HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-08, Page 2,
CLUPTER V—Contimied.
To a, girl more suspicious orless trust -
.fill. than Zeph. Gartington the actions of
her lover migh.t Ilene suggested many
erave doubts. They met always in se-
eret. He shunned her home and. her
father. It was understood-, she tholght
that, for a, while, and for afoanily rea-
sons," nobody should know what inti-
rreate.friends they had. become; all the
truth we. follow presently, and. when,
Dudley gave the signal to let in the
brightness of her life upon the misty land
wherein she stood. with him,. He did
not talk of the futurein this way ; ort the
contrary, he carefully avoidedtany allu-
sion to it now; b It Zeph read it.for hee=
self, and thought s e Seen the end very
dearly. She was . fraid of his family
a.nd his frieude ; s knew they would
look down upon her always, and think
the worst of tier that they could; a,ud
there was romeame in all this secrecy
and. mystery, and she, poor' child, tvas
very young. This man was her first
love, and he had oo . e from a world of
whieh she kliew no him,. She would
keep the secret for is sale ; he surely
knew what wee beet, and she was cer-
tain that he was -very fond of her. If he
MO been "'share -ming," she would have
Itnown it in an instant,as a Woman gen-
erally knows the true from the false in
matters of this kind. and the very
strength of hie love f,n7 her added to the
force of the delusion wh4ili deceivedher.
His fitslef sadness were even in his fa-
vor, for in her presence there game stern
feelings of reraorse,which only her smiles
eould ehase away. If he were dull, he
had been Worried by his faartily, she
thought ; som.ebody hati been trying to
persuade bine to an expedition that
would: separate them for a tirae ; some-
body utha seen them together, perhaps,
and had been too cmeous with Ms ques-
tiona. .
Some one -Old. ceme face to face :with
them at last They were strolliughome
together from theatre, where he took her
very often, for his own distraction's sake
now more than feller amusement, when
they came- face te face with Frank
Araoore. The young _man looked. from
Dudley to Zeph, nodded to his friend.,
looked keenly at Zeph, _again, and pass-
,, ed on.
" Who is that ?' ehe asked,
a A friend of mine." ,
" I have seen him sometvhere," said.
Zeph. " -Why, he came to• the Grandi-
son with you the first night We over
a ,
• met r' ,
• " Yes, that's right, Zeph. What a
memory you have !" .
Frank Arnoore proved that lie had a
' good. memory also -one of those mem-
ories whieh are extremely objectionable
`totather folks attintes. Dudley found.
him at the gate of Clement's Inn, wait-
ing for him, later on in the night.
" Frank 1" he exclainaed, " what are
you d.oing here?"
"'Waiting for troll," was the grave an-
" Is anythiug the matter ?"
" I have been to the 13 areblades."
t Geraldine is not ill?"
" No. But she expected you this
evening. You promised to be there!?
" I only half promised."
" Is it too late to ihave a talk with an
_ old friend in his rocim to -night ?" asked
Frank, seriously. .
" Oh, no, answered Dudley, " if there
is anything of importance to Communi-
" Well, 1 thiok there is."
"Come in then."
A FnInelts'S °VI -Neon.
• Duelle,v Grey guessed pretty cerrectly
What had kept Frank Amoore lingering
at the gates of the inn till Ins return.
laiew the lecture that was in store
for him, and how Frank Amoore would.
negard the position. He had lectured
Freak iu his day, preferred him wifie
courted, talked a hemp of worldly wis-
dom to him, and aow it was the younger
man's tutu.
Dudley, however, Wit% nuprepared for
the quick dash at the subject When. they
were face to face in his chambers, for the
excitement of Amoere, for the honest
but hard plain-spealdag which escaped
"Dudley, I did not think until to-
night," he mid, that you were the
'man to load a woman to ruin."
Dudley turned redethen ttay white.
"Neither am I," was his answer.
" If you have not gone to th-e bad, or
draaged that poor girl to the bad, you
rasa he cloae On the brink,"said Frauk;
a and Ita sorry to think this of you
after all the. yeare of our acquaint-
a You aro a true moralist," anewered
Braley. mockingiy ; yon allow noth-
ing for extenuating circumstances, for
the romance of the position, for a man
seeking aliange or distraction out of the
narrow groove to which society confuses
him. You aro hard ou me, Frank, you
should have known me better."
" I dou't seem ta ha,ve known von at
all," said Frauk, doubtingly. etours-is
a character far beyond my comPrehen-
"I have dime no llama's
a Yes you have.-
Dadle:sr did net reliehtlie friends:1 per:
eistency. waa eteeeding the limits of
the friendehip which existed between
them. Prams Amoore tett a view of
the position. ateielt. it was not poseiale
he could comprehend, and -acted and.
spoke upon the suppoeitions he had him-
self created. Dodiey was in no mood to
continue the areiumen E. He was slowly
hut surely feeline himself aggrieved;
all the more suref'y because lte was can-
scioas in his heaat (If the weakness of
his !Own defense.
" Shall we diemiss the subject ?" he
said, coolly. a Will you allow me to
have my (pinion this matter as well
as yourself r
Prank Amooro regarded. him earnest-
ly, Here wee a friend, drifting rapidly
away from the proprieties, and he had
no power to save him after all.
"I should have been. glad to talk thit
over with yell," said, " to tell You
about the Baxeblades, and what _they
say and think of you ; but you axe irrit-
table to niutlt„ and not yourself."
" No, I aen not myself,'" said. Dudley
moodily almost despairingly, " aud I
never Shell be aeain."
"My dear Duley, it is not too late?
say it is not," cried Frank.
"I don't say it is too late," he =-
Wooed, 4 far I hose dorm no harm to
. the girl, Heaven knows. I have found
her a pleasant companion and a dear
friend, and I have respeetedher always.
Rut I am not happy with her, and. I
wae the re -
can't be happywithout -her," he added
with a burst of passion that broke down
all the eelf-restraint avhich he had en-
deavored to exhibit.
"You don't mean to tell me you are
in love With the girl?" 'cried Frank, in
his amazement.
" I am, by God!" cried. Daley Grey.
He got up and -walked about the room
like a wild beast iu Ms den. Here was
some one to confess the whole grim
truth to at last, and with no fear of the
world -Which would judge him more
harshly than he deserved.
"Dudley," said. Ms friend, "I am no
saint ; I don't look at this affair from
the mountain. tbp of my. own self-right-
eousness, and. I am sure you wooldhave
been foolish rather than wicked. I
should not have thought too much of a
flirtation of this ohexaoter, dan serous as
it may be, only-"
" Only what ?"
." Only there is your -
Geraldine.'' 1-
L" Yes, I know," answered Dudley,
there is the misery of it all!"
" You; ea,n't love both the 'women."
" Upon my soul, I think I do, after
their fashions," said Dudley with ahead
laugh at his own confession.
k‘ No, it must be either Geraldine or
the shop girl," said the other thought-
fully, and as you are engaged. solemnly
to the one, anti cannot under any possi-
bility marry the Other, why, the sooner
you say farewell to the shop girl the
a Yes, it is wise advice," Dudley TS -
plied sorrowfully, and if it was not
breaking a. girl's heart it might be
"Will you tell me what yon mean to
ao r
engagement to
" I don't know," answered Dudiey,
" Be a man. Be the Dildley Grey
whom I have always known,t said the
other, seizing his advantage ; save
yourself, and save the girl."
" Yes, I am going te do that, but--" •
" But what ?"
" But I must_ have -time. I can't
dash at her with a sledge hammer and
crush every hope in her heart at one
blow. , win not do that !" cried Dud. -
a You do not . think' qf Geraldine in
this matter," said. Frank-" how she
feels your absence, and becomes sus-
picious, jealous even, of the- 'excuses
which you are continually making to
keep away from het."
" She•can't suspeet anything."
She is unhappy, Dudley. Yooliage
been engaged 'to' each other for so long
a time. Only think what you are doing,"
added Frank ; " hew badly you are be-
having to both women."
a Yes, that's truat replied his friend ;
" haven't much of a defence to urge,
arid you are so clearly en the right side
of the argument that I will not trouble
you. with my answer. I can only say
• again I have done no harna." •
- " But harm. mutt come, unless," he
said, bluntly, " you drop it."
"ril drop it," said Dudley ;• I had
made up my mind before you epoke to
Then the two men shook hands th
strength of Dudley's promise, and se
the subject aside for that night at least.
They draalt glasS of grog together
smoked a clear, and parted the best o
friends, altaugh the topic which migh
have -wrecked the confidence aad faith
of these old. school fellows had been dis
cussed with some heat. When Frani
Amoereltads gone .to the hospital
Dudley thought it all over again in the
solitude of his craiet chamblits, and
sketched out a, feeb-le little plan or twc
for the general peace -of mind of every
body, svithout tsuy groat satisfaetien tc
Was it too late ? Had he gone too fax
and was there never to follow happineFe-
main ? He was afraid of Zeph--he did
not see his way to eonfess to that faith
fulelittle NVOMO.D. that he had been
scamp from the first, and engaged to he'
married te another wheu he was profes
sing his great affection for her- Not,
professing Emilie was really and deeplt
in love, he was aseured., and hende
had beliovpa thua trusted in him ;
This was her reward -to be cast off aS
a something no longer worthy of Ms no
face; to sink back to her own peer sphere
with a heart full of bitterness agains
such men as he ; to become desperate
or go wroug, perhapa, out of revenge apex
herself as many wome•n lia,c1.1 be .
fore poor Zeph's clay. He fel
alieady that she was not the,
eirl to treat the matter lig,litlyto get
over it with a few hyaterical tears and
shrug of her shoulders over it all: He
had. not been frank with her ; he hat
oever let her see ono glimpse of a trutl
which. might have put her on her guard.
or separatedher from him. There wee
the pity of it and thecruelty and. slitanu
of it, and his coufession was to come
Come it must, lie knew now -there wae
no help for it. It would be one sharp
wrench, and then all over for good-fof
very good., thank Heaven!
and happy so intoxicate& by the danger-
ous atmesphere in which every breath
was-dtawni that -he cotild not tell her
that night. He would tell ker next time
they met he thought; he would write to
her the truth ; he -would do any -thing
but o-wn his folly then, . •
It was a mistaken kindn
last chance slipped by_him.
CHAPTER .1131.
Some foor ot five days alter Dudley
Gray's last meeting with *eph Carring-
tona-his last tim of 'i keeping company
with her," as Ze Phrased it -and be-
fore the opportunity ...litho presented it-
self to meet her again! the barrister was
disturbed and surprised one afternoon
Ityawo visitorato his tooms:
They came into Clement's Inn, and
up the common stairase of the house
in which he lodged, and startled him at
his desk by a sole derous dab
with the knocker o
opened. the door, a,' nd
meteconnecting them
case, which :he had been studying of
late days, uatilithe cbuscioasness that
be was familiar wit the features of f
'the younger man da
upon him.
" You. know me
said Ben, nodding hi
but maintaining his
see you know me jus
yeu. . , .
"-Yes, I remembe • yen," answered.
D-udley ; then he loo
companion -a short,
great gray whiskers;
unkempt fashion fro
ley knew who he w
fact was Made appar
his face was hard an
ZePh's altogether.
fabtory dress and h
from his work to con
keine. Yes, Dudley
and with what objec
" This is Zeph's fa,
way of introduction.
• " Indeed;" respell
ss, ana
tside. He rose,
stared at the two
with n old. '
What life woidd be for a -while With
out Zeph ho did. not clearly perceive
and he did not- care to consider. He
hardly knew himself how d.ciperate
hold. his passion had ou him. He cool(
not bear to this Lk- of her:beginning life
afresh without him, of meeting her iu
more at the corner of the street where
ia her piece of bueiuess was, .of secine
face grow radiaait at the sight of his
and at the consciousness that he wa,
there again to take her into the brigh
world beyond the four walls of her work
room. He tried hard to think of Gee
aline de Courcey instead, and of hi
teledgb to her; of her love, andhishonoi ,
or the little semblauce of honor that
was left ia him. He knew he aia not
love Geraldine now. But he did n
think of giving her up, of telling her th
whole truth of his infatuation, and as
ing her that liberty which her wounde
pride would assuredly be willing to a
cord. He was as aelfish as most mei ,
possibly. He could bear the pain f
separation from the woman he love I
better than the ridicule which Would
hurled tet him and. the object of h
choice. It was a stern sacrifice for
to give up Zeplabut he would. rather h s
heart bleed than his friends should
la,ugh at him. Burke was right whe
he said there was only one passion
vanity !
Yes, Dudley Grey was very Wee&
one of those weak bellies with which t
world is overstockedinTfortunately.
was far weaker than he kuew, for mee
ing Zeph Carrington an evening or
later on, then. he was full of the wi
intention. of telling her the truth, a
*sing her forgiveness for his duplicit
he hesitated once more and put off 0 e
day of his confession. She was so brig ,t
. •
'sled uppleasantly
gain, Mr."- Grey/'
head toward him,
tolid aspect.
as. as I know
sedlhard at Ben's
hick -set Man with
anging in ratnred,
his cheeks. t
a also before the
nt to him , althou gh
rugged and ualike
he man was in Ms
d Stolen an hour
ult our hero in his
ew who. he was,
he hail come.
her," said. Ben,lby
ed Diidley, some-
what hoarsely. " W'll you step inside ?
I hope," he added
has happened of a,
bring you here. Mi
is well t?"
" Something /the
Carrington, in reply
followed Dudley int
shouldn't have troubled you in this way,
and without a. warning like."
" Sit down," said Dudley, " don't hur-
ry -take your time."
He did not wish to be hurried. himself;
it Was he who wanted time to consider
td prepare for the °it
to hint at last, and
Pelted to meet. He
his guard., and not
any rash expression
father, with rZeph's
neds to everytword h
even a little r in.dign
had been led into a
fait warning until t
look of Mr, Carringt
of rage in him, and c
It was u troubled.
glanced askance, an
sion, that, it was
took 'strength with e
_" I haven't mach
don't want to take t
said Mr. Cartington,
in my mini, sir, thud
you. can set things s
says they ain't."
"Kole they ain!t
sullen chorus. "I
him mean when th
girls as Zeph. We
ends ; we're not blin
Dudley drew a, lo
" Will you tell m
ed ?" he said. to the
" nothing
y consequeece to
s Carrington -she
a.ppened," said Mr
and. he and Ben
the room, " or I
sie which had. come
hich he was comt
felt he must be o
oramit himself b
9r prontise to tho
ld lover for a wit-
utteted. He felt
nt, as though he
trap, and. without
e painful puzzle
n subdued atl sens
anged. it into fear.
face at which. he
the first impress
ushed with drink,
ery minute of the
ime to spare, fold
o much of your'n,"
"'but I'm uneasy
a Word. or two fromi
might again. Ben
" adted Ben, "
now what men like
y come after eucl'
all know how tha
1, any of us."
g breath.
evhat hag happen.,
" Yes, I will. Z.ep has got the sack,
replied Mr. Carring
- " Discharged. fron
exclatmed. Dudley.
" And through yo
est part of it, Mr.
‘' Through. you."
" I can not see h
means of-"
" Oh, it'd easy tol
Caxiington ; " they
bashiess, she waso't
they put it, mind.
, went about with
you! -to all kinds
ing home at all ho
myself, having to s.
they told. her -God
do you think they
fotth the father.
" " You need not a
ley "I can geess
would say to a
But they are in th
her emploYment 1"
VARM FOR SALZ,-For Sale, Lot 19, Con. 4,
1: Morrie, containieg 100 acres, over 70 of whir%
are cleared and in a geed state of cultivation.
There are good buildtngs. Is within four miles of
meet :ran Apply to ROliT. HAYS, ISeaforth. 528
V011 SALE. -The subsenter hale for sale a 50
4.-iterr tot In the township of 111cit'illop, County of
Huron, 20 aeree are cleared and the balance well
tiinbered with beech said maple. The property
will be sold cheap.. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517
Li Sale or Lease, tn the thriving village of Hen -
s:114 a Large Store and Dwelling' in connection.
Immediate possesision can be had. For: furt52h6e:
articular& apply to the undersigned. WILLIAM
0011E, Hansen P. 0.
,That's.the hard
rey;"ersid. the fathet
w 'have been the'
. ;
," interrupted. Mr;
found out at her
aoina on well -so
etti-and that she
f a,museneent corni
rs -which I know
t up for her, and
dtemu 'ena 1 -a -what.
old her ?" - bliirted.
peat it," said Dud;
what unjust folks
efenseless woman;
in the wrong, I giv4 you my word. Of
" I den% want it " said Mr.. earring -
ton, shaking his head to and fro in em-
phatic protest. " I don't want anybody
to tell mo my gal isett. abed un. I knotfr
in all London there isnif any one with
less vice in her than Zeph.. Thatti
iiot it."
Dudley -GreY. ku
toe; it was pot the
the motive which
father to his room.
• (l'o be Continued.)
w that was not itt
depth and extent ef
ad: brought Zephte
A Lesson Hospitality.
Lieutenant-Coloi el Baker, in nis re-
cent -work On Turk says that heenet
several Circassian hiefs in private lif
and.' found them ple sant fellows, thoug
much given tothieviuge- One of theni,
on calling on Mr -Brophy, the British
vice-consul, On bone invited for tea,
formed an irresis
the:teapot which
ver, but really of
ter soundiug its pr
he observed to the
laws of true hospi
mired anything. as
that glittering tea -
it as a free gift.
1.-4-neR1/1 FOR SALE. -Fifty acres of land for sale
! L. in Ifeltillop, being north half of Lot 21, Con.
12; log dwelling, frame , barn 52x30, and frame
steble 30x15, and other out,builclin,gii of loge three-
querters of en acre of orchard. Apply' to A.
STRONG, Land Agent, SeatUrth. 527
FOR two storey fame house and out-
buildings, eituated on the Market Square of
Seaforth, for. tittle or to rept. The builtling,is very
suitable for a boarding house or a public business.
For pm-biotin:se applyjk'to W. N. WATSON, Sea -
forth, or to DANIEL ORDON, Goderich. 493
A GOOD CHANCE. -$1,500 will buy 150 acres
A.-1- of good land in the Town&hip of Keppel,
Couuty of Grey. Bush land, all hardvrood, and
withintwo miles of a flourishing village. It might
be exehangedafor a, s -moll farm in • McKillop, Tuck-
ersmith, or Hullett. Apply' to A. ST RONG,Land
VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 5,15B15ay-
Agent, &aortae
-12 field Concession, Goderieli Township, con-
taining 85 acree, 50 of which axe 'deleted and in a
good state of eultivation. The farm is adjoining
the village of Bayfield, and *ill be sold. cheap and.
ou. favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor,
le attachment Ler
as apparently of sil-
ritannia Af-
ises for aome time,
owner that by the
ality a guest who ad-
ucli as he admired
ett ought to receive
hen with. a jocular
air he wrapped it tip in a handkerchief
and put it in Ms great coat pocket,
smiling, and saying, as' ' though he
meant it, that the tett-pot belonged to
him. in virtue of Ms excessive admira-
tion for it, until at
joke to its final
with the object of
lag that nothing s
to part svith it. -
Circassion, who, t
honest, was not a( ;mean or ung,rateful
man, furnished C lonel Baker with a
good horse, for svhleh it was stipulat d
beforeha,nd that t e Englishman, wit
tint asking questio s • and -without b
gaining, should pa the precise sum of
sit pounds ten s ngs.
FARE. CIEANCE.-For Sale, that largo and
v commodious residence,lcontaaning 10 rooms,
with good well arid outbuildings, also 100 feet
frontage, lying on the South. side of the Huron
Road, third door east cif the Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth. For further information apply to the
Proprietor. ' A. G. AULT, Seaforth. 527
Fer Sale, a pleasant Country residence -suitable
for a retired fanner, about two miles from 'Sea -
forth, on the Boxbdrough Road. sTwo acres of
land with dwelling house and barn, and a splendid
orchard and good water. APply to ALF,X. LON-Ea
on the premises, or to A.. STRONG, Seaforth.530x4
te.A.R3I FOR. SALE. -A splendid farm, being Lot
L 22, Ccin: 6, Turnberry, 90 aeres, 70 acrea cleared,
well fenced, and in a good etate of cultivation,
balance hardwood. Well watered, good frame
house and barn, and half a mile from Wroxeter on
goodgravel road. Apply to the proprietor on the
premises, CHARLES MeTAVISH, Wroxoter Post
Office. 517x18
rilOR SALE. -For Sale, cheap, the west half of
the north half of Lot 9, Bauble Line, Stanleye
containing 57 acres, 40 ef which are cleared, aud
'the balance well timbered. It within 3 miles of
Rae -dela. There is a neyer stream of water -
leonine through the place. This property must
be soleet onee. Apply to SCOTT BROTHERS,
Sertfoeth. , - 520
lilA1111 FOR SALE. -A. ye! y superior farm. fur
sale iu Stanley, Comity of Huron, being west
half of Lot 28, Con. 11, eoutaining 81 acres ; lira -
class soil and well watered; frame barn and
stable comfortable -dwelling house, large orchard ;
2k miles from Reynold; price, , $4,500; apply to
die proprietor ou the, premises or to • JOHN
ESSON, Baylield. 5-60
(7 -AMIABLE FARM ,F011, SALE. --For Sale,
1' the east half of Let -No. 4, Con. 4, II. 11. S.,
Team -smith, County of Huron, consisting` of 50
acres, 34 miles from the Town of Seriforth, and
convenient to schooh The lend is of the very
best quality. For further perticulaxs apply to
JAMBS PICKARD, opposite the premiees, or to
Egniondville P. 0. I 524
1.-4`ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, 60 acres of Lend,
-L. being west half of Lot 9, Con. 8, Tuckersmith,
Huron Road Sureey with frame barn 36x57, stone
basement; log dwelling ; all well underdrained;
40 sores doer of stumps ; orehaxd; young. and
bearing; 80 rods from a guod sehool. Possession
g Oiven at any thne. Apply to A. STR NG, Land
• pa
Agent, .Seaforth..
T_TOTEL. FOR SALE. -For Sale, the Hotel pro -
•L -1- perty in Sea,forth at present occepied by
Robert Hays. It is conVeniently situated for
business, and has a large and profitable trade.
The house is new suit yery commodious, with good
new stables in connection. Possession given at
any time. Apply to the proprietor en the premises
or to Seaforth P. 0. 40BE1tT HAYS. 628
. --
WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale; Lot 14, Con. 7,
1-- Hullett, containing 100 acres, 80 of -which are
eleared and free from seutims. There is a frame
dwellin holise with stone cellaruncloreeath, also
frame barn and stable. Plenty of good water and
a email orchard.- Is within nix -and -a -half- Miles
of Clinton. and about 9 miles froni Settforth.. Ap-
- ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seatorth. 598
-L Sale, Lot 28, Con. 3, L. la S., Tu.ekersmith,
conteining 100 aeres about 80 cleared, the balance
hardwood timber. 'Lame brick • house and good
frame outbuildings mi. excelleht orchard of the
ehoicest fruite ; is Well watered. Is situated 5
miles from Setiferth and 11 miles from Brucelleld
anthill. For terms apply by lettee to E. NICOL,
_ Grocer, Wingham. 518 '
. t. .
VARM FOR SALE.r.-For eale lot No. 27, and
-1-' half of 26, and half of 28, on the Fourth Con-
cession, London Road. Survey, Tuck-ersmith, con-
tain 200 times. The farm will be sold as a whole
or in two .parts to suit purchaser. First-class out
buildins, good. orcherd, plenty of water, . and
-within four miles of Seatorth and three of 13ruce-
field stations. Apply on th'e premises, or to A,
STRONG, Land Agent, Seeforth. 508-4x
last, carrying out the
its, he disappeared.
Ms affection, declar-
ould induce him ever
eon- afterwards this
ough. somewhat dit-
, .
Not by Auction Sale, in the moment of excitercent where they
have no chance_ fo examine the) Goods and when theY- are most
likely to buy what they do not require, but bV
• ee
ipROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, that nee,
-1- venieut and desirable reaidence on the corner
of High and Market Streets, hitelf occupied by
Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR. VERCOE- 488
-I/ AI'. annUil3t 11L,ECoPn.A4B8,1111.72.11S.,STULEckesrs-niii?°trh,tenale:
taining3.00 acres, 90 of which are cleared aud tit
state of good. cultiyetion, beingwellunderdrainek
the balance isgood hardwood hush Good steno
house; framebarn and stables ; well watered, and
good bearing -orchard. Is situated about 5 millet
from Seaforth. bald Brueefield, and Si frorallipeen.
School close by, and all other e oievenienees. For
further partioulers apply to DAVLD MOORE, se
iTtbeALereuinABisoris,EorLo E:myonodlitvillsAeLPE. 0...ivortZ-4e6tht.1
. .
-V--- -..-C-0.-s-t-h7.1f-0 ; -11-.1-01t —97C0110CSSi011 3, Melrillop,
containing 50 acres, known as the Daigle estate. '
Thr fltren is eituated -within one mile and a quar-
ter of Seaforth. The land ie of the choicestqualitn
There is a handisoine residence, and good out-
builahrs. The finen is -well plantedwith fruit ana.
ornam eital trees, is in excellen; order, and veil
fenced; It is admieably shited for a retired gese .
the Goods they want. and at such LOW PRICES that will
astonish everyone.
Where they can with a deliberate and careful decision choose
N 9N F:AR91., inFialtertlAcoLntita,rlinogr 1Suatief:eLr:st, 9N0o.02f9v, ticint
'bricik root house and. a splendid brick -dwelling
good! orchard and. well -watered. There are le
tIrssitionsdleasnsdcsultatibviaetronb. y i'(13,b,r1:dieritaY61:4Qgeas'sh:11/21pixYv4nOilael
house, and all Other necessary outbuildings. A
edgy. Apply to the propueter on the premises erte
aeree of fall 'wheat,. and about 50 times fall plow-
tleman, a dairy -nem, or market gardener. Tenho
axe cleared, free of stumps, well fenced endan
Sersforth P. 0. E. TESK1, Proprietor. een
ed. Tbis is oue of the most desirable beans in
tgolisth:epertokIparieTor9oonutnitieryp. remises, or to Epees&
vile P. 0. GEORGE BALE. 524
PI,OFFM.A.1\T E3R/Ori11-1R,
Footle Doors outh of I
the- Post
• 1
pROPERTY FOlt -SALE.-For Sale, Lot No. 1.4;
Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 16 acres cleareda-an
excellent lot. West half of north half of Let No.
29, Con. 6, Morris, adjoining the Village of _Brus-
sels, 50 ages, 33 notes clenxed, cheese factory and
machinery complete thereon. Four lames and
lots, and. a large number of vatent lots in Brussels,
all the property of the undersigned. Also a num-
ber of improved farms, the property of other par-
ties. JOHN LECKIE. Brusecla.
• , thee pleasantly [Ma desirable resi-
dence, the Property of 'Mr. Wm. Robertson. The
property is on Goderich Street, its Adams' sarvey.
The bean contaius 'sittin,g-room, dining-rooni,
kitchen, end 5 'bed -rooms, With pantriee, elosets,
wood -shed, it,nd all other conveniences. Also herd
end soft water undee cover. The house is new
end well finished. The lot contrails One-fifth of an
acre. Apply to the neoprietor on the premises.
A GOOD FARAI.-A.Faxm fur Sale of 152 acres,
A -I" being Lot 2, Con. 2, Turuberry. The faun is
2 miles smith of Wroxoter and '7 north of Brussels,
the gravel road running through it. -About 60
acres cleared, 40 mires of good beech and maple
bash, and 15 acres of hemlock and soft ren.ple
mixed, the baleuce ceder and blach ash. There
aro 4 acres of fall wheat, and a new fallow in tur-
nips. Barn 2.4x40, log house, 4 good well with
pttrup, and a splendid orchard of 150 bearing fruit
trees. W. G. PALMER, Wroxeter. ' 523
✓ 16 and south half Lot 17,- Con. 1, Ila,nnontain-
ing 150 acres, 120 of which are cleared and in a
good state of cultivation- There is a good brick
house aud a frame cottage, the barn, stable, cow
stable and other outbuildings are all finale; there
are about 10 mores of ohoice apple, pear and other
trait trees, and about 300 spruce trees planted 10
years. There is a never -failing etream running
throagh the centre of ehe farm, on which is a good
mill site, a, good gravel road on two sides of the
farm. It is situated one mile from Hernial sta-
tion and four miles from Exeter, on the London
RoaA, and is just Across the road from the Rodger-
ville post office and church For further particu-
lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary
Surgeon, Seaforth P. O. - 481
✓ SALE. -The undersigned, who is about retir-
ing from business, wishes to sell his • property in
the village of Kinburn,, township of Hallett, county
of Huron, consisting of three-quarters of an acre
of chnice land well Underdrained, and having a
number of well selected feuit trees. There is on
the premises a blacksmith shop 28x38, a wagon
shop 20x40, a.nd paint shop the same size, a two
storey dwelling house 16x.35 and kitchen 16x22,
with cook -house attached ; also a new dwelling
house 18x24 and stable 16x25. The buildipage are
all frame and the dwelling houses have earns a good
cellar. The above is situated in one of the best
farming communities in the county and is there-
fore an excellentbusiness stand. Also for sale a
large amount of oak, rock elm, red elm and pine
lumber, well seasoned, and fit for use.. Wagons,
sleightecuttere, and buggies onhand, and will be sold
cheap to clear out,the stock. Payment is request-
ed of all overdue notes and accoimts. JOHN WM-
1 ,
. I 1
And got one made by the Massey Mareifecturing Company.
They are higher in the beam, they ere higher in the mould board, they are thicker 'in the mould
board, they aro thoroughly ground end polished in all working parts, and have the best ear wheel,
iron points on them, no common met al bein used in their mauafacture. This cen be said by no
other makers of Plows. A Full Stock of
. I
Also Gang Plows of 611 kinds iaclucling the Port _Perry ancl Guelph.
Straw Cutters, Grain Crusher$,JTorse Powers of all kinds from:two to
ten horsepower, Chulns, Washing kachines, Clothes iVringers,
Every Aktchine lielonging:to the business.
It is needless to any unything about them as long as every person knows that the lorenee
the best. Also a full eta& of all the cominon machinee made, etieh as the - t
Allc kinds of Sewing Machire Repairs, Needles and Oils always on hand. Sewing Machines Re-
paired on the shortest notice.
3 •
- -
INT_ "SAT.A..'T E.3 0 I\T
Begs to intimate that he has Ili emored Oahu! to D. McGregor's New
Brick Building on- lEsist Nide of' Alla in !Street, Seat orth, and Fon th Door
?South of liVilliatzt Campbell's Clothing Emporium, ',There he. will, as
hitherto, carry on the
General insurance, Afoney Loan Agency and 'Crewing Machine _Business.
3 . • ' -
In thanking the public for the confidence they have reposed in him for the past fifteea years he
has earried on thet•e branehes in Seatorth, be wishee to inform them be will still endea -or to give
them the same satisfacaion which they have in nubbly expressed with his transaciion . - He *still
keeps on hand the best Sewing 1n:whites Cbateare manufactured in the world, as Well as Needles,
Oil, an d Machine Attachments.. He sells the Osborne A Machine, whieh is the simplest, the most
capable of making any kind of work in the moet perfect manner, and the easiest and gaickest
threaded up machine of anyieachine made in the Dominion. He Rolls the Genuine Hoye Machine
-a Muslin° that has never failed to give satisfaction to every Customer for the last' tea yeara. He
sells the Wheeler & Wilson Maehines, the moist rapid and least noisy Machine an the wo Id.
Varrnere' Wives, Mochaniee' Wives, Merchants' Wives end Manufacturers, do not fen to eeamine
and try our Sewiug Mechines-Family and Manufaci ming- when you want one. Als Agent dor
the celebrated F t tine and Pope Knitting kluchine, capable of doing all kinds of svotk. nstructions
given to oust omers gratis on Any of the above machines. Sowing Machines to Bent. sd all kinds
of Sewing Machinee repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. .
Wtl. N. WATSON General Agent, S
_ ,
Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance 'Wheel and Saw Mandrel $225
Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance 'Wheel anu Pulleys Complete 225
Speond hand 16 Hone Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors. .... . .. . ........... 275
Second hand 12 Horse Begin°, Balance Wheel, Pulles s and Gbvernors ..... ...... ........... 200
A Hoisting or Boat Engine ' with Hoisting Gear 250
Second hand 16 Horee Porteble Boiler, with Smoke Stack 150
Second hand. lalsorse POrtable Boiler, with Smoke Stack ., 206
Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke -MO 225
Second hand 30 boree Portable Tubular I3oiler, with Smoke Stack, unlace, Front, Grate
Steam Gunn Guage and Safety Valves, ellju Good Order
Second hand Shingle and Heading Machine
Heaing Jointer .
Headieg Planer
Heediug Turner •
Steyr: Machine, with -Knife
Intatt FOR SALE. -Part of Lot 18 said the
-I: whole of Lot 19, Con. 10; Grey, containing148
acres, 50 acres cleared, 20 acres being cleared, bal-
ance allhardwood. There is a new fraiue honse
storeys, with 6 rooms and good eellae; also
good hewed log house 18x26, and loe barn, also
new bank been 52x60, stabling, root° house, ems
There aro 8 wells find a good yeang orchard. The
property is miles from Brussels, 1 mile from
Ethel Station ou the Wellington, Grey and Ranee
Railway, ana 14 miles from Grey Post Oillce. There
is also 11 acres of fall wheat sown. For Anther
particulars apply to the proprietor on the premisee
or if by letter to Grey P. 0. HIRAM WHITE,
Proprietor. • 52814
NTOTE LOST, -Lost, a note of hand give/thy
Lir John C. Morrison in favor ot John McIntosh,
for the suni ot $2a0, bearing date jan. 10, min
and payable in le, months. The public are here
pautioaed ageinst purchasing m negotiating
said note, as payment of the same hes been
stopped. The finder would oblige bireturning
it to the undereigned. JOHN 11cINTOSH,
Winthrop. 529x4
Ex#,CUTORS' NOTICE. -All parties having
claims againet the estate of the late John
Pattda, of the Township of Stanley, are hereby
notified that a statement of their claims, proper-
ly certified, meet be' haza.'ed to either of the
undersigned rxecutors on or before the 15th of
February, 1878. All claims not in by that &de
'will be barred. JAMES WANLESS and THOS.
ARMSTRONG, Executors, Varna, 52,8e4
POLOGY.-I, the undersigned, do hereby
Jet. acknowledge that I did falsely accuse Finlay 1
Ross, at the last Annual Sehool Meeting ,of
School Section No. 6, McKillop, by saying that
the seiti Finlay Ross made a_ false entry in the !
School Acsount of the above named School See-
tiou Jor the year 1877, tor there was no error in
the said account that I know of. BARNET !
BtIL1'0- Meltillop, jan. 11, 1878. 510-2
OTES LOST. -Lost, two notes of hand given
-L by William Resten and Miehael Megaade,
a,nd payable to Leonard Sholdice, and bearing
(bite fith March, 1877, one for $50 and the other
for '$100. The public are hereby cautioned 1
'against parehasing or negotiating seid notes, as
payment of them has been stopped. The finder
will be rewarded bv giving them to ROBERT
JAMIESON, Settfoitle 530-4 t
• - -t
NO'rICE.-111 pereons indebted to the under- ,
signed, either by note or book account, are • -
requested to call aud settle the 80,13143 on or be-
fore the lst of February, or I will be obliged to
put them into the hands of the Clerk of the Di- •
eisien Court for collection. A. general Stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and
Hardware on hand, and cheap, All kinds .0t
merghantable produce taken in exchange for
goods. Cash for hides and skins. JAMES
STANLEY, Constance. 529-3
OTICE is hereby giveu that application will
-L` be made to the Po rliament of Canede, at the
next session thereefeby JOHN' MOONEY, of the
Town ef Clinton, in the Camay of Huron, in the
Provinee of Ontatio, drover, for a Bill of Divorce
from LOIS ANS. • OONEY, his wife, late of the'
Town of Clinton aforesaid, on the ground of
adultery. Dated at the Towe of Clinton, theS0th.
day of A.. D . 1877. MOONEY
• 527x28
tors for ipplieont.
VOTICE TO BGILDERS,-Notiee is hereby{
4-1 gi ven thee Sealed Tenders will be received byi
the subscriber, at his OffiCO, up to the 113th dayi
of February, 1878, for the erection of a bridge
acroem the River Maitland on Con. Road 6 and 7,
0Pariesite Lot 19, in the Tovinship of Hallett, in.
the County -of Huron, known as Quigley's bridge.
Terms of payment, and. plate and specification&
can be seen at the said adze. The Council a()
not bind themselves to eceept the lowest or any
tender Notice is ale° given that the ereetien of
the following small bridges will be lot by Public
Auction, at the village of Londesborough, on the
said lath. day of Februatri. 1878. at 1 o clock P.
M.., viz.: A bridge on.sideroad 25 and 26, Con. 9 ;
a bridge on said sideroad 25 and 26, Con. 11; a
bridge on said sieeroad 25 and 26, Con. 11 ; s
bridge on seid sideroad 25 and 26, Con. 19, and a
aelnidge on Con. Road 10 and 11, opposite Lot 25.
Terms and descriptions of said mall bridge&
will be made known on the day and at the place
of letthig. JAMES BRAITHWAITE. Towns
ship Cleric's Ofilse, Hullett, Jan. 30, 1878. ,
vsnataa RAM. -Strayed frorn the premises of
-1-'4 the undereigned, Lot 27, Con. 2, Hay, on
Christmas Day, a 4 -year aid Leicester Ram. Any
Bars, person givingeuth informalion us will lead to
450 the recovery of the above animal will be euitably
90 rewterded, JOHN PETTY, Ercesall P.O. 530z4
• • • •
40 • I
fie VSTRAY HEIFER. -Carne into the premises
70 stil of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 2, Hallett, ott
go or about the midille 4,1 Decenther, a red and whitt3
one year old goiter. The owner is requested tO
• prove propertY, pay expenses and take the ani-
mal away. 'WILLIAM HAMMEL'',
P. 0. . 528x4
ttetv Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill achine
for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills. Mid dlin Purifiers of Improved Hinds
bueleinents.- Stoves of Vaelous Kinde.-Repairs on Boilers, Mils; dice promptly
Attended to.
CE 111 ORE respectfully beg ;eitve o r-eturn thanks to rny Imre erous customers fel'. their kind
pati °liege during th4. last 12 yeaes ttet I lta.ve Leen doing business amongst then; and kindlei
solicit a coetietiance of their faVCIls for The futnee. I hare just received a Large and Well Selected
Str'+ ek of DRY coops of ell deseriptions. Also always on hand a full aseortment of
_a Special tyl-whichsfor quality and price, are the best in the County.
• A Large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES-MePherson's make. Crockery, Glasstvare, Lamps
und Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils Drugs, Patent Medieines,Baeon and Hams, in fact every-
thing required in a general store. Aek f r what you want ef you don't see it. Cash or Ivientotipary0edanerse,
taken in exchange. I would also intima e to all parties indebted to me for last and pr
to eome and eettlo by cash or note b fore the end of this month, or the accounts wi be put into
other hands for collection. o further notice -will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS.
-I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving aed Investment Society, one of the best loan societies
in the Dominion. The abo e Society loans money on gond farrn seeurity for a term of frem three to
twenty yeaxs; on the most fa ()rabic conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. -If you want your life insured
'give me a call, as I am agen for the Sim, Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In-
eura.nce Communes in the ominion and conducted on the most economical principleti. Don't for-
get to glee me a call. I am always atteintive to business. Post Office and TelegeaphOffice in con-
neetion. Clover, Timothy, arnip and other seeds on hand.
I ,
Very Nice Currants and Raisins, New and Fresh.
Another Supply of those Excellent Teas, Very Cheap.
If you want the Very Best Flour buy at Brownell s, ou can
always depend on this, Flour giving Satisfactionl Id de cinlyt
from Selected 'Wheat. I i
Another ConsignMent of Stoneware, Porbelain and Chinaj.
Gilt Stoneware Cheap. looks as well as China, and wears 1 nger.
Nice China. and Porcelain oods suitable for Christmas Presents:
VSTRAY STEER. -Strayed from the peentises
of the subscribtr, some time in August, a
Steer spotted red and white, owning .2 years old.
Any person giving such information as will lead
te the recovery of the above animal will be snit -
ably rewarded. 51101,1AS SIMPSON, Win-
throp P. O. 625 ,
V STRAY RAIL -Strayed /rOM the premises of
-" the andersighed, Lot 6, Con. 2, L.R.S Tuck-
eriOnith, about, the het of October. a two-eeae-
I old. Leicester Grade Ram. Any person giving
such information as Win letta to the recovery of
the above animal will be suitably inward.ed.
GEORGE INGRAM, Sewall P. 0. 528x4 '
pIGS, PIGS,. ---1 he undersigned will keep dur-
ing the present season, for the improvement of
stock, on his peel -irises tne fourth concession of
Tuckersmith, one mile and a gnat ter south. of
Egmendville. A thoroughbred. White Suffolk Boar
Pig. This is one of the iluest animals ia this
section of the country. Terms, for the eel -
son, with theprivilege of returning if necessary.
-1- Duke of Niesouri " the property of John Staf-
ford, Lot 21, Con. 141 Meltillop. First Duke of
Nissonri was farrowed 0 it. 15, 1875. Bred by
NEW FRUIT. NEW FRUIT' John Snell, Edmonton, Ont.. Got by. Imported
• Lord Liverpool, dam Imported Sovereign by own
brother to Sarnia° 2nd; grand. dam No. 2, by St.
Constance P. 0. ' • 517 1 •
Adair ; great grand dam. Lady St. Dennis ; weat
grelt grand dam by Gloster Premium. lord
Liv rpool. the sire of the first Duke of Nissouri,
ha made a good. record at leading shows. He
won the following prizes under a year old id the
following shows in England in 1874, vlee est at
Bath and West. of England ; 2nd at the Bora
Counties and Gloucestershire, 1st at the Previte-
cial Fair at Toronto in 1874, axid triple prize as
the best imported boar on the ground under a
year, also at the head of the prize herd, and the
somerecordst the Western Fair, London, in1875.
First Duke of Nissouri also received the 1st prize
at Stratford in 1877; first at Seaforth in 187%;
and first at Brussels in 1877. First Duke of Nis-
sonri's dam, Imported Sovereign, is the bean -ideal
of a perfect Berkshire, and. the best sow we ever
saw, Terms, $1.50 per sow, payable at the time
of service, with privilege of returning if nesse-
eau. 2-014N STAFFORD, Proprietor. - 542
FEBRUARI '81 187S.
miNegi°6°T!''. ..—---1'!'''''Im'lls------- - -------
Young men, steel- your, h
agaihast the insidious young woinan
will soon make her appearance at t
church fair and smile on you 0:na try
, induce you to pay two dollars for a I
c eat pen -wiper.
'—'4' MI1,31 said a ,thoughtful bov,
don't think Solomon. was so rich as t
say he was." "Why, ray dear, w
could have put that into your bea
"-Why, the Bible says he slept with
.f,:wthne.,:s; and I think if he bad beer
rip'', he would have had A bed of I
-Toler, afterward Lord Chief j
tire Norbaxy, eves asked to contra.
- a. shilling, towaxel the expense "Of In
aiineag a. p,o, oorniLyo:axdoirinin attio;3:11,0e1N.b),,euiw.reyhla.) :
bury ,twenty-one
gt:hainr—eal:egYa.'il;s" w'gilifol :aught him with his
around the hired. girrs neck. but
gowns even. in tins trying extren
haver forsook him. "I suspected s(
one of stealing the whiskey on the
serves2 Jane, fer some time, thu.a.
_ know her breath would haN'e tom. if
w_as,t,hweiTtiltiys ptilret
Yli'l'atter with y
Mquired a gentlenaan who had calk
see his neighbor, a German, of Chie
a Vell, I den't know -it is de gout ;
vy should I have him?" - Perh
suggested his friend, " it is heredit
" I clink it is hereditary ; I reme
my vife's uncle have him."
-The Rev. john Brown of Had.0
L CO WEIS in the habit of ;proposal.
festiye occasions a certain young -
as his toast. Havant abandoned
practite he was ask3d for a r
" Because," said he, "I have ton
her for eixteen years without n
her Brown, and. so I've resolved to
Iler-11N0ollt tl°orne;-ago an Irishman was .
moned before a bench. of country m
trates for beine drunk ana aisora
" Do you know ;hatbrought you h
asked the chairman. -44 PRIX,
' Vonor, two policemen," replied
prisoner. 4' Had not drink some
to ao with it ?" sthia the J. P., fret
" Sartinlyt" answered. Paddy, un
eel, " they were both drunk."
-An Irish couple, at about 9.fo'c
rang the door -bell of a Protestant
son. The door was -opened by
clergyman, -who, on int -jolting what
wanted, was informed by Michant
he and Bridget vitae to' be ma
a Bat why," asked the parSon, 4 4
yoti go to the priest?" " And sit
did,' said Itfichael, " and . he told
go to the divil, and eo we came to
-Atperson. recently met a lad,.
is aistiuguishea as having been
times a widow, and has now aga
tered the bonds of matrimony.
the friend : 4' I think 1 ence ha
pleasure of dining with you in 1
York?" " When ?" ask -ed the tub: s
er. -In 1136-," he replied. " YeS
said, reflectively, "that may hav
so but I haa forgottea. it, You
sh'e adtled, " it was two. or thre
bpi& -ago," -
t -The first thing is to make you
mon plain. Mr. Blomfieltl pre
on the text, " the fool hath said
heart, 4 There is no Goat ” Wish
- find out how it pleaeed his peop
called. a poor foolieh Mall td the 1
and asked. him how he liked tl
mon. The reply, which made 3
field assadtler and at wieer ma*
"Well, sir, I must say 1 eantt s
with you. In spite of all yontve I
think there pellet be a Goa. '
As my wife and. I at the whedow ono day
Stood. -watching a man 'with a anonkey.
A cart came by with " a broth ef a boy,"
Who wits driving a stout little donkey.
To my wife I then spoke, by -why of.a, jokea
" There's a relation of pars ilk thaf rerriap
To -which "She replied, as tho donkey ehe epi
" Ah, yr s, a relation -by =arrange."
---e•---- se - ' ' e
Uncle Moseste Lesson
Mick Moses is the chief exoCn
of a suburban colored, Sunday -
The other Sunday,' raising his;
faee with its saowy- fringe, he
over his ante-bellum "stock" it.,
lar at the little tits, who were 1
like bees in a hiv-e just unthei hit'
" 01110 ! Chillen, ()Hall! -
yet. heal' me, thin:en? Leet3
Lurapkine; dere, hesh. dat tal.kili
euneterble on lection day."
When ;Jimmie ceaset. his 00:
tion the chief executive restuned;
"I calls de detenehen ob dt
ter de way yenif3 beeu a ca,rryin'
bressed day. I,Vot- yer bin
Yer knowsl An' de way yer tot
bin a earrescatin) is scatelorts.",
The black fingers pushed t
collar back and polled the blats
forward, .
"Now, I puts it ter yer, an
all lieten, all you, too, Liz,o Alt
ax you (lie question -How mein
you chillene got?"
Chorus-'' Two,"
" How meeny mouves yei
- thiaminiouely----4' One,"
" Wat does Oat mean ? It nn
must see twice et Billell RS y
Now how menny yeres yer got r
,C., hooirlie7". Two."
" An' how Incline'. snonves?-
t` Dat-meane yert mils' heah i
'much as yef talks, NOW, 'men
lesson, an' you, Henry Gille, Col
.tillfeepinaipaeif: 'AirvoauLst'n'cflovr,e. we jams i
He was theTnaitanfoarge:roatta: dm
and oue morning lie., walked i
newepaper office and said :
" Want an item this nionin
" Of eourse," replied
Whereupon the visitor laid
ing note upon the table:
4.4 Th.e ladies of the --- ittree
will give a festival at their VC
next ' Friday evening.' Liter
musical entertainments will
vided., and a supper will be s
who desire. The ladies- in
the affair have much experienc
matters, and. are sure to prov
tinie, . Tho admission _will -
fifteen cents, and it le certain
one can -spend that amount
advantage. Be sure te ge
yoWurhneileinttse." editor had reit
prerp'e*fiOeierhat,otIhheszelevne, all advertisemea
" No ; 310t an aavertisem
neeptical, he acointn-ittgghloeriuu.edth-e:luca- I
And seeing that -the edit°
yo‘nr‘ itreNrilladersi,natenrdestheAlp grae°'gto
gtstiidnegs,uwpo have spent SO 11111
our entertainment