HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-01, Page 8\I THE HURON gXi3OSITOR.. • 4, '.itt tit txpot�. DISTRICT 1:TATTERS. ConsEcrieta—Having forma that seine persons have concloded that Wilson's Wild Cherry Outs:ins opium, as most medicines far the purpose do, the proprietors take this opportunity of stat- ing that the Wild. Cherry contains no trace of this or any other narcotic, mid may be given to an in- . - Ault with the same safety and benefit as to an adult. The tomo effects of the Wild Cherry show themselves in an increased appetite and recuper- ated strength, and to those, whose systems have been reduced by chronie disease of the lungs or bronchial tubes it i s especially recommended. See advertisement. 53Bz.» Tri TLS 0 & Yocao have •• Just opened out a fine lot of French and English, China, which, was bought at a bargain, and will be . sold at such, prices as never were offered in Seaforth before. Beautiful white And gold band sets at $4 50,our old price ; Stone China Tea Sets •end Toilet Sets, Plates and all other staple pods • we are selling 20 per centcheaper than we ever offered before. Also a, tot of new lines of Glass- ware in great variety. Call and be convinced that this no humbug,-. Wenman business. 530 Itiroutstex.—After one month's trial of our large importation of Tea, we have every confidence in recommending it to the public as the best value ever offered in Seaforth. Parties buying fro.n us in quantities for cash can save ' from 16 to 20 per cent, and we will take back any tea not turning out as good as represented. Store- . keepers supplied. at Toronto prices. Grangers, • you will do well to give us a call. WizsoN & Torral. 53G " F. G-. WIDDOWS; the Ex -Monk, by requeatovill deliver his grancl historical lecture entitled "British Freedom," in Cardillo's Hall, on Monday, February Ilth. Music—the piano and organ will both be used by Mr. Widdows, on this, his hat visit, to Seaforth. Admission, 25 cents; Reserved chairs, 36 cents. eta our midst. _Aside, therefore, altogether froin the great merits of the proposed. entertainment, the people of Seaforth will, we are sure, feel it to be their duty to show their appreciation of Mr. Cline's services in the past, by turning out in' large nurabersto his benefit concert. Bueresss CHANGES.—Mr. L. Mabee has purchased the grocery business and. stoek of Mr. A. W. Spa,rling, and in- tend- carrying on the business in the old stand_ —Mr. D. D. Rose having leased the store adjoining the Post Office formerly. occupied by Messrs Laidlaw & Fairley, intends embarking in the mercantile business again, and will open out with a new stock of goods in a few days. Flotaxt.—Split Peas mid Pot Barley, Buckwheat, Flour, Oatmeal, Granulated Wheat, Cornmeal, White Beans, Picklesiin. brine always in stock, and cheap atIlorrison's. 530 1.3A.I3D-1.Aw & FAIRLET have removed. into their new preMises in eardno's Brick Block, romediately under the Clock.. 530 TUE Cheapest Teas in Town, 55 cents per pound in pound Caddies, and warranted good, at Monism's., 530 CR-VATSCOla;—You CRYI get 13 lbsof good Bug= at M..Morrison's for 1. 530 • • BusiNtss 3.i -once .—The Weekly Globe and Tut EXPOSITOR will be famished to subscribers for 1878 on the setae terms as last year, -viz., 53 15, The London Western Advertiser and THE EXPOSITOR 3. Sze') Wsakr..—As will be seen by no - —Mr. Gralaam Williamson has leased the store in Carmichaers new brick bleak, adjoining that to be occupied by Mr. MoMelkin, and. intends openina out in the grocery, provision and bak- ing"business. The erection of the Oven is being proceeded with. • THE, LITERARY SOCIETY.—At the regu- lar meetipg of the Seaforth Literary Society or Monday evening last there was not a very large attendance. . The chair was occupied by Rev. Mr. Pierce, and Mr. F. Sellars acted as critic. _Ex- cellent readings were given by Miss Booth and Mrs. A..W. Sparling, also by- Mesars. McGowan, Sellars, Pashley, Mitchell and Lumsden. The following ladies and gentlemen have been selected to give readings one week from next Monday evening : Misses Pringle, Ew- ing, Booth and Mrs. Sperling ; also, Messrs. Mitchell, McMulkin, Hayden, Higgins, Rev. Mr. Pierce and. Dr. Camp- bell. The debate on tax exemptions will take ple,ce on Monday evening. The' names of the contestants we gave cor- rectly last week, except that we should have substituted the name of Mr. S. G. McCaughey for that of Dr. Vercoe. EGIIONDVTLLE Creel-tete—The contradt for the erection of the new Presbyterian Churchtin Egmond.ville, has been award- ed to VT. Sohn H. Broadfoot and Messrs. Copp & Shavi; the wood work tothe former, and the stone and. brick work to the latter, for the sum of 53,251. The congregation furnish the brick, stone, and sand, and do all the tearaing. The following is a list of the tenders sent in: Sohn H. tBroadfoot, $3,251; E. Lusby, 4 formances for the bencfi at an early date, and a this company always house, we feel sure a will be realized, the pr will be devoted to the p of the band the plays of W a bumper andsome SUM eeds of which ..ohase of two more new instrument- cornet and alto and Mr. Cardno h the band the free use of Music hall for this ben purposes shortly, or as s of their finances will p is neat, plain uniform, s tar to the uniform of *\tand, comprising fifte and the Town Councill will, we hope, sanction the efforts put forth on the part Df the,band, by a liberal grant for that' pulp+, in order that the band. can pre- sent a more imposing appearance, when playing_ out, than they do at present. There are still quite a number of sub- scriptions which haveiot as yet been paid, and. those interested would oblige by handing in the arnodnt of their sub- scriptions to the SecrOary of the band at the EXPOSITOR OffiCel—Com, Ilullett. tice elsewhere, Mr. James Lang, of $3,110; James Walsh, 3,913,4James Tuckeramith, intends receiving a quan- Mullen, 3,085,5John Scott, ,725,52 tity of seed wheat frona a friend in Wm- Adam Gray, 3,296,5Grant, German & nesota, for use this present spring. The Co., 52,646. Besides the above there change of seed would, doubtless, have a were given in separate tenders for the beneficial effeetaaulparties desiring such mason work : Ad.aras & Halliday, should. see Mr. Latig. 050, Copp & Shaw,' S1,166, W.4.1 Trea,ves, 51,000; Daniel Prier, 51,070 Separate tenders for carpenter wOk : J. H. Broa,dfoot, $2,085 ; John Scott 1,75O; Adam Gray, 2,1i0;5Grant German & Co., $1,606. It is intende to have the ch -arch finished , and read for occupancy about the last of October • Ott VAMENTINES.—The practice so po pale.r in France of sending those pleas ant souvenirs has, in Canada, within th last ten years almost entirely ceased or rather given place to the low an degrading cartoons, introduced by o ArTaericen cousins. The immense cir ciliation that these oheap sheet a hay obtaired. among the children and lowe classes Of society, has made the 14th February -a, dread to the post master throughout the country, and. so disgus ed. the people of refinement and test that they gave up all participation -in practice so shamefully abused. Th effect was that the beautiful Freno goods which really show exquisite wor Deanship -were rendered unsaleable, an many dealers 'suffered severely, but a GliStOM so prevalent with the fashio - able Parisians could not long be do meat in America. They have be gradually increasing in popularity til this year. The quantity import d from 'France into the TJnited States and Canada has been something i 'liens°, far exceeding that of any fo mer year.—Com. • TOWN COUNCIL.— At the meeting the town council held on Tuesday eve ing last the clerk was instructed raemoralize the Lieutenant Govern for permission to take a census of t town with theview of securing additi al hotel accommodation. The fire a water committee were instructed purchase a coal stove for use in t engine house with sufficient coal to s ply the said stove in fuel until sprin also to have the fire alarm properly t- taohed to the town clock bell. fr. William Elliott was appointed clerk ,at a salary of 5125 ; Mra j. Duncan, tre s- urer at a salark of 550 and Mr. ja es Hatt, collector, salary not fixed. C. M. Dunlop was reappointed. o stable, and Mr. William' Derience m keb clerk, pound keeper, &c. Mes John Ward, A. Davidson, and Ja A. Cline, were appointed fence view The following are the standing c • mittees for the current year, viz: 'St and side-walks.—Messrs. Dorsey, .43a bell' and Cluff ; Finance,—Mes Wilson, Beattie and Strong. Dra Health and Relief.—Messrs. Gra Claff and. Strong. The council n again on Tuesday evening next. TUE CARNIVAL.—Mr. Murphy proprie- tor of theDominion SkatingRinit,intends holding the secondfancy dress carnival of the- season' on Thursday evening next. Mr. Claxton, of Simcoe, will be at the Conaraercial Hotel with cos- tumes for the occasion. Prizes will also be offered to the best skaters. LN Ti -It Them NEW PREMISES.—Messrs. Laidlaw & Fairley, grocers, have now got fairly ageing in their new store in. Cardncta new block. The store is very neatly fitted up, and everything is com- modiously arranged. We hope our -ends may receive in their new and andsome store a renewed lease of pub- lic patronage. PREBENTATION.-0/1 Tuesday evening last tb.e members of the Seaforth Dra- matio Clult entertained Mr. L. F. Wheelersartist,at &compliment ary oyster supper in their rooms, and preaented him -1/eitla a handsome gold ring in recognition of his services rendered - to the club since he has been in town. , The members of the club were all pree- tent and. a very pleasant :evening was • spent. Coanectiota—Mr. Mabee wishes us to state that tb.e property which he sold at Grant & German's planing mill a short time ago did. not belong to that fi.rna, but to the insolvent estate of Johns- & Roweliffe. This explanation is deemed necessary as seine misappre- hension bite arisen. on account Qf the sale having been advertised. to take plaoe at the establishment of Mesars. Grant & German. • also tendered aeramodiouS fit. • The band n as the state rrnit, procuring mething simi- the Goderich suits in all, TEIcirEu.--1Yriss Ka Lucan, has been enga seliool .No. 6; Hallett, a salary of 5340 a year. Wmows.—On a certa this township, not fax is said. there are no widows inside of two udes. Itsarovare—Mr. Pete t 'McDonald; late lof the lth concession, jhas removed to 'the township of Meore,Larabton comity, where he has purchased a farm. Emit' SOLD.—Mr. A his farm of 50 ages, o • sion of Hullett, to Yr. $3,000. There is a g and log house. Mr. Kansas in the spring. DROPPED DEAD. -0 ing of last week, Mr. of the 8th concession, in an unusual mann wife an.d some of th family, were driving Edon towards Londes -the party hoisted. an. frightened the team, a ed. to run away, but h to run a few steps, w dropped. dead, withou gle. Nothing oiled th cause can. be assigned. fright.—New Era. o O'Donohue, of d as teacher of ear Clinton, at Ln concessionof from Clinton, it less than eleven Penscesara—Mr. John C. McKay of this town,* left yesterday for Sidney, New South Wales. Mr. McKay goes with Mr. J. 'W. Lyon of Guelph, the celebrated book publisher, who having now pretty well supplied Canada with subscription book, finds a good. opening • for ILI'S business in New South Wales. Mr. McKay expects to be gone about two years. He leas eshis family in Seaforth. many friends hereabout will join -with us in -wishing him a safe journey to and a prosperous career in his new field of labor. • lIonsz TCTI.T.E6.—On Thursday m - lug as Mr. David McNaught was exer- cising his fine young Clear Grit Stallion "Captain Brant," on the common inthe vicinity of the flax mill, the animal be- came frighteued at some object, and be- • comiug tunuanageable ran away. Ile made for hie stable, and when turning at the alley -way at the corner of Mr. MdNaughtls shop he struck against a • post which was in the way.breaking his lea in several places.. Ito haa to be kill- Rose has sold the 8th conces- bt. Taylor, for od frame barn ose is going to Monday even - m. Weymouth, est a good mare r. He, with his members of his ong the conces- ore, when one of umbrella, which d. theteattempt- d only naanaged en one of them scarcely a strug- animal, and no or its death but seconded that C. L. Snaith b refunded i in Order in some measure to reward him Bond property and a deg not his; also derson., wb.o was taken entirely. by sur - that J. Logan and R. Hotham be each prise, in a few words thanke the oon- 13 refunded 01 dog tea. Moved seconded gregation for their ' handso e gift, and and carried; that the ReeVe give an or- expressed his deterinination to continue der to D. McDonald for $4.20 for gravel, to do what he could for the interests of Irma that Mr. Stinson be refunded 75 the con.teegation.. 'cents, price of lamp for hall. Moved, THE Cam/cm-The newly° ected cotm- 1 52.73 being taxes poid by him on per- the presentation was Made. Mr. Hen - I 'seconded. and carried, that the treasur- cul, whotnet at Leyden' s li tel, on Jan. ler's bond. be laid. on the to.* at next 21, presented and deposited t eir oaths of ;meeting, and that the 'treasurer be in- qualification and office, ' .: Thomas *meted to deposit 4800 in the bank to E. Hayes, Esq., Reeve; 11 ssrs. Kerr, ithe credit of the railway debt. Moved., Grieve, Evans., and Ffillen, ouncillors. 'seconded and carried that Messrs. Mc- The Reeve. being then ch irman, ad- Iliinley Douglas and 'Castle be a corn- dreased the Cormcil, stating their duty , I . imittee to let a contract of bridge on. ;Bronson line. The Council adjourned 'to meet on Saturday, March 2nd, at 10 I . o'clock A. II. 1 :• 1, - Stephr. Morr s. , I Trin TOWNSHIP COU elected members of Council,viz.: W.- J. John R. Miller, Deput Vanalstine, Henry M Wilson, Councillors, statute, and. handed. tions of office and qua Council was duly org D. Vanalstine, second that the following offi for the current year a after their- respective Clark, township... de John Watson, assess° , Johnston, auditor, s The Reeve then appo corabe, second. audit Mooney, seconded b the collector be ins the sum tenderedby ing amount of Co Speoial and school r,a. of Lot No. 28, Con year 1877-0arried. alstirie, seconded. by the Returning officer and the constables 5 vices at the murrici ried. After pa,ssing counts the council on the 19th of Febru OIL.—The newly the Muniap Johnston, Reeve ;. Reeve; and D. ney and William. et pursuaiat ; to • their deb, lora- lification, and the "zed. Moved. bt, d by H. Mooney, ers be appointed the salaries set names, viz.: -W. k, salary, 5100; Lary 570; jet. 58—Carried. ed. James New - r. Moved by II. W. Wilson, that ructed to accept eorge Forsyth, be- ty, Towns -hitt es, on north 'tali ession. 5, for the Moved by D. V£141-: H. Mooney, th t ,be paid 56 e h each for their Ber- et elections—Car- a number of ao- djourned to meet DOINGS IN CO UN CM.T-The newly elect- ed. Council being all present were duly sworn and subscribed to the qualifica- tion of office, and. took their seats. • The Minutes of former meeting. were read and signed. Moved by C. 4ilber., sec- onded by T. Yearly, that 0,j Prouty be re-elected Clerk for the current year. The following are to Ile the salaries for the present year: Clerk, $120; Treas- urer, 480; Collector, !85 ; assessor, t)70; hall keeper, 12; a ditors, 510 each. . Moved. by kV. Baker seconded by C. -Eilber, that J. A. Ro#ins be Treasurer, and that the Clerk prepare bonds at once. M. Fehlehatir was appointed care taker, Dna' A. Holikirk and W. Mc- Dougall auditore: By-law and deben- tures for school loan ordered to be sign- ed. Collector to have all taxes collected by next meeting. I Wroxeter. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.—The teachers in this vicinity held a preliminary meet- ing a short time ago, for the purpose of forming themselves into an association. Another meeting will take place on Feb. 91h, to Icomplete the organization. All interested are requested to attend. MISSIONARY MEETI16.—A meeting for the furtherance of this object, was held. on Frida,y the 25th nit. A number of speakers from a distance were announc- ed to address the meeting, but the most of them were prevented:from doing fiO, for various reason.s.!' Rev. Air. Brown of this place ably oeCuoied the chair, who after a few remarks', introduced Rev. Mr. Prichard, of Bluevale. That gentleman in the course of a long an4 eloquent speech, gate a very flattering account of the progress of the various mission schemes in connection with the church. ' I, Exeter. I rY. Ha COUNCIL MTIETniG. pursuant to statute, ary 21st, in the T The following gent sworn in as memb 1878 : John B. Geig Rennie, Deputy Ree fliesch, William S. Sneider, councillors. pointed to the seve current year, with viz.: Daniel S. Fau Wm. Wilson, Fans Samuel Foster; de Zeller, Treatirer, 48 tier, assessor, 570 ; lector, 570; Mrs, K 58. Moved. by Mr. ad by Mr. Sneider, amounts be refund collector's roll, adz. labor, ; J. J. T ick,dog tax, 51—Ca number of accounts paid. Moved an clerk be requestedt printed. before the egatiort from the tural Society waite petition, asking aid for the purpo liquidating a debt on show grounds bailding, the petiti n was postpone next meeting for consideration. • Council adjourned • 2nd March, at 10 the pathmasters, fence viewers will I to p- - Tn. SEL.TOWTH FIREMENSI BAPID natio° with pleasure a move for the ed.'', "Captain Brant was from excel- ter on the part of our town band, s lent stock, was an animal of muchprom- as the procuring of new andbetter tc ise, and was greatly prized byhis owner, t instruments, also music stands, to whom. his death will be ECheavy less. ture and other requisites. About the end of November the band cornmei ced Mn. CLINE'S " oom- to shift for itself under rather 111If VOT- n- rs. es TS. Da- eet p - TS. 8, sie, ()et We et- ch ned plimentsxy benefit concert to Mr. G. W. Cline, will be given in Cardne's Music Hall, on the evening of Frida3r. February 8. For this occasion some of the best musical talent in the country has been secured, and the entertain- ment promises to be superior to any- thing of the kiad that has ever been ;given in Seaforth. Besides local &Ma- teura, the following lathes and gentle- men will take part in the entertain- ment: Mr. Kennedy, of Brantford, the popular comic vocalist ; Misses Alexan- der, Buffalo. and. Zimmerman, Listo- wel; MTS. Pierce, London ' Mr. Crush, late of New York, also Mr. John A. Douglas,late of Inverness, Scotlandavhe will appear in Highlandcostume, and will give a number of Scottish songa. In addition to these there will be the Seaforth Glee Club, and a- 0011lie drama. The entertainment will be varied and most interesting, and will .deserve, as we are sure it will receive, a btunper house. Mr. Cline is one of ourselves, he is a vocalist of whom we have just cause to- feel proud, and he has always been foremost in lending his time and his talents for the advancement and en- oura.gement of any worthy object in able circumstances, without even a in the treasury, but with commen energy andperseverance, they soon ed a more successfulfooting. Their instruments have atrived—a cir bass and baritone—which are beautiful clear ringing tone, and purchased at a discount of 15 per by the leader of the bond, from Messrs. Nordheimer, of Toronto. circular bass is an English instru of Distinimanufacture, an4 is one best instruments of the kind in Ca and cost $85. The baritone is a F instrument, of Le iConapte manufe, and cost $45. For the means of • curing these two instruments, the • is -indebted to the liberal donation a number of the citizens of this pl part of which was raised by sub tions, but the greater araoun.t by 11, of serenadinge-a, number of the -- &leaded. once,' _making liberal don in slims varying from $1 to 49. needless to say that the donor o latter amount is "an old stand -b theband, who has -always taken a interest in its welfare. The Se Dramatic Company have .kindlY sented to give one of their popul was to elect a Deputy Reeve. It was . . then. moved by Wm. Evans, seconded by r Alex. Kerr, that Win. Grieve be Deputy Reeve. Moved in amendment by Jas. Fr Men., seconded by Win. Grieve, that Alex. Kerr be Deputy Reeve— Amendment carried. On motion of Mr, Kerr, _seconded by Mr. Grieve, a mimbei of accounts were otdered to be paid. The following sums were paid for charity: $10, 45 to widow Hart, $10 to widow Toole, 40 cents te Jas. Kenny, and 80 cents to Jas. Kennedy. Moved by Alex. Kerr, seconded by'i1Vm. Grieve, i that Laughlin Mclifillan e appointed : Auditor. Moved in am ndment by W ' . Evans, seconded by j mes Hillen,_ , that Patrick Decantlon Auditor — .Amendment c Reeve b.pointed Robert • • The Cotmcil met ia. Monday, Janu- WU Hall,' Zurich. preen were duly rs of Co-ancil for r, Reeve; Samuel e; John C. Ketb- ilson and. Williera The persons op- al offices for the , alaries as follows, t, 1st Auditor, 58'; e, 2nd auditor, 58; ke 5110 ; Michiusl : David Hochstet- Henry Boller, col- inhardt. caretaker, albfliesch, seoond- that the following d, being errors on N. Sh-app, stet/ate mar and J. Broder- 'ed. On motion. a were ordered te be carried that Ithe get five order b oks ext meeting. A el - ay Branch Agri ul- on the council •th e of and • till The o raeet on Satur lay, 'dock A,. M., when poundkeepers and e a.ppointed. ' e appointed 'ed. The urnbull the • secondlAuditor. Moved by Wm. Evans, seconded by Jas. th be instructed to transmit a non-resident Collectors roll the Treasurer, to be ins books and audited with counts; showing the asset ties—Carried. Moved by seconded by Alex. Kerr, McGregor be re -appoint Moved in amendment by that Robert McMillan be a sessor. There being no se motion it was lost. The ext • meeting of council will be held at Davis' Hotel; on the second Saturday in February .next. t the Clerk copy of the for 1877, to Add in his 11 other 'w- and liabili- Wm. Evans, that Donald d. Assessor. m. Grieve, pointed As - ender to this IIIMISEN114 FEBRUARY 1 1878. oommittees of two, viz.: R. N. Brett and. Samuel Wallace, Nos. 8 and 10; George Sproat and N. Conine, Nos. 4, 6 and 7: James ItIcEwing and George NEW ELECTION.—The nomination of councillors for the year 1878, will -take place on Friday, Feb. 1st, and the elec.. • tion on the Friday f011owing. The can- didates (whose name is legion) are now prospecting vigorously; and a lively con, twit is antioipated. °ONO/MT.—The firemen of Exeter in- dulge in a grand torchlight procession and concert on Friday evening, February lst. We understand. all the local talent and 80M6 professional visitors will make the evening pleasant by vocal and in- strumental music. ;, Proceeds for the benefit of the fire company. ; Soothae—A very auccessful sooial was held at the residenllOe of Mr. Hayden, station master, on the evening of Fri- day. last. A walking cape, valued at 55, which was offered the most popular man of the village, -was won by Mr. Wharton Hodgson: Voting was q-aite lively, and we doubt not that some paid high for their attercipts at gaining popu- larity. A pleasant evenitig was passed, and the slam of 5306 was realized for the benefit of Christ's church.' The visitors speak in term e highly complimentary of the 'hospitality laf the worthy hest and hostess. • ent able ain- new ulax f ere ent. •the The ent, f the ada„ ench ture, pro - and. of a ce— crip- earls .‘ ser - tions It is the " of vely orth C011- per - Bluevale. Dobson, Nos. 9 and 3 • John Dcdg and John Wood., NOR. 1 and 2; and are :here- by authorized to prootire wood, and any other actual necessaries that ina.y be re- quired. _between the meetings of the Board—Carried. Moved by N. Cousins, seconded by4. Wood, that this Board do now adjo to meet again at school house No. 1, on the dast Saturday in February, at 21o'clock P. M. sharp. Kipp en . • SOIREE,—A oiree,nnder thep.uspices of the Kippen Presbyterian cht4rch, wiU be given in •the churcb on thel evening of Friday next. Addresses will be given, by seVeral clergymen and there will be sUitable music furnished by the church Choir. The cltair Will be taken by Rev. Mr., Cameron,' pastor of the congrega- • tion. Tea will be served. at 7 o'clook, and speaking' will commence at 8. • A really pleasant evening is in store for those, who will attend, and we ex eat to - gee the church crammed full. JOT INGs.—There is a splendid. open- ing in this . village for a good harness shop. It would be a great convenience to the Jarmers in. the neighborhood, and. there is not the least doubt but a good, steady harness maker would do well here. A tin shop is also badly needed. Our -weigh scales are giving good satis- faction and paying well, and the COM- pa,ny are not sorry for th,eir investment. One of our fellow citizens has for the past few days been suffering from the effects of a great south -wester, but, not- withstanding the inclemency of the -weather, he is rapidly improving.1 St . • COUNCIL MEETIN pursuant to statut" day, Jan. 21st, 1 gentlemen having the necessary awl tion and office too Graham, Reeve; ; Reeve; J. MCRinl J. Aikenhead, Co last meeting read by G. Castle, seco that Wm. Finlike ey. .—Tho Council met at Varna, on 78. The fall° ade and subsc tion of qua fica- their seats, viz. W. G. Castle, Deputy y; P. Douglass, and. ncillors. Minutes of n.d adopted. Moved ded by J. Ailon1iead, t be Clerk for 1E78— Carried. Moved I nd seconded thait the following be the s aries of the different township officers or 1878, and that a by-law to this e eat be passed, -viz.: Clerk, 5100, to dude voters' lists; Treasurer, 570 'an 55 for expenses' ; as- sessor, 560; co eetor, 580; auditors 45 each; deputy retur:ning officers, 56 e 11 clerk's fee; care- ach, tb include p taker of hall, 510 selectors of jurors, 53 each; and Cler 53 for corapilin lists. ' Moved and secon ed that Alex. Sparks be assessor for 78; J. Higgins col- lector; G. Baird, auditors; and.R, teSs of School Se plication for pow school purposes. seconded by Mr. law be passed a of school section sum of 4800 for that the. Reeve a the debentures On- vin.g •bed I THE WRONG Mate—Late on Saturday evening, as Mr. Frank Wright was re- turning from Dashwood, and while near the Exeter cemetery, he was stopped on the way by a stranger, who refused. to ri ht tri a allow him to pass. Mr. W g repeatedly to go past, by crossing to the opposite side of the road, but the ruffien signalled and soon had assistance. They soon discovered that he was " not their men," and he was allowed to pass after being urged. to "take something" from a bottle which they produced. The moral suasion. which emanates from the muzzle of a revolver, might have quite a beneficial effect on char- acters of tb.eir typP. GONE Dow.—iff. Thos. Lachlan, foreman of Exeter fax mill; while on business at Stratford last week, imbibed. too much of the " and on his way ho leaving the horse ing tired, donbtle whose occupants roe laying 'himself on la be comfortable. The hors as Mr. Allen's, tsar? mile and Mr. Allen, after souj an (miler in Mr.i Do • ebriate returned home on Saturday a Stratford emissary of justice appeared! in Exeter, and., after ornamenting Mr.iLachlan's wrists with the "bracelets," took him off to Strat- ford. We are net aware of the exact nature of the charge on which the ar- rest was madetbut understand it is a serious one. I aca PaoSPERODSVILLAGE.—Although business has not been. so iife in this vil- lage fbr some time back asin Borne of the neighboring villages, yet by the appear- ance of things at present Ithe prospects are that affairs -will be livelier in ,the future. Mr. Charles tVeam,• who ihas for sono years past been lkeeping a gen- eral s tc thi the sara .store in by M. Chambers, for a The store is now being fitted up; and Mr. Venn in good. working order th this Month. There are t here at present, one kept Messer and the other Timi!nins ; but we feel as will not be disappointed, for opposition is the buil place. Mr. John Ed rented his butcher !shop One door south, of Mr. Mr. Alex. Jollies, who self in that 'IMe. Iiia above Mr. Jull, ,from D ed die sash and door fa ore ia lienfryn, is ebout to move village, where he {will carry on business. He as rented the dwarde' block, tely occupied erm of years. enifirged - *and 111 have things fore part. of o good stores Mr.William y Mr: James ured Mr. Venn n coming liere, g ap of any eras: has also, in his block, enn'ti store, to employ 'rim- dition to the das, has rent - tory, lately oo- 1.Brussels. Ntw OMNIBUS.—Robert Loadlaw, the _ contractor for running the 'bus to the railway station from all the hotels, has just purchated a nett, 'bus for the pur- pose. • FIREWOOD. — The school board on Friday lastdet the contract for 40 cords of green hardwood, to be split and piled in the school shed, foil. 85 cents per ncoomABrtda. EETS. —Maikets are quiet, and, great deal doin„a. There is a lit- tle sleighing but not enough snow to make the roads good. The following are quotations: ; Fall wheat, 41. 10 to 41 15; Spring, 85c to 93e; oats, 28c to 30c; barley, 40c to 45c; peas, 55c to 57o; hay, $8 to $10 ; ?took, $4 00 to 5425. ; I REBUILDING.—W. T. blunter, whose blacksmith Shop was destroyed. by fire on 7th 4.anuary, last, his the frame of his new shop up and closed in. He haS rebuilt on the old site. George Love has also; the material upon the ground. for his a,gricultural implement ware- house. It Will also be erected on the old site. i • Tire INSURA.,NcE of the leading Fire Insurance Com- panies ha,vp notified their, agents in Brussels not to renew their expiring policies on ,or near Wooden ranges in Brussels, and to solicit none but first- class risks u;ntil the -village is provided with some proper fire protection, such as a. steam engine or water works. This is one cif •the matters that the new Council ,will have totake in hand., and it 'should be done at once. RAILWAY ACCODIOD,ATION.-,-Padsertgers for TOronto. taking the morning train on the Wellington, Grey and.1 Bruce railway. to Guelph, and thence per Grand Trunk, arrive in Toro)* at '11 A. M., 2 hours and 15 ..minutes earlier than going all the .way by -the Great Western. The Grand Trunk train at Guelph waits for the Western train from the north, if the latter is within one hour of her regular time, bUt in re- min.ute for the Grand Trunk. cup that inebriates," e fellfrom the buggy, - o carefor itself. Feel s, he. entered a ho -ase om home, and made himaelf came on as fax from Exeter, e search, found ard. The in - on Friday, and A. 1" 0 Poll' II ! AUCTION. A. C. McDOUCALL & CO. HAVE MUCH PLEASUItE IN AN. - NOUNCING TO THE PEOPLE OP SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING UNTRY THAT BEFORE MOV. cupied. by Mr. ;William McIntosh, and intends to employ several. hands. Mr. jun will do twell. here, ad he is highly recommended. as a first-class mechanic. 1 Sr. and. G. Park Reid, treasurer. tion No. 4 ma ✓ to borrow 58 Moved by Mr. McKinley, that horizing the 1tr No. 4 to borro school purpose a Treasurer e Carried. Move' TAS - e ap- for astle, a by- stees the , and acute and • IN Tuokersmith. PiusoicAn.—At the first meeting of the new board of township school trus- tees; held on Saturday, Mr. John Doig was; elected chairman and Mr. George Sproat Secretary and Treasurer. REMOVRD.—Mr. Hugh Alexander of Tuckersmith, removed. his personal ef- fects to Blyth on Friday last, where he intends to reside for tile future. His many friends in Tuckers, mith will wish him success in, Ins, new home. MoRi11 op. ,-, 1 • MOTION Or UONDOLENCE.—MallY Of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mra. Wm. Bell, of licRillop, whieh mentary school. house, for the took place place at her husban.d's residenc.e mOdation of pa,rt of section Nos. 1 and 9, on the 17th ult. The following resell"- as they have been. for a lon„a time corn - tion was passed by the members of the ParativelY out of reach of the above Grange of which Mr. Bell is a leading• school. It was moved by R. N. Brett, and. respected member : " Moved by arid. seconded. by N. Cousins, that no aCtion be taken at this meeting, but t 'at James McEwing; Samuel Wallace d George Sproat be a committee, in njunction with the Inspector, to ex- anaine into the merits of the petition, and report at next meeting of the Board. --Carried. Moved by James Me - Ewing, seconded by George. Dobson, that the Secreteatj be authorized to get 5,000 blank forms for the use of teach- ers in making their monthly merit re- turns to parents from the several schools; also a blank receipt book for the use of the Treasurer, and any other articles that are necessarily required. for the use of his office—Carried. Moved by R. N. Brett, seconded by John Wood, that tb.e Secretary be authorized to procure 40 boxes of crayon pencils and. two dozen brooms for the use of the schools, and place them in charge of the Trustees—Carried. Moved by Samuel Wallace, seconded by James McEwing„ that the following persons be appointed gregation for his untiring services, and to take charge of the school houses m -owisnip &WOOL BOARD.—The newly elected School Board met in the school house, Egmondville, on Saturday, Jan. 26, Ilor the purpose of organization. Mr. 1YEcConnell, returning bfficer; occupied. the; chair, and -presented the returns from the several 'war.* a.nd also the declaration of ,offiee of the parties elect- ed, and. then called upon them to draw ballots to see which should retire at the ercl. of the first year, and the result was as follows, viz.: Ward No. 1, Samuel Wallace; No. 2, Nathaniel Cousins; No. 3, 4ohn Wood; No. 4, James Mo - Ewing leaving IR. N. Brett, George Sproat,1 'John Doig and. George Dob- son, to. serve for two years. It was then moved. by George Sproat, and secondett bySamuelWatlace, that John Doig be' chairman of the board, which was car- ried without amendment.Moved by Samuel Wallace, seeond.ed by John -Weed, that George Sproat be secretary- trea,surer Carried. A petition was pre- sented by James Connors and 32 others; . INTO _THEIR NEW STORE Tr WILL HOLD THEIR FIRST AUCTION SALE OF STAPLE AND FANCy DRY1 GOODS, oLOTHING, CARPETS SCOTCH, ENGLISH, AND CANA- DIAN TWEEDS, HATS AND CAPS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, SILK SCARFS. &e., &c. ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 29TH, ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 31ST, ON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND AT 1 AND 7 O'CLOCK P. M. BICH DAY THE SALE WILL BE HELD AT THE SAME HOURS. turn the Western will not wiait on- S BEING Huron. Notes. The Later Day Saints have %toned' a church in Exeter. —Crown Prince, the heavy draft ?W- hen owned by Messrs. Oke & Hodgson, of Exeter, weighs 1,790 pounds. —A. C. Boland, Esq. who has been& prominent citizen of Esq., for sev- eral years, has removed. to Blyth. ----On Thursday last Mr. A. B.nox, of Clinton, received an -ugly kick on the knee from a, horse,while passing through Ross'sstable. —Mr. J. J. Wright, of Point Farm, near Goderich, announces his intention of abolishing the bar in his stunraer hotel during next season. . —The soon-to-be town of Winghain now possesses a bran. new skating and cur- ling rink. The enterprising proptietor gave a free opening a few evenings ago, when thel ice was croteded with the youth and beauty of the town.; —Mr. PhilipE4 village clerk ef Blyth, refuses to accept the offices of Cterk and Treasurer at a salary of 560 per annum.. Mr. Philips is a wise naan, If the vil- lage can't afford to pay its °Moors de- cently the Council liltauld dissolve. —Mr. Thomas Pattersond of East Wawo.n.osh, plucked a boquet of daisies' from his garden on the 21st of January. What country in the world ;can beat East Wawanosh for salubrity of cll- . mate? , praynag for the 'erection of a supple - Bro. M. Morrison, seconded. by Bro. J. Hewitt, that the members of this Grange do heartily sympathize with our Worthy Master Bro. Bell for the great loss he has sustained 13I the boss of his dear companion, and. we do trust that when he is collet' away he shall meet his loved one in the better land; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the HURON EXPOSITOR for insertion. PRESENTATION.—On the occasion of a gu1ar weekly prayer meeting in Duff ,a Church, McRillop,tin the 16th inst., the pastor, Rev. Mr. Musgrove, on be- half of the congregation, presented Mr. Andrew Henderson , with a valuable hunting case patent lever silver watch as a slight recognition of his services in behalf of the church. I For the past five or six years Mr. Henderson has kindly • attended to lighting. the fires and other such chores about the Church, he living near by, and has persistently refused to receive any remuneration from the eon - 0 THIS. OUR FIRST SALE, BlITYERS: WILL GET A CELA.NU. TO BUY NEW AND FASHION- ABLE GOODS AT , —The report that Mrs. HOlohan, of Winghana, had eloped with a Man from the Black Hills turns out to be4 can- ard. Mre. Holoha.n is still in Wingham, and has not been any further away than Zetland, where her father reeidele Iff.r. —Master 'William, son of . Jams Magee, of Blyth, while chopp ng in the woods, last Saturday accidentally cut his hand with an axe. The wound was a severe one, and. will lay aortal time to come. good many cases of have been. reported from the of Grey, and amongst these have occurred, One in Tose and i one in Conrad Michae both young children. up for iththeria township o deaths la Long's, 's —Mr: John Sample, of Grey, 'Purchas- ed past week from Mr., Wm. Bell, of THEIR OWN PRICES., A.S THE STOCK WE HAVE IS LARGE, WE ARE DETERMINED' TO SELL AT Shakespeare, the Durham b Clyde. ' The animal is 'two and after being; driven from Brussels-, turned the scat pounds. —One . day last week a oung-maia named Peter Saunders, a section man on the line at Brussels, met with, a se- vere accident. As he and a companion were unloading a quantity of railroad iron from a lorry, a piece of the metal slipped, striking him on. the thigh, and Thfiicting a deep gash. • —On Thursday last, a young raal named John Jordan, of Cinton, met with a painful accident. H was dress- ing off a pole in the bush, olding,it in his right hand, and using tjlie axe with •s left, wh:en the axe c ught on a imb, and was brought dowi on his left jaand, inflicting a bad gash therein. —A complimentary supper will be given to W. G. Hingston, Esq., in thel Brussels House, on the evening of Tues- day, Feb. 5th, as a slight recognition of of the efficient services of that gentle- man in the performance of his duties as President of the East Biding of Huron Agricultural Society, and :his general conduct of all public matters in which he has engaged. • all, "Lord years old, eaforth to at 1,710 GREAT_SACRIFIC RATHER THAN CARRY THElg OVE-R. TO -NEXT WINTER. 1 'ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE THE SATE WHETHER YOU B OR NOT: WE MUST SELL TO'. 1MAKF. ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING GOOPS. TO PARTIES WHO CANNOT AT. TEND THE SALE THIS WEEK WE= i • WILL GIVE A DISCOUNT OF 1 , TEN PER CENT. OFF TO ATI. CASH BUYERS FOR OY GOODS BOUGHT AT THE STORE, THE FOLLOWING WEEK. A G. McDOITGALL# • MAIN STREET, BEAFORTH. EDEVBNTH YEAR: WHOLE NUMBER; 531. 1 G -ALT CORRESPO• NDENCE, 1 (Prom Ottr Occasional Correspondent GALT, January 28, 1878. Tian NEW FLOURING Mna...—Arrang ments have been tonataleted by Messr Gilchrist & Hardy, of Glasgow, Seel land, for the erection of a )arere flourin • raill in Galt. It is intended) to inal this one of the finest mills in Canada the machinery will be of the latest -an roost improved pattern; the buil dn will be five stories high, and built stone. It is estimated -dna the cost building, machinery, ike., will be abol 530,000. The work -will be proceedt with at once.. The Great Westei Itailwa:y Company have promised lay down a siding from the main tra to --the. mill. The entire manufacture the mill will be shipped direct to Gb g°41 THE WAH 'Reftnan of South Waterloo ILTO determined to up and doing, and are malting preps tions, as Sir jain said in his 'ree visit,tO fight the 44 beasts at Ephesui There having been no contest of a mordent since 1867, the Reformers, scions of their strength'havefallen li a kind of lethargy, from which it necessary that they should be arous A mass meeting was held at Preston Thursday, for the purpose of gat' the machinery iii good working or for the -coming struggle, which will upon us in a -few months. In fa.ct, seu almost saythat the campaign liasopen as it is the General topic of convex tion.. Who jilt, Young's opponent be it is rather difficult to fore Among those spoken of are: Me W. Robinson, T. Cowan, and Li stone, of Baden. - THE VEXM QUESTION SETTLED ray last I referred briefiy to thevac in the post office eaused by the deat the late John Davidson, and referr a few of the applicants whose c wore more or less worthy of cons tion. The claims urged by some of gentlemen were certainly of such s, tare as to entitle them to the posi but as there was only one vaean fill, and a host of -applicants, it ph: our member in rather an awkward sition.. To the surprise of every however, (even the successful candii himself, who aid not apply for tht fine, the before mentioned applic were passed over, and the appoint' ootaferred on Mr. Wm, Qttafrie, at and much -respected citizen. Qtaarrie bas always -been an adhere the Reform party, although he has er taken a very lively interest in pi affairs, being of rather a retiring d. sition. With the _exception of tit successful candidates and their frit the appointment has given general- isfaction, and has probably occasi less rancour and animosity than i position had been given. toeither MI Gant,Fields or Brown. Joutothnisric:—In so,far as nut go, at least, the County of Water] not so well supplied with newspa.p the County of Huron. We are sl, to ha,ve an addition to our number ever.. The new sheet is to be pub. in the village of New Hamburg called the Independent. How it it to live I cannot tell. So far as imderstand, however, it will be au tion sheet for Sam Merner, the s' pendent" Tory candidate of Soutl erloo. If Sam" doesn't get infl. liament, he is determined that i not be for the want of printer' The Independent will make- two which Mr. Merner -will control ix Hamburg, he being supported I German paper now published ni pluee.—There. is talk of Mr. formerly of St. Catharines, fitia daily and weekly newspaper in' 3 • "Peter," by the way, has recenth heir to considerable propertyal taking the quickest way to get rit 'What the polities of this ourn beitainsareartinhet: tlina ost:rxrdstlike being soraewhat of -the, same st ,,,w fa.cturers' price lists, "liable to - at any time without notice."—It pretty well understood. that a Ce tive., newspaper wB.I shortly he- ed in Paris. So that things lool lively for the coming struggle. ' THE LION 1N GALT.—We ilia tied down. to our slow . but sure ter having settled the post of& mess, when we Were startled fr peaceful reverie by the tumour, that the 44 Workil:IgMen'f3 A 13/Wei Galt," (alias Wm. Rebinson, Cowan and others of that ilk,) cided to present Lady Ms.cdono an oil painting of Sir John, exe MT. Adam Kay, of this tows the usual flourishing of truni cl;deftain, accompanied by tha mous Protectionist Poet, 3. Bur M. P. for Niagara, and Mr. Fo the blue-blooded •aristocrate 0 E. Club, (being no less a person Owip's “Fitzclavoodle,1 County of Waterloo on Tiles The visitors were met at D untnber of the " gentlemen rather, the " workingmen's and conveyed_ to the village of' where Sir Knight was presen an address and a tweedenit, -soon after arrived. in this " of Canada," and. daring the • Sir John busied himself - by vi various machine shops ana ot uf.aeturing establishments. N) mg through one of these,. a - made the remark, 44 Sir John, bagmen all seem glad to see yo, replied. the chieftain, .a we I fighting the battles for them f thirty years !" Thinking tha -tall one, however, the chieft usual off -hand manner, -tail and remarked, half eoOderi least they think so—rightly or wBhefeorree the eedingrresouttoatiote NvT,, place, a caucus of the a fait held at the Queen's Hotel tt whether or not it would bead Bir John to attempt to answ •