HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-08, Page 11878.
r. M. EACIi
. •
: Gern,
irillS• Nt leEK
r SE, Man.
(Front Oar Occasional Correspondent.)
• GALT, January 28, 1878.
THE NEW Feernixe MILD.—Arrangements have been completed by Messrs.
Gilchrist 8t, Hardy, of Glasgow, Scot-
land, for the ereetion of a huge flouring
raill in Galt_ It is intended to make
this one ot the finest mills in Canada;.
the machinery will be of the latest and
inept improved pattern; the building
will be five stories high, and. built. of
stone. It is estimated that the cost of
building, machinery, ecc., will be about
430,000. The work will be proceeded
with - at once. The Great Western
Railway Company have practised to
lay down a siding from the main track
to the mill. - The entire rctanufacture of
the mill will be shipped direct to Glas-
Off etre Wee PATTI.—The Reformerg
questions propounded by the
affecting his honor said jute
public servant; enquiring as
had been done with certain
rightfully belonged to the
Canada—alias Secret Service,
Railway, &c.—and asking w
not Sir John had received 1
. of money from Sir Hugh
which to bribe the "free and
eat" during the elections of 1
were 13 questions in all; and
they had been put. to Sir je
oral of the picnics lest genera
V. as a
to what
fa whir&
eople of
.ether or
rge sums
an with
72. There
n at sev-
r, he had
never attempted to •expla'n • them.
There was a difference of opi :ion mining
the' gentlemeu who formed he caucus
of South Waterloo are determined to be
up and doing, and are making prepara-
tions, as Sir John said in his recent
-visit, to fight the "beats at Ephesus."
There having been no contest of any
moment since 1867, the Reformers, con-
scious of their strength, havefallen into
a kind_ of lethargy, from which it is
necessary that they shotild be aroused.
A mass meeting was held, et Preston on
Thursday, for the purpose of getting
the machinery in good working order
for the coming struggle, which will be
upon us in a few months. intact, we may
almost. say that the campaign, has opened,
as it is the general topic of conversa-
tion- Who Mr. Young's opponent will
be it is rather difficult to foretell.
Among those spoken- Of are: Messrs.
W. Robinson, T. Cowan, and, Living-
stone, of Baden.
my last I referred briefly to the vacancy
in the post office caused by the death of
the late John Davidson, and referredto
a few of the applicants whose claims
were more or less worthy of considera-
tion. The claims -urged by some of the
gentlemen were certainly of such a na-
ture as to entitle them to the position,
but as there was only one vacancy to
till, and a host of epplicants it placed
our member in rather an awkward po-
sition. To the surprise of every one,
however, (even the successful candidate,
himself, who did not apply for the of -
floe, the before -mentioned. applicants
were passed over, and the appoiatanent
conferred on • Mr. Wra. Quarrie, an old
and mueherespeeted citizen. Mr.
Quarrie has always been an adherent of
the Reform. party, although he has nev-
er taken a very lively interest in public
affairs, being of rather a retiring dispo-
sition.. With the exception of bthe un-
-successful candidates and their friends,
the appointment has given general sat-
isfaction, and has probably occasicreed
less rancour and animosity than if, the
position had been given to either Messrs.
Cant, Fields orBrown. _
NOURNADISTIC.—II1 so far as numbers
go, at least, the Coanty of Waterloo is
not so well supplied with newspapers as
the County of Huron. We are shortly
to have an addition to our number,how-'
ever. The new sheet is to be published
in the village of New Hamburg, and
called the Independent. How it intends
to live I cannot tell. So fel as I can
understand, however, it will be an :elec-
tion sheet for Sam kernel') the "inde-
pendent" Tory candidate of South Wat-
erloo. If “ Sam " doesn't get into -Par-
liament, he is determined that it shall
not be for the want of pridter's ink.
The Independent will make two organs
which Mr. Merner will control in New
Hamburg, he being supported by the
German paper now published in that
place.—There is talk of Mr. P. Moyer,
formerly of St. Catharines, starting a
daily and weekly newspaper in Berlin.
"Peter," by the way, has recently fallen
heir to considerable property, and is
taking the quickest way to get rid of it.
What the politics of this journal will
be it is rather dillioult to surmise, Peter
being somewhat of the same stamp at
"Wandering Willie," and, like mama
feetarere' price lists, 4' liable to change
at any time without notice."—It ig also
pretty well understood that a Congerva-
tive newspaper will shortly be publish-
ed in Paris. So that things look pretty
lively for the miming struggle.
as to whether Sir John shoe
these questions or not, but
chieftain decided,—to use
words,—to" beard the lion i
den." After having been
with the picture on behalf o
Sir johnindulged- in fe v remarks
eulogistic of himself, and ter a very
able attempt to pull the wo 1 over the
eyes of the -workingmen, he proceeded
to answer the questions whi h had been
put to him. To his credit
said that he made the very
bad, job, and. proved hirasel
of the title which he bears,
dodger." When cornered,
to the sympathy of his. hear
tempted to work on their
pleading poverty, and s
" with all his faults and slac
he was the only one capabl
ing this country. His exp
the Secret Service and No
way matters *ere retitle
In answer to the question:
" after Parliament had, deo
" his Premiership, that a
" Committee should. audi
d answer
finally the
his own
his own
his wife,
rule was a strange one • it provided
first that a pupil should be 'obliged to
attend school, and second]; that he
should not.
to read oth
in the rural
ly inapplica
the country
(Laughter.) H iproceeded
er regulations of the De -
=tending that, .i especially
districts, they were entire -
le to the circurristanees of '
and, the conai -on of se-
e he believed t et it was
right that e ery child shout receive a -
good educe, on, he thought that a regu-
lation whi declared that if a child
absented hi self from school; he should
lose his ph ce in the clags,I and might
be prevent d from attendilg the re-
mainder of he quarter, was an absurd
one. The erne remark was true of the
one •by NV ich the door of i the school
might be s ut in the face of the pupil
who, perha s after walking two or three
milee in t e deep snow, aPpeared be-
fore' the te cher without 'a written ex-
cuse for is- lack of punctuality. He
knew of ca es where this rule had been
eigorously nforced, and he thought the
sooner it as done 'away. With the bet-
ter: Anot er regulation Was that a
bsented himself from an ex-
shoeld not be !admitted to
except by the authority of
or, and. that a r cord should
be kept of all suCh cases. any child-
ren were s nervous that the enforce-
ment of t 's rule almost amounted to
positive elty. With regent to the
regulation which provided- hat a pupil
once expo ed should not be, admitted to
school ag in unless by consent of the.
Inspector, he thought that 'trusteed and
teacher o ght te be able to Settle such a a
matter 'bout the interference of that
omnipres nt official the Inspector.
(Hear, h ar.) He had been attacked
in some cf the local newspapers -last
"Serviceexpenditure, Sir spring for saying there were too Teeny
"either to refund the $6.,100 illegally branches the school curticulum, but
"withheld, or to tell wha, became of by who • he was not aware, for the
" it ?" the chieftain ans ered not a writers ad not signed their names.
word. He did not deny t e allegation But he h lieyed it was by one of those
of receiving large sums of money, from gentleme who perhaps could toll how,
Sir Hugh Allan _for electi n purposes, much to dozen of eggs at ten cents per
but said in the language of Lord Clive, dozen wo d. amount to, Part Ins hair
"My Lords, when - 1 c nsider the in the mi elle, smoke a cigar, and who
chances I have had, I am surprised at had perh pa jpined that set of good for.
my own moderation." H wound up nothings hat lived on the earnings of
by telling his bearers that e had corn-- some oth o thought he
pletely shattered the cha, ges brought had a pe
against him, and reiterat the state- been a g
ment which be it:lade at T route before ture on
the famous last call for " 4 0,009 more," ly fa hi
"Those hands are clean" flu by im- if a.,tchi
porting Sir John and hi lieutenants reading,
the Conservatives Of Ga t, hoped to had rec
strengthen their _ cause, t
nally failed, as no' pers
knowledge of human na
influenced by such hello
as those adduced liy the
Tuesday evening, and all
and hand -shaking with
men will be taken at wb.a,
it can be pupil who
est out of amination
deserving the schoo
the artful theInspec
e appealed
rs, and at-
• feelings by
ating that
of govern-
anations of
hem Refl-
exly flimsy'
" Why it is,
ded during
all Secret
°lea refuses
some difficalties te contend with: if he
has got his foot on the lower steps of
the ladder he will eventually rise. But
what do we see eyery day?.The young
men of our country leaving the farm. -
If they can corarna,nd a coraparatively
small sum, they will come to the city
and getting credit on the strength of
that small amount they launch out into
business (which 1 is already overdone)
causing, 1 believe, a large proportion of
the distrese we hear so much about at
the present time. (Hear, hear.) While
giving the Minister of Education credit
for the best intentions, I think he has
drawn his inspiration, too much from
one source—and that source the Inspect-
ors and Teachers' Association. (Hear,
Hear.) It is perfectly right that he
should place himself in communication
with them; but I Would advise him to
Visit the County Councils of the Prov-
ince and he will see the matter in an-
other phase. He will come in. contact
with the men who have to provide the
money. I am sure the ComitY Council
of Huron evtiu14 be most happy to meet
with him, and interchange ideas on the
matters he basin charge. The mem-
ber for East Toronto (Mr. Cameron)
made a true statement the other night
when tee said that there were any num-
ber of applicants for Government posi-
tions; but as soon. as they have learnt
the duties of their offices, then -the de-
sire for increase of salary becomes prey-
alent.et (Hear; hear.)1iIn this connec-
tion I -would only say if the offices -were
vacated tomorrow, there are plenty good
men who would only be too glad to dike
their places: Hear, hear, and laugh -
ter') At the eeting of the Teachers'
• Association a, Toronto, about two
months ago, oae gentleman complained-
- that 4750 a year was too small a salary
for a school teacher. I think, taking
everything into account it was a very
fair one. A echool teacher's working
hours are six hours a day for five days
—only three days a week, not telking the
ent affair alto- ether with the :working -
holidays into ;ccount at all. It iii a differ -
man, or with the farmer, who for the
most of the year must work from sup -
rise to sunset, and in the summer
months, under a broiling sun, and at the
end of the year he has not as ' much to
reward his labor. Mr. Chairman, there
is a pretty general opinion that the
standards for school teachers' certi-
ficates are too high. (Hear, hear.) - In
years gone by there can be no doubt that
the standard was altogether too low,
but now we have gone to the opposite
extreme. 'Te painful revelations made
before the Conautisioner aippointed to
examine into the manna in which can-
didates became possessed of the exam-
ination papers proves that- intellec-
tual attainments were being striven
for at the expense of trtith and hon-
esty. Surely it is better to have
less -learning if it is fairly come
by, than a standard reached as it has
been in we know not how ma,ny ine
"tames. In conclusion, I am only ex-
pressing the opinion of many in the
country in saying that we have been
driving the Educational Chariot too
fast ; that it would. be well for,, US to
ease off alittle, believing that in this
have been entitled, had the theft re-
mainedtmcliscoveredare annulled: That
is to say: They Occupy precisely the po-
sition and standing they held prior to
the recent examinations.
. —The Dorainien Government is said -
have taken action against the Bank
of Montreal, for the recovery of the
46,000 Secret Service money paid out
after the fall of Sir John Macdonald's
Government. Mr. Bethune has the case
in. hand.. 1 .
—An. atterapt was made the other
night to bum the Rankin Heim stables
in Chethain,but the fire was diseovered
in time by the has driver, who happen-
ed -to be up later than usual. A quan-
tity of wood. saturated with coal oil was
found in the rear of thd,building.
—A few' days. ago Mr. H. Leak,of
Thaanesville, jiimped, off a train in me --
time' near Chatham, and fell emcees a
lot of debris. His nage wits broken, and.
his face generally torn -the lower lip be-
ing completely removed. He was found
insensible, and medically treated at the
-house of a, friend.,
- —Rey. Mr. Mateelten, of Lancaster,
• has been arrested and taken to Corn-
wall, on a charge of indecent assault,.
by Sarah Cameron, a young lady of pre-
possessing appearance,of the same place.
Another clergyman at Ottawa is said,to
have seduced the daughter of a Rideau
street merchant.
—There is great excitement in Len-
nox County, over the by-law for the re-
peal of the Dunkin bill. Meetings are
being held in Napanee at Which from
1,000 to 4,000 persons are in regular at-
tendance. Mr. Dodds, anti-Dunkinite
spoke three hours at a meeting on Sat-
urday afternoon.
—A well-to-do man, educated, ex.,
had small pox in Dominion street, Mon -
treat. During his whole illness, he
shared his bed with a pet Newfoundland
dog, while couvalescent the dog was al-
lowed out and played with children in
.Dominion and. Coursol streets. The mat-
ter was bitterly complained . of, but
nothing could be done. 1
—Fears are entertained that the ship
Waterloo, which left Quebec on the
26th of Oitober, has been collided with
and lost iiiit sea. The owner's brother
and eldest sou were passengers on board.
The hull' and freight were insured in
various Canadian offices -425,090 on the
hull,. and. $12,000 on the cargo.
—The Hamilton Times of Saturday
last records the death of Rev. Canon
Hebden, M. A., rector of the Church of
the Ascension. Forever a quarter of
a century be has been minister of the
Church of the Ascension, and was re -
him out spected and beloved not only by his
Ii McDEAN BROS., Publisb,ers.
li1:50 a Year, in Advance.
, ,
mals all the corn they can stow awl ay
just before the weighing takes I plade,
and, consequently, he has sold nearly all
his, corn at 45 per hundred; while his
less ingenious neighbor have • to take
from Go 'cents upwards,.
—The death it announeed. Mr. R.
M. Ballantine, well-kaown nd high -
occurred at his residence in het city.
on Monday morning last. 'Mr. spallan-
tine was seized with a paralytic . stroke
some two or three days ago, from which
he did not recover. ,
—A fire broke out on Monday morn-
ing in Pictou, Nova Scotia, in a large
building occupied as a livery stable. Ten
Valuablbe horses -were in the stables at
the time, and all perished in the flames
or died after being brought out in a suf-
focated condition. A large quantity . .
hay, barley and oats toaether with t
ly esteemed citizen of Hamilto
, .
a Mali who calls me a liar." In the
previous issue of the Bamzer; Mr. Af-a-
had been called an "arrant and
unprincipled liar," and he took the
first opportunity of answering the
charge in the manner mentioned. The
affair has caused great excitenaent in
the town.
—The wife of John Armstrong, resid-
ing on the line of the Hamilton and,
Northwestern railway, has eloped with
one 6f the railway laborers. She boldly
told her husband before she left what she
was ping to do, and the old man could
do nothing to stop her. The tears blind-
ed his eyes as he held out his hand, and
Said. "-God bless you." She marched.
out of the mansion inwhich she reigned
so many years its mistress with her
bundle on her arm, and joined. her new
master, who hadalready gone on ahead.
On foot they went Up the hill, and. were
" —A r'fire broke out in Aesumption 4 soon Put of sight.
- —Last Sunday afternoon a son aged.
building were destroyed'.
College, Sandwich, last Saturday, ‚which three years, of Mr. John Campbell, pork
merchant, Hamilton, met with a dread -
was extinguished. re a very great
amount of damage
total loss is estimated
ey have sig-
n with any
'ere could be
chieftain on
he clap -trap
the working -
it is worth—
the schemes of -a politic an who will
scruple at nothing if by s" doing he can
attain. his end—the tree ttry benches.
On Wednesday. afternoon- Sir John took
his departure, fitted out f r the session
•with new tweed- suit. a d a. pair of
gloves, which he receiv a • during his,
visit. I cannot couclud more appro._
priately than by quoting stanza from
J. Burr -Plumb's X mark oetry :
"Owe for a suit of workingmisx'S„-clothes
cWarly shows
Iingreen • not one
- To present to Sohn 4., whose
Say that A is humbug, which
That the tree character of wo
of them knows."
Our Members on
Below will be found
the speeches of Messrs.
-son on educational ma
in the Legislature ,d• few
and specially reported f
TOTt :
MR. Boner's SP
Mr. Bishop said tha,
there was nothing at t•
whieh gave so much
faction as the School L
more properly the reguli
ed by the Council of Pu
He believed that the
the heads of trustees
that unless they built s
a certain class,, unless hey should put
certein additions to tho e already blii14
get a certain amount f land for play
ground ; hire or engag certain num-
ber of teachers, and o certain stan-
dard that he would wit old the Govern-
raent grant. Such ru. es arid, regula-
tions as those have hal their day and
ought to be done .awa
beer.) The Hoia. me
Perth, Mr. Hay, who
his seat had. said tha
any fault with the re
(Mr. Bishop) begged to
gentleman for he did
them and believed sore
be struck tfrtan the lis
pleased with thierein.
gentleman at the heat.
ment, and for his benE
permission of the Hot]
some of the most obje
He said the regulatio
hand were passed be
head of the deepartinen
do with it. home o
the School
Pill reports of
ishop and Gib -
tors, deliv,ered
eveninge ago,
✓ Tim Exeosi-
r person and w
ect right to do
od deal blamed
hese regulations,
avowal that he
so. He had
or his stric-
thought that
d in the country was taught
writing, and arithmetic, he
ived a suitable and sufficient
education. He wag glad to find, how-
ever, that the Board of Education bore
'n this opinion. He objected
was done. , The
at from 4800 to
ful accident. It appears that the child
-was beina prepared by a sister for the
61,000. The origin of t ,Ju is variously bath e ----------------. had been. par -
stated to be a d'ef et_ of the heating ap- tiallv filled with hot water. -While she
paratus and the o ert rei of a kerosene was getting the cold water to temper it,
lamp kept in the ell i the child, by some mishap, fell back-
. ---11/jr. Wm. Hendee , Manager of the wards into the tub, and before it could
Ontario Life .Assur flee Company, in be extricated had • sustained dreadful
Waterloo, has been f r the last three scalds. A physician was at once sent
weeks or thereabout confined to his for. He was promptly in attendance,
house by tetanus,' lock-jaw, sup- and did all he possibly cbuld to relieve
posed to have been c used incidentally the terrible agony of the little one, but
. little hope is entertained that it will re-
cover. i
—The Arthur 4nterprise says that on
the evening of the 17th of january, Mr.
Neil O'Donnell's wife and farnily—two
daughters—left that gentleman's house,
in Arthur township, taking with -them
all g:oods and. chattels the home con-
tained. Mr. O'Donnell has not found
either his -wife or daughterg yet, but re-
ceived some clue a few days, ago as to
where the goods are stored. , lie states
that he cannot aceount for such an ab-
rupt flight in any way, only that he has
recently moved on to a place which his
wife did not like. Yr,, O'Donnell has
fUrther own congregation' but by the whole
o the rule whichiaid down the
branche comMunity. ' -
in -his opinion
e pfesent time
neral dissatis-
'w ; or to *eel.
tions • prescrib-
lie Instruction.
hreat held over
by- Inspectors,
hoot houses of
by:irritation from a .et- of false teeth.
The trouble has since developed into a
serious nervous complaint.
—Adolphus Gagne, a laborer, who had
been out of employment for some time
left his home in Rochesterville, in the
Ottawa district-, about the middle of
November last, telling his wife that he
would be home for dinner. Since that
time nothing has been heardof him. He
is; 26 years of age, of fair complexion,
and about six.feet in height.
--Charles Cameron died. on a farm'
some eight -miles from Helena,Montano,
Territory, about the end of Decenaber,
leaving no relations in that part of the
werld. It is supposed. he had one or
two brothers residing in the western
section of Canada, and. the Helena
authorities are writing to en mre about
standar —Dr. R. . Macdonald, an old and
ers. H ' distinguished physician of Montreal,
said tha died on Thursday of last week from in -
a hundr juries received while attending the fun- ,
sistant eral of the late Dr. Peltier. He was
to be taught i the various -
s as net being fair to the teach:
then read the regtilation which
a school of between fifty and
d members should have an as-
eacher. The. feeling of the
he said, was that fifty scholars
haps enough- fox one teacher,
sixty or eighty did. net require
stead of hieing &bother teacher
selected from
be quite com-
He wondered
y ttensible 'pas n could frame
referring to the time in which
s in the various standards were
thrown out Of his carriage by -a runaway
were pe horse and his head was injured. He
but that was one of the ablest physicians of the
two. city, and Ins death is greatly regretted -
tho —three farmers of Reissell
arnoiags County brought into Ottawa as many
petent loads of woci,d foi distribution among the
that a the old &vying will hold (rood . 1 "There poor of the el . The donation was
The generons farmers were entertained
•ght a monitor
the pupils wont
or the work.
the rul is luck in leisure." • (Lod Cheers)
to leer their lessons. It was laid down. Caaaada. +-lunch t restaurant by Mayor
for an our or three-quarters,Sta,nds,rds was totally destroyed by fire on Monday large number of them to the opera in
brought about y Rev. Father Gillaume.
THE LION GALT.—WO had just set-
tled down. to our slow but sure gait, af-
ter having settled the post office busi-
ness, when we were startled from our
peaceft)" reverie by the announcement
that the “ Workingmen's Association of
Galt," (alias W. Robinson, Thomas
CONVilu tual others of that ilk,) had de-
cided to present Lady Macdonald. with
an oil painting of _Sir John, executed by
Mr. Adam Kay, of this town. With
the usual flourishing of trumpets the
chieftain, aCcompanie°d, by the now fa-
mous Protectionist poet, Jeeittur-Phinfb,
M. P. for Niagara, and. Mr. Foy, one of
the blue-blooded aristocrats of the U.
E. Club, (being no less a personage than
Guip's .`Fitzdwoodle,") errived in the
County of Waterloo on Tuesday last.
The visitors were met at Poen by a
number of the "gentlemen's," — or,
rather, the workingineu's " — party,
and conveyed to the village of Preston,
where Sir Knight was presented with
an address end a 'tweed suit. The party
soon after arrived in the " Manchestex
of Centida," and during the afterneon
Sir Jelin busied himself by visiting the
various machine shops and. other man-
ufacturing estallishments. While pass-
ing through cue- of these, a gentleman
made the remark, “ Sir John, the work-
ingmeu seem glad -to seeeon." “Yes,"
replied the chieftain, we have been
fighting the battles for them for the last
thirty years !" Thinking that a pretty
-tall one, however, the chieftain, in his
usual off -hand manner, turned round
and remarked, half confidentially, "at
least they think so—rightly or wrongly."
Before proceeding to the Town Hell,
where the presentation was to take
place, a caucus of the "faithful "was
held at the Queen's Hotel to consider
whether or not it would be advisable for
Sir John to attempt to answer certain
the pu
that St ndards I. audit should prepare A block of buildings in Beaverton Bangs, and -Warden Morgan took a
III. and 1V. for between an hour te an morning. Loss 49,000. ' the evening.
hour and a, half, and Standards V. and —David. McArthur won the stones ' —The Berlin Town Council comprises
-VI. for between an hourand a half and presented to the Winnipeg Curling Club 2 general Merchants, 1 wholesale mer -
two hours, Did the framers of that by E0ia. At Morris. There were 15 corn- chant, 1 builder, 2 lumber dealers an&
resolution really believe that one child petitors. .
was as quick and •as a
a.,nothei ? Etery child h
amount of brains. •Thi
down as if the whole
naachi e, and every chil
of uni orm speed. (
coiate ed that it wag absurd that all
childr n, irrespective f their natural
abiliti s, health, and ther Consider-
ations should be requir a to devote the
same umber of hour after school to
their 1 ssons: (Loud c eers.)
Mr. Gibson said:, I am not one who
is goi g to find fault wi the Minister
of Ea cation. I know it is impossible,
all at nce to get out o the traditions
of a
for o
For t
been married for 24 years and having
aleveys lived on the best of terme with
his wife and family, he feels the present
trial very keenly.
them as there. is sortie property in cues- —Ellen Johnson, wife of a man nama
tion. ' eljohn Johnson, residing in the town-
-A Carrick, County Of Bruce, corn-
-A man na, ed Ed. Sullivan, while
intoxicated, un ertook to walk from
Slocum Junctionto,his farm near Gib -
ratter, in Grey County, on Tuesday even-
ing aboUt dusk, but fell partly: into a
culvert some distance from the station,
his legs catching between the ties. Be-
fore he could extricate himself a Canada
Southern Express came along and crush-
ed his thigh, bruised his head and other-
wise so badly injured him that he died
on Wednesday morning. (
---A frightful accident odcurred in
the school holm at algadoc. A. -boy
named Orrinduan had lifts. i) carrying a
dynamite cap around with him for some
time, thinking it was an old one pre-
viouisly.exploded, and. carelessly taking
it Out of his pocket, he began picking it
with a pin. It exploded, carrying off
part of his fingers on both hands, also
it struck two other boys, bat happily, mania& license. The aconsedhadbeett
for five years and bore an unblemished.
• '
farmers, 1 blacksmith, 1 shoemaker, 11
—There were seventy-seven vessels woolen and felt boot manufacturer; 1
lost in the River St. Lawrence and painter, 1 jeweller and watchmaker, 1
Lakes Ontario and Huron, during the furniture -manufacturer, 1 mason and 2
past eeason. I 1 carpenters.' They are all benedictS in -
- I. K. Rine has comrn need a 'eluding -the worthy olerk, who is ez ofil-
compaign in Stratford. He livered cio a meralier of the Council.
his first address there on Monday night —"Hamilton, Ontario,United States,"
to an immense audience. I is the way some of our English., friends
—A handsome mantle piece of statu- address their letters for.Haanilton. An-
ary marble has been manufactured by a other old countryman put on his °level -
firm in Berlin for the residence of Mr. ope, " Haanilton, America,"and the Dli.8-
Livingston at Baden. It cost 4190. sive wandaed for six. months back and
—Rev. 'Mr. Junior, the newly ap- forth amongst the 49 placesin the States
pointed Presbyterian missionary to the named after their great statesman, until
Island of Formosa, left Ottawa, for his at a venture it was sent to Canada, and
le to learn as
d not the seine
rule was laid
school were a
1. a wheel in it,
pplause.) He
with. (Hear,,
ber from North
ad just taken
he did not find
nations, but he
differ from that
find. fault with
of them should
. He was well
rks the Hon.
of the depart -
fit, and with the
Se he would read
:tionable 'clauses.
s . he held in his
ore the present
had anything to:
the 'relations
the. Minister of Educet on had said. were
modified-, but he belie\ ed others of them
were still in force. ne rule gave the
inspector power to. wit •old the Govern-
ment grant, if the tru tees. did not •cotn-
plyevith the regulatiat s in certain cases.
This Iva very unsa isfactory. Some
hon. nee ber had' co
arbitrary' exercise of
the part of Inspectors
it was rather unfair
that regulations sho
plained of a too
their powers on.
but he thought
o the Inspectors
ild be laid down
for their observance, and then that com-
plaints should be rai
regulations -were obs
ed. that it was the
\yen at fault, and n
the- Inspectors. (
other rule which wit
tory was that a pupil
from school, for reaso
ness, should forfeit hi
class and his right to
ing the remainder of
epartment which has so long been
ted in an arbitrary Way. (Hear;
My friend fret). North Perth
ay) said that our school system
the country $ po,000. The
t is near $4,000, 00—a large sum
--;The Guelph -Lumber Company and
; M fact, larger than is spent on
other lumberers are pushing operations
hole municipal system. It- is a
uestion to pit: bo we get value briskly at Parry Sound. Seven million
- money? I do not think we do.
e la,st five or siit. years our ex-
destinatiori on the morning of February found. its Proper destination.
tui -ted suicide on the 24th ult., by hang-
ing herself in a shed at the back of the
house of her brother-in-law, Mr. Dunn,
at Don post office, in East York, where
she had been visiting. Her husband
recently took deceased to Toronto for
medical advice, and was told she wits
ef unsound mind, and should be in tho
asylum, :Wing particularly warned to
watch her movements at night. He re-
plied he could take care of her himself,
and that he was a light sleeper. How-
ever, during the night she escaped out
into the shed. and hung herself, her ab-
sence not being discoVered till too late.
Verdict—" Suicide while of unsound
—One day last week, 3. E. 'Knight, of
Tainviorth, Addington County, was
chtirged before two justices of the peace,
with forting the issuer's name to a
striking him in the face, In explodIng
not doing them mach damage. in the employ of Mr. James Aylesworth
I —The death is: announced of Mr.
Alex. Purcell, teacher at Byron; after a
very short illness ivith ;inflammation of
the lungs. The deceased. was a very
promising young rilain. During 1877 he
headed the list of andidetes in Middle-
sex county at th intermediate third-
class and Model School examinations,
and sinee the close of - the first Model
School term, has taught with unusual
success in school Section No. 5, West -
Minster. He tva,a much esteemed and.
beloved 'by all Who knew, him. His
parents live at Werdlsville. '
—The annual celebration of the
—The Dairyman's Cenveation of East- Burns' anniversary) by the Lucknovt
ern Ontario is to be held at Belleville Caledonian Society, was held in their
ing days. ' Some American gentlemen. new hall,: in that village, on Friday
evening, January 25. There were over
on the 21st of February end two follow -
are expected. 1 150 persons present. A real heart'
social time Was spent, and, as there was
no liquor of any kind on the tables, or
used in alley -way, there were no gore
heads or bleary eyes next day: ,
—Mr. •kobert Ewen, one of the oldest
members of the Presbytaian body in
Hamilton, died. on Sunday morning
last. Me. Ewen was- born in Perth-
shire, ScOtland, and came to Canada
nearly half a century ago. Havieg set-
tled in Hamilton, he early identified.
hini If with religious matters, and. Won
S for the edmini tration of justice
been. steadily in reasing year by,
4We are told that our System is
'the best, if not the best, to be
in any country; but results are a
bate • test than any automat of self-lau-
feet of logs have been taken out thus far
by two camps. 1
—A Sharp-, a professor of special-
ties, -wanted in Montreal and Ottawa
for theft, forgery, fraud and blackmail,
has been arrested in Watertownt N. Y.,
on a charge of bigamy.
l'ev Mr Taylor. Episcopal minis-
ter of Alviston a
dation ; and it is a lamentable fact that I
we have more criminals every
prov de:for. Our expenditure .for the
aiim nistration of just ce is annually in- ,
ores. ing, 8,na. -what - More the crime
*hi. involves that expense, is increas-
ing ore among the educated. classes
tha among the illitaate. There is a
difti* ult preblern yet t be solved, which
we 1 ave not reached. think - one thing
is ev 'dent that the tendency of our eda-
cati e nal system is to drive the youths
of e country into the professions.
heir.) It ouT,fht to be bowie in
min that our ministers, doctors, law-
• le because these Our
rved. He believ-
•egulations which
t the conduct of
ear, hear.) An -
very unsatisfac-
absenting himself
s other than sick -
standing in= the
ttend school dur-
he SOS6i011. That
far enough. (Hear, hear.) We give too
muph as a. Government to our High
Sc ool system. The youth who has
talent and genius will be none the
worise citizen in after life if he have
- h d about $20 worth of
clothes stolen from a' clothee line the
other night by a thief who selected all
the most valuable articles.
IA new Presbyterian church, the
finest structure in Muskoka, was opened
in Gravenhurst lest Sabbath. Rev. D.
J. Macdonnell, of St. Andrews church,
viToc;osuto, assisted. at the opening ser-
P. Adams, of Paris, shipped
the other day, a fresh collection of 18 of
his celebrated wagons to Australia. e
shipment comprises six heavy wagons,
6.1erries and °light wagons, all fiuished
and naercheuts are non -producers. in first -ch s style.
r, hear.) Not one of them adds one 1 „ —During the- year 1877, 5,680 re -
to the wealth of the country. gietered letters were delivered at the
whole system of Isociety is kept in Berlin Post Office • and 10,387 mail -
once by the produce of the farm, ed. at and forwarded- by the same of-
orest and our lakes. It is th.e duty fice. Total, 16;067. No case of mis-
he state to provide a good sound carriage of a single letter has been es -
eatery edam -tic) for all its chiI- ta,blished.
When we go that length *e go —Those teachers who have been ex-
arnined and found g-uilty of trifling with
stolen examination papers, have
had -
their punishment meted out to
them. It aanonnts to this: The
certificates to which they would
became an active member of the vari-
ous congregations to which, as time
past, be belonged. ,
The Governor-General, Lord Duf-
feria, when in New York, attended a
brilliant reception given by Miss Wolfe,
at her stately mansion in Madison Av-
enue. The glory of the house is its a
mirable collection of pictures. In the
front parlor stands a picture of the Holy
Family, which. was painted for the Em-
press of Russia, and for which Mr. John
Wolfe gave 420,060 in gold. Nearly 700
guests were present.
--An Essex farmer has hit on. an ad-
mirable method by which the price of
corn ha been enhanced mach beyond
the mar et price. The inventive far-
mer livels near Maid -atone Cross, where
corn is worth from 30 to 40 cents per
bushel. The agricultural gentleman
has a large quantity of corn, and. he 'dis-
poses of the cereal in this wise: He
keeps a number of gaunt and. hungry
hogs which he Sells for about 45. per
100 pounds, stipulating that they are to
be delivered and. weighed at a certain
hour next day. He then gives the, ani-
—Mr. James Hatton, near Lebanon,
in the North Riding of Wellington, is
getting out material for the erection of
a large bank balm, 75x45, with chaff
house, which is 'I intended • to be the
model barn in the township. Mr. Hut-
ton, who emigrated' from Scotland with-
out means, hest by industry and he-
domitabre perseterence, aecompanied
by pluck and energy, made aome for
himself worth at least 416, 0, anti
has become thoroughly Cana utilized,
by his enterprise in building on a large
scale. i,, .
Toronto, Ione day last week, as
'several lads were skating in the neigh-
borhobd of the iNorthern Elevator, 0,
gentleman skated past them in the di-
rection ;of the open water.' The lads
shouted to him, but he paid no,atten-
tion, and they having for a minutturn-
ed their backs upon him, were surpris-
ed on looking for him to find that he
the teamster was right, Baia dismisse
had disappeared. The lads aver that
the case. The statute dietinctly pro -
it was quite impossible for the unknown
vides that a team in passing auother
to have got out of sight, so soon by
any other way than by: falling through on the road, must pass on the left side.
the ice into the bay. One of the lads It would be well for parties driving
is particularly positive about the disa,e, :with vehicles to bear this important
fact in Mind.
Pe—arAannace-an.' giving I his name as H. Nut- —In reply to enquiries as lo the -cora-
ter going west per Great Western Rail- naodities most likely to be exported. sue -
character. During the earlypart of last
year he won the affections of a young
lady, and in order to carryout a propos-
al of marriage, the young man took a
blank license from Mr. Aylesworth's
desk, deposited. 42 in- the till as pay-
ment, filled the blanks in the proper
manner and forged 'Mr. Aylesworth's
name on it, and on that. license the
couple were married at Selby in the
presence of witnesses by Bev. D., F. Bo-
gert, on the 26th of july last. Up to a
few days ago the affair remained a se-
cret, but some whisperings resulted in a
confession on Sunday and the subse-
quent proceeding. He -Wits committed.
for trial, but bail was accepted, himself
in $1,000, and two sureties $500 each.
—A case of some interest was tried in
the Hamilton Police Court, a few days
ago. As the driver of the stagebetween.
Hamilton Baia Strabane was nearing the
city, he overtook the wagon of a team-
ster, and turned his team to the right
-with the. intention of passing. The
teamster, to prevent his passing, alto
turned to the right, and. crowded the
stage off the road, upsetting it over an
embankment, seriously injuring a horse
and brea,king the vehicle. The stage
driver had the teamster cited before the
magistrate, for the purpose of making
hire. pay costs. The teamster admitted
the offence, but urged. that the stage
driver was attempting to pass on the
wrong side. The judge decided that
way, on Wednesday evening, fell asleep,
and. when near Ingersoll he arose from
his rest and deliberately -walked out the
door ti,nd off the -platform. 'He had the
misfortune .to break his arra in two
places, between. the :wrist and elbow,
cut an ugly gash in his forehead, so as
to expose the bone, and was cut and.
cessfully from Canada to Australia, Mr. •
James Brown, of Montreal, 'writes to
the Monetary Times as follows : "-I am
certain trade can be done with Austra-
lia in many articles from Canada, and
among others I will mention the follow-
ing, -which, I know, have been ordered
since nay, return. from New South
bruised about the head. and. body se- Wales; Slates, split peas, oatmeal,
verely. He lay insensible nearly all fish, herrings, lobsters, salmon, clothes
night, but in the morning managed. to pegs, axe and hammer handles, brooms:
cheese, dried apples, carriage and wagon
springs, carriage bolts, carriage ma-
terials of all sorts, spokes, hubs, rinro%
the following dayshafts, chairs, agricultural implements
—In DtmdaS, a few nights ago, im- of all sorts, buggies, wagons, lorries—
mediately after the adjournment of the rather a, motley and mixed lot of goods
Town (nnncilJ while the editor of the to be sure. In addition to the above, I
have'shipped organs, stoves and gen-
eral hardware, pot ash, etc., etc, on
previous orders. I have= doubt that
in time, a good trade will be done, but
we mutt have patience and not expect .
the same time, "That's the.wayI treat too much at once.
make his way to the office of Pr.
Ingersoll, who, dressed lift, we
He was able tel resume his ioin
Banner was iealriing against a window
in the clerk's room, the editor of the
Standard entered from a door facing
-Mr. Somerville, and struck him a
heavy blow ob the mouth, stating at