HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-01, Page 5, the railroad a and between inch 886 u-rtms. arty, s, of• Lon we of nu )xcreseence an ring all amana, h is Ugiteday nthrOy. uethborhood on the shtep of that phlox, Ti..icester *ma aVo since t 7). nada Southern - developing ffl On Srulaai [,,Isci.„ed over the our hours ellowing 1,02. Mr- HGe - his barn -v y Corning am ped .erwaY the at canae a holt )(Id of chick - killed on. the Norwich and raVstery. e 25 cents, and .) pieces of pa. Elson" was mber of half... fl.te, Glass' Tin- a scrimmage, oiture, glasses, Smashed, 'sir - ;our. raultread of the Toronto Lsuffering front ver contraetted 1st. Within a ed four or frve 1. {the City Hag s dises.se. r„ the woman - near Toronto, wilftdiy cans - at intrusted, to se of paragorie, net beirtg the cliarge ven lywoyoing oodS and Prof. is to come off volts to box auk-, This contest [Ma- trouble, hef. ?", Prof. Richard - nest profioient ,an old and Lt of Galt died lany years pub- , town, and Was Lan-lesInstitute s, having fiIied ring the whoie named L on, lost a stattoi . Late 'm :the was found at on the Sarnia a to that paint Jliscovered. Governor Gen- Ilayes atthe s very cordially Aar the Peai- & the British nfferin is Stny- .-thing to do„and er feeling towaxds fling vendor of res, appeared. at Court on -Wed- arge of carrying haa been a,rreet- for being drunk, a loaded revel - L on his person— ) months in iail. I at St. DaVidis 1 -ay morning. A passenger trf ain •xne in collision nig wed. The the pilot engine E did. not iltatlre ?la but it splash- ily and delayed r. levenuo Officer, id a quantity of the woods, about Winnipeg,. the Sioux ref - ▪ 0 to. Massacre set- , ',Prairie. Thirty - the operation, race, Ont. Mul- 1 credit for his ffenders escaped •-e. David Inglis, ho Presbytorian eights, has !been. 1.1y it he leaves ito named "Lo - of' Wentworth, rferred to iS sit - of Saltfleeff, not pringh, and csane ?;sessiou through tho daughter. of of the vetOrans I very suddenly e llth inst., at d had been out [ usual and on re - L5 taken ill; and i hour, atred BradleV was 17,96, and v•ery young.i He a of 1a412 under ;a at the tilting At the conclu- ttled at Orwell, k -VET sineeauntil hou he removed. tel-keopers have doingbusiness. the profits of the [ale' accommoda- axge is generally Aved to charge a h. service, includ- nd shed accom- order of things ra where, as there - old system has faaaalrenness pre - would gladly pay done laim at 110- moot:idol-table bea• mean in not pay-. iodation irt the adlord thinks of ,seaev,e a—neneenn FEBRITAR/ 1, 1878. a006pting. The action of the Listowel hotel -keepers is worthy of the oonaider- ation of the hotel -keepers of this ooun- try. --Abo-nt two weeks ago Mrs. "Wm. li5troud, 7th concession of Dereham, varnited a live fish over two and one- half inches long. Last August after taking a drink of water Mrs. Stroud told her husband. that she thought she had wallowed soinething in the water. Since that time she has been constant- ly ailing, and her illness terminated in the strange way above described. The fish lived for 24 hours in water !sad then Mr. Stroud, killed it. —Last Sunday evening in St. Paul's Church, London, Rev. Cannon banes preached a sermon on the question of eyealasaingpenislanent. After alluding to the universal agitation of men's mind's in this direction, he took ground cpposed to a hell of fire and. brimstone, but affirmed his belief in the doctrine of the eternity of punishment, which would consist of banishment from God. and the perpetual torture of an. accus- ing conscience. He thought it the duty of every clergyman to declare himself ,on these points at this time. Huron Notes. The death is announced of Mts. Ross, relict of thela,te Colin Ross, and. mother of A, M. Ross, M. F. T).; which took place at Goderich on the 26th inst. She was 85 years of age. , —On Monday, January 14th, 119 reg- istered letters passed through the post office at Cliaton, and on the Same- day 691 letters were posted at that OffiQ0, independent of papers and. circulars. —Rev. Yr. Matthews,of Grace Church Toronto, formerly of St. Stephen's,God- erich township, has accepted a call to the ineurabency of St. Paul's Church, Clinton. He occupied the pulpit for the first time on Sunday last. —The saw and shingle mill ownedby P. Kelly, of Blyth, was totally consum- ed by fire on Saturday morning at one o'clock. Nothing saved. Cause of fire nnlmown. Loss $5,000. Insnredin the Waterloo Mutual for $1,400. —Last year Mr. Thos. Coates, of Us - borne, sowed 9i- acres with barley,whieh yielded 420 bushels or 44 bushels per acre, and was sold at 60 cents per bush- el, realizing a total of $252 •for the 9i acres. This is proof that good faxnaing Pays- -A stage has beenplaced on theroad between Exeter and. Grand Bend, and runs tri -weekly between the two places, stopping at all the villages on the way. We naiderstand. that an effort is being made to have a raailestablisheabetween the two places mentioned. —Wm. jaekson, of Brussels, was brought to jail on Sunday by Constable English, ehaxged with stealing a pairof fine boots from the shoe shop of Mr. R. Mills, of that villaae, formerly of Goder- ich, on. Friday nigtht. The boots were found on prisoner's feet, and. he pleads guilty-. He was brought before Judge Squier on Tuesday, andremandedto the 4th of February to receive sentence. . —A short time since a resident Of Goderieh township startedfor the Mich- igan lumber woods taking two teams with him,intending to work there &wing the winter. Qu arriving at Sarnia, and preparing to Gross over, he found .that the Araericrin customs collector wanted to charge him about $200 duty on his teams, and would not give him a bond for the return of the money, (which is us-aally done, -When a person intends re- turning), so he coneluded that it would not pay him to go over, and he pain° "back to Erin" last week. —The Goderieh Signal says: The water used from the artesian wells in town unquestionably possesses medicin- al. qualities, the spring at Platt & Haw- ley's salt wells having a 'considerable reputation. We are informed by several prominent citizens that they have been completely eared of that terrible ailment indigestion tb.rough the use of the water in Rawley's well, and a party in Mon- treal, who has had. the water sent to bin) declares to an improvement .in his health. One gentleman, who was Inueh reduced through the disease, but is now in excellent health, attributes his restoration to a use of this water. —"Ur DenaId McTaggart, postmaster at Moricreiff, in the township of - qFey, well and favorably known in that' sec- tion, died suddenly on Thursday last. He had been out attendiugto his horses, and came into the house complaining of a pain in his ado, and had asked his wife to prepare a little mustard for him such as he had been accustomed to take as a curative when. similarly afflicted on previous occasions. He sat down on the ' lounge meanwhile'and immediately ex- pired. Deceased, although looked. upon as a comparatively healthy man, was subject to attacks of pain similar to that laywhich he expired. His relatives have the sympathy of the section with them in their affliction. —Wm. Wilson, of Zurich., was tried before Judge Squier on Monday, on a charge of obtaining money under false pretences from a German in that vicin- . From the evidence, it appears that Wilson who has been a prominent citi- zen of Hay, was indebted to the plain- tiff to tho amount of $300, but the lat- ter lent $150 more, and accepted a note for $450 endorsed by Robt. Brown and his brother. At the time of this nego- tiation Wilson offered the note which was payable 26 mouths after date, but the plaintiff wanted it payable in 12 months. Wilson, flunking that he could easily redeem it in that time, 'un- wittingly -and in the presence of plaintiff and his agent altered the note and made it payable in 12 months. Subsequently the prisoner became insolvent and when the note was presented to the endorsers they repudiated it, having signed it as a note payable at26 months. Of course the alteration in the note nullified it. Crown Attorney Lewis prosecuted and Mr. J. T. Garrow appeared for the de-. tense. Mr. C. Straubel, of God.erich, acted as interpreter for the G-erraan wit- nesses. Judge Squier held his decision until Tuesday"morning, when he dis- missed the prisoner considering that he had net made any false pretences to the plaintiff. 131rthe, NOTT—In Brussels on January 80, the wife of john Nett, V. 8., of a daughter. LUSK—In Seaforth, on January 28, the wife of Mir. Thomas Lusk, of a son. HARRIS—In Seaforth on January 29, the wife of Mr. Joseph Harris, of a son. SUTHERLANIP—In Seaforth, on Jammu 5, the seife of Mr. Andrew Sutherland, of a son. Sani,T,ABS—In Egmondville, on january 16, the wife of Mr. Ford Sellars, School Teacher, of a daughter. WFSB—In Seaforth, on January 18, the • wife:of Mr. Jamea Weir, hotel -keeper, of ri daughter. HOSBACK—In Seaforth, on January 26, the wife of Mr. Christian Seebeck, of a daughter. DOBSEY—In Seaforth. on January 8, the wife of Mr. John Dorsey, of a son. DOBIE—In East Wawanosh, on hammy 17, the wife of Mr. William Dobie, of el, son. DUNN—lu Brussels on January 16, the wife of Mr. frenzy Dann, of a son. ' IYIairriages. ROBINSON—MUCICLE—At Orillla, on January 22, by Rev. A.. Stewart, M. A., at the residenoe of the bride's mother, William M. Robinson, druggist, of Wroxeter, to Miss M. A., third daughter of the late J. A. Muckle, of Green- . end; England. REED--HUNTERe—dAt the residence of the bride's father, on the 15th inst., by Rev M. Denby, Witham Reed, of Goderich Township, to Mary, daughter of Mr. John Hunter, of Stanley. McDONALD--RUS11.—At Varna, on San. 30, by Rev. M. Denby, John McDonald, to Jennett, eldt$st daughter of Mr. Wm. Rush, all of Hay. JOHNSTON—HOUGH.—At Shaffers Hotel, Kip - pen, on Jen. 23. by Rev. H. Cameron, Mr. Thos. Johnston, to Miss Mary Hough, both of Hain SWEET—KYLE.—At the manse, Kippen'on Jan. 23, by Rev. 31. Cameron, assisted by Rev. Mx. McNaughton, of Walton, Mr. George Sweet, of Stephen, to Mies Mary Kyle, of Stanley. Deaths. BELL—In Meltillop, on January I71h, Jane, wife of Willia.m Bell, Esq., aged 56 years. WARD—In Seaforth, on january 24, of whooping cough and bronchitis, Florence, infant daugh- ter of Thomas a.od Julia Ward, aged 2 years and 19 days. CLENNON.—At the residence of P. Kelly, Esq., Blyth, on Monday. January 21st, of infla,mma- tion of th John Glenne BROWN—in Kij wife of Mr. O'CONNOR— Henry, you aged 2 years lungs, Mary, daughter of the late , of Morris; aged 19 years. oss, on 'January 11, Jane Ann, homes Brown, aged 46 years. Seaforth, on Jantrery 25, John gest sou of Thomas D. O'Connor. 'ai47 months. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan. 31, 1878. 1 Fall Wheat 2 to 1 13 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel0 95 to 000 Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush0 90 to. 0 92 Oats per buslael 0 80 to 0 32 0 58 0 50 0 16 O 14 0 16 650 9 50 O 06 1 00 0 75 Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Rutter, No. 1, Loose, trade Butter. No. 1, Loose, cash Eggs Flour, per barrel Hay Hides, per lb. Sheep tains - . 0 55 to 0 40 to 014 to 0 13 to 015 to 6 00 to 8 50 to 0 06 to 0 50 to Sat (retail) per b erre', Salt (wholesale) per barrel, 0 65 Potatoes per buenel Oatmeal hp, brl Wool, per lb. Tallow, per lb Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs Pork • BLYTH, 0 85 to 0 40 5 00 to 5 50 9 28 to 028 0 06fto 0 06f 4 75- to 515 400 to 500 4.50 to 465 " Treedwell, per bush. Scott wheat, per bush Spring wheat, Red Chaff, Fife and Club, Peae, per bush jai. 24, 1878. $1 10 to $1 12. 1 C5 to 1 08 0 90 to 0 95 0 96 to .1 00 56 to "9 Barley, per" bush Oats per bushel Pork, per 100 lbs Beef, Batter, rolls. per lb • Butter, per lb. tab Eggs, per doz. 40 to 45 0 28 to 030 4 75 to 5 00 • 4 50- to 500 0 10 _to 013 12t0 15 1 :4 to 15 80 to 035 6 50 to 600 0 75 to 125 Potatoes, per bush Hides, Sheep skins Hay, 8 00 to 10 00 TI4E HURON EXPOSITOR. TOOK -TAKING. STOCK -TAKING. CATALOGUE OF THE GREAT CLEARING SALE NOW GOING ON AT DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S, SEAFORTH, ALT4OUG-H BOTH COTTONS AND LINENS HAVE ADVANdED, WE HOLD A LARGE STOCK OF BOTH, AND WILL GIVE OUR CUSTOM- ERS TH SE GOODS FULLY TEN PER CENT. BELOW OLD PRICES. I3 P., GI- A. I 1•T S. IN kESENTING THIS CATALOGUE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Cenexon, Jan. 31,1878. Fall Wheat, per n 1. 13 g 1 15 Spring Wheat, perbushel ' 0 90 0 0 95 , Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel Butter Pork Potatoes Eggs He,y,per ton. 030@031 040 0 050 0 58 @ 0 61 0 14 0 17 450c475 035c040 014 @ 015, 9 00 0 11 00 • .1 SEAFORTH AND THE COUNTY OF HURON, DUNCAN & 11UNCAN WOULD TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY OF ASSURING THEM THAT THE REDUCTIONS AND PRICES QUOTED WILL BE FOUND, ON AN IN- SPECTION OF THE STOCK, TO BE NO EXAGGERATION. I Local Notices. Tim LEADING ORGAN OP OANADA.--NO one fact speaks more eraphatccally for the merits of the Dominion Organ. than that in less than two years the demand for these beantiful instruments has more than doubled, and they are now to be ifound in England, Australia, West Indies, South America, and almost every civilized country on the faoe of tha globe. Messrs. SCOTT BROTHERS, Mu- sical Instrument Dealers, Seaforth, have on hand a large stock of these fine instruments.; They have also a stock of Clough & Warren Organs, the best American instrument. 529 Auction Sales. Tuesday, -Feb. 19, at Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth, a -Valuable Farm in Stanley. Mrs. E. Callaway, proprietress, P. Brine, Auctioneer. Thursday, Feb. 14, on Lot 9, Con. 8, Efullett, Fann Stock, Implements, and Household Furniture. A. Rose, pro- prietor; j. P. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Feb. 6, oa Lot 10, Con. 14, McKillop, Farm, Farm. Stock, Im- plements, and Household Furniture. john Bowie, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. CiISTONIERS ,CAN JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES, , • , AND WILL BE SURE OF GETTING GOOD VALUE' FOR THEIR MONEY WE HAVE NO OLD GOODS IN OUR STOCK, ALL SEASONABLE AND _ NEW, AT E1XTRA0RDINARY LOW PRICES. A ass—t=rano-narroar------ra—- - 5 SOMETHING THAT CONCERNS EVERYBODY. • i READ IT 1 READ IT 'WE WILL GIVE EVERYBODY ANOTHER CHANCE TO GET. ALL : I KINDS OF DRY GOODS, . •• MILONERY, !VIANTLE, HATS AND. CAPS, , '- LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS, FANCY GOODS, &c., ! CHEAPER THAN EVER. Not by, Auction Sale, in the Moment of excitement where they have no chance to examine the Goods and when they are most likely to bu what they do not require, but by RAD IT 1 DRESS ,000PS. DRESS. .9oops. .00LO1ED LUSTRE§ in Browns, Blues and Drabs, for 115 cents and -20 cents, erth 20 cents: and 25 cents. I •• BROCADED LUSTRES in Seal Brown, Navy and Greys, 18 cents per yard, . . ' °all- 25 cents per yard. ' • SILK TRIPE AND BROCADED DRESS GOODS, assorted colors—this lot as bought at half Price for cash, and we now offer them at 18 cents er Yard, worth 37i1 cents per yard. COST ME CLOTH in Checks and Stripes at 5- cents. PERS N. CORDS AND •SERGES in all the New Shades from 12i cents to 0 cents. ERE in Black Now Prunes, Cheap at Allen's. Dried Peaches, Cheap at Allen's. Dried Apples Cheap Allen's. Now FrtiltsiCheap at Allen's. Table Syrup, Cheap at A.11on's. Prime Teas, Cheap at Allen's. Fresh. Ground Coffee, Cheap fit Allen's. Bright Sugar, Cheap at Allen's. • Tea Sets, Cheap at Allen's. Glassware, Cheap at Allen's. CHEAP COTTON.—Who wants a web of Factory Cotton? Call at Kidd's Emporium and see the Bargains in Factory Cottons that are daily being carried off; 5,000 yards to hand this week, from 5 cents per yard 'op. Inapoction respectfully solicited, Thomas linen. 529 PIANOS. — ltieSSna. SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, have on band a large stock of those mag- nificent instruments, the Emerson Piano, which for sweetness of tone, as well as' workmanship and finish, cannot be surpassed by any instrument in the world. 529 ARRIVED.—J. Brownell has' just re- ceived his first car of core for this season. Cus- tomers can depend on getting Corn at Brownell's all tha season through, as he intends ,keeping a large stock on hand. J. BROwNELp. 523 NPOItT ANT TO LADNDRESSES.I—Fresh arrivals of Dobbin's Celebrated Electric Soap at Thomas Kidd's. Call and get a bar, only 121 cents, worth three times the quantity of any other soap yet imported. THOMAS Throo. 522 AUCTION SALES. 30 cents—thesel Goods are worth CASH and Colors, all wool, -from 60 cents per yard up1, • Eteavy Skirtings at 37cents per yard, worth 50 1 -1 WINCEYS. VV1NCEY$. !I SKIRTINGS—A large lot Of cents per yard. WINCEYS. WINdEYS [cents WINOEYS, WINCEYS, I in Browns o Greys and Oxfords, at 7cents worth /0 cents, at 12,i worth 15 bents. 1 , , Twilled, at 17 cents worth 20 cents. 1 li Knickerbocker, Striped and CheOked, from 10 cents up. PIZTV.A.‘11 Where they can with a deliberate and careful decision choose the Goods they want. and at such LOW PRWES that will astonish everyone. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. , 11 BALA-NCE OF OUR STOCK of Ladies' and Children's Hats, Bonnets, Silks, Flowers and Feathers will be cleared out at and below cost. ' i 1 1 , CLOUDS, Breakfast Shawls and Crossovers, and all woolen goods at half price. 1 250 ADIES' SILK TIES, all colors, from 8 cents to 50 cents. ; LAD- ES' LINEN COLLARS AND SETTS, New Styles, at 10 cents, 20 cents, 25 cents, 40 cents, and 45 cents. 1 [ !I 50 B XES OF FRILLINGS, the Newest Styles, from 10 cents up. GLO i S in Ladies' Kid, Linea and. Unlined, from 50 cents up. . Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Gloves, from 10 cents up. 200 MUFFLERS at 10 cents, 20 cents, 25 cents, 40 cents, 75 cents, 80 cents, , and $1 each. I t SALE NOW GOING ON WHILE TAKING. STOCK - BEFORE MOVING INTO OUR NEV STORE, °REMEMBER THE _a_ • • NAME AND PLACE : 11P7F1/1A. 1\T 0 T 11 J 1R./ S'. CHEAF,' CASH STORE, SEAFORTH Fir:121:1:41:e' of} II0FFMAN )3ROTHERS. ALJOTiON. A UCTION SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM d- IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY.—The undersigned has received instructioas to sell by Public Auction, at SHARP'S HOTEL, SEA- PORTS, on TUESDAY, Feb. 19, that valuable farm known. as Mount Pleasant farm, situated In the Township of Stanley, being Lot 18, Hay- field Road (gravel) North, containing 164 acres, 140 being cleared and in a high state of etfitiva tion, the balance being well and heavily wooded with yalrtable timber. There is about 8 acres of very promising fall wheat, and about 100 acres fall plowing dope, ready for spring crop. There are t wo good frame barns, good stable and large frame house; about 2f acme of orchard of the choicest grafted fruit trees, and being on tbe banks of Lake Huron, and within the frost limit, fruit is an almost certain crop every year, peach- es growing to the greatest perfection. The soil is the very best description of clay loam and admirably adapted for rai sing wheat. It is most advantageously situated for markets, churches, schools, &c., being 21 miles from Bayfield, where there is one of the finest harbors on the lake; 6 miles from Bracefield, 13 from Seaforth, and 15 from Goderieh, all railway stations. The beauti- ful River Bayfield runs along the rear, and the magnificent Bayfield 'gravel read on the front, and the Goshen Line on the east side. There is a limestone quarry On the rear. It is well watered and well drained, and is altogether one of the the most desirable and valuable farms in West- ern Canada. It wes especially marked in the original survey as benag a very choice farm. Tlais is a rare chance for a gentleman of means, or for stock breeders. Posseesion given in time for purchaser to do spring work. Title indispu - table. The stook and implements can be had at valuaajon. Sale to commence at 2:30 o'clock P. M. TERMS—The property will be put up at an upset price of $10,500, with one reserve bid. One-third of purchase money down .or at time of transfer, less 10 per cent. of purchase money being require& at time of sale; the balance in seven equal annual payments at 6 per cent., se- cured by mortgage on the farm. MRS. E. CAL- LAWAY, Proprietress. J. P. BRINE, Auction- eer. 530'2 FANNELS,I S 'IRTINGS, AND TWEEDS. SCA, HEA WIN TAB TW LET ' FLANNELS, all wee], at 20 cents, worth 25 cents. • , 1 ,! 1 ! Y -CHECKED ALL Wool, FLANNELS, at 37-i- cents, worth 45 cents. 1 EY SHIRTING from 20 cents to 30 cents. . . . E LINENS, TOWELLINGS,' SHEETINGS, &c., will be sold cheap. - -, EDS, Heavy All Wool, - 65 Cents per yard, Overcoating, Naps, &c. • i, , REi9DYIYIADE CLOTHING. IN THIS DEPARTMENT Goods will be offered at a Tremendous Reduction, I thus affording to all the full benefit of our low prices. : 200 MEN'S OVERCOATS and Tweed Undercoats, from $6 up. - I CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. SEAFORTH. AUCTION. G-REAT AUCTION SALE OF DRY COOD, MILLINERY, MANTLES, FANCY GOODS, ON TUE$DAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY, IMPORTANT NOTICES. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Membera of the Usborne and }Ebbed Mutual Fire In- surance Company will. be held at the Company's Office, Farquhar, on Monday, the 4th day of February, 1878, at 10 ohalock L.M. N. J. CLA_RK, Secretary. , 528-3 NT OTICE.—A General Meeting of the Share- . J-1 holders and Patrons of the Verna Cheese 151a.nufeicturing Company will be heldin the Town Hall, Varna, 'on Wednesday, February dtb, sat I o'cloolcP. M , to receive the report of the -past year and make preparations for the next season's work. JOHN, McASH, President. 629-2 VOTE LOST.—Lost, a note of hand given by -LI John C. Morrison in favor of John McIntosh, for the sum of $200, bearing date Jan. 10, 1877 and payable in 12 months. The public are here by cautioned" agaiest purchasing or negotiating said note"as payment of the seine has been stopped. The finder would oblige by returning ,it to the undersigned. JOHN MeINTOSH, Winthrop. 5294 THE 5T11, 7TH, AND 9* OF FEBRUARY, 1878. No Old Stock. Goods New, Fresh and Sieasonable and [ • • THIS DEPARTMENt 0 under the Managelnent of a First -Class Cutter, and we guarantee that every garment turned out will be a good fit, and. first- - class work. - • • , 1 1 WE WILL GIVE A. REDUCTION of 10 to 20 per cent.. on Ordered Clothing ' during- Stock -Taking. :1 BUFFALO ROBES. EUFFALO ROBES. • I must be disposed of, win or lose. - A 0.1SC9UNT-OF TEN PER 'CENT., Will ibe allowed on all Purohases over -$1 by Private Sale. ALEA14 NATCHELL: J;. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. Agent for Butterick's Patterns, Fashion Plates, Delinesitors, &c. VOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, the 4th day of February, 1878, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., for electing Direc- tors and otherabusiness. A large attendance is looked for. H. V. DIRSTEIN. Seeretary. J. B. GEIGER, President. 529 VXECUTORS' NOTICE.—All parties having del claims against tho estate of the late John Pattoo, of the Township of Stanley, are hereby ,notified that a statement of their claims, proper- ly certified, mnst be handed to either of the undersigned executors on or before the 15th of February, 1878. All claims not in by that date will be barred. JAMES WANLESS and THOS. ARMSTRONG, Executors, Varna. 5284 A POLOGY.—I, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that I did falsely SCUM Finlay Ross, at the last Annual School Meeting of School Section No. 6, McKillop, by saying that the said Finlay Ross made a false entry in the School Aceount of the above named School Sec- tion for the year 1877, for there was no error in the said. account that I know of. BARNET BOLTO'I. McKillop, Jan. 11,1878. 530-2 THE BALANCE of our Buffalo Robes will be Cleared Oat at Cost Price—Ex- amine them. ESTRAY STOCK. ! GREAT fkUCTION SALE ESTRAY RAM.—Strayed from the premises qf Christmas Day, a . . person giving such information as will ea , the recovery of the above animal will be suitably rewarded. JOHN PETTY, Mansell P. 0. b3Oxi4 1 the undersigned, Lot 27, Con. 2, Hay, o 4 -year oldLeicester Ram FULL STOqK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND 4PS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,' &C. Aviv STRAY etnIFER.-aCa.me into the premises .114 of the undersigned, Lot 30, Mill Road, Tuck- ersmith, aboat the first of Jaly, a red and white Heifer, rising 2 years. The owner is requested tO prove property, Pay charges and take the ani- mal away. ALEX. Me0A.RTNEY. 527x ESTRAY HEIFER.—Came into the Islamises Of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 2, Hu lett, on or about the middle of December, a red and white one year old Heifer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take t5h2e8za47 m - ai away. WILLIAM HAMMELL, Seaforth P.O. ESTRAY STEE11.—Strayed from the prenaises of the eubscriber, some time in Augusta a Steer spotted red and white, coming 2 years old Any person giving such information as will lead to the recov ry of the above animal will be suit- ably rewar ed. THOMAS SIMPSON, ink 525 FULL ASSORtED STOCK OF. FRESH GROCERIES. PRODUCE TAKEN' AT FULL PRICES AS USUAL - throp P. 0. V STRAY of the McKillop, a Heifer with The owner i expenses an SON, Winth IFER.—Came into the premiseS ndersigned, east half lot 13, Con. 10,, out the end of November, a la brown neck, coming 2 years requested to prove property, p y take her away. THOMASuSIMP- op P. Q. "I 525 V STRAY AM. --Strayed from the premises of -Lei the und rsigned, Lot 5, Con. 2, L.R.S„ Tuck- eremith; about, the last .aof October. a two-year- old Leicester Grade Ram. Any person giving Such information as will lead to the recovery of the above [animal will be suitably rewarded, GEORGE INGRAM, Heosall P.O. 528x4 , • V STRAY 0ATTLE.—Came into the premises oi IL:athe undereigned, Lot 1, Con. 2, Stanley, abent the first of illesember, 6 Yearlings and 2 Steer— one Steer gieyish color, the other brown; one of for them. Such persons must get an order from , the heifers spotted, the others red. The owner is Mr. Dorranc' e Market • Clerk, and our ftdreman requested to prove property, pay expepses and will attend td their -wants. take them away. 8. BLAIR, Kippen P. 0. 526x$ Animate warranted as represented or money . i i refunded. Farther,: we will not - be undersold, VSTR11 of ATTLE.—Strayed from the prem., we expect to remain , in this business, must pay -LA ises the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 10; town taxes and support town institutions, and Stanley, in June, Three Heifers—one 2 years old ; consequently have a claim on the local trade, past, almost white, with red on each side of the i and we will supply tb,e wants of that trade on the neck; also- two yearling calves, one red. and the , best term s. Orders leant Brownell's Grocery or -other almoit white. Any information as ll t5o2wh4ere at our office will be promptly attended to, or they may be found will be thankfully received. parties wi' be served at the Packing House. , JOHN DA 7x SON, Varna P. 0. 520 ' ARMITAG-E, BEATTIE & Co. OF 01Raglil) ' THOROUGHBRED STOCK, At the TOWN 0 CLINTON, Comity of uron, ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,1878, Under the auspicesof the Huron Live ptock AsSociation. NOTES LOST.—Lost, two notes of. hand given by William Hesten and Michael McQuade, and payable to Leonard Sholdice, and bearing date 5th March, 1877, one for $50 andthe other , for $100. The public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiatirg , said notes, as payment of them has been stopped. The finder will be rewarded by giving them to ROBERT JAMIESON, Seaforth. 530-4 persens indebted to the under- signed, either by note or book account, are requested to call and settle the same on or be- fore the 1st of February, or I will be obliged to put them into the hands of the Clerk of the Di- vision Court for collection. A geteral Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Hardware on hand, and cheap. All kinds of ' merchantable produce taken be exchange for goods. Cash for hides and skins. JAMES STANLEY, Constance. 529-3 4 THIRTY-THSEE Stallions and 5 Breeding -1- Mares, embracing 10 Imported Heavy Draughts, 12 General! Purpope and Agricultural, and 11 Blood, Carriage and Roadster Stallions. Ten Thoroughbred Bulls, and a splendid choice " of Durham Cows =ateliers. • A good choice in Leicester and Cotswold Sheep arid various breeds of Pigs - This promised to be one of the best sales ever held in Canada, Printed Catalognes or hand bill; can Ise had on application to the Secretary. The Grand Trunk and Great, eiltern Railways will issue return tiekets at one fatal and a third. X. Y. MdLEAN, Secretary, Seaforth. WHARTON 'HODGSON, President, pxeter. SEAFORTH POilK PACKING HOUSE NEAR, TIE& FLAX IvIlLL. ; NOTICE is hereby given that application will I be made to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof, by JOHN AlOONEY, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario drover, for a Bill of Divorce fiom LOIS ANN IZOONEY, his wife, late of the Town of Clinton aforesaid, on the ground of adultery. Dated at the Town of Clinton, the 80th day of july, A. D. 1877. j0SN MOONE WAINER, Mc1NTYRE & FERGUSON. Soli tors for Applicant. 527x26 XTOTICE TO D'CILDERS.—NOtice is hereby -LI given that Sealed Tenders will be received by the subscriber, at his office, up to the 18th day of February, 1878, for the ereetiOn of a bridge across' the River Maitland on Con. Road. 6 and 7, opposite Lot 19, in the Township of Hullett, in the County of Saxon, known as Quigley's bridge. 'Terms of payment, and plans and specifications can be seen at the said office. The Council not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender Notice is also given that the ereetion of the following small bridges will he let by Public Auction, at the village of Londesboxough, on the said 18th day of February, 1878, at 1 o'clock P. M., viz.: A bridge on sideroad. 25 and 26, Con. 9; a bridge on said eideroad 25 and 26, Con. 11; a bridge on said sideroad 25 and 26, Con. 11; a bridge on said sideroad 25 and 26, Con. 12, and a a bridge on Con. Road 10 and 11, opposite Lot 26. Terms and descriptions of said small bridges will be made known on the day and atrthe place of letting. • JAMES BRAITHWAITE. Town- ship Clerk's °Moe, Hallett, Jan. 80, 1878. B30e2 THE unddrsigned have on hand nice cured -L. meats of all kinds. Hams, Green out og Sweet Pickle, Sugar Cured, Smoked and Canvassed. Spiced Rolled Baer*, Middled long and short. Shoulders, Green qmoke4 andCanvassed. Lard, in Tennets and Pails, Best Quality. Bologna and Pr]4 Sausages that are really 113 good. Through a mi take some stale Sansages were sold recently, ls t that won't occur again. We continue to give away good Pork Cuttings, Spare Ribs, &c., to poor persons that cannot pay picks,1)10-S.—The undersigned will keep dir ing the p esent season, for the improvement of stock, on hi premises on the fourth concession; of TuekersmutJt, one mile and a quarter south i�l Egmondvill . a thoroughbred White Suffolk Boar Pig. This i one of the finest animals -in this section of tJie country. Terms, $1 for the etea- son, with t o priailege of returning if necessary. jONATHA CARTER'. 510 fin REWARD.—Strayed or Stolen, froth, Itt'"•"`" Lot 11, eon. 4, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, (the place rented by James Chesney, litit buildinge occupied by :Mr. Jonathan Carter), a light, red Heifer, long featured, very short horns and pointing towards each other, tail white abont half way, some white on the belly, a narrow strip a little way up the gide, 8 years old past, having had a calf at 2 years old,but now farrow. The anirnalwas advertised in the EXPOSITOR by Mr. Chesney on November 9th, and two follow- ing weeks'seen and owned by the subscriber, paid for keep and advertisement. A few days after, on going to take the animal away, it was gond, as there is room to fear the animal was stolen a reward of $25 will be given to any per- son that will give such information as will lead to the conviction of anyperson having stolen the a.uirrial Also a dark red heifer, one year Old past, rathei small for age, and strayed from the, premises off the subscriber, Lot 28, Con. 2, L.111. S., Tnekeremith. Any person giving such infor- mation eel will lead. to the recovery ofthiss animal will suitably rewarded. WILLIAM c DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. FISH, FISH. Arrived from Godetich. this week, 200 packages of Lake Huron Herring, Inspected No. 1. Round. Herring, 82 50; Split Herring, $2 75. Thomas Kinn. 522 RECEIVED TO -DAY, an extra Fine New Season Japan Tea, 50c. per pound, worth75e. Wan atm & Co. 622 A 28-1b. Box of New Fruit Valencia Raisins for $1.90. W. Iiu,s.4t Co. 524 ONE OF THE MANY 11 TT :1S1- D.P J :1::) EE; Who 'lave been cured by WILSON'S WILD CHERRY Sends us the following .Certificate. HAMILTON; November 9th, 1876. MESSRS. ARCHDALE WILSON & Co. `DEAR SIIIS : Having foandyour Syrup ofWild Cherry so useful to myself, I eau cheerinlly re-' commend itto others. Last winter I suffered greatly froth a bad cold, with a very painful cough and with tightness on the chest, so that at times I conld hardly breathii I tried several medicines and went to the dru gist's to get 're- lief, but found none :until I trio youx Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and I am glad to be able to say that less than One bottle eared we entire- ly. Yours truly, FRANK WILKINS-3N, Hamilton Grain Market. • Sold by L'UMSDEN & WILSQN, Saaforth, and Druggists generally. , 580 1 MISCELL.A_NEOUS. REAL ESTATE FOR SAT. pROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, that con- venient and desirable residence on the corner of High and Market Streets lately occupied by Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR.4nERCOE. 488 MONEY TOILEND—On terms more advan- tageous t n ever before offered. A. J. lb. COLL, Solicitor', Br:asset& 504.52 "VOR SALE.—A two storey frame house andout- -1: buildings, situated on the Market Square of Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The building is very snitable for a boarding house or a public business. For particulars apply to W. N. WATSON, Sea - forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Goderich. 493 17 -AMIABLE FAIIM FOR SATE.—For Sale, V Lot 11, Con. 8, 11.11. 8., 'Tuckersmith, con- taining 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared and in. a state of good cultivation, being well underdrained, the balance is good hardwood bush. Good stone house, frame barn and. stables; well watered, and good bearing orchard. Is situated about 5 -miles from Seaforth and Brucefield, and 3i !rota Eippen. School close by, and all other conveniences, For further particulars apply to DAVID MOORE, on the preraises, or to Egmondeille '. 0. 529-4x VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale the east half of Lot 9, Concession 3, MeRillop, containing 50 acres, known as the Deigle estate. This farm is situatedwithin one mile and p quar- ter of Seaforth. The land is of the choicest quality. There is a handsorne residence, and goon out- buildings. The farm is well planted -with fruit and ornamental trees is excellent order, and well fenced. It is adiskrally suited for a retired gen- tleman, a dairy -man, or market gardener. Terroat easy. Apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0. E. PESKY, Proprietor. 524 VARM F011 SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. 29, Con -2- 9, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared, free of stumps, -well fenced and in first-class cultivation. A barn 60x40, nearly new, a shed and stable 30 by 30, a driving shed. 24x40, a - brick root house and a splenaid brick dwelling house, and all other necessary outbuildings A good orchard and well watered. There are 15 acres of fall wheat, and about 60 acres fall plow- ed. This is one of the most desirable farms in this section of country. Terms easy. Apply to to the proprietor on the premises, or to Egroond- ville P. 0. GEORGE BALE. 521 0 SEED WHEAT.—As I bave a friend in Mimi° sots engaged in the grain businesa, I hay° requested him to forward me a car load of select- ed No. 1, Minnesota Spring Wheat, which I ex- pect here in a few days. Parties wishingat change of seed would do well to examine the same. It will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, and at a moderate price. I have also made sarange- mental with the following partiei to sell it out, namely, tLr. D. McLennan, GAin Dealer, Ben- gali; Mr. Spier, Grow, Exeter, ; she) Metiers. Thorn and Farmer & CO., Grocera. JAMS LANG, Bodgerville P. 0. 1580 VA113I FOR SALE.—Part of Lot 18 and the -1- whole of Lot 19, Con. 10, Grey, containing 146 acres'50 acres cleared, 20 acres being cleared, bal- ance all hardwood. There isa new frame house if storeys, with 6 rooms and good seller; also good hewed log houee 18x26, and log barn, also new bank barn 52x60, stabling, root house, &c. There are 3 wells and a geedyoung orchard. The property is 4 miles from Bruseels, 3. selle from Ethel Station on tile Wellington, Grey and Brace Railway, and 1 miles from Grey Post Office. There is also 11 acres of fall wheat sown. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or if by letter to Grey P. 0. HIRAM WHITE, Proprietor. 528x4 'VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—For Salo, Lot v 16 and south half Lot 17, Con. 1, Ray, tontain- ing 150 acres, r20 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation- There is a good brick hense and a frame cottage the barn, stable, COW stable and other outbuildix;ge are all frame; there are about 10 acres of choice apple, pear and other fruit trees; and about 800 spruce trees planted 10 years. There is a never -failing stream rrnming through the centre of the farm, on which is a good mill site, a good. gravel road on two sides of the farm. It is situated one mile from Henson sta- tion and four miles from Exeter, on the London - Road, and is just across the road from the Rodger - vis post office and church. For farther particu- lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon, Seaforth P. 0. 481 FOR -SA -I -Xi OR TO LET. PO' RENT.—The Glasgew 'Warehouse, Wroxe- ter, for one or more years. Apply to Mr. WM. LAURIE, Wroxeter P.O., Out. 528.4 COTTAGE TO LET.—Small New Cottage on Ord Street, near the Market. Apply to M. P. BATES, Seaforth. 530 TRENT.—A Wagon Shop open to Rent in it -L. good stand, on easy terms at Hills Green. Apply to JOSEPH ERWINe Bus Green Pesk Office. 521 Tin 00MS TO LET.—Two or three rooms to Tent over -Wilson & Young's Store. Possessitm at New Years. Apply to Mn. 310LMESTZDie Seaforth. 151U