders. Possession given in time for purchaser to do spring work. Title indispu • eable. The stock and implements een be had at valuation. Sale to commence at 2:30 o'clock P, M. TERMS—The property will be put up at an upset price' of $10,600, with one 'marvel bid. One-third of purebase money down or at time of transfer, less 10 per cent. of poi -abase money being required at time of sale • the balance in seven equal annual payments at' 6 Pet cent., se- cured bePmertgage on the farm. kras. E. CAL- LAWAYi Proprietress. J. P. BRINE, Auction- oer.• 530x2 FOR SALE TR TO LET. FO RENT.—T ho Glasgow Warehouse, Wrox e- d- ter, for one 'or more years. Apply to Mr, • WM. LAURIE, Wroxeter P. 0 , Ont. 528-4 dle of the shoots he' had just cut off, •.1 it in his basket, and -Went home. ciOTTAGE TO LET.—Small New Cottage on ording to one version, thevines were Ord Street, near the Market. Apply to M. P. 630 HANESIISeatorth. 'the moon !" befell him, :s day, con. - as a punish- ea,santry say *ti. the moon TO RENT.—A Wagon Shep open to Rent in a d. good 'stand, on 'easy terms, at Hills Green. A.pply to, JOSEPH ERWIN, Hills Green Post Office. i 621 00M8 TO LET.—Two or three rooms to rent -IA' over -Wilson & young's Store. Poasession at New Years. Apply to Mr. F. HO LMES TED , Seaforth.•• 524 MISCELLANEOUS. spell -bound. 1 {.1s_EED WHEAT.—As I have a friend in Minre Of WO0a On i 1.-3 Rote engaged in ehe grain busineas, I have e_e ear load of 'plod - 011 ht On that ! requested hire tie forward PAZ When.yerhichl I ex- cl by the for- 1 ed No. I., Minnesote S 1 pect here in a few days. a w s mg a change Partiee- 7 h Ms far with ! of seed 'would do well to examine the same. it er who was ' will be eold in quantities to Bait, purchasers, and lity Himself. t" a mOderate price. I have also made %rain°. -emote withtbe ,following parrees to sell it out, r 1101 keepino 0 naanelyr, Mr. D. McLennt an Grain Dealer, Hon- e Sabbath -day holy,Go m 'said he ub st i • all ; Mr. Sper, Grocter, Exeter ; also Messrs. punished . but lie Might choose Thom and Faemer & Co,, Grocters. JA.MES 1 i ether he ti;ould be ba4ished to the LANG, Rodgerville P. O. 530 i • Norman Macleod's sty of " The Starling," as we learn from his me- moirs; was suggested by the following; sent to him by Mr. Peter Mackenzie, a well-known West of Scotnind jeurnal- ist : " Suffer me to give youth° follew- in.g story, which. I heard m Perth up- -wards of 40 years ago : A very rigid clergyman of that city had a very de- cent shoemaker for an elder. who had an extreme liking for birdstof all kindS, *tot a few of which he kept in cages, and they cheered him in his daily 'work. He ta,ught one of them irt particular (a starling) to whistle some of our finest, old Scottish tunes. It happened on a fine Sabbath morning th • starling was iufine feather, and, as the ministertreas passing by, he heard the starling sing- ing with great glee, in his cage outside the door, Ower the water to Charlie.' The worthy minister was so shocked at this on the Sabbath morning, that„'on ItiOnda.y, he insisted We shoemaker • should: either wring the bird's neck ori demit the office of elder. This was a cruel alternative, but the decent shoe- • maker clung to his favexite bird, and prosperel." Out of this simple , inci- • dent Dr. 'Macleod. et-olved. a story of Scottish life, which, for exquisite del lineation of character and pathetic in- cident, has rarely been excelled. The • chaatacters of the devout sergeant and his wife, of jack the ne'er-do-well, and. Rev. Daniel Porteous, are perfect of their kind. • Tit for Tat. He was the manager ot a church fair, and tate morning he walked into the newtpaper office and said: a Want an item this morning ?" "`Of course," replied the editor. Whereupon the: visitor laid the follow- ing note upon the table: " The ladies of the — Street Church will give a festiVal at their vestry hall next Friday eveunig., Literary and musical entertainments will be pro- vided, anu. supperwill be served to all who desire. The holies in charge of ,the affair have much experience in such Matter.i, and are sure to provide a good. • Tho tearniesiOn Will be only fifteen oenta, anal it is certain that no one eau spend that amount to better advautage. Be %tire to go and. take your friends." When the editor haa read it. he “ Oh, I see, an advertisement." " No ; not an advertisement.• We prefer to have it go in the 1661 colamm," replied. the manager. And eeeing that the editor loolJed sceptical, he continued— "it will interest a, great many of your readers, and help a good eause besides, we have spent so much money gettiug up our entertainment, that we th AU9TION. SEAFORTH. A CTI9N GREAT AUCTION SA ---0E-- DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, MANTLES, FA1C4 cOODS, .A.'T I., T -A _att.T'T ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY, THOMAS CO VENTRY ' Has rte/noved his Stook pf BOOTS AND SHOES : TO STARK'S NEW BLOCK, i In the Store Bext to Wan. Robertson & Co.'s 1 Hardware Store, vrhere he will be very happy to , Meet all his old customers and an many new I ones as possible, and all persons wanting to pur- chase Boots or Shoes will find it to their advan- tage to give hire a cell, as he has the Largest t Stock of Boots and Shoed in Seafortb, and is DETERMINED TO SELL- 1 - THE 5TFI 7T11, AND 4.111 OF FEBRUARY ISM to b • 1 I The' re at pricet that must tempt peonle 11Y 1 e as the whole Steak must positively be disposed 3 Of before the First of April, to Teske Tom -for The Immense Spri9zg Stock which No Old Stock. Goods New, Fresh and Seasonable, and I •he has Just Ordered. must be disposed of, win or lose. A D 'SCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT.! Will be allowed on all Purchases over $1 by Private. Sale. P. RINE, Auctioneer. ALLAN ITCAE'LL. Agent for Butteriek's Patterns, Fashion Plates, Delineat rs, &o. • I , 11 -He VORIti. respectfully return thanks to all 1 who have patronized him in the past, and trusts that they may not weary in well dein- 1 YOU CANNOT MISS THE PLACE, i As his Sign of the Big Boot can be seen from any ' part of Main Street. I . • be wlt sun or the moon. The man c os e tter, declaring he w uld rather freeze the mocin than buri in us • the" Besenman e an" came into the m got on his back. Some la in th 231 fa A be inewhat different. ,A peer womanbe- ugh t. " Benner" to gi4 her a little ilk, which he roughly refused to de. hereupon she 'wished he might go to e coldest place in eki.steoce, which is • 11, HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Grndnate of he moon, and he is there visible with ' w •7McGill Univeraity, Physician. Surgeon and is Mille pail. , Accou, heur, Seaforth. 0 . °dee—Rooms in The Man in the moon equently fig- iloetkhlately ocoup d by Dr. Phelan, and es in North Germain 1 nds. Kuhn .tiae-vine o late Dr: King. , Will attend laths a tradition in the ayel country. oarrre bY• yk re too on ruesdays and Fridays: 4 ie Christmas -eve ia peasant felt a eat desire to eat cabbage, and having hnighty set light tO th urns perpetually; in ors arer may not be fro en t altenburg, in the lions, the tale is direekle opposite Beaforth Public Scheele W A. ADAMS, M. late of Lakefield, Ont., TV • Physitian, Surgeon and Accoucheus Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Torente., Member of the Royal College of Play - siciane and Surgeons, Ont. Rinburn. Ont. 485 II . MI Erbil CAL . 1 II the sun, and T G. SCOTT, M.D. &c.,Physitaien, Surgeon and Or " BrOODes " • Ateouchear, Seaforth, Ont. • (Mee and rush On With his ed,03,Rnteoefsi?u,,etsabsyitdeeria(ne otiodreehri.ob Street, find door say that the 1•84F fagot, Etna it u L', VERCOE, M. D., C. Me -Physician, Sur - ler that the J --A- • geon, etc., Coroner for the County. of Huron 6 d. th At Offiee and Residence, on Jarvie atreet north, so se th 1.21 re 0 gr Sunday Amusements in Peru. A letter from Lima, Perreeto the San Francisco Chronicle, describing a Sun- day entertainment at the Plaza de Acho, gives an account of a bull fight and a bull and bear fight, and concludes with the following sketch of a fight be- tweeu a lioness and. four bull 'dogs, an a of an incident not noticed in the pro- aramme • "The cage was now turned, and we saw a large full-g,rown lioness of kereci- ous aspect, while at .the same momeut an attendant appeared leading by a chain four small dogs of thebull specie,s.' They were inimediatoly let into the cage, and with fierce gtowls inaantly sprang On their foe. It would sciern al- most inapossible for four such inSignifi- cant animals to be -victorious in an en- n b h r n 14 s is still undergoing his penalty. At Pad- erborn, in Westphalia, the crime 00111- 1. mitted. Was not theft,, but hindering peo- ple from attending ch ch on Easter day by placing a thorn, bush in the field gate through which they had. to pass. In the neighborheed of Wittingen, the matt is said to be lia ' lied to the moon because he tied. up' Maundy -Thursday ; an. hofen, of having mown li Sunday Different versions are burg, where the man, in lieved to have stolen w morning; while at 1 He phalia, people say he fencing his field on, GL had just poised a bunch fork, when he was at t i , icNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gran pn •. ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, one himself, he slipped into his neigh- t Office and Residence in rear of Ethereal et , or's garden to Mit sOMet list as he Ryan's. Cain prompt') attended to, night or ad. filled his basket, the' Christ Child hiai3ati reetaosooktVbivee.tlleroinrsa:ylicannaemdiitinieladess:0;:on son ode past on his -white horse and Baia, c aud certificates given if required.• 407 Because thou hast stolen on the holy • uess ight, thou shalt immediately sit inthe •jains W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Alter devoting oon with thy basket of Cabbage."' No two Years Ito media -with Profeesor Smith, of Outer said than done, and the criminal Toronto has settled in Senforth. Office at him residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Homes examined as to soundness and certikates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 ,1 • al DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., esd•• Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the hoyal College of Dental • Surgeons of Ontario. Artificial Dente s neatly executed. All .surgical own): hiS brooms on tions' performed with care and proi d d. -at Dolling - 113 meadows on elated in Lim - ire moon is be- Ocl on Easier )5.er, in West - as engaged in ed -Friday, and WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyaacer and Comm -W- oe transported Appr tiser. Accounte and • notes collected ou f 0 Orne pie his. 7 7 ioner. in 13. P..,, Wroxeter. , 'Auetioneei:.161t(ind o the moon. Some ,of the Ilemer peas- yeaeoreable ernie. 1 . . e. ants declare that them on is not only • il. fa. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in nhabited by a man wit -his thorn -bush B• Chancery., &c., Goderich nod Soaforth. M- aud pitchfork, but likew, Se by a, woman Ace, over Jordan's Drug • Stole, Goclerich, and churning. They are huSband and wife, Kaida store; Setifoeth. - 354 Office 'hours Vern 8 A. K. to 5 P. M. Rooms. in Mr. 'Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seafort.h. • 1,117.:11;ek 1 UBLIC ANNOUN10EMNT. HicKsoN & BLEASDELL g leave to retnrn many thanks to their num rous cus- t mers, who bought so liberallr from them during the Heti- . ' days, and would now say that we have heen r ceiving a _ 1 lood many new lines of Goods in place of those sold; out, and some of th m not in our line, and we do riot like to Mention them publiC notice, but they will be sold •ata half price— o come and see them. We will treat ;ou 1 fir dealing. if you require Jewelry, Watc es, Fancy t i i I , was, Toys, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, or anything .I've I eep, and -that is nearly everything. Yours trdly, HICKSON & BLEASDELL, SEAFORTH. BUFFALO ROBES. • EVERY I 1 1 GREAT AIL eleeMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrietets, d-/ ceolicitore in Chancery, &a., Goclerieh, Ont. M. C. Cameree, Q. C., Philip Melt, M. G. Cam- . eron. t 506 and. they beth broke the Sabbath, the • ariALCOSISON & 'WATSON, Barristers, Alter- man by fencing his field, andthe woman •DJ- nays, Solicitors in ,Chs.neery, &e. Clinton, Out. Office—Firet door east of the n'ew Royal by churning her butter, (luring the hours of divine serviee. caneaien Think building. Money to loan 'Allmon S. .1AEcONsoN. • 404 o . A. WATSON Grab Her! Grp,b Her! - I property. A. good Story, is correiii which has the a,dditional Merit of being strictlYtrue, at least Bel It is said. It seems that Milesien 'gentleman of somewhat advanced. age has a son, who recently went to his ceeded.to inform him t te commit matrimony. the - announcement thesoicl gentleman said: ; . a a a ." Well my son, to, • wliOna?" " Miss Jane So ancll "0," replied: the son„ no:Ming her. counter with att euormors lion, but the - " Do you- love her? was the next retult showed how mete 'brute force ttlier and pro - _nit he proposed On. receiving enquiry, to trhich a satisfactory answer fans a' prey to cunning s !ratagem. The was given. -audience were new worked up to a fever "Is she a nice girl'?" pitch of excitement, old hundreds "Yee, as nice a girl as- there is in ntat ) - a sHamilton." • sprangiotherenaobtaindo- ; Iii.e1V of the combat. The seldiers "Well, my, sou, hOW are vou canna - a r' were now ordered to chi= the arena, to support her? Has sI1e any motley?" and charged'with fixed bayonets 'on the " -Yes, she has t,11,500 that I know of."' • • croWdi tvouncling- set-eral in their 'efforts T hell," the old man., rising to force them back. TMs so infuriated from his beat, and. catc 1 g 3.0 o s t nisfapitelS were son; ae ec out. Jra11 thembthakeS.ls • drawn, and a fierce tencounter took gab her. Don't wait .t place betweeu the military and the rab_ consent. -n•A. McLEOD, Licensed Auctioneer. - Any ' w4din ect ble, resulting in the kiliing of many of Inasinuch as the we , t. 11 „ came off a -I-J. ono requiring his services as Auctioneer will the former. The soldiers were first couple of days a.go ; we ifiSsuine that the find 'aim at his residence, Mein S le eat, near Mr. Ord.erea. 10 fire into ti e air, but this son fellowed the father's advice and A. Gray's Planing Mill, Seeforth. - 524 cCA.UOILEY 110LMESTEI), Barreetere, At. bombe -a at 'Law, Solicitors in Chaneery and - insolvency, e;oteries Public arid Cenvoyancei dolicitere tad the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agentsfor the Can edit if e Assurance Company, B.—ee10,000 to loud at 8 per cent. Farms Remote end Lots for sale. 53 A.RROW, MEYER & RADENHURST, Barris- ` -d tent, Attoroeyeatt-Law, Solicitore in Chnne.eay, &c. Private funds to loan at a low rate of iutor- est, and en ,terms to suit borrowers. 011)ces— Goderich and Winghsen. ()thee in Laugdale's opposito-Scott's Bank. , J• T. GARROW. I. NV. G. MEYER. - W. J. ItALENHrRsT. 474 W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Consolida Led Bank of Canada, Wingham. I)DENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Atterucy t at Law, Solicitors in °hammy and Insolvency, Convoyfrecera, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea. forthanti Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to invest a t once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable Y eari1,... n . BE . NSON. B.W.B W C. WEYER. ae. The above firm has till day been disaolved by -ntutual consent. All ateouets due the firm to be paid to yr. Benson -who will Pay all ilabil- itiies JAMES 11. BENSols.l. H. W.. C. MEYER. her, my" son, Nov. 27, 1876. o ask anybod.y's proving futile a volley s -as poured iuto "grabbed." her. the mob, killing severaland. wounding others. The crowd, t ireatenina dire vengeance, retreated, lef vina the pace clear, and thus giving ti e spectators an extra performance not c own in the bill, and which appeared to be heartily en- joyed by them: "-Duriog the exciten ent caused by the collision •between he soldiers and the mob, the fight betw en the lion and the dogs hacl ended in he latter being Grand -Trunk Raiiwa y. Trains leave Sealorth and Clinton Statione follows : G02.1i0 WEST— SEA-PC/En-3. Exprese Express 2:25 P. M. 8:58 P. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. Goren EAST— SEAFOLTII. Mixed Train7:52 A. 31, Expiess Train1:15 P. M.; Mixed Train. 5:00 P. 31 0 Mixed Tram.... 10:35 A.. 41, •T P. BRINE, Licene,a1 Anctioneer for the " • County of Huron. Salee attended in all arts of the County. All orders leftnt the Ex - as osrron Office will be promptly attended to. CLDITON. • 2:45 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 10:00 A. M. 0HABLEs g meTtES; Provincial Land NeeSur- veyor, Wingham. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Branch office, Clinton. c. v. MILES. .485 • T. S. GORE. CLINTON. THE SE1F0RTH PUMP FACTORY. — N. 7:27 A.. Ma Clhff, successor to J. R. Williams, manatee - 12:50 P. M. hirer of Pumps and Cisteins. All work warranted 4:25 P 11 to give satisfaction. Fectory on North Main St., 10:00 &. 31. sea4t)rth. ' •500 soae • ALL OLD ACCOUNTS MUT 13 Patio UP AN ON dE, WITROUT FAIL. ' THOMAS COVENTRY, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THE PLACE WHERE YOU CAN - GET TEEM. I GI- .A211 ? Why, the Most Stylish, and Substan- , tially Built Rigs in the.County. BUFFALO R6BS. , LINED AND UNLINiD. ONE SHOULDSEE T.HOSE BUFFALO ROBES BOUGHT BY OUR MR. McMULKIN AT THE LATEI • ALES IN TORONTO AND MONTREAL. THEY WILL BE SOLD SS .THAN HALF THE US' Al PRICES - 1 WLVE BALES TO CHOOS FROM, L. BEAl"FY do., Seaforth. .1, I L L NI A N & 00. Have now Facilities for Manufacturing CARRIAGES, • CUTTERS AND SL,EIGHS The Superior of whioh cannot he got from' any Whop is the Country. 1- BEING PRACTICAL They thoroughly understand their bug -miss and personally superintend the work in each depart - anent of their business, and consequently there is i o fihakeamaterial used in their vehiclesand " slop work" is unknown in their establishIent. A Pew of those .Nobby Portlamds • and Conljortable Swell Body Cut- • ters still on hand, which will be • sold very cheap. CP1:? IlaS NEW. BLOCK MR. IA CARMW .. I IN ItiTilINING THANKS TO THE INHABITOTS SURROUNDING VICINITY, BEGS TO REMIN I EAFQRTH. F SEAFORTH, AND THEM THAT HE HAS, MOVED BACK AGAIN INTO HIS OLD STAND,1 41N -ST. Lately occapied by him for so many years past, now knownl, as Oardnoti Block, evlhere he ' I I will keep coastantly ore hand 1 Fresh Canned Fruits of Every Description, CHOICE PASTRY OF THE SEASON. ALSC4 A CHOICE LOT OF FRESH GROCERIES, &c. - CAKES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 11%),IADE TO ORDER, rYSTERS ARRIVE DAILY IN BULK AND, CAN. GIVE HMI A CALL, A. CAADNp, Seafortb. , Repairing of ell kiwis promptly and neatly exe- cuted. Remember the Seal;rth Carriage Works, East of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, PILLMAN & Co. EGd The subscriber hereby thanks hit, numereue customers(rnerchants and °there) for .their patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, bretriet integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their tonfidence and trade in 'the future. THE CISCOUNT SALE OF 15 PER CENT. ON WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND S1LYER-PLATED WARE, • WILL BE CONTINUED THIS MONTH AT M. R. COTMTTER'S JEWELRY ST RE, SEAFORTH. Having greatly onledged hie premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantitv Of good freeh eggs, delivered ut the A Lot of Fancy GOOdS, left over from th Holidays, will be sold at Net Cost, such as Combs, Brushes, W rk Boxes, Albums Vases, Toilet Sets! tte. • • PersOnal Attention. Paid to the Repairing cf Watebes, Clocks, and Jewelry. 6atisfact1on -Guaranteed. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. R. COUNT R, SEAFORTH. EGGsEMPORIUM, Main Street, Seafottele. . Wanted by the tiebseriner tee . folio of gooddry STLo W. CAMPBELL'S • BLOCkSEAFORTH. MISS LEECH F.1 aviNa leased the handsome and coinneodf- " ons newstore in Onmpbell's -Block, Main Street, begs to inforan the public that her New L°11NER' Ns itoTeLt Y ANT) FANCY GOODS Is very complete in el erv department. 111 the Latest Style of Goods tilways on hand. Hair Dressing, Stamping, and Ostrich Feathers clean- ed. A call is. reapectfully solicited, and satisfac- tion in every article guaranteed. MISS LEECH. N. B.—Apprentices Wanted. • 525 AUCTION ROOMS. SAMUEL STARK H -AS Removed to his tew Belek Block, where he intends for tho faun to keep his Auction Booms, and has procured his license as Auction, eer lor bhat purpose. OTICE OF SAL ES WILL BE GIVEN AT THE AUCTION ROOMS. Deposits will be paid, if required, on Stock sent to be sold. Town Lots for Satin. - All amounts due for former business of Shoe- making meet be paid at once. Converjancing, &c., will be attended to when •required. 521 SAMUEL STARE, Seaforth. SAWLOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEM AN & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Mao a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops, Cstratom Sayville: attended to preraptlye and as cheap as at way other =ill. Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always 011 hand, and at the very owest market piiccs. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAN. & GOULNLOCK, 417 Sectforth THE SEAFORTH BOILER WORKS YOUNG at_ LAHEY • ABE Peepered to take. Orders for Boilers, d -d.• Smoke Stacks, Stith:, Tanks, and 13beet IrOn Work of all desmaptioote Repairs done on the Shorteet Notice, awl 11.t. the Lowest Possible Prices. • • YOUNG & LAHEY, 52343. •Seaferta, cut. THE SEAFORTH LIMY STABLES. CARNOCHAN & 'ABELL, PROPRIETORS. O13TICE end Stables On Market Street, Second door from Main. Neat, Stylish Cerriagee and Buggies, and Good Reliable Horses elver; on hand. Orders left at the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, or se the office will be promptly attended to. 60