The Huron Expositor, 1878-01-11, Page 91 THE 01).1142111 I: .EXPO5ITOR... 44444.4 tton txlitor tot ISTRIGT Itir A TTERS. Eta G., Wiaeows, the Ex -Monk, will eetiae en, " Annhbishop Lynch Ala my Case, .te." Cadno*s Mat•tie Hall. on Tuesday, Jan. 15th. Ticke1t4„2Z1 (-texts. Reserved Seats, 35 centsean seeAred at C. Armstrong's Bookstore up 'to 7 et, Vocal and Instrumeutal Music, 527-1 , flrso & BLEASIEves Grand. INS - count Sale will be continued for one week longer, so -alt those wanting Jewelry or Watches had better call t once. See advertisement. 526 Li:KM A.T. DENT'S Alvertisernent , of Arietion Sale in another column, and bear it in - then -i money in it for you. 5'26 F4IEE0GT, 'TRUSTEES.—At the -School •Treistee election in Seaforth, n Wed- nesday,, the old trustees were all re- elealteta., Fittnatta's MEETING. -Firemen are notified that the regular business meet- ing,of the brigade, at ainch the election of officers takes place, will be held on Mateday evening next. BUSINESS NOTICE. -The -Weekly Globe and THE Exposiroa will he furnished to sulastnibers for 187a on the same terms as )ast year, viz., $3 15. The London Weaterft Advertiser and Tar, Expostetat for.$3. • ; TENCHEIt S INSTITuax.,-The next meet- ing ef- the Seaford' Teache-rsT Institute be held in the school room on Sat- urday, the nth inst.; at 1:30 p.m. The following is the Programme : "Last sec- ond Class teachers' examination p aper in algebra," lay :NI's. Moir, discussion on the rnodel school, question.," and election ofotfizers for the current year," jotallaaets-ric.-Mr. C. W. Peters, a former employee in Tna EXPOSITOR of- fice has purchased the Croatia Vidette, and will hereafter publish that paper. Mr Peters Peters is a young naan of steady habits and beiag a good printer he will givethe people of Gonne a journal worthy of the place. We can heaatily xecoMinend 'Mr. Peters to the people of Gorrie. WINTER ASSEAIRLIES.-The first of a series of Winter Daocing, Assemblies was held in- Cardna's Masic Hall, on 7riday evening last The musie was firstisclass, the company in good spirits, and the hall a delightful place to dance in. Asaliconsequence a very pleasant evening was spent. Excellent refresh - menta were provided during the even- ing by Mr. Cardno. The next assembly will be held On Friday evening next, wheh those wishing to spend a pleasant evening altauld. attend. Ptasex.eat-,Mr. Wm. Lee, Sr., hav- ing itarelateed the property on North Maio Street formerly belonging to Mr. James Leatherland, has left his farm andremoved into town. We gladly weloorne Mr. Lee as a permanent resi- dent of Seaforth, and, we only express the .fervent wish of his many friends here and elsewhere, when we say that we hope he may long be spared to en- joy the cemforts and pleasures to which actit'ie and iadristrious life so justly entitle him. ersmith. At a meeting of the directo held at the conclusion of the anima meeting, Mr. John McMillan, of Hul lett, was elected. President, and Mr jas. Kerr, of ItIoKilrop, Vice -President Mr. M. feMoLean, who has been Seer rotary and Treasurer since the orgartizat tion of the Company, haying resigns his position, Mr. W. J. Shannon, of McI Killop, was appointed. in his stead. Th President, Vice -President, and M Robert Elgie were appointed, a Com- mittee to examine and pass policies and transact ether business for the Coat - MASONIC Orticaesa--Th.e following is a list of the officers of Britannia Ma- sonic Ledge for the em•rent • year and which were installed on thefevening- of St. John's day. The list owing to an over -sight was omitted last week : John XcIntyre, W. Ma T. K. Anderson S. George Gouinlock, J. W.; Ford Sellars, Sec.; 4. Strong, Treas.; G. William:son, Chap.; Robt. Wilson, S. D.; Henry Cameron, J. D.; Thos. Hills, I. a.; Robert Smith, Tyler.; Alex. Siem - Mo, D. of Ce. E, Hazelwood and H. Colbert, Stewards. Altexree MEETING.The annual meet- ing of the members of the Tackersmit Brandi Agricultural, !Society, was he d. in Seaforth yesterdatt '(Thursclay). attendance was small The anclitoi ' report showed the finals' of the Sooie to be in a most favorable conditio The following officers ana directors w elected: ROIL Charters, Presiden John McLean., Vice -President. Dire ters-Wm. Chesney, Jr., and Jam _Broadfoot, Jr.'Tuckersirdth ; Jas. B ger and S. Smith, MCKillop ; Geor Watt, Wm. Armstrong and John' Bri ton, Hullett; Alex. Stewart and. Jo Dorsey, Seaforth. . ' MR.GOLDS3IITH'SINDUCTION.-Wet the following from the Hamilton co respondence of the GObe: "The indu.e- I tion services in connection. with the installation of the Rev. Thos. Goldsmith into the pastorate of St. John's PresbY- . • 1 Exatettatatox.-A cenple of weeks ago it was stated in a local paragraph., that Wir. Armitage had a telegraph wire fxoria his office connecting with the wires of the Montreal Company, so that he could do his telegraphing business di- rect. Mr. Cull, the agent of the Mon- treal, Company in this town. writes us, explaining that the wire from. Mr. Ar- rottage's Office is not connected with ns of of the wires of the Company, but is used solely for the purpose of conveying messages from one office to the other, and thus saving the trouble ofe convey- ing messages from (me office to the oth- er by messengers. • terian Church took place, this evenmg. There was a large attendance of the congregation and friends` and of the Presbytery. The Moderator, Rev. M. Murray, presided. Rev. Mr. Porteous, Dundas, preached ; Rev., S. • C. Fraser addressed the minister; and. Rev. D, E. Fletcher, the popular pastor of McNab street Church, addressed the people. The services were most solemn and in- • teresting, and everything augurs wen • for both pastor andpeople. COMPLIMENTART,-To Geo. W. Cline, t Esq. -We, the ustdersigned ladies and. gentlemen of Seforth. and elsewhere, wishing to evinc4 our acknowledgment of your talent as singer, and of your willing readiness at all times -to minister toI the enjoyme t of the public by your active and. clev r mana.gement of a num- ber of concerts and eitertainnients given for the benefit of the poor of Seaforth; also your successful efforts at the open- ing of Cardno'a Hall, we desire to ten- der you a complimenta4 bevfit, at the same Hall, as a small token of our cere appreciation of yienr merits as a ransidan and a mod citizen, to be given on any evening that you will :kindly a point. We remain veey respectfull Misses Maggie Foster, II. Carmichael, Mrs. W. Parsons, Messrs. Jas. Scott, Wm. Reid, J. S. Roberts, Wm. Cline, Wm. Mkens, R. Laidlaw, Tom Nopper and. Jas. Stewart, of Seaforth; Me. Crush, late of New York ; Mr. Douglas, late of Toronto ; Misses Zintraerman, Listowel, Alexander, of Buffalo, Pierce, of London; Messrs. Kennedy, of Brant- ford; R. Collins and. Holland, of Strat- ford, Harry Watson. and many others. 4. TEE LITERARX Social -K. -At the regu- lar meeting of the Seaforth Literary Society held on Monday evenirtg last, the subject "Resolved that the Theatre is Beneficial to Soeiety," was discussed.. Owingto many -untoward circumstances -the opening of the Skating It -ink, and the effects of the heat of the municipal elections, the attendance was not large. The question was thoroughly discussed, and the audience gave the decision in the affirmative. Mr. A14 S. Lawrence, of Tackersmith, occupied the chair in an efficient manner. The subject for Monday everdng, Jan. 21st is " ResolV- , ed that a High School in Beaforth would benefit the town." Sides were chosen as follows: Affitmative-James Leatherland, leader, S. Hicks, Dr. Ver- coe and. Win. Campbell; Negative- ! Allan Michell, leader, Geo. Watson, I M. Y. McLean and John McMillan. L. Murphy, Wm. Grassie,Graharo.Wil- liarnson, Jas. B,eattie and Noble Cluff, Coundillors. BILE. OTION.-The election for a coun- . cillor in Ward No. 2, Mcillop, resulted as follows:' JaMes Hillen,83 Thomas , Fox, 72. -Majcirity for Hillen, 11. 1 I St an 1 ey I • Tut REsvg mr.-The following is the vote on the Reeveship in the town- ship of Stardee: Simpson; Ward No. 1, 22; No. 2, 72', No. 3, , 39 ; No, 4,30; total 163. Graham, Ward o. 1, 98; No., 2, 39 ; No. 3, 3,2 ; No. 4, 3.; total, 200. Majority for Graham 37. I Hay. VITAL STATISTICS. -The nUraher of births, marriages and deaths registered in the township of Hay, for the year enaing Dec. 31st, 1877, were: Births,* 112; marriages, 29; deaths, 32. ELECTION RETURNS. -The following „gentlemen were eleeted members Of the r_Municipal Councilt viz.: John B. Gei- ger, Reeve; Samuel- Rannie; Deputy Reeve ! Wm. S. Wilson; Wen. Snider and John C. Kalbfleische Councillors. The vote stooE as follows at the close of the poll : jollin. B. Geiger, 246; Dr. Buchanan, 216; Daniel McColl, 190: Samuel Rennie, 201; Wm. S. Wilson, 166 ; Wm. Snider, 204; janaes Swener- ton, 119; John C. Kalbfleisehi 235; -Ferguson, 107. c• • -The readings in connection with the socielty willbe held on Monday even- ! ing next. Positively no postponement. It would be well for perso s who pur- pose attending, :as well as the readers to be at the hall, not later than eight o'clock. Uttcee Totfa Seaforth Amateur Dramatic Club made their first appearance since their re -organiza- tion, on Tuesday evening last in c ard- t ' i H ll Th di s nos • i us c a . e au ence wa ' TuE Nli-w Ru'-Theflew pareinien large, the large hall being more than Skatino Rink, the property of Mr. L. _ corafortably- filled. The _ thrilling nar- Air4t71173:, was (Vetted 911. MoudaY even- valve " Uncle Tom's Cabin," was ad- ios; last. There was quite a large num- nairably rendered, so na.uch so that al - beer of skaters and spectators presentthough the play is a very long one, the The ice \Vas in splendid conditions and. interest of the audience was maintained alI•seented to enjey themselves heartily. throughout. "We. -tise i a thread. bare The rink isone of the largest and most phrase' when all did so well it would conamodious.in this section of the coim- .-be jaaiajaaa to particularize," suffice it ttaid is fitted up with every comfort to say that the play could not have been convenience that such institu- better rendered or made more interest- tioti can have, Besides the skating woe theehands of the best profession- , rink there is a large rink for ctu-ling, ou els. Every character was well taken wbich ,several lis eh games have al- and acted with accuracy and decision, ready been prayed by our young curling while the beautiful scenery added mitch !chile The fact that the skating rink is to the attraction of the play. We hope under the management of Mr- Joseph our young friends will soon give another Marshape who catarea so successfulkY performance when the Success they last st-ast,•n tol the lovers of this delight- achieved. on Tuesday night will be sure fa and healthful amusement, is a sufft- to bring them even a larger house. The cient guarantee that nething will be InUSiz 'between the parts, by Mr. Cal- la:Citing hi its natnagement. Mr. Mar- lins on the violin and Mrs. Grieve on phy lias made an expenditare of a large the piano was of the first order, and suin of money in the, erection of this , fully in keeping. with the other part of exeellent and we hope his enter- , the entertainment. the tewns-people. and that, although Trie Eeecnoxs.-The elections in the soason haz4 thus far been Ver.1„-- unfit_ Seaforth on Monday' lest occa.sionied vettd.ile. his venture. nuty be a profitable considerable interestthe contest for. the Iteeveship being particularly keen. e The greatest harmony and good ieelitig, ItteKnette INSI'RANCE however, prevailed. The followiug' is annual meeting of the me -tubers of the t : McKillep Mutual Fire 1nel-trance he result Com- pany was held to the Towa Hall. Sea- fotth. on Friday There was a very fair attendance. The animal report. wl,.tich was very satiefactart was read 8.11;4 adopted. The report that prise win he deservedly appreciated by Zurich. ' • 1u. -Mr. N. Deichert,_ of he Com- rneroia.1 Hotel, is laid up with inflam- mation, and is not yet considered out of danger. ?He CONGE T. -The brass band con- cert was a gre t success, the hall being well filled, aui4 every one highly pleased, more esj oia11y with the string band. The band alsoipurttose giving a concert in Bayfield oa Monday evening, the • 21st of January. • BUSINESS CHANGE.-Messrsi Faust & Ennis have rented Mr. Brown's new store, where they are carrying oi busi- ness. They have got a well fille store, and are likely to do a good trade. Mr. Faust has I been appointed Poetmaster in the plade of Mr. Brown, resianed. , A KEEN' CONITEST.-The contestfor the Reeveship, consequent on the re- tirement of Mr. R Brown, who has held the position for 13 years, was very keen, Mr. Geiger beating Dr. Buchanan by 30 votes. Geiger and.Mr. Kalb- fliesch are the only old Couneillors left in the new Council. . • Wroxeter. ANNLTAL SCHOOL MEETING. -Tb eok an- nual Meeting: of the ratepayers Was held on Jan. 9th, for the purpose of electing two trestees to fill thie vacancy caused by two ' . retiring ones and other business in connection with the school department. yr. John Knutson and Mr. Geo-. Gibson were elected to act for the ensuing year. • MUNICIPAL ELECTION. -The election on Monday last was rather a tame af- fair; it being apparently determined be- fore hand who were to be the successful candidateS: The following are the sue-. cessful candidates. Reeve, A. L. Gib- son, by acclamation. Councillors, Robt. Forsyth, John Sanderson, Wm. Her- ron, James Paulin. ; • AGRICULTURAL MEETIN G.—A meeting was held on Saturday Jan. 5th to Qom- . plete the organization of the ' iVroxeter Agricultural Seciety. The following are the .Officers for the present year. T. B. Senders, President; Wm. Law - tie, Sec. and Treasurer. Board of Di- rectors -A. Patton, J. B. -Vogt, A. Mal- colm, J. McTavish, (Howick;) John Hagh y, G. Miller, G. Moffat, JamesPaulii, A. Hamilton. ' FOR REEVE. South Ward.. .. . . 7t; North Ward,.... . . •..44 : • East Ward. ' G9 56 It will be seen from the above tl at thare are Low lei the books f the Com - for the Reeyeship the election iesu1ieJ -pur I 1,4 ,f i05 in a tie. The dt.cision resting with ale., ,nea during the paet year. there is returning officer. he gave his deciefon new preptrty ineuxed to the 3.111.01Illt of nt;3,501. At the eloet.‘ of the year. in favor of Mr. Wilson end declared him eleeted. after payina Iessee and expeuses roe _. there ss a lb:Litt:tee it: the hands cot- xentort of the Trteenrer (41 $12e.17. The Soren WARD. --A. keWart, 70 ; J. tatal the two yearanimated -Dorsey, 70 ; A. Strong, ; J. I. Carter, te only t51;. After disezettsne. and 53 . L. Mabee. 52. NOETII WARD. -G, Williamson, 67 : Jas. Beattie, 65 ; N. adopting- stveral timentimente to the Cluff, 38 ; :Wm. Campbell, 31 .. G. Dent, ti followins naembers were elected Iireeo4rsm Ha: place of those 22. WAED.-John, Campbell. 100; L. Murphy, sa' ; Wm. Grassie, 77: J. retiri14. vit.: C. Dale. A: Eleoat. R. Broadivot, Jr., and Duman ICYle• 37- 31cLetta.t Tackersmith. The di- -The council for 1878 will, therefore, cuactere retire in rotative:, five from each be composed of Dr. Coleman, May0.- ; township, eaeh year. Thi- year the re- * D, D. Wilson, Reeve, A. Stewart. A. tiring directere were those. frena Tuck- i Strong, John Dorsey, John Campbell. TuckerSmith. 1, sin as impreve Re much with them tut: re as in the past, andwe have no aeon. why it will not, they will again ve to remove to a larger building or ild an addition to their Present one. e are much pleased to, learn of the ntted prosperity Of this young and. terpiising firm. A A Blyth. NE is reported thal an o tmOal mill is about to be established here,,Iind the hearts of the loYers of brose:and barinooks are rejoiced accord- , . CnIelemi_Opettnice-s-The. new Peesbye ' 'Church here was opened On Sab- bath ast by Prof. McVicar, of Montreal, ho, couducted three services upon that ay and preachedwith much acceptance to large , congregations. The Professor also addressed the tea -meeting oh the following evening upon the evangelize - ton movement amongst the Preach in onireel, and gave xnueli interesting in- ation. The building , is of brick, Spire. Hae basement underneath bbath schools, &c., heated with , and ' will seat nearly 609It is already Y finished, but ,. the Work , reflectsverycreditably on t a con- es, Messrs., Smith and Buchanan. cornice inside is of very fine design well executed. TO the critic the ng appears low, and I should infer at the foundation has beea excavated tea a greater depth than necessary. It is very comfortable and ' commodious, and S a credit to the liberality and en- terprise of the Congregation. The pro- ceeds 'of, the collection and tea meeting amounted to nearly $400. . t MUNICIPAL. -Mr. Kelly was d eated by a majority of one. There is no doubt that a good. deal of pressure was brought te- bear to securethis result. When the result was known, a meeting was con - end e' 'in. Hawkshatv's Hot 1 forthe pur- a j pose Of letting off surplus g ad eased the meeting at reviewing his career, peat icipal; for the last ten yea his Whilom friends,in his With having "gone back o him o'&c. He stated that i, , n the, field as candidate f Ilouee at next election in t est, 'and warned them that i support hfin like men, hi money and time need not be expected in the future to be given, as it had beenlin aiding the eevative cause. Our Conservative as seem in 'a quand y in respect r. Kelly, like the ma whO drew lephant in the lottery and did not ri f rm bh for St hot Lard. done trac The and 1.hiil s. Mt. Kelly great length al and mnn- and charged lassie Saxon, him," "sold uld be Local inter - did not he w ✓ the e Tor they Con frie to the kno what to do with it. It There is no don t that the village mad reje ting Mr. Kelly. His nest ess and enthusiasm • lpcal im.provements, dese recompense. He may co With the the theaght that added to the long list of from. Cicero downwards w treated with the basest • fickle -minded populace. I ' I • Exeter. C4NvALESCENT.-The so Maintyre, who was inj thrown from his horse a is recovering rapidly. • SCHOOL TRUSTEES: The following were elected &hoot Trustees for Tuck- ersmith on Wednesday; R. N. Brett, S. Wallace, .Geo. Sproat, N. Cousins, John Deis and John Woods. • ACCIDE!NT,-An accident ocourred to a son of Mr. Edward Turner,of the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith, on Wednesday of last week. The young Man was hauling oats item another farm to his own place, when the guide pole of the rack broke, and he was thrown off the load, between the horses, causing a breaking of the_ arm above the .elbow, besides internal injuries. - Medical assistance was procured, and the doctor has been attending to him ever since. The injuries are more than were at first anticipated,' and it will be some time before he will recover. THE ELECTIONS. -The following is the result of the Municipal elections in the township of Tnekersmith : 'Reeve, David Walker, 144; Jaanee Dallas,117 ; Hugh Chesney, 71. :Deputy -Reeve, John Hannah, 185 .' Alex. onteith, . 198 - Councillors, Wm. S. Mundell, 209 ; S. Londesborough, 169; Robert Elgie, '114; Joseph Nigh, 1 2; John McLean, 105; Wm. Bell, 6; John Fitzgerald, 58; James Young, 35. The - Council for 1878 will, therefor ,be com- posed of David Walker, Re ve ; John • Hannah, Deputy -Reeve; and Wm. S. Mundell. S. Londesboro-Og,h, and Robt. Elgie, Councillors. Hasesotra GIFT. -Rev. Mr. Cam- eron, the -esteemed pastor of the Eippen • • Presbyterian church was made' the re- cipient of a vertehan.dsome and: unex- pected New Year's gift. A- few days ; ago, he received. -a letter from at old - friend in the Province of Quebee , where he had been located. before condiaa -to Kips : pen: This.letter contained a °:hundred: . dollar note and. was given by the donor New as a ea 1..eai. s present. CHANGE or BUSINESS. -The black- sianthine business formerly carried on . by Mr. Wm. Edgar, in connection with ; his caa.-riaee .s.h.op, has now passed into. the hauds of Mr._T. Mellie, who has been foreman in the same shop for - the 'tat two years. The public can rely on having their wantssupplied in horse - shoeing and geueyal jobbing in as neat s and expeditious a manner as formerly. , We wish diim every succees, and be- speak a large and prosperous businesst, for his enterprise. • Retiovere-Our townsmen,. Shen -s- & :trellis, manufacturers of the • Cooley Washer, finding business increasing so much as to require a larger shop, have removedheir machinery -and. are now .* in full bl st-in the premises far -mei -1v occupied le,- our disciple of St. Crispin, Mr. Geo. Stickant, who, by the way, has "dug out." These ea eraises which have:been turned- into a workshop give ample roona for the present, but, should a, in i stake in radical ewe n respect to ed. a better sole hiraself e is another minent men o have been atitude by a P<IhSTPONEMENT.-The o new, Presbyterian Chure to take place on the p0th - indefinitely postponed. f , A tSSIONARY SERVICES. ---- The annual missionary eervices of the 1 anada, Meth- odist Church were held o the evenings of Skinday and Monday Means. Holmes and Kerr , OTSTER SUPPER .-The Frank Friend, who is tore exhibited their estee treating him to an oyst ri Mo day evening last. A was i. enjoyed. S A.TING RINK. -The s of Mr. P. ed being ew days ago, ening of the announced st., has been • fo ally opened on Sate last The attendance wa ins iring music of our s ban4l lent an attraction t mot beyond the ordinart • SLEIGHI'NG AT LAST. -7 croakers of the village are the all of snow, and the meiry with. the jingle of tl E ye John now admits that t tare on the part of th ruined the last hopes of ment of an argument aa eminent on that ground. a WHAT DID HE WANT?- .B. O'Byrne gaee impetus to the exit cif a night visit- or ne night last:week by, n a,ppearance on ;the scene with a r volver. Mi. 0' yme has sincerepent d his haste as hes now utideoicled t what the vis- ito4 wanted. This indic' onwill be ac - co tilted for :when it is d.erstood that ap from the keeping q a lady help, Mr ,,O'B. is an issuer tf marriage li- ce ses, and there is a di 'ad probability thalt his nocturnal visite t was laboring un er the temporary mental aberration w ch prompts men to eek for such do mxients. • - UPPOSED SCICIDE.-As; e write, newi rea hes us of the death' 'f Miss' Lewis, da ghter of Mr. Wm. Lel 's, Veterinary Su -aeon, of Stephen, u der the most pattifiTh ch•camstb..nces. 'he young lady,- ag d 21 years, was a scleq, 1 teacher, ac - co plished and attract -e.1 On Mon- de evening she tasked; for a razor to take , a i sliver out of he hand, but aid not go at once to get it. n the morning she was found dead in h r bed with her ast. Revds. officiating. 'ends'of Mr. eaving Exe- for him by ✓