HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-01, Page 7-1878. immumummia ins Scor£ as O c% and r reet, first doat Physiehen, S °r tty of idro a street no Selma. Lairefteid, O`er td &ccouahsr> trinity Coll. Callose of Ph ti ruru.Ont. ., Orndua#a #t n, Surgeon and ice—Rooms hr Dr. Phelan, arid. Will attend at idays. gig. urge -611, Grad allege, Seaforth, lar of ililloi :A eel. to, night or ieinee On hand :fined alto: aoirnd: :#serf- 40i FEBRUARY 1, 1878. 'raduateof tea After devoting ressor Smith, of th. Office at his Calls prornptl L large stock of onhand. Horsea: :rtificates gid uinission. 424 EII E. L. D. $., entist, Gradua °liege of Dental itario. Artif a hal surgical opera- .nd promptitud . M. Rooms In Main Street, RON, Barristers, ;.« Goderioh, Ont. )lt, M. G. Own.. 503 ' leer. and Con -mats. Auctioneer and es collected on 3% emelt Solicitor itt Lnd Seaforth. Of- c� Goderich, and 354 Barristers, Attar- sery,,4c., Clinton, cd the new Royal ey to loan on farms G.A. WATSON ED, Barristers, At- tn; Chancery and slid Convoyaneers iforth. Agentafor uany, per cent. Farren 6s NEWEST, Barris- otters ar is --otters in Chancery,,, low rate of niter- rrgwers. offices --- Lee in Langdale's r. c. nrZxEa. EST. 474 :cnsolicl ted Bank tensand Attorney* ery and Insolvency,: , etc. Offices-4004d= t Private Funds -to t. Interest, payable 5;l ii. w. O. BTR.YIiR. r been dissolved by is due the firm tis will pay all habil-- MS H. BENSON. V. C. MEYER, EOUS. F., Brussels. Office ciilding : 504.52 eking done in the - fit ensured, at MIS:?` tv atson'e boot and Block. 545 Auctioneer. Any - es as Auctioneer will dh2 Street,. near 14r- rth. 524 Auctioneer for they ;les attended in all rdera left at the Ex- ptly attended ter. xovincial Land Sur- a by mail will receive, ?fhce, Clinton. T. s. GORE. FACTORY. N. Williams, manatee- Ail work warranted on North &Iain St., -500 loan and Real Estate rid Commission Mer - estate iu toirn or le interest. Charges ft and sold. Matured s to suit borrowers. r for sale. °Mee— ueseie, Ont. 5.15 •Leiai Land Surveyor Miers by mail prompt- IPBELL, lilitaliell. what the people say Shoshonees Remedy kham, says: .4I had thitis. I was so bad breath. I sought for fig the "Shosbaneea fronded, I procured a that by the time it 41, and have remained exposed through the F. B. Stratton, Dem• laaro found your re- ;al for liver cormpIaint, fiections, and would t to give them a trial'." When travelling bwku oat. I could rn florae.. It became worse. I firzafly par-; edyandaboxofP2lls, gone I commented to gore finished my foot Et is now 11 months arther attack."! Price es,, $t, Pills, 25 cents 622. tEDY.. job=Moses 'invaluable reedicine la :all those p:iuful and rh the female canstitu- ;tea all excess and re - a. speedy cureiraay be *, it is peculiarly suited. ug on the monthly pe-. so pills should not be the first three months - sure to bring on Mis- ime they are safe. In nd 'Spinal Affections, fs, fatigue on slight -ex - heart, hysterics, and A a cure when all other E, although a powerful oh, calomel, antimony, e constitutions Full; "around each- package,: Reserved. Job Moses, r. $1 fro and 124 cents; `rrthrop & Lyman, To- ts for the Dominion, wining over 5E1 pills by forth by E. Hickson a lmaden. 127 TNERSHIP.--case' he partnership hereto. n ersigned under style r,of' Zurich, is diaaeir- �riiet Eaist'collects all a cine to said partnere, ,L HAIST, ABRAIS MRS. Zurich,Docem-- 626-4 BII-Rldiug< it New Sport For San Frcuiciaco•- About 75. or 80 persons, including a 'half dozen females, assembled at South .San Francisco Park recently to witness. Ramon Ch vierria's extra hazardous ex- loft xlost on bull back. The bull to be rid - en was selected on account of his un - Amiable qualities—muscle and wicked- ness being seemingly his only points, the points had long since been sawed off of his horns to prevent him from do- ing mischief, which he was always ready to do. Ramon Chivierria, the rider, is a native Californian of the old Spanish stock. He is 42 years of age, rather under medium size, but possess- ing a wonderful amount of nerve and agility. At 3. o'clock he appeared in the arena, dressed in short knee breeches of green material. red and whitestriped stockings, flaming red shirt, light slip- pers,and The bull had cap of rebeen confined, white c bine.nd. all day in an enclosure adjoining the cir- cular arena, which was no more than 255 or 30 feet in diameter. Chivierria was already in this ring when the gate snmunicating with the bull's enclos- tie was opened. Before this -was done, however, a mounted vaquero, on the other side of the fence,threw a lasso over the animal's head. As soon as he caught . sight of Chivierria's scarlet colors, he made a vicious dart for him, dragging down the horse at the other end of the lasso. Then, in his eager- ness to reach Chivierria, he .threw his whole weight upon the cord, as if deter- mined to break it by main strength. At lenghth Toro was let free. The man had a banner of scarlet flannel which he flaunted in the bull's face. The ground was just wet enough to be slippery, and in a condition to make Ramon's feats more dangerous. Once or twice he slipped and fell, when the infuriated animal was pursuing him hard, and he was only saved by the headlong plunge of the bull beyond him. When Ramon wanted to take a breathing spell, or when, for prudential reasons, it was not important that he should, remain ex- posed to the assaults of his quadrupedal foe., he retired behind little shields which seemed no protection at all, yet behind which he appeared to feel per- fectly safe. After several contests with his bullship, in which courage and spry- ness and the blinding folds of the red banner proved too much for brute strength and fury, two horsemen were Admitted into the ring. Lassoes were thrown around the bnll's feet, and he was, after some difficulty, thrown to the ground. At this moment two or three others jumped into the ring to assist in holding the prostrate animal down. Its legs were- chafed raw by the ropes. Chivierria now secured his seat for a backward ride. Locking his feet under the animal's neck, with his face toward the rump, he held on with his hands to a rope passed twice around the animal's girth. A young man who had volun- teered to assist in holding the bull down now seemed to have lost his senses. Disregarding the orders from a number for him to leave the ring, he rushed to the bull's head, after it had regained its feet and was free from its fetters, and was attempting to tear its eye out with his finger, when the bull, roaring with pain and rage, dashed upon him and flung him into the air with his- horns. As soon as he struck the ground the beast was upon him again. The man, however, regained his feet and succeeded in reaching the fence, where he was seized by those in the seats above him and. dragged up between the animal's horns, which held him like a staple. He seemed like one insane, and -it was only with the greatest difficulty that he could be restrained from throwing him- self back into the ring. Ramon con- tinued his ride. The animal tried by all the ways it knew of to be relieved of its burden, but Ramon stuck closer than a brother. After a while a dog was let into the ring, for the purpose of divert- ing the attention of the bull, while Ra- mon sprang off and got behind one of his. little shields. The bull made al furious lunge at the dog; which seemed paralyzed with fear. The dog gave a frightful yell when the bull's horns struck him, and slunk away through the gate. Captain Burns, who was on the ground as a representative of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, arrested the native Spanish - Californian who placed the dog's life in jeopardy, and brought him to the city to answer in the police court on a charge of cruelty to a dog.—San Fran- cisco Gall. and kin? Or, being - already certain of their regard, does it never occur to him that they may not feel so sure of his esteem while he omits all the little eleganeies of manner which he readily accords to the public? If politeness is a power in itself, as We are told, ought we not, like other powers, to exercise it among our own before employing it to subjugate foreign realms ; and like char- ity should it not begin at home? The Temperance Feature of the White House Silver Wedding. There has been one strange omission in every account of the silver wedding. Long years ago, when Maine and Mas- sachusetts adopted laws prohibiting the sale of liquors, we heardof the contra- band article being concealed in "Pil- grim's Progress," "Anatomy of Melan- choly," " Hieroglyphic Bible, Lock on the Understanding," "Japhet in Search of his Father," "Blue Laws of Connecti- cut,"' -Pasha of Many Tales" and"Pa: ley's Philosophy." • These were only a few of the highly moral and intellectual works eagerly ;bought by thousands who had never before been suspectedof a de- sire to form a library. Such are the de- vices of the evil one. Now, apparently, the banquet furnished for the silver wedding was a strictly temperance af- fair. No wine -glasses obtruded them- selves, no popping of- champagne corks was heard, no odor of liquor tainted the air fragrant with the perfume of inno- cent, beautiful flowers.. The table groaned with delicacies; there were many devices of the confectioner whichcalled forth admiration. Many wondered why oranges seemed to be altogether preferred, and the waiters Were kept busy replen- ishing salvers upon which the tropical THE HURON EXPOSITOR; EXTRAORDINARY VALUE. ATTFiACTIVE TYLES IN DR SS FABRICS CASII M E RES,'; SERIES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, IN ALL THE RUSSEL' CORDS, LUSTRE, VICTORIA TWILLS, &C. APPROVED SHADES AND COLORS. B- ,GAIN IN SILK MANTLE VELVET. A FINE SHOW OF LINED KID CLOVES AND MITTS. SOe our WHITE BLANKETS at $2.50 Per Pair. NOTED FOIL j L P(TILL A L PRICES.' j 'JOHN ROG ERS, Seaforth. fruit lay. n Gly ces telegraphed to one BUFFALO ROBES another concealed the hatmissing link r wasge was ' BUFFALO ROBES. and concealed beneath the orange was u ROBES. delicious frozen punch. This I tell - in a whisper, and I hope no one Will ac - case me of betraying a confidence.— Correspondence' -Philadelphia Times. Hints on Cleanliness. Once a week is often enough'for a de- cent white magi to wash himself all over, and whether in' summer or winter that ought to be done with soap, warm water and a hog's -hair brush in a room shdwing at least seventy degrees Fahren- reit. Baths should be taken early in the morning, for it is then that the sys- tem possesses the power of reaction in the highest degree. Any kind ,of bath is dangerous soon after a meal or soon after fatiguing exercise. No man or wo- man should take a bath at the close of the day, unless by the advice of the family physician. The best mode of keeping the surface of the body clean, besides the once -a -week washing already mentioned, is as follows : As soon as you get out of bed in the morning wash your face, hands, neck and breast ; - into the same basin of water put both feet at once, for about a minute, rubbing them briskly all the time : then, with the towel, which has been dampened by wip- ing the face, feet, Lac., wipe the whole body well, fast anti hard, with mouth shut and breast projecting. Let the whole thing be done within five minutes. At night, when you go to bed. and when- ever you get out of bed during the night, or when you find yourself wakeful, and restless, spendfrom two to five minutes in rubbing_ your whole body with your hands, as far as you can reach in every direction. This has a tendency to pre- serve that softness and mobility of skin which is essential to health; and which too frequent washings will always de- stroy.—Hall's Journal of health. • Encouragement to Drill Scholars. Dean Stanley has been telling a story of his own boyhood and . Gladstone's : " There is a small school near Liver- pool," he said, " in which Mr. Glad - Manners at Rome. There are some people who seem tc think that home is the last place where it is necessary to put their fine manners into practice, quite heedless of the fact that those which are not worn constant- ly show unmistakably that they do not belong to the wearer, are but borrowed finery, an awkward! fit and an ember- rassment, like the Sunday suit of the poor hod -carrier, which is so much finer than anything he is accustomed to that he feels at a disadvantage in it, and ill at ease. The person who allows his wife, for instance, to pick up her hand- kerchief herself in private will render the service with such a poor grace in public that an acute observer will fail to be deceived. She who is in the habit of losing her temper at home will not always succeed in keeping it abroad. Many do not recognize the didactic na- ture of manners,- and. the fact that they disclose our true status more accurately than any) genealogical ;tree is not patent to them. They trust to their skill in adapting their manners to the occasion and the person, as well as to the ignorance and lack of observation of the by-standers, rather than make the effort to be uniformly polite. They act as if good manners were a dress suit into which they could jump at the short- est notice, and as if everybody would take it for granted that they lived sad moved and had their dailybeing in such regalia.' - At the same time it strikes us that if fine behaviour were innate, it would be displayed naturally at one's fireside, since, to use ahomely phrase, LINED AND UNLINED. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN - LION 1877-8. 1877-8• ,_ J.A.M=SON', BAFCJRTT3_ ReCeived this Week, Another Lot of our FamQ us 20 Cent Dress Goods. EVERY ONE SHOULD SEE THOSE BUFFALO ROBES BOUGHT BY OUR MR. McMULKIN AT THE LATE "10010UN30100 Ii A VERY SUPERIOR LINE OF VELVETEENS IN- BLACK, SEAL BROWN GUEAT SALES IN TORONTO AND MONTREAL. THEY WILL BE SOLD AND NAVY BLUE. CASHMERES IN SEAL BROWN, PRUNE, DRAB, AND BLACK. BLACK LUSTRES FROM - 12i , TO 75 CENTS PER, YARD. IT IS 'NOT NECESSARY pro SAY ANYTHING IN FAVOR; OF OUR BLACK LUSTRES, AS THEY ARE VERY WIDELY AND VERY FAVOR- ABLY KNOWN. - SHAWLS—OUR STOCK IS STILL VERY WELL ASSORTED, ALTHOUGH OUR SALES THIS SEASON HAVE BEN LARGER THAN EVEtt BEFORE. TWEEDS. AND COATINGS—VERY GOOD VALUE AND VERY GOOD FITS GUARANTEED. TO ALL WHO; MAY GIVE; US AN ORDER IN, THAT DEPARTMENT. A� LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL PRICES. TWELVE BALES TO CHOOSE FROM. L. BEATTY & Co., Seaforth. Ir MYRTLE GREEN, NAVY BLUE, 12 UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE AND COLORED'SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, BRACES, SOCS, &ct A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND T THE GOLDEN LION. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES TO HAND THI WEEK CURRANTS, RAIS- INS, LEMON AND ORANGE PEELS. c. ANY PERSON WHO HAS ROT TRIED OUR 50 -CELT TEA HAS MISSED IT SO FAR, BUT WE HAVE STILL 1OME OF IT ON HAND. JUST CALL AT THE GOLDEN LION AND TRY NOT ONLY OUR TEAS, BUT ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY \ANT IN DRY GOODS, GRO CERIES, &c. REMOVED. ' REMOVED. • REMOVED, H stone. was brought up before he went to - iY! Eton. A few years afterwards, another '•! little. boy whose name I ' ill not mention, � but who subsequently w a nt,when a young man, to 'see its- mast'r, and in the course of conversaticw he said to him, ' There which I have not in t gree improved since establishment, and th figures..' ` Well,' the of nobody could have be 'th that master, is one thing in A e slightest de - I quitted your t is casting up master replied, silo more incapa- ble than you were at s 'hool with your arithmetic, but I will t rious circumstance : when he was here , wa casting up figures as y but you now see what When it was that the gentleman was enable former incapacity ant great arithmetician w he is, I am not aware ; did take place, and I triking example and gement to those who of to despair. Case of Eaton° of G A_ Washington lan bills -have increased owing to the reckless her guests play cards night, resolved. last week to -give every member of the household a practical lesson in economy. At an early hour in the evening the gas was turned off at the metre, and the lc,dgers -were forced to "o to bed in the da, When the old her room she had n. Several board - open, and as the gas streamed into the room while they were asleep they narr As the old lady had t bill and subsequently 11 you a very cu - Mr. Gladstone, just as bad at u were and are ; e has become.' right honorable to master his to become the 'ch we all anow but the change ave found it a cheering encour- y the Use ady whose gas at a ruinoas rate ess with , which nd read novels at lady was ready to go t the gas turned on aa ers had. left the pipe wly escaped death. pay the doctor's called in plunabers and gas -fitters, the r aailts of domestic retrenchment have n t been very satis- factory. natural laws which tions of digestion an a careful application ties of well selecte has provided our br a delicately flavore what is :bred t:be bone will appear in may save ns many the flesh. 'Why is it that one who will It is by the judicious permit the members of Ms own house- hold. to welt upon themselveseand upon him too, without demur, will aet of diet that a consta ually built up until sist every tendency fetch and: carry for - a stranger dreds of subtle ma with alacrity ? Is it because the one is an exception and the other might be- come a rule, and this is a. case in which exceptions do not prove the rule? Does he fancy that these little attentions are wasted upon the home circle, that the approval or applause of a guest or a. chance acquaintance is more important to. his welfare than that of his own kith around us ready t there is a weak po many a fatal shaft well fortified with properly nourished vice Gazette. Sold o led—" James Epps ic Chemists, 48, T and 170, Piccadilly, total and comfort- owledge of the govern the opera - nutrition, and by of the fine proper - cocoa, Mr. Epps alda,st tables with beverage, which eavy doctor's bills. use of such articles Aim may be grad- trong enough to re - o disease. Hun- adies are floating attack wherever t. We may escape y keeping ourselves pure blood, and a y in packets label - Co., Horaceopath- ireadneedle Street, London." 482-52 S REMOVED HIS ,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE TO THE FIRST DOOR NORTH OF KILLORAN & RYAN'S, AIN STREET, SEAFOR WHERE HE WILL CONSTANTLY KEEP ON HAND CHOICE STOCK OF WINES ,AND LIQUORS, ALE AN D 'PORTER••••13OTT LED AN D IN WOOD. PERS AND OTHERS Call_ and 'Examine his Stock and- Prices Before Purchasing L'lsewhere. Are Requested SIGN OF T11-51 1 GOLDEN , LION. j ALL 09ERS LEFT AN RILLORAN & RYAN'S WILL BE TO ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. , All Goods Delivered in Town Pree of Charge. IN /STREET, 1 WORTH. f ATTENDED THOMAS D. RYAN. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN IT iIS MADE SUCH AS YOU FIND UP INTO HARNESS AT Where you will find all Kinds of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. MEMBER 'if yon want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that J. WARD, SeafOrth. faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than is wanted to secure regular dustora. Have Just Opened in Ault's Old Stand, Goderich Street, with a NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES, S. LOUNSBUFRY 00., SEAFORTH, PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CUSTOM SAWING AND GIVE THE HIGHEST PRICE IN pAsti FOR SAW LOGS. SAW LOGS. Which have been Bought Very Low for Cash. TpIEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELL AT A SMALL, PROI.'IT. I Give "us a Call Before Purchasing your .Christmas Groceries. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, AND ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN FREE OF CHARGE. JAMES SPARLING- & Co. The Great Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c.,Iand all Diseases of the.Bronchial.Tubes or Lungs, POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON • WILD Gives. Instant ,Reliej in the Most Severe Cases, mild never fails. Those who try it once' always recommend it to their friends, and in this way the sale has become immense. CHERRY. Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Seaforth, at THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD-, ERN TIMES. T ONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customersI for their kind -A" patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the fnture. I have just received a Large and'Well Selected Steck of DRY GOODS of all descriptions, Also always on hand a full assortment of GROCEMES—TEAS a Specialty—which, kir quality and price, are the besGtiiisnsvitarhee,CLostanntpys. At Large Stook of BOOTS and SHOES—UcPhereon's make. Crockery, and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- Ogng required in s general store. Ask for what you want 11 you don't see it. Cash or WM produce tiken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, te come and settle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts Will be put into other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON gasy TERMS. —I ern also valuator for the Dominion SaVing and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies i the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm security for term of from three to t enty years, on the most favorable condition& LIFE INSUBANCE.—If you want yourdife insured ve me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- ce Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical princiPlee. Don't for - g t to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- ntsction. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. • TIE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CA. -NADA. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1883; • and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 18g4. HARDWARE SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN-ST.1 SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all dhlorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUN- TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufactured and sold under _ Druggists, a n d also by the Me- tropolitan Medi- eine Campany of New York,with n assumed trade mark, thus : —Again o n e Joseph Haydock, of New York, likewise passes off counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent ; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for These persons, the better to deceive you, un- blushingly caution the public. in the email books of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- ware of,Counterfeits. Unscrupulous dealers ohs t;,;,.. ;hem at very low prices and sell them to tb• Iv:. 4c in Canada as my genuine Pills and Oh. I most earnestly and re.4., A -tinily appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies and to the public generally- of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the genuiae Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, witb the Losnon," enve.ved thereon. On the label is - the address, 5M, OXFORD &MEET, Loainow,where alone they ere manufactured; ff"' Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment as of my genuine make shal m communicating the Particulars tu me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan. 1, 1277. 477 411, I 0 to 8 ill 0 tnx 71 C 1010 0 m" • 0 Cfp r cog 0 m Zo ajagm r :4 rc i 71 S31A.LS 11V tt RUNMMiWR all -VM (MYR SIGN OF THE AN OLD YRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. I W. H. OLIVER, SEA1FORTH, 0 to MU ROBERTSON & CAN SHOW YOU A LARGE STOCK OF SKATES : Acme, Barney & Berry's All Clamp, Ice King and Club, &c., &c. EGS to acquaint his many friends and custo- -1--' mers tbathe has removed two doors north of his old stand, MeIntyre's Block, where he has a steak equal to anY in the business, and at the most favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing done on the shortest notice good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Brushes, and all other such articles re,quired constantly on hand. Remember your old Friend. Sign of the Scotch DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC. MEDICINE. Remedy is especially recommended as an o:fithie:giziateurEenglifsohr Seminal Weakness teney, and all disesees that follow as a se- quence of Self abase, °r° nas Loss of Memory, A Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Censamption and a Premature Grave, all of which as rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Speciffc Medicine is the result of lifestudy and many years of ex- perience in treathig these special disclaims. Pam- phlet free by mall. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists,at $1 per package, .or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent by mall oareceipt of the money, by addressing WFLLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth byE. Hickson & Ste. Ro. berts, R. Lumsden and all druggist SLEIGH BELLS Neck, Back, Body, Open &c. COW CHAINS : Open, Close, Ring, and Wal- ton. AXES : Burrel's, Warnock's, and the Welland Vale. CROSS -CUT SAWS . The Lance Tooth, Improved Champion, Tuttle Tooth and Lightning. All of which they will sell fbr less money than ever o ered Seaforth before. REMEMBER That we have Moved to our NEW PREMISES East Side Main Street. DONT FAIL TO CALL. LUMBER FOR SALO. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $G per M. PINE BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, twin 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN MeKILLOP4 The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN. SEAFoRTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOVMEY.,