The Huron Expositor, 1878-01-18, Page 8''••_
:non txp0Eitot.
F. G. WIDDOWS, the Ex-Nronk, will
reach in Cardno's Music Pall next Sabbath. Ser
!nee will commence at 11 o'clock. A special SILVER
collection will be take up, which. Mr. Widdows
will give to the P. E. Fund. of the London Dis-
trict. 258-1
established Cash Grocery next week, one thousand
men, women or Children to purchase a portion a
oar large stock, previous to wernovinginto our new
premises, in Cardno's Block, immediately u.nder the
*lock. 528.
LAID -LAW & FAIRLEY Will open out
shortly in Cardno's New Block, with a large and
choice stock of Family Grocaies, Crockery, Glass-
ware, &c. Great Bargains will be given. Don't
fail to &mean(' see us in our new premises. ! '528
count tale will be continued for one week longer,
.so all those Wanting jewelry or Watches had better
call at once. See advertisement, 526 •
REMEMBER the Great Auction. Sale of
Dee eeeee Ifoffroan Brotht,rs', Seaforth, com-
1;1' xcencing January 22nd, 1878. For particulars, see
advertisement and hand bills. 528
YOU CAN GET Dried Pea hes, Dried
Apples, Dried Raspberries, Dried, Blac berries, Thiecl
Cherries, Canned Goods, and Gen( ral Groceries
cheap at Monalsores. 528-1
SICATIXO e weather
. be favorable, there -will b a Fancy
Dress carnival at the Domin on skating
rink on Tuesday evening next.
TICE Ex-Mame—Mr. Wi
ex -monk, delivered his fourtl
Seaforth, on Tuesday eveni
Cardno's hell. The hall w
dews, the
lecture in
g last, in-
s crowded
Baer:ass Nonce.—The W eldy Globe
and THE EXPOSITOR -will be f -shed to
subscribers for 1878 on the ame terms
as last year, Viz., $3 15. T e London
Western Advertiser and THE EXPOSITOR
for $3.
-will -be held in the Peesbyte
in this town, this evening.
tainment will consist of ad
begs, and music by the oh •
The social is given in honor
Goldsmith., on the eve of hi
for Hamilton, his new field le
rnonthly meeting of th
Fire Brigade, held last M
ing, the following officers n
for the ensuing year: Capte
t Cline; First Lieutenant,
Second-Lieutee ant, C. Arms
retery, McCloy — all
Treasurer, Joseph Abell.
mean and hosereen will be ap
the Captain. '
" A BIG Wome—Qu
friend, Mr. H. W. C. Meyer
ham, accomplished a task
inst., which is well worthy o
Leaving Winghana in the
-voted in Bayfteld, Stania,
smith, Settforth and Bresse
rived in Wingham, after his
in time to do a good day' b
Tuesday. May he tang live
his frenchise so generously.
well social
am church
The enter -
ewes, read -
f Rev. Mr.
t the reg-
nday even -
ere elected
, Jas. A.
m. Cline;
rang; Sec -
re -elected.
he -branch-
elated by
" Tim Altealeeet SENATOR.
the title of e neat little vo
fished by Yessrs. Belford,
Toronto„ and for sale by M
Seaforth, vrho is agent for
ford's publications. It is b
Trollope, and like most of the
the same author, is well -w
very interesting. We would
who wish to read e good st
cure "Te American Senate
No TOBACCO.—Mr. Cardno
to state for the benefit of tob
ors who attend. entertainer'
hall, that he would be oblige
if they would. either desist
ing in the hall and spitting
on the floor, or take their ow
With them. He complains
each entertthinment the floor
is found to be in a horribly fi
tion from this cause, and he
this aint will be sufficient to
reourrence of thenuisaace.
of Whig -
the 7th
•ontring„ he
, Tucker -
,s, and ar-
sinew" on
to exercise
—This is
ume, pub-
rothere, of
. Papst, of
eases.. Bel-
tales from
itten and
advise any
re , to pro-
wishes us
cco chew -
ate in his
to them
torn chew -
urge pools
that after
of the hall
npes that
prevent a
ssiu gninfoNS.—TII
sexy sermons of the Seafort
the Methodist Missionary S
be preached on Senday,
Rev. II. -Christopherson, of I
at the hours of 10;30 A, M
P. M. A missionary meeti
held on the following Mond
when addresses will be de
Rev. H. Christopherson, R.
D., of Clinton, and others.
be taken at 7:30 P. M. Coll
be takea at all the services i
Missiouery Fend,
miniver -
branch of
day, will
an. 20, by
, and 6:30
g will be
y evening,
ivered by
owler, M.
Chair will
ctions will
aid of the
day evening at the readiags,
fair attendance of ladies, bu
gentlemen. Mr. Mitchell o
ehaie ; George Watson ante
Readings were given by Mes
gins, R. Taylor, Dr. Campbe
den, G: Watson and Alla
Readers- fir next evening. DI
and Dorrence, Mrs. A. W
Messrs. Pashley, McGowa
McMulkin, Booth, Dr. Car
Lumsden. Next Monday th
the, " High Seh001" 1N -ill tek
succeed, should at least become mem-
bers. The Committee appointed ,to
Make final arrangements for the sake,
will meet at Clinton, on Tuesday next.
Peeemeea.—The R v. Mr. Millar of
Toronto, will preac in the SeafOrth
Presbyterian Church next Sunday raOrn-
ing and evening, at the usual hours.
—The Rev. Mr. Campbell, pastors of
St. Thomas' church in this tewiala
been abient from town for two week
attending to missionary work in othe
sections. After Sunday next he will b
at home attending to his pastoral dutie
here as usual. On :Sabbath, service •
will be conducted by a student fro
Huron College, London. _
ast Mon -
. very few
-cupied the
1 as critic.
ra. J. Hig-
1, P. Hay-
isses Booth
„ Sellars„
Then and.
debete on
EN ----The many, friends • of
THE Exeoevroe will be glad a learn that
we littye thus far this yeer e. teeed upon
Oar booke a very much large" number of
uew melees, aud had. fewer w thdrawals„
than. in any year since TRU ExPoarron
has been under its present m uagement.
And ie still more grt tifying, the.
aew subscribers are all yeti" itery., This.
is pleakug, -*id while we thank our
friemle for their kindtpatrbn tee we cam
-b- •
014 express- our- determinaftee to exert
ourselves to the atinost to .c ntinue for
Tne Exetarroe the faxorabl reputation
it has won.,
and novel trotting race t
Wednesday last, between a
owned by Mr. McMulkin,
owned by Mr. F. Meyer.
for a bet of $25 a side, a
.Bayfield to Seaforth, a di
miles. Both horses wer
their owners. They eret
start from Bayfield, °Mr.,
mare taking the lead The
closely together until be
and Brucefield, when Mr.
cast a shoe, and he was Wi
the race at Bnicefield.
kept on, however, ra
in the splendid. time ;of o
five minutes. Considerabl
taken in the race by , the
ternity, and a good-
changed hands.
tatistics lespecting the •
Seaforth Town Council;
1877, may be of interest t
readers. During that ye
39 meetings, of which the
ed 34, the Reeve 39, an
Carter 35, Wilson 28; Gras
belie 35, _Murphy 33, Gra
32, Beattie 19, and Serong
the same period ther wer
tions carried, of which13
by M. Y. McLean, 39 by „J. I. Cart'er,
29 by C. Wilson, 5 tr. Wm. G.ssie,.40
by Wm. Campbell, by L. Murphy, 38,
by Wm. M. Gray, .3 by Stewart, 42
by James Beattie, an 51 by A. Strong.
Mr. Beattie was only a ra rab r of the
Council for•a little over e ght months,
he having been elected to 11 the unex-
pired terra of Mr. A. alc lm. ,
ther exciting
ok place an
driving mare
and a horse
he race!wad
d was from
-Once of 16
driven by -
geed even
M Melkinat
kept pretty
weep Varna
eyer's lione .
hdrewn from
. Malulkin
the , distence!
e hour ' and
interest was
porting friet
1 of moue
e following
oings of the
or the year
- 1
some of oue
there were
ayer attend -
ie.35, Camp -
31 Stewart
32. Daring
38 resolu-
were moved •
lowing is Ma. G. W. linea eeply to the
requat of a, large n ber f ledies and
gentlemen to accept - a complimentary
benefit : • Mr. Editor : Allo, me through
your columns to express ,e y ;heartfelt
thanks to the large num er of ladiee
and gentlemen of Seal° h and. °thee
places; who have so leindl asked mete
accept a complimentary It nefit at the*
hands. Were -this the fir:t time I had
been asked to accede o a equest of this
kind by my friends • Sea orth, I might
feel inclined to refus , as have done
before. But after receivi g a request
so largelysigned, I feel it woeld be un,
just to refuse. I therefore, accept,' and
appoint Thursday, Feb. I I, St. Valea-
tine's evening, for the co cert to take
place. Hoping at the se e timee that
this ratty prove the best ntertamment
ever given in Setiorth, re ain'. the
public's obedient Aeryent, G. W. CLINE.
• 1 -,
ing for the past few days, altheugh no
very good, has had a ma diem effec
upon business. The to n as been
crowded, and. our mere i ants, produce
dealers, and business men eneially have
been doing a rushing busi ess. Should.
the sleighing oontin e, a we trust it
will, our business me w y4 have e
good season's trade, and ur merchants!
will find no difficultY in disp,osing of
their large stooks. 1 Th amount of
business done ia Sea orth an ' the im-
mense crowd of peo le • to every
day, is a continued a,us for renierkl
elide); source of wonder O. t ose Who!'
visit us from • other !plea s. his had
-always been the case wit Seaforth,' and
so long as our business en continue
terprise and go-a-headati, eneas whichl
their assiduity to busmes , and the' en
have characterized them in the past, it
will continue to be sol,
111.-aciN LIVE t71ToCK ASSOC. ATION.-70n
Friday la -.t a large. meeting of the As-
sociefion waa held in McLaren'
Hot(.1, Clinton, to nickel rel tainery aij for the spring - of stock
in March. The required nu nber of en-
tries, were made to warrant the' Asso-
ciatien. in advertising ext ,nsiyely .in
Canada and the Northera .a 'd Western
State. Entries can be, sen to the Sec-
retary, at Seaforth, or any ember of
the Associatiou, up to the inst.,
tot of which. Will appear ie ,e catalogue
-to be issued then. This, th first sale,
will be cenfieed etrictly thorough-
bred and improved stock. t will pay
anyone having stock for sal to enter at
once, in order to get the, ben. fit of entry
in the catalogue. Those w o have no
tock, but who wish the ass dation to
SEAFORTII CHEESE ecepare—The -an-
nual M. -eating of the shareholders and
patrons of the Seaforth Cheese Factory,
was held on Wednesday' 'of last week.
At the meeting of ,sh reh lde , the. fet-
ters : 'Messrs. Robert oven oak, . W.
lowing gentlemen we e lecte Direc-
Shannon, James Scott, ' edwerd Hick-
son and. Wm. McMurray. RPet. Gov-
enlock was appointed,. Pr sident, and J.
Duncan Secretary a, d, reasurer. At
the patrons meeting, he e was a very
fair ettendance. TVFr. ohn McElroy
was. appoiated chairman. The. wadi -
toe's report was read, an • showed that
(luting the past season le( 37,351 pound
of milk had been delivere at • !the. 'lac
tory, from 'which were' made 100,941.
pounds of cheese, which (tallied_ $11,-
223 08. it took 10.27 po , • lids of milk to
meke a pound of cheese ; The Direc-
tors offered for the cone ng season to
make the cheese, drew he ' ilk, -an
deliver the chedee at the -tatio for 2
cents - per - pound. This offer was! ac-
cepted. The meet*. vas he itiost
harmonieus and Betide tory hat 'hes
been held; and all the p area seeme
-well pleased with th int. nnee in whicli
the fentory had been co ducted for th
past season. , The pat se son, • alth - ugh
not 80 'pmfitable for the con), auy; hae
been yery satisfactory fe, the . patinas]
-It is anticipated- thlat . vith..-favorabl
wet:tater a much lar er usiueas will b
done in this factor - t iis year than
during, aaiy- year !Moe ' its establish -
meat. ! • .. ' . a
, . .
, ANNtAL MEETING. TI :e anaualineet .
ting of the South Hur es ' ricaltural So;
dety was hem on et esclay last • at
Shaffeits hotel, .kip'pen T era was
The report of the dire.. ors was read
not a large - attend no. .of • nembers'.
and adapted, and. sh we I the affairs of
. - -,
the Society to be in a m st se isfaetory
condition. The society omm 'Ices the
new -year with a balance of al.96 in the
Ti-easury and dant e . he elast --'year-
0 . . e
$865 had been paid out ' a pres. ;The
elected for the ensuing v ar : 1 th. Belt;
followine officei•s aa d eirect rs . were
President ; J. Pickard, FifstV ce Preen
dent ; i ,Dr. Coleman, 1 Se ondI ice Pres-
ident. . Directors—Mess s. D Mcinni
and.t. Hunter, Usborne ; Geo. Sproab,.
Tuckersraith ; i.Wm. i Lewis, Stephen.;
Win,— Wilson, Hay;1 Ile ,gh Love, ' Sr..;
Stanley; Wm... Wise; G dericb. Teevia
ship ; George Willis,Exe er ; At Y. Mc -
Loa -n, , .
Lean, Seeforthe Messrs George jacla
son and Wharton Hodgson Were ale
poiated anditorse - r. Coleman was
elected a delegate to represent the so-
ciety at a meeting of delegates of the
'various societies in the 10th Agricultu-
ral Division, for the seleetion of a per-
son to represent- said Diyision in the
Council of the Agricultutal and Arts
Association; , and the Meeting further
recommended Dr. Colemaa as a suita-
ble person to represent the district in
the Council. This completed the busi-
ness of the meeting.
—At a meeting of the Directors held
immediately after the close of the an-
nual meeting, Mr. G. E. Oresswellwas
reappointed Treasurer, ).-nd Mr. S.
Sraillie, Secretary.
West Wawanosh.
Accebeeer.--On Saturday morning Mr.
George ,Weatherhead, of West Wawa -
nosh, near St. Helens, was , chopping
down a tree near his line fell, and. to
save the fence threw anothe .tree on
it, which did. not throw it doweahe,went
in to cut the first tree, when the tree
he had. thrown on to it fell, gazing the
side of his head., and broke hie shoulder
blade and collar bone and two ribs :levy
from the back bone. Mr. Weetherhead
was able to give the alarm audit was not
long till assistance wee at hand to con-
vey him home, and we are happy to say
that, under medical treatment, he is
doing as well as can be eapected.—
Stanley. .
TIEE ORANGE LODGE.—Annnal meeting ,
of the District Lodge for the. District of
Stanley met at Varna Orange Hall on
the 8th of January, 1878. Ieidge opened
in regular form. Members present: W.
W. Connors in the chair, Blethers B.
Higgins, C: Foster, J. Pelle k, L. Er -
'win, S. Colwell, 3. Terror's, . Reid, 3.
MacPherson, G. Shepherd, . Reid, H.
Hudson, D. McLeod., ,I. johnston, 3.
MoClyniont, W. Flectee K. Simpson, T.
Foster, R. Baxter, J. I. 'pen -ow, M.
Wells and J.:Stewart. Thel following
officers were,then duly elected.: Broth-
ers T. Simpson, W. M.; ' S. Moffatt, b.
M.; S. Colwell, Chap.. B. Higgias, Sec.;
H. Hoivard, Treas.; 'S. Sparrovv, D. C.
After the meeting was closedthemem,-
bers repaired. to aoslin's Hetet where a
splendid. oyster supper wae provided for
them by the kind host and hOstess, and
after spending a pleasant evening in
speeches, toast e and songs they sung
"God save the Queen," and dispersed.
CHEESE FACTORY Meenete.—The an-
nual meeting of the shareholders of the
Rodgerville cheese manufactitring Com-
pany was held at the factory on Janu-
ary 5th, when the report o the past
year's proceedings was read a d approv-
ed., and a divid.end of 16 per ent.on the
paid up capital stock of the company
was declared. The board, o directors
were all re-elected, also Mr. Topp was
re-engaged. as cheese make1 and manager
for the year 1878. It wee also shown
that there had been 1,618,598 pounds of
milk sent tothe factory,from which was
made 157,838 pounds of cheese. Aver-
age amount of milk for a Peund of cheese
10.25. Average • price received by the
patrons after °deducting the expenses,
8.84. As will be seen ,by notice else-
where, a meeting of the stock -holders
and patrons -will be heldatthe factory
on Monday, the 28th inst.,forthe trans-
action of important business. Addresses
by prominent dairymen ;will also be
given. All interested in the factory
should attend this meeting. .
JANUARY 18, 1878. r
The scene on the night in question was
certainly very grand, and reminded one
very much of the good old days, we
read. about; when the chieftain celled
his brother chiefs to his side, and
ed his servants to prepare the feast.
Each. man flung aside his budder and
sword and. pledged his brother's health
in sparklitig wine. But, although there
was no white-haired harper to sing, in
melodious tones, the ancient glories of
the chieftain's ancestors,—yet fair and
accomplished young ladies acted as ad-
mirable substitutes to the ancient bard
and discoursed. sweet mlusic at intervals.
Several excellent songs were sung and
a few stirring addresses were delivered,
which for felicity of expression, and
abundance of wit exceeded anything of
the kind we had ever heard. The vo-
VITAL. STATISTICS.—The following is a
statement of the number of births, mar -
lieges and deaths registered in Tucker -
smith, for the half year eliding 31st
December, 1877: Births, 45; marriages,
7; deaths, 13—reeking a total for the
year, of 85 births, 36 deathsend 13 mar-
riages. •
A GOOD ANIMAL.—MT. Alex. Yule, of
the 10th concession of Tackersmith,
short time ago purchased from Mr. G.
E. Cresswell. a fine thoroughbred Dur-
ham bull One year old. This is one of
the finest animals in the township, and
will be a boon to Mr. Yule's neighbors
in the math east pert of the township.
SCHOOL TRUSTEE Eeecnoo.—The fol -
towhee, is the official returns o the school'
trustee election held in T okersmith
last week: Ward No. 1-1- , N. Brett
and -S. Wallace by acclaim eti Ward
No. 2—N. Cousins, 10; G. proat, 17:,
3. Landsborough, 6. War No. 3, J•
Wood., 29; J. Doig, 26; J. M Gregor, 3.
Ward. No. 4--J. McEwing, ; G. Dob-
son, 21; D. McDonald., 15., The school
board will, therefore, be composed of
Messrs. Brett, Wallace, COsens, Sproat,
Wood, Doig, McEwing and, Dobson.
ing of the patrons o the West
End cheese factory was held at
the factory on the 16t1inst., Mr.
Landshorough in the chairi :The audit-
ors' report was read and a,dopted. The
factoryhas made 72,814 pounds of cheese
this season, and had realized to patrons
after paying all expenses an average of
8i; cents per pound of cheese. Mr. Mc-
Dougall declining to act as, salesman for
the ensuing year, Mr. Cry was apt
pointed. in his place. Mr. A Rally was
appointed. Secretary and Treasurer. It
was agreed to cherge 21 cents for making
the cheese and hauling the milk meat
EVENINGPARTY.--OnWednesday even-
ing, the 9th inst., a fashionable party
assembled at Holyrood Villa, the, resid-
ence of Joseph Kidd., Es4. From an
early hour in the everting the guests coni-
menced to ive, and by it o'clock the
brilliantly ghted rooms were 6ornfoi:t-
ably filled. Owing to the eelmirable ar-
rangements Made by the Otial hest not
the slightest inconvenience Was experi-
enced by any of the guests, and every-
one seemed to enjoy themeelvestp their
hearts' content. 'Amongst those present
we noticed several ladies and gentlemen
from Toronto, ;Stratford, Athlone, New
Schomberg, St. Marys, Mitchell,
ArlingtoneSeaforth and Goderich. The
house, which was erected, last suni-
mer, at, a vast expense, ie ;certainly it
marvel of neatness and comfort. Stand-
! . ,
ing,in the midst of ery pleaeant, grounds
and within easy r ach c; the railway
station, it forms- oho of the Most desir-
able residences in his part; of the po-
minion. It was d signed by Mr. James
Walsh, of Seaforth, and 1 certainly re-
flects the , very highest f credit
to his skill as an ' architect.
The inside is fitted up with all
the modern itaprovements, end the rooms
furnished in a style commensurate with
the rest of the building. , Theerich Oil
paintings which adorn the walls bespeak
a very superior taste in he selection.
taries of the dance had ample opportun-
ity to indulge in their favorite pastime,
and it was only when the large hours of
the morning were fast approachihg that
the company broke -up, all bidding adieu
to the genial. hest and his hospitable
family, and wishing them every happi-
ness, in their neW home.—Com.
Tsu FOXFEVER.—This fever iSalarm-
ingly prevalent ia thid ,section. Its vic-
tims belong to the male sex. It is
very contagious. No less than a -score
being withrn its grasp. These invalids
may be discerned wandering through
the woods with a gun slung oyer their
shoulders. Some of them have scarcely
passed their teens, straggling hairs cov-
ering their jaws, While others are tiirned
grey with the ravages of time. It is be-
lieved that with the first fall of snow
this disease will spread far and wide ;
that it will make new victitas every day,
and that the woods will be covered with
roaneMg lunatics. It is to be hoped
that none of the fair sex will fall victims
to this strange malady; forif they do
the woods will epho with sounds—resem-
bling the noise made by a screech owl
when teaxing up its prey, and all the
dwellers of the forest will flee in wild
dismay. I
prophesied in the year 1454, and is be-
lieved by many to have reference to the
war of 1854 and the present wer.
runs thus •
In twice two hundred years,
The Bear the Crescent will assail,
But if the Cock and unite, .
The Bear will Tot prevail.
But martin twice ten years again
Let Islam know and tear,
The Cock shall stand;
The Crescent wane, dissolve and disappear.-
Hoping you will give a place to this
in your coluntes, I remain -yours, &c.—
SUDDEN DEATH.—As' Mr. John Mon-
teith, of Thames Road, Usborne, was
on his way home from prayer meeting
on Thursday evening, 10th inst. libe
dropped dead on. the road. Mr. Mon-
teith had for several years been troubled
with heart diseam, but of late he seem-
ed a great deal better.. He was an ex-
emplary young enan who took a very
prominent part ;.1.). Sunday School and
other Church tters, and his sudden
death is a severe blow to his friends
who have the sympathy of the entire
PRESENATION.—On the evening of the
llth inst., the members of the Bible -
Class, of Thames Road Church, called
upon their. pastor, Rev. Mr. Gracey, at
the Manse. After spending a short
time in social eatoyment, which was
greatly enlivened. by the excellent vopal
and instrumental music given by Misses
M. Gracey, C. Meldrum, and others,
the ladies of thepartyproceeded totheir
baskets, from which they topk every lux-
ury that could Contribute to a magnifi-
centrepast to which the whole company
sat down; On the party reassembling
after tea, Mr. R., Gardner read the fol-
lowing address and presented Mr, Gra-
cey with a purse, containing over $50 :
"Dear Pastor—We, the Bible class of
this place desire Ito express our appreci-
ation of your labors amongst us,and the
earnest and affectionate manner in which
you from Sabbath to Sabbath explpin
the truths contained in the Bible, and
instruct us in the way that leads to ever-
lasting life. It i with much pleasure
that we present ou with this purse as a
small token of o esteem and affection
for you, and earrestly wish that the tiee
which ha,velor so long a time bound. us
together may long continue to remain,
and that at lastwe may all meet in that
place where sorrow and parting are un-
known." .Mr. Giacey Made a very feel-
ing and suitable reply, and after reading
a portion of the Scripture and. closing,
with prayer the party left for their re-
spective places of abode.
Drysdale. '
BIG THEASHING.—Messrs Todd and
Desjardin, thrashed on the farm of J.
S. Horner, with Climax Thrasher, a
short time ago, the enormous quantity
of 500 bushels of oats M the Short space
of two houes. This is really good work.
1 ,
or - condition. ere are ;some of the
sales effected: Mr. L. Shorret' sold to
E. Talbot 37 acres. Price, $1;105.-
1*. A. Contine sold_ to his brother P.
Contine, 35 acres. Price $2,000, and.
next year's crop.—Mr. S. Desjardinsold
to A. Oontine 60 acres. Price, $3,400.
Mr: G4 Grattor sold to L. Denony 50
acres. Price, 3,325 ; else G. G-ratton
sold. 25 acres to A. Denony for $1,100.—
Mr. Jelin. Duchanne sold to Mr. N.-
Denony 37 acres for $2000, and. 50
bushel of oats; also J. Ducharme sold
L E. Ducharme 37 acres for $1,700.—
—The next leading topic of interest
is the fishing season, now approachhag.
Never before have such preparations
been going on as. in the present season,
for the ice fishing. Old and Young have
been busily engaged making nets,
and in some cases oven the wives
and daughters of the Ashermea intend
going into the business this ev!iii-
ter. The mildness of the pest month
had dampened levery prospe* , How-
ever the last few days have givea things
a, different aspedt, and have given vigor
and life, to the fishing enterprise, -I
would say to Mr. Fish, if pee want to
wag your old bail another 'summer
don't visit our', Canadian shore this
I ,
wineer. 1 11! ; ; . Hingstonl was
1 GENERALITIES;1---NOW that Christmas all the old boa
and, New Years have silentlyt passed elected. ,The
away there - is nothing remaining that tended- :
gathered. in th village. The leading Smith and C istophersr, the latter of
Might call to memory the . peaceful TEA MEETIN ;.—The tea, meeting in
quietness of the ast festive season. The the btkernent f the Methodist Church
weather was v ry beautiful, and not- on Monday ev aing was fairly attended.
withstanding t e great obstacle; bad Very excellent addressealwere delivered.
roads, quite a i w of the juvenile class by the Revds. lessre. Robinson, Jones,
amusement of t e day was the shooting. Kinet;tdine., I
Mate, h of Mr. . R. Hodgins. Quite a - Missiosene niniasse—His Lordship,
number of turkeys and geese were won the Missionary Bishop 61 Algoma, ad- -
and lost. One t ing that perhaps may dressed a large ongregation in St. Johns
long be remembered (andin other places Chard' on W dneeday -evening. - His
as well as here,) is the remarkably open Lordship delta redla very excellent ad -
weather of the past month. Many of I Imes, which al o printed very interesting
the farmers here spent their holidays to his heaters. A Collection was taken
with their plow, something that cannot up in aid•of fle Algoma Mission. The
, 1 R-ev. Kr. MK nzie, of Kincardine, read
often be enjoyed.
REAL EsTATE,—The abundant harvest prayers. 1,
of the past season is begining to show AGEIOULTURA. SOOIETY,.—At the an-
-what effect it has on the farmer's purse. nual meeting o the Grey Branch Agri -
Something like an epidemic prevails
in this section since the autumn month.s,
by way of speculation. Real estate has
been bought and sold regardless of lice
Treasurer; Directors—T. Kelly, D.
Stewart, J. Sample, W. F. MoCutcheon,
A. Forsyth, J. Broadfpotelt. Martin, R.
yown, W. Smith. The board intend
having a spring show at Brussels. Mean-
bers of the Society can throughthe Sec-
retary, D. Stewart, repeive the Farmers'
Advocate of London for 75 cents per
BIG THRESHING.—Messrs. McNaught-
oia & Holmes, last week threshed .for
)4-r. James Hills, 8thl concessioa, Hite
Mr. M. Ducharrne sold to -0. Cunavo bert, 700 bushels of edpring wheat 11
12 acres for $600.—Mr. Wm. Todd sold hours. The work wee done in a fret -
Thos. Todd 37 Lcres for $1,300,,besides class manner.
many bargains f sales that are npt corn- ,
pleted. Forestekue:
A NEW SCHOOL HO SE .—At the annu-
al meeting on Wedne ay, the 9th inst.,
it was decided to build a new irame
sehool hoese With a stone foundation at
Forestville, on the eoundary between
• Grey and Ho -wick. Mr. Andrew- Wog
Vas elected trustee in place of ,Mrt-Jos-
eties iet Wester Ontario and is doing a '• eph Armstrong, whose terra of, officehad
good work. Lest year it had about 400 %expired.
1 xeter.
ANNUAL MEE 'ING.—The annual meet:
ing of the mein ers of the Stephea. and
Usborne Bran )1 Agricultural Society
was hpla here few- days ago. This is
one of, the mos prosperous local sod -
members • nearly $700 were paid out in
prizes, an'd the present year is com7
menced with a balance of $218 in the ' ANNUAL SUPPER. --,--The annual sup -
treasury. The following officers were per, under tht auspiees of the Huron
Farmers' and Mechanics' Aesociation„
held at Stong's Hotel, Brucefield, on
Thursday evening of ;last week, was a
very pleasant and suecessfed affair. The
supper was all that ceuld be desired,and
reflected the greatest eredit upon the
catering abilities of the genial host. The
• evening was Very pleasantly spent, sev-
eral excellent speeches havinge "been
made anal Songs sung during the even-
ing. - 1
; The Presbytery he
ing Blyth, on Tue
elected : Georg Willis, President; D.
McInnis, Vice President I; A. G. Dyer,
Secretary; J s. Pickard, Treasurer;
Directors — M sers. T. McKay, Wm.
Penhale, L Bowerman, J. Hunter, 3.
Oke, J. Fishburn, D. Mille, Wm. Lewis,
and C. Christie - 1
• ,
• Zurich. i
annual meeting of the Hay Branch Ag-
ricultural Society, held. at Zurich, the
following offices were &acted for the
ensuing year: m. WilsOn (Fannsville)
President; jo n Hunter, Vice -Presi-
dent; Secretary, D. S. Faust; Treas-
urer, D. Steinbltch ; Directors—A. Mc-
Ewen, R. Thomson, R. McAllister, J.
B. Geigher, 11. Love, Sr.,1D. Steinbach,
D. R. Faust, D Hostetther and Michael
Kercher. The Directorslreport, which
was read. and adopted showed the so-
ciety to be in a satisfactoiy, condition.
The membership _het cane up to nearly
200. About $240 had been. paid out in
prizes, and the new year Is commenced
with it balance in the treasury of $20,
after the payment of all working ex-
penses. The Society has, also a conven-
ient and. commodious] show around. and
a very neat and. comfortable°hall. Mr.
Robert Bro-wn,Ito whose ;efforts in be-
half of the Society, is due, in a very
great measure, the success which has
attended it, has resigned his connection
with it, -much to the regret of all. The
cause of Mr. Browns resignation "is his
intended removal to Manitoba. He
leaves the Sotiety, however, -in good
hands, and we predict for it as great at
Mr. Canaeron, of Kip
Moderator for the
Messrs. Patterson and Wilkins were in-
vited to ad as corresponding members.
A peti iOn from Hill' Green, supported
by Mr. Hugh Love, p
zation, was read. I
tify the neighborine
f Huron. II
d. a regular meet -
day of last week.
en, wee appointed.
uing six months.
eying for organi-
was agreed to no -
sessions on the
matter, and If no obj ctions)ae 'offered.,
tie organize Hill's Green into a . miesion•
station in connectio 'with Mr. Cana -
eton's charge. Mr. ieveright gave no -
lice thet he would eve at the next
regular meeting, that the midsummer
' he held; in Godt
meeting in Seat
two meetings ,in
tions made, mod-
e granted to the
eld 'and Bethany,
Hullett and Londe bora, Manchester
and Smith's Hill, and Clinton. Mr.
Hartley reported. tha he organized a
mission station at C selhurst. Ai call
'was sustained. limn t e congregation of
of Mr. D. McRae,
pted said cell, and
"pointed to take
29th inst., IVir
. ' Misgrave to
-meeting of Presbyte
erich, the midwinter
forth, and the other
Clinton. applic
orations in calls we
congregations of Ba
Grand Bend in favor
share of prosperity in the future as in • .
probationer, who acc
the past.
his ordination was
place on Tuesday,
Gracey to preside,
ed Wilton, liviag on the 10th COnCeSSiOn
of Grey, met with his death on Thurs-
day of last week while chopping in the
woods. A limb fell from; a tree striking
him oa the heed. When; found he was
insensible, elide died the ;following day.
He leaves a wife and large family to
mount his loss.
A KATY Loss.— Mr. Lachlan Mc-
Neil has lost a valuable ;stallion which
had bee suffe ing for some length of
time from a seyere attao of bronchitis
and pneumonia, but, under professional
treatment, had recoyerede and was con-
sidered -almost out Of danger. But tak-
ing -a sudden attadc of flatulent colic
he expired. poet Mortem examine-
tiombeing made by Mr. John Nett, V.
S., of brussels,Ithe stomach and bowels
were found to be very, much distended
with ;gas and slightly inflamed, and
also a small abscess in the right lung,
jest at the termination of the bronchial
tube. We sympathize very much with
Mr. McNeil for losing such a valuable
horsetas he has only had him two years.
The County at large will Very much feel
the loss of such veluable stock. We
hope to see Mr: McNeil having anether
valuable horse, as we think he should
be supported by the, County at large.
e Brussels'
LIFE INSURANCE.-- Canada Life, Of
Hainilton (Ont., Capital and Funds over 83,750,-
000, vs. all comers. Intending insurers would do
well to eompare the rates of the Canada Life with
those of, the Sun Mutual, of Montreal, or any other
Company. The Canada Life is in its Slat year,
and the Sun Mutuat in its 7th year. -
The Canada Life, With The Sun Mutual, with
Profits of per • cent. Profits.
per annum. - •
Age 21, $12 80 21 $i8 10
25 5
80 ; 17 50
35; 20 40
40; ' 21 70
45 ' 29 60
A person at the tt,e of 21 ins
19 70
o 22 50
26 10
31 00
5 8700
ng in the Canada
Life saves $5 20 pe year, and a 45 saves $8 per
year. Full partic+trs given by A. G.
Manager, Hamilton, pr C. B. COoPER, Agent,
BrusselS. 527
MARKETS.—F:511 wheat, $1 10 to
$1 15 ; spring, poc to 95e; oats, 28c to
30c; bailey, 4Qc to 50c; peas, 55c to
56c • hay, $8 to $10 ; pork, $4 50 ;to
$4 8'0; Wood, 00,.
Molienir F nit--; The third regular
monthly cattle and horse fair, which is
held regularly n the Thursday before
the first Fridayin each month, will be:
held,on Thurs ay, January 31st.
BUSINESS.— he good sleighing of the •
last few days h brought a great quan-
tity of grain a pork into the market.
Farmers withil two milee of Blyth were
in Brussels market with grain and pork
this week. W od also corning in in
great quantitie 1
EAST Rthilso —At the meeting of the
East Riding Agricultural Society, held
at, Brussels the lOtle inst., W. G.
elected President, and
d of • directors were re-
eetina was largely at -
*each, Mr. Denby to address the min-
ieter, and Mr. D. B. McRae the people.
The following are the commissioners
e).0eted to the General Assembly :
Messrs. Dr. Ure, Gracey, McLean, Cain -
Thomson, minis-
cQuarrie, Elliott;
arnochan. A corn -
°sets. Thomson,
. D. Wilson, elder,
was appointed to arrange for the hold-
ing of a Sabbath School convention at
Seaforth during the month of February,
-to issue circulars aneiat the matter, dec.,
Mr. Wilson, convener] Missionary meet-
ings are to be held, beginning on the
21st- inst. An adjourned meeting , of
Presbytery is to be held at Bayfield i on
the 14th inst., at 11 A. M. A commit-
tee on the state of religion was appoint-
ed, conaisting of Messrs. Ferguson, eon-
McQuarrie and Pritchard, min:
isters ; and. Dickson and Stewart, el-
ders. Sessions are itistiticted to send.
ainswersi to the queri s the ciecular
ssembly Commit -
f the Presbytery's
r than the 15th
ommittee are re -
ort based on said
the Marbh meet -
he next regular
t Seaforth, on the
ch, at 11 o'dock
meeting of Pres -
d in St. Andreves
11 was suetained,
eton, Sieveright ' an
ters ; and Dickson,
Matheson, Stewart,
naittee, consisting of
Musgrave, Barr and
transmitted by the I
tee, to the Convener
Committee-, not lat
' February, and the
quested. to draft are
answers, and. report
jug of Presbytery.
Meeting is to be held
third Tuesday of Ma
. —At an. adjatzned
bytery of Huron, he
church., Bayfield, a p
addressed to Rev. Na haniel Patterson,
who, being present; accepted it. His
induction was appointed to be held in
St. Andrew's church, Bayfield, on Wed-
nesday, Jan. 30, at 2 P. M. Rev. Thos.
' Thomson, Brucefield, to preside; Rev.
Jjames Sieveright, B. A., Godericle, to
Preach ; Rev. Mark Denby, Varna,
address the minister ; and Rev, Peter
Musgrave, McKillop, to address the
people. 1
The Clinton Fire'. •
. About half -past fiv o'clock on Satur-
day morning several arties were awak-
ened by the reporteof
lowed by a flash, an
see what was wron
an explosion, fel-
on lookintt out to
, discovered Mr. -
Davis' tin shop in fl mes. The, alarm
es at once giyenliT the bell and the .
ill whistle, aroasin the citizens, :who
. Findilag Wien -
g from Davis's,
eation to Mr. Bid-
wrenchiag off the
lion guard.s in front, smashed in the
Windows, and menagO to save the jew-
ellery and. safe on the first' floor, and a
art of his househeld furniture—in the
mead story. The tames poured out
from the front windows of Davis's with
trentendous volume and fore, and in a
friv seconds ignited the fraine Windows
and cornices in the 'adjoining building:
earing that the flames would conunii-
i *cate to the frame buildings south of
he_ fire, the occupa ts and others at
once commenced to pty them of their
contents; but being eparated by a lane
and a brick wall; an4 a stream of water
eing thrown on there from the dngine,
cefire was prevented spreading.
Just here a serious accident happened.
While parties were engaged in remov-
lag articles from Stevenson's cabinet
shop, the front corn r of Davis's south
ens' and hands burnt, and his left leg
broken above the ankle, (the same limb
halving been broken once or twice bee
fore.) He was at once carried home,
medical aid summoned, and his wounds
drested.. It was itt &Tit thought that
he,,Was internally injured, but we are
pleased to kern this is not the ease.
Besides the injuries mentioned, his body
wets badly bruised, and. he suffers much
pan therefrom, and it will he many a
day before he is himself agaio.
From Davis's store nothing 'whatever
was saved. lie had a -very large stock,
and; with his neighbor, M. Biddle -
combo, was just getting things pretty
comfortable when all is swept away.
il4s stock was valued at about $15,000,
on which he held aninsuratee of
$2,500 in the Phcenix and $2,500 in the
Western. Mr. Searle held an insurance
of $3,500 on the building, $2,000 in the
National and. $1,500 in the Imperial.
Mr. Biddlecombe was Mewed for
on the building in. the National, and
$1,500 on. furniture and •stopk in the
How the fire originated_ is not known,
some supposing that it must have been
the work of an incendiary. Several
theories are afloat; some thiaking that
it was done out of spite against Mr.
Searle, but we caamot think there is
anyene in town base enough to commit
such an act. The fire, wheti discover-
ed„ was mainly in the front part of the
shop. It is also thought that some one
haJde entered the place for plunder, as
one of the back windows was- found
forced in; and had left a light binning'
or had knocked it over, with, the disas-
trpus result stated. , I
The buildings were tefo of the finest
in town, and. the last ones that would
be expected to be burnt, ;and ,the losers
have. the sincere sympathy of their
friends. Mr. Davis' safewas ,pulled out
of .the cellar on Saturday, and opened
on Monday, the door requirhag to be cut
right out, when its contents were fouia
in pretty good: condition. The glue in •
the backs of the books had run, and a
littlesmoke had slightly diecolored some
lopse papers, otherwise all were sound -
astened to. the f3cen
possible to save anyt
they turned theix at
ecornbe's stock an
cultural Society, held on the 9th inst.,
-the following officers were elected: W.
G. Hin•gston, i'resident; 3. Ferguson,
'Vice -President; D.;Stewart, Secretary -
wall fell, crushOg t
roof, and cartylng M
with two others, t
oor,.to the ground
Callander bene
ricks and rubbish.' Two ethers who
Were in the room, escaped by jamping
from a window. '[1 der the, dfreetion
of Mr. Paisley, Willie% hands soon re -
Moved the load from off Mr. Callender,
when it was found that he had sustain-
ed severe injuries:, His head. and face
*ere badly cut by the brick, his right
1 •
()ugh Stevenson's
. Robt. 'Callander,
ough the seeond
beneath, buiing
th a pile of hot
A. O. MeDOUGALL & po31,
. _
; I
i •
, ,
CAPS; FURS, &ca. &c., AT PRICES -
'IL vet:dent and desirable rel
of High andllarket Streets
Dr. Tempe. Apply to 1111..7,
--eTaaelanTal MILL 21101'
V in the Village a Trowbr
Perth, apinprising steam a
In operation and doing a la
F2011 SALE.. ---For
Morris, containing 1-00 t
se Cleared and in a good
There' are good buildings. I
Brussels. Apply to ROM'.
VOR SALE.—The isnbseril
-1-; acre lot in the to ship o
Huron, 20 atres are cleared
timbered with beech and r
will be sold cheap, Apply
Solicitor, Stafortli,
"-' Sale or Lowy., in the to
sell, Large Store and Dv
Immediate possession eau_
particulars applyto the und
MOORE, Hensall
123 log dwelling, frame b
stable 30x1-5, and other out'
quarters of au acre -of la
buildings, situated on
Seaforth, for sale or to rent
suitable for a boarding ham
For particnlars apply to .
forth, or to DANIEL GOA
-.L3- of good land in the
of Grey. Bush le
-within two miles -of a Benxi
be exchanged or saULRUIR
grsmith, or Hallett. Apph
Agent, Seaforth.
-a: e1d Coneession' Go,
taining 85 acres, 50 ofwhi
good state of cultivation..
the village of Bayfield, and
on favorable terms, A.p)
43/ COMMOI:UOILS resideni
witb good. well and outi
frontage lying on the 8',
Road, atira door east of 4,
Seaforth. For further in
Proprietor. A. G. Al3LT
palm FOR SALE.—A4
•11; 22, 0°11.6, Turnberry,
well fenced, end in a g(
balance laartlweoa, Wel
house and barn, and hall i
it good gravel road. Appl
pz.eraises, CHARLES Mc',
VOR SALE.—For Sale,
'4: the north half of Lot
°attaining 57 acres. 40 of
the, balance well timbered
Beyfield. There is a nev4
running through the palm
be sold at epee. „ ;Apply -t4
See.forth. .
✓ the east half of Lot
Tackersraitb, County of 3
wee se miles from the
Woven -lent to .alaool.
beat quality. Por furtI
47 -AXES PICURD,oppo
Egmondville 2. 0.,-' FOR SAL. -31
being west half of Ix
ItureuRoad. Survey, witl
basement; log ilwali.73:g
40 acres - clear of atuna
bearing; 80 rods from a
given at any time. App
Agent, Seaforth.
perty in SeatortIZ
Bobert Bays. It itt
business, and has a ,
The houseis new anitre
The 17 stables in connect
any time. Apply to the
or to Seaforth P, 0.. 111
AnnumIt' OR SALE.--
t, containing ne
cleared and. free from
dwelling house with etc
frame barn and Stable,
a aroall orchard. Is
of Clinton and about :
ply at T14111.
VA.11-11 2011 &AIX r
-A: Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7
containing 100 acres, at
hardwood timber. Lai
frame outbuildings; ar
choicest fruits; as we
miles from Sealarthliald
• station. For terms api,
Grocer, Wingham.
-A: half of 26, and hal
neesion, Lortion Read
taing 200 acres. The
or in two parts to suit
buildings, good oreln
within four miles -of Se
field stations, ...Pipply
smoNa, Land Agent
PB0PEBTy„..„0_,. it 8;
Con. 16, Grey, 100
excellent lot. ;West ha
29, Ceti. 6, Morris, edit)
eels, 50 acres, 83 acres ;
machinery complete 1
tberies°.1 inIZOPIITN°IetErsmi:'
dencotha; thtePpireoaspelairttylv01*'.
property is on Gederic
The house contains
kitchen, and 5 bed -rt;
wood -shed, and all oti
and soft water undey
and wellfinished. Th
;.z acre. Apply to the r,
WM. 11011E11T80N,
tLmilbeeSnottL°11 tof2'WCrto-111
the gravel road rum
bush,c se d, andl etha, r.oeli a 1 I) °Ita ec"retr frt
are 4 =es of fall -whe
Ptniruraelless.P. 'Bill 1:01 113PlAcIaLd%M41i
vg fSroALm.nbuTinTeshes,unwia
the village of Kinburs
of Huron,. tonsisting-
-of choice land, well I
number of well select;
-the premises a blael
shop 20x10, and paint
anframe and the edtaawivar:evels
iseiheeigahsp ttuctitearutt
el 01 all everdnenote-
L/A-MS, Constance P.