HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-01-25, Page 7188 amen, Surgeon via, t. Oe D4aaaa,.. Street, first door • FhysielareiSele. e County ot Hilton rvis street neeenr lie Seheol. Lakefield tale • .,. and Acconcheuee d Trinity CoVega, • Celiege of :Pley.. Ziriburn.Ont. 485 .M Gra.duate of Lein. Surgeon at Office—Rooms ta by Dr. Phelan, and g. Will attend at . Fridays. 49 r Surgeon, a y College, Seaforth, rear of neneeat, "nded to, night or medicines on. hand. amined a to sound- equired. 407 `., Graduate of the ge. After doting erofessOr Smith, of eorth. Office at his li. Galls proraptly H A large stook of tiy on hand. Horses certificates given ,eommission. 424 kSHrRE. L. D.. 8., Dentist, Greduata i College, of Dental - Ontario. Artificial AU surgical tepees. r and peomptitudee ,P. M. Reotes in dna, Main Street, RERON, Barristees,. &c.. Goderiela Ont.. rifolt, M. G. Care - l', 506 1yancer and Commis- er. Auctioneer and notes eoflected on 666 ,ttorney, Solicitor in h and Seaforth. Of- itore, Goderich, and a54 eq, Barristers, Atter - (aneery, &e., Clinton at of the new Royai coney toloan en fa= G. A. wAisels sTED, Dalai 4tAt• tors in Chancery and is and Conveyancers. Seaforth. Agentsfor erapiteny, per cent. Parma 53 DENHURST, Barrie.- 3olicitora in Chaneery, t a low rate cif inter- borrowere. Maces -- entice in Larigdale's ank. et. we C.51DYER inusT. 474 r Consolidated Bank rristers and Attorney ancery and.Ineelvertey, die, etc. Oftlees—Bea« Lo of Private Funds to Gent. Interestipayable fis w. u. gDYRIa. day been dissolved by ennts due the firm to Ito will pay- all liabil- 'AYERS H. BENSON. I. W. C. MEYER. fellEGIETS. , &e., Brussels. Oft:to& lk building. 604-62. /n. terms more !or offered. offered. A. J. Me 501.52 ismaking done in. the 'cal 'fit eremred, at MISS er Wationes boot and week. 515 ' sel Auctioneer. Any vices as Auctioneer will ,-. Main Street, near Mr. aforth. 521 el Auctioneer for the Sales attended in all I orders left at the Ex- omptly attended to. Provirmial Land Sur - • r� bymail will receive ofdeEi, Clinton. T.8. GORR. MR FACTORY. — N. Williams,R. manatee - me. All work warranted. 'tory onNortb. Main St., . • 500 e. it Loan and Real Estate ea and Commission Mar - :real estate in town or triple interest. Charges 1.teelet and seed. Matured rnes to suit borrewers. ert a for sale. Omee— Bressels, Ont. 61.5 •--- evincial Land Surveyor Ordera by mail prompt- , CAMPBELL, Mitchell. -- [ ;ad what the people say eat Shoshenees Iterctedy elarkbarn, nap "I had roxechicis. I waa so- bad my breath. I sought lor seeing the " Shoahonees ommended. I procured a say that by the tirae it F well, and have remained Leh. exposed through the Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem - t have found your re- cticial for liver complaint, al affections, wordd cted to give them a trial." aye: When travelling return home. It became such worse. I finally pur- lerueds- and a- box of Pills, elf gone I commenced to 7 were finished my fa,ot It is now •17 mcrnths e further attack." Price ,ettles, ed. Pills,25 cents 522. RESSING. Fey into Switehee, Curls, ed in. the Latest Styles and ee • e it tha e _aturat wiry ts at the top. -MISS CARROW, four doors west of the 528-26 STARK, the Ladies of Seelarth and is prepared to Make, up RLS, BRAIDS, &c., shion from Combings. d all order a punctually at - licited. Residerice—Main; 527 w efAlib-ARY 25, 1.88. enimommininissolleonsh I . • • . - THE HURON EXPOSIT:0g.. . • • . , r 7 Death of a Fenian Raider. I time. Dr. McCabe performing the cere- mony. Though the couple had. express - A aetch of his Adventures. ed a wish that no present should be of- lh AtelegramfromOmiha,Nebraskaaan- _fered them, t e officers of the 23rd. regi - flounces the death of Col. John O'Neil, I ment, which Mr. Hayes commanded the ex -Fenian leader, Who led the at- during the war, sent to Mrs. tempte& raid. into Cana,da some years :Hayes a miniature log but made ago. Col. John. O'Neill was a native of - of silver, in memory of an experi- -the county of Monaghan, Ireland. At once near Kanawha Falls, Va.in 1864. the age of 15 or 16 he left his home for The sqldiers had made for themselves America. Soon after arriving here he comfortable huts for the winter, and for entered as a private in the First, Dra- regimental headquarters they built a double log cabin in the most approved. goons, regular army, where he served with credit, and was subsequently at- style of army architecture. When this tached to the Fifth United States Cav- structure was ready for occupancy Mrs. airy as sergeant -major. His tele of enlist- -Hayes joined her husband. in camp, and. anent expired just as t e robe lion broke the two made the, cabin their winter home. Here Mrs. Hayes won the es - out. He then entered the Fifth Indiana Cava as second- Iie achieved a, high repo and faithful soldier. teenth United States was organized he join captain, and earned a ter in the service. D tion with the Fifth I tenant, where he teem of the whole conamand. The, sil- ation as a brave ver design reproduces the hut they °om- en the Seven- pied, and is inscribed., " To the Mother. colored infantry the Regiment." - d the regiment as 1 ditional charac- Mennonite irxg his connec- Could. nottheDominion Government diana cavalry he ' assist several thousands -more of the -,1 held a town in Kentucky against Mor- Mennonite settlers now in Southern gain's force. For his this occasion. O'Neill first lieutenant. At one time he se Stoneman in the Pen conduct was of a bray °table soldier. In fa in most of the battles and. though exposing casions, as duty demo, ed. only once, in see, while Longs sieving Nnoxville. with the Seventeenth United States col- ored infantry he served. for some time as lb a.member of the Boa dof Examiners to pass upon the meri s, and_ qualifica- tions of applicants for positions in colored regiments. Out of this conamand ctober, 1864, im- • pliant conduct on 1 Russia, to emigrate to these beautiful as promoted to lands ? They are certainly a most de- sirable class of settlers, and. are anxious ed under General to remove to Manitoba or the North- sula, where his west if means of transportation were man and. an hon- advanced to them, which khey no doubt t he participated. would repay in a few years. They of the rebellion, dread the recent enactment that com- mself on all oc- pals them to do military service in. ded, was wound- Russia after 1880. Those in possession East Tonnes- of means in Russia, are willing to pay reet was be- the passage of - their poorer brethren, While connected providing the Canadian Government guarantee the repayment of the passage money. Under the present disturbed state of tussia and the financial trou- bles, real) estate is very much depre- • he was mustered in mediately upon whic Elizabeth, N. J., wh young lady of that pl Tennessee and settl Pulaski, entering bu. agent. He removed t and. renewed the sam the so-called. Sena 1 he proceeded to re he married a ce and returned to cl, temporarily, at Mess as a claim Nashville in 1865 avocation. When e party" of the 11 z Fenian Brotherhood, 'n spite of the re- monstrances and prot sts of the revolu- tionary party in Irel nd, determined. in 1866 on the ill-judged and suicidal pro- ject of freeing eisnd by invading Can- ada. O'Neill offerod.I his services and was given coraraan of the advance party whieh crossed t e frontier in June 1866 and. fought the attle of Ridgeway, or Fort Erie, against he Queen's Own, a crack Canadian volunteer regiment. He, however, was ebliged o return to United. States soil, not rece ving any support. He was concerned, in another, but ab- solutely abortive raid —N. Y. Herald. elated. in value. Their real estate is considered crown lands, notwithstand- ing it has been in possession of their forefathers for nearly two centuries. They cannot sell without permission fronvthe Emperor, and even then only on condition that they sell to a Men- nonite and. pay into the public treasury ten per cent. of the sum realized. The depreciation of their currency is also a great drawback, a Russian fro -able, which should be worth 63 cents, only fetching 45 cents. The soil in the neighborhood of Touchwood Hills is a rich alluvium, mixed with sand, which. retains moisture a sufficient time for vegetation. Sandy soil like that of many of the ,,Western States—only adapted for the culture of corn—sficks up the moisture like a sponge, but a union of soils such as we found at Touchwood Hills and many other parts -west, combines both qualities. One -withstands a drought and the other GREAT SALES gives an immunity against wet weather. four years later. —Later of Mr. Trow, AI. P. EXTRAORDINARY, VALUE AND ATTRACTIVE STYLES IN DRESS FABRICS • 12,2C21-i•T?.•e'. , - 1 _ RUSSEL. CORPS, • LUSTRES, VICTORIA TWILLS, &C. CASHMERES, SERGES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, IN ALL THE APPROVED SHADES AND COLORS. A BARGAIN IN SIIIK MANTLEVELVET. A FINE SHOW OF LINED KID CLOVES AND MITTS. See our WHITE BLANKETS at $2.50 Per Pair. i NOTED FOR "POPULAR PRICES." j JOHN ROGERS, Seaforth. BUFFALO ROBES. BUFFALO ROBES. EVERY LINED AND UNLINED. ONE 'SHOULDSEE THOSE BUFFALO ROBES BOUGHT OUR MR. McMULKIN AT THE LATE An Incident of the Rebellion of 18 7. Not long since, -.talr. M. liowers, of the -Governor's Road,, nea Princeton,Oxford Co., passed away,fuJ4 of years. He was adways a staunch and. unflinc)iing Re- former, and during the troublesome times of 1837-38, nartLowly escaped. ar- rest and imprisonment for his ill-con- nealed sympathy Nall the rebels. The following partici-dam of an incident, in which he bore a prominent part, were received by the aliter from his own lips a short time befOre his death : One morning in DeceMber, 1837, or -early in January, 1838, Mr. Showers had arisen before_daybreak, as was his oilstone, and. after kindling a fire he opened the kitchen door to proceed to the barn to see to the stock. The morn- ing was a/cold a,ncl cheerless one, and as he opened the 'floor he was confront- ed by a man who, in earnest tones, ask- ed the privilege of finding shelter for .a day or two, and, while assuring Mr. Showers that his purposes were honor- able, yet be wished no questions to be asked as to his name and purposes. The situation was taken in at a glance, and the conclusion arrived at was that Dyed. Cigars. The artificial dyeing of cigars has as yet attracted but little attention a,m sraokers, and is conducted very quietly and is apparently harmless, yet under all circumstances it should be condemn- AT LESS THAN BY IN TORONTO AND MONTREAL. THEY WILL BE SOLD ed. Every artificial change of a natu- ral product like tobacco, to give it a better appearance, should. of itself be branded as improper. Then we Must take into consideration the fact that the natural color of the cover has an essential influence upon the strength- of the cigar, and consequently most smok- ers place great value on the color. By artificial coloring, on the contrary, the judgment is deceived, and it makes it impossitle to determine the quality of the oigar from the color of the cover ; for every dealer now has it in his power, to make splendid dark cigars from his very -light ones without any trouble. But we have especially to notice that now poor- colored and refuse cigars may acquire a fine color and. be sold for good ones. On all thesegrounds, dyeing cigars must be ranked as an adultera- tion for the purpose of swindling -the public. Unfortunately ILO means have yet been devised whereby the people can distinguish such cigars HALF THE *USUAL PRICES. TWELVE BALES TO CHOOSE FROM. . L. BEATTY & Co., Seaforth. REMOVED. REMOVED. REMOVEDg r21-10M.A.S D,IRd-YA.T. HAS REMOVED HIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR , STORE TO THE FIRST DOOR NORTH OF KILLORAN & RYAN'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT• the sad and. homeless wanderer was one in all cases from the genuine. All we of W. L. Mackenzie's hunted and cOn- can do at present is to call attention to . Aare:lied foliowers. The stranger was 1 the fact and. recommend caution in the WHERE HE WILL CONSTANTLY, KEEP ON HAND - grasped with a warmth of greeting that . matter.—Scientific American'. • drew tears from his eyes; a breakfast Wasprepared, and for two or three days, every possible comfort was freely shared with the visitor, but the silent language of sympathy had opened the hearts of these men to each other. At the ex- piration of the time mentioned, the guest expressed his intention of leaving at dusk that evening. and he thought if he old reach Oakland., he would find. friends who could assist him. As soon as the shadows of: night fell, Mr. Showers attached 1a team of good. horses to a sleigh, . and • conveyed. his raysterious visitant to 0-akla,nd, where he was left at the hose of a well-known Reformer. The arrest of Lo -int . and Mathews, And their execution, -ollowed soon after, and the terrible fate of these brave men excited a thrill of horror throughout Canada, but the particulars need. not be. recounted here. Siiffice it to say that after their death, Mr. Showers received. an- intimation from t. relative of poor Lount, that he was the one whom he had so wisely yet vainly befriended. In his efforts to reach the United_ States. he had been captured an.c1 ignominonaly hanged. President Hayes's Silver VV ed - ding. . President Hayes's silver wedding was postponed to New -Year's eve, chiefly owint to the fact, it is said, that Sunday . was the anniversary of the Ashtabula - disaster, when Mary .Birehard, niece of the President, lost ler life. The affair was exceedingly ple sant and. informal, -and the guests nun bored less than 100. There was music b:the marine band, flowers everywhere, and a dinner. - But -the real anniversar3 of the Hayes wed-:. ding was celebrat d on Sunday very- -gaietly, nobody bei ig invited but the - witnesses of the w dding 25 years ago, and the present in mbers of the Presi- dent's household. - The parties were .ar- _ranged in the East room in the saane positions they oceutiied Decero,ber 30th, 1852, when the marriage ceremony be- tween M. Haves and_ Miss Webb was performed. The same minister, Rev. L. D. .McCabe, stood before-- them, and the same word.s were spoken„ and the same pledges given that were uttered by ,tlein a quarter of a -century ago. I• Upon this occasion Mrs. Hayes wore the same satin dress, remodelled for the Ocoasion,' and, the same slippers she wore -upon her wedding day. ! Then was also a christeping in the White House on Sun- day. Mrs. -Herron who is a guest there and was present at the original wedding, has an infant six weeks old., which was christened Lucy Hayes. Fanny • and Scott :Hayes were ehristened at the same Little E c on o rale s • A CHOICE STOCK OF WINES AND LIQUORS, I noticed in your wise columns, the history of a "Shank of Beef." I will tell you of one I bought for Twenty-five cents ; we had. some of the meat for , dinner one day, while hot, then saved enough for six mince pies,1 made three Irish stews with- vegetables, and one good dinner of bean porridge, besides saving a coffee cup full of good shorten- ing, all for twenty-five cents, and we have a family of four ! Was ever shank known to go as far before (even when alive) ? Do you • save • every crumb of bread • toast, doughnut, ancl the like, to sift . for brown bread ? do—it saves it all, and the bread is nicer. Shall I tell you what I do with my old dry cake? `Soak them in as little milk as possible ; beat 'up an egg or two, add a little more sugar, spice, and. flour, and bake in Muffinirons. It is nice for tea while new, and it is a good. way to use up dry cake that is so unpalatable. I've been asked for my receipt for those nice tea cakes. EPPS'S COCOA.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided mu: breakfast tables with a delicately- flavored. beverage; which may save us Many, heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitution maybe grad- ually b-uilt up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease,Hau- 1 dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified_ with pure blood, and_ a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold. only in packets label- led.—" James Epps & Co., Homoeopath- ic Chemists, 48; Threadneedle Street, and 170, PiccadillyaLondon." . 182-52 . Wisa SAYINGS.—The moment a --man is satisfied witli himself,overybody else is dissatisfied with him. There are many shining qualities in the mind of man, but none so useful as discretion. If we do not flatter ourselves,the flattery of others will not hurt us. The ma,n, who minds has own business has a good steady employment. Never apologise for a long letter, you only add to, its length. Retiring early, at night will surely shorten a man's days. He speaks in his drink what he thought in his drouth. True risen make more op- portunities than they find. An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes. 1 ALE AND PORTER --BOTTLED AN D IN WOOD. HOTEL KEEPERS AND OTHERS SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. .Are Requested to Call and Examine his Stock and Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. ALL ORDERS LEFT AN KILLORAN & RYAN'S WILL BE ATTENDED TO ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All MAIN STREET, I. SEA,FORTH. j o Goods I.)elivered in Town gree oJ Charge. THOMAS D. RYAN. 1877-8. 1877-8. J".A_MIS01\1-, S.A_P0121111-1. Receive4, this Week, Another Lot of our Famous 20 Cent Dress Goods. HARDWARE A VERY SUPERIOR LINE OF VELVETEENS IN BLACK, SEAL BROWN C--1 AND NAVY BLUE. CASHMERES IN SEAL BR,OWN, MYRTLE GREEN, NAVYBLUE, § • I PRUNE, DRAB, AND BLACK. ' . -= TUST01=11\TID. ' JAMES SPARLING let CO., SEAFORTH, Have Just Opened. in Ault's 011 Stand, Godmich Sereet, with a BLACK LUSTRES FROM 121 TO 75 CENTS PER YARD. IT IS NOT NECESSARY iTO SAY ANYTHING IN FAVOR OF OUR BLACK i• LUSTRES, AS THEY ARE VERY WIDELY • AND VERY FAVOR- ABLY KNOWN. , i 1 SHAWLS—OUR STOCK IS STILL VERY WELL AISSORTED, ALTHOUGH OUR SALES THIS SEASON i HAVE BEEN LARGER. 'THAN EVEit, BEFORE. 1 TWE DS AND COATINGS—VERY GOOD VALUE AND VERY GOOD- FIS GUARANTEED TO AiLL WHOM AY GIVE US AN ORDER IN- g T AT DEPARTMENT. ' ! g • , , i•.4 UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE AID COLORED SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, BRACES, , SOCKS, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND AT ,THT; GOLDEN LION. ; 1 CHILLMIAS GROCERIES TO hAND THIS WEEK : CURRANTS, RAIS- INS, LEMON AND ORANGE PEELS.: &e. . NEW STOOK OF CHOICE GROCERIES, Which have been Bought Very Low for Cash. THEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELLATA SMALL PROFIT. ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT TRIED OUR 50 -CENT TEA HAS MISSED 1T SO TAR, BUT WE HAVE STILL SOME OF IT ON HAND. caq JUST CALL AT THE GOLDEN LION AND TRY NOT ONLY OUR TEAS, BUT ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY WANT 1ls1- DRY ,GOODS,' GRO- CERIES, &e. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION.' R. JAMIESON, Seaforth. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER tt- WHEN IT iIS MADE UP INTO HARNESS Where you will find all Kinds of 'laxness Mad SUCH AS YOU- FIND WARD'S, SEAFORTH, up in, the Latest Styles. eARD can give you better satis- the County. A. Trial. is all that 'REMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. vit -LV faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in is wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Seaforth. 'JAC, 1210r 01 110 1V00 em, 0 1u)0 Sa211-11018 0 0 0 91113 0 2 X 2 0 0 Co 2 0 3 to c w" m r m .71 °H.LHOAV3S X 0 r 0 2 LIGHTNING AND COMMON TOOTH. 0 ra X 0 0 X rn 0 r 0 m3 0 r c (i) m p) r e v 0 r. 00 r /0 Z a O in m r • < O in 0 = iv 3 11 0 < > m r a r (i) -0.4 10 3 m 1:4 Ifd • auvmauVH RUV.MCDIVH auvAkirava Id S. LOUNSBURY & co.1 SEAFORTH, z PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CUSTOM SAIkrING.AND 'GIVE THE 'HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR SAW1LOGS. SAW LOGS. -WILSON'S . The Great Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c., and all Diseases of the Bronchial Tubes or Lungs. Give us a Call Before Purchasing your Christmas Groceries. - PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, AND ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN FREE OF CHARGE.- JAMES SPARLING & Co., Seaforth, .s 1111MM6. POST. OFFICE STORE, WALTON.. . • 9 — T ONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customers for their Mild I patronage during the last 12 years that i have been doing business amongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and'Well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of ES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and Price, are the best in the County. GROCERIerson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps A. Large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES—Mah and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and elms, in fact every- thing required in a general store. Ask for what yon want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I. -would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and eettle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the Recounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm security for a term of from three to tweet years, on the most favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE.—I1 you want your life insured give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In - /nuance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted 011 the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con.• nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand.- R. PATTISON, WALTON. WILD Gives Instant Relief in the Most Severe Cases, and never fails. Those who try it once always recommend it to their friends, and in this = 'way the sale has' become immense. CHERRY. Sold by LUMSDEN. & WILSON,Seaforth, at 25c., 50e., and $1. 522 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. ° The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all dieorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is 'the only reliable remedy for bad • Legs, .Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcers of however Ding standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUN. TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pins and Ointment," are manufactured and sold nnder the name of "Eel- loway's & Co.," by J. F. Henry, Curran, & Co., Druggists, a n‘?"- also by the Me- tropolitan Medi- ee eine Company k:--waat of New York,withn assumed e trade mark, thus: a, —Again o n e Joseph Haydoek,of New York. hkewise passesoff counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent ; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. • These persons, the better to deceive you, un- blushingly caution the public in the small books of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the pablic in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Labil on the Pots and Boxes. lithe address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Colutterieitt•. Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the word, " Homowee's Pius AND OINTMENT, Lownore," engraved, thereon. Qn the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, Loanotawhere alone they ere manufactured. Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors sellinspurions Holloway's Pills and Ointment as of Weetenuitie make, shal n communicating the particulars teeme, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. • London, Jan. 1, 1877. 4747 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - • - $4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 18.33; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST.., SEAFORTH. Draft* on, .New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. 1 Bills of Eicehange on London payable et all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON f DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, MANAOER 411 AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST . FRIEND. W H. OLIVER', SEAFORTH, 1 ift --e.eafeeee• BEGS to acquaint his many friends and mete - mere thatbe has removed two doors north of his old stand, McIntyre's Block, where ho has a stock equal to any in the business, and at the most favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing done on the shortest notice. A good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs,i3rushes, and all other such articlescrequired. constantly on hand. in Reenarier 3 our ol Friend. Sign of the Scotch Collar. 481- W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC - MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an Unfailing care for Seminal Weakness Sperinatonhea'Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as a, se- , etence of Self abase, Be oreT egg. an Loss of Memory, {ter ag, Universal Laseitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Preraeture Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and, a Premature Grave, all of whieh as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indrilgcuce• The Speciffc-Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in tr ting these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by risiL The Specific Medicine is sold by an Druggists at 44 per pilotage, or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont, Sold in Seaforth byE. Hickson & C9., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden' and all druggiet merchants. 0 r co WM. ROBERTSON & SEAFORTH, CAN SHOW YOU A LARGE STOCK OF SKATES.: Acme, Barney & Berry's All Clamp, Ice King and Club, SLEIGH BELLS: Neck, Back, Body, Open &c. COW CHAINS : Open, Close, Ring, and Wal- ton. AXES Burrel's, Warnock'S, and the Welland Vale. .OROSS-CUT SAWS: The Lance Tooth, Improved. Champion, Tuttle Tooth and. Lightning. All of which they will sell for less money than ever ojjred . in Seaforth before. REMEMBER That we have Move& to our NEW PREMISES East Side Main Street. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. WM. ROBERTSOAr Co. LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $13 - BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, 94 the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber eau be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY,