HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-01-25, Page 5, 18*
ever, we opened
Eable was ite, that
Lvelopes. entireled
drew forth the
Ed. as we looked
Ry embellished
iting to be
as at the ,.graad
aa, State Lottery,
raber, lazt" we
rerceme ue and
le drawing, and
we should hat
'ling our of the
ng of the Rowiek
-as held iraMrs.
Thtirsday the
ock P. M.The
beeu read and
ng ofacera ana
L for the ensuing
itle Esq.,' Pres -
Esq., Vice-Presi-
nes Megili, Jas.
tfichael, Oharles
r, William vans,
an Strang., and
>. Sinith.: At a
the Directors, R.
ng of the Howick
'Insurance. Com-
mie on the 12th.,
ation ot the policy
consideriag the
The secretary's
telieies MI force.
t insured, and
r3&21, anci the
ng conditiOn, the
ring been ti.early
.ftst year. The
re re-elected by
'clianee ra`a.ae in
meeting ;of the
[was reserli-ed on
K1- the maxinanan
lications, and- as
h additional and
liana $49.69
ems -
Listowel! to the
L. James Crozier,
-id-son, Reeve of
taeleeted Warden
tore aud a half in
ie other day for a
it was worth only
. 12th inst., Mr.
North Eaethope,
of oats in thirty
met-, black
(.:ked iu the face
e was shoeing, a
ate John ATeNa,y,
:hell, was sold by
Y, for $5,750. Mr.
aser. J
aiting the .' gum of
Stratford mad '
illhank, were ear -
est maaninaously.
, mob of ." small
ges of 12 [a.ncl la,
angregating regta-
er any outbuilding
rosevand pass the
Ee, whiskey poker,
pened an the Mit-
a Monday evening
L. Thos. Square.
skating backward.
in contact with
very ugly fall. He
rne, when it was
LI bane of his leg
Jw doing well.
tlie son of Mr. R.
let with a severe
5everal ether boys
, on a small sled,
a crossing the lit -
E forward on the
exiled ead, of the
ta, driving two of
aof of hismonth,
trs out. '
Me of last week
, e
ken, blaek.-sraith,
losing one of his
p‘ff a piece of ircfn
l piece cat off. flew
L the eye, eausing
ost intense agony
tive member was
till be some time
atored. l:i ad the
, the eye would
a injured for life.
ng of the Fullar-
ety was held at
hursday the 10th
,and auditers re-
aniniouslyi. The
elected :--;George
REI. Bain, Vice-
: W. Davidson,
Woodiey, R. Fran-
MeIntoeh. Win,
. and U. Borland.
rectors afterwarda
ected SecaTreas-
etn. Fullerton and
and Horticultur-
e past year has
having handled
eing a balance of
- They have also
eround. The fol -
s S. Cap-
iry Heal; Vice-
ristie. Secretary;
• Directors, R. J -
Thos. Babb, A.
ly the inuiates of
St. Mary'a were
noise at the front
ladies were in a
e the gentlemen
✓ of burglars. .At
more courageous
a dash from the
in search of the
having procured
and armed to the
do or die. , When
house, they found
had quartered on
taking shelter un
ht ihe 12th inst.,
e, of Nissouri, waa
St. Mary's, he was
I • maltreated by
rancis Vairoloth,
Samuel Render
there is a feud of
the parties, and
t it a fitting time
o. Mr. Amble;
JANUAR/ 251 1878.
BO they waited in the vicinity of Pick-
ard' s tavern to effect their purpose.
When Mr. Rumble arrived at the tav-
ern, he was informed of the presence
of the men, and. their intention, and
advised to continue on his way. He
decided to do so, and Mrs. Howard. of-
fered him a seat in her buggy, which he
accepted, Mt. Howard taking Rumble's
team. When a short distance on the
road the buggy was stopped and Mr.
Rumble dragged frorn it by the three
men, who at once commenced a
combine and. furious attack upon
him, kicking and. otherwise bru-
tally ill-using him.
Miseellariecias New Items.
In the Ontario Legislature onTues-
day the Estimates forl878, were brought
down, being $2,50,342, a sum con-
siderably less than the estimates of last
-Last Tuesday evening. a man nam-
ed Titus, supposed Olive at Rattlesnake
Harbour, in Windham township, while
passing from one car to another on the
Port -Dover and Lake Huron train,
between Otterville and Sinacoe, fell
between the cars and was instantly
crushed to death.
-Sir jolm A. 14cdona1d. and several
of his supporters I addressed a large
gathering of citizens and. people from
the rural districts in :the neighborhood,
in the Town Hall Galt, on Tuesday
night. Lady Mac onald was also pre-
sented with a. lia clsome oil painting,
executed by Mr. dam Kay, of that
town, and presentet to her by the work-
ingmen of Galt.
-A dog belongin to Mr. H.C.Hilborn,
of Berlin, which h d been missing since
the ist inst., turnel up on Monday, the
14th, in a very t1iii and emaciated con-
dition, being sc rcely able to waddle
along, and looking as if he had. spent
the festive holiday season in some hoop
factory. Poor Bincher, it seems, fol-
lowed. his master and some others to a
shooting match at the Agricultural
Hall, in the Park, on New Year's Day,
'but failirig to m-ak4 his way out when
the sport was overI he was locked. up in
the hall, where he renaained for 13 dats
without either fooL or drink. He was
d.iseovered on Mo day by some good
at liberty, whenhe
me as well as his en-
feebled condition ould let him, a sad-
der if not wiser dog.
-A-Tr. Wine, M P P., has introduced
a bill in the Ontario Legislature, intend
ea to amend. the Municipal Institutions
Act, and having the following check
upon aspirants of civic honors: No
judge of any court of civil jurisdiction,
no jailer or keeper of a house of correc-
tion, no sheriff, deputy sheriff, sheriff's
bailiff or high bailiff, no bai1ift5 of any
division court, no inn keeper; saloon
keeper or shop keeper, licensed to sell
spirituous liquors by retail, shall be
qualified. to be a reel:fiber of the Council
any Municipal Corporation. No
aSsessor, collector, treasurer or clerk of
the municipality, no person, having by
himself or his partner an -interest itt
any contract with, or on behalf of the
corporation, and no person in arrears
for taxes at the time of nomination for
eleetion for members, shall be qualified
to be a member of the Council of a
Municipal Corporation.
-The Cliesley Enterprise says: A
number of sheep have been brought
from the far north by the Icela:ndere
who have settled in Manitoba. It is
said that those sheep are doing well lin
the new country on the shores of Lake
Winnipeg. Through the kindness of a
friend, we have been presented with
some specimens of wool taken from the
Icelandic sheep. ;There are three dif-
ferent sorts, some white, some black,
and some brown. The wool is about
14 inches long, and exceedingly coarse
at the extrema.,
which lies next tl
is fine, soft and th
fleece is carded to
must be both st
somewhat coarse. The fleeces, of these
sheep seem admirably adapted for pro-
teeting the animals against intense cold,
and are provided. by Nature after the
fashion of the coVering of wild beasts
inhabiting the north, -which have usual-
ly close, thick, and soft fur next the
body, the longer and. coarser hair pro-
jecting from. the -finer covering.
REMEMBER MTS. -Now is the tirae of
year for Prieumon,Lung Fever, Coughs,
Colds, and fatal results of predisposi-
tion to Consumption and other Throat
/Dad Lung Disease. BOSCITEE'S GERMAN
SYRUP has been used. in this neighbor -
amaritan, and se
made tracks for h
it will always be so. • Riches are oftener
an impediment than a stitaulus to ac-
tion; and in many cases they are quite
as much a misfortune as a blessing.
The youth who inherits wealth is apt to
have a life Made too j easy for him, and
he soon grows sated with it because he
has nothing left to desire. Having no
special object to struggle for he finds
tinae hangs 'heavy on his hands, remains
morally and mentally asleeP, and his
position in society is Often no higher than
that of a polypus over which the tide
ADAMS -In Hnllett, on January 15th, the wife of
Mr. N. T. Adame, of a eon.
af AKINS--In Grey, on January 12th, the wife of
Mr. Henry Making, of a daughter.
ETLLOUG11-114Grey, on January 13th, the wife
of Mr. William KWough, of twin daughters.
BAIII,D-In Stanley, on January 10th, the wife of
Mr. George Baird, Sr.,; of a son.
AITCHESON-In McKillop, on January 6th, the
wife of Mr. John Aitcheson, of a eon.
Marriages. 1
RUTHWELL-TAYLOR At the residence of the
bride's father, on January 9th, by Rev. D. P.
Sage, of Parkinll, John Ruthwell, of the Town-
ship of Stanley, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter
of Mr. John Taylor, of the Township of
, while the portion
e skin of the animal'
ck. When the whole
ether, the cloth made
one and warm, but
HUBER-- SNYDER - At the resluce of the
bride's parents, on December 25th, by Rev. J.
B. Bowman, Mr. Ephraim Huber, of Londes-
borough, to Mary, daughter of Mr. Levi Sny-
der, Waterloo township.
REED -COOK --At the residence of the bride's
father, Goderich township, on January 10th, by
Rev. J. Philp, Mr. Abel M. Reed, of Ashfield,
to Susannah, eldest daughter of Mr. David
THURLOW-ROBESSON-On January 19th, by
Rev. J. Sieveright, Mr. James Thurlow, of
.Colborne to Miss Mary Ann Robinson, of
Wingliain, by Rev. Rural Dean. Davis, Rector,
Mr. John Robinson, of Einloss, to Miss Ellen
Tennksnt, of Turn -berry.
LEISHMAN-NETHERY-At St. Paul's Church,
Wingham, on January 16th, by Rev. Rural
Dean Davis'Recto; Mr. Robert Leishman, te
Miss SarahNethery, both of Wawanosh.
CURRLE-MURDOCK-At the residence of the
• bride's father'on January 22nd, by Rev. J.
Pritchard, Mr. Robert J. Currie, of Bluevale,
to Miss Margaret Jane Murdock, of Hullett.
Saturn -In Mitchell, on Saturday, January 12th,
at 1:30 P. M., Walter Smith, aged 77 years, 6
months and 12 days,
ROGERSON-In Blyth, on jauntily 12th, Eliza-
beth M., wife of Mr. R. C. Rogerson, aged 58
MOIR-In Usborne, on January 18th, George Moir,
son of Andrew Moir, aged 28 years.
hood for the pas1 two or three y
without a-singleailure to cure. If you
have not used. th s medicine yourse , go
to your D-ruggist,j and ask him of its
wonderful succes • am.ong, his cust ea-
ers. Three doses will relieve the
.worst case. If ou have no fa.itli in
any medicine, just buy a Sample
Battle of I3osena .'s GERMAN SYRUP for
10 cents and try t. Regular size bottle
75 cents. Dontt neglect a' cough to save
75 cents.
Sheep. -First-class are ranch wanted,
and would. bring 44 12i per cental, live
weight, or $6 to $6 50 per head, the lat-
ter price for choiceonly. Second-class
are firmer at $4 75 to $5 25, but must
dress not less than 65 pounds to bring
these prices. Third-class are not want-
ed. There was slot of 31 head,dressing
about 65 pounds, sold at $5 15. Lambs.
-First-class or picked, dressing 55 to 65
pounds, are taken readily -ab $4 50 to $5.
Second-class, dressing from 40 to 501bs.,
are flint at $3 75 to $4, and. are in good
demand. Third-class are not much
•wanted, but usually change hands at
about $3. Hogs the general range of
prices have been from $3 75 to $4.
SEAFORTH, Jan. 24, 1878.
The markets are just now in a very
unsatisfactory condition both, for buyer
and seller. Most of the buyers in this
town have large stocks of grain and.
pork on hand, much bf which was pur-
chased. at high prices, and the continu-
ed decline in prices is very discouraging.
Yet, notwithstanding this fact, we think
we are correct in saying that higher
prices are still being paid in this mar-
ket than in the neighboring towns.
What the future market will be it is
impossible at present to predict. We
quote :
Fall Wheat 1 15 to
Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel.- 0 97 to
Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush. 0 98 to
Oatsper bushel 0 30 to
Peas per bash '. 0 50 to
Barley per bus el
Butter, No. 1., Loose, trade
Paatter, No. 1, Loose, cash
Flour, per barrel
Hidea, per lb.
Sheep skins
Salt ( retail ) per barrel
Salt (wholesale) per barrel ......,
Potatoes, per bushel
Oatmeal brl
Wool, per lh
Tallow, per ib.
Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs.
Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs,
. Carlyle on he Book Of Job.
-1 call the Boa of Job, apart from all
theories about , one of the 'grandest
things ever writ Fen with a pen. One
feels, indeed, as if it were not Hebrew -
such a noble um
noble patriotism
in it. A noble b
It is our first, ol
never-ending pr
and God's ways
Aila all in: such
grand in its si
melody, and. re
-ersality, different from
or sectarianism, reigns
ok ! All men's book !
est statement of the
Mem, man's destiny,
ith him here on earth.
free, flowing outlines;
nplicity, and its epic
ose of reconcilement.
There is the seeing eve, the mildly un-
. So true every way:
cl 'Vision for all things,
o less than spiritual;
t thou clothed his neck,
he laughs at the shak-
Such living likenesses
drawn. Sublime sor-
reconciliation ; oldest
of the heart of man-
kind; s,o soft abd great; as the sum-
mer night, as the world. with its seas
and stars! There is nothing writtenj
think, in the Bible or out of it, of equal
, literary merit.
Over -Estimated.
People of snaall means do not fmd it
easy to believe that the power of money
is not omnipotent. The greatest things
which have been done forthe world have
not been accomplished by rich men, or
by subscriptioni lists, but tby men gen-
erally of small J pecuniary means. The
greatest thinke s, discoverers, inventors
and afrtists ha.v
wealth, many
the condition
point of wort
derstanding hea
true eyesight, a
material things
the horse-" ha
with thunder? -
ing of the spear!
were never sine
row, sublime .
choral melody a
1 15
0 92
0 32
0 50
0 45 to 0 50
013 to 0 14
0 13 to 014
0 15 to 016
6 00 to 6 60
9 00 to 900
0 06 to 0 C6
° 0 50 to 100
0 75
0 65
0 35 to 0 40
5 00 to 5 60
0 28 to 028
0 06f tb 0 06f
4 75 to 515
4 00 to 5 00
4 00 to •50
Local Notices.
BEY TOUR TEAS ' from headquarters.
Wilson & Young have juet received 21 tons of Fine
New •Seasons Young Hyson Teas first quality,
bought direct from the importer, 'thereby saving
the wholesale profit, sand as we have bought a
very largo lot at the lowest cash price, and have no
wholeeale profits to pay, we are in a position to sell
Merchants, Hotel keepers, farmers, Grangers, or
others buying in quantities, at -Toronto wholesale
prime, and we are deter -Mined to do it. Come along
and give us a trial. WC have Plenty for All. No
need of sending your money to Toronto to purchase
Groceries, when you can do better with WiaSon &
Yontso, Seaforth. 525
New Prunes, Cheap at Allen's.
Dried Peachee, Cheap at Allen's.
Dried Apples Cheap at Allen's.
New Ening; Cheap at Allen's.
Table Syrup, Cheap at Allen's.
Prime Tea, Cheep at Allen's.
Fresh 0 -round Coffee, Cheap at .Allen's.
Bright Sugar, Cheap at Allen's.
Tea Sets, Cheap at Allen's.
Glassware, Cheap at Allen's.
CB,OCKERY.-Anther large lot receiv-
ed at Wilson & Young's. Special lines of Fancy
and Plain Toilet and Tao: Sets. Do not fail to ex-
amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere as you
will surely regret it if you do. Wreson & Immo,
Seaforth. 525
eatablithed Cash Grocery next week, one thousand
men women or children to purcha e • a portion of
our 'nage stock, previous to remov g into our new
premises, in Cardno'a Block, imme 'atelYunder the
clock. 528
Treadwell, per bush
Scott wheat, per bash
Spring wheat, Rod Chaff,
Fife and Club,
Peas, per bush
Barley, per bash
Oats, per bushel.
Pork, per 100 lbs
Butter, rolls. per lb.
Butter, per lb. tub ..... :
Egge per doz .
Potaloes, per bush
Shefp skins
been men of moderate
them little raised above
of manual laborers, in
ly circumstances. And
LAIDLAW (S6 FAIRLEY will open out
shortly in Cardpo'S NeW Block, witb a large and
&oleo stock of Family Groceries, Crockery, Glass-
*aro, &c, Great Bargains will he given. Don't
fail to come and see us in. our uow :premises. 628
ARRIVED. -J. Brownell , has just re-
ceived his first car of ciarn for this .season. Cus-
tomers can depend on ,getting Corn at Brownell's
all the season through, as he intends keeping a
large stock on hand. T. 13n0wnEnn. 523
arkivals of Dobbin's Celebrated Electric Soap at
Thomas Kidd's. Calland get a bar, only 12f cents,
worth three times the quantity of any othex soap '
yet imported. THOMAS Kinn. 522
CHRISTMAS dooes.-Sultana and Va-
lencia Resins, extra. Black Crown, London and Lor-
ing Layers. Extra fine Currants. Candied Peels,
Extracts, Spices, and Icing Sugar. WILLIAM FILL
& CO. 622
REMEMBER' the Great Auction Sale of
Dry Goods at Hoffman Brothers', Seaforth, com-
mencing January 22nd, 1878. "For particulars see
advertisement and hand bills. 628
RECEIVED TO -DAY, an extra Fine New
Season Japan Tea, 50o. per pound,worth75c. W.
HILL & Co. 522 I •
A 28-1b. Box of New Fruit Valencia
• Raisins for $1.90. , W. Ham. &.Co. 524
-1- have pleasure in announcing that their First
Annual Sale of Imported and Thoroughbred
Stock, consisting of
Will be held in the TOWN OF VEIN -
TON, Comity of Huron, • -
Commencing at 11 o'clock A. M., and to he con-
tinued on the following day if all the Stock
offered is not disposed of ,on the first day.
HORSE6-Thirty•Si1 Stallions and Six
Bieeding Mares, embracing Canadian and
Imported lieavy Draft, General Purpose,
Agricultural, Carriage, 'Roadster and Blood.
Among these horses to be offered are some
of the finest animals ever imported into, or
, bred in Canada.
CA -A splendid choice in Darla am and
e Halle, and Darham Cows and Heif-
ers, all from the best and most fashionable
Jan. 24, 1878.
$1 10 to $1 13
1 G5 to 108 '
0 90 to 0 95
00 to 1 02
55 to 68
40 to 48
0 27 to 0 30
4 75 to 5 00
4 150 to 500
• 0 18 to 015
▪ 14 to 16
13 to 15
0 80 to 0 35
6 00 to 6 60
0 75 to 125
; 6 00 to 10 00
CLINT011r, Jan. 24, 1878.
Fall Wheat, per bushel.. 1 15 g 1 15
Spring Wheat, perbushel.
Oats, per bushel.
Barley, per bushel
Peas, per bushel
Hasaper ton,
O90 10 L95
0 80 @ 031
, 045 050
0 55 4 0 61
0 14 ati) 0 17
00 @ 4 50
0085 co 040
016 g 017
9 00 g 11 00
TORONTO, Jan. 21. -Wheat, fall, per
bushel, $1 20 to $1 21; spring,, per
bushel, 99e to $1 01; barley, per bushel,
54c to 640; oats, per bushel, 35c to 36c;
peas, per bushel, 64c to 65o; rye, per
bushel, 600; dressed hogs per 100 lbs.,
$4 50 to $5 ; butter, packed, 12c to 130;
fresh, pound rolls, 16c to 23c.
Live Stock Markets.
MONTREAL, Jan. 23. -The cattle mar-
kets of this city seem to be in a disorgan-
ized or panicky condition. There are
a number of western drovers in the city
with cattle to sell, and although ,some
of them have been in the city for some
time without selling a bullock, yet more
cattle coatinue tOtarrive, and. these are
not brought by (lavers who are ignor-
ant of the state -cif the market, but by
some of the most knowing ones. It is
generally believed, that prices will be
lower yet, as there is more cattle in the
country than there .is any likelihood of
selling to advantage, except thereeis a.
great improvement in the demand for
shipment to Britain. N. Taillefer sold
a very large bull for $68, and. five oxen
and steers for 203;$several strippers
belonging to milkmen were sold at from
$18 to $22 each, or about 21c per lb.
All the railch cows on the market to-
day sold at from $20 to 25 dollars each.
R. Nicholson bought 15 good: sheep at
$5 each. There were no sales of hogs;
alive or dressed, reported to -day; $4 50
to $4 75 per 190 pounds are the prices
offered for dressed. begs.
TORONTO, Jan. 24. -Cattle. -Prices of
all grades have consequently been weak,
and close at a fall of 25e to 50c per cent-
al. For first-class it is very improbable
that anything over 54 50 would. now be
paid. Second-class have dedlined 25c
to 50c; they close slow of sale at $3 50
to $3 62.. Third-class have gone off
about $2 75 to $3. There have been
sales of a lot of two cars of mixed aver-
aging 1,040 pounds at $32 25; a car of
steers averaging 1,125 pounds at 38;$
half a car of steers at $50; a lot of ten
choice steers averaging 1,350 pounds, at
$64, but this was on Friday; a car of
mixed averaging 1,050 pounds at $50e
SHEEP ANDePiGoSldlhee. good andoodcvhoaioltgin
Leicester and otsvi
breeds of Pigs.
Q.A.TA. I-4 0 GVETM S -
Printed Catalogues, containing further and
full information respecting the Stook to be offer-
ed for sale, can be had on application to the
Secretary, the Officers of the Society, or any
Member of the Managing Committee.
Cash when knocked down if not otherwise
arranged with owners of Stock.
Advntageous Arra ngements will be
made with Railway's.
OIT El 1rRo
Mason and Thomas Moon, Londesborough ; W.
L. Ferguson, Carlow; H. Love, Sr., Hills Green;
Wm. Dixon, Bra eefield ; Leonard Hunter, Exeter.
M. Y. MoLEAN, Secretary, Seaforth.
WHARTON liODGSON., President, Exeter.
H. SNELL, Treasurer, Londeeborough.
Secretary's Office, 1.
Seaforth, January 25,1878.1 529
11 OFFM_A_LT 13P,0rr11El P.,87
MOTILE TO DEBTORS. -All parties indebted
to me, whose accounts are not paid by the
First of February, 1878, will be handed in for
collectiou. JOHN WARD, Seaforth. 526-4
I am selling Finniture at the actual Cost Price
for the next throe months,
Well-known prompt paying customers can have
twelve months' credit, at a small advance of cost
-no interest. '
VOTICE.-The Annual Meeting of the Members
Li of the Usborne and Hibbert Matual Fire In-
surance Company will be held at the Company's
Office, Farquhar, on Monday, the 4th day of
February, 1878, at 10 o'clock A.M. N. J. CLARK,
Secretary. 528-3
OTICE.-A General Meeting of the Share -
holden and Patrons et the Varna Cheese
Manufacturing Company will be heldin the Town
Hall, Varna, on Wednesday, February 6th, at I
o'clock P. M ,to receive the report of the past
year and make preparations for the next season's
work. JOHN MoASH, President. 629-2
Now is, the ante to furnish, your
houses cheap. Call and be
I Convinced.
Wareroorns directly opposite M. R. Counter's
Mammoth jewelry establishment, Main Street,
Money to Lend. on Farna Property, a.t 8 per
cent, and Notes shaved without lather, as usual.
NOTE LOST. -Lost, a note of hand given by
Jelin 0. Morrison in favor of John McIntosh,
for the sum of 000, bearing. date Ian. 10, 1877
and payable in 12 months. The public are here
by cautioned against purchasing or negotiating
said note'as payment of the same has been
stopped. The finder would oblige by returning
it to the undersigned. JOHN MoINTOSH,
Winthrop. 629x4
MOTICE.-The Annual Meetinig of the Hay
-1-1 Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Corhpany will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich,
on'Monday, the 4th day of February, 1878, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., for electing Direc-
tors and other bueiness. A large attendance is
looked for. H. V. DIRSTEIN. Secretary. J. B.
GEIGER, President. 629
NOTICE. - The undersigned, in returning
thanks to the inhabitants of Seafoith and
surrounding country for the very liberal,patron-
age he has received since commencing business,
Would state that ie will be better prepared the
coming seasonthen ever to satisfy his custo mere.
He is making additions to his machinery, pur-
chasing the best Stock in the - market, and em-
ploying none but fusteclass workmen, in consid-
eration of whieh be feels safe in offering satis-
faction to all who may favor him with a call. In
addition to the above he would request all whose
accoimts are due to pay up at once as he has
heavy liabilities to meet on the first days of Feb-
ruary, and must have the money.
528-3 NOBL33 CLUFF.
S 0 - TA. K I 1\T
Four Doors gouth of}
he Foot Odlice.
is hereby given tbat the partnership hereto-
fore existing between the undersigned under style
and firm of Heist & Reeeor, of Zurich, is disaelv-
ed by mutual consent. Daniel Heist collects all
accounts and pays all debts due to said partners,
and no others. DANIEL HAIST, ABRA.I.11
REESOR. Witness, L. ELMES. Zurich, Decem-
ber 31, 1877. 526-4
EXECUTORS' NOTICE. -All parties having
claims against the estate of the late John
Patton, of the Township of Stanley, are hereby
notified that a statement of their ckairas,,proper-
ly certified, must be handed to either of the
undersigned executors on or before the 15th of
February, 1878. All claims not in by that date
will be barred. JAMES WANLESS and THOS.
ARMSTRONG, Executors, Varna. 528x4
- --- •
pareon's indebted to the under-
signed, either by note or book account -rare
roqaeated to call and settle the aame on or be-
fore the 1st of Februs.ry, or I will be obliged to
put them into the hands of the Clerk of the Di-
vision Court for,collection. A. general Stook of
Dry Goods, Groceries, , Boots and Shoes and
Hardware on hand, and cheap. All kinds of
meOliantable produce taken in exchange for
geode. Cash for hides and eking. JAMES
STAN LEY, 'Constance., 629-3
TENDEns FOR CHURCH. -Tenders will be
-1- received by the undersigned, addressed to Eg-
mondville P. O., until Tuesday, January 22, at 2
o'clock P. M., for the erection of a brick chinch
In the village of Egmondville. Tenders will be
taken for the whole work or for the brick and
carpenter work separately. Plans and specifica-
tions can be seen and all necessary information
gained at the residence of Mr. Wm. Payne, Mill
Road, Tuckerimaith. JOHN HANNAH, Secre-
tary. 525-4
TICE is hereby given that application will
be made to the Parliament of Canada, a the
next session thereof, by JOHN MOONEY, of the
To'n of Clinton, in the County of Huron, in the
Province of Ontario, drover, /or a Bill of Divorce
from LOIS ANN a: OONEY, hie wife, late of the
Town of Clinton aforesaid, on the ground of
adultery. Dated at the Town of Clinton, the 30th:
day of July, A. D. 1877. JOHN MOONEY. '
tors for Applicant. 527x26
ODGERVIELE.-A Public Meeting of the
AA' Shareholders and Patrons of the Rodgerville
Cheese Factory, and all interestedin the business
ofahe Factory, will be held on Monday, January
28th, at the Factory, for the purpose of ;letting
the Milk routes, also solieiting a ealesman, and
any other business of -importance that may be
brought up. 11 18 also expected that some speak-
ers from a distance will address the meeting in
the interest of dairying The Direetpre will meet
at 11 A. M., and the general meetine.will be held
at 1 o'clock P. H. JAMES LANG. 528, 2 .
Beg leave to return many thanks to their numerous cus-
tomers, who 'bought so liberally from them during the Holi-
days, and would. now say that we, have hen receiving a
good many new lines of Goods in place of those sold out,
and some of them not in our line, and we do not. like to'
mention them in a public notice, but they will be sold
at half price -so come and see them. We will treat you
to fair dealing if you require Jewelry, Watches, Fancy
Goods, Toys, Drugs, Medicines, Dye, Stuffs, or anything we
keep, and that is nearly everything. Yours truly,1
Lot 11, Con. 8, H. R. S., Tuckersrnith, con-
taining 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared and in a
state of good cultivation, :being wellunderdrained,
the balance is good hardWood bush. -Good stone
house, frame barn ind stables; -well watered, and.
good bearing orchard. If! situated about 5 nailes
from Seaforth and Brucefield, and 8 f rom Xiamen.
Sah,00l close by, and all other conveniences. For
further particulars apply to DAVID MOORE, on
the promises, or to Egmondatille P. 0. 529-4x
east half of Lot 9, Concession 3, MeKillop,
containing 50 acres, known as the Deigle estate.
This farm is situated within one mile and a quar-
ter of Seaforth. The land is of the choicest quality.
There is a handsome residence, and good out-
buildings. The farm is wellplantedwith fruit and
ornamental trees, ib in excellent order, and. well
fenced. It is admirably suited for a retired gen-
tleman, a dairy -man, or market gardener. Terms
easy. Apply to the proprietor on the premises orto
Seaforth P. O. E. TESKY,Proprietor. 521
VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot ISfo.29, Con
'A- 9, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of 'which
are cleared, free of stumps, well fenced and. in
first-elass cultivation. A barn 60x40, nearly new,
a shed and stable 30 by 80, a driving shed. 24x40, a
brick root house and a , splendid brick dwelling
house, and all other necessary outbuildings. A
good orchard and well watered. There are - 15
acres of fall wheat, and about 50 Dares fall plow-
ed. This is ono of the Most desirable farme in
this section of country. Terms easy. Apply to
to the proprietor on the premises, or to Egrqond-
ville P. 0., GEORGE BALE. 524
FARM FOR SALE. -Part of Lot 18 and the
whole of Lot 19, COD. 10, Grey, containing 146
acres, 50 acres cleared, 20 acres being cleared, bal-
ance all hardwood. There is a new frame house
If storeys, with 6 rooms and good cellar; also
good hewed log house 18x26, and log barn, also
new bank barn 52x60, stabling, root house, &c.
There are 3 wells and a good young orchard. The
property is tt miles from Brussels, 1 mile front
Ethel Station on the Wellington, Grey and Bruce,
Railway, and 11 miles from Grey Post Office. There
is also 11 acres of fall wheat sown. For further
particulars apply to thepropietor on thepremises
or if by letter to Grey IP. 0. HIRAM WHITE,
Proprietor. 528x4
- - -
16 and south half Lot 17, Con. 1, Huy, contain-
ing 150 acres, 120 of which are cleared and in a
good state of cultivation- There is a, good brick
house and a frame cottage the barn, stable, cow
stable and other outbuildings are all f male ; there _
are about 10 acres of choice apple year and other
fruit trees, and about 300 spruce trees planted 10
years. There is a never -failing stream running
through the centre of the farm, oh which is a good
mill site, a good gravel road on two sides of the
farm. It is situated one mile from Hensall sta-
tion and four miles from Exeter, on the London
Road, and is just across the road from the Rodger-
ville post office and church. For further partici).-
lars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary
Surgeon, Seaforth P. 0. 481
Ti PI:I.A_RiMA.0"3r!
The SubScribers, being now fairly settled in their New Premises, would respectfully call the atten-
tion of the public to their Superior and Well Assorted
J J s 1
.Es..1-D JD R.T.3-40-Gi-IS'T S: ST..71\TP 1:tiEl S.,
pI08, PIGS. -The undersigned will keep dur-
ing the present season, for the improvement of
stock, on his premises on the fourth concession of
Tuckersmith, one mile and a qu.ai ter south of
Egmondville. a thoroughbred White Suffolk Boar
Pig. This is one of the finest animals in this
section of the country. Terms, $1 for the sea-
son, with the privilege Of returning if necessary.
Including Everything usually Kept in a First- Vlass Drug Store.
FARM FOB SALE. -For Sale, Lot '10, Con. 12,
in the tpwnship of Stanley, containing 100
acres, 88 acres cleared, the-reet well timbered with
hardwood, beech and maple. There is a good
brick house and large frame barn and stables, also
a large young beating orchard, two never -failing
wells, and a small spring stream. of -water rumling
across the farm. 'Soil, clay of the very best qual-
ity, wider a good state of cnitivation. About 45
flares of plowing done. Title indisputable. Pos-
session to suit purchaser. School and. churches of
all kinds convenient, also post office and different
markets. The place will be sold cheap, as the
proprietor wishes to move to Minnesota. Terms
will be made known by the proprietor on the prem-
ises. Application to be made to C. W. CROW -
DER, if by letter address Blare P. 0. 528x2
We intend to pay Special Attention to the keeping up of °jar stock of Ladies' and Gents' Toilet
II quisites, such as Sponges, Hair, Cloth, Flesh, Nail, Tooth, rand Shaving Brushes, Circular, Back
and Dressing Combs, English, French and Amelican Perfumery, Perfume and Preston Bottles, Puffs
arid Puff Boxee, Fine Shaving and Toilet Soaps, Toilet Powders, Tooth Pastes and Powders, Sozo-
dont, Hair Preparations, including Savage's Ursula, Hearin°, Lime Juice, and Glycerine, Lubin's
, 1
Prades, &c. ,
Our Stock of Patent Medicines comprises all the Leading Preparations of -the day, such as
Enoe' Fruit Salt, Fellow's Syrup, Green's August Flower, Bochee's German Syrup, Quinine Wine,
Shoe honees Remedy, Eclectric Oil, Pain Killer, Ready Relief, Wheeler's Elixir, Ayer's Preparations,
and Pills and cough Medicines too numerous to mention.
We still make a Specialty of Dye Stuffs, and parties pnrchasing from us may depend on hawing
G d C?lors, as we give complete directions and sell nothing but the finest material.
I PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and Family Receipts Cal rein -11y and Aocu.-
, .
tely Compounded, and at Bottom Prices.
-A- Duke of Nissouri," the property of John Stet-
foed, Lot 21, Con. 14, McKillop. First Duke of
Nissouri was farrowed 0!,t. 16, 1875. Bred by
John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. Got by Imported
Lord Liverpool, dam Imported Sovereign by own
brother to Sarabo 2nd; grand dam No. 2, by St.
Adair; great grand dam Lady St. Dennis; great
great grand dam by Gloater Premium. Lord
Liverpool. the sire of the first Duke of Nissonri,
has made a good record at leading shows. He
won the following prizes under a year old at the
following shows in England in 1874, viz.: 1st at
Bath and West of England; 2nd at the Royal
Counties and Gloucestershire, 1st at the Provin-
cial Fair at Toronto in 1874, and triple prize as
_the best imported boar on the ground under a
year, also at the head of the prize herd, and the
some record at the Western Fair. London, in 1875.
First Duke of Nissouri also received the 1st prize
at Straeford-in 1877; first at Seaforth in 1877;
and first at Brussels in 1877. First Duke of Nis-
souri's dam, Imported Sovereign, is the bean -ideal
of a perfect Berkshire, and the best sow • we ever
saw. Terms, $1.50 per sow, payable at the time
of service, with privilege Of returning if neces-
airy. JOHN STAFFORD, Proprietor. 522
Don't pass the Please : Centre Store, Mrs. Whitne'y's Block.
LUMSDEN &.1 WILSON, Seaforth.
into the premises
of the undersigned, Lot 14, Con. 7, Hallett, 8
yearling Heifers, on or about September 10. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay charges
and take them away. THOS. E. WARD. 521
-g.STRAY HEIFER. -Came into the premises
-1-4 of the undersigned, Lot 80, Mill Road, Tuck-
ersmith, about the Ara of Taly, a ted and. white a
Heifer, rising 2 years. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take the ani-
mal away. ALEX. McCARTNEY. 527x4
STRAY HEIFER. -Came into the premises
-1-4 of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 2, Hallett, on
or about the middle of December,a red and white
one year old Heifer. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and take the ani-
mal away. WILLIAM HASIMELL, Seafortb.
P. 0. 528x4
- -
V STRAY STEER. -Strayed from the premises
J" of the subscriber, some time in August, a
Steer spotted red and white, coming 2 years old.
Any person giving such information as will lead_
to the recovery of the above animal will be suit-
ably rewarded. THOMAS SIMPSON, Win-
throp P. O. 55
A Lot of Fancy Goods; left over fr-m. the Holidays, will be
sold at Net Cost, such as Combs, Brushes, Work Boxes, Albums;
"ases, Toilet Sets, &c.
. Personal Attention Paid -to the Repairing of Watches, Clocks.
and Jewelry. batisfaoron Guaranteed!. Cash paid. for old 0 -old
and Silver. 1
T..3,001K 1113.
'STRAY WEIFER.-Came into the premises
-1-.4 of the undersigned, east half lot IS, Con. 10,
McKillop, about the end of Noveroberaa white
Heifer with brown neck, coming 2 years ohl.
The owner is requested to prove property, pay
expenses and tale her a -way. THOMAS SIMP-
SON, Winthrop P. 0. 525
ESTRAN STEERS. -Carne into the premises
of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 18, Hullett.
about the 15th of October, two Steers -one red
and the other grey -coming 2 years old. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay
charges and take them away. Mrs. B. KELLEY,
Hullett. 626x.4
• -
V STRAY RAM. -Strayed from the premises of
Is' the undersigned, Lot 5, Con. 2, L.R.S, Tuck-
ersmith, about the last of October. a two-year-
old Leicester Grade Ram. Any person giving
such information as will lead. to the recovery of
the above animal will be suitably rewarded.
GEORGE INGRAM, Heasall P. 0. 528x4
'STRAY CATTLE. -Came into the premises of
-"the undersigned, Lot 1, Con.2, Stanley, about
the firet of Detember, 6 Yearning and 2 Steers -
one Seer greyish color, the otker brown; one of
the heifers spotted, the othersr. The owner is
requested to prove property, pay expenses and
take them away. B. BLAIR, Kippen. 1'. 0. 525x4
STRAY CATTLE. --Strayed from the prem-
-lei hies of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 10,
Stanley, in June, Three Heifers -one 2 years old
past, almost white, with red on each side of the
neck, alto two yearling calves, one red. and the
other almost white. Any information as to where
thea may be found will be thankfully received.
JOHN DAWSON, Varna P. 0. 527x4
w STRAY STEER. -Strayed from the premises
-11-• of the undersigned, Lot 29, Con. 11, Hibbert,
some time in October, a year old Steer, dark red
color mixed with grey. Mark -the tip of the
right ear cnt off, and a. slit cut in the ear on the
top side. Any person giving such information
as will lead t‘o the recovery of the above animal
will be suitably rewarded. JAMES STONE
MAN, Chiselhutst P. 0. 528x1
*9,e., etel REWARD. -Strayed or Stolen, from
Lot 11, Con. 4, H. It. S., Tucker -
smith, (the place rented by James Chesney, but
buildings occupied by Mr. Jonathan Carter), a
light, red Heifer, long featured, very short horns
and pointing towards each other, tailwhite about
half way, some white on the belly, a narrow
strip a little way up the side, -8 years old past,
having hada calf at 2 years old,but now farrow.
The animal was advertised in the Exanisrcon by
Mr. Chesney on November 9th, and two follow-
ing weeks'seen and owned by the subscriber,
paid for keep and advertisement. A few days
after, o11 going to take the animal away, it was
gone, as there is room to fear the animal was
stolen, a reward of $25 will be given to any per-
son that will give such information as will lead
to the conviction of any person having stolen the
animal. Also a dark red heifer, one year old
past, rather small for age, and strayed from the
premisee ot the subscriber, Lot 23, Con. 2, L. R.
S., Tuckersmith. Any person giving each infor-
mation as will lead to the recovery of this
animal will be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM
„0 n._
1P0 RENT .-The Glasgow Warehouse, Wroxe-
Yever before were such Bargains given as are-tobeha,d at DENT'S Great : w -i- mtLerx, ufoRrioEn ,eNvo
nAt.pplar, 5t20
[ Clearing Sale, the Rush, after Mem is Immense. Wroxeter o xine toerre P7.807,2 6
. TO RENT.- A Wagon Shop open to Rent in a
$800 worth carried away on Saturday, and still the slaughter continues daily, the Goods must be -L. good stand, on . easy terms, at Hills Green.
Apply to JOSEPH ERWIN, Hills Green Post
Office. 521
Bold at any price.
Mr. DENT has secured an dgessoy for the Best Organs on the Continent. If
that is an Organ see him about it, and you will get a better Organ, and 20 per
any other place in the Dominion.
A few second-hand Organs on hand, will be sold very chap.
y ou want an Organ
cent. cheaper than
ROOMS TO LET. -Two or three rooms to rent
over Wilson & Young's Store. Possession at
New Years. Apply to Mr. F. HOLMESTED,
Seaforth. 524
M e/sant TO LEND -0n terms more advane
tageous than ever before offered. 4.. J.
COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 50.152