HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-02-01, Page 15,E
:A A Y 29111,
3C I' 14T.E+ Lit.
t 0Et OUR
:O GALL Com-
. McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
DAB FOR SALE.—For Sato, Lot 19, Con. 4,
Morris, containing 100 acres, over 4T0 of which
are cleared and is a 'good state of cultivation.
There are good1 to ROBL HAYS,•vrit lin fonr ortb miles
Brussels. Apply
OR SALE. --Tho subscriber has for sale a. 50
acre lot in the township of McKillop, County of
Huron, 20 neves tire cleared and the balance well
timbered with beech and maple. The property
will be sold cheap. Apply to ,JAS. E. BENSON,
,Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517
•R SFor
Sale or Lease, in the thriving village of Hen-
sel}, a Large Store and Dwelling in connection.
Immediate possession can be had. For further
particulars apply to the undersigned. WILLIAM
MOORE, Hensall P. 0. 526
AR x F011 SALE.—Fifty aeres of Iand for sate
.11:7in Melillop, being north half of Lot 21, Com.
12; log dwelling, frame barn 52x30, and frame
stable 302:15, and other outbuildings of log; three-
quarters of an --sere of orchard. Apply to A.
STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth.. 527
A GOOD CHANCE. $1,500 will buy 150 sexes
of good Iand in the Township of 'Koppel,
County of Grey. Bush land, all hardwood, and
within two Miles. of a flourishing village. I;t might
be exchanged for small farm in Mcldillop, Tuck-
ersmith, or Hallett. Apply to A. STRONG, 515 d
Agent, Seaforth.
The County Council of the County of
Huron met at Goderich on the 22nd
inst. The only business transacted on
the first day was the appointment of
Mr. Charles Girvin, Reeve. -of West Wa-
wanosh, Warden. -
WEDNESDAY, January 23, 1678.
After routine business, it. was moved -
by Mr. Hays, 'seconded by Mr. McMil-
lan, and- oarried, that M:r.W. N. Watson,
of Seaforth, be appointed, Auditor for
the ensuing year. The Warden ap-
pointed Mr. Archibald Dickson, as the
second Auditor.
Messrs. Peter Adamson and F. W.
Johnston were appointed on the Board.
of Audit for Quarter Sessions Accounts.
On motion of Mr. B. Willson, second-
ed. by Mr. Hardy, a committee of - five
was ballotted for to select the standing
committees for the year. On the bat-
lots being counted the following mem-
bers were found to compose the Com-
mittee, viz.: Messrs. Chidley, Hunter,
Strachan,•Black and McMillan.
ARM F{7Ii SAT F.—For Sale, Lot No. 5, Bay-
field Concession, Goderich Township, con-
taming 85 acres, 50 of which are cleared andtin a
good state of cultivation. The farm is gdjjoining
the village of Bayfield, and will be sold cheap and
en favorable terms. Apply to the 'proprietor,
3RE CHANCE.—For Sale, that large and
commodious residence, coutainidg 10 rooms;
with good well and outbuildings, also 100 feet
frontage, Lying on the Beeth side of the Huron
Road, third door east of the Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth. For further information apply to the
Proprietor. • A. �. AULT, Seaforth. 527
' For Sale, a pleasant country residence suitable
for a retired farmer, about two miles from: Sea-
. forth, on the Boxborougli Road. Two acres of
land with dwelling house and barn, and a splendid
Orchard and good water., Apply to ALEX. LOVE,
- on the premises,. or to A. STRONG; Seaforth.53014
FARIT FOR SAT.F. A splendid farm, being Lot
22, Con. 6, Tnrnborry, 90 acres, 70 acres cleared,
well f$necd, and in a good state of cultivation,
balance hardwood. Well watered, good frame
hose and bern, and half a mile from Wroxeter ort -
&good gravel road. Apply to the proprietor on the
premises, CHARLES McTA.VISH, Wroxeter Post
014ce- 517x18
FOR SAL].—For Sale, eheap, the west half of
the north half of Lot 9, Bauble Line, Stanley,
ec xtaining 57 acres, 40 of which, are cleared, and
the baianee well timbered. It is within 3 miles of
Bayfield. There is anever failing stream of water
running through the place. This property nnnst
be sold at once.. Apply to SCOTT 13ROTBAIRS,
Seaforth. 520
FdRM FOR SALE.—A awl superior farm for
sate in Stanley, County of Huron, being vest
half of Lot 23, Con. 11, containing 81 nares ; first-
class soil andwell watered; frame barn Ind
stable, comfortable dwelling house, large orcha ,
24 miles from Bayfield; price, .$4,500; apply ;to
the proprietor on the premises or to JOHN
ESSON, Bayfiald. 530
by Mr.
the rul
this co
of one
be r
D. D.
B. W�
a ma
and. 2
or $
ref e
J. H
ved by Mr. B. Willson, seconded
Hardy, that a committee con -
of Messrs. Garrow, . Gibson,
Currie, McMillan, the Warden
he mover, be appointed to revise
es governing the proceedings - of
unci.—Lost on a division by a
rity of one.
Ca. by Mr. Keine, seconded by yr.
tt, that the by-law imposing a tax
dollar on dogs and two on bitches
epealed� Upon e, division - being
, there voted for the motion,
s. J. R. Miller, Kerr, Rennie,
Black, Gaunt, Graham, Hamil-
Gurrie,Cook, Weir,Whiteley,Elliott,
Yearley, Geiger, W. J. Johnston,
e11, Webster, Castle and Coughlin-
Against, Messr-s. Walker, Hannah,
Wilson, Cbidley, Menzies, Clegg,
illson, Hardy, Martin, Garrow,
tie, Potter, " Hennings, McMillari,
g, Gibson, Currie, Millar, Hunter,
-.an, Slemmon,Mason and F. W.
'ton -23. The -motion was lost by
jority of two.
petition from Mr. James 'Bowes
6 others of the Township of Grey,.
nesting the Council to grant soine ear
nte for building a bridge over tha
-and River between Grey and El -
was read and referred -to the Road
Bridge Committee.
communication .from the Clerk of
County Council of Lanibton, stating
that Council had granted the sum
1.00 to repair Grand Bend bridge, on
clition that . the County of Huron -
t an equal amount, was read and
erred to the Road. and Bridge Com-
es. -
communication read from
. Bartlett & Co., bridge mann-
cturers, and referredRoad and
ge Committee: -
The following lett the County
asurer, accompaniedstatement
moneys collects on -resident
ds, ledger balani ere refer -
to the Finance e :
expenditure for the'year 1877 to be $32, •
681.80, and the difference between ac-
tual .and estimated expenditure,
deducting the difference between actual
and estimated revenue, $1,559.01.
Ashfield .. t .............. $625 63
Colborud 152 39
Coderich Township 140 15
Grey : 50 04
Hay t 94 87
Howick 24 28
27 12
74 82
55 40
96 72
2 28
0 00
31 04
65 00
8 29
11 32
35 45
the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, 11. R. S.,
Tnekersmith, County of Huron, consisting of 50
pewee, 84 miles from the Town of Seafortb, and
acabvenient to school. The land is of the very
best quality. For further particulars apply to
JAWS PICKARD, opposite the premises, r to
Eginondvrlle P. G.
FOR SALE. --For Sale, 50 acres of Land,
Fbeing west half of Lot 9, Con. 8, Tuckersmith,
Huron Road Survey, with frame barn 3Gx57, stone
basement; log dwelling; all well. underdrained;
40 acres clear of stumps; orchard, young and
bearing; 30 rods from a good school. Possession
siat any time. Apply to A. STRONG, Land
7 d
Agent, Seaforth.
Hallett '
Wawanosh, East
Wawanosh, West
13a3rfieid. -
Blyth. ,
$1,611 55
to revise the rules governing the pro-
ceedings of this Council, and report at
the June meeting—Carried.
The following report of the County
Engineer was read and referred to the
Road. and Bridge Committee ; -
To the Warden and Members of the
County Council
GENTLEMEN : In examining the bridge
on the H�ull:ett and McKillop boundary,
I found that its greatest defect appears
to be in the north abutment; which
has sunk about two feet at its nort
east edge. The foundation is evident-
ly soft and spongy, and will necessarily
either have to be dug out to ,the firm
clay, or piles driven to - ensure stability
for the bottom of the new structure. In
Bluevale bridge the lower end of the
main braces are. quite unsound, and
will have to be replaced by new timber.
Two of the chords. or stringers are in
they same condition, and .the whole of
the centre span needs considerable re-
pairs. This is the- second bridge that
has failed here within 20 years.
were built kith the same 'kind of tim-
ber, which is by no means durable when
constantly exposed to the weather, and
shbuld, therefore, be used only when
other timber is not to be had at reason-
able cost. The Crediton bridge is in
the same condition, and built of , the
same material. The whole of the cen-
tre span will require to be new. The
pier and abutments are quite sound,
however, and will be safe for a number
of years to come. There are two small
bridges in the Cranberry Marsh, on the
town line between Hay and Stephen, in
close contiguity to each other, ono over
'n ancient mill race now' unused, and
the other over >a► branch of the Sauble.
The smaller of the two may be closed,
and the.other rebuilt and lengthened to
about 40 or 45 feet, which 'will acceler-
ate the passage of the. water more effec-
tually than both bridges as -they now
stand. The gravel road bridge on
Wingham prairie is no longer safe. I
will, therefore, advertise for tenders be-
fore the next Council meeting, and
make arrangements for letting the con-
tract. Tho cost will not exceed $3,000.
In examining the new. bridge over the
mill pond ab Wingham, I find the road
opened to and from the bridge. a good
deal used. It runs from the north
limit of Albert street across two o park.
lots, and takes a westerly direction to
another street.' As I understand the
statute, the road and bridge would ap-
pear not to tomo within the meaning of
the Act. (The words of the statute are
here quoted.)
A. BAs; County Engineer.
Moped by Mr. McMillan, seconded by
Mr. Young, that the stem: of $500 be
gg� anted to the three Riding Agricul-
Viral Societies of Huron, on condition
that they amalgamate and hold. ono
County ahow in the fall. Tho motion,
after eliciting considerable discussion,
was lost c h a division. by a majority of
Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded. by
Mr. Young, that the sem of $100 be
granted to each of the three Biding Ag-
ricultural Societies -Carried.
On motion of Mr. Clegg, the usual
grant of ►200 wax voted to, assist in
the erection of;a lock-up in the village
of Blyth.
Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded by
Mr. Chidley, that Messrs. Strang and
Halls, of Goderich, and Turnbull, of
Clinton, be re -appointed a board of
County Examiners, for.the examination
of Public School teachers, for the cur-
rent year. Referredto the School Com-
Moved by Mr. Keine, seoonded by Mr.
Geiger, and carried,; that the -sum of
$3,000 be raised by the - County for im-
proving the boundary lines of the re-
spective municipalities, the said sum
,to be. expended on the same principles
as heretofore. 1
Moved by Mr. Masson, seconded by
Mr. Graham, that the Council instruct
the County Engineer to have the bridge
across the Maitland. River at Summer-
hill repaired, as it is now unfit for travel.
Referred to the Road and Bridge Com-
Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr.
Weir, and referred to the Finance Com-
-mittee, that the Council grant the sum
of $150 to be expended on the boundary
between Howick- and Minto,
aase the
County of Wellington has gr
similar amount.
Was also
to the
letter from
by a
d on n
es, &c., w
the Warden and County Councillors :
NTLENEN : I beg . to submit here- . I3
statement in detail of the receipts
and. expenditures for the past year ;
of collections from non -resi-
t lands ; and comparative statement
receipts and expenditures for the
;t year. Referring to the latter state-
nt you will observe that the actual
enditure exceeded the estimate for
following services, viz.: Administra; •
n of Justice ; Inquests ; Lunatics and
arities ; salaries and Council fees;
.tionery and Printing, and Roads
�d Bridges, while the following ac-
unts show an expenditure less than
�imated, viz.: Jail, Jury, School Man-
ement, Miscellaneous and Contingen--
s,. and Crown witnesses. The only
ge differences between estimates and
penditure calling for special reference
�e in .Lunatics . and Charities and in
ury acoOunt. The excess of expendi-
re in Lunatics and charities of
,096.26 wa,owing to the grant made
the Council to the St. John Fire of
,000 after., the _estimates were made
and the rate struck. The smaller
penditnre -for Jury purposes in 1877
as mainly owing to the small number
Jury cases at the last two Courts,
abling the Jury to be discharged after
�o or three days' attendance.. Indeed
the last court, the December sessions,
sere was only one jury case to try, and
et 24 Grand Jurors and 48 Petit Jurors
ere required to attend for two days;
t a cost to the County of $275 for at-
ndance,alone. During the past year
6 cases have been tried by -jury at a
ost to the County of $2,478, o $115
„r each case tried ; an expensive.; mode
urely of administering justice, or set -
ling disputed. accounts. I have receiv-
d from Mr. Dickson, registrar=, the sum
f $3,205.25, being the proportion ac -
ruing to the ' County of the receipts of
he Registry office for • ..877. T1ie total
eceipts of the office as' -returned by Mr.
ickson were $9,910.50.
A. M. Ross, County Treasurer.
The following are statements referred
o in the above letter of the County
Treasurer : -
E0 7.
Estimat'd Actual
31tpend'ro Expend're
of Justico.... $2,200 2,403.76
100 130.75
1,750. 1,462.15
3,000 2,381.44
1.750: , 1,666.61
Lunatios Charities 500. 2,596.26
Salaries and Connell Fees.... 5,250 5,356.60
Repairs on County Buildings. -1,100 1,171.22
High School Goderich 960 896.00
School, Clinton 850 u2i Kn
HOTEL FO'l; SALE.—For Sale, the Hotel pro-
perty in Seaforth at present occupied by
Roi3hrt Hays, It is oonveniontly situated for
business, and has a largo and profitable trade.
The house is new and very commodious, with good
new stables into the proprietor en the onneetion. Possession promises
iven at
ung time. Apply
or to Seaforth P. 0. ROBERT HAYS. 528
VARM FOR. SALE. --Por Sale, Lot 14, Con. 7,
Hallett, containing 100 acres, 80 of which are
cleared and free from. stumps. There is a frame
dwelling house with stone cellar underneath, also
frame barn and stable. Plenty of good"water and
a small: orchard. Is within six -and -a -half miles
c[ Clinton and about 9 miles from Seaforth.- Ap-
ply at THE RXi OSITQR Office, Seaforth. 528
Sale,. Lot 28, Con. 8, L. It. 3., Tuckersniith,
cartaining 100 acres, about 80 cleared, the balance
hardwood timber. Largo briek house and good
frame outbuildings ; an excellent orchard of the
clicicest fruits ; is well watered. Is situated 5
=ilea from. Seaforth and 1 miles from Brucofleld
rotation. For terms apply, by letter to E. N 5 8L,
Grocer, R� ingham.
VA -1131 FOB SAL-R.—For sale lot No. 27, and
half of 26, and half of 28, on the Fourth Con
oeosion, London Road Survey, Tuckeremith, eon-
taing 200 acres. The farm will be sold as a whole
or in two parte to suit purchaser. First-class out
buildings, good orchard, plenty of water, and
within four miles of Scaforth, and threw 01 Brace -
field stations. Apply on the premises, Or to A.
STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 508-4x
.Move'd. by Mr. Elliott, seconded by
Mr. Cook, and. carried, that the clerkbe
instructed to procure one copy of the
Consolidated. StattiteS for each Reeve
and Deputy Reeve in the County of Hu-
'he Council adjourned to_meet at 10
o'cl k on. Thursday.
ter routine business, the following
rep rt of the Selecting Committee VAS
rea and. adopted :
laws: rE
Referred to[the Road and Bridge Com-
Moved y Mr. .Hayes, seconded by
Mr. Kerr, t at the Engineerbe instruct-
ed dboundary
{� the
I eon
to have the bridge
between McKillop and Logan on the
first concession, repaired, as it is in a
very dangerous state, providing the
County oferth pays one-half the ex-
pense—Re erred to the Road. andBridge
The following report of the Jail and
Court House Committee was read and
Your Committee having examined
the jail, find it clean, and well kept in
every particular, and the officials cour-
teous. We found 14 prisoners confined
-therein, 12 males and 2 females, all of
whom expressed themselves well satis-
fied with their treatment. Your Conn-
mittee would recommend a small grant
for the purchase of 12 hand bibles for
the use of prisoners. There is at pres-
ent no adequate employment for the
male prisoners confined at hard labor.
The lock on the front door being out, of
repair we recommend that it be attend. -
ea to at once. As there is a sufficient
supply of prison clothing on hand tete
recommend that no action be taken ,On
the communication of the Inspector of
Prisons recommending the purchase of
additional clothing. �;
Equalization—Messrs. Webster, Chid -
ley, Strachan., Hunter, McMillan, W.
j. Johnston, Castle, Young, D. D. Wil-
son, Leckie, Black and Walk.er.
inance--Messts. McMillen, B. Will-
, Gibson, Leckie, Keine, Coughlan,
Hennings, Hannah, J. Miller, Graham,
Whiteley, Currey, D. Miller, Garrow,
Geiger, Connor, D. D. Wilson, Hamil-
ton, Hays and F. Johnston. '
chool and Printing—Messts. Clegg,
D. Miller Kaine, Garrow, Currie,
reraon, 'Hennings, Castle, Whiteley,
ir, B. Willson, Rennie, Black- and
oad and Briage—liessre. Hardy,
er, Geiger, Yearley, Elliott, Potter,
artin, Gaunt, Mason, Cook, Gibson,
ack, Hunter and Hamilton.
Ifail and Court. Bouie—Metssra. Ma-
sco, D. Miller, 3. Miller, Cook, Kerr,
Hannah, Clegg, Hamilton and Martin.
i Special Commitke.—Mesers. Webster,
Cormor, Weir; Gaunt, 13. Willson,
Currie, Garrow, je-well and I). D. Wil -
Salaries Comaittee,—Messrs. Yearley,
Straehan, Chidley, Garro -w, W. 3.
Johnston, Castle, Hardy,. Potter and
'PROPERTY FOR SALII.--Vor Sale, Lot No. 14,
Con. 16, Grey, 100 acres, 19 acres cleared—an
ereglient lot. West half of north half of Lot No.
20, Con. 6, Morris, adjobling the 'Village of Brus-
sels, 50 acres, 53 ecres cleared, cheese factory and
machinery complete thereon. Four houses- and
lots, anda large nurriber of vacant lots in Brussels,
se. the property of the undersigued. Ale.° a num-
ber of improved farms, the property of other par-
tico. JOHN LECKIE. Brussels. 515
-L-1- that pleasantly eituated and desirable resi-
demo, the property oft Mr. -Wm. Robertson. The
property is on Goderich Street, in Adams' survey.
The house contains sitting -room, Ening-room,
kitchen and 5 bed-rooins, with pantries closets,
wited-died, and ell other conveniences. .Also hard
find sett water uuder cover. The house is new
and. well finished. The lot contains one-fifth of an
acre.: Apply to the proprietor on the premises.
WM. R011-gRTSON. 527
cil, as it does not appear that there is
fficient information on the inatter,and
that the Breve, of Wingham be requested,
to furnish an outline map of the village
and. the roads connected thereWith.
Sixteen tenders -were received for the
-erection of the Bayfield bridge. The
tender of Mr. Wm. Wise, being $3,180,
is recommended to be adopted on condi-
tion that he furnish security to satisfy
Mr. Bay. It is recommeaded that the
motion of Mr. Miller to repair Morris -
bank bridge be granted. Respectingthe
motion. of Mr. HaYs for repairs on the
bridge between McRillop and, Logan it
is recommended that the bridge be re- 4
paired providing the County of; Perth,
will agree to bear one half the expense..
Respecting -the motion of Mr. Garrow;
referring to the County gravel roads the
Coraraittee °commend that nu; action
be taken in.: he m.atter.
A. L. GIBSON, Chairman.
ago ; buta raajority of the wealthy men
—those worth from $40,000 to 650,000
—hatifrn.otMymeippliayi,a.pf Logan, the other
evening gave a social at his residenee
for the benefit of the funds of Trinity
Church, Mitchell. Dancing to the
music of Collins' string band, formed
the principal amusement of. the even-
—Some of the " big men" of Listowel
have been testing the -weighing scales
lately, with the following result : Con-
stable Wood, 248 lbs.; j. M. Cliraie,
Rolph, 242 lbs.; making a total of 990,
or an average of 24'7i lbs. each.
—Nathan Clement, a young man from
Woodstock, employed as brakeman on
the Stratford and Huron, Railway, raet
with a fatal accident at Stratford, on
Tuesday morning of last 'week. He was
uncoupling cars andhad. stepped off the
track, when ,he was struck by the *tin
and pin of the couplina, which. swung
round. his leas, and Trnel'cked him. down
on the track°. The cars passed over his
legs as he fell, and crushed them both,
one above the ankle and the other near
the knee. The Unfortunate man was
conveyed te Mr. Browning's hotel, and.
received medical assistance, but suc-
cumbed to his injuries, and died.during
the week.
—Mr. Andrew Moore, residing on the
sixth line of Wallace, has now enteied
his 100th year, and. is still a hale and
hearty man. His wife is in her 90th
year, and the couple have been married
over 70 years. Mr. Moore travels al-
most weekly to Listowel for his mail, a
distance of over five and a half roiles
and, except in bad. reads, prefers tc;
walk rather than take a ride from any
one. He boasts that he was never sued
for debt in his life, never was drunk,
and never had two days' sickness. He
is a strong Conservative in politics,
and ehallenges any Reformer of his '
age in the Dominion to run hisn a foot
race for 50 yards. He is a .native of
Londonderry, Ireland., and is of Scot-
tish descent.
A GOOD FIRM. Ferro, for Salo of 152 acres,
4-1- being Lot 2, C n. 2, Turnberry. The farm is
2 miles south of Wroxeter aud 7 north of Brussels,
the gravel. road running through it. About 60
acres cleared, 10 acres of good beeeh and maple
bash, and 15 acres of hemlock and -soft maple
mixed, the balance cedar and blach ash. There
are 4 acrea of fall wheat, and a now fallow in tur-
nips. Bern 24x40, log house, a good well. 'with
pump, and a splendid orehard of 150 bearing fruit
SATN.—The undersigned,,who is about retir-
ing frora business, vicislaes to sell his property in
the village of Milburn, township of Hallett, county
at Huron, consisting of three-quarters of an Sae
number of selmted fru# trees. There is on
the promiees a blacksmith 'shop 28x88, a -wagon
shop 20z40, and paint shop the same size, a two
storey dwelling house 1435 and kitehen 16x22,
with cook-honse attached; also a. new dwelling
house 18x24 and stable 16x25. The buildings are
ail frame and the dwelling houses have each a good
cellar.. The above is situated in one of the best
Arming communities in the county and is there -
*we an excellent blob:tees stand. Also for sale a
Urge amount of oak, rock elm, red elm and pine
Amber, well seasoned, and fit for use. 'Wagons,
cheap to clear out the stock. Payment is request-
ett al all overdnenotea and amounts. JOHN-WIL-
LIAMS, Constance P. 0. tis
Warden's Pommittee—Messrs. Young,
Wm. CLEGG, The following report of the Finartee
Committee was read and adiTted. :
On' the motion. of Mr. Cook for a grant
of $150 on the Countyboundarybetween
Huron and Wellington, east of Howick,
recommend that it be not granted. ; the
Treasurer's statenaent and letter, the
Committee recommend that theWarden
and Clerk be authorized to petition the
Ontario Legislature to abolish the sys-
tem of Grand. Juries. Anumber of cer-
tified accounts were recommended te be
ALEX. L. GIBSON, Chain:Gail.
McMillan, Elliott, Hunter, Leckie,
Strachan and F. Johnston.
The Warden to be ex officio menaber
of all Committees. All of which is re-
speetfally submitted.
joint McMimmex, Chairman.
Moved Mr. Leckie, seconded by Mr.
Gibson, that in view of the increase of
pauperism, caused., no doubt, from in-
crease of population., nct only in the
towres, hips, but particularly in the in-
creased. town and village population,
and d.epression of trade in almost every
branch, it is desirable, both, in the in-
terests of econoiny and humanity, to
establish a House of Refuge or Poor
House in the County. Carried on a di-
vision by a majority of two.
School Management
High Stationery and Print
Roads and Bridges
Agricultural Societies
Model Schoole
00,660 $32,1a1.80
The above stateraent showsthe actual
The following. report of the Special
Committee woe read :
With regard to Beldon's proposed at-
las ef the County of Huron, it is relom-
mended. that a' copy of said. atlas be
purchased. for each of the municipelities
in the County, provided. the atlae tithen
delivered ie found. to "be equal to the
sample shown, and tho price 012 each.
With regard to the ciroulaz from! Ithe
County of Elgin respecting cases a lap -
peal to the Judge's Court, and. amend-
ment of the Yotertf Lists Act of 18;76, it
is recommended. that no action •be
Moved by Mr. Koine, seconded by/sir.
Gibson, that the report be amended by
instruCting the Warden and Clerk to pe-
tition the Leeislature in co-operation
with the Comity of Elgin—Lost o a
division by ma3ority of eight.
Moved by Mr. Gaunt, second
Mr. Currie, in amendment to the r
that the part of the report relati
The following report of the,School and
Printing Committee was read: ,
We recommend that the tender of the
Clinton New Era for the County print-
ing be accepted, it being the lowest, this
in our opinion being the correct princi-
ple. With reference to the motion ap-
pointirlg Messrs. Halls
upoiathe Board of COUD
and Turn.bull
ty Examiners
hool teachers
for the exa,mmation of se
we would mcommend that it be adopted.
With reference to the reports of the
School Inspectors, it is recommended
that they be referred. to the Clerk to
make an abstract of them for the pur-
pose of printing in the minutes. With
reference to the motion for a High School
, at Seafortia, the Committee recommend
thati permission for the jestablishraent
of stich school be not grafted.
J. GARROW, Chairman.,
Moved by 1dr. D. D. Wilson, seconded
by Mr. SleraMon., that the report be
amended by granting the request of the
motion giving permission for the estab-
lishment of a High School in Seaforth.
-Upon the namee being called. there voted
for the amendment—Messrs: Hannah,
Jewell, .Kerr, Chidley, Clegg, F. John-
ston, Hardy, Menzies, Martin, Garrow,
Rannie, Hayes, McMillan, Walker,
Young, Gibson, Memnon, Leckie, D.
D. Wilson and B.Willson.-21. _For the
report : Messrs. 3. 11. Miller Grahain,
Hennings, Black, Geigher, C'urrie, Mil-
ler* Hunter, Potter, W. 3. Johnston,
Webster, Whitely, Cook, Weir, Gatmt,
Yearly, Conner, Elliottp Castle, Kaine,
Strachan, Hakailton, and -Coughlin-23.
The amendment to the repert was lost
by a majority of two, when. the report
was again submitted to the Council and •
adopted. •
The Council adjourned to meet at 8
o'clock on Saturday morning. •
SATURDAY, Jan. se,
The Connell, this day, was only in
session about half an hour. After rout-
ine, the only' business of importance
transacted was the Panama of a motion
instructing the Clerk to communicate
with each! municipality and procure a
statement'of thea.mbunt paid by each
municipality for charity during the past
year, said information to be embodied
in the Poor Hotise Committee's report.
The Council adjourned to meet on
the first Monday in Jiine.
the purchase of an atlas for each un-
icipality be struck out. The anisn‘kt
ment -was carried by amajority of eighi:
The report' as amended. in accordance
with the above resolution was adopted.
Moved. by Mr. Strachan, seconded by
-Mr. Jolmston, that the Council of ,each
rattaicipahty be requested to instruct
their Clerk to furnish the Chairman of
the Special Committee on the Poor
House, through the County Clerk, be-
fore the first of May next, a statement
of the number of indigent persona that
c,onld. be sent now from each munici-
pality to a poor house shonld. such an
institution be established within the
County. These stateinents to he era -
braced in. the reporb of the Committee
appointed to inquire into the coat and.
other matters connectedwith the stebb-
lishment of a poor house, and to e laid
before this Council. ai its ni cling
in June next, and that the Clerk com-
municate with each municipality to this
Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded by
Mr. , Chidley, and. carried, that this
Council is of the opinion. that Beldon's
propoaed atlas of the County of Huron
Moved by Mr. D. D. Wilson, seoond-
ed. by Mr. Slemmon, that this Council
sanction the establishment of a Trig,h
School in the town of Seatorth, said
High School to bd established and con-
ducted according to the Onterio statutes
bearing on -the establishment and. man-
agement of High Schools and Collegiate
Institutes. Referred to the School Com -
Moved' by Mr. Leckie, sebonded by
Mr, Castle, that this Council tender
their sympathy and condolence to the
-widow and friends of our late colleaeue,
Robert Callender, Esq., of Clinton, WI°,
Vre regret to hear, has died a premature
death through -injuries received while
on duty endeavoring. to seve the pro-
perty of his fellow citizens at the late
fire in Clinton, and that the Clerk Pend
the widow and. friends of deceased a
copy of this resolution—Carried.
The Council adjourned to meet at 10
FeneAr, Jan. 25, 1878.
After routine proceedings, the reports
of Messrs. Miller and. Dewar, Public
School Inspectors were read and refer-
red to the School Committee.
[Owing to the length of those reports wo are fin-
able to give them hare, tat se they aro both of suffi-
cient interest to be given, if not in
full,41 least lengthily, we defer their publicaliion
Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded by
Mr. Leckie, that the propriety of pur-
chasing a number of Beldon's proposed.
atlas of the County of Hurqn, for the
use of the various naunicipalities and.
-the County officials be referred to: the
Special Conanaittee of the Council —
Moved by Mr.. Graham, seconded. by
Mr. Coughlin, that a detailed statement
of the amount of salaries of County offi-
cials and perquisites pertaining thereto
be furins' lied by the Clerk, and laid on
the table for the information of the new
members and others—Carried. I
Meved by 3, R. Miller, seconded by S. ,
Black, that the Engineer be instructed I
tahave the Morrisbank bridge on the
boundary line between Turnberry and
Morris, put in a proper state of repair—
Moved. by Mr. Willson, seconded by
Mr. Gaunt, that this Council is of the
opinion that the improvement of roads
in the County Should be encouraged
and that a Committee be appointed to
suegest the amount ef assistance and,
th'g manner in which it should. be given
to municipalities undertaking to con-
struct gravel roads. Lost on a division
by a naajority of 28.
Moved17 Mr. Menzies, eeconded by
Mr. Ilennings, that coramittee, con -1
sisting of Messrs. Leckie, Blaek, Mc-
Millan, Hardy and Keine, be appointed
to make the necessary enquiries as to
location, cost of construction, &c., of
the proposed County Poor House, said
committee to report at the JUne seesion
of the Council -=Carried.
Moved. by Mr. Garrow, seconded by
Mr. Yo-ang, aud carried, that the Road.
and Bridge Committee be requested to
ascertain. and report to the Council,
either at this er the June seseion, what,
if any, of the leading gravel roads or
sections thereof', ought to be excepied
from the general scheme of the rale of
the Council, that such roads should,
be maintained by the local munioipali-
Moved by Mr. B. Willson, seconded
by Mr. Hardy, that rule 34 of this Coun-
cil be temporarily suspended, and that
the Standing dommitiee be appointed
1,500 1,243.10
1,000 1,196.26
400 147.66
10,000 10,595.49
300 300.00
8,401 3,862.79
Perth It ems.
" Lick and stick your own stamps,"
is a not4ess pasted up in the post OffiCe
at Mitahell.
—Thera were 104 births, 34 Mar-
riages, and 45 deaths registered in Mit-
chell laet year. •
—Wm. Davidson, Eeq., Reeve of Pal-
larton, has been elected, Warden of Perth
by a Inajority of eight.
—A very largely attended G,range
Bdcial was held at Fullarton -village on
Tuesday evening, 17th inst.
—A son of Eli Martin, of Elina town-
ship, on the; 17th inst., fell frora the barn
loft and dislocated his shoulder.
—Dr. Adams, of Tavistock, died Ta-
was a good. eitisen, and his
rotted by many, in that lo-
Miscellaneous News Items.
On Monday night of .ast week, a .
fire occurred on the 12th concession of
Sullivan on the preinises owned by S.
Savage. The barn and contents, con.-
sisting of grain &c., were entirely cone
snraed, and the loss sustained will am-
ount to 6800 or 690a. There was an
insurance of only $250 onthe property.
_yr,' Rine the celebratedtemperanoe
Reformer is just now doing a good. work
in the town. of St. Mary's, county of .
ing was held in the town. hall at 10 A.
M. 'Even at that hour -the hall was
crowded. Mr. Rine's address Was re-
plete with the finest' illustrations, cleS:-
ing with a most eaanest appeal for sign-
ers to the pledge, when one Inmared ree
sponded, making in all since Mr. Rine's
visit upwards of eleven htmd.red.
whi h it is hoped. will be proceeded.
wit , but that it- is our opinion that it
would be an undue interference -with
the rights of the local municipalities for
this Co-ancil to give an order for the use
and out of the pockets of such munioi-
The following report of the Road and
Bridge Committee was read and, adopt -
Respecting tb.e petition from James
BoWes and. 24 others for a bridge on the
boundary line between Grey and the
tovinship of Elina, County of Perth, re-
conlonend that the prayer of the petition
be granted on conditions that the coun-
ty of Perth pays one-half. Respecting
the letter frora the County Clerk of
Lambton referring to the bridge at
Grand Bend, informing this Cormcil that
the County of Lambton have passed. a
by-law granting the sum of 5100 towards
repairing said bridge, and requesting
that this Connell grant a like
sum, recommend that the Council pass
a by-law granting the sum of 5159,
as the County Engineer Bay's tb.at the
amount granted is insufficient,this suirAo
be paid on condition thatLambtdia grant
an additional 650,and if Lanabtondonot
grant this a.dditional $50, that Ittr. Bay
be authorizedto expend the sum of 6100.
Respecting the comm-aication fromIJ.
H. Bartlett referring to ironbridges, re-
commend that the Clerk be instructed
to communicate with the company and.
obtain information as to• cost and dura-
bility and report at tho June meeting.
As to the inotien of Mr. Mason, for re-
pairing the bridge on the Maitlandriver
at Summer Hill, recommend. that Mr.
Baybe instructed to hwiethe approaches
repaired, as soon as he can, as they are
dangerous and the bridge is being re-
paired. Respecting the report of Mr.
Bay on the new bridge at Win.glaam itis
recommended that the matter be laid
cently. H
death is re
ago, fined.
Faircloth was, a few days
10 and 620 coats, for assault -
—.Asa old. man named Wilson, eaid.
to be 101 years of age, and who lived
near Caledonia, died. very suddenly on
Thursday of last week. He was well
known to the " sports of the neighbor-
hood. as a veteran. cock -fighter and
breeder of game fONV).S. OD. th.e morn-
ing of his deathc he brought a couple of
birds to a son of Mr. Ryan, who keeps
the hotel where he fell and aioa. in the
afternoon. Wilson was a thin, spare
man, of very hardy constitution Egla
wiry. thathe day he died. he walked
from his place to Caledonia, carrying
a bag in which he had the two birds
referred to. He -was very mach liked
ana had. a very large circle of aoquains
--A.bout two years ago Duval, the no-
torious Montreal confidence operator,
became acquainted with • a young wo-
man twenty years of age, named. Lefe-
bvre, and after a Successful courtship,
arranged. for a anarria.ge, but said the
priests of Montreal had. orders not to
marry hire, as he Was preparine for the
priesthood. He suggested thlt they
should go to Cornwall, and after being
united. by a :minister should. return as
man and. wife to Montreal, where the
priests -would be obligedto marry them.
The foolish young woman acceded. to
Dutrars proposition, and arriving at
Cornwall they took lodgings at a hotel,
and Duval eventually- persuaded one of
the bavtenders to - play the role of min-
ister, and perform a bogus servite. The
oeuple remained. in the hotel for SOME)
two weeks, when the landlord sent in
his bill, whereupon Duval deserted. the
girl, who waS obliged to engage as a
servant in the hotel, and after having
worked several -weeks returned. to MOn-
treal to search after her supposed hus-
band, 'whom she has only la,tely disoov-
ered in the notorious confidence opera-
tor. Duval has been sent to the Peni-
tentiary for two years.
—An extraordinat7 social outrage iS
the talk of Ottawa. The story, as gven
in the city papers, iithat recently cards
of invitation were iesued for an assem-
bly to be held in. the Opera House, the
Committee of raanagemeilit bearing the
names of many well-known citizens.
It was discovered later, however, that
some eVil-Mindeaperson had invitations
of these cards printed. and. distributed
among questionable members of society,
the prestuned objeet being to wreak
vengeance on some member or members
of the managing committee. Detec-
tives were deputed tits visit houses of
ill -repute in the I Lower Town, and re-
covered some twenty of the bogus cakds
of invitation, whiola had been addressed,
to various inmates of the houses: The
women are Imovrn to be improper char-
acters. Many ef these forged cards of
admission were also distributed to ho-
tel porters and others throughout the
city. On the fraudulent tickets aPpear-
ed. all the names of the ladies of the
cemmittee of management as in the
outrage has never occurred in die city,
and steps have been taken to ptmish
the perpetrators with the utmost rig=
of the law.
ing James Rumble at a tavern in St.
Marys: •1
—Mr. Laing, theological student
from Woodstock.' Institute has ac-
cepted a oall from :the Fullaiton Bap-
tist church. 1 •
--:Diphtlieria is prevalent about
Newry, Mr. Hill, miller, of . that place
having loeft two children from the dis-
—Of the nine pupils of the Stratford
High School, who went up for the in-
termediate .examination. December,
two succeeded in passingst '
during the Week An Mitchell Presby-
terian, church. Mr. Mitchell has beesn
assisted hy Rev. Mr. Paynter, of Chi-
-Two thaasand eight hundred and
twenty registered letters were, received
and delivered at the Mitchell post office
last year, and 7,263 were posted -and
passed through the same office.
—The business men lot Listowel are
considering the advisability of having
their towa lighted by gas. From fifteen
to twenty thousand dellars of stook will
be required to put the works in full op-
gan, of
ingly interesting and instructive lec-
ture on the subject—" What tthe sun-
s Argus, who has • been for
ars in the employment of
ent of the Interior at Win -
as been appointed Assistant
n Agent for Manitoba and the
Northwest. .
--alt the meeting of Council, in St.
Marys, last week, it motion was passed
instrricting the' tax collector to return
the roll by the 1st of February, one of
'the Councilmen stating that the collec-
tor had informed him that the poor men
over till the june session of the un- and mechanics had paid their taxes long
soiree in St. Andrews chureh,
• recently, Rev. Geo. M. Milli -
°route', delivered an exceed -
Some y
the Dep