The Huron Expositor, 1878-01-18, Page 4f 'JANUARY, 1878 JANUAR RN pos TO EX ars, for tie both Iments, found the ten 'doll some and lound 'him very poor. _.HURON W as Milligan, Of ent to threats, 9. fe ys ago eloped, with fully �reas io himself, a burden on best 'known about thr- wc by the Goverum were 796ppropriab -eks she rtiMea tO7 has ic o had come from ilie Black WIL ks would b� made 4r. Merr per eon returned, a -ad endeavr, to play like I .Tn wh Of oi� his mind, and it 3d to force ber- out in our have a part Dunkin Act. wife. She left three small &PPredisted- The music&' Portion Montreal, would, when given, bear us amend by Mr. to its proper owner wh refused, but TS. e with their Hills to seek e was conducted N�FW: ADVERTI SEMMN shon] cl carefully rehears p. P. for NC rth Hlir- the: programm self on Mr. Gr Mr. Gibsons behind her. --:-N[r. J. 0. Thomps 1 Professor of with her .I intonotarial agr statement.'- - The report, which is a broter actoil sp an should- besides be children Till did justice to thie occasion. lea, Ifell upon th,6 eilter eement ieen slightly indisposed, owing S ith who Mathema —The Exosit-Gr Oo�e. endance at the 011, hos 1, —One evening last week, 7hile Mr. Loifdon bme r ar inthdir at ile to Tor- ih- she Farm 101 Sale very, lengthy one, but Which a Very very regul' to a ola caught wh the. 1st con ssion Of. ProceeaB of the evening were $34.91, by which would have an 3,110 cription 'side walk the other daY, and broker his rry Mitchell. James Cutt, of )gether with the" subs about 050 a mouth- -,She, ho`,Wever, Now BoOkstote—Ra reoc vered Ills elear and concluaive, has been made Hou, e. a 9, onto,'but has. now nearly &a attending to bi orses, he which to satisfied, a -a Executors! WmIdess. M. C. Cameron never allow e'astrougth. Grey, w -amounted to $155.66.4 &Aa no . h,9A On Bev oc public, and -verifies our prediction con- wout jing while in the imow, t Georgp ingra am thont taking a flink -at io select missed his foot n Monday of! last. week, Mr. A. —The cook in the Oentral Pri,911 attacked him i5lith street-- Sessl Yn to pass Wi inted ous BAT, ay it ta the letter. y, whom he Tfie 00-11mittee appo and fell to &floor below. In the fall 0 named h6mel Cunningh&m,is also 11118- of sheep Warethoiiie to Rent-l-Willittra Laurie. cer The Cowmis- the 1 asgistracy of the countr: he open- -Ca�an, Inlad ReveiLue Officer, assisted —A large shipMout ninc be rea C, t, illiterate form'of rayer, to a at b Austaineol serious injuries, breaking on- sing. He was last seen 0 his occupation esda I e f rOM 4G,&It OJI(I Tu i�ector Cli Aleeting—N_ J. Clar. ighly re -vie -wing bud a body of iguormi met on he by M . Elwood, Ine mie C ket -whoi lik6 ne age? last wNotice of sioner ater flioron aing of eac� sittin a, of the Hode, r e lambs was In, a fear of his ribs, reid sixteen-a-ays ago. 'H is� 36 years of nen lay' They cDonala,of the 14th complexion.' A young wife a in that le cessit Wyor no less than I ade a Ses,forth. ory—Nob. Cluff. ug the mass of evidence- ta-en, has know no aw, �ere general, y in 1, . stable Woodsj List?wel in e,for the New York M017 sii Monc —Mr. Malcolm M t still, mud captured it in S:� mud of far purchase n§tantly making mistakes in. used in the Can- The sheep were pd are cp Pon an illici d is in a ai - Mr. ha -le EstrELY ere w& ting the form -whom e recently malme agents fl a cided that th a not the slightest' of adop concession of West Waw&uosh,. lately U Sion of the 8 .1 e has repeated his j ing ft &me of mind at his absence. -neighborhooil by Hair Dkessifig—Misg Carro. foun al�axaes which heir dec'sions. H s de- &(Ii&n House of Cornmons, to is Legia- fing6ra so badly SwPm on the third conces aind doion for theserious 1 Shot seem E had his thumband two the' tr6B dwere delivee Farm for Safe—c". W. Orowaer. rly this sessioa, of Grby. ! The officers of , : . � - - straf Or Of atta, ik ea al explosion at work ry- —Aaamand-George Easton', of Mill- -the sellers) wer(, rougly lature. a of & towns p from whnere they —Duucall Duncan it up. He at njured by t law found three woAhies y Stook -Taking Sale -had been made, and administers, 0. tern inea to keep. Tolio, an. 15. arafng� from� a StO118 narrowly. escaped Wester3L About 5(9 for Sale—Robert Rays. disa )Proved of tb 0 proposal of the Gov'- charge. he was g to raise the. '�pirits' having all town Tyendinaga, Shipped by. Great %libogether. ThA death fron -were stinging rebuker to those who f ul�ninat- these, of"- ng, that ampu- in Mus for so d, oi P C 1. 1 the fumes of! ebal gas during Farm for Sale in Grey—Hiram supply each one of which he had been Ifissti ed,� the necessary appa ia, for &Vlng made a ac4 'grave ernrient to The Eastern W 'week. de ob 'fi s with a cop Campbell, Farm fur i ed thei h y of the Consolidated tatio'll had to be performec e of. them ighj of last may be tated,�Lamb Vs cia i . orted in Leci4ed at once on a r Tuesday, ill The Pn t1inea in'his decrial r 0� of' n a 1 ps Sale—Robert Hk - oa ",eeting—Jarm charges aga stat i-tes,4 but in this, as t but was brought to & -former,,who, was- rendered insensible .70 P ,es Lang. I iist importat pub in()' 0 Pacific feeh —A boy, Son of. Duncan halt b�; $4.50 to 44 � r 1,00 lbs- Sheep Chees& Factory M Lie. are said John- fell from Its* bed, and was restored t find ma England, but Serious Aan s horse of Andrew ars. n- 'afaetory eyidence of while leading. to —Roffman Broth, y sati. heaiano y er Elwood, who demanded and re-: Aiietioli Sale without a tl _e w�gistrac in anofl�er direction, ion 17i, Grey, W69 Offic 10, 13-88 rtific-ates fron —M Mr. Cameron's opinion to be looming up Btonb's, lot, 3, copcess unconoitional aure dent collaciouar a _School teach . R, Counter. to I sustain, them. Of. ce of a movement on the I - recoguied I'll Discount Sale pourse th.? Com_. to Spport him. r cetived an ot in it�df of much in consequen everely kicked, making two' ugly cuts, ;q� onel, es, awe not e . ' _1 inues —George, Dent. r, Blake's healthi still cont' �,other provine Look Ilere of these gentlemen is seaboard no teachers traill mawormwood pwet of Germany to obtair ana,knocking some of his teeth out. The officers found thr 0 tin stilh There is and sioners' report is gall E once;' 119a I c Z unsatisiactory, it is lon't know that one stove, several bmrrelg, Manitoba. wo ald vitally WoUn W917111, k4own that his consequ e Candidate uc h were de lently I should ha6 ref erred to only that under %conditions which aswere, speedily dressed, but jug Be theProvince- to t1iOe who so bolpy and imp Th 3,11 of whic ha, edicsl advisers ve "Pem ively la- d a convic- State' from the quantity m Tb ern Great Britain; an of yeast, I to s6binit to at it is one of a number of nister made these 6b, es'and who sq miser- siAtea on his abstinencei from M, here is ar., St -ua fairly h ial or exacting to at opinion tion seems to P ived. royec oc, autio a of any kind, anci circumstances cone revail that a warlike he lies in a precariou igh but t r 0 n 0 show Avh Shock he recei -Sra is em. aiia their -%vhi go n the part of E On Thursday last an accident -enable an ustaia- th nglSna grades to ly fai ed to's irding the !arming E aster i policy 0 �_Prout's hall Winghsm, had E6 nar t range of rega a une he -14 0 th t his resign r some t SUM. -Aed to tearh to obtai _7 I organ -111ail, comes forward and general, by the woul a erely be the forerur ner of Sbr-. row escape from destrgeti 'by fire oil currea at in the townshil) ad6n. has fo I rs cieli Z) in on re salaries Tauf Te the i, in on -rue, which n4ight have bee'! att been i the Premier's hands. a)ly qnali SF FORTH, I Inste come mu� ZY the, Thefire caught A license. aehers� JAN U ARY 1% 1878- &bases the Commissioner ad of le&� s 1 of party,of gentlemen." iouscomplicationsDearer home. Monaayforehoon last.. Usbo equ Cos. Mr —A bar -tender, 'named ThQ. Roads T1 to 'report especting - tended with serous cons en ,A. i e is nothing from the stoVepip6, but driving near sbaconde il,000 per annum- hoilestly &ad honorably acknowledging It a I its Ule purp se of Sir John Macdon �he the Turk- in the roof ore Carl Hartleib and son were (1 from Charing Cross last frow, -5300 to s al Of til stice negotiations, WE was, fortun6,tely, discovered - bef hOrsO week-, taking with him $111 wh, ich latter s aary is paid the Prill-1- ii to speak flatter the &r bridge, wen Mr. Hartleib's ald ad M. C. Ctmero that it has been inisled, that 1 pa"per re- es were ol ily able to IPortions of the be - and sinew of the i ipotentiari h ll�adwsy 11 the bone bnhl�' last ga, in the sleigh, Vinnipeg Public . School, Ross' Speech. ingly of ining muc took fright at a buffalo robe onged. to a couple of acquaintances. made jast suild-1 eats its charges, w1d Oil its own hook. casions as for ex- a ye ;qnstaultinople for Keze the roof and ceiling w�re -torn a,,v siderable P country," on cortam oc To time the and began careerilig around in a I Wild on tli e sime- i evening the residence of A,,n attempt -was of- 3fts is week devot con i � R_ L. - We 0-1 uguard-: ue lit. n �the ihi to �enter the Store d bv M attempts to Show from 'the evidece ieir picnics; -but in 11,y nig when the -fire Was easily extinguished. ion, naled in t Lamont, -Villo lives imbing on tl ample at tl u I - becoirning enta, in that U191 space to the S -P A. ey fancy notl�ing for illarch Of the RuE sians'4 0011- —At the last Assizes, the case Holmes an L hott, port Robinson, by cl inpes. A g was deciaedb limmess.an neighborhood) was entered and Ibliesum ing all not' ed r 2oments or �hen th d tilluig in O'the c .4pperwinda m :�est b verdict against Huron, that'the Cc, - missioners finding is sttle was fought on. P. for West ! I vs. Bell ana,opem Stop be lost thereby,tileylet Shp re- t Y a in, , i ;I . d -were throwing Mr. Hartleil) ' Out Of tb 3 of §136 stQlen. vers- accordace with the evidence. 1 64- Steps. w he, add Monday betweell Tittar-Ba jik an the defendant for �620. when o:vi xess i, replyto In I Agentleman who was Blee-P' -na t ts: 3narka of a. totally different character. of sleigh. The seat of, the sloiYh fell upol, _:�A farmer from Bruce townsimpllsv- e 4 ah es� ab�y the' a�bette� settlement intruaers, vho th an i 'it is) th.ig it f ails, even more Mr, Cameron is the representative of a Philipoopolis, in*which pr . erse,, inas- -taken to secure ant ing him On tRe right le� ing some business to'trans&ct in Paisley, shot one of the -a Vou-1 the S eech f ram th staste- Turks inet with another ire end lig him, and, strik ing P once to, 1i thecase, the def, gol ob he is -still Suffe The following Morn ��Un e -devoted backers-olhoi in furnisbing' evid, cit5 constituen4; politics ae c ards three left a woundfroinwhi, rode in oji horseback on Christmas 'capea Pasha afterw caught near Allanburg i tli&e for over -0 ho-wever, well. worthy the spac )eqple at the much as Suleiman but after remaining ea imself by d at Shrmans Hotel, leav- sabatantiati� their wicked anaround- fui to I -Lim (as ho� told -'the I near Ailippopolis, He, ing. His boy sav un* - and shigh�e mau was ith a -1 will be r ead. with iiiierest by took lip. Positions, months, h Settlement. shot,onaintht thigh- I the otIfter night) e agreed to a on - - . i. , Vs banquet' [on wi o, it, a Working -me -niTq,sl in &'stable or shed -ad better devote its qnd Subsequently burnt ibat town, A the plaintiff ing. Mr. Hartleib's horse is ainArabiaki, incr th6 a be one of the burglars - able less charges. It h had -to pay to flie credit 3L to retire r";1" W *­nfl 4 0 ipposei found the bi, ers. i It is au anc I he wi�her t, to private life as -and will not stand the sight of a buff 961� s watts, of I the most of our read also' been returning li� 11 as possible.l. M oreover, I don't sup- Aii;1 KfLi;n&b&t have gone, and S ame 3 et,for e ava name usef oil ob I J e Soo; 6s mud e guard of, about 000. 1 arobe, so that Mr. 1:1artleib is compelle lost in searching, the ace to Some inorte, e prisonerwas brougg effort, anil reflects credit npou the ahil- SP after some time pose, even ore ambitious burnt. The Russiail adv&n"-' —On New Year's Eve, Rev. S. Joub s. Th if he were in bt very comfortab cathaxine ipense -with mare was found 'on the Elora Road for West Huron. As the f urther it goes the deeper it gets in ached . Tohirpan, and committ tillciion than he would have tho/ left wing has re of Knox church, Brussels, rAturned to dif Arabian before the magistrate, ity of, the member I The public are -not fools -i poltical dis e When h namus sad.4e and bridle.; ivered Gn the mro. of Yeni Z&ghra, ad is still pro- ai ar c el drives his e lie is very hopeful of get- from 9, few days of labor in Bluev e. ti 1 jail to await his trial. a, general rule the ape ches d us )elieve, that Iri&nople. his steed. not dealt sparingly with t by is felt ill I the evidence and alre; BOU Erection Of —be4th has h o I verbose,. wer the fsnii1y of -as are dry anc but They have 'read ce�l g in the c He had -not long been seated —The greatest snxial sue Ifor some time to come ecasio, tin I into po Mr. , John Al. Smith, of James Claxton ith— � I edcgi in making his copeten to judge Of it,. and nOtw rets 10 he thinks he, can , &f- An 1 unusual activity pre- mils on the �in fireside when two ladies be ongi!ng ace at 611 e C, ada. Manitoba. During the roto as to the f ate- Of Mr. Pioss. has an r�gation entered, a Springfield, sly disSppew e ity� wh_o mysterim its most vehement denuncia- for I to Isp,-eak diSp I of the mag- Sea, the Turkish ILeet having to his colig I f. - aIrfIging The Dunkin Act by_IaN,� h4s beeki pastj week three more of his little ones I having in S�tium and instructive. at :0 Seb&s- on the 16,t, of December, speech botb� intere 'ty of whorri, I bblieve ded Odess'a, Anapa,, ind I - f boinb sented him with a fine study go tions of the (),Qm mssioners finding.1 is acy,%he ma]gri ried in the County Of PeterbOrou have died, making five of his children �$l 7001, the I Conqery- to: eding hich being con- Jones was thoroughly �urpnSEd, ut car ae�sion, At the time, ers Butatthasarhe Po a proce, pos ar f by 8, ajority of 9�4. who lipme, been eikryied off within a the vicin eli�ninaries to the no- made a brief reply. very Trustee� Flections� every unprejudic6d person cau'001ne t0i -ceeas of the sale Of a lot 'li ent -with pr the 14- d. Uri Sgnith has only one C1 &ti e Woiing4ii'9 banquet�, Sir John urr -number Of pupils In ral Hospital- Mrs- -,4x- t resist the temptation Js mid. to cause I 1 if some chmngeo-oild no other conclusion tha th Ahe ae- istice �,ting of the M —The short at i I —At tbeiannua me( the'Dea and Duinb:91b Poro boy, who of -the Gen met with some misfort, ild nio -t would be wel th it' self 1 001 gotia on of an &Tin an 11 ris Branch Agricultural Society, bhe t I f r a tha ignorailcia of rsburgb f A- stitution for survivincr �ehild, a little 'Was thinks he has 0 sion of Justice Pa-ttersonis coi ttad S"a t _rritation at St, Pete a from home some time a0O. 4: Years of agO in �he I u -reo pa g sue grea 3 more t1I or foV1 play- He is 3 - pa School pa 1 Belleville, is 245, or I bm ode of ellectiii. e qUed doubt is will 'be duly !-oonsidered lowing officers were elected for made ill the LCrly in s, is the only one which could justly be ithe 11 b colic,, 0 &Mmunity, as h Pr si- —A recent Order -in -Council modifies g Ky Andrew,W.- Sloan', ear. 'Una was form Truste Tudor existing arrangement. hongb, Ot r6collecting the Ore,- the bi achin suiug year: fair eg. th 11" when the ftst-.ap& other Middle I Bas. His wife is W -An Thuxt ion requirin little bet- given, and that the Mail is making it-� eporters, he af- es. augagetment dent; J. W. Auld, Vice -President The death of an the regulati g the Head M eethRUS ell _th�ubi4uitous r of'reekoning arriv School Tmstee electiolaa are I e of ,ed:� viz., Xlr he police think )la' E a lub2 Treas.; annou ter of a 6unty Model school to hold 9, bly -,g�itatea b t t ad b I a areek iron- McQuarrie, See.; Wan, pioneer is self ridivaloas b whini Y ter wards qualified his rei S' Seldom. the case 3awrks. AproP08 between a Turkish ac settied in, CaKYA61 c ter than, a farce� e regarding. ved to have t&lsen place off R_. B. Laidlaw, Gosman, Barley, aged 77, who first-class Provincial certificate.- The turn UP aam and sound. - in the Hous clad is belie a in -a ham, J. 18-32. reason as of ten bering 6ver the well merited reuke it' Of le iscussio# extreme south Bell, J. B signed is, that some of the sponaent writes to the H� iR any munioi-paity.that one o 1 i two rem arks were ipmde Cerijo, and island off the J. Barr,. Jr., T. J. —A corre, error the magistmtels, 0 b man prdb Had it admitted its —Adam Sm*cl ably during the ak ar , I ji-ton Spectat Brown, G. McGowan, 1 1. 1 . the slightest at- has rece, ed. ich are -%4orth moutory of Greece. Jr., Directors. I Model School masters who' hold a lGw- or thal members wh ern pro I t1i er ne of -the Pri lient I of the ratepa by diff[ 1no it in many do ad bonfessed that it had been misl4,� crular meeti 0 he years old, was founc certificate' have done So well, that .-,ese el gliere. 1 Dr; Clarke, of Norfolk, t the Montenerius have —At 4ie last reg .Omeutsf Prayer Ili the wes be obsei totil--tiou to th ections, anc repeati cutai, a;nd. til o, ial. ille, new road near TilsOnbUrg, so bao�_ le'to retain'. them with the churches of thatcitY, -tild have wo respect, but th !stauds " for the magistrates,' Servi&ns ownship of Usb is advisab lit. wo alwayi ainyed at S Elinivillb, t lie in -a the , - not even know when they tae, n con- 1071,th f lowing Jy frozen, that he died soon �ifter sent of tho4 Minister of Ed ;two youlid ladies in choir 41111 and by the saw token never -neglects a ha;ve. arogmutly set forth thiir ow orange Lodge, No special con course it is. pursuing call only bring it dependence Brother. John i �vast taken in. cation. in immoderate - laughter and falk'' such circumstances it is aston ihe la;wyers were sel good opportu Ity of gi-vringi ditions of peace, viz., the 14 ected officers Under clearly that in ni -be 1 made to pt�'7 two others of the f air Box joking contempt, as it shows I oil of Old Halls, W. M Brother Robert Cooper, 1 —Application Ivill -a Such good me as axe In ving to Mr. Coim'eron's A� lovin 'couple in Otterville were ishin, grr that eve 11 rap. -rep', of tb e Principality the ceisi ion for I an A4 to il 1- 9 Ir yq, -h SomeOun(g not, influene, a a flaw d ol Boards ever maRing the charges it was mer, I e said that 4ment next sess" ho attack apon thq for Servia,, and an insemnity for Turkish D. X.; -Brother Joseph Andiews, Sec.; I ays ago. 'The young talj�ing wit Us�ually found an So te, the Presbyterian Church A maxre La squirtiu�i ed by a desire for ieublic od, but pure- mapstilaes occasionally made d &f tatious during the lao war. Brother Win. Smith, Cha.; Brother corpora lady already regrets her choice, md 7nan. chewing tobacco A 90 th 11all with great gusto ere This letbiwgic Canada in counec on with the Chur(,h anth4Br find their -%vay th an the Titus Andrews, Treas.; Brother Samuel went to �he issuer' of license requesting -the juice i -,s, they �nado -no moire'th -ibly -k of U -c a Boibh airmies are suffering teri. -e Woro e peopl shoula ly by inalavolont iiiten -Men—T. of Scotland hii1a to tike back the license, then went e on the bati feeling on the part Of th at their "d�cisipns fr9in !cold and exposure. Disease and Halls, D. of C.; Committee id b,tter, of Burford, losit S feet perch 9 is a by J. Herbert, Wm- i —Mr. D&T " er who married them,na ed to continue if it c � I Lot This Jones, R. Waal to -the t looking like he wa TORONTO TOPICS. generalyright usif I destAutiou ore killing off' thouBanas -hilal by diphtheria, on 'room, and, to conclude the scene, 3�iot b &Row 11 his seventh c I 911TY 9, fine ad,.�ome �quested him to uii.m them. This any j.idas be prevented. declaationinve Ive rhe � entire- dsuch Brimacombe. LATER.' )etty thefts Tuesday, Sth in Those that jba�e rc kneeling Toun 414 diaposal of ve Etb ti ev edded gent " to pickup VbUng men 'We're rue dis netion, be- f caused th? 11 w ry large shae of the D-EDIT'g 0-& THE .kl)D i -toss, will nk,'Sucl The diplomatic attitude in reference —S era instances of T rom.2 I - tras and leae' t of the East- have oc )f James- died were f: ears to. 18 years p w 61d 3qity, 0 of the sup! ',ZGE BILLS FAROE.— tweenla a tha though the curred in the village parts unknown,. 'PEI ECH____T t'! the ulthhate, settleme� _�lg e weetina rests with, age. JOnly one it left of it, family 6f i1a ue, of each muni MRRR_1CK,S ��ffSTAXE AND BATtR'S appear- rJ, -TAt 8, public revell -worth� Doc+nr Q,rh oru. nestiolf has assumed a new phase. town recently. Mr. Smith, -of Grey, I —Last F on named George cat CAMERON few nights ago minus a eight. Belleville Roman strange to BLUNDER—NN7HAT ItM.M. C. of . i 6 Ou- Raymond was Brantford ers f the School Trustees, and yet, 'U 1100 u�ciously, it -tickled some lu, co Iden dpqlara-, went home a ,Oy—WHAT auce, sequence of'the.su( an ual report of th arrOl-ed. in THINKSOF THE MAGISTR wat of coat.. Mr. Robinson bared —The tenth separate School, Mr- Jathese falictioll TmN4 or, THE the lalwyeis - immensely. The other opposes sepa- erpro Inspector o on suspicion of being connected 'with aries ae allowea to THE TORY LEADERS 6p'of Austria that she f Asylums, PrisOngi&c-, of the Board of SeP, Sayl t 'Off the was *& nitmber of tario Chairman -witho FARERS-11 (40VERNMENT BY 00,)MS- h I r6fer -was go ' and is Aeter-, same fate as reg, � I I I � of.counterfeit�lrs in that section. -s a air at Gne `TRAL good t , iug to whic rate peace negotiations states thai since Confederation $2 0006- 9, 99,ng a aii many yean I :seliool Trustee go 0,11 from year t(5 ye ;ION THE CEN CPXN-aTTR 1by 1�ay on the samoi subject, and several, raids ave been d eight bou CAYLE"Y'S RESIG, mined to maintan the Treaty of Paris. gr in bags,. I On being searche CIS for sums. CHARGES—HON. WK. Mr. D. D. 000 have been expended upon Su Of 'es Sep acticya being questioned or the sh i he aggrel ed ' -with- of one 'hundred to one, thousaAd dollars, NATIO_N�—LADIES IN THE GOVERNT when. declared that Unexpected was this declaraition of ii�ade on Mill's 'hen coop. it is to be -us as' .Soctive supporter of tl'ie B" CUEN%l ee!dl; these justitutio are owned and coil ee( what they do -with N is School Bil, made a' 16)ak SP MENTS—'XOTES AND NEW- t having the Detroit City care evincea'as, ta, DEVART1 e leader of t sition, so far, a policy that on its first ann8unebmen hoped that the perpetrst6rs ViJ Company'$, � .6; - i ust deserts. �olled by the Government. he took strong goulld 2-9 hile even the Seal wer -foundin which I least, �s that e of the. magistrates even the war correspondents, men meet their j e his possession, also the money Of the. p6opl.e, -w I ical Wor or 4- La- — es lOrme"Y a' Prom- two half dollar Canada pieces. The k -'ng of S u (yro Our ant=; but that -A very ancez'sful. operation ecial Corre.4podent W?Xe 1 all the ti 611E d it as as �Qharles Bockus, the pract e pronopz nicipal an improbable rumor -in d in Brucefield recently, Schools. ea the t� most tr vial action of a M -ter whom he chant !',,I Boston and Mon a committed for trial. slid sai T Y e Debate on the Address be-- in i a i aes. bf hat charae -despatches, however, -convert the perfoi e inent mer - , prisoner wa loselywatclied and carefull Th ppointments te'r Drs. Stewart and Aurlbert. The -tre&l, and who represented Prince Ed better than the reali li'd in t were Ong the a] ktaintY. by U42 gain last Thuisday.. It m 1 Seem e —The ticket office'of the Great West - T e 0 S a co- iing improbability into a e .criticisea- That a -Lich a State of th 0 t a made 'known such subject wa ard coul ay,, Toronto at the foot of Zde' y Mr. Cameron and hi s Henry Dart, aged five years, w ity in Parliament from 1,836 their standard of edcation t11A Austria ha, the loth inst ern Railw -was M r, A. - MT. ROSS, the inemi Dart, formerl-� of Goderich, to 1839 died at Pictou on. .1 of the Protest&uts- Severa shoulaexist, is Surely due�to the pecuh- lea ue ; When tt ey were -in p6wer. Mr. -1 St. Petersburg son C�j Mr A to that a to have gue.. views to tke Cabinets of York 'street, was burglarized between re re poken. to ber for W�es Ruron, and the seconder, e statement for the ad & hare lip which griatly dis- ce of his son-lndalv, Mr. ers,& port forga -e tb decla- wbo urday �ight! and, Monday M01711111cr 'r e effect. be e' 9,�d Constantinople andthat h at the residen Sat Of nman n&ture anol cannot com- figured his face. The b as placed the W. Ross, Jr. e -bed heartily. TKe' mplo� rk the gentlemaq a a k �e o 4. P?h 30, and la k a by fi, OY o the M r: Lane,of East Yo raticn,bas been Supporter who fot 4� years and overl $400 in dash stolen. -_11&chael Connors) for.. It canaot. lle due t took' occasion, the I L Lord under chloroform -for half n hour, —Rev. . M. R6ger, _V ne fro du -nee by win- ra 1way LQ; Macd u a r�unic& ion. thieves effected an 1 tra; Ste , Rai A!rr I ti of a Similar to i -e po o defeated Mr. VVm. McDougali &� - 'Ito den. sly ver, -the lip was paed on b' rdes, ortaRce, attachl g to- th wh Oher Ounce Vicrorou in 0 a has been pastor 6f the Canada Presby the Great We C e SLit lack of imp Derby. It is not to be suppos d, h The in terian. church in dow in the baggage room, and -aft6r tive Shops, London met -with S"O last election. Mr, Ross's speech Wbatl�e calls 90v ent by - commis- plica-, and neatly. sewed. iar of the' Pterboro', died Bud- Siticin, for the expenditure of maney by that this will off, --61b any n2v CO forciing -open a couple of doors succeeded day w -he ouse' d lie instaced as an example ion is scarcely discernible Mr. Roger was one of dent on Satur. Junct denly last week -s. importaut very favorably received by th tions, in the progreas of the pending no -which was opened -Fed. chippi e H .1, - in reachin the saie, eye.- He -was eU989 Ing: Sion, n 0 Schbo Tivatees is equaly a of tbi!, tendency on the pat of. the pres- Blyth, Upon i the oldest and 1 aost flighly respected 9 and in - as indeed all his speeches are; for, not-, gotiations, the more so as Russia di splays —Thomas Colles, of I by drilling holes over the look e of metal flew -up sua I heil a pioc e of a, Similar amount eference of rj�ornil!igs ago'- 1 citizens in that community, and his a's �ye expeaditur U' Administr ion, her x sorting a an'and drawing back the completely a 0 t f conciliation tbwards the inc, to his stable a few withatandir-�rf a ance spilit 0 too r pid utter therightey, 'by. Monidpa Coimcillor, and the edu i the cbaXges against the Central 'Com- Powers, while.Turkey is socrush c1that found -one of his horses lying. dead, sudden destrL is i#ucb, regretted. im n at lengt] , a. tea bolts- ing th do which prevents him being easily heard, ion, -Nvhen, as he the 'day _A. Southampton man has ere6 J n A n�ittee to a C ommiss e dd in extra lildren, both morally&nd -Valuable aylor, turn- cee ctiug the metal; catio of our cl, she ippears tQ have adopted the Deac mare worth 15120. —A few days ago Mr. T lave been I g esta, 'for presotv-, Sined, the in i keyo�f the jal at Guelph, found that Ostiut., though _su his- rem a axe geeraly well 60usidr ro�aint y 61lould'l before* he -was offered, another goo( g esta intoillectualy, is surely as uportant a at &hy price " maxim &a her rul slid all fieez t himself. I dealt -with by the Minister after coming ..to an arraugemen with horse and 650 to boot for her, hich he ing Lake Hur fish for - the market prisoners of our roads exed. aid happily ptt. As you have a 0 on soml six had struck work; &.scan b Iter as t1le H uch PUPPort Rua ill leave the Powers to o her I load of sixtyfive tons caVe now C don't think he',will find in Settle refused. ' e attended t w 101 Thelirst -1 to work any no of the P in fabt they were too tirec sia f oArf sidewaks. even Onhis OW e -she appear- i out of the freezer &a fresh as -when fi�st Why f q1I report of his speeah, it will be rur-. in this view, n sich of th 31& '%V I the laying 0 the altimate conditions between thern- 0 clook ii; the evening,' when more tha� clay and they would like to at ty or --th . o the majority of 0-1 too -then this differeu MWX for me to make f urtber nlei�- House'.' T the, mem- caught, after haNing been put away loyes of le see by minion -of the la hem. d ce One reasoii selvn. The degree of Turkey's6*,b&u8- ed perfectly well, but. iA the' in .Compel t h&Vn -a assis .1 in the re use tio'n Of it here.. Mr. Lane's speech bers o the Oj)position, I must gi4e. the be she was f6und (lead, After spe'naing, Some time in the damp Ellice ble hops wh ever r ere he has; be the time of lioldin" thc election, But tioh by the struggle now about th from wbat cause six months. T* freezing mixtu credi -not known, We also learn that An7 is salt' and ice. t I of saving that in the House at all 'also deserviner of prase for the ter inated 'may be, gauged bytbe tenok is cells, with the u�ual bill of fare for that 0 lu- plojea. I not be, siMcient, wafancy, as in desirous to keep ec —While ng -to jump Da -v' -i 1 events'tlie; see -ie pleni- drow Slo eek in the. 0.4 & th given to I r los one last w atte�apti Ament—bread. and, water—they 4 Mr. Be by which of tie instructions E�n t depa; —A little 0 'Ies ft _practical coil, on sen it i - e to,_q%uset the greSt d-ifference in the in, - oationa matters aove t1le plane of - pot(. ntiaries which are such as to secur same manner. moviva train- onthe line of the Hamil e �vho liv o 9 & -1-0 w- mi -om. (1, as well as for, the.style 41 olitics, ad of assisting the Minister, ISO at talzen iti the electio, of our 9611001 was inarke any event. And, indeed, the —The elections o Offic of Grange ton Slid Northwestern Railway, at Al4s- tere P peace in the wood pile. Campbellford, Nort�� r daly lage of gers, severe -which -was shiiple, - direct �s f Or &a possible, by sympathy and sug- ran-. toji, Simcoe co t ; the othe -e-e-s and" o -a ilia-ilicipal electionis- its delivery, sitilAiOn. in Which the Porte now finds No. 231,,lomted in the village of C —A short time ago, Mr. A. McCosh, T r44 ;I gestion. This spirit is, Sp the more is County, baa three fi Not only have -of Grey was held, in nam des Burns misse er ban& ecently, bY 11niciptil and favorable. Lane is a farmer its If waTrants docility brook, %ownship Lf Huron Township., shot an eagle, well One A'Sy 1, Sti uw IaNV h un!der the exi, t6 e of e ing result-: eels, so e 04 .1 1 ' led, inasinubb. as som the Russians obtained &'firm fo e an fell der the o i as the Washington bird. This in the hndsof her little be commenc othold r'cently"..- with the follow footina leve and is a, repreaentative of who play I el 'bulwarks be- Master, Over his arm, mangling is one, of the raest of eagles, 'and the 0100tions ara h in Eoumelia bat the last of which passed a oil the Arst, -.1LIonday be their leaders -in the House and on the John. Whitfield; Overseer, girl &ad boy 'were that potio Pres lers and in 3.,Omo the latter n of the community may a have- doi�e their best in anothe the capital have r Robt. Martin;* it in a fearful manuer. the School Trustee twmn the illvac Peter. 9 clair ; Lecture i bird- ,that Audubon had the honor- Of aru-CLleir I I art altogether from �c Shipyards !are direction. But, ap JZ3, t; ag Wednesday. -well fee broken down, the, only remainingtark -t, George Dark; Assistant —Laborers in QuebE hi proud. stowa naming. The bird in question is in the -use of an axe 'for a P a followed EnIg- Wml Leckie. working for two Shillings per day. A t eleotiou OR the follow the -which the fact tha Mr. Crook ish'army south of the Balkans having Stewart, Win. Sinclair; So it- tLppears that the Orage Bill possession of Mr. Renshaw, Pine River, block of wood The fo�mor are also held tindr the ont: in refe Com- smuel 81tinmon be sibported "out fellow was just il lish preceo rring to a been. defeated -in Monday' battle and Shaplain; Treasurer, S wife and f&milyl-hiust and -no doubt would be. a great a-equi, si- eiea, the little farce is not to be rep eated this -session, -,rhile the latter art', mission char&s which did Vot of feet bailot -ay em., N thel defences of Adrianople having been Secretary, James Johnston; Gatekeeper, of this pittande. High wages ineans when -the at tion to a. taxidermist. it measures- be- f splitting it, 01 A 1�is Department, an; whe, Six election occlars, whch is a, rae and as Dr. Bturr on ce put it, Two hun- the interior economy fouiLd to be in such a condition &a to 'John-K-night;Ceres, Jessie McLaughl briskness in b siness, but'at Preget the ht tween, 6 and 7 feet across the winas and axe fell on the hand of but the conduct of public officials, there it speaks discouragingly of trade. 'Xicipal. c1red thousaric ill know render defence out of the question Pomono, Mary. Mitchell; Flora, Mi ices 0 bovb montionei I Oanemen w s in every way a noble looking bird 'With the result 6 , 1-iy voice rylo dress Thus, th e mu a -ne in mind, and I think McDonald; Lady Assistant Pr S. ax, laborers aw 9 Is ti 'to be bor In John and. Ha the reason why The 11 reason why Peter ica aid was iiecess —11ate last Saturday night Mr. Ben- elqctions,, co win on fir s -t Snd so Soon plain, com- &rd, Miss Magie Camerob.. memered hand - will weigh heavier with ayl can)�e odt rather Unexpectedly and it Huron Notes. Stew 80 cents to P1 per jamin Dunnett,.an employe in the H mon-sense people, in justification of Mr. a in Howard town P' iltion Post Office f several ye backv Ou Tuesday evening abo before the other they attract the greater thtte other' evening in the ire WilliB and W. H. —On the morning of Thursday last, —The f&rmex. ars aCrooks,'tha a whole v6lume of pre- Messrs. Georg oraaU1'2 of Strvt attention,. T. he, enthusiasm of the, peo- courie of the Debate oil The Ac a were allowed to worry each Kent county, tre ;�ug a Purely and a member of 0trheTempprance - Re- MX. Joaep.�L Weill-gerl the Veilty have been elected school trustees 'two dog -vin.a his r ace horse, edents: If ;be had investigated armors bank to loall-st eight per +nt. form Club, While walking along, dress. Mr. Robinson, the nit ber for c an hour at the 'old mar- f icipal I had do t for the village of E xeter. other foi over all expenaed oil the man 9 anc ne wha, ket, Goderich emper. Ki g�ton—Su Oraeaon Ad a- sup- �ha lea himself, —Mr. Win. Welsh, of Tiverton, has in the presence of -beings on real estate security. It -will, be bon.- stred, on hi way home from a t ber, down Brie streo ch come first,- and the pe07 Sudg& Patterson has done, and what the ilt stock prin -a aNvsY When eleetioRs Nvhi portetif of the Government—took occasion osed to be human, and n effort ducted- on the joii datenly the eople who read the evidence will sold his farm of 61 acres, in the town- supp 0 &nee meeting at Bartonville, SU f right and ra being wettry and disgusted of to rally those members on the Opposi- We under- inaking half- early . ditidends. De '03 the allima d expired in a his doing' ship of M Orris; to Mr'. Sohn Fraser, for made to separate them. y dropi)eatotheground, an �Vij 0at - ew -him. in it is said, are already 91, throwing i-v,7e-r ey, citoment mild turmoil co-nneetedwith tLOa side who have -heretofore- had '.almost to a Ma suppoi ittee $2,000. stand two consta�ies were also in at- posits, Laran beea few minutes. Deceased was &pparetly tunea it, his dr Comm th i—exqIpated the Central lig pop eltetious to pass ob Sarge of the Bills', upon, the fact at numb tendance, but being,officers (?) we pre- of from �10,000 to �30,000. in his usual state of health up to the time Cutter st a hitchi - I t4ein, allowlthe sci hat would have er of resident pupils -ing bi 1oul they had not given tile -tisual notice, in gen the course of the he his left arm, , and ini I -M 'Opposition leaders. and their press 9 of school a e, in section. No. 4, Grey, suite their conduct will. be the sub-- —The case of Iffessrs. Rowat and Suln- of his, dea-th. Trouble, heart disease. Uilheeded. We scarcely think th-e t � intro- -9 SLs just completed, ject of investigation he taext Ses- [lo passed, -the last Provincia —11oses Blackstone died at Lo to Suen an extent that lie ai mi c I have aco�'ordiug to the cen merby, w' nao a,n flol c , lou�t thal they woulc teacher a to ti 9 IV as a.eher -din niid.to have ation for as last Fn��y morni5a from th whole secret lies in- but it certainly cLuce t em, this ession, notwiths 1 )eing remove nd if fo oi �05. "politics," "favoriti;, sions of the Peace, a first -,I aild. k�esp "a is 'the crie examin e results ei Provin the bu Was an 01 that by resolution of both and al re �e an i - whitp-washing report?" Wfhy, Mr. Mae- ceeds of the Huron Regis- been aiding )otting in s4ch a dis-, been further 'investigated by the the inju. ies sustained. bylim the � p Deceased for ml omprovement if botli elec The pro -ad oiia Granfl Lodges, they were to have they will dese the result bein by all aer ot i36 P -t 'dOurf 11 tb7 deputy leader in this. tr� 'Office, for 1877, amounted to $9,- gmaeful exhibition,, live trsl Como that vious evening by being struck it of the to, ) a. "Nere, heltl . oa the same (lay in m kept Lb been brought forward each session, instead of a -,gine on the Grand T 'P stre ul - ount of rebate to county, digmiss&l.; Mr. Rowat gets' a firsb A, ell runk Railway. upon cip,dities wh6re this woid(l be pr&Gti- il tl1ey H le of -the 1party Who are always so 91Q 50. Am wenin, 111 lint were passed. He -twitted 01' at 1:30 A; 1A., a fire, known s f3llCl:��astoN�,ms,-villa,-esnodoi�ties. tliose gentlemen with holding them b�Ckz- 1, careful about� the honor ad .the integ- $3 5. —On Tuesday, first B, &a previously decided, and. that Decegse4 had been a, patient at the ssy- n' elected broke out in, Smith &r Petc&r's h,r-' both candidate receiye,silver me I a- lum, but being hatrwlo�ss -s a by L2-0 I lie lie -tilitil the near approach of the elections rity of the jnhges, went so far-" to call T, Coughla has bee wa nd the flame! pub -ei w a a trave T16 vote could be tak i for boli at tl are store, Wingham, w�s 56 years of was -the institution. wotild rander them more suitable for Judc�e Pttonio' white- Roieve of the township pf Stephen, in jt is reported that at Urecent eb urch libertyto walk around, a, hal*aysile- the r> S. Hogarth as eported got such control that the bu4din ed to Potence. in the I ridon, a lady sent & veyy turn social, near Lo� Soe thte ald place &ad au "argunient of an stead of Mr. 9 In his wan Political ands. Dr, Barr inmediately was�fing report," On the bum handsome, cake, covered with co afeq.- derings one day. he walked al n the 5ra st week. ed to the ground, and is a. total loss. proof could be la maner. If 1!0,,�e tuid said tha�t it ha�d bea the' ii�- this were done, tliere, woul advocate!" T I ire lint n, charg- The fire spread to McQueen.19 dry goods tionery of all kinds. It'was gremt-1. ad- track, aud was overtaken by the incom- Brautcounty wha, had e ijesi that gentle- �—Silas J, Andrews, of U ken in the tention to present the 'bills agan this it W04" d Of th i P and 1-1 air U -61y be as muli itterest ta ; 0 Lug to defraud the Post store, Mark McKenzie's fruit �store., Nil-, -auht a good figure, but ming train. No bones were broken, but 4abis life PTOG 19 a as 0 ii ---m-0-tidlowed hanels upon ed -%dth attempti inired and br as the otheri It Would, a session; but thro, 0 . ome oversight on tea oil ler's bookstore Dawson's t�ilor all Jusaity of the ice t I i e pp a&,r t o one Of the secretaries, of the 0 aric, and drag it Office 'Do OPI when it came to be eaten, it was fmild, death seems t6 have resulted Irom ner- ur 'no le ,patineut, was hbe--a to test the, < o m ness sho�, S&Lger, Wade the I Andrew a bar: ed a number of v )US. shook cilds "creek I ast, be well wa.rtk Atile to ma to ud'of politics b last Voud�y. , that some W had mix rer Of OArder th foirnal'no-tice, had not -been ffice , [bud PE ttypiece & orfirst time ills with rs.. Matilda, ,—Revival services are nowbeing held & Morton's law 0 sugatr:0081ted woman named M Wil- 0hur( the -at, ancl we the overn- the Oazette. Afi% M errick, The people of. Huron will be sorry to P MP li'g-bakery, &11 of which were burn- UPPOrl eri -me printed i zZ ini the Caada Methodist chif± , Brus- Blac lophby, keeper of at Privabe lyi or Y. his lehs refused to -S nge Bills learn that covering. will, d m, -ing the present sea.,- b w ere saved, 'heavily 0 ion, the�spedial champion of the Orf, their old friend., Hon. W n. flif Som con f Brougham, hospital in the village of Don. M So ecial meetings are also takiiia ea. e of the ' tents 0 �M 'BaxtE teacher o ount seat when Cayley—who, I believe, in 1861 contest- r. r, hes&t ao-wl in the House, was not in hi�l Be heavy.. Th 'Presbyterian but the loss is e oyal Ho- fell ibroug ,h we their wtLy clear to brinpna �n a p!aFje-e Sp each of the filled by 9, court of four jus:- -near Toronto, has been arrested and it broke and I the meiiber for Dufferin made this de- ed that county with Mr. James Dickson in has! been cliur w - i would in. all 3Ueaaure which will at least affect some clarttion; but coming in shortly after- _b dto haol in his.resia- ches in that place. tel &S badly scorched.' C Ise of fire ollar andposts, lodged in jaditudercharge of foul �water- f h )peace, onE Play as bon allowe 0] ife -the The population of Brussels, as taken unknown. dollars ad Vilirty- towards infants under Sve lost his B but for i gJ0 ;seven. mutta her cht�rge. About improvemelib, wax(Is lie w68 apparently informed of nation &a Provincial Auditor. The p'00- the 1st t., was at Roe's appoint*-. amo -he thre( - onths of an ablebodi for school purposes. on —The tea -meeting five cents, for 1 Striking 9, pupil t 3M ago, attention was called ism a_. farm 000 A_f what Mr. Robinson had sad, but not 9f sitio wa's worth I something like §2, of Grey, he on Thurs- I oil the bank, out The number of persons between ment, township Onthe other- anoI, to _eTgrest many funerals of -infants at 4,416 head withhis fist. Dr. Barr's reply. He rose, and aer a year, but the Govornment finding th Mr stice, Patter.on- s, Report, lay,the 3rd inst., wa--4nW­ghl successful. Itaken,place from the house, e rs of age and 21, was 543 between c nied with an oyster -r, that lk&c lone equally well D ea -reflected bibl class but no action was taken at that time to will go (10" graely reproad - i he' rpember for the work could be c he w&sprese -way h ist, (Whi I will be r 5 -years ad 16, 408-. t & luscious repast Chi h emembered that a, short De- After & Si et 1ing �nd pin, by a bibl ice, �ta?T, 09r us by anotl�er official of the Treasury gn King ton for daring to hint that he was diititk to it, —The number of pupils b atwebri 5� 'in a true manner tho� su v aces of the taught. discover the cause. T and" b� ait&in ous chargeS actuated by political motives, Nvent, pam6t, concluded to reduce �he staff, Re which he hough -there was a. timo ago c - very Seri oa aAiCL 16 years, who have &tte ded the f sit sei,) Mr. Thomas Str�c)ian, eve 11 exertions amnel McCmrdel, of DIandas, wZYgroundea'Buspiion that -all was Succeeae man embes of to give a totally different reason for the, sua,colisequeaitly, Cue expense. —Mr. S made against certain m th r Mr; Strachan, Was con- Brussels public school during e of Grey, took the chai en employed as an act for not right in the house, yet the authoni- his way hrough the Ice, a,'. _111 The debate on- the Address ompli who has be exhau #he, -Central E 11011 troduction of the Bills than that 0, wo years, by W dneioril, Committe e t assigned by Dr. Barr, viz., that there elued last night. Taking it from, be- year just ended, was 405. Average in the course of his the past t Mr. . LYOUS tiesould not take &ny action in the the Shore in a narly r attendance for� the whole year, oil iple on their success, and In ring w becaus� 'sufficient- -P nto, by the Toronto Mail. Mr. t mented the pec _t T, Oro 1 was considerably be- Ublisher, of Guelph, c .0of could, bad not been suffic.ient time to circulate ginning to a p T to the charact�6r ofpur na- alluded brieff, was, e he has,been iijory WUcessful," a few not be procured until now —A cowardly everybody is. rejoicing at Goder- ti i3aon Xmas Eve,01.1 Tustice Patterson was, appointed by the certan petitions. He could not under- loy�.Par,a —MTr -T. Duncan, V. S., on, showing in a logical a�d eloquent r- , —Ab years -ago a dedl for his exce]Ule out four or five perpetrat ago rew book- greet- t e rosp2 of getting into something commissioner stand the roax of laughter which days Zarrier boyf! belonging more au' keeper in named. Charles joumt Lieutenant Governor, a I his c lasses in manner that we, as a lidtion, rank vpry Lyons, vi Montreal ea himastheHousesawthe joke, but 0 e so: The budget speech wiff ieh, having reaumec vices by Mr. of his to take eviden quirer into these -r, College, rgaxet Reid. In 1 ce aaaen' at the 'Veterihm prominent in education in � social and ent to- the WT085R%Y�Street to thepc �harges, A num ber of witnesses were that it had been the full intention of him new eparture," so far as -f. Wi and religion. After along on of St&nleZ, has taken. charge a � his busi Har- United States', and she soollifterreceiv- as he -was trud&g waxed- augry, and saia again and &gtadin be deliviered'eaxly next week.' ftA&t0wY, usual liberality, who presente Hinewarried Ma 874 ' Toronto, I and politica government, in national rse eontaining 6100 in Sh. Hine deserted his wife andzW lie Loggia- dr. A. M. C&mPbP 1, V., S., th a pu loyalty,' freedom oxa-mined-before the Commissioner, and and Ids friends to introddo the bill. Ure is co, corned, is the employment referring to the educational facilities we —The other. morning Mn Johr new hap, py in. the possession 011 e the enquiry W&9 most Searching- and Mr. Fraser asked if that was the case,t of n of7 lady clerks.in -the De- liess- ris, of Guelpl�, received 9, letter tI rough e(I Of' his death. In 1875 sh t Young, enj words of I the 4ven. him 'by big P oy, and offering some 15 :g - —Mary Bennett and Robei anham, anc Ost office which was laconic i 6nd to married Mr' Wm- Gr y -why they had not given the re i ed no-, p aa week. volumi- quir nt, especially t6 the young, the p by four ruffians 41 #xhaustive, and the evidence after a couple of weeks' free'dom, were, bneoursgeme tice? Mr. Merrick evaded the question T re ier to -day, in reply to Mr. ipoint It r. ead as follows:—, I Mr.John, lived together until ast 14��en d upon Rev. Mr. the she received a erushig the evi- to j ail 'on ]V�on4sy for the chalirT an c&lle Dear !S' After carefti b Saying rather -confusedly that ilotice� e Govbi!3�'ent had' again committed letter from her former big lads., betweell eightee lly P ell, state at th a alid easy Harris, Guelph, 1878: yeaX8, S�ia strippedl his: Drunkenness is the Smith, who, in a humorou aene6 we ventured the statement that Y ation. during, 21 days� each. ten desiring to renew wquaut- had been. given in the.-, Orange Setinel, no Intention of taking any a This money Wougs to YOU," A h6band -went -on ad o his [ess and th was the charges were baRel ing legal hig I - the charge, and Sesforth wh1skey! was in it. style, awelt upon the object ofthe meet- enclosed. in the Aetter. ance. 'Mr..Granham thensought at, whereupon Mr. Harclyrenarked that the present session with �& view to - . i representing at the same time the dollar bill Was t *d not recognise the. construction of new Parliament build. So says the Signal. oxificience advice, and wassaviseatoseperatefrola the Government di Lepersou,whosec bad. originated through jealousy Sent I as their official organ. The JL�) Creighton —A woman named H�-haui-,' of famous Dr. Ives as "the Apostle of No doubt soir 1)ft r4ppealted her and let her return to her husbaud. -who, being Me ings, and also informed Mr has not been sea -red with Winglism, who ha Addresses were also given malevolence. We further predicted cident was altogether a rich one; aol that until the Supreme Court decided d her husband com- Hard Cash. els violation of some of the ten conim-and- She wen to see Hine, who -was M t fiAtted to jail recently for uttering by Rev.. Messrs. Stafford, of Bruss t tilie moral it points is, that tl�i that the learned commissioners remr ose whd the que 11 of jurisdiction, no attemp he Pac� c ee ng lanL -7 sh e le T Sol n 01 e for pe,�s is _I it k 0 th ug _C41V1 ,,ab Dt iation. INV He 0' OA S,JPP e hich thE him C4 artment he P B