HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-01-25, Page 3ION . GONIIPAtikilf all points West far Laverpool, and sued for the sante, at. at Cabin Passage LEY ire Iriqrttartee 0011:k ser Eighteett Million noise reciived at ray rince Company. Sta- ine risks accepted eara Compaaty. Tican 33elgiam, ' ierinaty, Switzerland Ma, .COrapHAT '17 -tact* aarrnand all points, .TAGE, Assran'T.' WittlE WHEAT no less than Film); AltMiTAGE. it IMMO in informing Pablic that her new slaw ccenoleted, and: facilitiea for earrying able than ever to isfaction. Herstock TIN ARE" Cellence or -Variety in Invited. -Beat Brattle Always raiJy Deait With. and evere/- other :Jeleleing promptly ASe SLOVOq 13.i; advantage: to give tatoek on the Corner of a Streets. . - - OFMINE kit inery from SEAFORTH, announcing to the of Huron that he is 4yricult rat Int- .ifitsical Instra- Sachine its the Shoger, aarket, having carried entenitial ate Sydney :hese any of the &hove :-eretzt::: by applying to a do better for them. .r repairs alwaya on Edcrich stzeet. rliVISPHY, Seaforth. .FO-RTH LAt4B ACE -STRONG First -Masa Steck, Fire -rapaetes, and is prepa,r- PRABLE TERMS. the best Lean Sole- artd purchase of Farm t: ST -CLASS IM - FOR SALE. a at ti rer 47evit. rta&t, or Vac of Steamers. ! rrisorea Store', Main -St letY R T . FORBES/. Stock and Trade of the Seaforth, from Mr. . state that he lames- t:. the old. stand, and ha9 raes and vehicles to the so but Vphicte-,aanet COed Will be Kept, ies and Cartiages, and s always ready foi•• us& Made With Covi,- Men. a or any of the hotels 01.7T FOR THE, qGN. • Al -KE :Vlintoet„ EA ke tine Stock of New of every description, closapest. het received from New ale) least money. ankery and Glassware,. the attention a pur- f.trt its exchautie as cath. AIREatRaliD, 10 ;FA Itt11-7,11$ AND ;ItS, . eteteilon, of all, these nrilier is determined to LI bash UernIck,S' not i: the follsoviog rates: :Ter thousand 14 foot AU orders over 4,000 and see if you don't Sontha will Le chargsd urimerotis eustom.ers FOUCILS & eGrairlri• ome TIIO:k11'§ON. Saw Mills, Mail:Sop, T ,EAFORTH, ay all customers with. • TTER TUBS, Rh. These Tabs are so to the trade that it is alogin thair at:con-men- afacturea a small Hard- •.•shing butter aasiae promptly &tame - S. TROTT, Seaforal. IR:ETT, ant, i:er in. LEATHER and t Every Description. ist Stock kept: Terma ted. All order a by mail 4141- R. N. BRETT. jANUAR1 25 1878. THE HURON EXPOSIT° s Longings to be a Man. Every boy, from the time he is ten year old, longs to be a man. He feels that it is his destiny, and he sighs- for the time -when he shall meet it. Why is it? Can anybody teT why the duckling takes to water, ,a the streams run down }rule and 0 a pretty girl ie envious of another pretty • I? It is eimply na- ture, and every : oo ate and inamiinate thing, if left to it elf, follaweout its na- ture. The mall boy oegiies to show his as- pirations for ma • hood by smoking grape eine cigars, and: etting sticks for canes, which he limns a es after the manner of his paternal progeaitor ; and he hankers after hair -oil and scented soap, and. re- sents the interf rence of his mother I when lie wants t go out -with "some fellers," and is ompelled -to stay at home and. shell t e peas for to -morrow's dinner. An. observing person can generally tell when thesengines to be a man commence, by he aiisincliaation the bey -exhibits te make himself useful about the hou e. The boy who is longing to be a s an scorns the idea. of - a es for Mega. Re wiping the thinks it unbefi tine his sex and ex- pectations to eviaittle Weavings and start the fire for tea. He wouldn't look - at his little sist patchwork, or deign to doetor the lir aken leg of her favor- ite dolly. All of which chores, in times past, he as wrillingly peefoitned., with no idea of being disgraced by ste doing. He bitterly si gents it when his big sister has coral. ay, and. asks her moth- er to send hose noisy children," and. the otheis, to meaning hime bed early ; and big sisters go chuna, Tom J what in the de for. He grows p ties, and wan spends an hour hair, and eta& and likes the clothes, and p of chewing tob side, and takes walk, and. paysettention oaly to girls old enough to be his mother, and. con- siders girls of his own age " unmittigat- ea nuisances." He reads ell the newspaper adver- tisements headed after this wise— '''. Astonishing ! Moustache Peoducer !" "Hair warranted. to grow on the smoothest face in twenty-four hours, or money refunded !'"' The future re- vealed! Correct picture of your future husband or wife, by return mail for 25 cents." He no longer cares to go out tea - drinking with ;his mother. He does not care to listen to Aunt Sarah Ann!s stories. 14is t has subsided. revolvers, end Derringers ant six-shooter onit use. He affects books on angli fire compenv, e vows vengeance on erally, ande tells his nes, that he don't see ce Women were created tic•ular over his neck- s his boots tighteend over the parting of his ,s. a. book of. etiquette,. ell of smoke in his vately tries the flavor coo, and tips his hat one up spitting on.. the side - to be taken somewhere and cheered up a little." If Mrs. Boggs rerna.eks that COUSill Sainatithy seems to be the live- liest person she ever met already, and desires to know why it it -never neces- sary to cheer one's own wife up a little, remark that "when. it comes to absurd jealousy, you refuse to listen any long- er," and depart, slamming the door. You know that Mrs. Boggs, loving her children as she d.oes, will never think \feet wanted aetoe. . By one of his feet he hold. a palette, by the other a pencil. And in all this harness he moved, and I, and writhed, and painted in a I manner more , then marvellous ! A voice, musical, grave and. sonorous, sa- inting us by name, invited us to be seated. Then the apparition glided down the whole length of the scaf- • fold to the ground, and advanced, or erather rolled tewerd us, and with a of getting a divorce, no Matter how : boned. establishedthimself on the sofa hardly she is used, so that you are quite at our sidea sate. When =feel ood-humored you WaOhed 'ea with IWinterest, an assion for kites and tops Ile feels an interest in talks leernedly about _ Remingtans, and says a v is suitable for a man to shing-rods, and, reads end. wants -to join a nd has gunpowder and. cartridges lyin. around. loose, end la.uglas at his mother for being afraid. of them, and wonders what makes women and. children ea contoimdedly afraid of ev- erythingi IW STORBL NEVf GOODS. NEW PRICES. JA.AiS MURPHY 9' SEES Pleasure in announcing to his friends 'A' and the public that he is now located in his sr New Premises ected on the site of his former Store, and has 'just received his New Stock of TV y g _ can make it up. Any time will do. for - had a long cony rsation with him. He Mrs. Boggs. You alvvat-s know Where told us he had been born without- arms, : to find her.and had been a -reinter ten years, and . ' ! was now making money by his art. . Honesty Even in Chicago. . He used. his feet with ahnoste as much . On Wednesday, Dec. 19, James Mc - ease aa people do their ha.nds. He wrote - ! his name with great rapidit-y, and well, Andrew& a metal merchant, doing busi- I ,.-eHoid nese at 117 West Lake street, sent his - an told u d. him elf - son, aget 13, on a ,Message to the Bab- t Reporter. : Shelf Goods and all Articles ke-pt in cock Ma hine Company's Works, at the ' ,1 a ,ffirst-Class Grocery. , What Did W-astitrigtOn -Know P corner of Mather and. Desplaine's streets. 0, P ! Globe Theatre, and, seeing a pocket- would. like to ask, what did. our fore- : book on the sidewalk, ho picked. it up, - fathers know ? What, for instance, did , JAME and took it to hit ifathet's stoic. On George Washing,ton know? He never Prio 0 Oh father I have aot a nice Christ-. mail treie. Ile never ,held his ear to 1 JHE TEAS, SUGARS, FRUIT, FISH, SYRUP, 1 TOBACCOS, PAILS, TUBS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, As the bty -vsa.s returnina he eased the We don't like to be irreverent, but • S MURPHY is Confident that, Quality and e taken into considetation, his Teas are arriving there, he said. saw a steamboat.1 He never saw a fast,: • I • BEST VALUE TO BE HAD ms preeeet. I think there it naoney in. a telephone. He never sat for his p c- I this"1 I ture in a photograph gallery, He never .' His father examined the pocket -book, received a telegraph dispatch. He nev- . ' At any Retail House in the Dominion. and:found. it contaitted tvliout $700. Ile er sighted. a Ki ,. 7upP gun. He never lis - the ke4ing of it, and that it shOuld be He never saw a pretty. girl run a sewing f 1 toned. t -he " fize " of an electric pa?n. told his boy the la,w did not sanction They Consist of Young Hysons, and machine. He never saw a sel Trope - advertised. The boy .taid. : ' Black's and Ja.ijans of different go down the street to a fir, grades, all swee sound, and of .“ A 'fright, father; he ma.n who OWiS nag engine it -will give me something." - He never heard ot evolution. He never excellent flavor. The pocket -book was adVertised, but took laughing gas. He never had. a set no answer was received. Sunday, Dec. of store teeth. He never attended an 23, one of the papers contained an ad- 1 vertisenaent a the less. Mr. McAn•- ; °wnea a hkniall " 9 7 • -h t f nal E position. He never a mine. He never ." Heee-leut why go e took an excursion drews and his son at once -yvaited on the ° knew. " CAA Pro The recent depressio.n the prices of Sugar' _ and Tobaccos has enabled the subscriber to place those articlee at prices much below those rul- ing a few weeks ago, and of which he is deter. ramed to give his customers the benefit -- advertiser—George Teetors—who satis- - ork - - , falai: Goods eurtaclikased, aknd nodt phroving satis- factorily identified., the pocket-bbok, ; it was on a flat boat: When he went fuz:erg, will e en br an t e money le - food it wa,s given up to him. eert Tee_ off on a, train, it was a, mule train. tors not only paid the reward. of' 550 When he wanted to talk with a man in . ' 1 which he had !advertised, but gave - Milwaukee, he hed to go there. When young McAn.dreWs a 55 bill as a Christ- he had his picture taken, it was done , J'AMES Advic to Husbands. Begin by St;ying out until 2 o'clock with some fin fellows- who know what good -wine is. Reach your home in the small hours, _ d atter ineffectually try- ing to open th door with a leadepencil, scole your wif for sitting up for you. Throw your b ots upon the floor and wake the bale , and desire to know why Mt -s. Boggs 1 Vs that little -imp shriek. so much. Af er this, go to sleep and snore while s e walks the floor with the unhappy infa t. • Of course you will wake up cross; you will hate yourse•lf and the worh. , and you will be quite equal to the t sk of throwing upon the carpet 12 shirts that are in good order, and finding at the bottom of the draw- er one with a button off. PO -this on, aud a,ppea,r at the breakfast table like the ghost of B-anquo, pointi.ng at your throat and shaking your head. Tell Mts. Boggs that before you were mereied your dear ma attended to' your - buttons, and while she wipes away a tear, suddenly start to your feet and spit the coffee you have taken into your mouth into the coal-scutt,le, and ask what she has put into it to -day, and de- clare yourself poisoned. Tell her that the breakfast pigs to eat. Having by- his means rendered. Mrs. Boggs senoi s, take up your paper and plunge into it, using it as a screen, and eating and answer Mrs. if , there is a thrust your c be refilled. about you, h Mrs. Boggs a with a jealou she is hiding she replies th fold your lin it, and upon she means hy her that she i house—that 3 —that everyb of the reckles take care o don't have to fact that you only a evret dawn, until de ill!by a sin' altogether, is not fit for liking behind it. Don't 3oggs when she asks you - news; and occasiona.11y p at her, with a grunt, to Lave your eyies stiffieiently ,wever, to see Biddy give olded. paper, and inquire, glance, what that is that inder the tea tray. When t it is " only the gas bill," spieler end demand_ to see iuspection, ask her what such extravagance. Tell e bringing you to the poor ou expect to fail net year ,(13- is failing on account 'less of -women who never anything, because they earn. it. Point out the spend nothing, and are lied slave, toiling from rk, with ben kruptcy hang - le hair over your head, while she gads about :in -finery. Look solemnly upon your nine offspring, Sec- erill of wb.ora have just had tb.e measlet, and upon the infentin arms whe is pre- paring for one of his regular bouts of croup, and remark that you Wish you were m worn n with. nothing to do but to stay at ho ie and play -with the.efel - (leen. Then fly at your third son, little Peter—who Mherits your amiable dis- position and 's pinching his little sister —and box hi ears, and remark to some invisible femliar that one 'would think a person, wilt had. so many idle hours need not ne lect these, little wretches so. Order ittle Pasnela out of the room for sni ng, end, shake little Tom- my for eati g his breed bottom up- wards as he -tares at you. Promise to bring home : cat -o" -nine tails, and treat them all to 'la e -whipping they deserve ; . and having set them. to bellowi te in ' eiierus, tell s. Boggs that you pro- bebly shall itot be •laorae to dinner, for you heve tic ets for the opera, and as Cousin Sam rithy's husband is in Cali- fornia, you tIrnk "the poor thing ought I mas present. The whole affair is high- in profile with a ,-piece ' of black paper ly- creditable to all concerned, and tends : and a pair of sb.ears. Ween he got the to demonstrate that in Chicaao, if no- , returns from ba0i counties, they had to where lse, "honesty is the betapolicy.P be brought in by I a man with an ox cart. —Chic go Journal. When he took aim at the enemy, he • had to trust to a crooked -barreled old ove!s -Young Dream. ffint,lock. Whebahe wrote, it was with . • a goose -quill. •hen he had anything , A bndal coupie with more style about to mend, his era draother did it with a, A Larue Stock of Crcic1.--eiv ,I.. , them than a grass witlott, honored. the :- esenin- 6 e-neecee.: Whea he went to a re ' never dreamed it was a relation of Inns. ; tony look by marchnig in at meal time When he went to a concert, he heard a.,- l arra,yed in their new clothes, with white 'racked mere tne an insane elite_ LAKE FISH TO 1 ARRIVE SHORTLY. Hopes that none vrill sleighing,1 bat that a selves cordially invited t suaply of the Cheap splendid Teas and Sugars, /or the Holida 8. URPHY elay for ceremony and I will consider them; come at once and get al oods, especiall those S'11001C-7-A-17C3:- DUNCAN &. DUNCAN, , • SEAFORTH. ON ACCOUNT OF STOCK -TAKING, WHICH TAK_ES PLACE W TH US ON OR AB3UT THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY, WE WILL SELL ALL ; fire, he stood in lee and passed buelt- , I tadiana House th t ieir presence two 'vi th three days during the past week. IAND FULL SUPPLY OF . ets. When, he oohed, at a clam., Ihe 1 They gave the (tilting room a mighty gloves oie, and when. old man Rykman ionet. When he had t, tooth pulled, he first saw them he took One square look : sat down and never left Off yelling: went out into the -kitchen and laughed ' his victuals. When he wanted. an Inter - When he got out of teeth, he mummed and. then sat down his coffee pot and ' until hie eye -balls felt pointed. Li that , national show, he sent for Lafayette supreino moment he fa4t that he was * and. ordered. his friends up from Old , paid ten times over, with Oompo-und in- ' 'Virginia with the specimens carefullet 1 i terest, for ell the triale, vexatious and !labelled in bottles. When he once dot NI 0 pi E Y ! unpaid. board bills ' encountered. in Iii: s ! hold. of a nugget of gold from an Ind.iln 1 hotel experience since he left the old ; Chief, he felt nob. When he wanted I , farra. 1 . 1 JAMES MURPI1-Y GOODS AT REDUCED PRICE6 FOR -CaiNSH, I MAls1 S'fREET, SIZA_VORTII7. MONEY!! '‘ to know anything about the weather, W.A.INT712 _ When the dining rpom girl got her he consnited the gee -end -hag or goose - face straight enough' ta get belaind their I bone. When—but why go on? What chairs and say I -" Roast beef, en or lish.1" - The brid.egyo fish." oast pork, lamb, chick- ' anerway ? EON) , did such a main know ? Who was her answers who was he ? , —Chicago Jour01. m eaid, "Chicken am' , Butthe bride, with the characteristic - Side -w -alk Manners. presence of mind, for Which her sex has T. There are, a the sidewalk, good ever been noted, interPosed— ' manners and b d manners—perhaps " Oh, no, ducky, dear, we can't take i more of thelatee than the former. Yet Daly o' that • for don't you know, pidgy- 1 the offenders agauast sidewalk proprie- widgy, 'twoUld Muss our gloves up,we'll ; ties are probably, most of them, un have to have something we can eat with 1 aware of _their awn offences. Some of Our knives and forks." 1 ! the items that pertain to good manners 0. "Sq we will, bonny-blife eyes—Inever • on the sidewalk, may be indicated by thought o' th.at What' de you say to these rules : Move on about your busi- roast beef, the hu ee .9 can eve pees; don't oceupy more tha.n your fair get same o; t vement ; doe% make the happy man and we inighls lesh the g,ravy and spoil ! mild just ELS tit a place for retaihng sweetv 9" asked. the share of the pa at • mistake of sup oosing, that a sidewalk is " No, no—d ly. ICS always tough as private a place as your ONV11 parlor, our clothesa-don't you see, honey dew ? . neighborhood gossip; *don't insist on Let's take lamb, pooteie, thetis always i keePina. the middle of the walk;- and tender. I dentt care muchabout it, but ! don't eurn out en the wrong side -which it. cuts so easy, lovey, and I expecttheir , in this country is the tele hand; don't knives are as dull as a hoe," remark- ; stand on the sidewalk and hold caucuses ed the bride. 1 1 end conventions with your friends— " Well, I don't care, pussy ; whatever ladies are in this respectthemost fre- you say; for I suppose we've got to keep -quent and serious offenders against the up appearances; but duru my buttons, goo sugar lump, if I hain't got a confounded • of three or fou big notion to peel off these mittens an' - the walk, °°° wade into some o' that 'ere chicken sea' fr°u1 the °ur f the sidewalk; a party of them will halt on pying the whole space stone to the shop en - fish, for I'm all killin' fond o' it, an, • trances, an lmly hold a fifteen rain - those blame things sweat my hands so utes conferenee without once, being doosy-poosy, an' pucker an' thaw wors'n • aware, apparently, that any other per - s. stickert plaster, and „hang me if 1 ! son would like to pass that way. Don't up don't ahilost censate they've blistered! throw oran,ge and banana rinds, or quids fingers all ." , of tobacco, on the sidewalk, unless, per - my " No, no—never, goosey, don't do that 1 haps, yOu are a surgeon's apprentice, for the world, or everybody'll know ! and desire to make business for the There tee other points we might we're- from t e country, and maybe i craft.I make, but the) will suggest themselves they'll put u M the papers, hubby, dear, and wou dn't that be awful?" • to the thougheful reader, end, we may And the young wife had her own Way , add, fuaally and generally, "please yet it, as they alwaye do. inember that the sidewalk is the aoni- ab.ou k , mon property of all pedestrians, . and 411 .ATtlEft Without .Arms. that there is DP better place for practie I cally applying the " golden rule " than • Cmi-ir Ducorent IN11,6 1)(4'11 in Lille, ;1 Framse, Jam. 13, 1806. 13orn as he was I the side-et:elk. with nt arms, lwhat was he to do even . I i Slaoemalling. `I i. in this busy world" Each foot had . - The shaemaker is a relic of antiquity, anly our toes, but he early learned to : and lived and had his being as early as use these to .10 -vantage- When very the twelfth century. . He was accustom - Young he .could with ease throw a ball, ; ea to hawk hit goods, and it- is conjec- e evas a separate trade e soles. The Romans, mes, woi'eI cork soles in secure their feet from Ily in winter, and, as high then introduced, the Ro- o wished t� appeartall- cut with a knife, and draw lines on the tured that th floor with chalk, and. could even cut for annexing figures on paper with his mother's scis- in classical t sons. I He earlebeeenie a good penman. their sloe, t Front this he passed to drawing, and water, especi natutally enough to painting, the wide heels were no space between his great toe and the ma.n ladies, w next enabling him to grasp his brush er, put plenty -of cork under them.- The firmly. At the age of 13 -his progress ; streets of Rome th time of Domitian astonished. Watteau, Professor • of .41e were blocked up by cobblers' stalls, School of Design., Lille, who received which he, therefore, caused to be re- _ him asa. pupil. Only three years later , moved. In the middle ages, Shoes were he -took the first prize for a drawing of cleaned. by -washing -with a. sponge and. Abe human figure from nature. After oil.; soap and. grease -were the. substi- this he pursued his studies in, Paris. tutes for blacking. Buckles were 'worn He was of a lively temperament, and on the -shoes im the fourteenth century. when in converSation he became anis Tti Ireland a human skeleton was found. mated, was in the habit of gesticulating ; with marks at buckles on th.e shoes. In with his legs, as others do with their England. the became fashionable many ALL KINDS OF CURED MF.A.TS arras. years before-Ihe reign of Queen lieu ; to his ainting room which is intereSt- er oth T persons luta them of silver constantly on Hand. Some one has described a visit the laboring, Classes wore them of cop - SELLING 04' CHEAP. - .ESPECIALLy. WJNTERGOODk SUCII AS CLOTHING, HEAVY NOKIAS THE TIME TO GET GOODS CHEAP. Is now Selling Out his Stock of Groceries and Provisions at Reduced Prices. HE WILL SELL CHEAPER Than any other Store in Town. No -Hurnhug. - Come One, Come AU, and WOOLES, LADIE6' FANCY viroo.L. GOODS, WINCEYS, LADIES' DRE sS GOODS, MERINOES, CASHMERES, *c., CET SOME OF THE CHEAP GOODS. • Nd TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. THE GOODS ARE ALL FRESH AND NEW. Yon will find him in his Now Brick Store, on Main Street, Seaforth. 627 A. G. AULT. JUST ARRIVED AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, opposite cardnois'New Block: Phosphozone, Boschee's German Syrup, • Churchill's Syrup of Hypophos- . phites, *ugust Flowers, British Oil, McKenzie's Dead Shot Worm And any yYquantity Handy Pack- age Dyes, All of -which are guaranteed to make Beautiful and Fast Colons. E6 THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. Our Stock of Millinery' wi41 be deared Out at a Little Over Cpst Price. , 0 WE WANT TO MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORT FOR A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS THIS SPRING, BEFORE GOODS ADVANCE TOO MUCH. AND CUSTOMERS CAN LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for HOGS, ALIVE_ OR DRESSED P iug : I 1 or copper gilt; not long after shoes Aeross the whole extent of the can- roses came in Buckles revived before ' 'vase ran with increeiltte agility, like a the Revolution in 1789, and fmally be u on the -wall, the stunted trunk of came extinct 'before the close of the n -surmounted by a noble head, , eighteenth century. a, in with and along color exPaesive brew aid eyes of .firet, • wherever th4 apparition passed —" What ie -3:our chief consolation in the centres, he left the traces Of life?" asked. Eir pastor of a young lady in behind. him. On apprdac-hino a his Bible-claes. , The young lady blush - fteowapooacriebes nhea,:ve_e, twhee swherapeekasws lofty but slend.er scaffolding in front . of like to tell you his name, but I have • the eanvas, up and down and across the no objection to tell you wherehe lives:" step l and stages of; which clinabed, and —She said it was a very bright idea. crouehed,, and twisted—it is impossible He said he knew a brighter one, and. aibe'eir.Logfwae ewdhaenud shheesiat:teedd, thaii: wshaiadt,it" Iwitdsonhte had. Pollee to see. We 'saw then that he answered, "our eye, illy dear" There was deprived Of arins, that he had no was silence for a moment; then she thighs, that his short legs were -closely ' laid her head upon the rim of his ear united to his bo d - an ' d that eacof his and wept • , FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK OUTTItiGS, &c. 1 523 , 'G. & J. PETTY. FIRST-CLASS CUTTER IN THE TAILORItiC D1EPARTMENT. GOOD MATERIAL AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP. - ILL 0 47. E D! THOMAS COVENTRY Has Liemoved hist Stook of BOOTS AND SHOES TO STARK'S NEW BLOCK. In the Store next to Wm. Roberts Hardware Store', where be will be very happy to meet all his old customers and as many' new ones as possible, and all persons wanting to puts chase Boots or Shoes will trod it to their advan- taae to glass laim a call, as he has the Largest Sack of Boots and Shoes in Seafortb, and is DETERMINED TO SELL Them at prices that mast tempt -people to buy, as the whole Stock Must positively be disposed of before the First of April, to make room lor 1. The Immense Spring Stock which, he has Just Ordered. CustOmers in wafit of GOod Buffalo ,Robes ZURICH AND EXETER FLOURING AND CRISTINC MILLS THE an ersigne s pleasure to the people i Zurich and Vicinity that hi Flouring mill is, better running order tha Fever before. Grating prcmptly attended to. His new Flouring mill in Exeter north is now finished and vorkihg splendidly. At this mills v.lsoi Griating and custom work will also receive th eloseat attention. He has also in his Limber Yard, at Zruic14 about 500,000 feet, all sized, stkirom $3 to $6 per thousand. Dry Rock Elm Lather froze $10 to $12 per thousand. * 518 WILLIAM FBICWICS. WILL PLEASE CALL BEFORE THIS CHEAP LOT IS SOLD OUT DUNCAN !•Sz iYUNCAN, SEAFORTH. He would respeetfully return thanks to all who have patronized him in the past, and. 'treats that they may not weary in well doing. YOU CANNOT MISS, THE PLACE, Is his Sign of the Big Boot can be teen from any part ofMain Street. SEAFORTH AaRICULTURAL WAREWOOMS. IF YOU WANT TO CET !THE BEST THISTLE 9UTTER PLOW. IN THE MARKET Go TO 0. C WiriLSO 'S-, SEAFORTH, And get one made by the Massey )r4rnisctnring Company. i 1 R ASONS WHY THEY 1 RE THE BEST 1 1 , They are hi her in the beam, they are higher in the mould board, they are thicker in the mould board, they are thoroughly ground and polished in till svotking parts, and have the best car wheel, Iran points on them, no common metal being used in their manufacture. This can be said by no other makers of Plows. A Full ptock of j ALL OLD ACCOUNTS MUST 13E PAID UP AT ONCE, WITH -0V_ FAIL. THOMASI COVENTRY, MAIN S*REAT, SEAFORTH. THE PLACE rlIERE YOU •CAN THEM. NCT .A:T? Why, the Most Stylish, and Substan- tially Built _1?igs in the County. A L KINDS OF GENERAL i''URPOSE -PLOWS, Also G ng Plow9 of an kinds, including the Pori Perry and Guelph. IMPLEMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCH AS -Straw Cutters, Grain 02 -ushers, Horse Pow'l ers of an kinds, from two to ten, horse power, glom ns, Washing _Machines, Clothes Wringers, and Every Machine belonging to the .business. SEWING 'IVIACHINES. It is needless to say anything about them as long as 4very person knows that the Florenee is the best. Also a full stock of all the common machines Made, such as the WANZER, ROYAL, OSBORNE, RA1YM0ND, AND SINGER. All kinds of Sewing Machine Repairs, Needles and Oils always on hand. Sewing Machines Re- paired on the shortest notice. 0. C. WILLSON SEAFORTH. rILLWAN astra CO. - Haas now Faellities for Manufacturing CARRIAGSI 1 BUGGIES, CUTTER* AND SLEIGHS The Superior of wiioh eannot be got from any IShop b ths Country. BEING P ACTICAL MEN, WHAT' THE CAUSE OF THE GREAT EXCITEMENT AMONGST THE GROCERS? SIMPLY THIS, THAT LAIDLAW &, FAIRLEY, They thorougbly understand their business and Personally superintend the work in each depart- ment of their business, and consequently there is no shaky material used in their vehicles, and "slop work" is unknown in their establishment. A Few of those obby Portlands and Comfortable Swell Body Cut- ters still on, hand, which, will be sold very cheap. Repairing of all kinds promntiy and neatly exe- cute:Member the Seaforth Carriage Works, East of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. • PILLMAN & Co. EGG EMPORiUM.* BELIE -RING TllIAT UNION IS STRENGTH, Have Amalgamated their Business and are Selling the BEST GOODS at Bottom Prices. OLR STOCK OF TEAS IS ONE OF THE LARGEST IN THIS TOWN, And has been purchased in New York, Montreal, and Toronto Markets at Lowest Cash Prices, and Customers buying Teas from as can illy on getting value for their money. Prices range from 80 cents to 75 cents per pound. SUGARS, ALL GRADES. 11 pounds Bright Sugar for 6•1. Pure Demers. Sugar, Imported Direct from Liverpool. ValeUcia Raisins, off stalk, the best in the market -calf and see them. Layer P.aisins, 8 elected LoOse Muscatel Raisins, London Layer Raisins, Bine Basket Raisins, Black Basket Raisins, Two Crown Dehesa Retains, Sultana Raisins, Currants new and cleaned at /or nee. Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, Extracts, Spices -Fresh and Pure, no Adulteration—Dr. Prices Celebrated Bakiog Powder, Sauces Tams Red Jellies. Our Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES we guarantee c quill to may, and 41pelier tothcemioseto itnhetinhe. market. Alive ask from intending purchasers is to cellist!. d examine our Stock and ohvn selves that what we say is correct. FLOUR FEED AND PROVISIOkS, ALSO MILL FEED, Of all kinde, kept -constantly in Stock. Orders left 'with 4s will receive our personal attention, and be delivered promptly and free of charge. LAIDLAW & VAIRLEYI SEAVORTH. The Old Established Cash Grocery, next door South of the Post Office. The subscriber' hereby thanks bib iminerois enstomers(rnerchaats arid ethers) f or their liberal patronage during the past seven Tear8s and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their eontdence and trade in thefutare., Haaing greatly: enlarged his premiaes, during the winter, he is now ptepared to pay tbe HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any .quantita .Of good fresh eggs, delivered at the • EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tone of good dry clean WHEAT STR HAVE YOU SEEN THAT SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of XMAS PRESENTS AT PAPST'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH, PONSISTING of Presentation Bookie Juvenile's Toy Books, Albums, (Easel, Rust and Auto- graph,) Scrap Books, -Bibles in Russia. and Morocco bindings, Prayer Books,HynL and Psalm Books, Purses,Writing Desk, Fancy Ink Stands, Steroseopes and Views, Vases Toilet Sets, Motto Caps and Fancy Chromos, Mottoes, Rustic and "Velvet F4atees, Gilt Figures, Poitmonias, Alice Bags, Card Cases, Silk Book Marks, Christmas, 1Veto Years, and Birthday Ca ds—a Large A.ssortment. Also a Large Variety of Chil 67e8 170`10. &C. W :LSON CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. REMEMBER THE PLACE, - 0, W. PAPST, SEAPORTS, TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE BANK. All -S$ LEECH H&TING leased the handsome and corernodi- L-L ens new store in Campbell's mete, Main Street,begs to inform the pnblic that her New i\,Sitorci jolt • NERY AND FANCY GOODS Is very complete in e't ery department. All the Latest Styles of Goods always on hand. Hair Dressing, Stamping, and Ostrich Feathers clean- ed. A call is respectfully solicited, and satisfac- tion in every article guaranteed. AlISS LEECH. '5 N. B.—Apprentices wants& 25 AUCTION ROOMS. SAMUEL STARK ?EITTAS Removed to Ls New Brie's: Block, where AS intends for the future to keep his Auction Booms, and has procured his license as Auction- eer for thht purpose. NOTICE OF SALES WILL BE GIVEN AT THE AUCTION ROOMS. Deposits will be paid, if required, on Stock sent to be sold. Town Lots for Sale. All amounts due for ioniser business of Shoe- making must be:paid at ono. Conveyancing, tie., will be attended to when required. 521 SAMUEL _STARE, Seaforth. SAW LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Pricefor SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops. cloaca= Sawing attended to promptly, and as cheap as at any other railL Lumber of every description, also Shinglea, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very osvest market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. CO LE M AN & G 0 UINLO CK, 41'7 ' Seafortli THE SEAFORTH BOILER WORKS, YOUNG & LAHEY A RE Prepared to take Orders for Boilers, "i-/- Smoke Stacks:, Stills, Tanks, and Sheet Iron Work of all descriptions. Repairs _done on the Shortest Notio, and at the Lowest Possthle Prices. YOUNG & LA HWY, 523x18. Seaforth, Ont. THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES4 CARNOCHAN & ABELL, PROPRIETORS. CIPPICE and Stables on Market Street, emcee door from main. -Neat, Styltsh usetteeefeel Buggies, and Good Reliable Horses a/ways on hand.. Orders left at the Commercial Ifotel, Sea - forth, or at the office will be promptly attesaed.. to.